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Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Переклад

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Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle Переклад

to abide abode abode дотримуватися
to arise arose arisen виникати
to awake awoke awoken прокидатися

to backslide backslid backslidden відступати

to be was / were been бути
to bear bore born нести
to beat beat beaten бити
to become became become ставати
to begin began begun починати
to bend bent bent згинатися
to bet bet bet робити ставки
to bind bound bound пов’язувати
to bite bit bitten кусати
to bleed bled bled кровоточити
to blow blew blown дути
to break broke broken ламати
to bring brought brought приносити
to broadcast broadcast broadcast передавати (ТВ)
to browbeat browbeat browbeaten залякувати
to build built built будувати
to burn burnt burnt горіти
to burst burst burst вибухати
to bust bust bust розорювати
to buy bought bought купляти

to cast cast cast кидати

to catch caught caught ловити
to choose chose chosen вибирати
to cling clung clung чіплятися
to clothe clothed clothed одягати
to come cаme come приходити
to cost cost cost коштувати
to cut cut cut різати

to dare durst dared відважуватися

to deal dealt dealt мати справу
to dig dug dug копати
to disprove disproved disproved спростовувати
to dive dove dived ниряти
to do did done робити
to draw drew drawn малювати
to dream dreamed / dreamt dreamed / dreamt мріяти
to drink drank drunk пити
to drive drove driven керувати
to dwell dwelt dwelt жити

to eat ate eaten їсти

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