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Students Test Application: Guided By-Submitted by

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Students Test Application

A Minor Project Report Submitted to

Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal

Guided by- Submitted by:

Asst .Prof. Snehalta Mishra Sandeep Gurjar
Shivraj Singh Chouhan
Praveen Patil

Department of Information Technology

Sagar institute of research & Technology, Indore


This is to certify that the project work entitled “Student Test Application” has been carried out jointly
under our supervision and guidance. They have submitted this project report towards partial fulfillment
under the minor project work of the Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science degree by Rajiv
Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal, during the academic year 2018.

Project Guide Prof. Lalji Prasad

ASST.Prof. Snehlata Mishra HOD(CS)
Project Approval Sheet

The project entitled “Student Test”submitted by Sandeep Gurjar, Shivraj Singh Chouhan, Praveen Patil,
is approved as partial fulfillment under minor project work, for the award of the Bachelor of
Engineering (Computer Science) degree by Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal.

Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date: Date:

First and foremost we would like to express our thankfulness towards ASST. Prof. Snehalata Mishra
Department of Computer Science for extending all the facilities needed to carry out this work, we take
pride in saying that we have successfully completed our minor project under his able guidance. He was a
major support to us throughout projects, being available at odd hours with his ideas, inspiration and
encouragement. It is a through his masterful guidance that we have been able to complete our major

We are also thankful to Prof. Lalji Prasad, HOD-CS for giving their guidance throughout the
project phase.

We are also thankful to Dr. Sudhir Agrawal, Director, Sagar institute of research & technology
for extending all the facilities needed to carry out this work.
Table of Content
1.1 Objective………………………………………………………….… 1
1.2 Scope………………………………………………………….….…..1
1.3 Problem Statement.…………………………………………………..1
1.4 Solution Approach in brief…………………………………..…….... 2

CHAPTER2: Software Requirement Specification

2.1 Introduction to SRS 12
2.2 Overall Description 13
2.3 Product Perspective 14
2.4 Product Function 15
2.5 Specific Requirement 16
2.6 S/w Product Feature 17
2.7 Software System Attribute 18
2.8 Functional Requirement 20
2.9 Non-Functional Requirement 21

CHAPTER3: Unified Modeling Language

3.1 Use Case Diagram 26
3.2 RE Diagram 27
3.3 Data Flow Diagram 28
3.4 State Chart Diagram 29
3.5 Class Diagram 30
3.6 Class Diagram 32

CHAPTER4: Implementation 34

CHAPTER5: Database Structure

5.1 Tables 37

CHAPTER6: Testing
6.1 Unit Testing 40
6.2 Integration Testing 42
6.3 Validation Testing 43
6.4 Test Cases 44

CHAPTER7: Conclusion and Discussion

11.1 Cast 48
11.2 Limitation 49
11.3 References and Bibliography 50

CHAPTER8:Application Screen shots 51


 Objective

The purpose of this Application is to provide a fully customized desktop application. This system is an

automated system so that the functional working of it is effective and time saving. In this modern era time

is the most precious thing, so in context of time the new system will be effective to do a group of task in

easy and secure manner. Now the purpose of this system is to overcome the shortfall faced in the previous

systems already working in the area .The Software will have to be secure, and properly working on

WAN. It should be speedy with good interface. It should support multiple platforms at least those used by

people commonly used.

The SDS describes the functions and performance requirements of the Student Test System. Exam

System is very useful for Educational Institute to prepare an exam, safe the time that will take to check

the paper and prepare mark sheets. It will help the Institute to testing of students and develop their skills.

But the disadvantages for this system, it takes a lot of times when you prepare the exam at the first time

for usage. And we are needs number of computers with the same number of students

The effective use of "Test System", any Educational Institute or training centers can be use it to develop

their strategy for putting the exams, and for getting better results in less time.
The scope of this document

The intend of the system is clear that result in the complete and proper working of the system from

the requirements achieved. it contains the working model for the development of system. A sequential

step of model is followed to develop the system so that it will maintain various software engineering

features/parameters. In additional to that this software can be used by Company to conduct there entrance

test in any collage for there company because we know that for any company the first step is text after

that another phase.

 Problem Statement

In a world that seems increasingly dominated by technology and computers, tests in India continue to be

primarily paper-and pencil-based. Computer-based testing (CBT) accounts for only around 20 per cent of

the total testing done in India.

CBT is not just about taking an examination on a computer; it also involves changes in the way

examinations are scheduled, designed, conducted, monitored and evaluated. The candidate downloads the

test paper on a scheduled date at a particular time and answers it usually at a secure test centre. On

finishing the test, the candidate is asked if he is ready to end the test and the system (and technology)

takes care of the rest.

CBT has many advantages and is the most prevalent testing method in most developed countries. There is

increased security at test centre where photo identity checks and digital signatures are required.
 Solution Approach

This software provide platform to create new examination by defining name, adding question, describing

the marking scheme, time limits, adding and importing questions, etc. Amend the required settings that

include the movement, restrictions, mandate fields, and more. Assign the created test to the targeted

candidate or group.State and explain the guidelines that should be followed by the candidates to solve the

questions. It includes providing clarity to the marking scheme for correct, incorrect, partially correct

attempts, sections, questions, etc. Mark certain tips and tricks for simple evaluation of the problem as the

use of calculators is permissible to simplify the mathematical calculation.

Student Test is a software in which we have specified some questions, a timer runs for given time and

within that period one has to answer for all those questions, some buttons are presented at the bottom of

the window like start button, previous , next , finish.

When we click the start button the online test get started, you will have to answer questions with in the

give time period, the timer runs.

If you do not wish to answer a particular question you can move on to next question by pressing next

button or if you wish to move to the previous question that you had skipped you can make this move by

previous button.
Software Requirement Specification (SRS)

The following subsections of the SRS document provide an overview of the entire SRS.
i) Purpose:
The purpose of the project is to provide online facility to Institutes to conduct online exams and to
Students to give online exams. Institutes can enter and edit the questions. Also they can view the result.
Students can login and give their respective exams and view their score then and there. Others can view
sample papers to get look and feel of the online examination system.
ii) Scope:
The Application to conduct online examination is “Student Test”. This website provides facility to
institutes to conduct online exams. The institute provides questions along marks. All the information
entered can be later edited by the institute. In turn student can login with their id, and password to give
the exams and can view their result then and there. Institutes can also view the result of their students.
Benefits: This Application reduces the manual work, maintaining accuracy, increasing efficiency and
saving time. Also institutes need not go to develop a new software each time, instead they just register
and conduct a test. For students, it saves time of going to far away centers and also they can view their
result then and there.
iii) Abbreviations:
AWT stands for Abstract Window Toolkit
AWS stands for Amazon Web Services
RDS Relational Database Service
iv) References :
IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specification IEEE Std 830-1993.
v) Overview:
The rest of this SRS document describes the various system requirements, interfaces, features and
functionalities in detail.

2.Overall Description:
In Online examination system institute can conduct a online test and view the records later. Students can
give the test and their respective records, which include their marks for each test given by them, will be
maintained separately. No student can take a particular exam more than once.
A. Product Perspective
(i) User interfaces
The application will have a user friendly and menu based interface. Following screens will be provided:
Admin Login
 There is a Admin login screen by which the admin can login into application and manage all the
 . Ones a Admin login successfully then there is a screen where he can add the language of test,
Delete the Language, Add Question .Delete Question, Update Questions.
 There is another screen called key Area where admin can conduct a live test by creating a key by
using his key student can give the test.
 There is a screen for displaying the result corresponding to a key.
Student Login
 There is a screen for new student for the registration where he register on first Time.
 Ones a student successfully Register then he got a new Screen where he found the languages
which are added by admin he select one of them and select number of question and start the test
 Ones student start the test Timer is start if student finish the test within the time that it is ok but If
the time is finish the test automatically submitted.
 There is a screen which show the result of student
 The student is also allow to see the correct answers on another screen.
 There is another screen where student give the test by knowing the key within its time limit
(ii) Hardware interfaces
 Screen resolution of at least 900X650 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens.
Higher resolution will be accepted.
(iii) Software interfaces
 Any windows based operating system.
 Mysql for database
 Net beans IDE for developing code.

(vi) Communication interfaces

 Memory Constraints At least 512 MB RAM and 5 MB space on hard disk will be required for
running the application.
B. Product Functions:
The Application will allow access only to authorized users with specific roles (Administrator- maintains
the Application, To conduct the exams, Students-Give the exams online)
A summary of the major functions that the website will perform:
 Provide facility to conduct a quick online test.
 Students can login and give the tests.
 Admin can enter the language for test and add number of questions

C. User Characteristics:
 Educational level: Users should be comfortable with the English language.
 Experience: Users should have prior information regarding the online examinations.
 Skills: Users should have basic knowledge and should be comfortable using general purpose
applications on computers

D. Constraints:
 Since the Database being used Mysql, which is a very popular DBMS, it will able to store a very
huge number of records.
 Due to good features of DBMS being used performance tuning features will be applied to the
queries and thus the system with the increase in number of records being stored is good in speed.
 An extra security as SSL must be used to secure the marks details and other examination

E. Assumptions:
 The examinations are all objective.
 Students can give each exam just once.
F. Apportioning of Requirements:
The future versions of the Application will be having a better and new functionality, in a more secure
way. Also separate profile will be maintained later for all students so that he can view all his previous test

2.Specific Requirements:
This section provides software requirements to a level of detail sufficient to enable designers to design the
system and testers to test the system.

External Interface Requirements:

User Interfaces:

Admin Login Screen:

Fields available on this screen will be
 User Name
 Password

Admin Inside Screen:

Various Fields available on this screen will be
 Add Language
 Delete Language
 Add Questions
 Question
 Option A
 Option B
 Option C
 Option D
 Correct Answer
 Key creation
 Key creation
 Key Deletion
 Key Activation
 Add Language to key
 Delete Language to key
 Add Questions to key

Student Registration Screen:

Various Fields are
 Name of Student
 Email
 Phone Number
 password

Student Login Screen:

Various Fields are:
 User name
 Password

Student Test Screen:

Various Fields are:
 Select language
 Select number of question
 Key value

Student Taking Exam Screen:

Various Fields are:
 Display Of Question With Options
 Control Buttons To switch questions i.e. next and previous

Result Displaying Screen:

Various Fields are:
 No. Of Correct Questions
 No. Of Incorrect Questions
 No. Of Questions attempt.
 Total Marks.
 Result(%)

Hardware interfaces
 Screen resolution of at least 900X650 is required for proper and complete viewing of screens.
Higher resolution will be accepted.

Software interfaces
 Any windows based operating system.
 Mysql for database
 Net beans IDE for developing code.

3. Software Product Features:

 Validity Checks:
Java provides validity checks for various fields in the application.
 Sequencing Information:
All the information regarding exam details, student, question details, display of result should be handled
sequentially that is data should be stored only in a particular sequence to avoid any inconvenience
 Error Handling:
If any of the validations or sequencing flows does not hold true then appropriate error messages will be
prompted to the user for doing the needful.

4. Performance Requirements:
This subsection specifies numerical requirements placed on the software or on the human interaction with
the software, as a whole. Numerical requirements will include:
 Number of terminals will be supported at a time
 Only text information will be supported
 All the transactions will be processed within seconds.

Design Constraints: None

5. Software System Attributes:
 Security: Only authorized users will be able to access the website by entering the correct login name
and corresponding password.
 Maintainability: The application can be maintained in present or future. It will be easy to
incorporate new requirements in the individual modules.
 Portability: As the application is online so will be easily portable on various systems. The
application will be also easily portable on any windows based system.

Logical Database Requirements:

The following information will be placed in the database:

Admin Details:

Student Details:
Contact number
Question Detail:
Name of Language
Number of Question
Options A,B,C,D
Correct Answer

6. Functional Requirements:
It deals with the functionalities required from the system which are as follows:
 The Application will help the colleges/organizations/companies to conduct their online exams.
Only authorized person can access related details.
 The organization will register themselves on the application for conducting their exams.
Organizations can change their information regarding themselves.
 The students can login through ID and PASSWORD and give their exams.
 Administrator will be responsible for updating the information related to exam.
 The organization can change questions and test papers whenever they want.

7. Non-Functional Requirements:
They are the quality requirements that stipulate how well a software does what it has to do
No. of terminals to be supported is dependent on the server that we will use at the time of deployment.
The web application server used should provide good performance and ability to manage performance
with techniques such as support for caching. After completing the exam, the entire score of the student
will be calculated as per the rules in less than a second
Online Examination site has 24*7 availability. It can be accessed for 24 hours a day. Students can take
exam only during the previously allotted time slots, however can open application anytime to access other

It means the extent to which program performs with required precision. The application developed should
be extremely reliable and secure so that information about any questions etc. is not leaked before the
actual exam is held
The website should be user friendly and should require least effort to operate.
The web server used should provide services like session management to maintain the application.
The application is made using Java AWT, which are platform independent and can be transported to other
servers with minimum effort.
It is effort required to modify operational program. The whole application should be made using
independent modules so that any changes done in 1 module should not effect the other one and new
modules can be added easily to increase functionality
Unified Modeling Language:

UML is a standard language for specifying, visualizing, constructing, and documenting the
artefacts of software systems.UML was created by Object Management Group and UML 1.0
specification draft was proposed to the OMG in January 1997.

Use Case Diagram

A use case diagram is a dynamic or behavior diagram in UML. Use case diagrams model the functionality
of a system using actors and use cases. Use cases are a set of actions, services, and functions that the
system needs to perform. In this context, a "system" is something being developed or operated, such as a
web site. The "actors" are people or entities operating under defined roles within the system

Use case diagrams are valuable for visualizing the functional requirements of a system that will translate
into design choices and development priorities.

They also help identify any internal or external factors that may influence the system and should be taken
into consideration.

They provide a good high level analysis from outside the system. Use case diagrams specify how the
system interacts with actors without worrying about the details of how that functionality is implemented

Basic Use Case Diagram Symbols and Notations

Draw your system's boundaries using a rectangle that contains use cases. Place actors outside the system's


Use Case
Draw use cases using ovals. Label the ovals with verbs that represent the system's functions.

Use case
Actors are the users of a system. When one system is the actor of another system, label the actor system
with the actor stereotype.

Illustrate relationships between an actor and a use case with a simple line. For relationships among use
cases, use arrows labeled either "uses" or "extends." A "uses" relationship indicates that one use case is
needed by another in order to perform a task. An "extends" relationship indicates alternative options
under a certain use case.

Use Case Diagram for Student test:

Figure 2.1 Use Case Diagram

E-R Diagram

An Entity Relationship (ER) Diagram is a type of flowchart that illustrates how “entities” such as people,
objects or concepts relate to each other within a system. ER Diagrams are most often used to design or
debug relational databases in the fields of software engineering, business information systems, education
and research. Also known as ERDs or ER Models, they use a defined set of symbols such as rectangles,
diamonds, ovals and connecting lines to depict the interconnectedness of entities, relationships and their
attributes. They mirror grammatical structure, with entities as nouns and relationships as verbs.

It is a data model in which information stored in the database is viewed as set of entities, set of
relationship among entity. Simply it can be depend on domain knowledge and data properties. E R
diagram has the following:
 Entity
 Relationship
 Attributes

Entity: An entity is an object that has its existence in the real world. It includes all those things about
which data is collected. A group of definable things, such as students or athletes, whereas the entity
would be the specific student or athlete. Other examples: customers, cars or products.

An Entity set : It is a set of entities of the same type that share the same properties, or attributes. It has
two type-
1. Weak Entity: An entity set does not have sufficient attributes to form a primary key called weak
2. Strong Entity: An entity set which have a primary key is termed as a strong entity set.
Attributes: Attributes are units that describe the characteristics or properties of entities. In a database,
entities are represented by tables and attributes are represented by columns.
Relationship: Association among two or more entities.
Relationship Set: Collection of similar relationships.
Types of Relationship: There are three relationships in database.
One to One: One entity is associated with another entity. It is implemented using single table by
establishing relationship between same type of columns in a table.
One to Many: One entity is associated with many other entities. It is implemented using two tables with
primary key and foreign key relationships.
Many to Many: Many entities are associated with many other entities. It is implemented using a junction
table. The keys from both the tables form composite primary key of the junction table.
ER Diagram for online Examination:

Figure 3.1 E-R Diagram

Data Flow Diagram

A DFD also known as ‘bubble chart’, has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and identifying
major transformations. It shows the flow of data through a system. It is a graphical tool because it
presents a picture. The DFD may be partitioned into levels that represent increasing information flow and
functional detail. Four simple notations are used to complete a DFD.
These notations are given below:-

Data flow:- The data flow is used to describe the movement of information from one part of the system to
another part. Flows represent data in motion. It is a pipe line through which information flows. Data flow
is represented by an arrow.

Data flow

Process:- A circle or bubble represents a process that transforms incoming data to outgoing data. Process
shows a part of the system that transform inputs to outputs.


External entity:- A square defines a source or destination of system data. External entities represent any
entity that supplies or receive information from the system but is not a part of the system.


Data store:- The data store represents a logical file. A logical file can represent either a data store symbol
which can represent either a data structure or a physical file on disk. The data store is used to collect data
at rest or a temporary repository of data. It is represented by open rectangle.

Data store
Output:-The output symbol is used when a hard copy is produced and the user of the copies cannot be
clearly specified or there are several users of the output


Data Flow Diagram for Online Examination:

Figure 4.1 Data Flow Diagram

State chart diagram:

Statechart diagram is one of the five UML diagrams used to model the dynamic nature of a system. They
define different states of an object during its lifetime and these states are changed by events. Statechart
diagrams are useful to model the reactive systems. Reactive systems can be defined as a system that
responds to external or internal events.

Statechart diagram describes the flow of control from one state to another state. States are defined as a
condition in which an object exists and it changes when some event is triggered. The most important
purpose of Statechart diagram is to model lifetime of an object from creation to termination

Statechart diagram is used to describe the states of different objects in its life cycle. Emphasis is placed
on the state changes upon some internal or external events. These states of objects are important to
analyze and implement them accurately.

Basic State Chart Diagram Symbols and Notations

States represent situations during the life of an object. You can easily illustrate a state in Smart Draw by
using a rectangle with rounded corners.

A simple State

A solid arrow represents the path between different states of an object. Label the transition with the
event that triggered it and the action that results from it. A state can have a transition that points back to


Initial State
A filled circle followed by an arrow represents the object's initial state.

Initial state

Final State
An arrow pointing to a filled circle nested inside another circle represents the object's final state.

Final State

Synchronization and Splitting of Control

A short heavy bar with two transitions entering it represents a synchronization of control. The first bar is
often called a fork where a single transition splits into concurrent multiple transitions. The second bar is
called a join, where the concurrent transitions reduce back to one.

state state

state state

Fork Join

State chart diagram for Online Examination:

Figure 5.1 State Chart Diagram

Class Diagram

The purpose of the class diagram is to model the static view of an application. The class
diagrams are the only diagrams which can be directly mapped with object oriented languages
and thus widely used at the time of construction. The UML diagrams like activity diagram,
sequence diagram can only give the sequence flow of the application but class diagram is a
bit different. So it is the most popular UML diagram in the coder community. A class
diagram describes the types of objects in the system and the various kinds of static
relationships that exist among them i.e. A graphical representation of a static view on
declarative static elements. A class is the description of a set of objects having similar
attributes, operations, relationships and behavior.

Elements of Class Diagram:

• Class

A class represents a relevant concept from the domain, a set of persons, objects, or ideas
that are depicted in the IT system:

Examples of classes are passengers, planes, or tickets.

• Attribute

An attribute of a class represents a characteristic of a class that is of interest for the user
of the IT system:

Characteristics of interest of a passenger, for example, are name and age.

• Generalization

Generalization is a relationship between two classes: a general class and a special class:

• Association

An association represents a relationship between two classes:

An association indicates that objects of one class have a relationship with objects of
another class, in which this connection has a specifically defined meaning (for
example, "is flown with").

• Multiplicity

A multiplicity allows for statements about the number of objects that are involved in
an association:

• Aggregation
A multiplicity allows for statements about the number of objects that are involved in
an association:
Class Diagram for Online Examination:

Figure 6.1 Class Diagram


Implementation concept
The implementation phase takes the requirements and design phase products and implements
them using appropriate technologies. In the case of validation testing, it is during this phase
that test cases are completed and automated in preparation for validation testing. Typically, a
lot of testing on the early system versions is also performed during this phase, not only to
validate the system, but to validate that there are no problems with the test cases themselves.
Implementation Process
Often, a smoothly run project gets a black eye because of problems in implementation. The
major overall problem with implementation is that you don’t always realize the complexity
associated with deploying the solution. Therefore, many of the implementation details need
to be planned ahead of time. You cannot start planning for implementation at the same time
that you are actually implementing. Depending on the size and nature of your project, the
following areas should be considered.

• Prepare for Implementation

• Perform Training
• Convert Data
• Implement the Solution
• Monitor the Solution
• Turnover to Support
• Obtain Final Approval
• Terminate the Project
Database Structure

Database Name: -datatabsetest

Tables Name:-
 adminlogin
 userlogin
 totallang
 questions
 totalkey
 result


Field Type

Email Varchar (30)

Password Varchar (30)


Field Type

Name Varchar (30)

Email Varchar (30)

Contact Int

Password Varchar (30)


Field Type

Langname Varchar (15)

totalq int

Field Type

Langname Varchar (15)

qid int

Question text

A tinylext

B tinylext

C tinylext

D tinylext

ans Char(1)


Field Type

keyname Varchar (15)

startt Varchar(35)

endt Varchar(35)

noq int

totalq int


Field Type

keyname Varchar (15)

uname Varchar(30)

email Varchar(30)

contact int

marks int

Testing strategy adopted

A good product should work perfectly, doing the right thing at the right time. To do that, the
software has to go through a series of tests before its final release. Error free software is
extremely difficult to achieve. Especially for software developed in a short time frame but
high quality can be achieved with a detailed test specification. All (or at least most) of the test
case will be listed, the development team will follow it step by step, item by item, to test all
the necessary objects, data flows, limits, boundaries, and constraints of the software.
We would like to have a test specification to counter any difficulties that may impact the
development and future performance of the software.

Unit or component testing

Unit testing is a method of testing that verifies the individual units of source code are working
properly. The goal of unit testing is to isolate each part of the program and show that the
individual parts are correct. Unit Testing is a level of software testing where individual units/
components of a software are tested. The purpose is to validate that each unit of the software
performs as designed. A unit is the smallest testable part of software. It usually has one or a
few inputs and usually a single output. In procedural programming a unit may be an
individual program, function, procedure, etc. In object-oriented programming, the smallest
unit is a method, which may belong to a base/ super class, abstract class or derived/ child
class. (Some treat a module of an application as a unit. This is to be discouraged as there will
probably be many individual units within that module.)Unit testing frameworks, drivers,
stubs, and mock/ fake objects are used to assist in unit testing.

Figure 6.1 Testing

Integration testing
Integration testing (sometimes called integration and testing, abbreviated I&T) is the phase in software
testing in which individual software modules are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit
testing and before validation testing. Integration Testing is a level of software testing where individual
units are combined and tested as a group.
Validation testing
Verification and validation (V&V) is the process of checking that a software system meets specifications
and that it fulfills its intended purpose. It may also be referred to as software quality control. Validation
is determining if the system complies with the requirements and performs functions for which it is
intended and meets the organization’s goals and user needs.

Validation is done at the end of the development process and takes place after verifications are
It answers the question like: Am I building the right product?
Am I accessing the right data (in terms of the data required to satisfy the requirement).
It is a High level activity.
Performed after a work product is produced against established criteria ensuring that the product
integrates correctly into the environment.
Determination of correctness of the final software product by a development project with respect to
the user needs and requirements.

Figure 7.1
Software verification and validation
User acceptance testing

User acceptance testing (UAT) is the last phase of the software testing process. During UAT, actual
software users test the software to make sure it can handle required tasks in real-world scenarios,
according to specifications. User acceptance is a type of testing performed by the Client to certify the
system with respect to the requirements that was agreed upon. This testing happens in the final phase of
testing before moving the software application to Market or Production environment. The main purpose
of this testing is to validate the end to end business flow. It does NOT focus on the cosmetic errors,
Spelling mistakes or System testing. This testing is carried out in separate testing environment with
production like data setup. It is a kind of black box testing where two or more end users will be

Who Performs UAT?

 Client

 End users

User acceptance testing

Figure 8.1
Test case

Login: This test case is perform to find the Expected output and actual output

Tc#No. Description Test Data Step/input Expected Actual Result Massage

Output Output Pass/Fail

Tc#01 User login User Id Valid User Login Login Pass Welcome
Using Email Id Successful
Successful login

Tc#02 User login User Id Valid User Login Not Login Fail Enter the
Using Email Id Successful valid Id

Tc#03 User login User Id Invalid Not Login Not Login Pass Enter the
Using Email User ID valid Id

Tc#04 User login User Id Invalid Not Login Login Fail Enter the
Using Email User ID Successful valid Id
Registration Form: This test case is perform to find the Expected output and actual

TcNo. Description Test Data Step/input Expected Actual Result Massage

Output Output Pass/Fail
Tc#01 The name of Enter the Valid Proceed Proceed Pass
the user contain name name to next to next
only alphabets field field
and not more
than 30

Tc#02 The name of Enter the Invalid Not Proceed Fail Name
the user contain name name Proceed to next should be
only alphabets format to next field in correct
and not more field format
than 30
Tc#03 Email Id must Enter the valid email Proceed Proceed Pass
be in email id id format to next to next field field
Tc#04 Email Id must Enter the Invalid Not Not Pass DOB must
be in email id email id Proceed Proceed be in format to next to next correct
field field format
Conclusion and Discussion

The basic purpose of designing application as a major purpose is learning new era in
computer development fields. While designing application we learn that how any software
developed, how many times is required, what problems are arises during coding and many
more thing. In this project we have learn designing application, working with database,
connecting and accessing with database for adding new records, updating, deleting and
selecting records of given database table. We have also understand, how an software
developed, how many tools are required, what are our thinking during development and
power of team work. Finally we can say this project may be very helpful for those user who
wants to explorer information across the world.

This Desktop Application provides facility to conduct online examination world wide. It
saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and displays the results
as the test gets over, so no need to wait for the result. It is automatically generated by the
application. Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and its
particular questions. User can register, login and give the test with his specific id, and can see
the results as well.


The cast of project is based on COCOMO model. The Constructive Cost Model (COCOMO) is
an algorithmic software cost estimation model developed by Barry Boehm. The model uses a
basic regression formula, with parameters that are derived from historical project data and current
project characteristics. COCOMO was first published in 1981 Barry W. Boehm's Book Software
engineering economics[1] as a model for estimating effort, cost, and schedule for software
projects. It drew on a study of 63 projects at TRW Aerospace where Barry Boehm was Director
of Software Research and Technology in 1981. The study examined projects ranging in size from
2,000 to 100,000 lines of code, and programming languages ranging from assembly to PL/I.
These projects were based on the waterfall model of software development which was the
prevalent software development process in 1981.References to this model typically call it
COCOMO 81. In 1997 COCOMO II was developed and finally published in 2000 in the book
Software Cost Estimation with COCOMO II. COCOMO II is the successor of COCOMO 81 and
is better suited for estimating modern software development projects. It provides more support
for modern software development processes and an updated project database. The need for the
new model came as software development technology moved from
mainframe and overnight batch processing to desktop development, code reusability and the
use of off-the-shelf software components. This article refers to COCOMO 81.

The basic COCOMO equations take the form

Effort Applied = ab(KLOC) [ man-months ]
Development Time = cb(Effort Applied) [months]

People required = Effort Applied / Development Time [count]

KLOC= Means kilo line of code for the project

The coefficients ab, bb, cb and db are given in the following table.

Software ab bb cb db

Organic 2.4 1.05 2.5 0.38

Semi- 3.0 1.12 2.5 0.35


Embedded 3.6 1.20 2.5 0.32

Cost of Project:

Effort Applied = ab (KLOC)bb

KLOC = 3000

= 2.4(3)1.05
= 2.4*3.169

Effort Applied = 7.6065

Development Time = cb(Effort Applied)db

= 2.5(7.6065) 0.38
= 2.5*2.1619
= 5.404

Development Time = 5.404

Not any thing is perfect in the world. Some limitations are always them. In my project has
also a number of limitations that are as follows:
 This application is run only in Windows OS
 Registration of fake entries is not possible

We try to minimize all limitation while creating project.

References and Bibliography:

While cruising through our project we now and then followed the number of website. We
also thought it apt to mention the tutorials taken and websites visited during the course of

Websites :

Application Screen Shots

Student Registration Screen

Screen Shot 1
Admin Login Screen

Screen Shot 2
Student Login Screen

Screen Shot 3
Admin Management Screen

Screen Shot 4
Add Question Screen

Screen Shot 5
Key Activation Screen

Screen Shot 6
Test Select Screen

Screen Shot 6
Student Test Start Screen

Screen Shot 7
Result of a Student

Screen Shot 8
Key Result to Admin Screen

Screen Shot 9

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