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College Connect App

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the







Name of the Mentor

Prof. Hema Galiyal

Department of Computer Engineering

VasantDada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering
Vasantdada Patil Education Complex, Eastern
Express Highway Near Everard Nagar,
Chunabhatti, Sion, Mumbai, Maharashtra-

University of Mumbai
(AY 2021-22)

This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “College Connect App” is a

bonafide work of SHRIGANESH BHANDARI (VU1F1920028) submitted to

the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award

of the degree of “Bachelor of Engineering” in “Computer Engineering”.

(Prof. Hema Galiyal)


(Prof. Mahavir Devmane ) (Prof. Alam N. Shaikh)

Head of Department Principal
Mini Project Approval

This Mini Project entitled “College Connect App” by SHRIGANESH

BHANDARI (VU1F1920028) is approved for the degree of Bachelor of

Engineering in Computer Engineering.


(Internal Examiner Name & Sign)

(External Examiner name & Sign)



Abstract ii

Acknowledgments iii

List of Abbreviations iv

List of Figures v

List of Tables vi

List of Symbols vii

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives
1.4 Organization of the Report

2 Literature Survey 11

2.1 Survey of Existing System/SRS

2.2 Limitation Existing system or Research gap
2.3 Mini Project Contribution

3 Proposed System (e.g. New Approach of Data Summarization) 18

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Algorithm and Process Design
3.4 Details of Hardware & Software
3.4 Experiment and Results for Validation and Verification
3.5 Analysis
3.6 Conclusion and Future work.

References 32

4 Annexure

4.1 Published Paper /Camera Ready Paper/ Business pitch/proof of concept


COLLEGE CONNECT APP is a system which maintains the information

about the books used in the syllabus, a platform to discuss the queries about the
topics and respond accordingly, a blog for extra technology facts published by
the own staff, a anywhere anytime study buddy. Apart from this this
programmatically based instance gives the notifications about the activities
taking place in the campus (EVENTS, HOLIDAYS, NOTICES, etc.), contains
a well extracted PPT (PowerPoint Presentations) for better understandability and
also consists of video lectures .This system also keep track on the queries the
students is asking and how many of them are resolved by the teacher. The staff
as well as the students will be provided different applications based on their
services and interests This is very difficult to organize such tasks manually is
quite complex. Owing to the technology, organization of the campus and its
basic requirements will be accessed in ease.

The COLLEGE CONNECT APP has been designed to computerize and

automate the operations performed over the information about the members,
books, queries the students facing and all other operations.

This computerization of library and online discussion platform helps in

many instances and make the curriculum activities over the internet.

I would sincerely like to thank for the constructive criticism,

support, encouragement, valuable comments, suggestions, timely help
and many innovative ideas given to me by my project supervisor Prof.
Hema Galiyal and Dr. Mahavir Devmane in carrying out the project
and the report.

I must convey my gratitude to Prof. Hema Galiyal and Dr.

Mahavir Devmane for giving us the constant source of inspiration
and help in preparing the project personally correcting my work and
providing encouragement throughout the project.

I also thank all my faculty members for steering me through the

tough as well as easy phases of the project in a result-oriented manner
with concerned attention.
1. Introduction
1.1. Introduction

In the world of technology, it is very outdated to use traditional

concept to study as it is not more effective and is more costly. Using a
programmed service is quite interesting and much less costlier than
the traditional one, so the system we are going to design is completely
based on a new innovation that brings all academic works in a single
app. Using this approach will give you the advantage to give time to
your study stuff anywhere and anytime, although the staff is present
or not. The students who does have a good financial condition will be
the most effect able person that using that service.

1.2. Problem Statement

With the more need of education in the society every candidate

have to gain knowledge, however the education system is much
costlier, this application will provide free study material and books for
study purpose, a section where the student can freely clear their doubt
whenever required also will get extracted videos and PPT which will
be helpful in elaborating their concept.

1.3. Objective

The goal of the project is to develop a android application for

online study Spot. The main objectives of this Android app can be
defined as follows:
• Every students will be provided online books.
• No limitation in time it can be accessed anytime.
• No cost for the stuff available.
• Easy to carry our study material.
• Save capital of the students.
2. Literature Survey
2.1. Survey of Existing System
In System Analysis phase, the whole software development
process, the overall software structure and its outlay are defined.
Analysis is very important in the whole development cycle process.
Any fault in the design phase could be very expensive to solve in the
software development process. In this phase, process, the software's
overall structure and its nuances are defined. This step refers to the
gathering of system requirements, with the goal of determining how
these requirements will be accommodated in the system.

This study will be bring the up the existing system and the
drawbacks in the existing one, after gathering the information a note
of improvements should be done to overcome in our system. The
requirements is also considered in the study such as the human effort,
resources embedding in the application.

In the system we going to propose the resources will be the PDF

(should be unique content), videos and PPT and many more. A
development team will be required to acquire the goal. Apart from this
there are also few requirements will be must and without the system
cannot be introduced (Development Requirements) which are
hardware and software requirements.

The entire life cycle of the development process should be

planned and kept on a track using a development cycle to get the idea
about the development and the progress we are making. It includes the
time planned for each module and its cost.

2.2. Limitation of Existing Survey

Pre-developed system have been circulating previously but

every system does not have an all the services as the system we are
going to introduce, apart from this scenario the most of the system are
not android based (mostly windows based) as among all the population
85% of people have a android device which a great opportunity to
introduce a system that works on android operating system.
2.3. Mini Project Contribution

In the system we going to propose the resources will be the PDF

(should be unique content), videos and PPT and many more. A
development team will be required to acquire the goal. Apart from this
there are also few requirements will be must and without the system
cannot be introduced (Development Requirements) which are
hardware and software requirements.
3. Proposed System
3.1. Introduction

In the world of technology, it is very outdated to use traditional

concept to study as it is not more effective and is more costly. Using a
programmed service is quite interesting and much less costlier than
the traditional one, so the system we are going to design is completely
based on a new innovation that brings all academic works in a single
app. Using this approach will give you the advantage to give time to
your study stuff anywhere and anytime, although the staff is present
or not. The students who does have a good financial condition will be
the most effect able person that using that service. With the more need
of education in the society every candidate have to gain knowledge,
however the education system is much costlier, this application will
provide free study material and books for study purpose, a section
where the student can freely clear their doubt whenever required also
will get extracted videos and PPT which will be helpful in elaborating
their concept.

3.2. Architecture/Framework

The Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework is an

architectural pattern that separates an application into three main
logical components Model, View, and Controller. Hence the
abbreviation MVC. Each architecture component is built to handle
specific development aspect of an application. MVC separates the
business logic and presentation layer from each other. It was
traditionally used for desktop graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
Nowadays, MVC architecture has become popular for designing web
applications as well as mobile apps.
Features of MVC:
• Easy and frictionless testability. Highly testable, extensible and
pluggable framework.
• Offers full control over your HTML as well as your URLs.
• Leverage existing features provided by ASP.NET, JSP, Django,
etc. Clear separation of logic: Model, View, Controller.
Separation of application tasks viz. business logic, Ul logic, and
input logic.
• URL Routing for SEO Friendly URLs. Powerful URL- mapping
for comprehensible and searchable URLs.

Three important MVC the components are:

• Model: It includes all the data and its related logic.
• View: Present data to the user or handles user interaction.
• Controller: An interface between Model and View components.

A View is that part of the application that represents the
presentation of data. Views are created by the data collected from the
model data. A view requests the model to give information so that it
resents the output presentation to the user. The view also represents
the data from chats, diagrams, and table. For example, any customer
view will include all the UI components like text boxes, drop downs,
etc. The view in our system is the GUI interface of the application
which interacts with the user when they use the application. View acts
as a guide for the user and allows to access the services of the system.

The Controller is that part of the application that handles the user
interaction. The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs
from the user, informing model and the view to change as appropriate.
A Controller send's commands to the model to update its state (E.g.,
Saving a specific document). The controller also sends commands to
its associated view to change the view's presentation (For example
scrolling a particular document). Controller in other words can be the
database or the server which accepts the requests from the system and
responses accordingly. In our case firebase is the main controller in
our system which takes and holds the data which is provided in the
front end.

The model component stores data and its related logic. It
represents data that is being transferred between controller
components or any other related business logic. For example, a
Controller object will retrieve the customer info from the database. It
manipulates data and send back to the database or use it to render the
same data. It responds to the request from the views and also responds
to instructions from the controller to update itself. It is also the lowest
level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data. The
uploadation of videos, retrieval of e-books, replying to the answers etc
comes under the business logics that is the services of the system.

Application architecture:
The system is divided into two separate applications (Teachers
and students) and each application have Client-side as well as Server-
side applications.
Teachers Application:

• Sign-up
• Update profile
• Dashboard
• Create Classroom
• Services (uploading books, ppt, videos, blog content and answer
the queries asked)
• Log-out
• Upload the Blog (to database)
• Sending response of query (to database)
• Upload the Books, PPT, Videos

Students Application:

• Sign-up
• Update profile
• Joins Classroom
• Read Books, View Videos, PPT and Blog.
• Ask Questions

• Upload our information and profile photo.
• Fetch books , PPT , videos and Blog content from database.
• Queries Alternation (asking , liking and commenting).
3.3. Algorithm and Process Design

Flow chart

Student’s Application:
Teacher’s Application:

The flowchart is representing the flow of the system as in the

students application the students is going through the following flow,
which are firstly the user is going to signup if he or she visited for the
first time . If the student have registered he or she logs in the
application and visits the dashboard .the dashboard will have a drawer
that will be provide different section to navigate on. After using all the
services (reading books, watching videos and downloading the ppt and
asking the queries) the logout key will terminate the section between
the databases.
Data Design:

Student’s Application:

Every system have a data flow that is carried through the

network from client side to database or server and wise versa. Our
system will several communication from database as the file and the
content shown in the application are stored on database. This helps to
reduce size of the application. In the student’s application the first data
is sent on the login phase were the database checks the data inserted
by the students and responds accordingly. The entire data flow of the
student’s application is given above.
Teacher’s Application

The data flow in the teachers application is has a little variation

because the teacher does not signups for the different instance as the
flow is different .Firstly the teacher enters the phone number and he
or she is automatically taken to the registration page The above
diagram shows the blog data flow, discussion flow and all the data that
is received or send over the network.
3.4. Details of Hardware and Software Requirements

• A laptop or a personal computer with a minimum i3 generation
Intel powered or AMD A5 processor is required.
• Giga bytes of RAM
• 500 Giga bytes of secondary storage
• An Android mobile device

Gathering software requirements is the foundation of the entire
software development project. Hence they must be clear, correct and
The software requirements are description of features and
functionalities of the target system. Requirements convey the
expectations of users from the software product. The requirements can
be obvious or hidden, known or unknown, expected or unexpected
from client’s point of view.
• Windows or Linux Operating System
• JDK(minimum version 8 or above)
• SDK Plugins
• Android studio IDLE
• Advanced Java and XML
3.5. Conclusion and Future Work

The final conclusion here we can make is that our education system is
better no doubt but it is not accessible from anywhere we want. So
introducing this system and its services to different educational
institute will give them more opportunity to be connected to their

The proposed system is limited only in two areas i.e the internet
connectivity and not accessible to iOS users. The entire system is a
two tire architecture system and requires internet connectivity to send
or receive requests from the database and server.

There is always a room for improvements in any apps. Right now we

are discussing about educational application. There are several
android apps which serve similar purpose as this project, but these
apps were rather difficult to use and provide confusing interfaces. This
not only the end that this application will consist many other updation
its features can be made as the project is flexible. In future we may be
extended to include features such as:
1. Online test and examination
2. Attendance System
3. Parents Desk
• “Java Complete Reference”, Patic Noughrton and Herbit Schilt
• “Introduction to Database Management System, Galgotia
Publications, 1997”, Date C.J.
• “JavaServerPages TM SPD -O’RELLY, Hans Bergsten
• “Complete Reference”, Oracle

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