College Connect App
College Connect App
College Connect App
University of Mumbai
(AY 2021-22)
This is to certify that the Mini Project entitled “College Connect App” is a
the University of Mumbai in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award
(Internal Examiner Name & Sign)
(External Examiner name & Sign)
Abstract ii
Acknowledgments iii
List of Abbreviations iv
List of Figures v
List of Tables vi
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
1.3 Problem Statement & Objectives
1.4 Organization of the Report
2 Literature Survey 11
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Architecture/ Framework
3.3 Algorithm and Process Design
3.4 Details of Hardware & Software
3.4 Experiment and Results for Validation and Verification
3.5 Analysis
3.6 Conclusion and Future work.
References 32
4 Annexure
1.3. Objective
This study will be bring the up the existing system and the
drawbacks in the existing one, after gathering the information a note
of improvements should be done to overcome in our system. The
requirements is also considered in the study such as the human effort,
resources embedding in the application.
3.2. Architecture/Framework
A View is that part of the application that represents the
presentation of data. Views are created by the data collected from the
model data. A view requests the model to give information so that it
resents the output presentation to the user. The view also represents
the data from chats, diagrams, and table. For example, any customer
view will include all the UI components like text boxes, drop downs,
etc. The view in our system is the GUI interface of the application
which interacts with the user when they use the application. View acts
as a guide for the user and allows to access the services of the system.
The Controller is that part of the application that handles the user
interaction. The controller interprets the mouse and keyboard inputs
from the user, informing model and the view to change as appropriate.
A Controller send's commands to the model to update its state (E.g.,
Saving a specific document). The controller also sends commands to
its associated view to change the view's presentation (For example
scrolling a particular document). Controller in other words can be the
database or the server which accepts the requests from the system and
responses accordingly. In our case firebase is the main controller in
our system which takes and holds the data which is provided in the
front end.
The model component stores data and its related logic. It
represents data that is being transferred between controller
components or any other related business logic. For example, a
Controller object will retrieve the customer info from the database. It
manipulates data and send back to the database or use it to render the
same data. It responds to the request from the views and also responds
to instructions from the controller to update itself. It is also the lowest
level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data. The
uploadation of videos, retrieval of e-books, replying to the answers etc
comes under the business logics that is the services of the system.
Application architecture:
The system is divided into two separate applications (Teachers
and students) and each application have Client-side as well as Server-
side applications.
Teachers Application:
• Sign-up
• Update profile
• Dashboard
• Create Classroom
• Services (uploading books, ppt, videos, blog content and answer
the queries asked)
• Log-out
• Upload the Blog (to database)
• Sending response of query (to database)
• Upload the Books, PPT, Videos
Students Application:
• Sign-up
• Update profile
• Joins Classroom
• Read Books, View Videos, PPT and Blog.
• Ask Questions
• Upload our information and profile photo.
• Fetch books , PPT , videos and Blog content from database.
• Queries Alternation (asking , liking and commenting).
3.3. Algorithm and Process Design
Flow chart
Student’s Application:
Teacher’s Application:
Student’s Application:
• A laptop or a personal computer with a minimum i3 generation
Intel powered or AMD A5 processor is required.
• Giga bytes of RAM
• 500 Giga bytes of secondary storage
• An Android mobile device
Gathering software requirements is the foundation of the entire
software development project. Hence they must be clear, correct and
The software requirements are description of features and
functionalities of the target system. Requirements convey the
expectations of users from the software product. The requirements can
be obvious or hidden, known or unknown, expected or unexpected
from client’s point of view.
• Windows or Linux Operating System
• JDK(minimum version 8 or above)
• SDK Plugins
• Android studio IDLE
• Advanced Java and XML
3.5. Conclusion and Future Work
The final conclusion here we can make is that our education system is
better no doubt but it is not accessible from anywhere we want. So
introducing this system and its services to different educational
institute will give them more opportunity to be connected to their
The proposed system is limited only in two areas i.e the internet
connectivity and not accessible to iOS users. The entire system is a
two tire architecture system and requires internet connectivity to send
or receive requests from the database and server.