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Neil A. Forbes BVetMed CBiol MIBiol Dip ECAMS FRCVS

“It is the careful feeding of your Hawke that makes her

serviceable: for there is no Hawke but will flie according as she
is ordered and governed, as if her stomake be right, she will
flie with spirit, courage and attention to the man…”
Lathams’s Faulconry. Or The Faulcons Lure, and Cure
Symon Latham 1615

© Copyright Honeybrook Animal Foods 2014 1

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Item Page No.
Introduction 3

Why is scientific information so scant? 4

Aim 4

Why Study Nutrition? 5

How are nutrient requirements quantified? 7

What is an essential nutrient? 8

Outlining the basics of a feeding regime 9

An outline of readily available raptor food 11

Problem areas to avoid in feeding 18

Conclusions 22

Annex A 24

Annex B 27


References 33

“I have flown a Hawke all one season, and never fed but upon the best meat I could,
she never tasted Beefe, neither was her feathered meate (but very very feldome) cold;
and to helpe her metter, a night did hardly efcape me but I thrust out the marrow of
the wings of either Ducke, Pheasant, Partridge, Dove, Rooke or such like….”

An Approved Treatise of Hawkes and Hawking

Edmund Bert

Modern falconers can only sit back in wonder at Bert’s dedication to his sport. Whilst we may not be inclined to
push the marrow out of the bones of prey species to add to our hawks daily diet, we would all agree that the
correct nutritional state of our birds is fundamental for both good health and efficient aviary management.

The argument, that In the absence of detailed nutritional data the dietary needs of any individual species are
most likely to be met by feeding a diet closely approximating to that which would be taken in the wild under ideal
conditions (Kirkwood 1981), can be contested. Firstly, without detailed nutritional data, how can ‘ideal’
conditions be identified? Even a relatively accurate analysis of 90% of a wild birds intake may not be truly
reflective of the nutrient profile of the diet (Brue 1994). In the wild most raptors are opportunistic eaters i.e. they
eat anything which is available e.g. feathered and furred quarry also insects, reptiles and carrion. Whilst some
species have adapted over many thousands of years to a certain food intake, in many others the environment in
which they live and hence the food availability will have altered, often at a rate faster than the birds metabolism
has been able to adapt to (Brue 1994). A totally natural diet is impossible to replicate in captivity regimes
(Dierenfeld et al. 1994), particularly because a wild bird has the option of choice (even if availability determines
this) whilst a captive bird does not. In addition, feeding regimes based on replicating feeding patterns observed
in wild raptors may not conform to optimal nutrition for captive birds who may have different inherent nutritional
requirements on account of their unnatural life style (Brue 1994; Gill 1999).

Wild birds often live short lives and death due to malnutrition is the most common cause of mortality in wild
populations (Keymer et al. 1980; Southern 1970; Hirons et al. 1979; Brue 1994).. Indeed “In all raptor species
so far studied in the wild, more than half the birds that fledged died in their first year” (Newton 1979:203),
although one accepts that competition for food, variable availability and concurrent disease or injury are
significant factors (Brue 1994). Furthermore, unusual patterns of incubation have been observed in Finnish wild
Eurasian kestrels, Falco tinnunculus, where the females were in poor body condition (Wiebe et al. 1998). In
essence, the modern falconer needs to develop feeding regimes based on the requirements of captive bred,
raised and maintained birds as opposed to trying to replicate the, less than perfect, feeding patterns of wild

Experienced falconers have bemoaned the lack of scientific research into raptor nutrition for domesticated
raptors (Turner & Haslen 1991, Gill 1999). Even those falconers with a scientific background (Fox 1995), as well
as the scientific community generally, have commented on the lack of research into the nutritional requirements
of raptors (Bird & Ho 1976, Dierenfeld et al. 1986, Clum et al. 1997, Heidenreich 1997, Forbes & Rees Davies
2000). Indeed the majority of scientific information on avian nutrition has been adapted from extensive research
into commercial feeding regimes for poultry (Angel & Plasse 1997, Brue 1994, Cooper 1985, Duke 1987,
Gallagher 1999). Poultry nutritional data is clearly not relevant in view of the contrast in food requirements and
life style when compared with raptors.

With a dearth of readily available information on nutritional practices, which correctly promote longevity, fitness,
hunting ability and sustained reproductive success, feeding has become an art form, with practices adopted and
modified because of perceived benefits, hearsay and anecdotal evidence (Brue 1994, Heidenreich 1997).

Whilst such a situation may be justified when conducted by experienced falconers and breeders, starvation is
not an uncommon cause of death in inexperienced falconers’ birds (Kenward 1980, Cooper 1985).

Even if one discounts the extreme of starvation in captivity, neglect of correct feeding regimes can lead to
inappropriate, unnecessary or at times, detrimental vitamin and mineral supplementation regimes (Angel &
Plasse 1997, Cooper 1985, Dierenfeld et al. 1994), often with disastrous results (Bruning et al. 1980). The
majority of non-specific illnesses in captive birds of prey can be traced back to poor feeding regimes (Forbes &
Rees Davies 2000) with sub-optimal diets being responsible for poor flight performance, premature deaths,
infertility, low hatchability and weak chicks (Angel & Plasse 1997, Dierenfeld et al. 1989, Heidenreich 1997, Gill
1999, Forbes & Rees Davies 2000).


Historically, the study of raptor nutrition was confined to observing what wild birds of prey ate in order to assess
their impact on game animals and livestock (Fisher 1893, Errington 1930). This trend has continued to the
modern day with studies, for example, on Hen Harrier predation of grouse chicks on Scottish moors (Anon
1999). Whilst this can be seen as reflecting the economic importance of country sports, the resultant information
has little relevance to falconer’s birds or captive breeding projects.

Modern research, however, whilst accelerating and increasing in scope ($2.5 million on 265 projects in the US
during 1982) has continued to concentrate on the study of wild populations. This could be considered somewhat
short-sighted given the positive impact that captive breeding can have on endangered populations through
correctly managed release projects. The truth is, however, that a lack of financial incentives - most aviculturists
aren’t set up as commercial operations – limits funding availability for captive nutritional research projects.

The majority of scientific research on avian nutrition has been conducted on poultry giving us a baseline with
which to start, however, we are still learning about poultry nutrition after about 100 years of research (Laing
1999). Indeed some areas of poultry research will never be applicable to raptors. The greatest difference
between Galliformes (chickens) and raptors is the fact that Galliformes are precocial (the neonate is mobile and
generally self-sufficient at only a few hours of age), therefore, nutritional research into the growth requirement
for young chickens will hardly apply to eyasses.

Indeed with approx. 8500 avian species, all with quite different metabolic requirements, we must take care not
to extrapolate between species (Brue 1994). Research, for example into parrots or quail cannot be assumed to
relate to raptors (Tell 1998). Given the current low levels of research in to non-commercial avian nutrition,
we may never understand raptor nutrition as well as we understand the nutritional requirements of commercially
produced poultry.

In raptor specific terms, although the importance and significance of the nutritional composition of food is
understood, the health benefits of the various vitamins and minerals and the optimum level of each component
and the ratios and inter-action between them is not. Attached at annex B is an outline of the general benefits to
health of the major vitamins and minerals.

The aim of this paper is to review the available scientific and practical falconry text on raptor nutrition in
order that falconers can base their feeding regimes on proven scientific research, on the experiences of
the foremost falconers of today and where possible on proven raptor specific nutritional information.

The primary reason to study nutrition, for the falconer, should be to improve the wellbeing of the raptors in our
care. It is important to be aware of potentially incorrect advice that may be offered by more or less experienced
falconers, anecdotal information, or product literature from the vendors of certain food supplements which can
on occasions be inaccurate or misleading.

There are many factors that can influence both the quantity of food required by a raptor and its’ requirements for
specific vitamins. Life style, husbandry, geographical area, different stages of the life cycle, for example the
stage of development, growth rate, health status and production level of our birds can all affect their nutritional
requirements (Laing 1999).

Nutritional knowledge, therefore, can be used to:

1. Achieve / maintain optimal health

Greater longevity (achieving the full potential [flight and breeding] life span of your bird) may be possible by
optimising the diet as some dietary components may have protective effects, for example, antioxidants are
known to help reduce cholesterol levels.

2. Promote disease avoidance

Nutritionally related disease can occur, which with knowledge can usually be avoided, for example:

I. DIRECT, because of inappropriate diet content or quantity:

• Starvation;

• Malnutrition / sub optimal nutrition;

• Metabolic Bone Disease (Ca:P:D3 in balance) (i.e. rickets);

• Obesity (leading most commonly to cardiovascular or liver disease);

• Toxicities (e.g. excessive fat soluble vitamin supplementation, or mineral poisoning);

• Competition for food between birds in the same aviary.

II. INDIRECT, as a consequence of altered requirements due to other conditions:

• Management techniques and housing;

• Rapid levels of neonatal growth;

• Fledging;

• Moulting;

• Reduced or ineffective plumage leading to increased heat loss;

• Breeding, egg laying and rearing;

• Old age;

‘Falconry Fact Sheet’ from a ‘well known’ vitamin supply company, which incorrectly states the calcium levels
in day-old chicks.

• Increased or decreased exercise;

• Following medical treatment e.g. antibiotics altering the gut flora;

• During recovery after illness or treatment;

• Altered ambient temperatures;

• During periods of high stress e.g.:

(a) Adverse weather reaction;

(b) Weight reduction prior to entering;

(c) Injury, change of aviary / husbandry or other conditions leading to sudden

increases in metabolic rate.

III. DISEASE, leading to:

• Reduction in appetite;

• Reduction in availability of food (e.g. parasitism);

• Diarrhoea – decreased absorption of nutrients and electrolytes in view of increased transit


• Reduced ability to store or mobilise nutrients, especially in liver disease.

IV. GENERAL ILL-HEALTH, for example:

• Metabolic disorders, e.g. liver disease, thyroid disorders, diabetes;

• Neoplasia (i.e. cancers);

• Senility

V. FOOD QUALITY, for example:

• Excessive storage times reducing nutritional value;

• Excessive storage times reducing water content;

• Restricted food source / type, leading to limiting factors e.g. Essential Amino Acids;

• Poor hygiene precautions resulting in bacterial contamination;

• Reduced quality food e.g. rancidity (caused by excessive storage) which reduces vitamin
E levels;

• Usage of incorrectly balanced food supplements;

• Excessive or inappropriate usage of food supplements.

In establishing dietary requirements the goal is to determine what amount of food or particular nutrient is
sufficient, if ingested routinely, to prevent impairment of health even if intake becomes inadequate for a short
period, for the life stage and life style intended. Below are some of the criteria that have been used to determine
dietary requirements plus an outline of the advantages and disadvantages of the various methodologies. It
becomes clear that no single method can give an absolute indication of the optimum levels of either the total
amount of food an individual falcon requires, or indeed the requirement for each individual nutrient. Falconers
should guard against advice that lays down absolute levels of nutrients or rigid feeding regimes, without regard
to how the advice was arrived at. Even if the advice is sound, the exact nutrient requirement varies significantly
not only between species, but also between individuals of the same species. Furthermore, the total amount of
information and/or number of subjects in many studies have not been sufficient to assure total reliability of the
results obtained.

Common methods for determining feeding regimes:

1. Maximum growth in the young

This is a common criterion used for commercial animals. However: whilst maximum growth is advantageous in
birds destined for meat production, very rapid growth rates are often contra indicated in raptors (Forbes and
Rees Davies 2000)

2. Prevention/cure of deficiency diseases

This depends on the observational endpoint chosen. (E.g., 5-10 mg of vitamin A per day prevents growth
defects, but skin tissue becomes discoloured at this intake level). Seemingly this criterion could on occasion,
therefore, be considered inappropriate in the light of the current concern for levels that promote optimal health
as opposed to disease prevention.

3. Saturation of tissue

Determines the amount that will not cause any further increases in concentration of the nutrient in the tissues.

Problem: some nutrients (e.g., fat-soluble vitamins) dissolve in adipose tissue, and will accumulate to toxic
levels, leading to potentially life threatening diseases.

4. Balance studies

Method -- measure input and output; when they are equal, assume the body is saturated.

Assumes that the size of the body pool of the nutrient is appropriate and is not changed by the experiment.

Assumes that higher levels of intake would do no good (clearly not true of water -- hardly anyone would
recommend just enough water to maintain balance). Such results are only relevant to the bird in that controlled
environment, at that life stage.

5. Changes in a secondary variable

Changes in some secondary variable in response to the nutrient may be measured, e.g., changes in copulation
frequency in tiercels in response to Vitamin E supplementation.

6. Amounts in typical diets

Sometimes it is difficult or impossible to determine the amount of a nutrient that is required. In such cases the
amounts that seemingly healthy raptors in a wild population take in may be accepted as the norm. These levels,
however, may be limited by population levels, prey availability, seasonal factors, lifestyle or geography (raptors
in the wild may not need vitamin D in their diets, however, those kept in poorly designed, dark aviaries may).


The classical definitions (Baggott 1999) are:

1. Nutrient

Substance in food that provides structural or functional components or energy to the body.

2. Essential nutrient

Substance that must be obtained from the diet because an animal cannot make it in sufficient
quantities to meet its needs.

• Biotin is necessary in metabolism, but raptors normally produce sufficient quantities within their

• In contrast, Pantothenic acid is equally necessary, but it is not produced internally. Hence,
Pantothenic acid is an essential nutrient.

Research, however, is incomplete and the question remains 'Are substances like dietary fibre, which are not
nutrients, any less essential?'. For example, low fibre levels may be of importance in terms of pellet casting,
although the requirement for this function has yet to be proven physiologically (Bird & Ho 1976). Nevertheless,
the observations of falconers over the years as to the indication that casting acts to clear out accumulated
mucous in the digestive system and crop, suggests that the provision of some casting material may have a
beneficial effect. Mendelssohn & Marder (1970) observed that those birds fed on lean meat ingested other
materials (e.g. rangle) to form a pellet and clear their stomach lining.

The question: ’ What role, for example, does casting material, bone, blood or even rangle play in the nutritional
well being of raptors?’ remains unanswered. Some of these substances are demonstrably desirable in the diet,
but do not meet the classical definitions given above. Still other elements, like lead, tin and boron, are yet to be
investigated, although there is some evidence to warrant further study of their essentiality.

The final problem relates to quantity. The dramatic difference in the required amounts of certain nutrients gives
rise to the following differentiation’s (Baggott 1999):

1. Macronutrient

Nutrient needed in large amounts (many grams daily).

2. Micronutrient

Nutrient needed in small amounts (typically milligrams daily).

3. Conditional requirements

Some substances are not generally considered essential to life, but might become so under specific
circumstances (that is, conditional deficiencies are possible).

The existence of conditional deficiency states may give rise to exaggerated claims of the importance of certain
substances in normal diets, leading to the recommendation of unnecessary routine supplementation. For
example the supplementation of a raptors diet with thiamine may be recommended for fish eating birds. These
may improve in condition and cease fitting if the supplement is given. The additional thiamine, however, is only
required, because of the naturally occurring ‘thiaminase’ (an enzyme which digests thiamine) in the fish, which
is destroying the normally available levels of thiamine.

As a basic principle, it is important to remember that each raptor species has evolved over millennia to fill
a very specific ecological niche (Brue 1994). The consumption of a prey animal by a raptor involves the
bird eating casting (fur & feather), muscle, bone, viscera and the prey’s gut content. In supplying food to
captive birds, all these elements should be considered. Any alteration to the birds diet, even from one
prey species to another, in either captive or free living individuals can result in a change in the relative
proportions of these materials consumed.

It has been established that a raptors food requirement varies with body size. Buzzards, kites and eagles
require approximately <10% wet weight, in food, of their body-mass per day, large falcons and Accipiter
species 10-15%, whilst small falcons and Accipiters 20-25% (Craighead & Craighead 1969, Brown 1978,
Kirkwood 1980 & 1985).

Total food requirement, therefore, can be seen as a correlation between an individual birds digestive
efficiency and its metabolic rate.

Barton & Houston (1993) calculated the digestive efficiency of several individual raptors in summer
o o
(>20 C) and winter (0 C) fed on a diet of day old cockerels, in Table 1, as follows:

% Efficiency
Species Summer Winter
Red Kite 82.44 78.66
Red Kite 81.50 79.47
Hobby 80.36 78.45
Buzzard 80.79 77.16
Buzzard 82.14 76.66
Buzzard 82.92 80.22
Buzzard 80.80 76.90
Peregrine 78.85 75.83
Kestrel 79.83 77.17

As part of the same study, Barton & Houston discovered that digestive efficiency effected body-mass
when fed on a variety of foods. When fed on rabbit for 8 days, the peregrine lost an average of 5.01% of
their initial body mass, the Buzzards gained 2.78%. When fed the same mass of pigeon, Peregrines
gained an average of 1.81% of initial body-mass, and the Buzzards gained 7.17%. In other words
Buzzards gained significantly more body-mass than Peregrines when fed on either rabbit or pigeon. It
should be noted that the food samples fed during this study were lean meat only, all casting material and
fat was removed. Results may, therefore, vary if repeated with casting material, surface fat and bone
structure intact.

Whilst Barton & Houston studied digestive efficiency, other authors have considered metabolic rate.
Metabolic rate affects a bird of preys’ ability to maintain a positive energy balance in that it influences
morphological, physiological and behavioural adaptations. Metabolic rate is influenced by several factors
including climate and latitude (Weathers 1979). Basal metabolic rate (BMR) = The number of kilocalories
of energy a resting animal requires to ‘tick over’ i.e. to maintain respiration, circulation, metabolism,
digestion of food, the immune system and maintenance of body temperature.

Birds have some of the highest BMR levels of vertebrates since they are endothermic: body temperature is
maintained by food conversion into energy. There is also an inverse relationship between body size and
metabolic rate, the smaller the raptor, the higher the BMR. Although larger birds eat more food they require a
significantly smaller percentage of their body mass as food daily.

Unfortunately, it is not a simple matter of calculating the BMR of our birds and matching the kilocalorie content
of the food we feed to it. Not all the kilocalories of the food we feed to our raptors are available to the bird.

Some is lost as indigestible parts are cast up as pellets or passed out as faeces. The usable proportion of the
food we feed generates the metabolisable energy (ME) of that food, and can be considered as the gross energy
(GE) of the food, less the kilocalories contained in both pellets/castings and in the excreta.

Again, we can not simply match the ME of the food we feed to the BMR as the ME of food item varies with:

• The type of food;

• The method of preparation i.e. de-yoking of chicks, removal of feet, legs etc.;
• The amount of casting material left on the food.

The percentage of the gross energy of the food that is available as metabolisable energy varies, for example,
from day old chicks at 85% (Duke et al. 1973) to lab mouse at 75% (Kirkwood 1979). Any excess metabolisable
energy that is fed to a resting raptor above the BMR is converted and stored as fat for use later when the falcon
or hawk has less food or is more active such that energy requirements are greater, for example, during cold
weather, moulting or breeding.

Experienced falconers have learned the above through observations of their birds weight when fed differing
foods in differing conditions. In other words at a constant temperature different foods will add more or less
weight when fed to a specific raptor. This basis enables ‘falconry training’ through weight control.

Kirkwood (1980) has calculated the ME requirements of some raptors as shown in Table 2:

Weight (g) Kcal ME/day for maintenance

Ferruginious Buzzard (M) 1,237 127

Ferruginious Buzzard (F) 1938 172

Red-tailed Hawk 1000 110

Kestrel 225 40

Barn owl 400 59

The temptation, however, is to consider the dietary requirements of our hawks only in terms of the energy ME
required to maintain BMR, or in other words how much food to feed in order to maintain our hawks at flying
(hunting) weight. This focus on food quantity can lead, unfortunately, to a disregard for food quality and variety.

In the drive to maintain constant weights, falconers can be tempted to stick to one staple food throughout the
hunting season (and often the breeding season as well) as weight calculation and control is easier when only
one type of food is used.

Food, however, consists of more than just its’ ME/kilocalorie content (see annex B), and just as the ME of food
varies with type, so does the nutritional content in terms of the nutritional availability, composition and
proportions of vitamins and minerals it contains. A modern falconer must be aware of the nutritional value of a
range of foods in order to develop a diet that is both adequate in terms of energy content but also in vitamin and
mineral content. It is not acceptable to use one food type and add a proprietary food supplement (see later
section on ‘problem areas’).

Bearing in mind the above as well as the methods by which nutritional requirements are established, the
following parameters used by Houston Zoo in establishing its new feeding regimes (Angel & Plasse, 1997),
provides a working start point:

Breeding and maintenance recommendations were developed based upon:

• Feeding habits in the wild;

• Behavioural differences between species;
• Where available, nutrient content of diets that have been successfully used;
• Where available, general nutrition information available in the scientific literature;
• The baseline used was National Research Council. 1994. Nutrient requirements of poultry. Ninth
revised edition. National Academy Press, Washington, D.C. .

Whilst, it may be argued, that this system may not achieve optimal nutrition initially, with built in reviews on a 18
month cycle, feeding regimes, for individual collections, may be established over time. As Angel & Plasse state
themselves, the “… true test of the new diet will not be complete until the birds experience the seasonal
challenges of breeding, laying eggs, raising chicks and also growing older”.


Day-old chicks

Day-old chicks are often, mistakenly, considered to have the equivalent nutritional value of a single hen’s egg.
This is not the case. The formation of an embryo within an egg and the development and subsequent hatching
of a chick dramatically changes the chemical and nutritional value of yolk and albumen (Table 3). Day-olds are
used as the basis of a staple diet for the majority of species of birds of prey. Offering a high protein, low fat diet
with good levels of vitamins and calcium.

In a recent study, the body composition of young American kestrels (Falco sparverius) fed on a diet of either
day-old cockerels or mice were compared. This comprehensive study (Lavigne et al. 1994a & 1994b) provides
ample evidence as to the nutritional adequacy of day-old cockerels as a food source for American kestrels.
Indeed those kestrels fed on a diet of mice showed evidence of protein deficiency with lower growth rates and
slower fledging. It should be noted, however, that the lipid (fat)/protein ratios of the mice in Levignes' study vary
considerably from the mice analysed by other authors (Gessaman 1987), (Table 3). It may be that the mice
used by Levigne were considerably older i.e. having higher fat reserves than those examined by other authors.
It is essential in studying the results of analysis of any food item, that the analysis results does relate specifically
to the food which was tested, and both day olds and rodents do vary in nutritional values dependent on age,
type and source.

Cooper (1978) has discussed possible low levels of calcium in day-old chicks, yet the figures outlined in Table
3, based on current and extensive study, give little credence to the possibilities of deficiency. The calcium levels,
which are required by growing birds of prey, would be met by any of the whole prey outlined in Table 3
(Dierenfeld et al. 1994, Robbins 1983).

Calcium levels, however, also need to be evaluated in relation to both dietary phosphorus (P) and vitamin D3.
Ca:P ratios of 1:1 – 2:1 have been reported for indeterminate egg layers (poultry) with determinate egg layers
i.e. those birds which lay eggs during a specific breeding season e.g. raptors, requiring lower levels (Bird & Ho
1976; Dierenfeld et al. 1994). Day-old chicks have the correct Ca: P ratio (the most important single factor) as
well as good overall levels of calcium.

The conclusion, therefore, is that day-old chicks are the ideal staple diet for most species of birds of prey, being
nutritionally sound, with high ME/GE ratios, as well as being economically priced, readily available and
convenient to use. As previously discussed, however, it would be most unwise to feed exclusively one type of
food, therefore, consideration should be given to the other types of hawk food that are readily available.

Given that no nutrient recommendations exist for the avian species being reviewed at the zoo, recommended
nutrient levels for commercial poultry were used as base line, with regular reviews being undertaken.


At 6-wks old there appear to be no nutritional differences between male and female quail, however, at 16-wks of
age marked differences appear: the nutritional quality of males remains unchanged yet the fat levels in female
quail have almost doubled (Clum et al. 1997).

Age and sex differences in quail leads us to classify the main types that are available as follows:

• 5 week old male culls;

• 6 – 8 week old prime birds;
• 8 month old ex-layer birds;
• Vitamin E enhanced quail.

Quail become sexually mature at 6 weeks of age, therefore, the most readily available quail are surplus males
that are culled at 5 weeks old, i.e. those birds not required for breeding programmes. These are small birds,
typically, 3-5ozs (85 – 142g) in weight, and due to their low fat deposits and immaturity are low in (fat soluble)
vitamins. Often sold as prime birds, these are not ideal for falconry purposes but are plentiful and hence
relatively cheap.

6 – 8 week old birds, on the other hand, have been specifically raised for raptor food and have been allowed to
mature, gain weight and are a good source of most vitamins and minerals. They are generally considered to be
the best quail readily available and are suitable for most raptors.

8 month old layer birds are larger still, typically 8-10ozs (225 – 280g), and are almost exclusively female with a
correspondingly high vitamin content. They are, however, the by-product of egg production, frequently yolk and
fat filled and often carrying significant levels of pathogens and disease. These birds can represent a bio-security
risk to captive raptors if not carefully sourced with this fact in mind. These birds should not be fed to eyasses or
breeding birds (especially females).

Quail, therefore, are not as perfect as many falconers believe. Low hatchability rates in falcons at the Peregrine
Fund facility at Boise Idaho was traced back to poor vitamin E levels in quail (Dierenfeld et al. 1989). Vitamin
supplementation of the quail at the time of feeding to the falcons had no effect. When additional vitamin E was
fed to the quail prior to killing, on feeding of the enhanced quail to the falcons, the results were significantly

Vitamin E enhancement of quail fed to falcons, at the Peregrine Fund facility Boise Idaho has seen:

• Improved libido effects in adults (increased copulation frequency);

• Increased hatchability of eggs (59% to 83%);
• Increased activity in chicks with, for example, food begging occurring between 4 & 10 hours earlier than in
previous years (although one accepts this was not a controlled trial).

Clearly the coming on to the market of vitamin E enhanced quail will offer breeders of falcons real
improvements over previously fed quail.

It should be remembered that in the same way as our birds are as good as what we feed them, so in turn the
food we feed our birds is only as good as what they, in turn, were fed.


Notwithstanding the above comments regarding vitamin E enhanced quail, rats are naturally high in vitamin E,
therefore, a strong argument exists for using both rat and quail as part of a feeding regime.

Rats appear to be almost opposite to the quail in that the younger the rat the higher the vitamin content
(Dierenfeld 1994). Their larger size and thick skin and fur, however, means that greater preparation time is
required in terms of evisceration, portioning and skinning particularly when feeding rats to smaller hawks and

falcons. It should be remembered that whilst many falconers do not wish to handle rats, their nutritional value is

Larger rats represent excellent value in terms of value for money, however, as with ex-layer quail, their high fat
content renders them less suitable than small – medium sized rats for eyasses and breeding programmes.

In terms of bio-security, it should be remembered that the feeding of rodents to birds of prey also reduces the
risk of the transmission of avian specific diseases from prey species to consumer.


Nutritionally equivalent to rats, hamsters may be a good substitute for those falconers who do not wish to
prepare rats. The thin skin and fur combined with their smaller size, means that hamsters do not require
evisceration and can be fed whole. Unfortunately, their popularity as pets and their scarcity as a food item
makes them more expensive than rats of an equivalent size.

Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are herbivores and as such have long digestive tracts in order to extract the nourishment they
require from their food. The result is that guinea pigs should be eviscerated prior to feeding to raptors as
uneaten intestines left within an aviary can quickly present a health risk and encourage vermin.

Guinea pigs have very loose fur, which is readily removed by a raptor. This fur can quickly fill a falcon’s crop
resulting in the excessive uptake of casting material at the expense of flesh content. Guinea pigs should
therefore be totally or predominantly skinned prior to feeding. Clearly guinea pigs, because of their low price
and large size at an early age represent excellent value for those falconers prepared to take the time and
trouble to eviscerate and skin them correctly.


Mice are typically the most expensive food available to smaller hawks and owls in terms of their cost to weight
ratio. Clum et al. 1997 expressed concern over their particularly high levels of vitamin A. Additionally, their high
fat content and low protein levels (Lavigne et al. 1994a & 1994b) suggests they are less suited to feeding to
birds of prey than is generally accepted. This is particularly true of the larger older mice that are most frequently
available to falconers and owl keepers.

As young rats have very high nutritional value with high protein and low fat contents consideration should be
given to using smaller rats of the ‘weaner’ category in preference to mice. These also tend to be cheaper and
so represent better value for money.

Wild prey species

Any wild source of food (e.g. pigeon, game, road traffic kills) must be considered potentially

That animal failed the ‘fitness for life test’ and we do not know why. Such birds may be carrying
organisms such as Mycobacteria, Salmonella, Campylobacter, E. coli, Trichomonas, Paramyxovirus,
Adenovirus, Falcon herpesvirus, Rotavirus or alternatively may have been poisoned (e.g.
alphachloralose, mercury, lead, mevinphos).

Any wild sourced food should be in good body condition, have been caught and killed by physical means,
and on examination the carcass should look, in all respects, to be thoroughly wholesome and free of
disease. The abdomen should be opened and the surface of the liver examined. If lesions are detected
the whole carcass must be rejected. Many infectious diseases (e.g. avian tuberculosis or viral disease)
cause gross hepatic lesions.

Wild sourced foods may also be infested with internal (Caryospora, Capillaria, Syngamus etc.) or external

parasites. Ectoparasites may act as vectors for haematozoa and other blood born infections. Viral
diseases have been encountered (e.g. Adenovirus, Rotavirus) where healthy commercially sourced
poultry (DOCs, turkey poults, quail), had been fed to healthy raptors which have then succumbed to
disease (Forbes & Simpson 1997, Forbes et al. 1997). Apathogenic poultry viruses (of no commercial
importance) may be pathogenic to raptors. Adenoviruses are commonly pathogenic to only one species
e.g. Mauritius kestrels Falco punctatus (Forbes & Simpson 1997, Forbes et al. 1997). Viruses that are
apathogenic in a food species, especially those that may only be pathogenic to one target species (e.g.
Adenovirus), cannot be predicted. The only precaution is to avoid feeding avian derived food. Cost and
availability, however, may render this in practical.

Columbiformes (pigeon) form a particular risk to raptors due to their high sub clinical incidence of
Trichomonas spp. Discarding the head, crop and oesophagus is insufficient as breast muscle and liver
are often contaminated. Stressed, senile, juvenile or diseased raptors are most susceptible. Pigeon to be
fed to raptors should be frozen completely and thawed prior to feeding in order to destroy any
Trichomonas organisms. Other diseases commonly carried by pigeons include Falcon Herpes Virus, Owl
Herpes Virus, Newcastle Disease Virus, Pigeon Paramyxovirus, Salmonellosis, Avian Tuberculosis and
Chlamydiosis, many of which are not controlled by freezing.

Raptors may consume parasite intermediate hosts. In free living and captivity the consumption of
Earthworms (e.g. Eisenia foetidus and Allolobophora caliginosus) and Arthropods (slugs, snails) which
can act as intermediate, paratenic or transport hosts for helminth parasites such as Syngamus spp and
Capillaria spp. Aviary design can assist in preventing disease by avoid access to aviaries by these
parasite intermediate hosts.

Many falconers’ feed ferreted, rifled or shotgun shot foods (especially rabbit and pigeon). Shotgun killed
quarry should never be fed. Rifle bullets frequently fragment on impact, so even head rifle shot food
should be discarded. Ferreted rabbits may contain lead pellets from a previous non-fatal shooting
incident. Lead ingestion from the consumption of fallen shooters quarry is a major cause of mortality
especially in free living eagles (Saito et al., 2000) Road traffic casualties may have been shot prior to
vehicular collision.

Keepers should be aware of the clinical signs of lead poisoning (weakness of legs and wings, inability to
stand, often grasping the feet each in the other, inco-ordination, poor appetite, green faeces, and weight
loss). It only takes one lead pellet to kill a raptor; any suggestive signs should result in immediate
presentation to an avian vet for examination and appropriate life saving therapy.

Other foods

The feeding of muscle (e.g. shin of beef) as a major part of the diet is unsatisfactory without
supplementation. Birds flying on public display, are often fed beef as the public may object to seeing fluffy
chicks or mice fed. This can lead to calcium deficiency even in adult birds presenting with central nervous
signs or muscle cramps.

Dietary composition is more critical in neonates than that of adults. The diet for chicks and growing
eyasses must comprise of whole carcasses, and not simply muscle (i.e. meat). When considering eyass
diet it is important to study the food that is being consumed by the chick rather than the food which is
being offered to the parents, the two may be very different.


In conclusion, a balance needs to be made between cost and food quality. The ideal diet for birds of prey seems
to be one based on day-old chicks supplemented with feeding of other prey species. This would appear to be
the case for both hunting and breeding birds. Falconers should not neglect the vitamin requirements of their
birds in an effort to maintain weight control or feed excessive quantities of quail and rats during the breeding

As a general guide for breeding birds, daily feeding of day-old chicks should be the norm with supplementary
feeding of, for example, quail and rat. For flying birds, the choice would be day-old chicks with, again,
supplementary feeding of quail and rat with amounts tailored to maintaining flying weight. Larger portions being
fed during the moult (although obesity should be avoided) then a gradual weight reduction programme
undertaken prior to the start of the hunting season. The loss of a few days hunting whilst the bird is gradually
weight conditioned is a small price to pay for maintaining the nutritional well being of a hunting hawk. Table 3,
outlines the nutritional content of some common foods fed to raptors.

The specific requirements of individual species should also be taken into consideration as well as any additional
dietary needs particular to the stage of an individual raptors life cycle, life style and general activity level.

Nutritional Composition of Raptor Foods – Notes on Tables 3a & 3B.


All units except moisture content and those marked with an asterix (*), are expressed on a dry
matter (DM) basis. Care should be exercised when comparing wet weights (as fed) figures
with dry matter figures.

Preparation Methods

• Quail

The quail in both studies were rough plucked and had legs and wings removed, in order to
simulate those portions of the carcass a falcon may consume. Quail were not eviscerated.

• Rats

Rats were generally sampled whole, except for the column marked ‘eviscerated’. These rats
were eviscerated and de-tailed.

• Guinea Pigs

The guinea pigs in the Clum et al. 1997 study had the head removed as these are rarely eaten
by birds of prey.

• Day Old Chicks

Day old chicks were tested using three preparation methods:


De-Yolked – Abdominal skin, yolk sac and intestines removed

Skinned – As above but with all skin and down removed

• Beef

Two preparation methods are cited by Heidenreich 1997:

Lean – All skin, bone and visible fat removed (see also Barton & Houston 1993 study)

Washed – Soaked for 24 hours with three changes of water.

FOOD TYPE Chicken Egg Day Old Chick Day Old Chick Day Old Chick Day Old Chick Day Old Chick Day Old Chick Quail (Male) Quail (Female) Quail Quail Vit E+ Rat Weaner Rat Rat Rat
CATEGORY Strain 1 Strain 2
AGE 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 1 Day 6 Weeks 6 Weeks 6 Weeks 7 Weeks 5 Weeks 11 Weeks 11 Weeks
SEX Male Male Male Male Male Male Male Femal Mixed Mixed Mixed Male Mixed
SAMPLE SIZE 200 200 3 3 18 100 200 3 75
PREP METHOD No Shell Whole Skinned De-Yolked Plucked Plucked Plucked Eviscerated


Moisture (%) 75.3 72.4 73.6 75 76.1 77.8 78.5 65.1 65.6 67 66.6 72.5 64.3 65.6 68.3

Gross Energy (Kcal/kg DM) 14700 6020 6000 6100 6162 6000 6042 5565 5756 5780 6305

Crude Fibre (%DM) trace 0.8 1.1 0.4 2.8 3.3 2.9 2.4 1.3
Protein (%DM) 62.2 62.5 60 72.4 59.2 69.3 64.9 71.6 47.4 58.7 59.6 63.4 62.8 62.1
Lipid (%DM) 24.2 23.4 28.1 22.6 26.9 20 33.2 26.3 25.8 27.8 25.5 34.9 22.1 31.5
Ash (%DM) 7.4 7.1 7.1 7.5 8.1 8.8 9.6 12 10.3 13.5 10.5 7.5 10 6.6
Calcium (%DM) 1.36 1.24 1.2 1.4 3.8 2.06
Phosphorus (%DM) 1 0.94 0.9 0.9 1.48

Protein (g/100g) 12.5* 17.3* 14.9* 19.6* 16.4* 19.7*

Nitrogen (g/100g)
Lipid (g/100g) 10.02* 5.4* 4.3* 9.3* 7* 11.3*
Ash (g/100g) 1.8* 1.9* 4.5* 2.9* 2.1*

Vitamin A- Retinol (IU/100g) 634* 496.7 363.3 3299 6644 9010 3633.3 816.7 6824 4000
Vitamin B1- Thiamine (mg/100g) 0.06* 1.6 1.06 0.06 0.07 0.18 0.31 1.33 0.21
Vitamin E- Alpha-tocopherol (IU/100g) 14* 40.7 21.4 4.16 7.93 4.5 10.1 9.6 21.05 15.6

Ca:P Ratio 0:28:1 1:36:1 1:32:1 1:3:1 1:49:1 1:5:1 1:17:1 1:54:1 1:21:1 1:39:1 1:33:1

Calcium (mg/100g) 50* 775 680 3268 4361 2140 1010 2286 5930
Phosphorus (mg/100g) 178* 521 581 1390 838 4470
Copper (mg/100g) 0.014* 0.33 0.34 0.264 0.268 0.266 0.302 0.29 0.48 0.847 0.13 0.45 0.18
Iron (mg/100g) 1.44* 3.4 3.19 5.23 5.57 8.5 11.24 7.14 11.1 6.74 4.3 5.89 4.79
Magnesium (mg/100g) 10* 36 33.1 57.9 75.3 66 74.8 59.5 24.7 30.2
Manganese (mg/100g) 0.024* 0.08 0.06 <0.1 <0.01 0.66 0.85 0.417 0.92 0.29 0.25 <0.1
Zinc (mg/100g) 1.1* 2.99 3.63 2.96 2.89 5.5 5.43 5.7 3.88 3.73 3.5 4.33 2.14
Sodium (mg/100g) 126* 370 371 204 254 114

Sources (5) (1) (1) (2) HBF (2) HBF (3) (3) (8) HBF HBF (3) (1) HBF
FOOD TYPE Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Chicken Chicken Guinea Pig Sparrow Pigeon Pheasant Crow Rabbit Hare Beef Beef
AGE 12 Weeks 12 Weeks 6 Weeks 10 Weeks
SEX Male Mixed Male Male
SAMPLE SIZE 3 200 3 3 11
PREP METHOD Skinned Plucked Decapitated Plucked Lean Lean Lean Lean Lean Washed


Moisture (%) 66.9 64.9 66.9 64.4 67.7 66.5 67.7 69.3 68.38 72.2 72.4 69.6 74.2 74.8

Gross Energy (Kcal/kg DM) 5840 5923 6500 6900 5930 5393 6100 5520 5780 5890 5990 1149 819

Crude Fibre (%DM) 1.7 1.5 2 0.43

Protein (%DM) 64.4 56.1 58.9 42.7 44.8 56.7 64 58.9 64.58
Lipid (%DM) 23.7 24.9 29.9 46.5 41 26.9 47.2 45.4 15.93 20.7* 0* 8.6* 5* 11.7*
Ash (%DM) 9.2 10.4 9.7 7.6 10.3 9.5 10.4 8.9 10.62
Calcium (%DM) 2.38 1.7 2.3 1.94 2.94
Phosphorus (%DM) 1.72 1.2 1.5 1.4 2.35

Protein (g/100g) 19.5* 20.7 14.4

Nitrogen (g/100g) 13* 14.8* 11.3* 14.4 13.8
Lipid (g/100g) 9.9* 5.7 4.2
Ash (g/100g) 3.2*
HBF- April 2000 UKAS Accredited Values
(Copyright Honeybrook Animal Foods)
Vitamin A- Retinol (IU/100g) 65734 13533 3559 1999
Vitamin B1- Thiamine (mg/100g) 0.02 0.85
(1) Gessaman 1987
Vitamin E- Alpha-tocopherol (IU/100g) 7.44 5.9 6.14 2.98
(2) Lavigne et al. 1994
(3) Clum et al. 1997
Ca:P Ratio 1:38:1 1:51:1 1:2:1 1:5:1 1:39:1 1:25:1 (4) Barton and Houston 1993 0:05:1 0:08:1
(5) McCance and Widdowson 1991
Calcium (mg/100g) 3208 2110 2455 2946 (6) Bird et al. 1982 30 40
Phosphorus (mg/100g) 1400 (7) Heidrenreich 1997 660 490
Copper (mg/100g) 0.38 0.8 0.549 0.45 0.27 0.6 1.26 (8) Dierenfeld et al. 1994
Iron (mg/100g) 7.64 8.46 13.3 4.91 9.76 5.19 59.2
Magnesium (mg/100g) 43.2 72.2 53.6 63.7 30 No part of this table may be reproduced without
Manganese (mg/100g) 0.53 0.41 0.709 0.3 1.1 0.66 1.14 the permission of Honeybrook Animal Foods
Zinc (mg/100g) 4.4 4.77 4.87 5.28 7.41 6.44
Sodium (mg/100g) 273

Sources (3) (1) HBF (2) (2) (1) (3) (3) (6) (4) (4) (4) (4) (4) (7) (7)
1. Anthropomorphism
As a general principle, Brue (1994) warns us against the dangers of the enthusiast’s anthropomorphic views.
The tendency to ‘humanize’ an animal and perceiving all its needs through the eyes of the owner can lead to
nutritional problems as a result of earnest attempts to do the best in terms of dietary provision. There is often a
belief that nothing can be too good for a bird, and it is provided with an incredible variety of often not so
nutritious foods. Similarly, the inexperienced can fall victim to the advice of self-proclaimed experts trying to
achieve personal recognition through the emphatic and frequent unsupported recommendations of certain
feeding programmes. The authors have encountered the following problems that can be directly linked to an
attempt by the falconer to do the best for his bird:

• Overfeeding;
• Feeding exclusively one type of expensive food e.g. quail or rat;
• Feeding a varied diet but using the wrong items e.g. lean beef, turkey necks & super-market chicken;
• Additions of non-standard foodstuffs to the diet e.g honey, cod liver oil and even ‘vegetarian’ sausage;
• Using the feeding regime of one type of hawk for another e.g. high fat diets for Merlins;
• Over usage of vitamin supplements;
• Using live-trapped wild mice for owls, risking poisoning.

2. Ignoring differences between species

Where keepers have a varied collection of hawks, or where the novice has based his dietary regime on the
advice, for example, of another falconer, who may own a different type of hawk, the temptation is to use the
same feeding regime for all birds of prey. The nutritional requirements of hawks, however, vary with age,
reproductive cycle and whether the bird is being flown, moulted out or free lofted.

Wide variances exist between species, for example, European Kestrels (Falco tinnunculus) can breed
successfully for several generations on an exclusive day old chick diet (Forbes & Cooper 1993). In contrast
merlins (Falco columbarius) fed on the same diet will not thrive. Free living merlins consume a predominantly
insect-based diet and a high fat diet may be a contributory factor in Fatty Liver Kidney Syndrome of Merlins
(Forbes & Cooper 1993). The diet of free living Secretary birds (Sagittarius serpentarius) is predominantly
snakes, which are lower in energy and higher in Ca:P ratio than most commercial raptor diets. Young fast
growing Secretary birds fed on standard raptor diets may suffer a Ca:P:D3 in balance with resultant metabolic
bone disease (rickets).

3. Unnecessary or excessive vitamin supplementation

Vitamin supplementation, without quantitative analysis, is not a good substitute for good basic nutrition (Sandfort
et al. 1991, Forbes & Rees Davies 2000). Furthermore, if raptors are being fed a good diet, supplements will
only be required at times of additional stress, if at all (Forbes & Rees Davies 2000).

The problem is two-fold:

a. Incorrectly balanced supplements, for raptors i.e. a vitamin/mineral supplement based on the
nutritional requirements of one species is unlikely to be suitable for another (Angel & Plasse
1997, Forbes & Rees Davies 2000). All fat-soluble vitamins compete with each other for
absorption. Hence if any one of the fat-soluble vitamins is available in excess there can be
competitive exclusion in the fat micelle – (it simply gets super saturated with whichever fat-
soluble vitamin there is in greatest abundance and the others get left out). This leads to an
antagonistic interaction among the vitamins. An incorrectly formulated and unbalanced vitamin
supplement preparation can be harmful if any one vitamin is out of balance and present in
excessive amounts. A vitamin supplement formulated for one species may well be incorrect for
another. Any supplement used should be one prepared professionally specifically for raptors.

b. Inaccurate portion control, either in an attempt to ‘do good’ i.e. in the mistaken idea that if one
pinch is good, two pinches are better. Or simply through lack of accurate manufacturers
guidelines or portion control.

In a study undertaken at Houston Zoo (Angel & Plasse 1997), wide variations were found
amongst individual keepers’ interpretation of the quantities of supplements that should be
added to avian diets. "A pinch" was found to weigh between 0.1 and 1.9 g, with differences
existing within the same feed preparation area and between separate feed preparation areas.
This led to large nutrient variations with instances of, in some cases, excesses and, in others,
deficiencies. Houston Zoo has discontinued the use of additional vitamin and mineral
supplements preferring to feed a balanced diet.

Vitamin supplementation added directly to the food has also not shown any detectable differences in health
(Crawford 1987) although food supplementation when provided in the food to prey species, has shown benefits
to the secondary consumer (Crawford 1987, Dierenfeld et al. 1989). Furthermore, a recent study of antibiotic
dosage rates (ceftiofur sodium) shows that different avian species have widely varying pharmacokinetic rates
and that such differences must be considered when establishing nutrient levels for different avian species (Tell
et al. 1998). Consequently, nutritional levels for raptors will vary significantly and the usage of non-raptor
specific, commercial, supplementation compounds may well be ill advised.

In conclusion, varied, whole animal diets are desirable as they require little or no supplementation (Carpenter et
al. 1987, Burnham et al. 1987, Cooper 1985, Dierenfeld et al. 1994, Bruning et al. 1980, Lavigne et al. 1994a &
1994b, Forbes and Rees Davies 2000). The Macdonald Raptor Research Centre has, for example, reviewed its
requirements for vitamin supplementation (Bird 1987) and now feeds its large colony, 250+, of American
kestrels (Falco sparverius) a diet of exclusively day-old cockerels (Bird pers. comm.)

4. Monotypic diets – (being provided with only of one kind of food)

Despite the adequacy of day-old cockerels as a staple food for many species of raptors, monotypic diets are
unlikely to be advisable. Manganese deficiency, for example, has been documented in captive raptors fed a diet
containing exclusively rat (Clum et al. 1997).

5. Monophagism – (habitual eating of only one kind of food)

Comparative work on digestive efficiency of birds of prey has shown that the Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo), a
generalist species, has a greater digestive efficiency on a wider range of prey than the Peregrine Falcon (Falco
peregrinus), a specialist species (Barton & Houston 1993). Such variation in the ability of different species to
extract nutrients from their food requires the falconer to consider the dietary suitability for his own species and to
ensure that the birds of prey in his care do not become locked into eating a narrow selection of foods.

Allowing a bird to eat in this manner invites nutritional problems. Unfortunately, monophagism often goes
unrecognised when birds are allowed to eat free choice from a small variety of foods placed in front of them.
The problem is most noticeable when changing from one type of food to another. In such cases a falcon may
not eat for several days prior to trying the new food offered. A wide and varied diet throughout the year will
accustom raptors to the range of food that they are expected to eat. Whilst offering a wide range of food
throughout the year, birds of prey should only receive a single type of food at each feed. The temptation to offer
both chicks and quail or rat at a feed should be avoided, as it will tend to favour selective feeding. Monophagism
means that the hawk will only eat the type of food it wishes to, or only that part of the animal it happens to

It should be remembered that birds of prey do not have any innate nutritional knowledge. They are like children
who would eat burgers and sweets daily if allowed. Only enough food of a single type per day should be fed,
with diet variation taking place over a period of time, in order to ensure that large enough portions of each food
type are eaten thereby maximising the nutritional advantages of each food consumed.

6. Excessive food provision

Birds eat to satisfy energy demands, so on a diet high in energy e.g. a high fat diet; they will eat less and
therefore may not obtain the required micronutrients or trace elements from the food they consume. Likewise,
the energy requirements of captive birds of prey are less than their wild counterparts, if fed as much as a wild
bird obesity will ensue. However although their energy requirement is less, their micro nutrient and trace
element requirements will be the same. In order for captive birds to consume sufficient micronutrients and trace
elements whilst consuming a smaller food volume the levels of these elements in their food must be greater.

Many falconers over feed their falcons in the misplaced concept that they will regulate their own consumption.
This situation, whether through a lack of care in measuring and portioning food or through a misplaced attempt
to do the best for our raptors, should be avoided. The result of over feeding is even more dangerous than
monophagism, mentioned earlier, as it encourages or permits a bird to be selective in which part of the portion
they consume. This often leads to poor nutrition and nutritional deficiency related diseases.

Great care needs to be taken to match the amount of food being fed to the energy requirements of the bird of
prey. Whilst less of a problem in flying/hunting birds, it is relatively common in aviary birds, particularly those
which form part of a breeding programme. Much care needs to be taken in matching the levels of food offered
to the food intake levels and the actual energy requirement of the bird. The ultimate aim should be to feed
sufficient food daily to ensure that a small amount of waste is left and that as much of the carcass is consumed
as possible, with the excess being frequently removed from the aviary. Excessive feeding leads to selectivity,
obesity and the potential for food decay, ingestion of spoiled food and the attraction of vermin.

7. Incomplete diets

Whole diets comprising flesh, bone, skin and casting materials are preferable to partial diets comprising just
lean meat.

Bones, for example, found in pellets cast by the gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus, were heavily modified by digestion,
with traces of digestion observed on more than 80% of articular ends, nearly 100% of broken surfaces and on
some shafts (Bochenski et al. 1998). It would appear, therefore, that the digestive tract of falcons are adapted to
cope with bone structure and that the high levels of digestion found suggest that bones form an important part of
the diet of birds of prey.

8. Over enthusiastic evisceration

The liver of an animal stores over 90% of the vitamin A content of a carcass as well as many other vitamins
(Annex B). The evisceration of animals, therefore, beyond the removal of the intestines (where necessary)
should be avoided. The routine de-yolking of day-old chicks will also dramatically reduce their vitamin A content
and is not recommended except in specific situations, for example when feeding merlins, when yolk once a
week is the maximum recommended frequency (Forbes and Cooper 1993).

When eviscerating supplementary food animals, every effort should be made to leave the internal organs in
place particularly when they are being fed to flying birds which have received a diet of skinned and de-yolked
chicks to maintain flying/hunting weights.

9. Poor preparation, storage and handling

Manner and length of storage can dramatically affect food quality and nutrient levels. Blast feeding of day-old
chicks, for example, produces a significantly higher nutritional quality end product when compared to slow
freezing in a domestic chest freezer. Home freezing, in a chest freezer, is a health hazard to birds of prey as the
slow freezing process can allow bacteria to reach dangerous levels. Modern blast freezing equipment produces
high quality food economically.

Linked to the method of freezing is the length of storage time. Food kept for protracted periods in domestic and
commercial freezers deteriorates in nutritional quality, particularly in terms of water-soluble vitamins and vitamin
E. Freezing is a drying process and long-term storage (unless sealed) can reduce the water content of food. As

birds of prey obtain the majority of their water intake from their food, moisture depletion caused by long-term
storage can cause potential problems during warm weather.

Food should be sourced from suppliers with modern large-scale freezing plant and with sufficient turnover of
stock to ensure that the food supplied has been frozen immediately after culling and is supplied as soon
afterwards as possible. The temptation of bulk buying to obtain quantity discounts, with subsequent long-term
storage in domestic freezers should be avoided. Some falconry clubs have purchase deals with food suppliers
to ensure that each member need only buy sufficient food for their immediate requirements at competitive rates,
rather than splitting a larger order.

The method of killing should be ascertained and it should be certain that no toxic or noxious substances
could be in the food. Barbiturate poisoning has occurred in both wild and captive raptors after birds have
been fed the carcasses of animals euthenased with pentobarbitone. Other possible toxic contaminants
include alphachloralose, mercury, mevinphos and other pesticides.

Animals or birds fed to raptors must not have been on any form of medication, or medicated food prior to
their death. Withdrawal times will depend on agents involved. The feeding of day old poults hatched from
antibiotic treated turkey eggs has led to infertility (Forbes & Rees Davies 2000).

Food should not be kept stored (frozen) for more than 3 months.

The potential risks of zoonotic (diseases transferable to man from animals) infections should always be
considered when handling raptors or their food.

10. Husbandry techniques

• Poor aviary design

Low calcium levels in food offered have often been accused of causing bone defects in raptors and thin-shelled
eggs. Although some researchers have accepted such claims the authors believe that this is now an
uncommon cause. It is more likely the Ca:P:D3 ratios are abnormal (which gives rise to bone or egg defects) as
a consequence of selective feeding of lack of vitamin D3. Activated vitamin D3 is not normally obtained from food
sources, but is manufactured on the bird, when ultra violet light (in unfiltered sun light) reacts with vitamin D3
which is secreted from the preen gland and spread across the plumage by the bird during preening. During
preening sufficient levels of activated D3 are consumed by the bird.

The body for the correct absorption, mobilisation and control of both phosphorus and calcium requires Vitamin
D3. As a consequence a vitamin D3 deficiency leads to a calcium deficient bird, despite the ingestion of a diet
with an adequate Ca content. A bird requires a minimum of 45 minutes un-filtered (i.e. no glass or PVC etc)
daylight daily to activate sufficient vitamin D3, to meet its’ requirements.

Poor aviary design or sighting can have a dramatic effect on the nutritional well being of our birds. Those
raptors, which are not be routinely pegged out on the weathering lawn, should be housed in light, airy aviaries
that ensure they are exposed to good daily levels of natural light.

• Poor hygiene standards

The cleanliness of the food preparation that we use for our birds should match those that we use for ourselves.
Whilst wild birds of prey may be forced to eat carrion, there is no requirement to inflict this on our birds. After all
we expect our captive birds to enjoy a considerably greater life expectancy than wild birds, and the provision of
quality wholesome food has an integral role in achieving this. For example vitamin E acts as an anti-oxidant in
our food and as such high levels act as a preservative. Rancidity, arising due to excessive storage, therefore,
rapidly depletes the vitamin E content of the food fed to our raptors. Food sourced from a reputable supplier,
correctly stored, defrosted and prepared should cause little problems when fed to our birds of prey.

• Poor quality food

Taylor et al. (1991) found that American Kestrels Falco sparverius, when feeding on prey species which were
close to starvation and therefore in poor condition due to low fat reserves, increased their food consumption by
more than 120% but were still unable to satisfy their energetic demands. The moral for the falconer is that a
larger quantity of poor quality food does not compensate for feeding a high quality diet initially.

The temptation to use ‘road-kills’, spent racing pigeons and domestically raised rodents fed on poor quality diets
(as opposed to lab raised animals) should be avoided. The extra cost of top quality raised food when compared
to the high investment, both financial and in terms of training and upkeep, in our raptors is negligible when
compared to the potential risks involved in feeding cheap, poor quality food.

The influence of diets upon the ultimate nutrient composition of prey items should not be underestimated in
managed feeding programs. We are, after all, what we eat. Clearly by managing the diets of prey species,
optimal diets could be developed for its secondary consumers: birds of prey. At the very least the feeding
regimes of the prey items must be considered when evaluating the nutritional adequacy and choice of supplier
for food items to be fed to raptors, let alone the potential benefits of feeding food such as the vitamin E
enhanced quail mentioned previously.


The lack of complete scientific evidence and research does not allow anyone to set down formal rules for the
feeding of domestic birds of prey. This guide can only be an introduction to what is currently known.

Given the analytical data in Table 3, it is clear that day-old chicks are a cost effective and nutritious staple diet
for raptors particularly when supplemented by a variety other whole prey items. Furthermore the alternative to
the provision of a varied diet: routine vitamin supplementation under taken by many falconers is either
unnecessary or indeed may be detrimental to the health of their birds.

Allied to the correct feeding of whole prey items is the question of its quality. The use of poorly raised and
prepared foodstuffs whilst, perhaps, being low in price are expensive when considered against the potential
harm they can cause.

In essence, an individual raptors requirement for food, in terms of both quantity and type is affected by the
interaction between:

1. Food specific factors:


Method of preparation;

Nutritional content and make-up of non-food items (castings etc.).

2. Individual bird specific factors:


Digestive efficiency;

Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR).

3. For a given stage in its life cycle (moult, growth, breeding, hunting and illness etc.).

4. And for a particular set of environmental conditions (climate, geographical location etc.).

A change in any one variable will impact on what should be fed and in what quantity, see Figure 1, below.

Annex A
Common deficiencies and excesses

Although this is already covered, since this subject is so important the practical aspects of Ca:P:vitamin
D3 are also considered, in greater depth, here.

Ca:P:D3 in balance, metabolic bone disease (MBD), also commonly known as rickets is the most
important nutritional deficiency of raptors. Birds may present with signs ranging from slight bowing of the
legs, longitudinal rotation of the lower legs to major multiple folding fractures of the skeleton and even fits.
MBD is most likely to occur in fast growing larger species. Breeders should be advised not to feed such
species ad libitum, but rather to restrain the potential growth rate. ‘Angel wing’ or ‘slipped wing’ (an
outward rotation of the section of the wing from which the primary feathers originate) has been
experienced one of the authors (NF) in several fast growing larger raptors. This is readily controlled if
diagnosed early by bandaging the primaries against the body, together with Ca, vitamin D3
supplementation and restriction of the growth rate. The diet must comprise of whole carcasses, i.e. not
simply muscle (i.e. meat). The author (NF) has investigated calcium deficiencies in free living Golden
eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and European buzzard (Buteo buteo). In the former case the young were
parent reared in an area with limited ground game. The birds were feeding predominantly on fallen sheep
carcasses. However, they were only consuming meat from the carcasses (as sheep bones were too large
for young chicks to consume). The buzzards were rearing young in an area with a significant rabbit die off
due to myxomatosis. Food was plentiful and rabbit bones were too large for young buzzard chicks,
moreover in view of excessive food availability selectivity of ingestion was encouraged. A similar situation
can arise when a breeder feeds a whole carcass diet of rabbit and pigeon for the parent rearing of young
Harris’ hawks (Parabuteo unicintus). Either the young are unable to consume the larger bones or the
parents feed what is easiest. The result is severe MBD. It is a question of what food is consumed by
the birds rather than what is offered. Although day old chicks have often historically been considered a
marginal diet, the bones are small, analytical data shows that they contain a sufficient Ca level, moreover
all the bones can and typically are consumed. Day olds are therefore considered a suitable diet for young
chicks, although supplementation with other foods (whole carcass ground up completely) is advisable.
Calcium deficiency may also be encountered in neonates produced by a hen with significant renal
pathology, or from one which has laid an excessive number of eggs (usually due to egg pulling or multiple
clutching). Any multiple clutching hen should have her diet supplemented with Ca, D3 as soon as the first
clutch has been completed. Calcium deficiency due to inadequate D3 levels is less common in raptors in
comparison with psittacines in view of the contrast in typical husbandry.


Casting: is the indigestible parts of the carcass, which are consumed and then regurgitated as a pellet by
raptor. This includes hair, feathers and in some cases (e.g. Owls) skeletal elements. Casting should not
be given to any chicks under 12 days of age, and for some species (e.g. Merlin) not until 20 days of age.
This applies in particular to ‘hard’ casting such as rodent fur, whilst chick down is considerably easier to
deal with. Young chicks are often unable to cast such material; leading to a proventricular obstruction and
death. Clinically a firm swelling may be palpable caudal to the edge of the sternum. Treatment using
prokinetics (metoclopramide, cisapride), oral and parenteral fluid therapy, antibiosis and cautious use of
oral liquid paraffin is often effective. If this is unsuccessful, surgery could be attempted, but success rates
of proventriculotomy on neonates are often poor. Breeding females with developing ovarian follicles and a
swollen active oviduct may have difficulties with excessive casting due to lack of abdominal space. A
normal raptor will produce a casting 8 – 16 hours after a meal. Birds cannot be fed again until they have
cast. If this does occur, a small intestine obstruction can arise.

Inadvertent ingestion of indigestible matter: On occasions organic material may be consumed with food
(e.g. peat or vegetable material from nest ledges, wood shavings, which the bird is unable to cast. In such
cases an ingluviolith or proventricular impaction will occur. Harris’ hawks are the most intelligent of the
common captive raptor species. They will at times ‘play’ with materials in their surroundings and can
ingest various foreign bodies. One example is that they can learn to untie the knot tethering their leash to
the perch. The leash can be pulled free of the swivel and the bird can then swallow the leash
necessitating an ingluviotomy. Large foreign bodies may be safely left 24 hours, in the expectation that
the bird will naturally cast them. Owls, both in captivity and in the wild, occasionally eat very long twigs
(on occasions 6 - 8 inches long). The bird may appear inappetant, uncomfortable and miserable.
Sometimes the twig is ‘cast’, but on other occasions, it may perforate the crop or proventriculus with a
grave prognosis. Endoscopic or surgical removal may be necessary. Another form of obstruction seen
especially in the larger owls is the ingestion of pea gravel. The bird is presented with a history of having a
good weight but marked loss of body condition. Gastric distension by the gravel reduces the bird’s
appetite and little or no food is ingested. The condition is often advanced by the time of presentation.

Ingestion of over size food items: the feeding of rabbit or hare carcasses with intact femurs can cause
problems. The bone may pass directly into the proventriculus and be digested. However, in larger raptors
the bone may rotate into a transverse position in the crop or proventriculus. The bone may form an
obstruction in the crop or perforate the gut leading to a terminal peritonitis. If the bone is broken
(preferably without sharp ends) before feeding the problem does not arise. A similar situation can develop
when pheasant necks are fed whole. The neck usually passes down straight, but occasionally will double
over in the crop or distal oesophagus becoming. On occasions, birds will eat uncommon prey items. The
most unusual obstruction encountered by the author (NF) was a female Red Tailed Hawk (Buteo
jamaicensis) which had caught and eaten a hedgehog (Erinaceous europaeus). Initially the bird was fine,
but after 18 hours with no casting, she was presented for examination. Barium contrast radiography
confirmed the presence of multiple spines and fur lodged in the proventriculus. The obstruction was
successfully removed via abdominal surgery.

Decreased motility: Decreased gastrointestinal motility can occur due to gastrointestinal obstructions and
infections but also many other diseases. It may occur following over-eating, especially if the bird is in low
condition or suffering from any illness. This occurs most commonly when a bird has made it’s first kill. The
bird may have been reduced in weight to encourage it to ‘enter’; having killed it is rewarded by being
allowed to eat a large part of the kill. 'Sour Crop' is a common and rapidly serious manifestation of this
decreased motility. Ingested meat is held within the crop being maintained at 38 - 40 C, with no gastric
acid or enzymes present to prevent bacterial multiplication. Initial treatment by the falconer for a slow
emptying crop is administration of 5 - 10ml/kg of saline by crop tube. The additional lubrication will often
speed the passage of the food from the crop. If this is not effective and the crop is still unmoved after 6 - 8
hours, the bird will require urgent veterinary intervention. Intravenous fluids, antibiotics and non-steroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs and are given. The most urgent action required is to empty the crop. With the bird
anaesthetised and entubated crop contents may be ‘milked back’ to the mouth from the crop and
removed. However this may be time consuming and traumatic to the patient. It is considered that an
ingluviotomy is a more rapid, complete, and lower risk procedure, which also facilitates lavage of the crop
with warm saline to remove all unabsorbed toxins. In a critical patient, it may be prudent to close the
ingluviotomy on a subsequent day. Every effort should be made to identify possible underlying conditions.
Following surgery the bird is given iv and oral fluid replacement therapy, gradually moving over to liquid
foods once the crop is emptying normally, and finally solid food without casting once the bird is begging
for it.

Feeding in abnormal circumstances

Neonates: chicks are "immune incompetent" for the initial days of their lives. Hygienic food preparation is
imperative. In our experience, the best preventive action is to feed a probiotic, for the first ten to fourteen
days of life. The probiotic will colonise the gut with helpful organisms thereby reducing the chance of an
over growth with pathogenic organisms.

Feeding the bird which is low in condition: casting is not required on a daily basis. If a bird is low in
condition, withhold casting, feed half crop of food this may be repeated as soon as the crop is empty,

rather than waiting hours for the bird to cast.

Feeding the Vomiting Bird: vomiting may arise in raptors because of a whole range of different conditions,
all of which require veterinary attention. A bird, which is vomiting, should not be immediately offered more
food, even if it is loosing weight fast. The bird should be anaesthetised, diagnostic test performed, an
indwelling iv catheter placed, and antibiotics, prokinetics and fluid therapy administered. If vomiting
ceases, an hour later 5ml/kg warm oral electrolytes may be administered. If the fluid is kept down, it
should be repeated once more two hours later. If that is retained then a further two hours later, a feed
with the same volume of a liquidised food (e.g. Hills A/d. Hills UK. Hatfield ) should be given by crop tube.
This liquidised food is repeated every 2 hours, increasing to 10ml/kg on at least 3-4 occasions. Meat is
only offered when the bird recognises it from a distance and demonstrates it is keen to eat it. The first
solid food offered should be easy to ‘put over’ and digest e.g. skinned DOC.

Feeding the inappetant bird: often one is presented with a bird, which is low in condition, but is
inappetant. There are many causes for this scenario. Any mouth (e.g. trichomoniasis, capillariasis,
candidiasis), oesophagus/crop (e.g. local irritant, bacterial infection, sour crop, pox virus), stomach (e.g.
impaction, infection), air sac (e.g. aspergillosis, air sacculitis, egg peritonitis), major organ failure or
septicaemia is likely to lead to a depressed appetite. Some birds do not want to eat on other occasions
the bird attempts to eat, but then head flicks and brings the food back. A specific diagnosis must be made
and the condition treated. In the authors opinion appropriate fluid therapy and nutritional support save
more birds than any other medical or surgical therapy. In cases of oral or cervical trauma in ingluviostomy
tube may be used, i.e. a plastic feeding tube which may be surgically inserted direct into the crop. Care
should be taken in maintaining hygiene of the tube.

The bird who is not maintaining weight on it’s normal food intake or not gaining weight on an increased
food intake: this is common reason for presentation of a bird by a falconer. As the falconer is weighing his
bird daily, minor changes in metabolic efficiency are readily apparent. Frequent cast free meals should be
given to increase the bird’s weight, whilst a diagnostic work up is performed.

Feeding birds and travelling: birds should not be fed directly before travelling, in particular if they are not
used to travelling. If considering an experienced flying bird, which is used to travelling, known not to
suffer from travel sickness, then feeding up after a kill travelling home is acceptable. In other situations, a
bird should not be travelled with food in the crop or proventriculus. The bird should have cast prior to
travelling. If a bird casts whilst hooded or closely confined in a travelling box it may choke on the casting,
if it were to attempt to cast during transit.

Annex B
The following are the known categories of essential nutrients:

• Water

• Protein, 8-10 essential amino acids (all 20 are necessary for protein synthesis, but some are made from
other amino acids or from carbohydrate and ammonium ions).

• Calories (energy) from protein, carbohydrate or fat.

• Essential fatty acids

• 13 vitamins (organic compounds required in "small" amounts).

• 16-20 minerals (inorganic compounds required in "small" amounts).

Whole prey provides an excellent source of water for raptors (Dierenfeld et al. 1994). Additionally, the younger
the animal the more water it contains (Robbins 1983). Nevertheless, incorrect handling i.e. long-term freezer
storage can deplete the water content of food necessitating re-hydration, particularly, during warm weather.

Additional fresh, clean water in the form of a hawk bath, both for bathing and drinking should also be readily
available to birds of prey in captivity on a daily basis.

It is essential for keepers to appreciate that although a raptor may receive the vast majority of its daily water
intake from its food, if it is not eating, it may well have no water intake. Whilst a bird may survive for a day or
two without eating, it cannot survive this long without taking in water.

Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins. These make the DNA and RNA inside the cells.

Proteins are made up of a combination of 22 Amino Acids, 10 of which can’t be manufactured by the body and
are deemed essential Amino Acids.

The usefulness of protein in the diet depends on its quality.

Factors affecting quality are:

(a) Balance of Amino Acids

(b) Availability of these AA’s in the foodstuff

Proteins are broken down by digestive enzymes in the stomach and pancreas and then absorbed into the small
intestine. Stomach and pancreas disease can result in low protein digestion.

The assistance of the University of Oxford Chemistry Department in preparing this section is gratefully

In raptors, growth studies to determine optimum protein levels found the optimal growth and earliest fledging
was achieved with a high protein diet (day-old cockerels) as opposed to a high fat (mouse) based diet (Lavigne
1994a & 1994b)

Energy is necessary for all bodily functions and is derived from the metabolism of Protein, Fat and
Carbohydrates. The energy content of food is measured in kilocalories: the oxidation of a gram of fat liberates
9.5 kcal, twice that of a gram of carbohydrate or protein. Animals and birds have no specific requirements for
fats, but they do require essential fatty acids (lipids) that make up the fat.

The theoretical energy content of protein is 22.59 kJ/g, but only 17.99 kJ/g are available. Therefore, meat with a
high proportion of fat is energetically more valuable than a diet, such as rabbit, which is virtually all protein
(Barton & Houston 1993).

Fats are the most efficient source of energy, they are very easily absorbed and fat deposits are the method of
storing energy in the body.

Carbohydrates are very important because this is the only energy source the brain can use. These include
starches and sugars.

More strenuous activities consume more calories. The liver and muscles store excess energy (calories) in the
form of glycogen, whilst further excess is stored in adipose tissue in the form of fat. Monomers from any of the
complex organic molecules can be used to produce energy, although those from carbohydrates and fats are
used first. In inactive birds, however, protein is used before fat if muscle usage is not required, for example, in
body temperature maintenance in cold weather. Protein levels, therefore, need to be maintained during the
winter as well as increasing the fat content of food.

Lipid content of foods are unlikely to be a limiting factor in the energetics or reproduction of captive birds that
experience lower energy demands and more regular access to food (Clum et al. 1997). A greater potential
problem in captivity is likely to be egg and chick viability, which can be severely affected by vitamin and mineral
content of food (Dierenfeld et al. 1989).

These are nutrients essential for proper health and are generally only required in small amounts. There are two
main groups of Vitamins:

a) Fat soluble - A, D, and E.

b) Water soluble - all others

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is required for:

Integrity of skin and mucus membranes;
Disease resistance (especially oral, gut and respiratory infections);
Growth, especially of bones.

Its absence from diet leads to a loss in weight and failure of growth in young animals, to the eye diseases;
xerophthalmia, and night blindness, kidney disease and to a general susceptibility to infections. It is thought to
help prevent the development of cancer.

Vitamin A levels in prey items meet or exceed all known requirements for this vitamin (Robbins 1983), yet many
commercial supplements fed to carnivores contain unwarranted high levels of this vitamin (Dierenfeld et al.
1994). Indeed excess vitamin A has been cited as a relatively common cause of death in captive wildlife
(Robbins 1983).

The liver stores Vitamin A and contains approx. 90% of the body’s Vitamin A, therefore, when eviscerating prey
items it is suggested that the liver as well as the other organs: heart, lungs, kidneys etc are left in place.

Vitamin A is structurally related to carotene. Carotene is converted into vitamin A in the liver, two molecules of
vitamin A are formed from one molecule of beta carotene. Excess carotenoids in the diet do not cause toxicity,
as they are not converted to Vitamin A unless more is required, however, too much may cause the skin and fat
to turn yellow. Vitamin A - there are several forms of this vitamin all with different activities in the body. Birds
don’t obtain Vitamin A from plants, but obtain its precursors, the Carotenoids. These are generally
yellow/orange pigments of which Beta-Carotene is the most important.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3 is needed for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the gut and the regulation of calcium
levels in the blood.

Sunlight activates vitamin D3 on the plumage, which is then ingested. The absence of vitamin D3 in the food of
young birds may lead to the development of rickets (Ca:P:D3 in balance, metabolic bone disease) unless the
animal is exposed to unfiltered sunlight for at least 45 minutes per day or UV irradiation.

There are two main forms of this vitamin:

• Vitamin D2 manufactured by plants and, therefore, available from prey species;

• Vitamin D3 manufactured in the body.

Activated Vitamin D3, however, is 30 to 40 times more potent than Vitamin D2 and as vitamin D3 is activated in
the body by exposure to UV light, juvenile birds in covered flights may be predisposed to hypovitaminosis D and
ultimately rickets. Birds that do not preen for any reason (and may be identified as those with poor plumage)
may also be at risk, as in failing to preen they will not spread Vit D3 or ingest activated D3.

Vitamin D3 deficiency causes calcium deficiency, hence a keeper must appreciate that when such signs arise
the whole picture (Ca:P:VitD3 ratio) must be considered rather than assuming that the bird or the diet offered is
calcium deficient.

Production of thin or soft shelled eggs;

Egg binding;
Low clutch size;
Low hatchability;
Leg weakness;
Tremors in young growing birds:
Rickets ;
Bent or broken bones.

It is clear that exposure to sunlight, either through correct aviary design or the frequent use of the weathering
lawn, can have real and positive benefits on the health of raptors.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E is essential for fertility, reproduction and red blood cell formation.

Vitamin E enhancement of quail fed to falcons, at the Peregrine Fund facility Boise Idaho, (Dierenfeld et al.
1989) has seen:

Improved libido effects in adults;

Increased hatchability of eggs (59% to 83%);
Increased activity in chicks with, for example, food begging occurring between 4 & 10 hours earlier than in
previous years.

Vitamin E is widely distributed in the body fat of animals, though animals cannot synthesise it, however, rancidity
of fats will use up vitamin E from the prey carcass and create a deficiency. Vitamin E is absorbed freely in the
bowel but requires proper liver and pancreas function for digestion. It is stored in the liver and in plasma in
blood. As with vitamin A, prey should be freshly killed or correctly frozen and thawed and if eviscerated the body
organs should be left in as a valuable source of this vitamin.

Deficiencies produce:

White muscle disease - a muscular dystrophy;

Low hatchability due to a weakness in the pipping muscle of the chick;
Splayed legs;
Brain dysfunction – incoordination;
Odema - swelling around the neck, wings or breast.

Vitamin K

This is the first of the water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin K is needed for effective blood clotting.

A deficiency is rare due to bacterial synthesis within the body and deficient diets are almost impossible to
produce (Dierenfeld pers. comm.).

Deficiencies occur with coccidiostats and long term antibiotic treatment that kill off the bacteria in the bowel and
is characterised by haemorrhages due to a failure of the blood to clot properly.

A good source of Vitamin K is the liver of prey species and the earlier comments regarding partial evisceration
of food items apply to this vitamin. The use of a pro-biotic to encourage beneficial gut bacteria after antibiotic
treatment should prove beneficial.


Vitamin B1, thiamine, releases the energy from carbohydrates and fat.

It is an anti-neuritic factor, the absence of which from the diet of birds to polyneuritics, the most fundamental
symptoms of which is general nervous atrophy.

Thiamine is available in most foods but requires constant uptake as is not stored in the body and, consequently,
may be in short supply within the carcass of prey species. Deficiencies can also occur where there is
competition for uptake - e.g. Amprolium in coccidiostats and are characterised by:

Decreased appetite;
Seizures and death.

Concerns have been expressed as to the levels of thiamine found in day-old chicks (Cooper 1975), however;
other research can not substantiate these concerns (Bird & Ho 1976). Clearly the feeding regimes undertaken
during the production of prey items will have a marked effect on thiamine levels contained in the food. Raptor
food should, therefore be sourced from reputable suppliers where the nutritional requirements of the prey
species have been adequately addressed.


Vitamin B2, riboflavin is involved in the release of energy from protein, fat and carbohydrate. A good source of
Vitamin B2 is the liver of prey species, though it occurs widely in most animal tissue.

Excesses don’t occur as this vitamin is readily excreted.


Vitamin B3, nicotinic acid, niacin, or 3-pyridine carboxylic is involved in the oxidative release of energy from
food, protects the skin and helps improve circulation.

Although no specific storage of this vitamin occurs within organs in the body it is very high in animal products
due to its distribution throughout most body tissues and deficiencies are unlikely in raptors fed on correctly
raised prey species.


Vitamin B6, pyridoxine, is essential for protein metabolism, and for the formation of haemoglobin - the pigment
in the blood that carries oxygen round the body. Its absence from a diet is, therefore, most commonly
associated with anaemia.

Freshly killed prey species will contain sufficient levels of vitamin B6; however, excessive freezer storage will
deplete levels of this vitamin. In a diet consisting of freshly killed or freshly frozen and thawed food, deficiencies
are unlikely.


Vitamin B12, cyanocobalamine, helps protect nerves and is involved in the formation of red blood cells in the
bone marrow. Vitamin B12 is also concerned in the biosynthesis of methyl groups of choline and methionine.

Vitamin B12 is produced by the growth of certain microorganisms in the gut and is also produced in the liver.
This vitamin is stored very efficiently in the liver and muscle tissue.

A deficiency of vitamin B12 is often due to failure to absorb B12 from the stomach and, as with vitamin K,
deficiencies occur with coccidiostats and long term antibiotic treatment that kill off the bacteria in the bowel.

A good source of vitamin B12 is, once again, the liver of prey species and the earlier comments regarding
partial evisceration of food items applies also to this vitamin. The use of a pro-biotic to encourage beneficial gut
bacteria after antibiotic treatment should prove beneficial.

Deficiencies produce:

Decreased growth rate;

Decreased food intake;
Poor feathering;
Fat accumulation in heart, liver and kidneys.


Folic acid, pteroyl-L-glutamic acid, or vitamin Bc is involved in the formation of new cells and therefore essential
for the normal growth and development of the chick within the egg.

Folic acid is only required in small quantities and is produced by bacteria in the large bowel.

Deficiencies may occur with long-term antibiotic therapy and the use of a pro-biotic to encourage beneficial gut
bacteria after antibiotic treatment should prove beneficial.


Pantothenic Acid is an oil that is required by higher animals and some microorganisms. This is considered a
member of the vitamin B group and is present in most body tissues of prey species.


Biotin is widely distributed in foods in low concentrations. It is absorbed from the large intestine following
production by bacteria in the gut. Biotin is stored in the liver but is slow to be mobilised if needed.


This vitamin is found in all tissues of the body and deficiencies are rare.


Vitamin C or Ascorbic acid is essential for the formation of collagen and intercellular material, bone and teeth
and for the healing of wounds. It helps maintain elasticity of the skin, aids the absorption of iron and improves
resistance to infection. Most birds do not require it, only highly evolved fruit eating birds such as the Willow
Ptarmigan and Red Vented Bulbul. The liver usually manufactures the levels of vitamin C required by raptors
and absorption occurs in the small intestine.

Minerals are inorganic nutrients required in the diet. They are needed in small quantities ranging from 1 mcg to
2500 mcg per day depending on the mineral.

Some minerals serve structural and maintenance roles in the body (calcium, phosphorous) while others serve
as part of enzymes (copper) or other molecules (iron).

Little is known about the mineral requirements of raptors other than potential low levels of calcium in day-old
cockerels have been discussed by Cooper (1975). Modern research (Dierenfeld et al. 1994; Robbins 1983),
however, shows that the calcium levels required by growing birds of prey would normally be met by both day-old
chicks and any of the whole prey items outlined in the main text.

Calcium (Ca) levels need to be evaluated in relation to both dietary phosphorus (P) and vitamin D.

Optimum Ca:P ratios of between 1:1 & 2:1 have been reported for indeterminate egg layers (poultry) with
determinate egg layers i.e. those who lay eggs during a breeding season e.g. raptors, requiring lower levels
(Bird & Ho 1976; Dierenfeld et al. 1994). Furthermore, calcium deficiency can easily be confused with that of
vitamin D3 and given that most diets are sufficient in calcium, falconers need to look at Ca levels ingested, the
Ca:P:D3 ratio and to their husbandry techniques to ensure that lack of access to daylight may not be the

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