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(Blue Ocean Strategy-InSEAD

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Strategy Programmes

2016 – 2017

Blue Ocean

Executive Education

Expand your horizon. Make an impact.

INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 01

Blue Ocean Strategy
Creating uncontested market space INSEAD professors W. Chan Kim and Renée
Companies have long engaged in head-to- Mauborgne created Blue Ocean Strategy, based
head competition in search of sustained, on over a decade of research, as a way for
profitable growth. They have fought for companies to swim out of the ‘red ocean’ filled
competitive advantage, battled over market with sharks. Blue Ocean Strategy argues that
share, and struggled for differentiation. Yet in tomorrow’s leading companies will succeed not
today’s overcrowded industries, competing by battling competitors, but by creating ‘blue
head-on results in nothing but a bloody ‘red oceans’ of uncontested market space ripe for
ocean’ of rivals fighting over a shrinking growth.
profit pool characterised by increasing levels
of commoditisation. While most companies INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy enables you to
compete within such ‘red oceans’, is this discover such strategic moves – termed ‘Value
strategy likely to create profitable growth for Innovation’ – which can create powerful leaps in
the future? value for both the firm and its buyer, rendering
rivals obsolete and unleashing new demand.
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy offers you a
new perspective on strategy formulation and Key benefits
execution. Immerse yourself in Blue Ocean — Acquire an in-depth understanding of
Strategy concepts, tools and frameworks and Blue Ocean Strategy tools and concepts
start to create ‘blue oceans’ of uncontested developed here at INSEAD
market space to help you make the competition — Learn how to engage your colleagues in a
irrelevant. You will gain key insights on how Blue Ocean Strategy process
these concepts complement and go beyond
traditional approaches to strategy. There is — Start developing Blue Ocean Strategy
also a strong emphasis on learning how to for your organisation in order to break
apply Blue Ocean Strategy concepts, tools away from the competition through ‘Value
and frameworks to real business situations in Innovation’, the simultaneous pursuit of
order to help your business break away from differentiation and low cost
the competition and achieve strong profitable Faculty
Programme Director
An important part of the programme is the Andrew V. Shipilov
opportunity for you to immediately start Associate Professor of Strategy
applying Blue Ocean Strategy to analyse your Akzo Nobel Fellow of Strategic Management
own organisation’s strategic challenges. In Co-author of Network Advantage: How to Unlock
addition, you will provide feedback and ideas Value from your Alliances and Partnerships
to other participants as they search for their
‘blue ocean’ to enrich the learning experience. Contributing faculty
Fares Boulos
Affiliated Professor of Practice in Strategy
Neil Jones
Senior Affiliate Professor of Strategy
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 02

Programme content — Buyer Utility Map: to explore the levers you

INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy is an intensive can pull to create a compelling leap in value
four-day programme featuring a mix of for the market that unlocks demand from non-
lectures, discussions, case analysis and customers
workshops where you will analyse your own — Six Paths Framework: to understand the paths
business. Hence you are encouraged to come to reconstruct market boundaries and unlock
with a specific challenge that you would like to commercially compelling new business ideas
work on during the programme.
Looking for Your Own ‘Blue Ocean’
Review and Critique of Competitive Strategy Start the process of searching for a ‘blue ocean’
You will evaluate tools and concepts of of new market space for your own organisation.
traditional competitive strategy, which include The aim is to practice using the various tools
‘Five Forces’, industry value chain, positioning and frameworks as well as to take advantage of
analysis and generic strategies of cost the diverse experiences and perspectives of
leadership or differentiation. other participants to create a new market space.

Foundations of Blue Ocean Strategy Implementing Blue Ocean Strategy

— Key defining features that separate ‘red’ and Explore the two key approaches central to
‘blue oceans’ implementing Blue Ocean Strategy fast and
— How to achieve ‘Value Innovation’, the at low cost while winning the support of
simultaneous pursuit of differentiation and employees.
low cost — Tipping Point Leadership: learn how
— Paths by which you can reconstruct to overcome the cognitive, resource,
market boundaries to break away from the motivational and political hurdles that
competition and unlock tiers of new demand prevent the best strategies from being
— Analytic tools such as the Strategy Canvas,
The Eliminate-Reduce-Raise-Create — Fair Process: learn how to communicate and
Framework and Six Paths Framework will be interact with your staff to build deeper trust
explained to facilitate the execution of a Blue Ocean
Strategy for your organisation
An assessment: How Blue is Your Ocean?
Participant profile
Apply Blue Ocean Strategy to an analysis of the
current ‘As-Is’ situation facing your business. This programme is especially relevant if you
are seeking to break out of the traditional ‘red’
— Drawing the ‘As-Is’ strategic canvas of your
ocean of competition and create strong profitable
growth for your organisation in both existing and
— Identifying and understanding the range of new markets. It will benefit you if you are a senior
industry assumptions and the cost implications executive, business owner, head of strategy or an
— Contrasting the outcome of a ‘blue ocean’ executive from mid- to upper-level management
analysis with the outcome of a ‘red ocean’ directly involved in the development of new
perspective product and service offerings.

Creating New Market Space While individual applications are welcome,

Explore how to systematically pursue ‘Value you are encouraged to apply and attend the
Innovation’ to fundamentally unlock new programme along with colleagues from your
demand in a market. organisation (up to six people). This will allow
you and your colleagues to make more progress
— Three Tiers of Non-Customers: to think on issues affecting your organisation and pave
beyond existing customers and explore new the way for creating a Blue Ocean Strategy upon
customers your return to the office.
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 03

Some of our past participants Executive Director

have included Valucard
Chief Executive Officer Nigeria
7-Eleven Stores Chief Executive Officer
Australia Omnicom Media Group
Deputy Head of Cabinet Commissioner of Saudi Arabia
Internal Market & Services Head, Commercial Business
European Commission Santam
Belgium South Africa
Critical Resources Coordinator Strategic Accounts Manager
Petrobras Expedia
Brazil Spain
VP European Market Development VP Research
Westport Innovations Merck Serono
Canada Switzerland
Senior Strategy and Business Development Commercial Director
Manager Tawazun Precision Industries
Pfizer United Arab Emirates
President Emerging Markets
Chief Marketing Officer Travelport
Fullrate United Kingdom
Senior Vice President
CRM and Digital Director State Farm Insurance
Carrefour United States America

Head of Supply Chain Management

Deutsche Bahn Netz “INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy offers a set of
Germany comprehensive concepts and tools that will
allow you to ‘open your mind’ in order to help
Managing Director Asia your company expand into new Blue Oceans.”
Riverside Asia Partners
Hong Kong Country Manager
Principal Venezuela
Accenture Services
“The INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy
Director – Human Resources programme is a programme dedicated to
VIVA Telecom protect and strengthen any organisation and
Kuwait in the process enhance its brand value.”
Senior Sales Manager President & Zonal Head - Eastern Zone
BNP Paribas Investment Partners Axis Bank
Netherlands India
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 04

Europe 53%
Near/Middle East 16%
The Americas 11%
Asia Pacific 10%
Africa 10%

Finance & Banking 22%
Services 20%
Consumer Goods 12%
Natural Resources 10%
& Engineering 9%
& Chemicals 8%
Transportation 7%
Telecommunications 6%
Heavy Industry 3%
Other 3%

General Management 29%
Sales & Marketing 27%
 usiness Dev./
Corporate Plan. 12%
Finance 8%
Project Management 5%
 anufacturing & Prod./
Operations 4%
Communication/PR 1%
 uman Resouce
Management 1%
Other 13%
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 05

Campus Information
INSEAD is unique among leading business Europe Campus
schools in having a 3-campus structure – INSEAD’s 8-hectare Europe Campus is situated
spanning Europe, Asia and Abu Dhabi. Each on the edge of the beautiful, historic town of
campus is highly cosmopolitan and has its own Fontainebleau, France. It nestles in the vast
world-class faculty in residence. Executive Forest of Fontainebleau yet is less than 1 hour
Education programmes run at 1, 2 or even all 3 from the centre of Paris and international
locations, while Customised Programmes can airports. Facilities are of the highest standard
be held anywhere in the world. and include: 29 lecture theatres, many
classrooms, study areas, 2 restaurants, a bar, a
Asia Campus bookshop, extensive library resources, a fully
The Asia Campus in Singapore occupies a equipped gym and 2 on-campus hotels with a
1.94-hectare site in the heart of the city’s Buona total of 158 rooms.
Vista ‘knowledge hub’ – just 30 minutes from
the airport and 15 minutes from the financial
Abu Dhabi Campus
district. Its state-of-the-art facilities include:
12 amphitheaters, 6 flatrooms, classrooms, Abu Dhabi’s city centre is home to INSEAD’s
study areas, 2 dining areas, 2 bars, a 24-hour third campus, just 40 minutes from the airport
library, a fitness centre and 133 hotel rooms for and 10 minutes from the ‘Corniche’. This
participants. new, 14-storey, 6,000 square-metre building,
purposely designed for Executive Education,
has 3 lecture theatres, 2 conference rooms,
classrooms, study areas, a library, a restaurant
and prayer rooms.

Asia Campus
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 06

Europe Campus Abu Dhabi Campus

INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 07

The INSEAD LiVE Series

Today’s insights for tomorrow’s business Through our online virtual seminars, you will
The INSEAD LiVE Series is a unique gain a fresh and up-to-date perspective on
opportunity for you and your organisation’s current world and business issues from leading
executives to listen to and interact in real time INSEAD faculty members.
with INSEAD thought leaders. Through a series INSEAD faculty are known for exploring new
of webinars, you will hear expert views on domains beyond their individual fields of
today’s hot topics and their impact on tomorrow’s research, driven by a determination to share
business. You will also have the chance to ask their knowledge and their vision as they uncover
questions that are important for your business – multicultural management challenges. More
and get immediate answers from world experts. than this, they are acutely aware of the impact of
The INSEAD LiVE Series is the convenient a constantly evolving global economy on your
platform to gain access to INSEAD professors business.
without leaving the workplace. This means your
learning is incorporated into your day-to-day
activities with immediate effect.

Examples of past INSEAD LiVE Series webinars:

Speaker: Horacio Falcão - Senior Affiliate Professor of Decision Sciences

Session: How to Overcome Ethical Pitfalls in Value Negotiation
Professor Falcão is director of the Negotiation Dynamics programme.

Speaker: Narayan Pant - Professor of Management Practice

The Raoul de Vitry d’Avaucourt Chaired Professor of Leadership Development
Session: Enhancing Leadership Judgement
Professor Pant is director of the Advanced Management Programme.

Speaker: Martin Gargiulo - Professor of Organisational Behaviour

Session: Managing the Social Capital of your Informal Network
Professor Gargiulo is director of the High Impact Leadership Programme.

To find out more and register for the INSEAD LiVE Series, visit:
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 08
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 09

INSEAD Certificate
in Global Management
Deepen your global management and Core programmes:
leadership skills at one of the world’s These have been selected for their focus on
leading business schools. international management or leadership and
The INSEAD Certificate in Global will provide you with wide-ranging skills:
Management, is a formal recognition of
Leadership Programmes:
your commitment to continuous learning
and professional development and can be — AVIRA: Awareness, Vision, Imagination, Role,
completed over a four-year period. You will be Action
taught by world-class thought leaders in their — High Impact Leadership Programme
fields and will be exposed to cutting-edge — Leading for Results
research and the latest trends. — LEAP: Leadership Excellence through
Key benefits include: Awareness and Practice
— Learning to Lead
— A formal recognition from INSEAD of your
commitment to continuous learning and — Management Skills for International Business
professional development in the area of — Managing Global Virtual Teams
global management and leadership — The Challenge of Leadership
— Ability to tailor the set of programmes — The Leadership Transition
according to your needs and build specific — Strategy Execution Programme.
skills that are important to the success of
your organisation General Management Programmes:
— Incorporate all the latest learning, tools — Advanced Management Programme
and research into the organisation to give — Transition to General Management
you a competitive edge and develop fresh
— Management Acceleration Programme
perspectives in developing ideas and
solutions. — Asian International Executive Programme.

Who is eligible? Open Programmes:

There are two options available to candidates in The Open Programmes include any two or more
order for them to be eligible for the Certificate: of our 45+ programmes that have a duration of
three days or longer. To view more about the
— Complete one core leadership or general Certificate and the list of Open Programmes
management programme, as well as a please visit our website at:
minimum of any two Open Programmes
— Complete one Customised Programme with executive_certificate_global_management/
a duration of three days or longer, as well as
a minimum of any two Open Programmes.

Regardless of option chosen, the programmes

selected must amount to at least 15 days and all
three must be completed in four years.
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 10

My role is global head of communications and

the global brand lead for Wolters Kluwer. My
main objective is to build and strengthen the
organisation’s reputation, so to do this I need
to work with many different teams and brand
specialists within the company.
Caroline Wouters I was looking for something that would
Vice President demonstrate my commitment to professional
training and something that would reflect where
Wolters Kluwer, The Netherlands I am in my career. I looked at different schools
and different opportunities in the US, UK and

“INSEAD is a wonderful Switzerland, but the reputation of INSEAD,

coupled with the fact that I could obtain the
Certificate, really convinced me.

experience. It required I wanted to break through barriers and take

on greater leadership roles. I felt that if I did
a significant investment just one programme, it would not have been
enough to give me the skills and knowledge I
in time and energy, but was looking for. I believed that if I combined
programmes I would learn a lot more. The
it was worthwhile… Certificate seemed to offer me the opportunity
Even if my company had to do just that, from both a professional and
personal standpoint.
not been in a position I started with the Leading for Results
to sponsor me, I would programme in Singapore. I took this one
first because I believed it would give me
certainly have done it.” the foundations to be a better leader and a
high-level view of leadership. I then chose
Recipient of the INSEAD Certificate in Managing Global Virtual Teams, followed
Global Management. by the Strategic Marketing Programme. The
latter was more of a practical programme that is
closely related to my day-to-day work.
The benefit of having completed all three
programmes was that I felt I really had
changed. I gained great insight into how I can
change, contribute and influence people. The
programmes really forced me to rethink how I
approached my work and have helped give me
the tools to change and improve.
When you have arrived at a very senior level in
your career, it is good to refresh your knowledge.
That is what INSEAD and the Certificate did for
me. INSEAD gave me confidence to believe that
I am not only a leader in my function, but that I
also have the capability to be a leader in many
other areas. INSEAD is a wonderful experience.
Even if my company had not been in a position
to sponsor me, I would certainly have done it.
INSEAD Blue Ocean Strategy 2016 – 2017 11

Practical information
Calendar 2016 – 2017

Programme Date Location Length Fee* Level Cert.**

INSEAD Blue 10-13 October 2016 Fontainebleau 4 days €7,350 C-level
Ocean Strategy(1) 6-9 February 2017 Miami 4 days US$9,500 Experienced General
29 May-1 June 2017 Fontainebleau 4 days €7,350 Manager
16-19 October 2017 Fontainebleau 4 days €7,350 New General Manager
Senior Functional
Functional Manager

**This programme is eligible for the INSEAD Executive Certificate in Global Management.
Participants are advised to arrive the evening before as the programme starts early in the morning, unless otherwise noted.

Application procedure Tuition fees*

Places on the programmes are confirmed on The programme fee covers tuition, course
a first-come, first-served basis, taking into materials and lunches on working days as
consideration the applicant’s level, objectives well as the closing dinners. It does not include
and the diversity of the classes. travel, accommodation and other incidentals.
Participants will have to settle accommodation
We recommend that you submit your completed expenses and other incidentals before the end
application form as early as possible, of the programme.
preferably 6 weeks prior to programme
commencement. The Admissions Committee *Fee subject to change. VAT / GST shall apply at prevailing
rates according to prevailing laws and regulations.
will review your application and advise you on
the outcome as soon as possible. Please do not Contact us
hesitate to contact us if you have any questions
For further information on INSEAD Blue Ocean
about which programme may best suit your
Strategy programme, contact:
objectives or for any additional information.
Note: all our Open-enrolment Programmes are taught in INSEAD Europe Campus
English and participants should be able to exchange complex Margy Fuller
views, listen and learn through the medium of English.
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 41 27
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 13

Visit our website: http://executive-education.
INSEAD Europe Campus
Boulevard de Constance
77305 Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Tel: +33 (0)1 60 72 42 90
Fax: +33 (0)1 60 74 55 13

INSEAD Asia Campus

1 Ayer Rajah Avenue
Singapore 138676
Tel: +65 6799 5288
Fax: +65 6799 5299

INSEAD Abu Dhabi Campus

Muroor Road Street N°4, P.O. Box 48049
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Tel: +971 2 651 52 00
Fax: +971 2 443 94 61

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