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Works Cited: World History Connections To Today

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Works Cited

World History
Connections to

Modern Warfare
Tyler Alexander
Poison Gas U-boats Automatic Machine

This was gas that was first used by the Submarines called U-boats played a huge The Machine gun is a mounted gun
Germans. It blinded and choked the role in the war. They were first used by the that fired rapid continuous bullets. This
enemy soldiers. The soldiers were Germans to sink ally ships takin supplies to made it difficult for enemies to advance
eventually given gas masks but the gas Britain. across no mans land. This was used
still remained one of the biggest haz- first by Germany
ards of the war.

Zeppelin Convoys

These were one or Two seated planes

Zeppelins were large gas filled balloons To counter the German U-boats, the allies that were equipped with a machine
first used to bomb the English coast by developed convoys. This was a group of gun . They were first used to observe
the Germans in 1915. They were also warships protecting merchant ships. The de- but soon began aerial fights. This how-
eventually used to fight in with other velopment od convoys is the reason why the ever had little effect on the war. This
Zeppelins in the sky but they had very USA joined the war. was used by Germany and Britain
little effect on the war.

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