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Positioning Strategy

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About the Company:


Our mission is to make healthcare accessible and affordable. We tend to provide a one stop solution for buying
authentic medicines at doorstep in the best possible time.


To associate with the best sellers all around the city and to deliver authentic medicines at the earliest to the
consumers at all parts of the city with a charge free delivery service.

What problem do we solve?

Time is consumers primary concern. We provide a one stop solution for the customers to order medicines and
get it delivered at their doorstep in the best possible time. We also help the pharmacies to sustain and compete
with the leading online players by providing them a digital platform to connect with buyers in their vicinity.

What makes us Special?

➢ We strive hard to get the best sellers on board based on medicine availability and authenticity thereby saving
the time of customers to find an authentic seller.
➢ We have tie ups with best sellers all over the city to reach the destination within an hour.
➢ We provide SOD (Show On Delivery) option for the customers to share their prescription by the time of
delivery though prescription is mandatory to place orders via AroundU.


➢ Urban/Rural – Urban areas are of major focus

➢ Cities – Tier 1 cities like Delhi, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore


a. Age:
➢ 19 -25 (People who order medicines for their family members majorly
➢ 25 – 45 (People who order medicines for themselves as well as for family members)
➢ 45 + (Senior citizens who order medicines for themselves)
b. Income – Middle and High-Income Groups
c. Occupation – IT professionals, Managers, officials, homemakers


➢ Lifestyle - Busy lifestyle, comparison and discount oriented shopping, Laziness to step out


➢ User status – First time users and regular users, test users
➢ Usage cycle – Emergency buyers, weekly buyers, monthly buyers

Expenditure status

Monthly Expenditure Incurred Over Medicine (in INR)

Annual Spend on medicines Percentage

Rs.1000 to Rs.2500 30%
Rs.2501 to Rs.5000 22%
Less than Rs.1000 25%
Up to Rs.5000 86%
Frequency of buying medicine:

Age wise buying cycle:

Target Market

➢ People living in apartments and remote areas of the city

➢ Age
o 19 to 30 (People ordering medicines for their family members)
o 25 to 45 (Working professionals ordering medicines for themselves and family)
o 45 and above – Senior citizens ordering medicines for themselves


➢ IT professionals and other officials with a busy work schedule.

Opportunity Assessment:

Political factors Economic factors

➢ Government’s increase in the healthcare ➢ Increase in the affordability for healthcare due to
spending to 3 per cent if GDP sustained growth in income.
➢ ➢ Expansion in the medical infrastructure in terms
➢ Government’s spending on computer literacy of scale and scope.
project to create awareness among citizens on
IT products and services.

Social Factors Technological factors

➢ Lack of accessibility and availability range in the ➢ Increase in the number of online buyers (India has
offline model around 167.2 million internet users)
➢ Improved Patients’ Compliance and Education ➢ Availability range, online assistance, and
➢ Expectation for anything and everything at the discreteness (Privacy for purchasing medicines
door step due to fast moving life style online)
➢ Maintenance of patient history and order history
in the cloud and database.
➢ Availability of integrated health solutions in a
single platform

Environmental factors Legal factors

➢ Population growth at 1.3 per cent every year with ➢ Information Technology Act 2000
a steady increase in the percentage of disease ➢ Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1945
prevalence ➢ Mandatory prescription for non-OTC products
➢ Prevalence of un-authorized medicines and
copycat products in the market.
➢ Increasing prevalence of lifestyle diseases.


Strength Weakness

➢ One stop solution to buy wide range of ➢ Dependent on retailers entirely for the
medicines delivery.

➢ User friendly and a compatible platform with ➢ Unavailability of real time database on the
just a 3-step process to order medicines retailer’s stock data.

➢ Timely delivery with the help of associate

retailers in all parts of the city

Opportunities Threats

➢ The annual Indian pharmaceutical market is ➢ Prevalence of un-authorized medicines in

measured at around Rs.79000 crores, the online platforms.
growing at around 20% with an estimated
market of 55 billion USD in 2020 ➢ Duplicate and invalid prescriptions

➢ Around 60 percent of the available 10 Lakh ➢ Government regulations on the medical

plus pharmacies in India which are ready to platform providers and aggregators.
go digital in order to compete with the leading
online players

Porter’s five forces analysis:
➢ Rivalry among the
existing online players
➢ Surge in the discounts
offered by the major

➢ A very high threat of new

entrants’ due to very low
entry barrier in the
market place model of E-
Demanding less pharma and a low threat
subscription charges Industry
Rivalry in the direct delivery
to access the digital model

Bargaining Threat of
power of new
the sellers entrants

Threat of
power of

➢ Customers of the
platform who expect ➢ Other alternative of
more discount in buying medicines
comparison with the from the nearby
major players pharmacy in the


Positioning Strategy:

“AroundU” has positioned its products based on the following framework, as
shown in the figure(Positioning_Framework). The strategy for each of the
particulars have been elaborated in “Table_Positioning”.

Brand Mantra
Point of Parity & Points of

Properties/Visual Identity

Fig: Positioning_Framework

Table: Table_Positioning

➢ Brand Mantra
“Reaching you at the earliest”

AroundU believes in reaching the customer on time

and offering authentic medicines. It clearly reflects in
its “Brand Mantra”.

➢ Points of Parity
a) Discounts
b) Online Platform
c) Door Delivery

➢ Point of
a) Turn Around Time(TAT) < 2 hours
b) Hotline
c) User-Friendly Interface
d) Authentic Medicines

➢ Substantiators
a) AroundU is already on the news for providing
super-fast and authentic deliveries.

➢ Executional
Properties/Visual AroundU believes in reaching the target crowd
Identity through a set of creative posters and animations as
shown below.


➢ Executional

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➢ Executional

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➢ Values/Personality a) Contemporary
b) Technological


Positioning Map of “Delivery Time” versus “Discounts Offered”

From the list of possible determinant attributes, we have selected
“Delivery Time” and “Discounts Offered” as the 2 factors that would
influence the consumer most in making his choice.

Delivery Time NetMeds


Discount Discount
(Low) (High)


AroundU Delivery Time


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AroundU connects to the customer by:
1. Offering emergency services at lower costs
2. Prompt return and delivery
3. Offering tokens of gratitude to repeat customers
4. Offering late night deliveries for emergencies
5. Delivering Authentic Medicines

Consumer Target ➢ Faster Delivery of any pharma
Consumer Insights ➢ Need of early delivery at best
➢ Buying medicine from trustable
➢ Simple to use Mobile App

Consumer need state ➢ Desire to get delivery ASAP

Consumer Takeaway ➢ Buy authenticated medicines at

your doorstep at no extra cost.

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Responding to Competitors:

Potential Entrants Buyers

➢ A very high threat of new entrants’ due to very ➢ Customers of the platform who expect more
low entry barrier in the market place model of E- discount in comparison with the major players
pharma and a low threat in the direct delivery
Existing Competition

➢ Market dominated by 4 Technology

➢ Better technology enabled services eroding
market share from top players

➢ Demanding less subscription charges to access the

digital platform ➢ Other alternative of buying medicines from the
nearby pharmacy in the vicinity.

Suppliers Substitutes

Minimal Risk Moderate Risk High Risk

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