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Archaic Grammmar English

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(PART 1)

John H. J. Westlake

Submitted for the Degree of

Doctor of Philosophy
in the University of Birmingham*

October 197.0
University of Birmingham Research Archive
e-theses repository

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:j -
This thesis is the first; part: of a comprehensive grammar of
the language of Shakespeare. It deals with the noun, the
adjective, the articles, numerals, the verb, and congruence
between subject and predicate. The method employed is basically
traditional and historical, and normally only Shakespeare is
considered, but occasionally comparisons are made with earlier
and with later usage. A division has not been made between
accidence and syntax, though both are examined. AIL examples
from. Shakespeare are quoted from the Polio or Quarto texts.
Usually more examples are given of a rare construction than
of a common one, and sometimes all known instances are cited.
A very few examples are given from Shakespeare s contemporarias
where it is felt that these are helpful. The work takes as
its basis Wilhelm Franz.1 s Die Sprache Shakespeares in'Vers
"uncl Prosa (Halle, 1939), which is in fact a fourth edition of
his Shakespeare-Grammatik (1898-1900, 1909, 1924-)} but
frequent references are made to other grammatical works that
confirm, amplify, or- correct the statements made there.
Table of Contents

Introduction - statement of principles

The Noun §§ 1-31
Forms of the Plural, Number, Collectives §§ 1-12
The Genitive §§ 13-19
Gender §§ 20-30
The Dative of the Person § 31
The Adjective §§ 32-54
Comparison §§ 32-4-3
Nominalization §§ 4-4-53
The Adjective and Adverb with a Predicative Verb § 54
Numerals §§ 55-62
The Definite Article §§ 63-76
The Indefinite Article §§ 77-85
The Verb §§ 86-217
Inflexions §§ 86-90
Weak Forms §§ 91-94
Strong Forms §§ 95-100
Individual Forms of the Past Participle § 101
Alphabetical list of Strong Verbs § 102
Auxiliary, Copulative, and Modal Verbs §§ 103-153
be §§ 103-106
have §§ 107-109
do §§ 110-120
can § 121
may, might §§ 122-125
must §§ 126-128
ought § 129
dare § 130
wont § 131
shall, should §§ 132.-142
will, would §§ 143-150
stand § 151
use § 152'
Omission of verb of motion after certain Auxiliaries £ ",53
V.r ot § 154
Quoth § 155
Hight § 156
Methoughts § 157
Impersonal Verbs and Constructions § 158
Reflexive Verbs § 159
The sentence type "The book sells well" §160
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs §§ 161-163
Constructions in the Passive § 164
Interrogative Forms § 165
Use of Tenses §§ 166-169
The Present Tense referring to the Future § 166
The Historic Present § 167
The Continuous Tenses § 168
She two Past Tenses § 169
The Subjunctive §§ 170-185
The Imperative § 184
The Infinitive §§ 185-194
The Participles §§ 195-199
The Gerund §§ 200-206
Congruence §§ 207-217
Select Bibliography
Statement of principles
The need for a new comprehensive description of the cranns.::
of Shakespeare is -s-elf-evident. There are at present two
works which make some claim to furnish such a description.
E. A. Abbott's A Shakespearian Grammar is still reprinted
from time to time, but it has not been revised in any way
Since the /third edition was published in 1870. Nor is it
-^totlyr comprehensive, since it contents itself with a treatment
of some of those features of Shakespeare's language that are
no longer current in normal usage. The author states in his
preface that it was his intention to encourage the study of
Shakespearian English with the aim of improving Latin prose
composition among schoolboys. Hence he analyses Shakespeare's
language in terms of Latin grammar and practically ignores
the fact that English is a Germanie- language following rules
that are often totally different. While, therefore, Abbott Vs
work is sometimes still of value it does not meet the
requirements of the modern Shakespear-iea scholar.
W. Franz '$ Die Sprache Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa (Halle,
1939) is a far-more ambitious work. As its title implies , it
does not confine itself to grammar, which is divided into
word-formation, accidence, and syntax, but also deals with,
pronunciation, spelling, punctuation, and prosody. Franz .was
concerned, too, with Early Hew English in general and. even
extended his interest to modern usage, including America^
English. As a result of this, much of the work is irrelevant
to the study of Shakespeare. Nor must it be imagined fron the
publication date that this book is as modern as it seens. It
is really the fourth edition of the Shakespeare-G-ramnati!:,
the first edition of which appeared 'in 1898-1900. During tlte
next forty years Franz made some minor alterations and acld^w
so many new sections that he felt constrained to give it its
new title, but fundamentally Die Sprache Shakespeares ir. V-rs
und Prosa is merely an expansion of the ni^i earlier work ar.d
retains a large proportion, of the errors contained in. the
previous editions.
- 2 -
The section on pronunciation is based on the work of Victor
and has since been superseded by E. Kokeritz '5 Shakespeare * s
Pronunciation (New Haven, 1953) and E. J. Dobson's English
Pronunciation 1300-1700 (Oxford, 1956 (2nd ed. 1968)). 2Iie
sections on. spelling and punctuation were written before
modern, research had shown the proper value of the "copy-tents"
and before such scholars as E. K. Chambers, W.VJfireg, and C.
Hinman had demonstrated the vagaries of Elizabethan printing;
hence they are now of very little value. The chief fault with
Pranz fs treatment of prosody is its inadequacy: it confines
itself to Shakespeare's blank-verse and does not discuss the
Nevertheless, with all its weaknesses, Die Sprache Shakespecress
in Vers und Prosa is still without a rival. A number of essays
and. dissertations have dealt with specific points of grammar
in Shakespeare, but there has been no attempt to date to ,
produce a new comprehensive grammar. When. Shakespearian*
scholars require assistance on a grammatical issue it is
still usually to Pranz that they turn, although in cases
where he has been, shown, to be wrong other authorities are
The argument that a new Shakespeare grammar should be in
modern linguistic terms is one that is very attractive. The
inadequacy and inaccuracy in many respects of "traditional"
grammar is no longer in question. A description of Shakespeare 1 s
language in modern terms would be able to take into account
all those factors of whose existence Franz, was aware but
which he could not adequately define* There can be littlo
doubt that such a grammar must be produced if the full ne ailing
of Shakespeare's text is to be made clear. There are, however,
goocl reasons for deferring this task and adopting instead, a
more conservative approach, if only as an interim measure,
In the first place, although modern linguists have succeeded
in providing more satisfactory descriptions of certain aspects
of English syntax, there is as yet nothing that> even approaches
a comprehensive description of modern usage as a whole; nor
does it seem likely that there will be one for some years yot*
- 3 -
\ .'..* ;. ',rf , « t, , j *, , : •. 'i

It therefore seems reasonable to suggest that a similar

description of Shakespeare's language may well take even
longer. There
•&••.- .-,,'-
is as yet very little in the way of linguistic
treatises on. anything but the modern language. This is
perhaps because of the necessity of evaluating new grammars
by the extent to which they are a consistent with acceptable
spoken language* A linguistic approach ±& to Shakespeare will
have to take into account the fact that the concept of
acceptability is meaningless, and thatr what is under examination,
is a text whose precise authenticity is ofteit doubtful at
crucial points.
In the event the wisest: course of action appears to be to
;"-:«."- * 'I ' ...

translate Franz and correct and bring it up to date. Much of

his work is, as has already been shown, unnecessary in this
context '. Accord ingly compar
isons with American usage have
? ...' -
been excised, and most of the references to later developments
in. British English, except, where these are especially illum-
inating. Franz wegs also concerned to show how Shakespeare's
language developed from Old and Middle English. Since most
English scholars will be familiar with Old and Middle English
or can refer to grammars where necessary, only those references
are retained which have some special interest or significance.
For obvious reasons all comparisons to German have been
excluded. A further abridgement that has been undertaken ±a
is the exclusion of nearly all quotations from authors other
than Shakespeare. The few exceptions which do occur are
Included because it is considered that they are helpful in
showing what was the normal practice in Shakespeare's time.
The matter of nomenclature is never an easy one and is
bound to be, at least; to some extent, arbitrary. Modern
practice has been followed in. referring to "Old, English11
rather than "Anglo-Saxon"; but the choice between "Hew
English" and "Modern English11 is less easy to make. The
former has been chosen for two reasons/ It accords with the
*,<." '" - -
' ^1 -

ic languages, for example German: Old ^

' , ,>, . " 1 . ' -

v C--
e of other German
;"* ',»/''' ' •
High German, Middle High German, Hew High. German. It also
simplifies comparisons between the language of Shakespeare
con$emp6rariBS (Early Ifew English) and the usage of
today (modern * English). This seems more logical and less
clumsy than referring to Early Modern English and Late Modern
-$&•, f
English. The grammatical terms used are those of traditional,
grammar. Despite the objections raised by the new linguists
about their inadequacy the fact remains that they are generally
understood, and since this treatise is intended to be of use
to all students of Shakespeare and not merely professional
grammarians this is a factor of some importance* Where
traditional practice is divided a decision has had to be made
without any compelling reason; hence "noun 11 is preferred to
"substantive 11 , "preterite 11 to "past simple", "perfect" to
"present perfect", "pluperfect" to "past perfect", and
"continuous tense" to *x "expanded tense".
Franz refers frequently to books and articles on grammar
that were available to him. Where it is felt that these are
still cuseful they have been retained. E. A. Abbott's A
Shakespearian Grammar is cited because it is still the only
work on the subject that is easily accessible to English- *
speaking scholars, and social mention should also be made of
E. Matzner*s Englische Grammatik, 3rd ed. (Berlin, 1880-5), '"
which is still helpful as a guide to the history of accidence,
and H. Sweet's A New English Grammar (Oxford, 1892 ead 1898),
a work that; in some respects has not been superseded. However,
many of the* works referred to "by Franz; were of only passing*
interest, so that they do not repay the effort involved in '^J*;-'
tracing them today. Such references have therefore been r
omitted* Franz made few alterations to his references after the
early editions, and it has therefore been necessary to
supplement them from more recent sources* Two works are of
special importance in this connection. Karl Brunner's Pie
englische Sprache. 2nd ed. (TUbingem, I960 a*k 1962) is
derived to a gxcxx great, extent from the work of other "
scholars, but it is most useful as a supplement to Matzner,
particularly in tracing the development of certain features of

accidence.?* T* Tisser's An historical syntax of the English

languigi (Leiden, 1963-9) is unfortunately not yet complete*
- 5 -
Its value lies in its treatment of the development of any
g;iven verb structure from Old English to the present. Each
usage is copj.pusly illustrated by examples drawn from all
periods jpf the language, and Visser often shows conclusively
that*Franz is"Mistaken Tft the date he gives for the first
"occurf^ce of a construetion. Visser's review of Franz: in
English Studies. XXVI (1944-5), 13-30 has also been most
helpful, V ' """ ' , , ~ : "
The opportunity has been taken to revise Franz'5-division of
grammar into accidence and syntax. There is always controversy
as to where one ends and the other begins, and nowadays some
grammarians do not accept accidence as part of grammar at all.
Accordingly this first volume deals with Shakespeare's grammar
under the headings of verb, noun, adjective, numerals, and the
articles, and their accidence and syntax are treated together
as a whole. A second part will be concerned with the adverb,
pronoun, conjunction, preposition, and interjection; ii will
also have sections on word-formation - prefixes, suffixes,"
and compounds - and word-order, as well as some remarks on
spelling and punctuation.
^Possibly the most unsatisfactory feature of Franz is his
treatment of quotations. There seems to have been very little
revision of these between the first and fourth editions* Even
when the Globe edition became the standard for line numbering
Franz failed to use it. Quite 6ften he gives the wrong act or
scene, and occasionally even the wrong play. He very"rarely
differentiates between the Quartos and the First Folio, and
the First and the later Folios* Frequently he is content to
rely on the emendations of editors^and he hardly ever gives
the original" spelling and punctuation* Often he does not give
enough quotations in illustration of a particular point, so
that it has been necessary to supplement these. Where a
construction is especially interesting and is rare even in
Shakespeare all the examples have been given that can be
disc6veifed^fr6m A. Schmidt's Shakespeare-Lexicon, SS 3rd ed.
19013;'in other cases discretion'has been exercised
sufficient examples have been tiubted to illustrate the
<- '6 **.:

varying circumstances in which a construction is used*

fhe texts that have been used are normally the First Polio,
the firat Quartos of Much Ado About Nothing, love's Labours
Idst. A Midsummer Night's Dream, The Merchant of Venice,
HiChard II, Henry IV. Parts 1 and 2. Richard III, Troilus and
Cressida. Titus Andronicus, King Lear^and Pericles; the
Second Quartos of Romeo and Juliet and Hamlet; the 1593
edition of Venus and Adonis, the 1594 edition of The Rape of
Lucrece. the 1609 edition of the Sonnets and A Lover's
Complaint, and the 1612 edition of The Passionate Pilgrim.
Very occasionally reference is made to another text when this
seems to be of particular interest* The orthography of the
text quoted is followed exactly with the following exceptions:
the long "s" is printed as an ordinary "s"; the use of "u" and
"v" has been brought into line with modern spelling; the use
of italics in the original has been ignored; M ^ n is printed
as "ae"; no punctuation mark is given at the end of a quotation,
unless it is a question-mark or the quotation includes a
complete speech. Where the Folio and Quarto texts can be
combined this has been done: letters and punctuation marks
printed in brackets occur in one text but not the other.
Where it is not possible to combine the texts in this manner
the Polio is quoted, unless this does not make good sense or
there/other good reasons for preferring the Quarto. In all
cases where the difference between the readings might be held
to be important both are given, and this practice has been
followed throughout the section on "Congruence 11 , where it
might be argued that individual examples were the result of a
printer's error.
It has been less easy to reach a decision on line numbering.
There are strong arguments for adopting the system used by
Charlton Hinman in The Norton Facsimile of the First Polio
(New York, 1968), but the time does not yet seem opportune
for setting a new fashion, and the problem would still remain
of readings that are not found in the Polio. The traditional
numbering of the Globe edition has therefore been retained,
* J* 1
_ f -.
and where this is inconsistent J. .Bartlett's Concordance
(1894) and: A. Schmidt's 3hakespeare-Iiexicon have been
followed. Where a quotation extends over more than one line
and, only one line number is given this refers to the line
containing the item to be illustrated; where the latter itself
extends to more than, one line both numbers are given. Except-
ionally the numbers of the first and last lines of a long
quotation are both given. This system should enable the reader
to check any reference with the .minimum delay and effort.
- 6 -
The Houn 9.

forms of the Plural, Number, Collectives

It is obvious from the prosody and spelling that the vowel
of the old inflexional ending "-es" of the plural and genitive
is silent in Shakespeare, as in other authors of the second
half of the 16th century, except where it is preceded by a
sibilant (masses wishes, hatches, privileges); aches is
dissyllabic because in Elizabethan, times it was pronounced
£e.;tjVzJ . There may, however, be a few exceptions to the
general rule, depending on how Shakespeare's verse should be
scanned. Of. (z. K5nig, Der*Yers in Shakespeares Dramen
(Straflburg, 1888), pp. 15, 17; B. A. P. van ])am and C. Stoffel,
William Shakespeare's Prosody and Text (Leiden, 1900), p. 7l
W« Victor, Shakespeare's Pronunciation (Marburg, 1906),
pp. 111-2; H. Kb'keritz, "Shakespeare's Pronunciation
^««^^____^_____^____ ^ (Uew s
Haven., 1953), p. 265; E. J. Sobson, English Pronunciation ,
1500-1700. 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1968), § 312.
«-es" is simply a form of spelling in;
Luc.. 793-794 (1594): "To crosse their armes & hang their
heads with, mine,/ To maske their
browes and hide their infamie"
Luc. 9 821 (1594)s "For Gelatines deare love be kept unspotted"
Spellings such as teares and tears are found in close
proximity 9 , ^ . '-", - ,
Luc.. 682 and 686 (1594).
The form "-es" may be pronounced f/zU s
ELL, V, ii, 332 (i1 and Q^ ): "To shew his teeth as white as
A Whales bone"
LLL. Y, ii, 309 (P): "Whip to our Tents, as Roes runnes ore
Err.. IV, i, 98 (3?): "You sent me for a ropes end as eoone"
3H6. II, v, 38 (P): "So Minutes, Houres, Dayes, Monthes,
and Yeares" (Dayes is perhaps
pronounced [«U.',,'2.1 )
, Y, i, 202 (j): "Their feares of Hostile strokes, their
Aches losses"
Macy, I, ii, 61 (?)s "Sill he disbursed, at Saint Colmes ynch"
Tmp,. IV, i, 110 (F); "Earths increase, foyzon plentie"
*y ;
' ff'?*" '
* , (Earths is perhaps here pronounced [a:8«J )
'• -, .'- " MnWMMMMIMVMIIM^HV - . ,

II, v, 43 (I1 ): "Will be worth a lewes eye"

. I, ,ii, 137 (F): "I see you have a months minde to them11
(months is perhaps here pronounced
MM. II, i, 7 (P): "swifter then ^ Moons sphere"
,~ (Moons is perhaps here pronounced C«*
MND. IV, i, 100 (Q.,): "Irippe we after nights shade"
(nights is perhaps here pronounced D^'h'*
(P): "Trip we after the nights shade"
LLL, IV, ii, 122 .(P.)i "That sings heavens praise, with such.
. * an earthly tongue"
(heavens is perhaps here pronounced
M -s M dpund (written "se", "ss", "ce")
sometimes iaapense with the plural "-s": sense, mightiness,
(cf . the similar phenomenon in the case of the genitive,

-<»®ii3 is a relic of Middle English usage.

^ IV f ili,»: 95 (P)s "let Husbands know,/ Their wives have
r sense like them"
Son, OXII, 10 (1609): "my Adders sence,/ To cryttick and to
:;: ,Uo.. , .Mr.-.-.. flatterer stopped are"
Mac;., V, i, 29 (P): "I but their sense are shut" . ,*
, I, i, 43 (P): "a thousand of his people butchered:/
Upon whose dead corpes there was such
, V, ii f 28 (?): "Your Mightinesse on bbtft. parts best, can
*» -: - '*. ' ' -^ " ...witnesae 11 . ^ /"^ r . * . : .
. IV, i, 255 (F): "Are there ballance heere to weight the
1 - 11 ~
teare also ua ear voice and acquaintance in a plural :
sense on account of their final "s n sounds. When verse means
'a -line of verse j stanza* its plural in Shakespeare is verses;
but when it means 'poetry 1 it is regarded as a collective or
abstract idea and therefore has no plural form..Cf. 0. Jespersen,
Growth and Structure of the English Language!, § 186; 0. Jespersen,
** j ., . , n & o./
Modern English Greimna: :i. II .
Cor., Ill, iy 118-120 (?) : Brutus: "Why shall the people give/
" One that speakes thus,
. . t, their voyce?11
Coriolanus: "lie give my Reasons,/
^ .; ,,.
More worthier then
f \* *

., their Yoyoes" T
(In the first instance the form voice is required by the"
. ~ verse)
Son. MIX, 3 (1609): "All toungs (the voice of soules) give
thee that end"
Luc:.« 1595 (1594): "Both stood like old acquaintance in a
Jf£, 1I« 4i, 181 (? and Q^: "I doe feast to night/ My best
, ., \. , 7 esteemd acq.uaintance" :
Shr., I, 1, 34 (I1): "Balke Lodgicke with acquaintance that
, , .;-* ; ,. you/.have" . - . " ; . - " ' V
II, v, 177 (P)s "I will wash of f grosse acquaintance"
It it t6 (P): "no more oppos'd/ Against Acquaintance,
* KindredL, and Allies" ' J"
2H4, III, ii, 38 (F): "and to see how many of mine olde
^ -, . Acquaintance are dead?" , *
H8, I, ii,. 47. (F) *• "those which would not know them, and yet
, f must/Perforce be their acquaintance 11
Oth., II, i, 205. (P): "How do's my old Acquaintance of this
'tl' , v , Isle?" ., l *, c u *i 7"
(<?,); " How Jlo^ oto'-oleL *x«|^Uk^u. »V »* Xsl« r
(The singular verb shows that acouMntance must be
interpreted ae a collective here|;f fcUfUlo reJu1^ is
L^, V, ii, 50;j(^ and Q|): "Some thousand Verses"
Tro., III t ii, 189 (#)* "As true as Troylus, shall crowne up
the Verse,/And sanctifie the numbers"
- 15 -
Sttjti f XVil, 1 (I6b9)s *Who will beleeve my verse in time to
'.*" . " * come 1'' : "*
Son. * IX3EVI a 1 (1609): "Why is my verse so barren of new. pride?"
-Y§v jrf

1 « Beef has two plurals: beefs and beeves. Similarly

grief has a plural grieves (greeves), though the more usual
form is griefs. Teethes occurs once as a plural of tooth. The
plural sheepa occurs once in a pun with ships. According to
J. Wright^EnrJLish Dialect Grammar^ p0.* 263, ships is still
found in the dialects of Warwickshire, Shropshire, and
Gloucestershire as a plural of ship f sheep f »
2H£, III, ii, 355 (P): "now hath hee Land, and Beeves"
(Q-): "now has he land and beefes"
MV, I, iii, 168 (P): "As flesh of Muttons, Beefes, or Goates"
; 1H4. IV, iii, 48 (?): "He bids you name your Griefes"
" - Tit.. IV t i, 19 (P):. "Extremitie of grief es"
_:: (Q«)s "Extremitie of greeves"
»"•" ' • ..- '
JC. V, i, 41 (P) * "You shew f d your teethes like Apes"
'- Sykt ^t ^t 21 9 (P): "Two hot Sheepes marie: And wherefore
not Ships?"
Note 2. The form 'kine 'cows 1 occurs once in a context
reminiscent, of the Bible. The poetic form eyne 'eyes 1 appears
eleven times in. places where it is required by the rhyme and
twice where it is not. Shoon appears twice as the plural of
shoe, as well as the more normal shoes. It still survives izt .-
dialect? see JT. K. Robinson, Whitby Glossary 3 JEnglish pialect .
Society^, p. 169. Of- Karl Brunner-, Die englische Sprac'he^rrJ, ^
1^. - ." .. ;--' ' * . . , . '
1H4i. II f iv f 520 (P): "if to be fat, be to be hated, then.
•: Pharaohs leane ^Kine are to be loved"
g AYL. IV, iil, 50 (P): "If the scorne of your bright eine/
T^' Have power to raise such love in. mine"
MO, I, i, 242 (P) s "Por ere Demetrius lookt on Hermias
% .' eyne" (rhymes mine)
Luc., 1229 (1594)s "Her circled eien inforst, by simpathie"
Per., Ill, Prol., 5 (Qj): "The Catte with eyne of burning;
v '' '. - " """ cole"
- 13 - -
2H6, IV, ii, 195/0?) 2 "Spare none, but suck as go in clouted
shdoen 11 (Cade is speaking"
Hap,:. ftyVi' 26 (F)s "and his Sandal shoone"
(A popular rhyme)
* 14 -
i',1 ".» -.
..:.,••• "•';;£ • • •
3PUm6ral s> are often followed by terms of measurement, value,
weight, distance, or time in the singular (twelve foot, twenty
•.*•*'.••'• -•>,• ., , . ; , .;<. ' ;.,.-. . .. . ———••••

poU&d) • Shake speare prefers to use year as a plural when a man

of the common people is speaking, and similarly the use of
shilling instead of shillings is confined to the speech of
two uneducated characters. Old forms of the plural have
survived in pound , year, foot, mile . In the same way that
month survives as an old plural in the expression a twelvemonth
so does night in sevennight (se'nnight) t fortnight. Of. Karl
Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 21 . Further examples are
given under each word in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon,
3rd ed., revised and enlarged by G. Sarrazin (Berlin and *
London, 1902). " * * '
WT, IV, iv, 347 (P); "twelve foote and a halfe" •'
Jr., IV, vi, 50 (P): "So many fathome downe precipitating"
ffmp». V, i f 55 (P):' "I'le breake my staffe,/ Bury it
certaine fadomes in the earth"
Shr.t Ind«, i, 21 (?) : "I would not loose the dogge for
twentie pound"
Wiv., Ill, iv, 33 (P) : "three hundred pounds a yeere?"
WT, IV, iii, 34 W • "every tod yeeldes pound and odde
* * * shilling" (the clown is speaking)
iriv, , I, i, 160 (P): "that cost me two shilling and two
pence a peece" (Slender is speaking)
Oar, II, iii, 20 (P)s "I had rather then forty shillings I
had such a legge"
1H4. Ill, iii, 95 (P) : "a Sleale-Ring of my Grand-fath|rs f
worth for tie Marke"
^r., V, ii, 35 (P)J "A hundred marks"
fro*. I, ii, 127 (P and Q1 ) : "within three pound"
Wiv.. III f ii, 33 (P): "twentie mile"
Cor*. I, vi, 20 (P): "Ihree or foure miles about"
MV, II, v, 27 (P and Q-j ) ; "on ashwensday was foure yeere"
"•"* ''•" J (Launcelbt is speaking)
AYX, V, ii, 66 (P); "since I was three yeare old"
(Rosalind is disguised as Ganymede)
- 15 -
Ill, it, 334 (#): fl a sennight"
Of*' alsos ' •"' •••= ^-'- -
AW. IV", V, 103 (P): "his left cheeke is a cheeke of two
pile and a halfe"
Horse is used for cavalry , as is foot (formerly: footnen)
in 1^|e sense of infantry, but it is also used several times
as a plural to denote separate individuals (cf. §§ 4£9ft» 189b)*
In this use it is now obsolete* Polk appears four times alongside
the more common folks. Powl. occurs as a collective as well as
fowls (cf, 'OKI? under fowl 2). Mackerel t like herring, can be *'
a collective. Pisfr. and fishes both denote the generic idea.
Cannon can be used as a plural as well as cannons, and the
same is true of ordinance, ordnance (cf . §§ -18Qa, -1-89^) . Sail
•ship 1 has as plural forms both sails and sail* Hairs was
formerly much more common as a collective than it is taday; *

Shakespeare also uses hair , the form now generally accepted.

Poll 'head 1 is used after numerals as a plural in the same
way that head (of cattle) is used, today* Pearl is used by
Shakespeare as a collective (or as the name of a material) V
Further examples are given in. A* Schmidt, Shake sp'eare-Lexicon*
AYW, III, iii, 1 (3?); "The General! of our horse thou art"
Ant*, IV, x, 4 (P): "our Poote..* Shall stay with us" ' :
TGV, III, i, 265 (P): "a Teeme of horse"
Ant * . Ill, vii, 7 (P): "if wee should serve with Horse and ,
.• -, , Mares together"
(There are 12 instances bf horse used as a plural)
Ham. , V, i, 30 (P) : '"the more pitty that great folke should
- ' : , have countenance in this world to
drowne or hang themselves"
Gym., Ill, vi, 9 (P): "poore Polkes" '
R2,, V, i, 41 (P and Q^: "good old folkes"
Tit*. V, iii, 68 (P)s "a flight of Powle"
Err*. II, i, 23 (P) 5 "fish and fowles" (rhyme: soules)
1H4t II, iv, 395 (P arid Q^): "as cheape as stinking
^ Mackrel(l)"
I, v, 129 (P)s "these pickle herring"
, II, v, 12 (P): "Tawny fine fishes"
Tiro*. IV, iii, 426 (P) : "Beasts, and Birds, and Pishes"
Jn*, I, i, 26 (P): "my Cannoni"
Mac., I, ii, 37 (P) : "As Cannons over-charg ' d"
- 17 -•
Jn., II, i, 218 (P): "By the compulsion of their Ordinance"
K5, III, £rol.y 26 (p): "the Ordenance on their Carriages"
qtfe.; I, iii, 37 (*}: "thirtie Saile"
irt.T III, iV, 2 (P): "A whole Arnado of convicted saile"
Ant.', "'II, vi, 24 (?')* "tiiou can'st not feare us Pompey witk
' ** *" thy sailes"
"grr^-III, ii, 48 "(P): "thy golden haires"
W, III, ii, 121 (P): "here in her haires/ The Painter
.,'.,, » t - *> « -'• • '• * .
* ' plaies the Spider"
Wiv., I, i, 49 (S1 ) : "she has "browne haire"
AWW, IV, iii, 191 (P): "fifteene thousand pole"
fit., II, i, 19 (P): "shine in Pearle and Gold"
LLL, V, ii f 53 (P): "these Pearls"
' (Q-j)s "these Pearle"
Note, "nine Parrow" (Mac., IV, i, 65 (P))« In this instance
farrow is to be understood as "being used in the -same way
after a plural as snipe, duck, tandrail, trout, dace, whiting*
etc., are used in modern sporting terminology.
- 18 -
§ £ Victual 'provisions 1 is found alongside victuals 'food 1 *
The former is now obsolete, the latter is confined almost
entirely to popular use. The singular nuptial was already in.
decline in the first half of the 17th century, and -che 'Second
Polio sometimes replaces it by the rival form nuptials, which
was later the only accepted form. The plural funerals (Pr.
les funerailles. Lat. funeralia), which is found together
with the more common, form funeral, has long been obsolete; as
a result of the general, influence of words in "al" the
singular form is now the only one accepted.
Ado, I, i, 50 (P): "You had musty victuall, and he hath
holpe to ease it"
(Q.j): "You had must^ vittaile, and he hath
holpe to eate it"
Gym., Ill, vi, 41 (P): "it eates our victualles"
MND, I, i, 125 (P): "I must imploy you in some businesse/
Against our nuptiall"
Tmp», V, ,i, 308 (P): "Y/here I have hope to see the nuptial!"
Per*, V, iii, 80 (Q-): "wee'le celebrate their Nuptialls"
JG, III, ii, 89 (P): "Come I to speake in Caesars Punerall"
JC, V, iii, 105 (P): "Eis Punerals shall not be in our
Tit., I, i, 381 (P): "Laertes sonne,/ Did graciously plead
for his Punerals"
, '*»' j[ " "'1 . < ' , >•! . '•

#here are ^-everalddiible forms which result from the -complex

,. .. *

nature of the object denoted. Brain and brains, both denoting

either intelligence or the physical organ f were used quite
indiscriminately; only in the phrases'to begt out - , to dash
out - , to knock out a person * s brains is the latter form
compulsory (of. A*. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under brain);
brains is occasionally used as a singular. Gallows t alongside
which the form gallowses occurs (now found only in dialect,
cf • 0323) under bellows), was used as either a singular or a
plural. The fact that the plurala doors and gates are often
used when only a single object is involved is evidently
connected with the fact that the object concerned often
consists of two parts. Singular and plural are also used side
by side in the adverbial phrases out, of door, out, of doors;
out of gate, out of gates. The- .-. •
use of the
plural form hilts
•• . •''- singular sense (cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon
under hilt) corresponds to O.E. usage. Breech occurs once, as
well as the usual form breeches. On. the other hand hose has
only the one form for both singular and plural (cf. §§ 4&9a, "
489fe). The plural form buttocks occurs once alongside buttock
with a singular meaning. The form stock, instead of the
"otherwise normal stocks f an instrument, of punishment 1 , is
used once in order to make a pun.
AW. III, ii, 16 (I1 ): "the brains of my Cupid's knock«d out"
W, If, iii, 58 (F)s "they shall beat out my braines with
- •«-* * -••>•' ' : /billets" •' • * ° :,:
'AYL, IV, iii, 33 (P): "womens- gentle braine"
Tmp., V, 1, 217 •(]?): "I prophesi'd, if a Gallowes were on
* Land/ This fellow could not drowne"
'1H4, I, ii, B& (?):' "shall there be Gallowes standing in
li ^'•••-•'•••;* mi ^igland when thou. art King?"
Gym., V a: iVt 214 (P): "tlaere were desolation of Gaolers and
» i "- , Galowses" (The gaoler is speaking)
II, V, 53 & and Q^: "shut dores after you"
I, -if-| 16 (P)s "Be not deni'de accesse, stand at her
doores 11
ILL. 111., 1, 93 (I* and Q|); "Untill the Goose came out of
"*** "'•'•"•' , ; ^ -f
. ,
cloore" (rhyme: foure)
^' # JS «= * •& *~m-~a^~^m~am

, Ill, ii, 78 C#)s "lie turne my mercie out o'doores 11

v ,..'•'

IV, tv, 6 (P)s "and why meet him at the gates" - . *

ILL, il,/l, 26 (I1 and Q-jJs "Before we enter his forbidden
Oor». IV, i, 47 (F): "bring me but out at gate"
Ill, vii, 93 (I1 and Q^: "Go(e) thrust him out at gates"
II, Pro!., 9 (F): "a Sword, from Hilts unto the Point"
1H4, II, iv, 229 (F): "Seven, by these Hilts, or I am a
"Villains else" :
JC, ?, iii, 43 (P): "Eeere, take thou the Hilts", '."
RJ, I, iv, 160 (P): "Take him on the Costard, with the 3ddbc*'-,
: ". *•».;• hiltes of thy Sword"
H8, I, iii, 31 (P); "Short blistred Breeches 11
2§§> v t v i 24 (P)» "That you might;.. »ne ' f re have stoln e the
* ' ' '
Breech from Lancaster"
, TGV, II, vii, 55 (P)s "A round hose (Madam) now f s not worth
a pin"
1H4. II, iv, 239 (Q^^Palstaff: "Their points being broken."
Poins: "Downe fell their hose«"
Cor., II, i, 57 (P):"the Buttocke of the night"
Err., Ill, ii, 120 (P): "in her buttockes"
|>r., II, iv, 65 (P) 2 "And thou hadst beene set i f th f Stockes;
for that question^"
TgV,. Ill, 1, 311-312 (P): "What neede a man care for a stock
*. *
• "\4;
- with a wench,/ When she can knit
him a stocke?"

Note. To the above group should be added! not only scales


(that scale) but perhaps also a shambles, but these occur in

Shakespeare only in. this one form. The singular use of
sessions (this sessions) originally expressed the summation
of individual periods of time to make a single unit of time.
Roa.», I,, ii, 101 (P) i "in that Christall scales, let there
.be waid,/Your Ladies love against
some other Maid"
'.. . -......,..,'.,. - 71 (P);
' "" "So
- maket ai Shambles of the Parliament
VV.V. : - - -.-. , '. -: Kause" *•
••••"•.••...,''..•-•.••'• * ' m
jDth>, IV, ii, 66 (F): "as Sommer Hyes are in the Shambles"
ij|g ;III t:,lif 1 (P): "This Sessions...pushes 'gainst our
-"...-. ••-, '. , •.: " • heart" •
SS^.UI, ii, 142. (I1): "The Sessions shall proceed"
Son. XXX f V (1609): "When to the Sessions of sweet silent
i •¥ »

- 22 -
Riches is still used as a singular, corresponding to the
French richesse. In Shakespeare, however, it is also found as
a plural. A^s is used as a singular, but whether it also
occurs as a plural, as it still does occasionally today,
cannot be ascertained with certainty from the examples. The
0£D gives examples of alms used as a plural from about the
middle of the 16th century* As well as the original singular
form mean 'opportunity 1 , which is now obsolete, there is the
new formation means, which is used, as both singular and plural.
News can. be used as either- a singular or plural, and in the
same way tidings can be used, in the singular. The plural.
businesses, meaning 'affairs', is now obsolete. Pain (in the
physical sense) forms a plural pains. which still occurs,
though it is rare in ordinary speech; in the abstract sense
of 'trouble' the form pains, which is always singular, occurs
alongside pain; on the other hand pains 'efforts' is formed
from pain 'a single effort.' .Thanks, now in use only as a
plural, is, apart from a thousand thanks, always used as a
singular; thank, the old singular, survives in pick-thank.
Odds, now plural, occasionally occurs as a singular in
Shakespeare* Wit used as a singular has a wide variety of
meanings in Shakespeare, cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon
under wit. *H > "; .
Son. LXXXVII, 6 (1609); "And for that ritches where is my
Oth». II, i, 83 (F): "The Riches of the Ship is come on
Tim., IV, ii, 32 (?): "Since Riches point to Misery and
.... Contempt?"
TGrV, IV, i t 13 (?): "My riches, are these poore habiliments"
Cor.. Ill, ii, 120 (?): "That-hath receiv'd an Almes"
c''-y: IV, iii, 5 (?): "Beggers**...Upon, intreatie have a
.- :" ,'••'•
present, almes"^
II, vii,, 5 (?): "tell me some good meane/ How with niy
honour I may undertake/ A iourney to
my loving Protheus"
, , . 23 - .
.» I. il, 18 (?): "having so good a meane"
II, i, 19 (P and Q-)s "who win(ne)s me by that meanes I
told you"
2H4, III, i, 29 (P and-Qvj): "With al(l) appliances(,) and
meanes to boote"
2H4. I, i, 137 (P): "this, newes"
(Q.j): "these newes"
*Jj|*f V, vli, 65 (P): "You breath these dead newes in as
dead an eare"
1H4'i I, i, 58 (P and Q 1 ): "the newes was told"
R2, III, iv, 80 (P): "this ill-tydings?"
Jru, IV, ii, 115 (P)s "The tydings comes"
Jn., IV, ii, 132 (P): "these ill tidings"
AOT, III, vil, 5 (P): "Nothing acquainted with these Si-' $"

Jn., IV, iii, 138 (P): "Let hell want paines enough to
torture me"
Tit,, IV, ii, 47 (P and, Q^: "our beloved mother in her
Son. XXXVIII, 14 (1609); "The paine be mine, but thine shal
be the praise"
H8, III, ii, 72 (P): "This same Cranmer's/ A worthy Pellow,
* i "-
and hath tane much paine/ In the
Kings businesse"
Shr., IV, iii, 43 (P): "And all my paines is sorted to no
R3. I, iii, 117 (P): ; IM Tis time to speake,/My paines are
quite fbrgot"
Cor., V, i, 46 (P): "Yet your good will/ Must have that
thankes from Rome"
Ant., II, vi, 48 (P): "well studied for a liberall thankes"
H8, I, iv,. 74 (P): "Por which I pay f em a thousand thankes"
1H4, -III, ii, 25 (P): "Which oft the Bare of Greatnesse
' needes must heare,/ By smiling
, , ; " Pick-thankes"
luke, VI, 32 (1611): "Por if yee love them which love you,
; what thanke have ye?"
- 24 -
, IV, iii, 5 (F): "'tis a fearefull oddes"
I, it, 19,1/(F and Qj: "Devise Wit, write Pen"
• .', '• •''-.. i» j- ' V -. . , • I- '

( as imagination)
|gV f I, i, 47 (S): "by ItQve, the yong, and tender wit/ Is
turn f d to folly" (. = sense)
Ml,"II, i, 282 (F): "few of any wit in such matters"
> " ( = understanding)
, IV, vii, 61 (F): King Edward: "...'tis wisdome to
conceale our meaning."
Hastings: "Away with scrupulous Wit,
now Armes must rule."
» wisdom)
> 25;- .
§ 9 fhe plural wars, which as a• general idea has the same
meaning and use as the singular war, is peculiar, hence also
the double forms in set phrases like to make war(s), to go to
war(s) t at war(s) (cf. A. Schmidt., Shakespeare-Lexicon under
war). The plural seas is especially common; in some cases it
can "be replaced by another plural such as floods or wa.ves,
though this meaning does not always fit (cf. N.E. the seas
'•kept breaking over the vessel) • Letters often occurs when it
does not follow from the context that more than one epistle
is concerned; here there is a possible Latin influence
(literae). The plural moneys is used by Shylock several times
as a singular (cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under
money). This form is found in Wyclif's Bible, first, version,
2 Msec., III, 6, Bacon's essay Of Usury (1625K and Lithgow's
Rare Adventures. IV, 140 (1632), where it obviously has no
Jewish, association. According to the OED it acquired this
association only from Shakespeare onwards,
2H4, I, ii, 85 (?): "Is there not wars?" , ±.
Cor*. I 9 iii, 112 (?): "they nothing doubt prevailing, and
-'" N to make it breefe Warres" ^
.'.MM, II, ii, 32 (?): "but that I am/At warre, twixt will,
and will not"
•'. 2H4. Ill, i, 60 (?): "and in two yeeres after,/Were they
at Warres"
; AW, II, iii, 295 (?) * "too'th warrs my boy, too f th warres"
AW. II, iii, 302 (F): "too ! th warre"
R2 1 III, ii, 3 (?)J "After your late tossing on the breaking
3H6. IV, viii, 3 (?): "Edward from Belgia...Hath pass'd in
safetie through the Narrow Seas"
IV, iv, 463 (? and Q1 ): "Richmond is on the Seas"
[9 P", iv, 474 (P): "what makes he upon the Seas?"
.(Q-j)s "what doeth he upon the sea?"
IV, v, 91 (P): "I have letters that ray sonne will be
•••".fr night"
heere to
M, IV, iii, 97 (P): "Now wil I write Letters to Angelo"
- 26 -
IT, I, iii, 120 (F and Q t )t "moneyes is your su(i)te"
w* I s .
jfe'«i-r/v, - / . , , _ .
/o 33.doip New English shows a strong tendency to use abstract
doncepta In th® Murals rages, revenges. Cf. T. I. 0. Dairies,
(London, 1675), pp. 34-5 for examples from the
Bible o:f 1611.
&>r>. "V,'ill, 85 (P): "Desire not t 1 allay/My Rages and
Revenges, with your colder reasons"
MV. II, vl, 41 (t): "must I hold a Candle to my shames?"
1E4, III, ii, 144 (P and 'Q«)s "on my head/ My shames
' *v redoubled"
# ''- & ' " ^ *
JC. I, ii, 42 tF): "Conceptions onely proper to my sel£e,/
Which give some soyle (perhaps) to my
Jxu. V, i, 51 (P): "So shall inferior eyes/ That borrow
their behaviours from the great,/ Grow
great by your example"
ffote. P. T. Vlsser (English Studies. XXVI (1944-5), 16)
suggests that' the same phenomenon is found with forms in
"-ing" as in: "
MM. I, iv, 54 (P),: "His giving-out, were of an infinite
distance/ Prom his true meant designe" .
JC, III, i, 36 (P): "These couchings, and these lowly " ...
courtesies" • . -.
K8, IV, i, 87 (P): "She had alX the Royall makings of a
' Queene"
§11 Thyft flurai ei£8 is used in Shakespeare chiefly to address
people of the lower classes or those who are beneath the rank
of <tbe speaker; the original meaning of this form of address
has become so weakened that it is even occasionally applied
to women, cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under sir. The
modern written language uses Sirs, together with an adjective,
only in letter headings, but it is-still very common in.
Scotland, cf. J. Jamieson, An Etymological Dictionary of the
Scottish Language, new ed., ed. by J. Longmuir and D.
Donaldson, Vol. IV (Paisley, 1882), 227.
1H4-. II, ii, .62 (Q^s Princes "Sirs you foure shall front
.-_ -'..". * them in the narrowe lane"
Wrv.t I, iii, 34 (P.): Palstaffs "Well sirs, I am almost out
-• i'.•. : *.« . 7t, *. , ", ,-•%~ ,. .,s. , at heeles."
,-, . -.' - Pistols- "Why then let Kibes ensue"
Shr.. Ind»> i, 66 (P):- "This do, and do it kindly, gentle
" f . sirs" . . " *
(The Lord is speaking to his servants)
Ant.. IV, xv, 85 (P): "Ah Women, women! Looke/ Our Lampe is
,: « 41,.. spent, it's out. Good sirs, take
: *. he art,/Wee'1 bury him" "!'
LLL. IV,'i|i, 212 (P and Qn ); "Hence sirs, away."
* (She King is addressing Jaquenetta and Costard)
- 29 -
§ ii, Elizabethan English shares with other languages the tendency
to express a personal concept by a corresponding abstract if
it is intended to represent the person as a supreme e:c ample
of the latter. In the case of titles (y_our 5xce 113n^v, 7^o".r
Grace) the usage has become traditional. In Shakespeare's
time the abstract could be used to express not only a cor.plir.^
or external distinction but also the humour or imagination of
the speaker. Thus Prospero jovially calls Ariel, v;ho has
performed a commission efficiently and quickly, my diligence
(Tm£., V, i, 241 (?)), and rewards him \vith his freedom. The
exasperated Capulet calls the Nurse Good Prudence (Rom., Ill,
v, 172 (P and Q 2 )) when she takes Juliet ! s side, and tells her
to keep silent. Occasionally abstract irony increases the
sarcasm, as in the conversation between Doll Tearsheet and
Palstaff, who calls her my poore Vertue (2H4, II, iv, 51 (?}).
She use of the abstract was formerly quite common in
offensive and insulting expressions:
1H4. Ill, ii, 99 (P): "thou, the shadow of Succession"
( = thou shadow of p-succassor)
Oth., V, ii, 231 «(F): "Pilth,. thou lyest" (lago to L'milia) .
V/iv *, II, ii, 21 (?) : "thou unconfinable basenesse"
(Palstaff to Pistol)
Tmp,, V, i, 218 (P): "blasphemy 17 ( = blasphemer)
Many more examples of Shakespeare's use of the abstract for
the concrete are given in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon,
pp. 1421-3.
- 30 -
(Cf. here 0. Jespersen, Progress in Language (1894), pp. 279-32?)
§ 13 The "s" of the so-called Saxon genitive has ceased to be a
true inflexion in New English, since it has no influence oil
the word-stem: wife ! s (cf. on the other hand the plural u -s"?
v/ife - \vives); in addition it can stand at the end of a plirsse
(my sister-in-lp.w' s house), which thus acquires a genitive
character as a whole. It is therefore no\v a free case-suffix.
Its modern use developed gradually, and traces of the old
manner of use still appear in Shakespeare in the word order
and in the occasional omission of the inflexion, cf. 0«
Jespersen, Progress in Language, p. 309f. Old genitives like
wives, lives are still found in Shakespeare, "but were no
longer accepted by the beginning of the 18th century. 'j?h.e
modern form of the genitive of nouns ending in a voiceless
consonant in which "-'s 11 is added to the uninflected singular
form first appears about 1650, which was also the time when,
the apostrophe first came into use with the genitive, cf.
Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 15-
T[iv., IV, ii, 1?1 (P): "his wives Lemman"
Jn., IV, iii, 106 (P): "his sweete lives losse"
AW, V, iii, 91 (I1 ): "At her lives rate"
Iji .:,$(**! genitives pdT wprdf which end in an "s" sound ?
•*• ^^.v-Tfc'Wvv.'i.'v'-'-'i-'.... •• -,, >•• •. 'iil.. •*•»- ..... '. "'* ' ' -.•••,, -. ^

f *time ) or, whose ^governing word starts with such a

sound Corset side . for aport sake). the case indication is
of ten ^omitted (cf. N»E. bedside). The M.E. genitive form horse
&$» survived until the present day in the expression on horse
back. Of. Karl Brunner , Die englische Sprache, II , 1 5-6 .
III, ii, 178 (P): "Cassius Dagger"
. II, i, 109 (P): "Bassianus love"
AYL. Ill, ii, 187 (P) : "since Pythagoras time"
Luc., 322^(1594): "our mistresse ornaments"
AYL. Ill, ii, 144 (?) s "at everie sentence end"
2H6, II, i, 204 (F): "in lustice equall Scales"
Iuc», 36 (159£): "Lucrece Sov'raigntie"
Jn», II, i, 289 (P): "on's horsebacke"
2H6, IV, iii, 15 (P) : "at my horse heeles"
3H6. IV, vi, 83 (P)•: "on the Porrest side"
1H4-, II, i, 79 (P and Q^: "for sport sake" -
Cor., II, iii, 36 (.P) s "for Conscience sake"
Err.. V, i, 33 (P) J "for God sake"
JC, III, ii, 70 (P): "Por Brutus sake"
Note. In this connection the history of ^the word sherry should
be mentioned. The original form is Sherris (2H4. IV, iii, 111
(P)), which represents the English pronunciation of the . -
Spanish town Xeres. The form sherry evidently arose from the
pronunciation, sherrisaek of the compound Sherris -Sack (2H4»
IV, iii, 104 (P))« In Elizabethan times sack was a common
noun used to describe any dry Spanish wine. The use >of sherry
as a short form for sherris-sack is no more unusual than the-
;use of port for port-wine . Cf* Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache, II, 23.
• ^.< •- 52,,-. .
Ho pgnner person oocurs once in Shakespeare for no manner
of parson. This is a survival of an old genitive construction.
The modern form is connected with the older, and now obsolete:
no m&ner a person. When the older genitive was no longer
recognised as such the indefinite article was interpreted as
a weak form of of and so the phrase "became no manner of person.
Similarly, sort and kind genitives before the
indefinite article, and hence kinda. kinder are still found as
dialect iaacst team, forms of kind a. Of. OED under a_ prep. 3.
Ill, v, 108 (P); "no manner person"
('Q«)s "no maner of person"
- 33 -
it Other traces of old genitive relationships, in which ho-.vever
the case is clearly indicated in the later Polios by the
insertion of the characteristic "s" sign, seem to exist in
at street end = at the street's end and perhaps also in
heart-sorrow (hearts-sorrow), later heart's sorrow, though.
these cannot be regarded as an exact parallel to for sport sake.
Cf. Karl Brunner, Pie engllsche Sprache, II, 16.
Wiv». IV, ii, 40 (P): "at street end"
Tmp., Ill, iii, 81 (P): "hearts-sorrow"
•; •- 34 -
f-p. Proper names occur several times as genitives without case
indications in front'of common nouns: Rome gates = gates of
——— fliber, banks
————" ». , banks of Tiber, Naturally
••',..————————— M it is possible
that here, and to some extent also in § ^61-, these idioms may
be explained as examples of noun compounds,
Cor.. Ill, iii, 104 (P): M our Rome gates"
JO. I, 1, 63 (P): "Draw them ta Tyber bankes"
Ham.. I, v, 33 (P): "on Lethe"Wharfe"
Wiv>. V f v, U (P): "a Windsor Stagge"
2H4, II, iv, 262 (P): "Tewksburie Mustard"
§ 18 ir fe rai|ge of use of .the ^axon. genitive is much wider in
pearevfcjhan ijavrnpdern prose, though it is still used
|reely;in poetic language*
J» iii, 264 (I1 and Q.,): "in the Cedars top"
I, ii, 61 (?): "groaning underneath this Ages yoake"
. II f i, 70i' "" (Q-):
"- I
. ^, • , (l1 ) ? "This discord ground!*
MD, ; pi, ii, 141 (P and Q 1 ): "high. Taurus snow"
ELL, V, ii, 354 (F and Q.J): "your houses guest"
Hanu, III, iv, 193 (PandQ2 )s "on the houses top" ,
- 36 ~ »
If ,,"^The use ¥ olT the Saxon genitive to express an objective
. -,, genitive is now very rare since the form gives no information
about theinatufce ofJthe geaitival relationship, which must
therefore be understood from the context. Shakespeare was
much freer in this respect.
«'.I»-lil 9 20* CQ^s "to waile. thy childrens losse"
I, iv, 229 (Q-jji "My toothers love" (= love for my,"
, • -. „ i ., - : -••: . brother)
I, iiif 149 (i1 and Q^: "Whose wrongs in us God
4 . pardon" (the wrongs that he
'.i ..,.• , - (t has suffered at our hands)
Ham., XIX, iii, 38 (P) i "A Brothers murther"
AYL, I, i f B7 (?); "for your/Fathers remembrance"
Note. There was formerly no objection to two immediately
consecutive genitive forms in w s n . <
Ham.. Ill, iv, 15 (?): "your Husbands Brothers wife"
g2, I, i, 117 (F and Q^: "my fathers brothers sonne"
JC» III, i, 154 (F):"Caesars deaths houre"
3H6. I, i f J7 (F) s "this is thine, and not King Henries
Heires" ." *, . 4 a - ; - .' "' •
~ 37 -
Personification is used in poetic speech to heighten
illusion and to make descriptions more vivid, and Shakespeare
makes plentiful use of it. He gives a personal gender to a
considerable number of concrete and abstract ideas that in
modern prose are regarded as neuters. A study of the gender
of the words involved (see §§ 21-24) shows that this has no
connection with the original gender in Old English. Indeed
such a connection is quite impossible because as early as
1250 the inflexions of the noun and pronoun had, with a few
exceptions, fallen out of use. Personification has various
origins. It was a particularly obvious device for the academic
dramatists of the 16th and 17th centuries, especially those
who took as their model, the rhetorical style of Seneca. The
allegories of the moralities, which were mostly simply
personifications of abstract ideas, vices, and virtues (cf.
B. Ausbuttel, Das personliche Geschlecht unpersb'nlicher
Substantiva im Mittelenglischen, Studien zur englischen
Philologie, XIX (Halle, 1904), p. 130), introduced a tendency
to personal forms of presentation which was still operative
in Elizabethan times. The heightening of emotion which'was a
feature of the Renaissance, the habit of depicting the'
phenomena and, powers of nature in terms of the personal
imagination of ancient writers, played an appreciable role in
the art of personification among Elizabethan dramatists. The
sun is masculine when it is represented as Phoebus or Apollo,
and the moon is feminine because of its mythological associ­
ation with Luna or Phoebe. Fortune, game, music are feminine
In. accordance with the ancient view of their natures.
Admittedly the poetic conventions of Renaissance Italy are
not so powerful or active in Shakespeare as, for example, in
Spenser, but he too owes much to the movement which was such
a notable characteristic of his time.
The formal influence of the foreign, language in deciding
gender is less marked in Shakespeare than amongst his
- 38 -
contemporaries. In the case of academic poets it is possible
to discern a transference of the gender of the etymon to the
corresponding English word form; for example peace, rose,
victory are feminine in such writers. In Shakespeare only 35
out of 62 words of Romance origin have the gender of the
etymon. Although the influence of the latter cannot always be
excluded entirely, no special significance should be attached
to it. Shakespeare*s language is much too popular in origin
and appeal to justify any such conclusions. Even the suffixes
"-ness", "-ance", "-ence", H -y", which in other Elizabethans
tend to be feminine in gender, do not show the same tendency
in Shakespeare. \Yords in rl -y", mostly abstracts, are person­
ified by Shakespeare as both masculine (authority, jealousy,
necessity) and feminine (calamity* courtesy). It is unlikely
that Shakespeare was under the influence of Latin-Greek,
French or Romance words in ascribing genders to the corresp­
onding Germanic words, so that sun was regarded as masculine
because of the grammatical, gender of Latin sol, French, soleil,
Greek ?[\ios .
Associations of ideas and thelanalogical influence of other
words with the same meaning or form must also be considered.
Thus day and light may have taken their masculine gender from
sun (cf. G. Stern, tlber das persb'nliche Geschlecht unpersonlicher
Substantiva bei Shakespeare, Diss. Leipzig (Dresden, 1881),
p. 24). In the 16th century names of cities were generally
feminine (Athens, Carthage, London, Rome, Troy). On the other
hand foreign rivers are nearly always masculine: Denubius,
Isara, Nilus. The gender of names of cities in:particular v&W
be determined by the gender of the corresponding Latin common
noun urbs (civitas). In the 16th century the Latin forms of
the names of foreign rivers were still commonly used, so that
the influence here of fluvius is even more likely (cf. E.
Ausbtittel, p. 11f.). The feminine gender of Thames and of
Tiber in Julius Caesar has a quite different reason: it
expresses the sympathy of the speaker.
- 39 -
Sometimes psychological factors are equally important in
the determination of gender. The form of the subject and the
idea it embodies are of great importance in determining the
choice of gender, but its relationship to the individual is
of more decisive significance. Something which makes an
impression because of its size or strength, which arouses
fear through a show of force or a threatening attitude, or
which inspires terror because of its appearance and character,
is usually regarded as masculine. Hence pine, oak, cedar,
tide (in the sense of a 'raging, dangerous flood '), murder,
and war are masculine. On the other hand something which
arouses sympathy or is suggestive of the vocation or activities
of the female assumes the feminine gender. Hence sea is
masculine when it is represented as storm-tossed and dangerous,
but feminine when seen, as a calm and smooth sheet of water
(cf. G. Stern, p. 22). An Englishman personifies his country
with the feminine gender. The brain, as the mother of ideas,
is thought of as being feminine (cf. G. Stern, p. 30). The
use of the feminine for the names of animals is interesting,
Falcon, swan, nightingale are all feminine, but so are adder»
serpent, snake, spolder. Perhaps the latter represent the
negative characteristics of the female.
The importance of the role of psychology in personification
is clear from the traditional ascription of the feminine
gender to all types of ship and from the tendency to personify
sporting objects and animals. The emotions are expressed
without restraint in. sport and this is therefore a most
valuable area of study in. considering the ascription of gender
as an index of personal interest. The larger animals: horse m. t
dog m., hound m., hare f., cat f., have a traditional gender.
The use of the neuter for sporting animals shows indifference
and indicates the sporting interests of the speaker. V/hen the
personification is not traditional it is conditioned primarily
in both gender and frequency by the character of the speaker*
The tendency to personification is inversely proportional to
education and proportional to the pleasure derived, from vivid
- 40 -
description.. It must always be remembered that questions of
this nature can be studied satisfactorily only with reference
to the living language.
Although it is generally clear what factors influenced
Shakespeare's choice of gender or might have done so, this
does not explain every instanc-e since mood, temper, uncertain
whims, and the individual mentality of the author play a
prominent, role in this field. Quite often Shakespeare uses
two genders for one idea in the same context, and even in the
same sentence, alternating masculine or feminine with the
neuter. In• such cases the personification of an object is
often temporary or incomplete: "Yea, but marke how he beares
his course,/ And runnes me up, with like advantage on the
other side,/ Gelding the opposed Continent as much,/ As on
the other side it takes from you" (referring to the river
Trent) {1H4. Ill, i, 107-111 (P)); "Curtesie it selfe must
convert to Disdaine, if you come in her presence" (Ado, I, i$
123-124 (P and Q.J)). (Other examples in G, Stern, pp. 8-9).
What variations and differences of interpretation are
possible here can be seen very clearly from a comparison of
Shakespeare with his contemporary, Ben Jonson. They use quite
different, genders for 17 words and agree completely in only
40 cases out of 70. The difference derives from their
contrasting characters. Shakespeare has a pronounced preference
for masculine personification, whereas in the case of the
academic Ben Jonson it is quite obvious that he was influenced
by the gender of the etymon, which emerges clearly and
unambiguously in the case of words of Latin origin.
The grammatical means of determining gender are very meagre.
The only guide is the relationship of the distinctive personal
pronoun forms with the noun concerned, and even then his
* •
cannot be taken, into consideration, since its had not yet
become normal (it first appeared at the end of the 16th
century) and hence was often replaced by his. In many
instances, therefore, the gender can be ascertained only from
- 41 -
the attributes used in connection with an idea (father,
brother, sister, soldier, captain); but these are most
subjective and are usually more ambiguous criteria than the
means of identification provided by the linguistic form of
the word. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 26-7*
-42 -
Old JSngli sh Vocabulary
0.3. masculines which occur as such:
t bosiom
•'"'"'" '•*«•"*<. ;

; - <-, . '• wish
Son. IXj 13-H (1609); "No love, toward others in that "bo some
sits/ That on himselfe such murdrous
shane commits 11
XXVIII, 9 (1609): V 1 tel^ the ^^ *Q please him thou
,,; art bright"
Son. CVli, 10-11 (1609) : "death to me subscribes,/ Since
spight of him lie live in this
poore rime"
Mac^.V IX» liif 44 (P): "I requited him for his Lye" ( * drink)
grr.> I, ii, 35-38 (P),: "I to the world am like a drop of
water,/ That in the Ocean seekes
another drop,/ Who falling there
to finde his fellow forth, /
ITnseene, inquisitive) confounds
himself e"
, 173-175 (1594): "But honest feare, bewicht with lustes
foule charme,/ Doth too too oft
betake him to retire,/ Beaten away
by brainesicke rude desire"
- 43 -
t V, vii, 60 (F): "heaven he knowes how we shall ansv,r er
, II, li f 68-69 (F): "I will dispaire, and be at enmitle/
vrith couzening hope; he is a Flatterer"
Ven., 793-796 (1593): "Call it not love, for love to heaven
is fled,/ Since sweating lust on ear-ch
usurpt his name,/ Under whose simple
semblance he hath fed,/ Upon fresh
beautie, blotting it. with blame"
Gym., V, iv, 123-125 (F): "Sleepe, thou hast bin a Grandsire,
and begot/ A Father to me: and
thou hast created/ A Mother, and
two Brothers"
Ven., 861-862 (1593): "From whom ech lamp, and shining star
doth borrow,/ The beautious influence
that makes him bright"
R2, V, iii, 62-63 (F and Q^): "From whence this strearne,
through muddy passages/ Hath
had his current, and defil(')a
Err., IV, ii, 58 (F): "Time is a verie bankerout, and owes
more then he's worth to season"
Luc, t 707 (1594): "Till like a lade, self-will himselfe
doth tire" -
Jru, V, vii, 36-37 (F): "And none of you will bid the winter
come/ To thrust his ycie fingers in.
my maw"
2H4, IV, v, 93 (F): "Thy wish was Father (Harry) to that
S. masculines which occur as feminines:
H5, II, ii, 175-177 (F): "we our Kingdomss safety must so
tender,/ Whose ruine you sought,
that to Itawes/ Y/e do driver
ILL, ?, Hi 2Hv. C^X* MYou tooke the Moone at full, but now
ehee's changed?"
T 45 -
2.2- 0.2. feminines which occur as such:
•^^MMMMM^ ^,,

Jn. t III, i, HI-142 (P): "Why thou against the Church, our
holy Mother,/ So wilfully dost
V/T. I, ii, 97-99 (P): "My last good deed, was to. entreat his
stay*/ What was<S my first? it ha's an
elder Sister,/ Or I mistake you: 0,
would her Name were Grace"
AYL, I, ii, 212-213 (F): "where is this yong gallant, that
is so desirous to lie with his
mother earth?"
Gym,. Ill, vi, 21-22 (P): "Plentie, and Peace breeds Cowards:
Hardnesse ever/ Of Hardinesse is
Luc>, 1656-1659 (1594): "Immaculate, and spotlesse is my mind,/
That was not forc'd, that never, was
inclind/ To accessarie yeeldings,
but still pure/ Doth in. her poyson'd
closet yet endure"
Luc,. 117-119 (1594): "Till sable Night mother of dread and
feare,/ Upppon the v/orld dim darknesse
d.oth displaie,/ And in her vaultie
prison, stowes the daie"
Lr., Ill, iv, 126-128 (P): "He met the Night-Mare, and her
nine-fold;/ Bid her a-light, and
her troth-plight"
Jn v, II, i, 23-25 (P): "together with that pale, that
vmlte-fac'd shore,/ Vhose foot
backe the Oceens roaring tides,/ A:id
coopes from other lands her Ilanders"
Son, IX, 4-5 (1609): "The world will waile thee like a
raakelesse wife,/ The world wilbe thy
Ham., Ill, iv, 82-85 (P); "Rebellious Hell,/ If thou canst
mutine in a Matrons bones,/ To
flaming-youth, let Vertue be as
waxe,/ And melt in her owne f&re"
O.E. feminines which occur as masculines:
Son. XLVI, 5 (1609): "My heart doth plead thou in him
doost lye"
1H4, I, ii, 69 (P): "old Father Anticke the Law?"
Gym., IV, ii, 173-176 (P): "and yet, as the rud'st
winde,/ That by the top doth take
the Mountaine Pine,/ And make him
stoope to th'Vale"
Luc* f 629-630 (1594): "Y/hen patternd by thy fault, fowle sin
may say,/ He learnd to sin, and thou
didst teach the way"
Luc», 913-914 (1594): "sinne nere gives a fee,/ He gratis cones"
Per., I, iv, 63-64 (Q-j): "One sorrowe never comes but brings
an heire,/ That may succcede as
his inherlt,or"
Err., II, ii, 30-31 (P): "When the sunne shines, let foolisn
gnats make sport,/ But creepe in
crannies, when he hides his beames"
-•47. -
#''* ; ' '. i'.," 1 •

Luc•. 1667-tMQ (1594|V "As through an Arch, the violent

roaring tide,/ Outruns the eye that'
doth behold, his hast:/ Yet in the
Edie boundeth in his pride,/ Backe
to the strait that forst him on. so
, , fast" ''',.'
III,, iii, 22-23 (P): "What Reyne can hold licentious
Wickednesse,/ When downe the Hill
, h.e holds his fierce Carriere?"
- 48 -
2.3 O.E. neuters which occur as masculines;


Son., XLVI, 5-8 (1609): -"My heart, doth, plead that thou in him
doost lye, /...But the defendant doth
that, plea deny,/ And sayes in him
their faire appearance lyes"
(the defendant is mine eye)
Son. CLI, 10-11 (1609): "proud, of this pride,/ He is contented
thy poore drudge to "be" ( = flesh)
Tim.. IV, iii, 382-384 (F) : "0 thou sweete King-killer, and
deare divorce/ Twixt naturall
Sunne and fire: thou "bright
defiler/ ^of Himens purest "bed,
thou valiant Mars"
(addressed to the gold)
AYL, III, ii, 137-140 (?) : "how briefe the Life of man/ runs
his erring pilgrimage,/ That the
stretching of a span,/ buckles
in. his sunme of age"
Son. VII, 1-10 (160§): "Loe in. the Orient when the gracious
light/ Lifts up his burning head...
But when from high-most pich with
wery car,/ Like feeble age he reeleth
from the day"
Jn. t IV, iii, 37 (P) : "Murther, as hating what him selfe
hath done"
R3, I, i, 9-13 (P): "Grim-viaag'd Warre, hath smoothed his
wrinkled Front.:/ And now, in stead of
mounting. Barbed Steeds,/ To fright the
Soules of fearfull Adversaries,/ Ee
- 49 -
Capers nimbly in a Ladies Shr.r.bor,/ .0
the lascivious pleasing of a Lute"
0,E. neuters which occur as feminines:
land .
, year
H2t V, v, 6-8 (P) : "My Braine, lie prove the Female to my
Soule,/ My Soule, the Pather: and these
two beget/ A generation of still breeding
iv, i, 46-47 (?)«
(P and Q- ) : "the female Ivy so/ Enrings
the barky fingers of the Elme"
R2, II, i, 57-59 (P) : "This Land of such deere soules, this
deere-deere Land,/ Deere for her
reputation through^ the world,/ Is
now Leas'd out"
MNP, II, i, 128-129 (P): "When we have laught to see the
sailes conceive,/ And grow big
bellied with the wanton winde 11
LLL, V, ii, 549 (P)= "The ship is under saile, and fc-sTr:"?: here
she corns amain"
MV, ,11, vii, 22 (P): "What, saies the Silver with her virgin
Y/iv. , I, iii, 101 (P): "By Welkin, and her Star'.'
2M4, Ind., 13-14 (P) : "Whil'st the bigge yeare, swolne with
some other grlefes,/ Is thought wirth
childe, by the sterne Tyrant,
- 50 -
is usually masculine, "but in the following examples it
is neuter:
H8, I, i,' 54-57 (P): "I wonder,/ That such a Keech ca.nA v:ith
his very bulke/ Take up the Rayes
o'th'beneficiall Sun,/ And keepe it
from the Earth"
Son. CXLVIII, 12 (1609): The sunne it. selfe sees not, till
heaven cleeres"
Similarly moon is usupJLly feminine, but in the following
example it. is neuter:
MND, III, i, 52-56 (P): Snout: "Doth the Moone shine that
night wee play our play?"..*
Quince: "Yes, it doth shine that night."
Ship is feminine, but it is also found as a neuter:
TGV, III, i, 281 (P): "my'Mastership? why, it is at Sea"
\7T, III, iii, 93-100 (P); "Now the Shippe boaring the Moone
«. with her maine Mast, and anon
swallowed with yest.and froth..*
But to make an end of the Ship,
to see how the Sea flap-dragon'd it"
It also appears once as a masculines
Per., V, Prol., 18-20 (Q-): "Lysimachus our Tyrian Shippe
espies,/ His banners Sable,
trim'd with rich expence,/ And
to him in hin Barge with former
Vessel and bark are normally feminine, but they are also
found as neuters, and bark also occurs as a masculine:
Tmp.. I, ii, 6-7 (P): "A brave vessel!/ (Who had no doubt
some noble creature in her)
Tit., I, i, 71-73 (P): "the Barke that hath discharg'd his
fraught,/ Returnes with precious
lading to the Bay,/ Prom v/hence at
first she wegih'd her Anchorage"
Ant.» I, iv, 53-54 (P): "No Vessell can- peepe forth: but 'tis
as soone/ Taken ao seene"
- 51 -
Mrc., I, iii, 24-25 (P) : "Though his Barke cannot ca Ic-.t,/
Yet it shall "be Tempest-tost"
In the same way the name of a ship is feminine:
MV, I, i, 27-29 (P): "And see my wealthy Andrew docks in
sand,/ Vailing her high top lower then
her ribs/ To kisse her buriall"
Of. G. Stern, tTber das personliche Geschlecht unpersonlicher
Substantivp- bei Shakespeare, ft?eg*wmfl (Dresden, 1881), pp. 31-2.
I\T ote. The use of the masculine
2.? for ———————
oottle, ——————
stone, ——————
drink, and
fly (for exr-raples see § -945-) is usually suggestive of the type
of personification now found in popular speech.
Tmp., II, ii, 180-181 (P): "Here; beare my Bottle: Pellow
Trinculo; we 1 11 fill him by and
by againe"
AYL, II, iv, 46-49 (P)i "I remember v;hen I was in love, I
broke my sword upon: a stone, and
bid him take that for comming a
night to lane Smile"
Mac., II, iii, 43 (?): "I requited him for his Lye" ( = drink)
- 52 -
Romance Vocabulary
French masculines which occur as suchs
Tim., IV, iii, 221-223 (F): "what think f st/ That the bleake
ayre, thy boysterous Ghamberlaine/
Will put, thy shirt on warms?"
Son. LXIII, 9-12 (1609): "For such a time do I now fortifie/ ,
Agpinst confounding Ages cruell
knife,/ That he shall never cut
from memory/ My sweet loves beauty,
though my lovers life"
TGV, II, vii, 25-28 (F): "The Current, that with gentle Murmure
glides/ (Thou know'st) being atop'd,
impatiently doth rage:/ But v;hen his
faire course is not hindered,/ He
make s swe e t musi cke wi th th'ename14
stones 11
JC, II, ii, 44-45 (F): "Danger knowes full well/ That Caesar
is more dangerous then he"
Luc., 703-704 (1594): "Drunken Desire must, vomite his
receipt/ Ere he cen see his owne
HI, V, ii, 314-316 (F): "I cannot so coniure up the Spirit
of Love in her, that hee. will
appeare in his SXKE true likenesse"
Ham., Ill, iv f 153-155 (F): "For in the fatnesse of this
1; pursie times,/Vertue itsalfe,
**',-'" »A ;.

* of Vice must pardon begge,/ Yea

courb, and woe, for leave to
do him good"
0 ther ma s culine s:
- 53 -

repentance *
Luc., 271 (1594): "Affection is my Captaine and he leadeth"
Lr. , I, iv, 29-32 (?) : Kent: "you have that in your
countenance, which I would
faine call Master."
Lear: "What's that?"
Kent: "Authority."
H5, IV, i, 257-258 (P) : "what art thou, thou Idol! Ceremonie?/
What kind of God art thou?"
Jru , II, i, 573 (F) : "That smooth-fac f d Gentleman, tickling
Ham. , III, iv, 16"1-164 (C^) : "'That monster angell
yet. in this/ That to the use of
actions faire and good,/ He
likewise gives a froclc or Livery"
- 54 -
jldo, III, iii, 139-142 (P): "3eest thou not (I say) v;hat a
deformed thiefe this fashion
is, how giddily a turnes. about
all the Hot-blouds, betv/eene
foureteene & five & thirtie"
R2, I, iii, 168-169 (P and Q 1 ): "dull(,) unfeeling(,) barren
ignorance(,)/ Is zaade my
Gaoler to attend on me"
Ham., V, i, 224-226 (P): "Why may not" Imagination trace the
IToble dust, of Alexander, till he
find it stopping- a bunghole"
Ten., 64-9-650 (1593): "For where love raignes, disturbing
iealousie,/ Doth call him selfe
affections centinell"
Ado, II, iii, 124-125 (P and Q-): "knavery cannot sure hide
himself(e) in such reverence"
Mac., II, iii, 34-36 (P): "much Drinke may be said to be an
Equivocator with Lecherie: it
makes him, and it: marres him"
Wiv., II, i, 73-74 (P): "heere's the twyn-brother of thy
Tro. , V, ii, 55-56 (P and Q 1 ): "How the divell Luxury with
his fat, rumpe and potato
finger, tickles (these)
2H4, I, i, 7-8 (P): "Ev'ry minute now/ Should be the Pather
of some Stratagem"
R2 t V, i, 20-22 (P): "I am sworne Brother (Sweet)/ To grim
Necessitie; and hee and I/ Will keepe
a League till Death"
2H4, I, ii, 192-194 (P): "Pregnancie is made a Tapster, and
hath his quicke wit. wasted in
giving Recknings"
Cor., I, v, 24 (P): "Prosperity be thy Page"
Son. CXLVII, 5 (1609): "My reason the Phisition to my love"
Aao t ii i p 81-83 (P): "then comes repentance, and with his
bad legs falls into the cinque-pace
> 55 -
faster and faster,, till he sinkes
into his grave"
'.LIL, TV, ii, 113 (F ant Q^): "Studie his byas leaves, and
makes his booke thine eyes"

Tim.. I, i, 24? (F): "Trafficker thy God"

2H4, IV, v, 86-88 (?)i "Tyranny, which never quafft but
blood,/Would (by beholding him-)
* **
have wash'd his
Knife/ With gentle
Of iincertain. etymology: bud
Rom., I, i, 157-158 (F and Q9£• ): "the bud bit with an envious
worme,/ Ere he can spread
his sweete leaves to the
- 56 -
2.i French (-Latin) feminine s r/hich occur as suchz


c ountry
e cho
patience •
Rom,, III, iii, 1-3 (Q.2 ) *• "Borneo come forth, come forth thou
fearefull man,/ Affliction is
enamourd of thy parts:/ And ~hou
art wedded to calamitie."
Per., II, iii, 15-17 (Qt ) ' "In framing an Artist, art hath
thus decreed,/ To makeft some good,
but others to exceed,/ And you
- 57 -
are her labourd scholler"
WT, IV, iv, 92-95 (P): "you see (sweet Maid) V7e marry/J_
gentler oien, to the wildest Stocke,/
And make conceyve a barke of baser
kinde/ By bud of Nobler race"
Son. CXXXII, 15 (1609): "Then will I swears beauty her selfe
is blacke"
Rom., Ill, iii, 5 (p and Q2 ): "thou art. wedded to calamltle"
(refers to Romeo)
LUG., 692 (1594): "Pure chastitie is rifled of her store 11
Tro.. IV, v, 211-212 (P): "I wonder now, how yonder City stands,/
V/hen we have heere her Eese and
pillar by us."
Jru, II, i, 29-50 (P): "Even till that utmost corner of the
Vfest/ Salute thee for her King"
Cor.. II, iii, 94-98 (P): Pirst Citizen: "You have deserved
Nobly of your Countrey,
and you have not
deserved Nobly."
Coriolanus: "Your AEnigmaV
Pirst. Citizen: "You have bin a
scourge to her
enemies, r:a: you jsi^r
hpve bin a Bod to.
her Friends"
Ado, I, i, 125-124 (P and Q^); "Curtesie it selfe must, convert
t;o Disdaine, if you come in
her presence"
Rom., II, ii, 162-165 (P and Q^): "Else would I teare the Cave
where Eccho lies,/ And make
'• her ayrie tongue more
£l^-v 2H6, III, ii, 514-515 (P): "With full as many signes of
deadly hate,/ As leane-fac f d
envy in her loathsome cave"
Tro., Ill, iii, 210 (P): "When fame shall in her Hand sound
her truinpe"
- 58 -
(Q.J): "When fane shall in our Hands
sound her trumpe"
1H4, I, i, 83 (F)i "'.'/ho is sweet Fortunes Minion, and her
Haau , I, ii, 146 (P): "Frailty, thy name is woman"
Tit., IV, iii, 39 (F): "for iustice she is so imploy'd"
Shr*, Ind., ii, 135 (F): "melancholly is the Nurse of frenzie"
MY", II, iv, 36-38 (F and Q-I: ) : "And never dare misfortune
crosse her foote,/ Unlesse
she doe it under this excuse,/
That, she is issue to a
faithlesse Iew(e)"
Rom., IV, v, 145-146 (F); "Then Musicke with her silver sound,
with speedy helpe doth lend
redresse" J."
MV, I, i, 51 (F and Q^: "Nature hath fram(^)d strange
fellov/es in her time"
Ant. , II, vi, 139-140 (F) : "Hee married but his occasion heere"
2rr . , II, i, 52 (F): "Patience unmov'd, no marvel though
she pause"
2H4, IV, iv, 87 (F) : "But Peace puts forth her Olive every
Per., I, iv, 52-54 (Q-j): "0 let those Cities that of plenties
cup,/ And her prosperities so
largely taste,/ With their
superfluous riots heare these tesres"
"~ I,, iii, 108-109 (F) : "Never did "base
"*— / and rotten Policy/
Colour her working with such
deadly wounds"
Per. , I, iv, 23 (Qi ) : "For riches strev/ f de her selfe even in.
her streetes"
AWW, I, i, 169-170 (F); "Virginitie like an olde Courtier,
weares her cap out of fashion"
HPITU, III, ii, 26-27 (F) : "to shew Vertue her owne Feature"
French masculines which occur as feminines:
" - '"" • vessel • • «
Son.. XCVII, 6 (1609): "The teeming Autumne big with ritch
" increase"
Tro., I, iii, 348-349(?): "choise,..Makes Merit her election"
MM, II, i, 298 (P): "Pardon is still the nurse of second woe"
III, i, 7-8 (P and. Q 1 ): "if my gossip(s) report be an
, , honest woman of her word"
I, i, 32-33 (P): "Which touchi ng but my gentle Vesse
r ^ ls side/
Would Scatter all her spices on the streame"
- 60 -
Double genders:
c onmonwealth
Son. CLI, 7-8 (1609): "My soule doth tell my body that he
may,/ Triumph in love"
Tit., II, iv, 16-18 (F): "Speake gentle Neece, whgtt sterne
ungentle hands/ Hath Iopt, and
hew f d, and made thy "body bare/ Of
her two branches"
1H4, II, i,"87-91 (F): "for they pray continually unto their
Saint the Commonwealth; or rather,
not to pray to her, but prey on her:
for they ride up & dov/ne on her, and
make hir their Boots"
2H4, IV, i, 94-96 (Q-i)- "My brother Gene rail, the common
wealth/ To brother borne an houshold
cruelty./ I make my quarrel! In
H2, III, iii, 79-81 (P) : "no Hand of. Blood and Bone/ Can
gripe the sacred Handle of our
Scepter,/ Unlesse he doe prophane,
steale, or usurpe"
MSSTD» III, ii, 143-144 (P and Q 1 ) • "thy hnnd. 0 le^ me kisse/
This Princesse of pure
white, this seale of blisse"
Horn• t III, ii, 93-^94 (P) • "where Honour may be Cro\vn ! d/ Sole
Monarch of the earth"
1H4, I, iii, 205-207 (P): "plucke up dro\vned Honor by the
Lockes:/ So he that doth redeeme
- 61 -
her thence, might v/er-re/ Vithout
Co-riV3.ll, ell her Dignities"
JFGV, I, i, 39 (F) : "Love is your master, for he masters you"
Err., Ill, ii, 52 (F): "Let Love, being light, be drowned.
if she sinke"
3H6, II, i, 21 (F): "See how the Morning opes her golden Gates"
Son. XXXIII, 1-7 (1609): "Full many a glorious morning have
v >'•! seene,/ Flatter the mountains
tops with soveraine eie...Anon
permit the basest cloud's to ride,/ -
T:ith ougly rsck on his celestiall
face,/ And from the for f -crne world
his visage hide"
LLL, IV, i, 121-127 (F): Rosaline: "Shall I come upon thee
with an old saying, that
was a man when King Pippin
of France was a little
. "boy, as touching the hit it."
Boyet: "So I may answere thee v/ith
one as old that v,7 as a woman
when Queene Guinover of
Brittaine was a little wench,
as touching the hit it."
Tit., Ill, i, 223-224 (F): "If the windes rage, doth not the
Sea wax mad,/ Threatning the
welkin with his big-swolne face?"
Tro., I, iii, 34-36 (F): "The Sea being smooth,/ How many
shallow bauble Boates dare saile/
Upon her patient brest"
jftU, III, iii, 20-21 (F): "within this well of flesh/ There
is a soule counts thee her Creditor"
R2, V, v, 6-7 (F): "My Braine, lie prove the Female to my
Soule,/ My Soule, the Father"
•Of. 0, A^ Lurnggfron. Tho poo-ticnl ponder of tho
in tho worko of Ben Jonaon (Lund» 18Q2), p» 50.
- 62 -
Sender of animals
horse (also neuter)
dog (also neuter)

, humble-bee
Tim. , II, i, 7-9 (F) : "If I would sell my Horse, and buy
twenty moe/ Beiter then he; why give
ray Horse to Timon./ Aske nothing,
give it- him."
1H4, II, ii, 73-74 (F and Q^ ) : "thy horse st.and(e)s behinde
the hedg(e), when, thou
need( f ) st him"
Cor. , I, iv, 5 (?): Lartiua: "3o, the good Eorse is mine."
Marcius: "lie buy him of you."
fflt f I, ii, 165-166 (P) : "that; it may know/ He can command;
lets it strait feele the spur"
( =• horse)
Per., II, i, 1.64-165 (Q^ ) : "a Courser, whose delight steps,/
Shell make the gazer ioy to see
him tread"
Lr . , IV, vii, 36-37 (P) : "Mine. Enemies dogge, though he had
bit me"
Tim., II, i, 5-6 (P) : "stcale but a beggers Dogge,/ And give
it Timon"
- 63 -
T7iv. , I, i, 307-308 (F) : "I have seene b'eckerson loose, t.'.ve:v;y
times, and have taken him. "by the
Chaine" (refers to a h
Tit., IV, i, 100 (F and Q1 ) : "when he sleepes(,) \vill she(e)
do(e) what she list"
(refers to a lion)
MV, II, i, 30 (F) : "Yea, mocke the Lion when he rores for
Luc. , 878 (1594): "Thou sets the v/olfe vhere he the lambe
may get"
r.'iv. , I, i, 91-92 (F): "How do f s your fallow Greyhound; Sir,
I heard say he was out-run on Cotsall"
Ado, III, iii, 76 (F and Q1 ) : "a calfe when he bleates"
Per., IV, vi, 189 (Q^ ) : "a Baboone could he speak"
Tro. , V, i, 96-98 (?) : "I will no more trust him when hee
leeres, then I will a Serpent when
he hisses"
AYL, IV, i, 54-55 (F): "I, of a Snaile : for though he comes
slowly, hee carries his house on
his head" H
Cor., II, i, 9-10 (?): Sicinius: "The Lambe."
Menenius: "I, to devour him"
Tit., Ill, ii, 65 (F): "thou hast kil'd him" ( = fly)
Trol , V, x, 42-43 (F and Q1 ) : "Full merrily the humble Bee
doth aeis sing,/ Till he hath
lost his hony(,) and his <r~-'^~"
ILL, V, ii, 908-910 (F and Q. ) : "The Cuckow then. ..thuc-
s ing (e)s he(e),/ Cuckow "
Per., II, i, 26 (Q.,): "the Porpas how he bounst"
Per. , II, i, 34 (Q-): "a Whale; a playes and tumbles"
f pic on

- 64 -
serpent (also masculine)
WT, IV, iv, 15-16 (P): "IZhen my good Falcon, made her flight •
a-crosse/ Thy Fathers ground"
Shr.. IV« i, 194 (?): "til she stoope, she must not be full
gorg'd" ( = falcon)
Ten., 55-56 (1593): "Even as an emptie Eagle.. .-Tires with
her beake on feathers, flesh, and bone"
Son. XIX, 4 (1609): "burne the long liv'd Phaenix in'her blood"
Tit.. IV, ii, 101-103 (P): "All the water in the Ocean,/ Can.
never turne the Swans blacke
legs to white,/ Although she them hourely in the flood"
1H6, V, iii, 56 (P): "So doth^ the Swan her downie Signets
PP, 381 (1612): "She (poore Bird) as ?11 forlorne"
( =
AYL, III, ii, 356-357 (P); "As the Gonie that you see dwell
where shee is kindled"
2H4« IV, iv, 79 (P): "When, the Bee doth leave her Conbe"
Tit., II, iii, 35-36 (-P): "Even as an Adder when she doth
unrowle/ To do some fstall
execution?" *
3H6, II, ii, 15-16 (P): "V/hb scapes the lurking Serpents
mortall sting?/ Not he that sets
tiis foot upon her backe"
Mac., Ill, ii, 13-15 (P): "V/e have scorch 1 d the Snake, not
kill'd it:/ Shee'le close, and be
her selfe, whilest our poore I-Iallice/
Renaines in. danger of her former
_ '65 ~
the throwes her
•~ 1 II,,- "i t , 255 . t • "there
" , and . 4i)
. - (P
enammel(')d skinne"
Jn., IV, iii, 127-128 (F): "the smallest thred/'That ever
Spider twisted from her wombe"
Ado, III> i, 26-27 (E and. Q1 ): "The pleasant( f ) st angling is
to see the fish/ Gut vath
her golden ores the silver
- 66 -
>L<| The sex of an animal can be expressed by combining the <vord
with another that indicates this:
cock-pi/re on
MV,. II, i 29 (P and Q1 ): "Pluck(e) the yo(u)ng sucking Cubs
from the she Benr(e)"
Tim., IV, iii, 273 (P): "shee-Begger"
Similarly she-angel, she-foxes, she-lamb, she-Mercury, she-knight
errant, she-wolf, cf. A. Schniidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under
she, p. 1045.
Tro», II, i, 11 (P): "Thou Bitch-V/olfes-Sonne"
Tro«, T, iv, 12-13 (P and Q1 ): "that same dog(ge)-foxe Ulisses"
MD, II, i, 46 (P and Q1 ): "a filly fo(e)le"
AYL, IV, i, 150-152 (P): "I will bee more iealous of thee,
then a Barbary cocke-pidgeon,'*.,, over
his hen" §
1H4. II, iv, 288 (P): "Bull-Calfe"
2H4. II, iv, 250-251 (P): "thou whorson little tydie
Bartholmev/ Bore-pigge"
H8, II, Iv, 189 (P): "a male-child$"
Cor., I, iii, 19 (P): "a Man-child."
Per., V, iii, 6 (Q 1 ): "a Mayd child calld Marina"
- 67 -
Proper names
3o The use of the feminine for the names of countries, counties,
and towns commonly reveals a. strong emotion (patriotism,
admiration, sympathy), which may, however, be quite transitory
(see also § ttj) *
If, Hi it 57-66 (P): "this deere-deere Land,/ Deere for her
reputp.tion through the world...That
England, that was wont to conquer
others,/ Hath made a shamefull
conquest of it selfe"
(the change of gender here is characteristic)
Jn., V, viij 112-114 (?): "This Snglnnd never did, nor never
shall/ Lye at the proud foote of
a Conqueror,/ But when it first
did helpe to wound it selfe"
Gym., V, v, 14-15 (?): "you (the Liver, Heart, and Braine of
Britaine)/ By whom (I grant) she lives"
2H6, IV, x, 78-79 (?): "Tell Kent from me, she hath lost
her best man"
1H6. Ill, iii, 49-51 (?): "see the pining Mnladie of Prance:/
Behold the bounds...Which thou thy
selfe hast given her v/ofull Brest"
HJ>, V, ii, 182-184 (?): "I love France so well, that I will
not part, with a Village of it"
Cor., V, iii, 207-209 (?): "All the Swords/ In Italy, and
her Confederate Armes/ Could not
Jiave made this peace"
Hg, V, Prol., 24 (?): "How London doth pov:re out her Citizens'1
JJ5, I, ii, 154-157 (?): "When could they say (till now) that
talk'd of Rome, / That her vide
V'.'alkes incompast but one man?/ How
is it Rome indeed, and Roome enough/
t/hen there is in it but one ouely
man" (a characteristic change of gender)
Tro., IV, v, 211-212 (P): "I wonder now, how yonder City stands,/
When we have he ere her Base and
pillar by us." ( = Troy)
- 68 -

ttro. t \r , x, 21 (P ?nd Q1 ): "3c?.rre Troy out of it selfe"

gj* III, iii, 8-9 (P): "I will not. leave the halfe-atchieved
Harflew,/ Till in her ashes she lye
1H6, III, ii, 124 (P): "Roan hangs her head for griefe"
Hames 2-Oof rivers are, when personified, masculine in gender
(see § t&5}\ only Tiber occurs once as a feminine.
1H4. Ill, i, 102-108 (P): Hotspur: "And here the smug and Silver
Trent shall runne,/ In a ne\v
Channel!, faire and evenly:/
It shall not winde with such
a deepe indent"*..
Mortimer: "Yea," but marke IIOYJ he
beares his course"
JG, I, i, 50 (P): "Tyber trembled underneath her hpaikes"
Other proper names: Mountains, Months, Planets and Constell*-
H|, III, v, 50-52 (P): "Rush on his Hoast, as doth the melted
Snow/ Upon the Valleyes, whose low
TassalL Seat,/ The Alpes doth spit,
and void his rhewme upon"
Son. XCVIII, 2-4 (1609): "When proud pide Aprill (drest in
all his trim)/ Hath put a spirit
of youth in every thing:/ That heavie
Saturne 1aught and leapt with him"
AW, I, i, 210-211 (P): Helena: "you must needes be borne
under Mars."
Parolles: "When he was predominant."
MNfl, III, ii, 61 (P and Q1 ): "yonder Venus(,) in her
• • glimmering spheare"
Tro», II, iii, 206-207 (P): "adde more Coles to Cancer, when.
he burnes/ With entertaining
great Hiperion"
- 69 -
Formerly the verbs give, pay, offer, shov/, promise, tell
often took to (unto) .with the dative of the person if they
vrere followed by a direct object, even when no special
emphasis was intended. This also sometimes happened when the
direct object preceded the verb.
Tim., V, i, 8 (?): "'Tis saide, he gave unto his Steward/
A mighty summe"
H8, II, iv, 198 (F): "that you gave to me/ Many a groaning
2H6, IV, vii, 130 (P): "she shall pay to me her Maydenhead"
AW, V, iii, 37 (F): "My high repented blames/ Deare
Soveraigne pardon me"
To used for emphasis:
Cor., IV, v, 72 (P): "My name is Caius Martius, who hath
done/ To thee particularly, and to
all the Voices/ Great hurt and
- 70 -
The Adjective
Shakesgeare f s freedom in the comparison of adjectives
resembles that of modern popular speech, cf. VJ. Franz:, "Die
Dialektsprache bei Charles Dickens," Englische Studien, XII
(1889), 230. Following Germanic rules adjectives of two
distinct syllables are compared "-er", "-est" even when the
second syllable is unstressed (perfecter, properer, perfectest,
dismal'st - examples under a)). This is also true of adjectives
of three or more distinct syllables (unhopefullest - examjpLes
under b)) and of participles used adjectivally (curster,
cursed* st, damnedest, lyingest - examples under c)), cf. E* A*
Abbott, A Shakespearian Grammar, 3rd ed. (1870), § 7. But it
must be remembered that the choice of the form of comparison,
used often, depends solely on the rhythm of the verse,
Cor.. II, i, 91 (F): "a perfecter gyber'1
AWW, III, v, 82 (F): "if he were honester"
AYL, IV, i, 162 (F): "the wiser, the waywarder"
AYL, III, v, 51 (F): "a properer man"
Ado. V, iv, 62 (F and Q 1 ): "Nothing certainer"
. Yen., 353 (1593): "His tendrer cheeke"
Gym.. IV, ii, 331 (F): "horrider"
Mac., I, v, 2 (F): "the perfect f st report"
AWW. Ill, v, 77 (F): "In honestest defence"
Tit,. II, iii, 204 (F and Q 1 ): "the dismal(')st obiect"
PP, 383 (1612): "the dolefulst Ditty"
mm*mm ,-,.

AWW. I, iii, 231 (F): "heedefull'st reservation"

R£, III, iv, 106 (F): "the fearefull'st time"
TN, V, i, 117 (F): "the faithfull 'st. off rings"
Tit.. I, i, 317 (F): "the Gallant'st Dames of Rome"
MM, IV, ii, 76 (F): "The best, and wholsomst spirits of the
MM, V, i, 53 (F): "the wickedst caitiffe"
Mac., Ill, iv, 126 (P): "The secret'st man of Blood"
MV, II, i, 37 (P and Q^: "one unworthier"
1H4. I, iii, 57 (P) J "the Soveraign'st thing"
Cor., IV, vi, 73 (?): "violent'st"
Tim,, V, i, 184 (P): "The reverends 'Throat"
1H4, I, ii, 90 (P): "the most comparative rascallest sweet
yong Prince"
MV, III, ii, 254 (P and Q.,): "the unpleasant f st words"
Rom., I, v, 95 (P and Q2 ): "my unworthiest hand"
(according to G-» Kb'nig, Der Vers in Shakespeare3 Dramen,
Quellen und Porschungen. (StraBburg, 1888), p. 45, synizesis
occurs in 93$ of such cases, and there are only nine cases
where all syllables are pronounced distinctly, six of them
at the end of a line)
Ado. II, i, 392 (P and Q^: "the unhopefullest husband"
Shr., III, ii, 156 (*7: "Curster then she"
Shr., II, i, 315 (P): "How tame...A meacocke wretch can.
make the curstest shrew"
Gym*, III, iv, 10 (P): "my stayder Senses"
MV, II, i, 46 (P and Q-): "cursed f st among men"
Shr., Ind., ii, 26 (P): "the lyingst knave"
H8, II, iv, 215 (P): "The daringst Counsaile"
Note 1. When, two heterogeneous attributes of the same object
are compared the form in "-er" is no longer used, though it
occurs in, Shakespeare, Of. Abbott, § 6,
M»I, IV, iii, 185 (P): "your-^com pany is fairer then hone st 11
• Vt'
Of, on the other hand:
Oth,, I, iii, 291 (P): "Your Son-in-law is farre more Paire
then, Blacke"
Note 2. There was formerly no objection to the use of the
superlative when comparing only two objects, persons, or
.qualities (cf, Abbott, §10), and though the comparative is
now preferred the superlative is still found even amongst
educated people*
~ 72 -
Shr., I, i, 50 (F); "not to bestow my yongest daughter,/
Before I have a husband for the elder"
W_9 II? i> 7 (P and Q-): "To prove whose blood is reddest,
4 his or mine"
Of. on the other hand:
AYL. I, ii, 284 (P): "Neither his daughter, if we iudge by
manners,/ But yet indeede' the taller
is his daughter"
tTote 3. 2he superlative in "~est" can be used to expressn a
very high rank. , .
H5, III, i, 17 (P): "On, on you Noblish English ( = noblest)
Ham,, I, i, 114 (Qp) J "A little ere the mightiest lulius
•Mr 73 *"

Despite his *nnrked preference for the Germanic forms of

comparison Shakespeare often uses more t most in -che ccirip?iriso:i
of monosyllables (more proud, most sweet). But these examples
usually occur in rhythmical speech where the metre requires^
the Romance form. Leaving aside double^comparisons (see §
and the need for parallel forms in certain cases (more
see the examples under b)), Shake spe are's employment of Romance
forms, for example those in the prose sections of As You Like
It and Twelfth Night , often corresponds with, modern, usage.
a) In verse :
AYL, I, ii, 244 (P) t "I am more proud to be Sir Rolands sonne 11
AYL t II, i, 2-4 (P): "Hath not old custome nade this life
more sweete/ Then that of painted
pompe? Are not these woods/ More free
from per ill then the envious Court?"
AYL, II, iv, 77 (P) : "I*.. wish... My fortunes were more able
to releeve her"
33J, I, iv, 28 (P): "She will attend it better in thy youth,/
Then in a Nun tic's of more grave aspect"
TN, II, iv, 84 (F) : "Tell her my love, more noble then the
world/ Prizes not the quantitie of
dirtie Ipnds"
TN, III, iii, 5 (P): "my desire/ (More sharpe then filed
steele) did spurre me forth"
TN, V, i, 60 (P): "IN'ith the most noble bottome of our Fleete"
In prose:
AYL, III, iii, 15 (P) s "it strikes a man more dead then a
great reckoning"
TN, I, v, 208 (P): "It is the more like to be feigned"
There are no other examples of the Romance forms of comparison
of monosyllables in the prose sections of As You Like It and
Twelfth Night.
b) Words of two or more syllables:
.AYL, I, ii, 188 (P): "a more equal! enterprise"
AYL, I, ii, 215 (P): "a more modest working"
AYL, III, iii, 8 (P) : "the most capricious Poet"
- 74 -
AYL, III, iii, 20 (?) : "the truest poetrie is the r.o

AYL, III, iii, 61 (i1 ) : "so is the forehead of a married EISJI,

more honourable then, the bare brow
of a Batcheller"
ATI, IV, i, 150-154 (?) : "I will bee more iealous of thee,
then a Barbary cocke-pidgeon over
his hen, more clamorous then a
Parrat against raine, more new­
fangled then an ape, more giddy in
ny desires, then a monkey"
AYL , IV, 1, 196-198 (F): "I will thinke you the most
patheticall breake-promise, and tke
most hollow lover, -and the most
unv/orthy of her you call Rosalinda 11
.TST, IV, ii, 36 (P); "the most modest termes"
- 75 ~
Double comparison (more better) is common in Shakespoeare in.
both verse and prose. The phenomenon is found as early as
1540 (cf. P. T. Visser, rev. of W. Pranz, Die Sprache i*
Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa (Halle, 1939), English Studies,
XXVI (1944-5), 16). It was not accepted in the 18th century
and Rowe and Pope tried to abolish it. In modern vulgar speech
it is so common that it can no longer be used for its
original purpose of emphasis. Cf. Englische Studien, XII
(1889), 230f.; L. Pound, The Comparison of Adjectives in
English in the XV and XVI Century, Anglistische Porschungen, f
(Heidelberg, 1901), pp. 50-1; Abbott, § 11.
'"MND, III, 1, 21 (P and Q.):
I "for the more better assurance 11
- Tmjo., I, ii, 19 (P): "nor that I am more better/ Then
Prospero" »
Cor., Ill, i, 120 (P): "lie give my Reasons,/More worthier
then their Voyces"
AYL, III, ii, 62 (P): "a more sounder instance, come"
MM, II, ii, 17 (P): "Dispose of her/ To some more fitter
place 11 *
Tmp•. I, ii, 439 (P): "The Duke of Millaine/ And his more
braver daughter"
AYL. Ill, iii, 59-64 (P): "^o, as a wall'd Towne is more
worthier then a village, so is
1 • the forehead of a married man,
more honourable then the bare
brow of a Batcheller: and by how
much .defence^is,better then hbl ?
skill, by so much is a home more
precious then to want11
TGV, IV, ii, 141 (P): "it hath bin the longest night/ That
ere I watch 1 d, and the most heaviest,"
JC, III, ii, 187 (P): "This was the most unkindest cut of all"
Lr., II, iii, 7 (P and Q-i): "To take the basest (,) and .most
poorest shape"
t J, i f 219 (Q-i) : "most best, most deerest"
(P): "The best, the deerest"
- 76 -
Note 1. As well as less Shakespeare uses the rarer form lesser,
now used only as an attributive adjective* Another double,
comparison is found in. worser, which occurs in the written
language even later than Shakespeare and is still current in
dialect. Of. Englische Studien. XII (1889), 231; Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprache, II, 64.
Ado, I, i, 58 (P and Q.J): "he is no lesse then a stuft man'1
M£, III, v, 45 (P and Q1 ): "if she be lesse then an honest
Tmp», II, ii, 108 (P): "the lesser legges"
Err., I, i, 109 (P): "seeming as burdened/ With lesser waight,
but not with lesser woe"
MffD, II, i, 208 (P and Q I ): "What worser place can I beg(ge,)
in your love"
Tmp., IV, i, 27 (P); "Our worser Genius"
Son. CXLIV, 4 (1609): "The worser spirit"
Luc», 249 (1594): "the worser sence"
Oth.« I, i, 95 (P): "The worsser welcome"
(Q.)j "The worse welcome"
Shr., I, ii, 91 (P): "were my state farre worser then It-is*
Note 2. Even expressions which are already superlative in
meaning can take the ending "-(e)st".
ATL, II, i, 42 (P): "on th'extremest verge of the sv/ift, brooke"
MV, II, viii, 43 (P): "your chiefest thoughts"
Tit.. V, ii, 125 (P and Q-): "Some of the chiefest Princes
of the Gothes"
- 77 -
3<f The comparative, ending is sometimes used in Shakespeare to
weaken the 'adjectival concept, in the same way as it is today.
Thus the effect of the comparative in the higher classes is
not to intensify the adjective high but rather to indicate a
contrast with the lower classes* The basis of comparison can
usually be determined from the context. The origin of this
use of the comparative lies in the comparatives that are only
used attributively, where a contrast is implied, and which
today have no positive form (rather, upper, inner, outer).
They have therefore ceased to be true comparatives. Tney
sometimes combine with a noun to form one idea. Thus nether
regions is used for hell, lower classes for populace, and :
inner life for soul or mind. The use of non-English compara­
tives like superior, inferior as attributive adjectives
(superior man, inferior Quality) is another factor in this
development. This mode of expression is now often used out of
politeness and an. aversion to the direct use of the positive
(old, weak, low). Hence there is a degree of increased
uncertainty in the use of the comparative, p.nd sometimes the
force of the adjective is weakened considerably. This can be
clearly seen in the contrast, between., the v/en!rer sex and the
fair sex, for example. The reasons why the comparative is
used in. the first instance are very similar to those why it is
not in the second.
Horn., V, ii, 60 (P): " ! Tis dangerous, when the baser nature
'comes/ Betweene the pssse, and fell
incensed points/ Of mighty opposites"
Ham., II, i, 116 (F and Q2 ):;; lf it is common for the yo(u)nger
sort/ To lack(e) discretion"
H5, II, iv, 136 (}?): "the promise of his greener dayes"
LLL, I, i, 276 (P and Q1 ): "the weaker vessell"
Cor., IV, vi, 69 (P): "the weaker sort"
2H6, I, i, 30 (P): "Makes me the bolder to salute my King,/
With ruder termes"
Lr., IV, vi, 81 (P): "The safer sense will ne*re accommodate/
His Master thus"
Lr.. IV, vi, 222 (P): "Let not my worser Spirit tempt me ag&ine"
- 78 -
Lr», I, i, 37 (2?): "Meeiie time we siial expresse our darker
"" " '! ' 1 ' : v'( ••.,. ,. ... "i ..:. ;,: "I*
.Son. CXXIIJi 2 (1^09): "!Thy pyramyds buylt up vdth. nev;er
might/ To me are nothing novell"
- 79 * «
Hear is still fou4d in Shakespeare as an old comparative,
though nearer is much more common, cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-
Lexicon, p. 761. E« A. Abbott (§ 478) suggests that there was
a natural burr in the pronunciation of the "r st in near so that
it would sound similar to nearer. E. J. Dobson (§ 370) finds
little evidence on this point, and H. Kokeritz (p. 315) argues
that Elizabethan stage practice was probably not uniform in
this respect. It would be unwise, therefore, to attach any
great significance to a possible similarity in pronunciation.
The positive nigh, now found only in dialect except in the
phrase well nigh, was still in use in. Shakespeare as an adverb
and preposition. It has been replaced in the written language
by near, which took on the functions of a positive under the
influence of here, there, far (H. Sweet, A New English Grammar
(Oxford, 1890-1898), § 1048), after the new comparative and
superlative forms nearer, nearest had been created. The
parallel existence of next and nearest led to a differentiation
in. meaning, with the result that the latter assumed an
essentially spatial sense, whereas next was used to express
nearness in time or succession in a sequence. In Shakespeare
the next can also mean 'the nearest in space 1 . Cf. Karl Brunner,
Me englische Sprache, II, 64.
Tit., V, iii, 24 (P and Q 1 ): "Please you therefore(,) draw
Mac., IV, ii, 72 (F): "V/hich is too nie your person"
R2, V, i, 88 (F); "Better farre off, then neere, be ne're
the neere"
( = f being not nearer for being at a small distance 1 )
R2, III, ii, 64 (F)J "Nor neere, nor farther off"
Mac., II, iii, 146 (P): "The neere in blood, the neerer
WT, III, iii, 129 (P): "home, home, the next way"
Hote. The original O.E. adverb near has survived in connection
with verbs expressing a progressive movement (come, approach).
Here the ideas of positive and comparative are closely
* 8 "0 -
connecuea ana tne interpretation must depend on the particular
context.. :<< - , i,,: » ,t . *;.-,« .'•• : . , '. • * ,
^, III, iii, 7 (?)s "neere approches/ The subiect of our
- 81 -
In the differentiation in meaning between latter
and later, and latest and last is not so rigid as it is today*
Latter (O.E. lactra) , last (0.3. latost) are the regular
comparative and superlative of O.E. laet. Latter and last
probably acquired their modern meanings because of the contrast
between former and latter and then through the frequent
combination of first and last (from first to last). Their
previous functions were taken over by later and latest, which
were new forms associated with late (0.2. adverb late) . Cf.
ODD and The Oxford Dictionary of English Etymology under- these
forms. As well as this the transition from the meaning 'the
. !

latest, most recent 1 to 'the last altogether' is an obvious


one. Since there is a similarity with least it is also possible

that the contraction from O.E. latost, Early M.E. latest to
H"*E. last (lattst in Ormn) may have been influenced by first
and least. In Shakespeare latest always means last (cf . A.
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon , p. 629) «
Oth., 1,,3-iij 28 (F) : "\Ye must not thinke the Turke is so
uaskillf ull , / To that latest f
which c one ernes him first"
Tit. t I, i, 149 (F and Q ): "let Andronicus/ Make this his
latest farewell to their soules"
Cor. , V, iii, 11 (P.): "Their latest refuge/ Was to send him"
Jn. , III, i, 230 (P): "The latest, breath. . .Was deepe-sworne
Tro., I, iii, 33
F and Q-. ) : "Nestor shall apply/ Thy latest
i words 11
Mac., II, i, 3 (P): "I take't, 'tis later'1 " '-
Jn., Ill, i, 288 (F); "Therefore thy later vowes, rg-insi;
thy first,/ Is in thy selfe rebellion
to thy selXe"
C = 'done subsequently 1 - A. Schmidt, Shakospe are-Lexicon,
Pi 629)
AYL , II, iii, 70 (p): "To the last gsspe"
1 H6 f II, v, 38 (P) : "Direct mine Armes, I may embrace his
Neck ? / And in his Bo some spend my
° • \- 32 -
latter gaspe" ( = last)
3H6, IV, :ViV H5' (J1 ) * "And in devotion spend my latter dayes"
( a last)
M\T, I, i, 151 (P); "Or to finde both,/ Or bring your latter
, , hazard backe aaine"
- 83 -
Shakespeare occasionally uses f pr as an old comparative in
p manner similar to fez near* The form does not have the usual
characteristic appearance of a comparative and hence it easily
developed into a positive under the influence of here, there.
A new comparative appeared, further, to which was added the
superlative furthest. There thus developed in 'Few English the
series far, further, furthest, and when the vowel of the
positive was transferred to the comparative and superlative
two new formations arose, farther and farthest, which are now
used chiefly with reference to distance (cf. H. Sweet,
§ 1047). All four forms are found in Shakespeare and are used
interchangeably (cf. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, pp. 400,
462, 463). Gf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 64-5.
2T, IV, iv, 441 (F): "Not hold thee of our blood, no not
our Kin,/ Far re then Deucalion off"
Ant., II, i, 31 (F); "Since he went from Egypt, 'tis/ A
space for farther Travaile"
Rom,, II, ii, 83 (F): "the farthest sea"
Son, CLI, 8 (1609): "flesh staies no farther reason"
OT, II, ii, 122 (F): "let it be so hasted that supper be
readie at- the farthest by five of the
H8, II, iv, 232 (F): "we adiourne this Court till further
Tmp» t II, i, 323 W : "let's make further search/ For my
poore sonne ?l
Ado, II, i, 275 (F and. Q^: "I will, fetch you a tooth-picker
now from the furthest inch of
- 84 -
M2£fl» most are found in. Shakespeare with the meaning '(the)
greater, greatest', which corresponds to the original meaning
of much; 'great 1 . The positive mickle, still current in Scots
CtfvU^rzo-i rrrXdialects (E. MMtzner. ——'————
Northern:, ——, 3rd
ed.^il, 295), which corresponds to the Southern form nuch,
occurs six tines in Shakespeare. Mo(e) is found in Shakespeare
only as a numerical concept in connection with, plurals; it is
sometimes replaced in the later Polios" by more, which later
superseded it completely in the written language except, in
poetic writing. Gf. Abbott, § 17; Kerl Brunner, Die englische
Sprgiche. II, 63-4.
PP, 219 (1612)-: "more mickle was the paine"
2rr., III, i, 45 (P): "The one nere got me credit, the other
mickle blame"
K5, II, i, 70 (P): "An oath of mickle might, and fury shall
1H6, IV, vi, 45 (P): "To morrow I shall dye with mickle Age"
2H6, V, i, 174 (P)- "in dutie bend thy knee to me,/ That
bowes unto the grave with mickle age"
Rom., II, iii, 15 (P and Qp): "mickle is the powerfull grace"
Son, CXXXIX, 8 (1609): "What needst thou wound with cunning
when thy'might/ Is more then my
ore-prest defence can. bide?"
Err., II, i, 10 (P): "Why should their libertie then ours
be more?"
2H4, I, i, 209 (P): "And more, and lesse, do flocke to
follow him" ( = hi^h and low)
H3,' IV, iv, 377 (Q-,): "Gods wrong is most of all"
2HG, I, iii, 149 (P): "Though in this place most Master
weare no Breeches" (i.e. the King)
Tit., Y, iii, 17 (Q-i): "What hath the firmament mo sunnes
than one?"
(P): "What, hath the Piremament more Suns
then one?"
Mac., V, iii, 35 (P): "Send out moe Horses"
WT, I, ii, 8 (P): "many thousands moe"
- 85 -
Occasionally only the first of o. series of cooperatives or
superlatives takes the distinctive form.
TN, I, iv, 32 (?): "Dianas lip/ Is not more smooth, and
T|f, II, iv, 34 (P): "Our fancies are more giddie and unfirme
...Then woraens are"
TIT, III, iv, 293 (P): "the nost skilfull, bloudy, & fatall
- 86 -
The modern differentiation "between the ppr°llel forms sl^er.
eldest ?.nd older, oldest, though foreshadowed in Shakespeare,
vas not yet rigidly defined; the forms with the modified vov.'el still occasionally found where modern usage requires the
unnodified forms. Of. Karl Brunner, Die en^rlische Sprr-che,
Hi 62-3.
jJC,, P7, iii, 56 (P): "I saide, an Elder Souldier, not a
MV, IV, i, 251 (F): "How much more elder art thou then thy
gj. Illi ii> 62 (Q|)i "Ere a fortnight make ne elder,/ He
send some packing, that yet thinke
not on it"
(P): "ere a fort-night make me older,/ He
send some pecking, that yet thinke
not on f t"
Gym,, III, vi, 45 (P): "Behold Divinenesse/ No elder then a
Err., I, i, 125 (P): "My yongest boy, and yet my eldest care"
Further examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon.
- 87 -
The forms alderliofest (oven then archaic), littiest (no
longer accepted in literary English), and retherest each occur
once in Shakespeare. The l*st is a jocular formation used "by
Holofernes »nd is intended to have a comic effect.
2H6, I, i, 28 (?): "mine Alder liefest Soveraigne"
Ham., III, ii, 181 (Q 2 ): "Where love is great, the litlest
doubts are feare"
" IV, ii, 19 (P and Q.):
i "untrained, or rather unlettered,
or ratherest unconfirmed
More« lees with a negative v*ere^£ormerly often followed by
but instead of than« wHich. is normal in modern speech. The old
of but is eycer&t* Of. Abbott. § 127*
JIM, V, ij, 236-237 (P): "These poore informall women, are no
more/ But instruments of some more
mightier member"» 149-150 (?); "A man that apprehends death no more
dreadfully, but as a drunken sieepe"
ii, 83 (-1 aii4 Q t ): "they v/ould have no more
discretion(,) but to hang us" .
iv, 13 (P): "Thou knowst no lesse, but all" »
- 89 -
(Cf. Abbott, § 5)
The extent to which the nominalization of adjectives was
permitted in Shakespeare's time was considerably greater than
it is today. V/ith the silencing of the final "e" sound in the
15th century the last of the old adjectival inflexions finally
disappeared, except for one or two odd survivals (see note)*
Prom then, on, the good could be either singular or plural in
meaning. It was therefore necessary to differentiate between
the two. Separate forms had existed for a long time before
Shakespeare (the good man, the good one), but they were not
used consistently and were not fully developed in their
functions. The use of the adjective accompanied only by the
article as a singular to describe a person (the good, the
feeble) had become rare, though it appears very frequently as
a vocative without the article, ef. Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache , II, 74. In the plural, however, it is often used to
describe a whole species of people (the good, the wise),
though some
of these plural forms have since become obsolete
{the common, the noble, the subject). The corresponding
singular is formed by the addition of man, woman ; thus the
plural the good corresponds to the singular the (si) good man,
the (a.) good woman. Karl Brunner (Die englische Sprache, II,
74) points out that a plural. form using men was also extant
and had been, in use since M.E. The comparative forms of the
adjective, and Present and Past participles can also be used
as nouns without the addition of a particular word or an
inflexional sign. The personal adjective without an article
is still used as a noun in certain set phrases: young and old g
rich and poor, high and low. Cf . E. Gorbori Bio Subotantiv-
doa Adjootivfr im-15'r-und~16v~JohrhundQrt- (Biso*
1095) ; 0. Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar
, 1909-19310, II, 245 ff.; A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-
Lexicon, p. 1415
« 90 -
a) Substantival personal adjectives in the singular:
H8, IV, ii, 60 (F); "Unwilling to out-live the good that
did it"
Tim.. I, i, 107 (F); "'Tis not enough to helpe the Feeble
up,/ But to support him after"
JO, III, ii, 131 (F): "I rather choose/ To wrong, the dead"
TN, III, ii, 68 (F): "his opposit the youth beares in his
visage no great presage of cruelty"
j£, f I, ii, 21 (F): "Edmond the base/ Shall to*th f Legitimate"
Ado. II, ii, 26 (F and Q^: "a contaminated stale"
Tro.. Ill, iii, 76 (F and Q t ): "what the de^lin'd is,/ He
shall as so one reade in, the
eyes of others(,)/ As feele
in. his owne fall"
Tit.. Y, iii, 109 (Q-,): "I am the turned forth"
(F): "I am. turned forth."
Tro». I, iii, 23-25 (F): "the Bold and Coward,/ The Wise
and Foole, the Artist and un-read,/
The hard and soft, seeme all
affined, and kin,"
Jr., Ill, iii, 26- (F): "The yonger rises, v/hen. the old doth.

(Q.|): "then yonger rises when, the old doe

JG, I, ii, 209 (F): "Whiles they behold a greater then.
Tro». V, ii., 33 (F and Q^): Diomedes: "He be your foole no
more." *
Troilus: "Thy better must."
T3T. II, iv, 31 (F): "Let still the woman, take/ Aa elder
then her selfe"
R3, IV, iv f 150 (F)z "Let not the Heavens heare these Tell­
tale women/ Raile on, tii^ Lords
Annointed" t
» &; '-'

In the vocative:
Tit.. I, i, 431 (F and Q1 ) s "at my sute (sweet(e)) pardon.
what is past"
- 91 -
Ant,, IV, XY, 47 (P): "Gentle heare me"
2H6. Ill, ii, 70 (P): "Aye me unhappie"
Tit,. V, iii, 48 (P): "What hast done, unnaturall and
(Q-j): "\Yhat hast thou done, unnaturall and
Ronu, IV, ii, 16 (P and Q 2 ): "How now my headstrong"
Tro., I, iii, 69 (P): "let it please both/ (Thou Great, and.
Wise) to heare Ulysses speake"
R3t I, ii, 81 (P and Q-): "Pairer then tongue can name thee w
JO, III, i, 199 (P): "Shaking the bloody fingers of thpr
Poes?/ Most Noble, in the presence of
thy Coarse"
b) Substantival personal adjectives in the plurals
H8, V, v, 28 (P): "all the Vertues that attend the good"
3H6. II, ii, 32r (P): "Offering their owne lives in their
yongs defence?"
2H4, IV, iii, 60 (P); "beleeve not the Word of the tfoble"
H£, III, v, 55 (P): "This becomes the Great."
Cor., I, i, 155 (P): "Touching the Weale a'th Common*1
Cor., Ill, i, 29 (P); "Hath he not pass f d the Noble, and
the Common?"
(The form commons is more usual, cf. A» Schmidt, Shakespeare-
Lexicon, p. 223)
2H4, II, ii, 155 (P): "the spirits of the wise, sit in the
clouds, and mocke us"
ILL. II, i, 241 (P and Q1 ); "looking on fairest of faire"
AYL, IV, i, 199 (^)s "the grosse band of the unfaithfull"
TN, I, iii, 34 (I?): "'tis thought among the prudent"
Wiv., II, i, 117-118 (P): "He wooes both high and low, botli
rich & poor, both yong and old"
Lll, III, ii f 145 (^)= ""the greater file of the subiect held
the ]>uke to be wise"
Mac., IV, iii, 83 (P) • "the Good and Loyall"
IUG,» 902 (1594): "The poore, lame, blind, hault, creepe,
cry out. for thee"
3H6. IV, i, 71 (P): "meaner then my selfe have had like
' ~ 92 -
Rom., I, iii t 69 (F); "yonger then you...Are made already
1H4, IV, ii, 73 (F): "they'le fill a Pit, as well as better"
1H4» IV, iii, 68 (F): "The more and lesse came in. with Cap
and Knee"
Mac», V, iv, 12 (F): "Both more and lesse have given, him
the Revolt"
H8, V, i, 33 (F): "two/ The most remark'd i f th f Kingdome"
Mac,., II, ii, 53 (F): "the sleeping, and the dead,/ Are but
as Pictures"
LLL, V, ii, 366 (F and Q-): "My Ladie...In curtesie gives
undeserving praise"
Note. There is a survival of an inflected adjectival form in
enow, which occurs ten times alongside the more usual enough*
Similarly alder in alderliefest, which was archaic even in
Shakespeare's time and is found only once, is derived from
the 0»E, genitive plural aira from O.E* all.
MV, III, v, 24 (F and Q-): "we were Christians enow before"
2H6, I, i, 28 (F): "mine Alder liefest Soveraigne"
- 93 -
Many adjectives of Romance origin take the plural ending
"s" and so become true nouns. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache, II, 78. A considerable number of those describing
persons have become obsolete since Shakespeare's time
(opposites, vulgars, patents, resolutes, discontents,
severals, gentles)« Some comparatives and participles also
form the plural with "s" when they are used as nouns, but
this applies only to comparatives like superiors, inferiors,
and betters, and to IJast participles like resolutes and
revolts 3 |cf. P. T. Visser, English Studies, XXVI (1944-5),
19?. Since there are two ways of nominalizing an adjective to
have a plural meaning (the good - the opposites) double forms
arise (see the examples in § 555 under b)), which sometimes
have specialized and different meanings; the fair, the fairs;
the innocent, the innocents (the innocents can also have a
special reference to the children martyred by King Herod);
the vmlgar, the vulgars; the noble, the nobles (the latter is
the usual form) 'the peerage' - the noble 'those of noble
birth'; the common, the commons (the latter form is more
common) 'the common people'; the forms nobles and- commons
were later used to express the contrast between 'peerage' and
'non-peerage'; besides subjects there is an older plural ,
subject. Cf. Abbott, § 433.
Personal adjectives with the plural in "s":
Lr•, V, iii, 42 (P and Q-): "the opposites of this dayes
FT, II, 1, 94 (P): "as bad as those/ That Yulgars give
bold'st Titles" ( a. the common people)
H5, IV, vii, 80 (?): "So do our vulgar drench their peasant
limbes/ In blood of Princes"
JO, in, ii, 135 (P)^ "Let but the Commons heare this
Testament" ( - the common •osople)
Tro., II, ii, 209 (P and Q-): "The dull and factious nobles
of the Greekes"
Ant.. II, v, 77 (P): "Some Innocents scape not the thunderbolt"
= innocent persons)
- 94 -
1H6. V, iv, 44 (P): "Stain'd v/ith the guiltlesse blood of
jftu, II, i, 558 (P): "backe to the stained field/ You equal!
Potents, fierie kindled spirits"
Ham,, I, i, 98 (P): "a List of Landlesse Resolutes"
(Qp)s "a list of lawelesse resolutes"
( = desperadoes)
1H4i V, i, 76 (P): "fickle Changelings, and poore Discont.en.ts"
( =• malcontents)
WT., I, ii, 226 (P): "Not noted, is ! t,/ But of the finer
Natures? by some Severails/ Of Head-
peece extraordinarie?" ( = individuals)
LLL, IV, ii, 172 (P and Q 1 ): "the gentles are at their game"
( = gentlefolks)
Gym.» IV, iv, 6 (P): "barbarous and unnatural! Revolts"
( » deserters; a nominalized participle)
LLL, V, ii, 37 (P): "twenty thousand fairs"
LC, 148 (1609): "as some my equals did"
Shr». II, i, 7 (P)s "I know my dutie to my elders"
TN, I f. iii, 125 (P): "under the degree of my betters 1*
Cym», II, i, 32 (P): "offence to ny inferiors"
., 42 (1594r): "That golden, hap which their superiors
- 95 -
£he nominalization of adjectives by the addition of rn?
men, where in. verse the adjective carries the stress, and
which in the older editions is either hyphenated or sho77n a^
one word, is of special Interest:. Gentleman, nobleman, nadznan
are examples of this phenomenon to be found in the modern:
a) In verse;
1H6. II, iv, 24 (P): "it will glimmer through a blind-mams
Gym,, V, iii, 12 (P): "deadmen, hurt behinde"
Oynut II, iii, 77 (P): "both Theefe, and True-man"
Cor.. I, i, 182 (P): "A sickmans Appetite"
Cor., I, i, 212 (P): "Gorne for the Richmen onely"
Lr., III, ii, 13 (P): "heere's a night pitties neither
Wisemen, nor Pooles"
(Q-)s "Heers a night pities nether, wise
man nor foole"
b) In prose: .
AYL, V, i, 35 (P): "the wiseman knowes hiaselfe to be a
Poole" '
JC, III, ii, 26 (P): "to live all Free-men?»•
- 96 -
The nominal use of the adjectives nev/s t evils, wrongs, ills,
sweets, delicates (extant since M.E.) is already common, in.
Shakespeare. Sours occurs only once: "The sweets we wish foiv.
turne to lothed sours" (rhyme: ours) (Luc» , 867 (1594))*
Similarly significants is found only once: "In dumbe significant
proclayme your thoughts" (1H6, II, iv, 26 (P)) ( = signs).
The form simples appears once: "it is a melancholy of mina
owne, compounded of many simples" (AYL, IV, i, 17 (P)).
Jxu, V, vii, 65 (P): "Which holds but till thy newes be
AWW, I, i, 113 (P): "these sixt evils sit so fit. in him"
MM, V, i, 26 (P): "Relate your wrongs"
Ant., I, ii, 133 (P): "Ten thousand harmes, more then the
illes I know"
Ham.. V, i, 266 (P and Q2 ): "Sweets(,) to the sweet"
3H6, II, v,' 51 (P): "farre beyond a Princes Delicates"
Further examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon.
Note. Letters-patents 'writings by which some rights are
granted' (literae patentes) is a technical term in legal
language and was in common use in Shakespeare's time (cf. P. T.
Visser, English Studies. XXVI (1944-5), 19): "Ti'de it by
Letters Patents" (H8, III, ii, 250 (P))„
- 97 -
In the modern spoken language the use of neuter adjectives
as nouns, whether they indicate pure abstracts or ideas
verging on the concrete, is confined to a small number of
words whose employment in this manner is aanctioned by cue to:-;
some are found only in set phrases: the long and the short c:r
it, in the dead of night, handsome is that handsome does, to
touch to the quick. Adjectives used as nouns occur more
frequently in high style than in colloquial English (the div:'.r.e,
the sublime, the ornamental) * Of* Karl Brunner, Die engljische
Sprache, II, 77. Elizabethan English is very free in its vuse
of comparatives and superlatives as nouns (examples under b)).
Cf. Or. Krtiger, Syntax der englischen Sprache, 2nd ed-. (Dresden
and Leipzig, 1914-1917), § 395 ff•
Tit.. I, i, 208 (F): "interrupter of the good/ That Noble
minded Titus meanes to thee"
TGV, II, vi, 13 (P): "t'exchange the bad for better"
H£, II, i, 129 (F): "thou hast spoke the right"
MM, II, iv, 170 (F): "Say what you can; my false, ore-wei^^
your true"
Ado. II, ill, 106 (P and Q 1 ): "it is past the infinite of
Lue•, 530 (1594): "The poysonous simple sometime is
compacted/ In a pure compound."
Cor,, IV, 1, 32 (P): "your Sonne/ Will or exceed the Common,
or be caught/ With, cauteLous baits
and practice"
2H6, I, iv, 19 (F): "the silent; of the Night'-
2E5, I, 1, 208 (P): "lets make hast away,/ And^ looke unto
the maine" -~-
AYL, III, v* 42 (P): "I see no more in you then in '^.s
ordinary/ Of Natures sale-worke?"
JC, V, i, 19 (P): "Why do you. crosse me. in this exigent."
C = exigence)
TN, III, iv, 100 (£): "let me enioy my private" ( = privacy)
Tro.. Ill, i, 46 (P and Q-): "Paire be to you my Lord"
- gs - i
H8, V, v, 33 (P): "Good growes with her"
LLL, I, i, 86 (P and Q-): "Small have continuall plodders
ever wonne"
LC, 95 (1609): "on that termlesse skin/Y/hose bare out-brag'd
the web it seen'd to were"
Ven., 589 (1593): "whereat a suddain pale.. .Usuries her
(cf. N.E» the dark, the white, the yellow)
jJC, II, i, 12 (P): "I know no personall cause, to spurne a'«,
him,/ But for the generall"
( = the public body)
Tmp.. I, i, 25 (P): "the peace of the present",
( = the present time, cf, H.E. for the present)
H8, IV, i, 46 (P): "Our King has all the Indies in his
Armes,/ And more, and richer" •"$
R£, III, v, 50 (P): "I never look'd for better at his hands"
2H6.» III, ii, 322 (P): "Poyson be their drinke./ Gall, worse
then Gall, the daintiest that they
MV, III, ii, 165 (P): "Happiest of all, is that her gentle
spirit/ Commits it selfe to yours to
be directed"
gmp«, II, ii, 77 (P): "He's in his fit now; and. doe f s not
talke after the wisest"
( - infche wisest fashion)
WT, III, ii, 217: (P): "I have deserv'd/ All tongues to talke
their bittrest"
Note. The use of thin^ to form nouns from neuter co^je^ts is
not uncommon in Shakespeare. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die engllsche
Sprache. II, 77.
3H6. IV, iii, 62 (P): "that's the first thing that we have
to do"
1H4. Ill, iii, 205 (P); "Rob me the Exchequer the f^rst
thing thou do'st"
TGV, IV, iv, 11 (P): "'tis a foule thing, when a Cur cannot
keepe himselfe in all companies"
- 99 -
ATL, III, v, 115 (F)s "the best thing in him/ Is his
"•WrtMPP^ V .- . .-•- ^' f . ^ i. - - . .....

- 100 -
49 2&e use of one to form nouns increased spectacularly at the
turn of the 16th and 17th centuries. V/hereas in Titus Andronlcus
there is only one example, it occurs in Henry VIII 21 times?
either the adjective is used absolutely or one refers back MO
a noun mentioned previously. The adjective and the indefinite
article without one occurs, chiefly in the following period,
when the noun immediately precedes the. adjective and is
connected to it by and; "an honest Gentleman,/ And a courteous,
and a kind, and a handsome" (Rom,. II, v, 56-58 (P)), and
this usage is still found in the modern literary language,
though it is now rather archaic. After it became impossible in
the 15th century to differentiate between singular and plural
because the inflexions had disappeared, one was found to be
very useful for forming nouns from personal adjectives because
it was applicable to both sexes, an advantage not possessed by
man, woman, which were the usual words in M.B.; it was also
easy to form the plural ones. Such nominalizations originally
de-scribed living creatures. This construction first appears
after about 1200 in the case of superlatives and with other
adjectives in the 14th century (cf. E. Einenkel, "Das englische
Indefinitum," Anglia, XXVI (1903), 497* It later became fully
established in the literary language* Apart from this one is
used to refer back to a noun previously mentioned. Its use in.
this manner became much ?/ider in the second half of the 16th
century and it could then refer to concrete objects and (
abstracts. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, N 75-6,
77; 0. Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar, II, 245ff*
Tit., II, iii, 142 (P) t "\7hen, did the Tigers young-ones
, . teach the dam?"
(Q-); "When did the Tigers young ones
teach the dam"
H8. I, i, 11-12 (P): "What foure Thron'd ones could have
weigh'd/ Such a compounded one?"
HS. I, iii, 7 (P): "they are shrewd ones"
H8, I, iv, 14 (P): "They are a sweet society of faire ones"
- 101 -
H8, I, iv, 94 (P): "she is a dainty one"
H8, V, iii, 180 (P)s "I long/ To have this young one made a
H8, V, v, 77 (F): "This Little-One shall make it Holy-day"
MM, II, iii, 19 (P): "Repent you (faire one) of the sin. you
Cym.. IV, il, 360 (P): "Young one,/ Informe us of thy
Ham., Ill, i, 196 (P): "Madnesse in great Ones, must not
unwatch'd go"
2H6, III, i, 215 (P) s "the way her harmelesse young one went"
Cynu, I, i, 143 (P); "0 thou viide one!"
2H6. II, i, 186 (P): "what mischiefes work the wicked ones?"
Iir.., II, iv t 75 (Q.j)s "but the great one that goes up the
hill, let, him draw thee after"
WT, IV, iv, 63 (P)s "You are retyred,/ As if you were a
feasted one: and not/ The Hostesse of
the meeting"

H8, I, il, 82 (P): "By sicke Interpreters (once weake ones)"

H8, I, iii, 11 (P): "They have all new legs,/ And lame one,,"
H8, I, iii, 52 (P): "This night he makes a Supper, and a
great one"
H8, I, iii, 63 (P): "few now give so great ones" ( - exg:::i>les)
H8, II, i, 44-45 (P): "That tricke of State/ Was a deepe
envious one"
H8, II, i, 118-119 (P): "I had my Tryall,/ And...a ^"oble one"
H8, II, ii, 92-93 (P): "All the Clerkes,/ (I meane tixe
learned, ones"
H8, III, i, 126 (P)s n a Wife a true one?"
K8, III, il, 102 (P); "An. Keretique, an Arch-one"
«MMH» - ^

H8, III, ii, 299-300 (P): "Those Articles...they arejfoule

H8, III, ii, 437-438 (P): "away. ..A sure, and safe oiis"
H8, IV, i, 54-55 (P): "The^e are Starres indeed,/ Arji
sometimes falling ones"
~ 102 -
H8, IV, ii, 51 (p): "He was a Scholler, and a ripe, and
good one"
H8, V, iv, 8 (P): "a dozen Crab-tree staves, and strong ones"
Tmp«, II, i, 4-5 (P): "Lungs, and rotten ones"
MV, I, i, 78-79 (P and Qj); "A stage, where every man must
play a part,/ And mine a sad
WT, IV, iv, 291-293 (P): Autolycuss "This is a merry ballad,
but a very pretty one."
Mopsa: "Let's have some uerry ones* 11
AW, V, iii, 324 (P): "Let thy curtsies alone, they are
scurvy ones"
Ado, III, iii, 121 (P and Qt ): "when rich villains have
need(e) of poor(e) ones,
poore ones may make what-
price they will"
Lr», II, i, 8 (P and Q-): "you have heard of the newes
abroad, I meane the whisper(')d
~ 103 -
§ *o Adjectives, comparatives, and Past participles (equivalent
to a relative clause with the verb be,) can be linked with ori_
to form a noun*
Cor,, I, i, 54 (F): "He f s one honest enough"
1H6-, I, ii, 26 (P): "He fighteth as one weary of his life"
MV» II, i, 37 (P and Q r): "that v/hich one unworthier may
Jn«, III, i, 278 (P): "the scorched veines of one new
Purther examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon*
- 104 -
§ 6"/ The juxtaposition of one and a superlative or other idea ln
apposition in Shakespeare reveals traces of a constructior.
that is no longer found, in the modern, languages one the wisest
prince. It was quite common in M.E. , but as early as Chaucer
there was already a tendency to replace it by the partitive
genitive, though this brought about *• a shift, in the original
meaning* Cf. Abbott, § 18,
H8, II, iv, 48-50 (F): "My Father, King of Spaine, was
reckon*d one/ The wisest Prince,
that there had reign l d > by many/
A yeare before"
H8, II, iv, 153 (P): "thankes to God for suc&/ A Royall
Lady, spake one, the least word that
might/ Be to the preiudice of her
present State"
Gym*, I, vi, 165-166 (P): "And. he is one/ The truest.
manner f d" *
Gym,, I, vi, 64-66 (P): "There is a Frenchman his Companion,
one/ Ait eminent MonsdLeur, that i*«
seemes much loves/ A Gallian-Girle
at home"
Tim*, V, ii, 6/ (P): "I met, a Currier, one mine ancient
- 105 -
The following quotations show examples of adjectives used,
substantially with particular meanings.
AYL, V, i, 53-55 (F): "which in the boorish, is coinpanie,
of this female: -which in the council,
is woman"
(the boorish = f the language of the rustics 1 ; tho cordon
= f the language of the vulgar')
Ant,, II, ii, 229-231 (F): "goes to the Peast;/ And for liis
ordinary, paies his heart,/ For
what his eyes eate onely"
(ordinary = 'repast, 1 ; OED - f a public meal regularly
provided at a fixed price in an eating-house or tavern*)
~ 106 -

In connection with the use of an adjective as a noun,

attention, should also be drawn to the opposite phenomenon,'in
which a noun assumes the function of an attributive adjective.
Shakespeare uses enemy, venom, neighbour, coward, choice, and
music in this way. Cf» Abbott, § 22; Karl^ Brunner, Me •
fenglische Sprache, I, 79-80.
Cor., IV, iv, 24 (F): "This Enemie Towne"
3E6-, II, ii, 138 (F): "venome Toades"
Tim., IV, iii, 94 (F): "Neighbour states"
Ven», 1024 (1593): "Thy coward heart"
Lr», II, iv, 43 (F and, Q.J ) s "coward cries"
Ham., Ill, ii, 274 (F): "in choyce Italian"
(Q2 ): "in very choice Italian,"
Sam., Ill, i, 164 (F); "his Musicke Vowes"
(Q2 ): "his musickt vowes"
- 107 ~
The Adjective and Adverb witli a Predicative Verb
When used predicatively the adverb is very closely connected
with the adjective. The adjectival form prevails chiefly in.
cases where it does not determine the verbal idea but is
itself a predicate; in Shakespeare's time the adverbial form.
was more common. As a rule, when. an. adjective is used, the
verb either expresses the particular nature of the situation.
(lie uneasy (heavy), shine bright, look red, smell sweet) or
describes the action leading; up to the position (or limit)
predicated by the adjective in question (feed fat, tie tight,
bow low, rise high, run dry). In. using the adjectival form
the speaker shows that he wants this to be regarded as the
real predicate. Since, however, a double interpretation is
often, possible, and in. earlier times the adverb was quite
commonly adjectival in form, there was a much greater tendency
in. Shakespeare's time to use the adverbial form. Of. Karl
Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 60, 69.
2H4, III, i, 31 (P): "Uneasie lyes the Head, that weares a
1E4, IV, iii, 80 (F): "some strait Decrees,/ That lay too
heavie on. the Common-wealth"
(Q-); "some streight decrees,/ That lie too
heavie on the Common-wealth"
1H4-. I, iii, 54 (P and Q 1 ): "he made me mad(,)/ To see him
shine so briske, and smell so
HJ>, II, ii» 12 (F): "Now sits the winde faire, and we will
2H4, V, ii, 45 (F)s "This new, and gorgeous Garment,
Maiesty,/ Sits not so easie on ne, as
you thinke"
1H4, II, i, 96 (F and Q^): "we(e) walke invisible"
Cor., IV, vi, 8*9 (F): "Our Tradesmen- singing in their shops,
and going/ About their Functions
R2, III, ii, 114 (J1 ): "ioyes'with Womens Voyces,/ Strive to
figeake bigge"
lii^f^ili, ll^CF)'! :n!if ybu had, but look ' d bigge , and
spit at him"
%ivvt I, 1, 49 ^fp): "she,,.speakes small like a woman."

V ii,' 180 (P and Q^: "Advantage feedes Mm

iii f 2S (P): "So are the Horses of the Enemie/ In
generaH iourney bated, and brought
low 11
- 109 -
Twain, long archaic in modern written English and obsolete
in the spoken language, is still found in. Shakespeare alongside
two, but not before nouns (A. Schmid't, .Shake speare-Lexicon.
under twain); both twain also occurs twice. Twain means 'pair,
couple* when used substantially. Of. Earl. Brunner, Die en^2.i
Sprache, II, 89. ;
Lr., IV, vi, 211 (P): "the generall curse/ Which twaine
have brought her to"
(Q.j): "the generall curse which twaino
hath brought her to"
MV, III, ii, 330 (F and. Q 1 ): "twixt. us twaine"
Son, XLII, 11 (1609): "I loose both twaine rt
ILL. V, ii, 459 (F and Q1 ): "I remit both twaine 11
Tmp.» IV, i, 104 (?): "goe with me/ To blesse this twaine"
Ant., I, i, 38 (F): "when such a mutuall paire,/ And such a
twaine can doo't"
- 110 -
The formation of nouns from numerals with the plural n
is still possible today (by twos and threes), though not
always exactly in the manner of Shakespeare. Of. E. Mat
Englische G-rammatik, 3rd od^ I, 305.
WT> IV, iv, 344 (P): "let's see these foure-threes of
Ham., Ill, ii, 168 (P): "thirtie dozen Moones with bor
sheens,/ About the World have
times twelve thirties beene"
- 111 -
S> In. Shakespeare thousand is usually found with the
article, but it occurs six times without it; on the other
hand; hundred never occurs without the article. The form "twelve
month appears once without ohe article, the original form
(a twelvemonth) being comparable to a hundred, a thousand. A
number of numerals, both definite and indefinite, which
originally were also nouns, have a double construction. in-
Early New English: they are sometimes connected with the thing
numbered by of and at other times are in apposition: a dozen.
(of) men, a many (of) horsemen., a certain (of) years (days)
(cf* OED under certain B, II, 5), a score (of) ewes. This
quite probably contributed to the eventual, acceptance of a
hundred, a thousand as the correct forms. Cf, Karl Brunner,
. Die englische Sprache, II, 94.
MM, IV, i, 63 (P): "thousand esscapes of wit"
H8, Prol., 29 (P): "the generall throng, and sweat/ Of
thousand. Friends 11
H8, IV, ii, 89 (?): "whose bright faces/ Cast thousand
beames upon, me"
Cor., II, ii, 83 (?): "That's thousand to one good: one"
Tit», III, vi, 196 (P and Q 1 ): "Prom thousand dangers"
Per.. I, ii, 97 (Q.,): "with thousand doubts"
1H4, I, i, 28 (Q^Js "this our purpose now is twelve month.
(i1 ): "this our purpose is a twelvemonth old 1*
- 112 -

Shakespeare very often links units and tens with and

and twenty), though the normal practice in the modern spoken
language is to juxtapose them in descending order (twenty two)
The latter is also found in Shakespeare. The form Sixty and,
nine (Tro., Prol., 5 (F)) is a rare exception in Shakespeare,
though it is well known from the Bible of 1611.
Tro. t I, ii, 171 (P): "heere's but two and fifty haires on
your chinne"
1H4. II, iv, 206-207 (P and Q1 ): "two or three and fiftie"
2H4. I, ii, 50 (P): "two and twenty yards of Satten"
Ado. Ill, iii, 141-142 (?); "betweene foureteene & five &
2H4« II, iv, 413 (P)s "these twentie nine yeeres"
~ 113 -
Counting in twenties (score) occurs frequently in II.E.
(E. Matzner/ Englische Graminatik, 5rd-e4»-, I, 304) and it ic
still quite common in Shakespeare. It survives in modern
conversational speech. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Spra^-ye.
II, 93.
3H6, III, iii, 93 (P): "threescore and two yeares"
MY, III, i, 114 (F): "fourescore ducats"
1JH4, II, ii, 28 (P): "threescore £ ten miles"
2H4, IV, iii, 40 (F): "nine score and odde Postes 11
2H4, III, ii, 52 (P): "at Twelve-score"
1H4t II, iv, 5- (F): "3. or fourescore Hogsheads"
2H4, III, ii, 56 (FH ^and Q t ) s "a score of good Ewes 11
Tmp., V, i, 174 (P): "a score of Kingdomes"
Further examples in A» Schmidt, Shakespeare~Lexicon«
Uote 1. In the following examples twenty and forty are used to
express an indefinite but relatively large number*
Yen*» 575 (1593): "beautie under twentie locks kept fast"
Vcn.. t 833-834 (1593) s "Ay me, she cries, and twentie times,
wo, wo,/ And twentie ecchoes, twentie
times crie so"
TN, II, iii, 20 (P): "I had rather then, forty shillings I
had such a legge"
Many more examples of both are given, in. A. Schmidt, S'jalre
Lexicon* I
Note 2. In H8, I, iv, 30 (P); "He v/ould Kisse you Twenty with
a breath", twenty has the function of a multiplicative. This
may also be the case in Wiy., II, 1, 203 (P): "Good-even, and
twenty (good. Master Page)" and ££, II, iii, 52 (P): "come
kisse me sweet and twentie"
Shakespeare uses dozen (originally a noun, Fr, douzaine)
both. with, and without of • «
|H4, V, iv, 16-17 (.*): "a dozen of Cushions"
:3JJi, II, iv, 115-116 (P)s "some sixe or seaven dozen of Scots"
2H£, III, ii, 102 (P): "halfe a dozen of sufficient men?"
>. : (Q|)s "halfe a dozen sufficient men?"
2gi, II, iv f 387 (P)i "a dozen Captaines"
Ham., Ill, Jii, 167 (F): "thirtie dozen Moones"
Further examples in. A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon*
; ~ 115 -
,- . . f V • '

Certailr'ifl used by Shakespeare as an adjective in the sense

of 'some 1 ; when it occurs as a noun it is followed by of
(we A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 183). The same is
of the synonymous some certain,
. W i t 55 (P)s "Bury it certaine fadomes in the earth"
I, ii, 136 (S1 ); M I would send for certaine of my
' ' i;k " *" *"" Creditors'*
I, iv, 124 (F)s "Some certaine dregges of conscience
are yet within mee tf
I, ili, 122 (P): "I have mov f d already/ Some certaine
of the Koblest minded Romans 11 ••*
further examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon* "/
« 116 -
Pift and sixt (O.E. fifta, sixta) are used exclusively, by
Shakespeare instead of the later forms fifth (found as early
as the 14th century) and sixth, v/hieh were assimilated to the
other ordinals with final "th." sound like fourth, seventh,
ninth* He also uses eight instead of eighth; the former was
still current as an ordinal in M.E. Twelfe as found in Twelfe
Night (the spelling in the First Polio) and in twelfe day
arose from the suppression of the final "t" in twelft (O.E*
twelfta) in order to lighten the consonant group (cf. "the
thousand part" (AYL, 17, i, 46 (F)). Tithe, which is now used
only as a noun, occurs once as an. adjective meaning tenth. Of.
0, Jespersen, Growth and Structure of the English Language,
p* 198; Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 95-6.
Tro.. II, i, 134 (F): "the fift houre"
(Q-,): "the first houre"
££., I, i, 178 (F): "on the sixt"
(Q.J): "on the fift"
JC, II, i, 213 (F): "the eight houre"
2£, II, iii, 91 (F): "the twelfe day of December"
Tro,, II, ii, 19 (F)s "Every tythe soule"
(Cf. "the tithe woman" (AW» I, iii s 89 (?)), which is
obviously a pun)
Note 1. Prime occurs several times in a temporal sense; in
modern ±±HSZ ± speech it survives only in set phrases (to sell
at prime cost). The plural disines is found once.
Tmp•, I, ii, 72 (F): "Pro&pero, the prime Duke"
Tmp •. I, ii, 425 (F): M ^y prime request"
R^, IV, iii, 19 (F): "from the ±Z±EE prime Creation"
Tro., II, ii, 19 (F and Q-): "'mongst many thousand dismes"
Note 2. A trace also remains of the M.E. ending "-tith", which
in N.E. has been replaced by "-tieth": twentieth (cf. K. Sweet,
•^Eflr,, § 1172). It was pronounced in this way until the 18th
century.-Cf• Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 96;
E. J. Dobson, gnglish Prenuneiation 1500-1700*—gad cd. (Qarfordt
4968), § 309n.
Ham., Ill, iv, 97 (Qo) 5 "A- slave that is not twentith part
- 117 -
the kyth/ Of your precedent Lord"
(3?): "A Slave, that is not twentieth part
the tythe/ Of your precedent Lord"
- 118 -
; 0?he Definite Article
definite article has in recent times taken on a strongly
individual character and is therefore not generally used in ..
front of generic ideas. In Shakespeare's time these conditions
were not. nearly so rigid. There is great freedom in the use
of the article in verse in particular, since here it is
constrained by the metre, and poetic language naturally
inclines towards archaic expressions. Hence only the most
marked deviations from modern usage are listed here.
- 119 -
Formerly it was not unusual to find the article bef^ore the
titles: Lord, Lady, Prince, Count, followed by the name. The
restriction of the title Lady to the upper-classes from the
wife of a Baronet upwards is a recent development; formerly
it was used of any woman, of rank and was therefore less a
title in the narrow sense than an epithet of respect. The
use of the article before Lady today signifies the noble
birth of a woman, who is thus marked as the daughter of an
Earl, Marquis or Duke. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache,
II, 139.
E|, II, ii, 53 (P): "The L. Northumberland"
(Q-j): "The lord Northumberland"
Cor. t I, iii, 29 $ (P): "Madam, the Lady Valeria is come to
visit you"
Ado, II, i, 243 (P): "The Lady Beatrice hath a quarrell to
Jn., II, i, 423 (P): "the Lady Blanch"
Jn., II, i, 431 (P): "Lady Blanch"
Ado, II, iii, 89 (P) : "the Lady Heroes chamber window"
WT, IV, ii, 29 (P) : "when saw'st thou the Prince Plorizell"
I, v, 109 (P): "Prom tlie Count Orsino, is it?"
- 120 -
mse of the article before the names of persons emphasizes
that they belong to a famous (princely, noble) family. Of.
Abbott, §-92,. '• ::'••.•..•- . . > -
1H4. V, i, 116 (IV) 5 "The Douglas and the Hotspurre both
together,/ Are confident against the
world ill Armes" „ , ,..-«
1H4. V, iv, 26 (P): "I am the Douglas, fatall to all those/
That weare those colours on them"
JOt II, i, 54 (P): lfHy Ancestors did from the streetes\ of
• Rome/ The Tarquin drive, v/hen he was
call'd a King"
1H6. Ill, iii, 31 (P): "There goes the falbot, with his
Colours spred"
TH6, III, iii, 37 (P): "Who craves a Parley with the . ...
- 121 -

The use of the article before a proper name in the first

of the examples above (the Douglas) is merely a special case
of a general function which v/as formerly commoner than it is
today; it serves to show a person or. thing as standing .above
others, as characteristically different from them, so that
the concept is marked as unique, not to be confused with others,
or is shown as being generally recognized as standing in a,
class of its own. Cf. Karl .Brunner, Die en^lische Sprache,
II, 138. Today the strongly stressed article is used before
a concept that is preferred or sought for some purpose above
all others (he is the man [I have been looking out for, I
wantJ); this use seems to have been known also to Shakespeare.
The context of the speech or situation must determine the
significance of this use of the emphatic article in, each
individual, case.
Tmp.. V, i, 150 (F): "Oh heavens, that they were living
both in Nalpes/ The King and
Queens there"
AYL, III, iii, 3 (P): "am I the man yet? Doth my simple
feature content you?"
Ant., IV, vi, 30 (P): "I am alone the Villaine of the earth"
TN, V, i, 127 (F): "Live you the Marble-brested Tirant stfcill"
MV, II, ii, 119 (F): "here comes the man"
ILL, IV, ii, 127 (P): "Oviddius Naso was the man"
2H4, V, iii, 123 (P): "Harry the Fift's the man"
Further examples in A» Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon\under
man, p. £^J2t 688.
122 -

6 7- The original instrumental -&J*e case of the article in front

of predicative comparatives of adjectives and adverbs (the
sooner the better) is found in Shakespeare on occasions when
its true nature may be somewhat obscured because the measure
of comparison is not directly specified but must be construed
from the context or is regarded as obviously corresponding to
the usual norm. This is especially true when the reason for
the excess or deficiency is not given (he v/as the worse for
drink) . In such sentences it is easy to regard the article as
superfluous and to consider the meaning of the comparative
as purely qualitative rather than quantitative. Of. Abbott,
§ 94 and Xarl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 140,
2H4, II, iv, 113-114 ($)» "I am the worse when one sayes,
swagger: Peele Masters, how I
Ven. t 207 (1593): "What were thy lips the worse for one
poore kis?"
TGV, III, ii, 19 (P): "Protheus, the good conceit 1 hold
of thee... Makes me the better to
confer with thee"
2H/J, II. 4^
~ 1 25 -

The modern language no longer uses the article before

, but formerly it was not uncommon: the gods *0 ye

., V, ii, 171 (F): "The Gods! it smites me/ Beneath the

t : fall I have" , .
., II, iii, 40 (F): "Harke Tamora, the Empresse of my ;
L,;,.-- '^.^«.f v ",w ;; ; 'Soule'r , ,„«,,,-• . :
WT, III, ii, 143 (P): "My Lord the King: the King? 0
Tmp. t Ill, iii, 51 (p) : "brother: my Lord, the Duke,/ .-,
. Stand too, and doe as we"
Ado, V, iv, 99-100 (F and Q|): "How dost thou Benedicke the
j-,., .* " *- , * married man.?" *
JC, V, iii, 99 (^)s "Are yet two Romans living such as
these?/ 2he last of all the Romans,
far thee well " :.'*••; • ' -*
The frequent use of r the article in connection with death,
not unkriown even tbday, is peculiar; it is easily explained
in. cases Where a particular kind of death is being described;
thus to die tile death has the meaning 'to die a violent death 1 ,
but-this does not account for the cases hurt, wounded to the

Aftt,, IV, jtiv, 26 (?) s "she hath betraid me,/ And shall dye ,
the death"
MND t I, i, 65 (P)s "Either to dye the death, or to abiure/
For ever the society of men"
Err,, I, i, 147' (F): "though thou art adiudged to the.death*1
Oth., II, iii, 164 (P): "I Meed still, I am hurt to th'death"
—— (9,y, - r IW jfr.vt i ^ k^t fc» KJTeAR"
2H4t I, i, 14 (P and Q^); "The King is almost wounded to
• '. the death"
Of. also Jn., I, i, 154 (5*)s "He follow you unto the death"
- 12!$ -
The use of the article before parts of the body is still
common in Shakespeare in cases where modem usage requires
the possessive pronoun. It also occasionally appears in
other instances where the possessive pronoun is now used.
Ada. II, i, 377 (P and Q^: "Gome, you shake the head at
so long a breathing"
: * J£9L«» IV > Vf 15 (F): "'Tis he, I ken the manner of his
* * > \ gate,/ He rises on the toe"
'|ro.. Ill, i, 152 (F)-c * and Q 1 ) s "He hangs the lippe at
•, - . ; * *, , . • : ; : • - , something"
grr*. II, ii, 206 (P): "no longer will I be a foole,/ To
put the finger in the eie and weepe"
* RJ, If, ii» 27 (P): "The King is angry, see he gnawes his
(Q-): >M The king is angrie, see, he bites
. • the lip"
Ant., Ill, vi , 5 (E)j "I f th f Market-place on a Tribunal!
silver f d/ Cleopatra and himselfe
in Chaires of Gold/ Were publikely
enthron'd: at the feet, sat/ - *
| ?r The names of rivers could dispense with the article in.
Shakespeare^s'tiine, as they still can today in poetry. Of.
• ••T' 'i ,'"V ' - i. , '; ' '- ' r - ; ••. ;.' v • ' .;. ^.. -' - , . ...

Karl Brunner, Die engliscne Sprache, II, 139.

C|r., lit, i, 262 (?): "I would they were in Tyber" /
Oym., III, iv t 37 (51): "whose tongue/ Out-venomes all the
"r " Wormes of Nyle 11
H|;rl, iiV 45 (P)s "Betweene the Plouds of Sala and of Elve"
IV, ij 120 (?): "hee could wish himselfe in Thames up
. to the Heck"
. T " . -T' ':' • - *

» III, v, 6 (P): "to be throwne in the Thames?"

1H4, III, i, 136 (P): "Come, you shall have Trent turn 1 d"
~ 12? -
Heaven in its religious sense'usually has no article, but
sometimes it does. Paradise 'home of the blessed 1 has no
article,;but in the special sense of 'the garden of Eden 1 it
does. Of. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache t II, 139. Mount
followed by a proper name appears both with and without the
TGV, IV, ii, 42 (P): "The heaven such grace did lend her"
Rom.. III, iii, 119 (P)s "Why rayl'st thou on thy birth?
the heaven and earth?11
MV, II, ii, 68 (P and Q^: "gone to heaven 11
Err.. IV, iii, 16 (P); "Not that Adam that kept the j
: , ., Paradise: but that Adam that keepes
. , the prison" :
Ant., II f ii, 164 (P): Ant. "Where lies he?" Caes. "About
, s "*" " " the Mount-Mesena" ; \.
Wiv., II, i, 82 (P): "I had rather be a Giantesse,' and lye »
under Mount Pelion"
- 128 -

7-3 In Shakespeare mathematics appears both with and without

the article. ..
Shg.f It i, 37 (F): "And practise...2!he Mathematickes and
, the Metaphysickes"
Shr.. II, i, 56 (F): "Cunning in Musicke, and the
Shr.,11, i, 83 (?): "as cunning/ In Greeke, Latine, and
other Languages,/ As the other in
Musicke and Mathematickes"
7-4 The omission of the article in circumstances v;here prose
requires it has always been a peculiarity of poetic speech
and may be dictated by the needs of metre and rhythm. It has
remained a feature of the language until the present day,
although it is less common than it used to be. Shakespeare
shows a predilection for suppressing the definite article in
similes, where the sense of the sentence sometimes suggests
that the indefinite article^ could be supplied instead; it
is omitted more often with superlatives, as well as in
proverbial utterances where the maximum brevity and compact-*
ness are sought; it is very commonly suppressed before a
noun on which a genitive depends,
AYL, II, vii, 52 (P): "The why is plaine, as way to Parish
2H6, III, ii, 96 (P): "With teares as salt as Sea"
MND, I, i, 184 (P): "your tongues sweet ayre/ More tuneable
then Larke to shepheards eare"
R2, V, i, 90 (P): "So longest Way shall have the longest
Moane s"
Luc,, 1006 (1594): "Por greatest scandall waits on greatest
1HS, I, iv, 65 0?): "Where is best place to make our
Batt'ry next?"
Tro., IV, iv, 116 (P): "If ere thou stand at mery of my
Jn., III, i, 79 (P): "Turning with splendor of his precious
"eye/ The meager cloddy earth to
glittering gold"
Ado, II, i, 179 (P and Q 1 ): "Thus answer(e) 1 in name of
Yen., 302 (1593): "Anon he starts, at sturring of a feather"
2H4, IV, ii, 15 (P): "what Mischiefes might hee set abroach,/
In shadow of such Greatnesse?"
Tmp. t I, ii, 275 (P): "By helpe of her more potent Ministers"
Gym.. Ill, v, 61 (P): "wing'd with fervour of her love"
. . " - 130 * *
Cor., II, i, 202 (S1) s "welcomes/ A Curse "begin at very root
on*s heart,/ That is not glad to
see thee"
note. :Most followed by a genitive and having the meaning
the majority 1 occurs "both with and without the article.
TH4. IV, ii, 46 (F): "I had the most of them out of Prison"
m9 III, iii, 35 (^): flwhicn...Most of our City did"
WT, IV, -:.y, 414 (•?): "He has his health, and ampler strength
indeede/ Then most have of his age'1
- 131 -
In Shake spear e at least, at last are used in exactly the
same way as at the least, at the last and have the sane
meaning. In some instances the choice of the one form or the
other is determined solely by the rhythm of the verse, .but,
as in present-day speech, the forms with the article are
used mainly for reasons of emphasis. In the last 'at last 1 ,
in the best 'at best 1 , and i' the haste 'in haste' are now
obsolete; injthe general was often, used formerly instead of
in genergl. At the first differs from at first in so far as
the former means 'from the beginning, from the first', while
the latter, when it means 'first 1 , presuppo ses a contrast
with a later point in time, though it can also signify" at
the first. On (upon) the sudden with the definite article
has now been replaced by of a sudden.
The article is omitted by Shakespeare in a number of
adverbial expressions and phrases where modern linguistic
instinct would expect it (or a possessive pronoun)*
The following are found in verse :
at height
at mouth
at heart
at end
to point
to purpose
(to go) to wars
The following are found in prose:
at door
at palace
at town ' s end
at street end
at nostrils
at legs
At the had already been contracted to atte in II.E,; it is
therefore quite possible that at in the expressions mentioned
above corresponds to the latter form. It is also possible
that casual pronunciation led later to the absorption of the
article by the preceding at.
Wiv., IV, vi, 7 (P): "I will heare you (l-Iaster Pent on) and
I will (at the least) keepe your
Shr., V, i, 130 (i1 ): "And, happilier I have arrived at the
last/ Unto the wished haven of my
Cor., V, vi, 42 (P): "and in the last,/ When he had carried
Rome "
Ham., I, v, 27 (P and Q2 ): "Murther most foule, as in the
best it is"
IT., 119, i, 26 (P): "Hee's comming hither, now i'th'night,
i'th'haste,/ And Regan with him"
Shr.. Ill, ii, 216 (JP) 3 "'Tis like you'll prove a iolly
surly groome,/ That take it on
you at the first so roundly"
Gym., I, iv, 112 (P): "we are familiar at first"
Lr., III, vii, 17 (P)r "Hot Questrists after him, met him
at gate"
Lr., III, vii, 93 (P): "Go thrust him out at gates, and
let him smell/ His way to Dover"
Ham., I, iv, 21 (Qp)* "and indeede it takes/ Prom our
atchievements, though perform'd at
Tro., V, v f 36 (P and Q.J): "Aiax hath lost a friend,/ And
foames at mouth"
AYL, I, ii, 254 (P): "My Pathers rough and envious
disposition/ Sticks me at heart"
Cor., IV, vii, 4 (P): "Your Soldiers use him as the Grace
'fore meate,/ Their talke at Table,
and their Thankes at end"
tm£., I, ii, 194 (3?): "Hast thou, Spirit,/ Performd to
point, the Tempest that I bad thee"
Cor., Ill, i, 149 Ws "Nothing is done to purpose"
« 133 -
2H4, II, lr f J81 (F and § t ): "Who knock(e)s so lowd at doore?«
f iii, 1i*0 ;•(*)•: "wait like a lowsie Foot-boy/ At .
Chamber dore?"
IV, iv, ^^©.730 (F): ftPray heartily he be at Pallace 11 ,
• -: •.-•_!'- .,..;... •. - ' • ' • -

tH4, IV, ii, 9-10 (i»): "Bid my Lieutenant Peto meete me at

W******* -'*;•"*• • : ': ' i .-> .' • v : ,

the Townes end"

(Q-): "bid my Liuetenant, Peto meet me at
townes end"
Il, ii, 65 (P): "while Stephana breathes at'nostrils"
Lr., II, IT, 10 (P): "when a man overlustie at legs, then
he weares wodden nether-stocks" , «
I.' j, 19-20 (]?): "to Cabine; silence: trouble us not 11 ;
- 134 -
The form t * other (tother, 'tother), which is found alongside
th 1 other for (the) other and still survives in popular speech,
requires some explanation. In M.E. that, now used exclusively
as a demonstrative or relative, was also a neutral article*
That and other were closely connected, especially when
contrasted with that one, (whence is derived the dialect form
the tone), and when that became obsolete as an article a
division took place, in which the first part was construed as
an article and the final "t" sound was attracted to "cither.";
in this way the tother (the t'other) was derived from the
original that other*
Ham.. II, i, 56 (F and Q-): "I saw him yesterday, or tother
(Q 2 ): "I saw him yesterday, or th'other day"
2H4, II, iv, 92 (F): "the other day" (Q.,): "tother day"
Cor., I, i, 246 (F): "lie leane upon one Crutch, and
fight with tother"
Tro•« V, iv, 10 (P): *$* "Q'th 1 tother side"
(Q.j): "Ath'tother side"
- 135 -
The Indefinite Article.
indefinite article an, § is derived from the unstressed
numeral 0,E. an. The shortened form a_ appears before consonants
as early as 1150 and after much fluctuation became the only
accepted form before initial consonant sounds. On the other
hand an, found before aspirated "h" as late as o.:e 18th
century and found in Shakespeare before aspirated "h" and fju:J .
became the generally accepted form before vowels and is now
recognized as correct before an aspirated "h" only when the
accent does not fall on the first syllable (an historian).
The differentiation in the use of the two forms that is
found today first developed in the 16th and 17th centuries
(see Karl Brunner, Die eiiglische Sprache, II, 84)• The phrase
such an one, still found occasionally, occurs twice in
Shakespeare; the "e" of the definite article is sometimes
elided before one: th'one; and there is a play on the words
one and on. All these suggest that Shakespeare pronounced
one without the initial "w" sound (as found today in alone
and only). There is no evidence for the "w" sound in educated
speech before about 1700. See QED under a and ane; H. Sv/eet,
. § 1135; H. Kbkeritz, Shakespeare f s Pronunoiation,
pp. 232,329; E.J. Dobson, En^lioh rroiumoicvtioHr-4-
§ 429.
The close connection which formerly existed between the
numeral and the indefinite article is proved by a number of
expressions in which the article conceals the old numeral:
in (at) a word, at a blow, at a clap, at a time, at a sitting,
birds of a feather. Cf. Abbott, §§ 80,81*
H8, Y, i, 171 (F): "An hundred Markes?"
LLL. Y, ii, 881 (F and Q 1 ): "an Eospitall"
TOY, II, v, 57 (F): "an Hebrew"
Tmp. t I, ii, 30 (F): "an hayre"
2H6, III, i, 342 (F): "an Hoast of men"
Jn., III, ii, 10 (F): "an happy end"
TU, I, ii, 56 (F): "an Eunuch"
M!H), III, ii, 210 (F): "a union" (Q-): "an union"
- 136 -
2H6, I, iii, 188 (P) : "an Usurper"
Ant., I, ii, 118 (P): "such an one"
Mac.., IV, iii, £6 (P): "such, an one"
But Shakespeare usually has such a one.
Luc., 172 (1594): "Th'one sweetely flatters, £h f other
feareth harme"
Mil, IV, ii, 64- (P): "Th'one has my pitie"
TGV, II, i, 1-2 (P): Speed: "Sir, your Glove."
Valentine: "Not mine: my Gloves are on."
Speed: "Why then, this may be yours:
for this is but one. 11
KJT, I, i, 35 (P and Q1 ): "in a word"
Cor-, I, iii, 122 (P): "No At a word Madam"
3H6, V, i, 50 (P): "I had rather chop this Hand off at a
Lr., I, iv, 316 (P): "What fiftie of my Followers at a clap?' rl
Tmp.. Ill, iii, 102 (P): "But one feend at a time,/ lie
fight their Legions ore"
I£V, III, i, 116-7 (P and Q.): "fourescore ducats at a
sitting" ' -
Rom. t II, iv, 220 (P): "Doth not Rosemarie and Romeo begin
both with a letter?" rj'

Ado, III, v, 40 (P and-Q-): "and two men ride of a horse,

one must ride behind(e)"
Rom., I, iii, 19 (P): "Susan & she...were of an age"
R3, IV, iii, 12 (P and Q 1 ): "Their lips were foure red
Roses on a stalke"
Ham.. V, ii, 276 (P): "These Poyles have all a length" _
Wiv., IV, iv, 4- (P): "And did he send you both these
Letters at an instant?"
Cor.. III,%i, 215-6 (P): "Heare me one word, beseech you
Tribunes, heare me but a word"
TN, II, i, 21 (P): "He left behinde him, my selfe, and a
sister, .both borne in an houre"
- 137 ~
7? The tendency of modern colloquial English to regard
pluralia tantum as singulars and to use the indefinite
article (an assizes, g/gallows, etc., see E. Llatzner, Engllsche
"" "~, ->rd-e4-^ Ill, 195f»;
«v. of. also a printing works),
is also found in early N.E. & galhouse f a gallows' is found
in Caxton (Blanchprdyn and Eglantine, xlviii, 187). Shakespeare
uses a gallows, a shambles. A plural expressed "by means of a
numeral can also be treated as a single idea by the use of
the indefinite article or of one; an eleven children, one
seven years. Apart from instances like a twelvemonth, a
fortnight, a sevennight, this usage was very rare in
Shakespeare's time, but it is found in O.E. and M»E. Tne use
of the indefinite article before many, still found in
Shakespeare, indicates the source of this word, the O.E.
noun meni?o, which was followed by the genitive. Shakespeare's
constructions with many suggest a possible connection with
O.E., since he still uses it substantially: a many of your
horsemen; of is here an analytical substitute for the old
genitive. Prom the partitive relationship there v.r as a trans­
ference, as in other similar cases (see the Numeral), to the
appositive (cf. a dozen soldiers), and, because of its
connection with the adjective many, the noun lost its
original character completely so that the form a many (of)
men developed into many men. Cf. Abbott, § 87.
Tmp., V, i, 217 (P): "I prophesi'd, if a Gallowes were on
Land/ This fellow could not drov/ne"
3H6. I, i, 71 (P); "Parre be the thought of this from
Henries heart,/ To make a Shambles of
the Parliament House"
Cf. £££• 9 If iif 59 (Qi)s "flatterie is the bellowes blowes up
MV, II, ii, 171 (P): "a leven widdowes and nine maides is
a simple comming in for one man"
Cor., IV, i, 55 (P): "If I could shake off but one seven
•yesres/ Prom these old armes and
. OS -
,, ill, iii, 77 (F); "like a-manie of these lisping-
.. , '-.- ne '' buds"
•>*' • : : ''' -'••' • ' ••' „ • * • : hauthor •,.. • '•
, IV", vii, 88 (f): "a many of your horsemen peere,/ And
/gallop ore the field"
M£tt,JlI, v, 73 (F): "I doe know/ A many fooles"
ii, 199 (.F): "Told of a many thousand warlike .

, IV, v, 55-56^ (P)s "the manie will be too chill and

tender" , , ,.;..-
Cor., Ill, i, 66 (F): "the mutable ranke-sented Meynie"
- 139 -
7? The modern rule which precludes the use of the indefinite
article in connection with never and ever if the noun in
question is used generically was also valid in Shakespeare,
but there are exceptions (see examples). On the other hand
if never (ne *er) is used in the sense of not, as was formerly
very often the case, or if ever is used generally rather than
temporally, then these adverbs can naturally be followed by
the indefinite article. The expression not a one is also
found; this is easily explained once it is understood, that
one formerly often meant person, man. Of. Abbott, § 84;
Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, IT, 86.
H£, I, ii, 126 (P); "never King of England/ Had Nobles
richer, and more loyall Subiects"
JM, IV, ii, 32 (P): "never was man thus wronged"
Tmp., III, ii, 29 (P): "was there ever man a Coward, that
hath drunk so much Sacke as I to day"
Wiv., I, iv, 136 (P): "never a woman in Windsor knowes
more of Ans minde then I doe"
Ado, II, i, 336 (P): "hath your Grace ne f re a brother like
Shr., I, ii, 80 (P): "an old trot with ne're a tooth'in
her head"
2H4, II, iv, 295 (P): "I love thee better, then I love ere
a scurvie young Boy of them all"
Mac.., Ill, iv, 131 (P): "There f s not a one of them but in
his house/ I keepe a Servant Peed"
- HO -
What is now followed by the indefinite article if it is
desired ~4a> stress the following noun either in degree or
quality r so thai: ,it is quite different from the interrogative
whpJL,(what a noise! what a childi what child?). This seems
to be determined by rhythmical considerations, but it is a
differentiation that is not found in Shakespeare, where what
occurs without the article in exclamations, even .in front of
a concrete idea. Of. Abbott,* § 86. '-»•*

TOY, I, ii, 53 (*): "What 'foole is she*1 ,
II, v, 123 OP): "What dish a poyson has she drest him?"
. I, ii, 151 (F); "Alack, what trouble/ Was I then to
-.V-'. , 1. >;'->\^ .'.you? 11 - .- - ,
I, iv, 22 (51 ): "What dreadfull noise of water in mine
3 " • ^ " - " f eares" *4" - • .
* * S * •* W* \"

the articles ^ . ;..r

Yen.. 343 (1593): "0 what a sight it was"
- 141 -
The omission of the indefinite article after as, so in
combination with an adjective (as good deed, so profound
abysm) and after many (many time) is very rare in Shakespeare,
1H4i IIi if 32-33 (Q^): "and twere not as good deede as
drinke to break the pate on thee,
I am a very villaine"
(?): "And t'were not as good a deed as
drinke to break the pate of thee f
I am a very Villaine'1
Cor., Ill, ii, 128 (P): "I mocke at death/ With as bigge
heart as thou"
Son. CXII, 9 (1609): "In so profound Abisme I throw all
care/ Of others voyces"
Trnp.. Ill, i, 44 (F): "With so full soule"
2H6. II, i, 93 (?): "many time and oft my selfe have heard
a Voyce,/ To call him so"
-~ H2 -

Shakespeare tne inaefinite article follows an attributive

ive on oni^^wo occasions.
^'Ti i» 2 l3 (.J): "As I remember Adam, it was upon this
fashion-bequeathed me by will, but poore
a thousand Crownes"
., ^, ii, 235 (F): "What ppore an Instrument/ May do a
Noble deede"
- 143 -
English the indefinite article can be used to describe
an emotional condition in concrete terms; thus a purely
generic idea is expressed in terms of a specific reality
(to get into a rage, to have an appetite). This provides a
more vivid description of the emotion in its individual
manifestation. This idiom was not yet fully developed in
Shakespeare, so that he was able to say: if he fall in rage.
Cor., II, iii, 266 (P): "If, as his nature is, he fall in
rage/ With their refusall"
Cor., Ill, iii, 25 (P): "Go about it,/ Put him to Choller
Note. In the expression it is a pity the indefinite article
seems to be the result of the influence of it is a shame; in
'Shakespeare the common form is 'tis pity (see A. Schmidt,
Shakespeare-Lexicon, p, 865 )•
TGV, IV, iv f 88"(P): "'Tis pitty Love, should be so
contrary" (further examples in- A.
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 865)
TGrV. I, ii, 51 (?); "It were a shame to call her backe
- 144 -
§ £if. The indefinite article is occasionally omitted "before
predicative nouns which are used generically and are therefore
equivalent to an adjectival predicate. It is also occasionally
omitted before a noun followed by a determinative object,
but this is rare in Shakespeare and may be partly due to
metrical requirements. Notions of quantity (great number,
great store, store) followed by a partitive genitive formerly
dispensed with the indefinite article quite often (as plenty,
abundance still do) evidently because they were equivalent to
'quantitative adjectives. Of. Abbott, § 84.
R2, I, iii, 201 (F): "If ever I were Traitor,/ My name be
blotted from the booke of Life"
Tmp., I, ii, 427 (?): "If you be Mayd, or no?"
1H4» II, ii, 25 (F): "to turne True-man, and to leave
I these Rogues"
1H4. Ill, iii, 200 (P): "I must still be good Angell to
TIT, II, iii, $4 (I?) • "A mellifluous voyce, as I am true
Gym., III, iii, 94 (F): "and puts himselfe in posture/
That acts my words"
MD, IV, i, 55 (F and Q '); "With coronet of fresh and
fragrant flowers"
TN, III, iii, 29 (F): "Belike you slew gr~v,t number of- his
Shr., III, ii, 188 (F) : "And have prepar'd great store of
v/edding cheere"
JC, IV, i, 30 (F); "for that/ I do appoint him store of
- 145 -
§ £5** In former times the indefinite article was frequently used
in connection with the names of generals of famous lineage
(a Clifford!) so as to form a war-cry expressing the exciterout
and lust of battle (cf. the Douglas, the Talbot).
2H6, IV, viii, 55 (P): "A Clifford, a Clifford,/ Uee'1
fdllov/ the King, and Clifford"
1H6, I, i, 128 (P): "His Souldiers spying his undaunted
Spirit,/ A Talbot, a Talbot, cry'd
out araaine"
- 146 -
The Verb
86 In the 2nd P. Sing, Pres. the "t" is sometimes omitted,
from the syncopated form' when the verb has the terminal -
sound "t" or when the following word has the initial sound
"th" (thou affects = thou affect'st; mean(e)s thou? =- mean'st:
thou?), or when the combination of words in a sentence
produces groups of consonants that would be inadmissible in a
single word: thou mistakes me, thou makes me call ("t" is
suppressed as in modern Christmas, chestnut); it is rarely
omitted apart from this. Sometimes questions of syntax are
involved (see the section on Congruence), but usually the
reason for the omission is simply the need to facilitate
pronunciation* The same is true of the syncopated form of the
2nd P. Sing. Pret. (lik'st = lik'dst,; look ! st = look'dst;
unrip f st = unrip f dst). The forms with "d" are difficult to
pronounce and cannot have been common in normal speech.
The use of forms like are, will, shall, should, made with
the 2nd P. Sing, usually has a different explanation. Tk2
singular and plural forms are connected here. In scne cases i
phonemic considerations may also be involved (would thou? for
wouldst thou?; shall thou? -Tor shalt. thou?).
- 147 -
Son. XIX, 5 (1609): "thou fleetest" (rhyme: sweets)
MM, II, ii, 116 (P): "Thou...Splits"
Ant., I, iii, 71 (P): "thou affects"
E2, IV, i : 270 (P): "thou torments"
Ham.i I, iv f 53 (P): "thou..•Revisits thus the glimoses of
the Moone"
Ham., I, v, 84$(P): "howsoever thou pursuest this act :l
(Q 2 ): "howsoever thou pursues this act"
Tro., V, i, 30 (P): "what meanest thou -co curse thus?"
(Q^): "what meanes thou to curse thus?"
2H6, V, i, 130 (P): "thou mistakes me much"
Oth., V, ii, 64 (P): "makes me call" (9,V- VJcut- ...*. cJ/"
"thou reciding heere, goes yet with
Ant., I, iii, 103 (P):c-Uip^
Oth., Ill, iii, 109 (P^): "thou lik'st not that"
Ant., III, iii, 21 (P): "thou Look'st of Maiestie 1'
I, iv, 212 (P): "Unrip•st" (Q^: "Unripsfv
v^**. i): s: thou
, II, iii, 144 (P): "thou suck f st" ^^(Q-,
Wiv., IV, v, 58 (P): "Thou are clearkly"
(Q t ): "Thou art clarkly"
LLL, IV, iii, 38 (P): "thou wilt keepe"
Ant., V, ii, 208 (P): "Thou, an Egyptian Puppet snail be
shewne/ In Roiu£ ;i
Jn., IV, ii, 229 (P): "thou, to be endeared to a King,/
Hade it no conscience to destroy a
Wiv., II, ii, 31 (P): "what would thou more of man^?"
(Q.): "what woulst thou more of man?"
- 148 -
In Shakespeare the "th" form of the 3rd P. Sing.
of principal verbs occurs only very rarely ir. prose,
it is more common in verse. There are no instances in tlio
prose sections of Ado (Q-), but it' occurs twice in the
verse (melteth; II, i, 187; purchaseth; III, i, 70) • Cn.
the other hand Wiv, Las two examples in the prose part
(enlargeth; II, ii, 231; saith; I, i, 109). In the first
act of Ham, there are two examples in the ver^e (sir.g ?-'»'"' ;
I, i, 160; passeth; I, ii, 85). The use of t!J.s form is
often required by the metre. The "s" forus are syncopatsd
(even when written "es") unless the verb stem ends in,
"s", "sh", "x", "z", "ch" or [djj (cf. E. J. Dobson,
•English PronunointlQn-4JiQO- 1700 (Oxford, 1^95-74-, § ;13).
On the other hand the tr e" is sounded in the ending ;: ethtr
(cf.^Dobson, § 314) and it is always fully stressed in
verse (G. Konig, Per Vers in Shakespeares Dramen, p. 5)»
In verse,therefore, it is preferred to the "s" forn ir.
cases where, if the latter were used, the line would be a
syllable short. The use of the "th" form is only occasion­
ally a matter of style, therefore? and it seems reasonable
to assume that, apart, from hath and dovh, this form was
no longer current in normal speech in Shakespeare's t
It is not unusual to find the "th" form in tlie First
Polio, where the older Quartos have the "s" form; the
reverse phenomenon is also found.
Ado, I, iii, 8: brings (Q 1 ), bringetn
Jldo, II, i, 146: pleases (Q<,), pleaseth
H^», I, ii, 85: passes (Qg/, passeth (P.)
LLL, I, ii, 43^ fitteth (Q^, fits (P1 )
Tro., II, ii, 9; touched. (Q-), touches
- 149 -
38 Both, forms of the 3rd P. Sing. Pres. ("—s" and "-th") are
found in the writers of Shakespeare's time. The "-s" form
seems to have become generally accepted in prose in the last
decade of the 16th century* It is often used in verse nucli
earlier, since the use of the two forms was convenient for
reasons of rhyme and metre. However, the rise in. popularity
of the "-s" forms did not lead immediately to the extinction
of the older "-th" forms. Both are found, side by side in pross
until about 1640, after which the forms in "-th" show a
marked decline. Cf. H. C* Bambas, "Verb Forms in -s, and -th
in Early^Modern English Prose," Journal of English and Germanic
Philology. XLVI (1947), 185-187*
- 150 -
| 89 ^he form of the Pres. Plur. Ind. in n -(e)n", which vras
current in M.B., chiefly in the Midland dialects, occurs
only rarely in Shakespeare,
Per., II, Gh., 35 (Q.,): "All perishen of men of pelfe"
Per., II, Ch., 28 (Q-): "Y/here when men "been there's seldom
MNJD, II, i, 56 (P): "And then the whole Quire hold their hips,
and loffe,/ And waxen in their mirth"
In each case it may be argued that the form is a conscious
In Per., II, Ch., 20 (Q 1 ) there is also an archaic Infinitive
in "-en": "To killen bad".
- 151 -
90 Apart from verbs with terminal "t" and "d".sounds, the "e lj
of the Preterite ending "-ed" is not usually sounded. In
Shakespeare*s verse plays the "-ed" receives its full value
in. only 59 cases (4$). The syncopated form also predominates
in the case of the Past Participle, though here it cannot be
regarded as a general rule tin quite -che same way, of. G-. ICcnig,
p. 7f • When, however, the Past Participle is used purely
adjectivally, as in,: a learned professor, his beloved wife 9
blessed innocence, an aged man, syncopation does not take
place (Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 255). Cf.
H. Kokeritz, p. 262; E. J. Dobson, §§ 311,315.
In the Quartos and First Polio Participle and Preterite
forms are often, spelt in accordance with their pronunciation.
The spelling "-ed" first became generally accepted in the
18th century, cf. Karl Brunner, Me englische Sprache, II,
Ham., II, ii, 493 (Q 2 ) : "unequal matcht"
Oth.. II, i, 177 (F): "well kiss f d"
(Q^: "\:ull kist"
Oth.. I, iii, 51 (F)s "We lack't your Counsaile"
(Q-)s "We lacks your counsel!"
Ham.. IV, vii, 89 (Q 2 ): "he topt"
- 132 ~
Weak Forms
§ 91 In New English there are many weak verbs with terminal "t"
or "d" sounds which have no inflexion in the Preterite or
Participle (cast, let, shed, spread), Other weak verbs with
similar terminal sounds tended to imitate them and to
dispense with the normal Preterite and Participle endings.
Hence there arose an uncertainty about the form which is
characteristic of Early New English. So it is that Participles
such as disjoint and taint occur in Shakespeare. Similarly
Participles taken over from Latin, like contract, infect, and
especially the Participle forms in "-ate" (sometimes used in.
a purely adjectival sense): confiscate, create, fatigate,
felicitate, incorporate, tended to follow the pattern of the
older group and so survived for some time in this alien form*
Sometimes weak forms in "-ed" occur alongside the older forms
without endings, so that in some cases double forms are
found: quit, quitted; cast, casted; sped, speeded.
The Preterite spet; "you spit on me" MVr , I, iii, 127
(spet; P and Q 1 ) results from the shortening of the stem-
vowel in the original O.E. spaette. 'Ihe parallel form spat
arose through the disappearance of the "e" and, because of
its similarity to sat (from sit), it was regarded as a strong
Pret. form from
- 153 -
Wiv., I, iii, 27 (P): "I am glad I am so acquit of this
11> v » v > 3 ( ? ) : "Couragious Richmond, Well hast thou
acquit thee"
Otherwise acquitted;
MV, V, i, 138 (P); "No more then I am wel acquitted of",
Trap., Ill, iii, 71 (P): "the Sea (which hath requit it)"
Tmp., I, ii, 148 (P): "the very rats/ Instinctively have
quit it"
Quitted occurs only once:
WT, V, i, 192 (P): "having both their Countrey quitted"
The Preterite quit also occurs (see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-
Rom., IV, ii, 24 (P and Q2 ): "lie have this knot knit up"
The Preterite knit also occurs (see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-
Lexicon)« *
MM, II, i, 86 (P): "she spit in his face"
WT, IV, iii, 113 (P): "If you had but look f d bigge, and
spit at him"
Ant,. V, i, 24 (P): "that selfe-hand...Hath...Splitted the
Err., I, i, 104 (P): "Our helpefull ship was splitted in
the midst"
Err., V, i, 308 (P): "Hast thou so crack'd and splitted my
poore tongue"
2H6, III, ii, 411 (P): "a splitted Barke" (the only examples)
Tmp., V, i, 223 (P) : "our Ship, Which. ..we gave ou~c split"
Per., II, Ch., 32 (Q 1 ): "the wrackt and split"
(the only examples)
Mac., II, iii, 147 (P): "This murtherous Shaft that's
shot,/ Hath not yet lighted"
This is the normal form of the Participle; light occurs
only once:
Per., IV, ii, 77 CQ^: "You are light into my hands"
H5, IV, i, 23 (P): "With casted slough, and fresh legeritie"
This is the only example of casted in Shakespeare, though
- 154 -
it occurs elsewhere in Early New English (see OES-under
cast). In the case cited the metre requires a two-syllable
ffP, 270 (1612): "0 cruell speeding, fraughted with gall"
This is the only example; elsewhere fraught is used as a
Participle on account of its phonetic similarity to caught,
Ham., I, ii, 20 (P and Q2 ;: "to be disioynt"
£n. f IV, i, 61 (P): "The Iron of it selfe, though heate
red hot"
1?, Ill, ii, 205 (P and Q 1 ): "untill I swet againe"
AYL, II, iii, 58 (P) : "When service sweate for dutie-
gS, II, i, 33 (F): "he sweat extreamly"
Tim*, III, ii, 28 (P): "I have swet to see his Honor"
1H6, Y, iii, 183 (?): "a pure unspotted heart,/ Never ye*
taint with love"
Jn., II, i, 73 (P): "the English bottomes have waft o're"
III, IV, v, 10 (P): "It shall be speeded well"
2H4, IV, iii, 38 (P and Q.,): "I have speeded hither"
These are the only examples; elsewhere sped is the
Participle and Preterite^,.
Err., I, i, 37 (P): "In Syracusa was I borne, and wedde/
Unto a woman"
Shr., I, ii, 263 (P): "Untill the elder sister first be
Shr., II, i, 289 (P); "To wish me wad"
Per.. II, v, 92 (Q^: "I will see you vrsd"
In all other cases the Participle is wedded.
Hacu, III, ii, 190 (P): "None wed the second, buu who
kill'd the first,"
H8, III, i, HI (P): "To give up willingly that Noble
Title/ Your Master wed me 'uO"
In all other cases the Preterite is v/^dded.
* I 9 ii, 216 (P): !; after I have solemnly interr'd/. .*
this Noble King,/ And wet his G-rave
with my Repentant Teares"
- 155 -
Err., I, ii, 2 (P): "Lest that your goods too soone "be
Err., II, i, 134 (2): "this body consecrate to'thee"
Jn>, IV, i, 107 (P): "Bei: g create for comfort"
MM, II, ii, 154 (P): "whose mindes are dedicate/ !Po nothing
Jn., III, i, 173 (P); "Thou sLalt stand curst, and
e xc omnLuni c a t e "
Cor., II, ii, 121 (P)s "what in flesh was fatigate"
Lr., I, i, 77 (P and Q 1 ): "I am alone felicitate"
Tmp.> III, iii, 10 (P): "the Sea mocks/ Our frustrate
search on. land"
IvTHD, III, ii, 208 (P): "As if our hands, our sides, voices,
and mindes/ Had beene incorporate"
Tro», I, iii, 125 (P): "when Degree is suffocate"
R£, III, vii, 179 (P): "first was he contract to Lady Luc£"
(Q-): "first he was contract to Lady Lucy"
Tro». I, iii, 187 (P and Q I ): "many are infect"
- 156 -
92 In the case of a number of weak verbs with terminal sounds
"n", "1", "rd" a spelling in "-t" exists alongside that In
"-ed". The former is found as early as M.E. Examples in
Shakespeare include: Pret. and Part, bended, bent; Part.
blended, blent; Pret. and Part, builded, built; Part. gelded 9
gelt; Pret. gilded, Part, gilded, gilt; Part, girded, girt.
Associated with these is burn, which has both burned and
burnt in Pret. and Part.
The following are found only with the ending n -ed M : dream,
kneel, lean, learn. The spelling leapt occurs only once
(AYAV, II, v, 40 (F)). On the other hand deal is found only
with, the ending "-t 11 .
- 157 -
, II, i, 100 (?izx and Q2 ): "(he) bended their light on
Cor., II, i, 281 (?): "the Nobles bended"
3H6, V, ii, 22 (?): "when V/arwicke bent his Brow?"
Per*, II, v, 48 (Q-): "But bent all offices to honour her"
R2, V, iii, 98 (?): "Against them both, my true ioynts
bended be"
TGV, III, i, 229 (?): "But neither bended knees"
H5., V, Ohor., 18 (?): "his bended Sword"
2H6, I, i, 10 (?): "my bended knee"
Ant., II, iv, 12 (?): "my bended hooke"
jn., II, i, 37 (?); "our Cannon shall be bent/ Against the
browes of this resisting towne"
This is the more common form, <n

Tro., IV, v, 86 (?): "This b&ended Knight, halfe Troian.

and halfe Greeke"
Cor,*, .III, i, 103 (?); "both your voices blended"
gV, III, ii, 183 (? and Q 1 ): "be(e)inc blent together"
TN, I, v, 257 (?): "Tis beauty truly blent"
LC. 152 (1609); "Experience for me many bulwarkes builded/
Of proofs new bleeding" (rhyme: yeeldec,
sheelded - this is the only example)
HJ» HI, i, 73 (? and Q 1 ): "he built it?"
Mac., I, iv, 13 (?): "He was a Gentleman, on whom I built"
Per., I, Prol.; 18 (Q-): "Ant^ochus the great,/ Buylt up
this Citie"
Ant., Ill, ii, 30 (?): "To keepe it builded"
Son. C-I^r CXXIV, 5 (160§): "it was buylded far from accideLt11
H2, II, i, 43 (?): "This4 ?ortresse built by Nature"
This is the more common, iform.
R2, II, i, 237 (?): "gelded of his patrimonie"
MV, V, i, 144 (? and Q 1 ): "Would her were ge^v' (the only
Wiv., I, iii, 69 (?): "the beame of liar vie.;, guilded my
foote" (the only example"
Lr., V, iii, 84 (?): "This guilded Serpent"
(Q.|): "This gilded Serpent" (20 examples)
Tro., II, iii, 27 (P and Q^r.^a guilt counterfeit"
LLL, V,'ii, 652 (P); "A gilt Nutmegge 11
(Q.j): "A gift Nutmegg"
Jn., II, i, 316 (P): "Hither returne all gilt with
Frenchmens blood"
2H4, IV, iii, 56 (P): "gilt two-pences"
Tro., Ill, iii, 178 (P and Q^: "And goe to dust, that- is
a little guilt"
Tit», II, i, 6 (P and Q^): "having gilt the Ocean with his
Son. XII, 7 (1609)s "Sommers greene all girded up in sheaves"
Hi, III, Chor., 27 (P): "girded Harflew"
3H6, IV, viii, 20 (P): "his Iland, gyrt in with the .Ocean"
(the only example)
Tt, IV, ii, 112 (P): "I am shent, for speaking to you"
Shent is the Participle of shend . itself not found in
Note* The form rent (now archaic) for rend is derived from
the noun rent, which was originally a Participle; it occurs
six times in Shakespeare, whereas rencl is much more common.
IjQ, 55 ('609): "the lines slie rents" (rhyme: contents)
Ill, ii, 215 (Pf*—^ and Q 1 ): "will you rent our
a(u)ncient love asunder"
Ill, ii, 175 (P): "That rents the Thornes, and is
rent with the Thorneo"
I f ii, 126 (P): "These ITailes should rent tha'G beauty"
(Q,): "These nai^es should rend tha"c beauty"
Tit,. Ill, i, 261 (P and Q,): "Rent off thy silver haire"
Mac., IV, iii, 168 (P): "shrieks that rent the ayre"
- 159 -
93 ^he weak forms of a number of verbs that were originally
strong are of special interest. These include: beated Part*,
(mis)becomed Part., blowed Part., fretted Part., helped
(help *d) Part, and Pret., hew'd Part., shaked Part, and, Pret. 5
weaved Part, and Pret., v/axed Part.'and Pret* The weak forms
patched (catch'd) Part, and Pret., and reach'd Part, also
occur. The old strong Part, and Pret. holp is more common
than, helped, and similarly raught (Part, and Pret.) occurs
more often than the more recent reach'd. On the other hand
cstched is found more often than caught. Although it has now
been displaced by the latter in the literary language, it is
still common in dialect and vulgar speech (see OED under
catch). Vhereas the verbs mentioned in the first list above
have strong forms alongside the weak ones (see A» Schmidt,
Shakespeare-Lexicon), the following occur only in weak
formations: awake, wake, beseech, bestrew (only the Participle
occurs), heave, light, rive, sow, shape, thrive (see A.
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon). Strive has Pret. strived,
strove, Part, striven.
- 160 -

Son. LX1I, 10 (,1609): "Seated and chopt with toiid

antiquitie" (the only example)
Ant., Ill, vii, 27 (?): "Bhich might have well becom'd
the "best of men"
Horn., IV, ii, 26 (F): "And gave him what beoomed ±±£s.
Love I might"
Cyin., V, v, 406 (F) : -"lie would have well becom'd this
ILL, V, ii, 778 (F): "Have misbecom'd"
H5, III, ii, 97 (F): "I would have blowed up the Towns,
so Chrish save me" (Macmorris is
Oth., Ill, iii, 182 (F): "blow'd Surmises" M-
——— (<?.)'• " *w*e. S*u-«vJ,« s w "' .
(elsewhere the Part, is blown)
R2, III, iii, 167 (F): "Till they have fretted us a
payre of Graves,/ Within the Earth"
gV;» IV, i, 77 (F): "When they are fretted with the
gusts of heaven"
(Q-): "when they are fretten witht the
gusts of heaven"
AVW, II, iii, 18 (F): "No-e to be help'd"
TGV, IV, ii, 48 (F): "being help f d" (in a £0113)
WT, III, iii, 110 (F): "to have help'd the old^ man"
WT, III, iii, 113 (F): "to have help'd her"
Oth., II, i, 138 (F): "her folly helpt her to an. heire"
22, V, iii, 167 (F): "The first was I/ Tliat ..clp'd thee
to the Crowne !>
(elsewhere holp is Part, and Pre'j.)
Tit. t II, iv, 17 (F): "hew'd" (the only case; elsewhere

Tro., I, iii, 101 (F): "when Degree is shak'd'-1

1H4, III, i, 16 (F): "The frame anu foundation of the
Earth/ Shak'd like a Coward"
The usual form for both Pret. and Part, is shoo1".
Luc., 52 (1594)i "Y/ithin whose face Beautie and. Vertue
strived" (rhyme: arived)
- 161 -

Per., V, Pro!., 16 (Q t ) s "the Citie striv'de"

AW, I, i, 241 (P): "Who ever strove/ To sliew her merit'*
H8, II, iv, 30 (P): "Have I not strove to love"
Per., IV, Prol,, 21 (Q^): !'when they weavde the sledec.
1 E-y, V, iv, 88 (P): "Ill-weav'd Ambition"
The Participle woven is also found.
Err., I, i, 92 (P): "The seas waxt calme" •$.

Tim., Ill, iv, 11 (P): "the dayes are v/axt shorter"

Luc., 1663 (1594): "Prom lips new waxen pale, begins to blow"
2H6, III, ii, 76- (P): "Art thou like the Adder waxen cLeafe?"
Rom., IV, v, 48 (P): "cruell death hath catcht It"
LLL, V, ii, 69 (P) • "None are so surely caught, when
they are catcht" (rhyme: hatch.'d)
(Q-): "Hone are so surely caught, when
they are catch" (rhyme: hatcht)
AWV7, I, iii, 176 (P).: "My fearo hath catcht your fondnesse"
Cor., I, iii, 68 (P): "catcht it again"
, (elsewhere caught is used)
Oth., I, ii, 24 (Ij):' "I have reach'd"
(elsewhere rau:r :it is useo for bot
Pret* and Part*)
- 162 -
The forms raught (Pret. and Part.) and wrought (Pret. and
Part.) are especially interesting. They belong to the class
of weak verbs which in O.E. formed their Pret* and Part,
without a central vowel. Raught is still fully current in
Shakespeare (see § 93), whereas in the case of stretch only
the form stretched is found. The form worked is not found,
wrought being the only form that 6ccurs. The form pight
•pitched' also comes under this heading. Because of its
similarity to Part, raught, taught it was also possible to
use the Infinitive fraught f to load 1 as a Participle*
Distraught appears twice as Part., alongside distract, and
arose through the fusion of distract(ed) and strauglit, the
Part, of stretch. (Cf. Oxford Dictionary of Stymology (t966)
under distraught. Karl- Brurlner, Die englische Sprache, II, 259
considers distraught was formed from distract in imitation of
caught from catch, but the dissimilarity between the two
suggests that this is a lesa likely explanation.) In the same
way bestraught (in. use since the 16th century) may be the
result of a mixture of fdijstraught and be fsetj , which is
which is related in meaning
(H. Sweet, p. 401); but see QEB
(under bestraught). which has another explanation. Pick in
Cor., I, i, 204 (?): "as high/ As I could picke ny Lance'1 is
evidently the Northern form of Bitch. It is still found in
- 163 -
H5j t IV, vi, 21 (P): "He smil'd me in the face, raught me
his hand"
IiLL, IV, ii, 41 (P) s "And wrought not to five-weekes when
he came to five-score"
(Q-): "And rought not to five-weeks when
he came to fivescore"
3H6, I, iv, 68 (P): "That raught at Mountaines with
out-stretched Armes"
Ant., IV, ix, 30 (3?): "The hand of death hath raught him"
2H|, II, iii, 43 (P): "This Staffe of Honor raught"
IIH, IV, ii, 140 (P): "His friends still wrought Repreeves
for him"
]£RC_« , I, iii, 149 (F) s "My dull Braine was wrought with
things forgotten"
Tro., V, x, 24 (?)s "Thus proudly pight upon our Phrygian
(Q-): "Thus proudly pitch upon our Phrigian,
Lr., II, i, 67 (P and Q 1 ): "And found him pight to doe it"
MV, 11, viii, 30 (P): "A vessell of our countrey richly
:Traught" (occurs frequently)
Rom*, IV, iii, 49 (2 and Q2 ): "shall I not be distraught"
R3, III, v, 4 (F): "-S if thou were distraught"
Shr., Ind,, ii, 27 (P): "I am not bestraught" f^the only
- 164 -
Strong Forms
95 Weak formations from verbs that were originally strong are
found fairly often, but the reverse phenomenon is less common,
Strew has a strong Part, strewn (once), which is an imitation
of hewn (H* Sweet, p. 419). Show has a strong Part, shown as
well as the weak form showed, the former being an imitation.
of known (H, Sweet, p. 419); both forms are favoured by
Shakesppeare. Sweat has Part, sweaten (once). The form sain
occurs once in rhyme instead, of the usual Part, said. It
should be noted that in Shakespsare dig has only digged as
Part, and Pret., although dug has existed as a Part* since the
16th century and as a Pret. since the 18th (QED under dig).
TF, II, iv, 61 (]?): "Not a flower.../ On my blacke coffin,
let there be strewne"
(rhyme: throwne; elsewhere strev-'(e)d)
Jh., IV, i, 111 (F): "The breath of heaven,hath.../..,
strew ! d repentant ashes on his head"
TO, III, ii, 221 (P): "I have shew'd too much/ The
rashnesse of a woman"
AW, I, iii, 184 (3?): "thine eies/ See it so grosely
showne in thy behaviours"
Mac,, TV, i, 65 (F): "Greaze that's sweaten/ From the
Murderers Gibbet" (elsewhere: sv,feat)
ILL, III, i, 83 (F and Q^): "that hath tofore bin saine"
(rhyme: plaine; Armado is
Note. LC, 91 (1609): "What largenesse thinkes in parradise
was sawne" is a highly problematical passage. Sawne (rhyme:
drawne) may be the Participle of either sow or see. Cf. A.
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under sow.
- 165 -
96 Parallel "a" and "u(o)" forms are found in a £roup v/iiicli
has for the most part retained the double Pret. -orr^ in t.:.a
literary language until modern times as a result of ar.alory
(see A. E. H. Swaen, "To shrink, to sir.3, to driiil: c-tc., 11
Ar.qqia. XVII (1395), 485-5H), -though the different ferns a
r.ot found'with equal frequency: began, begun; drank, d.r_ur.k.;
oiing, sang; sprang, sprung; swpm, sv/om ( = s\vun] • ^riy wov;.:
ran, run. The verbs ring, shrink, spin, sting, vrrinT have
only the "u" form in Pret. and Part, (see the individual
verbs in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon).
- 166 -
Luc. , 1439 (1594): "their rankes began" (rhyme: ran, ;:h •-_;
this is the usual form)
Rom. t I, ii, 98 (P and Qp) : "since first the world begi::i"
(rhyme: Sun)
Ven., 462 (1593): "ere his words begun" (rhyne: £un)
Luc. , -5^374 (1594): "his eyes begun/ To winke" ( rhyne :j^;_
LC, 12 (1609): "all that youth begun" (rhyme: Sunn-3, donr/j ;
LC, 262 (1609): "they t'assaile begun" ..(rhyme: Si^n
TN, V, i, 414 (P): "A great while ago the world begon"
( rhyme : done)
R2, I, i, 158 (P): "let this end wl.ere it begun" ( rhyme; so
(Q-): "let this ende where it begonne"
( rhyme : sonne)
Ham., Ill, ii, 220 (P) : "where ± begun" (rhyme: run)
££> V, i, 114 (P): "But this same day/ Must end that worke,
the Ides of March begun"
("the Ides of March" = "on the Ides of I-Iar^li" , so that
here begun is a Partici^-e)
—— IV, iii, 85 (P and Qj:i "I never d^anke v/itii
Slir > t Ind., ii, 6 (P) : "I ne're drank
AVAY t II, iii, 106 (P) : "thy father drunke v/ir.- 11
1H4, II, iv, 168 (P): "I am a Rogue if I di-xik^ to d~y rt
Ant., II, v, 21 (P): "I drunke him to his bec. :J
Jn. , V, vii, 12 (P) : "oven now he sung" ' ;1_3 usual forr.)
Son. LICXIII, 4 (1609): "wliere late the &.;c;et tires sang-
(rhyme: ..lan-^e ; the only oxani:le)
Cor., I, iii, 17 (P) : "I sprang"
3 H6% V-, vii, 31 (P) : "I love the tree fro whence / sprar_
Err., I, i, $ (P): "The er_^:ity and discord which of l&ta
Sprung from the rancorous outr
your Duke"
Yen. » 1368 (1593): "A purple floure sr>roong up ::
2H4, I, i, 111 (P ana Q-): "he never more sprung up"
H8, III, i, 7 (P): "To his Musicke, Plants and Flowers/
liJver sprung"
Tir?:.. I, ii, 116 (P): "loy. . ./. . .at that instant, like
-->-i--;-^ -r -,••->
-- _ VX-ki--. t~ O
- 167 -
Ham., Ill, i, 186 (P); "The Origin and Coinnencer.ient of tl;..s
greefe/ Sprung from neglected lovo u
Tmp., III, ii, 16 (P): "I swam" fthe only example)
TGrV, I, i, 26 (P): "you never sworn the Hellespont" (the o::.!;-
1E1, III> example)
1H4, III, ii, 59 (P): "my State.. .wonfie"
(Q-): "my state...wan" (once only)
Yen., 1112 (1593): "He ran upon the Boare" (the usual form)
1H4. II, iv, 287 (P) : "Tyouj still ranne and roar f d i;
(Q.): "jjyouj stil run and roard"
PP, 156 (1612): "To kisse and clip me till I run av/ay"
Shr., Ind., ii, 67 (P): f!^nd til the teares.../-. .ore-ruzi
her lovely face"
Mac., II, iii, 117 (P): "Th 1 expedition of my violeF--j Love/
Out-run thi pawser, Reason"
- 168 -
97 The Preterites bare, brake, sate, spake, s\yare 9 vrare no;.'
occur only as archaisms in high-style; they have lone; sines
died out in popular colloquial speech. In Shakespeare, too ;
they are generally far less frequent than the parallel form
which, are now the only ones in use* A Pret. drave is found
alongside drove, and gat, occurs instead of got.
- 169 -
Err., II, i, 73 (P) : "I bare home up.. . my shoulders"
g.3, II, i, 89 (1) : "Seme tardie Cripple bare the Counter::.-:-" 11
^Q.); "Some tardy cripple bore the"
(bore is the More common forn)
2rr * , V, i, 48 (P) : "till this afternoone his passion/
Ue re brake into extremity c:T rage"
Yen,, 469 (1593): "And all amaz'd, brake off his late intsr.t--
1H4, I, i, 48 (P) : "the tidings of this broile,/ Brake ozz
our businesse for the Eoly ~— ----:_ l^n-i-
R5, III, vii, 41 (P): "And even here brake off"
from these gases ...roke is the usual forn.
H8, IV, i, 65 (P) : "while her Grace sate downe/ Do r^st a
*fo. , IV, ii, 232 (P) : '"V,rhen I spake darkely, what I purposed"
The form spoke also occurs*
Tit., TJ', i, 91 (P)r—"and Q- ) : "Lord. lunius Brutus swears
for Lucre^e rape"
Tr'/c. , I, i, 487 (P) : "sure as death I sware"
(Q*): "sure as death I swore" .
2H4, III, ii, 343 (Q^: "j_hej sware" Ji elsewhere svrore)
Tit. , I, i, 6 (P): "I was the first borne Sonne, that was
the last/ Th-:.t wore the Imperi^ll L_acen u
(Q^): "I am his first, borne sonne, that v/as
the last/ That ware the Imperial! Liadc.i
(the only example of ware )
T-o. t III, iii, 190 (P^X'and Q^): "And drave greal; :.!ars to
AYL, III, ii, 438 (P): ''I drave"
Ron», I, i, 127 (P) : "A troubled mind drave ns to walke
(Q 2 )s "A troubled minde drive me to Y/allss
Ant», I, ii, 98 (P) : ;: drave" (drove is mcr-j common)
" II, £1:15- ii, 6 (0^-»•*' gatV Por E — to sea;
. ): "whom Nature •
and seeing woonder at"
This is the only example of gat.
- 170 -
98 Each of the Preterites bid (from bide) , drive , and come
occurs only once in Shakespeare. The form writ, on the oth^r
hand, is very common as a Pret., whereas the earlier form
?;rote is rare* These forms of the Preterite are formed frcn
the apocopated form of the O.E. Participle. In the Southern
vernacular forms like come and drive are still much in use
as Preterites (Englische Studien, XII (1889), 219). The Pret
see , still much in use in Southern vulgar speech
Studien, XII (1889), 219), occurs four times in Shakespjeare*
R3, IV, iv, 304 (P): "for whom you bid like sorrow"
1H4. II, iv, 201 (P and Q 1 ) : "then come in the other"
Rom., I, i, 127 (Q 2 ) : "-- troubled minde drive me to walke
(P) : "A troubled mind drave me to walke
TN, V, i, 370 (P): "Maria writ/ The Letter"
2H4-. Ill, ii, 33 (Q.,): "I see hi-J1
(P) : "I saw him"
H8, I, iii, 12 (P) : "That neve.: see'em pace before"
ILL, IV, i, 70-71 (P) : "He came, See $ and overcame: hce
came one; see, two; covercane \; _ ^
X : "H® came, See, and. overcame: lio
came, one; see, two; covercame, u
- 171 -

It is not uncommon for the Pret. form to displace that

of the Part. Examples of this are: arose, drove, fell ,
forsook, rode, shook, smote, spake, stroke, swam, took,
, mistook) , wrote. -Many of them- still survive -ia-
dialoot (SnsliDQho Studicn* XII-
Err . 9 V, i, 388 (P) : "thereupon, these errors are arose" (once)
2H6, III, ii, 84 (?) : "Drove" (once); there is also 'a
Participle droven;
Ant., IV, vii, 5 (F): "we had drove:* them, hone 5' (ones)
Lr . , IV, vi, 54 U')* "thou hast perpendicularly fell"
Tit . , II, iv, 50 (P): "He would have dropt knife
and fell, asleepe"
Tim., IV, iii, 265 (F) : "Pell"
These are the only cases of fell; the usual form is f n
Gor. t IV, v, 82 (F) s "who/ Have all forsook- me"
(forsaker. is also found)
Ven. » 571 (1593): "had she then gave over"
(once; otherwise
K^ ; IV, ii^, 2 (P) : "The King himselfe is rodu to view
their Battalia 11
2g4, V, iii, 98 (P) s "helter skelter L^YG I rode to the
(tv/ice; elsewhere r:Vc. an,. r?.d_c'_' j > , III, iii, 225 (F): "Be shooke to ayrie ayre u
rl'his is the usual form: gl.aken. and s'laked are lesc cciz2
ILL, IV, iii, 28 (P) : "their fresh rayse have s^ot."
(rhyme : not)
Co-%. Ill, i, 3"«9 (F): "Our Ediles smot u
This form occurs only twice; smit is found once:
Tis:. , II ? i, 23 (F) : "Have sniit my credit"
K8, II, iv, 153 (P): £ "spake" (Part., once)
^ro. , II, ii, 7 (P): "Shall b£ stroll of :?-
"he forms struck, strucken, stroken, etrookcn, striken
(twice) are also found as Participles; tli3 Crater-. ts ii
stroke, strook(e) , struck.
H8, II, iv, 30 (P): "which of ycur Friends/ HaVv- I :-o*
strove to love"
- 172 -

AYL, IV, i, 38 (P): "you have swam" (once)

SWOEI is also found ones:
Trrrp., II, ii, 132 (P); "Sworn ashore"
TN, I, v, 282 (P): "He might have tooke his answer long
Ham,. V, i, 151 (Q2 ): "I have tooke note of it :t
(P): "I have taken note of it"
Per., I, iii, 35 (Q^): "your Lord has betake himself^ to
unknowne travailes"
Tft V, i, 266 (P): "you have beene mistooke"
(mistaken (inista'en) is also found)
Lr., I f ii, 94 (Q^: "he hath wrote"
(P): "he hath writ"
Ant., Ill, v, 11 (P): "he had formerly wrote*1 *
Gym», III, v, 2 (P): "My Emperor hath wrote"
Gym., Ill, v, 21 (P): "Lucius hath wrote"
The forms writ and written are more common.
-173 -
100 Sometimes the Part, ending "-(e)n" was omitted. In Early
Uew English the new forms which resulted from this existed
alongside the original full forms. Thus in Shakespeare the
Participles broke, chose, spoke are on an equal footing with
broken, chosen, spoken; but others, like shore, are found only
when the rhyme requires it (once). Sometimes there is a diff­
erence in function; for example frozen is the only form that
appears adjectivally before a noun, never froze. Some of the
apocopated Part, forms in question now survive only in
popular speech* forms like bore, broke, froze, spoke, stole
are still common in the vernacular of Southern English
(5nglische Studien, XII.(1889), 217, 218).
There is another group in which both Part, forms existed
side by side for a long time vin4--,-
the written language, but
where there is no clear difference in use: beaten, beat;
begot, begotten; bid, bidden; chid, chidden; eat, eaten;
forbid, forbidden; forgot, forgotten; got, gotten; hid, hidden;
trod, trodden. The only difference seems to be that the full
form is preferred before nouns, as is shown very clearly by
the use of chidden, forgotten, hidden,sunken.
Ham», V", i, 205 (P): "he hath borne me on his backe"
(Qp): "hee hath bore me on his backe 11
TN, V, i, 178 (P): "Has broke my head a-crosse"
Tro., Ill, i, 53 (P and Q/): "You have broke it"
Broken is also found; broke is never used adjectivally .
before a noun* ^ .
Qth., I, i, 17 (P): "I have already chose my Officer"
(Q-): "I have already chosen my officer"
Err.. V, i, 313 (P): "all the Conduits of my'blood froze up"
2H4. I, i, 199 (P)s "it had froze them up"
With a noun the more usual form frozen is used.
MI), V, i, 347 (P and Q.): "since you have shore" (rhyme:
&g - ;• f •• . (elsewhere shorn)
Vgn., 943 (1593): "he had spoke" (spoken is also found)
^>^ r '..viii f 89 (P and'Q^: "My Lady is bespoke"
II, i, 238 (P): "Y'have^ungently Brutus/ Stole from my bed"
Mac., II, iii, 73 (Ph "stole" (elsewhere stolen)
jM, III, iv, 43 (P): fl 'twas 1 well writ 11
: ; (the usual form; written is also found)
Err.. II, ii, 42 (F): "I am beaten"
Cor., I, iT, 40 (F): "they had beate" (the less common form)
Jn. t I, i, 75 (P): "where I be as true begot or no"
(the usual form)
1H6, II, v, 72 (P): "no Heire begotten of his Body"
1M, V> iv, 37 (P); "Not me, begotten of a Shepheard Swaine"
AW, III, ii, 61 (P): "a childe begotten of thy bodie"
WT, III, ii, 135 (P): "his innocent Babe truly begotten"
(the only occasions; also in misbegotten, true-begotten,
I first-begotten, see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 96)
g\T, II, T, 11 (P and Q.,): "I am bid forth to supper" . v
Ado. Ill, iii, 32 (P and Q 1 ): "when he is bidden" (the only case)
IV, vii, 37 (P and Q1 ): "though he had bit me" . %j
I, iv, 236 (P and Q 1 ): "it('s) had it head bit off"
1H4, II, i, 19 (P and Q^: "be better bit"
Rom.. I, i, 157 (P and Q2 ): "As is the bud bit" " " f
H8, V, iv, 64 (P): "bitten Apples 11 (oncej also' in fly-bitten,
weather-bitten, see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p* 115)
Bz^., IV, >iv, 97 (P): "They must be bound" ' •
Jn», III i iii, 29 (P) J ."I am much bouncLen to your Maiesty"
; * " -• -• "" V -• •" ;' " (formal)' -
AYL. I, ii, 298 (P): "t rest much bounden to you"
MD, III, ii, 200 (P): "wee have chid the hasty footed time"
TGV, II, ±, 12 (P): d"I was last chidden"
Qth«. II, i, ^12 (P): "The chidden Billow seemes to pelt the
£\v>, . , I1 --'. ' ciowds" ; ;"•-'-'"
(Q|): "The chiding billow seemes to pelt the .
Oloudes" ;
Mac., I, iii,v 84 (P): "have we eaten on. the insane Hoot"
-j* (the more common form)
85 (P)^ "That lade hath eate bread from my Hoyall
hand" ^
'±'f 92 (P): lf -ttie|Prince expreely hath/ PorfidcLei.
"the Prince expresly hath/ Forbid this
bandying 11 (forbid is the usual form)
Son. Y£, 5 (1609); Sf That use is not forbidden usery"-
Err. ».. Ill, ii, 1 (P)t "you have quite forgot/ A husbands f
•».> ani- • office" (the usual form)
it 29 (P):: "all/ Was either pit tied in him, or ,-
forgotten" (15 times; the only form with
iaouns, see A* Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 443)
Ant ... HTj :vii, 4 (F)-.: "this is fought indeed"
E^ 9 JV, vi, 18 .(F): "this glorious and well-foughten field"
X'- - "* • ('the .only example of fought en)
Son. LXXVIII, 3 (1609): "every Alien pen hath got my use"
. 3H6 1 17, vii,^ 87 (P) : "that once gotten" "
3H6. Ill, iii, 90 (?) : "Henry the Fift had gotten"
2H6. TV, iv^ 49 (F) : "lacke Cade hath gotten London-bridge"
R2, Y,. v, 74 '(F): "at length have gotten leave"
Wiv. t I", iii, 25 (P) : "He was gotten in drink"
/-, I*}, *: (the only cases of gotten) ,.*
> Ant., II, vii, 93 (F) : "Pill till the cup be hid" (the usual form]
. J£, I, ii, 57 -,{F): "Your hidden worthiness e" ;
f len., 767 (1593): "the hidden treasure/1 r.-^ -/ : .
; Son. XXXI, 8 (1$09): "But things remov f d that hidden, in
•t->; « >ooii.k .aj;c- » i, 'there lie" ^v. ^-v,
MM. Y, 1, 397 (P) : "my hidden powre"
AYL, I, iii, '121 (P) : "what hidden womans feare"
III, vii, 118 (P): "it is no hidden vertue in him"
II, i, 14 (P and Q 1 ) : "Confound your hidden, falshood"
Mae-, I, iii, 113 (P) : "with hidden help e" i .
Oth., II, i, 247 (P)s "most hidden loose Affection".
..'. , (Q^: "hidden affections 11
r. . , , (the only cases of hidden)
MD« Y f i|119 (F and Q-p; "He hath rid his. Prologue, like
\.. a rough Colt (e) 11
Eg, II, ii, 3 (P); "the Horses...! saw well chosen, ridden,
and furnish'd" ,.. :lio_ . - .
Rig,, rode are used in the Active and. ridden in the Passive
"™""fffW' mmumHmimm***

(see A* Schmid-ti, Shake spear e-Lexic on > p. 978)*

TGV, II, iv, 34 (P): "A fine volly of words, genti3~e, x
quickly shot off"
1H4, II, iv, 143 (P): "a shotten Herring" ( = 'having spent
the roe ' ; also occurs in shoulder-shotten, nook-shotte'n,
see A. Schmidt, Shake sposar e-Lexicon , p. 1048)
Luc., 1592 (1594): "Her eyes though sod in tears Xook'd
red and raw"
H5, III, v, 18 tP): "sodden Vater"
Err.* I, ii, 45 (P) : "The clocke hath strucken twelve"
Wiv.-j ,V, v, 1 (P) : "The Y7indsor-bell hath stroke twelve"
struck (stroke) is by far the more common form.
H5, I, ii, 165 (If): "sunken Wrack"
, Son. II, 7 (1609): "sunken eyc^"
AYL, III, ii, 393 (P) : "a blew eie and sunken"
Sunken occurs only in the cases cited; elsewhere sunk is used.
H8, III, i, 143 (P): "Would I had never trod this English Earth"
Yen. , 707 (1593): "miserie is troden. on by manie"
Note 1. The forms shaven, mis-shapen, molten occur in Shakespeare
as adjectives, as they do in modern usage; iris shared is also
found once. Shakespeare uses both engraved and engraven. Tli-
now obsolete form wrer..then derives from \.^ Pc,::t. writhes.
(from Inf. writhe) t which is influenced by wreathe. Moult en,
which occurs once, seems to have the meaning moulting.
Ado , III, iii, 145 (P and Q^ ) : "the shaven Hercules"
Tmp. t V, i, 268 (P) : "This uishaper. knave"
Lr. , 17. vii, 48 (Q^: "molten leaeJ*
Luc_. , 203 (1594): "it will live engraven in my
Tit. , III, ii, 4 (i"1 ) : "that sorrow-wreathen kno"
1 Hy , III, i, 152 (P): "a moult en. Raven" (Q 1 ) : "a nolten raven :J
get (O.E. •-i^"—
ICote 2. The Part, set ^ correspponds to 11.2. ^HMMana0 --i—^^"^"^ ) ,
Part, from O.E. sittan; it occurs jeveral times.
LG, 39 (1609); "Upon whose weeping margent she wa^ set"
(rhyme: ,1 e t; , wet)
H8, III, „, 74 (P) : "I was set at v/orke,/ Among my
Ihis ^jsage is taken verbatim frou Holinsliad,
- 177 -

Individual Forms of the Past Participle.

l°l ' Afeard , still found in Southern vernacular speech
Studien, XII, 219), is common in Shakespeare, where _i - see:i-
to be on an equal footing with afraid. Sometimes the/^ Folio.;
replaces af eard by afraid (A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon
under afeard) . Afraid derives from the verb affray brighten';
afeard comes from O.E» afoered.
Pet (also' in deep-fet» far-fet) corresponds to the O.E. Part.
fett. from f etian 'fetch 1 (see E 0 Sievers, An?elsachsische
vf tA.uhiKirm, N '
Gramma tik,^. § 416, n.9).
Lien, not uncommon elsewhere in the 17th century, and which.
is found in Shakespeare alongside lain, shows a transfer of
the vowel of the Infinitive and Present to the Past Participle.
The influence of the noun load is seen in the form loaden,
which occurs alongside laden.
Rotten is the most common form of the Past Participle of
rot, but rotted is also found. In M.D» only the i_._;±nr latter
form was found in, the South, while rotten was characteristic
of the North. 'Wty
The strange form beholding, i still very common -in the 17~ch
century, io firot found in 1461 in tho-Pciston-Lel^-j-e-p.'g , but
behol^" •••n is found in the forms bihalden and ...Mvolde in
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight ? | The form I am beholding to you
came about through a fusion of I am beholden to you and
I am holding to you (examples of this construction in E.
Licit zner, Ae. Sprpr. Y>r tb> , p. 405). Hie reason for this new
formation may have been the obsolescence of the Participle
(be)hold(e) , There are 21 instances of beholding in Shakespeare.
The Participle y.cleped, ycliped (yclyped, ecliped) , .
occurs twice in Shakespeare, was archaic even then; cl;' -ot is
also found once in the'/ Folios. It belongs to the verb,
(which occurs four times) from O.E. cleopian, from v/hosc
parallel form clipian tlie forms with ro^t "i" derive. Apar-:
from this -che Part, prefix "y" occurs only *n the forms yd ad
and y-slaked.
WV, I, ii, 47 (Qs "ism: "I am much afeard fr
- 178 -
(P): "I am much afraid"
121D, III, i, 28 (P): "\7ill not the Ladies be afear'd of
the Lyon?"
R3, II, ii, 121 (P): "the young Prince be fet/ Hither to
(Q.j): "the yong Prince be fetcht/ Hither to
2H6, II, iv, 33 (P): "my deepe-fet groanes" (only two cases)
Jn., IV, i, 50 (P): "llany a po'ore mans sonne would have
lyen still"
Han., V, i, 190 (Qo): "heer's a scull now hath lyen you
i'th earth 23. yeeres"
(P): "this Scul, has laine in the earth
three & twenty years"
(threo oasog only)
Per*, III, ii, 85 (Q*): "I heard of an Egiptsan that had
9. howers lien dead"
(three cases only)
Cor., V, iii, 164 (P): "Loden with Honor"
1H4» I, i, 37 (P): "A Post from Wales, loaden with heavy
(Q-): "A post from Y/ales, loden-with heavy
j_K6, II, i, 80 (P): "Por I i.ave loaden me with ^iany Spoyles"
H8, IV,' ii, 2 (P): "loaden. Branches"
ri'it>, V, ii, 53 (P and Q 1 ): "when thy Car is loaden with
their heads"
gjrn. t III, v, 50 (P): "loaden with Irons" (six cacss only^
Ant*, III, xi, 5 (P): "Laden with Gold"
-1 1022 (1593): "As on.e with treasure laden" *
Tit. t I, i, 36 (P): "laden with Honours Spoyles"
Ant., V, ii, 123 (P): "lade., with !Uke frailties"
(four cases ^nly)
Son. LAJQCI, 2 (1609): "when I in earth am rotten"
(the usual form)
MD, II, _L, 95 (P): "the gre^ne Corne/ Hath rotted"
Luc., 823 (1594): "The branches of another roote are rotted"
(Rhyme: Unspotted, alotted)
Tit,. ^ f IV, iv, 93 (P): "The other rotted with delicious foode"
• »"" "" ' \ (the only examples of rotted)
£G, III, ii, 70 (P): "I am beholding^to you"
11, HI, ± 9 107 (P): "he is more beholding to you, then I"
ILL; V, ti f 602 (P): "ludas I am, ycliped Machabeus"
(Q-): "ludas I am, ecliped Machabeus"
%EEL. I, 1, 242 (P): "it is ycliped, Thy Park©"
Mac. t III, i, 94 (P): "As Hounds, and Greyhounds...are
,. , ' clipt/ All by the Name of Dogges"
Ten., 995 (1593): "She clepes him king of graves"
2H6, I, i, 33 (P)2 "Her words yclad with wisedomes
Maiesty" (the only occurrence)
£er., Ill, Prol., 1 (Q^: "yslacked"
« 180 -
Alphabetical list, of strong verbs
foa_ £he letter A that a Past participle form i;
only one used in the role of an attributive adjective. jf-orr.3
found only in rhyme are enclosed in round brackets, Occasional
weak formations in u -(e)d" are enclosed in square brackets, A
numeral in brackets beside a form indicates the number of
times it occurs, A dash indicates that no example of a parti­
cular form occurs. No attempt has been made to reproduce enac'j
the original spelling. Both the First Polio and the "good"
Quartos are used- as sources* *
arise arose arose
backbite backbitten (1 )
bear(e bore, bare borne, bore (1)
beat(e beat beaten, beat (11),
jbeated (ijjf
become- became become, |[becomed (3)"}
befall befell befallen
beget begot. be,p:ot j begotten ( 4 )
begin began, (begun (8}) begun -, began ( , )
behold beheld beheld
besper-': bespoke, bespake bespoke
bestride bestrid bestrid
betake betook betook
betide betid
bid bid, bidden (1)
bind bound , bo un^c-ii. (2)
bite bit, bitten
blow ( ! bloom 1 ) blown
blow bl ew blovm., ^blQYTcr.
broke, brake (4) broken A, broke
chide chi d chid, chidden
choose, chuse chose chosen, chose
cleave cleft, clove cleft, cloven (5) A
clung '
come come come
c row crew [crowed"!
draw drawn (e
drink drank, drunk drunk, dronke
drive drove, drave (4) driven, droven (1),
drove (1)
••v .
•>,•• T
v;-t . ' Mi''**-'

eate eat *-" * - -' eaten, • eat. '•

fall fell * fallen, faln(e, fell (3)
fight fought fought, foughten (1)
found found . -
fling flung flung . - -.: -,
flow ^flowed] [flowed^, flown (t)
fly flew (never = fled) flown
forbear forborne
f os.MA forbade forbid, forbidden (5)
forget forgot forgot., forgotten (15) A
forsake forsook » forsook, forsaken
forswear forswore forsworn
freeze froze froze, frozen A ,
get (1)) got:, gotten (5) '

gave given, gave (1)

gnaw jfpiawedl gnawn . . •. • r •*
go I* went ;
gave ' /graved] , graven
^^, :,::,;„:. " grown(e ,
hung, Ihanged]
<—B™•" i-« J
hung, IKsui^cu.
t. aJ *"

(see A. Schniidt, Shake spear e-Lexicon under

. • »& -* hang)
he 1-p holp, fhelpedl fr holp(e t
jhelpedi (4-2
Ma­ hid, hidden (9) A
hewn, Jkewed
- 182 *
hold held held, holden (1),
Child (D)
knew known (e / ,
lay lain, lien (3)
load lad en, loaden' "•
melt jmelt.edl \ v beltedl, molten
(attributive adjective used only of
metals) * ••
misshapen, fiisshaped (1
mistake mistook mistook, mistaken,
mista 1 en
ride rode rid. ridden (2), rode (2)
ring. rung;
rise rose risen
rua(ne ran, run (4) run • .. \ . * '*
see / .„•' saw, see (4i) se en (e .^ ,
Beethe •? -HMfev * sod(d, sodden
\ ' "*• " /' .

shake shook, fshaked] shook, shaken. (5)»

»» » *• \ jshaked. ...(3J}"/
shave Jshaved] , shaven A •
shear shore shorn, (shore (1))
shine shone , shone -
shoot , shot i shot f shotten A
show Ishowedlv Showed!, shown, shewne
shrink shrunk \.shrunk - , _~ '
sing (sans (1)) sung
sinkfe sunk, sunken A'
sit sat, sate sat., set. (2)
slew slainje
slink slunk
smite smote srnit (1), smote (2)
spoke> spake spoken, spoke
spun spun
sprang (.2), sprung (6) sprung
stood stood
stole stol(l)en, stolne,
stole (2)
stick stuck stuck
sting stung stung
stink stunk ' v
strike struck, stroke struck (en, stroke ,
stricken (2)
strive strove (2), fstrived (2)| strove (1)
swear swore, sware (3) sworn(e f (sv/ore (1))
swell /swelled! [swelled" (3))1,
swol(le)n (55)
swim. swam ( 1 ) , swom (1 ) swam ( t ) , sworn ( 1 )
swing swong
take took * taken, tane, ta'en, took
tea.r tore torn ( e
throw threw , , - thrown
tread trod trod, trodden, A
understand understood understood •
wear(e wore, ware (1) - worn(e
weave [weaved] - •'* woven, |\yeaved (2j
win(ne won ( ne , wan (1 ) won • • ' ,, "' , ' ,
Wind v/ound
withdraw withdrew , withdrawn
i i•i i -i
withhold withheld
^^^^^*^^^*lmm^^^^^^^^^m «! s

withstand. withstood
wring wrung wrung
write writ, wrote (3) writ, written, -wrote (3)
- 184 -

Auxiliary (Verbs ,
jj The Present tense of to be usually has the forms Sing, ar:,
art, is, Plur. are, but the parallel forms Sing, bs, beest
(be f st) , be, Plur, be are also found occasionally. The last
is comparatively common as an Indicative, but be is very rare
in the Singular. It is found, however, after think . Here it
can hardly be regarded as being any longer a Subjunctive, "out,
as is pointed out by Abbott (§ 299 )> it tends to express some
notion of doubt, question, or thought both here and (in the
plural) in questions. The form beest (be *st) is generally
found only after if (see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon,
p. 83). This may be because be, beest were used in O.B.
generally in a future sense. Since the future and Subjunctive
were closely connected in meaning be, beest. tended to acsune
a Subjunctive use. Hence they are often used (after though ,
fi£ jLf, and other words that frequently take the Subjunctive)
without having the full force of the Subjunctive, and where
if any other verb were used it would be in the Indicative.
See Abbott, § 298,
Plural :
\7iv., I, i, 298 (P): ^lender: "bo there Beares ith 1 Towne?"
Anne: "I thinlie there are"
Lr . , I, v, 36 (P) : "Be my Horsses ready"
TGV, III, i, 55 (P): "Be they of much import?"
•Jim,. I, ii, 171 (?) : "Where be our Eien?"
Tmo . , III, i, 1 (P) : "There be some Sports are painfull"
Tro . , II, i, 109 (!<•)• "else there be Liars"
Shr . , I, i, 132 (P) : "there bee good fellowes in, the world"
Oth., IV, iii, 63 (P) : "There be some such, no ^J
i^, IV, iii f 3 (P) : "heere be manie of her clde
TGV, III, i, 111 (P) : "the doores be lockt"
Cor., Ill, i, 228 (P) : "you ±,!rz that be noble" I
Wiv . , II, i, 182 (P): "now they be out of service"
Wiv. , I, iii, 98 (P) : "I have opperat-^.is, \7iiich be humors
of revenge"
- 185 -
9 ) Singular:
AIL, II; vii f 1 (F): "I thinke he be transform»d into a
beas-^/ For I can no where finde
like a man"
1H6, II, i, 46 (F): "I thinke this Talbot be a Fiend of Hell"
Err,, V, i, 378 (F): "I thinke it be sir, I denie it not"
Tmp., II, ii, 104 (F): "if thou beest Stephano touch me,
and speake to me"
Tmp,, V, i, 134 (F): "If thou beest Prospero/ Give us
particulars of thy preservation" *
Tmp., III, ii, 25 (F): "Moone-calfe, speak once in thy
life, if thou beest a good Moone-
Err. * V, i, 341 (F): "Speake olde Egeon, if thou bee'st.
the man/ That hadst a wife once
call'd Aemilia"
Ifote. There is one certain example in Shakespeare (see A,
Schmid'c, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p» 84) of the form beer. = a^j
(see QED, p. 716), originally Midland, which became obsolete
about the middle of the 16th century: "Where when men been
there ! s seldome ease", Pericles, II, Prol., 28?. E (Of. §
This occurs in a passage thao is delib£_ately arcliaici.
- 186 -
fne following forms of the Imperfect Indicative ?.re fou
Sing. 1st Pers. was (in dependent clauses Subjunctive rere
2nd Pers. wert (the normal form in Shakespeare). The latter
first appears in the 16th century and survived in the liter-*
ary language until the 19th century. The corresponding nev*
form, wast, also appears for the first tine in the 1 6th
century and achieved
pre-eminence on account of its use in
the translation of the Bible (Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sr>rache , II f£tfotegen, 1 96g->» 280). It is quite rare in the
Quartos and for the most part appears only in the'J?olio%
(see OED under be) . The 3rd Pers. is was (sometimes were;
were in dependent clauses is Subjunctive) ; in the 3rd Pers.
Plur. was is found several times alongside the more normal
were* It appeared in, the 14th century, and you was was in
use in the literary language as a singular until the latter
half of the 18th century (see OED and Karl Brunner, Die
englische Sprache , II, 280).
Ingular :
2H6 t I, i, 197 (?): "Wiien thou wert Regent for our Soveraigne 1*
R3, It iv, 213 (?) : "Whom tl.ou was't sworne to cherish and
(Qj): "Whom thou wert sworne to cherish and
"3, II, iv* 33 (?) : "she was dead, ere f wast borne"
(CL): "she was dead ere thou wert borne"
\: lo, I, i, 236 (?) : "Thou wast ever an obstinate iiei-etiq/ae
in -JIG despight of Beautie"
ilio, I, iv, 50 (?): "So grea'* of my Hame V^on^st
theL. were spread"
, V, iii, 99 (?) . "And they it were tha'c ravished our-

?3ii, I, iv, 54 (?) : "His giv_ng-out, were of an infinite

g£, I, iii, 201 (P): "If ever I were Traitor,/ Ily nane ci
"blotted from the booke of Li- a"
1H4. II, iv, 182 (?): "I am a Rogue, if I were no; at haife
o. .x of tk;
- 187 -

WT, V, ii, 33 (P): "nost true, if ever Truth were pregnant

by Circumstance"
£GV, IV, i, 30 (F): "nere repent it, if it v/ere done so 1 '
Further examples in A* Schraidt, Shakespeare-Loxicon, pp. 83-S4
&3, III, ii, 86 (F): "their states were sure"
(Q.): "their states was sure"
Cor», IV, i, 4 (F): "You were us'd/ To say, Sxtreamities
was the trier of spirits"
Uote. The Past Part, form bin is commonly found instead of tcsn.
Shr., V, ii, 115 (F): "she is chang'd as she had never bin11
2i£, I, v, 1 (F): "where thou hast bin"
AYL, IV, i, 39 (51 ): "where have you bin"
ILL, I, ii, 68 (F): "What great men have beene in love?"
i "What great men have bin in love?"
Ado, IV, i, 151 (P and Q.); "I have this twelvemonth bin
her bedfello Tvv"
- 188 -
Shakespeare makes relatively sparing use of bs and th
< O.vt .'/\ l/x

Present participle, the so-called progressive tense (ha :'.s

comirg) ; i"j was only latcer that it: became common. For,
example, it occurs only twice in Titus Andronicus, whereas i"o
appears more than a dozen times in Henry VI 114. Twelve casej
occur in The Merry Vfives of Y/indsor and eleven in Henry IT
Part 1 . The ma.jority of verbs used in this way in Shakespeare
are transitive (or intransitive verbs used absolutely), cf.
I4 . T» Visser, English Studies, XXVI (1944-5), 22. The progro^oLlY
£-c— of the passive is not found in Shakespeare; the earliest
known example occurs in 1795', cf. P* T, Visser, English, Studies y
XXVI (1944-5); 22. See also § -654*
Tit», II, iii, 39 (P) : "Blood, and revenge, are Hammering
in my head"
git, , IV, iii, 91 (P): "I am going v/ith my pigeons to the
Tribunall Plebs" Jl
1E4, IV, i, 89 (P): "The Earle of Westmerlsi.d, seven thousand
strong,/ Is marching hither-wards"
Ado, III, Vj 37. (P and Q^: "A good old ma** sir, he(e) will
be talking"
Ado, II, i, 87 (P and (h): "The revellers are entring"
H8, IV, i, 56 (P): "Where have you bin broiling?"
H8, III, ii, 139 (P) 5 "the which,/ You. were now running o f reu
H3, III, ii, 178 (P) j "i/Iiich ever ha's, and ever shall to
AIL, V, i, 13. (P): "we shall be flouting: we cannot: iiolc"
Gym., II, ii, 44- (P) : "She hatli bin reading late,/ The rJjJ.s,
of Tereus"
H8, V, iv, 10 (P)s "you must: be seeing Christenings?"
Ado. I, 1, 119 (P and Q^: w are you yet: living?"
2H4, III, ii, 45 (P): "Is old Double of your Tcv/ne Ii /ing ye-c?
Tmp. , II, ii, 117 (P): "art thou living Stephaivo?"
Note. Apart from the construction mentioned above, tlii ii^a
of being on the point of doing something is ei.^res^ed in
Shakespeare by to be about to and to be at a poir.t to (now
to be on the point of (doinff something)) .
H8, IIi^v, 70 (P): "I am about to weepe"
1H4, I, iii, 22 (F and Q 1 ): ^"You were about to speake"
IV, iv, 453 0?): "once/ or twice/ I was about to speake"
. III. vi, 16-17 (F) s "I was/At point to sinfce, for
- 190 -
§ 105 The combination of be v/ith the active prepositional infin­
itive related to the subject expresses futurity, obligation.,
necessity, or duty. In the negative it denotes prohibition.
I lust and have followed by the infinitive have HOY; replaced
this construction in many instances, so that it is far less
common than formerly (exampdLes under b)). Be with the passive
infinitive (it is to be done - examples under c)) dates from
the beginning of the 14th century, and became increasingly
common subsequently. By the beginning of the 16th century it
had almost completely displaced the rival construction it is
to do. By Shakespeare's time it was a well-established and
commonly used idiom. Shakespeare still occasionally uses the
type it is to do because this fits his iambic netre better
than it is to be done. Gf. F« T. Visser, English Studies,
XXVI (1944-5), 23; Karl Brunner, Dia englische Sprache,!!,
350-1; F. T. Visser, An historical syntax of the E—lish
Language (Leiden, 1963-1969), §§ 1379-1381. The gerund, which
was originally the basis of this construction, can still be
clearly recognized on occasion (examples under d))»
a} Modern use:
LL£, Y, ii, 508 (F): "I know not the degree of the vrorthie,
but I am to stand for him 11
O^i., V, ii, 56 (F): "Thou art to dye"
£2, IV, i, 322 (F); "The Woes to come, the Cln,_dren yet
unborne,/ Shall v'eele this^da; -^3
sharps to them as Thorns. :j
Cvn. t J f iv, 23-24 (F) : "But how cones it, he is to splu^e
with you?" Jf
b) Cider use: •
Cor., V, vi, 74 (F): "You are to know,/ That prosperously I •m

nave attempted, an.d/ With bloody

passage le^ your l.'arres, even to/ fJni
gates jf Hoiue" ( = you nust ki'. r.T.r )
Cor. t II, iii, 45 (F): "we are not to stay altogether"
( = we must not stay)
II, iii, 47 (F): "He's to make his requests by
particulars" ( = he wl7-:. have to make)
Otji., III, iii, 218 (P): "I am to pray you, not to straine
my speech/ To grosser issues, nor
..* '. * to larger reach,/ Then to Suspition"
( = I must Dray)
JOT, ...±, v, 218 (P): "I am to hull here a little longer"
(a I must hull)
Cym.•, II, iv, 52 (P) s "I grant/ We were to question farther"
{ as we should have to question)
WT, III, iii, 85 (P): "I am not to say it is a Sea, for it
*.-v- * iB now the skie" ( » I must not say)
MED, I?, ii, 29 (P and Q^) 2 "I am to discourse wonders"
HND, T, i, 153 (P) s "I wonder if the Lion be to speake."
TGV, III, 1, 59 (P)s "I am to breake with thee of some
affaires/ That touch me neere" .
- I, i, 5 (P and Q.):
i "whereof it is "borne,/ I am to learne"
Ant., I, ii, 34 (P): "You have seene and proved a fairer
former fortune, then that which is to
approach." "
Cym«» III, v, 15 (P)s "the Event/ Is yet to name the winner"
WT, III, iii, 125 (P): "If the sinnes of your youth are
forgiven you, you£re well to live"
WT, XI, 1, ,197 (P): "Come follow us,/We are to speake in "{
publique" *
TGV, II, iii, 37 (P): "thou art to post after with oares"
Wiv., IV, ii, 128 (P): "you are not to goe loose any longer"
AYI. Ill, ii, 427-428 (P); "Hee was to imagine me his Love 11
e) Passive:
WT, IV, iv, 821 (P): "whose miseries are to be smil'd at" .
•W, I, v, 152--154 (P)s. Malvolio; "V/hat is to be said to
him *
Ladie, hee's fortified
against any deniall."
Olivia: "Tell him, he shall not
speake with me. H
Ado. IV,. i, 96-97 (P): "they are not to be named my Lord,/
Hot to be spoken of"
w they are not to be r-Tned my lord,/
Hot to be spoke of"
- 192 -
Ado, IV, ii, 7 (F): "which are the offenders -chat are to ^
Ado, I, iii, 76 (P and Q-): "shall we go(e) prove v/hats -co
*—" » ' >
be done?"
Ado, III, v, 43 (P and Q 1 ): "God is to be(e) worshipt"
;/!?, 17, iv, 712 (P): "your flesh and blood is not; to be
punish f d by him"
V/T, V, ii, 48 (P) : "which \vas to bee seene"
A'..^/, HI, vi, 54 (P): "That, was not to be blam'd'1
AV.'vr, III, vi, 60 (P): "it is not to be recovered"
AVT,7, III, vi, 63 (P): "It is to be recovered"
Har.., V, i, 1 (P and Qp): "Is she(e) to be(a) buried in
Christian buriall"

2£VD., II, ii, 94-96 (P): "his forward voyce now .is to speake
well of his friend; his backward
voice, is to utter foule speeches,
and to detract"
Jg, 1, iii, 40 (P): "This disturbed Skie is no'G to walke in"
Ilo-oe 1. Be sometimes cxp^os&£~ the idea of continuous
Oth., V, i, 81 (P): I3 I am sorry to finde you thus;/ I have
leene t:o seeke you."
AYL, II, v, 34-35 (P): Aliens: "he hath bin all this day -jo
looke you«"
Jacques: "And I have bin all this d^y
to avoid him"
A'.7,v, II, i, 9f (P): "He fit you,/ An-, not be all day neither"
Uote 2. Shakespeare U-QS bja as a principal verb to indicate
existence (examples under a,), belonging (examples under - b)),
ana topicality (examples under c)), the last chiefly in the
formula were it not that and in being used as ^ coii^unc *io:i.
Art•, I, iii, 67 (P): "The purposes I beare: which are, or
cease,/ As you shall give th : advice"
So:;, LIX, 1-2 (1609): "that which is,/ Hath w*^e before-1
- 193 -
Cyn* , I, iv, 82 (F) : "the most pretious Diamond that is

, I, i, 68 (F) : "To thine and Albanies issues/ Be this

H8, III, ii, 186-190 (F) : "your Hand, and Heart. .. Should. .«
be more/ To me your Friend, then
any "
Ham*, II, ii, 124 (F) : "whilst this Machine is to him"

Shr» t III, ii, HO (F) : "V/ere it not: that my fellow

schoolemaster/ Doth watch Bianca ! s
steps so narrowly"
Ham., II, ii, 262 (F) : "were it not. that I haYe bad dreames"
- 194 -
§ ic/> Hath, 3rd P. ding., is quite common alongside hp.s (i-t
occurs 16 times in Hamlet, Act I), even in texts where,
apart from doth, the "~th fl form is extremely rare: for
example it occurs 28 times in'the first two acts of The
Merry V/ives of Windsor. Very often both forms are used
together quite indiscriminately* Hath is used with a plural
function several F.'.'i?:
times in the older Quartos and more
frequently in thei^ Folios - see also the section on Congruence.
Y/iv., III, ii, 30 (P): "Has Page any braines? Hath he any
eies? Hath he any thinking?"
V/iv., I, iii, 58 (P): "the report goes, she has all the
, rule of her husbands Purse: he hath
a legend of Angels"
"the report goes, she liath all*;. the
rule/ Of her husbands yarse.**S1.3
hath legians of angels-
Has appears frequently in the/Quartos of Othello and is
replaced in the^f Folio by hath.
MffD, II, i, 91 (P): "Therefore the V.indes, piping to us in
vaine,/ As in revenge, have suck'd up
from, the sea/ Contagious fogges: \7hicii
falling in the Land,/ Hath everie
petty River made so proud"
TTf.v., I, i, 14 (F): "All his successors (gone before hin)
hath don't"
:.:ac•, III, i, 110 (P): "Whom the vile Blowes and Bufiets
of the World/ Hath ~o ir.cens'd"
L'r,co, IV, iii, 113 (P) s "TLase Evils thou repeal' ^^ upon
thy selfe,/ Hath banisli'd ne fix^i
Scotland 1-
Err., V, i, 86 (P): "thy iealous fits/ Hath scar f cl thy
husband from the use of wits"
Kote. The spelling ha's for suggests the existence of a
shortened form ha (h^ 1 ), and in fact this occurs quite often,
- 195 -
especially in the/ Quarto^ of Othello; on the other Jaand £
instead of h?.ve is much rarer ^
JC, I, iii, 19 (]?) : "I ha f not since put up my Sword"
A'./ , V, ii, 40 (F): "you shall ha't"
3hr. , V, ii, 181 (r) : "thou shalt ha f t" (Rhyme: Kate)
(see A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon,
p. 517),
Mo, III, v, 55 (F); "our watch... have tane a couple of as
arrant knaves as any in Messina"
i ' "our watch... ha tane a couple / - of as
arrant knaves as any in Messina 11
Ham., IV, v f 199 (P): "Gramercy on his Soule" ,.^-r-^
(Q«;) : "God a mercy on his Soule"
m 9 IT, vii, 7 (P): "the Cowardly Rascalls. . .ha 1 done this
slaughter •
(Q-): "the cowerdly rascals. . .have done this
Oth,. I, iii, 409 (P) : "I have't 11

Oth,, II, iii, 115 (P): "Let's have no more of this"

vQ-j ) • L?.bs ko, \o more. ^F B\ii
i^. , I, iv, 114 (P}i "this fellow ha's banish'd two on's
(Q^): "this fellow hath banisht two on f s
JELL. V, ii, 17 (P): "s^-a might
-;•„ (P and Q|): "she might a bin a G-ran
she _
- 196 -
§108 Have and the prepositional infinitive as commonly use-u today
•is comparatively rare in Shakespeare (examples under a))o •I'liis
construction derives from the use of the principal verb hrve. -
with to and the gerund (examples under b)), so that I have to
pay originally meant 'I have, something to pay 1 . In this way
it. was possible to express also an obligation or duty* Gf.
P. T. Yisser, Syntpx. §§ 1398. 1408.

Jn., II, i, 183 (P); "I have but this to say 1*

2H6, V, iii, 1? (p) : "God knowes how long it is I have to live"

T7iv B , II, i, 38 (P) : "I have to show to the contrary"

AYL, II, iv, 93 (P): "thou shalt have to pay for it of us"
Jn., IV, i, 8 (P) : "I have to say witL you"
JOT, II, ill', 237 (P): "thou hast to pull at a smacke"
Note. The expression have a4; you (have at thee), formerly very
common and found as early as M.E., usually with the meaning
'take care, be warned 1., originally had the sense of r it (the
"blow, attack) is intended for you. 1 . *'-
BB, III, ii, 309 (P): "Have at you"
Rom., V, iii, 70 (I?): "\7ilt thou provoke neV Then have iJj
thee Boy"
2H5, II, iii, 92 (P)i "Pe'cer have at. thee with a dovme-right
blow" 'f
- 197 -
§ '"7 Have in conjunction v/ith an object follov/ed by a Past part­
iciple v:hose content is occasioned, willed, v;is>ed, or i~-"cndcc
by the subject, and which when combined v/ith a verb of willing;
wishing, or being able has Vie meaning nf f to arrange for, soo
to, make 1 , was very common in the spoken language of the 15"ill
and 16th centuries (I'll have the cudgel hallowed), cf. P. 2,
Visser, English Studies, XXVI (1944-5), 23. If have has the
sense of 'receive 1 (I had five shillings, given ns), ^lion the
character of the participle, which in w.E. could be inflected,
can. be recognized very clearly. Thus the participle is a
predicative definition of the object. The particular near-ing-
of the verb have depends on whether the participle following
the object indicates an action already finished in the past or
whether itsn completion, is sou^nt only in the present or '
future. The construction in the passive sense is now <*. useful
equivalent to O.E. we or/; an; "I hud five shillings given me.'J.
The rival construction: "I was given a gold watch 14 (cf« § -632)
wac, formerly far less common than it is today.
2H_, V, iv, 2 (P): "I would I L.ight dy, that Z ^-jlit have
thee l.ang'd"
014, v t ~v » 21 (P): W I will have you as soundly sv/indg'd
for this"
F£, II, ii ; 58-60 (?): "Though Cambridge, Scroope, and Gray
...Wold.; have Lim pi._.ish'd"
UV, IV,* i, 46 (P): "to &±\'~ ten thousand Ducates/ To have
it cai^'d?"
, IV, ii, 216 (p;: "lie have the cudgell hallow : i, and
hung ore the Altar-*
__ , IV, ii, 235 (P): "He warrant, -L.ey'l hcive him
pu^liquely sl'-an'd"
\!±v. , V, v, 38 (P): "I thinke the divell wil not have
damn f d"
1E4. t I, iii, 233 (P)- "I would have poy^on'd hin with, a ^
of Ale"
Lr., 1, v, 46 (P): "II f d have tliee beaten for being oli
before thy tine 11
- 198 -

: $:
Wiv., II. ii, 73 (P): "I had my selfe twentie Angels giver.
' .

me this morning"
Lr», I, iv, 236 (?): "the Hedge-Sparrow fed the Cuckoo so
- long, that it's had it head hit off
;s " :- m by it young" . t
Note. Get, which is now very common in speech as a causative
verb, is also found with this function in. Shakespeare, but it
is not nearly so developed in other us§s as it is now (cf. A*
Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon under .get)'»
, Shr., I,, ii, 38 (P): "I...could not get him for my heart to
do it"
Lr., III, vii,, 103 (Q1 ): "get the bedlom/ To lead him where
he would"
- 199 -
§ Ho The ?res* Sing, forms of do are: 1st Pers. do, 2nd Pers.
dost, doest (both forms are equally common), 3rd Pers. does
(do's), doth. This last form is quite common; for example, it
occurs three times in the first two acts of The Merry Wives
of Windsor and seven times in the first act of Hamlet. Doth
is also used in the plural (as well as do) ; in this role it
is especially common in the^Polio$, see also the section on
Congruence. Diddest (two. syllables) occurs once as the 2nd
S'*4. i H±J-. . "QT*' "/ S'Trfr))
Pers. Imperf./, elsewhere the form didst is used, see A. Schmidt,
Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 323*
Oth,, III, iii, 117 (P): "I thinke thou do f st"

Lr. , IV, vi, 138 (P): "Do'st thou know me?"

Lr. , IT, i, 72 (P) : "Because he do's not feele"
(Q-): "Because he does not feele"
Lr . , II 4 ii t 97 (P): "No more perchance do's mine"
(Q-): "No more perchance does mine"
Rom. , IV, v, 128 (P and Qo) : "^hen griping griefes tlie
h(e)art doth wound 11
MV, III, ii, 33 (P) : "Where men enforced doth sgeake any­
(Q! ) • "where men enforced doe BEpeake any
2H6, I, ii, 22 (P): "My troublous dreames this night, doth
make me sad"
0or. , III, iii, 99 (P): "the Ministers/ That doth distribute

Cor,, V, vi, 78 (P) : "Our spoiles we have brougnt home/

Doth more then counterpoize a full
third part/ The charges of the Action'1
Jn. , V, ii, 42 (P) : "great affections wrastling in thy
bo some/ Doth make an earth- quake of
- 200 -
Periphrastic do
§111 , v*Dhe most important difference in the use of periphrastic do
between the language of Shakespeare and modern English
- iiTits use in affirmative statements. Cf. F. T. Visser,
Symtax. §§,.1.419-20.
- 201 -
§ "2- Ito is use4! in. Shakespeare, as it still is, for emphasis ana
is therefore very common in antithesis. It is doubtful., :
however, whether such common expressions as I do assure :
(protest^ entreat. beseech) are always used in Elizabethan
English for emphasis, since these verbs are already emphatic
ini themselves (examples under a))» In. the same way that do
emphasizes a statement it can. also be used to express the
intensity of an emotion* (examples under b))> It often occurs
in. formal and official speech and gives it dignity and emphasis*
Apart from this Shakespeare uses periphrastic do not only to
affirm something as a fact, as it is still used today, but
also to aver that, something unlikely, unnatural, or scarcely
believable really did happen (ghosts did shriek about the '•
streets). or to depict: vividly a dreamed experience (examples
under c)), though occasionally in. the examples•^
given below it
is used for reasons of rhythm or metre. Of, KarIL Brunner,
Die englische Sprache, II, 327-8.
a) Emphasis of statement:
.Wiy I, ii, 446 (P)s "I doe beleeve thee" .
E8, III, ii, 60 (P): "I do assure you,/ The King- cry^le Ha f
, at this"
t.Honu, III, i, 71 (P): "I dio protest I never iniur'di thee 11
JO. Ill, ii, 65 (P): "I do intreat you, not a man. depart"
H^, III, v, 65 (P): M I doe beseech your Maies^tio 11
AYL, III, iv, 24-27 (P) 5 M I thinke he is not: a picke purse,
nor a horse-stealer, but for Ms
, verity in love, I doe thinke him
k as concave as a covered goblet,
or a Worme-eaten. nut"
t Ip v, 35-40 (P); "It's given out, that sleeping in
- ^ mine Orchard,/ A Serpent stung me
«i ,But know thou Hoble youth,/ Th©
, Serpent that did sting thy Pat.hers
• " • * life,/ How weares his Crowne" v
(did sting indicates here the contrast betwt^ii the truth
and, false rumour) ^
-v 202 -
Jlspeeially foroia.'l:
Err.., IV, i, 78 (P}s "I do arrest you sir"
H£, II, ii,. 76-77 (P) s "I do confesse my fault,/ And do
submit me to your Highnesse mercy1*
R2, III, ii, 6- (P)s "Doere Earth, I doe salute thee with my
hand" 'K
s »>•

b) Intensity of emotions
Earn*, III, iv, 173 (P): "Por this same Lord,/ I do repent*1
2H4, II, ii, 138 (Q 1 ): "I say to you I do desire deliverance
from these officers, being upon hasty
imployment in the Kings affayres"
f P) J "I say to you, I desire deliv'rance
from these Officers being, upon hasty
employment; in the Kings Affaires"
Tit,, V", iii, ISO (f); "If one gooi Deed in all my life I
:s « did,/ I do repent; it from my very
'•^ - ' ' Soule" ' "> „ '
Pact, reali-tys
Hao», V, v, 47 (P): "If this which he avouches, do's
appeare,/ There is nor flying hence,
: nor tarrying here"
JO. II, ii, 23-24 (P): "Horsses do neigh, and dying men did
i; ^
. grone,/ Andl Ghosts did shrieke and

, squeale about the streets 11

JjO, II, iir 76-79 (li): "She dreampt to night, she saw my
Statue,/ Which like a Pountaine,
with an hundred spouts/ Did run
, pure blood: and many lusty Romans/
. Came smiling, & did. bathe their
- -. hands in it"
III,, iv, 84-86 (P): "Stanley did dreaiLC, the Bore did
rowse our Helmes,/ And I did scorne
it, and disdaine to flye:/ 1'hree
times to day my Poot-Cloth-Horse
did stumble"
, (in the last instance did indicates a fact)
" *• " .-203 -
JTote. 3?&9 expreasion I have done *I nave finisliocL1 is found
in Shakespeare (HS^V, iii f 86
5 * 13 Po referring back to a preceding verb in order to avoid
repetition is as common in Shakespeare as in modern English
(examples under a))» Do can be used as an affirmative answer,
corresponding to the present-day use, whether it occurs alone
or is accompanied by an adverb; now, however, inversion does
not take place after the latter (examples under b)). Of.
P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§182-4, 197-9*
Vicarious do a) • ' '
, III, ii, 167 (PK~* and Q t ): "Yfhom I do(e) love, and
' - will do to my death"
tIH» v, 50 (P): "Rush on his Hoast, as doth the melted
Snow/ Upon the Valleyes"
, IV, i, 106-107 (P): "the Violet smells to him, as i.t:
doth to me"
Rom*. II, ii, 19-20 (P): "The brightnesse of her cheeke
would, shame those star res,/ As
. .— day-light doth a Lampe"
TGV, II, vi, 17 (P): "I cannot leave to love; and yet I doe"
AYL, III, ii, 243-244 (P):."Looks he as freshly,. as he did
••a. «r
• ..^ ant, , :•!. the day he Wrastled?" . $
. I, i, 221 (P): "Or felt that paine which. I did: for him
.*•» once"
Wg, II, iii, 48 (P): "Unlesse he take the course as you
have done"
,0th,.,, I, i, 155 (P)j "Though I do bate him as I d^ hell
Us r-^"
II, v, 143 (P)s "A should follow, but 0 does" -
fc) la reply:
Mac.-* > III, vi, 40 (P) s Bennoxs "Sen,t he to Macduffe?"
Lord: "He did"
1H£, II, iv, 353 (P)s Barclolph.zXIIt doe you behold, these
; . Exhalations?"
x Prince: "I doe"
Wiv vl If ivf 32 (P): Mistress Quicklyr^ "do's he not hold
up his head (as it were?) and strut
in his gate?"
- 205 -
Simple: "Yes indeede do's he"
iii, 25 (?):.Audrey: "Do you wish then that the
Gods had made me Poeticall?"
Touchstone: "J do truly 11
TOY, I f 4, 78 (P); Speed: "You conclude that my Master Is a
Shepheard then., and I Sheepe?"
L: ; „. . f Proteus: i; I doe"
Note 1. Do is used with a pronoun, at the end of an affirmative
statement to repeat the preceding verbal idea and emphasize
it more strongly. 3*» I. Visser, Syntax, § 201 is mistaken in.
supposing that this construction is not found before the 18th
MND, II, ii, 129 (F)s "you dp me wrong (good-sooth you do} 11
MI), III, ii, 251 (P and Qj): "Helen, I love thee, by my
life I doe"
Hote 2.. Dp^ referring back to the idea contained in the predicate
of an affirmative statement sometimes has an. ironic sense ,
when used interrogatively with a pronoun.* When, usecl in this
way it often indicates amusement, surprise, disbelief, ; |
astonishment, irony, sarcasm, irritation* Cf* P» S* Visser,
Syntaz, § 203*
Wiv*-, III, iii, 216 (F): "You use me well, H. I'ord? Do you?"
, Wiv. , WIY, ii, 158 (P)": "I suspect without cause (LiLstris)
do I?" „
MITD, III, i, 120 (P)s "Wiiat do you see? You see an Asse-head
of your owne, do you?"
1E4t H> ii* 97 (F): "you are GraniL lurers, are ye?"
- 206 -
'/ Z.-3
§ l)*f Leaving aside -tiie cases mentioned above (§§ ~^95v-596-) , do
is found in. affirmative statements where it seems -uo serve
n.o purpose other than possibly one of rhythm: the periphrastic
form is now regarded as fully equivalent to the non -periphrastic
(I do see = l)see)« This apparently parasitic use of dp ?;as
still common at the beginning of the 17th century but died
out im-• • prose
- •>• i-in the 18th century and is quite unknown, in.
pre seat-day conversational speech, though it survives as an:
archaism, in, liturgical and legal language and is also still
found! in. South-Western dialects (see OED under do B. 25}*
Generally speaking it is not so common in the colloquial
speech of the 16th and 17th centuries as in the literary
language (H. Dietze, *Daa urns chrei bend e ^o* in der neuenglischen
Prosa*. Diss. (Jena, 1895), p. 21). Altogether there are 21
examples^ of periphrastic do in affirmative statements in i
the prose of The Merry Wives of Windsor and in Much Ado About.
Nothing, I and II (E. Dietze, p» 29); the total in As You
Like It, III, i~iv is 4. In a number of these cases do haa
an. emphatic effect, but they have not been excluded from
consideration since this could only have been, dons on the
. basis of modern feel&ng for the language so that there would
still be no explanation, of the remaining; cases* Only prose
has been taken into account in this enumeration, si]«ce in
rhythmical, language the periphrastic form ^s often used to
fill out the verse or to solve problems of rhythm (examples
under a)). This is shown, by the fact that periphrastic do
occurs far more often in verse than, in prose, but ±n the C
individual plays vary greatly in the frequency of its use
, . times^. ^in The Two Gentlemen
- _ _. . of Verona, together
„ witii .2 ^
appearances in a prose passage; 20 times in verse in *
A Midsummer Night's Dream, II) . In addition to this there are
many cases, where the non-periphrastic and periplirastic foimo
occur side by side (examples under b)) without tliere being
any justification for the latter other than, the resj,uiremen.ts
of the metre.
- 207 ~
Do on metrical grounds: a)
r-'D, III, ii, 16 (F and Q 1 ): "Y/hen I did him at this
advantage take"
Jn., II, i, 120 (F): "Y/ho is it thou dost call usurper
rlO, III, ii, 184 (x) s "Why should he stay whom Love doth
presse to go?"
IIV, II, iii, 3 (F): "thou a merrie divell/ Did'st rob it
of sosc taste of tediousnesse"
I!y> II, vii, 60 (F): "Here doe I choose, and thrive I as X
Eartu, II, ii, 50 (F): "Oh speake of that, that I do long
to heare"
(Q2 ) : "0 speake of that, that doe I long
to heare"
b) 21iG periphrastic and non-periphrastic forms occur side by cido:
LLL, II, it 11-12 (I? and Q^): "When she did starve the
generall world beside,/ And
prodigally gave then all to you 11
LLL, II, i, to-71 (? and Q.); "Poj- every obiect that the one
doth catch,/ The other turnes
to a mirth-mo(o)ving iest"
H5, II, ii, 96-97 (F): "Thou that didst beare.the key of
all my counsailes,/ That knew'st
the very bottome of my soule"
H5, I, ii, 62 C?): "Charle.. the Great/ Subdu'd the Saxons,
and did seat the French/ Beyond the
Hiver Sala"
iJo stressed in verse:
miD, III, ii, 179-180 (F): "Wherein it doth iinpaire the r^
seeing sense,/ It paies the
hearing double recoinpence"'
ITV, II,' vi, 8-11 (F and Q^): !l ^no riseth. fron a feast/\7ith.
*— 't i
that keene appetite that iio
sits dov/ne?/ V/here is 'ihe
horse that doth untread
- 208 -
, ,; - againe/ His tedious measures"
Note. H. Bradley -{The Making: of English (1904), p. 70) draws
attention to the use of do on. rhythmical grounds in prose. He
refers to the Bible of 1611 (Luke, ix, 17): "And they did eate,
and were all filled"*
..-- 209 -
' Thisuse
"*•'.'' • »£* in
•' .'.,,,.Early Hew English of periphrastic
' do in an
affirmative statement does not have any parallel in Old
-JE« t - •• I ; " *' ' .- •»;. .V. ,V . . ... ' ' -

English and is still uncommon even in Chaucer. The modern,

language tolerates such periphrasis only in connection with
an adverb or adverbial expression, otherwise it has been
abandoned except in cases where it takes the principal stress,
Thus this usage had real life and significance only in the
15th. to 17t&. centuries. It obviously served quite definite
purposes, and when these were achieved it was no longer used
ia affirmative statements. These purposes corresponded with
the necid. for a change in the word-order of the clause. In
the 15th to 17th centuries the chief concern was the position
of the adverb and* the need when there is no personal
indirect object the direct object (when this is a
t&ing.) as close as possible to the predicative verb. The use
of periphrastic do brings the adverb of negation to the
position^originally occupied by the particle of negation, in
front of the verb (he ne geseah = he saw not>« which was
necessary simply because, if it; follows the verb and there
is a following object, it can be interpreted, in certain.
circumstances as ast a word negation rather than a clause
negation, so that there is a danger of misunderstanding. 2he
change from he not the star to he did not see the star
is therefore connected with the attempt, to find a place for
the adverb (or adverbial expression) in f::ont of the
predicative verb if it is to the latter that it refers. Do
assists this end and is therefore often combined particularly
with adverbs before 'the verb in cases where it now seems to
be superfluous. There are instructive examples of this
phenomenon in Shakespeare's prose.
3DTf ii, 54 (P) s "he doth, oftner aske f orgivenesse"
Ir». I, 1, 3 (P)s "It did alwayes seeme so to us"
-210 -
§ Jit ^Periphrastic do is of tea foundl in an affirmative relative
<*•! •' -" ',' or in a clause that substantiates a statement where
something that is true and generally recognized- as such, and
which is therefore accepted as obvious by both author ana
reader (or listener), is added to what has previously been
stated: "For he that knowetk what; is straight, doth even
thereby discerne what is crooked" (Richard. Hooker, Of the
Lawes of Beci.eaiasticall Politie, I, viii). Quite often do
represents an emotional relationship between the speaker (or
author) and the listener (or reader). Frequently it merely
indicates the emotional tone of the speech. The general idea
behind ±± it- is simply 'in fact 1 : "we were come into a Land
of Angelles, which did appeare to us dayly" (Francis Bacon,
The New Atlantis). There can be no doubt that very often in
Elizabethan prose do Was just another a rather weak means of
expressing emotion; hence it is that it is now generally
obsolete in this function except when it takes the principal
stress in the clause* Cf» Karl. Brunner, Die englische Sprache,
II, 323-4 and 327-8*
- 211 -
A' gftressed ' doT "in connection with an affirmative imperative
'%"''*•'•- 1• JtoMkM*

w|ts formerly used, as iV still is, to emphasize a request,

warning, or order; toaay i:f the imperative expresses a
command', theii 'a pronotui Usually precedes the verbal idea:
'••*•!'•- -'"",;-.-'' . . ..

do you go at once ! (see "OBD under do 30a)* Cf* F. T. Visser,

'.• Syntax. §$ 1427, 1430.
V" , ii , 1 35 (F) : "Give me your answer , y faith doe "
V, li,' 144 (FT: "Give me the Lye: doe"
'Vy.V, 73 (P): "sweet Clarence do thou do it"
1H4, II, iv, 32 (F and Q-): "doe thou stand (e) in some
' •*-• ^ * f. f - .*• * v
. '
M a¥ '• K
1H4, II, iv, 34-35 (F) : "do never leave calling Francis 11
~ " * " v (Q 1 ): "do thou never leave calling Frances" f st" liij

Gym., I, v, 48 (F) : "Do thou worke"

• ' l • *' H " -fl '&•&" ft'Jf -' • **• '" '"" • • '" '- ••- "-*-1' '» - •-,!-''*- . • ., -
?.+ ••*** *

H8, • V pilly 84 (il1): Gardiner; "I shall remember this "bold

' *J-*, J

language . "
•. Cromwell: "Doe*/ Remember your boia
life too"
Mote. In Shakespeare the imperative dp^ also occurs alone in
the sense of f go on! 1 , but this is now obsolete,
JroV, II, "i, 58 (F and Q 1 ) : "do rudenes(se), do Camel(l),

i i, 239 (F) : "Doe, doe; we steale by lyne levell"

- 212 -
Iff file present position as regards the frequency of use of the
periphrastic form in negative statements v;as reached about
1700, at least as far as conversational speech is concerned*
In Shakespeare the non-periphrastic form still predominates,
the proportions being suggested by the fact that in The Merry
\vives of Windsor and Much Ado Abou^j Nothing, I and II there
are 2? non-periphrastic and 13 periphrastic forms (E. Dietze,
uraoohroibondo rdo ) in dor nouonglioohon Prosa^ -Piss*
(•Jona, 1895), p. 43). In As You Like It, III, i-iv (prose)
there are 5 non-periphrastic and 3 periphrastic cases.
Contracted forms like don't for do not, which are now used
exclusively in conversational speech, are not found in.
Shakespeare's text, though he slurs over not with do , can,
jE?.y y see G. Kbnig, •Dcy-Vopo in Shako op oar OB Dram on (Quollon
(Stra3burg-r-1888)^ p. 39, and H. Kdkeritz,
- ' PronunoiatiOBp, p« 280. Certain individual
verbs resist the use of the periphrastic form very strongly,
especially care, Know, doubt, mistake. Cf. Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprache, II, 331-3j F T \r ,js<r $Wȣ, ^ \m%, M'.
AYL, III, iv, 17 (?): "a Nun of winters sisterhood kisses
not more religiouslie"
AYL, III, ii, 351 (F): "they perceive not how time moves"
AYL, III, ii, 50 (F): "you salute not at the Court"
AYL, III, ii, 282 (P): "I do not like her name"
AYL, III, iv, 3 (?): "teares do not become a man"
I-IV, III, iii, 36 (P and Q^: "and then I care not"
1H4, II, ii, 12 (P): "that Rascall ha-ili removed my Horse,
and tied him I knowe not where"
AM>, II, i, 42 (F): "I know not"
JC, III, ii, 24C (P): "you go to do you ^oiow not what"
TIT, II, iii, 185 (?) : "I doubt not"
1H4i V, iv, 59 (F^and Q^): "If I mistake not, thou art
Harry Konmoutli"
- 213 -
R2, V, iii, 129 (E and Q-j- "I do ^ot s^e to stand" f
AWW. Ill, vi, 30-32 (F): "if he do not*.. offer to betray you"
Tit., II, ii, 25 '(P and Q 1 ) : "we hunt not"
R3t III, i, 14 (P): "Your Grace. , .look 1 d not on the poyson
of their hearts"
Ado, V, i, 176 (i1 ); "she wept heartily, and said shee car'd

Ado, V, i, 284 (P and Q t ): "yet sinn(»)d I not"

Tff, III, iv, 242 (P): "I knowe not"
Tim., Ill, v, 112 (P): "It comes not ills I hate not to be
Gym., V, i, 6 (]?)s "Every good Servant do's not all Commands"
" - 214 - take
§ 111 In Shakespeare negative questions usually I:-.r.K?i- the peri­
phrastic form (do I not dwindle?)• In. Twelfth Nig3rfc only the
periphrastic forms of the Present and Preterite are used, and
in The Merry Wives off Windsor there is only one non-periphrastic
form out; of a total of seven* In. affirmative questions
requiring an answer connected^ v.ith the content, of the clause
th« periphrastic form is much commoner than the non-periphrastic
(did he ask for met); in Twelfth Night the proportion is
12:2, and ia Aa You Like It. Ill, i-iv (prose) 13:3* On, the
other hand if the question, is introduced! by a specific
in.tBrroga.tive, and if an answer relating to this is expected,
then, the .non-periphrastic form is preferred, (wliat said; he?
where dwellest thou?) • la. twelfth Night there
are only 2 •?

periphrastic forms out of 14f and! in. As You Like It. Ill,
i-iv (prose) only 3 out; of 16; see here E. Dietze,

1B95)» p. 51 f. The most, common non-periphrastic forms in

affirmative questions are associated with the verbs say,
think, mean, come, go, stand, fare. Of* Karl Brunner, MLe
englische Sprache, II, 329-3315 FTT. V.-uer SH^OO^ &£/45~b-6^f
"* / W * ™" "'—*-~™.J *J -*b * *

Note. The formula of greeting; how do you? (how dost thou?)

is found in. Shakespeare.
TN, III, iv, 106 (P): "How do you Malvolio?"
Ham*, IV, yf 40 (P): "How do gsm. ye, pretty Lady? 11
(Q2 ): "How ,doe you pretty Lady?"
TN, V.*. i, 11 (P): "how doest thou my good Pellow?"
Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 333•
~ 215 -
I 120 It seems that periphrastic do was normal In negative
commands even before 1700 (H. Dietz:e, p. 66) and it occurs
sporadically as early as the 14th century (F. T* Visser,
Syntax, §§1446, 1447a); but in Shakespeare the non-periphrastic
form still predominates. In The Merry Wives of Windsor and
Much Ado- About Nothing there are 4 cases with and 6 without,
periphrasis. • '
TOY, II, ii, 13 (F): "answere not*
MND, II, i, 188 (F and.Q^): "pursue me not"
MND. II, ij 211 (F end Q 1 ): "Tempt not(,) too much(,) the
hatred of my spirit"
Tit., I, i, 116 (F): "staine not thy Tombe with blood"
R2, II, i, 135 (F): "Live in thy shame, but dye not shame
: with thee" .• .. '
Hj>, IV, i, 56 (F): "Doe not you weare your Dagger in your
,, - - *,- fe Cappe that day" " ' *
•'. H5« IV, iii, 30-33 (F): "wish not a man from England., .doe
- , • •* »- not wish one more"
Kote. Negative commands and exhortations with be. are first
fouiid in the 16th century. The construction without do
dropped into disuse after the end of the 17th century. Cf".
F. T. Visser, Syntax, § 1447b.
Gym.-, V, iv,-134 (F): "Be not, as is our fangled world, a
Garment/ Nobler then that it covers"
'MUD, III, ii, 306 (F and Q-): "Good Hermia, do not be so
v , ', : . ^. • bitter with me(e)" "
Ant.. II, vi, 32 (F): "Which do not be entreated too"
,« 216 -
§ J2-T Can Is sometimes used -by Shakespeare as a modal verb
equivalent- to may, as well as ite in its nodern sense of 'to
b« able, capable 1 (he can read* he can write). Sometimes it
merely indicates the absence of prohibitive circumstances;
it is still often used in this way: you can have this,
Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II f 319~20j F-.
Tmp » • III, i, 92 (P): M So glad of this as they I cannot £o"
Trap . t I, ii, 33 (p) ; "Canst; thou reiicnber/ A time before
. , we came unto this Ce3JL? ft
TGV, V, iv, i (P): "Here can I sit alone, un-seene of any"
Ven«, 79 (I593)s "Looke how he can, she cannot; chuse but
: "love", t > . •
Note I » As well as being an auxiliary verb, can also appears in
Shakespeare as a principal verb with the meaning f to be able,
to have aptituie*. It is now obsolete in this sense, Cf. Karl
Brunner, Pie englische Sprache, II, 319-20.
Tmp., IV, i t 27 (F): "the strongst suggestion,/ Our worker

Genius can"
Lr« , IV, iv, 8 (P) : "What can mans wise dome/ In the
restoring his bereaved Sense"
TGV, II, iv, 165 (J?)s "all I can is nothing,/ To her,
whose worth, make other worthies
nothing" .
Ham*, IV, vii, 85 (Q2) : ""they can well on horsebacke"-
(P) s "they ram well on. liorsebacke"
vr "
C^uxo cj>tc U (L {i/Je. Ik 1 '
- an -
§ 122 In Shakespeare may (Pret. might, mought) still retains its
original meaning f to be able, to be capable 1 , even in the
indicative (examples under a)); in this sense, it- was
subsequently replaced by can, be able. It is also connected
with can in its modern use to express the limit of a ;
^possibility (examples under b)). Cf, Karl Brunner, Die
englische Sprache, II, 319; Abbott, §§ 309, 312; P. T,. Visser,
Syntax. §§ 1653-5. : i
. *
' : *

a) ' , '
MND, V, i, 2 (P): "I never may beleeve/ These anticke
fables, nor these Fairy toyes" .
R£, III, i, 187 (P): ''Buckingham; "Good Catesby, goe effect
this businesse soundly. 11
Catesby: "My good Lords both, with
all the heed I can." i
(Q-): Buckingham: "Good Catesby effect
* * this busines soundly." -
Catesby: "My good Lo: both, with all
the heede I may." • ~.
HV, I, iii, 7 (P and. Q 1 ): "lay you sted me?£ . ' *
Oth., II, iii, 236 (P): "Which till to night/ I nere might
, ' » say
before" ,.;,•

MD, II 9 i, 161 (P and Q.):J"I might, see young Cupids fiery

f. shaft/ Quencht in the chast(e)
: beames of the watry Moone"
Jn., II, i, 325 (P): "Heralds, from off our towres we might
behold/ Prom first to last, the on-se£
and re tyre/ Of both your Armies 11
Err., IV, ii, 2 (P): "Might f st thou perc'j\§ve austeerely in
his eie,/ That he did plead in
earnest, yea or no"
2H6, Y, ii, 45 (P): "Which sounded like a Cannon in a"
Vault,/ That mought not be distinguisht"
LLli, ?, ii, 341 (P) s "Construe my speeches better, if you
. ••* may. 11
III, iv, 2 (P): "Might you not know she would do, as
she has done"
- 218 -
ILL, I, i, 61 (P and Qi): "to study where I well may dine*/
' - i When I to fast expressely am
forbid" , "
Cjrffl., Ill, ii, 52-54 (F): "If one of meane affaires/ I^Iay
plod it in a weeke, why may not
- * * "I/ Glide thither in a day?"
LLL, V, ii, 92 (?): "When lo to interrupt my purpos f d rest,/
• , Toward that shade I might behold addrest,/
The King and his companions"
b) Possibility: • ** '
,--.Jn., V,. iv, 21 (F): "May this be possible? May this be true?11
Shr., III, ii, 32 (F): "Is it new and olde too? how may that
be?" *
- H£, II, ii, 100-102 (F): "May it be possible, that forraigne
hyer/ Could out of thee extract ^
one sparke of evill/ That might *
annoy my finder?"
" Shr., I, i, 198 (F): "May it be done?"
MV, II, ii f 113 (F): "You may tell everie finger I have
with my ribs"
- 219 ~
§ 123 Although may can still be used to express a possibility or
permission dependent on the will o( another, as well as
possibility in general (may I go out? you may; it may happen) .
it is now used less frequently than formerly with a negative
to show that permission is withheld. I may not has been.
replaced by I must not (I am not allowed to) , especially in
literary English. The basis of this older use of may is the
original meaning 'to be able 1 : 'not to be allowed to' is
synonymous with 'not to be able to 1 if the execution, of an
action is called in question or becomes impossible because of
moral objections or a decision taken by somebody else. May
gained much ground in affirmative clauses in iuE» as ai:-.
.....• .^m - .
expression of. a possible event /because O.E. (M.E.) mot (Pres*
of O.E. m6ste = '.II. E. must ) was already obsolete before 1500
(see'BU Sweet, jffi€i-r»^ § 1482).; this latter form does not
occur in Shakespeare. Of. Abbott, § 310J FT V^r^'^^Ms'V
Err. . I, i, 148 (P) : "passed: sentence may not be recal'd"
' Shr. , III, ii, 200-202 (P) : Tranio: "Let us intreat you
stay till after dinner."
Petruchio: "It may not be."
Gremio: "Let me intreat you* n
, Petruchio: "It cannot be* 11 .
TgV, IV, iv, 130-131 (P): Silvia: "I pray the e let me looke
on that, again© •" -v m
Julia: "It may not: be: good. Madam
pardon me."
Wiv. , I, i, 288 (P) : "I may no* goe in without your worship"
IHg, I, iii, 7 (P) : "Who> ere he be, you may not be let in u
1H6. II, ii, 47 (P): "You may not (my Lord) despise her *
gentle suit"
Rom. . Ill, ii, 28-31 (P) : "so tedious is this day,/ As is
the night before some PestivalL,/
To an impatient child tha-t hath
new robes/ And may not v/eare them11
, IV, v, (P): Regan: "stay with us:/ The wayes are dangerous* 11
Oswald: "I may not. Madam"
- 22-0 -

LLL, DVii, 712-714 (F)s Dumain: "You may not denie it,
•- 4 . Pompey hath made the
Armado: "Sweet bloods, I both may,
%*%& and w&liy
Err., Ill, ii, 92 (?):. "such a one, as a man may not speake
of* without he say sir reverence"
LLL, II, i, 24 (P): "No woman may approach his silent Court"
ILL, II, i, 172 (P): "Jou may not come faire Princesse in
my gates"

LLL, II, i, 6 (P and Q^): "all perfections that a man may

LLL, V, ii, 633 (P and Q-):
"""""•— i "it growes darke, he may stumble"
Ado, I f iii, 68 (P and Q-): "let us thither, this may prove
. ." food to my displeasure"
I J2£ May, and especially might t formerly expressed inclination,
and wish (A. Sohmidt. Shakeapeare-Lexicon, p. 703). Nowadays
it is usually replaced in this meaning by like (I should like).
MM, I, iii, 6 (P): "May your Grace speake of it?"
0?GV t IV» 1« 21 (P): "Some sixteene moneths, and longer
might have staid,/ If crooked fortune
had not thwarted me"
1H4. I, iii, 18 (P); "Maiestie might never yet endure/ The
moody Frontier of a servant brow("
Ham,. I, ±, 56 (P): "I might not this beleeve/V/ithout* the
sensible and true avouch/ Of mine owne
- 222 - 8

§ ii*" • She form mought (»might) occurs only once. It derives

from M.S. mahte- under the influence of M.E. d ought e ('see
under dow). It survived in vulgar speech until the end
Of the n 7th century (H. Sweet, A Now Bnfllioh Grammar
(•OKf6rdL)-10QQ and 18Q8K PP* 422,4-23).
3H6. V, iit 45 (^) • "^nat mought not be distinguisht"
- 223 -
§ 1£S Must used as ft-Fret* Indicative is rare in Shakespeare; but
' . *
,..,,' ,-...'

it has survived, especially when stressed, in the literary

language until the ptesent day, ef. C. Stoffel, "'Must 1 in
Modern English," Bnglische Studien, XXVIII (190Q)» f 294-309. *
It is also found in spoken English: 1) in actual oratio ". -
obliqua (0. Jespersen, A Modern English Grammar, IV, 11.6.1);
2) in virtual oratio obliqua (ibid, IV, 1.6.4-). The Present
meaning of must" derives from the M.E. Preir. Subjunctive,
moste, which, as a polite form of demand, has a Present
meaning. Because of its formal connection with the 2nd Pers*
Pres. Sing, most, which became possible from the 15th century
onwards, when the "e" in moste was omitted, must, has established
itself as a form of the Present. The sense of compulsion or
inevitability was not so common in Shakespeare as it is today.
• The predominant meaning in the 16th century and'in Shakespeare
is'ought 1 . Of. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache t II", 322.
The original meaning of must survives in its use with the
negative: I must not. Cf. E. Sweet, p. 423; Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprache, II, 323; P. T. Syntax, §§ 1698, 1701,
1705-6, 1708, 1710.
Cor., .1, ii, 21 (P): "flor did you thinke it folly,/ To keepe
your great pretences vayl'd, till when/
They needs must, shew themselves"

CyflUt II, i, 4 (3?): "I had a hundred gound on't: and then a
whorson. lack-an-Apes, must take me up :*
" for swearing"
£er» t If iv f 40 (Q^): "Those pallats'who not yet too savers
younger,/ Must have inventions to
delight the tast,/ Would now be
glad of bread"
Mac*, IV, iii, 212 (F): "And I must be from thence?"J|
AYL, III, v, 40 (P): "Must you be therefore prowd and
l@2, f III, ii, 150 (P and Q^): "Can you not hate me(e), as I
: ' , know you doe,/ But you must
loyne(,) in soules(,) to
- 224 -
mocke me(e) to?"
W£, \fV, Iv, 248 (?): "Is there not milking-time.. .but you
must be tittle-tatling, before all
our guests?"
KP, 105 (1612): "Then must the love be great twixt thee and'
gmjD •» II, i, 41 (F): "It must needs be of subtle, tender,
and delicate temperance*"
Ham., Ill, ii, 183 (?): "Faith I must leave thee Love"
Lr., I, i f 24 (F and Q.): "the (w)hor(e)son must be
R3, III, i, 106 (F and Q 1 ): "I must not say so"
Son. XL, 14 (1609): "we must not be foes"
Son* LXXXIX, 14 (1609)s "I must nere love him, whom thou dost
hate "
§ 127 Modern English does not permit the use of must as a Pret.
Ind, in a clause which is fully independent in. form and
content. In. Shakespeare's time there was greater freedom in
this respect (see the quotations in § 126 from Coriolanus,
Cymbeline, x Pericles, and Maobeth)•
-226 -
Must indicates any kind of necessity (examples under a)). In
Shakespeare the negative use is not so common as it is today
(examples f
under b)), ft. 9
since at that time ——— not could
mayH——————— J;L3
"be used instead to express a prohibition (see §
Occasionally must expresses the idea of future destiny and in
this case it is more aptly paraphrased in the modern, language
by be_ + the infinitive with to (examples under c)). On. must
aa a Preterite /Z/J
indicative and its development as i~H a Present
tense see § 1^; on must as a subjunctive see § <6-56. Cf» Karl
Brunner, Pie englische Sprache. II, 320-3; Abbott, §
a) necessity: •
Tmp», III, iii, 4i (P) : "I needes must rest me"
TGV. I, iii, 75 (P): "to morrow thou must goe" " .
Tmp. t V f i, 312 (P) : n l long/ To hear e the story of your
life; which must/ Take the eare :
b) Kegative use :
Ven. , 573 (1593): "Poule wordes, an& frownes, must, not repell
.-: . . . ••.'••.: a lover11 ,- ., l r - 4 ^
Son. XL, 14 (1609) s "we must. no't. be foes"
c) •>' .. VJ: . . , • .
Tro., Ill, iii f 247 (F and Q t ): "He(e) must fight singly to
„•>-*•....•„'•* morrow with Hector"
4@^ MV, II, vi, 40 (P and Q.J): "Descend, for .you, must 1>e my
v , s torch-bearer"
Tro., II, ii, 109 (P and Qj)s "Troy must not be(e), .nor,
goodly Il(l)ion stand"
~ 227 -
§ 12-T Besides its use with its modern meaning ought occurs once '
in.the sense owed: "You ought him a thousand pound" (1H4, -III,
iii, 152^ (P and Q^)) - as spoken by Mistress Quickly. This use
.of•ought has been displaced by the new formation owed. Owe
means-.'to be indebted 1 and O.E. a3an, from which it is. derived,
'to possess^. The question is now such a peculiar shift of
meaning is to be explained. In early M.E. the verb was used
as an auxiliary and so had the function of have as in N.2±. £.
you have to do this. It is also found in impersonal construct­
ions and then means 'it is incumbent on him 1 , which is closely
related to 'it belongs to him 1 . The connection is even closer-
in the Pret. Subj., where 'he would have had to do this 1 is
nearly the same as 'it would have belonged to him 1 . The.
specifically ethical .sense became attached to ought t since /
, here the personal and impersonal constructions both have the
same meaning. The concept 'to be indebted 8 originated in
general from this. The Pret. owed, alternative form of ought,
was differentiated from the latter in that it acquired the
meaning ^to be indebted* in the ^material sense, and the., other
forms followed from this. This!explains the peculiar change ,
from 'to possess' to 'to be indebted'. Of. Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprache* II, 269-270. The approximation in
meaning between ought and should is expressed in the omission
of to before the Infinitive, which occurs once in Shakespeare:
"you ought not walke/ Upon a labouring day, without the signe/ '
' Cf F.T.T.'s'tcj^jKx fmiif,/-^.
. Of your Profession" (JC, I, i, 3, F).j^The notional independ­
ence which the form ought has acquired, in popular speech is
demonstrated by its periphrasis with do: "You doen't ought to
hear it" (Englische Studien, XII, 221). Ov/e in the sense of
'have, possess' is still very common in Shakespeare; it was
.Later displaced,, by own. Cf. FT-Vi>/} %*b^ § |7-|(.
Err., Ill, i, 42 (P): "What art thou. that keep'st aee from
, * * • the howse I ov/e?"
Numerous examples in A* Schmidt f Shakes-peare-Lexicon, ,p. 826.
- 228 -
§ 150 Dare with the meanings 'to risk, to hazard* and 'may, can 1
has two forms of the 3rd P. Sing. Pres., dares and dare, which
enjoy equal status; with them is found the Pret. durst. Dare
1 to challenge', on the other hand, has only dares in the 3rd
P. Sing. Pres. The Pret. dared appears for the first time in
a »

1590 in the form darde (QED under dare). Sometimes the Subj.
form durst occurs with a Pres. meaning (cf. it would seem*
and see also OED under dare). Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache. II, 272; F. T. Visser, Syntax t §§ 1361, 1362. :
Wiv., II, i, 25 (F): "that he' dares In this manner assay me?"
Wiv., II, ii, 253 (F) z "the folly of my soule dares not
present, it selfe"
, Mac., I, vii, 47 (F): "I dare do all that may become, a man,/
Who dares no more, is none"
Gym.. IV, i, 27 (F): "the Fellow dares not deceive me 11
Gym.. Ill, iii, 34 (F): "a Debtor, that not dares/ To stride
... . " *'•** a limit" ' • ' -
Ado. Ill, ii, 12 (F and Q^): "the little hang-man dare not
•*"* • * shoot at him" *
MV, III, i, 47 (F end Q^); "a prodigall, who dare scarce
shew(e) his head on the Ryalto"
- -M> V§ if 315-317 (F): "the Duke dare/ No more stretch this
finger of mine 9 then he/ Dare racke
his ov/ne"
Mac.. V, iii, 28 (F): "Curses, not lowd but deepe...Which
, (f . the poore heart would faine deny, and
dare not" f|
Ant., Ill, iii, 3 (F): "Herod of lury dare not looke upon
AYL. V, ii, 89-90 (F): »I durst go no further then the lye .
•*- circumstantial: nor he durst not
give me the lye direct"
* AW. Ill, vi, 96 (F): t! (ne) dares better be damnd then to
doo't" ( = would rather)
Tro*. V, x, 25 (F): "let Titan rise as early as he dare"
~ 229 -
jr II, ii, 76 (P and Q 1 ) $ "she durst not lye(,)/ Ueere
this lack(e)-love"
Xdo," V, i, 99 (P and Q^): "How they might hurt their ,
enemies, if they durst"
^ *'" "- { a. if they liked)
Ant,. Ill, vii, 36 OP).: "he dares us too f t"
12» I, iii, 109 (F and Qj): "And dares him to set forwards
to the fight" " *§ .
H8, YV i> 17 (?): "My Lord, I love you;/ And durst commend
a secret to your eare" (Present)
Qth« t IV, ii, 12 (P): "I durst (my Lord) to wager, she is
»•• - honest"

Cym^i I, iv, 122 (P): "I durst attempt it against any Lady
in the world"
JToteV I dare say is found with its modern meaning in Shakespeare.
Of. P.'T. Visser, Syntax. § 1357.
'H^, IV^ i, 129 (P) s "I dare say, you love him not so ill,
, •' - ^ if

-~ - to wish him here alone"

JHg, II, iv, 133 (P): "I dare say,/ This Quarrel! will
drinke Blood another day"
_ 230 <* t
occurs - ' in. Shakespeare
mostly as a Predicate in
connection with be,; it is an old Participle and because it
is rather unusual in the spoken language is now-pronounced
jwounfj, whereas , formerly* it had the etymologically correct
pronunciation [wDnt] (Sweet, ffiS&sy, p, 420). Sometimes wont
has a Pres. function in Shakespeare, F. T. Visser suggests
(English 'Studies.' XXVI" (1944-5) ./r-Q that the verb to vront
arose from jthe frequent suppression of the copula to be in
M.E.! • ThomaO' ;• l ''• C
(1510) wpotoi "ho wouldo* » *holdo it Teei-l*
•whalfrr-ho onoo heard—readj in ouro •romombranoos whioh~in^-oth»r
folkoo wont commonly to happon-oont-ro-gyV The Pret. form
wonted developed from the earlier form wont; c.1400 Three
Middle English Sermons (ed. Grisdale, 1939), 19 r 54, "he
wolde lay him in no. place wher he wont for to walke, but in
an old fopsakin chirche3ord." Wont in the 3rd P. Sing. Pres.
dispenses with the inflexional ending, like night, list. Cf«
Skeat, Etymological Dictionary under wont; -e&& Karl Brunner,
Me-. enp;lische Sprache. II, 265: K T V;$iar £M^f^A§ I331JB?.
m*i*^*m^^am I I •~m~~mm~~*m**~~*i~~~—~~m~~~ ' * J J <J —————" J '

git,» I, i, 90 (F and Q-j) ^"greete in silence as the^dead

* • are wont 1* , - '
Cor., IV, i, 16 (F): "when you were wont uo say"
Lr* t I, iv, 64 (F and Q-): "as you were wont"
MV, II, v, 8 (F and Q^): "Your worship was wont to tell me"
Luc., 1621 (1594)5 "Where thou wast, wont rest thy wearie
H8, IV, ii, 102 (F): "her wonted Greatnesse"
1H6 f V, iii, 21 (F): "your wonted furtherance"
Ham.. Ill, i, 41 (F and Q2.): "his wonted way"
1H6. I, ii, 14 (F): "Talbot is taken, whom we wont to feare"
PP, 273 (1612); "My curtaile Dogge that wont to have plaid,/
Plaies not-at all" . -
Err*, IV, iv, 40 (F): "I beare it on. my shoulders, as a
begger woont her brat"
- 231 -
§132. The precise meaning of shall varies according to whether it
is «tress«d or not, though probably not to the same extent in
Elizabethan English that it does today. The same is also true
of will.Sometimes the choice seems to be dictated entirely by
considerations of metre, as in JO, V, i, 117 (?) s "If we do
meete againe, why we shall smile...If we do meete againe,
wee'l smile indeede". Of. P. T. Visser, English Studies, XXYI
(1944-5), 21. The use of 'wi]LL where shall might otherwise be
expected may have arisen from the contracted form '11, which
is widespread in spoken. English. Of. 0. Jespersen, Essentials
o£ English Grammar (London, 1933), p. 274; Karl Brunuer, Die
englische Sprache', II, 292, F,T.
-.232 -
§ 133 fhe uses of shall were formerly much wider and more precisely
developed than they are today. Some of these still survive,
especially in prophecies (examples under a), cf. P.T. Visser,
Syntax, § 1492) and prohibitions (you shall not go there I ),
cf. P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 1500. It was also used formerly
to indicate that the future occurrence of an event was
subjectively regarded as certain. In such cases the speaker
either expressly promises his help (examples under b)), or
BimipLy expresses his opinion that the event will take place,
cf. P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1501-2. Shall is also used when

the spea.ker expects something to occur against his wishes,

This last idea is closely related to the future use of shall.
The identification is complete if the subjective idea
disappears entirely((examples under c)). Of* P. T. Visser,
Syntax. §§ 1490, 1501-2,
If the speaker guarantees the realization of what he asserts
about 'the future it naturally follows that he must also wish
to confirm his assertion, and hence shall has also found its
way into final clauses (examples under d)) f Cf. P. T. Visser,
Syntax. §§15,24-5.
When, used subjectively in this way, shall often, coincides "
with the modern meaning of may, and in this sense occurs
chiefly in modal clauses and generalizing relative clauses
(examples un4er e)). Of. P. I. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1517* 1520.
a)' - • ._
2H6. II, ii, 81 (P): "Richard shall live to make the Earle '
of Warwick/ The greatest man in
•"' -^' ***• '" 9 " "*•
* ft
» England,
^tf *
but, the King"
. w^ ^

Ven., 1135-1137 (1593): "Since thou art dead, lo here I

prophecie,/ Sorrow on love ^ereafter
shall attend:/ It shall be wayted
on with, iealousie 11
Tit... I, i, 255 ($ and Q t ): "How proud(e) I am of thee(,)
and of thy gifts/ Rome shall
f": - 233 -
If, IV, ij*137 (F): "if you Crowne him, let me prophecie,/
The blood of English shall manure the
* ground"
*\ " "
a a

Ado, I, 1, 312 (Q-): "I wil breake with Mr, and with her
father,/ And thou shalt have her"
Tap,. II, ii, 77 (F) s "hee shall taste of my Bottle"
Ado. II, i, 379 (F and Q^): "I warrant thee Claudio, the
time shall not go(e) dully by us"
Tit.. IV, iv, 107 (F and C^): "Your bidding shall I do(e)
effectually 1.'
LLL, V, ii, 155 (F and Q^): "So shall we stay mocking
entended game"
MV fc I, ii, 97 (F and Q^z "I hope I shall make shift to goe
without him"
MV, III, iv, 11 (F)s "I never did repent for doing good,/
lor shall not now" * -
" • III, iv, 36 (F and Q I '): "I shall obey you"
. MV,
<Jn«, V, ii, 78 (F): "Your Grace shall pardon me"
Shr», III, ii, 155 (F): "'tis a groome indeed,/ A grumlling
, groome, and ths* the girle shall
• finde" ? '-
MV t II, viii, 26 (F): "Let good Anthonio looke he keepe his
day//0r he shall pay for this"
Tmp,i I, ii, 476 (F): "One word more/ Shall make me chide ,
•* thee"
• f ,
AYL, ii i, 134 (F): t! hee that escapes me without some broken
* v *-i* r *' * . limbe, shall acquit him well"
Ir., II, iv, 289 (F): n O Foole, I shall go mad"
• ',
Ado, II, i, 396 (F and Q 1 ): "I will teach you how to humour
1T*P'W" • -'• ' • « • : ' *

A/ i * f ;j;* your cosin, that sue (e) shall

1 fal(l) in love wi:h Benedicke"
Oth., I, i, 158 (F)i "that you shal surely find him/ Lead to
the Sagitary the raised Search"
« - 234 -
Lr., II, iv, 283 (P and Q-): "I will have such revenges on
•* you both,/ That all th| world
shall..." •
3H6> III, i, 9 (P): "And for the time shall not seeme
tedious,/ lie tell thee what befell me"
lUNDt III, i, 127 (P and Q I ): "(I) will sing that they shall
heare I am not afraid(e)"
MV, IV, i, 368 (P and Q 1 ): "That thou shalt see the difference
of our spirit(,)/ I pardon thee
thy life before thou aske it"
Wiv», IV, ii, 52-54- (P): "three of Mr . Pords brothers watch
the doore with Pistols, thalr- none
shall issue out,"
Cor,. XV, vi, 51-55 (P) s "reason with the fellow/ Before you
punish him, where he heard this,/
Least you shall chance to whip your
Information,/ And beate the\
Messenger, who bids beware/ Of
what is to be dreaded"
. Tro., IV, v, 272-274 (P): "Afterwards,/As Kectors leysure,
and your bounties shall/ Concurre
» , *
together, severally intreali him"
MD, I, ii, 09 (P) • "a proper man as one shall see in a
summers day 11
Ham.. I f v f 129 (P): "I hold i« fit that we shake hands and
part:/ You, as your busihes and desires
shall point you'1
MV, II, viii, 45 (P): "imploy your chiefest thoughts/ To
courtship, and sucii faire ostents of
love/ As shall conveniently become
you there"
Jit., IV, ii, 157 (P): "And how by this their Childe shall be
advaunc f d,/ And be received for the
Emperours heyre"
- 225 -
III, i, 238 (P): "What Antony shall speake, I will
protest/ He speakes by leave, and by
- 236'- • , •
Future shall is especially common in temporal and conditional
subordinate clauses. This use is still tolerated in the
literary language, but it is no longer accepted in conversational
speech. Cf. FTV.'istr, Sj^^y ^§i^'?-2o.
a) In a temporal clauses
H5« III, v, 58 (P): "when he shall see our Army,/Hee'le
drop his heart into the sinclc of feare"
3H6. IV. vH t 80
(P): "And when the Horning Sunne shall
-f " , rayse his Carre/ Above the Border of
th&s Horizon"
jjr.t If iv, 329 (P)s "When she shall heare this of thee,
with her nailes/ Shee 1 ! flea thy
Wolvish visage"
Cor•. IV, v, 224 (P): "when they shall see sir, |Jiis Crest
up againe, and the man in bloodi,
they will out of their Burroughes 11
II, it, 11 (P)s "When they shall, see/ Thw face of
L Caesar, they are varnished"
II, vi, 23 (P): "When you shall please to play the
theeves for wives/ lie watch as long
TT » Ln (r \ <->\ "c for, you then" •
T^v^o l^P.):. t-^ uell^.-// Wl $U| ^^WU"
b) In a conditional clauses J
JO, II, ii, 95 (P) '• "If you shall send t hear word you will.
not come,/ Their mindes may change"
WT, I, i, 1 (P)s "If you shall chance (Camillo) to visit .
^ ^ shall see" ' ^ :-
Lr., III, i, 46 (P): "If you shall/see Cordelia*..shew her
ti-is Ring"
Cor»» II, i, 94 (P): "Our very Priests must become Mockers,
if they shall encounter such ridiculous
Subiects as you are"
- 237 -
§ !3fT
g.(P- . ,-,- .
Shall call be used in the future for all persons. The alter-

nation of shall and will that now characterizes tlie various

persons, both in the interrogative and non-interrogative forms,
first developed after Shakespeare. It has been shown above
(§ -6^80 that the use of shall sometimes shows a subjective
view of the future on the part of the speaker; but it can-
also be used to express objective futurity (She gives it out-
that you shall marry her). The only sure guide to a correct
interpretation in any given example is the context or situation
in question, cf. P. T. Visser, English Studies, XXVI (1944-5),
21. I shall was the most common form of the future in the
first person, largely because I will is an expression of will,
whereas*shall can be used objectively* On the otker hand will
was already in use as a future in the second and third persons
in M.E* andfe had the advantage that it excludes any inter­
vention by the speaker* This resulted in the sequence usual
today I (wo) shall, you will, he (they) will.. Shall, which
had become very common, was .retained for the second person in
questions, since here the speaker cannot assert his point, of
view, -?xg except by means of stress, and wiill would enquire
directly into the will of the person questioned; this idea is
less clearly felt when will is used for the third person.
The shall form was still very common in Early ITew English..
But Thomas More uses will objectively in the second and third
persons to such, an extent that it is difficult to say v;iiich .
form predominated, cf. P. T1. Visser, English Studies, XZVI
(1944-5), 21. Shall is used almost exclusively in the Wyclif—
Purvey translation of St. Matthew's Gospel, and -lyndale
(1525) employs it almost as frequently. Cf. Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprach®, II, 290-3}
The future formed with shell;
Jn.. Ill, iv, 78 (F): lf lf that be true, I shall see my boy
againe" -
Lr., I, v, 14 (P)s "Shalt see thy other Daughter will use
. thee kindly"

--•—&&*'t **, 1, 118 (^): "She gives it out(,) that you shall
marry her11
Trq.. II, iii t 131 (P and ^3: "you shall not sinne,/ If
you do(e) say, we thinke
him over(-)proud11
1H6» I, i, 18 (p): "Henry is dead, and never shall revive"
Tro* f II, i, 110 (P): "Hector shall have a great catch, if
he too eke out either of your braines"
TGV, II, v, 15; (P): l! But shall she marry him?"
2H4. Ill, it, 39 (P)s "Wee shall all follow (Cousin.)"
H£ t I, ii» 141 (P); "They of those Marches, gracious ,
Soveraigri,/ Shall be a Wall sufficient
to defend/ Our in-land from the
pilfering Borderers"
III, ii, 42 (F): "all shall dye" ] 33 •
After what has been said on the nature of shall in § ^Q8a it
is obvious that the examples given there cannot be rigidly
separated from those above: they are, indeed, connected*
- 239 -
§ )3(> Corresponding to the use-of shall in the formation of the
2nd and 3rd persons of the Future, should was fonnarly used
in the 2nd and 3rd persons of the Conditional. Cf» Karl
Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 314,316; Richard Platter,
"Bulinensprachliche und andere Eigenheiten der Diktion
Shake spear es3w i« Wiener Beitrage zur englischen Philologie,
LXII (1955), 45-6, F'TV;3i , r/ i^K*,§§15-32,i«i.
Should used in the formation of the Conditional:
W> I, ii, H2
,flp>***^ • •
(P): "If I could bid the fift welcome with*^
so good heart as I can bid the other
. . • foure farewell, I should be glad of
his approach" -
Earn.. I, v, 32 (?): "duller should f st thou be then the fat
weede/ That rots it selfe in ease^ on
Lethe Wharfe,/ Would*st thou not stirre
, in .this 11 -.,. * » - s.*i • •- • *••
AYL, I, ii, 239 (P): "Thou should'st have better pieas f d me
with this deede,/ Hadst thou descended
»•"-- *•••-- * ., •
from another house"
• " - ' *
H| f III, iv, 20 (P and Q-): "thou should( f )st please me
m ' '
better, would( f )st thou weepe"
gf» I, ii, 100 (F): "If he should offer to choose, and
choose the right Casket, you should .',
, refuse to performe your Fathers will,
if" you should refuse to accept..him"
Son* XI, 7 (1609)* "If all were minded so, the oimes should
eease,/ And threescoore yeare would
make the world, away"
Cor., I, iii, 10 (P): "when for a day of Kings entreaties,
a Mother should not sel him an houre
from her beholding" ,
:£th», III, iii> 222 (P|s "Should, you do so (my Lord)/ My
speech should fall into such
yilde successe,/ V*nich my Though us
a^ym'di not" ^
GOT., II, iii, 25 (^)s "if all our wittes were to issue out
~ 240 -
of one Scull, they would flye East,
West, North, South, and their
consent of one direct way, should
be at once to all the points o'th
Cor*, II, i, 47 (F): "Why then you should discover a brace'
of unmeriting, proud, violent, testae
G?ro>. I, iii, 111-114 IF): "The bounded. Waters,/ Should Iift
their bosomes higher then the
Shores,/ And make a soppe of all
this solid Globe:/ Strength
should be Lord of imbecility"
JC, II, ii, 42 (F)s "Caesar should be a Beast without a
heart/ If he should stay at home"
Wiv». II, i., 52. (F): "these Kndights will hacke, and so thou
shouldst not alter the article of thy
Wiv*, f, v, 207 (F): "Did not I tell you how you should?, know
$&& * . • my daughter, By her garments?"
fro«, t II, ii, 48 (F): "Manhood, and Honor/ Should have hard
hearts, wold they but fat their • *
thoghts/ With this cra-im'd reason"
R2, IV, i, 233 (P)s "There should; 1 st thou finde one heynous
Article,/ Contayning the deposing o£ a
II, ii, 205 (F): "your selfe Sir, should be old as I
? a am, if like a Crab you ooulcL go
(Q-): "your selfe shalbe olde as I am,/ If
like Crabbe, you could goe backeward"
» ^ (QpK "your selfe sir shall growe olel as *-
• I ams if like a Crab you could goe
V, 1, 27 tP)s "if this had no-c beene a Gentlewoman,
shee should have beene buried out of ,
- 241 -
Christian Buriall"
Ham*. Ill, ii, 316 (P): "Your wisedome should shew it selfe
more richer, to signifie this to
his Doctor"
Mac., I, ii, 46 (P)s "So should he looke, that seeemes to
• *.^ " speake things strange" ^
.Mac., Ill, vi, 19 (P): "I do thinke,/ That had he Duncans
Sonnes under his Key...they should
finde/ What f twere to kill a Father"
'..Mac., V, v, 17 (P): "She should have dy'de heereafter"
Jn.t IV, i, 68-70 (F): "And if an Angell should have come to
me,/ And told me Hubert should put
out mine eyes,/ I would not have
f V
^eleev'd him"
2!GV, Illf i, 15 (F): rtAnd should she thus be stolne away from
you,/ It would be much vexation to
your age"
ITote. A person who makes a statement about the future as it
concerns himself uses the shall form (or the should form in
the Conditional) since here the speaker and the protagonist
are identical. 1
..JO. V, iii, 49-50 (F): "Farre from this Country Pindarus ,
shall run f / Where never Roman shall
take note of him"
(Pindarus is speaking)
III, i, 21 (P) 2 "If this be knowne,/ Cassius or Caesar
never shall turne backe,/ For I will
• , /•*>. slay my selfe" (Cassius is speaking)
|C, II, ii, 42-48 (P): "Caesar should be a Beast without a
heart/ If he should stay at home to
day for feare:/ No Caesar shall not
...Caesar shall go foorth"
(Caesar is speaking)
- 242 -
§137 If , shall is used to. express not a definite personal wish,
order, or command, but an action that is only generally
intended,* and if the subject acts or suffers something not
because he feels a moral duty but because the future action
is dependent on some arrangement or agreement, or is determined
by the circumstances, then it is now usually replaced by be
with the infinitive. The same is true of should, The force of
should is very much weakened in the set phrase (now obsolete):
as who should say f as if he were going to say 1 . Cf» P. TLv
Visser, Syntax, §§ 1488, 1528, 1559*
Ado. II, ii, 1 (P and Q 1 ): "the Count(e) Claudio shal('l)
marry the daughter of Leonato'J
AYL, II, iv, 88 (P); "^hat is he that shall buy his flocke
. and pasture?"
WT, IV, iv, 795-796 (P): "the Curses he shall have,.the
Tortures he shall feele, will
breake the back of Man"
Wiv., IV, iv, 45 (P): "What shall be done with him? What is
your plot?"
Wiv», III, i, 70 (P)s "I warrant you, hee's the man. should
fight, with him"
Ado;, I, iii, 64 (P) s "there heard it agreed upon, that the
Prince should wooe Hero" f ".
Shr» t III, ii, 161 (?): "when the Priest/ Should aske if
* * Katherine should be hi^ wife"
MM, I, ii, 182 (P): "This day, my sister should the
Cloyster enter"
R2, V, iv, 8 (P): "And speaking it, he wistly look'd on me,/
As who should say, I would thou wer't the
man,/ That, would divorce this terror from
my heart"
1H6. I, iv, 93 (P): "He beckens with his hand, and smiles
on me:/ As who should say, When I am
dead and gone,/ Remember to avenge me
on; the French"
Tit . , IV, ii, 121 (F): "Ldoke how the blacke slave smiles'
upon the father;/ As v;ho should say,
old La.d I am thine owne"
~ 244 -
§ 138 A subjective doubt that arises because there are factors that
contradict a judgment formed in accordance with the observation
of..,..)•the ••••...facts, or an uncertainty connected with inadequate or
incomplete observation was formerly expressed, as it occasionally
is today, by the hypothetical should, It should seem (appear)
is now replaced by it would seem (appear)• Cf. P. T. Visser,
jSyntax. §§1530, 1535.
..,,..-..ii, 57 (Q.):
i "So
• should a murtherer looke; so <>
" dead, so grimme"
Mac * , I, iii, 45 (P) • "you should be Y/omen,/ And yet your
Beards forbid me to interprete/ That /
•i *-- • ^
you are so" **" , ,
E8, I, iv f 78 (P): "There should be one amongst 1 em by his I
person/ More worthy this place then my
t v. '','.*''. * , selfe" -\ .
Tim., V, iii f 1 (P): "By all description this should be the
, . : place" I
Rom., V, ii, 2 (P) s "This same should be the voice of Prier
Tmp., II, ii, 90 (i1 ): "I should know that voyce: It'should
be, But hee is dround"
Oth.. IV, i, 164 (P): "By Heaven, that should be my
Handkerchiefe." .
Rom., V, i, 55 (P and Q 2 ) : "-^s I remember(,) this should be ,
the house"
H8, IV, i, 40 (P): "That should bee/ The Duke of Suffolke"
H8 t IV, ii, 109 (P)j !! You should be Lord Ambassador from „
fc ' the Emperor"
H8 t V, iv, 42 (P): "he should be a Brasier by his face"
MV f II, ii, 102 (P and Q^): "It should seeme then that
Dobbins taile growes back(e)ward"
Tro., III, i, 39 (P)s "It should seeme fellow, that thou
hast not seen the Lady Cressida"
, III, ii, 275 (P); "Besides, it should appeare, that if
he laad/ The present money to discharge
the lew,/ He would not take it 11
,~ 245 - •
372 (P): "this ancient Sir, whom (it should
* * Fll"s - seeme)/ Hath sometime lov'd"
Note; In questions, should with the meaning discussed above
is connected with can and could, since here a question is
asked about a possibility in the widest, sense. Should in this
sense is found as early as the beginning of the 16th century.
T. Visser, Syntax, § 1536.
ffmp •. II, ii, 69 (F): "where the divell should he learne
our language?"
Wiv,, I?, iii, 5 (P):. "What Duke should that be comes so
«*- -""' - * secretly?" ' - ".
Tmp. . I, ii, 387 (F): "Where shold. this Musick be?' .
£C, I, ii, 142 (P); "What should be in that Caesar?"
TN, II, v, 105 (?): "To whom should this be?" .
H8, III, ii, 203 (P)? "What; should this meane?"
-246 - *

is used in a subject or object clause when the verb

of the main clause contains an element of intellectual
concern. In early M.E, shall with the infinitive was used
where the sequence of tenses demanded it, but this was
disregarded from about the middle of the Hth century and
sholde (should) was used invariably. Of. Karl Brunner, Me ,
englische Sprache. II, 315; ?• T. Visser, English Studies,
XXVI (1944-5), 21; FTVimrj^^y, §§ r^f, ($>/.
Lr», II, iv, 1 (P) : MI Tis strange that they should so depart
from home,/ And not send backe my
j3&,; I, ii, 129 (F)j "it doth amaze me,/ A man of such a
feeble temper should/ So get the start
of the Maiesticke world"
JO, II, ii, 35 (F) : "It seemes to me most strange that men
.' should feare" - V
JTGV, I, ii, 19 (P): "'tis a passing shame,/ That I. ..Should
censure thus on lovely Gentlemen11 ;
Wiv fte II, ii, 134 (F): "'tis not good that children should
know any wickodnes"
Tim. » III, v, 2 (F): MI Tis necessary he should dye u
AYL, III, v, 14 (P); !JI Tis pretty sure, and very probable,/
That eyes...l> Should IJQ called tyrants"
Jfer., IV, iv, 6> (F): "Chat- I should be attached in Ephesus,
...'twill sound harshly in her eares"
, - 247 -
§ M flife use of should to indicate a statement originating with

somebody other than the speaker, for which the latter takes
n\0 responsibility, has become extremely rare, probably
because of its ambiguity. It is now usually replaced by was
said to, Cf. F.T,V:»*o ^4*, $'*>?•
. AYE. Ill, ii, 182 (*): "But didst thou heare without
wondering, how thy name should be
hang f d and carved upon these trees?"
: II, IV, iv, 794.(P): %"So 'tis said (Sir:) about his Sonne,
that, should have marryed a Shepheards
Daughter*" • '
. Cym., V, t v, 51 (P): "She did confesse she had/ For you a
mortal! Minerall, which being tooke,/
Should by the minute feede on life"
1- L . *; ':-*-*,. <** _ ., ., ;

§141 Sh&kaspeare sometimes uses shall in the sense of 'will have

to f *to refer to i necessary condition (examples under a)), cf.
fi 5. Visser, Syntax, § 1487. Shall is also used to indicate
that something in the future has been arranged, and here it
has the meaning 'is to 1 (example under b)), cf. P. I. Visser,
Syntax , § 1488. It is found in relative clauses to show the
result that is 'intended from an action (examipLes under c)), of
P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1516-7. In questions it sometimes
means 'will be able to 1 (-example^ under d)), cf» P. T. Visser,
Syntax. § 1509.
a) , »
MV, I, i, 116 (P and Q- ) : "you shall seeke all day ere you
finde them"
Lr». V, iii, 22 (P) : "He that parts us, shall bring a Brand
from Heaven"
b) '
AYL, II, iv, 88 (P): "What is he that shall buy his flocke
1 and pasture?"
' • ' . :/
H 5 » II, iv, 40 (P) : "As Gardeners doe with Ordure liide those
Roots/ That shall first spring"
MV, II, viii, 45 (P): "imploy your chiefest thoughts/ -2o••
courtship, and such faire osten,ts of
love/ As shall conveniently become
you there"

Son> LXV, 3 (1609): "rlow witli this rage Lliali beautie hold.
'• "*
„ a PJ.WCW
" . Q ?O
-'.'- l!
- 249 -

§ fzftt "'IJhou^se is used once instead "of thou shalt. and I'se (ic
appears once instead of I shall. Both contractions are
. . \ . t*^*^*um^*i^*—mr ^

particularly characteristic of Northern dialects (cf. E.

Matzner, Englisc'he Grammatik, 3rd od. (B^rM-n?—t88(K1883-)f
I, 416) and result, from the reduction, of 0»E» sceal to the
n s w sound* •'"-.' f . •'
Rom,', I, iii, 9 (?) • "thou'se heare our counseli"
* (Lady Capulet is speaking)
AVLr. f XV, vi, 246 (F): "ice try" (Q 11 ): "ile trie"
(in Sdgar's dialect speech)
; , -r 250 -
§ "flip" v, W|ll is ( certainly used£to a lesser extent than shall in tho
formation of the Puture tense, but it occurs even in the firct
person (examples under a)). It evidently infiltrated into the
first person from tfce second and third persons, where it was
already quite usual in Chaucer* Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englischs
3-prache, II, 290-3j(The corresponding form in the Conditional
is would, and this occurs frequently, especially in the first
person singular, but it is often difficult to differentiate
this clearly from the optative use (examples under b)). In
modern times the use of would has further increased at the 4&e
Of should, even in literature* Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache. II, 315-7j KT. Yiss<ir S^(xfe^y §§ &ft, \^^ (60^;/^/T,. f
a) The Puture formed with will;
- M? t II, v, 52 (P): "Perhaps I will returne immediately"
Othu, V, ii, 197 (P.): ri
"Perchance lago, Iwillne're
' IV, i, 39 (F): "Perchance I willis be there as soone as
, •• ', . ., « you" . «
Cor», IV, i, 2.1 (i1 ): "He do well yet"
2H4» I, ii, 24 (F)s "I will sooner have a beard grow in the
.. t , s Palme of my hand, then he shall get;
one on his cheeke"
1H6, IV, v, 30 (E): "There is no hope that ever I will stay,/
i' , If the first howre I shrinke and run
away" *&&-• _ -
R2, II, iii f 160 "(P, and. Q^: "It may be I will go with you"
Ado. I, i, 258 (P and Q^); "thou wilt pro(o)ve a notable
Tmp»» II, ii, 82 (P): "Thou do'st me yet but little hurt;
•' -.'. . thou wilt anon" »
Wiv,, II, ii, 146 (P) : "wilt thou after the expence of* so
much money, be now a gainer?"
M« I, ii, 115 (P)s "you will bee considered"
Wiv»« IV t i4il r>2. (P)s M the Duke himselfe will be to morrow
. , \ ^ F ,.•!.-. i *- at .Courts ... "• . * - - • *
, III, iii f 5 (P)s "this will make my aother die with,
grief 0" -. , - ; ,.. ; ' .
" 251 -
R2, II, i, 212 (F): "What will ensue heereof, there's non~
*^ ,. _ ., ...v ,,_
can tell 11
- . *'

|N, ll, ii, 37 (F): "What will become of this?"

Jn. t V, vi, 44 (F): "I doubt he will be dead, or ere I come"
J0» III, ii, 116 (F): "I feare there will a worse come in
his place 11 «

i, 194 (F]>w~ "it is doubtfull yet,/Whether Caesar
will come forth to day, or no"
JC, II, Iv, 32 (P)s Portia: "Why know'st thou any harme's
intended, towards him?"
^ ,» * Soothsayer! "None that I know will be,/
^ : Much that I feare may chance 11
Wiv», I, iii, 82 (F):."we will thrive (Lads) we will thrive"
Ant., Ill, xiii, 188 (F): "We will yet do well"
dor., I, i, 10 (F): "Let us kill him, and wee 1 1 have Corne
at our own% pric e" «
b) Would in the formation of the Conditional: .
AYL. I, i, 136 (F): "for your love I would! bee loth to
* . '"- . „ ... •»• foyle him" . .V „
AYL. Ill, 41, 445-446> (F): Orlando: "I would not be cured,
•"« " youth."
Rosalind: "I would cure you, if
, you would, but call me
^ Rosalind"
Ado. II, iii, 11§ (F and Q^): "I would: have thought her
spirit(e) had :beea4e4 tc^ne.
, invincible against all
assaults of affection"
TgV,. Ill, i, 110 (F): "I would resort to her by night"
TN. II, v f -4 (F): "Wouldst thou not be glad to have the
- . ; '" i j. ;- .
.niggardly Rascally
'-• & '
sheepe-biter, oome by
'- -.**>"'
some notable shame?"
Wdv., V, v, 40 (F)s "He would never else crosse me thus"
IVi v f 101 w(P'Xs "I warrant they would whip me with,
their fine wits, till I were as
. crest-falae as a dride-peare" t
~ 252 -
fjp.1 (2nd~i)6rs. sing. wilt) is used in Shakespeare throughou
Present; *terise to express a person's will. He uses would
'wairtedi to 1 very seldom, in affirmative statements. It has now
been replaced' in main clauses "by wanted to, intended to,
wished, to, except when strongly stressed; but it is still
very common in connection with not;. Cf. FiTV.'iuc 5^1*^$% 1^57 !5'>z/
Cym,. I, 1, 80 (P): "I will from hence to day 11
groD. , I-i; iil, 222 (P) : "He let his humours bloud"
1S4t IV« ii, 11 (P)s Pal staff: "Bid my Lieutenant Peto meete
; •i ''- '• '•**-
* . me at the Townes end. 11
«j * 3 t _. '®>

* 'f "* , ' Bardolpb: "I will Captaine: farewell*"

fen.. 252 (1593): "Peed where thoui wilt"
1 £ro»» II, iii, 223 (P) : "He will be the Pnysitlan that
should be the patient"
1H4, I, iii, 140 (P) : "Ee will, (forsooth) have all my
Cvju, I, iv t 187 (P)s "wee will have these things set dowzie
by lawfull Counsell"
1H4« II, iv, 332 (P): wyou will not touch the true Prince"
V iVf ii-t 88 (P and Q t ): "will you. kill your brother?"
111, ii, 80 (I): "All Soules that win be safe, flye
V'"• "'• -"^ •'-"•--. ' ** from- my side", , _ w
i, 44 {P)s "whether would1 st thou convay/ Ihis
. * *^,
-•''• '

""' growing Image of thy fiend—like face?"

" """""^
2RS. -. III. •- _ • .;,
Ji,;_; •.. 95
f -t-
\ •
that: thou _ wo\ild:st • have me
————— v drown'd on shore"
.•. ' . ' •' i( *•••'. _ •;" .'.'." . *. - •; . *
'; MM, V/ i, , 3$5-398 C^)s "you may marvaile, why I... would not
rather/ Make rash remonstrance of
my hidden powre,/ Then let film be
so 'lost"' : " *! ' -* * "
Gym., I, i, 170 (P): "he wouldi not suffer me e/ !Do bring him
IJL^r ' * "• -. ^« '• ..,.'• , = , • . ',
to the Haven"
Hot* 1 . The use of will and woi^M with the meaning • should
wish ^wish, "want1 in connection with, a'"•direct object is now

t i. "258 (P, Q1; f and Q2 )s "I... will no reconcilement"

- 253 -

39 (^>i "what your Highnesse will"

i; ii, 19MF); "He no-gaine-saying"
IV, i, 32 (P): "I would no other company"
JH, I, v, 229 ('*>: "What would, you?"
to*, I t iv, 12 (P); "What would«st thou with us?"
TGY. II t i, 133 (P): "I will none of them"
Note 2. Will is found in. Shakespeare as a weakened principal
verb with, various meanings. a
a) -Wish: -• •^--'•' , ^ •*». , ** _ ,. ;, '. -
Tit., IV r ii, 82 (P and Q^: "the mother wils it so"
Per., V, ii, 16 (Q^j "wishes fall out as they'r wiid"
LLL. II, i, 18 (P and Q1 ): "much wi!(l)ing to be counted wise"
b) Bids
1H6, I, ii, 80 (P): "Gods Mother...Will 1 d me to leave mjr
base Yocati-on."
a) Invite:
. Tit., V, i, 160
»<r- (P): "He craves
, a parly at your Fathers
;| house/ Willing; you to demand your .
See also A» Schmidt, Shakespeare-^Lexicon under will, p. 1370.
Note 3. The set phrase it will not: be 'all. is in. vain*
requires an explanation. In older English will is could be
approximately equivalent to can f to have th$ capacity 1 . -It io

g-r-g, Viooog, Ehglioh.-StudiQo^XXVI (1Q44-5)* 21-24 Hence it

will not, be originally means 'it will not CQme about 1 , that
is to say that what is aimed at will not be achieved - 'All
(all effort) is in vain 1 * , : ,
1H6, I f v, 33 (P)s "It will not be, retyre into your Trenches'1
Yen. • 607 (1593): "good Queene, it will npt bee,/ She hath
assai'd as much as may be prov'd"
jfru, III, i, 298 (P)s "Wil't iLot be?/Wil^ not a Calves-skin.
"stop" that mouth of thine?"
Note 4-. To express personal indifference towards a possible
state or event the speaker may transpose the latter so that;
it appears to be dependent oxr another's will, whether this is
represented ley a person- or a personified object or is quite
" ' - 254'- .
indefinite. In this way will sometimes takes on the meaning
ot may and expresses possibility in a wide sense (come what;
H§, If, i» 65 •(*): "(Be-what ..they, will)- I heartily forgive « em11
Cor, t V, i, 61 (P): "Speedi how it will" . , .. , ,
Rom,, I, v, 38 (•? and Qp): "Come Pentycost as quick(e)ly as .
• ' «,»«.«—
„•••; , ...,' £ •: • ••••. $ %'* . ** - •-,.*, ., 4+M W1J.J.
..... 1 wi IT'1 -, % , , • -,
Ham*, IV, vii, 189 (F and Qg): "Let shame say what> it will11
Other examples in. A. Schmidt* Shakespeare-Lexicon^ p. 1372.
-* 255 -
§— /«" Will oould fiiiperl
fc5p*!**"^™* • y $>9 used, to indicate that the speaker
dii not' necessarily share the view expressed or- held by the
person of whom lit was used. Cf. F.T V-iser, S^i^^s^ 5 15^3.
" • <H6» II, iii, 58 (P): "This is a Riddling Merchant for the
nonce,/ He will be here, and yet he
is not here"
I, i, 250 t (P): "Art thou Kin^, and wilt be forc't?"
- 256 -
Will as an expression not so much of will but of inclination
or m wish is very common in Shakespeare in the optative form
of the Preterite: would - (he would be above the clouds). Its
use is now verytf limited,7 except r
in conditional complex
r —w , <• i
• F. i.\<jft^X«xljy<
sentences. Of. Karl Brunner, Die enfflische Sprache, II, 317 jj^
3JLL, I, i f 185 (P and Q-)s "I would see his own(e) person
*J " in flesh and "blood"
AYL» II, i r 18 (P): n I would, not change it"
Oth,. Ill, iii, 393 (P): lago: "You would be satisfied?"
• Othello: "Would? Nay, and I will."
TGV, III, i, 123 (P): "When would you use it?"
Mac • t I, v, 22-23 (P): "would'st not play false,/ And yet
-i" - " would r st wrongly winne"
2H6, II, i, 15 (P): "hee would be above the Clouds"
R3, III, i, 122 (P)s "would you have my Weapon,'little Lord?"

IV, vii,• 119-120 (Q0c. )s "that wei^ would doe/ We should
! ; doe when we would"
Err., I, i, 145 U?):J'Which Princes would they may not
'-- tQ ' • disanoill" , ,
tfote 1. V7ill in the above sense sometimes has only a weak
force or none at all, particularly in set forms like 15 I'll ,
tell you* I * H warrant, 1*11 be sworn, I'll assure you, I will
be.(make) bold to, Cf.FTT.Vi^isr^Jis'g^- , •
"Hanu, II, ii, 21 (P) s "I£ it will please you/ To shew us so
much Gemtrle t and good will"
I, v, 72 (P)s "He move the King/ To any shape of thy
, ., i "\ Preferment, such/ As thou 1 It desire"
Wiv»» V, i, 21 (P)s "I will tell you, he beate me greevously11
AYL, IV, i, 221 >(P): "ile tell thee Allena, 1 cannot; be out
i* , - : ' ?-v of the sight of Orlando"
Wiv». IV, ilf 235 (P): "He warrant, they 1 ! have him
,j — j ^ ^^ publiquely shami'd"
MV, II, ii, 96 (P)s "He be sworne if thou be Lancelet,
r thau art mine owne flesh and blood"
i, 1X)6 (P)s "I will be bold to take my leave of you"
Cyau, I, vi, 197 (P)s "I will make bold/ To send them to you"
- 257 -
.f V f i, 197 (P); "0, how odly will it sound, that I/
* * * Must aske my childe forgivenesse?"
r; ( = how strange it seems)
Note 2. The status of. I would 'I should like 1 , which seems to
have been especially common in the first person in the
literary language, may have been, strengthened by set expressions
like I would rather> I would fain, I would have with the
accusative and the infinitive.
'" ; '•' II,
- ' •'"-Ado. -• i, 335 \i (P ' and Q 1i ) : "I would rather have, one of
j~ *U .• " ' .
* your fathers getting:"
Ado, II, i, 383 (P and Q-): "I would faine have it a match"
Ado.-..••"'' y
I, i, 212 '•-.'(? and Q,.I ) i "I would(e) have you thinke so"
MV, II, iii, 8 (P , • and Q 1i ) : "I would not have my Father/ See
44 ?
y . < -*«(>• • " me (in) talke with thee"
Hote 3. (I) •

should like 1 followed by a subjunctive .
clause is very common in Shakespeare. The use of would in the
expressions \ woul^ to God. I would to heaven is noteworthy*
The original form of the first expression is wold(e) god.
After it was no longer nustomary to place the subject after
the verb it seems that this developed into the modern formula
I would to (yc-d, after the pattern of I wish to God, I pray to
God, and wo.ld.(e) was interpreted as the first person and God
was seen as a dative (0. Jespersen, Progress in Language,
p. 240) » Dr. Johnson (see A Dictionary ' of the English Language
(1755) under would 8) recognized that, would to God is a. :
misunderstood form of would God. Of. F* T» Visser, Syntax,
§ -562. ^ - . ._ -
TGV. f Irii, 50 (P): "I would. I had ore-look'd the Letter"
'" ;f '

Wiv. , IV, v f 40 (P) s "I would I could have spoken with the
Woman her selfe"
, IV, iv, 35 (P): "would yet lie had. lived"
IVjTiii, 373 (P): "Would thou would 'st burst"
I, ii,,^2 <P): "Would I were with ip.m"
f iii, 140 (P): "I would to God my Heart were Plint"
~ 258 -
A•~ ^end& or dispo
ricy3.'.(• sitio*- n in any direction usually reveals
. '••-
Itself in a" defini-pb course of action if certain conditions
exist. This' is often expressed by a stressed will (children
will play ) , showing the definite nature of the character and
emotion,, and indicating independence, obstinacy, or pertinacity*
Similarly, will can be used with a lesser stress to express a
routine action which arises from this characteristic temperament

and which is only to be expected in the circumstances. Will and

would in the third person meaning '.to be accus tomed to* are
————— " Cf.F.T. '
common, in. Shakespeare, and still survive in this use^today» ;
Ham., I, ii, 2.57 (F): "foule deeds will rise,/ Though all
the earth orewhelm them, to mens eies"
Ado. Ill, v, 'yi (F and Q-); "A good old man sir, he(e) will
be talking"
Tmp« , II, ii, 35-36 (P): ''when they will not give a doit; to
: relieve a lame JBegger, they will
lay out ten to see a dead Indian"
Shr« « II, i, 250 (?) : "Nor bite the lip, as angry wenches .
will" %
Mac., V, iL, 81 (F)s "infected mindes/ To their deafe pillowes
will discharge their Secrets"
Ham., V, i, 178 (P) : "How long will a man. lie 'ith' earth ere
he rot?"
gj, III, i, 126 (P)s "My Lord of Yorke will still be crosse
in talke"
2Hg, III, i, H (F): "When every one will give the time of
day,/ He knits his Brow, and shewes
,. f an angry Eye" .
Ven., 1095-1097 (1593): "when he hath song,/ The Tygre would
be tame... If he had spoke, the
wolfe wouldi. leave his praie"
Hote 4^* I should *I was accustomed to 1 occurs onoe in
Shakespeare. This use goes back to Old. English. *
III, i, 126 (F): "Pittie was all the fault that was in,
me':/ Por I should melt at art
Offenders teares"
- 259 -
§ f^€ file expression will you nil! you means 'whether you are
tilling or not 1 * ^will you, niill you, I will marry you11
(Shr., II, JL; 273
§ /tl Would can be used as an optative referring to the present
r ,. , *

t,il|e rw4.tli. the meaning '.desire, wish for, want 1 (examples under

a)). It is also found with the meaning 'ought to 1 (example

b ) ) . Cf. ' '

ii, 174 (P and Q1 ); ^hat would these strange (r)s?"

1 I, ' iii, 66 '}-•
""' •••• (Q 1 )j .-'
Antonio:. ."is . heejyet
- i* - possest/ How much.
ye would?"
; Shylocks "I, I, three thousand ducats »
a. '" "

iiif 75 (?) : "that would be scanned"

- 261 -
§ IV"Q The forms wot, wo * t , woo *t (=^wilt) , and Y/oolly(=v7iir)
oacur only occasionally. They correspond to i.'i.E. \volt and
'££i« "k*18 "1" ^ s suppressed, as in N.E. would. Will, wilt,
would, wouldst are sometimes contracted with the Personal
Pronoun: I f ll, thou'lt , thou'ldst , etc. f±i± Chill, ohud iTor
I will, ijwould are Southern dialect forms. Although they are
now characteristic of Somerset (Prince L. L. Bonaparte in
(isti) x
Phil. Joe. Trans. k1875-6|/, 580) they were originally used
all. over the South (see H. Kokeritz, Sha]co op t s Proniinol r..t::.': "
(Hew Haven, 1Q53) , p.. 38), The initial sound of the contract­
ions represents the form ic'h for £, characteristic of
Southern M.S. For a discussion of Edgar's dialect see H.
Kokeritz, -ishalco' o- 'P-iroiiunoia.tion, pp. 38-39*
2H4, II, i, 63 (i1 ): "Thou wilt not? thou wilt not?"
c££ (Q 1 ): "thou wot, vst thou, thou wot,
' ''
wot ta"
Ham., V, i, 298 (P) : " Woo't weepe? Woo't fight? 11
(Q.J): "Wilt fight, wilt"
(Q 2 )j "Woo't v^eepe, woo't 'fight, woo't fast"
Ant.. IV, ii, 7 (F): "Woo't thou fight well"
Ant., IV, ^fcxv, 59 (F): "woo't dye?"
2H4, III, ii, 308 (F) : "These fellowes will doe well"
(Q.. ) : "These fellowes wooll doe well"
Ado, II, iii, 32 (F) : "lie none" (Q^; "ile none"
MO, I, ii, 54 (F and Q 1 ) : "lie speake"
Mac.. I, iii, 10'(?)s "He doe, lie doe, and lie doe"
Lr., II, iv, 138 (F) : "thou'lt not beleeve"
(Q-): "thout not beleeve"
JC, III, iii, 20 (F): "you'l beare"
Ado. II, iii, 186 (F) : "hee'l scorne it"
(Q- ) : "heele scorne it"
Ado. II, iii, 136 (F) : "shee'll be up "
(Q 1 ) : "sheel be up"
Ado. I, iii, 77 (F) : "Y/ee ' 11 wait" (Q^: " W eel e wait"
Ir., Ill, iv, 9 (F): "Thou'dst shun" (Q^: "thoud'st shir."
Lr. t IT, vi, 240 (F) : "Chill not let go Zir"
- 262 -
(Q.J): "Chill not let goe sir"
Lr., IV, vi, 250 (P): "Chill picke your teeth Zir"
(Q,,): "Chill pick your teeth sir"
, IV, vi, 243 (P): "and f chud ha'bin zwaggerd out of ray
(Q-): "and chud have beene swaggar'd out
of my life"
- 263 -
§ '^ Stand with the function of an auxiliary verb iri the sense
of. be was formerly quite common.
Jn., III, i, 173 (?): "Thou shalr stand curst, and
TGV. I, iii, 60 (P): "how stand you affected to his
Err., IV, i, 31 (F): "more/ Then I stand debted to. this
Gentleman" •
R2, II, ii, 132 (F): "Wherein the king stands generally
condemn 1 d"
IIV, IV, i, 8 (P and Q^): "since he stands obdurate"
- 264 -
§ y^% The Present tense of use with the prepositional infinitive 3
which has now been replaced by I am in the habit of. " .-.r.
accustomed to. or by certain adverbs (usually, commonly,
habitually) t or is rendered in some other way, was still
current as late as the 17th and 18th centuries. HIIZ It is
found with periphrastic do in emphatic and negative statements.
The Perfect I have used and the form I vras used are also
obsolete, but I have (had) been used, I used are still in. use.
Cf. P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1333-4, 1336-7, 1339, 1341.
Tmp., II, i, 175 (P); "they alwayes use to laugh at nothing
AYL, II, iii, 23 (P): "the lodging where you use to lye"
Ant., II, v, 32-33 (P): "we use/ To say, the dead are well"
TN. II, iv, 47 (P): "the free maides that weave their thred
with bones,/ Do use to chaunt it"
Rom., Ill, v, 191 (P and Q2 ): "I do not use to iest"
(The earliest, instance of this construction, according to
P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 1336)
Eanu, II, ii, 48 (P): "or else this braine of mine/ Hunts
not the traile of Policie, so sure/
As I have us f d to do"
(Q«): "or else this braine of mine/ Emits
not the traine of policie so well/
As it had wont to doe v:
(Qp) : " or e^ 3 this braine of mine/ Hunts
not the trayle of poiicie so sure/
As it hath, usd t<p do^"
2H4. V, ii, 114 (P): "Th'unstained Sword that you have* us«d
to beare"
Ant., III, vii, 66 (P): "wee/ Have us f d H ;o conquer"
Tro.. Ill, iii, 71 (P and Q^): "they wer;; us'd to bend"
Cor., Ill, iii, 25-26 (P): "he hath bene us'd/ Ever to
- 265 -
§ )£3 •• After"will-t shall, must, let, be accompanied by an adverb
or-prepositional phrase the underlying idea of motion is very
often not explicitly stated, This freedom, which is no longer
acceptable in. written English, can be observed throughout the
whole of the 17th century and is found as early as Old English.
Jru, Y, ii, 78 (P): "I will not baclce"
Ova., I, ii, 37 (P): "lie to my Chamber"
JC, III> i, 236 (P): "I will my selfe into the Pulpit first"
2g£, III, lf 108 (P): "Wee would (deare Lords) unto the
Holy-Land" "-.'/.
MTDt II, i, 146 (P): "thou shalt not from this grove"
2S§r IV» v, 20 (P): "whether shall we then?"
AYI». I, ii t 227 (P): "If I had a thunderbolt in. mine eie, I
can tell who should downe"
JT, IV, iv, 84-7 (I1): "We must to the King"
Gym,, I, v^l,. 199 (P): "I must; aboord to morrow" :
2H4, III, ii, 310 (P)s "I must a dozen mile to night"
Jn^, V, ii, 95 (P): "now it is half'e conquer'd, must I backe"
2H4. Ill, ii t .232 (P): "Come, let's to Dinner"
WT, IV, iv, 859 (P)s "Let's before, as he bids us"
Wiv»« V, ii, 16 (P): "Lets away"
i- AWW, III, ii, 71 (P): "Towards Plorence is he?"
Note. This failure to express the concept of motion also
occurs elsewhere: either because this is understood from the
predicative verb and is clearly indicated in what follows, or-
because in a vivid description it is indicated only cursorily
by a personal pronouni followed* by an adverb.
Ant.. Ill, i, 35 (?)'• "He purposeth to Athens" . , -
Cor», IV, ii, 5 (P): "Bidi them home"
IV, i, 27 (P); "Desire them all to my Pavillion"
aid Pret~Pres. is connected inflexionally with an
-Pres. (wot'st, wot8) and also forms a new Pres. Part*
wotting. Apart from the phrase to wit and the adverbs wittingly,
unwittingly, all three of which are still found in the
literary•language, the form wit is rare in Shakespeare,
though witting and wit do occur.
Rom., Ill, ii, 139 (F)*and Q2 ): "I wot well where he is tt
^. - II, ij 250 (F and QV):
. R2, | "benevolences, and I wot not what"
Ant., I, Vfr 22 (F): "wot'st thou whom thou moov'st"
Cor., IV, i, 27 (F): "you wot well/ My hazards still have
. . .. . * beene your solace"
H8, III, ii, 122 (F): »wt>t you what I found'1 .
^Wiw, II, ii, 90 (F): ''you may come and see the picture
"s (she saves) that you wot of"
, -Eg,, IV, i, 299 (F): "in grosse braine little wots,/What
: - v» watch the King keepes, to maintaine ;
\Q.; the peace" •••f^"**" " *- ; "f %
tH6. IV, : vii, 55 W? "We English Warriours wot not what it
LUG., 1345 (1594): "(&od wot) it was defect/ Of spirale" r
WT, III, ii, 77 (F): "the Gods themselves/ (Wotting no
i- . more then I) are ignorant"
1H6. II, v, 16,(F): "Swift-winged with desire to get a
, s: Grave,/ As witting I no other comfort
have" (once) .
Per., t, IV, iv, 31 .-i •{ •
(Q 1I ): "Nowe please you wit:/ The Epitaph
is for Marina writ" (once; Gower
. " " s • is speaking)
AYL, V, i, 58 (F): "(to wit). I kill thee" '',
Ham., V, i, 11 (F): "If I drowne my selfe wittingly"
" R£, 110 i f 56 (Q1 )« "if I unwittingly or in my rage,/
Have ought committed"
(F): "If I unwillingly, or in my rage,/
- , , Have ought committed" * ,
Note. Ihe M,E. forms iwis (adjective) and iwisse (advert),
the first of which was used primarily as an. adverbial neuter
- 267 -
t. * VUVferLA ^^S^li^!:*^^ (UtrlVj l?7?3
(^latzner, Spmnr/ fffcbr. under fwis, pp. 110, 111), were
combined after, the final "e" became silent in the 15th
century in the single form iwis. Since there was no other
adverb with the same initial sound, this isolated form,
which, judging by the infrequency of its appearances in
Shakespeare (only four examples), was very rare in his time,
underwent various changes in meaning. The spelling I wis
seems to indicate one such change. There was evidently a
vague idea that the adverbial neuter Iwis concealed a Pres.
derived from the Pret, wist(g) and it was therefore written
I wis; but there is no other evidence for the existence of

j. V -p AAn Y\ ft}}} _ ' ' -

MjT, II, ix, 68 (P a.nd Q1 }: "There be fooles alive Iwis 11

Shr., I, i, 62 (P): "I is not halfe way to her heart"
R3, I, iii, 102 (P): "I wis your G-randam had a worser match"
1 • (Q-): "Iwis your (Jrandam had a worser match"
£er., II, Prol., 2 (Q^): "Heere have you seene a mightie
King,/ His child SMaor I'wis to
incest bring 11 (Gower is speaking)
- 268 -
^uoth, followed by its subject,
'"*"'"•',*'„. ' »"f is used by Shakespeare as
Pres'J and Fret, and occurs most frequently in the 3rd P.
. "V*^ • ' ' • •"*•!.•

Siiig. ?ret. (quoth you? 'once'only, quoth I about a dozen times).

It is used to quote someone else's words either ironically
or jocularly (A. Schmldt/Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 934) and
is particularly common as a Pret. in conjunction with a
pronoun: fluoth he (quoth-a, quoth a*), quoth she. Its position
in the sentence varies: it usually follows the passage
quoted, but sometimes it precedes it or is interpolated, in
the middle* It is an old Pret. derived from M.E. quath. The
subject was often strongly accented (quath he), so that
quath. had only a slight sentence accent with the result that
the rounding of the lips in the "w" sound was transferred to
the vowel, which then became "o"* Since it is now obsolete
the pronunciation now corresponds to the spelling; hence it
is normally spoken j~kwou6j withfc a long diphthong (seeK.Sweet,
p. 420), but [kw}07 also occurs. The use of
quoth in the Pres., as found in Shakespeare, was the
result/ of the final "th" sound and the new Pret. formation
. quod (not found in Shakespeare).
1H4t II, if 44 (F) : "Lend mee thy Lanthorne (quoth-a)
marry lie see thee hang'd first"
(Q-): "lend me thy lanterne (quoth he)
marry ile see thee hangd first"
Tro . , V, i, 83 (F): "sweet quoth-a?" (Q 1 ) : "sweet quoth a"
Tmp. t III, ii, 36 (F) : "Lord, quoth he?"
LLL, IV, iii, 221 (P and Q 1 ) : "Did they(,) quoth you?"
LLL, 7, il, 247 (F and Q1 ) : "Veale quoth the Dutch-man"
Preterite: ' iSi '" ^

TGV , I?, iv, 28-31 (F): "friend (quoth I) you meane to

«: * whip the dog: I marry doe I (quoth
he) you doe him the more wrong
(quoth I) 11
':LUC.« 652 (1594): "Thou art, quoth shee, a sea, a soveraigne
,11, iv, 12 |l)s w l, quoth my tinkle Glouster"
Rom>« I, iii, 55 (I? and Q 2 ) 5 "Yea.quoth my husband,
fall(')st upon thy face"
Occasionally precedes the quotations
Luc.y 253 (1594): "Quoth he, shee tooke me kindlie by the
, ', ' '"-"- ' ; hand" • ' ' ' •
£uc., 575 (1594) s "Quoth shee, reward not Hospitalitie 11
§ iff* Hight 'is called 1 occurs four times in Shakespeare as a
characteristic archaism, always as a Present, never as a
* 'iM1 '$3t c '

ffijerite, see A* Schmidt. Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 359*

detaijl^of the, origin of this form see^'ten Brink, Chaucers
pp'. ^OoT^ 157; Baibr^^T-^»lo,ut ot. i
Karl Brunner, Die englische Spraohe. II
249-250. •< • • . ^•:--1- ~; ^ ^ (

ILL, I, i, 171 (F): "This childe of fancie that Armado

IiLL, i, i, 258 (P): "which as I remember, hight Costard"
MO, "Y, i, HO (F and Q 1 ); "This grizly beast (which Lyon
hight by name)"
Per*. IV, ProU, 18 (Q^s "this Maid/ Hight Philoten"
(Gower is speaking)
•* 271 -
§ jb> The form methoughts . used in the 17th century and the first ,
'$ft*X£ of the 18th century (see OED) , occurs several times in
Shakespeare* It has been explained as an imitation of me thinks.
Jhe basis of this seems to be the M.E. Participle jsefruht. (See
Bosworth-Toller under Ter/>ync an * ) Methoughts survived (as a
parallel to methought) partly because me think and methinks
existed in Early New English as parallel forms of the Pres.
Indicative. Of. P. T. Visser,
§ 32.
WT, I, 11,154 (P): "Looking on the Lynes/ Of my Boyes face,
me thoughts I did requoyle/ Twentie
three ye'eres" .
Rj, I, iv, 9 (?): "Me thoughts that I had broken from the
•••-•' ; Tower" '
12., I, iv, 24 (?): "Me thoughts, I saw a thousand fearful!
(Q.j): "Me thought I sawe a thousand fearefull
1 wracks" J
tY, I, iii, 70 (P and Q^: "Me thoughts you said, you .
neither lend nor borrow/ Upon
~ 272 -
1| • Impersonal verbs and constructions
§ /^g A number of impersonal verbs have become obsolete or
since Shakespeare's time (examples under a)), or else they
are no longer current in an impersonal construction (examples
under b)). In New English there is a remarkably strong
preference for personal constructions, which had in some
instances progressed so far by Shakespeare's time that, older
impersonal constructions had either been completely abandor-au
or are no longer recognizable as such with any certainty.
Thus Shakespeare uses both I like and it likes me, but only
the form he list is found, and not him list, as formerly.
Similarly I were better go is found, but not- the older 'form
ne were better go. The transition to personal constructions
has various causes, the main factors being the decline of"
inflexions and the restrictions imposed by word^-order. Since
the 15th century the inflexional difference between the nomin­
ative and dative of the noun had gradually disappeared, so
that very often an originally impersonal construction could
not be distinguished from a personal one: "The better, that
your Lordship please to aske" (R3, III, ii, 99 (F)); "The
better that it please your Lo: to aske" (ibid. (Q*)). Further
development in this direction resulted from the fact that you
was the same in the nominative .and the dative and the pronoun
it was frequently suppressed, so that "If you shall please so."
(AWW, III, v, 46 (P)) can be understood as being derived' from
if you it shall please so, especially if you is stressed.
Another factor may have been the fact that both, personal and
impersonal verbs were sometimes juxtaposed in the same
construction: "This aunswer Alexander both lyked aa€L rewarded"
(lyly, Euphues and his England) ; "What so thy minde affectes
or fancie likes" (Marlowe, Edward II, 170 (Q^). But the
phonetic similarity between personal arid impersonal verbs
that are related in meaning is of much greater importance in
this matter. For example there can be no doubt that the
progress of the personal. construction of like was influenced
by love. Of. 0. Jespersen, Progress in Language 4kenden, 18QC)«
p. 216 ff.; H. Spies, Studien zur Geschichte des englischen
- 273 -

Pronomens im 13* und 16. Jahrhundert I (Halle. 1397), pp. 272-213,

2Nf II, i, 15 (P) : "it charges me in manners, the rather to
expresse my selfe"
it is incumbent upon r.s )'
t\^\, c?,( = ——————————————————
Oth. 9 II, iii, 49 (^) : "He do f t, hut it dislikes meJ1
H8, II, iii, 103 (P): "it faints me/ To thinke what followes"
Kg, II, iv, 11 (P): "It fit us then to be as provident,/ As
feare may teach us"
Tro., IV, ii, 52 (P and Q^: "It doth import him much to
speake with me"
( = it is of importance to I? in)
AYL, II, i, 22-25 (P) : "it, irkes me the poore dapled fooles
. .. Should in their owne confines
with forked heads/ Have their round
<-t$; fr hanches goard"
R3, I f ii, 220 (P) : "much it ipyes me too,/ To see you are
"become so penitent"

TN, V, i, 295 (P): "it skilles not much when they are
deliver ! d"
( = it matters not greatly, c.f. W» W* Skeat, Etymological
Dictionary under skill)
2E6. Ill, i, 281 (P): "It skills not greatly who impugnes
our doome"
Cynu , V, v, 80 (P): "Sufficeth,/ A Roman, with a Romans
hearu can suffer"
H5, TV, iii, 26 (P) : "It yernes me not, i;r men my Garmen-js
weare" ( =: it grieve 3 me not)
Like ;
Tro. , V, ii, 101-102 (Q-j): Diomedes: "I doe not like thio
Thersites; "IT or I by Pluto; tut:
•chat that likes not
you., pleases me bes'v
^nv, II, i, 533 (P): "It likes us well youn~ Princes: close
your hands"
- 274 -
LM, II, i, 33 (P): Jlngelo: "V/here is the Provost?"
Provost:; "Here if it like your honour,"
Like is found in personal constructions as early as the middle
of the 14th century. See U. van der Gaaf, The Transition fror.
the Impersonal to the Personal Construction in Middle" En^iis?r^' Vy

(Heidelberg, 1904), p. 68.

Please is often used personally by Shakespeare:
Shr*, V, ii, 178 (P): "if he please,/ My hand is, readie"
AW. II, iii, 164 (P) s "We please to have it grow"
The impersonal construction also occurs:
Ado, III, v, 21 (P and Q-): "It pleases your worship to say so"
Shr., Ind», i, 77 (P): "An't please your Honor"
List:, originally used impersonally (see H. Spies, -frtudl-qn-sur-
•gooohiohte dea enftliaohen Pronomena. im "M»-»—uiid--1 ^r-^Jahrhundert
(Hollo, 1BQ7)-, p» 263 f.), occurs in Shakespeare only in
personal constructions:
Wiv., II, ii, 124-125 (P): "goe to beet when she list, rise
when she list, all is as she will"
H8, II, ii, 22 (P): "Turnes what he list"
1H6, I f v, 22 (P): "conquers as she lists"
Yen*. 564 (1593): "While she takes all she can, not all she
listeth" .
The uninflected form of the third person singular of the Present
indicative, in which the verb usually appears, is explained
from the corresponding fn:n: O.E* form lyst (for lyst(e)K-» ^r
the assimilation of "/>" to "t").
Ail. She personal construction of ail (found as early a- 1425),
which, is the only.form used by. Shakespeare (twice), failed to
survive, in the opinion of 0. Jespersen (Progress in Language
fltonlon» 1894-)-, p. 223 f.), because of the popularity of the
formula "what ails him?".
AWW» II, iv, 6 (P): "what do's she ayle"
WT, III, iii, 83 (P): "what ayl'st thou, man?"
There are also traces of the impersonal thinks 'seems 1
(surviving in me thinks, Preterite methought);. "Dooes it not
thinke thee stand me now uppon?" (Ham>, V, ii, 63 (Q 2 ))>
- 275 -
"Does it not, think'st t'hee, stand me now upon" (ibid. (F));
this seems to indicate a confusion between thinks thee, re
thinks , thinks t thou, and I think (0. Jespersen, Progress in
Language 4^on-don7-4€944^ » p. 222). A similar case occurs i:i;
"Where it think'st best unto your Royall selfe" (K3, III, i,
63 (P)) - but Q^ has: "Where it seemes best unto your royall
The form methoughts. which occurs occasionally, is derived
from the O.E. form is me ?e/>uht (see Bosworth-T oiler under
ge-/>yncan) , which, under the influence of me thinks and nre thought,
later developed into methoughts.
WT, I, ii, 154 (P)s "me thoughts I did requoyle/ Twentie
three yeeres"
R3, I, iv, 9 (P): "Me thoughts that I hadi broken from the
R3, I, iv, 24 (P) : "Me thoughts, I saw a thousand, f earful-
(Q-|): "Me thought I sawe a thousand fearefull
12> I> iv, 58 (P): "With that (me thought) a Legion of foule
Piends/ Inviron'd me"
(Q,|}: "With that me thoughts a legion of foule
fiends/ Environd me about"
MV. I, iii, 70 (P and Q^: "Me thoughts you said,, you.
neither lend nor borrow"
(The only examples of me thoughts)
Another factor in the change from the type mejthinketh to I
think is the fact that formerly myself, yourself, etc* could
be either the subject or the object, so that in myself
think (e)th the function of myself was uncertain, cf • P* T.
Visser, English Studies. XXVI (1944-5), 24-. Cf. also §
and P. T. Yisser, Syntax , § 43.
Chance is found in a personal construction as early as 1400
(PSD under chance) * In. the second half of the 16th century
the personal use definitely prevailed over the impersonal
Spies, -6"fctid-are»-gur^"0-eBcM cht e -d-es .
15 • • • m id—Hrr- Jah rhund^r-t-^fal±e-,-~1-897-K p» 259. In. Shakespeare
- 276 -
the ver"; is used both personally and impersonally*
MM, III, ii, 271 (P): "if he chance to faile"
1H6 t II, i, 31 (F): "if it c.-ance the one of us do faile"
Happen is used by Shakespeare both personally ar.c. impersonally:
R2, IV, i, 330 (P and Q r): "What; eror I shall happen to
devise 11
Tim., Ill, ii, 52 (P) : "How unluckily it hapned, that I
shold Purchase 11
AM, III, ii, 1 (P): "It hath happen f d all, as I would have
had it" * '
Traces of the transition to the personal construction, can be
observed from the first, half of the Hth century (W. der
Gaaf , -Tho Tranaition—from—the
at ruction in-M-i-d-dIo En/rlich -(lfeld-^lbQr:: r 1904) » p* 122).
c) Impersonal and personal constructions*
The following. sentence: "Me rather had my Heart, might feele
your Love,/ Then, my unpleas'd Eye see your Gourtesie" (R2, III,
iii, 192 (P)) is notable because it shows the remains of an
impersonal .construction which gave rise tv I had rather
because of the confusion of forms; apart, i'rom this Shakespeare
uses the personal construction:
Wiv», III, iii, 130 (P); "I had rather than c. thousand
pound he were out of the house"
My, I, ii, 144 (P and Q-): "I had. rather he(e) should
shrive m.e(e) then wive me (e)"
Wiv*, III, iv, 90 (P): "I had rath,er be set quick i'th eartli"
Cysu. II, i, 2.0 (P): "I had rather not be so ICoble as I am"
Oth*. II, iii, 221 (P) : "I had rather have this tongue cut
from my mouth,/ Then it should do
offence to Michaell Cassio"
Oth., I, iii, 191 (P): "I had rather to adopt a Child, th^n
get it"
The origin of this is an impersonal construction in which
lever (liever) (comparative of U»B» lief) takes the place of
rather; Me were lever go; it was very common in the 14th and
15th centuries. About 1300 another construction appeared
- 277 -
the type: I had lever go, which expressed approximately the
sane idea in a personal form; it is tho predecessor of thj
modern type: I had rather go. Here have is a principal verb*
In JkUB« the sentence: I have him lief had the sense of 'I hold
him dear 1 ; hence I hadde it liever must have had tl-3 meaning
•I should prefer it 1 . If it is replaced by an object clause
the result is iJct a constructions of the type: I hadde lever
that he were rl:nf: ded. If the subject is the same in the main
clause and the subordinate clause the latter can be replaced
by an infinitive. About 1530 lever (liever), by then obsolete,
was replaced by rather, and this gave rise to the modern
constructions, which by Shakespeare's time had become very
common. The example fcimr above taken from R2, III, iii, 192
represents a mixture of the personal and impersonal constructions
Although the comparative liever is no longer found in
Shakespeare, he still quite commonly uses ijnad as lief (liever) ,
which is now obsolete in. the literary language:
JC, I, il, 95 (I4 ): "I had as liefe not be, as live**
Horn. t II, iv, 215 (Qp^ 5 "ske good soule had as leeve see a
tode, a very tode as see him."
ATI, III, ii, 269 (#): "I had as liefe have beene my selfe
The form I had rather, which first; appeared in the middle
of the 15th century, completely replaced the older I had lever
in the 1 6'tit and. encroached upon I would rather, a construction
found about two centuries earlier, so that it came to be
believed that the latter had, derived, from the former (Y,r . van.
der G-aaf , -5rhe—2-ran si-t-i-on—f^om^-t-he—Imp e-r-s-Gne-l—to-^he—I? .^^&o^a-I
tT-uc-t-i on—i-:r^ll^<H:e-^^l-Jr^^^ pp. 47f 51}
and that it was an erroneous expansion of I'd rather. But
would in would rather is the Preterite subjunctive of will,
so that. I would rather originally meant: ! I would rather wish
to 1 . Would occurs eight times in conjunction with rather in.
the First Polio (W. van. der G-aaf, -gfee--g
—^to-4he-P-e-r-sonaX-Con-s-truo^-i-oyi-JbH- Ml-ddl-
P. 50). Cf. i1 . OU Visser, Syntax, § 40
R3» III, vii, 161 (P) : "I would rather hide me from my
(Q-): "I had rather hide me from ny
2H6, III, i, 297 (P) : "I would rather have lost my Life
betimes,/ Then, bring a bur the n. of
dis-honour home"
Er:?« » II, ii, 36 (P): "Sconce call you it?... I had rather have
it a head"
Attention may be drawn here to a closely related impersonal
construction, which is already found in 0»E. and ivUE,, and
from which there developed later a personal construction: from
me 7/ere better go there arose I were better go
latter form was common in Shakespeare but- is now
obsolete :
2H4, I, ii, 103 (P): "thou wer't better be hang'd"
Jn*, 17, iii, 95 (P) : "Thou wer't better gaul the divell"
2H4, I, ii, 246 (Q-j): "I were better to be eaten to death"
AYL, IV, i, 73 (P) : "you were better speake first"
AYL, III, iii, 92 (P); "I were better to bee married of him" «
TK, II, ii, 27 (P) : "she were better love a dreame"
AJform like you \/ere better go allows of both, personal and
impersonal interpretations and encourages the former. Of. P. 2»
Visser, Syntax, § 41 » A similar development is responsible
for the construction I were best* . . , -he were as good. . . :
Cynu, III, vi, 19 (P) '• "I were best not call"
TGV, I, iii, 24 (P) : "whether were I best to send him?"
MM, III, ii, 38 (P): "he were as good go a mile on liis
Cf. also:
Cvnu, III, ii, 79 (P) : "Madam, you're best consider"
Cf. 0. Jespersen, Progress in Language fc&ondon, 18Q4--)» §
P. I. Visser, S:/ntax, § 42.
- 279 -
Reflexive Verbs
A number of verbs that, were used reflexively in Elizabeths
English can no longer be used in this way, and are often
obsolete in their original reflexive sense altogether. The
modern language much prefers the intransitive form: I retire
has taken the place of I. retire me and I retire myself. Cf,
§-^0?j Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 123-5*
Luc, , 598 (1594): "To all the Host- of Heaven. I complaine me"
R2, I, ii t 42 (Q.j): "Where then may I complaine my selfe?"
H5, III, vi, 180 (F) : "Beyond the River wee'le encamp e our
Tg, IV, ii, 104 (F): "endeavour thy selfe to sleepe"
R3, I, iv, 123 (F): "How do ' st thou feele thy selfe now?11
TN, V, i, 286 (F): "now I remember me"
' f.N<( QJ

Oth., V, ii, 10 (F^): "Should I repeat me"

Ant., Ill, iii, 42 (F) : "I repent me much/ That I so harried
Cor., Ill, iii, 44 (F): "If you submit- you to the peoples
. , V, i, 310 (F): "And thence retire me to my Millaine"
Cor., I, iii, 30 (F): "giire me leave to 'retire my selfe"
Tim., I, ii, 159 (F) : "I doubt me"
R2, III, ii, 67 (F): "I feare (my tfoble Lord)" fsoo-horo 5
H£, III, vi, 168 (F): :"bid thy Master well advise himselfe"
Mac. , III, i, 138 (F): "resolve your selves apart"
AYL, I, ii, 196 (F); "I confesse me much guiltie"
1H6 t IV, ii, 8 (F).: "lie withdrav/ me, and my bloody power"
" ' ~ f.-V.lQ

Oth., IV, i, 57 (E): "Do^4you withdraw your selfe a little

Per. , I, iv, 1 (Q-): "shall wee rest us heere"
AYL, II, vii, 15 (F): "I met a foole,/ Who laid him down.e t
and bask'd him. in the Sun"
- 280 -
The sentence type "The book sells well"
(Cf« here K. ]?. Sunden, A category of pfeedicatior-al chsn?e in
(Uppsala, 1916))
§ H.Q The use of a transitive predicative verb that has developer
an intransitive meaning (the book sells well), which is very
common in the present-day language, is also found in Shakespeare
Depending on the original sense of the transitive verb and tlie
possible meaning it can have in relation to the subject in a
particular clause, it can indicate a state, a condition of
development, an ability or attribute, permission of an action
or the result of one. The construction, which has its roots ir*
Old English, appears in various forms. Its development was
furthered by the decline of inflexions, the coincidence of
forms (O.E. sencan and sincan both became N.E. sink), and by
the operation of analogies connected v/ith this. Other factors
were parallel.phenomena taken over from French, the influence
on the verb of other verbs that were related in meaning, and
various associations of a 1 subjective nature. Allowance must
also be made for the disappearance in M.E. of weorftan andi for
the lack of a satisfactory substitute. G-et first became
extensively used as an inchoative auxiliary verb in Hew English;
become belongs chiefly to the literary language and is not
common in everyday conversation. This very useful construction
has a long and complex history of development.
The intransitive sense of the verb becomes especially clear
when the transitive predicative verb can also be regarded as
a causative. The reason for this is that many verbs that were
originally causative later developed in suck a way that they
coincided in form with denominatives with the same sten, so
that now, for example, the verb harden ca:i mean either 'to
make hard* or f to become hard 1 , and the participle hardened
can mean f made hard* or 'become hard*. Th) ideas of being ard
becoming, of state and action, have been closely related iii. tlie
Past participle of intransitive verbs since Old English. Hence
the meaning of the corresponding active form of the verb can
also fluctuate according to the circumstances of the case, so
- 281 -
that a passive and inchoative (or reflexive) interpretation
is possible. In a sentence like the follov/inj: "giuttonlike
she feeds, yet never filleth" (Ven. , 548 (1593)) the Present
tense forin can be understood to mean 'is filled 1 or 'is full 1 ,
The development of modem usage was also helped by the
connection in Early Few- English of the old gerund: the bucket
is a-filling with the Present participle: the bucket is
filling , which provided a link with the Present tense form:
the bucket fills.
The reflexive interpretation of the predicative verb depends
very much on the nature of the subject and of the action. In
a sentence like the mists divided the reflexive idea prevails,
but on the other hahd in the window opened it depends entirely
on the specific interpretation of the event and the attendant
circumstances whether the verb means 'was opened' or 'opened
of its own accord 1 . Nowadays the predicative verb often.
involves the idea of it beingjpossible to do something. This
is usually more exactly defined: "colours that do not wash
well"; "this rule reads both ways"; "this test applies to
every supposition" (cf. K. P. Sunden,
p. 478 ff.).
Causative and inchoative meanings of the verb are now found
chiefly in -words in "-ify": beauti:?y 'make beautiful, become
beautiful 1 ; gasify 'make gaseous, become gaseous 1 , cf. also
words like magnify, mollify.
As well as Germanic verbs, verbs of Latin-Romance origin
like dissolve , resolve, consume are found in this class.
Although in the case of some French loan-words, as for example
arrange and join, both transitive and intransitive uses
existed in Old French (K. P. Smiden, -A
. c a^JreR€t^c^an-ge-4gr-^n^f^hH^pps a-1 ar-^94^> p. 260), the
original mode of use of such verbs is ofjless importance than
the fact that at the end of the M*E. period there were many
verbs with both transitive and intransitive meanings, as a
result of coincidence of forms and new formations, and thess
were imitated by the Romance words. The association of meaning
and use played an important FOle, especially when the verbs
were phonetically similar. Thus blanch (from Pr. blanchir)
imitated bleach aa *make white, become white 1 and acquired
the secondary meaning 'become white V.
Some causative verbs like to bold, to bolden are found in
two forms. Shakespeare is inconsistent in his use, using
sometimes the one form sometimes the other. Of. P. £• Visser t
English Studies/ XXVI (1944-5), 24* '
a) Passive: '.
-•AW, I, i, 172 (P): "like the brooch & the toothpick, which
•L,...'•* - were not now"
b) Inchoative or passive; ,- % , »
Mac., V, iii, 3 (P): "TiH Byrnane wood remove to Dunsinane,/
11 3 *••' I cannot taint with Peare" • • r>
: Rom., I, ii| 49 (F): "One desparate greefe, cures with an
<~. * «» i others languish" , , •
• Son. XXXIII, 14' (1609): "Suns of the world may staine, whe"
;, - *'- *"*' heavens sun staineth11 , j " • :
LLL, II, 1, 48 (P): "If vertues glosse will staine with any
'^..•••.'J. 1 !• ' - v /--- • soile"^' " • • .W" • .
1H4. II, iv, 84 (P): "your white Canvas doublet will sulley"
c) Inchoative or reflexives .
Yen., 565 (1595): "What waxe so frozen but dissolves with
tempring" . r• ; ~
JTn.. V, iv, 25, (J?): "even as a forme of waxe/ Resolveth
A; > -. -, from his figure 'gainst the fire?"
1H6• I, ii, 133-135 (P)2 "Glory is like a Circle in the
Water,/ Which never ceaseth to
: enlarge it selfe,/ Till by broad
spreading, it disperse to naught"
1H6, V, iv, 92 (P): "Breake thou in. peeces, and consuzae to
*, v.• ashes"
Luc., 560 (1594): "though marble were with rayning"
VeA.i'548 (1593)2 "gluttonlike she feeds, yet never filleth"
^Reflexive: ,'"""''" "" ' . '
ii, III, xiii, 1t1 (P): ".bur sever'd Havie too/Have knit
- 283 -
, II, iv, 58 (Q|) s MY/hen Peeres thus knit, a Kingdoms
ever stands"
gym,, V, T, 345-347 (P): "Their deere losse,/ The more of
< . you 'twas felt, the more it. shap'd/
Unto my end of stealing them"
Luc.. 1737 (1594): "it doth ' devide/ In two slow

Ven»» 451 (1593): "Once more the rubi-colourd portal! opend"
Cor.,I, iv, 19 (P): "They'le open of themselves"
Tmp., III, ii, 150 (P); "The clouds methought would open"
d-) Reflexive with admissive sense:
Trcu, I, iii, 360 (P) : "Let us (like Merchants) shew ouir
fowlest Wares,/ And. thinke p.erchance
they f l sell"
Wiv., I, iii, 18 (P): "an old Cloake, makes a new lerkin"
e) Causative:
Lr., V, i, 26 (Q-): "It touches us, as Prance invades our-
land/ Not. bolds the King"
, AYL, II, vii, 91 (P): "Art thou thus bolden'd man by thy
$ro.. T, viii, 7 (P jociz^p): "Even with the vaile and-darking
of the Sunne"
(Q-): "Even with the vaile and darkning
of the Sunne w
Ado, II, i, 24 (P and Q 1 ): "I shall lessen Gods sending that
way" A
, Lr., V., i, 19 (QM): "T had rather loose the bat^aile, then
$ .. *
that- sister should loosen him and mee"
Tit., II, iii, 243 (P and Q )• "I will not loose againe"
R2, III, ii, 38 (P): "the Globe, that lights the lower World"
r Tit>. II, iii, 227 (P): "A precious Ring, that lightens all
the Hole"
;: Gym., I, vi, 201 (P): "I shall short my word/ By lengthening
my returne 11
PP, 210 (.1612): "Short night to night, and length thy selfe
to morrow"
Ado, IIl f ii, 10S (P and Q^): "circumstances shortned"
•Jit., I, If 166 (F): "Kind Ibme,/ That hast thus lovingly
zreserv'd/ The Cordiall of mine age to
• glad my hart'1
, III, iii^430 (F/)': "this may helpe to thicken other
•,.• * *,$ s tr - = , ' 1ft s* ' ' ! - ' -- * ff\ • '

; I, ii, 171 (F): "Thoughts, that would thick my blood"
- 28 5 >
Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
l(j ShsScespeare uses many verbs transitively that are now
intransitive (see. § ; £5®0, but there are comparatively few
instiiii^es where he uses a verb intransitively that is now
regarded as transitive. . ,
Jr., I t ; ii, 179 (F): "it would scarsely alay'^ ( =* abate)
3K6i It iv, 146 (F); "when the Rage allayes, the Raine begins 11
Ant», I, iii, 97 (F): "Since my becommings kill me, when
they* do not/ Eye well to you" ( = look)
TGFT, V, iy, 7 (F): "0 thou that dost inhabit ia my brest"
Err f> IV, iii, 11 (F)i "lapland Sorcerers inhabite here" ,
1 Ham., I, y, 187 (F and Q2 Hi "what so poore a man as |Damlet
, is,/ May doe t'expresse his
love and fr(i)ending to you(,)/
- . t God willing shall not lack(e)"
Mac.., Ill, 11,^53' (F); "Whiles Nights black Agents to their:
;(sl j. s '» <e - •. . ,
Prey's doe rowse" »
V « ilja a
- .--
Cor., V, iii, 13 (F): "Though I shew 1 d sowrely to him" ...
( » appeared)
Jr., I, iv f 265,(F): "this our Gourte infected with their
, manners,/ Shewes like a rio.tous Inne"
Iir.» I, iv, 248 (F): "his Notion weakens" " -r .
1 ^., II, iv, 212 (F): "No, rather I abiure all roofes, and
: chuse/ To wage agains,t. the enmity
- 286 -
In contrast to modern usage many verbs in Shakespeare are
combined ctirectly with a noun even when this cannot be the
direct object of a verbal action (examples under a)}. Today
in such cases either a preposition is used, or the verb in
question is now .obsolete in a transitive use (examples under
b')). Furthermore, the number of vsrbs that, can be used
causatively is $much smaller than it was formerly (examples
under c)),
jJG, I, ii, 110 (F): "ere we could arrive the Point proposed"
Cor,. II, iii, 189 (F): "arriving/ A place of Potencie"
Tit., V f iii, 169 (F); "Friends, should associate Friends, *
in Greefe and Wo"
Cor., II, i, 224 (F): "she chats him" ( = of him)
3H6, II, ii, 73 (?)s "I would your Highnesse would depart
the field"
Mac-., V, viii, 13 (F): "Dispaire thy Charme" ( = despair of)
AYL, II, v, 34 (F): "he hath bin all this day to looke you"
( = look for)
l£., Ill, iii, 15 (F): "I will looke him, and privily
relieve him"
(Q-); '"I will seeke him, and/ Privily
releeve him"
R2 t III, i, 3-1 (F and Q-): "your soules must part your bodies"
Per. t V, iii,'37 (Q«): "when wee with teares parted
H5, II, ii, 159 (F); "Which in sufferance heartily will
£2, III, ii, 163 (F): "Scoffing his State, and grinning at
his Pompe" (rare)
Lr., II, i:. 9 88 (F): "Smoile you my speeches, as I were a
Foole?" (isolated case) ||
H8, IV, ii, 32: (F): "give me leave to speake him" ( = describe)
Ham., V, i.l, 24 (F and Q2 ): "to stay the grinding of the
Axe" ( = wait for)
''TGV, II, ii, 13 (F): "My father staies my coining"
- 287 -
22. » Ill, ii, 122 (?): "I stay 'Dinner there"
R2, V, i, 46 (P): "the sencelesse Brands will sympathize/
The heavie accent of thy moving Tongue"
Dative not indicated:
Tmp,, I, ii, 122 (P) : "This King of Naples* . .hearkens my
Brothers suit"
£0.9 IV > i» 4'; (P): "and now Octavius,/ Listen great, things"
Ado. Ill, i, 12 (P): "To listen our purpose"
(Q-): "To listen our propose"
Kanu. I, iiij 30 (F) : "you list his Songs"
Lr. , V, iii, 181 (P) : "List a breefe tale"

Lr., II, iv, 144 P) : "I cannot thinke my Sister in the

least/ Would faile her Obligation"
( » faxl to fulfill)
Ado,. V,. i, 2.9X ( F a*1*1 Q-j ) : "if y°ur 16ve/ Can labour- aught
in sad invention" ( = work)
R3, I, iv, 253 (P and Q 1 ) : "That he would labour my
delivery" ( = effect)
R3t III, i, 83 (P and Q-): "I moralliae "fcv;o meanings in one
AYL. II, i, 44 (P): "Did he not moralize this spectacle"
( = expound)
MV , IV, i f 35 (P and Q - ) : "I have posse st your grace of
what I purpose"
TN, II, iii, 149 (P) : "possesse us, tell us something of
Ir« » II, iv, 25 (P and Q^); "Resolve me with all modest hast (e)"
Lr.., I, i, 163 (P): "Thou swear. st. thy Gods in vaine"
2H4, III, ii, 204 (P) : "I cannot tarry dinner" ( «• wait for)
Wiv», IV, v, 21 (P) : "a Bohemian- Tartar- taries the comming
downe of thy fat-woman"
Causative use:
Cvjm*, V, v, 255 (P): "which being tane, would cease/ The
present powre of life"
Tim., II, i, 16 (P) : "be not ceast/ With slight deniall"
- 288 -
luc.. 507 (1594): "Which like a Faulcon tov/rin-; in the skies,/
Cowcheth the fowle below with his wings
Rom., I, iv, 107-110 (F and Q0A ): "Some consequence...Shall...
expire the te(a)nae/ Of a
despised life" f
jv|V, II, i, 9 (F and Q^): "this aspect", of mine/ Hath feard
the valiant"
MUD« V, i, 143 (F and Q 1 ): "as she fled, her mantle she did
fall" ( = dropped)
Ant.. Ill, xi, 69 (F):-"Fall not a teare I say"
AYL.j I, i, 124 (F): "many yong Gentlemen., .fleet, the time
carelesly" > : < < .
Ado, IV, i, 31 (F and Q^): "you learn(e) me noble thankfulnes"
fflD, I, i, 4 (F and Q^: "She lingers my desires"
( = protracts)
Tro., V, x, 9 (F and Q^): "linger not: our sure destructions on11
Lr., I, i, 236 (F and Q1 ): "not to have it,/ Hath lost me
in your liking"
( =: caused me to lose)
Cor., V, i, 18 -(F): "I minded him, how Royall 'twas to
pardon" ( = reminded)
H£, IV, iii, 13 (F): "I doe thee wrong, to mind thee^ '^^.
of it"
R3, III, iv, 25 (F): "I trust,/ My absence doth neglect no
great; designe" ( = cause to be neglected.)
2H6, III, ii, 100 (F): "thy flinty heart...Might in thy
Pallace, perish Elianor"# ( = destroy)
Ant., V, ii, 85 (F): s: when he meant to quaile, and shake
the Orbe" ( = make to quail)
£or., I, ix, 6 (F): "where Ladies shall be frighted,/ And
gladly quak'd" ( = made to quake)
Imp., II, il, 71 (and 79)i(F); !>if I can recover him"
( = restore)
AWW, HI, ii, 22 (F): "shee hath recovered the king"
Jru, III, iv, 96 (F): "Remembets me of all his gracious parts"
( = remembers =: reminds)
- 289 -
Tmp.» I, ii, 243 (F): "Let me remember thee what thou liast
R2, II, ii, 46 (F): "That he our hope, might have retyr'd
his power"
Lr., III, iv, 122 (F): "Hee...squints the eye"
(Q-): "he., .squeines the eye"
Gym., V, v, 398 (F): "Let' s., . smoake tlie Temple with our
R£, IV, i, 94 (P): "Streaming the Ensigne of the Christian
Related cases:
MV, III, ii, 269 (P): "a gaping wound/ Issuing life blood"
Wiv., II, ii, 157 (P): "such Broomes...that ore'flowes such
2H6, IV, vi, 4 (P): "I charge and. command, that of the Cities
cost/ The pissing Conduit run nothing
but Clarret Wine"
JO, III, ii, 193 (P): "at the Base of Pompeyes Statue/
(Which all the while ran. blood)"
Luc., 472 (1594): "Who ore the white sheet peers her whiter
chin" ( = lets appear)
Note 1. The chief causative verbs in. N.E. are have, make,
order, cause (literary language) and verbs formed from
adjectives with the suffix "-en" (lighten).
TGV, I, ii, 25. (F): "would. 1 st thou, have me cast ny love on him?"
£N> v > i> 4-9 (P): "I would not have you to thinke"
Son. CXXXVIII, 12 (1609): "age in, love, loves nott'have
yeares told"
Srr., II, ii, 10 (P): "Your Mistresse sent to have me home
to dinner?"
gS t Err», V, i, 74 (P): "Unquiet meales make ill dige^lons."
* MM-. II, ii, 122 (P): "As makes the Angels weepe"
Luc». 68 (1594): "their ambition makes them still to fight"
Tmp.. I, ii, 26-29 (P): "The direfull spectacle of the
wracko...I have... So safely ordered"
. MM, III, ii, £1 (P): "The evill that thou causest to be done"
- 290 -
1H6, I, i, 67 (P) : "These news would cause him once more
yeeld the Ghost"
Ado, V, IT, 121 (P and Q^ ) : "we may lighten our own hearts,
and our wives heeles"
Note 2. In the present-day language flee and banish sometimes
take the object without the preposition from* This construction
also occurs in Shakespeare; he also very often uses flj^ ( =• flee)
in the same way. Of. P. T» Visser, Syntax, § 697 •
Cor., Ill, iii, 101 (P)s "wee/ (Ev ! n fron this instant)
banish him our Citie" *•

1K4, II f iv, 525 (P) ; "banish not, him thy Harryes companie"
2H4, I, i, 18 (P) : "Yong Prince lohn,/ And Westmerland, and
Stafford, fled the Field"
3H6, II, i., 19 (P): "So fled his Enemies my Warlike Pather"
MO, I, i, 203 (P): "Lysander and my selfe will flie this
1H6. IV, v, 37 (P): "To fight I will, but not to flye tiie Poe"
Note 3 1. The di:-ect combination of a verb of motion with the
object on or about, which the motion takes place is common bo tit
to Shakespeare and the modern language*
H£, II, ii, 122 (P): "If that same Daemon that hath gull'd
thee thus,/ Should with his Lyon-gate
walke the whole world" II
Tit,, II, i,' 7 (P and Q,j ) : "Gallops the :Lodiacke in his
glistering Coach"
TGV, I, i, 26." (P): "you never sworn the Hellespont"
Horn,, II, i, 5 (P and Qg) 2 "He ran this way and leapt this
Orchard wall 4"
Note 4. The causative use of verbs of motion like run,
walk, pace, dance still occurs today and ie; found as early as
Malory, cf. P. T. Visser, English Studies. XXVI (1944-5), 25.
Bound instead of make bound is now obsolete. Cf. £'. 2. Visser,
Syntax • § 133.
, II, i, 127 (P): "The .King hath run bad humors on the
Knight" '
* 291 -
gH.6-i: • 'I •• ' iy • T271 (ft) * "Beggera mounted, runne their Horse to
death11 - * .
IIIV i» 246 •(?•) s "on the marriage bed/ Of smiling peace
to march a bloody hoast"
V II, ii, 316-320 (P); "I will rather trust... a 2heefe
to Walke my ambling gelding"
-H8, V, iii, 2% ($)i "those that tame wild Horses,/ Pace f em
not in their hands to make f em gentle"
Tit., V, iii, 162 (P) : "he danc'd thee on his knee"
H^, V f ii f 146 (F): "if I might... bound my Horse for her
Kote 5. "He could not sit his Mule" (H8, IV, ii, 16 (F));
this use of sit still survives in the modern language. To sit
a horse la perhaps derived from M.E. to sitte on horse ("Y/el •
koude he sitte on hora and faire ryde", Chaucer, Canterbury
Prol., 94) by the weakening of the preposition, whicii
in. the form, a was regarded as an indefinite article. Cf.
Syntax. § 133*
- 292 -
In- Shakespeare intransitive verbs often form the Preterite
and Pluperfect with "be instead of have (they were arrived for
they had arrived) . The latter, found already in O.E. ,
predominates in the contemporary spoken language and is a
characteristic feature of the development of N".E. Prom the
beginning the two forms he is come and he has come had
different meanings and applications, and this difference is
often found in Shakespeare. A comparison between "Malcolme,
and Donalbaine. . .Are stolne away and fled" (Mac., II, iv, 26
(P)) and "the Voices with two. several! Powers/ Are entred in
the Roman Territories" (Cor. , IV, vi, 4-0 (P)) on the one hand.
ancl "He... hath stolne him home to bed" (Rom. » II, i, 4 (P and
Q2 )) and "I have not yet/ Entred my house" (MV, V, i, 2-72-273
(P)) on the other shows that- in the first- two. examples a
resulting state is referred to and in the others a completed
action. Cf. P. T. Visser, Engl&sh Studies, XXVI (1944-5), 25.
It should also be noted that with a number of verbs the use
of the reflexive pronoun became obsolete (see § -6£8) ; I have
~ derived from I~ ~ ' have retired me, thus "02 came equivalent
to I am retired. It also seems likely that ~:here was inter­
action betv/een .synonymous verbs: for example, he has retired
(he has returned) may well have encouraged -;he construction
:n: z he has cnme back (he has gone bac 1 :) . He has
ccTne across them nay be connected with he has met (v.-ith) them.
Once he has com 3 back, h-3 has cone across them v/ere in use. it-
was relatively easy for he has come to becone generally c-onmon*
Come in he is come also has the force of an adverb, just like
gone in he is gone ( = away). It was easier to regard it as a
participle when it appeared in combination with have (he h^s
come) . The use of be in this connection has now been completely
abandoned in conversational speech. Cf. KarX Brunner, Die
englische Sprache, II, 297-9*
Cor., Ill, i, 11 (P): "he is retyred to Antium"
Tim., II, ii, 171 (F) : "I have retyr'd me n
Mac*. II, iv, 26 (P) : "Malcolme, and Donalbaine.. .Are stolne
away and fled"
- 293 -
Bom,, II, i, 4 (P and Q2 ): "He*..hath stolne him home to bad"
Cor., IV, vi, 40 (P): "the Voices with two severall Powers/
Are entred in the Roman Territories"
KV, V, i, 272-273 (P): "I have not yet/ Entred my house"
Err*, V, i, 361 (P): "Which accidentally are met together"
Tmp., V, i, 136 (P): "How thou hast met us heere"
Rom., II, v, 19 (P and Q2 ):' "Hast thou met with him?"
Tmj>., IV, i, 166 (P) ; "We must, prepare to meet with Caliban"
Mac., V, vii:'., 35 (P) • "I would the Priends we misse, were
safe arriv'd"
H5, I, i, 67 (P): "Miracles are ceast"
JC, V, iv, 32 (P): "How every thing is chanc'd"
AYL, I, ii, '6-5 (P): "Are you crept hither to see the
Cvjn., Ill, vi, 64 (P): "I am. falne in this offence"
TGV, V, • ii, <:7 (P): "whether they are fled"
AWW, III, v, 8 (P): "They are gone a contrarie way"
H8, III, i, 86 (P)2 "Though he be growne so desperate to be
JC, III, ii, 274 (P): "Brutus and Cassius/ Are rid like
Madmen through the Gates of Rome"
H8, I, ii, 110 (P): "I am sorry, that the Duke of Buckingham/
Is run in your displeasure"
Oth., V, i, 113 (P): "Pellowes that are sqap'd"
1H4. IV, i, 91 (P): "The King himselfe in person hath set
(Q-): "The King himselfe in person is set
1H4. II, iv, 392-394 (P): "Worcester is stolne away'by ETiglit:
thy Pathers Beard is turn ! d white
with the IT ewes"
Mac., I, iii, 80 (P): "whither are they vanish f d?"
1K4. II, ii, 8 (P): "He is walk f d up to the top of the hill"
Note. The foil owing observations should, be made concerning
the four examples especially included and objected to by A.
Schmidt (Shakespeare-Lexicon at the end of the article on bo»
P. 85):
«. - 294 -
IV, iii, 2 (J»)s M3?he King by this, is set him downe to
sleepe" - him is an. old dative reflexive,
and set is the participle of sit;,
therefore the sentence must; pass- as
grammatically correct.
l^^iVf"-3 W'i "What late misfortune is befalne King
Edward?" - befall is intransitive here,
as elsewhere in Shakespeare (see A* Schmidt,
Shakespeare-Lexicon, p. 94} 9 and King;
Edv;ard is a dative, but because it is a
proper name this is not indicated by the
preposition to.
^3, V, iii, 25 (**): "My life is run his compsisse 11 - this is
similar to he is run a great: distance; 1 ,
compass» like great distance, has the
force of an adverb modifying the verb .
run and hence is not a direct object in,
the usual sense.
Y* iv, 120 (F): "he is enter'd/ His radiant Roofe" - this
may be derived, from the contracted* form
s entered. '!
- 295 -
Constructions in the Passive.
s -*•

§ \itj- The passive construction, of the type he was given, to

understand, in which the subject corresponds to the indirect
object of the corresponding, active construction, and which
is characteristic of modern. English, is also found in
Shakespeare. The same is true of the type lie was sent for,
where the^ subject corresponds to the prepositional z±±£sz± object
of the equivalent active construction. The latter has, an.
almost unlimited use in modern English, and can. be used even.
when the sublet is not a living, creature. Such instances
also occur in. Shakespeare: "Is Lechery so look'd after?"
(MM, I, ii, 146 (F))» "There are more things im Heaven, and
Earth, Horatio,,/ Then, are dream't of in. our Philosophy"
(Ham., I, v, 167 (P) )^ > -an4-e-xaap^s-canv4>e--^ound at least-a-a
The construction, was also
common in late M.B* Cf. P» T* Visser, English Studies, XXVT
(1944-5) t 25. -he development was furthered by the final.
disappearance cf the dative inflexion^ of the noun, in. the
15>th century. In. a sentence like "the IDuke was given, to
understand/ Thg/fc - " (MV, II, viii, 7 (3? and Q.,)), the
present»-day subject may originally have beon a dative whicli
could only be interpreted as a nominative once there was no
longer any difference in, form between the 'crao. The modern
interpretation is all the more acceptable since tho speaker
has a lively interest-, in. the indirect object of tho person,,
which in. the ac'uive is also shown in the word-order: they
gave him, a hint, (him precedes the direct object of the thing).
In the passive construction, therefore, the indirect object.
moves to the beginning of the clause and, since it occupies
the usual position of the subject, it is interpreted as sucli.
A further resuLt was that pronoun subjects too were intro­
duced into the construction; he. .was, givsn to understand.
(from the older him was given to understand) was formed in
imitation. of the dulce was given to understand. Bu\; tills
development was not, necessary at a time whan there was a
general tendency to anticipate the psychological subject
- 296 -
when this was a person (see § 48^). Even an object dependent.
on a preposition was separated from it and placed at the
t^i^Bining of the clause as '-tiie subject of a passive construction;
hence he was sent for appeared alongside they sent for hin«
Ike liew eons true t ion became very coiamon in conversational
speech because at the beginning of the H.E* period there was
no generally popular means of expressing 'one 1 , and even now
it is regarded as stilted. Hence he was sent for was preferred
ti one sent for him* The passive form also had the advantage
that in it the psychological subject coincided with the
grammatical. Of. 0. Jespersen, Progress in Language
§ 181f,| Karl Brunner, Pie englische Sprache. II. 287-8.
&2, II, iii, 129 (P); "I am denyde to sue my Liverie here 11 :
Ham., V, i, 25? :(*) 5 "she is allowed her Virgin Rites"
^(Qp): "she is allow 'd her virgin Grants"
(P): "You are l.ookt for, and cal'd for,
-' **?.. ^. - askt for, & sought for"
II, ii, 19 (F): "you are' staid for"
'II, li, 69 (F)s "I am well spoken of w
, *« ' • (Q-): n f am well spoke on"
2H4, II, iv, 405 (9): "men of Merit are sought: after"
Wiv., II, ii, 254 (F): n shee is too bright to be look'd-
^ . against"
2M, V, vii, 22 (P): "I am not look'd on in the world"
1.H4 1 Hit ii, 47 (F and Qj): "like a Comet(,) I was wondred at"
1H£, I, iii^ 154 (P and Q r): "we.>.Live seandaliz-'dt,) and
*^ fouly spoken, of " -!
M, II, vi, 48 (9 and 'Q<j') 5 "we are staid for"
gam*, IV^. v? 130 (P) : "He not be luggel'd with"
Rg, I, iii, 155 (P); "A heavy sentence.. , And all unlook>d
;• « " " for from your Highness e mouth"
, iv, 54§ (P): "th'unthought-on. accident"
l t. v, 31 (P and Q2 ): "this unlookt for sport" .
, ^T, 35 (P)s "there f s no hop'd-for Mercy"
1H4, I, ii, 229 (P and Q*): "But whem they seldoiae come, they
wisht(-)for come"
- 297 -
Interrogative Forms
In Elizabethan times there were two ±nznn interrogative
forms, the old form and the newer form with periphrastic do*
Although the choice may depend on rhythm and prosody, it is
nevertheless true that the older form, either with or withou-j
an. interrogative particle (what, how, whither) , survives
chiefly in tragedy, and is found especially in more formal
and serious modes of address. On the other hand the periphrastic
form is more congeni&l to everyday speech. As can be seen
from the prose sections of The Merry Wives of Windsor (Acts I
and II) it was used in ordinary conversation at all levels,
whether the sentence was introduced by an interrogative
particle or not. Often the periphrastic form expresses emotion:
it is used not only in. enquiries but also to show astonishment,
fear, and similar feelings. It has the advantage that it
offers the voice greater freedom of modulation than the
shorter form.. Or. FT V;**o §§ l^so -60.

Mac . , III, i, 19 (P): "Ride you this afternoone?" • <v

Mac., II, iv, 21 (P): "How goes the world Sir, now? 1*!
Ilac.. IV, i, 106 (P): "Why sinkes that CaidroiJ?"
R3i I, iiif 50 (P): "Saw you the King to day my Lord of
R£, I, iii, 113 (P)s "What? threat you me with -jelling of
the King?"
Mac., II, iii, 58 (P) : "Goes the King hence today?"
Mac.. II, iii, 75 (?): "Meane you his Maiestie?"
R5, I, i, 42 (P): "What meanes this armed guard 55
R£, I, i, 96 (P)s "How say you sir?"
Wiv. . II, i, 215 (P): "What saist thou, my Bully-Rooke?"
Wiv., II, i, 153 (P): "Whether goe you (George?) harke ycu« a
Wiv., I, iv, 142 (P): "How now (good woman) how dost tli^u?"

Mac., II, ii, 15 (P): "I have done the deed:/ Didst tLou
not heare a noyse?"
, 1, ii, 43 (P): "What do you tremble?"
- 298 -

I, ii, 101 (F): "Did'st thou not kill this Kias?"

R2, I, iii, 295 (F): "Y/hat doth she say, my Lord of
Y/iv., I, i, 154 (F); "Pistoll, did you piclic :i. £ler.dera
Wiv>, II, i, 69-70 (F); "Did you ever heare the like? 11
Wlv». II, ii, 279-280 (F): "do you know Ford Sir?"
Wiv., I, i, 298 (F): "Why doe your dogs barke so?"
Wiv., I, i, 210 (F): "why did you not lend it to Alice
Note. The modern £ construction whereby the speaker seeks
confirmation of an. assertion by repeating the verbal idea as
a queation is also found in Shakespeare, together with the
modern form of reply.
£C, II, iv, 27-28 (F): Portia: "Thou hast some suite to
Caesar, hast thou not?"
Soothsayer: "That I have Lady"
Shakespeare often uses the Present tense to refer to an
event or state in the future. This phenomenon is still conr-ior.
in modern usage. Where the subject is a pronoun in the second
person singular the sentence can have the force of a command.
(example under a)). Sometimes the Present tense indicates a
degree of certainty as regards the realization of the event
or state (examples under b)). Very often it refers to an
action for which plans or arrangements have already been made
(examples under c)). Occasionally a threat is implied (examples
under d.))» When used in a hypothetical statement it indicates
that if a certain condition is fulfilled the event will follow
inevitably or automatically (examples under e)). The Present
tense is normal, after verbs of betting (example under f)).
The Present tense is also used by Shakespeare ±2 in subordinate
clauses to refer to the future, as is still the custom in
modern English. Of. Karl Brunner, Die englis^jie Sprache/ II, .
288-9; P. T. Visser, Syntax, §§ 719-758. r
Ham., III, iv, 19 (^ and Q2 ): "You go(e) not. till I set you
up a glasse"
Err. t I, i, 20 (P): "if any Siracusian borne/ GOLIQ to the
Bay of Ephesus, he dies 11
Err. t I, il ff 7 (P): "This very day a Syracusiaii Mar chant... ,
Dies ere the wearie sumie set in the
R3» V", iii,. 18 (P and Q 1 ): "Por Lord(e)s, to morrow Is a
busie day"
gg, II, iv,, 96 (P): "Or else what followes? 11
Per., Ill, :Li, 110 (Q-): "this matter must be lookt to £02
her relapse/ Is mortal!"
H8, II, i, 97 (P): "I must...give my Charge up to Sir
Nicholas Vaux,/ Who undertakes you. to
your end"
MND, I, ii, 113 (F and Q1 ): Bottom: n\7e(e) will necto..."
» jo© -
Quince: "At the Dukes o(a)ke
we(e) meete."
Ado, III, &t 100 (F): "When, are you married Madame?"
« I. i, 2 (F); "I Learne in this Letter, that Don Peter
» ...comes this night to Messina"
IV, iiy 159 (F)s "I do dine to day at the fathers of a
certaine Pupill of mine"
, III, i, 183 (F); "tell him... His ancient Knot of
dangerous Adversaries/' To morrow are
let Iflood; at Pomfret Castle"
, I, i, 126 (F) ; "What, you wrastle to morrow before the
new Duke."
AYL , I f 1, 133 (F): "to morrow sir I wrastle for my credit11
AWW, III, ii f 75 (F): Countess: "Returne you thither."
i, • . •. -, : "I . Madam, with the f
First-. Gent.
swiftest wing of speed • lf
WT, IV, iv, 675 (F): "What I doe next, shall be to tell the

AYL. I, iii, 47

(F) : "if that thou bees t fouacL... Thou dies t
for it" ;
Cym-, • V, iv, 91-92 (F): "Helpe (lupiter) or we appeale,/
and from thy iustice flye" ,
Cym.« III, IT, 83 (F): "Where is thy Lady? In. a word, or else/
Thou art straightway with the Fiends"
. ^^ '.,,, ' '
111 (F): "Helpe me Cassius, or I sinke"
JC, I, ii, •</'...**
gam.. Ill, iil, 73-75> (F): "now lie is praying,/ And now He
dioo^'t, and so hie goes to Heaven,/
And so am I reveng'd,"
Ado. II, ii, 54 (F and Q|): "be cunning in the working this,
and thy fee is a thousand

ftl wil^ lay oddea, that ere this yeere

expire,/ We be are our Civil! Swords.. »
As farre as Fran&e"
- 301 -
The Historic Present.
/£•? The use of the Present, tense to depict an action in the
past brings it into the purview of the present and makes 'it
more interesting to the listener. It also expresses the
speaker's vital concern in the event described. Cf. F. T.
Visser, Syntax, § 779. This is quite different from the use
of the Present in alternation with the Preterite, \vhich,
apart from the Bible of 1611, is found in H.2. only in verse,
where its employment is governed by considerations of rhythm,
metre, euphony and style. Cf. E. Matzner, £ng;li s che Grammati k,
II, 74; F. T. Visser, Syntax, §§ 775,777,778.
Ham., II, i, 77-91
Ophelia: "My Lord, as I was sowing in my Chamber,/
Lord Hamlet with his doublet all unbrac'd
* . .he comes before me."
Polonius: "What said he?"
Ophelia: "He tooke me by the wrist, and held me
hard;/ Then goes he to the length of all
his arme;/ And with his other hand thus
o're his brow,/ He fals to such perusall
of my face,/ As he would draw it. Long
staid he so. " ^
Wiv., Ill, v» 82-88 (P): * *
Ford: "And did he search for you, & could not find
Falstaff: "You shall heare. As good lucke would have
it | comes in one Mist, Page, gives
intelligence of Fords approch: and in her
invention, and Fords wives distraction,
they convey 'd me into a bucke basket."
Rom., Ill, i, 160-169 (F):
"all this uttered,/ With gentle breath.. .Could not
take truce with the unruly spleene/ Of Tybalts
deafe to peace, but that he Tilts/ Vvith Peircing
steele at bold Mercutio ' s breast,/ Who all as hot,
turnes deadly $oint to point,/ And \vith a Martiall
scorns, with one hand beates/ Cold death aside, and
with the other sends/ It back to Tybalt, whose
dexterity/ Retorts it."
~]U rp .Jr,Vv-:>.o~Ie,v W.i - 303 -
She use of the Continuous tenses v/as not so i'mly developed
only \vith
in Shakespeare as it is today. It is found jo-i"
principal verbs. jj'or futher details see § 6££.
Wiv., II, i, 33-34 (P): "I was going to your house"
Wiv., II, i, 35 (P): "I was comming to you"
Wiv., Ill, i, 27 (P): "Yonder he is comming"
Wiv., III, ii, 36 (P) : "now she's going to my v/ife"
Wiv., Ill, iii, 113 (P): "Your husband's coaming hether
£iv., III, iii, 121 (P): "'tis most certaine your husband's
Wiv., Ill, iii, 139 (P) : "as if it \vere going to bucking"
Wiv., Ill, iv, 36 (P): "Shee's comming"
Wiv., IV, ii, 91 (P); Mistress Pord: "But$ is my husband
comming?" Mistress Page: "I in good
sadnesse is he"
Wiv., IV, iii, 3 (P) • "they are going to meet him"
Wiv., IV, vi, 30 (P): "While other sports are tasking of
their mindes"
1H4, I, ii, 140-141 (P): "there are Mlgrimes going to
Canterbury with rich Offerings,
and Traders riding to London
with fat Purses"
1H4. II, ii, 56-59 (P): "there's meny of the Kings comming
downe the hill, 'tis going to the
Kings Exchequer." Palstaff: "You
lie you rogue, 'tis going to the
Kings Tavern" fH
1H4, II, iv, 199 (P and Q 1 ); "As we were sharing"
1H4. Ill, i, 44 (P): "Where is the Living"
(Q.J): "Where is he living"
1H4, III, iii, 226 (P): "The Land is burning" '
1H4. IV, i, 89 (P): "The Earle of Vestmerland, seven
thousand strong,/ Is marching
1H4. V, iv, 165 (P): "To see what Priends are living"
IV, i, 56 fp): "Where have you bin broiling?"
, I, iii, 18 fF): "Whereon, this month I have bin
v lIli ? iii; -178(P)j "Which Exrsx ever ha*s, and ever
shall !>e growing"
., II, i, r77 (P)t "as I was sowing in my Chamber,/ Lord
Hamlet;..he comes before me" *
, II, ii, 81 (P)-» ^ and Q^): "must you be blushing"
dvffl., III,"Vi, 63 (P): "To whom being going, almost spent
with hunger,/ I am faine in this
- 305 -
The Two Past Tenses.
The Perfect tense indicates sn an action thp.t begins in t"*.e
past and extends up to the time of speaking (examples under e.) )
or even goes beyond it (examples under b)). This form, is , .loo
sometimes used in the sense of a futurum exactum (vjidcr o
(examples under c)). It is also used when the effect of -cue
action extends into the present or future or the -action has
an after-effect in the present or future (under d)). It thus
has a very wide field of use.
On the other hand an action actually completed or imagined
as completed in the past is usually expressed by the Preterits
if a repetition is ss excluded or is impossible (examples under
e)). If a process extends to the present or if an assertion
is also valid for this, then adverbs (even now, ever) are
normally used to express this (examples under f)). Such
expressions frequently have the nature of a general truth or
a proverb, cf. P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 802. Neither in Old
English nor in early New English are the two tenses rigidly
differentiated from each other in their manner of use.
Shakespeare's usage normally conforms to the modern rules,
though not always (examples under g)). The Perfect tense,
although it has a wide field of use, cannot now be used when,
a definition of time marks the action as one definitely com­
pleted in the past. Cf. Karl Brunner, Die engliscne Sprache ,
II, W 300-301; P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 805.

. a) An event in the past has (just) finished at the time

of speaking:
2H4, in, ii, 327 (P) : "TLis. same starv'd lustice hath
done nothing but prate to me of
the wildenesse of his Youth"
(Palstaff says this of Shallow, who has just gone away)
2H4, V, v, 62 (P): "Por heaven doth know. ..That I have
turn'd away my former Selfe"
(Henry, now King, is ppeaking to Palstaff)
Wiv. , III, iii, 171 (P) : "I have dream 'd to nigh'':, He
tell you my dreame"
- 306 -
b) The statement is valid for both past and present:
2H4, III, i, 104 (F): "Your Llaiestie hath beene t&Ls
fort-night ill"
2H4, II, iv, 412 (F): "I have knowne thee these t'.ventie
nine yeeres"
2H4| V, i, 51 (F): "I have serv'd your Iforshippe truely
sir, these eight yeares"
2H4, V, iii, 144 (F): "Happie are they, which have beene
• my Friendes"
Wiv*, III, i, 56 (F): "I have lived foure-score yeeres,
and upward"

c) An event begins only in the future:

£iv>, II, i, 99-100 (F): "lead him on with a fine baited
delay, till hee hath pawn'd his
Wiv.. II, ii, 229-230 (F): "When I have told you that, I
have told you all"

d) The effect of an action in the past extends ±±ji to the

time of speaking and beyond:
2H4. IV, i, 215 (F): "the King hath wasted all his Rods,/
On late Offenders, that he now doth
lacke/ The very Instruments of
2H4, II, iv, 29 (F): "your Colour (I warrant you) is is
red as any have drunke
too much Canariea"
Y/iv., II, ii, 83 (F): "she hath receiv'd your Letter...
and she gives you to notifie"
Wiv., II, ii, 303 (F): "my wife hath sent to him, the
howre is fixt"
Wiv., Ill, iii, 136 (F): "Oh, how have you deceiv'd me?"

B. e) An event is completed in the past:

Wiv., Ill, v, 101-110 (F): "they tooke me on their shoulders
* 307 -
liiet the iealous knave their
Master in the doore; who ask'd
/them once or twice what they
had in their Basket? I quak'd
for feare...well, on went hee,
} for a search, and away went I
for foule Cloathes: But marke
the sequell (Master Broome) I
suffered the pangs of three
severall deaths"
2£i, III, 4, 60^63 (P): "It is but eight yeeres since,/
This Percie was the man, neerest
my Soule,..And layd his Love and
Life under my-foot"
2H4. Ill, 11,"I? 0?)s "You were call f d lustie Shallow then
Wiv*. Hf, v, 104 (P): "I never prosper*d, since I forswore
my selfe at Primero"
Wiv., II, i, 28 (F): "1 was then Frugall of my mirth"
Wiv., II, ii, 63 (P): "when the Court lay at Windsor"
Wiv», Ill.^ii. 2 (P): "you were wont to be a follower, but
now you are a Leader"
Wiv.. ill, iii, 9 (P): "as I told you before"
, ,« ,.* * * ., . " *• * i * : »
f) An event 4n the past extends into the present:
Wiv., I, iii, 67 (P) • "I have writ me here a letter to her:
& here another to Pages wife,-who
even now gave me good eyes too"
£H4. II, iv, 327 (P): "how vildly did you speake of me even
;t now, before this honest,..Gentlewoman?"
gji II, ii, 105 (P): "Treason, and murther, ever kept
\ , -.. -,. ; together" $$..• . ,„
Ado. II, iii, 65 (P): "Men were deceivers ever,/ One foots
in Sea, and one on shore,/ To one
! , thing constant never"
Ant.. IV, xv, 37 (P) • "Wishers were ever Pooles"
- 308 -
g) Not in accordance with modern usage:
, IV, iii,, 37 (Q^s "you spoke not with her since"
, II, i, 2 (P),: "I saw not better sport these seven
• . , - ' * . . t -. •>. I ,4, ,"'; . _ 1, .. *

yeeres day"
. t II, ji« 15 (p): "I £id not see you fince you sent me
J), III, ii f 307-308 (P and Qt ): "I evermore did love you
Hermia,/ Did ever keepe
your counsels, never
* - , , *- , & * •" <>„ _ wrong(e)d
^^ you"
JH6, IV, iii, 37 (P): "This seven yeeres did not Talbot
see ,his sonne"
Cym,. IV, iii, 36 (P): "I heard no Letter from my Master,
* * since/ I wrote him Imogen was slaine"

. h) Characteristic alternation of both tenses;

Ill, v, 36-37 (F) J "I have had Pord enough: 1 was
thrown into the Pord" " * '.
(Q^):, "I have had Pord inough, I have
bene throwne into the Pord" ;i
ii, 29-31 (P); "those that were your Pathers ";
, l „= enemies,/ Have steep f d th^lr gauls
; in hony, and do serve you/With
hearts create of duty, and of zeale"
Wiv., III,, v, 96-110 (P): "you shall heare (Master Broome)
what I have 'sufferd.. .Being ,
thus cram'd in the Basket, a
couple of Pords knaves, his
Hindes were cald forth*..they
tooke me on their shoulders...!
•suffered,the pangs of three
severail deaths"
' -'309 - * *
$ he 'Subjunctive.
of use/ of the sub junctive was much smaller in -
ShafceSpeare 's time than it was earlier because of the growing
use of periphrastic forms and of the indicative. It occurs
very 'often in Shakespeare iin main and conditional clauses,
.- v i- ... t- .'.,.. •• ' s. .•

and it is still Ve£y common here in the literary language .

But he rarely uses it in negative final clauses, where the
periphrastic form predominates. In contrast to modern usage
It often occurs in a temporal clause introduced by before or
ere; it is also more widely used in concessive clauses than
today. 4 The" Elizabethans had a greater sensitivity towards the
subjunctive than is now the case, but its use was nevertheless
uncertain and not rigidly bound by set rules. As the indicative
and subjunctive forms became indistinguishable the feeling
for the subjunctive gradually declined. In the Preterite
were is the only specifically subjunctive form. Whether be in ,
the Present singular is always felt as a subjunctive sometimes
. . 103 v
seems doubtful in individual cases (see § W ) . The modern ,
spoken language can, apart from conventional formulae (God *
bless you), dispense with the subjunctive entirely, even in -
hypothetical conditional clauses. Indeed its use here is very
r* . • . • - . .- n ... . . • .
, limited and is governed more by principles of stgcle than of
grammar. However, it is still fairly common in the written,
language. , *
- 310 -
In a main clause the subjunctive serves to express a wish
or strong determination, especially in the 3rd P. Prss.
(Singular and Plural). It is often used in this way in
blessings, curses and execrations, sometimes of a stereotype
character. The subjunctive can also indicate a command, a
defiant challenge or threat, or alternatively indifference
and imperturbability tov/ards the progress and outcome of an
affair. Of. Karl Brunner, Die en/qische iSprache, II, 309;
F. T. Visser, Syntax, §§ 841,846.
a) Wish:
Oth., Ill, iii, 226 (?): "Long live she so;/ And long live
you to thinke so/1
Mac., Ill, iv, 120 (F): "Good night, and better health/
' Attend his Maiesty"
jfO» IV, iii:* 235 (F): "Never come division 'tweene our
1H|> IH» ii> 31 (F): "Now shine it like a Commet of
Revenge,/ A Prophet to the fall of
all our Foes n
Tro., II, iii, 243 (F and Q 1 ): "Know the whole world(,)
T -f
he(e) is as valiant"
2H6, IV, viii, 62 (F): "My sword make way for me, for heere
is no staying"
WT, II, i, 20 (F): "good time encounter her"
T&V, I, i f 61 (P); "All happinesse bechance to thee in
1H4. HI, iii, 54 (P) • "Heaven rev/ard me for it"
(Q^): "God reward me for it"
AYL, I, i, 168 (F): "God keepe your worship"
Wiv., I, iv, 33 (F): "heaven send Anne Page, no worse
Wiv., II, i» 29 (F): "heaven forgive mee"
T/g, II, iii, 186 (F): "Come on (poore Babe)/ 3o.rae powerful!
Spirit instruct the Kytes and. Ravens/
To be thy Irorses"
H5, IV, iii, 5 (F): "Gods Anne strike v/ith us, 'tis a
fearefull oddes"
- 311 -
, iv, 41 (P): "0 Brutus,/ The Heavens speede thee in
thine enterprize"
Jn., I, i, 256 (P): "Heaven lay not my transgression to my
Tro., Ill, iii, 281 (?)i "love bloooc
(P and Q-): "love blesse great Aiax 11
Rom., III, ii, 137 (P): "And death not Romeo, take my
ij. Maiden head" (But this may be a
plural form)
AWYTt V, iii, 67 <P) i^"Be this sweet Helens knell"
Oth., Ill, iv, 126 (E)': "So helpe me^every spirit sanctified,/
i •« As I have spoken for you^all my best."
P£r.> V, iii, 102 (Q-j): "New ioy wayte on you"
Oth., V, ii, 250 (P): "So come my Soule to blisee, as I
wlx^speake true"
., V, i, 105 (P): : "some heavenly power guide us/Wut of
this fearefull Country"
>, III, ii, 10 (P)s "Be not thy tdngue thy owne shames
.>;• Orator" - .
b) Curse, execration:
|ro., f, ii, 197 (P and Q^: "A burning divell take them"
Wiv« t IV» v, -108 (P); "The Divell take one partie, and his
Dam the other"
1H6, III, iip109 (P)s "Cowardly-Knight, ill fortune .
follow thee"
*)l_H6, V, ii, 7 r? (P) J "Peace be amongst them if they turne to
us,/ Else ruine combate with their
_, Wallaces" / ?
1H6. IV, vi, 47 (P): "Before young Talbot from old Talbot
flye,/ The Coward Horse that beares
me, fall and dye"
Tit., V, i, 58 (P and Q^): "but vengeance rot(te) you all"
gar.. >IV. vit 121 (Q-j) s " a curse upon him, die he like a
; theefe"
R3, I, ii, 131 (P): "Blacke night ore-shade thy day, &
death thy life"
c) Commands
.„ ,32t IV, 'iv f 440 (F)V "Some light-foot friend psx±±s post to
f Buke of Norfolk" . , .
^2g6, -IV, viii, 18.-:;(•?): "Who hate th him, and honors not his
Father.* .Shake he his weapon at us,
and passe by"
, Per., Ill, ii, 72 (Q^: "Who finds her, give her burying 11
MT, IV, i, 14 (J1 and Q^: XEMSX "Go(e) one and cal(l) the *
*• lew into the Court"
Per.. II, i, M 59 (Q-j)s "Search out of the Kalender, and
V . ,< * 4 "- no body looke after it"
"L<""' ,11, iii, 115
'I (Q.,): "each one betake him to his rest"
cl) Defiant challenge, threat: ,-* ., , ^* rf :
" »-

3H6, I, i, 48 (F): "lie ^ plant Plantaganet, root him up

Mac. , IV, i, 105 (F) : "Iteny me this,/ And an eternal! :

Curse fall on you" , ,
Rom., I, i, 110 (F and Q2 )s "on paine of death, all men '"'
\.^ - - r -. i "- • « , • ,. - depart"
e) Resignation : ".s . ? r, • , ' • • :.
J3or». V, ,i', 61 (F): "Speed how it will" '"„ ..",^: ( 'v
2H6, III, ii, 402 (F) : "Oh let me stay, befall what may 1
befall" ., • •>.- ' . > ' *
^flo. II, ii, 52 (F and Q t ): "Grow this to what adverse
issue it can"
f ) The periphrastic form of the subjunctive occurs alongside
, the simple form: .,-x , •
R2, IV, i, 218-219 (F): "Long may'st thou live in Ri|hards
Seat; to sit,/ And soone lye
, - - ' Richard in an Earthie Pit" -
v iJjt t> iiif 204 (F): "Long may f st thou live, to .nryle thy-
wayle thy Childrens death"
RJ, I i iii, 207 (F) : "Long dye thy happie dayes, before thy
death" - .
tote 1, The following example is different in character from
-313 -
those mentioned above: Cressida: "0 heavens, you love me
notP^TrpUus: "£ye I a viUaine then:" ( Tro . , IV, iv, 85
(F.));-the exclamation can be regarded as dependent on the
condition If I do not« which Is present in the mind of the

2. The . periphrases with let is very common in an

optative clause. The old subjunctive of summons which ,
functions as the first person plural imperative (#0 we !) ,
has been replaced in the spoken language by the periphrastic
-; .:..».,. (let us ~~l$*
..:————— go !)'• •"••
For further details on this see under the
Imperative, § -649-. ,Cf. Karl Brunner, Me englische Sprache,
II, 323. .,.-,; t . _ . ^, ^ _ ( ;""..'..
jTC, .IIJ, i, 184 (F) : "let each man render me his bloody
-•• ,.- ,.;. :-.- -'*. - hand" , ,;' .' - ' - ;-
Qth>. If, ii, .16 (P) : "If any wretch have put this in your
head,/ Let Heaven reguit it with
,« , **: -* "t^6 Serpents curse"
:£th., Ill, iv, 131 (F): "Let that suffice you 11
Cor. , I, iv, 64 (P) : "Let's fetch him off "
Wiv., II, i, ill (3?) : "Let's consult together"
Mac»t lit iii, 150 (P) : "let us not be daintie of leave-
»- '.-, •. - '"
i. . taking"
* •*•"••' **
Cor*. I, ix f 92 (F) : "(Joe we to our Tent"
2H6, I, i f 199 (?) : "loyne we^ together"
Preterite or .Pluperfect subjunctive is used in as main
clause to express a subjective statement involving a
condition, reservation, or limitation. Often it indicates
nothing more than caution, timidity, or polite consideration,
on the part of the speaker, who thus avoids expressing an
opinion or wish fcn the more positive and abrupt form of the
Present. In the case of be and the spoken language now
generally uses only the periphrastic forms (he were = he
would be, I had been = I should have been; I had peopled /^
= I should h.qve peopled.) , but the old subjunctive still
survives in certain set phrases: I had rather —; I had as
lief - (archaic and popular). Could, might, T.vould (chiefly
in the first person) have, like should, ough/t, survived to a
limited extent with a subjunctive meaning in a main clause
because they lack the infinitive necessary for periphrasis
(of, H. Sweet, #BGrr«> 1^, § 2282); durst, on the other hand,
is now obsolete, and must is usually replaced in the spoken,
language by gone equivalent phrase: "under such circumstances
I should be compelled to acknowledge defeat 11 . She Present
I wish is found in Shakespeare alongside the Preterite
subjunctive I wish(e)d: the latter form yielded in an indep­
endent clause to the former since in the modern language it
is seen only as a Preterite indicative. Cf. ?. T. Visser,
Syntax, §§ 812..8H.
' c-<v.a, <p,
„ f -
Oth., Ill, iii, 152 (E); "It were not for your quiet, nor
your good...To let you know my
Ado, II, i, 7 (? and Q-): "He(e) were an excellent man that
were made iust in the mid-way
between(e) him and Benedick(e)"
Ado, II , i, 366 (P and Q- ji "She were an excellent wife
for Benedick!1
Ado, II, i, 234- (F) : "Yet it had not beer.e amisse the rod
had beene made, and. the garland "uoo"
TGV, IV, i, 35 (P): "My youthfull travaile, therein made ns
happy,/ Or else I oixaia had beene- often
- 315 -
, II, iv, 31 (F): "You should have said sir..*before me
th'art a knave: this had beene truth
sir" ,,
.. I, ii, 350 (F): "I ha4 peopel f d else/This Isle with
Calibans" ®
f II, ii, 148 (F): "You had mar'd all else"
* TGV, V, ii, 14 (F): "I had rather winke, then looke on them"
*JR£, I, ii, 95 (F): "I had as liefe not be, as live to be/
f s - , I awe of such a Thing, as I my selfe"
Qtti.V XT, ii, 121 (F): "a Begger in his drinke:/ Could not *
have laid such termes upon his
Mo, II, iii, ' 213 (F and • Q-); "I
wish he would
- ,-...,
•*•-— " ' ' ' ' '4
modestly examine himselfe"
*""" • - II, i, 31 (P
"Ado, ' andf Q-)s
'i "I could not endure a husband t
with a beard on his face"
.Ado. II, i, 237 (P and Q.J): "the rod(de) he(e) might have
bestowed on you" * '.
Ham., I, i, 56 (F): "I might not this beleeve/ Without the
sensible and true avouch/ Of mine owne
*" ", eyes" ( =; 'I could not.., f - obsolete)
Oth., Ill, iii, 199 (F); "I would not have you free, and
Noble Nature,/ Out of selfe-Bounty,
• be abus f d" . '
AdQi I, i,' 142 , (F and Q-): "I would my horse had the speed t
-~'~~ " i .
f , of your tongue" . • ';
JJf I, iii, 140 (F): "I would to God my heart were Flint,
- like Edwards"
1H41 V, iv, 69 (F): "and would to heaven,/ Thy name in
. , . Armes, were now as great as mine"
lf ii| 92 (F); "I wold thou and I knew, where a
Commodity of good names were to be bought"
(Q'-): "I woulde to (Jod thou and I knewe l
where a commodity of good names were
* to be bought"
- 316 -
fern;, III, ii, 188 (P): "Such Love, must needs be Treason
- in my brest" (but perhaps must is
here a Present indicative)
Lr. ,^I,. iv, 261 (?) : -"As you are Old, and Reverend, should
be V/ise"
Ado i III, iiii 87 (P and Q<j): "the watch ought to offend
no man"
fe, V, i, 1? (F): "My Lord, I love you;/ And durst commend
a secret to your eare"
Oth., TV, ii, 12 (P): "I durst (my Lord) to wager, she is -
honest:/ Lay downe my Soule at stake"
Cor., IV, vi, 24 (P): "We wisht Coriolanus had lov f d you •
as we did"
1..H6, V, iv, 31 (P) • "I wish some ravenous Y/olfe had eaten
- 517 -
Snajcespeare u:sesvg and the preterite subjunctive to express
a wish that is unfulfilled, or unlikely to be fulfilled. Cf,
3 Wi.T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 812,813. .... • ' r.
>. ftuc.. -379 (1594): "0 ±ka± had they in that darkesome prison
: died"
,, JII, iii, 442. (P) s "0 that the Slave had forty
- (*t%SsJ6*.W ' ^ -
thousand lives"
...I, XI, : i, 266 (P): "0, that you bore/ The minde .that I
-318 -
The preterite subjunctive of a principal verb is occasionally
found in a main clause when the condition is not merely,
implied from the situation but is explicitly stated. The
subjunctive meaning of the Preterite is quite clear from the
form and character of the sentence (see examples under-a)).
This use of the subjunctive is no longer possible. Cf. F. T*
Visser, Syntax, : § 815. The same rule also holds for auxiliary
I. .f-m'.ai. »

and modal verbs in hypothetical complex sentences (see

examples under b}'). Cf.. F. T. Yisser, Syntax, § 861. .
* • ,
a) ,* • • .'/ • "
COT. , IV, vi, 111-114 (F):^'his best Friends, if they/
. •_>•'-.-'
Should say be good to Rome,
they charg'd him, even/ As
those should do that had
deserv'd his hate,/ And therein
shew'd like Enemies" , :;
Oth., I, i, 38 (F): "Preferment goes by Letter, and r"
affection,/ And not by old gradation §
where each second/ Stood Heire
• "« to'th'first" « ,
MV, II, i, 20 (F and Q 1i ): "if my Father had not scanted me
• • ., ~""~
; .' / *,,Your selfe (renov/ned Prince)
t than stood(e) as faire/ As any
commer I have look f d on yet/
« f For my affection"
Yen, t 246 (1593): "if there he came to lie,/ Why ther6
- love liv'd"
Son^ II, 9 (1609): "How much more praise deserv'd thy
% . beauties use,/ If thou couldst answers 11 ."
Oth >t V, ii, 75 (^): "Had all his haires bin lives, my
5 great Revenge/ Had stomacke for them
."^x .
CbX^.. _


Oth., V, ii, 137 (P.)': "I were damn'd beneath all depth in
hell:/ But that I did proceed upon;
iust grounds/ To this extremity 11
- 319 -
*, I, iii, 75-77. (P)s "Troy yet ujpon his basis had bene
downe,/ And the great Hectors
sword had lack'd a Master/ But
for these instances"
Mac. t II, ii, 14 (P): "Had he not resembled/ My Father as
he slept, I had don't" \
•jg. Ill, i, 58 (P): "I could be well mov'd, if I were as
1Ten«. 137 (1593): "V7ere I hard-favourd, foule, or wrinckled
old,.* The mightst thou pause, for the I
were not for thee"
AW, III, v, 83 (P) s "if he were honester/ He were much
-.320 -
^he subjunctive is occasionally found after think , .hope §
vTonder if the content of the dependent clause is regarded as
being the thought of the speaker so that there is some doubt
about its objective validity. In Shakespeare, however, the
usual ©ood after these verbs is the indicative, and this is
now the only one possible. See examples under a*)» Formerly
the subjunctive wa^p more widely used than now in -indirect
questipng. See examples under b). The subjunctive is possible
in. a dependent clause after a concept of fear even when it
is not governed by a conjunction. See examples under c)«
Of. F. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 872,875-

Cvm, , I, i, 9-10 (F): "I, thinke the King/ Be touch'd at

&- very heart" :
, |om. . I, v» 133 OP): Juliet; "What's he that now is going
out of doore?" ,4,
$Turse: "Marrie that I thinke be young
: , - Petruchio" . , -.
• Ado, III, ii, 17 (2 and Qj: 1 "I hope he be in love"
jt!, II, i, 217 (F) : "I wonder none of you have thought of
" •. " . • ' him" .* • - >. "
Wiv., II, i, 113 (F)': "Well: I hope, it be. not so"
Indicative: ,
Luc . , 451 (1594): "That thinkes shee hath beheld some
*"; gastlie sprite"
Oth., IV, ii, 65 (F) : "I h.ope my Noble Lord esteemes me
honesti1 ! • . • ,
fhe two moods are contrasted in Oth. , III, iii, 384-385 (S1) s
"I thinke my Wife be honest, and thinke she is not:/ I
thinke thou art iust, and thinke thou art not".
It should be noted that the occurrence of the form be, is not
conclusive evidence of the use of the subjunctive,
I ' :
Ham» f Y. f ii, 206 (Q 2 ) ! "he sends to know if your pleasure
hold to play with Laertes" "
Ham. , III, ii, 213 (F): " f tis a question left us yet to prove/
- 521 -
Whether Love lead Fortune, or else
Fortune Love"
i V, ill, 97 (?) s "Looke inhere he have not crown ! d;dead,
1|, 1, iv, 22'(F and Qj): "(')tis doubt.. .Whether our
: ,^<P,
^A kinsman come to see his friends'*
Uth. f I, iii, 394 (F^): "I know notfcjif't be true" ' *
Oth.. II, iii, 250 (F): "Looke if my gentle Love be not
rais'd up"
Jr; f Y, 1, 1 (F and Q t ): "Know of the Duke if his last
. ^ '" ' purpose hold 11
"• - "• ? _.«'.- - . ' .
Ven., Ded. (1593): "for feare it yeeld me still so bad a
fro., I, II, 302 (F and Q.,): '"I doubt he be(e) hurt" :
Indicatives * " "^ " ' ' . ' *.
I, iii, 41 (F): "I feare our happinesse is at the height"
Mac., IV, ii, 67 (F): "I doubt some danger do f s approach
you neerely"
- 322 -
§ |74 2he subjunctive is very often found in the dependent
clause, which is the logical subject, after impersonal
expressions like it is best (better), it is meet (,1--st, fit) .
it is necessary; it were best he speak. By the use of-this
mood the speaker defines his attitude to the content of the
sentence. The impersonal clause either contains a subjective
statement of opinion concerning the idea expressed in the
dependent clause, or else reflects on the relevance or
possibility of the assertion made there. The subjectivity of
the judgment is made especially clear when the periphrastic
form with should is used, which is now the usual form in
conversational sgeech. Gf. P. T. Visser, Syntax, §§ 859>866,
JG, III, ii, 73 (P): "'Twere best he speake no harme of
Brutus heere?"
JC, IV, iii, 199 (P): "'Tis better that the Enemie seeke us ti
AW, III, ii, 121-123 (P): "better 'twere,/ That all the
miseries which nature ovres/
Were mine at once"
Wiv., I, i, 36 (P): "It is not meet the Councell heare a
Tro., I, iii ? 358 (P)cmd Q 1 ); "(')tis mcot
"'tis meet, Achilles meet not Hector"
Tim., IV, Iii, 216-217 (P): "'Tis most iust/ That thou
turne Hascall"
H5, IV, vii, 138 (P): "is it fit this souldier keepe his
H5, IV, vii, 145 (*0 : "if is necessary.. .that he keepe his
vow and his oath"
2H6, IV, i, 110 (P): "It is impossible that I should dye/
By such a lowly Vassall as thy sea.fe"
1H4. V, ii* 4-5 (P)S "It is not possible, it cannot oe,/
The King would keepe his word in
loving us"
AYL, I, iii, 27 (P): "Is it possible on such a sodaine,
you should fall into so strong a
liking with old Sir Eoulands yongest
- 323 «
. 15-5-156 :*"jaay it be,/ That thou should thinke it
... „ . '-o ,,£ " .. (- ' -i . ,fl* j . 4 ' ' •

heavie unto thee?"

AYL, II, i, 22-25 (P): "it irkes me the poore dapled fooles/
Being native Burger of this desert
City,/ Should in their owne confines
v/ith forked heads/ Have their round
hanches goard" ".
||, V, i, 114-115 (P): " f tis strange,/ He thus should
steale upon us"
JC, II, i, 155-157 (F): "it is not meet,/ Marke Antony, so
well belov'd of Caesar,/ Should
out-live Caesar"
|H4, III, ii, 98-99 (?): "it tfell befits you should be of
the peace"
Wiv», II, ii, 134-135 (i1 ): "'tis not good that children ."„
should know any wickednes"
Tro.. 1^, ii, 72-73 (F): "It was thought meete/ Paris
* ,. ; should do some vengeance on the \ •i ^"-. • : •'

: G-reekes"
Note, "'tis hie time that I were hence"% (Err., Ill, ii, 162''
'(Pj)f "'tis more then time that Iw©re I were there"(1H4, IV*
ii, 60-61 (F)); "Tis time I were choak f dwith a peece of
toasted Cheese" (Wiv., V f v, 146-147 (P)).* The Preterite
subjunctive, still used in this way, is here simply the
expression of an unfulfilled wish* Cf. P« T. ^ Visser, Syntax,
§ 816.
- 324 -
177 &1 final and consecutive clauses periphrasis by shall, should,
may t and might is very common, but the use of the subjunctive
is rarer. Of. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 317;
f. Tr-Visser, Syntax. §§878, 1524-5, 1556-7, 1676.
Mac.. I, v, 53'(F): "Come thick Night,/ And pall thee in
the dunnest smoake of Hell,/ That my
keene Knife see not the Wound it makes"
WT, IV, iv, 215 (P): "Porewarne him, that he use no
scurrilous words in's tunes"
Tro., II, iii, 87 (P): "so perchance he thinke/ We dare
not move the question of our place" •
(Q«): "least perchance he thinke,/We Idare
not move the question of our place"
R3, IT, iv, 253-254 (P)s "Be breefe, least that the
processe of thy kindnesse/ Last
longer telling then thy kindnesse
R2, V, iii, 36-37 (P)s "Then give me leave, that I may
turne the key,/ That no man enter,
till my tale be done"
TGV, V, iv, 8-10 (P): "Leave not the Mansion so long
Tenant-lesse,/ Lest growing ruinous,
• the building fall,/ And leave no
memory of what it was"
TN, III, iv, 145 (P): "Nay pursue him now, least the device
take ayre, and taint"
Lr t> IV, vi, 237 (P) * "Hence,/ Least that th'infection of ,
his fortune take/ Like hold on thee.
Let go his arme"
Wiv. t IV, ii, 54 (?): "three of Mr . Pords brothers watch
the doore with Pistols, that, none *
shall issue out"
Tro,, V, ii, 37 (P); "let us depart I pray you,/ Lest your
displeasure should enlarge it selfe/
•j To wrathfull tearmes"
Tro,, III, ii, 217 (P): "which bed, because it shall not
-325- .
spsake of your.prettie encounters,
presse it to death: away"
JH6, V, iii, 12 (P): "Helpe me this once, that Prance may
get the field"
RJ, IV, iv, 78 (P): "Cancell his bond of life, deere God I
pray,/ That I may live and say, The
Dogge is dead"
(Q|)j "Cancell his bond of life, deare God I
pray,/ That I may live to say, the
4 , dog is dead"
2H6, IV, i, 133 (P); "shew what cruelty ye can,/ That this
my death may never be forgot"
1H6, H% v, 3 (P): "I did send for thee...That Talbots
name might be in thee reviv'd"
A conjunction
'*"«***«• •--
is not absolutely necessary:• ,
" "*'*•"
1H6, II, v, 3^7 (P) ! "Direct mine Armes, I may embrace his
- 326 -
:3NKaporal clauses introduced .by before generally require
the subjunctive in the Present tense, the indicative being
•*'. -
f ound .much more rarely. -The indicative also occurs alongside
the subjunctive v/ith ere (or ere). Till (until) introducing
a ^clause that limits -the action of the main clause in time
can be combined with the Present indicative even when it is
obvious that the action is intentional* Both moods can be used
with against . Cf. F. T. Visser, Syntax, §§746,879-
a) Subjunctive: , .* - ,
MV, IV, i, 369 (Fj* and Q t ); rt l pardon thee thy life before
thou aske it"
: 1H6. V, iii, 76 (?) : "How canst thou tell she will deny
.' . thy suite,/ Before thou make a triall
of her love?"
ghr.'i III, ii, 192 (F) : "I must away to day before night
1H6, V, iii, 23 (i1 ) ; "take my soule; my body, soule, and
all,/ Before that England give the
French the f oy le " ' ' « '
R2, I, iv, 192 (F): "Before I be convict by course of Law?/
To threaten me with death, is most
"— — , III>.-iii p 167 (F and Q0 ): "be gone before the v/atch

Wiv. , IV, ii, 51 (F): "May I not go out ere he come?"

JJgV, I, i».46'(?): "the most forward Bud/ Is eaten by the *'
Canker ere it blow"
1..H6. IV, vii, 24 (F) : "Speake to the father, ere thou
ye eld thy breath."
13, IV, iv, 184 (F) : "Ere from this warre thou turne a
:" Conqueror"
Tap.., V, ij 103 (F): ir returne/ Or ere your pulse twice beats 11
Per . . IV , i, 27 ^(Q-i )s "give me your flowers, ere the sea
mar re it l|r
i»y -- s "s • "' •
Wiv., IV, v, 14 (?): "be so bold as stay Sir till she come
- 327 -
£ro.,, IV; v, 102-(F and.Q,,): "Yet gives he(e) not till
- * l iudgeraent guide his bounty 11
r> II, i,. 68-69 (P): "till the wicked fire of lust have
melted him in his own greace"
3^, iv, 510 (P): "take thou that, till thou bring . *
"* . better newes"
f. * ^ (Q-jJs "Take that until! thou bring me
better newes" * , . ,,t
Srr., III, ii, 1.56 (3?): "¥here I will walke till thou %
*i \ » • ••• returne to me"
«6m., Ill, iii, 148 (P and-Qg): "stay not till the watch,
f *• ',^ :? , „•- •- - , ^ >.\ • • be set" : .« - -
jE£gm,, JI f ii, 172 (P and Qg): "Let me stand here till thou
-.".<.. ¥ ," ,.- • . , -remember it" - ,. ' '"" -; * i
JC| t f i, 54-55 (P): "till another Caesar/ Have added
> „ * i^, - *"> slaughter to the Sword of Traitors 11
Per,. I, i, 170 (Q^: "till Pericles be dead,/My heart ,
•^ , - i-• ••''":- 1 '.fj „ can lend no succour to my head"
Per., I, iv, 12 (Q«)5 "Or can conceale his hunger till hee
*« - ^r«d ;. . • -v ,. - -. - famish?" ^ "•-'- • "•* - / - f ; . ..'.»']" ' -"
OTD» 'H^f' ii> 99 (P) 2 "He charme his eyes against she doth.
1 -' •- - •• **•*'' "r. >! ;appeare w- '
Indicative 5 . . . ,. 1.& "^ ..'... *.-,
2H6, IV, ii, 188 (P): "those which flye before the
battell ends"
AW, I, ii, 12 (P): "Plorence is deni'de before he xsca comes"
Oth,. Ill, iii, 119 (P): "thou...weigh f st thy words before
/oN „., thou giv'st them breath"
.wtlsUit fek3 worXi,, ttfoCe. $• kVou^jJve. ftiv. *f<j»4:k
^"'^ : tW..
Tro.,. IV, v, 59 (P and Q-):-"these encounterers so glib of
* •< tongue,/ That 'give
. a coasting
-. "• * .'*• ' e ere it comes"
welcom i-
Jro., IT, ii, 57 (P): "youle doe him wrong, ere y f are ware 11
Jn*, I, i, 200. (P) 5 "ere answer knowes what question would" ,
Wiv., II, i, 99 (P): "let's,..lead him on with a fine baited
delay, till hee hath pawn'd his horses
to J|lne Host of the Garter"
„ 328 «• * •-
IV, i, 50 (P>: "doe not ^J^approacto/ $ill thou do r st
: , he are me call"
-f mp«, I, ii, 465-466 (P): "I will resist such entertainment,
,, ' * * , till/ Mine enemy ha's more pow'r"
ITT,, II, ii, 187 (P): "Untill I know this sure uncertaintie,/
lie entertaine the free'd fallacie"
git». V, ii, 206 (i1 ): "see them ready, gainst their Mother
',,. ' , • comes" - < -
Note. The arbitrariness and fortuitousness involved in the
realization of an event that makes possible what is asserted '
in-the main clause is occasionally expressed by the subjunctive
in.a temporal clause introduced by when (cf. 3. Matzner,
Englische Grarnmatik. 3^^-©^^ II, 128): "And when he please
to make Commotion,/ 'Tis to be fear f d they all will follow
him" (2H6, III, i, 29 (P))j "Now quiet Soule, depart when
Heaven please,/(F3 Por I have seene our Enemies overthrow" • (1H6,
III, ii, 110/)f\ - the form please ———• is to be understood here as
a subjunctive. In the following example the subjunctive can
be explained 1 from the dependence of the temporal clause on
the conditional clause: "If they would yeelde us but the
superfluitie while it were wholsome, wee might guesse thevj
releeved us humanely" (Gor., "~"™~" : I, i, 18 (P)), see L. Claus,
Die einfache Porm des Oon.lunctiv bei Shakespeare
P. T* Visser, Syntax. § 879.
Present indicative is found alongside the subjunctive
,n conditional clauses introduced by if (an(d_) , an(d) if)«
[ft general the latter indicates the condition as one that is
ie,rel-y stated, and whose realization i^3 uncertain, whereas
;he former represents it P.S actual; however there is no
•igid differentiation in the use of the moods. The indicative
.a found even in unreal conditional clauses: "If she lives
;ill doomesda^, -She'1 burhe^a weeke longer then the whole
forld" (Err., Ill, ii, 101 (]?)): So provided that 1 and say
'suppose 1 (now obsolete) both generally take the subjunctive;
;he indicative occurs only rarely with so. With unless the
Lormal mood is the subjunctive, and the indicative occurs
iere.*nuch more rarely. On the other hand but and but that .
leaning f if not 1 are usually followed by the indicative, 1 *
;hough but is occasionally found with the subjunctive*
Sxcept and without, both meaning^.if not 1 , take the subjunctive.
!f. Karl Brunner, Die .engliache. Sprache, II, 311-2; F. T* Visser,
Syntax. §§747,880,881.
i) Subjunctive:
Wiv. , IV, ii, 110 (P): "if hee bid you set it downe, obey
* • him* '* - '* '-.; :
Wiv., Ill, ii, 77 (?)5 "if he take her, let him take her
simply" , «
Tro., 6 II| i f 110 (F): "Hector shall have a great catch, if
he knocke out either of your 11
Luc., 526 (1594): "if thou yeeld, I rest thy secret friend"
Tro., I, ii, 93 (F and (J^): "He shall not neede it if he;
i,have his owne"
Wiv.,11, il, 17$ (F): "if money goe before, all waies doe
lye open."
, (Q-): "if mony goes before, all waies lie
Err*. t l.;',ii 1-9r20.(P): "if any Sirapusian borne/ Come to
the Bay of Ephesus, he dies"
R2, V, v, 96 (F): "If thou love me, 'tis time thou wer't
* 330 «*
1H4-, III, i, 212 '(P}: "if thou melt, then will she runne
raadde" . «
(Q^): "if you melt, then will she run mad"
Tit.. Ill, i, 151 (P fend Qj)i "if thou love thy sonnes,/
• * Let Marcus, Lucius, or thy •
selfe...chop off your hand"
Indicative and subjunctive side by side:
ATL, I, i, 156-158 (P.): "if thou dost him any slight disgrace,
or if hee doe not mightilie grace
himselfe on thee, hee wi11 practise
against thee by poyson"
"** *'»••-•'
Tro., I, ii, 227-228 (P and Q 1 ): "and the divell come to him,
^V it(')s all one"
2H6, II, i, 9 (P): "and it like your Malestie*
M7, V, i, 159 (P and q^): "He wil(l), and if he live to be
* . . a man" 2 -- * /" • . •
TGV, I, 1, 75 (F): "Indeede a Sheepe doth very often stray,/
^t,r &'•• . f$- i And if^rthe•';';•-.*
Shepheard be awhile away" ;'^^r
"-* .
Ado, I, i, * 80 (P)- Messenger: "...the Gentleman is nBt in -
* .-• ' ^ your bookes." r. . .V
Beatrice: "Ho, and he were, I would
."." *'! . " burn e my study" . , ,, - *•
"Scratching could not make it worse
***"^"™* I, i, 138 (P and Q-):
Ado, i i . ,
and ( f )twere such a face as
..*.*,, - J yours werej1 ' , « :
Tmp>. II, ii, 119-120 (P): "These be fine, things, and if
Jl,L -"'•'• P ?v they be not sprights" , .
Trnp* t V, i, 117 (P): "this must crave/ (And if this be at
£•1* » ^ v" all) a most strange story"
AYL, IV, ii, 10 (P): "'tis,no matter how it bee in tune, so
it make noyse enough"
MV, IV, i, 380 (P): "So please my Lord the Duke, and all
the Court/ To quit the fine for one \
halfe of his goods,/ I am content"
Jn,| IV, iv17 (P): "So I were out of prison, and kept
Sheepe/ I should be merry as the day
is long"
TGV, III, i, 33.4 (P): "It's no matter for that; so shee
sleepe not in her talke"
5H6. II, vi, 98 (P): "He erosse the Sea,/ To effect this
marriage, so it please my Lord,"
Son. CXXXVI, 1,1 (1609) 3 "Por nothing hold me, so it please
> . *thee hold"
2H6, III, i, 379 (P): "Say that he thrive, as ! tis great
like hs will" *
2H6, III, i, 376 (P): "Say he be taken, rackt, and tortured"
Ven.» 439 (1595): "Say that the sence of feeling were
" " -bereft me"' , . - r^--
Shr«. H, i, 171 (P): "Say that she raile"
TGV, III, ii, 49 (P): "But say this weede her love from -
Valentine,/ It followes not that
she will love sir Thurio"
R3, III, i, 75 (P): "But say, my lord, it were not registred"
Indicative: » » «,
JG, IV, iii, 271 (P);,"If thou do'st nod, thou break'st
,•' thy Instrument" . . , --
2H6. Ill, ii, 291 (?): "if thou do'st pleade for him,/::
; * Thou wilt but adde encrease unto
my'Wrath"' f' \ . •"• {- .
Tro., I?, ±y, 129 (P and Qj): " if thou do (') st not..'. He
-, * cut thy throate"
TGV. Ill, i-, 257 (P): "and if thou seest my Boy/ Bid him
make haste"
Jn., II, ^a,, 401 (P): "And if thou hast the mettle of a
. . king,,.Turne thou the mouth of thy
Artillerie.. .against these sawcie
*•$¥•>; JW-.H.* -
walles" „ ^ •" -
f ' •
, V, ii, 232 (P and Q^i "Nay. then two treyes, an if
you grow so nice"
, I, i±-.f; 82-83 (F)i "nothing comes amisse, so monie
. . ' * comes withall"
- 352 -
b) Subjunctive:
E42.* > *I> i* 90-91 (P): "unlesse hee know some straine in
mee...hee would never have boorded
" c me in this furie"
£n., JII r i» 194 (F): "raise .the power of France upon his
head,/ Unlesse he doe submit himselfe "
to Rome"
Tro., ¥, iii, 106 (P and Q.); "unlesse a man were curst"
£OV, I, ii, 7f (F): "Unlesse it have a false Interpreter11
Ado, III, ii, 37 (F): "unlesse hee have a fancy**.0 this
: foolery" f , "
torn., II, ii, 76 (P and Q 2 ) ; "but thou love me, let them
- .., -^'t finde me here"
Cvni., I, v, 81 (F): "Except she bend her humor" '-."!'
& 8

1H6, II, v, 111 (F); "Mourne not, except thou sorrow for
•-, . my good" ' - - .••••,
2H6 t V f i, 9 (F): "I cannot give due action to my words,/.
Except a Sword oy Scepter ballance it" ,.
g5, I?, iv, 10 (F)? "thou dyest on point of Fox, except 0-"." "
Signieur thou doe give to me egregious
Eansome" * - , • " ^ -(
Err,, V, i, 55 (F): Jlbbess: "...Which of these sorrowes is ,,
, - he subiect too?" ; , .
Adriana: "To none of these, except it ',
be the last" _. ,
|g7, II, iv, 140 (F): l¥How, no discourse, except it be of
: r I.P * «-.""r , " " love" . " '•/" , " - *. •
jECrY» III, i, 178 (F): "Except I be by Silvia in the night,/
c ,„ : -» ,
*f.^ t. * *
;. ,-,,
#y •
•- • There is no musicke in the Nightingale"
a _. ^ ,

( , I, i, 43,(F): "And ne f re. throughout the yeere to "

Church thou go*st,/ Exdept it be to
pray against thy foes"
;., III, .ii, 92 (P) *• "such a one, as a man may not speake
: -. , of, without he say sir reverence"
• Wl«4icative5 ;? -,'„ i '• ; •/ ' ' ' V-
. Tro,, I, ii, 17 (F); "So do all men, unlesse they are -
- 333 -
drunke, sicke, or have no legges"
Cym.. I, v, 16 (P): "tlnlesse thou think' st me divellish"
fiffi, ,V f . iii, 284 (P): "Unlesse thou telst me where thou
hadst this Ring,/ Thou diest
1 within this houre"
• "* ,- f ' , , <«•

, Err., V, i, 211 (P): "Nere may I looke on day, nor sleepe

on night,/ But she tels to your
t , * Highnesse simple truth 11
Ant., Ill, xi, 47-48 (P)s "death will cease her, but/,Your •

comfort makes the rescue"

fir., Ill, v, 15 (P): "I had beene drown'd, but that the
t-,.•'-• > -i 'i ***,.,„ shore was shelvy and shallow"

Err., IV, i, 3^(P)j "Nor now I had not, but that I am
bound/ To Persia, and want Gilders
,* * - ^
for my voyage"
* x- *

,,"»""I, ii, 4-5 (P) • "The skye it seemes would powre down
stinking pitch,/ But that the Sea.*.
- '• • -• . ? ? I"',
Dashes the fire out"
|ro., IV, ii, 8-9 (^Q^: "but that the busie day/Wak't by
the Larke^hath rouz'd the ribal.d
Growes,/ And dreaming night will
hide our ioyes no longer,/ I
would not from thee"
Note 1, When the condition lies in the future (or is regarded,
as being in the future), the doubt concerning its fulfilment .
is sometimes expfcessecb in Shakespeare, as it still is in. the
literary language, by sha11, whichjwas formerly applicable .*
in the future to all persons (§ -&H-) and was very common, in
temporal clauses (§ -64-9). Cf- F.T V.'i^ Ij^^ ir/?. * .
JM, III, i, 209-210 (P): "and much please the absent Duke,
if. peradventure he shall ever
But.: MM. Ill, i, 197-198 (P): "if ever he returne, and I can
speake to him"
(1594): "If all these pettie ils shall change thy
good,/ The sea within a puddels wombe
is hersed"
- 354 -
V, iii, 124 (F):."If you shall prove/ This Ring was ever
hers, you shall as easie/ Prove that
I husbanded her bed in Florence"
WO?, I, i, 1 (F): "If you shall visit Bohemia..,
«. , ,.: you shall see...great
difference" • ,
Note 2. The Preterite subjunctive (which has a distinctive form
only in were) is never replaced by'the indicative in.
Shakespeare. , , .. . . . • •
TGV, IV, ii, 127 -.(I?): "If 'twere a substance you would sure
deceive it"
jHjrV, IV, i, 30 ' (F): "nere repent it, if it were done so"
Note 3. Sentences that contain a comparison with a supposed
cbnditioa require the subjunctive for the latter (in. so far
as it can be recognized as a subjunctive). As if, as
(sometimes with the inversion of the subject), as though
(also like as) are the conjunctions used in such sentences.
Of. .P. T. Visser,. Syntax, § 890. \
Oth.. Ill, iii, 4 (P): "I warrant it" greeves my Husband//
As if the cause were his"
Ham., II, i, 83 (?); "wit&;:a looke so pitious in purport,/
As if he had been loosed out of hell,/
: To stjoeake of &orrors; he comes before
Lr. , V, iii, 201 (P and Q-j ) s "You looke as you had something
' • more to say" , ' .-'
ghr.t V, i, 17 (i1 ): "What's he that knockes as he would
beat downe the gate?" ;. •
Inversion of the subject:
Shr»» Hf if 1s 50 ,(P) '• "with twentie suph vilde tearmes,/
fe •As - had she studied to misuse me so"

>, II, i f 179 (?) : "It she do. bid me packe, lie give
her thankes,/ As though she bid me
.. stay by her a weeke"
Tro , ,: JE, ii, 7 (5*): "like as thjere were husbandry la ^arre/
Before the Sunne rose, hee was harnest
T 535 -
Note 4. The inversion o,f the subject in order to show a
conditional clause is used extensively in Shakespeare. In
the modern language it is much less common than formerly and
is "possible with modal verbp only in the Preterite and
Pluperfect (were he = if he were; had he been; could he but
do this; *. . -•- should
- -
he ever-come), and although it is used with
principal verbs in the Pluperfect, in the Preterite it is
found only to-a limited extent in the periphrastic form with
do (did he but go there), apart from the verbs be and have
(were you my true friend,' the feelings of a gentleman)«
Inverted clauses like meet I, sat they for if I meet, if they .
sat are no longer"accepted. Of. P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 882.
•.•jjjgr.f' III, ii, 127 (P): "We will perswade him be it possible,/
To put on better ere he goe to Church"
Shr., II, i, 125 (P): "lie assure her of/ Her widdow-hood,
be i,t that she survive men *"

Tro., II, ii, 195 (P) '• "Were it not glory that we more
- £ , I -* : W>. - '* >' , '

affected,/ Then the performance of

our heaving spleenes,/ I would not
wish a drop of Troian blood,/
Spent more in her defence"
2g%g Tro., II, ii, 139 (P and Q1 ): "Were I alone to passe the
._; '' : 1 ,....'• ' •

should ne(')re retract(,)
what he hath done"
216, III, i, 305 (P)J "Xfcy fortune, Yorke, hadst thou beene
Regent there,/ Might happily have
prov'd farre worse then, his"
J6> III, i, 200 (P): "Had I as many eyes, as thou hast
wounds,/ Weeping as fast as they
/ streame forth thy blooxi,/ It would
become me better"
TgV« V, iv, 110 (P): "were man/ But Constant, he were
f "' perfect"
III, i, 22 (P)! ,*,•?'And
you fall, he is the next
will mount,"
- 336 -
AYL, V, iv, 12 (P): "That will I, should I die the houre
2H6, V, i, 201 (P): "And that He write upon thy Burgonet,/
Might I but know thee by thy housed
2H6, III, ii, 60-61 (?): "Might liquid teares, or heart-
offending groanes,/ Or blood-
consuming sighes recall his Life;/
I would be blinde with weeping,
sicke with grones"
2K6. V, ii, 57 (F) : "Meet I an infant of the house of Yorke,/
Into as many gobbits will I cut it"
Ant., IV, vi, 6 (F): "Prove this a prosp'rous day, the
three nook f d world/ Shall beare the
Olive freely"
M, III, ii, 61 (P and Q^: "Live thou, I live"
Cyru, IV, iii, 30 (P): "Gome more, for more you're ready"
LIV, III, ii, 20 (P and Q 1 ): "(prove it so)/ Let Portune
goe to hell for it, not I"
Err. t I, ii., 27 (P) ; "soone at five a clocke ? / Please-you,
lie meete with you upon the Kart."
~ II, ii, 52 (P and-Q.):\ "Grow this to what adverse
issue it can, I will put it
• in practise"
Oth., V, i, 14 (P): "Live Rodorigex, / He me to a
restitution large/ Of Gold, and lewels,
* that I bob'd from him"
Mac., III, i, 26 (P): "Goe not my Horse the better,/ I
must become a borrower of the Nighv
Indicative (once):
Err., IV, i, 12 (P) : "Pleaseth you v/alke with me aowne to
his house,/ I will discharge ny bond ;
and thanke you too" (it is suppressed)

Cor., Ill, iii, 70 (P): "Within thine eyes sate twenty

thousand deaths...I would say/ i'l-cu
- 337 -
A concessive clause introduced by though (although) usually
es the indicative (which in Shakespeare is also found
••' ~ \ii.'..'. a -2 •** * ~" -'•'•' '"' '• " f" ' *t V •'•••.•'.••
after albeit, for all) if what is conceded is regarded by the
W^ ' ' m*m'**>m**»""**» »*»«»*«««Mfcw««iw» . . ^ •

speaker as a fact. .Uncertainty and doubt as regards the lat.ter

can be expressed by the use of the subjunctive. In this,
respect Shakespeare is simply following the usage that
existed before him. In clauses introduced by a generalizing
pronoun . or adverb (whoever, whatever, —-P— .. however), as well as
»—«»—-— }
in disjunctive concessive clauses (whether.. .or), both moods
are possible. The subjunctive is more common in concessive
clauses characterized by the inversion of the subject. ,
St. P. T, Visser, Syntax;, §§ 750,883-886.
Subjunctive: « , ' .( .
' Wiv., II, ii, 230 (P): "Some say, that though she appeare
honest to mee, yet in other places
shee enlargeth />
her mirth so farre,
that there is shrewd construction
made of her"
1H6. V, v, 38.•(>): "Her Father is no better than an Earle,/ ;
Although in glorious Titles he excell" ,
Err.. IV, ii, 28 (P): "My heart praies for him, though my
tongue doe curse"
M7. I, i, 56 (P): "they'll not shew their teeth in way of :
smile,/ Though , ' *
- '
sweare the iest
, i
be laughable"
Son. XXXIV, 10 (1609): "Though thou repent, yet I have,.
«S?B- •''. '- • . _ i (••
still the losse" . *
AWW. Ill, iv, 33 (P): "my greatest greefe,/ Though little ' ,
* ~" ^9, ._ he do feele it, set downe sharpely"
Oth., II, i, 31 (P/) ' "this same Cassio, though) he speake
j>. of comfort,. ..yet he lookes sadly"
Luc., 560 (1594-)i "Tears harden Ifcst though marble were
with rayning" (Here the concessive clause
>-". - ,.\ . , contains a factual experience)
Eiversion: t ^
'Jn., III, iii, 3-1 (*0 S rt oreepe. time nere so slow,/ Yet
it shall come, for me to doe thee
- 338 -
Ham., III, il, 345 (P): "We $hall obey, were she ten times
our Mother"
Ven*, 575 (1593).* "Were beautie under twentie locks kept
• ,'jV- , fast,/.Yet love breaks through"
R2, I> iii, 85 (P) • "How ever heaven or fortune cast my lot"
(But cast may be plural here)
Am?, V, iii, 121 (P): "how ere the matter fall"
1H41 v , iv, 37 (F): "mine I am sure thou art, whoere thou be"
1H6, I, iii, 7 (i1 ): "Who ere he be, you may not be let. in"
Shr« t III, ii, 235 (P): "heere she. stands, touch her v/ho
ever dare"
Cf. Tim., V, i, 212 (P): "who so please/ To stop Affliction,
let him, take his haste" ," , , , .
Ijyiru, III, vi, 80-81 (P): "what ere it be,/ What paine it
cost" • , :/
Tit.. V, i, 82 (P and Q 1 ): "By thai same God, what God so .
., -ere it be" • . - :^ •' f . f '.^
.' !M, I, iii, 123-124 (P): "As any man in Illyria, v/hatsoever
j • •" r , . «, he be, iinder the degree of my c
..« * "*•w
" • «-•-• 3' '"' ;' * '" *•-•,.,..
. '* betters"
' .. . .
Ven.>, 304 (1593): "And where he runne, or flie, they know
"• - •: not whether". '"...,, • " •& '• ','-Tv i> 75 (P) ( : "But once he slanderd me with bastardy:/
But where I be as true begot or no,/ -,
Ihat still I lay upon my mothers ,head"
Indicatives - - s
.. "( 5. S
. .f|
, « .
Wty«« II, i, 241-243 (P) J '^hough Page. ..stands so firmely : "
, , ,. , ^ on his wives frailty: yet, I
put-off my opinion so easily"
.¥iy»»-II t iii, 48 (P) s "though wee are lustices, and ! , "-
Doctors...wee have some salt of
our youth in us"
2H6, II, iv, 101 (P): "Sherife farewell, and better then I
fare,/ Although thou hast beene
Conduct of my shame"
- 339 -
., I, ii, 320 (P) : "though, my hearts Contents fir.r.e love
doth beare,/ Nothing of that shall
from mine eyes appeare"
2H6» III, ii, 57 (P): "Although the Duke was enemie to him,/
Yet hq most Christian-like laments
his death"
AYL, I, i, 52-54 (P) : "I have as much of my father in mee,
as you, albeit I confesse your
comming before me is neerer to his
Gym., II, iii, 61 (P): "A worthy Pellow,/ Albeit he comes
« on angry purpose now"
V/iy», I, i, 281 (P): "for all you are my man, goe wait
upon my Cosen Shallow"
Wiv., V, v, 204 (P) : "(for all he v/as in womans apparrell)
I would not have had him"
AW, III, ii, 115-117 (P): "Who ever shoots at him, I set
him there./ V/ho ever charges
on his forward brest/ I am the
Caitiffe that do hold him too f t"
1_H6, V, iii, 52 (?): "Margaret my name...who so ere thou art"
I.!gc •, IV, i, 47 (P) : "Open Lockes, who ever knockes"
Son. CXXXIII, 11 (1609): "Who ere keepes me, let my heart i
be his garde"
TN, III, iv, 161-162 (P): "whatsoever thou art, thou art
but a scurvy fellow"
AVA7 , V, i, 37 (P) : "you shall finde your selfe to be well
thsnkt what e f re falles more"
AYL, II, vii, 109 (P): "what ere you are"
TGV. Ill, i, 100 (P): "Take no repulse, what ever she doth
AYL, III, i, -*&£ 5 (P): "Pinde out thy brother wheresoere
he is"
H.I, I, ii, 44 (P) : "that thou hast; whether thou srt
tainted, or free"
- 340 -
If a consecutive clause
:"'.'-, "..•... >.'••"•:'•"••*
the idea of a logical
result simultaneously expresses a wish or intention, or if
the latter can be understood from the nature of the action
(of* E, Matzner, En^lische Grammatik, 5rd od», IT, 137), then
the subjunctive, t
is used (examples under a)), or, in.the
Present tense, a periphrastic form with shall (examples under "
b))» However the indicative (now used almost exclusively in
consecutive clauses) is used in other cases when only the
succession or simultaneity of two causally connected facts is
asserted. Of. P. T. Vis.ser, Syntax, § 891.
a) Subjunctive:
, Oth., Ill, iii, 364-365 (P): "Make jse to see ! t: or (at the
least) so prove it,/ That
. , the probation beare no Hindge,
,, - , noir Loope,/ To hang a doubt on"
;" Ant., IV, xv,.43-44 (P): "let me rayle so hye,/ That the
false Huswife Fortune, breake her
, ^heele" .'
TGV, III, i, 44-45 (P): "doe it so cunningly/ That my
discovery be not aimed at"
Indicatives ,
TGY t III, i, 109 (P): "kept severely from resort of men,/
That no man. hath accesse by day to her"
TGV, III, i, 112 (P): "the doores be lockt, and keyes kept
safe,/ That no man hath recourse to
her by night" * _ • \
TGV. Ill, ii, 5 (P)s "Since his exile she hath despis'd me
: most...That I am desperate of
obtaining her" * , ,
jh". i III, iv, 111 (P)t "And bitter shame hath spoyl'd the
sweet words taste,/ That it yeelds
. * nought but shame and bitternesse"
Mac., III, vi, 38-39 (P): "this report/ Hath so exasperate
their King, that hee/ Prepares
for some attempt of Varre"
- 541 -

jfflf t III* v£ r 26 (P) : "wee will binde and hoodwinke him so,
that he shall suppose no other but
vt tjiat he is carried into the Lep.ger
of the adversaries"
£Cf, Tl, ii, 124-125 (P): "so neere will I be,/ That your
best Friends shall wish I had
beene further"
-342- m^in :! clauses that contain a statement of voli-tioh,
whether it is expressed directly "by an appropriate verb or
indirectly, there is a subjunctive in the object clause
(examples under a)). ;After verbs of asking and wishing the
periphrasis with nay is very common (examples under b))»
Of. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 310; F. T.
Visser, Syntax, § 869*
a);./, ' :, ,. •••->•. '. -: - - - '-. . - .• :
2H6, V, i, 80 (P): "We give thee for reward a thousand

Markes,/ And will, that thou henceforth

attend on us" '
, 2H6, :.5V, vi, 2-4 (#): "I charge and command, that of the
:Cities cost/ THe pissing Conduit
?•-" - ", . : , ;- run nothing but Clarret Wine 11
WT, II, iii, 173-175 (P): MMWe enioyne thee,/ As thoi^art
, *" .V . ,, - . - , < Liege-man to us, that thou
• -, carry/ This female Bastard hence"
WT, II, |ii, T8Q-181 (P): "I doe in-Justice charge thee ...
, That thou commend it strangely
to some place" t! "

AYIi, II, iv, 64 (P): -"I pray you, one of you question
yon'ci man"
1H4. Ill, iii, 171 (Q t>: "I pray God my girdle breake"
Mac.., II, i, 31-32 (P): "Goe bid thy Mistresse, v/ •
drinke is ready,/ She strike upon
. the Bell" >.
Cym. t IV, ii,, 108 (F): "I wish my Brother make good time
with him"
TO, I, ±i, 400-402 (P): "I coniure thee...that thou declare"
Oth., Ill, iii, 359 (P.): "Villaine, be sure thou pro^euiy
v.- ,*. ,." •'•" '• -'.love a Whore"
H8. II, ii, 78-79 (?): "have great care,/ I be not found a
• * • Talker"
.. I, ii, 452-453 (P): "I charge thee/ That thou attend
, - .

=) 'i 3*
me '* » "' .. ^ ,
--* ' ^J*
• •*'•• «•
, V, i, 48-50 (P): "I coniure thee.. .That thou neglect me not 11
~ 343 - i
JC, III, ii, 65 (F): "I do intreat you, not a man depart"
rmp•, Y, i, 118-119 (I1 ): "I resigne, and doe entreat/ Thou
pardon me my wrongs"
tof, II, ii» 19 (F); "Fortune forbid iny out-side have not
charm f d her"*
WT, IV, iv, 215 (F): "Forewarne him, that he use no
scurrilous words"
R3, II, i, 91-94 (F): "God grant, that some lesse Foble.,*
Deserve not worse then wretched
Clarence did,/ And yet go currant
from Suspition"
MM, I, ii, 185 (F): "Implore her...that she make friends/
To the strict deputie"
Rom.*, Til, ill, 148 (F and Q 2 )s "But loofce thou stay not
, till the watch be set"
RJ, III, iv, 80 (F); "Lovell and Ratcliffe, looke that it
be done" " fc - ,,;-
MM, II, «ii, 125 ('?): "Pray heaven she win him"
H8, II, ii, 64 (F): "Pray God he be not angry"
Rom., V, iii, 24 (F)-* *and Q2 ); "See thou deliver it"
Ham., I, iii, 59 t^)s "And these few Precepts in thy
memory,/ See thou Character" f :
(Q 2 )5 "And these fewe precepts in thy t.
•¥••• •
memory/ Looke thou character"
Shr., III, i, 44 (F): "take heede he heare us not"
R3, I, iii, 140 (F): "I would to God my heart were Flint"
Jli*, III, iv, 48 (F): "I am not mad, I would to heaven I
JC, II, i, 4 (F): "I would it were my fault to sleepe so
soundly" - - * " .
MV, II, viii, 32 (F):."! thought upon Anthonio when he told
me,/ And wisht in silence that it
were not his"
Ham,, III, i, 38-40 (F)5 "I do wish/ That your good Beauties
, "be the happy cause/ Of Hamlets
~ 544 -
AWf » I, iii f 70 (F): "May it please you Madam, that hee
4 " ' '
bid Hellen come to you"
ft ""a ~ ,.....; .- . fjr , •• _ - •

2H5, IV, i, 140 (F): "It is our pleasure one of them .depart 11
WT, III, ii, 9-10 (F); "It is his Highnesse pleasure, that
-'•' " '• ' * '):

the Queene/ Appeare in person,

here in Court"

JO, III, i, 13 (F); "I wish your enterprize to day may thrive"
JO, III, i, 52-54 (F): "I kisse thy hand, but not in
flattery Caesar:/ Desiring thee,
that Publius Cyraber may/ Have an,
immediate freedorae of repeale"
1j|6, III, i, 200-201 (F): "Exeter doth wish,/ His dayes
may finish, ere that haplesse
Jn., III, i, 90 (F): "let wives with childe/ Pray that .
their burthens may not fall this day"
*. Ado,
•^•r •' . I, i, 151>/t (F^nd Q-): E "he heartily
• praies - some •
occasion may detaine us longer"
Note. „.,.' The • • "-use
- .* of the Preterite subjunctive after a Present (or
Preterite subjunctive) in the main clause (which nay also* be
elliptical) formerly indicated, still.does, that some ,
difficulty stands in the way of the realization of a wish or
that this is impossible in the circumstances or inherently.
Err., IY, Iv, 154 (F): "I long that we were safe and sound,
Mac., V, v f 50 (F): "I...wish th 1 estate o'th 1 world were -',
now undon"
:,: AYL. II, iv, 75-77 (F): "I pittle her,/ And wish...My .
• * fortunes were more able to releeve
AYL t II, vii, 42 (f): "0 that I were a foole"
JC, V, i, 123 (F): "0 that a man might know/ The end of
this dayes businesse, ere it come"
AYL, I, ii, 223 W - !f.I would I were invisible"
I* i» 24 (F): "Would for the Kings sake hee vrnre living11
- 345 - ' -
-Y---15&4 subjunctive ia also possible in relative clauses that"
express a wish, .(examples under a)), an assumption (subjective
statement of opinion or rhetorical question) (examples under
1?)), or that belong to a hypothetical complex sentence
X (examples under c) ); -however this use is not common. Cf* , *
.Yisser, 'Syntax. •"§. 876.
F. T." ......

E3, I, iii, 59 (F): "His Rqyall race/ (Whom God preserve

•better then you would wish)/ Cannot
be quiet scarse a breathing while" .
EJ, IV, iv, 188 (F) ; "Therefore take with thee my mtist .
. - »» ... . . greevous Curse,/ Whijch in the day of
Battell tyre thee more/ Then all the
, Gompleat Armour that thou wear'st"
J3h£r , I, i, 251 (F)s "One thing more rests, that thy selfe ,

.Ti£u , IV, iii, 346 (P) : "Y/hat Beast coul'd'st thou bee,
t- ; : . • ,% . , th,at were not subiect to a Beast"
MM, I, ii, 16 (F)s "There's not a Souldier of us all, tha% %
in the thanks-giving before meate, do -
a s' sis--
- '- rallish the petition well, that praies
'• ^ ' ^_

for peace" • « :
Cym. , Y, iv,
•*•••*•••* ._», .
, •
: "a man that".
"»#t, •
to • sleepe
. •
-' •
,, I. i, 91 (P) : "a Moity. . .which had return 1 d/ To. the :
_. Inheritance of Fortinbras,/ Had he
bin Vanquisher"
' . ,., * • • - - '», ,

: "a moitie. . .which lir, . . returne/ To the •

inheritance of Fortinbrasse,/ Had he
bin vanquisher"
- 346 -
The Imperative
§ 184 Two forms are found for the first person plural: the old
subjunctive (^0 we I) and the periphrastic form \vitii let
(let (u)s £o!)« The latter form was more common in tlu
conversational speech of Shakespeare's tine, as i*c still is
today; in The Uerry r.r ives of V'indsor, which is almost entirely
in prose, it is the only form that is used. The second person
singular and plural are often followed by a non-emphatic
pronoun. Traces .of this are still found in lookeeI, harkee!
(dialect) and mind youI, mark you! Apart from this the
pronoun now precedes the imperative (you tell him!) and is
stressed. In spoken English there is a slight pause between
the pronoun and the imperative, and this differentiates it
from the second person of the Present indicative. This
construction, though common in O.E. and LI.E», became rarer
in later M.E. and gradually disappeared; but it reappeared
about the end of the 17th century, P* T. Visser (Syntax, § 25)
has been unable to find a single example between 1475 and
1695- On "the subject of the pronoun with the imperative see
Celia Millward, "Pronominal case in Shakespearean imperatives,"
Language t XLII (1966), 16-17. Gf. P. I. Visser, Syntax, §§ 23-5.
77iv.. t I, i, 67 (P): "let us see honest LIr Page"
Wiv., II, i, 96-97 (P):-"Let's bee reveng'cl on him: let's
appoint him a meeting"
y;iv., II, i, 111 (P): "Let's consult together against thib
greasie Knight"
Wiv., II, iii, 101 (P): "Let us wag then"
Wiv., Ill, iii, 244 (P): "Let's go in Gentlemen"
VJiv., IV, ii, 210 (P): "Let's obey his humour a little
Wiv., IV, iv, 26 (P): "let us two devise to bring him
thether" '<S.

Wiv., V, ii, 16 (P): "Lets away: follow me"

Wiv., V, v, 80 (P): "let us not forget"
Wiv,, V, v, 255 (P)s "let us every one go home"
Ado, III, i, 32 (P and Q1 ): "go we neare her",
2H6, I, i, 199 (P): "loyne we together"
, ^ 347 -
|lt., IV, >r ii, ,132 .(? and Q.): "Then sit v;e downe and let
us all consult"
Wiv., II, ii, 276 (P): "come you to me at night"
Wiv., II, ii, 295 (P): "Come to me soone at night" ;
Eg, IJIj vi f 126-144 (P) 3 "Thus sayes my King: Say thou to
S •-.:•'• ,,
Harry of England...Tell himv»«
**, '•<''- Bid him therefore consider his
ransome...To this adde defiance:
and tell him"
Wiv., Y, i, 11 (P): "Bee you in the Parke about midnight.,.
and you shall see wonders" ^
Wiv., I, iii, 80 (P): "Goe> beare thou this Letter Ib \ .
Mistris Page"
Pronoun stressed in antithesis:
3H6. V, v, 71 .(P): "What? wilt thou not? Then Clarence do
, ' it thou"
1H4. Ill, iii, 27 (P): "Doe thou o.mend thy Pace, and lie
amend thy Life" -
11141 II, iv, 32 (P): "doe thou stand in some by-roome,
while~f' I question my puny , Drawer"
Stereotype uses:
Wiv., II, ii, 136 (P): "Parethee well"
Wiv., Ill, ii, 85 (P): "fare you well"
Wiv., Ill, iv, 21 (P): "harke you hither"
Wiv.. Ill, iv, 29 (P): "Hark ye"
Cor., V, ii, 77 (P): "looke thee, heere's water to quench it"
KM, IV, iii, 51 (?): "Looke you Sir"
2H4. II, ii, 117 (P): "looke you he writes"
(Q.): "looke you how he writes"
WT, III, iii, 116 (P): "looke thee heere boy"
Note. .The use of the Perfect imperative in be p;one!, have done I
reveals the wish and the impatience of the speaker to see
accomplished something that has not yet taken place.
Wiv., Ill, iii, 19 (P) • "Be gone, and come when you are
call f d"
Wiv., Ill, v, 56 (P): "Well, be gone: I will not misse her"
- 348 - .
TGV, II, iv, 99 (P); " done, have done: here cone's y
- 349 -
The Infinitive.
of the " pur 6"': infinitive ?/as formerly much freer
than today. Following the example of bid, Shakespeare uses
the infinitive without the preposition after desire, entreat,
persuade, pray, v;ill (meaning 'wish')* intend, list, and
, \
also after force, enforce, con9train; coinmpnd, charge; cause,
though the form with to_ is preferred in most cases. Associated
wi"fck J- 6 ^ ~kne folloving occur sporadically with the pure
infinitive: beteem 'permit 1 , endure 'allow 1 , suffer,
vouchsafe .'allow', likewise forbid ' leljnot' (perhaps also
because of its similarity to bid.). Go and come are often
found without the preposition. Periphrastic ffin 'begin'
followed by the pure infinitive was very common in M.E.
QiU Matzner, Engllsche Grpmniatik, 3rd o.d.., Ill, <). !Ehe same
is true of help when the verb itself is in the infinitive.
The pure infinitive occurs after teach and ought as early as
M.S. l{2. Matzner, Bnglische Grammatik, ^r-d od. 7 III, 16 and
6). Other sporadic cases are given in the examjsiLes. Both
forms of the infinitive are found after (it is.) best and
after personal expressions like you were best (better) that *'.
derive from impersonal constructions.
These sporadic cases of the infinitive without the
preposition may well be conditioned by poetic diction, which
inclines towards archaic speech-forms, and by metre; the ;,
influence of-tsynonymous verbs which are followed by the pure
infinitive may also occasionally be a factor. The introduction
of .i£-after verbs like please and beseech was necessary
because Here-the infinitive and imperative constructions '..
could not always be distinguished. New English prose rhythm
was. certainly of "importance for tiie spread of to. This :
emerges clearly from the different forms of the infinitive
after the active and passive: "they saw him come" - "he was ;
seen to come".•Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II,
342-5; P. T. Visser, Svntax, §§ 898-9.
, Ill, i, 73 (?) : "Which he, to seeke of me againe,
perforce,/ Behoves me keepe at
-..350 - '
utterance" (elsev/here v/ith to)
, I, ii, 140-142 (F): "so loving to ny Mother,/ That
night not beteene the jwindes
; of heaven/ Visit her face too
*' : roughly" . • ,
(Q 2 )! "so loving to my mother,/'That
, , , - he might not beteeme the winds
of heaven/ Visite her face too
roughly" (the only exanple)
J, i f 67 (F): "These news would cause him once more ,
yeeld the Ghost"
H8, I?, ii, 78 (F): "Good Griffith,/ Cause the Musitians
play me that sad note"
I?» 11, 128 (I?): "Patience, is that Letter/ I caus'd
you write, yet sent away?"
(the only examples; elsewhere with to)
, I, i, 26 (Q-): "yea may chance burne your lippes"
' "ff - , • ,.- (F); "you may chance to burne your lips"
Ant., IV, vi, 8-9 (F): '?Go charge Agrippa,/ Plant those
?-\ i, , that have revolted in the Vant"
.•.*• • »r- "• - (the only example)
3n* , III, i f 74 (F): "Heere is my Throne, bid kings come
bow to it 1* • • , ,
(common; when, followed by to, cone is used periphrastically
meaning 'to come to pass 1 , f to cone to be', c£. A. Schmidt,
ShaJcespeare-Lexicon under come)
£or., IV, v, 63 (F): '"necessitie commands me name my selfe"
Shr., V, ii, 96 (F); "I command her come to me"
• - (quite common;^also found with to)
Cor., V, iii| 100 (F): "Constraines them, weepe, and shake
with feare & sorow 11 « ,
: ' (the only example; elsewhere witii to)
« IV, v, 35 (F and Q|): "I pray desire her call her
. : wisedome to her"
(several examples; elsewhere v/ith to)
., IV, iii, 75^(F): "Your betters have indur'd me say
- 351 -
my minde"
(the only example; elsewhere v;ith ;tp_)
Tim*, III, v, 36 (P): "If Wrongs be evillea, and inforce
us kill"
TGV, IV, iii, 16 (?) : "my father would enforce me marry/
Vaine Thurio" (the only examples)
Tit., II, iii, 138 (P and Q 1 ): "intreat her heare me but a
(quite common; also found \vitn to)
If, V, iii, 50 (Q.j): "The treason that ny hsste forbids ne
shew" f
/ ^
(the only example; elsewhere vith to}
Yen., 72 (1593): "Raine added to P river that is ranke,/
Perforce \vill force it overflow the banke"

Cynu, II, iii, 22 (P): "Phoebus gins arise"
(common; also found with to. Be^in always trkes the
prepositional infinitive, cf. A, Schmidt, Sh?kesi:e?re-
Lexicon^ under begin)
m, I, ii, 82 (P): "let's goe learne the truth of it"
(very common; the modern construction \vith and is also
found in Shakespeare: AYL, II, iii, 31 (P): "woulci'st
thou have ne go & beg my food")
Rom., IV, ii, 34 (P and Qp):' "will you go(e) with, me into
my Closet,/ To helpe me sort
such needfull ornanen.ts"
Tro., III, i> 163 (^ and Q-): "I must woe you,/ To hellpe
unarme our Hector"
(more commonly with to.)
MD, II, i, 138 (P): "How long within this wood intend you
stay?" (the only example; elsewhere
with to)
WT f IV, i, 26 (P): "What of her insues/ I list not prophesie 11
(the only example; elsev/liere vrith to)
JC, I, i, 3 (P$: "you ought not walke...without the signe/
Of -your Profession"
(the only example; elsewhere'with to)
^ 352 -
1H6| IV, i, 132 (F): "£et .me perawade you take a better
^ .course" , •
»(the only example; elsev/here with to)
Tro,., V, ix, 8 (P): "let one be sent/ To pray Achilles see . ,
us at our Tent"
Sfor•t III, i, 82 (P): "your father prayes you leave your
2H6, II, iv, 81-82 (?): "I pray/ You use her well" -
H8, I, iv, 74 (p): "prry'em. take their pleasures"
(the only exarapl e s; e 1 s ewhere wi th to )
Tro., II, iii, 196-197 (P): '"And never suffers matter of
the world,/ Enter his thoughts"
&ap., III, i, 62-63 (P): "to suffer/ The flesh-flie blow
. . , my mouth" , . i'
(the only examples; elsewhere with to)
If, li Hi, 162 (P): "Y/hose owne hard dealings teaches
them suspect/ The thoughts of others'1
(the only example; elsewhere with to) i
~ *tt -r. ,. -•• '

: Err., V, i r 282 (P): "Most mighty Duke, vouchsafe me Speak

a word"
t II, iv, 90 (P): "Willing you over-looke this Pedigree"
, ... (the only example; also found with to)
, I, iii, 159 (Q-i)-: "May then I cannot bla^ie his coosen
king,/ That wisht him'on the barren
mountaines Starve"
(]?): "Nay then I cannot blame his Cousin
King,/ That wish'd him on the barren
• Mount aines starv'd" * - " '-*
1H6, II, V, 96 (P): "the rest, I wish thee gather"
, III, i, 42 (P and Q r); '''To wish him wrastle with •
, ., " "": " " • t - affection"
, II, if 134. (?)» "such thankes I give,/ As one neere
death to those that \vish him live'1
(the-only examples in this sense; elsev/here with to)
3th,, * II, iii, 190 (Q1 ) i " Morl^ n*^i9j ^ ^^ Wo.t U dviir
(P): "Worthy Montano, you were wont to be
, civil!"
- 353 -
(the only example; elsewhere vrith tc.)
'Shr. , I, i, 78-79 (i') : "it is best put finjer in the eye"
TCrV, I, i, 110 (?): "'tv/ere best pound you"
But: ? GY » I, ii, 134 (F): "If you respect then; best to
them up"
Shr., V, i, 16 (?): "They're busie within, you were best
knoeke lovider"
AYL, IV, i, 73 (i1 ): "you were better speakes first'1
Trp_., I, iii, 370 (P) : "we were better pprch in Affricke
(Q-): "it were better r.arch in Afrique
fffft II, ii, 27 (j?) : "she were better love a dreane"
But: OT, V, i, 177 (? and Q 1 ): "I were best to cut my left
hand off"
Ju7, II, viii, 33 (P and Q I ); »Yo(u) were best to tell
Anthonio what you heare"
If., I, iv, 259-260 (P): "I do beseech you/ ?o understand
my purposes aright".
(Q-): "I doe beseech you understand my
purposes aright"
(in the prose version understand may also be interpreted
as an imperative) •$? *•
AYX, I, ii, 166 ("i1 ); "so you give us leave"
(here give may be an imperative, but this is unlikely)
TGV, I, ii, 7 (P): "Please you repeat their names"
Sut: Shr., Ind., i, 82 (P): "So please your Lorshippe to)
accept our dutie"
Note. In modal clauses of a consecutive character vhich are
preceded by so the pure infinitive can no longer be use£ J " ,
after as• Ts r
ivlM, I, iv, 17-18 (I1 ): "can you so steed me,/ As bring me
to the sight of. Isabella".
H5, V, i, 31 (i1 ) : "Will you be so good, scauld Knave, as
eate it?"
Nowadays as is often omitted before to in this type of
' - 354 - *
sentence. llhis was-a feature of the older language, though
as. is found with'the prepositional infinitive as early es .
Chaucer's Troiius and Criseyd.e, of* F. T. Visser, &
Studies, XXVI .(1944-5)', 26. . *"
.: MND, I, i, 74-75 ('P)-5 "Thrice blessed they that master so ,
their blood,/ To undergo such
• maiden pilgrimage"
Tfl, II, 11, 10 (P): "And one thing more, that you xsxzx be .
never so hardie to come againe in his
"i? . . , ,, affaires"
MD, IV, i, 148-149 (F): "hatred is so farre from iealousie,/
- . ., „ To sleepe by hate, and feare no
§ && The use of the preposition?! infinitive is dependent en tf.- », si,

requirements of the rhythm of the verse. In Shakespeare the

preposition occasionally occurs ai'-cer bid, feel, hepr, r^rl:,
see , but in general the pure infinitive is the nornal for^i,
and this is now the rule for the active, After np ••:e, however,
to is more common than the pure infinitive, which is now
normal in the spoken lan/ran^efexpn-nles under r)). .Both
* --' *---^ i
C^r • •— —-*- «/•*-/"•
Cf. F. i. \.ijt.- 5^.^ §£<3if7--?*
f~/• '

forms ?re found pfter need

needfes^ V.ure infinitive is
(iiot).The 'pure
&&) (iiot).^The i
usual with d/\T-e 'venture', but to sometimes occurs after the
Present tense; the Preterite dared•still occurs occasionally
with the prepositional infinitive in the literary language
4ex?mples under b)), V/ould hrve takes the infinitive both
with and without to. The pure infinitive is preferred after
had rather (examples under c)). Cf. Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache, II, 342-5.
R2 t II, ii, 115 (F) i "Whom conscience, and my kindred bids
to right"
(in accordance with modern usage)
The pure infinitive is also found after bid_ in the Passive:
Oth. , I, iii, 15 (P) : "So was I bid report here to the State"
TN, I, v, 315-317. (F): "Me thinkes I feele this youths
perfections/ With an invisible, and
subtle stealth/ To creepe in at
mine eyes" (more commonly without to;
Err., V, i, 25 (P) s "Who heard me to denie it or forswears it?"
TK, III, i, 120 (P): "I had rather heare you to solicit thai;"
2H6, II, i, 94 (P): "my selie have heard a Voyce,/ To call
him so"
(the only examples in this sense after an object; much more
frequently without to)
Rom., ill, v, 160 (F and Q2 ): "Heare me with patience, but
to speake a word"
Cf. JM, V, i, 363 (F): "heare me speake"
TOY in, i, 136 (F): "I pray thee let me feele thy cloake
upon me"
« 356 -
Son* CXXXIII, 1 (1609): "Beshrew that heart that nakes TV
heart to groane"
Tit., IV, i, 21 (F and Q 1 ): "that made me -jo feare"
(very common; less frequently v/ithout -yo)
Ado> r\T, i, 160-162 (P and Q^): "I have markt,/A thousand
blushing apparitions,/ To
start into her face"
(the only example; also occurs once without to; Tit*, III,
i, 95 (P): "Who markes the waxing tide,/ Grovr \ by wave")
Shr., I, i, 179 (P): "I saw her corrall lipe to move"
Son. LXIV, 9-10 (160^); "I have scene such interchange of decay"
Son. CXIX, 4 (1609): "I saw my selfe to win"
(the only examples; elsewhere with to)
Vj Need in an affirmative clause:
: III,
* " iii, 17 (F) • "I was as vertuously given, as a
G-entleman need to be"
2H4. IV, i, 114 (F): "What thing, in Honor, had my Father
lostj/ That need to be reviv r d, and
breath*d in me?" (the only examples)
Gym., Ill, iv, 13-H (P): "thou need'st/ But kee^e that
count'nance stil"
AT.T.f , III, v, 96 (P; : "You neede but pleade your honourable
priviledge" (the only examples)
Elsewhere only in a negative sense:
;J7W; III, v, 27 (P)i "I neede not to advise you further"
R2, III, iv, 17 (P and Q^): "what I have(,) I need not to
AYA7 t V, ii, 11 (P): "you needs .lot to stop your nose"
2H4, III, ii, 125 (P and Q-)i "you need not to have prickt
me " (quite common)
Cor., I, i, 45 (P): "I neede not be barren of Accusations"
JH6, V, iv, 70 (P): "I need not adde more fuell to your fir^"
TGV, I, iii, 17 (P): '"-Hor need'st thou much importune ine to
that" (very common)
W» A* Schmidt, Shake sp e are~Lexi con, p* 763.
Err.. I, ii, 6'0 (P): "how dar f st thou trust/ So great a
* charge from thine owne custodie"
s.. IT. I. 2^" (rt r "tt^t L Lru "
- 357 ~
£££•» V, i, 43(Q 1 ): "I durst v;r-er"
(The purs infinitive is usu^.l but io occurs nine tines)
2H6, 7, i, 22 (?): "v:hy, thon. . . Should. . .d-re to trin^ -;hy
Force so neere the Court"
S_on. XXVI, 13 (1609): "Then nry I dare to bo*st hov; I cioe
love thee"
Oth., IV, ii, 12 (P) : "I durst (my Lord) to v^.ger^ she is
!£!, II, ii, 91 (?) : "Those nany had no~ dar'd to doe that
Vtev* « r/, iv, 59 (P): "ho dares to tread"
H5, II, ii, 81 (F): "You must not dare (for shame) to talhe
of nercy"
2H6, IV, i, 80 (P): "daring to affye a mighty Lord" *
Cvm. , III, iii, 34-35 (P) : "that not dares/ To stride a
Aw?', Ill, vi, 96 (P) : "he. ..dares better be damnd tJxer* to
c) After vjoultl hrve the infinitive is found both v/ith and
without to ;
A'TV, V, ii, 30 (P): "vvhi.t would you have me to doe?"
TIT, V, i, 49-50 (P)^ "I would not have you to thinke"
Oth., IV, ii, 237 (\)'i "And that you would have me to do
HV, II, iii, 8-9 (P) : "I would not have my Pettier/ See me
e FJLth thee"
TG-V , I, ii, 25 (P) : "would *st thou have nz cast ny love on
IvIV t II, v, 50 (P) : "I would have him helpe to waste/ His
borrowed purse"
K?.d rather is occasionally found -Frith to, but more usually
Oth. , I, iii, 191 (P): "I had rather to adopt a Child, then
get it"
MV, I, ii, 55 (Q 1 ): "I iiad rather be married to a deaths
(p) : "I had rather to be married to a deaths
- 358 -
!§.!, II, iv, 56 (p) : "I h?d rather ^ive rnr body, then r.:y soule"'
AYL> II > iv, 11 (i'1 ) : !I I -had rather boare vith you, then
be are you"
Note 1, The coirrbinption of for v.'itli the prepositional infinitive
is now r-rc.i.pic in written English but vrrs still found in ths
17th century. It first occurs in the 12th century ( PEP under
for 11) pnd h^,A ^ vride use in K.3., where it not only indicated
ain and purpose but assumed all the functions of the
prepositional infinitive (see E. Uatzner, En^lische G-rp-nnati)',
-3rd cd., III, 57-62). In Shakespeare the use of for to,
whether in its original meaning or instead of the v/-eakened
to, is very rare.
Tit . , IV, iii, 51 (Q^); "v^e v/ill sollicite heaven and move
the Gods,/ To send downe lustice
for to \vreake our v/rongs"
HPJI>., J, ii, 175 (Qo) : "V/eele teach you for to drinke ere
you depart"
(F) i "VVee'l teach you to drinke deepe,
ere you depart"
further examples in. A. Schmidt, Shakes-peare-Lexicon, p. 438.
Kote 2. Before an initial vowel sound the vovrel of to can be
elided, as is occasionally evident from the spelling of the .
First Folio ;
Cyci > , III, iii, 3 (1? ) • "this gate/ Instructs you how t f adore
the heavens"
E8 > V, i, 91 (P): "T 'attend your Highnesse pleasure"
Oth., I, ii, 16 (l(1 ) - "wit.:! all his might, to enforce it on n
B2, IV, i, 165 (F): "^o insinuate"
H8, II, iv, 107 (F) : "T T oppose your cunning"
Cor,, III, i, 198 (F) : "To unbuild the Gitie"
Lr. , II, ii, 31 (F) : "t 'unloose" (Q^: "to inloose^
Further examples in G. Konig, ±)cr Ycro in Sh^koc^c?.rcs—
, 1 SSS^, p. 48.
Note 3. The "split infinitive" is not found in Shakespearei
though it was already in use as early as the 13th century. Gi
F. T. Visser, Syntax, §§ 977-982.
- 359 -
Note 4. The pro-infinitive: "I have said all I meant to"»
-very common in modern colloq.uiB.1 speech., does not occur in
Shakespeare, although it is found as early as the beginning
Of the 14th century. Cf. F. .$. Visser, Syntax, § 1000,
- 36° -
The preposition?! infinitive rs subject occ^:"j r.ost of"cen
in sentences with the cop-air b_e «nd in thio function it is
connected with the gerund. In the r.odern 1°n^u^e it usually
indicates a concrete, specific ?ction (To ro ne.°r the place
v.T ould be inadvisable) , whereas the gerund h°.s p more abstract
character and is therefore used rather to express a generally
valid observation or experience. This can be seen very
clearly from the use of the gerund PS ob;]ect: he prefers
fishing to shooting (quite general), he likes Irintinr
(dnncinr), but though I like huntin^ I should, prefer to
shoot today: I should like to _dance tonight. (This view has
H. KLS./'V^IV r-'Jt
been disputed
i?«b^ ^vlKkw byiG-. 0. Cur me (A
•^/-kj'rt'-'fJi-r Grammar of the ——————
—————————————— >.Jn.'-:lish
Lan^ruapef,N p. 491). Visser suggests (^n^rlish otudies, XXVI

(1944-5),. 27) that in earlier English the choice v/as

conditioned by considerations of euphony and rhythra.) Cf.
H. Sweet, ^G^^, § 2326; i-Carl Brunner, Die onglische Sprache,
II, 347; F. T* Visser, Syntax, § 901.
3E6, II, i, 85 (F): "To weepe, is to make lesse the depth
of greefe"
2H6, II, iv, 41 (?) • "To thinke upon my Pompe, shall be my ,
Hell 11
Tim., III, v, 39 (?): "To revenge is no Valour, but to
._ beare"
Oth., Ill, iv, 67 (Pi):' "To loosest), or five' t- av/ay, were
—— ' 4
siich perditic/.,/ As nothing else
could n^tch" * i
2H6, III, ii» 147 (?) : ""to survey his dead pnd earthy Image:/
What were it but to make iny sorrow
Tim., V, i, 24-29 (P): "Promising, is the verie Ayre
o'th'Time...To Promine, is most
Courtly and fashionable 11
H8, I, i, 131 (P) s "to climbe steepe i:±i±n;:;t hilles/
Requires slow pace at first"
Tit., Ill, i, 245 (P and Q 1 ): "To weepe with them that weepe(
doth ease some deale 11
- 361 -
0th. , V, it, 54 (I<1 ): "to deny' ench Article v:ith Oath,/
Cannot remove, nor choake the strong
Conception/ That I do grone v.'itlial
Luc., 1324 (1594).' "To see sad sights, moves more then
• heare them told" , . ,
- 362 -
When several infinitives nre dependent on one verb
(frequently ait auxiliary) the second or subsequent infinitive
can. take to, even v/hen the first infinitive has no preposition.
This use of to, no longer allowed, reveals an attempt to
distinguish the infinitive form clearly, which seems to be
particularly necessary v/hen the governing verb stands at
some distance; sometimes the preposition may also be used
because of metrical requirements. Of. P. T. Tisser, Syntax,
§§967-8. :
Ham,, I, v, 15-19 (P): "I could a Tale unfold, whose lightest
word/ Would...Make thy two eyes like
Starres, st^rt from their Spheres,/
Thy knotty and combined locks to part,/
And each particular haire to stand
,: ' • an. end" . , ,
Tim., IT, ii, 33-34 (P): "Who would be so nock'd with Glory,
or 'to live/ But in a Dreame of
, ., . .. Friendship" - . , " " •
. H5, II, iv, 102-104 (P): "And bids you, in the Bowels of the
Lord,/ Deliver up the Crowne, and
to take mercie/ On the poore Soules"
,JC, IT, iii, 72-74 (P): "I had rather Coine my Heart,/And ,, ;
drop my blood for Drachmaes, then
to wring/ Prom the hard hands of »
Peazants, their vile trash",
Jgf, T, i, 343-347 (P): "tell me ...Why you have given me such
».• . . cleare light of favour,/ Bad me come
- * smiling, and crosse-garter f d to you,/
To put on yellow stockings, and to
i , frowne/ Uport sir Toby, and the lighter
NJn., IT, ii,'239-241 (P): "didst let thy heart consent,/And
* ' • • •- consequently, thy.rude hand to
acte/ The deed" .
- 363 - •
'active Infinitive is found frequently in Shalzespeare
i '*" ' " > '. - ••'- : VI ! •- • • ' " r • ~ «

in *pl?ces vhere 'now/ especially in the spoken language, the

passiVe infinitive is more common: "what's to do?" (TN, III,
iii, 18 (P)) = what is to be' done? There are various reasons
tor the change. In the 16th century a sentence like he is to
tegch could mean; 1 . He is there to teach, he has the
.. „ . . fi;

obligation (duty) to teach; 2. He is there to te??ch (as

object) f* he is to be taught; 3. He is teachable. The :
construction is thus ambiguous. In modern times its sphere
of use has been considerably curtailed by the fact that have ,
iias -come to" be widely used as a means of expressing an
obligation; he is to teach was, however, still very common
for lie has to teach (he must'" • teach) in the 17th century (see
/OD """" """" , . . ., ..;,„
§ 6£$; examples under a)). In order to avoid the possibility
of a misinterpretation of the second case the passive Iff
infinitive was introduced: he is to be taught, as thisrform
shows quite clearly that the verbal concept of the infinitive
is the object (examples under b)). The third meaning of the
sentence," which in Shakespeare's time was rare and perhaps
already somewhat archaic (examples under c)), can be °. ,
pa3*iaphrased in various ways according to the content; he is
fit (\vorthy) to be taught, he is teachable (the use of the
Romance suffiy "-able" became widespread at the cost of the
old construction). The replacement of the one form by several
others thus became a necessity if ambiguity was to be
avoided. The" need for a clearer mode of expression was
e" specially felt after the inflexion of the infinitive (or
gerund) declined in the M.E. period and to became merely a
sign of the infinitive, of whose original meaning nothing
more was felt. Of. Karl -Brunner, Die en^lische Sprache^ II,

Tim., I, ii, 156 (1?) : "I am to thanke you for't"

TGV, III, i, 59 (51 ) : "1 am to breake with thee of- some •
; /affaires/ That touch .me neere" *
Other examples in §
*. 364 -
Modern usage J
Oth., V, ii, 56 (i1 );"Thou art to dye"
SisL./lY^'ii,' 12^ JS1): "you are not to goe loose any
* • ,«.* t longer, you must be pinnion'd"
b); •" ':•; • ,• ;* : -? f .'< .' /'
• .§•* :*,>• < •
Ant*, II,yi, 60 (F): "That's the next to do"
Mac>, V. vii. 28 (FV; "And little is t6 do"
AYL, I, ii, v 12l (F)T"the best is yet to doe"' • .-
Jn,, I,, i, 259 (F): "were I $o get againe,/ Madam I would
,. - not wish a better father"
',: Tmp.. Ill, ii, 106 (F): "that most deeply to consider, is/
The beautie of his daughter"
ion^.CXXIX, 2-4 (1609)2 "lust/ Is -periurd,..Savage, .
extreame, rude, cruell, not to trust"
MKT. IV, i, 76 (F): "Our Corne's to reape, for yet our Tithes
, . to sow"
Ant., II, vii, 64 (F): "what's else to say?" . , :
, \ "
Later usage; ' .- ' .
.:; 3H6, II, i, 159 W : "in this troublous time, what's to be
WT, ?f ii s 47 ,(F): "Then have you lost a Sight which" was to
bee seene, cannot be spoken of"
1H§, T, iii, 78-79 W : "She's beautifull; and therefore ,-
• V to '
be Wooed:/ She is a Woman;
• °%V
,, * " therefore to be Wonne" ,s -
MM, I, ii, 180 (F): "hee's not to be found"
• • • * ,'* .'
, ,, ... . '"• .« ' ' ;
JO, I, iii, 40 (P): "This disturbed Skie is not to waJUfce in"
( = fit to wallc under, ge e Abbott, § 405; cf. the modern -V"
• expression: "this is no weather to take a walk in")
Tmp», II, ii, 94—96 (F): "his forward voyce now is to speake
v/ell of his friend; his backward
voice, is to utter foule speeches,
and to detract"
Err», IV, i, 47 (F): "And I too blame have held him heere
too long"
- 365 -
, I, ii, 44 (F): "fhe Contents...Are too. blame 11
(Q«)j "the contents,,, .are too blame"
( = blameable)
The frequency of the spelling too blame suggests that in this
oase the construction was obsolete and had therefore been
given a new interpretation.
- 366 -
I0 A very free use of the Infinitive is characteristic of
older Dnglish, but this v,rps lr. ter cosiderrbl;; reduced
it £r,ve rise to ni sunder stpnrtingj because of its r-r.biguity,,
In Shakespeare too it often creates difficulties of inter­
pretation. Here the infinitive, v;hnther or not it is
accompanied by P complement, represents conditional and
causal subordinate clauses whose exact nature c^n only be
determined from the context. The question arises as to her/
the construction originated. Some traces of the development
can be recognized. For instance, the following exanple shows
how the infinitive clause
* co'uld take on the force of a
conditional subordinate clause: "lie give you a pottle of
burn'd sacke, to give me recourse to him" (V/iy. , 11, i, 225
(P) ) . To ftive here means for giving, and the subject of the
gerund is to be found in the preceding you , so that the
phrase c^n be rendered by the equivalent" conditional clause,
if you frive me recourse to him. The purpose expressed in the
infinitive clause which is given as the motive for the action
of the main clause leads to the conditional character of the
former. The causal sense of the infinitive is closely interW»vcA
with its temporal use (he v/as surprised to see this = — when
he saw this) . Its older use emerges clearly from the
following example: "I shall greeve you to report the rest"
(H2, II, ii, 95 (F) ) = - in (by) reporting the rest; the
infinitive clause here contains the cause of the effect
promised in the main clause. In some sentences of this type,
whether of a temporal, conditional or causal character, the
original locative meaning of the infinitive is still apparent i
".To doe this deed ,/ Promotion followes" (V/0?, I, ii, 356 (?) )
'promotion follows if this deed is accomplished 1 . These
older infinitive constructions have now been replaced by-
gerunds with the corresponding prepositions (in, "by, for) so
as to ensure clear pnd precise expression. Usually the
infinitive clause has the same subject as the inain clause,
but infinitives are also found whose subject lies in a
preceding possessive pronoun;, the latter can be quite
-'367 -
indefinite though personal (one), or it may coincide v/ith
the preson of the speaker (examjiles under b)). Of. I/I, Deutschbein,
System der neuenglischan Syntax (Kothen, 1917), § 69;
P. T. Visser, 3ynt?.x. §§ 953-6. ;
a)-Temporal-causal: "
Luc_., 1031 (1594): "Poore hand why quiverst thou at this
decree?/ Honor thy selfe to rid ge ^r
this sname" ( = in (bv) ridding) '
j IT, i, 140 (P): "Thou but offend'st thy Lungs to speake
: " so loud" ( = in (by) speaking)
., Ill, i, 37 (I*1 ): "0 my Father,/ I broke your hest
to say so" ( = in (by) sr-.ying so)
Jny, Ill, iv, 44 (P): "Thou art holy to belye me so"
* ( = in (b^) belying)
MD, II, i, 244 (3?): "I follow thee, and make a heaven o'f
, hell,/ To die upon the hand I love
so well" ( - in dyin^) ' *; • " , * , ,
LLL, IV, iii, 362 (p): "Let's once loose our oathes to finde "
our 'selves,/ Or else we loose our
selves, to keepe our oathes"* " ,
- ( - in (by) keeping our oaths) ,
Causal: * %, .
AYL, V, ii, 109 (P): "If "this be so, why blame you me to
love you?" ( = for loving, because I love)
JO, IV, iii, 10 (P): "you your selfe,/ Are much condemn ! d
^* - to have an itching Palme"
f *
( = for having, because you have)
Shr>, III, ilj 27 (P) * n l cannot blame thee now to weepe"
( = for v/eeping)
•Mac.., T, ii, 23 (P): "Who""then shall blsme/ His pester f d
• Senses to recoyle,and start 11
( = because they recoil and start)
Cor., I, i| 263 (P): "he is growne/s Too proud to be so
valiant" ( = because he is so valiant)
- 368 -
t Conditional: '- '
Gym.., Ill, vi, 68 (P): "you shall have better cheere/ ^
you depart; and thpnkes to stay,
and eate it" ( = if you stay and e^t it)
TGV, III, i, 185 (P): "I file not death, to Hie his deadly
"doorae" ( = by flying, If I fly)
^T, II, i, 99 (P): "Gentle my Lord,/ You scarce can right
me throughly, then, to say/ You did
, " mistake" ( = if you say)
- TIT, II, ii, 6 (P): "you might have saved mee my paines, to
have taken it away your selfe" * -
( = by taking, if you had taken) *
The infinitive clause comes in front:
MM, III, i, 42 (P): "To sue to live, I finde I seeke to die,/
And seeking death, finde life"
( = (in) suing to live)
Mac., IV, ii, 70 (P): "To fright you thus. Me thinkes I am
too sa.vage" ( = in fri/rhtening)
MV, II, ii, 23 (P and Q-): "to be rul(')d by my conscience(,)
, I should stay with the Iew(e)
my Maister" ( = if I were ruled)
TGV, IV, iv, 149 (P): "To thinke upon her \voes, I doe
protest/ That I have wept a hundred
severall times" ( = (in) thinking)
b) The subject of the infinitive is- different from that of
the main clause. * , * ;
1 ) It lies in a possessive pronoun in the main clause:
* Luc., 1616-7 (1594): "And my laments v/ould be drawn out too
long,/ To tell them all with one .. * :
poore tired tong" ( = if I told them)
2) The personal subject- is indefinite:
Gym., I» i, 20 (P): "to seeke through the Regions of the
Earth/ Por one, his like; there would
be something failing/ In him, that
.should compare" (= if one were to seek)
TN, II, v, 152 (P): "to crush this a little, it would bow
to mee" ( = if one crushed)
- 369 -
3) The speaker is the subject:
HT,<; I, il, 356 (P): "To doe this deed,/ Proraotion follov/es"
• ( = If I do) m ' - „
Further exemples in A. Schmidt, Shakespenre-Leizicon, p. 1239.
. - 370 - "
p'ffhe accusative with the prepositional infinitive (I wish
•-'. . T*.,,, ..,•?"' f , i -J-T tr««^•^•w

him to go) is used by Shakespeare after verbs of thinking,

uttering of ideas, wishing and permitting. On the one hand
its use in conversational speech has somewhat declined since
llrzabethan times (examples under P)), but on the other hand
it has largely replaced the double accusative, \vhich was
formerly used to a much greater extent than it is. today
(examples under b))* Of* P* f. Yisser, Syntax, §§ 646-8,
652, 654-5.

,, JT, vii, 69 (P) : "I thinke this Lady/ To be my childe

AVTf, IV, iii, 125 (P)i "whom hee supposes to be a Friar"
E2, I, iii, ( 286 (Q^: "imagine it/ To ly that way thou goest"
HM, III, ii, 145 (P): "the greater file of the subiect s

„ . 1§ , held the Duke to be wise"

Ado. II, iii, 195 (P and Q 1 ) : "I take him to be valiant"
Tmp • t II, ii, 112 (P): "I tooke him to be kil'd with a^ .
thunder strpk"
If, V, ii, 43 (P) ' "many other Evidences, proclayme her, J
% *
with all certaintie, to be the Kings
Daughter" . , * " ,4 . -I - V
2H6, .II, i, 94 (P) : "many time and oft my selfe have heard
-.•..' a Voyce,/ To call him so" , , ;
Tg, I, v, 315 (P): "I feele this youths perfections/ With, >,
an invisible, and subtle stealth/ To ,
creepe in at mine eyes"
W!D, IY, iv, 549 (P) • "we professe/ Our selves to be the
i ..... slaves of chance"
Son, CXIX, 4 (1609): "when I saw my selfe to win?" •" : ,
j^YL, V, iv, 172 (P): "This to be true,/ I do engage my life"
2H4, III, ii, 82 (P) : "1 will maintaine the Y/ord \vith my
3\vord, to bee a Souldier-like ^ord" *
MM, III, ii, 165 (P)? "let mee desire you to make your
t . ansv/er before him"
Cvjn. , III, v, 50 (P): "this/ She wish«d me to make ||iov/ne"
- 371 -
MJT, III, iii, 25.-;. (2)..: "the Duke v/ill never grant this
- r,
forfeiture to hold"
ID) Double r-ccus*tive; . - . ~ ,
TGV, I«II, i, 25 (F): "when they have iudg'd me fast asleepe"
Tit.*, V, ii, 154 (F); "The Empresse Sonnes I take them,
->..... v " .'-s~ '• Chiron, Demetrius" , . .
Cor., II, i, 156 (i1 ): "The Gods graunt them true"
TOV, II, vi, 29 (F): "Valentine lie hold an Bnemie"
Horn., Ill, i, 5 (F and Qp): "he feeles himselfe distracted"
WT, III, ii, 158 (F): "V/hom I proclaime a man of Truth"
AVjf^, 'I, i, 111 (P): "I know him a notorious Liar"
Gym.» Y, v, 178 (F): "his description/ Prov' ! d us unspeaking
, ,.-,.. sottes" . , -
3H6> II, ii f 25 (3?): "V/hich argued thee a most unloving Father"
3HG> Y, vi, 12 (I1 ): "The Theefe doth feare each bush an Officer"
AYL, I, i, 49 (F): "the courtesie of nations allowes you
, ,.« ,,. . ,, ' * my better, in that you are the first borne"
AYL, XV, iii, 49 (?): "Meaning me a beast"
Note. Formerly it was possible to join the goal towards which
somebody was .urged to the personal concept by to after verbs
l^e desire, entreat 1 v/hereas in cases like those below an _•
infinitive is now normal^ If the infinitive replaces an object,
representing a verbal concept, then the modern construction
of the accusative with.the infinitive results. The development
of this construction after irerbs of wishing and thinking
certainly owes much to the older construetion* ?f •* -
IiLI» t Y. ii, 145 (1 and Q^): "But shall .we dance, if they
»:,"«, « b i, «, "- ,
,. desire us too(')t?" "

, II, ii, 120 (F); "which for my part I will not be,
though I your displeasure
to entreat me too't"
- 372 -
§ I73L The perfect infinitive has long been used after the
preterite to express the •hbn-realisntion of p. hope or the
;- ••- -,
of a wish; it is -now used chiefly after verbs'
like 'intend, wi'sh, hope ; he intended to written means
'he had the intention to "/rite, but (for some reason or
other) he did not v?rite' f whereas he intended to write, does
not necessarily involve the idea that he failed to carry out
the plan. The construction is found as early as the 13th
century and is quite common in Chaucer and Yfyclif. It may
have originated because the form hie would h^ve written is
ambiguous on account of the alternative meanings of would
(see the example under a)). If would is interpreted as a
principal verb in the preterite subjunctive hpve becomes .
more closely connected with the participle, thus forming a
perfect infinitive. If preterites related in meaning to -
would, like wished, ho--ped , intended, are substituted for it,
then we arrive at the modern construction in which the idea
of the non-realization of something expected or desired was •
originally connected^-with the subjunctive of the elliptical
hypothetical sentence : he had written (if he hafl had an
opportunity of doing: so). There is P.lso a simpler explanation
of this construction. The pluperfect subjunctive vras formerly
used r in a dependent clause to express the falseness of an
assumption: "I thought your Honour had already beene at
Shrewsbury" (1H4, IV, ii> 58 . (P) ) ; further examples under b).
If in such cases the subordinate clause is expressed by an.
infinitive (I believed your honour to ha-fee been at Shrewsbury)
the result is the perfect infinitive, which expresses non-
realization in the same way as it does today. Cf. Karl
Brunner, Die englische Sprache , II,
did thinke
Ado, V, iv, 11-2 (P): rt l to have beaten thee, ,
• but in that thou art like to be my ,
,f . kinsman, live unbruis'd"
jvgll), I, i, 112' (P): "I must confesse, that I have heard so
much,/ And with Demetrius thought to
- 373 -
have spoke thereof:/ But being
over-full of selfe-affaires,/ My
: minde did lose it"
Q'th», I, ii, ,5 (?):"! lacke Iniquitie/: Sometime to do me .
, service. Ifine, or ten. times/ I had'
thought t'have yerk'd him here under
the Ribbes"
WT, I,-ii, 28 (F): "I had thought (Sir) to have held iny
peace, untill/ You had drawne Oathes
from him, not to stay"
gam., V, i, 268-269 (F) : "I thought thy Bride-bed to have
deckt (sv/eet Maid)/ And not .>
t'have strew'd thy Gr?ve"
(Qo) : "I thought thy bride-bed to have-
deckt sweet maide,/ And not
.have strew'd thy grave"
Ant., II, vi, 50 (F): "I did not thinke Sir, to have met
you heere" ; , - . -
MV, III, ii, 230 (P): "My purpose was not to have seene you
.MITD, IV, i, 156 (F and Q 1 ): "Our intent/ V'as to be gon(e)
from Athens" ;

.WiVi, T, v, 234 (?): "You would have married her most

shamefully" •
( rfhis can mean either 'the marriage would have taken place'
or 'you wanted to marry her'.)
H8, IV, .ii, 152 (F): "If Heaven had i&eas'd to have given
me longer life/ And able meanes ? we
had not parted thus"
Ado, V, i, 115 (F and Q I ): "Y/ee had likt to have had our
. ,two noses snapt off"
AWW, I, i, 34 (F): "hee was skilfull enough to have liv'd
stil, if knowledge could be set up
against mortallitie" . •
81 * " ~* '' 'i
KV, V,' i, 20^ (F): "If you had pieas'd to -have defended it/
With any termes of Zeale"
~ 374 -

2H4, V, iii, 40 (F): "I did not thinke M* Silence had "bin
,« , r „ a man of this Mettle"
, II, vii, 107 (P): "I thought that all things had bin
. savage heere"
- 375 -
. The .construction of the nominative with the infinitive has
various sources. It is derived from the accusative and the
infinitive, which is the logical subject of an impersonal.
clause, because the old accusative case came to be regarded
as a nominative as a consequence of the decline of the
substantival inflexion, which made its case indistinguishable,
as can be seen from the use of pronouns in the nominative
(examples under a)). It occasionally appears as a means of
abbreviating a sentence and of varying the construction
(examples under b)). It also occurs when the psychological
subject takes the place of the grammatical object (examples
under c)). In these examples the use of the nominative with,
the infinitive is a linguistic development that has disappeared
ftgain with, the increasing influence of the literary language.
However it still survives in a use that seems to be similar
to the case first mentioned in that a sentence likes "She
give it Cassio?" (Oth.. V, ii, 230 *(#)) can be regarded as
the logical subject of an impersonal sentence of the type it
is monstrous to think. This sentence can be surmised from the
context and,from the tone and mood of the speaker. This
construction is often, used for emotional exclamations
expressing surprise, astonished doubt, disagreement, or
disapproval: I stand this?l >«TPJT he fight him?! she accept.
kirn.?! (examples under d)). Of. H. Sweet, ^Fgte*-, §2321;
WKellner, Preface to Caxtoxt's Blanchardyn- and Eglantine
|E.E.T.S.j, (London, (1890), p. frtfefory Ixviff»; 0. Jespersen*
Progress in Language 4ite«4onii 18Q4Q. p» 206f.; E. Uatzner,
Ensrlische flrammatik, Jrd-ed^ III f ,52f.| P. T. Visser,
Syntax. § 985-
a); _ _. . ,. .' ,r , ' . .:
TGT, V r iv f 109 (F)s "It ia the lesser blot modesty findes,/
Women to change their shapes, then,
men, their minds"
WT, V, i, 42 (P): "Which, that it shall,/ Is all as monstrous
to our humane reason.,/ As my Antigonus
"(ftp breake his Grave"
- 376 -
II, i, 185 (P)s "Shou this to hazard, needs must
Intimate/ Skill infinite, or
1 monstrous desperate"
, IV, iii, 266 (P): "I to beare this,/ That never Inic^
but better, is some burthen."
._---.-. ..*,-::•
AYE. Ill, ii, 162 (P); "Heaven would that shee these gifts
* • , ^ should have,/ and I to live and
die her slave"
( - and that I were to live and die her slave)
3Brr«, I, t
i, 33 (P): "A hevvier

take could not have beesie ? , s»,
impos'd,/ Then I to speake my grief@s
unspeakable" ( « than that I should; speak)
c) %
AYL, I t. ii, 279 (E)« "The Duke is humorous, what h@ is
indeede/ Mo^

suites you to conceive,,
then I to speake of"
( = me to speak of; the psychological subject; replaces
the grammatical one)
Cor», III* ii, 83 (P): "being bred in. brGyles,/ Hast not the
soft way, which thou-do'st confesse/
Were fit for thee to use, as they v
to clayme 11
.Qth» ft Y, ii, 152 ^E): "My Husband say she was false?"
LLL, III,. 1, 191 T^)s "What? I love, I sue, I seeke a wife, 11
Rom«« I> v f 1 (P): "Where 1 s Potpan, that he helpes not. to
take away? He shift a .Trencher? he
scrape a Trencher?"
Bit IIf. ii, 5> (?) • "All Sects, all Ages smack of this vice,
and he/ To die for't?"
jfyr'^ III, i, 37 (P and Q^: "My owne ilesh and blocd to rebell"
III, i, 202 (P and Qt ): "And I to sigh for her, to
. .- ^ watck for her,/ To pray for
- .- -. her, go to"
, I, vii, 59 (P)s Mac.5 "Ix we should faile?"
Lady ^iac.s "We faile?"
-377 -
(It la.not necessary to emend the second question-mark in
.this example.^ :
,.Tt iii, 96-98 (F): "she, in spight of Mature...2o
fall in Love, with, what she fear'd
to lopjce on"
^ II. j. .37 (P): "A Stranger, and I ztot know on't?"
- 378- -
§194 The construction of for; with.-the accusative and the
infinitive goes back to Chaucer: "it is no maystrye for a lord/
To dampne a man withoute answere of word" (The Legend of Good
Women (Text G), 386), The original construction was of the
form: "it is good us to be here" (Wyclif's Bible, first
version, Matthew, XVII, 4). This became obsolete, and the
dative us was linked to the predicative adjective by for or
to, so that the sense of the sentence was somewhat altered,
!Che new form is found as early as Man d evi11e's Travels (c. 1400),
831 24: "Lord it is gode for us to ben here". Tliis development
was encouraged by similar sentences, in which a dative with to
is followed by an infinitive: "It is hard to thee, for to kyke
a^ens the pricke" (Wyclif's Bible, first version, Act-s, IX, 5)»
If in the sentence "it is good for us to be here", good is i
replaced by adjectives like possible, impossible, necessary,
needful, easy, expedient, better, the result is the
construction as found today (examples under a)). If for with
the accusative and the infinitive comes at the beginning of
the sentence the relationship between the dative and the
predicate is greatly weakened, and the construction often
becomes fully equivalent to a clause introduced by that. This
stage had already been reached by Shakespeare 1 s time (examples
under b)). Because of its position at the beginning of the
clause the preposition, either loses its grammatical function
completely or is felt only obscurely. The use of the
construction later spread to cases where originally there was
'.."". *^*4^' .

absolutely no dative relationship. Of, F. T. Visser, Syntax,

§§ 906, 914. r
a)' ^ • ' ", ,
Ado., IV, i, 272 (J and Q^): "it were as possible for me to
'*",i , * say, I loved nothing so wel(l)
as you"
H5, JV, i, 18 (3?) J "'Tis good for men to love their present
paines,/ Upon example"
fat.., IV, xv, 75-78 (F): • "It were for me,/ To throw my
Scepter at the iniurious Gods,/
- 379 -
To tell them that tills V/orld
equall theyrs,/ Till they ha
stolne our logroll 11
II, i» 12 (F)s "it is not for any standers oy to
curtail his .oathes"
R2, II, 14, 124 . (Qj)* "For us to levie power/ Proportionable
: . to the enemy is all impossible 13
Cor*. II, ii, 13-15 IP). "for Coriolanus neyther to care
, whether they love, or hate him,
manifests the trua knowLeclge he
f has 11
' .f :„*..-

, II, ii, 34-36 (?) : "for their fongues to be sULeait*--*-

were a kinde of iiigratsfull. Iniurie"
. II, i±i, 11^12 (P): "for tho multitude to be
ingratefulZ, were to make a
Monstsr of the multitude"
t III, ii, 317-319; (21 )? "£or me to put him to. his
Purgation, would perhaps
plundge him into f arro siorc
CUolLer 11
Cyi?..» t III> v, 5-7 (2): "for our selte/ To shew lesce
S^veraignty theii. they, nust. needs/
- 380 -
§ 195 „, „ The absolute participle (six frozen winters spent = when
six frozen winters are spent) may possibly be an imitation
' .'V*.*' ^ ' .. *' ,' ' , . .•-,':•':' . "-'<•• ' '• . ' ^———————————————————

6i the Latin ablative absolute. In 0,15. the corresponding

form is the dative absolute. The examples discussed below
seem to be founded^directly or indirectly on the Latin nciel*
In literature that does not come under Latin influence the
construction is scarcely ever found and even in some trails-
> . . v " • * ... i, V

lations from Latin it is conspicuously avoided: for example

no instance occurs in Boethius, although there are examples
in the original text. However the question of Latin influence
has not yet been definitely answered, ci', P. T. Visser,
Syntax, § 1150. In M.E. too, where it occurs more frequently,
the construction is partly the result of the direct influence
of foreign languages, especially Prench (see C. H« Ross, Ui2iie
Absolute Participle in.Middle and Modern. English," PMLA,- VIII
(1893), p. 267). It does not seem to have been popular a~t any
time. This is also borne out by the fact that, although it
has survived in literature until modern times (Ross, pp. 280-2),
where it is not so rare, it is nevertheless uncommon, in the
contemporary spoken language. It is quite clear from the use
of the nominative pronoun in combination with the participie
that, when a noun is used in this construction it should also
be regarded as nominative in case. She neutral case form tLa:a
resulted from the decline of the inflexion appears quite
unambiguously in this USB as early as 1390 (P. T. Visser,. *
English Studies, XXVI,(1944-5), 28).
The dependent clause represented by a noun and a p^st
participle usually has a temporal character in Shakespeare
(examples under a))* Sometimes a causal
also possible (examples under b))» Y/here, however, the action
of the participial clause -precedes that of the main cl£.u&w in,
time, it can be interpreted as a condition of the taliCluy
o£*the statement'expressed, in the latter, and thus the
participial construction can also represent a conditional
- 381 -
subordinate clause; sometimes it is possible to interpret
the construction as botk temporal, and conditional cinultaiicoucli
(examples under c)). An adjective or adverb can take the
place of a participial form and sometimes a prepositional
expression is found instead of the participle: her atter.c.-.rits
absent - these people at our back (examples under d)). Cf»
Abbott, §§ 376-7,380; Karl Brunner, Die englische Sprache,
II, 381-3; P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1150-5.
a) Temporal;
R2, I, iii, 211 "(P): "Six frozen Winters spent,/ Returns
with welcome home, from banishment"
TGY, IV, iv, 93 (P): "Your message done, hye home unto my
V, i, 324 (P): "My Lord, so please you, these things
further thought on:,/ To thinke me as
s v;ell a; sister, as a wife"* »•* •-«
III, iii, 115 (P)s "Which on thy Royall partie graunted
: once,/ His glittering Armes he will
* • * *&
command to Rust." »
Err., V 9 i, 78 (p): "Sweet recreation barred, what do^li
, , ensue/ But moodie and dull melancholly"
' Tim. t I\r f iii, 127 (P): "thy fury spent,/ Coniourided by . .
. - , -,. **• thy selfe" ,
11^ II, iii, 119-122 (I?): "Will you permit, that I shallii
stand condemn*d/ A wandring
Vagabond; my Rights and Royalties/
Pluckt from 117 arn^s perforce,
and given, away/ To upstart
Cor., Ill, i, 148 (P)s "Purpose so barr'd, it follower,/
Nothing is don\e to purpose"
JC, I, iii, 152 (P) s "That done, repayre to Pompeyes TLca--^ n
-AYL, IV, iii,, 120 (P): "Thii, seene, Orlando did approecli
f the man,/ And fouiid it was —is
Tit., II, iii, 25-26 (P):"We may...(Our pastimes done)
possesse a Golden, slumber"
- 382 -
R2, III, iy, 37 (P): "You thus imploy'd, I trill goe root
away/ The noysome Weedes"
22f If i» 151 (P and Q-,): "Which done, God take King Edward
to his meroy"
AWW, II, i, 90 (P): "That done, laugh well at me"
Ant*. II, vi r .35-38 (P): "I must/ Rid all the Sea of Pirate.
;„ Then, to send/ Measures of Wheate
.to Rone: this greed upon,/ To
part with unhackt edges"
b) Causal "interpretation possible:
2H6, II, iv, 105 (P)s "Hadame, your Penance done,/ Throw
: „-' , , . off this Sheet" *
Err., V, i, 224 (F): "Our dinner done, and he not comming r
thither,/ I went to seeke him"
Gym*« II, iii, 64 (3?): "towards hlnselfe, his goodness©
fore-spent oni us/ We iiust extend
our notice 11
c) Conditional interpretation possible:
AWW, II, i, 204 (P)s "the premises observ'd,/ Iky will ey
my perforEiance shall be serv'd"
E, V, i, 230 (?): "Your Honor not o f re-throw:.3 by your
-.. desires,/ I am friend to 'ihem, anj_ you-
2IFA, III, i, 80-82 (P): "There is a Historic in all mens
Lives.»* ihe which observ f d, a .Tsa.n.
may propliscie"
H8, II, ii, 69 (P): o"A gracious King, that pardons all
offences/ Malice iij're meant"
^, III, xii, 12 (P): "which not graced/ He Lescv-is his
.V I?,* l t 21 (P): "all this don$, spurne her home to ^
her Pather" *•
gg t I, iii, 259 (P)s "loy absent, greefe is present for
v |:v . . •-, -s- .- - . • that time"
JC, XV, iii, 156 (P): "With this she fell distract,./-Arjl
(her Attendants absent) swallow'c >ira n
, .-- 583 -
, III ,> £ ,1 4 (P) ; "I ehcwld not seeke an absent argument/
_ • fan
Of my revenge, thou present"
' •'

I, i, 177-179 (p): "The purest treasure...Is spotlesca


f reputation: that away,/ Men are

but gilded loame, or painted clay 11
Mac.. Br , ii, 9-11 (P): "the poore Wren/ (The most *
dimindtive of. Birds) will fight,/
Her yong ones in her Nest, against
the Owle" *
t£,. Ill, vil, 10 (F)s "his owne Bastardie,/ As "being: got,
your Father then, in France"
JC. IV, iii, 210-212 (F): "Front wM,ch advantage shall- wa
cut him. off/ If at Philippi we
do face him there,/ These
people at our backe"
Note 1. She noun that is followed by the past participle la
sometimes preceded by a preposition*. This is a construction
that goes back to Old Snglish* Gfo F. T» Visser, Syntax, § 1156.
2H6, III, ii, 224 (F): "aftor all this fearful! Homage don- 11
AW. II, i, 6 (F); MI 0?is our hope sir,/ After well entreo.
» souldiersj to return^/ And finde your
grace in. healtk"
TO, Y, ii, 16 (F): "as they had. heard of a V/orl.d ranscn^d,
or one destroyed"
1ES> III,, iii, 12 (F)s "Ofiiey set him free, without Ms ^
-':>,, ••.'••• i Hansoms pay'd" *
TGVr II, vi, 32: (F): "I cannot now prove constant to-my;
selfe.,/ Without some treachery us £ d.
' -to Valientine"
WT, I f li.^ 279-2S1 (I?); "I would not be a iitander-by, to
heare/ My Sovoraigne Kistresce
cloudecL so, ^thout/ U;r present
vengeance tal-eni1*
Hote 2. Come with an. expression of tine in tho future as its
sub.lect (come Easter)» whicht still sometin^a occurs LH
popular speech (it Is found as early as the beginning of the
-384 -
1 5th, century), is not a participle but a Present subjunctive
(of • French viennent les P&aues); see OED under come. In
Shakespeare this form is used only by the lower classes*
2E4« II, iv f 412 (£): "I have knowne thee these twentie
nine yeeres, come Pescod-time"
; (spoken, by the Hostess)
Rom». I, iii, 17 (P and Qg): "come Lammas Eve at night:
shal(l) she be fourteen(e)"
(spoken by the Hurse)
MM, III t ii> 214 (F): "his Cliilde is a yeere and. a quarter
olde come Philip and lacob"
(spokeni by Mistress Overdone)
- 385 -
Some past partiQiples of transitive verbs have an active
meaning and can somtimes be used as attributive or predicative
adjectives: well read (well 'read man), mistaken, (he is
™"••'"•"••••''^•* i,
mistaken) . rrunken. (drunken rascal, drunken folly = 'folly
of drunkenness ' ) $. drunk (fee is drunk) , learned (learned F •:•:'.) ,
travelled (travelled man) , unt ravelled, fair-spoken 'eloquent^
Courteous '; drawn (I am drawn =» f l have drawn (lay sword) 1 )
is now archaic, see also the examples. Of. E. latzner,
&iglische Grrammatik , 3a?4-e4^-, III, 93; I*. Kellner, Historical
Outlines of English Syntax -teeadon-, (1892) » § 408; Karl
Brunner, Die englisch-e Sprache, II, 364.
Tit.. . .IV, i, 33 (JP and Q|): "thou art deeper read,"
MIr II , ii f 205 (P and Q^s "one well studied, in a sadi
H8« IV, iilr 52 (F) ; "Exceeding wise, faire spoken, anel
ir t Ti § 10 (i4 and Q^): "Me think(es) j'arCe) better
,- . , spoken11 • • ' '-;
, II, i, 58 (P): "Poule spokeni Coward" , ,
I, iii, ^48 (P and Q^: "Clarence is well spoken"
».:do,' III, iii, 4^(F): "them: that are cfcunke"
Tmp_. , II r ii, 183 (P) s "a drunken Monster"
C^S», I, ivr 89 (P): "You are mistakem"
Cf. also:
Err», V s i, 298 (P) : "with times deformed hand" £
Cor» a III, i, 292 (P) : "deserved Children" (. =
I, i^i, 91 (I?): "I cja all forgotten." ( = fGr^
^ purt may be intended here, s e
A* Schmidt, Shake spear0-"Lexicor-9 p* 444-)
gro. , II, iii, 249 (^ and* Q t ): "surl(e)y borne"
\ „. ii^: ' . i - of a surly "bga
ger*, IV, vi, ,115 Q^)s M ^or me be you thoughten, th^t; I
came wit hi mil ill. intent"
- 386 -
•-i'orms in ?lt -ed lf « Adjectives with the meaning 'provided
hiring; 1 can. be formed from, nouns by adding the suffix £~::;±
«~(e)d w : commanded = 'having a command '. Such formations ars
now especially common in compounds like barefaced, bar_c-Iv3c. "j*'.»
hiph-minded; non-compounded forms of this type are less
numerous; landed, noiteyed* Although some of these may have
been, derived from Q*E», these formations must, also owe
something to other verbal, forms related in form and meaning,
otherwise the suffix "-ed" would hardly have becone so ,
productive im. Uew English!. We must- first consider those'past-
participles which, sometimes have an adjectival sense* If in.
forms like undistinguished, unnumbered the idea of something

not "being effected is coupled to tiie idea that this cannot

be dons at all, which., is quite easy in. some cases, then
these words acquire the meaning indistinguishable, innumerable;
thus there is here a direct connection, betweem adjective and
participle. The participle also takes on an adjectival
character if it appears to 1:3 not so much the result of an.
action, as the representation. o£ a quality inherent in th~
subject (S» Matzner, Emlische C^rjjg^Qc, 5^d-e4^» III r 90);
dlsordared = disorderly.
2he clos© relationship of the adjectives in "-Ce)cln with
another group of participial forms is a much more important
factor. The older language has a large number of verbs that;
derive from nouns and'are formed with, the prefix w be- {l ,
formerly very popular and productive; many of them are stilL
found, in present-day English, though, they are rarely used izt
conversational speechi: becloud B bedeyj, bechalk, becloal.,
beiaantle, bedust, be flannel, be flower, befoam, be sugar,
bevenom [aee OED under M be- n ). Ini the verb thus formed the
noun has an instrumental sense, while the prefix involves
the idea 'to coat, cover (dirty, stain.), surround, envelop'• ,
There is therefore very little difference in meaning "botweeiz
the participles beclouded, bevenomed and clouded., vscorned;
botht pairs approximate in meaning to the adjectives cloudy,
Venomous. If the'prefix: is dropped the forms coincide, and
- 387 -
thde is not at all unusual with pretonic syllables in
Elizabethan English (vantage - advantage t larura - alar(u).™K'
The prefix could easily be omitted because in. many cases it
had become neaningless. This is because a considerable
number of verbs with the prefix "be-" coincide in idea
completely or partially with the corresponding simple verbs;
(be)calm, (be)dashv'wet'. (be)friend 'favour', (be)get
•procreate', (be) grime, (be) mad 'maddem', (be) deck 'adorn.1 »
(be)dew, (ba)dabble 'sprinkle'. (be)dim 'darken', (be)lock
•enclose', (be)numb 'make torpid 1 , (be)reave, (t3)trim.
'deck 1 ; the following are alsp parallel: equivalents:
beloved - loyed, betrothed - trothed, bemet - met (see *
A* Schnidt, Shake speare-Lexiconi) *
-£or«,, I, i, 266 (P): M I do wonder, his insoLence can
v .»• brooke to be commanded under Comindus? 1'
*(; -sf 'to have a command, to be entrusted with a comioanc.')
|*r., III, iv, 31 (P): "Your lop'd, and window f d raggedziesse"
C — 'the holas in the rao" forming loop-holes and winder/3
Tit>, II, iv, 24 & and Q^s M l;V,y Eosed lips" ( = Vrsd')
*H^, I, ii, 20 (F): «£*ny creeping venom'd thing that lives"
* $ • -
'" ( =s 'venomous')
. 1H4» I, iii, 97 (F): "Those mouthed Wounds st
C ss 'having mouths, open, gaping') '
g|, II, iv, 26) (P): "shee is so idly King'd"
X.T., III f vi, 117 (Q r)s "He childed as I fathered"
*. with children', 'provided with a fatliorf ]
( = 'provided 2"*&i
Oth«, III, tv,• 195 (P/):
•"""•""" j\ "To have him, see me woman,'d"
( a 'accompanied by a woiaan.')
"W, III, i, 277 (P): "at the moated-Grange w > "!-•-
( = 'surrounded with a ditchL*)
>4ttt», III, x, 9 (P)s "the Tokened Pestilence" r
( a 'having tokens' » 'having spots denoting r-astllence 1 )
Son* CX7, 5 (1609): "time, whose milliond accidents/
i *- r Creepe in twixt vowes" ( = ' innumerable
R2, II, iv, 11 (P): n leaiL3-look'd Prophets"
as 'with lean, looks, leanr-looking')
- 388 -
Trap • » V, i, 43 /(?),:
*,-.,. ,., -..,, ' \ * * '' *'
"twixt the greene Sea, and the azur'd
'" ' '
vault" ('to azure' = 'to dye azure %
Sf-4.*. .-!• *'
" . . ,-.,.- , v ,.,,.
<*-•-'••«!•> -_ *
' f - i
see OED)
_ '< v .*.«

MV, III, ii, 97 (P and Q t ): "Thus ornament is but the

* I* «
%* guiled
• shore/
• • To a most
dangerous sea 1*
. ( = 'full, of guile, deceptive, treacherous 1 ; *to guile*
v"1^ .
«•• 'to beguile, to deceive'; see OED)
... -_ "-•««*. - - *H^^*Him

fim\. V, i, 152 (P) : "to make their sorrowed render"

( = ' sorrowful ' ; 'to sorrow ' = ' to grieve ' ) ,
1H4. I, iii, 183 (P) : "Revenge the geering and disdain'd
« contempt/ Of this proud King"
' ( » 'disdainful')
Qynu. II, iv r S (P) : "In these fear' d hope"
( = 'hopes mixed with, fear'i the misunderstanding of
this form has given rise to a number of conjectures)
•Jxu, III, iii, 52 (P); "in. despight of brooded watchful^ day"
s 'brooding') ETQO-A«r Wright »-• Glar ondon Prooo Bditio3ay

Cor*, I f. iv, 12 (P) : "To helpe our fielded

* 'engaged to fight'; I 'to field 1 = 'to fight:', see OED)
, i f 72 (P); s "If I would, stand: against thee, woul&
the reposall/ Of any trust, vertue, or
worth, in thee/ Make thy words faithv'd?"
In the above cases a vertal. interpretatiom is generally
unlikely, but nevertheless possible occasionally*
Liv. I, ii, 207 (I? and Q^s M stranger r cl with our o(a)thH
4 s 'made a str^ 9 , see Abbott, § 294-)
Cor,, V r ii, 89 (P) : "My affaires/ -Ire Servanted. to othersi"
L • % A ,. , ' ± : ..,',->, • ( * 'made subservicjat ' )
Anj|., IV, xiv, 72 (P) : "Would f st thou to window f d in, great
; ., Home*1 ( = 'placed in a window 1 )
Trap*-. I ,. ii, 97 (P): "He being thus Lorded" ( = 'n^cla a lord 1 )
^j,r • • IV, vi, 278 (Q.,): "0 In^lstinguishv space of womans wit"
» 'indistinguishable')
.f -18:I .(?)*** the' ilunt Monster, with uncounted. Leads"
( SB 'innumerable 1 }
» III, i, 63 (P): "The Skies are painted with unnumbred,
sparkes" ( = 'innumerable')
I r v iv» 27 (P) J t±EX3t&£i33 "Inestimable Stones, unvalesrc:!
• - -• i J- , lewels" ( SB 'invaluable')
Of* ton. the other hand:
Ham., I, til.- 19 (P): "unvallued persons" ( = 'of no worth 1 )
R2, II, i, 268 (P): "And unavoyd<ed is the danger now"
* & ( = ' unavoidable ' ) r
Cor», III, ii, 42 (P) s "unsever'd Priends" ( = 'inseparable')
B8, II, iv, 47 (P)s "of an ezcellent/ And. unmatch'd Wit s
J . - and ludgement," ( = 'matchless') :
Tro*, I, iii, 16 (P and Q 1 )•: "unbodied figure of the thought"
C * 'not having a corporeal shape')
Tro., Y, ii, 148 (P-a^^-Q^): "Within my soule (., )' thege
-conduce a £±g&£/ Of this-
a • na tur o-y
"V/ithin my soule, there doth conduce
a fight/ Of this strange nature, that
a thing; inseperate,/ Divides more
wider then the skie and. earth"
. ' ' ( = 'indivisible') -
Cor», III, i, 60 (P) : "nor ha's Coriolanus/ Beserv'd this
so dishonor'd Hub" ( = * dishonourable 1 )
Son.* XX3CVII, 9 (.1609) s "then I am not; lame, poore, nor
v i dispis'd" ( » 'despicable 1 )
• m, III, ii, 101 CP)* "Our hard rul'd King" •
^> ( » 'hard to be governed 1 )
MT, III, iv, 52 (P) : "Bring tliem. I pray thee vritli iiaagin'd
' speed" ' ' .' -'
»' (a 'imaginable, with the speed of imagination 1 )
Lr., I» iv,' 263 (P): "Men. so disorder'd" ( = 'disorderly 1 }
Kote 1. The ending "-(6)4" shows its suffix cliaracter
particularly clearly in cases where it is attached to a
complete expression*
IV, iv, 196 (#): "lie get me such a coulour'd Perry\7i~ :i
, Ill, ii f 187••••(?): "there's no man is so vaine,/ dmt
would refuse so faire an. offer'd
¥ ^- -" » u ,. Chaine"
Jn., IV, ii, 27 (P): "For putting on. so new a fashion*d rows 11
Gf. A*4 Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p» 1. s
Note 2. 3?he form agreed ("we are agreed") was originally
based on a prepositional, expression (M.E. agree = prep, ^ +
gree ( =s Lat. gratum), as found in to take a-gree 'to take
kindly 1 (for examples see OED under agree). Because of its close
connection with the participle agreed ("we have agreed") it
later coincided with this in. form.
Ant., II, vi, 58 (F): "thus we are agreed 11
(Other examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon* p* 25)
. ' - 391 -
/fg The present participle is sometimes found as a substitute
far, or as part of, a subordinate clause that apparently
lacks a subject. In such cases tlie subject may be so far
removed, from the participle that belongs to it: that the
connection is not immediately evident (exanples under a)),
or it may be a pronoun, that; must, be supplemented by another^
wordi, usually another pronoun, (me, him, their, our) 9 whieli
usually but, can also follow it (examples under b}}«
There are also cases where the subject one is not: expressed
(examples under c)), as is now the case v/ith considering
(considering he is a friend of mine), supposing* The
conjunctional use of seeing arose from.tttis use of the
participle with an unexpressed personal subject of a general
character (-see- § 3G2-). Since the neater subject it: was often,
omitted; from constructions with being the latter assumed, the
character of a causal conjunction (see § 5G>}» Cf* Karl
Brunner, Die engllsche Sprache, II, 382-3; £• I» Visseie,
Syntax, §§ 1062-8, 1072-4.
a) f r
Mr v * *» 59-61 (F): fj thou shalt thinke,/ Thou^i he divide
the Realme, and give thee halfe,/ ^.t
is taa littiw ? helping; hlla to ail11
( s* seeing tha-^. you helped him to all)
AW, II, i, 192-193 U?)s "not helping, death's my fee,/
L'ut if I helpe, what doe you,
promise me tt
v C »= if I do not help)
, 75-78 (1593): "Still Is he sulleinf still he lowrea
and fretSp/ Twixt; crisis on shame, and
anger asMe pale,/ Being red she loves
i him. best, ayuli "i>3in& white,/ Her bec't
is betterd with a more delight"
Y, iiii, 94-96 (P): "But on thy eida I may not be tea*
^e •&
forwardi,/ Least bein^ seena, tlij
Brother...I j executed la. hi a
Fathers sight"
~ 392 -

II, ii, 125-126 (F)s "When, he compact, andi flattering

his displeasure/ Tr~pt ma behind*
being ftown^, insulted., rail'd"
( =* I be in": r'own.)
W£, III, ii, 164-166 (F): "though I with. Death, and with/
Reward, did threaten and encourag.e
him,/ Mot doing it, and being done"
C =*• he not doinft- it and, it beis-%
done, cf. Abbott, § 378)
AYL, I, i, 112-115 (F)s "the Bukes daughter her Cosen so
loves her, being ever from tkeir
Cradles bred, together, that heo
would have followed her exile"
»—,~ * C =* they bein£«»«/bred together)
Ado, V-, i, 22.A-23 (F^andl Q^s "tasting it,/ Their- counsaile I
turnes to; passion"
C38 when they taste it)
£C, T, i, 80-81 (F): "Comming from Sardis, on our-former
Ensign©,/ Two mighty Eagles fell"
( * wlion. we ear'.e from Sardis)
, I±, ii, 143-1414- (F): K©Kt: "Why Madam, if I were your:
Fathers dog,/ You should
not use me so."
Regan: "Sir, being his Knave, I vdJLl,
C = you being his knave; the preceding; Sir ensures that
there can be no doubt as to the subject of being:)
*,, I> v, 35—36- (F): "It's given out, that sleeping in
mine Orchard,/ A Serpent stung ne n
Ham,, I, v, 59-61 (F) s "Sleeping, within, mine Orchard,.»»
TJpon my secure kower thy Usicle stole"
JgJT, V, ii, 3J9-40 (F): "he**.guesd that it was she,/ But
being mask'di, he was not sure of it*
Per*, V, iii, 9-11 (Q^Js Mker better stars brought her to
Meteline; gainst whose shore
ryding, her Fortunes brought tic
- 393 -
maydfc aboord us"
• 1039-1090 (1593): "The wind, would blow it off, an".
being gon,/ Play with his locks u
Oth«, I, ii, 45-47. (F) : "being noj at your Lodging to to
- found,/ The Senate hath sent about
three several! Quests,/ To search.
you out"
Cor., V, vi, 1-3 (P): "Go tell the Lords a l th l City, I am.
heere:/ Deliver them this Paper:
having read it,/ Bid them repayre f, _,

to th 'Market place"
Per., I, iii, 19-21 (Q 1 ): "beeing at Antioch.*.RoyalX
Antiochus.eVbooke sone displeasure
at him"
Cvm«, I, vi, 189-192 (P) : "'tis Plate oxt rare device, and
lewels/ Of rich, and exquisite
forme, their valewes great,/ And
I aim something curious, being
strange/ To have them in safe
. / stowage"

Ill, t, 273 (I1): "The truthi is then most done

doing It" ( » one nol: doin^ it »
when it is not done)
MIO), V r i., 21-22: (F and Q^i "fc the night, imagining sono
, f ear e,/ How easie is a busik ;
' suppos'd a Beare?" ( cf. Abbott, §378)
2H6, III, 1* 23^26 (F): "Me seemetii tiisa, it is no Pollicie,/
Respoating what a rancorous miadie
he beares ft »»That he should. COSIQ
about* your Eoyall Person"
JO, II:, 1, 107-108 (£): "Whichi is a grea^ way growing on.
the South,/ Weighing the youthful!
Season, of the yeare"
Rom» t lit i^> 6% •(£ ££& Q2)5 "the rlace death, considlering
who thou art"
-394 -
I, Ti, 96-98 (?) * "For Certainties/ Either are pas*,
. remediesi or timely loiowing,/ Sirs
remedy then, boms" *
III, vi t 91 (P) j "Discourse is keavy, fasting 11
- - 395 -
§ £255) 2he participles enjoy the sane freedom of grammatical
relationship as adjectives. Qualities that belong to persons
are transferred to things that are regarded as standing in. a
causal relationship withi them. This often makes the expression
more poo tic but can. gleux render its meaning less clear. ,Thlo
is especially true when, fhe personal concept associatedl y/lth
the participle is not immediately clear* Cf. Karl Brunner,
Die englische Sprache. II % 362-3; F». *%.* Yisser, Syntax, § 1043
HV» III, ii, 285 (F)s "none can drive him from th© envious
plea/ Of forfeiture, of iustice,
and his bond"
C a him who is envious (nalicious) from the plea) ,
OT,. I, i, 15 (P)s "Wee will give you sleepie Drinkes 1*
(, ** drinlcs producing sleep) .
ML, II, iii, 39 (F): M The thriftie hire I saved .under
your Pather"
i *• the hire whicli I, "being thrifty , saved)
• • •"•- • ' "" > ~~*~~~-~~* < ii« »«———••————^————————B4—A-m «.i> •

H8 f I, ii> 95 (F): ftA trembling; Contxibu-oion."

( » a contribution, which makes the giver tremble)
t III, v, 63 (F) 2 "we send,/ To kn.ow what willing:
Ransome he will, give"
raneom fce, being willing > will
R2, II, iii, 61 (F): "all. my Treasurie/ Is yet but unbelt.
* " , thankes,' which, more enrich. 1 d./
** Shall
be your love, andi labours recompence"
* as yefe contains no.tMnf3!: but gratitude unfelt by you)
- 396 -
The Gerund
§ £00 — -ffce old form of the gerund: ;wittt the prefix-like element
"a" is found after be, lie, sit as an indication of a
situation in which the subject: finds itself; it is also used
after go, come, fall, set, put, send, burst out (I was
•V'0.«-4V; v.,'.;, . , . • .
fir-dreaming . lie a-bleedinsy come a-wooinft), examples under a)*
"A" is the proclitic fora of the preposition an (weak form of
on) standing before consonants, which In adverbs like aboard,
atop is completely fused with the noun* She gerund was still
found; in this form in the literary language af the 18th
century 5 it Is still very common after be in Southern
dialects and. in vulgar speech, but; lias long been obsolete in.
the written language* Except in. isolated; phrases like to _-,ffo>
to set the clock a-going (of. OED) the use of "a11
Is also archaic after the other verbs mentioned* The growing
aversion~since the middle of the 16tin century towards tke
gerund '
with "a" after be^
coincides with the spread of the £
forms (I was dreaming), in which the participle
is used. ('E. Matzner, Englische Grammatik, 3rd od»-, II, 56),
faf lof A

and seems to be the result of this (cf. §§ 622,624s). / -'.""'

So long as the preposition stands in front of. the form in.
"-ing" 'in the sentences he was a saying, the necessary means
were a providing, there can be no doubt about the grammar of
the construction. If, however, it is omitted, then the form,
ending in "-ing" is interpreted as a present participle i±
it;is in the position of a predicate, and it is not now
differentiated externally from this in any way, but is
naturally related to "the subject. Whether the original basis
of the sentence he was saying was a present participle or . %-:.

whether the construction was developed from he was a saying

cannot be decided. The case is different, however, if, as in
the second sentence (the necessary means were (a) providing;) ,
the action of the predicate cannot stem from the subject
(example^ under b)). £or such a sentence to make sense the
subject of the sentence must be the object of the action
expressed' by the form in "-ing 11 ! 'in other words this must bf
- 397 -
in a passive sense: the necessary reams uere
being provided. This latter form is a new creation (see §
which has arisen from the need to remove the discrepancy
between ;tho mode of expression and -uhe meaning of the.
sentence. It was a long time, however, before the new
construction was accepted, and the old form can still be
found occasionally in the literary language though it is now
archaic and is scarcely ever found in conversational speech*
The compound gerund is found as early as the first half o£'
the 15th century, cf. ]?. T* Visser, English Studies. XXVI
(1944-5), 28* To begin with it was accompanied! by a preposition*
It occurs only very infrequently to begin with. and. is also
£airly rare in Shakespeare (examples under d)), e£« Karl
Brunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 358-9• Here the older,
simple form of the gerund! still predominates, and this can
have a passive meaning not only in the predicative use, as
it; still does today, but alBO in, constructions like: for
fear of burning « for fear of being burnt, where toe newer
form is now preferred© The gerund is even found with, a «
passive meaning; in am attributive position: some unrecin&afe
wound «, aoine incurable uound. (examples under e))^
a) She gerund with "a"*. in an active meaning: '• .s ' Is "
MY, II t v, 17 .(I? andt Q.J): nrfhere is some ill. a bruing;"
KB, ill,, ii> 357 te) s "when, he thinkes»,»Eis Greatnesse is;
' • ;*i'" t •••4-8. .• a ripening41 • • ,1 - •
Rom*, III f^i, 194 (S andi Qg)s "My bloud for your rude
:4" • brawles doth lie a bleeding"
Yen., 366 (1593): "two silver doves that sit a billing 11
Wiv» t III, v, 13'1 (5s): "her* Husband is this morning gone a
•: SX -*1 -*i: (^< Blrdiing 11 , • . ; •
': S**r»« III>. i> 34. (P): "Luceiitio that comes a wooing"
Son* XX, 10 (.1609): "Till nature as she wrought thee feli
/a dotinge" .
t»uc»,» 452; (1594): ^Wliose grint aspect, sets everie ioint a „
shaking" -;*
E8, T. iiif 104 (P)s "When we first put this* dangerous stona
a rowling" '
M* • *|| ^ ^^
IBIMMIV' ' m f • •
* 398 - '
The gerund in a fissive meaning after be:
, III, ii, 93 4F)* "the whil'st this Play is
c1) Other" cases off the gerund in a passive meaning;
f I, iiif 78 (F)s "Thus have I shund the fire, for
• ' ••* • ?*,'.••• »~-*feare o!£ burning"
jy, iii, 150 (?'): "How scap'd I killing, when I crost
8 you so?"
1E4it iW-JU 64 (F): "even ©ur Love durst not come neere your
.;'.* & sight/ Por feare of swallowing"
Wiv»« IT, 1, 5 (?): "he is very couragious mad, about hi a
throwing into the water" .'•>*••
RJ, IV, ii, 53 (F and Q^: "I will take order for he
keeping close"
Further examples in A» Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon, p* 1418»
i The compound gerunds
» I, iii, 16 (F): "la having knowne no travaile in his
youth" •',/',
» c III, i, 19 (F): ni Twill weepe for having wearied you" .
Cynu, II, iii, 136 (P): "hated/ For being prefer'd so well"
Oth», I,, iii, 137 (F): "0£ being taken, by the Insolent Foe"
Ant., I, iv, 44 (F): "by being lack r d"
Per*, I, ii, 22 (CL): "what may make him blush in being
e) The passive gerund in the position of an attributive adjective:
*, 993 (1594)s "his unrecalling; crime"
»» III, i, 90 (F).•: "the Deare/ That hath receivde some
unrecuring wound"
r HI* ii> HO (F and Q^): M !E^r lip(pe)s, those kissing
Shr» t III, i, 18 (F): "I am no breeching scholler in, the
c school^s" »
LLL, I, i, 65 (P and. Q-)s "having sworne too hard a
keeping o(a)th"
Tit*, III, ii, 62 (F)s "How would he •..."buz lamenting doings
in- the ayer"
- 399 -
The original use of the "gerund, which as an inflected
infinltiTe could originally take only the preposition to,
caa still be Tery clearly recognised in cases where the form
in "-ing" of a transitive verb is combined with to to
indicate a purpose. TMs usage is no longer permissible.
Wiv., IV", ii, 126 (P); "behold what, honest cloathes you
send forth to bleaching"
Wiv»t III, iii," 139 W : M as if it were going, to bucking11
W, II, ii, 124 CF.)I "put the Liveries to making11
Ado, II, iii, 239 .(P and Q^: "happy are they that heare
their detractions, anid can
put them to mending"
- 400,-
§ 2.P2. Although it is generally true today that the transitive
f6rm in "-ing" takes the objedr in the genitive when It is
accompanied: by a preposition and the article; for the stealing
of sheep, whereas if there is no article the object is in the
accusative: for stealing sheep (the first case is an example
of a verbal noun, the second of a gerund), this rule was not
rigidly observed in. Shakespeare's time. Apart fxom the forms
already mentioned two further types are also found: for the
stealing sheep (this construction too still survives, though
it; is not; very common and not, generally accepted) and for
stealing sheep (obsolete). There is a predilection for the
gerund construction if the object of the clause is a personal
pronoun. Cf . M. Deutschbein, System der neuenglischen Syntax^
1Q17-), p. 152; P. T. Visser, Syntax. §§ 1120, 1123-4.
Gym.*, III, ii, 60 (.]?•): "Loves Counsailor should fill the
bores of hearing,/ To 'th 1 smothering
of the Sense"
Earn*, II, ii, 9' (P and Q2 ): "that thus hath put him/ So
much from th 1 under standing of
himself e lf " ^f •- *
Ham,., Ill, til, 85> (P) s n '2o take him in the purging of his
JC, II, i, 63 (P) s "Betweene the acting of a dreadfull
thing?/ And. the first motion, all the
Interim is/ Like a Phantasma"
JC, III, i, 51 (?)? w ^or the repealing of my banish »d
Cvm. , III, i, H (P)s "we will nothing pay/ For wearing 01^
& - • , OWE.^ Noses"
Cym», II, iii, 93 (F) : "you lay out. too much paines/ Por
purchasing: but trouble"
It ii> 289 (P)s "for pulling Scarffes ofv Caesars Images"
; IIf- iv, 372 (B'andi Qt )s M for suffering flesh to be(c}
eaten in thy liouse"
1H4, III, iii, 176 (F): "Charge an honest Ucrion w:U>L
* picking thy Pocket?"
-,.. 401 -
IV, -Lii, 3 (F)r "For taking Bribes 11
Titv. Ill, ii, 69 (F): "pardon, ris for reprehending thee"
gH6, I, iy ? 2 (F): "My Unckles both, are slaine, in. rescuing
me" «,
JHg, II, i, 88 (F)s "lie venge thy death,/ Or dye renowned
by attempting it" A
H8 f II,.'lv, 173-175- (F)s "Who had beene hither sent on. the
* debating/ And Marriage 'twixt; tho
. -V Duke of Orleance, and/ Our
Daughter Mary"
AOT, IV, iii, 5 (F): "on the reading it, he chang'd almost
^into another man11
Ado. II , ii, 53-54: (F^): "be cunning in. the working this"
Jiu, III, iv, 116 (F): "What have you lost by losing o±
this day?" "
2Hg, I?,, ii, 67-68 (jP): "being burnt 1'th hand for stealing
of Sheepe"
Hams,, I, v, 175 (F): "by pronouncing of some doubtfull
Phrase" * ' r „ "
.1E4'-t IIt i, 55-57 (P): " more from picking
of Purses, than giving, direction.,
dotk from labouring"
1H§, IIj i, 70 (F); "About; relieving of the Centinels"
R^, III, Iv, 29 (F)s "your Voice, for Crowning of the King"
2H4, If iit 213 (F and Q r)s "with..,singing of AnthemCeJs 11
AirU, II, i t 8 (F): "By loosing of our Prayers"
Eote 1. Gerund' constructions of the type there is no preventing
it were already very common, in Shakespeare«
H8, I, iii, 43 (F): "there's no converting of * era"
Earn.. Ill, iii, 61 (F): "There is no shuffling, there the
Action, lyes/ In his true Mature"
JC, V, v, 30 (F): "there is no tarrying heere 51 ^
Cf. also: 2H6^ IV, viii, 62 (F): "heere is no staying 1*
Kote 2* The gerund is often compounded with a noun* Cf. F» T»
Visser, Syntax. § 1047.
2H6> II, iv, 46 (F): "Was ma<Ie a wonder, and a pointfn-; stock"
- 402 -
Himu. Ill, ii, 406 (jP)s HI Tis now the verie witching tima
' , ":-. V - ,:. - V/K' • ..-:pf. night"
Jrt,, II, i, 523 Ws "Dide in the dying slaughter of their
-C-*. :-r. . foes"
Cor>i II, ii, 114 (F): "whose every motion/ Was tim f dwith
dying Cryes"
. Ill, i, 32 (F): "The faia'd Cassibulan.,.Hado luds-Olowna
with reioycing-Pires bright"
- 403 -
1 The subject, of the gerund may take various forms;
1) It cam be the Saxon genitive of a noun (examples under a)).
2} It can be a possessive pronoun (examples under b))»
3) It can. be a Uorman genitive following the gerund (example
--under c))« .. t ^0o,<*-u
4) It can be a noun in. the neutral case in the singular or
plural. Most examples in Shakespeare are of plural. nouns, and
since it was not the practice in his time to indicate the
possessive by means of an apostrophe it: cannot always be ,
decided with certainty what heading they fall, under, though
the example from Troilua and Cressida is quite clear because
the main verb is singular* Some modern editors show this
uncertainty in tlieir decision to insert or omit the apostrophe
at certain places. (Examples under d)}. * *
The origin, of the last, form is uncertain, though there are
examples as early as the beginning of the 13th century* Of.
F. T. f^Ttrnr Visoer, Syntax, §§ 1090-6.

Wlv.., T, iii, 9 (F)s "he will cliafe at the Doctors marrying

my daughter"
Wi.v» t V, iii, 16 (]?} : "at the very instant o£ Palstaffes
and our meeting" »
Cym.» .. IV, ii, 182 (F) ; "yet still it's strange/ What Clotens
being heere to us portends"
Gym., V, v, 275 0?) ; "Lord Cloten/ Upon my Ladies missing,
came to me/ With his Sword drawne"
„ * t . - «
Err., 1, i, 48 (P) : "my absence was not sixe moneths oldc,/
Before her self e... Had made provision
for her following me"
Oth., I, iii, 245 U)s "Most (Jrcaious Duke,/ To my unfolding
lend your prosperous eare"
Cym«,t III, v, 46 (F): "She^pray'd me to excuse her keeping
Jjym. , IV, ii, 11 (I?): "your being by me/ Cannot amend ne"
~ 404 -
•^W, V, i, 241 (P): "in the hearing of these manie friends/
I sweare to thee 11
d} : . , ;,,. «; . : - • ,
Err,, IT, iii, 90 (P): "a mad tale he told today at dinner,/*
Of his owne doores being shut agaizist
hia entrance 11 . ?
R2, T, ii, 3 (P); "breake the story off,/ Of our twof
- .. Cousins comming into London"
1H4» I, iii, 4^9 (? and Q^: M I then, all(-)smarting,) with
my wounds being coLi11
Jro., IV, T, 92 (P)s "the Combatants being kin,/ Halfe x
stints their strife"
^, II, i, 133 (P): "l-lillaine and Naples have/ Mo widdowes
in them of this businesse making;1
- 405 -
§ 2-o£f The omission o£\the prepositional "a" before the gerund
leads, when it is followed by a direct object, to a con­
struction that later disappeared from the literary language.
From he was a hearing of a son& there developed he was
hearing of a song, a type of sentence still common enough in.
the language of Shakespeare, which was later superseded by
the proggeag'iVg form (he was hearing a song}, which rapidly
increased in popularity. Of. Karl JBrunner, Die englische
Sprache. II, 370-1.
Lr., II, i, 41 (P)s "Here stood he in the dark, his sharpe
Sword out,,/ Mumbling of wicked,
charmes, coniuring the Moone"
(the old and new constructions are here found, side by side)
; - 406 -
§ 2o^ In Shakespeare the abstract noun often replaces the gerund.
'Or verbal noun of the same stem (nursery for nursing, carriage
for carrying). so that the idea of action required by the
sense of the sentence is not expressed directly by the wordi
itcelf but can be inferred only from the relationship of the
abstract noun to an agent subject that is either identical,
with the subject of the sentence or else implied in a
possessive pronoun. In the following examples the present-day
language would require the form in "-ing" in order to make
the idea of action quite explicit. 0-f* § 322*
XT;, I, i, 126 (?):*"! lov f d her most, and thought to set
&Af my rest/ On her kind nursery"
Macv* I* iii, 144 (P): "If Chance will have me King,/Why
: ' Chance may Crowne me,/ Without my «
•**~ . -. stirre"
III. iv f 190 (?): "Least being mist, I be suspected;
'•* A f of/ Your carriage from the Court"
II, i, 143 (P): "Had I plantation of this Isle"
H8» IVrl,, 30 (P)s "for not Appearance, and/ iho Kings late
Scruple... she was divorc f d!l
Err., I, ii, 4 0?) s "This very day a Syracusian Marchant:/
*"'•* , Is apprehended for a rivall here"
Tmp», V, i, 11 (F): "They cannot boudge till your release"
» till your release =* till you release them) •
m 407 -

The phrase of his making means 'made by hin 1 (see OED). An

example of this type is found in. Tri£., II, i, 133 (F)i
ttMillaine and Naples have/ Mo widdowcs in them of this
businesse making".
Sometimes the gerund of a transitive verb has no object. In
such a case the gerund is to be interpreted in the passive
sense, as, for example, in. JO, I, ii, 296 (P): "worth the
A gerund may be used as a conjunctional element to introduce
a clause, as in 1H4. V, iv, 33 (F): "seeing thou fall'st on
me so luckily,/ I will assay thee"; Err». IT, i, 27 (3?):
"Saving youar merrie humor: here's the note".
The following examples show how forbear 'abstain from' and1
leave 'cease' may take either the gerund or the infinitive; ,
but in Shakespeare cease is followed only by the infinitive*
TGV, I, i, 1 (#): "Cease to perswade"
1H6. I, iv f 81 (F): "Eis Sword did ne're leave striking in
the field"
J3oru GXIXIX, 6 (1609): "Deare heart forbeare to glarice
v s * / thine eye aside"
TGV, II, vi, 17 (P)s "I cannot leave to love"
III, ii, 87 (F): n l can Iiardly forbeare hurling things
; ' at Met" . '
(Further examples in A. Schmidt, Shakespeare-Lexicon)
, - #08 -
--The subject and the predicative verb normally agree in-
person and number. The very frequent deviations from this
rule in the older language are made possible by the various
ways .of interpreting the subject, especially when the latter
eonsist^s of several elements. Other factors that must be
considered are the position of the verb before or after the
subject and the external influence on the verb, -as regards •
number and person, of a subject immediately preceding or ,
following it or of a word dependent on the subject. The strong
•feejidency to construe according to the sense and the not uncommon
formal assimilation of the predicative verb to the nearest
subject are features that are characteristic: of the spoken
language. It is precisely the behaviour of subject and
predicate in the matter of congruence that shows to what
extent Shakespeare's syntax is that of the spoken language,
'Even the Second Polio of 1632 no longer tolerates the liberties
of congruence that are found in the Pirst Polio. The later '
edition is dominated by .rigid rules regarding the agreement
04 subject and predicate. It demonstrates the fastidious
correctness of the academic, who since that time has gradually
eome to dominate the language. Ben Jonson (The English Grammar
(164'0), Chap. V) allows very few exceptions: 1) "Hounes
signifying a multitude, though they be of the Singular, number y
require a Verbo.plnrall." 2)""This exception is in other
Nounes also very common; especially when the Verbe is joyned
to an Adverbe, or Conjunction." 3) "In this exception o.f
number, the Verbe sometime agreeth not with the governing
Ifoune of the plurall number, as it should, but with the IToune
governed: as Riches is a thing oft-times more hurtfull, then
profitable to the owners. After which manner the Latines also
speake: omnia pontus erat." Cf. C. A. Smith, "The chief
difference between theUtoz}first and second Polios of Shakespeare",
En^lische Studien, XXXf, 1-20, which has a list of the cases
of iiicongruence that are corrected in the Second Polio.
- 409 -
There is, here is, or a principal verb in the singular is
often found as a predicate in front of a plural subject. The'
explanation of this is not usually connected with the idea
expressed by the subject, though this is not impossible, but
rather with the fact that somtimes the thought is expressed
much more hastily than the speed with which the idea is
verbalized, so that the speaker starts precipitately with the
quite general' formula there is, here is, or a singular
principal verb, without being clear in his own mind about th©
r» TT^_ — » o,-.;-i.'u TJ —.„— \r
form of the following subject* of. G
gho-Vf Mwlolg rr-ShQlcoopQaro-^(London f 18Q6 X»_p»^ 313 v As a result
the ymriMrrortir subject does not agree with the predicate *

(examples under a)). JL singular predicate is especially

common when it refers to a series of following singular
subjects. Since the speaker often fails to realize their
number immediately, he relates the predicate to the first of
"the subjects or to the one that chiefly occupies his thoughts
(examples under b))« Cf. F. T. Visser, Syntax, §* 84; Karl
vBrunner, Die englische Sprache, II, 335*
,• - ! " ,
MND t IV, ii, 16 (F); "there is two or three Lords •& Ladies
more married."
(Q-): "there is two or three Lords and
Ladies more married"
Tmp,, I, ii, 478 (?): "there is no more such shapes as he"
Cor., IV, iii, 13-H (F): "There hath, been e in Rome " •
straunge Insurrections"
W£, IT, iv, 103 (F): "Here's flowres for you,"
gmp.«, V, i f 216 (F): "here is more of us" .
2H6, II, i, 68 (F): "Here comes the Townes-men, on Procession"
1H4, II, iv, 144 (F): "there lives not three good men r
'• unhang f d in. England" * >
"* .|
(Q-): "there lives not three good men. • '

unhangde in. England" , :

2H6, V, i, 60 (F): "$hen what intends these Forces thou dost
~ 410 -
i I, i, 19 (?)1 "what cares these roarers for the name
of King?"
MM, II, i, 22 (F): "What knowes the Lawes/ That the eves do
' passe on the eves?"
Ham. , III, iii, 14-15 (F)j "That Spirit, upon whose spirit
depends and rests/ The lives of
many" .
(QA). : "That Spirit, upon whose weale
depends and rests/ The lives of
TGV , II, iv, 72 (F); "far behinde his worth/ Comes all the
praises that I now bestow"
Tmp. . IV, i, 264 (F) : "At this houre/ Lies at my mercy all ,
mine enemies" 1
Gvji. , III, i, 36-37 (F) : "there is no mo such. Caesars"
1H6, III, ii, 123 (F): "Now where 's the Bastards braves"
R2, I, iii, 260 (F) : "What is sixe Winters" . 1
(Q2 ): "What is sixe winters"

Rom., V, iii, 199 (F and Q2 ): "Here is a Frier, and

Slaughter ('d) Romeos man" *•
AYL, I, ii, 125 (?) : "There comes an, old man, and, his three
MY, I, i.f 57-58 (F): "Keere comes Bassanio,/ Your most noble
Kinsman,/ Gratiano, and Lorenso"
(Q..): "Here comes Bassanio your most noble
kinsman,/ Gratiano, and Lorenso"
Tro«, V, viii, 12 (F): "Here lyes thy heart, thy sinewes,
and thy bone"
(Q-): "Here lies thy heart, thy sinnewes
and thy bone"
R3 t If, iv, 4:06 (F): "In her, consists my Happinesse, and
(Q ) j ls ln her consistss my happines and
: \ .' ' ^ thine n , ' ' t
Qya>, 1, i, i7 (F): "What's his name, and Birth?"
^ 411 -
Rom., Ill, U r t?7 (P.)s ?!Where is my Father and my mother
,, ,/Iurse?"
(Qp)s "Where is my father and my mother
, » Nurse?"
. V, i f 7 (E1 ); "Eow fares the King, and's followers?'1
-412 -
§ ^b? There are many cases where a singular predicate embraces
two or more preceding singular subjects that can be regarded
as a single idea or as belonging together. This construction
is especially common, with closely related abstract ideas
(examples under a)). The homogeneousness of persons or
concrete objects that represent similar ideas or are united
in purpose and circumstances can also be expressed by a
singular predicate (examples under b)). Sometimes, too, one
subject can be interpreted as an attributive adjective to the
other (examples under c)). In a'few cases the conceptual^
unity of the subjects can be regarded as a condition of the
validity of the predicate (examples under d)). .-
Although it is possible in many cases to condense the .
subjects into a single idea, there are other occasions when
this possibility seems to be excluded (examples under e))«
Part of the explanation of all these cases may lie in tHe
tendency of the spoken language to neglect the matter of"
congruence in the circumstances mentioned, Cf. 8. Spekker,
tlber die Kongruenz des Subjekts und des Pradikats in der •
Sprache Shakespeares, Diss. Jena (Bremen, 1881), pp. 44-8; M
F. T* Visser, Syntax t §.94; Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache, II, 337-8. - ,. . '-' \ . • i
a) • , ' -
1£,-III, iii, 184-185 (3?): "Sorrow, and griefe-of heart/
Makes him speake fondly 11
(Q^s "Sorrowe and greife of hart,/
Makes^hlm speake fondly"
dh*, V, ii, 18-19 (F); "Y/hen honourable
• "~** •. • rescue, and defence/
Cries out upon the name of Salisbury"
Jn.., BT, ii, 247 (P): "Hostilitie, and civill tumult- reign.es11
-'. Mac., II i iii» ; 99 (F); "All is-but Toyes; Eenowne and G-race
is dead"
jt)WT, II, ii, 43 (F): "your honor, and your goodnesse is so
* " ' .evident"
Ado, ,1V", i, 247-248'(I): "you know my inwardnesse and love/
•-Is very much unto the Prince and
- 41 3 -
-j) 2 "you know ray inwardnesse and love/
• Is very much unto the prince and
- v Claudio"
i, IV, v, 18. (P): "the" time and case, requireth hast"
b) - *
AYL , V, i, 66 (i1 ) : "Our Moster and Histresse seeks you"
Shr. , IIIj ,ii, 248 (P) : "though Bride & Bridegroom wants/
For to supply the places at the
. table"
M. 9 III, iii, 13 (p): "When gold and silver "becks me to
^. . : • come on"
lr., Ill, iv, 150 (F): "Our flesh and blood, my Lord, is
growne so vilde"
(Q«): "Our flesh and bloud, is growne so
vild my Lord"
H5, III, ii, 9-11 (P):|."and Sword and Shield, in bloody '
Field, doth winne immortall fame"
Jn. , IV, i f 120 (P): "2hat mercie, which fierce fire, aiLd
Iron extends"
Oth., I, ill, 80-81 (P): "The verie head, and front of my
,-ox « ^ off ending, / Eath this exteat"
W,) '. TU.. ytr, \^ ^ffl'k J «., •fftjL.'-viJ H^k ^ ut^t"
Gym», II, iv, 57-58 (P) P) : "my hand,/ And Ring is yours" '
or) . , , -
Cor,, IV, v, 80-82 (P) : "The Cruelty and Envy of the people
...hath devour *d the rest" '* \
(May be interpreted as the envious cruelty of the people)
qf '•"•••Ayn-W right i OoriolanuO't- Qlqrondon PPOOO Bditioni p» 224)
H^, I, ii, 118-119 (J1): "The Blood and Courage that
renowned, them,/ Huns in your Veirtes"
» courageous blood, of. S* Spekker, -^bop die
V3 ^v fS _ --CllT.'V> 4 ^^1^4* f7 nl l1**- *3— —-^3_d-i_.^__^)_y>Q V^ "1 T/*f> *^" C1i^r*i-iyViii i f\ ^T* QT\.<y*Q_/"vl'> JQ -rr^lki QHC Q_£5-I"j ^"> Q y*£>

PiAo^ Jena (Bremon f 1881), p. 43)

di) ' * , . • %
Ven. , 988 (1593): "Despaiire, and hope, makes thee ridiculous"
Err., Ill, i, 26 (P.): "Small cheer© and great welcome,
makes a merrie feast"
- 414 -
Oth. . Ill, iii, 172 (F)s "Poor e, and Content, is rich"

JSrr . , I, ii, 76 (F): »*My Mistris and her sister staies for
f if * >. «'.'-'
, ":' t you"
Mac., Ill, ii, 37 (F): "Thou Imow'st, that Banquo and his
r_,> Fleans lives"
, III, iv, 34-35 (F) : "The which my love and some
necessity/ Now layes upon you"
(Q/): "the which my love and some
necessity/ now layes upon you"
**» ix > 83 (^ and Q.J): "Hanging and wiving goes by
TH, III, i, 143 (P)s "v/hen wit and youth is come to harvest"
jBtt H, V| 174 (F) : "daylight, and champi an- discovers not
more"- - » >
Wf I, iii, 10 (P): "Where youth, and cost:, witlesse .
bravery keepes"
Per., II, i, 2-3 (Q|); "Wind, Raine, and Thunder, remember
earthly man/ Is but a substaunce

that; must yeeld to you"
Ham., IV, iiA, 25 (F) s "Your fat; King, and your leane Begger
is but variable service 11
(Q 0 ): "y.our fat .King and your leane begger
£ 15 6i^k Va.r.'xtJt $eTvicfc"
1H6. Ill, i, 115-116. (P): "You see what Mischief e, and what
Murther too,/ Hath beene enacted
, through your enmitie"
. A7/W . II, iii, 176-177 (F) : "What great creation, and what
dole of honour/ Flies where you
&e&st f
.. K
* . bid It"
H2, II, ii, .115 (F and Q^s "Whom conscience, and my
' kin(d)red bids to right"
B2, II, i, 12-13 (F): "The setting Sun, and Musicke is the
close/ As the last taste of 'sweetes,
is sweetest last"
(Q- ) : "The setting Sunne, and Llusicke at
the close,/ As the last taste of
- 415 -
sweetes is sweetest last"
1H6, IV, ii, 3 (P): "But see where Somerset and Clarence
2H6, IV, i,•». 101-102 (]?): "Reproach and Beggerie,/ Is crept
into the Palisce of our King"
R2, II, i, 258 (P and Q 1 ): "Repro(a)ch and dissolution
hangeth over him"
Jn. f IV, iii, H4-H5 (P): "The life, the right, and truth
of all .this Realme/ Is fled to
WT, II, i, 168-170 (P): "the matter,/ The losse, the gaine,
the ord f ring on't,/ Is all properly .
H5, V, ii, 44-46 (P): "her fallow Leas,/ The Darnell, Hemlock,
and ranke Femetary,/ Doth root upon"
3H6, V, ii, 8-9 (P) • "My blood, my want of strength, my
«. " - * - sicke heart shewes,/ That I must yeeld
my body to the Earth."
WT, I, ii, 252-254 (P): "his negligence, his folly, fear*...
MMM"** .•*iy

Sometime puts forth in yourjaffaires"

MN3), V, i, 162 (P): "This loame, this rough-cast, and this
stone doth shew"
s "This lome, this roughcast, and this
stone doth showe"
in-., II, ii, 176 (P) s "What heart, h.ead, sword, force," : ••
meanes, but is L. Timons" " *
«, TV, iii> 4-5 C?) : "Wlwjse procreation, residence, and
birth,/ Scarse is dividant"
t/[D, IV, iv, 700-701 (P): "Every Lanes end, every Shop, Church,
• Session, Hanging, yeelds a
care full man worke"
R2, II, i, 38-39 (P): "Light vanity, insatiate cormorant,/
Consuming meanes soone preyes upon,
it selfe"
(Q1 ): "Light vanitie insatiate cormorant,/
Consuming meanes soone praies upon
' it selfe"
>. '416 ~
Rom., Ill, iii,33-35 (F): "More Validitie,/ lore Honourable
state', more Courtship lives/ In
^** • carrion Flies"
(Qp): "More validitie,/ Moire honourable
state, more courtship lives/ In
carrion flies"
Jro., IV, iv, 120-121 (F): "The lustre in your eye, heaven
in your cheeke,/ Pleades . 'your K
faire visage"
(Q-j): "The lustre in your eye, heaven
in your cheeke,/ Pleades your
faire usage"
3H§, II, v, 47-51 (F): "the Shepherds homely Curds,/ His
cold thinne drinke out of his Leather
Bottle,/ His wonted sleepe...Is
far re beyond a Princes"
R3t I, iii> 112 (F and Q^: "Thy hono(u)r, state, and seate(,}
--.. . • • ", v " " r is due tx> me" „ -
Tmp. 8 Y, i, 104-105 (F): "All torment, trouble, wonder, and
amazement/ Inhabits he ere" r
3H6, II, v, 54 (F): "When Care, Mlstxust, and Treason waits
on him" " > . ,
Ham*, II, ii, 66-67 (F): "his Sicknesse, Age, and Impotence/ .
Was falsely borne in hand" .
(Q--): "his sicknesse, age, and impotence,/
Was falsely borne in hand."
(Q 2 ): "his sicknes, age, and impotence/
Was falsly borne In hand"
114, in, 11, 107-109 (F): "whose high Deedes,/ Whose hot
Incursions, and great Kajae in
- Armes,/ Holds from all. Souldiers
chiefe Maioritie"
"Whose high deeds,/Y/hose hot
• incursions, and great name in
ariaes,/ Holds from al souldiors
chief maioritie"
- 417 -
Oth.. II, iii, 302-303 (P): "the Time, the Place, & the
«u Condition of this Country stands"
' a* t,w, tu fte, tu c~a.'t,-^ »f a* c*j**j i£ji n
imation, name, and all is gone"
, I, i, 24S (P): "Legitimation
2H6 t V, i, 52-53 (?): "Lands, Goods, Horse, Armor, any thing
I have/ Is his to use, so Somerset
may die"
Iro,, I, iii, 179-184 (P and Q 1 ): "All our abilities(,}
g(u)ifts, natures(,)
shapes,/ Several(l)s and
general(l)s of grace
exact,/ Atchi(e)v(e)ments,
plots, orders, preventions,/
Excitements to the field,
or speech for truce,/
Successe or losse, what
is or is not, serves/ As
stuffe for these two"
Note. A singular predicate is also found when the two subjects
are joined by both*.«and. This is quite contrary to modern
usage. Cf f - P, 2. Visser, Syntax, § 94.
Lr.» III, iv, 158 (P): "both fire, and food is ready" '
(Q.j): "both food and fire is readie"
Err*, IV, ± $ 46 (P): "Both winde and tide stayes for this
Err., IV, iv, 95 (P): "both Man and Master is possest"
' K2, II f ii, 112-113 (P): "whom both my oath/ And dutie bids
f • defend"
(Q-): "whom both my oath/ And duety bids
- 418 -
1 In modern English it sis very common for collective ideas in
the singular to-beainked to a plural predicate if the chief
concern J,s with the persons (or things) that make up the
whole. Shakespeare's usage is very free in this respect. Gf.
I*. T, Visser, Syntax, §§ 77, 79, Karl Brunner, Die englische
Sprache > II, 336. \
JC, II, ii, 9.5 (F): "the Senate have concluded/ To give
this day, a Crowne to mighty Caesar"
\Cor». IT, il, 2 (F)s "The Mobility are vexed"
, JES, V, iv, 71 (F): "what a Multitude are heere?"
;Jru, T, iii, 9-11 (F): "the great supply/ That was expected
by the Dolphin heere,/ Are wrack*4
.- .« .— three nights ago" . ,
I Bj|f I, iv, 188 (Q-): "Where are the evidence thao doe accuse
" • me?" ( =: body of witnesses)
(F): "Where is the Evidence that doth, accuse
"-f " i : , ,/ - * • , " . * me?" ;,. 4 > '
r . Jfit Wiii, 27-28 (F): Brutus: "Comes his Army on?"
Luoilius: "They meane this night in.
... , Sardis to be quarter f d"
3H6, I, ii, 64 (F): "The Amie of the Queene meane to
i3 - ••:*•'•':' -besiege us" v I •. i .... v >.,
MN33. II, i g 55 (P): "the whole quire hold their hips, and -
loffe" .- , . , ,
i 1 (Q-): "the whole Quire Jaould their hippes f
and loffe" . ' * , ; '
* 1Hg, III, ii, 125 (P): "such a valiant Company are fled"
:JQ t I?, iii, 207-209 (F): "The Jinemy...Coins on refresht"
Cor., Ill, i f 58 (F): -"The People are abus f d"
, II, i, 108-109 (F): "I am not prone to weeping (as our
• sex/ Commonly are)"
- 419 -
§ Z/i Constructions that accord with the meaning are very common
in Shakespeare, and the following types are especially
striking: 1 ) A noun linked to a plural by with (Don Alphonso
with other gentlemen) is followed by a plural predicate
(examples under a)); this construction is still found today.
Of. P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 9.5. 2) Since a (certain) sort
(kind) of men is simply a less concrete expression for men 01
a (certain) sort (kind) , such phrases are often followed by £
plural predicate, as happens quite frequently today. Shake spear £
occasionally deals with ideas of quantity, like parcel, with
of and a plural (parcel of wooers) in the same way. (-Samples
under b)). 3) An expression 01 measurement in the plural is
often followed by a singular predicate, since the speaker has
in mind the sum of the units of measurement (examples under c)).
4-.) If a genitive plural formed with of is dependent on a
singular idea (the venom of such looks) , then it is often
followed by a plural predicate * The plural can also consist
of two singulars linked by and . (Examples under d)). Cf. S,
Spekker, 4fbcr die Kongruong e-c-o Sub jokts—un4-4^
•dor Spraohe -Shake s-T>ear-^-ST—j)iss» Jena - (-Bg^Ken-y—3-884-)-, pp. 29-
30, 50-1; Abbott, § 412; P. T. Visser, Synts.x, § 81.
3H6, I, ii, 49-50 (P): "The Queene,/ With all the Northerne
Earles and Lords,/ Intend here to
besiege you in your Castle"
TGY, I, iii, 39-41 (F) * "Don Alphonso,/ With other Gentlemen
of good esteeme/ Are iournying, to
salut.e the Emperor"
1E4, II, iv, 92-93 (g)^d Q1 ) i tt old(o)-
; "olde Sir lohn with halfe
a dozen
more, are at the doore"
(Q..): "old sir lohn v/ith halfe a douzen
more zix±x are at the doore"
' ' "" -
Ant., Ill, x, 2-3 (P): "Thantoniad, the Egyptian Adrairall,/
TSith s.ll their sixty flye, and turne
the Rudder"
- 420 -
Ant.. I, ii, 186-188 (P) : "The death of Pulvia, with more
urgent touches/ Do strongly
speake to us"
1H6. Ill, ii, 129 (P): "there young Henry with his Cobles
2H6, III, ii, 240-241 (P) : "The trayt f rous Warwick, with
the men of Bury,/ Set all upon ma"
3H6, II, i, 168-171 (P): "the proud insulting Queeiie,/ Y/ith
Clifford, and the
Northumberland,/ And of their
Peather, many moe proud Birds,/
Have wrought the easie-melting
JC, IV, iii, 153-154 (P) : "yong Octavius with Mark Antony/
Have made themselves so strong"
M\T, I, i, 88-89 (P and Q 1 ) : "There are a sort of men(,) whose
visages/ Do(e) creame and
mantle like a standing pond"
MV, I, ii, 119 (P and Q^: "I am glad this parcel! of
v/ooers are so reasonable"
AWW, II, iii, 58-59 (P) : "this youthful! parcel!/ Of Noble
Batchellors, stand at my bestowing"
1H4, II, ii, 26-27 (P) : "Eight yards of uneven ground, is
threescore & ten miles afoot with me"
(Q.:): "eight yeardes of uneven ground is
threescore and ten myles a foote
with mee"
1H4 t V, iv, 91-92 (F): "now two paces of the vilest 2arth/
Is roome enough"
(Q.): "now two paces of the vilest earth/
Is roome inough"
JC, I, iii, 154-155 (I1 ): "three parts of him/ Is ours alreadie"
T im . , III, iv, 97 (P) : "Pive thousand drops payes that"
WT, I, ii, 1 (P) : "Nine Changes of the Watry-Starre ha~ch
been/ The Shepheards Note"
- 421 -
iI2L» lit iii, 19-20 (F): "The very thought of my Revenges
that way/ Hecoyle upon 113"
Hg, V, ii, 18-19 (P)s "The venome of such Lookes we fairely
hope/ Have lost their q.ualitie fr
Xr. , III, vi, 4 (P):"A11 the powre of his wits, have given
way to his impatience"
(Q-j): "All the power of his wits have given
way to impatience"
Jn. t III, i, 295-296 (P): "The perill of our curses light
on thee/ So heavy, as thou shalt
not shake them off"
R3, III, v, 54-55 (P): "Which now the loving haste of these
our friends,/ Something against our
meanings, have prevented"
(Q-): "V/hich now the longing haste of these
cur friends,/ Somewhat against our
meaning have prevented 11
Jn., IV, ii, 219-220 (?) : "How oft the sight of meanes, to
do ill deeds,/ Make deeds ill done? 11
Ting. , II, i, 229 (F): "The setting of thine eye, and cheeke
proclaime/ A matter from thee"
V7T, IV, ii, 26-28 (F) : "whose losse of his most precious
Queene & Children, are even now to
be a-fresh lamented"
Ham . , I, ii, 37-38 (P): "more then the scope/ Of these
dilated Articles allow"
(Q 2 ): "more then the scope/ Of these
delated n.r tides allowe"
JC, v, i, 33 (P) : "The posture of your blov/es are yet unknovm.e"
LLL, IV, iii, 344-345 (F and Q I ) : "the voyce of all the
&od(de)s,/ Make heaven

Cym. , I, iv, 19-21 (P) : "the approbation of those that

weepe..,are v/onderfully to extend him"
Ant., I, iii, 47-48 (P): "Equality of two Domes-oicke powers,/
Breed scrupulous faction"
- 422 -
IV, iii, 50-51 (F): "If the.scorne of your broght ei.-.e/
Have power to re.ise sucli love in
, II, v, 93-94 (F): "the spirit of humors intimate reading
aloud to him"
Ham., Ill, ii, 206-207 (F): "The violence of other Greefe
or loy,/ Their owne ennactors
with themselves destroy"
(Q 2 ): "The violence of eyther, griefe,
or ioy,/ Their owne ennactur^s
with themselves destroy"
The reverse phenomenon is also found:
Err., V, i, 69-70 (F): "The venome clamours of a iealous
woman,/ Poisons more deadly then a
mad dogges tooth"
J'I?ID, III, ii, 97 (F): "All fancy sicke she is, and pale of
cheere,/ With sighes of love, that
costs the fresh bloud deare"
(Q.j): "All fancy sicke she is and pale of
cheere,/ With sighes of love, that
costs the fresh blood deare"
LLL, V, ii, 750 (F)fe: "The extreme parts of time, extremelie
(Q-): "The extreame partes of time extreamly
Note 1. In the following example the change of number of the
predicate in the dependent clause may be caused by the author*s
thinking of an idea that is synonymous with the subject;
Tit., Ill, ii, 84-85 (F): "thy sight is young,/ And thou
shalt- read, when mine begin to
dazell" (mine = mine eyes)
The following example is constructed very freely according to
the sense:
TGV IV, iv, 33-34 (F): "how many Masters would doe this
^^——_^——^——— '

for his Servant?"

The idea is either: no master would do this for his s<
- 423 -
(hence his instead of their) or v/hat master v;ould do
this for his servant?
Note 2. In the following example all things can "be interpreted
as a pronoun in the sense of everything; this would provide a
satisfactory explanation, of the singular predicate:
Shr., II, i, 357 (F): "Pewter and brasse, and all things
that, belongs/ To house or
Of. also:
R3> III, iv t 4-5 (P); Buckingham: "Is all things ready for
the Royall time?"
Derby: "It is, and wants but nomination,"
(Q-): Buckingham: "Are all things fitting
for that royall time?"
Derby: "1-j is, and wants .but nomination."
Ado, V, iv, 7 (Q.,): "I am glad that all things sorts so. well"
(P): "I am glad that all things sort so well"
- 424 -
§ 2/z The number of the predicate can be influenced by a noun
immediately preceding it that is the subject of a phrase
incorporated in the main clause (example under a)). Similarly
the form of the predicate may be determined by a noun
attached to the subject as an attributive comparison (examples
under b))*
2H6, IV, viii, 65-67 (P): "no want of resolution in mee,
but onely my Followers base and
ignominious treasons, makes me
betake raee to my heeles"
Jn., II, 1, 216-217 (P): "those sleeping stones,/ That, as a
waste doth girdle you about"
Jn., II, i, 249-250 (P): "then our Armes, like to a muzled
1 Beare,/ Save in aspect, hath all
offence seal f d up"
fs^e- -however §•-• 1 5-6^
Note. An apposition accompanying the subject can sometimes
determine the person and number of the predicate.
MNI)» III, ii, 60 (P); "you the murderer looks as bright as
cleare,/ As yonder Venus in her
glimmering spheare"
(QI)« "you, the murtherer, looke as bright,
as cleere,/ As yonder Venus, in her
glimmering spheare"
MND, V, i, 387-388 (P and Q^): "the graves, all gaping wide,/
Every one lets forth his
- 425 -
The way in which the person of the predicative verb (or its
formal part) is dependent on the subject closest to it is
shown by cases in which it is related to twoto subjects of
different person linked by and, whether it precedes them,
follows them, or encloses them. Here the person of the subject
standing nearest to the predicate may decide the person of
the verb concerned, which can usually be recognized only from
its accompanying pronouns. Cf» 3. Spekker, Ubor ciio Kon/rruenrc-
-nl j*v f> T) -y% X /^ * 1 -1- " /J S? •*•» /-i Vi /-\ *-^\\ ^ 1 j- ^ n -^ ^-y^-^ -y» r^ r«
^^ f^ g-^. ., S^^^Vv^-^ ^-^ ^r^_Q__T_3_TQ_iJ:

Bi Q o > ^ J ona • ( B r emftn-r-'isa44-t - ^1^5; P. T. Visser, S:/ntgx, § 112.

a) The person and number of one of the subjects is trans­
ferred to the predicate in its immediate proximity:
AYL, I, iii, 99 (P) : "thou and I am one"
Jn. , IV, ii, 50-51 (P) ; "for the which, my selfe and them/
Bend their best studies"
1H4. I, ii, 126-127 (P): "How agrees the Divell and thee
about thy Soule"
(Q-): "ho\ve agrees the Divell and thee
about thy soule"
M? f II, ii, 107 (P and Q^: "how.doost thou and thy Master
2H6, I, i, 88-90 (P) : "Or hath mine Unckle Beauford, and my
selfe,/ Yr ith ail the Learned Counsell
of the Realme,/ Studied so long"
E?' t III, ii, 168-169 (P): "My selfe, and what is mine, to
you and yours/ Is now converted"
(Q.): "My selfe, and what is mine, to
you and yours/ is now converted"
Ado, TV, ii, 4 (P and Q^): "that am I, and my partner"
b) Cases corresponding to normal usage:
JG, I, ii, 158 (P) : "you and I, have heard our Pathers say 11
AWW, I, ii, 25-26 (P) : "when thy father, and my selfe, in
friendship/ First tride our
Ant,, III, xiii, 175 (P) : "I> and ray Sword, will earne our
- 426 -
Ado. Ill, i, 4-6 (P): "tell her I and Ursula,/ Walke in the
Orchard, and our whole discourse/ Is
all of her"
(Q.J): "tell her I and Ursley,/ Y/alke in the
orchard, and our v/hole discourse/ Is
all of her"
1H6. Ill, i, 100-101 (P): "Wee and our Wives and Children all
will fight,/ And have our- bodyes
slaughtred by thy foes"
Ron., I, v, 33 (P): "you and I are past our dancing daies"
(Q2) : "you and I are past our dancing dayes"
Tim., V, iv, 5-7 (P): "my selfe and such/ As slept within
the shadow of your power/ Have"
wander f d with our traverst.Armes"
Srr., I, i, 84-86 (P): "my wife and Ifc,/ Fixing our eyes on
whom our care was fixt,/ Pastned
our selves Pt eyther end the mast"
AVA7, I, iii, 20 (P): "Ishell the women and w will doe as we
Ado, V, i, 195 (l^-"'and Q 1 ): "he(e) and I shal(l) meet(e) 11
JO, I, ii, 257-258 (P): "you, and I,/;.nd honest Caska, we
have the Palling sicknesse"
LLL, IV, iii, 208-209 (P): "He, he, and you: and you my Liedge,
and I,/ Are picke-purses in Love,
and we deserve to die"
(Q..): "Kee, hee, and you: and you my
Leege, and I,/ Are pick-purges
in love, and we deserve to die"
3H6, V, vii, 16-17 (P): "for thee, thine Unckles, and my
selfe,/ Have in our Armors watcht
the Winters night"
Note. If an affirmative clause is co-ordinated with a negative
phrase that has the same predicate or with, a subject in a
different person, and the two are incorporated together, then
the predicate is usually governed by the first subject (examples
under a)), but occasionally it is determined by the second
- 427 -
subject, if this immediately precedes it (exe.mple under b)).
_TN, I, v, 304 (?): "My Master, not my selfe, lackes reconpence"
TN, III, iv, 91-92 (?): "love, not I, is the doer of this"
MM, II, ii, 80 (P): "It is the Law, not I, conderane your-
- 428 -
§ £/4- The person of the predicate in a relative clause fluctuates
Greatly. If the relative pronoun follows a pronoun in the 1st
or 2nd person, or a vocative, then according to the strictly
Logical rule, which was later followed - especially by Pope,
the predicate should "be in the same person; there is, however,
a strong tendency to allow the use of the 3rd person (examples
under a)). This uncertainty is clearly demonstrated by the
compromise constructions in which the predicate is in one
person while the pronoun is in the other. If the relative
clause is a necessary complement, to a predicative pronoun in
the 3rd person then the predicate should also be in the 3rd
person but occasionally it agrees with the subject- of the main
clause (examples under b)). This is justified if the relative
clause following a predicative noun is not connected with the
meaning of this but instead defines the subject; but even here
there is no consistency (examples under c)). There can scarcely
be any doubt that ** ————— from
the 2nd person in "a" (affects
affect' st t see § 1-52-), which in this form coincides with the
3rd. person, has contributed to some extent to these variations
in use and is responsible for the frequent substitution of
the 3rd person. Cf. P. T. Yisser, Syntax. §§ 114-124.
a) •*
WT, II, iii, 53-54 (P): "heare me, who professes/*My selfe
your loyall Servant"
(a compromise between who professes himself and who profess
R3, I, ii, 251 (P) : "On me, that halts, and am mishapen thus?"
(Q.): "On me that halt, and am unshapen thus"
3H6, II, v, 79 (P): "Thou .that so stoutly hath resisted me"
WT, IV, iv, 429-430 (P): "Thou a Scepters heire,/ That thus
affects a sheepe-hooke?"
Shr., IV, i, 104 (P) '• "Thou it seemes, that cals for company
to countenance her"
Ham., Ill, iii, 68-69 (P)* "Oh limed soule, that strugling
to be free,/ Art more iii£ag f d"
(Q«) s "0 limed soule, that struggling
to be free,/ Art more i
- 429 -
Cor.. I, iv, 52-54 (F): "Oh Noble Fellow!/ Who sensibly
out-dares his eencelesse Sword,/
And when it bowes, stand *st up"
Oth., IV, ii, 90-92 (F) : "You Ki stria,/ That have the office
opposite to Saint. Peter,/ And
/«v "M-U. • Jv*«t« l-n t- j .keepes the sate of hell" , , ,.„
mm T (9'> : V* """ ltr; J$V' 1Vk Uyt kv* •»*. oPf o,;tc t, J.fW^l/U hnfts *W yJhs &> Ul"
H, I, iii, 55 (F): "To thee, that hast nor Honesty, 'nor Grace"
(Q«): "To thee that, hast nor honesty nor grace"
2H6, I, i, 19-20 (P): "0 Lord, that lends r^e life,/ Lend ne
a heart repleate with thankfulnesse"
LLL, V, ii, 66 (P and Q- ) : "to make me proud (e) that iests"
Son, VIII, 7 (1609): "They do but sweetly chide thee, who
confounds/ In singlenesse the part
that thou should 'st beare"
3?er» , I, i, 41 (Q^): "Antiochus, I thanke thee, who hath
taught,/ My frayle mortalitie to knov;
it selfe"
, II, ii, 104-106 (F) : "Virgins, and Boyes; mid-age &
wrinkled old,/ Soft infancie,
that nothing can but cry,/ Adde
to my clamour"
(Ch): "Virgins, and boyes, mid-age,
and wrinckled elders,/ Soft
infancie, that nothing canst
but crie,/ Adde to my clamours"

J.IND, II, i, 34-37 (F and Q^)J "Are you not hee,/ That frights
the maidens of the Villag(e)ree,/
Skim mi Ike, and sometimes
labour in. the querne,/ And
booties se make the bres-thlesse
huswife cherne"
(frifrhts agrees with he; skim, labour, make agree with
you}•> &&s
... n
—y.rn • A\ *—T.;r^--i A i'lia
~1- -t-____A.__.T..T-4 A g

OlArcndon Trooo- Edition ^p^-

JG , III, i, 30 (F): "Caska, you are the first that reares
your hand"
- 430 -
Per. . IV, iii, 49-50 (Q.,): "Yere like one that supersticiouoly,/
Doe sweare too'th Gods that
v/inter kills the flies"
Shr., IV, ii, 16-18 (F) : "I am not Lisio,/ Nor a Musitian
as I seeme to bee,/ But one that
scorne to live in this disguise"
£C, III, ii, 221-223 (P) : "I am... a plaine blunt man/ Tha t
love ny Friend"
Tit., IV, ii, 176 (P and Q^: "it is you that puts us to
our shifts"
Gym., V, v, 215-216 (P): "it is I/ That all th 1 abhorred
things o'th 1 earth amend"
Jru, V, vi, 8 (P): "Thou art my friend, that know'st my
tongue so well"
(The relative clause is here the complement of thou :
hence the use of the 2nd parson in the predicate)
!, IT, iii, 13 (P) : "You know that, you are Brutus that
speakes this"
(The sense of the sentence is: "You (that speak this)
know you are Brutus")
- 431 -
§ 215' Although many cases of incongruence between subject and
predicate can be explained as the result of various interpret­
ations as to meaning and of external influences, there are
nevertheless a considerable number of cases in which a plural
subject is associated with a verbal form in "s" as the predicate
where it is impossible to discern a singular in the latter*
The n s"-forms are especially common in the First Polio; hence,
v/hen it was difficult to explain them, editors rejected the
language of the author and regarded them as misprints, liov/ever
the First Folio cannot be regarded as the only evidence in
this matter. Many of the examples given below are taken from
the Quartos that appeared during Shakespeare's lifetime/ The
cases quoted are all such that one is forced to regard the
M s"^form as a plural. It must- not be overlooked that
it is
often confirmed by the rhyme. Since it is found in the letters
of Queen Elizabeth I (stiks, preferis, paynts, permitts all
occur as plurals) it cannot be regarded as characteristic only
of vulgar speech. Cf. W. von Staden, Entwicklunf; der Prasens-
Indikativ-Endun^en im Englischen von 1500 bis Shpkespeare,
Diss. (Rostock, 1903);. p« 109. It disappeared from literary ,
English about 1640. Cf. J. Knecht, Die Kon^ruenz zv.f ischen
Sub.-jekt und Pradikat und die 3* Plur. Pras. auf -s im
elisabethpnischen En^lisch, Anglistische Porschungen, 33
(Heidelberg, 1911), p. 146. There is therefore no valid reason
for not recognizing the existence of the plural "s"-form in
the language of Shakespeare.
Plural forms in "s" are found in the Northumbrian dialect
of O.E., and; they became more common in Northern England
during the M.E. period, whereas the plural form in "tli"
declined. Thus the "s !l -ending became generally accepted as pj*
independent form of the plural as well as an inflexion of the
2nd and 3rd persons singular. For an explanation of the
phenomenon in Early New English it is not absolutely necessary
to postulate a connection with Northern English. The process
of 1'^^-association that took place here was also a possibility
in the South. Just as, because of the extensive freedom in
- 432 -
the congruence between subject and predicate, a singular verb
is very often related to a plural, usually compound, subject
(Bang uo pnd his Pie a nee lives, there''comes an old man pnd his
three sons, here comes the townsmen, see §§ 208-9), so,
because of the lack of an inflexion in the 1st person singular
and all persons of the plural, the "s"-forms of the 2nd and
3rd persons could be extended to these. Once he (thou) torments
and they torments were allowed the close connection of thou
and you mepnt that it was only a small step to you torments
and we (I) torments. The popular speech of the South has also
followed this development, so that the "s"-ending is now a
characteristic of vulgar speech throughout England. Cf. C. A.
Smith, "Shakespeare's Present Indicative s-Endings with Plural
Subjects," PLILA, XI, 4 (1896), 362-376; H. Kurath and G. 0*
Curme, A Grammar of the English Language, Vol. II, p. 240 and
Vol. Ill, p. 53; P. T. Visser, Syntax, § 83; Karl Brunner,
Die enftlische Sprr.che, II, 177-8, 188-190, 195.
a) In rhyme:
Son. XLI, 1-3 (1609): "Those pretty wrongs that liberty
commits...Thy beautie, and thy yeares
full well befits"
Ven., 1127-1128 (1593): "She lifts the coffer-lids that
close his eyes,/ Where lo, two
lamps burnt out in darknesse lies"
KRC. , II, i, 60-61 (P): "Whiles I threat, he lives:/ Words
to the heat of deedes too cold
breath gives"
Luc•, 492 (1594): "I know what thornes the growing rose
defends" (rhyme: comprehends)
LI1ID, V, i, 378 (F and Q1 ): "Nc.v the hungry Lyons ro(e.)res"
(rhyme: snores)
Luc., 552 (1594): "his unhallowed hast her v/ords delayes"
(rhyme: piayes)
b) Other cases:
MV, I, iii, 162 (P): "Whose owne hard dealings teaches them
suspect/ The thoughts of others"
- 433 -
"Whose owne hard dealings teaches then
suspect/ the thoughts of others"
Ven., 632 (1593): "To which loves eyes paies tributarie gazes"
Trt., II, i, 26 (P): "thy yeres wants wit f thy wit wants
(Qn)j "thy yeares wants wit, thy wits wants
LLL, V, ii, 309 (P): "as Roes runnes ore Land" •
(Q-): "as Roes runs ore land"
Ado, I, ii, 7 (p and Q 1 ): "As the events stamp(e)s them"
Tro». HI, ii, 181-183 (i1 ): "when their rimes,/ Full of
protest...Wants similes"
(Q.): "when their rimes,/ Pull of
protest.. .Wants siinele's"
MV, III, ii, 18-19 (P): "these naughtie times/ Puts bars
betweene the owners and their rights"
(Q-): "these naughty times/ puts barres
betweene the owners and their rights"
- 434 -
§216 Similarly, plural forms in "th" are occasionally found
(hath, doth for have, do; thy wounds doth bleed). They were
quite common not long before Shakespeare, especially to
emphasize modality of reality. It is most unlikely that these
are dialect forms surviving from Middle English, cince as
early as Chaucer the old plural ending "eth" had been replaced
by the corresponding subjunctive form. Cf. C. A* Smith,
"Shakespeare's Present Indicative s-Endings with Plural
Subjects," p. 370; W. von Staden, p. 109.
Cor., IV, vi, 50 (P): "three examples of the like, hath
beene/ \Yithin my Age"
Wiv>, I, i, 14 (P): "All his successors (gone before him)
hath don't"
Tro., V, iii, 82 (P): "Looke how thy wounds doth bleede at
many vents"
(Q 1 ): "Looke how thy wounds do bleed at
many vents"
- 435 -
§ 2-/ "7 Concepts shared by a number of persons frequently occur ii-i
the plural in the older language. This peculiarity is still
found today (in all our lives) but not nearly so often as
formerly. Its use declined considerably as early as the second
half of the 17th century.
Cor., III, i, 65 (P): "My Nobler friends, I" crave their
Jn., IV, ii, 64 (P): "Which for our goods, we do no further
R2, IV, i, 315 (P): "V/hither you will, so I v/ere from your
R3, III, vii, 40 (Q-): "This generall applause and loving
shoute,/ Argues your wisedomes and
your love to Richard"
(P): "This generall applause, and chearefull
showt,/ Argues your wisdome, and
your love to Richard"
Gym., II, iv, 24 (P): "Their discipline,/ (Now wing-led
with their courages)"

Tim., III, v, 92 (P): "Call me to your remembrances"

- 436 -
Select Bibliography
Shakespeare (facsimiles):
The First Folio of Shakespeare, ed. by CharIton Hinman,
The Norton Facsimile (New York, 1968)
Much Ado About Nothing (First Quarto), photographic
reproduction of the copy in the Huntington Library
Love's Labour's Lost (First Quarto), ed. by W. V?.- Greg
(Oxford, 1957)
A Midsummer Night's Dream (First Quarto), ed. by J. W*
3bsworth (1880)
The Merchant of Venice (First Quarto), ed. by Y/, W. Greg (1939)
Richard II (First Quarto), ed. by W.W. Greg and Qharlton
Hinman (Oxford, 1966)
Henry IV Part 1 (First Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg and
Gharlton Hiniaan (Oxford, 1966)
Henry IV Part 2 (First Quarto), ed. by H. A. Evans (n.d.)
Richard III (First Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (Oxford, 1959)
Troilus and Cressida (First Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (1952)
Titus Andronicus (First Quarto), ed. by J. Q. Adams (New York
and London, 1936)
Romeo and Juliet (Second Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (1949)
Hamlet (First Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (London, 1951 and
Oxford, 1965')
Hamlet (Second Quarto), ed, by W. W. Greg and Charlton Hinman
(London, 1940 and Oxford, 1964)
King Lear (First Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (London, 1939 and
Oxford, 1964)
Othello (First Quarto), photographic reproduction of the copy
in the Bodleian Library
Pericles (First, Quarto), ed. by W. W. Greg (1940)
Venus and Adonis (1593), Scolar Press Facsimile (lienston, 1968)
Lucrece (1594), Scolar Press Facsimile (Henston, 1968)
Sonnets and A Lover's Complaint (1609), Scolar Press Facsimile
(LIens ton, 1968)
- 437 -
The Passionate Pilgrim (1612), ed. by H. E. Rollins (New York
and London, 1940)
Editions of Shakespeare:
V/orks, ed. by W. G. Clark and W. A. Wright, The Globe Edition
(Cambridge and London, 1364)
Measure for Measure, ed. by Ernst Leisi (Heidelberg, 1964)
Other contemporary or earlier authors:
Francis Bacon, V/orks, ed. by J. Spedding, R. L. Ellis, and
D. I). Heath, 14 vols. (1857-74)
William Caxton, Blanchardyn and Eglantine, ed. by L. Kellner,
E.B.T.S. (Oxford, 1890)
Geoffrey Chaucer, Works, ed. by P. N. Robinson, 2nd ed. (1957)
Richard Hooker, Of the Lawes of Ecclesiasticall Politie
( D 594]-1597), Scolar £ress Facsimile (Wenston, 1969)
William Lithgow, The Totall Discourse of The Rare Adventures
and Painefull Periftrinations (1632), reprinted (Glasgow, 1904)
John Lyly, V/orks, ed. by R. W. Bond, 3 vols. (Oxford, 1902)
Christopher Marlowe, Works, ed. by C. F* Tucker Brooke
(Oxford, 1910)
The Holy Bible...with the Apocryphal Books, in the earliest
English versions made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wycliffe
and his followers, ed. by J. Porshall and P. Madden, 4 vols.
(Oxford, 1850)
The Authorised Version of the English Bible (1611), ed. by
W. A. Wright, 5 vols. (Cambridge, 1909)
Kandeville's Travels, ed. by M. C. Seymour (Oxford, 1967)
Sir Grg.wain and the Green Knight, ed. by J. R. R. Tolkien, and
E. V. Gordon, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1967)
Three Middle English. Sermons from the Worcester Chapter
Manuscript P. 10, ed. by D. M. Grisdale, Leeds School of
English Language: Texts and'-.-Monographs No. 5 (Kendal, 1939)
- 458 -
Dictionaries and Concordances
The Oxford Dictionary of Jfoiglish Etymology, ed. by C. T. Onions
with G. W. S. Friedrichsen and K. Vf. Burchfield (Oxford, 1966)
J* Bartlett, A complete concordance or verbal inde:: to v/ords,
phrases and passages in the dramatic vr orks of Shakespeare
with a supplementary concordance to the poems (1894)
J. Bosworth and T. N. Toller, An An^lo-op.xon Dictionary
(Oxford, 1898)
J. Jamieson, An Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish
Language, new ed., ed. by J» Longmuir and D. Donaldaon,
Vol. IV (Paisley, 1882)
Samuel Johnson, A Dictionary of the English Language, 2 vols.
E. Llatzner, Worterbuch zu den altenglischen Spra.chproben,
2 vols. (Berlin, 1878-1885)
P. K. Robinson, V/hitby Glossary, English Dialect Society (1876)
A. Schmidt,, 3rd ed., revised and
enlarged by G. Sarrazin, 2 vols. (Berlin r:nd London, 1902)
W. V/. Skeat, An Etymological Dictionary of the English
Language (Oxford, 1897)
M. Spevack, A complete a.nd systematic concordance to the works
of Shakespeare, 6 vols. (Hildesheim, 1968-1970)
- 439 -
Comprehensive Grammars
E. A. Abbots, A Shakespearian Grammar, 3rd ed. (1870)
Xarl Brunner, Die englische Sprnche, 2nd ed., 2 vols.
(Tubingen, 1960-1962)
IvI. Deutschboin, System der neuen^lischen Syntax (Kb'then, 1917)
W. Franz, Die Sprache Shakespeares in Vers und Prosa (Halle,
0. Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar (1933)
0. Jesperaen, A Modern English Grammar, 7 vols. (Heidelberg,
Copenhagen, and London, 1909-1949)
Ben Jonson, The English Grammar (1640), in Vforks, VIII, ed.
by C. H. Herford and P. and E. Simpson (Oxford, 1947), 463-553
L« Kellner, Historical Outlines of English Syntax (1392)
G. Kriiger, Syntax der onglischen Sprache, 2nd ed. (Dresden and
Leipzig, 1914-1917)
H* Kurath arid G. 0, Gurme, A Grammar of the English Language,
Vols. II and III (Boston and New York, 1931-1935)
E. Matzner, Enfclische Grammatik, 3rd ed. , 3 vols. (Berlin,
E. Sievers, Angelsachsische Grommatik, 3rd ed. (Halle, 1898)
H. Sweet, A New English .Grc-miaar, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1890-1898)
P. T. Visser, An historical Syntax of the English Language-,
Vols. I, II, III (i) (Leiden, 1963-1369)
J. Wright, The English Dialect Grammar (Oxford, 1905)
- 440 -
Other linguistic?! works
1, Ausbiittel, DPS personliche Geschlecht unpersonlicher
Substgntiva iin i.littel englischen, Studien zur englischen
Philologie, XIX (Halle, 1904)
R. G. Bambas, "Verb Forms in -^ and -th in Early Modern
English Prose," Journal of English and Germanic Philology,
XLVI (1947), 183-187
L. L* Bonaparte, "On the dialects of Monmouthshire, Herefordsiiire,
Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, Berkshire, Oxfordshire,
South Warwickshire, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire,
Hertfordshire, Middlesex, and Surrey, with a new classification
of the English dialects," Transactions of the Philological
Society, 1875-6 (1877), 570-581
H, Bradley, The Making of English. (1904)
L.. Claus, Die einfache Form des Conjuriotiv bei Shakespeare
(ii.p., 1878?)
B* A. P. van Dam and G, Stoffel, V/illiam Shakespeare's Prosody
-and Text (Leiden, 1900)
1\ L. 0. Davies, Bible English (1875)
H. Dietz.e, Das unschreibende 'do 1 in der neuenglischen Prosa,
Diss. (Jena, 1895)
E. J. Dobson, English Pronunciation 1 5 00-1 7 00 1 2nd ed., 2{vols.
(Oxford, 1968)
0 . Dubi slav , Beitra^e zur historischen Syntax des Englischen ,
Programm (Charlottenburg, 1909)
•±U Einenkel, "Das englische Indefinitum, " An/glia, XXVI (1903),
E. Ekwall, Shakespere's Vocabulary; Its Etymological Elements
(Upsala, 1903)
H* Platter, "Buhnensprachliche und andere Eigenheiten der
Diktion Shakespea.res, " V/iener Beitrage zur englischen
Philologie, LXII (1955), 42-52
W» Franz, "Die Dialektsprache bei Charles Dickens," Englische
Studien, XII (1889), 197-244
W. van der Onaf, The Transition fpomvthe Impersonpl to the
P ersonal Gonstruction in Middle English, Anglistiache
- 441 -
Porschungen, 14 (Heidelberg, 1904)
S» Jespersen, Growth nnd Structure of the English Language
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Of Jespersen, Progress in Language (1894)
J. Knecht, Die Kongruenz zv.'ischen Subjekt und Pradikat und
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Anglistische Porschungen, 33 (Heidelberg, 1911)
H. Kokeritz, Shakespeare' s Pronunciation (Nev: Haven, 1953)
G. Konig, Der Vers in Shakespeares Dram en, Quellen und
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Celia Millward, "Pronominal Case in Shake spe are an imperatives,*1
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L*. Pound, The Comparison of Adjectives in English in the XV
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G. H. Ross, "The Absolute Participle in Middle and Modern
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CU A. Smith, "The Chief Difference between the Pirst and Second
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0* A. Smith, "Shakespeare's Present Indicative s-Endings with
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§. Spekker, tiber die Kongruenz des Sub.jekts und des Pradikats
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1C. P. Sundeii, A category of predicateona.l change in Englisli
- 442 -
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A. E. H. Sv/aen, "To shrink, to sing, to drink etc.,-" An^lip,
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B. ten Brink, Ghpucers S-orache und Verskunst (Leipzig, 1920)
W, Victor, Shakespeare ! s Pronunciration (i,iar"burg, 1906)
F. T, Yisser, rev. of W. Pranz, Die Sprache Shakespeares in
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