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Husbandry Manual Giraffe

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Giraffe Husbandry Manual

By Lorraine Jolly 2003

1.0 Introduction

Husbandry manuals serve as a source of reference on the biology,

maintenance, housing, health, behaviour, diet, breeding, restrain and
transporting of animals held in captivity. They act as a major source
of information for the species. They present information and
experiences (both published and unpublished) together so that the
knowledge of that particular species can be passed on, which in turn
allows for techniques to develop rather than be reinvented. Resulting
in the overall improvement in husbandry for that particular species.
The goal of this Giraffe Husbandry Resource Manual is that it is used
as reference tool for the zoo industry.

The giraffe is a most amazing and unusual animal it is the biggest

ruminant and the tallest mammal complete with a striking coat pattern.
Adult giraffe reach heights of 4m-5.5m and weigh from 550kg -1930kg.
Giraffe are in the mammalian order Artiodactyla, and of the family
Giraffidae, consisting of two living genera and two species (Okapia
johnstoni and Giraffa camelopardalis) both are native to the African
continent. Giraffe are further taxonomically divided into subspecies.
There are nine recognised subspecies of giraffe, each subspecies has
been identified by a particular geographical range, coat pattern and
coat coloration. The home ranges of several subspecies overlap, and
subspecies hybridization occurs in the wild. The exact pattern is
unique to each individual as a fingerprint, the coat pattern is
maintained throughout life (Kingdon 1997).
Giraffe are widespread and successful herbivores of the African
savanna; giraffe browse on trees and shrubs of a variety of species but
are highly selective. The height of the giraffe gives it access to a
band of vegetation on which to browse that is out of reach of other
browsers. Wild giraffe are non-territorial, social animals living in
loose, open herds ranging in size from a few animals up to 50
In the wild giraffe presently range, from the Eastern Transvaal to West
Africa, their occurrence is patchy and discontinuous, and many are
restricted to protected conservation areas. Their range continues to
contract, an estimated total of 140 700 wild giraffe remain. While not
threatened as a species, local populations are vulnerable in many
localities. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN),
conservation status of wild giraffe is lower risk - conservation
dependant (East 1998).
Giraffe are displayed in zoos around the world, and there are
approximately 1500 giraffe in captivity, approximately 60 are held in
Australasian Regional Association of Zoological Parks and Aquaria
(ARAZPA) zoos. Eleven ARAZPA Zoos have giraffe in their collections;
Adelaide Zoo, Auckland Zoo, Hamilton Zoo, Melbourne Zoological Gardens,
Victoria’s Open Range Zoo at Werribee, Western Plains Zoo at Dubbo,
Wellington Zoological Gardens, Monarto Zoological Park, Perth’s
Zoological Gardens, Sydneys’ Taronga Zoo in Sydney and Orana Wildlife
Park. Other regional Zoos Have plans to hold giraffe in the future,
including Mogo Zoo and National Zoo and Aquarium.

1.1 History in Captivity

• Captive giraffe were first recorded in roman times, Julius Caesar

imported a giraffe in 46 BC, it was known as “cameleopard” because
is was as big as a camel with spots like a leopard, this now makes
up part of the Latin species name camelopardalis. (Dagg & Foster

• Giraffe were imported into Egypt in 2500 BC, where they no longer
occurred naturally. Two translations for giraffe in Egyptian
hieroglyphics are `ser’ and `mimi’ (Dagg & Foster 1976).

• In Europe, many giraffe were seen in roman times, but with the
decline of the Roman Empire giraffe largely died out and were
forgotten in Europe. Giraffe were reintroduced into Europe in 1215,
when the sultan of Egypt gave King Fredrick II one as a gift,
giraffe specimens were very rare for the next few hundred years.
(Dagg & Foster 1976).

• In 1805 the first giraffe arrived in the United Kingdom, however it

only survived three weeks. Soon after this giraffe were introduced
more generally into Europe and became prized additions to zoological
collections (Dagg & Foster 1976).

• Frances first giraffe “Zarafa”, arrived in 1827 after sailing 3500

miles down the Nile river and across the Mediterranean sea to
Marseilles, then finally walking 550 miles into Paris (Allin 1998).

1.1.1 History in Captivity in Australasia

Within Australasia there are two taxonomic giraffe groups Rothschild’s

Giraffe and subspecies hybrid giraffes, both management units are
combined and managed in a single Giraffe Studbook.
The first giraffe to arrive in the Australasian region was a wild-
caught male, imported to Taronga Zoo in 1926. Taronga imported several
more animals from various parts of Africa in the late 1920s and early
1930s and Adelaide and Perth zoos also imported wild-caught Giraffes at
this time. Many of these animals were of a known subspecies. (Jolly
Rothschild's Giraffes were not brought into the region until 1982, when
a pair from Canada were imported to Orana Park, Christchurch, New
Zealand these animals are descended from wild-caught specimens from
Uganda, which were collected by Chipperfield’s of Longleat (UK) in the
1970s (Jolly 2000).

1. 2 Popularity and Benefits of Zoo Giraffe

Giraffes are held in zoos around the world and are a popular display
animal, despite being difficult and expensive to transfer, especially
as adults. The species breeds well in captivity and animals generally
live for more than ten years. Surplus males can be held successfully in
small bachelor groups. The Australian captive giraffe population is
managed in order to ensure the long-term viability and persistence of
giraffe within ARAZPA zoos for education, entertainment and
conservation purposes, the population is not being managed for
potential reintroduction to the wild as this is logistically difficult
and presently not required.

2.0 Taxonomy

2.1 Taxonomic Classification

Common name: Giraffe

Class: Mammalia
Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Giraffidae
Genus: Giraffa
Species: camelopardalis

Giraffe are in the mammalian order Artiodactyla (even toed ungulates),

containing over 180 species which are the most diverse array of large
land-dwelling mammals alive. Artiodactyla are native to all continents
except Australia and Antarctica. The order Artiodactyla consists of ten
families: - including pigs, camels, deer, hippopotamus, cattle, goats,
sheep and antelope (Janis & Jarman 1984). Giraffe are from the family
Giraffidae, consisting of two living genera (Okapia and Giraffa) and
two species (Okapia johnstoni and Giraffa camelopardalis) both are
native to the African continent. Giraffe are further taxonomically
divided into subspecies (Pellew 1984).
The earliest known fossil giraffids were found in early Miocene about
22 million years ago in Libya. (Heintz 1975, cited in Skinner &
Smithers 1990). The intermediate ancestor of the modern giraffe was
Paleotragus, from the African Pliocene (Estes 1991). Giraffids of
varied forms once ranged through Eurasia, however Africa is considered
to be the original centre for evolution of the early giraffids (Heintz
1975 cited in Skinner & Smithers 1990).

2.2 Subspecies and Taxonomic Issues

Giraffe taxonomy has been much debated. Each subspecies has been
identified by a particular geographical range, coat pattern and coat
coloration. The home ranges of several subspecies overlap, and
subspecies hybridization occurs in the wild. Formerly there are nine
recognised subspecies of giraffe, (Dagg & Foster 1976 Table 1).

Considerable uncertainty surrounds the validity and geographic limits

of many off the described giraffe subspecies. In the absence of
geographic barriers such as mountainous country or large water bodies,
many subspecies have interbred and intergrades between described
subspecies has occurred (East 1998). Particularly between G.c.
rothschildi and G. c. reticulata in central Kenya and between G. c.
reticulata and G.c. tippelskirchi in eastern Kenya.
Prior to the 1990’s nine subspecies of giraffe were formerly recognised
(Dagg & Foster 1976). However (Kingdon, 1984 & 1997) grouped giraffe as
four regional populations: Somali Arid, Saharan, Northern Savanna and
Southern Savanna. These four populations incorporate eight of the nine
subspecies; the home range of Rothschild’s Giraffes falls in the
overlap between the first three populations, and they are referred to
as possible hybrids.
It is likely that this natural subspecies hybridization has been taking
place for some time, as a recent DNA study of captive giraffe
subspecies in U.S.A, (whose founders were wild caught in the 1960’s)
indicated that G.c.rothschildi are not genetically distinct from G. c.
reticulata (Baysdorfer 2000). So giraffe taxonomy is likely to be
debated for sometime into the future.

Currently in the Australasian region these are two separate taxonomic

units of Giraffe: Rothschild's Giraffe - Giraffa camelopardalis
rothschildi, and subspecies hybrid Giraffes - Giraffa camelopardalis.
Seven of the nine Giraffe subspecies are represented in the historical
listings of the Australasian Giraffe studbook. The current living
population of subspecies hybrids is a mix of G.c .rothschildi, G.c.
tippelskirchi, G.c. giraffa, G.c. camelopardalis and G.c. reticulata.

3.0 Natural History

3.1 General Giraffe Biology

3.1.1 Size & Shape

• The giraffes’ unusual shape is accentuated by it short body length

in relation to its long neck, further exaggerated by the height of
their legs, the forelegs being longer than the hind.
• Giraffe have an elongated neck with a short erect, mane of dark
hair. The neck of the giraffe like most mammals has seven vertebrae,
though they are greatly elongated (Pellew 1984).
• The most prominent feature of the giraffe is its height, adult
giraffe reach heights of 4 - 5.5m, and weights of 800 - 1930 kg for
males and 550 – 1180 kg for females (Kingdon 1984).
• The body proportions of giraffe’ change with age, at birth the neck
is short in relation to the legs (Kingdon 1984).
• Sexual dimorphism is noted in giraffe with male giraffe being larger
than females.
• Given that the giraffe is a massive animal weighing 1000+ kg from a
hot climate, its body shape provides the most effective distribution
of their weight against the heat. Animals in hot climates need as
much surface area as possible where their body heat can be
dissipated, the giraffe achieves this with its long neck and legs.
(Dagg & Foster 1976).
• Giraffe have two prominent back sloping horns covered in black hair
about 12 cm long, which rise from the top of their skull, and a
medial horn rising from the forehead between the eyes, which is more
prominent in males and varies with subspecies. (Skinner & Smithers
• A unique feature in giraffe is the capability of laying down bone
material around the skull, particularly in bulls, causing them with
time to be covered in bony lumps, this can increase the weight of
the skull in bulls to three times that of females (Pellew 1984).
These bony growths often grow on one side of the skull rather than
the other indicating right or left-headedness of the particular
giraffe (Dagg & Foster 1976).
• Giraffe are one of the few animals that are born with horns,
although they lie flat on the head at birth, they become upright and
rigid in a few days.

3.1 General Giraffe Biology

3.1.2 Coloration

• The body from the chin to the upper part of the limbs is covered in
large irregularly shaped patches of colour divided from one another
by a network of light colored, off-white bands. The actual colour of
the patches is due to variations in hair colour, it is variable and
tends to darken with age. (Skinner & Smithers 1990).
• The different subspecies of giraffe have been described in part due
to the different shape and colour of the coat patches. The two most
distinctly different coat patterns are that of reticulated giraffe
G.c. reticulata, with it’s latticework of thin lines separating a
uniform darker colour with regular edges and the Masai giraffe G.c.
tippelskirchi which has most irregular jaggered edged patches (refer
to figures 1 and 2.).
• The exact coat pattern is unique to each individual as a
fingerprint, the coat pattern is maintained throughout life though
the colour may vary with season or with age (Murray 1997).
• Melanistic giraffes have been recorded, as have white or partially
white individuals (Kingdon 1984).

3.1.3 Physiology

• The giraffes vascular, circulatory and respiratory systems have been

investigated in detail (Dagg & Foster 1982), (Badeer 1986), (Hargens
1987, 1988), (Hicks & Badeer 1989), (Hugh-Jones et al 1978), (Kimani
& Opole 1991), (Langman et al 1979 & 1982)
• The heart must pump blood 2.5m up to the brain when a giraffe is
standing upright, and 2.5m down when a giraffe stops to drink. To
compensate for the sudden increase in blood pressure when the head
is lowered, the giraffe’s circulatory system has a mechanism to
prevent blood from rushing too quickly back to the heart from the
• The giraffe has very elastic blood vessels and valves in the venous
system of the neck. The jugular veins have valves that prevent a
backflow of blood to the brain when the giraffe lowers its head, the
presence of these valves in the vessels allows for sudden changes in
blood pressure (Pellew 1984).
• The resting heart rate of an adult giraffe is about 60 beats per
minute. The blood pressure of a calm giraffe ranges from 180/120 to
140/90 mm Hg systolic/diastolic pressure (Dagg & Foster 1982).
• The giraffe maintains alveolar ventilation by breathing about eight
to ten times per minute, this is a slow respiration rate, but it
servers in reducing the number of times per minute the dead space
mostly in the long trachea must be filled with air. The resting
tidal volume of the giraffe is around 4 litres of breath (Dagg &
Foster 1982).
• The giraffe diploid chromosome number is thirty (Calle et al 1993).
• Adult giraffe have 32 teeth, with a dental formula : I 0/3 C 0/1 P
3/3 M 3/3. (Skinner & Smithers 1990).

3.1 General Giraffe Biology

3.1.4 Senses

• The giraffe’s eyes are situated laterally, giving giraffe a better

field of vision than many mammals. Their eyes are large, and giraffe
can see extremely well, they are also thought to have limited colour
vision being able to distinguish red, orange, yellow, yellow-green
and violet (Dagg & Foster 1976).
• Vision is particularly acute and plays an important role in
maintaining herd cohesion among widely spread out individuals, it
also serves as an excellent anti-predator warning system for both
giraffe and other plains species they associate with (Lees 1991).
• Giraffe orient primarily by sight but their hearing and sense of
smell are also acute, they have a sweet musky odor which probably
carries well on the wind (Kingdon 1984)
• Giraffe are silent, but not mute. Despite possessing a well
developed larynx, the giraffe is only able to utter low moans and
grunts, morphological examination of the larynx and trachea indicate
factors such as the thoracic expiratory flow rate and the length of
trachea and laryngeal nerves are the reason for the lack of vocal
power in the giraffe (Harrison 1980). The larynx is smaller than
that of a horse, vocal folds and laryngeal ventricles are absent.
• The tongue of the giraffe possesses greater mechanical power than
any other ungulate tongue (Dagg & Foster 1976). The free end of the
tongue, is pigmented black, it has been suggested the pigmentation
it to protect it from the sun. The 45 to 50cm tongue is covered in
papillae and retroverted spines to help in gripping leaves.
• Browsing in giraffe is a considerable art, the leaves are pulled
into the mouth by curling the long tongue around them and are held
between the teeth in the lower jaw and the hard pad in the upper
jaw, the leaves are stripped off the twigs with a backward pull of
the head.
• Giraffe use both sight and smell to select browse plants, smell is
especially important after dark. Browsing or grazing animal species
evolved rumination to allow them to eat quickly in open unprotected
areas and the re-chew the vegetable matter later. This process
through mastication of the food, allows the micro-organisms in the
rumen more opportunity the break down the food.
• Giraffe ruminate while standing, walking or sitting, the throat
bulges as the food is brought up to the mouth and re-chewed (Murray

3.1 General Giraffe Biology

3.1.5 Locomotion

• The giraffe has two gaits, an ambling walk and a gallop.

• When walking the entire body weight is supported first on the left
legs, then on the right legs, the neck moves in synchrony with the
legs and helps the giraffe maintain balance.
• When galloping the fore feet and hind feet work together in pairs,
the hind feet land outside and ahead of the forefeet.
• Giraffe can gallop at speed up to 50-60 km/h. Speed becomes
difficult with increased body size because of inertia and because
large muscles contract more slowly, fortunately the giraffe has
little need of excessive speed (Estes 1991).
• Giraffe may doze or sleep while in a standing or lying position.
Although giraffe may lay down for periods of time actual sleep only
occurs for short intervals, lasting a few minutes (Murray1997).

3.2 Distribution and Habitat

Giraffe occur in a wide variety of savanna habitats ranging from scrub

to woodland that provides an adequate range and supply of browsing
plants. (Skinner & Smithers 1990). They do not occur in forest and are
generally not associated with open plains. Rock paintings demonstrate
that giraffes were once widespread in what is total desert today. The
latitudinal zonation of habitats between the desert and the forest has
some correspondence with the distribution of giraffe. The lightest
giraffe subspecies the West African giraffe G.c peralta, inhabits the
driest hottest and more open African habitat, where as the darker
subspecies Nubian giraffe G.c. camelopardalis and Reticulated giraffe
G.c. reticulata are found in the more treed habitats of North-east
Africa where their coats may be better suited as camouflage (Kingdon
Giraffe densities and biomass vary, but in optimal habitats, densities
of up to two giraffe per km² (a biomass of 2000kg per km²) is
sustainable (Kingdon 1997).
Giraffe home ranges are vast ranging from 160 km² to 650 km². Giraffe
spend more than half the year in smaller dry season home ranges (up to
100 km²), but migrate further afield during the rainy season (Estes

3.3 Status and population Trends

3.3.1 Wild Giraffe

The historical distribution of giraffes has shrunk dramatically, and

throughout their present range from the Eastern Transvaal to West
Africa, their occurrence is patchy and discontinuous (Skinner &
Smithers 1990).

Giraffe formerly occurred throughout the drier, more open savanna of

sub-Saharan Africa its range has contracted markedly with the expanse
of human populations, especially in western Africa (East 1989). Figure
3. displays the former range of giraffe from the Holocene period, some
7000 years ago, compared to the present range of wild giraffe (Kingdon

Giraffes are now restricted to protected conservation areas and a few

sparsely populated regions. Their range continues to contract and it is
estimate there are around 140 000 giraffe remaining in the wild (East

While not threatened as a species, local populations are vulnerable in

many localities. The International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) conservation status of wild giraffe is lower risk, conservation
dependant (East 1998).

However, population trends for giraffe vary from region to region and
therefore for the different races or subspecies. For example there has
been a 70 % decline in giraffe population of G.c. tippelskirchi in the
Masai Mara area of Kenya in the past 20 years due to non-migration,
poaching, changes in land use and vegetation types, and increased
livestock (Ottichilo et al 2000). Where as in North Tanzania, giraffe
populations have recently increased due to the decrease in elephants in
turn providing more browse trees (Van der Deugd & Prins 2000).

Rod East (Action Plan Coordinator, IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group),

coordinates an African antelope database, which includes information on
wild populations of giraffe. Census figures for 1998, indicates an
estimated total of 140 700 wild giraffe (all subspecies) some 46 000
animals were in protected areas as outlined in Table 2. (East 1998).

3.3.2 Captive Population Trends - Australasia

• The Australasian Giraffe studbook comprises a total of 298

(151.140.7) animals
(males. females. unknown sex) Fifty-seven (29.28.0) are living
within the Australasian region (as of 30th December 2002). Of the 57
living animals, 15 (9.6.0) are Rothschild's and the remaining 42
(20.22.0) are subspecies hybrids (Jolly 2000).

• Of the animals in the studbook 12.7% are wild-caught and 87.3% are
captive-born, There have been 214 (110.97.7) giraffe births in this
region since 1937. (Jolly 2000).

• Thirty-five (18.17.0) giraffes have been imported into the

Australasian region between 1926 and 1997(Jolly 2000).

• Age-specific survivorship data indicates that 34% of Australasian

Giraffes die before they are 30 days old (Jolly 2000). Age-specific
survivorship is the proportion of newborn animals that survive to
age class x.

• The annual rate of growth (lambda) is 1.037 for females and 1.034
for males, indicating that the numbers of both sexes are increasing
slightly ( lambda > 1.0 means decreasing growth rate, lambda < 1.0
means increasing growth rate) (Jolly 2000).

• In the early 1990s Australasian Species Management Plan

recommendations were make to cease breeding subspecies hybrid
giraffe in this region and to commence their replacement with
Rothschild’s Giraffes. Many of the regions zoos abided by this
decision and ceased or slowed reproduction in their subspecies
hybrid giraffe. The result of these efforts was that the hybrid
population declined and, despite two importation’s, the Rothschild’s
Giraffe population was unable to reproduce at a rate sufficient to
meet region display demand (Jolly 2000).

• The subspecies hybrid giraffe population has been genetically

improved by the incorporation of surplus male Rothschild’s giraffe
in recent years. (Jolly 2000).

• The ARAZPA zoos giraffe carrying capacity (total number of spaces to

hold giraffe in the region) is estimated at 100 animals.

• The current regional giraffe population is estimated to have

retained 88% of the gene diversity found in the original wild source
population (Jolly 2000). Gene diversity is the proportion of gene
diversity in the wild source population currently retained in the
captive population.

• The average life expectancy (median age at death) for Australasian

giraffe is 10 years for females and 8 years for males. Maximum
longevity (age at death of oldest animal in studbook) is 28 years 2
months for females and 24 years 7 months for males (Jolly 2000).

3.3.3 Global Giraffe Populations

Table 3. Current Living giraffe Worldwide
Region Organization Current Coordinator, institution
Europe EAZA 520 Dr. Gunther Schleussner,
WAZA Studbook Keeper, Stuttgart.
North America AZA 574 Laurie Bingaman Lackey,
& Canada Studbook Keeper, ISIS.
Joe Christman, Species
Coordinator, Disney,
Mexico, AMACZOOA 43 Laurie Bingaman Lackey,
Central and Studbook Keeper, ISIS.
South America
Australasia ASMP 57 Lorraine Jolly Species
Coordinator, VORZ.
Japan JAZGA 193 Mizuki Karasaw, Studbook
Keeper, Tama Zoo, Tokyo.
The Rest of SEAZA 107
TOTAL 1497
(* Data current – Jan 2003)

4.0 Housing Requirements

The size of any enclosure merely determines the potential holding

capacity. Due to their large size a sufficient area of enclosure is
required to hold giraffe. The major consideration in holding giraffe is
how many and of what sexes and ages do you wish to hold and how many
can you house at capacity. Australasian giraffe enclosures range from
smaller yards and houses in metropolitan zoos (figure 4.) to large
paddock areas in open range zoo situations (figure 5.).
The giraffe enclosure complex should provide arrangements for
separation of one or more giraffe for a range of reasons (figure 6),
such as quarantine, isolation of sick or injured giraffe, separation
for calving or rearing of young, separation of bulls from cows or from
other bulls or young giraffe. Areas for introductions and areas for
transportation crates should also be incorporated. All captive giraffe
should be provided with a house or barn in which to shelter from
inclement weather. A common design of a giraffe exhibit is a day time
display area, one or more smaller yards or pens with adjoining raceways
and a giraffe house, in cooler climates the giraffe house is often
incorporated in the public viewing area.
It is highly recommended that the giraffe facilities contain a chute or
crush area where giraffe can be restrained and regularly weighted. It
is generally agreed that chute or crush capabilities and training is
more effective when the device it is part of the daily travel path of
the giraffe (Wienker 1986). If the giraffe has to pass through the area
on it way to and from the house to feed it is already accustomed to the
device (figure 7.).

4.1 Exhibit Design.

Giraffe exhibits vary greatly in design, the following are some design
constraints to be considered.

• The more natural the setting the greater the likelihood more natural
behaviors will be displayed.
• The slope of the ground should be no steeper than 40 degrees slopes,
and should be mainly firm dry ground.
• The perimeter of the enclosure will require adequate fences and
boundaries. Giraffe will lean against fences to try and reach plants
so they must be very sturdy.
• A range of fence materials have been used to confine giraffe: solid
walls, high mesh fences, lower metal, wood or cable fencing,
electric fencing, water filled or dry moats and piled rock
• With dry moats, it is best to have and exit route in case an animal
should fall in. Example dry moat dimensions: 4.5m wide, 1.5 m deep,
rising from the outside wall at 60 degrees (Lee 1991).
• Any reachable trees will need to be protected or will be destroyed
over time by giraffe and a accessible and surrounding plants should
be non toxic.
• Raised feeding areas are required and will need a supporting
structure, such as a dead tree, or wall.
4.1 Exhibit Design Con’t

• A water source is required; this can be at ground level or raised.
• Consider the aspect of the exhibit, areas of shade and shelter from
wind are required. Giraffe are particularly vulnerable to a drop in
temperature accompanied by rain and strong winds, having such a
large body surface area it is difficult for adult giraffe to find
shelter from wind. (Clauss et al 1999).
• Good vehicular access is required, particularly for large trucks and
cranes, for loading and unloading giraffe crates.
• The larger to area and the more varied the terrain can lead to
better physical condition of giraffe due to the increased
opportunity to exercise. The minimum size for a giraffe yard is 18m²
(Geldenhuys 1993b).

4.2 Giraffe House Design

All captive giraffe should be provided with a house or barn in which to

shelter from inclement weather. A house provides and area for giraffe
to be fed, routinely move to on a daily basis for husbandry and health
reasons and is an ideal site for holding, confining, quarantining,
loading and unloading giraffe.

• Giraffe houses can be open plan or a series of stalls or a

combination of both. Stalls that house individual giraffe overnight
should measure at least 3m x 6m (Lee 1991).
• The size of giraffe house and stall combination depends on the
number and herd dynamics of the giraffe group being housed. Breeding
groups require a separate area either to separate the bull or to
separate a cow and new calf.
• There should be adequate room in the giraffe house for all
individuals to lie down and to get up easily, and to move about.
• The internal surface of the giraffe should have smooth surfaces of
paneling with no protruding bolts, screws or nails.
• Giraffe raceways should be wide enough for giraffe to be able to
turn around in, about 2.4 m.
• Most giraffe are housed at night and bedding, such as sawdust, straw
or mulch to sleep on is provided in the house.
• The giraffe house and yard site should be both level and well
• Assess the prevailing weather conditions of the site prior to
positioning the house, particularly the door openings don’t have
giraffe house doorway facing into prevailing wind.
• Maximum effects of morning sun and winter sun should be balanced
with the minimum effects of hot afternoon summer sun and cold winter
wind and rain. Depending upon the location this generally means that
the house should have a northerly or easterly aspect, and positioned
to face north to maximize the amount of sunlight (in the Southern

4.2 Giraffe House Design con’t

• In places where night temperatures fall below 10ºC the heating of

giraffe house is recommended. Giraffe houses can be heated using,
under floor heating or gas or electric radiant heaters, or forced
air heating. Heaters need to be mounted out of reach of giraffe for
• The height of giraffe house and particularly the doors is important,
the giraffe should be able to easily move in and out without ducking
its’ head.
• Doors should allow for entry of machinery (front-end loader, bobcat)
to maneuver transport crates, to change the bedding substrates but
it may also occasionally be required to remove dead animals.
• The keeper service area must be of sufficient width to allow for
wheelbarrows, ladders and bales of hay, browse branches etc.
• All electrical, gas and plumbing fittings should not be assessable
to giraffe.
• Steps or ladders to access higher areas of the house to reach
pulleys, lights and overhead heaters maybe required .

4.3 Substrate

Giraffe are rarely seen lying down on hard surfaces, such as cement
(Murray 1997). Captive giraffe spent a much greater time standing that
wild giraffe, particularly in metro zoos. To prevent the problem of
overgrown hooves, a hard abrasive surface is recommended for giraffe.
The surface needs to be non-slip. The following has been used: textured
cement or concrete, scoria, various crushed gravels, decomposed
granite, granitic sand, asphalt and loose sand spread over concrete.
The abrasive surface is not required throughout the exhibit, but
recommended for walkways, feed stations and areas of heavy traffic.
Inside giraffe houses, cement, and rubber mat flooring has been used,
this is usually covered with some form of bedding material, such as
sawdust, straw or mulch.
Excessive dust can effect giraffes eyes and can cause lung problems,
earth or dirt yards or decomposed pine bark mulch can be sprayed with
water to reduce the dust level (Geldenhuys 1993b).

5.0 General Husbandry

With the appropriate facilities; enclosure, yard, raceway and house,

giraffe are fairly easy to manage and do not require an excessive
amount of cleaning. They quickly become accustomed to daily husbandry
routines, of movements in and out of various nightquarters and exhibit
areas. A common husbandry routine with giraffe is to house them at
night, or a least provide then with access to their house at night,
this is particularly the case in winter. Giraffes should not be allowed
out if the temperature is below 10ºC, or when there is snow or ice,
which is a real possibility in New Zealand zoos (figure 5).
Some or all of the following routine husbandry data can be collected on
individuals or groups of giraffe in captivity; daily food intakes,
weather conditions & temperatures, whether group housed or not,
individuals heights and individuals weights.
Giraffe are more at ease when housed with one or more other giraffe.
Australasian giraffe groups range from two to large breeding groups
greater than ten in number.
Never overcrowd giraffe, in either a yard or house, there should be
adequate room in the giraffe house for all individuals to lie down and
to get up easily, and to move about. An adequate number of feeding
areas should be provided for all members of the group.
Never creep up on giraffe, if they take sudden fright, they will take
flight and can run into fences and injure themselves (Geldenhuys
1993c). Avoid sudden loud noises such as gunshots and firecrackers.

5.1 Hygiene and Cleaning

• Giraffe faeces needs to be racked up and removed from houses and

yards on a daily basis. Giraffe urine on bedding can also be removed
with the soiled bedding material.
• Dependent upon the amount and type of house bedding, it does not
generally need frequent changing. Due to the volume of bedding (and
cost and labor) bedding is completely replaced monthly or quarterly,
this is usually done using machinery.
• Giraffe should be feed at a height of 2m – 3m above the ground,
which will necessitate keeper access to hay feeders for cleaning.
Old hay stalks, lucerne or pellet dust should not be allowed to
accumulate in or under hayracks. Complete emptying and rotation of
hayracks on a weekly basis is preferred.
• Food buckets and troughs should be washed out and scrubbed with
water daily.
• A fresh clean supply of water is required at all times, water
troughs should be cleaned out as required.

5.2 Record Keeping

Record keeping is an important part of animal husbandry, as it should

provide a complete history of each specimen whilst it is held in
captivity (Vaartjes 2000). The following are examples of animal record

• Identification of the individual, either by visual appearance: size

coat colour and pattern, ear tag or microchip and often by house
name. Each individual will be assigned an ARKS (Animal Record
Keeping System) number which is an identify number for that
individual whilst at a particular zoo. ARKS numbers are used to
identify each individual via computer databases worldwide.
• Information on the animals origin – place of birth or capture, date
of birth or capture, other relatives of the individual, transfers to
other zoos, transfer permit details.
• Information each individual – sex, age, body weight and growth
information, other features.
• Housing information – name of enclosure, other inhabitants, time
period in this and other enclosures, seasonal housing routines.
• Information on husbandry – diet & feeding, behaviour, health,
breeding and progeny.

The zoos veterinarian on a separate database MedARKS usually records

detailed information on the individuals health.

5.3 Methods of Identification

Giraffe are generally identified visually, by their sex, size and coat
colour and pattern. Each individual giraffe has a unique coat pattern,
like a finger print, often photographic records are kept to identify
giraffe. Other identification methods such as ear tags and microchips
have been used in giraffe. The internationally recognised location for
a microchip in a giraffe is the base of the left ear.

6.0 Diet

6.1 Wild Diet

The current distribution of wild giraffe is defined by suitable habitat

in which they can obtain food. Numerous plant species of the orders
Combretaceae (bush willows and terminalias) and Mimosoideae (albizias
and acacias) provide the bulk of their browse (Pellew 1984). Giraffe
browse on trees and shrubs of a variety of species but are highly
selective, over 100 species of plants have been recorded in their diet
and their choice of plants is determined by local and seasonal
availability (Estes 1991).
The more obvious factors influencing giraffe’s preferences are the
presence of aromatic substances, the abundance and size of leaves, the
shape of thorns, and the physical accessibility of a tree and its
growth form (Kingdon 1984).
The height of the giraffe gives it access to a band of vegetation on
which to browse that is out of reach of other browsers. At full stretch
and further aided by a 45cm long tongue, giraffe are able to feed on
the crowns of many smaller trees. Bulls can be up to 1m taller than
cows and have a strong preference for high browsing, where as females’
concentrate on regenerating trees and shrubs below 2 m high and eat a
wider variety of plant species over a larger area (Estes 1991).
Food varies with the time of year, when plants are plentiful in the hot
wet months the giraffe are more particular and select preferred species
on which to browse, with a number of acacia species being their most
preferred. Acacias leaves have a high protein content (Skinner &
Smithers 1990).
Adult bulls consume some 19kg dry weight or 66kg fresh weight browse
daily, cows 16kg dry, 58 kg fresh weight, in terms of proportion of
body weight, cows 2.1 %, bulls 1.6% (Pellew 1984).
Giraffe select high quality foliage, although they are cud-chewing
ruminants, they rely less on mastication to release nutrients than on
digestive efficiency. Their stomach wall is covered in large tongue
like papillae, which provides a greater surface area for absorption
than any other ruminant (Kingdon 1997).
The giraffe’s narrow muzzle, flexible upper lip and long prehensile
tongue allow giraffe to strip leaves off branches and even select
individual leaflets from between sharp thorns.
Giraffe may drink at intervals of three days or less when water is
available, but some of their moisture needs are met by consuming green
leaves and dew (Lee 1991).
Giraffe are known to lick the ground for salt and mineral deposits and
osteophagia (chewing of old bones) has been observed (Langman 1978).

6.2 Captive Diet

• Exact giraffe diet formulas vary between zoos, in most cases giraffe
are fed a pelleted ration, lucerne hay, browse branches and small
amounts of fruit and vegetables.
• Pelleted rations are made from a variety of cereals and grains, with
vitamins and minerals added. (Analysis of “Giraffe Cube” made by
Ridley AgriProducts is listed in the appendix).
• Giraffe as browsers require a high protein level, pelleted rations
with protein levels of 15-25 %, and lucerne hay with protein levels
of 15-20%.
• The volume of food offered should be 1.5- 2% of the giraffes body
weight, (eg at 2%, a 1000kg giraffe requires 20kg of food daily)(Lee
• Browse should be provided as much and often as available, being the
giraffe natural diet (figure 8).
• The following plant species can be fed to giraffe as browse: acacia,
eucalyptus, willow, elm, coprosma, fig, prunus, myoporum, palm and
• Pregnant, lactating and young growing giraffe require a diet
containing at least 18 % protein (Lee 1991)
• The amount of activity, which often collates with the size of the
enclosure, will have a bearing on an individuals daily food
• Small amounts of fruits and vegetables are fed to giraffe; these are
often used as a reward during a training session or in order to get
an individual to take an oral medication.
• The following fruits and vegetables are suitable for feeding
giraffe: apples, Pears, melon, carrots, lettuce, silver beet, kale,
endive, beans, sweet potato.
Care should be taken not to cut fruit or vegetables up too small,
which is a choking risk.
• Do not offer giraffe the following: white potato, banana, or stone

6.3 Supplements

• Mineral salt blocks should be provided for giraffe at head height.

• A source of fresh water is required, more than one source is
preferable in most enclosures/ giraffe yards. Automatically filled
troughs are preferred; giraffe can drink 10L at one time.
• Vitamin E, should be included in the diet, this is often added to
the pelleted ration.

6.4 Presentation of Food

Giraffe food should be presented above the ground at a height of 2m to

3m, where all aged giraffe can easily feed (figure 9).
String hay feeders (as used for horses) do not generally work, giraffe
have become tangled in them and have eaten the string.
There is evidence that lip and tongue movements of browsers are a
functional and necessary part of feeding behaviour, and every attempt
should be made to allow this behaviour to occur, in the absence of this
giraffe can obsessively lick non-food items within their enclosure (Lee

7.0 Handling and Transport

7.1 Transportation Options

• Due to their size and rapid growth rate in their first year, giraffe
are fairly difficult and expensive to transport between zoos. For
example importation of a giraffe to Australasia from North America,
transportation costs only (as no price is placed on the animal
itself) in 1994 exceeded $50 000 AUD.
• Ideally Australasian giraffe are managed to minimize importations
and exportations outside this region. Wherever possible giraffe
transfers within regional zoos are recommended prior to the birth of
the animal, so planning can commence as early a possible.
• Young giraffe, under 3m in height can be transported by air (Figure
11). Transport options for taller giraffe are by road or by sea
(Figures 10 & 12) or often both.
• All giraffe being transported will require a custom built transport
crate or trailer.
• Crate training and familiarization, will reduced stress on the
travelling animal.
• Additional stress during transit must be kept to a minimum; this may
involve avoiding excessive noise, lights, unfamiliar visitors and
stable temperatures.
• Giraffe should not be transported in extremes of heat or cold, the
use of crate covers and tarpaulins can help prevent cold draughts.
• Checking of respiration rate during transportation is a good
indicator of stress levels, and ruminating is a good indicator of a
relaxed giraffe.

7.1.1 Transport by Road and Sea

• The giraffe is secured into a transport crate and then loaded onto a
semi-trailer truck by crane and secured.
• Due to the height of adult giraffe crates the trailer is often a
low-loader, where the crate sits on a trailer lower than the tyres.
• The travel route and timing of the trip needs to be planned well in
advance, a support vehicle and often a police escort should travel
with the giraffe.
• Often power lines need to be raised to allow access under them.
• Giraffe travelling by container ship should always be accompanied by
keeping or veterinary staff.
• Sea journeys are generally a week or longer, so ample food and other
supplies are needed. Giraffe have suffered from seasickness on sea
voyages (Joe Christman pers comm.).
• During the transport process the animals quarantine status must
remain and it should not come into contact with other animals.

7.1.2 Transport by Air

• Giraffe grow extremely quickly, if they are going to be small enough

to be transported by air, accurate planning to coincide weaning,
quarantine and comfortable fit in the crate is required. This
planning may need to commence soon after the animals birth.
• The average height of giraffe calves at birth is 1.8 - 2m and they
grow at a rate of 7 – 13 cm per month in their first year (Lee
• The maximum height restriction for transportation by air is
approximately 3m (but will vary with airlines), this height must
include the exterior frame of the crate and a metal aircraft loading
pallet), leaving and internal crate measurement of about 2.7m
(Barlow 1996).
• If flying, the angle of ascent and descent of the aircraft must be a
low trajectory for take off and landing a to prevent sudden pressure
changes which could cause the giraffe to lose consciousness (Barlow

7.2 Transport Box Requirements

• For air transport, giraffe crates must comply with IATA Live Animal
Regulations (container requirement 12 for ungulate species (IATA
• The crate must be sturdy enough not to twist or warp, but not be
overly heavy for air transport.
• The crate should have a covered roof or roof frame with canvas
opening cover.
• Crate design: Floor size and height are critical. The young giraffe
should be able to lay down and get up again during transport.
(Figure 13).
• The crate should have provisions to provide food and water, and
receive medical treatment through a number of hatches.

7.3 Restraint methods

• Giraffe can be conditioned to a chute or crush to be restrained for

various procedures, including injections, blood collection, hoof
work (figure 14) and reproductive manipulation (figure 15).
• Chutes are ideal areas to install floor level weight bars, on which
to easily and regularly weigh giraffe.
• Giraffe crushes are generally constructed using steel piping and
removable plywood boards, with additional restraining bars to
further restrict movement and often with nylon cargo belly straps
(Lee 1991).
• The design of the restraint facility varies from a chute or moveable
wall to hydraulically controlled squeeze cages.
• The key to making restraint procedures work is the design, the
training and conditioning of the giraffe and the staff. Training and
conditioning is widely used for many zoo species and many websites
are dedicated to it (see bibliography & appendix 2).
• Individual giraffe require considerable training to accept
procedures in a crush, although time consuming it is still the
preferred method of restraint and considered far safer than an

8.0 Health

Preventative medicine programs are essential for keeping giraffe in

captivity, as it is always easier to prevent a disease than to attempt
to diagnose and treat it. Preventative medicine programs should include
regular faecal collection (for identification and treatment of internal
and external parasites), weighting of the animal and blood collection
if possible. Animal health begins with exhibit design, knowing the
species, their habits and social needs and providing for them.

Giraffe have no unique diseases, but are susceptible to most contagious

diseases of domestic ruminant livestock, including clostridial
diseases, leptospirosis, brucellosis, anthrax, pasteurellosis, Johne’s
disease and tuberculosis (Jensen 1999). If giraffe are already in poor
health, changeable weather conditions may contribute to their death;
giraffe are particularly vulnerable to a drop in temperature
accompanied by rain and strong winds, having such a large body surface
area it is difficult for adult giraffe to find shelter from wind.

Giraffe are susceptible to external parasites and internal parasites

similar to other ungulates (Jensen 1999). The giraffe’s long tail can
switch away files from their hindquarter, but unlike most other
ungulates giraffe can not scratch their heads with their hind hooves.
Giraffe along with other very large ungulates such as elephants and
rhinoceros do not engage in oral grooming instead use strategies such
as rubbing and tolerance of oxpeckers (in the wild) (Moore et al 2000).

8.1 Daily health checks

Animal husbandry plays an important role in disease prevention. Close

daily observations of each giraffe by keepers are essential. Keepers
are often able to detect slight changes in an animal that may be the
only outward signs of illness. Observations of the giraffes physical
state and appearance, any changes in behaviour, and weather or not it
is eating, drinking, urinating and defecating normally should be made
daily. Monitoring of daily food intake and regularly weighting giraffe
are good health indicators. Any health concerns should be brought to
the attention of the zoos’ veterinarian.

8.2 Routine Health Checks

A variety of minor medical procedures can be carried out on giraffe in

a crush, these include: weighting, blood collection, injections, oral
administration of drugs, microchipping, hoof work, rectal and vaginal
examinations and delivery of calves. Physical restraint in a crush can
be enhanced by the use of sedatives and tranquilizers (Bush et al
2002). Annual examines are recommended on conditioned giraffe, these
include blood collection for haematology and biochemistry, faecal
collection for flotation and culture. Preventative medicines such as;
drench, clostridial vaccines and vitamin and mineral supplements can
also be administered.

8.3 Known health problems

Diet and nutritional problems have been encountered in captive
giraffes, due to their selective browsing habits, captive diets need a
high protein content. Clauss et al (2001) hypothesize that giraffe
deaths linked to nutritional problems can be explained by the fact
giraffe who are browsing ruminants, are not able to adapt to the
physical structure of grass or lucerne hay and ingest these in
comparatively lesser amounts than grazing ruminants would. Other
important considerations are temperature and amount of activity, which
is linked to size of enclosure. Giraffe are very susceptible to the
cold and their body temperature is likely to fall when ambient air
temperatures are low, in these circumstances the giraffe will have
increased energy demands (Clauss et al 1999).

Many hoof problems have been encountered in giraffe, these are thought
to be related to diet and or substrate. Giraffe with overgrown claws
occur in the wild, suggesting the view that hoof problems may be a
partially hereditary condition (Veasey et al 1996). Overgrown hooves
can impair movement and lead to complications such as sprained tendons
and arthritis. Most giraffe immobilizations, (80%) are to correct
overgrown hooves (Benbow & Lyon 1997). Provision of suitable substrate
and appropriate facilities for correction are recommended, in addition
to appropriate nutrition (Lee 1991).

The region’s giraffe population shows high levels of inbreeding, the

populations mean inbreeding coefficient is 0.166 (note, for comparison,
that the offspring resulting from a mating between full-siblings would
have an inbreeding coefficient of 0.250; matings between first cousins
produce offspring with inbreeding coefficients of 0.0625). Research on
the U.S.A giraffe population found clear evidence that levels of
inbreeding does effect survivorship (Bingaman Lackey 2000). Of the
current living giraffe population, 77% are inbred, (of these 29% have
an inbreeding coefficient greater than 0.250) This ratio of inbreeding
has had a significant effect on survivorship resulting in a high infant
mortality rate of - 34% mortality in the first 30 days. If inbreeding
is not better managed and avoided within this population the 30 day and
1 year mortality rates will continue to rise (Jolly 2000).

8.5 Giraffe Immobilization

Immobilization or anesthesia of giraffe has long been considered of

high risk, due to the giraffe’ unique physiology and anatomy, which may
cause life threatening problems during anesthesia (Bush 1993). The
giraffes large size limits physical control during the critical times
of induction and recovery, and limits manipulation once the animals is
down and their long neck, which if not controlled acts as a lever
creating a danger to the animal or the staff around it. Giraffe unlike
other animals do not voluntarily become recumbent upon induction and
may fall heavily causing trauma (Benbow & Lyon 1997).
The major cause of anesthetic death in giraffe is regurgitation, with
subsequent inhalation of rumen contents, the posterior position of he
larynx in the pharynx hampers draining of any fluid, causing rapidly
fatal inhalation pneumonia (Bush 1993). Vomiting can result in
increased intra-abdominal pressure occurring when the animal impacts
with the ground and prolonged induction and or recovery lead to
hyperthermia, myopathy and secondary trauma. Other physiological
adaptations of giraffe such as; elevated systolic blood pressure, small
respiratory tidal volume with large dead space and relative small
cardiac output during anesthesia can all impact on immobilizations
(Bush et al 2002). (See figures 16 17 18 & 19)

In the 1970s & 1980s Fowler & Boever (1986) stated that 25-30% of
giraffe immobilized did not survive the procedure. Giraffe anesthesia
has advanced over the past three decades and the immobilization
mortality rate has declined to approximately 10-15% (Benbow & Lyon
1997). The main improvement to giraffe immobilizations is the
development of newer and safer drugs and the development and use of
physiological monitoring equipment. The size of the giraffe has a major
factor in the anaesthetic success, with smaller animal having a better
success rate than very large adults.

8.5.1 Planning an Immobilization

• Giraffe procedures require coordination to ensure all staff and

equipment are ready, if there is a factor the can be changed to
enhance the success of the procedure, it should be done, even if
this results in rescheduling the procedure.
• All members of he team should be briefed and are aware of their
• A minimum area of 8m x 8m is required for a giraffe immobilization.
• The site for the procedure should have smooth solid walls padded
walls and sound footing, improper substrate can increase trauma from
slipping during induction or recovery. Non inner spring or foam
mattresses or stacked bales of hay are ideal for padding walls to
prevent trauma (figure 18)
• Any posts pillars or other protruding fixtures will also require
padding; feed sacks filled with straw can be attached to pillars
(figure 17).
• The giraffe should be fasted for 48 to 72 hours and water removed 24
to 48 hours prior to immobilization to reduce the possibility of

8.5.2 Immobilization Procedure

The attending veterinarian should use the most appropriated drug

combination for the situation. The usual method of administering drugs
to unrestrained giraffe is remotely via dart injection. The general
protocol is a staged anaesthetic protocol commencing with a premedicant
of sedative followed by a combination of anaesthetic drugs and
concluding by using an antagonist to reverse the anaesthetic drugs
(Bush et al 2002).

Signs of sedation are usually evident including stargazing, slight

ataxia, protrusion of tongue and salivation. About 15 minutes after the
administration of sedatives the anaesthetic drugs can be administered.
During the induction phase, the giraffe will often exhibit a prancing
gait, with head raised and held slightly backwards, then totter or
stumble forwards for some 10 minutes, often coming to rest leaning
against a wall. Some giraffe will become recumbent themselves, but more
often a rope is needed to carefully maneuver and pull the giraffe down
to lateral recumbancy.

There are standard methods of handling a recumbent giraffe irrespective

of the drugs used. The neck of the giraffe must be extended to insure
and airway, the neck is supported with the head maintained above the
rumen and nose pointed down. Supporting and positioning the neck can be
aided by a long board or ladder placed under the entire length to keep
it straight (figure 16). The angle of the neck should be altered every
10 –15 minutes to minimize muscle spasms and myopathy. The animal is
blindfolded and earplugs are used.

Manual intubation into the trachea is fairly difficult due to the

narrow gap between the molar teeth, and the mouth can only open 5-10cm,
visualization is difficult without a flexible endoscope and therefore
animals are often not intubated.

Monitoring a recumbent giraffe is critical to the patients’ safety,

particularly respiration rates and heart rates, pulse oximeters are
useful. Rectal temperature is monitored since hyperthermia can be a
problem and cooling down with water may be required. The depth of
anesthesia can be determined by the animals’ reaction to various
stimuli from blood sampling, to hoof trimming to minor surgery (Bush et
al 2002). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories and muscle relaxants are
often administered as supportive therapy (Bush et al 2002).

8.5.3 Immobilization Recovery

If an antagonist drug is used to reverse the animal, the head should be

supported in an elevated position with nose pointed down, two people
support the head to prevent the animal from rising too quickly, before
it is adequately recovered. Giraffe can be assisted to rise with the
use of a rope around the giraffes shoulders, so as it attempts to
stand, pulling on the rope helps the giraffe into a sternal position,
once the giraffe stands the rope is dropped and the giraffe walks over
it, the ideal interval from administration of the antagonist and the
animal standing is 10-20 minutes (Bush et al 2002).

A common practice for giraffe anesthesia in Europe is to immobilize the

giraffe and rope it to achieve lateral recumbancy, then to and tie the
legs (right front to right hind and left front to left hind), while the
head and neck is held in an elevated position. Once the legs were tied
the reversal agent is administered IV and consciousness is regained.
The covered head and neck are retained in a raised position and the
tied legs are held firmly by the keepers, while hoof trimming or other
non-surgical procedure preformed. As soon as the procedure is completed
and all equipment removed from the area, the head and neck as slowly
lowered to the ground and held down by at least two keepers. The leg
ropes are removed and the legs massaged by hand or broom to restore
circulation. The giraffe is the held laterally recumbent for 10
minutes, after which the restraining staff quietly withdraw. In most
cases the giraffe sat up immediately and usually got up within two
minutes (Benlow & Lyon 1997).

8.6 Quarantine Requirements

Proper quarantine of newly arrived animals is an essential part of the

preventative medicine program. Ideally the new (or leaving) giraffe
should be housed separately from others and serviced by staff who will
not have contact with resident animals for the quarantine period.
Quarantine protocols differ depending upon the animal species and the
facility. For international giraffe transfers the animal will require a
pre-export quarantine according to Australian Quarantine and Inspection
Service (AQIS) in Australia and New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry (MAF) in New Zealand protocols. On arrival it will then
undergo a post-export quarantine.

9.0 Behaviour

Giraffe are gregarious, non-territorial animals forming very loose open

herds up to 50 in number. They are socially aloof, forming no lasting
bonds with fellow herd members, and associating in a casual manner to
individuals whose ranges overlap. All social groupings of giraffe are
temporary, the only stable associations are those of female giraffes
during motherhood, they are known to return to traditional calving
areas to give birth and raise their calves with other female giraffe
(Kingdon 1997). A giraffe herd can contain almost any possible
combination of age and sexes (figure 21). Wild giraffe rarely group
closely, except if browsing from a particular tree. A herd of feeding
giraffe can be spread over a distance as far as one kilometer, yet they
can still be in visual contact with one another. There does not seem to
be any group leader or coordination in group movements (Estes 1991).
Giraffe are mainly diurnal, but will move and feed after dark. The more
natural the exhibit setting the greater the likelihood more natural
behaviors will be displayed by the giraffe (figure22).

9.1 Habits

• In a recent study of giraffe sleep patterns, giraffe were found to

sleep standing and in recumbancy, peak periods of sleep were between
20:00 and 07:00 hours, and between 12:00 and 16:00 hours, and total
sleep time in a twenty-four hour period was 4.6 hours, sleep was
fragmented, with most recumbent sleep episodes lasting less than 11
minutes (Tobler & Schwierin 1996).
• Wild giraffe spend about the same amount of time feeding as smaller
browsers such as impala, a mean of 53.2 % for females and 43.2 % for
males. As browse abundance declines the time spent feeding
proportionally increases.
• Feeding is the most time consuming of giraffe activities, the main
feeding periods for giraffe are early morning and late afternoon,
with least browsing taking place in the middle of the day when
ruminating is at its peak ( Dagg & Foster 1976).
• Females take more time to select more nutritious foliage in all
seasons, but spend less time ruminating (27 % vs 30 %) and walking
(13 % vs 21 %) than bulls (Estes 1991).
• Daytime feeding mainly occurs in the three hours before dusk and
after dawn, and most ruminating occurs in the middle or hottest part
of the day.

9.2 Reproductive Behaviour

Young bulls frequently engage in play fighting, which consists of

sparring and necking (figure 20). They stand in parallel or reverse
parallel stances, swinging their heads and necks in turn, and strike
blows at each others flanks and shoulders, they also intertwine their
necks and push each other back and forth (Calle et al. 1993). The part
of the neck that is usually struck has 15mm thick hide. Mounting, an
expression of dominance, often follows necking bouts (Murray 1997).
Necking and sparring matches occur at all times of the day in all
seasons regardless of the presence of females (Dagg & Foster 1976).
Necking takes place only in male giraffe and is possibly used to
establish a dominance hierarchy. Opponents are rarely injured, no
matter how fierce the necking, and giraffes almost never kick each
other, potentially a more dangerous defense used only against
predators. Males begin competing for mates at around seven years of
age. As male giraffe mature they become more solitary and their time is
shared between feeding and monitoring the reproductive status of
females within their core ranges. Male Giraffe are very hierarchical
and sometimes start reacting to one another from a considerable
distance away. They posture their heads and neck, submission is
indicated by a lowered head and downward ears. A bull approaching
another with forward stretched head with raised chin indicates
dominance. (Kingdon 1984). Necking rituals select the most vigorous
males without involving serious fighting, in a society with very
impermanent and loose herd relationships the creation of a dominance
hierarchy is most important.
Although reproduction in giraffe is typical of non-territorial
ungulates (Estes 1991), the necking behaviour of giraffe bulls is not
seen in other species. The fighting technique in giraffe is atypical to
other ungulates, due to their body and build. The head is used to
administer blows against the opponents’ body and legs, opponents may
face each other, but more often stand side by side, delivering wide
swinging blows. The force of the blow is considerable. Bouts can
consist of striking with the head interspersed with, wrapping of necks
together and pushing against each other. There is a correlation between
fighting technique and horn type, the force of blows administers would
be lethal if the horns were longer and sharper, instead of being short
and blunt.

9.3 Behavioural Problems

Stereotypic behaviors such ad pacing, head twirling and tongue playing

are seen in giraffe. The stereotypic behaviour of tonguing or tongue
playing is also observed in wild giraffe (Veasey et al 1996).
Locomotor stereotypic behaviour is more common in adult than subadult
giraffe, reinforcing the view that stereotypes develop as an animal
matures (Veasey et al 1996). In recent studies on giraffe behaviour
(Veasey et al 1996) noted increased rumination correlated with increase
enclosure size, (rumination is believed to occur when an animal is
unstressed). However enclosure size and food restrictions did not
increase stereotype behaviors, but factors such as social tension did.

9.3 Behavioural Problems con’t

Mixed species exhibits and in turn interspecies interactions are a good

source of sustainable enrichment for all species concerned (figure 22).
Behaviors, which might have been classed as stereotypic in captive
animals, were noted in wild individuals; suggesting captive animals are
not as stress in captivity as might have previously been thought
(Murray 1997).
Other behavioral problems noted in the captive situation are over
indulging in necking behaviour and misplaced sexual or homosexual
behaviour. In some cases young bulls that were over indulging in
necking behaviour developed large swollen pectoral muscles where scar
tissue had accumulated from constant blows to the chest and lower neck.
Misplaced sexual or homosexual behaviour (such as urine testing and
mounting), is common in bachelor giraffe bulls which is possibly a
follow on from dominance assertion, or a habitual behaviour (it is seen
in retired breeding bulls as well as bulls that have never been in a
breeding situation).
Increased environmental enrichment options can help in distracting
individuals from problem behaviors.

9.4 Behavioural Enrichment

Animal carers are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of

enrichment in the enhancement of well being for captive animals.
Environmental enrichment is a concept, which describes how the
environments of captive animals can be changed for the benefit of the
inhabitants (Young 1998).
A range of environmental enrichment options are available for captive
giraffe, the most common is the supply of hanging browse branches. Most
giraffe enrichment devices involve food and employ the giraffe to use
its tongue (figures 23 24 25 26 & 27). Enrichment is widely used for
all species in zoos and many websites are dedicated to it (see

9.5 Intraspecific Compatibility

Intraspecific interactions between giraffe individuals tend to be

amicable, even between bulls, as once a bull has established his
dominance he will ignore the presence of subdominant males in the
vicinity. However in the captive situation some problems can arise such
as over indulging in necking behaviour and misplaced sexual or
homosexual behaviour as described in section 9.3 Behavioural Problems.
Serious fighting between males is very rare, however situations where
evenly matched males kept together, where it is difficult to keep out
of each others way and in the presence of females can lead to more
serious fight and is more likely to develop into habitual increased
necking behaviour.
Giraffe bulls can be housed together in the absence of female giraffe
in bachelor groups, lager bulls will still the will tend to assert
dominance over younger or small bulls, and ample space, particularly in
the nightquarters is recommended.

9.6 Interspecific Compatibility

Giraffe have been kept with a variety of other species both large and
small, such as gazelles, assorted larger antelope, zebras, camels,
water buffalo, deer, Rhinoceroses, ostrich, cranes, geese, and even
The most important factor is enclosure size, species groups and
individuals need to be able to avoid each other if they choose to,
areas that can only be accessed by animal of a particular size are
ideal The provision of the correct type and amount of food per group or
individual can be difficult in mixed species exhibits.
As with all mixed species exhibits, there are pros and cons, it usually
depends upon individuals of a species rather than the species itself,
one zoo may display zebra with giraffe without problems, but another
zoo may have a particularly territorial zebra stallion that is not
compatible with their giraffe group.
At Victoria’s Open Range Zoo, they had problems of giraffe aggression
directed towards a white rhino, this was resolved by chemical
castration of the giraffe.

9.7 Introductions and removals

All giraffe introductions should be gradual, weather it is between

giraffe or giraffe and other species. Ideally individuals should
familiarize them selves with each other in adjacent enclosures prior to
actual introduction to ensure compatibility. (Lee 1991). Giraffe can
usually be coaxed to move from area with food, particularly by offering
a large branch of browse.

10.0 Breeding

In captivity in Australasia, female Giraffes breed reliably from the

ages of four to fourteen years, and have bred up to the age of 27. Male
fertility peaks between the ages of 6 and 14 years, though they have
continued breeding up to the age of 24.

Table 4. Reproductive parameters from studbook data

Age range of possible reproduction (age of youngest 3 years 4 months
and oldest animals recorded breeding – birth of – 27 years 5
offspring) months
Age range of peak reproduction (Age classes for which 4 years – 14
average (median) Mx value is exceeded) years
Age range of possible reproduction (age of youngest 3 years 6 months
and oldest animals recorded breeding- birth of –
offspring) 24 years
Age range of peak reproduction (Age classes for which 6 years –14 years
average (median) Mx value is exceeded)

10.1 Mating Systems

Giraffe will breed throughout the year, in wild giraffe there is some
correlation between rainfall one-month before conception and conception
(Skinner & Smithers 1990). Most females conceive for the first time in
their fourth year, but males do not generally reproduce before the age
of seven if housed with older bulls. When the only bull in a group
captive male giraffe have proven to be precousious, with many breeding
at three or four years of age the youngest bull to sire offpsring did
so at age 2 years and 7 months.
Giraffes produce a single offspring (rarely twins) after a gestation
period of 15 months (450 days). Three set of twins have been born in
Australasia, out of 214 births, (one set at Auckland Zoo that survived
and two premature sets at Western Plains Zoo, from the same dam, none
of which survived) (Jolly 2000).
Giraffe cows can conceive again several months after birth, the minimum
interval between births is 16 months. Lactation lasts 6 to 12 months
and female giraffe continue to reproduce until around 20 years of age.
Female giraffe have reproductive tracts similar to other ruminants,
ovaries are paired and symmetrical, with a bipartate uterus and
symmetrical horns. The estrous cycle length is about 15 days, ovulation
occurs with equal frequency from both ovaries. Oestrus lasts about one
day and males giraffe detect oestrus by urine sampling. A postpartum
oestrus has been observed, however a lactational anoestrus of several
months is the norm (Calle et al 1993).

10.1 Mating Systems con’t

Mature male giraffe move about herds checking females for reproductive
status by urine testing. The bull sniffs the cow’s vulva, stimulating
her to urinate (figure 28), the bull draws urine into his mouth, with
his head raised, mouth open and upper lip curled up, (figure 29) the
urine is sampled in the Jacobson’s organ in a typical flehemen response
(Calle et al. 1993).
Giraffe bull dominance is a linear hierarchy expressed by the
displacement of subordinates from estrous females, which frequently
occurs by the mere fact of their presence. Dominant bulls are generally
older and larger (Calle et al. 1993). Once a bull has located a cow in
oestrus, he attempts to maintain a tending bond and keep rivals away. A
tending bond describes the attempt of a male to monopolize mating
opportunities by staying close to an estrous female and fending off all
rivals, this behaviour is typical of nonterritorial, polygynous mating
systems in ungulates. The male follows the female closely, moves close
and displays a foreleg lift. When the female is ready to mate, she
stands still, the male mounts from the rear (figure 30) by sliding his
forelegs loosely onto her flanks, and stands bolt upright, with an
ejaculatory thrust (Estes 1991).
The reproductive organs of the male giraffe differ little in morphology
and histology than those of other ungulates. Spermatogenesis begins at
4 years of age and coincides with rapid increase in testicular weight.
Mature male giraffe testes are ovoid, 10 to 14 cm long and 6 to 8 cm
wide and suspended with the long axis vertical in a pendulous scrotum.
Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, and bulbourethral glands are all
present (Calle et al 1993). There is an absence of seasonal patterns
in testicular testosterone levels, which is consistent with giraffe
breeding throughout the year (Hall-Martin et al 1987).

10.2 Birth

• Gestation in the giraffe is approximately 450 days, but as the

estrous cycle is short at 14 days, it may be difficult to estimate
the exact due date.
• As gestation progresses there is noticeable change in abdomen size
and udder development.
• The teats start to enlarge about 19 days before parturition and milk
production occurs about two days before (Reason 2000).
• Nearing the due date it is advisable to prepare a birthing stall
with a deep bed of straw, mulch or shavings, adjacent to, but
separate from the other giraffe, particularly any bulls.
• The expectant giraffe is usually kept separate each night, and
should be alone as far a possible during the birth.
• Observations of the birth should be made from a distance, the area
should be closed from the public and unnecessary noise should be
• As the birth nears, behavioral changes are sometimes noted, such as
changes in feeding and sleeping patterns, increased water intake and
decreased food intake. Some giraffe become nervous, others remain
calm and unperturbed (Reason 2000).
• Fetal movement may be seen two weeks before birth.
• The duration of labor in giraffe varies, but is about 2 3/4 hours on
average, labors lasting longer than 5 hours may be a cause for
concern (Reason 2000).
• If there has been little or no progress in the birth an hour or so
after the head appears the dam may require assistance, this may be
facilitated in a crush.
• Impending parturition is indicated by fetal kicks, increased
drinking, pacing and “bearing down “ (where the back legs are spread
slightly and the dams appears to be straining), dams may also lye
down and get up again.
• Normal presentation is front feet first followed by the head and
neck, positioned between the forelegs, the calf swings with the dams
movement, once the shoulder emerge the calf is delivered quickly,
falling to the floor and breaking the umbilical cord.
• The dam usually eats the amniotic membrane, as she licks her calf,
and may or may not eat the placenta, which is usually passed within
3 hours of the birth.
• It is normal for a large amount of bloody fluid to discharge from
the vulva for a few hours after the birth.
• The calf should stand and suckle within the first hour.
• The umbilicus remains attached for about two months.

10.3 Growth and Development

• The average height of giraffe calves at birth is approximately 1.6 -

1.8m for females and 1.7 - 2m for males.
• A giraffe calf needs to be a certain height in order to reach their
mother’s udder to suckle.
• Young giraffe grow incredibly quickly, as much as 23cm in the first
month, much of the increase is in the neck region. During their
first six months giraffe calves can grow as much as 100cm, growth
rates continue but slow to 2cm per month during the calf’s second
year (Dagg & Foster).
• Giraffe calves weight about 50 to 70 kg at birth.
• It is important that young giraffe grow quickly, as the smaller they
are, the more vulnerable they are to predators (Murray 1997).
• Giraffe calves are weaned by their mothers between 8 – 18 months of
age (Dagg & Foster 1976).

10.4 Techniques Used to Enhance or Control Breeding

10.4.1 Assisted Reproduction Techniques

Giraffe reproductive research and animal training and conditioning has

enhanced the ability to perform mildly evasive procedures such as;
vaginal examinations, cervical catheterization, rectal palpation, and
ultrasound examination on nonsedated giraffe (Calle et al 1993) (figure
15, rectal ultrasound observation of ovaries in female giraffe at
Taronga Zoo).
Artificial reproduction technologies offer many tools to enhance both
the captive management and the long term genetic management of giraffe.
Estrus synchronization, which allows control and timing of the
periovulatory period for artificial insemination or timed natural
breeding, has been achieved in giraffe using oral doses of progestogen
altrenogest, or injections of lutalyse or insertion of progesterone-
releasing intervaginal devices (Calle et al 1993).
Semen collection via electro ejaculated using a domestic bull probe has
been achieved on physically restrained male giraffe (Foxworth et al
Artificial reproductive technology and methodology for the
synchronization of oestrus, collection and preparation of semen for
artificial insemination and techniques for the introduction of semen
into the uterus resulting in the live birth of a giraffe calf has been
achieved in the USA (Foxworth et al 1993).
The following ARAZPA zoos have conducted assisted reproductive
techniques on giraffe: Auckland Zoo, Taronga Zoo and Perth Zoo.

10.4.2 Contraception

The easiest method of contraception in giraffe is separation of the

sexes. Other contraceptive methods used in ungulate species can be
employed in giraffe (Porton & Hornbeck 1993). Male giraffe can be
vasectomized and MGA implants and anti GnRH vaccines have been used as
contraceptive methods in giraffe (Asa et al 1996). The American Zoo
Association has a contraceptive advisory group who can be consulted for
the latest information (AZA 2003).
The following ARAZPA zoos have uses contraceptive methods for giraffe:
Victoria’s Open Range Zoo, Taronga Zoo Western Plains Zoo and
Wellington Zoo.

11.0 Hand Rearing of Giraffe

The decision to hand rear a giraffe calf should not be taken lightly,
it is going to require a lot of work and patience lasting over six
months. If a female giraffe is not going to rear her calf it is
generally fairly obvious, her behaviour may range from completely
ignoring the calf to being actively aggressive or fearful of it.
Unfortunately these females tend to be habitual poor mothers an never
rear their own calves (Colin Wallbank, Pascale Benoit pers comm.).
In a few circumstances, giraffe mothers have been sedated to induce
them to accept, or allow their calf to suckle (Fischer et al 1997). Any
giraffe calf that stops suckling within its first four months should be
bottle fed, with additional milk as it is unlikely to be able to obtain
sufficient nutrients for solid food at this age (Lee 1991).
Analysis of giraffe milk indicate that the fat content ranges from
12.5% (day 10 of lactation) to 4.8% (day 150 of lactation), suggesting
different requirements at different stages of development (Lee 1991).
It may be necessary to physically restrain the young giraffe for
feeding for the first few days until they voluntarily accept the bottle
and feed. In some cases a nasogastric tube may be required for calves
that are reluctant to be restrained or are morbid. Where force-feeding
is required, take care to avoid aspiration pneumonia.
It is important to ensure that the meconium (first faeces) has been
passed, sometimes the meconium is retained resulting in colic symptoms,
and a rectal exam and removal will alleviate the symptoms (Lee 1991).
It is important to be able to monitor the growth and development of the
giraffe being reared, to compare it progress with parent reared
individuals. Giraffe calves can easily be trained to walk onto scales
for weighting. The following ARAZPA zoos have hand reared giraffe
calves: Western Plains Zoo, Taronga Zoo, Melbourne Zoo & Perth Zoo.

11.1. Housing for Rearing

For the safety of both the calf being reared and the staff attending to
it, it is best to be kept separated from the other giraffe initially. A
stall within the giraffe house is ideal, with a deep straw bed, heating
may be required depending upon the season. The calf will also need a
larger area in which to exercise. At almost 2m in height at birth,
keeping staff may need to elevate themselves on a step or platform in
order to feed the calf at a reasonable head height.

11.2 Diet and Feeding Routines

If the giraffe calf has not suckled from its mother, it is recommended
that the first feed be colostrum (ideally from the calf own mother, but
rarely available), bovine colostrum available from most cattle dairies
is the best alternative. (Burgess & Blyde 1991). No protein should be
given before the colostrum, as this will prevent the absorption of
immunoglobulins (Lee 1991)
The milk formula is offered in a 3 litre bottle with a latex teat, 20cm
in length and 2.5cm in diameter (Burgess & Blyde 1991). Care should be
taken to ensure the teat is secure as calves have been known to swallow
them. Artificial milk replacer “Denkovit” at a dilution rate of 100g
powder to 1L of water has been used to rear giraffe. “ Denkovit, a
calf milk replacer is similar in consumption to giraffe milk (Greed
1961) and is readily available. The water used to mix the formula is
first boiled then allowed to cool to body temperature before feeding.
After each feed the teat and bottle are washed with detergent, rinsed
thoroughly and stored in Halamid solution, which is changed every three
As a general rule, a giraffe calf is expected to consume between 10-
20% of it body weight over a 24hour period (Lee 1991).
Example Feeding regime - five feeds per day at four hourly intervals
(between 0600to 2200hrs), from week 1 to week 5 about 6.5 litres were
feed daily, from week 6 to 10 about 10 litres were fed daily, from week
10 onwards the daily volume and number of feeds was slowly reduced as
the intake of solid food increased. (Burgess & Blyde 1991).

Table 5. Giraffe calf feeding regime.

Age in weeks Number of Average

feeds per day daily volume
1 – 5 weeks five 6.5 L
6 - 12 weeks four 10 L
13 – 17 weeks three 8 L
18 – 23 weeks two 4 L
24 – 28 weeks one 1.5 L

11.3 Weaning

Young giraffe begin browsing when a few weeks old and begin ruminating
for short periods at 1 to 4 months of age (Lee 1991). From about two
months of age, it is recommended that solid foods (browse, lucerne,
vegetables and pelleted ration) be introduced and the amount offered be

slowly increased as the daily volume of milk formula be gradually
decreased until weaning is achieved (Burgess & Bylde 1991).

11.4 Behavioural Considerations

Hand raised giraffe can be habituated to human company, in the case of

two hand raised giraffe that were later moved to open range zoos
(Werribee & Monarto) the individuals actively sort out humans and would
regularly place their heads inside safari buses, a potentially
dangerous act.

11.5 Use of Foster Species

Due to the height of infant giraffe, no other animal species would be

physiologically capable of fostering a giraffe. Other lactating giraffe
have been known to accept another’s calf a rear it. Some lactating
females will even allow other adult giraffe to suckle. However, young
giraffe have benefited from the presence of companion animals in the
absence of other giraffe. Dairy cows (Allin 1998), eland and camels
have been successfully used as companion animals for young giraffe (at
Werribee Zoo), but this can lead to the giraffe associating with the
companion species in preference to other giraffe in later life.

11.6 Reintroduction Procedures

If he calf is to be reintroduced to the giraffe group it is best to

house it in the same vicinity, preferable with visual and nose to nose
contact with other giraffe. This can be achieved with half doors and
mesh partitions. Once the calf is about three months old provided it is
healthy, feeding well and growing it can be gradually introduced to
other giraffe. It is best to introduce the calf for short periods to
other younger giraffe first, then to adults; gradually increasing the
duration spent together (Burgess & Blyde 1991). For all introductions a
keeper should be present to monitor behaviors and to intervene should
problems arise.

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13.0 Bibliography

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Dagg, A.I. and Foster, J.B. (1976). The Giraffe, its biology,
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Dagg, A.I. and Foster, J.B. (1982). The Giraffe, its biology,
behaviour, and ecology. Appendix E Updated Supplementary Material for
Reprint Edition. Van Nostrand Reinhold Publishers. U.S.A.

Estes, R.D. (1991). The Behavior Guide to African Mammals. The

University of California Press, Los Angeles.

Giraffes (2003). http://

Giraffe Haven (2002). http://

Janis, C. & Jarman, P. J. 1984). Even-toed Ungulates. In Hoofed

Mammals, D. Macdonald. (ed.). Torstar Books inc. New York. U.S.A.

Kleiman, D.G., Allen, M.E. Thompson, K.V. & Lumpkin, S. (1996) Wild
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Kingdon, J.(1997). Field Guide to African Mammals. Academic Press. Pp.

339 – 344.

Pellew, R. A. (1984). Giraffe and Okapi. In Hoofed Mammals, D.

Macdonald, (ed.). Torstar Books inc. New York. U.S.A.

Skinner, J.D. & Smithers, R.H.N. (1990). The Mammals of the Southern
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South Africa. Pp. 604 – 606.

Spinage, C.A. (1968) The book of the Giraffe. Collins. London.

Wildlife Nature (2002) . http://

13.2 Taxonomy

Ansell, W.F.H. (1968). Artiodactyla (excluding the genus Gazella). In:

Preliminary Identification Manual for African Mammals, J.A. Meester
(ed.). Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.

Baysdorfer, C. (2000) Giraffe DNA Project. In Giraffe SSP Meeting

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Kingdon, J. (1984) East African Mammals, An Atlas of Evolution in

Africa. Vol IIIB (Large Mammals). University of Chicago Press. Pp. 308
– 337. (Giraffe coat pattern


13.3 Biology and Ecology

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Harrison, D.F. (1980). Biomechanics of the giraffe larynx and trachea.

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Warren, J. V. (1974) The Physiology of the Giraffe. Scientific American

231(5) Pp. 96-100. (Pictures and information
on giraffe skulls)

13.4 Husbandry and Captive Management

American Zoo Association (

AZA Antelope TAG (

Clauss M, Suedmeyer WK, Flach EJ. (1999). Susceptibility to cold in

captive giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis). Proc AAZV, pp. 183-186.

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Murray, J. (1997). The Ecology and Behaviour of the Giraffe (Giraffa

camelopardalis), with special reference to a group of three captive
Rothschild Giraffe (G. C. rothschildi) at Edinburgh Zoo. Ratel 23 (3)
Pp. 91 – 138. (zoo exhibit design website)

13.5 Nurtition

Baer, D.J., Ofledaal, O.T. & Fahey, G.C. (1988) Feed selection &
digestibility by captive giraffe. Zoo Biol. 4 Pp. 57 –64.

Clauss, M., Lechener-Doll, M. & Hatt, J-M. (2001) Digestive tract

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Hofmann, R.R. & Matern, B. (1988) changes in gastrointestinal

morphology related to nutrition in giraffes, giraffa camelopardalis, a
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Langman, V.A (1978). Giraffe pica behaviour and pathology as indicators

of nutritional stress. Journal of Wildlife Management 42 Pp. 141-147.

Pellew RA. (1984a). Food consumption and energy budgets of the giraffe.
J Appl Ecol 21: 41-159.

Pellew, R.A. (1984b) The Feeding ecology of a selective browser, the

giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi). Journal of Zoology,
London. 202 pp57-81.

Robbins, C. T. (1993) Wildlife Feeding & Nutrition Academic Press Inc.
San Diego. (Research project on giraffe diets)

13.6 Transportation and Restraint

Bornmann, J.C. (1987). Giraffe restraint device at the Cheyenne

Mountain Zoo. AAZPA Conference Proceedings. Pp. 443-444.

Calle, P.P & Bornmann, J.C. (1988). Giraffe restraint, habituation, and
desensitization at the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo. Zoo Biology 7 (3) Pp.

Geldenhuys, L. (1993a) Transportation of Giraffe (Giraffa

camelopardalis). In: The Captive Care Manual. Captive, Care
accommodation and Transportation of Wild African Animals. McKenzie,
A.A.(Ed.) Wildlife Decision support Services and the South African
Veterinary foundation, South Africa. Pp. 607-610.

IATA (1994) IATA Live Animal Regulations, 21st edition. International

Air Transport Association, Montreal Geneva.

Reason, R., Sevenich, M., Horvath, A. & Laird, E. (1998). The use of
physical restraint devices for medical procedures on captive giraffe.
Zoologische Garten 68 (2). Pp. 112-118.

Wienker, W. R. (1986) Giraffe squeeze cage procedures. Zoo Biol 5. Pp.

371-377. (Giraffe restraint) (Capture methods, drugs

and transportation, search for giraffe).

13.7 Health, Immobilization & Anesthesia.

Benbow, G.M., & Lyon, D.G. (1997). Experiences with Restraint and
Immobilization of Captive Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) in Zoos and
Safari Parks in Europe. www.

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Wild Animal Medicine- current Therapy3. Fowler, M. (Ed). WB Saunders C.
Philadelphia. Pp. 545-547.

Bullock, J. (1993). Giraffe immobilization at the Jacksonville Zoo.

AAZPA Conference Procecdings. Pp. 275-277.

Bush, M., Grobler, D.G. and Raath, J.P. (2002) The Art and science of
Giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) Immobilization/Anesthesia. Zoological
Restraint and Anesthesia. Heard, D. (Ed). International Veterinary
Information Service.

Fischer, M.T., Miller.E. & Houston, E.W. (1997). Serial tranquilization
of a reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis reticulata) using
xylazine. Journal of Zoo & Wildlife Mecicine. 28 (2).

Jensen J.M. (1999). Preventative Medicine Programs for Ranched

Hoofstock. In Zoo & Wild Animal Medicine. Current therapy 4, M.E.Fowler
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Junge RE, Bradley TA. (1993). Peracute mortality syndrome of giraffes.

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Langman, V.A., Bamford, O.S. & Maloiy, G.M. (1982) respiration and
metabolism in the giraffe. Respiration Physiology 50 (2) pp141-152.

Radcliffe, R.M., Turner. T.A., Radcliffe, C.H. & Radcliffe, R.W (1999)
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Pp. 416-420.

Vogelnest, L. & Ralph, H.K. (1997). Chemical immobilization of giraffe

to facilitate short procedures. Australian Veterinary Journal 75 (5).
Pp. 180-182. (International Veterinary Information Service) (UK veterinary site, search for giraffe).

13.8 Behaviour, Enrichment and Training

Animal Care and Training Programs in the USA. (2003).

Animal Enrichment – National Zoo .(2003). enrichment/

Animal Training at the Milwaukee County Zoo. (2003).

Ark animals (2003) (giraffe

training and conditioning)

Association for British wild Animal Keepers – Environmental Enrichment


Bashaw, M.J., Tarou, L.R., Maki, T. & Maple, T.L. (2001) A survey
assessment of variables related to stereotypy in captive giraffe and
okapi. Applied Animal Behaviour 73 (3). Pp235-247.

Desmond. T. & Laule, J. (1994) Use of positive enrichment training in

the management of species reproduction. Zoo Biology 13 Pp.471-477.

Enrichment at Lincoln Zoo (2003).

Estes, R.D. (1991). The Behavior Guide to African Mammals. The

University of California Press, Los Angeles.

Horwich, R.H. (1983) Behavioural developments in okapis and giraffes.
Zoo Biol. 2 (2) Pp. 105-125.

Houts.L.(2000) Giraffe Training. Animal Trainer Magazine 1: 3.

Lindburg, D.G & Fitch-snyder, H. (1994). Use of behaviour to evaluate

reproductive problems in captive mammals. Zoo Biology 13 Pp. 433 – 445.

Moore, M.S., Benjamin, J.E., Harte. C.R. (2000). Testing the

interspecific body size principle in ungulates: the smaller they come,
the harder they groom. Animal Behaviour 60 (1) Pp. 35-45.

Nicklaus, F.A. and Mueller, A. (1995) Feeding barrel for giraffe at

Columbus Zoo. Animal Keepers Forum 2: 5 p 176-177.

Reason, R. & Bent, N. (1997). Movement order in captive giraffe

(Giraffa camelopardalis) herd. Zoologische Garten 67(5). Pp279-282.

Sedgwick County Zoo Training and Research (2003).

Sharp, C. (1993). Enrichment options: giraffe. Animal Keepers Forum 20

(4) p. 155.

Tarou, L.R., Bashaw, M.J. & Maple, T.L. (2000) Social attachment in
giraffe: Response to social separation. Zoo Biology 19 Pp. 41-51.

Tobler, I. & Schwierin, B. (1996). Behavioural sleep in the giraffe

(Giraffa camelopardalis) in a zoological garden. Journal of Sleep
Research 5 (1) Pp. 21-23.

Zoo Animal Training (2003).

13.9 Reproduction and Rearing

________ (1999) Successful rearing of a 101/2 week old orphaned

giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) at Brookfield Zoo. Ratel 26:2 pp52-53.

Burgess, J. & Blyde, D. (1991) Hand-rearing and reintroduction of a

giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) at Taronga Zoo, Sydney. Int. Zoo Yb.
30:213-215. The Zoological Society of London.

Calle, P.P., Raphael, B.L. and Loskutoff, N.M. (1993). Giraffid

Reproduction. In: Zoo & Wild Animal Medicine. Current therapy 3, M.E.
Fowler (ed.). W.B. Saunders company, Philadelphia. U.S.A.

Clevenger, M. (1980). Handrearing and development of Rothschild’s

giraffe at the Oklahoma City Zoo. Zoo Journal 4 (3). Pp.1-14.

Desmond. T. & Laule, J. (1994) Use of positive enrichment training in

the management of species reproduction. Zoo Biology 13 Pp.471-477.

Foxworth, B., Robeck, T., Portillo, T. & Foxworth, G. (1991).

Preliminary data on electroejectulation, semen characteristics, and
cryopreservation of sperm in the reticulated giraffe. Journal of
Morphology. 208 (2). Pp. 193-203.

Foxworth, B., Flores-Foxworth, G., Robeck, T., Portillo, T. & Kraemer,
D. (1993) The Successful development of artificial insemination
technology in the reticulated giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis
reticulata) with subsequent birth of live offspring. AAZPA Annual
Conference Proceedings. Pp. 407-409.

Gilbert., D.E, et al (1988) Hormonal manipulation & ultrasonographic

monitoring of ovarian activity in giraffe. Theriogenology 29 (1).

Greed, R.E. (1960) Composition of the milk of the giraffe. Int. Zoo Yb.
2 p 106.

Hall-Martin, A.J., Skinner, J.D. & Hopkins, B.J. (1987). The

Development of the reproductive organs of the male giraffe, (giraffa
camelopardalis). J. Repord. Fert. 52, Pp. 1-7.

Keith, M. (1994). Weight gain of a giraffe (giraffa camelopardalis

reciculata) after being orphaned at 3.5 months of age. Animal Keepers
Forum 21 (5). Pp.172-175.

Lindburg, D.G & Fitch-snyder, H. (1994). Use of behaviour to evaluate

reproductive problems in captive mammals. Zoo Biology 13 Pp. 433 – 445.

Oftedal, O.T. (1984) Milk composition, milk yield and energy output at
peak lactation: A comparative review. Symp. Zool. Soc. Lond. 51 Pp. 33

Porton, I. & Hornbeck, B. (1993) A North American Contraceptive

Database for Ungulates. Int. Zoo Yb. 35 Pp155-159. The Zoological
Society of London.

Reason, R. (2000) Reproductive Parameters in Female Giraffe (Giraffa

camelopardalis) at Brookfield Zoo. Animal Keeper Forum 27(3) pp120-123.

14.0 Appendix.

14.1 Appendix 1..

14.2 Appendix 2. Australasian Zoo Contacts

14.3 Appendix 3.Taronga Zoo giraffe Training Protocol

Appendix 2. Australasian Zoo Contacts

Zoo Phone Number Contact

Adelaide Zoo 08 8267 3255 Mark Craig
ARAZPA 02 9978 4797 Caroline Lees
Auckland Zoo 09 360 3800 Glen Holland
Hamilton Zoo 0 838 6720
Melbourne 03 9285 9300 Chris Banks
Mogo Zoo 02 4474 4930 Bill Padey
Monarto 08 8534 4100 Colin Colquhoun
Zoological Park
National Zoo & 02 6287 8400 Trent Russell
Orana Wildlife 03 359 7109 Ian Adams
Perth Zoological 08 9376 7988 Colin Hyde
Taronga Zoo 02 9969 2777 Erna Walraven
Victoria’s Open 03 9731 9600
Range Zoo
Wellington 04 381 6750 Mauritz Basson
Western Plains 02 6881 1400
ASMP Giraffe 03 9731 9645 Lorraine Jolly
Studbook Keeper

Appendix 3.Taronga Zoo giraffe Training Protocol

Giraffe Artificial Insemination - Conditioning Protocol

By Natalie Connors and Anthony Dorrian - Keepers African Division, Taronga Zoo. 2000

Taronga Zoo African Division staff conditioned one male and two female giraffe
for assisted reproduction techniques. The giraffes are conditioned to entering,
standing in and being physically confined in the crush to enable tactile
conditioning. The giraffes at Taronga Zoo tolerate rectal examinations as well
as vulval examinations quite well. We concentrate much of our work on rectal
examinations as the ultrasounding to locate the ovaries is critical for the
project. The following outline is the conditioning protocol which was followed
to achieve the possible artificial insemination of female giraffe without the
need for chemical restraint.
Step 1 Conditioning for semen collection should begin with familiarisation in a crush. The crush should be designed
in such a way that it can be walked through as part of the daily routine.

Step 2 Once the giraffe are comfortably walking through the crush they should be re-enforced for standing and
feeding in it by simply introducing a feed basket. This gives them the opportunity to leave the crush if they feel
threatened. A gate can then be introduced to effectively close one end of the crush. Food can then be placed on this gate
to encourage the giraffe to walk into the half closed crush. Until the giraffe are confidently walking into and remaining
in the crush they should have the option of backing out and re- entering.

Step 3 Full containment in the crush should be attempted when the keepers deem it possible for short periods of
time. Length of time spent contained in the crush can then be extended as the animal’s stress level dictates that it is
comfortable in the crush. If the animal appears stressed it should be released from the crush and encouraged to re-enter
without being fully contained. This ensures that the conditioning ends on a positive note. Prior to the commencement
of any tactile work the giraffe should be voluntarily entering the crush and capable of standing and feeding without
showing excessive signs of stress.

Step 4 Tactile conditioning should begin with a still hand on the rump progressing to continuous strokes on the rump
region, legs and underbelly. Progression of tactile conditioning will differ with individuals and should be once again
predicted by the animal. If the animal is comfortable standing in the crush and feeding and shows no anxiety then
progression from a still hand on the rump to gentle stroking can be attempted. We began with touching all areas around
the rump and tail prior to attempting any internal work. We found that the initial touch startled the animals but they
settled down quickly as long as continuous strokes were used therefore keeping a hand on their rump the whole time.

Step 5 Rectal examination should be approached by either going under the tail or moving it to one side. If possible
avoid lifting the tail, it has been found to be unsettling to Taronga Zoo’s females in the past. Rectal gloves and lots of
lubricant are essential for this part of the conditioning. Prior to the insertion of a probe the giraffe should be
conditioned to having a hand and forearm inserted into the rectum and moved around. This should be achieved as
slowly as possible to avoid any undue stress on the animal. The giraffe should then be introduced to the probe. Not
until the giraffe is tolerating the probe without any stimulation should electro-ejaculation be attempted.
To be very specific, rectal examination began slowly. One gloved finger with
lots of lubricant, progressing to two, then three etc until a whole hand was
able to be inserted. We found that the most uncomfortable time for the animals
was until the hand was inserted to the wrist. The muscles contract and relax
continuously at this time and we always found it best to apply constant
pressure and not to go too slow. Once a hand is inserted our giraffe tend to
stand relatively quietly. This is as far as the keepers, could go without the
assistance of a vet. So on the days when vets were unavailable the keepers
would work on doing exactly what the vets would do- that is trying to identify
organs and moving a hand around internally. The vets performed several rectal
examinations before bringing a specialist artificial insemination vet in to
help with ultrasounding.
The vets found that the ovaries are located much closer than would probably be
expected. From a lay man’s perspective without all the technical jargon, once
you enter the rectum head down rather than proceeding straight ahead and you
will probably only need to reach as far as half way up your forearm- on the
average person. The ultrasound equipment used at Taronga Zoo is an Aloka 500
unit with a 5MHz veterinary electronic linear probe (model no. UST-588U-5).

The probe is one that is used for cattle artificial insemination and fits
snuggly within the hand so provides no extra discomfort on insertion.
In Taronga Zoo steps 1 to 5 were achieved with female giraffes over a 3 month period with daily 15 minute training
sessions. It is recommended that at least initially a minimum number of people are involved in the conditioning until
the animal is used to the conditioning routine.


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