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Divine Divinity Walkthrough

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| Divine Divinity Walkthrough |

| By: JaggedJim |
| Date: May 15, 2004 |
| Version: 2.2 |
This is my walkthrough for Divine Divinity. You can find the latest version
of this walkthrough at:
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||E-mail Notice|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
If you have any questions or comments about this guide then feel free to
email me at “” (without the quotation marks, of
course...) Some things to note before you email me:
-Make sure you put “Divinity” somewhere in the subject line. If you don’t I
will likely think that the email is junk and delete it.
-Please read the guide before emailing me, it is quite annoying having to
answer a question that I have already answered in this guide. (...of course
if you’re not reading the guide then what are the chances that are going to
read this warning?)
-I am notoriously bad at checking email. (...and even worse at answering it)
So if you are trying to contact me then you will just have to be patient.
-Do not, not, not, not, NOT send me ANY attachments with your email. I don’t
care what the attachment is, I won’t look at it and I will likely delete the
email immediately. (Also I will NEVER send any attachments with my emails, so
if you receive something from my email address and it has an attachment on
it, delete it, immediately.)
-I am no longer accepting submissions for this guide. Unless it’s something
really Earth-shattering then I won’t be putting it in.
-Please use proper spelling and grammar in your email, it’s just common
courtesy. I don’t care if it’s perfect, as long as you make the effort.
Emails with “si teh awsome” in it, however, will likely be ignored.
-A pet peeve of mine is when people replace “you” with “u.” It’s only two
extra key strokes people, jeez.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Table of Contents|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

Version History [#001]

Introduction [#002]
Character Guide [#003]

Teleportation Scrolls [#004]

The Beginners Guide to Adventuring [#005]
Walkthrough [#006]
-Part I: Healing the Healer [#006.1]
-Part II: Assassins, Plagues, and Orcs, Oh My [#006.2]
-Part III: Stormfisted [#006.3]
-Part IV: Enter Stormfist Castle and Find Zandalor, AGAIN! [#006.4]
-Part V: The Council of Six Races and Assorted Magic-Users [#006.5]
-Part VI: Battle at Black Lake: The Divine One vs. The Black Ring [#006.6]

Side Quests [#007]

-Aleroth [#007.1]
-Catacombs Under Aleroth [#007.2]
-Farmlands [#007.3]
-Barracks [#007.4]
-Stormfist Castle [#007.5]
-Graveyard [#007.6]
-Iona’s Dungeon [#007.7]
-Rivertown Market [#007.8]
-Dwarven Village [#007.9]
-Dwarven Bread Inn [#007.10]
-Northern Rivertown [#007.11]
-Southern Rivertown [#007.12]
-Verdistis [#007.13]
-Thieves Guild [#007.14]
-Dark Forest North [#007.15]
-Dark Forest South [#007.16]
-The Holy Items Quest [#007.17]
-The Dragon Armor Set [#007.18]
-The Armor of Larian [#007.19]
Frequently Asked Questions [#008]
Cheats and Bugs [#009]
Contributors [#010]

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Version History [#001]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
0.1 – 10/14/02
1.0 - 1/14/03
2.0 – 10/14/03
2.1 – 1/6/04
2.2 – 5/15/04 – A very small update. I updated the Email notice at the top of
this guide, along with a few other things. In other news, the
fine folks at Larian have bundled the full version of Divine
Divinity with their latest release, Beyond Divinity. So if
you missed this wonderful game you now have a second chance.
Finally, I have been receiving complaints from people
receiving virus mail from my email address, so either I’m
somehow infected (...and it’s been able to avoid my
anti-viral software) or someone/thing out there is mimicking
my email address. Either way I will never send attachments
with my mails, so if you receive an attachment from my
address, delete it, immediately.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Introduction [#002]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Divine Divinity is an Action-RPG released in 2002 by CDV. Its game play can
be best described as a cross between Diablo and Baldur’s Gate. The game
mechanics of Divine Divinity are very similar to Diablo, (Combat is basically
click a monster until it dies, skills are used with a right-click, ect.) but
with few noticeable differences. (Most notably is the ability to pause the
game at any time.) Where this game shines, however, is the evolution of game
play beyond the mindless hack-and-slash of its Action-RPG counterparts.
Quests in Divine Divinity are more than just go kill enemy X, take item Y
back to person Z, here quests are much more involved, requiring you to solve
puzzles, decide moral dilemmas, and uh... kill monsters. Instead of Towns
being merely a place to heal wounds and buy equipment they are now full of
NPCs who will give you quests, give you hints, or just share some gossip.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Character Guide [#003]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||

The type of character you choose is not the most vital choice in the game, as
skills are not restricted by class. But your choice of character does have
more impact than just what your character looks like. The biggest difference
between the different classes is the amount of Health and Mana each class
gets. (see Vital Statistics, Below, for more details.) Below I have compiled
a list of the vital data for each class comprising:
-Stats: Your character class’ starting statistics.

-Vital Statistics:
The four statistics in Divine Divinity (Strength, Agility, Constitution, and
Intelligence) affect your character in several different ways.
-Health and Mana
Vitality and Mana in Divine Divinity is determined by multiplying your
Constitution and Intelligence with your class’ Vitality and Mana
Modifiers, respectively, and then adding any bonuses you get from items
and/or charms equipped. Level apparently has no bearing on your Vitality
or Mana.
Both your Vitality and your Mana can be determined by this formula:
[(Character Modifier) x (Con/Int)] + Item Bonuses.
So a Survivor with 25 Constitution, 15 Intelligence and is wearing a ring
with +5 to Vitality and +10 to Mana would have:
Vitality: (5 x 25) + 5 = 130
Mana: (4 x 15) + 10 = 70
-Note: The numbers for the Damage, Offense, and Defense modifiers came from
Raze of the message boards.
-Damage (Thanks to Raze for this info)
The damage modifier shows you how much extra damage you can inflict on
your enemies. Multiply your Strength score by this modifier then round
-Offense and Defense (Thanks to Raze for this info)
These stats basically determine how often how often you hit the enemy
(offense) and how often the enemy will hit you. (defense)
-Starting Skills: Each character will start the game with two skills with a
single skill level in each.
-Special Move: Each class has a different Special Move that is unique to each
class. These moves are activated just like other skills; just
select the sword icon in the lower right-hand corner of the
“Browse Skills” menu and right-click to activate. I have also
added my personal opinions on each move.

Survivors are your basic thief-types of Divine Divinity. These guys won’t
have overwhelming Health or Mana, but they have enough to get by. If you
build them properly they can become just about any type of character you
want; from a muscle-bound goon to a spell-flinging swashbuckler to a stealthy
assassin. I typically pump up Agility and give them a good bow to make them a
lethal sniper.
Strength: 10
Agility: 15
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 10
-Vital Statistics
Vitality: 5 x Constitution
Mana: 4 x Intelligence
Damage: 0.14 x Strength
Offense: (0.7 x Agility) - 1
Defense: 0.8 x Agility
-Starting Skills
Male: Assassin’s Kiss, Trader’s Tongue
Female: Identify, Lockpick

-Special Move: Sneaking.

When you activate this move your character will crouch down and attempt to
hide from the enemy. This move will drain your stamina while you are
sneaking. Personally I would prefer a special move that helped you kill
enemies rather than just avoiding them, but that’s just me.

Your basic “Might makes Right” fighters, they have fantastic Health but very
little Mana. This class is the best choice for beginners, as they will be
able to take a lot of abuse and dish out punishment just as well. I usually
make these guys into melee characters, with high Strength and Constitution
scores while not forgetting about Agility. I hardly ever put any points into
Intelligence, depending instead on equipment and charms to raise my Mana.

Strength: 15
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 10

-Vital Statistics
Vitality: 6 x Constitution
Mana: 3 x Intelligence
Damage: 0.4 x Strength
Offense: 0.8 x Agility
Defense: (0.7 x Agility) - 1
-Starting Skills
Male: Augment Damage, Sword Expertise
Female: Elven Sight, Repair
-Special Move: Swirl Attack
This move will make your character do a spinning slash that will hit all
enemies that are standing near your character with a physical attack.
Swirl Attack takes 1,500 stamina to perform. This move has a rather silly
name, but it can be rather effective against groups of enemies. Use it
liberally when you get surrounded by enemies and always make sure you have
some Stamina Potions handy.

These guys have fantastic Mana reserves, but are VERY fragile. There is a
reason why both male and female Mages start with the “Meteorstrike” skill; it
will likely carry your character through the first half of the game. Do your
best to keep these guys out of the fray, as they will die quickly.
Strength: 10
Agility: 10
Constitution: 10
Intelligence: 15
-Vital Statistics
Vitality: 4 x Constitution
Mana: 6 x Intelligence
Damage: 0.1 x Strength
Offense: (0.7 x Agility) - 1
Defense: (0.7 x Agility) - 1
-Starting Skills
Male: Summon Vermin, Meteorstrike
Female: Meteorstrike, Bless
-Special Move: Swap Location
This skill will make you switch locations with the targeted creature. This
move will cost 1,500 stamina to perform. I never use this skill because
more often than not you will just end up warping yourself into the middle
of a group of monsters that you wanted to keep your distance from.

||||||||||||||||||||||||||Teleportation Scrolls [#004]|||||||||||||||||||||||||

This is just a list of where you can find the various scrolls you need to
activate the Teleporters that are scattered around Rivellon.

-Mage: Zandalor gives this scroll to you when you first meet him.
-Human: Captain Mitox gives this scroll to you when you sign up to fight the
You can find it inside the library on the lower level of the Cursed
-Dwarf: In the Dwarven Bread Inn there is a Dwarf named Krasnegar who will
offer to give you some gems. Tell him that his money would be better
spent helping the refugees of the Orc attack and he will leave. Find
the scroll on the table and take it. Note that if you don’t do this
before you enter Stormfist Castle for the first time then he will
disappear and also take the scroll with him.
You can find it lying on a table inside the Glenborus Town Hall in the
Dwarven Village of Rivertown. (Thanks to Richard Gaddy for this info)

The Dwarven King gives it to you after completing the “Find the Stone
Axe” quest if you ask for it. (Thanks to Richard Gaddy for this info)

-Elves: The Elven Lord Elredor in the Archer’s Guild gives this to you if you
ask him for it.
-Lizard: Goemoe will give this to you after you cure Mardaneus of his insanity
-Orc: Inside a treasure chest that’s in the Orc Leader’s tent.
-Imp: It is found inside the Imp’s Deserted Castle on the body of a dead Imp.
|||||||||||||||||||The Beginners Guide to Adventuring [#005]|||||||||||||||||||
Here I will list some hints and tips to help you out.
-Always keep the Automap on. The Automap is an invaluable tool for exploring,
as it not only shows the surrounding areas but all nearby creatures too,
whether they are friend or foe.
-The Teleport Stones are very useful, if you know how to use them. The most
effective way of using them is to drop one of them next to a bed, (like the
one you start the game next to...) then assign a hotkey to the “Drop and
Use” button under the “Browse Skills” menu. Now you can just press the hotkey
to warp to a bed, take a quick nap and pop right back where you were fully
healed and ready for the challenges ahead. You could also place one at the
feet of someone who gives you a quest or near a shopkeeper so when you finish
a quest or become encumbered from looting a dungeon you can just pop right
back to get the reward or to sell off all that junk you’ve picked up.
-Here’s how I assign my hotkeys:
F1: Healing Potions
F2: Mana Potions
F3: Stamina or Restoration Potions
F4: I leave this one blank so I don’t accidentally hit Alt+F4...
F5: “Drop and Use” Teleporter Stones
F6: “Use” Teleporter Stones
F7: Your Class’ Special Move
F8: Restoration Skill
F9-F12: Whatever other weapons, skills, or potions you use often.
-The programmers of this game gave you a pause button, USE IT!
-Use the Alt Key regularly to highlight any items and/or doors you might have
-The stats of any items you find in this game are set when first show the stat
window, (Either by moving the cursor over the item or by pressing the Alt
Key) not when they are first dropped like I first thought. If you save the
game before you move the cursor over the item you can then reload until you
get the item you want.
-You can make a bed anywhere you want; all you need are two bundles of straw.
First have both bundles on the ground. Then click on one of the bundles to
unbundle it, then drag the bundled straw onto the unbundled straw to create a
patch of hay that functions exactly like a bed.
-If you don’t want carry around straw, there is a “Portable Bed” inside a
locked house to the north of the Cursed Abbey. You can drag and drop it into
your inventory and then use it while it is still inside your inventory.

-A shopkeeper’s attitude towards you has a large effect on his prices. An item
will cost twice as much when buying from someone with 0 attitude than buying
from someone with 100 attitude. I think the markup (or markdown, if you are
selling...) for an item is (100 – (attitude)) percent.
-The easiest way to raise a shopkeeper’s attitude is by trading with them. I
think you also get a higher attitude bonus if you do an unbalanced trade.
(i.e. you give him more than he gives you.) Trying to steal from them will
lower a shopkeeper’s attitude towards you.
-After killing an enemy there is a small chance of getting an “Experience Bomb”
where you end up getting about 10 times the experience you would normally
would! Getting an “Experience Bomb” is, unfortunately, random and very rare.
-Avoid weapons with the “Frost” ability attached to them. This weapon will
work just like a Freeze spell when they strike, but these weapons will freeze
the enemy regardless of the enemies’ resistances. This means that you be able
to kill just about any enemy without putting yourself in any danger,
effectively taking all the challenge (and fun...) out of the game. (Then
again, maybe you WANT to take the challenge taken out of the game...)

-When fighting a large group of enemies, make sure you don’t get surrounded.
You will die fast if you get trapped inside a group so be sure to keep
moving. If you are a Warrior you can use your Special Move to fight your way
out. If you aren’t a Warrior... well... I hope you have a LOT healing potions
-“Restoration” is a vital skill for the long-term survival of your character.
It will save you a fortune in Healing Potions and is cheap enough even for
low Mana warriors to cast. Just remember that skill has about a half-second
lag in between the time you activate the skill and the time you actually get
healed, so if you think that you are about to be killed in a fight use a
healing potion instead.
-I would highly recommend taking at least one skill level in the “Alchemy”
skill so you will be able to mix potions together. Now mix all of your
Healing and Mana potions together to make Restoration potions. Since
Restoration potions heal your Health and Mana by a percentage rather than a
set number (For example, Minor Restoration will heal your Heath/Mana by 50%
of your max Health/Mana, as opposed to healing 40 points with Healing/Mana
Potions) it is MUCH more efficient to use a Restoration potion over a
Healing/Mana potion. (Even if you only need to recover your Health
or Mana...)
-“Repair” is a skill that can save you a lot of time and money. Since using
this skill doesn’t degrade the maximum durability the item you don’t need
more than one skill level in repair. (unless of course you get into the habit
of using equipment that has only 1 durability...) You also don’t have to
worry about trying to find someone to repair your stuff when something
-If you do need to find someone to repair your stuff then you can take it to
George, (until he gets whacked...) Otho, (Inside his house in Aleroth, or
later at the Blue Boar Inn) or Geoff. (At the Rivertown Market)
-“Enchant Weapon” is an invaluable skill for raising your stats. Charms are
quite simply the best way raise your resistances, (2 Gold charms and a Silver
charm will give you total immunity to an element.) or to cover any stats that
are lagging. (I was able to get my rocks-for-brains warrior nearly 500 mana
points just through charms) Note that there are only stat-raising charms in
this game; there are no Charms that can raise skill levels or add to damage
or defense.
-The different charm levels and the bonuses they give are:
-Cobalt: Gives Minor Bonuses
Adds 40 to Vitality/Mana
Adds 4 to Statistics
Adds 10 to Resistances
-Bronze: Gives Medium Bonuses
Adds 60 to Vitality/Mana
Adds 6 to Statistics
Adds 15 to Resistances
-Silver: Gives Large Bonuses
Adds 80 to Vitality/Mana
Adds 8 to Statistics
Adds 20 to Resistances
-Gold: Gives Very Large Bonuses
Adds 100 to Vitality/Mana
Adds 10 to Statistics
Adds 40 to Resistances
-It’s a good idea to set up a “Home Base.” First you should choose a spot that
has easy access to a merchant and a Teleporter. I prefer to set up camp on
the northern outskirts of Rivertown Market. You can make a quick jaunt to
Geoff to sell, identify, or repair items, or go to the Ars Magicana
Teleporter and have the world at your fingertips. (...more or less) Now drop
one of your Teleport Stones and make a Hay Bed there. Bring in a Treasure
Chest to store your unneeded items and you’re set. If you need healing or are
overburdened you just “Drop and Use” your Teleport Stone to pop back to rest
and sell/store excess equipment before teleporting back and continuing your

-The amount of experience that you get for killing an enemy will decrease as
you go up in levels. (This means that an enemy that gives you 1000 experience
at level 10 will only give you 975 or so experience at level 11.) This is
different from the experience given by quests and completing tasks, which
actually increases as you gain levels. So if you really want to max out your
experience you could clean out all the enemies, and then start on the quests.
(I would recommend against this however, because just killing monsters all
day is no fun at all.)

-Don’t believe everything you read!

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Walkthrough [#006]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Since this game is very non-linear this walkthrough will only list the quests
that are important to the story. I have also split the walkthrough into
sections in an attempt to make the walkthrough easier to navigate. All of the
directions I give are based on the directions on a compass. (North means to
the top of the screen, South to the bottom, West and East means to the left
and right of the screen, respectively.) For the most part, I won’t tell you
about enemy locations or how to fight them. You will just have to figure them
out on your own.

-Note: I am a bit dyslexic when it comes to which way is left or right, so

there is a chance I might have mixed up some of the directions that I
have given in walkthrough. I think that I’ve caught all of these mix
ups, but there is always the chance that some of them may have slipped
by me.
SPOILER NOTE: Although I won’t try to tell you every little detail that
happens in the plot, I will NOT go out of my way to avoid
spoilers. I will give brief summaries of a couple important
scenes and dialogs in this guide so if you are trying to avoid
spoilers, don’t read ahead of the spot you need help in. You
have been warned.

=====================|Part I: Healing the Healer [#006.1]|=====================
You start the game next to a bed. You can use this bed (and a couple other
beds throughout the game) anytime you need to recover your Health and Mana.
Go up the ladder and go west and Joram will talk to you. He will tell you
that he saved your life when he found you wounded in the woods. (See the
Intro movie for more details) He also tells about the recent problems with
the Orcs and that Aleroth’s leader, Mardaneus, has gone mad. He will tell you
to take what you want from his house, so take him up on that offer. When you
are done looting, go on outside the house and you will see a scene between
Mardaneus and Lanilor, another healer. Go ahead and take a look around town.
___________________Rescue Lanilor the elf from his icy prison__________________
When you get near Mardaneus’ house you will see a scene which Lanilor
attempts to help Mardaneus not be crazy, but fails miserably as Mardaneus
thinks Lanilor is a demon and ends up freezing him before going back inside
his house. Talk to Lanilor and he will ask you to convince Mardaneus to
unfreeze him. Unfortunately, Mardaneus’ door is locked, so talk to Lanilor
again and he will tell you to go through the well.
The Well
Go down to the room to the southwest. There is a locked door there, but the
key is just sitting there on a crate in the same room. Continue on and go up
the ladder to enter Mardaneus’ house.

Mardaneus’ House

When you get inside you will be accosted by the still very crazy Mardaneus.
You will (eventually) convince him to unfreeze Lanilor. The freshly thawed
Lanilor will thank you and tell you about the catacombs beneath town.
__________________________Restoring Mardaneus’ Sanity__________________________

To enter the catacombs, go to the statue in the center of town that is

surrounded by four dragon statues. Click on each of the dragon statues until
they all face north. (They will lock into place when they reach the correct
position, so don’t worry about going too far.) When all four are positioned,
the stairs down to the catacombs will be opened. When you first try to go
down the stairs Lanilor will stop you and give you a teleporter stone.
Catacombs: First Level
In the room south of the starting area throw the lever on the northern wall
to unlock the door. Follow the hallway to the end and throw another lever to
unlock the nearby door. Go through the door and clean out all the skeletons
in this room. Continue on and clean out the next room and the one after that.
Grab the magic orb from the next room then continue on and in the next room
grab the sapphire key. Continue south down the next room until you come to a
fork in the road, the locked door to the west needs the sapphire key and
leads back to the first hallway. Both the east and south forks lead to the
same place, but the east fork has another magic orb, so take the east fork
first. Continue on to the south and west to the next room and grab the final
orb. In this room if you light the 5 candles around the pentagram you will
summon a skeleton who will attack you. Throw the lever to unlock the door and
continue on. In the next room you find a group of Orcs.
They are reasonably friendly (meaning they don’t try to disembowel you on
sight) and their leader, Smiruk even has a quest for you. (See “Retrieve the
Magic Axe called Slasher,” below) The ladder in the room leads to the middle
of an Orc camp, you DON’T want to go there, (at least, not yet) so go south
down the hallway and to the east until you reach a fork, the east fork leads
to a dead end, and the south path leads to an interesting room where you can
get yourself your very own zombie bodyguard (See “Gregar Brock,” below.) Take
the northern path and in the next room and place one Magic orb in center of
each of the three pentagrams to open up a portal. Go through the portal and
in the next room take the stairs down to the next level. The stairs up will
create a shortcut back to town.
Catacombs: Second Level
This level has a VERY difficult puzzle to solve on this level. To solve it
you have to go the stairs in the northwest corner, and then click on the
stairs to go to the next level. If you are looking for it, Slasher can be
found on this level, it is in a treasure room that’s under a Floor Tile.
Catacombs: Third Level
From the stairs go east and then south into the large room. The stairs down
are in one of the coffins located in the center of this room, but they are
locked. To unlock the coffins you have to open the 4 tombs that are on the
platform surrounding the coffins. Be careful, though, because when you open a
tomb you will be attacked by a legion of undead. If you are having problems
with the undead that come out then just run away from them. Open all 4 tombs
then open up the western coffin in the center of the room and go down to the
next level.
Catacombs: Fourth Level
Go to the east through the first and second rooms, in the third room take the
hallway down south to the end. At the end of the hallway continue south to
the next room and head south again to the next room. Go east and south until
you find doors leading to both the east and west. The east door leads to the
area that has the second teleport stone. Flip the lever and enter. The
teleport stone is in the next room, to pick it up just open your inventory
and click and drag the stone into your inventory. If you got to this area by
using the first teleport stone, you will have to use the teleport pad near
the door to escape this area. The west door leads to the stairs down.
Catacombs: Fifth Level
You are in the home stretch! Go south into the inner chamber; there is a
skeleton there who will talk to you. He will complain that the resurrection
ritual is not working. Badger him enough and he will show you the ritual that
is a very complicated process of flipping four switches, but unfortunately
one of the skeletons is... well... dead, and can’t flip his switch. Now you
get to play Tech Support, go to the northwest lever and when they start the
ritual again, flip that lever. This will resurrect Thelyron.
Talk to Thelyron and he will tell you it was he who is causing Mardaneus’
insanity and that since you were such a nice guy who went and resurrected
him, he won’t kill you and add your soul to his undead army just yet. (Gee,
how nice of him!) However, after he’s done talking you he suddenly becomes
wracked with pain. He can’t stand it, and begs you to put him out his misery.
(What a wimp!)

You will automatically kill him, and when you do, Thelyron’s minions will be
rather upset that you killed their master and bring a whole boatload of
undead down your throat. Fight your way out of the room you are in and
Mardaneus will show up and zap all the undead on this level. After a brief
conversation revealing that Mardaneus isn’t crazy anymore, he will create a
portal that leads back to the surface.
Back in Aleroth
-Note: Now that he is back to normal, Mardaneus will gladly heal you for free.

Mardaneus will thank you for curing his insanity. He will also tell you that
there is not much more that you can do inside Aleroth, so it is time for you
to leave the village and venture out into the cold, cruel world.
________________________________Leaving Aleroth________________________________

When you first go out of town there is cutscene of some soldiers getting
slaughtered by some Orcs. Then a knight named Seth will arrive and order you
back inside the town. Inside the town Seth will explain that there is a
plague ravaging Rivertown, and he has come to ask for the aid of the healers
of Aleroth. He wants you to tell the healers his plight. Go to Mardaneus and
tell him about the plague and Mardaneus will agree to help. Go back to Seth
and tell him the good news. He will tell you to deliver a message to General
Alix to arrange for an escort for the healers.
============|Part II: Assassins, Plagues, and Orcs, Oh My [#006.2]|============
Now leave the town and follow the road to the south. You will run into a
Dragon Rider who wants to kill you, which he does easily. Fortunately a mage
named Ganda... er... Zandalor shows up and saves you. He then tells you that
you are a “Marked One,” but doesn’t tell what the heck a Marked One is. He
tells you to meet him at the Dwarven Bread Inn later for a more detailed
explanation of just what the heck is going on around here. He also gives you
the scroll to activate Mage Teleportation points. He also mentions finding
clues to the location of the other scrolls inside the Cursed Abbey. After he
leaves, continue down the road and cross the bridge.
-Note: The Dragon Rider that Zandalor kills can drop items when defeated just
like any other enemy in the game. The items the Dragon Rider can drop,
however, are some of the best in the game. (...and a heck of a lot
better then what the local Orcs are dropping...) So you could save
before the cutscene and reload until you get something. Just try not to
go crazy trying to get a sword with 5 charm slots or something...
_________________________________The Farmlands_________________________________
Across the bridge you have a choice on where to go next; take the north road
and you will end up at the door step of the Cursed Abbey, or follow the south
road to (eventually) reach the Dwarven Bread Inn and the Barracks. I would
not recommend tackling the cursed Abbey until you are LEAST level 20, so take
the south road from the bridge. Follow the road until you go past the Blue
Boar Inn and at the next fork, take the East path to get to the Dwarven Bread
Inn, or the south road to find the barracks. Since the barracks are closer,
take the south road then east to get to the barracks.
__________________________________The Barracks_________________________________
Inside the barracks go and talk to General Alix, who will want news on Seth.
Tell her that Seth has made it to Aleroth but he needs an escort for the
healers. She will send an escort for the healers and tell you to go see
Captain Mitox for more work.
-WARNING: If you wait for around ten or so days after Seth gives you the quest
to arrange an escort. Then Alix will tell you that she already sent
an escort and that quest will fail.
-Note: After arraigning an escort for the healers Lanilor, Otho, Joram, and
Goemoe can now be found in the Blue Boar Inn. Mardaneus, however, will
stay in Aleroth.

If you ask her for some equipment she will let you take what you want from
the barracks armory. When the conversation finishes, the barracks will be
attacked by Orcs. These guys shouldn’t be too much of a problem. After
mopping up the Orcs, you can use the beds in the northwest building to rest,
or go into armory and take whatever equipment you want. When you are done
here go on to the Dwarven Bread Inn.
_______________________________Dwarven Bread Inn_______________________________

Go inside the inn and go into the back rooms and a man named Wouter will talk
to you. When you ask him about Zandalor he reveals that he, too, is a Marked
One. He tells you that Zandalor is currently at Stormfist Castle, trying to
find the third Marked One. He wants you to stay at the Dwarven Bread Inn and
wait for Zandalor, but being the impatient hero-type that you are you will
decide to go to Stormfist Castle and meet with Zandalor there.
________________________________Stormfist Castle_______________________________

When you try to enter Stormfist Castle you will be stopped at the gate. It
seems they don’t just let anybody into castle; you will need an invitation to
get inside. There are three ways of getting an invitation, (actually, there
is another way in, but that method is a cheat and will likely mess up your
game...) either by helping the army to break the Orc siege, by discovering
the cause of the plague, or by discovering who was responsible for the Old
Duke’s Murder.
________________________________Break the Siege________________________________
To break the Orc siege you will need to do two quests for Captain Mitox in
the tent town to the south of the barracks. Both of these quests are
basically suicide missions, where you have to drop an item in a place that
has a LOT of strong enemies defending it. First you will have to take a
barrel of explosives into the Orc’s supply train.
-Note: If you are having problems with the enemies that are swarming around
this area you can just run to the place where you need to drop the item
(gulp down a stamina potion if you need it) while avoiding all the
enemies, then quickly drop the item and use your Teleport Stones to get
out before you are overwhelmed by the swarm of Orcs you that are
chasing after you.
Mission 1: Ravage the Orc supply train
The easiest way to get to where you’re supposed to go is to find a hatch
inside one of the buildings that leads to some tunnels. Follow the tunnels to
the east as far as you can and take the southern tunnel to find a stairway
that should come out right next to your target. Go into the square pen that
Mitox marked on your map and drop the barrel of explosives in the middle of
it. This will blow up the pen and complete this quest. Get the heck out of
there and head back to Mitox. Now he wants you to Poison the Orc’s well.
-WARNING: Do NOT sell/lose the explosives Mitox gives you, you won’t be able
to complete this mission, and therefore unable to get an invitation
for completing the Orc Siege missions.
Mission 2: Poison the Well
The well you need to poison is deep inside Orc territory, and the only way
there is to walk. (er... run, quickly...) When you get to the well, just drag
and drop the poison onto the well. Get out of there and go back to Mitox. He
will send you back to General Alix, Go see General Alix and she will give you
an invitation to enter Stormfist Castle.
-WARNING: You shouldn’t sell/lose the poison you get from Mitox either.
-Note: General Alix will relock the door to the Barrack’s Armory after she
gives you the invitation and won’t let you get back in to it. Make sure
you get what you need from the Armory before you talk to her.
____________________________The Cause of the Plague____________________________
The events that will lead you to discovering the cause of the plague starts
with a farmer named Hugh.
The Poisoned Harvest
You can find Hugh in his house to the northwest of Stormfist Castle. Hugh
will complain that his crops are being ruined by a mysterious disease. Hugh
suspects poison, and wants you to see if you can find anything. There is a
cave in the southwest corner of the farmlands; inside the cave you will find
an Orc and several barrels of poison. The Orc will attack you, kill him and
take the key he drops. The key opens a door to a storage room in the basement
of the Blue Boar Inn. Inside the room you find more barrels of poison. Leave
the basement and talk to the bartender Splinter, he will say that the room
with the poison in it has been rented out to Dr. Elrath. He tells you that
Elrath can be found either at the quarantined area to the south of the
farmlands or at his house in the Rivertown Market area. Go to the quarantined
area first and there will be a scene with Dr. Elrath leaving the Quarantine
area and going back to his house in Rivertown Market. Follow him to Rivertown
Rivertown Market
Go to Dr. Elrath’s house and confront him about the poison barrels in the
Blue Boar Inn. Elrath will claim that he lost the key to that storage room
weeks ago and that it must be someone else who is trying to frame him before
he kicks you out. Elrath will also leave at this time, locking the door to
his house behind him. Search to the south of Elrath’s and find a key behind a
rock. Use the key to unlock the front door to Elrath’s house.
-Note: Danny Lam has told me that you can drop a teleport stone inside
Elrath’s house (you have to do this before he talks to you) and then
use it to warp inside his house without having to bother with finding
the key or unlocking the door.
Dr. Elrath’s House
-WARNING: If you unlock the front door and Elrath is still inside, RELOAD. You
can’t explore his house while Elrath is inside, and when he kicks
you out and locks the door there is no way to open it again (you
have already used the only key.) resulting in a broken quest. This
issue has been fixed with the latest patch. (The key to Elrath’s
front door will not appear until you need to use it)
-Note: Capricous ( has told me that you can lockpick
Elrath’s front door with a Lockpick skill of 2. You will only be able
to lockpick the door before you find the note exposing Elrath. After
you expose Elrath his door will be locked again and you won’t be able
to unlock it no matter how high your Lockpicking skill is.
Your goal inside Elrath’s house is to get to the stairs to the basement, but
several locked doors block your way. The key to this puzzle are the “Strange
Lanterns” that line the walls of Elrath’s house, each one of these lanterns
will open or close some of the doors inside Elrath’s house when you click on
them. In the first room there are three lanterns, one to the left and right
of the entrance and one on the west wall. First click on the lantern to the
right of the entrance, then the one on the west wall to open the southern
door. Go through the southern door into a small room with another locked door
to the south. Click on the lantern in this room to close the door you just
came through and open the door to the south and the door to the bedroom. Go
on through the open door and go into Elrath’s bedroom and click another
lantern on the north wall near his bed, this will open both doors leading
back to the first room. Now go back to the first room and click on the west
wall lantern again, this will close the two southern doors again. Click on
the west wall lantern a second time to open the southern door. Go into the
small room and click on the lantern to open the south door, and the door to
the basement should be open.
Inside the basement move the stack of boxes next to the west wall to find a
door hidden behind the pile. This door is locked, but you can find the key
inside a chest that is in this room. Follow the hallway south (there are
traps here, so watch out) to a room with a Djinn inside who attacks you. Be
careful, it can take off nearly 200 health with each hit, so try to kill it
with ranged attacks if you can. When you manage to kill it search the room
(watch out for traps) and read the note that’s lying on the table in the
center of the room. This note reveals that the “plague” is actually a poison
that was meant to be used on the Barracks, but Elrath used it instead on the
water supply of the poor sections of Rivertown, and that this whole “plague”
thing is meant to cover up the poison. Take the note (Drag and drop it into
your inventory, just like the Teleport Stones.) and leave the basement. (Be
sure to grab the two Cure Potions that are sitting on a cabinet in the
eastern part of the room, as this is the only chance you will have at getting
them.) Leave Elrath’s house and head to the Town Watch near Stormfist Castle.
(You will likely be attacked by Assassins sent by Elrath to try and stop you
on your way there.) Inside the Town Watch talk to Ralph and show him the note
you found in Elrath’s house. Ralph will order Elrath’s arrest and thank you
for helping to discover the cause of the plague by giving you an invitation
to Stormfist Castle.
-WARNING: Brian Haefs has told me that if you go into Ralph’s room he will
come and kick you out and will lock the door. The problem is that he
usually manages to lock himself INSIDE his room, meaning you will be
unable to speak to him and finish the Elrath quest. It seems that
the only way to fix this is to prevent it from happening in the
first place, so stay away from Ralph’s room.
-Note: After exposing Elrath you can report back to Hugh for a reward of 1000
Gold Pieces. The gold that Hugh gives you, however, is bugged. It won’t
stack with the other Gold in your inventory nor will you be able to
purchase anything with it.
__________________________Finding the Duke’s Murderer__________________________
When you talk to Commander Ralph about the Old Duke’s death he will tell you
about his suspicions on the matter, that he thinks that the duke might have
been assassinated. He suggests trying to find out the Assassin’s Guild and
that Sir Dante in Verdistis might be able to help you contact them.


Inside of Verdistis go to Sir Dante’s Mansion. Talk to Randell and ask to see
Sir Dante and he will unlock the door to Dante. Talk to Sir Dante and ask him
to arrange a meeting with a contact of the Assassin’s Guild, he will become
upset and demands to know who told you that he would know someone from the
Assassin’s Guild. Tell him “Zandalor, the Wizard” (he won’t help you if you
answer with any of the other names) and he will say that he will make
arrangements to meet with the Assassin’s Guild, IF you do him a favor first.
He wants you to steal a Title Deed from Sir Patrick. Agree to do this for
him. (If you are worried about stealing from Patrick, don’t, the Deed that
Dante wants you to steal turns out to be nothing more than a permission slip
to extort money...)

To get the Title Deed you will need to go to Sir Patrick’s Mansion. When you
get there search the grounds outside the mansion for a Portal Stone. It is in
the western half of the estate near the fence and is partially obscured by a
hedge. When you find on it click on it to be transported inside the mansion.
You are teleported to a room with five exits: two to the north, two to the
south, and one to the west. The room to the west has the Deed you want, but
to get to it you first need to unlock the door. To do that you need to go
into the northwest room and flip the lever there, then go into the southeast
room and flip the lever there, and finally flip the lever in the center room
to open the door to the west. Take the Deed and return to Sir Dante.
He will tell you to go see Yarun in the Merchant’s Guild. Go there and talk
to Yarun and tell him that Sir Dante sent you. It doesn’t matter what you say
after this, as he will eventually sic some assassins on you and slip away.
Kill the assassins and then click on the cupboard in this room to find a
secret passage to a new area.

When you arrive in the new area go south to find Yarun, who will send more
assassins after you before running off again. (Note that you can use the bed
in the first room to rest. Who can sleep inside a den of assassins, anyways?)
Go east through the hall way to come to a large room; take the northern exit
to find a hallway lined with cells. Go into the farthest southwestern cell
and you will find Yarun hiding there. This time he will make a bargain with
you; he will arrange a meeting with the assassin who killed the Duke in
exchange for his life. Agree to this and he will run off, and your character
will make a comment about telling Commander Ralph about this, but then they
start to have second thoughts about telling him.
If you want to inform Commander Ralph, Go back to the Town Watch Building in
Rivertown and talk to Ralph. Either way, go to the burned-out building that
Yarun marked on your map to find Cybu. Approach him and you will get him to
confess to killing the Duke. Now if you informed Commander Ralph about this
meeting he will now show up with some guards and take care of Cybu for you,
but if you didn’t you will have to take him and his assassin flunkies out
yourself. When Cybu is dead go talk to Ralph and he will give you an
invitation to Stormfist Castle.
-WARNING: Apparently poking around Commander Ralph’s room can also break this
quest too.
_____________________Cheat: Enter Stormfist Castle Anytime_____________________
evandar ( told me about a way to enter Stormfist Castle
anytime you want, you just need both teleport stones. The idea is to use the
teleport stones to teleport you past the spot where the guards stop you. Go
to the entrance of Stormfist Castle and drag one of your Teleport Stones as
far as you can into the entrance of the castle. Now just use the other stone
to teleport, and if you did it correctly you should be able to walk through
and into the castle courtyard.
If you do this before you get an invitation to enter Stormfist Castle,
everyone inside will act like you have been named Lord Protector. Doing this
will mess up your game, however, as some cutscenes that are needed to advance
the game will not trigger, causing a broken game.
If you go after the Stormfist Castle event, well, not much happens. You still
can’t go into the cellar, (You are stopped by dead guards!) and Janus doesn’t
seem to remember that he kicked you out. I suppose you could grab any
treasure you missed during your stint as the Lord Protector, but that’s about

========================|Part III: Stormfisted [#006.3]|=======================
-Note: I would recommend waiting until you are around level 20-25 before
continuing with the story.
________________________________Stormfist Castle_______________________________

When you have one (or more) invitations to Stormfist Castle just go to the
castle entrance and the captain will let you in. Before you can meet with
Janus, however, you are stopped by an Imp named ZixZax. (the Almost-Wise) He
will take your Teleport Stones before leaving.
-Note: If you drop both Teleport Stones into a container or on the ground
before you enter Stormfist Castle then ZixZax (the Almost-Wise) will
never show up to take the Teleport Stones from you. Unfortunately, this
won’t prevent ZixZax (the Almost-Wise) from taking your Teleport
Stones, as he will just show up and take them when you pick them up
after you escape from Iona’s Dungeon.

After ZixZax (the Almost-Wise) leaves you are taken to see Duke Janus, and
his advisor, Elona. Janus congratulates you for your services to Rivertown
and decides that you would be thrilled to be Janus’ new Lord Protector, and
he won’t take no for an answer. (Seriously, he doesn’t take no for an
answer.) You are forced to become Janus’ Lord Protector for the next forty
years! (You will also gain 10 reputation points!) After he finishes his
speech and leaves you are free to look around the castle. You can go anywhere
you want, except for the cellars. (...or outside the castle, of course...)
The door to the armory is locked, but you can find the key to the door is in
the study directly north of the armory. When you are done exploring, go to
Janus and receive the first of your labors.
Find the White Cat
Janus’ first task is for you to bring him his cat. The cat is simple to find,
just go out of Janus’ room and follow the hallway south. When you get near
the cat you will automatically call out to the cat. To your surprise the cat
will talk back! The cat tells you his name is Arhu and that he is actually a
spy for Zandalor. He tells you that Zandalor has gone into the cellars of
Stormfist Castle but has not returned. After you tell him that Janus is
looking for him he will run off. You will not be able to get into the cellars
so just return to Janus, who will berate you for not bringing him his cat
before he gives you a new job.
Deliver a Love Letter to Lela
Now Janus gives you a letter to give to his girlfriend Lela. Lela is in the
room south of Janus’ room. Of course, Lela is an even bigger brat than Janus
is. Just give her the letter and go back to Janus for your next job. (Feel
free to read the letter yourself, high poetry it ain’t...)
Flowers for Lela
After delivering the letter, Janus tells you to go pick some flowers and take
them to Lela. The flowers are just to the east of the entrance to Stormfist
Castle. Pick one (It doesn’t matter which one you take) and bring them to
Lela, who will courteously thank you. (Yeah, right!) Go back to Janus, who
has returned to the throne room.
Find the Teddy Bear
Go to the throne room and talk to Janus, who will order you to find Uncle
Samakayne, Lela’s favorite teddy bear. When you finish talking to Janus the
Elven Ambassador Bronthion will enter and ask for the Human’s support in
their conflict with the Dwarves, but he gets insulted out of the royal court.
After witnessing that display of diplomatic prowess Janus orders you to get
going and find the teddy bear, which is sitting in the hallway outside of
Janus’ room. Use the Alt key to find it and take it to Lela.
The Merchant’s Meeting
This quest is actually given to you by Theus when you leave Lela’s room after
giving her the teddy bear. He tells you that there is an important meeting
between Janus and some merchants, and your attendance is required. Head to
the throne room and the meeting will start automatically. The meeting is
interrupted, however, when group of Orcs suddenly emerge from the cellar and
try to assassinate Janus. Although they are easily dispatched, Janus will get
angry because you didn’t kill the Orcs before they got near him. He will
strip you of your “Lord Protector” title and kicks you out of Stormfist
Castle and into horrible horrible freedom! (You will also lose 15 reputation
-Note: Once you are kicked out of Stormfist Castle you will not be able to get
inside the castle again without cheating. (See Cheat: Enter Stormfist
Castle Anytime, Above.)
_________________________________Iona’s Dungeon________________________________
Your freedom is short-lived, however, because you are stopped by Elona before
you can get too far and she will kidnap you. You end up locked in a dungeon
without any of your equipment. Elona then shows up to taunt you sporting a
new look. (and a name change, her name is now Iona...) After she leaves just
sit tight as Arhu will eventually show up and free you from of your cell.
There is nothing of value on this floor, so just take the stairs up to the
first floor.

Iona’s Dungeon First Floor


The chest containing your equipment is in the room directly east of the
starting point. Unfortunately the door is locked, but Arhu shows up and tells
you that the key should be nearby. After he leaves, continue searching to the
east and you will find the key you need inside another room. Take the key and
unlock the door to the chest with your equipment and take your equipment
back. Now that you have your stuff back this is a pretty straight-forward
dungeon, as your only real goal in this dungeon is to get out alive and if
you need heath or mana just use one of the Healing or Mana Shrines
conveniently scattered throughout the level.
From the starting point head west into the next room and take the west door.
Follow the hallway north and west, and in the next room take the door that’s
to the west and a little south from where you enter. Take the only exit to
the south and pass by the Mana Shrine and go through the first western door.
This door is locked, but the switch is just south of the door. Continue west
then turn north until the path splits. Take the west path and go through the
door to come to a room that has a Healing Shrine and the stairs that will
lead you out of this dungeon in it.
_________________________________The Graveyard_________________________________
When you exit the dungeon Arhu reappears and tells you that you should try to
find a different way into Stormfist Castle. He suggests enlisting the help of
the Thieves Guild of Verdistis in searching the sewers for an alternate
entrance to Stormfist Castle. After Arhu leaves Iona returns and is none too
happy that you escaped her dungeon. She threatens you for awhile and then she
causes the dead of the cemetery to rise. Just fight your way out of the

======|Part IV: Enter Stormfist Castle and Find Zandalor, AGAIN! [#006.4]|=====
After exiting the cemetery, you are free to do what ever you want to do. I
would suggest raising your levels to about 30 or so through killing enemies
and doing sidequests before continuing.
___________________________Joining the Thieves Guild___________________________
-Note: Although joining the Thieves Guild is optional, I would suggest joining
them anyways because it will save you a LOT of frustration when you are
exploring the sewers.
To join the Thieves Guild you will need to talk to Rob in The Ducal Inn of
Verdistis. Tell him you want to join the guild and he will give you the first
of the two tests needed to join the Thieves Guild.
First Test: Steal from Sweeny
For the first test Rob tells you to steal a necklace from Sweeny. To
accomplish this you will need at least 1 skill level in the Pickpocket skill,
then just use Pickpocket on Sweeny to get the necklace. Take the necklace
back to Rob to get the next test.
Second Test: The Beer Run
Next Rob wants you to grab a bottle of ale that is behind a locked door. The
door you need to pick is in the basement of the inn. You will need 1 skill
level in the Lockpicking skill and a set of Lockpicks to open the door. Just
lockpick the door and take the bottle of ale that is inside and take it back
to Rob to become a card-carrying member of the Thieves Guild.
-WARNING: Do NOT lose the Ale you need for the test! You won’t be able to
become a member of the Thieves Guild if you do.
Now that you have joined the Thieves Guild you can ask Rob for help in
entering Stormfist Castle and he will give you a key, (Which unlocks another
entrance to the sewers, and is only moderately helpful.) and mark the
locations of two entrances to Stormfist Castle inside the sewers. (Which is
VERY helpful.)
________________________________Rivertown Sewers_______________________________
-Note: There are actually two different sewer areas, Verdistis Sewers and
Rivertown Sewers. You want to be in the sewers under Rivertown, as that
is where the entrance to Stormfist Castle is.
The sewers under Rivertown are a huge, sprawling maze of pathways and any
attempt by me to give directions will likely end up you getting hopelessly
lost. So you are on your own exploring these sewers. Your goal here is to
enter the “Sewers entry to Stormfist Castle’s Treasure Room.” (As Rob from
the Thieves Guild marks it.)
________________________Stormfist Castle’s Treasure Room_______________________
-Note: If you are attacked by someone named Executioner when you first enter
an area, you are in the wrong place. You want to be in the Stormfist
Castle’s Treasure Room, not the prison.
-WARNING: You can NOT use ANY magic while you are inside the treasure room, so
you will have to make do with physical attacks and skills.
When you enter the treasure room you will be trapped inside as the Black Ring
makes their move against Zandalor. A cutscene will play showing the third
Marked One getting killed and Zandalor being cornered by a Deathknight and
some Orc flunkies. Go east and take the gold and gems in the room, (Always
remember your priorities...) then go south into a hallway. Follow the hallway
west and go into the north room and kill the Deathknight and his Orc posse.
(Be sure to take and use the potions in the room if you need them.)
After beating them, go west and talk to Zandalor there, he will ask you to
check the treasure vault to see if the Sword of Lies is still there. He gives
you the password to the vault door (ANVAS ENROD) and sends you off to search
for the Sword. Retrace your steps back to the hallway south of the room with
the gold and gems, but this time continue on and follow the hall to the east.
(There are traps all over this area, so be careful.) After following the
hallway to the east and then the north, you will come to a door with a face
on it. The door will demand a password, (In case you weren’t paying
attention, it’s ANVAS ENROD.) give it to him (once again, it’s ANVAS ENROD.)
and go into the vault. Inside the center of the vault your character will
make a comment that The Sword of Lies is nowhere to be found, so go back to
Zandalor, and he will surmise that Janus has taken the sword and has been
corrupted by the Lord of Chaos. He wants to go check on Wouter, the second
Marked One and teleports the both of you out of there to the Dwarven Bread
________________________Return to the Dwarven Bread Inn________________________
When you arrive at the Dwarven Bread Inn a cutscene plays where Wouter is
lured outside by a boy who claims that someone is getting beaten up outside.
Wouter rushes outside only to find a Dragon Rider waiting for him, who
promptly blasts poor Wouter to Kingdom Come. (And just because he’s a bad
guy, the Dragon Rider also blasts the boy who lured Wouter into the trap.)
Zandalor rushes off to try and save Wouter, go and follow him but when you
reach him it will be too late, Wouter is dead. (There is no way you can save
Wouter.) Zandalor decides to take you to the chamber of The Council of Seven
to begin the ceremony of The Divine One. When you are ready tell him to take
you to the Council of Seven Chambers.
______________________________The Council of Seven_____________________________
Inside the chamber of the Council of Seven Zandalor gets the feeling that
something is wrong there. That something turns out to be a Succubus who traps
Zandalor inside an Energy Cage and then runs off. Zandalor tells you that you
will need to destroy the Succubus to purify the chamber and Zandalor will
then be able to free himself.
The Council of Seven chamber is so tiny that it is impossible to get lost in.
If you get hurt here you can either go back to Zandalor and he will heal you
if you want, or you can just use one of the abundant Healing or Mana Shrines
here. (There is one of each in just about every single room on this map!) The
Succubus’ room is just one room and one hallway north of the starting point
so there is hardly any need to conserve your strength here.
The Succubus attacks mostly with a rather strange physical attack (Is she
trying to... kiss you?) and also summons a Deathknight. (Which you can use
Aura of Command on to make it attack the Succubus...) When you kill her
Zandalor will be free and come up to you and tell you to follow him. But
before you do that, however, go to the room to the west and you will find
another one of the Succubus’ prisoners, who is none other than ZixZax! (The
Almost Wise) Not only will he thank you for rescuing him, but he will also
give back the Teleport Stones that he took! (Yipee!)

======|Part V: The Council of Six Races and Assorted Magic-Users [#006.5]|=====
After you finish with ZixZax, (The Almost Wise) return to the room where you
fought the Succubus is and then follow Zandalor to the north. You will come
to a room with seven statues and seven stones sitting in front of them.
Zandalor will explain that in order to become the Divine One you will need to
receive the blessing of the Seven Races, and to do this you will need to
assemble a new Council of Seven. To find the members of the council you just
need to drag and drop one of the scrying stones onto the pedestal of the
appropriate statue. This will give you a vision about the Council Member of
that race. Then it’s only a matter of tracking them down, and inviting them
to the council. (And by having them say the magic word, “XXBZPTRL.” Say that
three times fast...)
The scrying stones have been arranged so that they are sitting in front of
the statue they go in to. Drag and drop the stones onto the pedestal, receive
a vision then go and do the quest to get them to join the council.

-WARNING: Make sure you unlock the Teleporter here before you leave the
Council Chambers. There is an obscure glitch here where it is
possible to lock yourself out of the Council Chambers if you use
your Teleport Stones to leave without unlocking the Teleporter. (You
need to have ZixZax (The Almost Wise) to only take one of the
Teleport Stones and have the other one ready to use.) If this
happens you will be unable assemble the Council of Seven, resulting
in a broken game. The only way to fix this is to go back to an
earlier save.
_____________________________Dwarven Council Member____________________________
-Note: You won’t be able to find the Dwarven Council Member right away... I
think you have to complete 5 other Council Member quests (see below)
before you can start the Dwarf quest.
When you first try to get a vision of the Dwarven Council you will just see
an unknown Dwarf out in the middle of nowhere. Come back later (After
completing 5 other Council Member quests) and try again and you will see that
the Dwarf is now standing at an altar of some kind. Zandalor recognizes the
altar as the one in the Dwarven Village in Rivertown.
Dwarven Village
Go to the altar and talk to Eolus ThunderStorm. When you tell him that he has
been chosen as the Dwarven Council Member he will tell that he can’t accept
the position as long as the stolen Axe of Stone is missing. He thinks that
the Elves were the ones who stole the axe and says that they have captured an
Elf and are getting ready to beat a confession out of him. When you ask to
help recover the axe he reluctantly tells you to talk to the mayor and the
captured Elf. After you speak to Eolus he will retire to the house directly
south of the altar.
Go and speak to Arandalis, the captured elf being held in the basement of the
Black Hammer Inn. He will tell that he was kidnapped by a Human and a Dwarf
and was left near the altar where the Axe of Stone was stolen. After speaking
to Arandalis, go and speak to Gregor Dunatrim inside the Glenborus Town Hall.
He is pretty adamant that Arandalis is guilty, and you won’t be able to
convince him otherwise. When you ask him how much ale he has had he will go
ballistic and give you a long speech about how mead is much better than ale.
When he finishes he tell you that if you bring him some mead he will promise
to tell you a story.
Go to the Brewery in the western half of town and buy some ale from Rimmer
there. Take the ale back to Glenborus Town Hall and give some to Gregor.
After you give him the ale he will let it slip that he is part of a
conspiracy to make war against the Elves. He tells you his fellow
conspirators are holed up inside a secret cave inside the mines underneath
the Dwarven Halls and he will tell you the password needed to get past the
sentry inside the cave. (The password is “PROPHESY”) Leave the Dwarven
Village and head south into the Dark Forest and enter the Dwarven Halls.
Dwarven Halls
Your first stop inside the halls should be to see Kelp Dunatrim, King of the
Dwarves. Enter his chamber (you will have to give up all of you equipment
before you can enter) and talk to the King. Ask him permission to enter the
mines and he gives it to you. Ask him about whatever else you want to then
leave his chamber (You will get your equipment back after you leave the
King’s chamber. Be sure to double-check your equipment because they always
seem to mix up what you had equipped before you went in.) When you are ready,
go and enter the mines.
Dwarven Mines
Follow the tunnel around until you come to a fork. Take the eastern route
then go north through the door. Follow the tunnel northeast then turn west
until find an entrance that will take you deeper into the mines.

Go east until you run into the Sentry and give him the password Gregor gave
you. (PROPHESY) Continue to the north and move the Wooden Fence that is
blocking a door then go through the door. In the next room go east and
continue through a door into another room. Go to the far eastern end of the
room then turn north. Go north through a small connecting hallway and into
the next room where you will come face-to-face with Moriendor, a Member of
the Black Ring. After a bit of the usual
explaining-his-diabolical-plan-to-the-protagonist spiel he attacks. (He likes
to use HellSpikes, so be careful! This battle gave me a whole new
appreciation for the Freeze skill...) After you beat him he will run off into
a back room and locks the door.

-Note: An amusing trick to try is to use Polymorph on Moriendor when you fight
him. Not only does it work on him, but he will also be stuck in
polymorphed form FOREVER! Even when you run into him again at the end
of the game he will still be the rabbit that you turned him into during
this fight.

The lever to unlock the door is right next to the door he ran through. Flip
it and go into the north room then take the first western door to find
Moriendor and the Axe of Stone. Moriendor will teleport away, leaving the Axe
of Stone behind. Take the Axe of Stone and before you leave the mines be sure
to search the backrooms until you find a note that tells about the Mayor of
the Dwarven Village’s part in the plot. Take the note with you and return to
the King with the Axe of Stone (The guards won’t take the Axe of Stone or the
note with the rest of your items) and give it to him. Also be sure to talk to
him about the note you found in the Mines. This will open up the Dragon Armor
Set quest. Return to the Dwarven Village.
Dwarven Village
Go to the house to the south of the Stone Axe Altar and talk to Eolus again
and now that the Axe of Stone has been recovered he will gladly join the
Council of Seven.

______________________________Elven Council Member_____________________________

When get the vision of the Elven Council Member you will (eventually)
remember him from your stint as the Lord Protector as the Elven Ambassador,
Bronthion. Zandalor will suggest going to the Elven Village in the Dark
Elven Village
You will find Bronthion in the West side of the village. Unfortunately, he
will refuse to accept the Council position until SOMEONE (hint, hint) returns
the three Elven Ceremonial Relics that have been stolen from the Elven Burial
Grounds. Leave the town to the south and follow the ravine southward until
you come to the Elven Burial Grounds.
Elven Burial Grounds
When you arrive at the burial grounds there is a quick scene with a group of
strange dwarves. (They are actually polymorphed Imps.) Follow them to the
west and you will stumble onto an Orc camp. Kill them all then search the
northern cliff face to find a cave.
When you enter the cave head south into a donut-shaped room, from there head
west to a small room. Look for lever in this room that will open a door on
the western wall. In the next room there is a floor tile that you can click
on to take you to a lower level. You had better be prepared to go down there,
because one of the most difficult battles of the game awaits you down there.
When you go under the floor tile you are met by Josephina, a Black Ring
Member. Not only do you have do you have to deal with Josephina in this
battle, you also have to face over a half a dozen Dwarfs. The Dwarves alone
can easily surround you and cut you to ribbons without Josephina continually
launching HellSpikes at you. The first thing you should do is get rid of the
dwarves as quickly as possible, escaping back up the ladder to heal and save
if things become too hairy. I found the Warrior’s Special Move to be
especially effective in clearing out the dwarves. Then when the dwarves are
finally dealt with you can turn your attention to Josephina.
-Note: A downright diabolical way of winning this battle is to immediately
release one (or more) Death Scorpions using the Survivor’s Deadly Gift
skill, and then quickly climb back up the ladder. Since you are on a
different level Josephina and her posse won’t be able to harm you, and
the death scorpions will easily slaughter the Dwarves and Josephina.
When (if) you finally defeat Josephina you just need to find the three Elven
Ceremonial Relics and take them back to Bronthion. Unfortunately, if you look
around the chamber you will only find two relics. The third relic is actually
the Quarter Staff that Josephina drops when you defeat her. Take the staff
and have it identified to get the third relic. Take all three Elven
Ceremonial Relics back to Bronthion and he will accept the council position.
______________________________Human Council Member_____________________________
You immediately recognize the Human Council member as Mardaneus, the
not-crazy-anymore leader of the Healers of Aleroth.
Your homecoming to Aleroth is sort-lived, as there are now Orcs roaming the
town and Mardaneus is trapped inside his house. The only way to rescue the
elder healer is to defeat Demona, the Black Ring member who is holed up in
Lanilor’s old house. (You can’t sneak into Mardaneus’ house through the well
anymore, so don’t bother.) She only has a physical attack, which although
powerful shouldn’t give you too many problems if you have a lot of healing
potions/ spells handy. Take the key found on top of a bookcase inside
Lanilor’s house and use it to unlock Mardaneus’ house. Go talk to Mardaneus
and he will gladly accept the council position.
_______________________________Imp Council Member______________________________
In the vision you will see an Imp who seems to be enjoying himself. Zandalor
comments that he seems to be to be staying at The Ducal Inn in Verdistis.
Go to The Ducal Inn and find Zaknadrix, the Imp in the vision inside one of
the rooms. Talk to Zaknadrix and tell him that he has been chosen as the Imp
Council Member he will deny it, claiming that Antx is the REAL council
member. He will then explain that Antx is actually hiding inside a Magic
Sphere that Zaknadrix is carrying. Zaknadrix tells you that the only way to
get inside the sphere and talk to Antx is to touch the sphere, so go ahead
and touch the sphere and you will be warped to Arakand.

-WARNING: There is a nasty bug here that will prevent you finishing this game.
If you refuse to enter the sphere the first time he offers it will
create a glitch where he will never give you another chance to enter
it again, resulting in you being unable to recruit Antx and complete
the game. If you are a victim of this bug, the only thing you can do
reload to a point before you talk to Zaknadrix for the first time.
This issue has been fixed with the latest patch.
Go through the gate to the north of the starting position. You will be
stopped by Lysandra, Queen of the Bees. She will beg for your assistance in
fighting against the Wasps. In return for your help she promises to give you
the key to the mansion that Antx is hiding in. Agree to help her, (or not, it
doesn’t matter) and she will leave. Immediately after Lysandra leaves you
will be approached by Ragon, the leader of the Wasps. He will try to convince
you to join with the Wasps. He’ll even try to convince you that he’s the one
with the key, not Lysandra. (He’s lying about this, by the way.) Accept or
refuse his offer and he will leave.
-Note: Which side you take in this little skirmish will only depend on what
you tell Ragon. What you say to Lysandra is inconsequential.
Continue north killing Bees (If you sided with Ragon) or Wasps (If you told
Ragon where to stick it) as you go. They don’t cause a lot of damage, but
there are a LOT of them, so don’t get careless. Mow through the enemies until
you reach the door to the mansion, where you will be approached by Lysandra.
If you sided with Ragon she will attack you, kill her and take the key she
drops. If you sided with her but didn’t kill many Wasps or you accidentally
killed some Bees she will just give you the key and leave. If you’ve killed
almost every Wasp she will give you the key and train you in the Aura of
Command Skill as a reward. After Lysandra is gone Ragon shows up and will
either attack you, (If you sided with Lysandra and the Bees) berate you, (If
you didn’t kill many Bees or if you killed some Wasps) or give you a piece of
Thunderplate armor. (If you killed almost every Bee.)
Take the key that Lysandra gave you (one way or the other) and use it to open
the door to the mansion. Talk to Antx and he will reveal that he was hiding
in Arakand because he was once a member of the Black Ring, but he has
defected from them. He will gratefully accept the council position and give
you a crystal ball that you can use to get back to the real world before he
leaves. To leave Arakand, just go into your inventory and click on the
crystal ball that Antx gave you and you will be warped back to The Ducal Inn.

-Note: You won’t be able to return to Arakand after you leave, so try not to
leave anything valuable behind.

_____________________________Lizard Council Member_____________________________

Zandalor will recognize the Lizard Council Member as the Lizardman Healer,
Goemoe. He will also note that Goemoe is currently residing at The Blue Boar

Blue Boar Inn


When you arrive at The Blue Boar Inn Goemoe will not be there. Talk to one of
the other Healers from Aleroth and you will learn that Goemoe has just left
with some other Lizardmen and that he does not intend to return.
Return to the Council of Seven’s Scrying Room and get another vision of the
Lizard Council Member. You will just see him traveling with some other
Lizardmen. Unfortunately you won’t be able to discern his location from the
vision. Zandalor suggests that you try again later.

When you try again later (I have no idea what triggers this. I thought it was
completion of the Imp Council Member Quest, but I was apparently wrong...)
you will see Goemoe’s group being attacked, Goemoe being captured and turned
into a snake, and Snake-Goemoe being held somewhere inside Verdistis.
Zandalor will tell you to go see Trevor in the Merchant’s guild in Verdistis.


Go into the Merchant’s Guild and talk to Trevor. Ask him about a warlock
renting a house from him and he will mark it on your map. Go to the house and
kill all the thugs inside. Go downstairs through the hatch to come face to
with Cornelius, another Black Ring Member. He will Freeze you before you can
do anything then runs off to brag to his buddies. Fortunately Zandalor will
show up and rescue you before Cornelius can return to finish you off.
Go south and take the Polymorph Wand that is leaning against the wall and
return to the starting room. The eastern door is locked but the key is
sitting on a box in the northwestern corner of the room. Unlock the door and
you will find Snake-Goemoe inside the east room. Talk to Snake-Goemoe and use
the Polymorph Wand on him to change him back to a Lizardman. The former
Snake-Goemoe will accept the Lizard Council Member position.
_______________________________Orc Council Member______________________________
When you scry to find the Orc Council Member you will just see what looks
like a prison. Zandalor will comment that it looks like the Orc Council
Member is being held in an Orcish Prison Pit and marks where you can find
some deep inside the Orc camp in Rivertown.
Orc Camp
When you arrive at the spot Zandalor marked you see that there are actually
four prison pits. The prison where you will find the Orc Council Member is
the southwestern one. Go inside the prison and you will find an Orc named
Kroxy. Talk to him and tell him that is the Orc Council Member and he will
accept the position. The only enemies you will have to fight here are the
Orcs that were already inside the camp. (If you were like me and had already
cleansed the area of Orcs for experience and phat-lewt a long time ago you
won’t have to fight a single enemy.)
_____________________________Wizard Council Member_____________________________
This one is simple enough, because the Wizard Council Member is standing
right next to you. Zandalor announces that he is indeed the Wizard Council
member when you place the Wizard’s Scrying Stone. (You also get experience
for “finding” the Wizard Council Member, even though you did almost nothing!)
______________________The Meeting of the Council of Seven______________________
When you have found all seven council members you can start the meeting at
any time by clicking on the gong in the Council of Seven chambers.
-WARNING: When you start the ceremony there is no turning back; as you will be
warped directly to the final area and you won’t be able to return
from there. Any unfinished quests will fail and any items that you
are not carrying in your inventory will be gone forever. (There is
one notable exception, however, if you don’t have your Teleporter
Stones with you when you start the ceremony you will be able to
recover them a little north of your starting location in the final
area.) Be sure that you have everything you need before you start
the ceremony.

==|Part VI: Battle at Black Lake: The Divine One vs. The Black Ring [#006.6]|==

-Note: The Path of the Divine skills are unlocked after you become the Divine

After the meeting of the Council of Seven and receiving the Blessing of the
Seven Races you will end up in a strange wasteland as the Divine One. (You
will also gain a LOT of experience. I gained FIVE levels here!)
___________________________________Yuluth Gor__________________________________

Talk to the two Orcs near your starting you will learn a little about what’s
going on. The Orc Shaman will also mark the exit to the canyon you are in.
After speaking with both of them head east then take the southern ravine that
the Orc Shaman marked on the map. Continue south until you run into Zandalor
and Arhu battling some Imps.

Zandalor and Arhu will be overjoyed to see you again and teleport you to
safer location. There they will fill you in on what’s been going on lately.
Basically the Black Ring is holed up inside their fortress and is trying to
summon the Lord of Chaos, and you have to go and stop them. The fortress,
however, is surrounded by a poisonous marsh and you will need the Spirit Form
skill to be able to cross it. Zandalor will tell that the dragon Patriarch
might be able to help train you in the Spirit Form skill. (Or you could just
spend a skill point yourself to learn the skill, but why do that when you can
get it for free?) After talking to Zandalor go into the western house to find
Kroxy, the Orc Council Member. He has opened a shop here and he sells just
about anything you could want here, (Potions, Weapons, Armor, Lockpicks, and
even Gold Charms and Spellbooks!) and you can use the beds in the backroom to
rest whenever you want. (This is as good a place as any to leave a Teleporter
Stone in the final area.) When you’re done here leave to the east.
_______________________________Finding Patriarch_______________________________
Although Zandalor says that he marked the location of Patriarch on the map he
apparently forgot to do it, as his location will not be on your map. He is
easy to find, however, just follow the cliffs to the east then north. You
will eventually trigger a cutscene with some Imps trying to convince
Patriarch to leave the area, of which Patriarch is having none of. After
Patriarch chases off the Imps he will approach you. To get him to train you
in Spirit Form you will have to follow a certain conversation path. (If you
mess it up you can just try again...)
Make the following choices to learn the Spirit Form Skill:
>Patriarch greets you.
1. “Oh mighty dragon, I have journeyed far to find thee!”
>Patriarch will ask you about what you want.
1. “I have need of thy great lore, Magnificent One!”
>He will inform you that there is no such thing as a free lunch.
1. “I would not presume so your magnificence. Name thy price.”
>He doesn’t like being treated like a lowly haggler.
1. “Forgive the ignorant words of my foolish tongue mighty one, I meant no
>He will forgive you because you obviously don’t know any better.
2. “Well said most potent one! Woulds’t thou accept a gift from this humble
>He will ask you what gift you could possibly give him.
5. “How to become a ghost.”
-Note: If you answer 3. “All that I posses,” here, Patriarch is so unimpressed
with your measly little trinkets that he will give you an Axe of
>“Hah! That is no gift! I already know that spell!” (Patriarch inadvertently
trains you in Spirit Form!)
1. “I shall leave thy glorious presence now and leave thee to thy rest.
Perhaps we shall meet again?”
_______________________Entering the Black Ring’s Fortress______________________
Before you attempt to assault the Black Ring’s Fortress you should make sure
you have a good supply of Healing, Mana, and Restoration Potions. Also look
to buy some Gold Charms from Kroxy to fill out your equipment. (He should
have a couple in his stock and if not, just wait until his inventory
restocks.) Try to have at least 75 in all four resistances (and 100 in fire
and lightning) and as many Vitality and Mana charms as you can fit into your
The Black Ring’s Fortress is standing in the middle of poisonous marsh that
will drain your health if you stand in it. (To say nothing of the Spectre
Lords that will swarm you when you set foot in the marsh...) There is also an
area somewhere in the middle of the swamp that will kill your character
instantly if you are not in Spirit Form. The only way to cross safely is to
activate Spirit Form and rush across the marsh while it’s active. With Spirit
Form active, you won’t be damaged by the marsh nor will the Spectre Lords
bother you. When you make it past the marsh, go ahead and enter the dungeon.
________________________Inside the Black Ring’s Fortress_______________________

Follow the path until you see a cutscene where the Black Ring will start the
ritual to revive the Lord of Chaos, but they will leave to try and prevent
you from interrupting the ritual, leaving the Demon of Lies to complete the
ritual. Go north onto the platform, your goal here is to go north and stop
the Demon of Lies, but the path you need to take is blocked by several spike
barriers. The only way to remove all of the barriers is to defeat all 5
members of the Black Ring. Each member of the Black Ring has taken up
residence in a separate fort that you have to go into and defeat them once
and for all. Each path that leads from the central platform will take you to
a different Black Ring member. Each fort is also surrounded by different
colored crystals that can be used to identify which Black Ring Member you are
about to face.
Here is where each path will lead to from Left to Right:

-Far left: Josephina’s Fort (Orange)

-2nd from Left: Moriendor’s Fort (Blue)
-3rd from Left: Iona’s Fort (White)
-3rd from Right: This path leads back to the exit.
-2nd from Right: Demona’s Fort (Yellow)
-Far Right: Cornelius’ Fort (Green)
Orange Fort: Josephina
Josephina is the most difficult of the Black Ring Members to beat, as not
only is her fort huge and packed with Deathknights, (Note: Having a high
lightning resistance makes fighting all those Deathknights a lot easier.) but
at the end of that gauntlet you will still have to face Josephina herself,
who is even worse than the last time you fought her. I would advise saving
her for last, because you will need all the levels you can get from killing
enemies before facing Josephina.

Josephina has got to be one of the cheapest bosses in the history of RPGs!
Not only does she _CONSTANTLY_ use Blind to make it impossible to target her,
but she also employs HellSpikes that will kill you before you can even blink.
She also has insane resistances, (75 fire, lightning, and poison resistances,
and 100 spiritual resistance) which will make most of your best skills
ineffective. (Can you tell I don’t like her?)
Now to actually kill her you can drop a Teleporter Stone and when she uses
“Blind” use the Teleporter Stone and wait for it to wear off. When the
duration over is over teleport back and continue the battle until she blinds
you again... Lather, Rinse, Repeat. It’s rather tedious, but it worked for
Alternatively, you could try using Death Scorpions, (From the Deadly Gift
skill) they cause a fair amount of damage and will continue to attack
Josephina even if you get blinded. You just have to worry about not dying
(it’s harder than you might think...) and let the scorpions do their work.
Another way to fight her is to use HellSpikes yourself. You will need to have
at least three or four skill levels in HellSpikes for this to be effective.
Since HellSpikes doesn’t need to have a target to work you can use it even
when she blinds you, and the damage isn’t lowered by her resistances. (I also
felt an immense feeling of satisfaction when I killed her this way...)
If you are a Warrior and have some Shadow Potions with you then you could try
this, when the battle starts use a Shadow Potion to turn invisible and she
won’t be able to attack you. Now normally when you use a targeted attack you
will become visible again, but the Warrior’s Special Move won’t make you
become visible as long as you are not targeting anything. You can now attack
her without fear of getting blinded and hellspiked to death, just make sure
you have a LOT of Stamina Potions before trying this. (and maybe some Mana
potions too...)
Legomancer ( told me that the Elemental Strike
skill is effective against Josephina despite her large resistances, and you
can use it without ending the effects of a Shadow Potion or the Hide in
Shadows/Fade from Sight skills. If you use this strategy be sure to bring a
lot of Mana Potions, as Elemental Strike has the biggest magic cost in the
game. (It can cost upwards of 50 Mana a pop!)
Blue Fort: Moriendor
Moriendor’s fort is filled with Crystal Gargoyles and Infernal Corpses, but
they shouldn’t be anything you can’t handle. You will need to use a couple
teleporters to get to Moriendor, but other than that his fort is rather

Moriendor is not quite as bad as Josephina, but he is still quite challenging

if you’re unprepared. He will fight you exactly like Cornelius does, (or
maybe Cornelius fights like he does...) he hits you with Blind then tries to
HellSpike you to death. If he does Blind you then keep moving until it wears
off to avoid the HellSpikes that he is sure to cast at you.

White Fort: Iona


You will need to take a couple teleporter jumps to get to Iona. The Infernal
Corpses and Crystal Gargoyles that guard this fort shouldn’t be too
Iona is one of the weaker Black Ring members. She doesn’t use HellSpikes and
she can only melee attack you. Overall, Iona shouldn’t pose too many problems
for your character as long as you don’t get careless.
Yellow Fort: Demona
Demona’s fort is infested with Gold Gargoyles, which are stronger than the
Crystal and Stone Gargoyles that you have been fighting. (but not too much

Demona still has her powerful melee attack, but that’s about it. As long as
you are ready with healing potions and/or spells she shouldn’t give you too
many problems.
Green Fort: Cornelius
You will have to fight your way through Stone Gargoyles, Gold Gargoyles, and
even a puzzle to get to Cornelius. Take the first teleporter to go to the
western teleporter in a room with four teleporters. Take the southern
teleporter (It’s the only one your character can use...) then activate the
lever in the far northern room. (There won’t be any kind of conformation that
you activated it, though.) Then take the other teleporter in this room to go
back to the eastern teleporter in the four teleporter room. Now just take
northern teleporter to complete this section and continue on until you reach
If you want a strategy on fighting Cornelius, Just read Moriendor’s section
and replace “Moriendor” with “Cornelius.” They have the exact same stats, use
the exact same strategy, (Blind, then Hellspikes) and even look exactly
__________________________________Final Battle_________________________________
After beating all 5 Black Ring Members the barriers that have been blocking
your way north have now been cleared. Go north until you reach another fort
surrounded by red crystals. Now all that is left to do is to defeat the Demon
of Lies and finish the game. To get to the Demon’s lair, you need to activate
2 levers that are located one in each of the “Horns” of the fort. (There
isn’t any conformation that the levers have been activated, by the way.)
After both levers have been activated, the door to the Demon’s inner sanctum
will be open. Go there and confront the Demon of Lies.
After a bit of gloating he will attack you. He is difficult to beat, (Of
course, compared to Josephina, the Demon of Lies is just a big pussycat...)
He will summon an Overlord (Who looks just like the Demon of Lies! Oh... and
you can Aura of Command this guy too...) who will start summoning
Deathknights like there is no tomorrow and will also hit you with Scorch. If
your Fire and Lightning resistances are high enough the Overlord/Deathknights
shouldn’t give you any problems. Anyways, ignore the others and concentrate
all your might on the Demon because the fight ends the instant you strike the
final blow on the Demon. Or you could just Freeze the Demon before he has a
chance to do anything and kill him before he can thaw out...
-WARNING: There is a glitch here that happens if an ally creature (Death
Scorpions, Summons, Aura of Command-ed Overlords, whatever...)
strikes the finishing blow on the Demon, then the ending cinema will
not play. If this happens the only thing you can do is reload and
fight the battle again, and this time try to strike the final blow
yourself. This problem has been fixed with the latest patch.
Congratulations! After killing the Demon of Lies the ending cinema will play,
the credits will roll and you can give yourself a big pat on the back for
completing this game!
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-THE END-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Side Quests [#007]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This is a list of all the quests that don’t have any bearing on the on the
main story.
===============================|Aleroth [#007.1]|==============================
______________________________Steal from Mardaneus_____________________________
Lordlotus informed me that if you take Well passageway to enter Mardaneus’
house before you witness the cutscene of Mardaneus freezing Lanilor then you
can plunder his house without consequence.
____________________________Collect Herbs for George___________________________
When you first go inside George’s shop you’ll see him arguing with someone
over a delivery. When you talk to George afterwards he asks you to get some
Drudanae for him from Lanilor’s garden. Go to Lanilor’s garden and pick a
stalk of Drudanae, and go back to George for a reward. (If you haven’t gotten
Lanilor’s permission to use his garden yet then Otho will come by and yell at
you for stealing Lanilor’s herbs when you first try to take it. Just grab it
after he leaves...)

________________________Find a cure for Simon and Verlat_______________________

-Note: These are actually two separate quests, but since they are both
identical they both get rolled into one section.
When you talk to Goemoe the lizardman or Otho the dwarf they tell you that
they are caring for a sick soldier. They say that they both need a healing
gem to heal them, but they only have one gem available. The healers can’t
decide on which soldier to use the gem on, so it’s up to you to heal them. Go
to the healing shrine to the north of Goemoe’s house and ask for the last
Healing Gem. Now, you could use that gem to heal one of the soldiers, but
there is a way to save both. What you need is the Magic Mirror from an
abandoned house on the north side of town. Take the mirror to one of the
puddles near Goemoe’s house (you should see your reflection on the ground)
and drop it in. It should disappear, (if it doesn’t, try it again at a
different spot) then place the Healing Gem at the same spot as the mirror.
This will cause two Healing Gems to appear, take them both and now you will
be able to use them to heal both Simon and Verlat. When you heal both of them
talk to Goemoe and he will train you in a level of Restoration.
-WARNING: If you haven’t cured the soldiers by the time you restore Mardaneus’
sanity, they will die, causing the quest to fail.
_______________________Find the Second Teleporter Pyramid______________________
After you open the entrance to the catacombs Lanilor will arrive and give you
a single teleport stone and tell you that if you can find its twin then you
can use them to teleport between the two. Unfortunately he has no idea where
the other one is. You can find it on the fourth floor of the Catacombs. To
use them just drop both stones on the ground and then click on one stone and
you will be teleported to the other stone. To pick up a stone when it’s on
the ground, just open your inventory then click and drag the stone into your
___________________________George has been Murdered!___________________________
-Note: I’ve been told that if you didn’t get the Drudanae for George (see:
“Collect Herbs for George” above) then he won’t get murdered. I haven’t
been able to verify this, however.
When you first enter George’s shop after finishing the catacombs and
restoring Mardaneus’ sanity you find that George has been murdered. Go and
talk to Mardaneus about George’s murder, (But first, go ahead and loot
George’s house. Always remember your priorities, my young adventurer...) he
will ask if you know anything. Mention that he wanted you to get him some
herbs and he will want to know what herbs George wanted. Bring him another
stalk of Drudanae and he will mention that Drudanae is used to make drugs. He
will suggest talking to the other healers, but the other healers don’t have
much information of value about the murder. You won’t be able solve this
mystery until you go to Verdistis.
Inside Verdistis you will encounter a vampire named Tutamun. When you
confront him about George’s murder he will admit that he was supplying drugs
to George, but he killed him when George threatened to expose him as a
vampire. Kill Tutamun and return to Mardaneus, who will train you in
Restoration for avenging George’s murder.
-Note: I think you have to finish this quest before you start assembling the
Council of Seven, as Mardaneus will no longer discuss George’s murder
after he has been recruited to the Council of Seven. This has
apparently been fixed with the latest patch.
__________________________________Otho’s Pigs__________________________________
-Note: This isn’t a quest, just an interesting thing to do. Be sure to save
before trying this though!
Outside of Otho’s house are two pigs. If you attack and kill one of the pigs
Otho will storm up and starts screaming at you for killing his beloved pig.
Once he leaves go ahead and kill the other pig. Now Otho will arrive and
decides to avenge his slain swine by killing you! (Yikes! That dwarf REALLY
likes his pigs...)
-Note: After Otho leaves Aleroth to help cure the plague you can kill the pigs
without any kind of reprisals. It just doesn’t seem to be as exciting
this way, however.
_____________________Zombie Jake: This Time, Its Personal!_____________________
In the graveyard in the north part of town there is one tombstone that says
he doesn’t want any flowers on his grave. If you drag and drop the flowers
from the adjacent grave onto his you will find out just how much the guy
didn’t want flowers: He will actually rise from his grave and attack you!

___________________________Zombie Jake: The Revenge!___________________________

When you’re searching in the basement of one of the abandoned houses in the
north part of Aleroth you will be attacked by Zombie Jake again. Kill him,
loot the basement, and be happy.

=======================|Catacombs Under Aleroth [#007.2]|======================
_____________________Retrieve the Magic Axe called Slasher_____________________
On the first floor of the Catacombs you will run into a group of Orcs that
will demand that you find an axe called Slasher for them. If you refuse them
they will attack you, (and probably kill you) so agree to find it. You can
find the Slasher on the Catacomb Second Floor. When you come back with
Slasher and give it to him (or you could give him a fake axe) and he tries to
test it (by attacking one of his companions!) and is satisfied with the
results. (Or angry if you gave him a fake axe.) Then he gives you a warning
(Orcs rule, humans drool.) and leaves.
-Note: He keeps any axes that you give him, so don’t give him any axes other
than Slasher.
-WARNING: There is a glitch that happens here when Smiruk tries to test out an
axe but there aren’t any of his fellow Orcs in the same room. If
this happens then the game will hang as he tries to find one of his
posse, but can’t find any of them.
__________________________________Gregar Brock_________________________________
On the first floor of the Catacomb you will find a room with a statue by the
west wall with a candle at its base. Simply light the candle and a zombie
named Gregar Brock will be summoned. After a bit of dialog Gregar will join
you. This guy is has a lot of health, so he’ll be with you for awhile.
-WARNING: When you go above ground after you get him, Gregar will die.

==============================|Farmlands [#007.3]|=============================
________________________________The Cursed Abbey_______________________________
-Note: The enemies inside the Abbey are rather strong; you should probably
wait until you are around level 20 before taking the Abbey.
Talk to Finn in the northwest corner of the Farmlands and he will complain
about strange noises that keep coming out of the Cursed Abbey to the north of
his farm. Go inside the Abbey and then go down the stairs inside the eastern
wing. Downstairs your goal is to get inside the library, but the door is
locked. The lever to the door is in the far south, but there is another
locked door in you way. Fortunately the lever to open the second locked door
is just west of the door. Go through the newly unlocked door and find the
lever that opens the library. Flip it and retrace your steps back to the
Inside the library you will find a ghoul named The Engineer who will tell you
his story. Apparently in life he was hired by the monks of the Abbey to
devise a security system that nobody would be able to penetrate.
Unfortunately, once he finished with it the monks trapped him inside the
library to prevent any knowledge of the traps protecting the library from
getting out. Because of this betrayal he cursed the Abbey and the monks
inside, but he is willing to end the curse if you pay him the fee he
originally charged for protecting the library, 1000 gold pieces. Give him the
money and he will leave peacefully and lift the curse. If you are a
cheapskate you can attack and kill him and that will end the curse too. Grab
the Human Teleport Activation Scroll here, read some of the books there, and
then leave.

____________________________Brave Brave Sir Richard____________________________

Inside one of the barns you will stumble upon a wounded knight named Sir
Richard. He will tell you that he is on he run from an assassin named Crawler
and really would appreciate it if someone would take care of Crawler for him.
Crawler can be found standing in the middle of an orchard in the Farmlands.
When you approach him he will ask you if you had seen Sir Richard. Refuse him
and he will attack you. (Alternatively, if you’re the evil bastard type you
can rat out Sir Richard...) Kill him and then return to Sir Richard with the
good news.
____________________________Clearing the Troll Caves___________________________
There is a farmer named Homer here who will ask you to kill some Trolls that
are raiding his crops. The Troll’s cave is actually across the bridge to the
west and is on the Aleroth side of the river. Inside the cave there is a
Troll King who is rather upset about the soldiers on the bridge stopping his
Trolls from collecting fees to cross the bridge. (What is this, Billy Goats
Gruff?) If you disagree with his business tactics he will summon some of his
brethren and attack. Kill them all, and then go back to Homer for a reward.

______________________________Isolde’s Love Letter_____________________________

There is a woman named Isolde who will beg you to deliver a letter to her
lover, Gareth at the Barracks. Go to the Barracks and deliver the letter to
Gareth, it’s as simple as that.
_______________________________The Cattle Rustler______________________________
Talk to a farmer named Tom and he will tell you that someone has been
stealing his cattle and asks you to investigate. He doesn’t have many clues
to help you, unfortunately. (Good thing I’m here to help out...)

Go south to the poor section and find and talk to Dorian. He will claim to be
a leper and beg for some money. Give him some gold, (or not) then go inside
the building to the west and go down into the basement. Inside of the
basement you will find what looks like a slaughterhouse and your character
will make a comment about how this seems to be where the missing cows have
ended up.
Talk to Dorian again and he will admit to being the cattle thief and beg you
to not turn him in. If you do decide to turn him in then go back to Tom and
tell him that Dorian is the cattle rustler. If you don’t, well, that’s it.
__________________________Harriet’s Message to Afrasam_________________________
Inside the Blue Boar Inn you will find a woman named Harriet who will ask you
to deliver a letter to her Uncle Afrasam at the Ducal Inn in Verdistis. Go to
the Ducal Inn and talk to Afrasam and deliver the letter. Afrasam will thank
you, give you some money and experience, and that’s it.
________________________________Balin’s Necklace_______________________________
Talk to Balin inside his house in the Poor Quarter and he tells you that
someone named Jonas has stolen a necklace and he would like you to retrieve
it. Go to Jonas’ house and search it until you find the necklace. Confront
Jonas about the necklace and he will tell you that he stole the necklace
because Balin has been taking all of his profits and he was just trying to
get enough money to survive. Offer to help him out and go back to Balin. Tell
him that you are going to end his little reign of terror and he will attack
you. Kill him and go back to Jonas and give him the good news for experience
and a reputation boost.
________________________Curing the Victims of the Plague_______________________
You will find a fenced-off quarantine area to the south of the farmlands, you
won’t be able to enter from the northern gate, instead go around to the
western wall and there will be a tiny shack that is built into the wall with
a door that you can Lockpick. Inside the shack is a door that leads into the
Quarantine area.
Inside the Quarantine area there are three victims of the plague that you can
talk to. They won’t have much to say to you, other than to beg for your help.
To cure them of the plague you will need to find some Cure Potions, and the
ONLY place that you can them is in the basement of Dr. Elrath’s house on a
cabinet in the eastern part of the room where you found the note that exposes

-WARNING: The ONLY time you can get the Cure Potions is when you go into
Elrath’s basement to get the note that exposes him. (See Part II of
the main walkthrough...) If you missed the Cure Potions at that time
you will NOT be able to acquire them, ever!
Unfortunately, there are only two Cure Potions in Elrath’s basement, and
there are three people to give them to. There is no way to acquire another
Cure Potion, so you get to choose who gets to live and who gets to die.
(Being a Marked One is never easy...) There doesn’t seem to be any reward for
choosing one over the other, so just use your own judgment.
-Note: There is a sneaky (and frankly, downright bizarre) way to cure all
three victims of the plague. First, give one of the Cure Potions to one
of the victims, then use the pickpocket skill on them, (I think that
you need 3 skill levels to pull it off) you will find that they still
have the Cure potion in their inventory. Steal the potion back and you
will be able to use it to cure the other victim. (You could also attack
and kill them and then loot the potion from the body, but that rather
defeats the purpose of giving them the Potion in the first place...)
______________________________The “Drunken” Thief______________________________
When you first pass by the Blue Boar Inn you will be approached by a drunken
bum named Logan who will give you an inebriated greeting. Answer him however
you feel like and he will wander off. Notice that your wallet is suddenly
feeling a little bit lighter? That’s right, the drunk just robbed you! Chase
after him to the northeast and you will find Logan standing near the Blue
Boar Inn pretending to be a bush. Confront Logan and get him to give back the
money he stole.

If you haven’t run into Logan yet and you’re walking the road to the
southeast of the Blue Boar Inn you will be approached by a woman who is
apparently Logan’s wife. She will warn you about Logan’s antics, so that when
you run you run into him you will be on to his little game and he won’t be
able to steal from you.
_____________________________The Snake Oil Salesman____________________________
Inside the Blue Boar Inn is a man who will offer to sell you a supposed
“Magic Carpet” for 500 Gold Pieces. If you do buy the “Magic Carpet” and
click on it, you will find that it doesn’t work! (It’s useless; it won’t
work, no matter what you do...) If you talk to him again, he will offer you
another of his “Magic Items,” this time a dagger that glows blue when Orcs
are nearby (it’s called Sting, appropriately enough) for another 500 Gold
Pieces. Buy it and click on it to find out that it is just as useless as the
carpet. You can keep on buying his “Magic Items,” each more useless then the
last, for 500 Gold Pieces each until he runs out, at which point he teach you
in Trader’s Tongue for being his “best customer.” (Personally, I think that
doing this is a waste, as it will take a LONG time to recoup what you spent
to acquire Trader’s Tongue, and money is so prevalent in this game that you
should never have a problem with buying whatever you want anyway.)
_______________________________The Upturned Cart_______________________________
On the side of the road near the Blue Boar Inn there is an upturned cart with
several Barrels loaded with potions scattered around. A note lying there
threatens a curse on anyone who tries to take the contents of the barrels. I
don’t know about any curse, but I do know that the barrels are trapped, so
take care when opening them.
==============================|Barracks [#007.4]|==============================
__________________________Gareth’s Feign Death Potion__________________________
Talk to Gareth who is standing guard outside the Barrack’s Armory, he will
explain that he doesn’t want to spend the next 25 years in the army.
Unfortunately, the only other way to get out of the army is to die. Gareth is
not very happy about either choice, but he has found a way to get out of the
Army and not be dead. All he needs is a Feign Death Potion, which he wants
you to find.
The Feign Death Potion can be bought for 2500 Gold Pieces from Father
Theofolus at the Church, (you will need to un-curse the church before you can
buy the potion.) buy it and take it back to Gareth, who will give you a key
that opens the door to the Armory.
____________________________________The Fort___________________________________
When you go inside the fort to the south there is scene where 3 Black Ring
members (Including Antx, who will later become the Imp Council member) will
show up and use a mind control spell to turn all the soldiers in the fort
hostile. You will have to fight your way out of here.
This is a rather interesting event as there is no way to make the soldiers
un-hostile again. (Other than killing them, I suppose...) Also, no one seems
to care that an entire garrison of troops has gone rogue, or that you’ve
slaughtered them all.

==========================|Stormfist Castle [#007.5]|==========================
-Note: These can only be done while you are inside Stormfist Castle as Janus’
Lord Protector (see Part III of the main walkthrough)
____________________________________KP Duty____________________________________
Inside the kitchen of Stormfist Castle the Cook will ask you to help him wash
some dishes. To wash the dishes first you must drag and drop the Bucket with
Water onto the Empty Bowl. Then just continually drag and drop the Dirty
Dishes onto the filled Bowl until the dirty dishes are gone, then put the
cleaned plates and pots into your inventory. (You will have to drag and drop
all of the plates into your inventory) Take the cleaned dishes (There should
be 8 Plates and a couple of Pots) back to Cook and he will reward you with
some spice. (The spice is actually an invisibility potion.)
_________________________________Bring Ben Beer________________________________

On the northeast corner of the outer wall there is a soldier named Ben who
asks you to fetch him some ale. He will even give you some coins to pay for
it. (He is easy to spot; he’s the only one on the outer wall carrying a
pike.) Go ahead and give him some ale if you have any for some experience.

==============================|Graveyard [#007.6]|=============================
-Note: There are two graveyards on the Rivertown map: One that is located to
the southwest of the Quarantine Area and one that is to the north of
Nericon’s Garden. All of the quests listed here take place in the
graveyard to the north of Nericon’s Garden. (This is also where you end
up after you escape Iona’s Dungeon)
___________________________The Ghost of the Old Duke___________________________

If you try to enter the chapel in the center of the graveyard you will find
that the door is locked. Search inside the tomb on the western half of the
graveyard for a lever that will unlock the door to the chapel. Inside the
cathedral you will find the Ghost of the Old Duke. He will ask you to find
his killer and avenge him. If you have already found the Duke’s Murderer (See
“Finding the Duke’s Murderer” in Part II of the main walkthrough) you can
inform him of this to put the Duke’s soul at ease and net yourself some
__________________________________Find Shrimpo_________________________________
When you first leave the graveyard after escaping from Iona’s Dungeon you are
stopped by a man named Apollo who will ask if you have seen someone named
Shrimpo. Tell him you haven’t and he will leave. Go back inside the graveyard
and start searching the northeastern corner for the tombstones of these
- Sven the Sailor
- Hilmar the Dwarf
- Risini the Bard
- Ingmar the Fisherman
- Marius the Merchant
- Polgara the Mage
- Osiris the Cook
Click on those tombstones in this order and Shrimpo will be summoned. It
turns out that Shrimpo is... well... a shrimp! (a very BIG shrimp...) Shrimpo
will then attack you, kill him and he will drop the Harpoon of Atlantos.
Apollo will then show up, you can talk to him for the whole story on Shrimpo.
At the end of his story you have three dialog choices, the first response
will net you experience points, but the other two won’t give you anything.

===========================|Iona’s Dungeon [#007.7]|===========================
Although the only real goal of Iona’s dungeon is to get out of it alive,
there are a couple of things of interest inside this dungeon.
_______________________________Cave of Illusions_______________________________
On the first floor of Iona’s dungeon you will see a room behind a wall that
is filled with gems. To open the path to this room go south until you find a
single lit candle sitting in the middle of a pentagram. Click on the candle
to extinguish it and the passage to the cave will open. When you enter the
cave however, all the gems will vanish and a voice will tell you that this is
the Cave of Illusions. There is no way to grab these gems, but go deeper into
the cave and you will find the Holy Sword. (See The Holy Items Quest, Below)
________________________________House of Madness_______________________________
In the southern part of the first floor there is a passage that is blocked by
barrels. Past the passage you will see a room with a lot of Spell books
scattered about. Unfortunately you are teleported away the moment you set
foot in the room and are dropped off in the aptly-named House of Madness.

You start in a small central room of the House of Madness, with rooms to the
north, east, and west of the center room. When you click on a door here you
won’t open it, you are instead teleported to an entirely different area of
the house. Start by talking to the Tortured Corpse here to get a clue on
escaping the House of Madness, (Sleeeep...) then click on the southern door
to end up the north room. Take anything of value here then click on the
southern door to end up in the east room. Grab the key here (use the Alt key
to find it) and use it to unlock the western door. You will end up in the
west room, now just rest in one of the beds here to escape the House of
You will end up back in the spell book room, but all of the spell books
except one will have vanished! Take the remaining spell book and continue on
with your adventure.

_________________________Iona’s Dungeon’s Lower Levels_________________________

While searching through the northeast corner of the upper level you will find
an Old Parchment that will tell you that Iona has sealed the lower levels of
her dungeon, but you can unseal them with the proper incantation. The
incantation is “Zortalak caarnan gehnthul paktor” choose the correct dialog
choice (it’s the middle one) to open a set of stairs down. (If you fudge the
incantation, you will be ambushed by a bunch of enemies.)
-Note: You don’t need to go down to go down into the lower levels to escape
the dungeon. They are just there to provide you with a chance for more
experience and treasure.
The stairs lead to a second level that is packed with strong monsters, and no
convenient Health or Mana shrines anywhere on the level. If you’re having
problems with these guys, you should probably just escape from the dungeon
for now and return when you are a bit stronger. (...and have your Teleport
Stones back...) after you make it through the second level you will reach
some stairs that will lead down to the third level. There’s more of the same
on this level, just slog your way through to the stairs down to the Fourth
On the fourth level you will find Cyrion, Iona’s pet... ugly thing. It will
attack you, kill it and check the room. There is locked chest here; the key
for this chest is actually the skull that’s resting on top of the chest. Put
the skull into your inventory and you will use it to unlock the chest. Take
the treasure and look for a ladder that will take you all the way back to the
first level of the dungeon.

==========================|Rivertown Market [#007.8]|==========================
_________________________________The Dark Cave_________________________________
When you approach the Rivertown Market from the south you will be approached
by a woman named Caroline who will ask you if you have seen her son. Tell her
you haven’t and she will worry that he has wandered off towards the Dark
Cave. Offer to help look for the kid and go north until you find the Dark
Inside the cave you will find the boy being held by a Vampire. The Vampire
tells you that he is going to feed on the boy unless someone agrees to take
his place. (hint, hint...) If you refuse him he will kill the child, so
accept his terms. He will let the child go then he will come over and feed on
you, then he will return to his coffin on the other side of the locked gate.
-WARNING: If you let the Vampire feed on you, you will PERMANENTLY lose 1
point from your Strength, Agility, Intelligence, and Constitution
scores, AND have your current health reduced to 1! There is no way
to restore the lost Stat Points.
After the child has been freed this quest is technically over and you can
return to Caroline for some experience. If you want to kill the vampire,
however, you will need to use Lockpick (Level 2 worked for me) on the locked
gate to open it, (I think you can also use Telekinesis on the lever on the
other side of the wall to open the gate, but I’m not sure.) then click on the
coffin to get the Vampire to attack you. Kill him and then take the key that
was inside the coffin and use it unlock the chest for some treasure.
________________________________The Black Market_______________________________

Talk to Marcus and he will tell you that one of his supply wagons has gone
missing. Offer to track down the missing wagon. You can find the wagon
sitting next to a road that is on the edge of the Dwarven Forest. Talk to the
driver and he will tell you that the wagon has a broken wheel and it needs to
be replaced ASAP. Run back to Marcus and tell him about the wagon’s plight
and he will give you a new wheel to deliver to the wagon.
Unfortunately, when you go back to the Wagon you will find out that it has
been attacked and burned. (There is nothing you can do to prevent this from
happening) Follow the trail of blood until you find the wagon drivers. (...or
what’s left of them...) Go back to Marcus and report what happened, he will
ask you to find out where the cargo ended up.
-Note: After you find out that the missing caravan has been burned, go ahead
and throw away the wheel that Marcus gave you. There is no more use for
it and on top of that it’s pretty dang heavy.
Go back to where you found the bodies and continue on to the east until you
see a cave. Go into the cave and search it until you find a note saying that
the cargo has been taken to the Black Market. Take the note with you, and as
you leave you will be attacked by two thieves. Kill them both and return to
Marcus will tell you about Tingalf, who might know the location of the Black
Market. You can find Tingalf standing outside of Geoff’s shop, talk to him
and pump him for information and he will let it slip that the Black Market is
located in the sewers under Rivertown Market. Enter the sewers through the
Rivertown Market entrance.
The Black Market is located directly to the east of the entrance to the
Rivertown Sewers. As you approach the Black Market you will be stopped by a
man named Pedro. I’m not sure if you can bluff your way past him, so you will
likely have to fight him and his goons. After you defeat them loot the area
and then report back to Marcus.
________________________________Steal from Geoff_______________________________
You will notice that Geoff, the Weapons Dealer spends all his time in his
forge outside his shop, only going inside when you want buy something from
him. You can take advantage of this by dropping one of your Teleporter Stones
inside his shop, and then leave the area to get Geoff to exit the store. Then
use the Teleporter Stones to enter the store without Geoff there to stop you
from robbing him blind.

===========================|Dwarven Village [#007.9]|==========================
__________________________The Shrine of Good and Evil__________________________
In the hills to the southwest of the Dwarven Village there is a magic orb
sitting on an altar. A book conveniently placed nearby will explain that this
is the Shrine of Good and Evil and it will give you a blessing (or a curse)
depending on your alignment. Just click on the orb to get one-time stat
bonus. (or penalty)
Unfortunately the bonuses seem to be totally random; one time you might gain
Intelligence, another you might lose Strength. I don’t think there is any
thing that affects the outcome other than luck. The only advice I can give
you is to save before you take the bonus and then reload until you get a
bonus that you want.
___________________________Rimmer’s Long Lost Brother__________________________
When you talk to Rimmer in the Brewery he will tell you that he hasn’t seen
his brother, Strobur since he left the Dwarven Halls. He would like you to go
to the Dwarven Halls and find out how Strobur is doing.
After talking to Rimmer go to the Dwarven Hall and find Strobur. He also
wants to find out how Rimmer is doing. Tell him that Rimmer is doing fine and
he will reward you. Go back to Rimmer and tell him about Strobur and he will
give you 5 bottles of Ale as a reward.
=========================|Dwarven Bread Inn [#007.10]|=========================
_____________________The Barfight at the Dwarven Bread Inn_____________________
In the basement of the Dwarven Bread Inn there is a makeshift boxing ring
where fighters amuse the drunks by beating each other senseless. If you
really want to join in on the fun talk to Sean and tell him you want to
fight. He will set up a match against Burleigh, the Barfight champion. If you
beat him you will get the prize money and some experience, if you don’t,
well, try again later when you are a bit stronger.

-Note: You will be stripped of ALL your equipment when you enter the Barfight.
(So no Frost Weapons for you!) You will not be able to use ANY skills
in there either. (Because Hellspikes are definitely not a part of
Queensbury Rules...) There is a way around this, however, if you drop a
weapon or a piece of armor in the ring before you talk to Sean and
start the Barfight, you can then grab the equipment and use it against
________________________________Punch-Drunk Love_______________________________
When you first enter the Barfight area at the Dwarven Bread Inn you are
treated to a cutscene of a man named Christopher having his face rearranged
by Burleigh. If you talk to him afterwards he will explain that he was trying
to impress his girlfriend Silvana with his Barfighting prowess,
unfortunately, he has none.
Go back upstairs to find Silvana and talk to her. She is worried about
Christopher’s Barfighting career and wonders why on earth he wants to do it.
Tell her that Christopher is doing this to win her love and she will tell you
that she already loves Christopher and doesn’t want him to get hurt.

Go back to Christopher and tell him that he’s a big dope and that Silvana
already loves him, and he will then run off to be with her. Go back to
Silvana and she will thank you for knocking some sense into Christopher and
give you 3 minor healing potions for your trouble. Alternatively you could
tell Christopher that Silvana could never love a loser like him and he will
run off to break up with Silvana. All this does is get Silvana and
Christopher rather upset at you for trying to break them up and Silvana won’t
give you the healing potions.
=========================|Northern Rivertown [#007.11]|========================
___________________________Memories of a Former Life___________________________
To the northwest of Aleroth you will find what looks like a bent sword on the
ground. Approach it and your character will comment that this place seems
familiar. This place is actually where the events in the Opening movie took
place. There doesn’t seem to be anything special that happens here, though.
______________________________The Adventurer Trap______________________________
As you follow the road south of Aleroth you will find a trail of gold pieces
leading away from the road to the east. Follow the trail and you will find a
bunch of treasure just lying out in the open. When you approach the treasure,
however, you will be ambushed by Orcs. (Including one of those accursed Orc
Wardrummers...) Kill them all and take the treasure.
____________________________The Abandoned Farmhouse____________________________
To the north of the Cursed Abbey there is a locked house. You can find the
key to the front door located in a haystack nearby. (or you can lockpick the
front door too) Inside the house it will look like the place has already been
looted. Move the bed to find a locked hatch, the key is hidden under some
packages along the west wall. Open the hatch to find some treasure.
The real treasure of this house, however, is the bed itself. It’s the only
bed in the game that is move-able, so you can take it with you and use it
whenever you wish. (You can even use it while its still in you’re your
_______________________________The Cursed Church_______________________________
When you first enter the Church to the north of the Cursed Abbey there is a
cutscene showing Father Theofolus and a monk being attacked by Ghosts. Father
Theofolus does what you expect any great religious leader would do in this
situation; he runs and hides inside the confessional while leaving the monk
to die.
Kill all the ghosts and the Lich wandering around and then go to the
confessional and convince him to let you in. Inside the confessional talk to
Father Theofolus, he will wonder what is making the spirits angry. (As a side
note if you have already been through Stormfist Castle there is a special
conversation path that will open up about the Merchant’s Meeting. Theofolus
was there at the Merchant’s Meeting and was the one who wanted you to be
executed.) When you are done talking to him leave the confessional. After you
leave there is a scene with the altar boy adding a “Special Ingredient” to
the chest in front of the altar. Report this to Father Theofolus and he will
expel the altar boy and break the curse on the Church.
After the alter boy is expelled you can find him wandering around in the area
just north of the Quarantine area. If you talk to him he will tell you that
he was trying to get kicked out of the church. You can give him some money if
you want to, but there is apparently nothing more you can do about this.
__________________________________Sir Markham__________________________________
As you follow the road north from Rivertown Market to Verdistis you will
stumble upon a knight named Sir Markham who is fighting some trolls. Help him
out (or at least try to, as he will likely kill them all before you can even
get an attack in) and afterwards he will thank you for helping him. After you
say goodbye he will stop you and ask you to investigate the Dark Cave. Agree
to do so and after you rescue the boy from the Vampire there (see The Dark
Cave, above) report back to Markham and he will teach you a level in Bless.

________________________________Nericon’s Garden_______________________________
When you talk to Otto to the South of the garden he will tell you about the
teachings of his former master. If you go along with him he will give you a
book with his master’s teachings. He also tells you that he needs to enter
the Garden, unfortunately the key to the gates is currently being held by
Blake, who is in no mood to hand over the key to a bunch of religious wackos.
Go to Blake in the Rivertown marketplace and ask him if he has anything rare
for sale. (asking him about Otto won’t get you anywhere) He will say that he
has a key to Nericon’s Garden and he will sell it to you if your reputation
with him is over 10. (or maybe 15...) If he won’t sell you the key you can
either buy/sell with him or go out and complete quests to raise your
reputation with him until you can buy it for 100 Gold Pieces.

-WARNING: There is apparently a bug with this key that allows it to not only
be able to unlock the Garden’s Gate, but also the Gate to the
cemetery above Stormfist Castle too! Do NOT use this key on the
cemetery gate, as you will then be unable to enter the Garden!
When you get the key go to the garden and unlock the gate. In the
northeastern corner of the garden there is a statue that you can click on. If
you have the book that Otto gave you in your inventory then the statue will
speak to you. It wants to know if you have read the book Otto gave you so it
will give you a pop quiz about it. The answers to the questions are:
2. Experience
2. Truth and Untruth
1. Good, Neutrality, and Evil

After you answer the statue’s question correctly you will get some experience
and a level in Restoration. If you didn’t answer him correctly he will
instead blast your heathen ass and then set a Snake on you! (Strangely
enough, he also dropped a couple of items on the ground...)
You’re not done with the garden yet. Make your way to the pond in the center
of the garden and you will see several frogs jumping around. Kill every
single one of them (you will need either a ranged weapon or some attack magic
to be able to hit them) to open a portal. Go through the portal and you will
end up in a small room with a locked door. The lever that unlocks the door is
buried under a pile of packages in the northwest corner. Inside the unlocked
room you find a Frog Statuette along with a couple of chests filled with

=========================|Southern Rivertown [#007.12]|========================
________________________________The Wishing Well_______________________________
Search the southern edge of the Dwarven Forest until you find a well, and
when you approach it will tell you that its name is Darsk Ceulg and it will
grant you one wish. (...and only one!) The wish can you can make (Or even if
you get a wish) depends on how much money you spend.
Here’s what you can get for your money:
-Drop in 2 Gold Pieces:
Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish is wasted.
-Drop in 10 Gold Pieces:
Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish is wasted.
-Drop in 100 Gold Pieces:
“I wish to be healed completely!” (It gives you a Super Healing Potion)
“I want to have an ally who can aid me in my battle with Orcs and other
enemies!” (Summons a Spider to help you)
“I wish I had an enchanted sword!” (You get a hint about the Holy Weapons,
nothing more. This is a waste, really.)
“I wish I had two more wishes!” (Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish is
-Drop in 1,000 Gold Pieces:
“I wish to be stronger!” (You get a 5 point bonus to Strength)
“I wish to be more intelligent!” (You get a 5 point bonus to Intelligence)
“I wish to be more agile!” (You get a 5 point bonus to Agility)
“I want to have an ally who can aid me in my battle with Orcs and other
enemies!” (Summons a Skeletal Warrior to help you)
“I wish I had an enchanted sword!” (You get a hint about the Holy Weapons,
nothing more. This is a waste, really)
“I wish I had greater experience!” (You get enough experience to gain a
“I wish I had a million gold pieces!” (Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish
is wasted.)
“I wish I had two more wishes!” (Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish is
-Drop in 10,000 Gold Pieces:
“I wish to be stronger!” (You get a 10 point bonus to Strength)
“I wish to be more intelligent!” (You get a 10 point bonus to
“I wish to be more agile!” (You get a 10 point bonus to Agility)
“I want to have an ally who can aid me in my battle with Orcs and other
enemies!” (Summons a Scorpion to help you)
“I wish I had an enchanted sword!” (You get a hint about the Holy Weapons,
nothing more. This is a waste, really)
“I wish I had greater experience!” (You get enough experience to gain a
level! This is the same as the 1,000 gold piece wish.)
“I wish I had a million gold pieces!” (Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish
is wasted.)
“I wish I had two more wishes!” (Darsk Ceulg gets angry and the wish is
I personally go for one of the stat raising wishes, but a free level gain
(relatively speaking) is hard to ignore. You might even get some use out of
the helper that is summoned before it’s killed. The only ones I would
defiantly avoid are the one for the healing potion, (a cheap potion,
terrific...) the enchanted sword wish, (a waste of money) and of course the
ones that waste the wish. (obviously...)
__________________________Zombie Jake: Undead in Love__________________________
When you first enter the Graveyard to the south of the Quarantine Area there
is a scene with a woman named Elora getting a visit from none other than
Zombie Jake, who seems to be rather taken with Elora. He kidnaps Elora and
takes her under the cemetery, summoning Corpses behind him to cover his
escape. Cut your way through the Corpses and follow Jake under the cemetery.
After you arrive in the caves under the cemetery go to the northeast to find
Zombie Jake and Elora waiting for you. Zombie Jake will attack you, again.
Kill him and Elora will thank you. There is no reward for this quest, other
than the chance to kill Zombie Jack again.
______________________________Rescue the Hostages______________________________
When you are wandering around the Archer’s Guild area you will be stopped by
a boy who will plead with you to save his parents from some bandits that have
taken them hostage. He will mark the location on your map and tell you to
sneak in the back door.
Approach the house from the North and look around for a key that will open
the door to the kitchen. Inside the kitchen there is a key that opens the
bedroom door. You will find the kid’s parents inside the bedroom. Get them
out of the house and you can kill the rest of the bandits at your leisure.
_____________________________The Vanishing Emerald_____________________________
To the southwest of the Quarantine Area there is a beggar named Malachias who
will ask you for some spare change. Give him some gold pieces and he will
tell you that down the road there is an Emerald that vanishes when you get
near it. After talking to Malachias follow the road to the east until you see
the Emerald. When you get near the Emerald you will see that it won’t vanish,
it will just move a few feet away. Go near the Emerald and it will move
another few feet away. Continue to follow the Emerald until you bump into a
mage named Boratus who will set some thugs upon you before running off. (You
won’t be able to stop him from running off, by the way.) Kill the thugs
and... well... that’s it. The quest log will list this quest as completed,
and there doesn’t seem to be anymore dialog options about the Vanishing
Emerald with anyone.
-Note: From what Malachias tells you and what is written in your quest log I
think the Emeralds are only supposed to show up at night. I was able to
follow the Emeralds and trigger the ambush just fine during the
daytime, however. (I suppose this is a bug... *shrugs*)

=============================|Verdistis [#007.13]|=============================
__________________________Joining the Merchant’s Guild_________________________
To join the Merchant’s Guild you first need to talk to Malcolm, he will
inform you that you could pay a 10,000 fee to join, or you could help him
clear up a little problem. It seems that Maria, a woman living in the poor
section of Rivertown, is planning on assassinating a member of the Merchant’s
Guild and he wants you to do a pre-emptive strike by assassinating her. Agree
to help him out (for now...) and leave for Rivertown.
Maria can be found in her house in the area to the north of the quarantine
area, talk to her and get her side of the story. It seems that her family was
ruined by the Merchant’s Guild, and it was Malcolm’s corruption that caused
their downfall. She tells you that Malcolm has been skimming for years, and
that you should search Malcolm’s house for evidence.
Back in Verdistis go to Malcolm’s house to the south of Sir Dante’s Mansion.
Inside his bedroom you will find a book on top of the cupboard. This is the
evidence you need to expose Malcolm, so take it and go to Trevor in the
Merchant’s Guild. When you show him the book you found he will have Malcolm
arrested and he will give you a lifetime membership into the Merchant’s

_________________________________Buying a House________________________________
When you ask Trevor in the Merchants Guild about purchasing a house he will
say that only members are able to rent or buy a house AND you also need a
recommendation from someone who was born in Verdistis. To do this you first
need to expose Malcolm and join the Merchant’s Guild, and then you can tell
Trevor about Maria’s plight and he will agree to help restore her family’s

Go back to Maria and tell her the good news, and she will immediately leave
for Verdistis. Go back to the Merchant’s Guild to find Maria inside, ask her
for a recommendation and she will gladly give you one. You can now talk to
Trevor who will allow you to rent or buy Malcolm’s old house.
You can rent the house for 1,000 gold pieces a month or buy it outright for
30,000 gold pieces. I think that renting the means that you will have to pay
Trevor 1,000 gold pieces every 30 days. Renting a house is a MUCH more cost
effective way of getting the house, as you would need to be renting the house
for like 900 game days before you reach the 30,000 gold pieces you would
spend by buying the house in the first place. Then again, you may just want
to buy it to avoid the hassle of remembering to pay the rent...
-Note: If you forget to pay the rent then Trevor will take back the house and
won’t allow you to rent (or buy) again.
_________________________________Rescue the Cat________________________________
Outside of the Merchant’s Guild there is a little girl named Diana who will
tell you that her cat Cosmo has gotten himself trapped inside the cellars of
the Merchant’s Guild. When you become a member of the Merchant’s Guild you
will be able to get into the cellars and unlock the northwestern door and
then go inside the room to find the cat. It will run off to rejoin Diana, so
go back to Diana and she will thank you and tell you that she saw some men
stuff something into one of the chicken coops. Go to the chicken coop in
western Verdistis and look inside to find 500 Gold Pieces. (And get attacked
by a snake for your troubles...)
_______________________________Sir Dante’s Brooch______________________________
Talk to Randell, Sir Dante’s secretary and ask him if he has any work. He
will ask you to pick up a brooch from Elmer Vignus, a jeweler in the Dwarven
Halls and bring it back to him. Go to the Dwarven Halls, find Elmer and pick
up the brooch, then take it back to Randell. That’s it. It doesn’t get more
Fed-Ex than that, folks.
_______________________Demon Summoning for Fun and Profit______________________
When you first enter the house to the south of the central park your
character will make a comment that it sounds like a battle is going on the
next room. Go into the next room and Corinna will ask for your help in
finishing off a demon. You have a choice of helping out or running away, go
ahead and help out. After the demon is destroyed talk to Corinna again and
ask her about summoning. She will offer to help teach you in the art of demon
summoning if you bring her 3 things; a bottle of wine, a special book, and
the branch of a talking tree. She can also give you hints on the locations of
the Holy Weapons, buy and sell magic stuff from her, (She can carry Silver
Charms along with Spellbooks.) and if show her one of the Treasure Maps you
might have found she will mention that Mpenzak has one just like that.
The Bottle of Wine
Corinna will tell you to get the wine she wants from Pierce’s shop. Go to
Pierre’s wine shop and ask him for some of the wine that Corinna wants. He
will inform you that Anthrabert had just purchased his last bottle. Go into
Anthrabert’s room at the Ducal Inn and ask him about the Wine. He will refuse
to sell it to you, but he says he will give you the wine if you do a favor,
but the favor is to destroy Mpenzak’s cart. Destroying Mpenzak’s cart is a
very evil thing to do, however. If you want to do this then go to Mpenzak’s
cart and click on the lamp to destroy the cart. Go back to Anthrabert and he
will give you the wine.

An alternate way of doing this is to refuse to do it, and after a game day or
two you will see that he has gotten someone else to do the job. When that
happens, go to Captain Perrewis who is standing next to the burned cart and
tell him that Anthrabert wanted the cart destroyed. He will leave to arrest
Anthrabert. Go back to Anthrabert’s room and take the bottle of wine on the
floor of the now empty room.
-Note: I’ve heard that if you agree to burn Mpenzak’s cart but don’t do it
immediately then Anthrabert will still get someone else to burn the
cart. This can lead to a glitch where he won’t give you the bottle of
wine or leave it behind when you turn him in, resulting in a broken
The Book
Corinna will tell you that the book WAS at Sir Patrick’s Mansion, but she
asked her friend Penumbra to “borrow” the book for her. Unfortunately, the
Thieves Guild tends to frown on unlicensed “borrowing,” so Penumbra has been
captured and is being held inside the Thieves Guild. So you will have to go
and rescue her and get the book.
Go inside the Thieves Guild (you must be a member of the Thieves Guild, see
“Joining the Thieves Guild” in Part IV of the main walkthrough.) and
Penumbra’s cell is located at the far eastern room. There is a guard outside
her cell, however. To get him to leave you need to talk to him and exhaust
your dialog options, then leave the room. He should then leave to “relieve”
himself, leaving you alone to open the cell. The key to her cell is located
on the table next to the cell door, (how convenient...) take it and open her
door. Penumbra will thank you for saving her and tell you to meet her back at
Corinna’s house. Leave the Thieves Guild and return to Corinna’s house.
Penumbra is there, but she won’t give you the book until you do her another
favor. She wants you to go and get HeartSeeker, her dagger, from the Town
Watch Building. Go into the Town Watch Building and take the key that’s
inside the eastern table in the first room. (It’s not on the table; it’s
INSIDE it, like a chest.) The dagger is inside the treasure room in the
western wing of the building. To get to the room you can either go through
Commander Kratus’ room or through the locked door in the first room. (The
door is trapped, so be careful.) There is a key for this door, but it is
inside Kratus’ room, so you might want to just lockpick the door. Note that
Kratus will wander into his room and the hallway outside of the Treasure room
from time to time, and he will kick you out of the building if he catches you
in his room or in the hallway outside the treasure room. Grab the dagger (and
whatever else you want) and return to Penumbra. Give her the dagger and she
will give you the book.
The Tree Branch
The final ingredient is a branch from a talking tree. She tells you that
Mpenzak might have one for sale. If you go and ask Mpenzak about this he will
sell you a tree branch for 200 gold pieces. You don’t want to use this
branch, (trust me on this one) so instead you will have to go all the way to
the Dark Forest to find the tree with the branch you want.
Inside the Dark Forest, the talking tree where you get the branch from is
located to the southeast of the Warrior’s Guild. The branch you want is lying
on the ground next to the tree. Grab the branch (see “The Ancient Tree” in
the Dark Forest section for more info on dealing with this tree) and return
to Verdistis
The Summoning
When you find all three items go back to Corinna and she will tell you to go
get some Nightflower from her garden and then follow her into the basement.
Grab the Nightflower and go into the basement, there Corinna will tell you to
put the items you collected into the northern pentagram, then stand in the
western pentagram. Do as you were instructed and Corinna will start the
ritual. If you got the Tree Branch from the Dark Forest, then the ritual will
succeed and you will get experience along with a skill level in “Banish.” If
you used the branch that can be bought from Mpenzak, however, the demon will
go berserk, killing Corinna and then attacking you.
_______________________________Sir Patrick’s Loan______________________________
If you talk to Sir Patrick in his mansion he will offer to loan you 1,000,
3,000, or 10,000 gold pieces. The catch is that you will have to pay him back
in full plus 150, 750, or 3,000 gold pieces (depending on how much you
borrowed) within 15 days or... something will happen. Money in Divine
Divinity is so prevalent that you should be able to get by without going to
this loan shark, however.

______________________________Leptine’s Grain Bill_____________________________

If you talk to Leptine in his shop to the north of the Ducal Inn he will
complain that Hugh hasn’t delivered any grain in a while. Offer to go talk to
Hugh about it and leave for Hugh’s house in the Farmlands.

When you talk to Hugh about the grain shipment he will rather bluntly tell
you that he will not send any grain to Leptine until he settles his 3000 Gold
Piece debt. Offer to pay the bill for Leptine and Hugh will at first be
suspicious of your intentions but will eventually agree to settle the debt
and deliver the grain. Go back to Leptine and tell him the good news to
finish this quest.

If you talk to Commander Kratus at the Town Watch Building he will tell you
about a string of murders and how he suspects that Pierce the Wine Merchant
is responsible. After he tells you this go to Pierce’s wine shop and confront
Pierce directly about these allegations. He will deny that he had anything to
do with the murders and will agree to let you search his cellars.

Go down into the cellars and go to the far eastern room. The northern wall
here is illusionary – you can walk right through it. In the room beyond the
illusionary wall you will come face-to-face with the vampire Tutamun. After a
brief conversation in which he reveals that he is indeed the one responsible
for the murders he will attack. Kill him and then report back to Kratus for a
-Note: Tutamun is also the one who murdered George in Aleroth, (see “George
has been Murdered!” above) be sure to confront him about this while you
are talking to him, as you wont be able to finish that quest without
doing so.
_______________________________Graham’s Vengeance______________________________
There is a man named Graham who is standing at the bar of the Ducal Inn. He
will tell you that he lost an eye because of the treachery of a man named
Cirgon and would like you to help him get back at Cirgon. Go and confront
Cirgon and he will tell you that he blinded Graham because he caught Graham
sleeping with his wife, and now he wants you to get revenge on Graham for
him! Now you have a choice to make, you can kill either Graham or Cirgon and
then go to the other for a reward, or forget both of those horrible people
and go drink some Ale.
__________________________________The Brothel__________________________________
This, uh... “quest” starts when you overhear some women gossiping outside of
Corinna’s house about Afrasam at the Ducal Inn. It seems that Afrasam is
running a little “side business” and that one of the women’s husbands has
been a regular customer there. After the women are done talking go to the
Ducal Inn and talk to Afrasam. There should now be dialog choices where you
will ask to see either “Magdalena” or “Yaniz.” (These are two names that you
overheard while the women were gossiping.) Afrasam will tell you to go see
Leptine. Leave the inn and go to Leptine store to the north of the inn and
tell him Afrasam sent you. He will show you to a hatch hidden under some
packages. Use the hatch to enter Divine Divinity’s one and only brothel. Just
go up to one of the girls (or guys...) and pay 250 gold pieces to have some
________________________________The Beggar Child_______________________________
While you are exploring the city you might be approached by a little girl who
will ask for some spare change. Give her a gold piece and you will receive
some experience. Don’t fall for her story and give her 10 gold pieces,
however, you will just end up being swarmed by the little snots. If you do
get swarmed, you can just give them more money to make them go away.
______________________________Reunion with Verlat______________________________
While you are wandering around the city you might bump into Verlat, the
soldier you cured back in Aleroth. (If you did cure him...) He will thank you
for saving him and gives you a ring as thanks.
___________________________The Golden Jugs in Arakand__________________________
When you enter Arakand as part the Imp Council Member quest you will find
several locked Golden Jugs scattered around. You can find the keys to the
jugs either lying around on the ground or on the Bees (or Wasps, whichever
side you did NOT side with.) that won’t attack you. The treasure that is
inside the jugs is minor, but opening the jugs will cause something strange
to happen, from being teleported to a different section of Arakand, to
getting enough experience to gain a level, (!) to having the Grim Reaper show
up to summon an Angel of Revenge!

___________________________________Baud’s Tea__________________________________
Go to the healer’s house and talk to the healer there. Ask him about his
healing methods and he will tell you about a man named Baud and his
mysterious tea. After he is done he will mention that he hasn’t seen Baud in
months. If you look in the southeastern corner of the house you will see a
well-hidden Hatch under one of the beds.
Take the Hatch down to the basement and move all the barrels that are
blocking the door to the west. Inside the west room you will find three
barrels of Baud’s Tea waiting for you. The only real use for the Tea that
I’ve found is to threaten/kill the Ancient Tree with it.
________________________________Polymorph Chests_______________________________

In the sewers under Verdistis there are a couple chests that are trapped with
a Polymorph spell. If you open one these chests and have a Spiritual
Resistance lower than 15 then you will be turned into a bunny or some other
harmless animal. Normally this would just be an annoyance, but there is a bug
with the spell that makes the effect permanent! This means that you will be
stuck as an animal FOREVER! The chests are located somewhere in the southern
area of the Verdistis Sewers. (Sorry I can’t be any more specific on the
location of the chests, but it’s the best I can do without pictures...)

===========================|Thieves Guild [#007.14]|===========================
-Note: you must be a member of the Thieves Guild to be able to do these
quests. (See “Joining the Thieves Guild” in Part IV of the main
_______________________________Get some Training_______________________________
If you talk to Rob after you join the Thieves Guild he will offer to train
you in either the Lockpick, Evade Trap, or Deadly Gift skills. He will only
train you in one of these skills, so chose wisely.
___________________________Finnigan’s Magic Lockpicks__________________________
When you talk to Finnigan after you join the Thieves guild he will ask you to
retrieve a set of Magic Lockpicks that Commander Kratus of the Town Watch has
taken from him. The lockpicks are located inside one of the tables in the
main room of the Town Watch Building. Just take the lockpicks (keep an eye
out for Kratus, as he will raise the alarm if you take the lockpicks while he
is nearby.) and go back to Finnigan for a reward of a stamina potion and a
normal set of lockpicks.
Before you give the lockpicks back to Finnigan, however, you should know that
you can use these lockpicks an unlimited number of times without using them
up. Not only that, but the Magical Lockpicks also give you a 20 point bonus
to Agility just by having them in your inventory! If you give them back, the
lockpicks will be gone forever, so you should probably just keep them.
-WARNING: Whatever you do with the Magical Lockpicks, do NOT drop them onto
the ground, as they will vanish and you will lose them forever!
Fortunately the latest patch has fixed this.
_________________________Rodgar’s Lockpicking Challenge________________________
When you talk to Rodgar he will challenge you to unlock five doors, and will
give you 5 Lockpicks to do so. You will need to have five levels in Lockpick
to be able to open all of the doors and win his challenge and the prize.
-Note: If you don’t have enough skill levels in Lockpick to unlock all of the
doors you can return to Rodgar and he will offer to train you in
Lockpick. (A much better prize, in my opinion...) If you take the
training you won’t be able to win the money.

=========================|Dark Forest North [#007.15]|=========================
_____________________________The Sword in the Stone____________________________
Near the Elven Ruins you will see a sword that is stuck inside a stone, as
you approach the sword it will speak to you and ask (more like demand...) to
be drawn from the stone. Click on the stone to take the sword... and release
a homicidal spirit that is hell-bent on killing everything! (terrific...) You
will need to kill the ghost, and it will then retreat back into the stone,
(You will see rays of red light shooting out of the stone when it is inside)
after that you can then click and drag the sword you took back onto the stone
to seal the spirit away again. (Watch out, if you take too much time to do
this then a fully-healed spirit will pop out of the stone and attack you
-WARNING: Do NOT leave the Dark Forest map while the spirit is still unsealed,
as the spirit will go and kill everyone on the Dark Forest map while
you are gone!
_________________________________Save the Women________________________________
While wandering around the Dark Forest, you will run into a group of men who
will beg for you to save their wives from some trolls. They will mark the
location of where they think the trolls are on your map. Go to that location
to find out that the group of men is waiting for you there. They will explain
that they are actually assassins that were hired by Elona (er... Iona) and
the whole wives-kidnapped-by-trolls story was just a part of their “brilyant”
plan to KILL you! After some witty banter (or not) they will attack, kill
them and move on with your life.
______________________________The Collector’s Urn______________________________

On the road that leads south from the entrance to Rivertown you will see a
small camp. Inside the camp is a man named Raymond who will ask you to
retrieve an urn from a nearby cave. When you agree to help him he will warn
you that he has already sent some mercenaries there and they have not

Go to the cave Raymond marked on your map, slaughter the rather perturbed
residents inside, grab the urn, and take it back to Raymond. Simple.

______________________________The Warrior’s Guild______________________________

In the middle of the Dark Forest Map you will see a fortress sitting on top
of a plateau. This is the Warrior’s Guild, where beefy boys can learn the Way
of the Whack. To enter the Warrior’s Guild you will need to find the stairs
that are on the south face of the cliff.
Inside the Warrior’s Guild talk to Alrik about becoming a member and he will
tell you that you will have to pass two tests to join.
-Note: These tests involve fighting some of the toughest enemies outside of
the Black Ring. I would definitely recommend waiting until you are at
least level 35 before taking these tests.
The Eye of the Cyclops
The first Test requires you to retrieve an artifact called “The Eye of the
Cyclops” from... the Warrior’s Guild basement? Go down the stairs into the
basement and you will find that it has been overrun with undead. Fight your
way down another set stairs and you will find yourself in a large central
room with smaller rooms to the north, south, east, and west of the central
room. The room to the east holds the Eye of the Cyclops that you need.
Unfortunately the door to the east room is locked. In fact all the doors are
locked except for the northern one. Go into the northern room to find a
lever, pull the lever to unlock the western room. Now go the western room to
find a lever that unlocks the southern room, and in the southern room there
is a lever that will finally unlock the eastern room.
-Note: If you stand on a certain spot inside the western room (it’s behind one
of the statues) you will be transported to a secret room. The only
thing inside this room is a pedestal with the KAA GENT scroll on it.
This is just a little Easter Egg added by Larian, there is no reward
for reading the scroll or taking it with you. (Apparently, KAA GENT is
the name of a Belgian soccer team that some of the programmers at
Larian are a big fan of.) Once you leave this secret room you will not
be able to return to it.
In the eastern room of this area you will find the guardian of the Eye, who
will attack you. This is a tricky battle, as he can summon Infernal Conjurers
who will in turn summon Infernal Skeletons, if you are not careful you can be
easily overwhelmed by these guys. When you overcome the Guardian, open the
pot in the center of the room to find The Eye of the Cyclops, which turns out
to be a real eye! (EWWW! GROSS!) Take the Eye back to Alrik to receive the
second Warrior’s Guild quest.
The Heart of the Dragon
Now Alrik wants you to retrieve an artifact called The Heart of the Dragon
from a cult that is holed up in the Imp’s Abandoned Castle. The castle is
perched on top of a cliff, so will need to find the staircase up the cliff.
Inside the castle you will need to fight your way through to the end where
you will come face to snout with another Dragon Rider. This guy can kill you
with one shot of his elemental breath weapon. To stand a chance against him
you must raise your resistances, so drink an Elixir Potion before you fight
him and equip any resistance-raising equipment you have. Hopefully you should
be able survive a couple shots. When you manage to kill the Dragon Rider it
will drop The Dragon Heart Gem. Take the Gem back to Alrik to pass the test
and become a member of the Warrior’s Guild and Alrik will train you in
Boomerang and let you keep the Gem for good measure.

-WARNING: The Dragon Rider will ONLY drop the Heart if you have the quest to
retrieve the gem from Alrik. If you just wander in and kill the
Dragon Rider before Alrik sends you there then you will be unable to
get the Heart, meaning you won’t be able to join the Warrior’s Guild
OR complete the Dragon Armor set.

_______________________________The Sparing Match_______________________________

In the courtyard of the Warrior’s Guild you will see two guys fighting each
other. Go up and talk to Master and challenge him to a duel. Fight and defeat
him (be careful, he is HARD!) and he will train you in either Augment Offense
or Augment Defense.

=========================|Dark Forest South [#007.16]|=========================

________________________________Slay the Stalker_______________________________

You will run into a Hermit standing outside a cabin who will tell you about
monster that is terrorizing the area. Agree to kill the monster and he will
mark the cave where the monster is hiding. Go into the cave (the flowers
outside the cave will cause your character to sneeze...) and fight your way
to the back to find... the Hermit? He will explain that he is really the
Stalker and that he disguises himself as the Hermit to lure would-be heroes
into his cave so he can eat them. ...and guess what? You’re his next meal! He
then attacks you, so give him some Marked One Justice! After killing him,
loot the cave along with the Cabin that the Hermit once occupied.
-Note: Be sure to keep the Silver Breastplate you find after you defeat the
Stalker. You will later be able to upgrade the armor into the Armor of
__________________________________Elven Lover__________________________________
In the Elven Village you will find an Elven maiden standing in front of a
well. (Actually, the person standing there depends on the gender of your main
character: If you are playing as a male character it will be a woman named
Eleana, and if you are playing a female character then it will be a man named
Elean. the quest is the same regardless of who gives it to you, so for the
sake of brevity, I’ll just refer to her as a female) When you talk to her you
can express your feelings of love for her, but she will say that she can’t
marry you as long as the war between the Elves and Dwarves is looming.
After you stop the war by completing both the Elven and Dwarven Council
Member quests you can return to her and tell her that you’ve stopped the war,
(you get experience for this) but she will say that she still cannot marry
you until you bring back a necklace that her grandmother lost a very long
time ago. She gives you a scroll that has a picture of the necklace you are
looking for, and that’s it. Take the scroll to Elmer the Jeweler in the
Dwarven Mines, and ask him to make a copy of the necklace. (The real necklace
is not in the game, so you have to have Elmer make a fake to complete this
quest.) Come back in a day or two, (game time) and he will give you the
necklace. Take the necklace back to Eleana and she will agree to marry you.
You now have your very own Elven fiancée! Hooray!
______________________________Evil Transformation______________________________
As you follow the road to the south of the Warrior’s Guild you will be
approached by a boar who talks! He explains that he was transformed into a
boar by an evil mage. He marks the location of the mage’s cabin on your map
and asks for you to find a way to cure him.
Inside the mage’s cabin click on the portrait on the wall to reveal a secret
room with some stairs leading down to the basement. Inside the basement there
are three cells holding different animals. One has a couple of wolves in it,
one has a snake in it, and the last one has a cow it. Click on the cell door
that holds the cow and she will explain that all of the animals here have
been transformed by the mage. She will beg you to free the others before the
mage comes back. If you free the wolves first, then they will help you fight
the mage. The snake, however, will attack YOU if you free it, and the cow
won’t do anything.
After freeing one of the animals Boratus, the mage responsible for
transforming the animals will show up and attack you. (Remember him? From
“The Vanishing Emerald” quest?) Kill him and take the key he drops. Go back
upstairs and use the key to open the locked chest. Inside you will find a
note that will detail what you need to undo the curse on the animals. The
First thing you will need to get some Holy Water from the priest in the
Dwarven Halls.
Talk to the Dwarven Priest in the Dwarven Halls and he will tell you that he
can give you some Holy Water, but ONLY if you bring him the Holy Grail. Find
the cave that the priest marked on you map, (it is Northwest of the Imp’s
Deserted Castle) go inside, kill anything that moves, and then find the Holy
Grail. Take the Grail back to the priest and he will fill it with Holy Water.
Back at Boratus’ cabin you can use the Holy Water to return the animals back
to their original forms. Finally, go back to where you first met the talking
boar and he will approach you again. When you offer to change him back,
however, he will refuse, saying that he wants to stay with his new porcine
girlfriend! (...)
_____________________________Alchemist’s Apprentice____________________________

You will find a very reclusive Alchemist named Medicus living inside a cabin
to the southwest of the Warrior’s Guild. He will tell you that he will make
you an apprentice if you bring him a root from the Ancient Tree. Leave the
shack and go find the Ancient Tree and take the root that’s at the tree’s
base. (See “The Ancient Tree” Below to see how to deal with the tree) Take
the Root back to Medicus and he will train you in the Alchemy Skill.
________________________________The Ancient Tree_______________________________

To the southeast of the Warriors Guild you will run into a Talking Tree. You
will know you are getting close when it starts to rain, and an Elven scouting
party appears out of nowhere warning you that there’s a rather ticked off
Ancient Tree nearby. If you ask them why the Ancient Tree is so hostile they
will mention the Tree’s fear of Woodcutters. Approach the Tree and it will
demand to know what you are doing here. You can tell him that you are a wood
cutter you can scare him into giving up the items you need, or you can
threaten him with some Baud’s Tea if you have it. Finally, you can tell him
that you are just leaving and he will let you go and then you can dash in and
grab the stuff and leave before the Tree does anything. If you tell him
anything else then he will attack by summoning a LOT of Infernal Corpses and
by shooting powerful (albeit slow moving) projectiles at you.
If you really want to kill the thing then you will need to have some Baud’s
Tea with you. Make sure that the barrel is open, (click on it if its not)
then stand next to the Tree and then drag and drop the open barrel onto the
Tree and that should take care of it.
-Note: The root and the branch will only be there if you have gotten the
necessary quests from Medicus and Corinna.

========================|The Holy Items Quest [#007.17]|=======================
You will get this quest when you read the appropriate book inside the Cursed
Abbey. (Or, if you are like me, you will get it when you stumble over the
Sword in Iona’s dungeon...) To complete the quest you will need to find the
Sword, Dagger, and Amulet then find the Sacrificial Chamber and sacrifice two
of the holy items to power up the third. Note that the Holy Items will be
un-equipable until you go through with the sacrifice.
___________________________________The Sword___________________________________
The Sword is probably the easiest Holy Item to find. It is inside the Cave of
Illusions in Iona’s Dungeon. (It’s the one that is filled with Gems.) To open
up the cave you will need to extinguish a candle that is sitting in the
middle of a pentagram to the south of the Cave. Go inside the cave and the
gems inside will disappear, and then search the rear of the cave to find the
___________________________________The Dagger__________________________________
The Dagger is located inside the Thieves Guild, so you will need to be a
member of the Thieves Guild to get it. The Dagger is found inside a book that
is on the Thieves Guild Leader’s desk. You should be able to easily open the
book and take the dagger without having any problems. (As long as you are a
member of the Thieves Guild, that is...)
___________________________________The Amulet__________________________________
The amulet is the most difficult of the holy items to get. The Amulet can be
found in a cave under the Elven Ruins of the Dark Forest. There are actually
two entrances to the cave, one in the middle of the Ruins and one to the west
of the Ruins.
After you find all three Holy Items you will still need to find the chamber
to sacrifice the items. The sacrifice chamber is located to the northeast of
the Church in Rivertown. You can find the stairs to the chamber hidden inside
a cluster of trees there. Inside the chamber you should find a statue with a
couple of blue circles painted on the floor and a cluster of four tombs to
the south.

-WARNING: Do NOT touch any of the four tombs in the south of the sacrifice
chamber. If you do, you will not be able to initiate the sacrifice
dialog or get the powered up Holy Item. So look but don’t touch.
Stand in the eastern most circle (If you can’t see it then try fiddling with
the game’s Gamma Controls.) and you should get a dialog asking which two
items you want to sacrifice and which one you want to keep. Make your choice
(whatever you think will help you the most) and the powered up Holy Item will
appear in the western circle.
-Note: The actual statistics of the item you get are randomly generated when
you first point your cursor over the item. So if you don’t like the
item you got you might want to reload and try again until you get
something you like.

========================|The Dragon Armor Set [#007.18]|=======================
After completing the Dwarven Council Member quest (See Part V of the Main
Walkthrough) and after showing King Dunatrim the note that tells of the
Mayor’s part the plot he will mention the Dragon Armor Set. If you ask him
about the Dragon Armor Set he will tell you that there are 5 pieces in the
set: Gloves, Belt, Shield, Breastplate, and Helm.
-Note: Sometimes enemies will drop Dragon Amulets when beaten. These amulets
are not a part of the set and have nothing to do with the items listed
below other than their name.

The gloves are found inside one of the Burial Pyres at the Elven Graveyard.
Just search the Pyres until you find the gloves and take them.
As you wander around in Verdistis you will be stopped by a woman named
Raphirella who will ask you to help her settle a little family dispute. It
seems that her father recently passes away and Zedzarine, her half-sister is
trying to worm her way into the inheritance. She wants to hire you for 50
Gold Pieces to prevent her half-sister from getting anything. Agree to help
her and as if on cue, her half-sister will show up and a huge argument will
break out. After they are done arguing they want you to make a judgment. It
doesn’t really matter what you say here. (Although I should point out that
siding with the sister or remaining undecided will give you experience, while
siding with Raphirella does not.)
After they both leave, go to the house to the southwest and use the key that
is inside a nearby log to open the front door (you can also lockpick the
door) and go inside. In the southwestern room search one of the shelves there
you will find a key, take it and continue on down to the basement. Watch out,
because if you step in the center of this room the floor will give out and
you will fall into the basement and have a good chunk of your health taken
off. (Oddly enough, I got experience when this happened... Falling through
the floor shouldn’t be able to kill you.)
When you get to the basement (one way or the other) go to the west and you
will see a chest that is blocked by a bunch of barrels. Move the barrels out
of the way and use the key you found upstairs to unlock the chest. Inside the
chest you will find the Belt and 1000 Gold Pieces.
This one is found inside Stormfist Castle’s Armory on a table. To get inside
the armory where the Shield is held you will need to find a key. The key is
in the library to the north of the Armory.
-Note: You are only supposed to be able to get the Shield while you are inside
the castle as the Lord Protector. If you missed it at that time,
however, you can get it by using the Enter Stormfist Castle Anytime
Cheat. (See Part II of the main walkthrough)
This is definitely the hardest of the set to acquire, as you not only have to
find the Breastplate itself, but you also have to repair it by finding the
Heart of the Dragon and bringing it to Grischa, the Dwarven Blacksmith.
The Breastplate is in possession of Sir Patrick in Verdistis. Go and talk to
him about the breastplate and although he is reluctant to give it up he will
agree to give to you if you agree to help him collect a debt from a man named
Lucius. It’s leg-breaking time!
Go and talk to Lucius about his debt and he will tell you that he can’t pay
his debts. You will have to pay his debts off yourself. Go back to Sir
Patrick and give him the money you “collected” and he should give you the
Breastplate. (or what’s left of it...)
Now you need to acquire the Dragon Heart Gem (see “The Warrior’s Guild” for
more information on this) and take both the Breastplate and the Gem to
Grischa in the Dwarven Halls and he will use them to repair the breastplate.

-Note: be sure to show the Dragon Heart Gem to Alrik before you repair the
Breastplate, as you will lose the Gem when you repair the Breastplate.

-WARNING: The Dragon Rider will NOT drop the Heart unless you have acquired
the quest to retrieve the Heart from Alrik at the Warrior’s Guild
beforehand. (See “The Warrior’s Guild” above)

After you repair the Breastplate you can show the repaired Breastplate to
King Dunatrim and he will give you the Helm.

========================|The Armor of Larian [#007.19]|========================
Scattered throughout Rivellon are four Treasure Maps that point to a fabulous
treasure. When all four maps are acquired and the and the treasure is found
you will also be able to access a secret Easter Egg area where you can meet
the fine people who made Divine Divinity and get your hands on the nifty
Armor of Larian.
_____________________________The Four Treasure Maps____________________________
Before you can even enter the Cave you will need to find the four treasure
maps that are scattered around Rivellon.
1) Purchased from Mpenzak for 500 Gold Pieces
2) In the far Northeastern part of the Verdistis Sewers on a corpse
3) Inside a spider cave to the northwest of the Archer’s Guild
4) Inside a locked prison near the entrance to the mines in the Dwarven Halls
-Note: the Map found inside the Dwarven Halls prison is labeled “Scroll”
instead of “Treasure Map”

After you get all four treasure maps you still need to find the stupid cave.
(Which is VERY well hidden, it is very easy to pass right by it even if you
know where it is...) The cave is located in the far northwestern corner of
the Dark Forest map, partially hidden by some trees.
_______________________________The Treasure Cave_______________________________
When you finally enter the cave kill the spiders and find the door hidden
behind the spider webs. (The door will only be opened if you have all four
Treasure Maps in your inventory.) Your goal here is to find three Crystal
Balls in this cave and bring them all to the Giant Stone Bowl. The Crystal
balls are all lying right out in the open and the only problem is finding the
switches to unlock the doors. (...and the legion of skeletons that are
waiting to eviscerate you...)
When you get all three Crystal Balls take them to the Giant Stone Bowl and
drag and drop them into the bowl to reveal a door. Go through the door and
click on the shrine in the next room. This will summon a rather pissed off
demon who will attack you. Killing the Demon will cause part of the wall to
the south to disappear, revealing a passage. At the end of the passage is a
room filled with treasure. There is an illusionary wall to the north that
leads to a room with a Teleporter Stone that will lead you to the Secret Area
if you have the proper items in your inventory. (There is also a Tombstone
here that has a rather touching tribute to the victims of the September 11th
terrorist attacks.)
_________________________________What you Need_________________________________
Before you click on the teleporter stone here make sure you have the
following items in your inventory:
-EXACTLY 2002 Gold Pieces (not one piece more or less)
-5 Bottles of Ale purchased from Rimmer in the Dwarven Village
-Silver Breastplate (See “Slay the Stalker,” above)
-The 4 pieces of rope that are lying around the teleporter
-One of your Teleport Stones (and the other one is on the ground somewhere)
-WARNING: The teleporter that is supposed to take you back from the secret
area is broken; this means that the ONLY way to get back from the
secret area is to use your Teleport Stones.
If you have all these things in your inventory when you touch the Teleporter
Stone then you will be warped to the Secret Area. If you don’t have these
items then the stone will just warp you back outside the cave.

________________________________The Secret Area________________________________

When you first enter the secret area you will see 2 people who are having a
bit of a philosophical discussion about the nature of good and evil before
trying to murder each other. You can watch them go at it if you want, but
since both of them are immortal don’t bother waiting for a victor. Continue
on and you will see a Prison Pit, to enter this prison you will need to use
one of the pieces of rope you found in the treasure cave on one of the open
prison pits.
Inside the prison you need to throw the lever to unlock the cell doors and
then you can talk to the people who made Divinity. Continue doing this for
the other three prison cells. In the last prison cell you will find a stair
case down. You will come to a room with the many (MANY) bugs of Divine
Divinity in it. They will all attack you, kill them all and then return to
the previous level. If you talk to Swen after killing all the bugs he will
gratefully upgrade the Silver Breastplate you were carrying into the Armor of
-Note: For some strange reason the Armor of Larian is invisible. (It will look
like your character isn’t wearing any armor!)

|||||||||||||||||||||||Frequently Asked Questions [#008]|||||||||||||||||||||||
-Q: In the first level of the catacombs I can’t find the pentagrams where you
are supposed to put the magic orbs in!
A: Try fiddling with the Brightness and Contrast of your monitor, as the
pentagrams can blend in with the background if the screen is too dark.
Also try increasing the brightness with the Gamma and Darkness controls
under Options->Video->Visual.
-Q: I can’t find the front door to Dr. Elrath’s house!
A: The front door to Dr. Elrath’s house is on the north side of the building,
hidden from view. Use the ALT key to highlight the door.
-Q: Where are the three Elven Ceremonial Relics?
A: The first two Elven Ceremonial Relics needed for the Elven Council Member
are lying out in the open and should be easy to find. The third Elven
Ceremonial Relic is actually the Quarterstaff that Josephina drops when you
beat her.
-Q: When I went looking for the Imp Council member I found an Imp who told me
to touch a Magic Sphere, but I refused to do it. Now he won’t even talk to
A: You should not have refused him. There is a bug in this game that causes
the imp (Zaknadrix) to give you the chance to touch the Magic Sphere and
enter Arakand once and only once, whether you touch it or not. If you
didn’t touch the Zaknadrix’s magic sphere when you had the chance you are
basically stuck, as you can’t find the Imp Council member without touching
the magic sphere and the Zaknadrix won’t talk to you or let you touch the
Magic Sphere. This bug seems to have been fixed with the latest patch. I’m
not sure if using the patch will help solve the problem, but it’s worth a
try. If it doesn’t, the only way to solve this break is to reload a
savegame from before you talk to the imp.
-Q: Where can I find lock picks?
A: Other than random drops from enemies just about the only character that
consistently sells lock picks is Tingalf in the Rivertown Market area. I
have also seen Blake in the Rivertown Market carry them occasionally, too.
-Q: How do I open the Stormfist Prison Door?
A: As far as I know, you can’t. The door can’t be lockpicked even if you have
a max level in the skill, and I haven’t found a key that unlocks it yet.
-Q: I can’t find the dwarf inside the Dwarven Bread Inn who gives me the
teleport scroll!
A: The dwarf that you get the Teleportation Scroll from leaves the Inn after
completing Stormfist Castle and takes the scroll with him. I haven’t been
able to found him again, so just take the scroll inside the Glenborus Town
Hall instead.
-Q: How do I pick up the Teleport Stones?
A: First open your inventory then click and drag the Teleport Stone into the
open inventory screen. This technique also works on just about any item
that you can’t automatically pick up. (Everything from books to furniture
and even chests!)
-Q: What do I do if I lose the Explosives I use to blow up the Orcs supply
A: If you lose (or sell) the explosives (or later, the poison you need to
poison the Orc’s well) you are out of luck, as there isn’t any way to
acquire more explosives and you can’t finish the quest without the
explosives. The only options you have are to either reload a savegame
where you have the explosives or to just leave the quest unfinished.
-Q: When I go into this fort to the south of the Barracks these three Wizards
show up and turn all soldiers into enemies! Is there any way to stop them
from doing this?
A: No, there isn’t. (Well, I suppose you could just avoid entering the fort
entirely...) There also doesn’t seem to be any way to make the soldiers
friendly again. One interesting thing to note is that no one seems to care
about this, even if you killed everyone in the fort.
-Q: My character is losing Stamina constantly, even when he is standing still!
A: You are probably carrying the “Halberd of the Rock” that is found inside
the Cursed Abbey. This item will constantly drain stamina while you are
carrying it. Get rid of it (Sell it or just drop it) to stop the stamina
-Q: An enemy dropped an item I want to get, but I can’t pick it up!
A: This is a glitch that happens when the item a creature drops is actually
dropped inside a wall or some other inaccessible place. To be able to pick
up the item you will need to use the “Telekinesis” skill (One point should
be enough.)
-Q: Where can I find the latest patch?
A: You can find it at
-Q: Does this game have a multiplayer mode?
A: No, it doesn’t.
-Q: How do I set Hotkeys?
A: First open the menu with the weapon/skill/potion you want to assign. Then
just hover the cursor over the icon of the weapon/skill/potion and press
the key you want assigned. A little F(key number) symbol in the lower-
left corner of the icon signifies that the Hotkey is set.
-Q: Is there a level-cap in this game?
A: Sort of... There is no hard level-cap in the game, (i.e. you can only go
to level 99 no matter how much experience you get...) but you are limited
by the amount of experience you can get in the game. (There are only so
many monsters you can kill and only so many quests you can do.) Going
through the game normally you should be around level 50 by the end of the
game. You might be able to push your levels into the low 60s if you do
every quest and kill every monster, but that’s about as far as you can go.
-Q: How do I keep the Demon from killing Corinna?
A: The demon will kill Corinna if you brought her the wrong tree branch. You
want to bring her a branch from the tree in the Dark Forest, not the one
you buy from Mpenzak.
-Q: How can I defeat those Orc Wardrummers!?
A: Wardrummers are definitely one of the more aggravating enemies as they can
pretty much fully heal themselves after only a second or two. Unless you
are at a high level and have a very strong weapon you will simply be
unable to do more damage than he can heal. One way to kill him is to try
to get him to attack you, (Yes, he does attack you once in a while...) he
can’t heal when he is attacking. (Of course, his attacks cause so much
damage he will probably kill you...) Or you can use “Freeze” to stop
his healing and then kill them while they are frozen. (Or just run away...)
-Q: How do I keep those Dragon Riders from slaughtering me?
A: The Dragon Rider’s big attack is when they start pelting you with breath
weapons. These breath weapons are all elemental so it is your resistances
that will determine how much damage you take from the attack. Raise your
Magic Barrier skill, add some resistance-upping charms to your equipment,
and drink an Elixir potion or two before fighting them and you will have a
much easier time in dealing with them.
-Q: Why am I being attacked by dogs/cats? How do I get them to stop?
A: If you accidentally kill any animal it will immediately turn EVERY ONE of
that species hostile! There is nothing you can do to make them friendly
again. So always remember to be kind to animals.
-Q: Is there a demo for this game?
A: Yes there is. I’ve never played it so I can’t tell you much, other than
it’s old (VERY old...) and it covers the events in Aleroth up until you
meet Zandalor for the first time. As for finding it, you are on your own.
I think you can find it on, but I’m not sure.
-Q: My resistances are down to somewhere around -500,000! What’s happening!?
A: This is a known bug that happens when you un-equip/re-equip a piece of
equipment that has a bonus to the Magic Barrier skill on it. The latest
patch should fix this problem.
-Q: Where is the Farmland’s Teleporter?
A: The Farmland’s Teleporter is located in the southeast corner of a cow
pasture, partially obscured by some straw.
-Q: How do I enchant items?
A: First you need three things; some Charms, a piece of equipment that you
can attach Charms to, and at least one point in the “Enchant Weapon”
skill. Click on the piece of equipment to open window that shows the charm
slots. Now just drag and drop the Charm you want into an open slot to
attach the charm. You can not remove a Charm once it has been placed.

-Q: I tried to find the site with that cheat program, (see Cheats section,
below) but all I got was a dead link!
A: The sites I listed are personal sites, which have a nasty habit of, well,
vanishing. Try Kiya’s Divinity site at which has
mirrors of these programs on it.

Spoiler Questions: These are questions that pertain mainly to the story and/or
characters. As such these questions way spoil the game for
you and have been separated from the other questions. If
you don’t want to read any spoilers then just skip this
-Q: Just what exactly is Arhu supposed to be, anyway?
A: Arhu is actually a battlemage who was turned into a cat by the Black Ring.
(The “Polymorph” bug strikes again!)
-Q: Elona or Iona?
A: Iona, I think... What I think is going on is that Iona took on a new name
along with a new form for her work inside Stormfist Castle. Then again,
maybe the programmers simply forgot what her name was halfway through the
-Q: Can I prevent The Demon of Lies from reviving the Lord of Chaos?
A: No, you can’t. This is a story event and it will happen no matter what you
-Q: Does the Divine One really kill the Lord of Chaos in the ending cinema?
A: That seems to be the sixty-four dollar question about the ending. Some
think that he did and was taking the body out to bury it somewhere, while
some think that he didn’t and instead took the baby to raise it himself.
(I guess it was the latter that happened...)
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Cheats and Bugs [#009]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-Note: Although Divine Divinity doesn’t have any “official” cheats added to
the game, there are a number of bugs and glitches that can be exploited
for personal gain. These bugs are listed in this section.
-Side Note: I am personally one of those players who despise cheating in any
form, but I especially hate using exploits. But if you are one of
those who like to cheat, I guess I shouldn’t try to stop you. Do
remember that using any of these cheats will take a lot of the fun
out of the game. I also won’t give you any more help in using
these cheats.
-WARNING: Be careful about using the cheats, I won’t be held responsible if
you do some thing that causes your game to crash, your savegames
become corrupted, or anything else that happens when you use these
Infinite Gold
First you need at least two gold pieces in you inventory. Hold down the Ctrl
key and drag and drop a pile of outside of your inventory. A dialog box will
pop up asking you how much gold you want to drop. Using the keyboard enter a
negative number into the dialog box. (i.e. -10) Now PRESS THE ENTER KEY and a
pile of gold worth over 65,000 will appear on the ground. (This also works on
any other stackable item, like potions, food, lockpicks, ect.)
Item Duplication
This works on any non-stackable item you have. (I suppose it would also work
with stackable items too, but the “Infinite Gold” method listed above is much
quicker...) First make a quick-save, (Ctrl-S) then click and drag the item
you want to duplicate outside you inventory but do NOT let go of the mouse
button. Instead do a quick-load (Ctrl-L) and load the game WHILE STILL
HOLDING DOWN THE MOUSE BUTTON. When the game finishes loading the item you
were dragging will still be stuck on the cursor, while the original will
still be inside your inventory, giving you two of that item.
Attach Unlimited Charms

(Sent in by evandar) (Fixed with the latest patch)

You will need to have a piece of equipment with at least one open charm slot.
Click on the piece of equipment to open up the window that you normally add
charms to. Now, instead of adding charms like you normally would click on the
piece of equipment again to open another charm window. Do this as often as
want, then go ahead and start placing whatever charms you want. Each window
is separate from the other - you can add different charms to each window and
the game will give you the appropriate bonus for each charm. (Note that this
cheat won’t work if you have already filled up the charm slots on the
equipment, it only works if you do it before you start adding charms.)

-WARNING: If you place too many charms to a piece of equipment (like 50+
charms) then the game will crash whenever you place the cursor over
that piece of equipment.
Monster Farming
There is a way kill a monster multiple times, gaining experience each time.
You will need at least one level in Resurrect, and a dead monster.
(Preferably one you can defeat rather easily, and still gives a good amount
experience when they die...) Cast Resurrect on the monster, (don’t use Aura
of Command on it) then leave the area, and the monster will change from being
friendly back to being hostile. (I have no idea how far you have to go; I
think you need to change maps...) Now just return and kill them again. Repeat
this until you fall into a coma from boredom. (If you do this, be warned that
if you rest in a bed while a Resurrected monster is still alive, then it will
disappear. This means you won’t be able to kill them or re-Resurrect them
The Polymorph skill should only last for a few seconds, but the skill is
bugged so that the effect is permanent. So you can use it on the enemy then
just kill them at you leisure. (Killing a polymorphed creature will give you
full experience)
Frost Weapons

A weapon that that has a frost modifier attached is supposed to act just like
the Freeze skill when striking an opponent. A frost weapon, however, not only
freezes every time it connects, but it also IGNORES SPIRITUAL RESISTANCE!
This means it will always work, even against enemies that are normally immune
to Freeze skill. (Like Josephina...)
Frog Walk
For this trick to work your character MUST be a Survivor AND have a Frog
Statuette in your inventory. First use the Survivors special move, your
character will crouch down. While you are still crouching go into your
inventory and activate the Frog Statuette. Now just wait until your stamina
runs out and you return to normal. Now you will have the same walking speed
as the Frog form did.
Save Game Editor
There is a save game editor available for Divine Divinity. It was written by
iZakaroN of the Message Boards. You can find it at:
-Note: I had nothing to do with the making of this program, so don’t email me
if you have a problem. You will have to figure it out on your own. The
files are in a .rar file, so you will need to use a program that can
uncompress rar files (like the one from before you can
use it.
Item Editor
There is also an item editor available. It was written by DAD of the Divinity Message Boards. You can find it at:
-Note: Again, I had nothing to do with this program either. Don’t email me if
you have problems running or using this program.
Music Extractor
This is not really a cheat, but since I’m listing programs that let you
Ha><or this game I’ll put it here. This nifty little program allows you to
extract the wonderful music of Divinity so you can play it whenever you want.
You can find it at:

-Note: Once again, I didn’t make this program, so don’t ask me for help with it

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Contributors [#010]||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-evandar ( told me about how to enter Stormfist Castle
anytime and about the Enchant Weapon cheat.
-Capricous ( informed me that Dr. Elrath’s front door
can be lockpicked.
-Richard Gaddy ( told me about two extra ways to
acquire Dwarven Teleporter Scrolls.
-All the fine folks at the Divine Divinity Forums at for being a
near limitless supply of knowledge about this game.
-Raze of the Divine Divinity Forums who probably knows more about
this game than the programmers do.
-Legomancer ( for a strategy on killing Josephina.

-Brian Haefs ( has warned me that poking around Commander

Ralph’s room can break the “Cause of the Plague Quest”
-Danny Lam told me about an alternate way into Dr. Elrath’s house.
-Lordlotus told me about how to rob poor crazy Mardaneus blind.
-Everyone who emailed me, I want to give you a big “Thank You”
You didn’t stop me!

Please don’t put this walkthrough up on any website without my permission.

This document is Copyright 2002-2003 James “JaggedJim” Ramsey.

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