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“Student Attendance Mangament System”

Submitted by

Roll. No. Name of Team Members Enrollment No.

137 Pansare Akhilesh Vasant 2200800449

139 Gunjal Rushikesh Ravindra 2200800607
150 Kadlag Janmenjay Ganesh 2200800619
150 Kanwade Sanket Balasaheb 2200800622

“Under the Guidance of”

Prof .Shinde Sir




This is to certify that,

Has satisfactory carried out and completed the Micro Project work Entitled.

This work is being submitted for award of diploma in

Computer Technology
It is submitted in the partial fulfilment of the prescribed syllabus of
Maharashtra State Board of Technical education,
Mumbai for the academic year 2023-24

(Guide) (HOD)
Program Name:- CM

Program Code: CM 4I

Course Title: SEN

Course Code: 22413

Micro Project Title : “Student Attendance Mangament System”

Roll. No. Name of Team Members Enrollment No.

137 Pansare Akhilesh Vasant 2200800449

139 Gunjal Rushikesh Ravindra 2200800607
150 Kadlag Janmenjay Ganesh 2200800619
150 Kanwade Sanket Balasaheb 2200800622

Sr. Page No.

No. Content

1.0 Rational 1

Aim Benefits
2.0 1

3.0 Course Outcome Achieved 1

4.0 Literature Review 1

5.0 Actual Methodology 1

6.0 Action Plan 1

7.0 Actual Resource Used 2

8.0 Output of Micro-project 3

9.0 Skill Developed From this Micro Project 19



This is to certify that Mr. Janmenjay Ganesh Kadlag Roll No. 06 of4th Semester

Diploma in Computer Technology Dept(CM4I) of Amrutvahini Polytechnic

(0080/1105) has completed the Microproject satisfactory in Subject Software

Engneering (22413) for the academic year 2023 to 2024 as prescribed in the MSBTE


Place: Sangamner Enrollment No : 2200800619

Date: Exam Seat No :

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report

Title of Micro-Project

“Student Attendance Mangament System”

1.0 Rationale

In summary, a Student Management System offers institutions a streamlined, organized, and efficient
way to manage student-related activities, fostering a conducive environment for learning,
communication, and overall growth.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project:

A Student Management System Stores And tracks student’s Workload, personal information,
grades , recodes and more. It’s means of streamlining the Work and tracking all the data generated by
a student , consolidating everything into one system rather than multiple recodes.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

1 Identify suitable software process model for software development.

2 Prepare software requirement specifications Documents
3 Use software modeling to create data designs
4 Estimate size and cost of software development
5 Relate project management and quality assurance principles in software development

2.0 Literature Review

This is project of Student Section Management System has done by our group. In this project we had
developed problem statement of student section i.e. management of huge amount of data of students
and storing it. We realized this problem statement in our student section and we decided to find solution
by creating software. We had make DFD, Use cases, and various estimations of project.

We are going to develop a software which will manage this huge amount of data.In this software we
are going to develop some features like providing admission forms to students ,gathering of all data of
students ,verifying that data and dividing that date into sections as per required . We are going to make
easy to fetch data whenever required with automatic verification from original documents. some
document i. e LC Marksheet , Admission form becomes an easy to create and publish from this software
.This software will helps to employees of student section to collect data, verify data, creating various
certificates, storing data as per divisions and publishing data.
3.0 Actual Methodology Followed

Project Identification and Selection :-

In this project , we aimed to develop an Student Section Mangament System which will focus
mainly on managing Student information . All student Information Store in database.
Project Initiation and planning
To begin the project ,we have gathered user requirement of this system and prepare the scope
and objective .The results from this phase are scope and limitation ,objectives, cost and
benefits, featureof the proposed system and user interface design.

Analyzing System and needs

We have studied and identified problems of existing system. Then we develop data flow
diagram for existing system .we also develop data flow (DFD) and entity relation diagram (E-
R diagram) for the proposed system

Designing the Proposed System

Based on the analysis phase, we converted E-R diagram into relational database model and
createddata dictionary and DFD and user interface are designed in this process
Development of the proposed system
In this phase , We are going to convert design proposed system to Computer software, which
includes Computer programming as a software tool . We also translating design specifications
into Computer code .
Testing the proposed system
This step is process of testing whether the programming code will work correctly
with the condition in our system or not. In this phase we fix bugs in order to produce a system
withmaximum performance .
Implementing the proposed system
We wish to launch the system on Student can create, update, delete and query records
conveniently .
6.0 Actual Resources Used

Sr.No . Name of Resource/material Specifications Quantity Remarks

1 Computer System with broad specifications Dell pc 8GB RAM 1
2 Operating System Window 11 1
3 Software Vs code 1
Problem Statement:

We are going to develop a software to solve the problem of managing huge amount of data. The
dividation of this data students and other data will become difficult to handle and store it

We are going to develop a software which will manage this huge amount of data.In this software
we are going to develop some features like providing admission forms to students ,gathering of
all data of students ,verifying that data and dividing that date into sections as per required.

We are going to make easy to fetch data whenever required with automatic verification from
original documents. some document i. e LC Marksheet , Admission form becomes an easy to
create and publish from this software .This software will helps to employees of student section
to collect data, verify data, creating various certificates, storing data as per divisions and
publishing data.

5 W’S :

(1) WHAT ?
There is difficulty to manage data in student section about students,their marks,feedetails,
Admission details and other related data.

(2) WHEN ?
When there is problem and wordload to manage data of students and fetch it whenever required
3)WHY ?
It will become easier to all employees to work with this software.
There is need of this software because the data will become secure and easy to manage .The
unmanaged data can create problems in various process .More time will be west on a process if data is

(3) WHERE ?
We realise this problem in our student section department of our collage. Problem isolated to
employees work in student section
(4) WHO ?
The employees work in student section affected with this problem.There is creation of
difficulty to handle data of students.

(5)HOW ?
We observed this problem and we decided to communicate with employees works in student
section for finding and developing software solution on that problem.
Selecting Relevent Process Model:

We have selected incremental process model for developing our software.We are going to develop a
software in incremental releases.

First we will create a core product that will complete developing the basic requirements of student
section management .We will increase our incremental releases as per requirement of employees and
managing data.

Hence,we will apply incremental model for developing this software.

Requirement Gathering:


1) We need computer system to run our software.

2) We need information about the departments and activites to make section as per requirement to
store database.

3) We need one employee who will handle this software security.

4) We need documents as per requirement to verify database.
5) We need database of student.
6) We need schedule of employees work in student section to make our software more secure and

7) We need feedback of employees to make our software more perfect and to make easy to work with.
SRS on Student Section Management System

This is project of Student Section Management System has done by our group. In this project we had
developed problem statement of student section i.e management of huge amount of data of students and
storing it. We realized this problem statement in our student section and we decided to find solution by
creating software. We had make DFD, Use cases, and various estimations of project.

We are going to develop a software which will manage this huge amount of data.In this software we
are going to develop some features like providing admission forms to students ,gathering of all data of
students ,verifying that data and dividing that date into sections as per required . We are going to make
easy to fetch data whenever required with automatic verification from original documents. some
document i. e LC Marksheet , Admission form becomes an easy to create and publish from this software
This software will helps to employees of student section to collect data, verify data, creating various
certificates, storing data as per divisions and publishing data.

Our software is student section management system gives all the requirement that must be provided to
a student our verification of original document , providing admission form ,gathering all data of
student ,fees details provided by that student section software of the collage

This product contain each and every data regarding student .It provides the detailed information about
student document, fees details and admission of collage.

Project Scope:
Our student section management system softer usage makes work done at the faster way and ease to
handle it. This software is applicable for each and every work related to student section .This helps for
less use of paper document all in online with the help of the software.

Intended Audience and Reading Suggetions :

The intended audience for this Student Management System document is the internal guides of the
college student where the team has developed the project. Further modifications and reviewing will be
done by the college student and deliver the final version. The final version of the document is
reviewed by the Internal Guides and Head of the Department of the college.

2.0 Overall Description

Product perspective
Student Management System is capable of managing each and every data regarding student,
payments etc. Student Management System works in an efficient manner. We have two modules in
this project. One is admin and other is the user. Admin can maintain fee details of students, providing
admission forms to students ,gathering of all data of students ,verifying that data and dividing that
date into sections as per required. And second one is user that use that software i,e students, student
section manager or staff of student section.

Product Features
• Reduces the manual workload.
• Complete details of the student can be stored and retrived.
• Admin can see all the students payment details and also export to excel sheets.
• The student can view all his details and the location of the college.
• Reduce the document use and system become online
• All member that works in that software become faster
• Original document like leaving certificate , fee details store securely in the software

Design and Implementation Constraints

The student Management System software is design in such a way that the user can easily interact
with the screen because of GUI. The admin and the user are the two users who use the project. The
admin insert the details of the students and the fee details , Admission form details ,original
document. User/student can view his/her details, update if required and check all information related
to student section

User Documentation
In our user manual, we are going to keep the information regarding our product which can be
understandable creating database table Microsoft visual studio 2010 for writing code. operating
system windows 10. New person who is going to use it. If new person is using it online help will be
provided in that we are going to explain each and every step clearly by our product can be useful for
any user In this software help is allocated for user that is why it is easy to use .

Perating Environment
In this software we use various languages such as, java , database SQL, HTML, Applets
Microsoft stack consist of os-windows 10,eclipse IDE
Assumption and Dependency
In this problem there have not assumption and dependency
System feature
This student Management system project is divided into two modules
1. Administrator and
2. User
Module Discription

Admin is person whose responsibility is to maintain the database that contains each and every data
regarding all the student. Admin can add student details into the database, can be able to delete
student details and can update the student fee details. This work is important so it handle by one
responsible person which is admin of that software Admin has some other responsibilities they are

• Admin is can maintain the fee details of each and every student.
• Admin can generate report of this students.

Here the user means the students. The responsibility of the student is to login into the site and can
view his/her fee details and other details realated to student section like result related, document
related can able update his/her personal details if there is any wrong details are present. Whenever the
student will register his/her name then the student will be given by one individual username and
password. When the student will type the correct username and password then the will enter into
another page. In that page, the student can select two options that are updated details and view details
.A student can able to update his/her personal details and can able to view the all details and but
cannot update the all s.
External Interface Requirement

Hardware Interfaces
We require LAN connection for interacting with database and local computers for any help or any
other requirement. We use TCP/IP protocol for communicating with local host. We also need a
system with P4 processor 1GB RAM and database.

Software Interfaces
We use MS.Net 3.5 and vb .Net 3.5 Programming Language for the project .ASP.Net 3.5 for creating
the windows application form pages, using GUI for login screens and interacting with the database
creating all feature which is user friendly to all user .Microsoft access 2010 is used for creating the
local and global database(server).Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 IDE for writings the programmers in Operating system: Windows XP or higher version

Communication Interface
The communication function required by this software is LAN connection for accessible for all the
student. We also used transmission control protocol for IP addressing. Login into this software user
require one username and password so that is very secure for communication interface between user
and software.
Functional Requirment
Depending upon the user role he/she will be able to access only the specific modules of the system .
1. Login facility for enabling only authorized access to the system.
2. User (with role Data Entry Operator)will be able to modify/add/delete information about different
students that are enrolled for the course in different years.

Other Requirements


1. Safety Requirements

The database may get crashed at any certain time due to virus or operating system failure.
Therefore ,it is required to take the database backup.

2. Security Requirements

We are going to develop a secured database for the university. Depending upon the category of user
the access rights are decided.It means if the user is an administrator then he can be able to modify the
data, delete, append etc. All other than staff only have the rights to retrieve the information about
ER-Diagram :
Data Flow Diagram :

Level 0 DFD

The 0 level DFD known as context level data flow diagram. The context level data flow
diagram (DFD) is describe the whole system. The (o) level DFD describe the all user modules
who run the system. Below context level data flow diagram of Student management system
project shows the one Admin user can operate the system. Admin do all activities after login
to system.

Level 1 DFD

The Admin side DFD describe the functionality of Admin. Admin is a responsible person
who run the project. After login to system admin can first Add Course Detail and Teacher
Detail and then add student detail by course wise. and admin can manage student reports and
fees payment detail.
Level 2 DFD
∑fi = 1) = 5
3) = 3
4) = 3
5) = 2
6) = 3
7) = 3
8) = 4
9) = 3
10) = 3
11) = 2
12) = 3
13) = 3
14) =1

Hence, ∑fi =35

Lines of code =

42*3=2,520 = 2.5KLOC

Possible Errors during design and requirements phase = 42*3 =126

Cocomo I :

1.Effort= 2.4(2.25)^1.05
=6 person/month

2.Development- 2.5(6)^0.38
=5 months.

3.Average Staff Size= 6\5=1.2 person =2 persons.

4.productivity= 225\6

A = Planning and designing
B = Gathering Data
C = creating UI
D = coding and Implementation
E = testing
F = deployment
G = Feedback and maintainability
Activity A B C D E F G

Immediate - - A A,B D E,C F


Expected 6 4 3 12 3 2 3

Total Duration: 24 weeks.

Critical path: A-D-E-G

8. Skill Developed / Learning outcomes:

• Recommend the relevant software solution for the given problem with justification
• Select the relevant software process model
• Prepare SRS for the given problem
• Prepare test cases for the given problem
• Estimate size of the software products using different methods

9. Applications of the Micro-Project:
A Student Management System (SMS) is a software application or a web-based platform designed to streamline
the administrative tasks and record-keeping processes in educational institutions. It is commonly used by schools,
colleges, universities, and other educational organizations to manage student data efficiently.

Teacher Signature
(Mr.Shinde Sir)
Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner
Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Kadlag Janmenjay Ganesh Enrollment No: 2200800619
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester: IV
Course Title: SEN Code: 22413
Title of Micro Project Outcomes:
1. Identify suitable software process model for software development.
2. Prepare software requirement specifications Documents
3. Use software modeling to create data designs
4. Estimate size and cost of software development
5. Relate project management and quality assurance principles in software development
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of 6)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference
references website or
review/ only taken material website or book is referred
book are referredto
Information from Google and copy to collect literature or
collect literature
collection pasted information
or information
a) Well assembled /
a) Just assembled /
a) Quality of a) Incomplete fabricated with
fabricated, not in proper
prototype/ fabrication/assembly / proper shape
shape, dimensions /
model / chart / survey dimensions / well
average survey
drawing b) Most of the content defined survey
b) Most of the portion in
b) Quality of is non-relevant. Report b) Everything in the
project report irrelevant
project report / drawing is not project report is
and is formatted but some
(for study formatted as per formatted as per the
of the portion is remaining
project) instructions. instructions
to format.
No previous review and No previous review but Reviewed &
Timely submission after the submission on or before submission on or
submission. given date. given date. before given date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
Major information is not Included major information Well organized,
included, but not well included major
of the micro
information is not well organized and not information, well
organized presented well presented
Answer to
Could not reply to Replied to considerable
sample Replied most of the
considerable number number of questions but
questions questions properly.
of question. not very properly.
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process & ProductAssessment (06) Individual Presentation/Viva(04) (10)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal communication (if Any)

Dated Signature:
Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner
Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Gunjal Rushikesh Ravindra Enrollment No: 2200800607
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester: IV
Course Title: SEN Code: 22413
Title of Micro Project Outcomes:
6. Identify suitable software process model for software development.
7. Prepare software requirement specifications Documents
8. Use software modeling to create data designs
9. Estimate size and cost of software development
10. Relate project management and quality assurance principles in software development
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of 6)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference
references website or
review/ only taken material website or book is referred
book are referredto
Information from Google and copy to collect literature or
collect literature
collection pasted information
or information
c) Well assembled /
c) Just assembled /
c) Quality of c) Incomplete fabricated with
fabricated, not in proper
prototype/ fabrication/assembly / proper shape
shape, dimensions /
model / chart / survey dimensions / well
average survey
drawing d) Most of the content defined survey
d) Most of the portion in
d) Quality of is non-relevant. Report d) Everything in the
project report irrelevant
project report / drawing is not project report is
and is formatted but some
(for study formatted as per formatted as per the
of the portion is remaining
project) instructions. instructions
to format.
No previous review and No previous review but Reviewed &
Timely submission after the submission on or before submission on or
submission. given date. given date. before given date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
Major information is not Included major information Well organized,
included, but not well included major
of the micro
information is not well organized and not information, well
organized presented well presented
Answer to
Could not reply to Replied to considerable
sample Replied most of the
considerable number number of questions but
questions questions properly.
of question. not very properly.
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process & ProductAssessment (06) Individual Presentation/Viva(04) (10)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal communication (if Any)

Dated Signature:
Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner
Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Akhilesh Vasant Panasre Enrollment No: 2200800449
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester: IV
Course Title: SEN Code: 22413
Title of Micro Project Outcomes:
11. Identify suitable software process model for software development.
12. Prepare software requirement specifications Documents
13. Use software modeling to create data designs
14. Estimate size and cost of software development
15. Relate project management and quality assurance principles in software development
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of 6)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference
references website or
review/ only taken material website or book is referred
book are referredto
Information from Google and copy to collect literature or
collect literature
collection pasted information
or information
e) Well assembled /
e) Just assembled /
e) Quality of e) Incomplete fabricated with
fabricated, not in proper
prototype/ fabrication/assembly / proper shape
shape, dimensions /
model / chart / survey dimensions / well
average survey
drawing f) Most of the content defined survey
f) Most of the portion in
f) Quality of is non-relevant. Report f) Everything in the
project report irrelevant
project report / drawing is not project report is
and is formatted but some
(for study formatted as per formatted as per the
of the portion is remaining
project) instructions. instructions
to format.
No previous review and No previous review but Reviewed &
Timely submission after the submission on or before submission on or
submission. given date. given date. before given date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
Major information is not Included major information Well organized,
included, but not well included major
of the micro
information is not well organized and not information, well
organized presented well presented
Answer to
Could not reply to Replied to considerable
sample Replied most of the
considerable number number of questions but
questions questions properly.
of question. not very properly.
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process & ProductAssessment (06) Individual Presentation/Viva(04) (10)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal communication (if Any)

Dated Signature:
Amrutvahini Polytechnic, Sangamner
Computer Technology Department
Annexure –III & IV (Rubrics & Micro Project Evaluation Sheet)
Name of Student: Sanket Balasaheb Kanawde Enrollment No: 2200800622
Name of Program: Computer Technology Semester: IV
Course Title: SEN Code: 22413
Title of Micro Project Outcomes:
16. Identify suitable software process model for software development.
17. Prepare software requirement specifications Documents
18. Use software modeling to create data designs
19. Estimate size and cost of software development
20. Relate project management and quality assurance principles in software development
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria A) Process & Product Assessment (Performance in Group Activity Out of 6)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
At least two
Literature No reference is used At least one reference
references website or
review/ only taken material website or book is referred
book are referredto
Information from Google and copy to collect literature or
collect literature
collection pasted information
or information
g) Well assembled /
g) Just assembled /
g) Quality of g) Incomplete fabricated with
fabricated, not in proper
prototype/ fabrication/assembly / proper shape
shape, dimensions /
model / chart / survey dimensions / well
average survey
drawing h) Most of the content defined survey
h) Most of the portion in
h) Quality of is non-relevant. Report h) Everything in the
project report irrelevant
project report / drawing is not project report is
and is formatted but some
(for study formatted as per formatted as per the
of the portion is remaining
project) instructions. instructions
to format.
No previous review and No previous review but Reviewed &
Timely submission after the submission on or before submission on or
submission. given date. given date. before given date.
Indicators for different levels of performance evaluation scale (1 to 2)
Criteria B) Individual Presentation/Viva (Out of 4)
Poor (1) Marks Average (1.5) Marks Good (2) Marks
Major information is not Included major information Well organized,
included, but not well included major
of the micro
information is not well organized and not information, well
organized presented well presented
Answer to
Could not reply to Replied to considerable
sample Replied most of the
considerable number number of questions but
questions questions properly.
of question. not very properly.
(A) (B) Total Marks
Process & ProductAssessment (06) Individual Presentation/Viva(04) (10)

Comments/ Suggestions about team work/leadership/Inter-personal communication (if Any)

Dated Signature:

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