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The research work for project P96049 in the second NORDFOOD
programme was mainly carried out at VTT Biotechnology, Matforsk and SIK
together with representatives from the Nordic dairies Valio Ltd., Arla and
TINE as well as the technochemical company Suomen Unilever Oy

Evaluation of sanitation procedures for use in dairies

DiverseyLever. The senior advisors at Nordic Industrial Fund involved in
the project were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur Gunnarsson. The experiments
carried out in the project focused on monitoring methods in sanitation of
open and closed systems e.g. fogging, ozonation, footbath hygiene,
cleaning of cheese moulds and yoghurt pasteurizers, development of testing
procedures for measuring disinfectant efficacy, microbial resistance
phenomena against disinfectants, life-cycle assessment and an evaluation
procedure for the functionality of the cleaning procedures. New procedures
in hygiene have been implemented in dairies based on the results.
Development of detection and identification methods for assessing
microbial contaminants on or in process equipment, raw material, process
air, packaging material and final products is continued in the Nordic dairy
hygiene network project DairyNET – Hygiene control in dairy environment,
which has partners from all Nordic countries and which is partly funded by
the Nordic Industrial Fund (P00027). The contacts between industrial
personnel and researchers dealing with hygiene questions in the Nordic
countries, which have been built up in the 2 previous NordFood Gun Wirtanen, Solveig Langsrud, Satu Salo,
programmes (1994–2000), are thus continued.
Ulla Olofson, Harriet Alnås, Monika Neuman,
Jens Petter Homleid & Tiina Mattila-Sandholm

Evaluation of sanitation procedures

for use in dairies

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ISBN 951–38–6017–5 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951–38–6018–3 (URL:

ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back ed.) ISSN 1455–0849 (URL:

Gun Wirtanen1, Solveig Langsrud2, Satu Salo1,
Ulla Olofson3, Harriet Alnås4, Monika Neuman3,
Jens Petter Homleid5 and Tiina Mattila-Sandholm1
VTT Biotechnology, Espoo, Finland
Matforsk, Ås, Norway
SIK, Göteborg, Sweden
Arla Foods, Göteborg, Sweden
TINE, Oslo, Norway
ISBN 951–38–6017–5 (soft back ed.)
ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back ed.)
ISBN 951–38–6018–3 (URL:
ISSN 1455–0849 (URL:
Copyright © VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland 2002


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VTT Biotechnology, Tietotie 2, P.O. Box 1500, FIN-02044 VTT, Finland

phone internat. +358 9 4561, telefax +358 9 455 2103

Cover painted by freelance artist Antti Huovinen

Technical editing Leena Ukskoski

Otamedia Oy, Espoo 2002

Wirtanen, Gun, Langsrud, Solveig, Salo, Satu, Olofson, Ulla, Alnås, Harriet, Neuman, Monika,
Homleid, Jens Petter & Mattila-Sandholm, Tiina. Evaluation of sanitation procedures for use in
dairies. Espoo 2002. VTT Publications 481. 96 p. + app. 43 p.
Keywords NORDFOOD, dairies, sanitation, hygiene, microbes, detection, isolation, disinfection,
cleaning, life-cycle analysis, environmental assessment

The research work for project P96049 in the second NORDFOOD programme was
carried out at the Nordic research institutes VTT Biotechnology, MATFORSK and
SIK as well as at the universities in Helsinki and Reykjavik from April 1997 to
January 2000. The companies involved in the project were the dairies Valio Ltd.
from Finland, Arla from Sweden and TINE from Norway as well as the
technochemical company Suomen Unilever Oy DiverseyLever from Finland. Dr
Gun Wirtanen, VTT Biotechnology, coordinated the project. The senior advisors at
Nordic Industrial Fund involved in the project were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur
Gunnarsson. The experiments were focused on monitoring methods in sanitation of
open and closed systems e.g. fogging, ozonation, footbath hygiene, cleaning of
cheese moulds and yoghurt pasteurizers, development of testing procedures for
measuring disinfectant efficacy, microbial resistance phenomena against
disinfectants, life-cycle assessment (LCA) and an evaluation procedure for the
functionality of the cleaning procedures. New procedures in hygiene have been
implemented in dairies, based on the results. The findings can be summarized as

• The main task of the research conducted in Sweden was to develop and
evaluate practical methods for the measure of cleaning and disinfection
efficiency. These methods are suitable for equipment surfaces used for
production of various dairy products. The analysing methods, washing out
and triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) agar, worked well in testing the
cleanability of plastic cheese moulds. As part of this study a 5-step method
how to evaluate cleaning and disinfection agents was prepared at Arla

• Bacillus cereus is an important target organism when disinfecting equipment

for production of consumer milk in Nordic dairies. The total number of
remaining Bacillus spores on solid surfaces is a useful indicator for
measuring cleaning and disinfection efficiency. Improved methods for
detection of surface-adhered spores can be based on fluorescent dyes,

indirect immunofluorescence and quartz crystal microbalance (QCM)

• Less environmentally harmful cleaning procedures based on ozonated water

and enzyme-based agents used in cleaning-in-place (CIP) were investigated.
Energy can also be saved using lower temperatures. Promising results with
1–3 log-unit spore-reduction (i.e. 90.0–99.9% reduction) was achieved using
an ozone (O3) concentration of 0.1–0.3 ppm.

• Fogging with different agents including ozone is a potentially useful method

for disinfection of production and storage rooms. There are, however,
difficulties in reaching areas such as the outside of pipelines, rubber hoses
and ceilings. In these areas there are probably attached microbes that can
adapt to the disinfectant when exposed at sublethal concentrations or survive
because they are resistant to the fogging agent. The results showed that
ozone is less effective when the microbes are dry. The performance of the
fogging unit should be monitored frequently to ensure optimal disinfection.

• According to a questionaire, footbaths were extensively used in Norwegian

dairies. The aim was to combine practical information and laboratory
research to develop a maintenance guideline for footbaths. A maintenance
guideline is clearly needed, because it is evident that survival, growth and
spreading of resistant bacteria occur when using footbaths. The Norwegian
report initiated an investigation at Arla Foods in which the microbial status
of the footbaths was mapped. Microbial contaminants were found in all
footbaths tested, even though the sodium hypochlorite concentration in
general was correct or above the recommended level. Based on the results
achieved, it is recommended that footwear should be changed, when
entering a clean area, instead of using footbaths.

• The LCA of various CIP methods, including standard CIP with lye phase,
acid phase and thermic disinfection and enzymatic cleaning followed by acid
treatment and chemical disinfection, was performed at TINE. The LCA
covered all environmental aspects including transportation and effects on the
wastewater. In an LCA all the potential environmental effects of each
emission were considered according to the worst case scenario. The LCA
provides information necessary for choosing the best CIP method, even
though widely varying assumptions must be made and limitations

considered. In this study enzyme-based CIP procedures showed the best
results, because enzymes are used in very small concentrations and at low

• The aim of the sanitation study on yoghurt fermentation lines was to isolate
interfering spoilage microbes, possibly thermophilic bacteria, from a yoghurt
process and to find suitable agents for cleaning the yoghurt-soiled process
surfaces. In the pilot-scale cleaning studies, in which various cleaning agent
combinations were compared, yoghurt-milk including process isolates were
burned on stainless-steel surfaces using steam heating. The results showed
that the best cleaning effect for surfaces with the burned milk-soil was
achieved with a 2-phase cleaning procedure using chelator-based sodium
hydroxide (NaOH).

• The cheese mould hygiene studies were carried out at both pilot and process
scale. The structure of the plastic cheese moulds is complex, with long,
narrow conical channels. The ultrasound cleaning procedure was shown to
be efficient in cleaning the channels of the cheese moulds. The cleanliness of
the cheese moulds both after pilot-scale cleaning and during processing was
assessed using various methods, of which the dipslide technique proved to
be the most practical for detecting microbial contaminants. In industrial
scale, pH measurement proved to be a useful indicator for checking, as long
as the cleaning procedure was functional. The chemical oxygen demand
(COD) as well as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) measurements
were useful in following up the organic load of the cleaning waters.

• In trials to develop new environmentally less harmful cleaning agents,

proteinase samples e.g. cryotin from cod, trypsin from Antarctic krill and
chymotrypsin from cod, were prepared at the University of Iceland. A
microtitration tray procedure with assessment based on fluorometric,
colorimetic and turbidometric methods was developed to study the efficacy
of these enzymatic cleaning agents on Bacillus biofilms. A method based on
the fluorogenic redox indicator resazurin was further used in evaluating the
enzymatic cleaning procedures on biofilm bacteria of the lactic-acid
bacteria, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The proteinase
samples tested removed biofilms when there was no milk residues on the

• To evaluate the influence of fluid dynamic shear (0.024–0.53 m/s) of
disinfectant solutions on the extent and mode of detachment of P.
aeruginosa biofilm, a concentric cylinder reactor (CCR) was used. The
results showed that the CCR can be used to discriminate between biocidal
and cleansing action for different disinfectant types. In testing of disinfectant
efficiency, impedance can be used for evaluating surface sterility because
very few, well-adapted, fast-growing cells as well as large amounts of
chemically treated cells change the conductance or capacitance values in the
liquid. With staining procedures, the viability and total amount of cells can
be measured on the surface. Cultivation is not a proper method for
measuring well-established biofilms on surfaces, because the cells can stick
firmly to the surface material, and thus not all cells are measured using

• 1-N-phenyl-naphthylamine (NPN) uptake measured spectrophotometrically

can be used to evaluate the effects of cell sensitizers on both Gram-negative
and Gram-positive bacteria. In Gram-positive cells the protective outer
membrane (OM) is lacking and NPN has much greater free access to the
cytoplasmic membrane. The results of the NPN uptake assay for
permeabilization of bacteria by chelators and polyethyleneimine (PEI)
showed that the sensitivity towards OM-permeabilizing substances varied
considerably between bacterial species. In general, citric acid was an
effective permeabilizer, whereas sodium citrate was a much weaker agent.

• Parameters in the test based on hydrogels i.e. biofilm constructs of

poloxamer were optimized using various disinfectants. The results showed
that a 5-h incubation period of 100 µl of inoculated droplets was the best test
matrix. Disinfectant efficacy on biofilm bacteria can be optimized using this
method. The results showed that Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant
to disinfectant treatments than are Gram-positive bacteria. The hydrogen
peroxide-based agents proved to be efficient against most microbes tested.

Development of detection and identification methods for assessing microbial

contaminants on or in process equipment, raw material, process air, packaging
material and final products should be continued. Cooperation in Nordic dairy
hygiene is continuing in a network project DairyNET – Hygiene control in dairy
environment funded by the Nordic Industrial Fund (P00027).

The research work for project P96049 in the second NORDFOOD programme was
carried out at the Nordic research institutes VTT Biotechnology, Matforsk and SIK
as well as at the universities in Helsinki and Reykjavik from April 1997 to January
2000. The companies involved in the project were the dairies Valio Ltd. from
Finland, Arla from Sweden and TINE from Norway as well as the technochemical
company Suomen Unilever Oy DiverseyLever from Finland. The senior advisors at
Nordic Industrial Fund involved in the project were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur
Gunnarsson. Dr Gun Wirtanen, VTT Biotechnology, coordinated the project and the
project board meetings were chaired by Janna Luotola and Irma Klemetti, both from
Valio Ltd. The project group and the steering group have met 8 times during the
project. The project was carried out according to plans and the tasks to be carried
out were chosen at the steering group meetings.

Financial support for the project, which is gratefully acknowledged, was provided
by the Nordic Industrial Fund. The senior advisers for this project at the Nordic
Industrial Fund were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur Gunnarsson. The representatives at
the participating institutions were: Janna Luotola, Irma Klemetti, Matti Koivisto,
Jarmo Juurinen and Kai Hotakainen (Valio Ltd. in Helsinki, Lapinlahti and
Herajoki), Jens Petter Homleid (TINE in Oslo), Harriet Alnås and Birgitta Axelsson
(Arla FoU in Stockholm and Växjö), Urban Wiik and Kai Ahlgren (Suomen
Unilever Oy DiverseyLever in Turku and Helsinki), Solveig Langsrud, Gunhild
Sundheim and Birgitta Baardsen (Matforsk at Ås), Ulrika Husmark and Ulla
Olofson (SIK in Gothenburg), Jon Bragi Bjarnason (University of Iceland in
Reykjavik), Terhi Ali-Vehmas (University of Helsinki in Helsinki) as well as Satu
Salo, Tiina Mattila-Sandholm and Gun Wirtanen (VTT Biotechnology in Espoo).
The valuable comments of the referees Prof. Anna-Maija Sjöberg from University
ofHelsinki and Ass. Prof. Alan Friis Biocentrum-DTU are gratefully acknowledged.
Our special thanks are due to Antti Huovinen,who has painted the cover picture.

The experiments were focused on monitoring methods in sanitation of open and

closed dairy systems e.g. fogging, ozonation, footbath hygiene, cleaning of cheese
moulds and yoghurt pasteurizers as well as development of testing procedures for
measuring disinfectant efficacy in suspensions and on surfaces using starved cells in
suspensions and cells grown in biofilms and in biofilm-constructs on stainless-steel
surfaces. Information on the results obtained in this project has been presented to an
extended audience as oral presentations and posters at international symposia and in

articles in international journals. The abstract and summary of the results achieved
in this project have also been translated into Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic and
Finnish. The aim of the new Nordic network project DairyNET – Hygiene
control in dairy environment (P00027), in which there are partners from all
Nordic countries, is to continue the Nordic dairy hygiene research carried out in
the 2 previous NordFood programmes (1994–2000) through maintaining
contacts between industrial personnel and researchers dealing with hygiene
questions in the Nordic countries.







2.1 Literature review in dairy hygiene 23
2.1.1 Soiling mechanisms 23
2.1.2 Pathogenic microbes in dairy processes 24
2.1.3 Sanitation procedures 26
2.2 Hygiene of footbaths 27
2.2.1 Use and control of footbaths 27
2.2.2 Hygienic conditions of footbaths 30
2.3 Fogging procedures in dairies 31
2.3.1 Control of fogging disinfection 31
2.3.2 Air disinfection 36
2.4 Hygiene in an open dairy process – Cheese production 40
2.4.1 Cheese production 40
2.4.2 Methods in evaluation of cheese mould cleanliness 41
2.4.3 Ultrasound cleaning procedure in cheese production 43
2.5 Hygiene in closed dairy processes – Milk and yoghurt production 43
2.5.1 Yoghurt production 43
2.5.2 Cleaning procedures used for pasteurizers 44
2.5.3 Ozone compared with chemicals in milk CIP cleaning 45
2.5.4 Potentiation of the disinfectant effect with alkali and
enzyme wash 48
2.6 Enzymatic cleaning 50

2.7 Testing of disinfectant efficacy 50
2.7.1 Suspension tests 51
2.7.2 Surface test based on biofilms 52
2.7.3 Surface test based on biofilm constructs 55

3.1 Resistance phenomenon due to use of disinfectants 57
3.1.1 Definition of resistance 57
3.1.2 Resistant strains from dairies 57
3.2 Thermophilic bacteria in yoghurt processing 58
3.3 Bacillus spores on process surfaces – Inventory study of total
contamination and B. cereus along a cream production line 59

4.1 Life-cycle analysis for assessing environmental effects of cleaning 61
4.2 Evaluation procedure for assessing the functionality of sanitation 62


5.1 Isolation of resistant microbes 65
5.1.1 Commonly used methods for testing resistance phenomena 65
5.1.2 Methods for isolating resistant strains 66
5.2 Disinfectant testing using biofilm constructs 67
5.3 Disinfectant testing using biofilms formed on surfaces 68
5.4 Disinfectant efficacy testing – Cell permeability testing 70
5.5 Control method for testing footbath hygiene 71
5.6 Method for testing cheese mould cleanability 71
5.7 Method for testing air disinfection efficacy 73
5.8 Evaluation of the cleaning and disinfection efficacy of various CIP
procedures using spore-soiled surfaces 74
5.9 Testing of cleaning efficacy on surfaces 75
5.9.1 Process surfaces – Staining of Bacillus spores 75
5.9.2 Cleaning of a production line 77
5.10 Preparation of enzymes and efficacy testing of enzymatic cleaning 77
5.10.1 Preparation of proteinase 77
5.10.2 Microtitration tray-based methods in efficacy testing 78

6.1 Cleaning of closed systems 80
6.2 Comparison of test methods for disinfectant efficiency 80
6.3 Testing of air disinfection in industrial scale 80
6.4 Surface disinfection in industrial scale 81
6.5 Resistance phenomena due to disinfection 81
6.6 Evaluation of the cleaning of cheese moulds 81
6.7 Environmental assessment 82



Appendix 1. Summary of the activities in the DAIRYNI-project (P96049)
Appendix 2. Poster presentation Highlights from the NordFood2 Project
P96049 Evaluation of cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in
dairies: Methods and mechanisms (1997–2000) written by Gun
Wirtanen and presented at the conference The future for Nordic
food innovation in a European context arranged by Nordic
Industrial Fund in Stockholm 28–29 January 2002.
Appendix 3. List of publications, oral and poster presentations as well as
theses carried out in the project
Appendix 4. Sammandrag av projektet (in Swedish)
Appendix 5. Sammendrag av prosjektet (in Norwegian)
Appendix 6. Tiivistelmä ja yhteenveto projektista (in Finnish)
Appendix 7. Samantekt (Íslenska)
Appendix 8. Abstract Characterisation of Serratia marcescens surviving in
disinfecting footbaths written by Solveig Langsrud, Trond
Møretrø and Gunhild Sundheim
Appendix 9. Poster presentation Ultrasound cleaning in cheese mold hygiene
based on the Pro Gradu thesis by Antti Heino and presented at
the IAFP Annual meeting in August 2000.
Appendix 10. Abstract of the oral presentation Comparison of ultrasound based
cleaning programs for cheesery utensiles written by Wirtanen, G.,
Salo, S., Heino, A., Hattula, T. & Mattila-Sandholm, T. and
published in the proceedings of Fouling, Cleaning and
Disinfection in Food Processing (edited by Wilson, D. I., Fryer,
P. J. & Hasting, A. P. M.) held at the Jesus College in Cambridge
April 2–4, 2002, pp. 165–171.
Appendix 11. Poster presentation Effects of cleaners of biofouled stainless-steel
surfaces in yoghurt manufacturing equipment based on the
Master thesis by S. Kontulainen and presented at the IAFP
Annual meeting, August 2000.
Appendix 12. Abstract of the article Potentiation of the lethal effect of
peroxygen on Bacillus cereus spores by alkali and enzyme wash
written by Langsrud, S., Baardsen, B. & Sundheim, G. and
published in International Journal of Food Microbiology, 56
(2000) 81–86.
Appendix 13. Abstract of the article Influence of fluid dynamic forces upon the
steady-state population dynamics in microbial biofilm com-
munities written by Willcock, L., Allison, D. G., Holah, J.,

Wirtanen, G. & Gilbert, P. and published in Journal of Industrial
Microbiology, 25 (2000) 235–241.
Appendix 14. Poster presentation Disinfectant testing using bacteria grown in
poloxamer-hydrogel biofilm-constructs based on Bachelor theses
by Päivi Härkönen and Mervi Aalto and presented at the ASM
conference Biofilm 2000, July 2000.
Appendix 15. Colour pictures of various staining techniques presented in the
Master thesis Detection of Bacillus cereus spores on surfaces
using DEM, immunofluorescence and QCM-DTM written by
Anna Nilsson.

A. niger Aspergillus niger; mould used in the air disinfection
AISI American Iron and Steel Institute
amphoteric tenside agent in which the surface-active molecule contains both an
anionic and a cationic radical, either of which can be activated
under different pH conditions or in extreme environments
both simultaneously to form a zwitterion
AO acridine orange (CA index name: N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-3,6-
acridine-diamine monohydrochloride)
ATP adenosine 5'-triphosphate (CA index name: adenosine 5'-
(tetrahydrogen triphosphate))
AU auramine O (CA index name: 4,4'-carbonimidoylbis[N,N-
dimethyl-benzenamine monohydrochloride)
AY acridine yellow (CA index name: 2,7-dimethyl-3,6-acridine-
diamine mono- hydrochloride)
B. Bacillus; Gram-positive, spore-forming rods belonging to the
Bacillus family (e.g. B. cereus, B. flavothermus, B.
licheniformis and B. subtilis)
Betane amphoteric tenside
C. albicans Candida albicans, yeast used in the air disinfection
CCR concentric cylinder reactor used in disinfectant efficacy
CFU colony-forming units
cleanability ease of removal of soiling components
cleaning removal of soiling components
COD chemical oxygen demand
CIP cleaning-in-place
CTC 5-cyano-2,3-di-p-tolyltetrazolium chloride (5-cyano-2,3-
bis(p-methylphenyl)-2H-tetrazolium chloride)
D. anomala Dekkera anomala, yeast used in disinfectant efficacy
DAPI 4',6-diaminidino-2-phenylindole (CA index name: 2-[4-
DEM direct epifluorescence microscopy

detergent surface-active agent containing tensides
disinfectant sanitizer; an agent reducing viable microorganisms through
destruction or removal and preventing microbial growth on
surfaces during the interproduction period in processing
DRBC agar dichloranrose bengalchloramphenicol agar
E-value capacitance or relative electrode impedance value of the
BacTrac 4100 equipment
E. coli Escherichia coli, bacterium used in disinfectant efficacy
EDTA organic chelating agent; ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (CA
index name: N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis[N-(carboxy-methyl)-
EHEDG European Hygienic Engineering and Design Group
ERB erythrosine B (CA index name: 3',6'-dihydroxy-2',4',5',7'-
tetraiodospiro [isobenzofuran-1(3H),9'-[9H]xanthen]-3-one
disodium salt)
ETA ethylalcohol-based disinfectants
IPA isopropylalcohol-based disinfectants
HNO3 nitric acid
KOH potassium hydroxide
L. inocua Listeria inocua, bacterium used in disinfectant efficacy
L. monocytogenes Listeria monocytogenes, bacterium used in disinfectant
efficacy studies
LCA life-cycle assessment
M-value conductance or relative medium impedance value of the
BacTrac 4100 equipment
M. luteus Micrococcus luteus, bacterium used in disinfectant efficacy
MIC minimum inhibitory concentration
MRD maximal recovery diluent
NaOH sodium hydroxide
NB nutrient broth
NPN 1-N-phenyl-naphthylamine
O3 ozone
OM outer membrane
ORP oxidation-reduction potential (value in mS/V)

Oxonia Aktiv disinfectant containing hydrogen peroxide and peracetic
P. Pseudomonas; Gram-negative rods belonging to the genus
PCA plate count agar
PEI polyethyleneimine
Poloxamer F127 a diblock copolymer of polyoxyethylene and
S. Staphylococcus Gram-positive cocci belonging to the genus
SU 560 chelating additive containing EDTA
surfactant surface-active agent
TAAS tenside-based disinfectant
TEGO disinfectant containing tetraethyleneglycol orthophtalate
tenside tensio-active substance
TGE agar tryptone glucose extract agar
TP-99 disinfectant containing alkylaminoacetate
TSA tryptone soy agar
TSB tryptone soy broth
TTC triphenyltetrazolium chloride
UHT ultrahigh-temperature treated
UV ultraviolet
QCM quartz crystal microbalance
Veterinær Ultra Des disinfectant containing quaternary ammonium compound

Cleanliness of surfaces, training of personnel, as well as good manufacturing and
design practices are important in combating hygiene problems in the food
industry (Holah & Timperley, 1999). Achieving a clean food plant must be
desired by the plant management, which must invest the necessary time and
money to accomplish it. Careful thought must be given to the cleaning
procedures, including the programme, cleaning agents, disinfectants and
cleaning equipment used. The key to effective cleaning of a food plant lies in
understanding the type and nature of the soiling (e.g. sugar, fat, protein and
mineral salts) and of the removal of microbial growth from surfaces. Fats are
easily removed at temperatures slightly above their melting point. Sugars and
other carbohydrates are water-soluble at elevated temperatures, but temperatures
causing caramelization should be avoided. Proteins are denatured at elevated
temperatures and may adhere strongly to surfaces at high temperatures. Cleaning
and disinfection procedures can be optimized with pilot-scale equipment for both
closed and open processes. An efficient cleaning procedure consists of a
sequence of rinse, detergent and disinfectant applications at suitable
temperatures using efficient concentrations and a final drying phase (Wirtanen &
Mattila-Sandholm, 2002).

Microbes commonly found on food contact surfaces include enterobacteria,

lactic acid bacteria, micrococci, streptococci, pseudomonads and bacilli
(Wirtanen et al., 2000). Microbes growing on surfaces have a tendency to form
protective extracellular matrices, which are called biofilms. In addition to a
surface the microbes need only water to start up this formation. It has been
shown that the bacterial slime of Bacillus sp. improved the heat resistance of
these bacteria, extending the autoclaving time required for successful
sterilization to several hours. Biofilm components can also alter the resistance to
steam (Mattila-Sandholm & Wirtanen, 1992). The elimination of biofilm is a
very difficult and demanding task because many factors such as temperature,
time, mechanical and chemical forces affect detachment (Wirtanen, 1995).
Disinfection after removal of biofilms, using suitable cleaning procedures, is
also required in food plants where wet surfaces provide favourable conditions
for the growth of microbes (Exner et al., 1987; Mosteller & Bishop, 1993).

In the food industry, equipment design and choice of surface materials (Fig. 1)
are crucial to combating biofilm formation (Holah & Timperley, 1999; Wirtanen

& Mattila-Sandholm, 2002). The most useful material component in processing
equipment is steel, which can be treated, e.g. with mechanical grinding,
brushing, lapping and electrolytic or mechanical polishing. It was reported that
although the grain boundaries of AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) 316L
acid-resistant stainless steel constitute 3–20% of the total surface area, over 90%
of the adherent bacteria were found attached to the grain boundaries (Bryers &
Weightman, 1995).

Figure 1. Epifluorescent microscopy photographs of 2-d-old Bacillus subtilis

biofilms stained with acridine orange. The biofilms had been grown on various
stainless-steel surfaces (AISI 304): (i) standard 2B, (ii) standard 4N, (iii)
standard BA, (iv) glass-blasted 2B, (v) brushed 2B and (vi) electrochemically
polished 2B surfaces. The scale marker is equivalent to 10 µm (Wirtanen &
Mattila-Sandholm, 2002).

Dead ends, corners, cracks, crevices, gaskets, valves and joints are vulnerable
points for biofilm accumulation (Pirbazari et al., 1990; European Hygienic
Engineering and Design Group (EHEDG), 1993a, b; Chisti & Moo-Young,
1994). Poorly designed sampling valves can destroy an entire process or give
rise to incorrect information due to biofilm effects at measuring points. As a
result of the construction, valves are vulnerable to microbial growth and thus
constitute a hygienic risk (Chisti & Moo-Young, 1994; EHEDG, 1994). Hoses,
tubes, filters etc. containing polyvinylchloride increase the risk of contamination
(Price & Ahearn, 1988). Problems with accumulation of particulates and cells
will occur whenever cleaning is inappropriate for any reason (Mettler &
Carpentier, 1998). Inadequate cleaning and sanitation of surfaces coated with
biofilms represents a source of contamination within the process (Wirtanen et
al., 2000). In practice, a biofilm left on improperly cleaned surfaces is a barrier
between microbes and the disinfectants, antibiotics or biocides used against them

(Kinniment & Wimpenny, 1990; Nichols, 1991; Brown & Gilbert, 1993;
Wirtanen et al., 2000).

In addition to causing problems in cleaning and hygiene (Hood & Zottola,

1995), biofilm can cause energy losses and blockages in condenser tubes,
cooling-fill materials, water and wastewater circuits and heat exchangers
(Characklis, 1981). Biofilm can also cause health risks due to the release of
pathogens in drinking water distribution systems. In food processing, water
supply system biofilms cause problems in granular activated carbon columns,
reverse osmosis membranes, ion-exhange systems, degasifiers, water storage
tanks and microporous membrane filters (Flemming et al., 1992; Mucchetti,
1995). Accumulation of mixed-population biofilms containing sulphate-reducing
bacteria causes corrosion in industrial water systems. It must be remembered that
monitoring practices based on sampling of the liquid phase do not reflect the
location or extent of microbes growing in biofilms on surfaces (Cloete et al.,

Legislation on food hygiene and the hygienic design of food machinery, together
with public awareness of product quality and manufacturers' desires to improve
product safety, makes reliable cleanability testing an important issue. In this type
of testing it must be possible to assess the relative cleanability of various
equipment components to facilitate the design, testing and maintenance of
hygienic food-processing equipment. Assessment must be carried out using
standardized test procedures on a sound scientific basis (Cnossen & Wirtanen,
2002). The aim of EHEDG, which is an independent consortium of
representatives from research institutes, the food industry, equipment manufac-
turers and government organizations, is to develop hygienic equipment on a
scientifically and technologi-cally sound basis. The effects of cleaning
procedures used in the food industry can be evaluated using LCA. All environ-
mental aspects including the process and energy consumped in producing the
cleaning chemicals, transportation, properties of chemicals before and after
cleaning, water amount used, organic and inorganic loads in wastewater and the
recipient. The present report deals with detection and elimination of microbes on
surfaces in dairy environments. The project plan is given in Fig. 2 and a
summary of the activities in Table 1 (Appendix 1). The contact addresses of the
members in the research group and the industrial partners are given in Table 1.

The purposes of the Nordic Industrial Fund project P96049 ”Evaluation of
cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in dairies: methods and mechanisms”
are to develop environmentally less harmful cleaning agents and disinfectants
than those currently available on the market and reliable methods with which the
mechanisms of these agents can be studied on microbes in suspensions as well as
on surfaces in the laboratory, at pilot and process scales (Appendix 2). The

Figure 2. Cooperation between the 3 project groups: P1) VTT [⊗ =

cooperation with the universities in Manchester and Montana], P2) Valio
Ltd., P3) Suomen Unilever Oy DiverseyLever, P4) Helsinki University, Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, P5) University of Iceland, P6) Matforsk, P7) TINE, P8)
SIK and P9) Arla FoU.

Table 1. Updated contact addresses of members in P96049 ”Evaluation of
cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in dairies: Methods and mechanisms”.

new agents should be effective in both releasing soil from processing surfaces
and killing microbes. The specific topics of the project were:

• development of methods for evaluation of microbial resistance against

• evaluation of efficiency of fogging and footbath disinfection
• development of methods for study of cost, usage and effects on environment
• evaluation of cleaning chemicals on spore-contaminated surfaces in flow
• evaluation of the efficiency of disinfectants on spores
• evaluation of methods for practical measurement of process hygiene
• development and optimization of environmentally less harmful cleaning
• development of test methods for analysing efficiency of cleaning agents
• testing of efficiency of cleaning agents and disinfectants with and without
• microbial evaluation of cleaning procedures at pilot scale.

A list of publications, oral and poster presentations as well as theses carried out
in the project is given in Appendix 3. The summary of the project was translated
into Swedish (Appendix 4), Norwegian (Appendix 5), Finnish (Appendix 6) and
Icelandic (Appendix 7) languages.


2.1.1 Soiling mechanisms

The tendency of microbes to adhere to and colonize inert food contact surfaces is
a matter of concern in the food-processing industry due to the significant health
consequences that can arise from the relatively low numbers of microbes
remaining on such surfaces after cleaning (Mattila-Sandholm & Wirtanen, 1992;
Carpentier & Cerf, 1993). Different types of layers can form on surfaces in dairy
manufacturing plants. Biofilms and biofouling are 2 terms used to describe surface
accumulation of organisms. Biofilm is a generic term for positive and negative
implications of microbial adhesion. A biofilm is an aggregation of microbial
cells and their associated extracellular polymeric substances, actively attached
to, growing and multiplying on a surface (Flint et al., 1997). Biofouling contains
both biofilm and organic soil. The term biofouling describes instances in which
biologically active films are considered deleterious (Zottola & Sasahara, 1994),
while fouling is used for thin milk component layers formed inside processing
equipment (Visser, 1997). Fouling is the major problem encountered in dairies,
making cleaning efficacy more difficult and thus resulting in additional costs (de
Jong, 1997; Visser & Jeurnink, 1997). Fouling in heat exhangers reduces heating
efficacy. Contamination problems caused by biofouling can be solved with
regular cleaning (Holah & Gibson, 1999). Biofilms on dairy processing lines are
characterized by rapid development (<12 h) and the predominance of single
species of bacteria, e.g. Streptococcus thermophilus or Bacillus spp. (Flint et al.,
1997). The base of the biofilm formed on gaskets removed from dairy pipelines
consisted of nonviable Gram-negative cells, while the outer surface of the
biofilm consisted of healthy Gram-positive cocci (Austin & Bergeron, 1995).
Sasahara and Zottola (1994) observed that the Gram-negative bacterium
Pseudomonas fragi can act as a primary colonizing microbe that may entrap
Listeria monocytogenes. It has been observed that one heat-resistant microbe,
Streptococcus thermophilus, can adhere to the pasteurized milk section of a
pasteurizer, inoculating the milk at a rate of 106 cells/ml (Carpentier & Cerf,

The soil to be removed consists mainly of milk residues, which include fat,
proteins, lactose and milk stone (Kessler, 1981). Milk stone begins to form when
milk is heated above 60 °C. The deposits adhere tightly to the surfaces, and after
runs of more than 8 h a change in colour from whitish to brownish can also be
observed (Bylund, 1995).

Surface irregularities such as roughness, crevices and pits have been shown to
increase bacterial adherence by both increasing bacterial cell attachment and
decreasing removal of attached cells by cleaning (Characklis, 1981). Regions of
the gaskets that make the seal with the pipe were shown to be more heavily
colonized than the inner diameter of the gasket (Austin & Bergeron, 1995).

2.1.2 Pathogenic microbes in dairy processes

Milk used for milk products is normally pasteurized (15–20 s, 72–75 ºC). Some
cheese products are made of milk that is just heated (≥ 15 s, 63–65 ºC).
Pasteurizing eliminates most of the pathogens and spoilage organisms from milk
(Chapman & Sharpe, 1990). Post-contamination may occur, if proper levels of
hygiene are not maintained in the dairy. Pathogenic bacteria found in milk and
milk products include Escherichia coli, L. monocytogenes, Yersinia entero-
colitica, Staphylococcus aureus; Salmonella sp. and Bacillus cereus (Ahmed et
al., 1983b; Johnson et al., 1990; Zottola & Smith, 1991; Zuniga-Estrada et al.,
1995; Benkerroum et al., 2002). Some examples of pathogens found in dairy
products are listed in Table 2 (Hasting, 1995).

Table 2. Examples of pathogens found in dairy products (Hasting, 1995).

Year Country Product Number of reported Causative Estimated

ill persons organism cost (£)
1965 USA cheese 42 Staphylococcus 250 000
1985 USA cheese 142 (47 deaths) Listeria sp. 411 000 000
1989 UK hazelnut 27 (1 death) Clostridium 220 000
yoghurt botulinum

Bacillus cereus in dairy products

B. cereus occurs widely in dairy products. Ahmed et al. (1983b) found that 9% of
raw milk, 35% of pasteurized milk, 14% of cheese and 48% of ice-cream samples
were contaminated with B. cereus, while Wong et al. (1988) isolated B. cereus
organisms from 29% of milk powder, 17% of fermented milk, 52% of ice-cream,
35% of soft-ice and 2% of pasteurized milk samples. Studies performed in Scotland
showed that 75% of pasteurized milk samples contained spores of B. cereus (Davies
& Wilkinson, 1973). However, food-poisoning outbreaks caused by dairy products
contaminated with B. cereus have been rare (Wong et al., 1988).

Escherichia coli in dairy products

Raw milk often contains E. coli, which is killed in the pasteurization process, and
products can be contaminated due to poor production hygiene. E. coli has been
detected in fresh soft cheeses, Camembert and Brie cheeses. However, food-
poisoning outbreaks caused by dairy products contaminated with E. coli have been
rare (Heeschen & Hahn, 1996). E. coli O157:H7 has been isolated from raw milk
and bulk tank milk samples in the range of 0 to 10% (Hancock et al., 1994; Keene
et al., 1997; Mechie et al., 1997; Murinda et al., 2002). The results obtained by
Murinda et al. (2002) however show that incidences of E. coli O157:H7 are more
often associated with undercooked ground beef than with the consumption of raw

Listeria monocytogenes in dairy products

L. monocytogenes has been found in cheese, milk, ice cream and butter (Zuniga-
Estrada et al., 1995; Benkerroum et al., 2002). The main contamination routes are
surfaces of process equipment on which biofilm containing Listeria can form
(Farber & Peterkin, 1991; Farber et al., 1992; Miller et al., 1997). Listeria is known
to survive high salt concentrations. Its survival during pasteurization treatment
varies (Donnelly & Briggs, 1986; Mackey & Bratchell, 1989; Lovett et al., 1990;
Bradshaw et al.,1991; Farber & Peterkin, 1991; Farber et al., 1992; Donnelly,

Staphylococcus aureus in dairy products

S. aureus is another pathogen of concern in dairy products. Its behaviour in sour

milk products such as yoghurt is worthwhile to investigate due to its precence in raw
milk in relativeley high numbers and its incidence on human health (Benkerroum et
al., 2002). Accoding to studies by Benkerroum et al. (2002) staphylococcci grew
rapidly during the initial fermentation. Similar behviour of S. aureus has previously
been reported both in yoghurt and cheese (Ahmed et al., 1983a; Attaie et al.,
1987). A recent survey revealed that S. aureus was involved in 15% of recorded
foodborne illnesses caused by dairy products in eight developed countries whereas
L. monocytogenes was involved in 22% (Benkerroum et al., 2002).

2.1.3 Sanitation procedures

Biofilm control currently relies on the effectiveness of cleaning-in-place (CIP)

systems (Flint et al., 1997). A CIP programme for a pasteurizer circuit normally
consists of prerinsing, circulation of an alkaline detergent solution, intermediate
water rinse, circulation of acid solution and post-rinsing. Acid circulation is
included to remove encrusted protein and salts from the surfaces of heat-
treatment equipment. Prerinsing is normally performed with cold water.
Alkaline circulation is performed for 15–20 min with hot (75–80ºC) water
containing 1.0–1.5% alkaline detergents (Chisti & Moo-Young, 1994). After an
intermediate water rinse acidic circulation is performed for 5 min with hot (65–
70 ºC) 1% acid solution. The flow rate must be more than 1.5 m/s to achieve a
mechanical force that effectively prevents biofilm build-up (LeChevallier et al.,
1990). Austin and Bergeron (1995) suggested that extensive bacterial biofilms
may develop on gaskets present in various areas of dairies even after regular CIP

Parts of equipment and other utensils such as cheese moulds and transportation
frames for milk cartons can be washed in closed washing tunnels. The utensils are
transported to the washer with conveyors, and nozzels in the tunnel shower the
equipment under light pressure (< 2 bar) using large volumes of detergent
solution (Daufin et al., 1987). Ultrasound cleaning can also be used to clean
utensils (Kivelä, 1996), while open surfaces can be cleaned using foam cleaning
(Hansen, 1986).


2.2.1 Use and control of footbaths

In food production, two of the measures used to prevent cross-contamination

from ‘dirty’ areas to areas of higher hygienic levels are change of footwear and
use of disinfecting footbaths. The efficacy of disinfecting footwear is not well
documented, and little is known about what types of disinfectants are most
suitable for disinfecting footbaths. The ideal disinfectant to use should be
effective also when soil is left in footbath. It should also be harmless to people,
footwear and the floor material and it should combat biofilm formation with no
resistance build-up in the microbes in the footbath. In the worst case, the
disinfecting footbath could represent a contamination problem with resistant,
biofilm-forming bacteria that may be transferred to the production area by the

Some bacteria have natural properties that enable them to circumvent the action
of a disinfectant, while others have acquired resistance mechanisms from other
bacteria (McDonnell & Russell, 1999). Such bacteria may be selected in
disinfecting footbaths. In addition, bacteria can become adapted to tolerate
higher concentrations of a disinfectant, thus making sensitive strains into
resistant ones. Bacterial growth in aqueous solutions of disinfectants has been
reported (Lowbury, 1951; Heinzel & Bellinger, 1982) and footbaths could thus
serve as a contamination source.

It has been demonstrated that bacteria may develop resistance to tenside-based

disinfectants, such as tetraethyleneglycol orthophtalate (TEGO) compounds or
quaternary ammonium compounds (Block, 1991). Kellet (1979) isolated bacteria
from working-strength solutions of TEGO in an animal clinic; the bacteria were
tentatively identified to belong to the genus Acinetobacter. Gram-negative
bacteria such as Pseudomonas spp. and coliforms often have relatively high
resistance to quaternary ammonium compounds and may develop higher
resistance if exposed to subinhibitory concentrations of these disinfectants
(Russell & Chopra, 1996). Survival after disinfection with oxidative compounds
such as chlorine or peracetic acid (CH3COOOH) is more often explained by
biofilm formation (Bolton et al., 1988; Clark et al., 1994).

A questionnaire was distributed to 30 Norwegian dairy plants using footbaths.
They were asked the type and number of footbaths, disinfectant used (type,
concentration) and routines for use (refilling, change of disinfectant). The
number of footbaths in each dairy varied, as did the area of the footbaths (0.17–
1.8 m2) and the depth (2.5–12 cm). The mean amount of disinfectant used varied
5–15 l/m2. The most commonly used disinfectant in the footbaths was
hypochlorite; 20 out of 30 dairies used it (Table 3). TEGO and TP-99 were used
by 8 and 6 dairies, respectively. One dairy alternated between the amphoteric
tenside Betane and the quaternary ammonium compound Veterinær Ultra Des
and one used the peracetic acid-based Oxonia Aktiv.

Table 3. Types of disinfectant used in footbaths in 30 Norwegian dairies. Some

of the dairies used 2 disinfectants.

Disinfectant type Number of dairies

Hypochlorite 20
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) /Peracetic acid 1
Amphoteric tensides 8
Cationic tensides + Amphoteric tensides1 1
Alkyaminoacetate 6
Rotational use of 2 types of disinfectant in the same footbath.

Eleven out of the 30 dairies contacted participated in the extended study to

determine the bacteriological status of the footbaths. In these dairies a total of 83
footbaths were used and of these 46 were sampled (Table 4). The production
management received a sampling kit and instructions for sampling (see Chapter

The samples often contained spore-forming bacteria. They were not analysed
further, since bacterial spores were expected to survive in the concentrations of
disinfectants used. Vegetative bacteria were isolated from 10 out of 14 footbaths
with hypochlorite. Bacteria isolated from used chlorine compounds were
identified as Acinetobacter-like, Staphylococcus-like or unknown. The bacteria
were found both in the disinfectant (6 samples) and on the surfaces (9 samples).
Ten out of 11 footbaths containing TEGO demonstrated bacteria, both surviving
in the disinfectant and on the surfaces. Footbaths with TEGO 103G appeared to
select for Pseudomonas, Cedecea, Serratia or Proteus resistant to both TEGO

103G and other surface-active disinfectants e.g. benzalkonium chloride
(C6H5CH2(CH3)2NRCl). We therefore question the effectiveness of TEGO 103G
as a footbath disinfectant. Alternation with TP-99 in one dairy did not improve
the efficacy. No bacteria were isolated from 3 footbaths with 3% TP-99;
however, in footbaths with lower concentrations (1–3%), 8 out of 10 were
positive for bacteria in suspension and on surfaces. In summary, bacteria were
isolated from about 75% of the footbaths tested and none of the disinfectants
totally prevented bacterial survival. Isolation of viable bacteria from the
disinfectant used indicated that the disinfectant was neutralized by soil or that
bacteria had developed resistance to the disinfectant applied. It is difficult to
compare the efficacy of different disinfectants due to differences in routines and
the level of contamination. Depressions and scars from wear and tear of the
footbaths may influence survival of bacteria as well. The concentration used, and
the frequencies of emptying and refilling also influenced the survival of
microbes in the footbaths (Appendix 8).

Table 4. Number of footbaths with bacterial growth.

In the Swab after
Number of In the before
Disinfectant neutralized rinsing of
footbaths disinfectant rinsing of
disinfectant the footbath
the footbath
14 3 7 10 10
TEGO2 11 9 10 9 9
TP-993 13 5 8 8 8
Betane4 1 0 0 0 0
Oxonia Aktiv5 4 0 1 0 1
Ultra Des6 3 0 1 0 0

Disinfectants containing hypochlorite
Based on amphoteric tensides in the TEGO group
Based on alkylaminoacetate
Based on amphoteric tensides
Based on hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid
Based on quaternary ammonium compound.

Reports on the isolation of bacteria from disinfectants and equipment used for
disinfection have long been published (Lowbury, 1951; Heinzel & Bellinger,
1982). Therefore, it is not surprising that we isolated bacteria from footbaths and

that the disinfectants sampled often contained heavy microbial loads. The use of
footbaths may kill most bacteria, but some will survive and increase the risk of
bacteria spreading from footbath to floors in the critical zones and to the
environment with aerosols in locations where the footbath is emptied, rinsed and
refilled. The use of footbaths also results in additional wetness on floors.
Bacteria on the footwear will be protected due to higher survival rates of
attached bacteria (Langsrud & Møretrø, 2001). It is important to remember that
the majority of the strains isolated were easily killed by the disinfectant after
laboratory cultivation. This has also been noted earlier when cultivating bacteria
isolated from disinfectants and disinfection equipment (Lowbury, 1951; Carson
et al., 1972; Heinzel & Bellinger, 1982). Therefore, bacteria considered sensitive
to disinfectant, e.g. L. monocytogenes, could survive and spread from footbaths.

The main objective of this study was to obtain information on the use of
footbaths in the Norwegian dairy industry and to propose methods for hygienic
control. We have documented the need for more effective hygienic control by
determining the occurrence and location of bacteria in disinfecting footbaths.
Although bacteria on the footwear could be killed by the disinfectant, a change
in footwear when entering a critical zone is recommended as a more effective
hygienic measure and should always be carried out when entering a high-risk
area. For those dairies that prefer to continue the use of footbaths as a single
measure or in combination with change in footwear, we recommend that the
concentration of disinfectant be higher than that in general use and that both the
concentration and the frequencies of refilling be documented. A bacteriological
control should also be included in the routines; this could easily be done by
swabbing about 10 cm2 of the footbath after emptying. If a consistent biofilm is
developed, the purchase of a new footbath using higher concentrations is needed.

2.2.2 Hygienic conditions of footbaths

Footbaths were tested in a Swedish dairy in a way similar to that done in

Norway. A chlorine compound was used as a disinfectant at a recommended
concentration of 350 ppm. Samples were taken from all 8 footbaths in the dairy
on 3 different occasions, and from one selected footbath the sampling was
carried out on 14 different days during a month. All the samples were taken from
the corner of the footbath farthest from the site where the disinfectant was added
and at the same spot each time. The samples were taken with swabs and spread

on a Petri dish with plate count agar (PCA) and another with blood agar. The
Petri dishes were incubated at 20 ºC, 5–7 d nd 3–5 d, respectively.

The concentration of chlorine was tested on the same occasion. The chlorine
concentration varied from zero to 1000 ppm and there were no correlations
between the concentration and numbers or types of microbes. The test showed
that the footbaths contained many microbes of different genera, e.g. moulds,
yeasts, Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas, Bacillus and Micrococcus.

The conclusion reached is that the footbaths did not function in the way they
were intended, probably because biofilms may have formed on the walls of the
footbath and that neither the disinfectant nor the cleaning routines used may
have been effective enough. The question of whether the footbath was more
harmful than useful was raised. Suggested improvements included better control
of the chlorine dosage and, if necessary, use of another type of disinfectant as
well as cleaning of the footbaths at regular intervals.


2.3.1 Control of fogging disinfection

Fogging disinfection is finely dispersed droplets (fog) of a disinfectant within a

room. The purpose of fogging disinfection is to ensure that all regions and
equipment in the room have received an adequate application of the disinfectant
(Burfoot et al., 1999). Fogging systems are costly, but could be cost-efficient
and also result in improved hygiene if used appropriately. However, whether or
not the the systems always function as expected is an open question. Earlier, it
has been shown that fogging disinfection can reduce the microbial counts in both
air and on surfaces, but the efficacy will be dependent on the droplet size,
temperature and humidity in the room, concentration and contact time of the
disinfectant, thoroughness of the washing process etc. (Burfoot et al., 1999).

The efficacy of disinfectants is most often tested in laboratories with laboratory

grown microbes, using standardized methods. A method to test fogging
disinfection has been proposed with laboratory-grown microbes dried on
stainless steel (Burfoot et al., 1999). However, it has been shown that slow-
growing bacteria in microcolonies or as biofilm growth are more difficult to

eliminate (Morton et al., 1998). Therefore, the efficacy of the fogging
disinfection system must also be evaluated in the plant after installment.

The 5 cheese plants included in this survey used fogging disinfection systems
from Henkel Ecolab AS, Norway, or mobile equipment from Arcon AS, Norway
(Clean Tech aps, Denmark) installed. The effect of fogging disinfection was
measured using contact agar plates. A total of 10–19 control points were
sampled, before and after disinfection using contact plates with PCA. The plates
were incubated at 20 °C for 7 d before counting. Examples of control points
included walls, ceilings, conveyor belts, electric switches, packing machines,
ventilation ducts (outside) and tanks (outside). The controls included samples
from different heights and undersides of objects. Samples were taken at different
distances from the nozzle. The microbial controls were taken in the evening
before disinfection and after disinfection in the morning just before work began.

An overview of the microbial counts is given in Tables 5 and 6. Plant 1 was not
audited and the efficacy of washing is not known. TP-99 was used for
disinfection. Microbes appeared to be reduced in 6 out of 9 control points in
Plant 1. The control points without reduction were places that were difficult to
reach, e.g. behind shelves, under a washing machine and on the wall behind the
washing machine. Yeast and spore-forming Gram-positive rods (possibly
Bacillus) were found in the microflora isolated after disinfection.

The washing procedure in Plant 2 was very exhaustive and the room was
relatively humid and cool after full washing. The room was visibly filled with
disinfectant fog during disinfection with peracetic acid-based Oxonia Aktiv. The
plant alternated with alkylaminoacetate-based TP-99. The plant used an
automatically operated unit and the interval between disinfection and rinsing was
for unknown reasons omitted. The contact time was reduced from the planned 20
min to the fog-producing period. The fogging disinfection appeared very
efficient, with reduction at all control points. However, some bacteria survived
on a water hose, wallboard joints and on the underside of a table. The microflora
after disinfection consisted of slowly growing pink colonies identified as
Methylobacterium (identification based on fatty-acid content and 16S rDNA
analysis) as well as slimy colonies of a Gram-positive bacterium identified as
Rhodococcus sp. by 16S rDNA analysis.

The washing process in Plant 3 was exhaustive except for a conveyor belt which
was not loosened, washed or dried on the underside. The room was humid and
warm after the washing process and visibly filled with disinfectant fog during
disinfection. However, the fog could not be expected to penetrate on the under
side of the transport band. Less fog was also seen near the ceiling in Plant 3
compared with Plant 2. The agents used were a alkylaminoacetate-based
disinfectant, TP-99, alternated with a disinfectant based on hydrogen peroxide
and peracetic acid, Oxonia Aktiv. The disinfecting efficacy was also high in
Plant 3, having only one control point with less than 50% reduction in viable
counts. The microflora consisted of small red and yellow colonies and also
different moulds after disinfection. The microflora under the conveyor belt
mainly consisted of Gram-negative bacteria.

Only equipment and tables used during the day of the audit were washed in Plant
4. All surfaces were visibly clean and the room was relatively dry with normal
temperature after washing. The fogging system did not function as planned in
Dairy 4, because the droplet size was too large to make efficient fog. The fog
produced was mainly concentrated around, and precipitated close by, the
nozzles. The disinfectant used was Oxonia Aktiv alternated with TP-99. The
contact agar plates taken at the 15 control points had visible growth before
disinfection, with reduction on 10. The microflora consisted of yeast, different
moulds and bacteria (yellow, pink and colourless colonies). The pink and yellow
colonies appeared after approximately 1 week.

The washing process in Plant 5 was mainly performed using an automatic CIP
system. The exterior of the equipment, walls and packing machines were not
thoroughly washed but all surfaces were visibly clean. The room was relatively
dry and with normal temperature. The quality of the fog produced appeared
normal, but it was concentrated around the 2 nozzle holders. The majority of
production equipment and packing lines were located in the fog, but equipment
and tanks were also located elsewhere in the production hall. The disinfectant
used was the amphoteric tenside-based Betane (Arcon AS) and the fogging
disinfection was mainly used to control the quality of the air at the premises.
Only 10 control points were sampled before and after disinfection at Plant 5, all
of them only in direct contact with the product. None of the 7 control points with
growth before disinfection indicated full reduction in viable counts, although one
point indicated about 50% reduction. The microflora mainly consisted of slow
growing small red Methylobacterium colonies, Gram-positive spore-forming

bacteria (possibly Bacillus sp.), Gram-positive catalase-negative rods (possibly
lactobacilli) and slow-growing yellow colonies. In summary, the efficacy of the
washing and the extent to which the fog filled the room varied greatly among the
dairies, and this was reflected in the microbial counts. About 70% of a total of 75
agar plates had microbial growth (bacteria, yeast or moulds) before disinfection
(Tables 5 and 6). Only 2 agar plates had colonies after, but not prior to,

Table 5. Total number of samples in each plant and numbers of contact agar
plates with and without growth before disinfection. The plates were incubated at
20 °C for 2.5 d and 7 d.

Growth after,
Plant Samples No growth1 Growth before2
not before3
1 15 5 9 1
2 16 4 12 0
3 19 5 14 0
4 15 0 15 0
5 10 2 7 1
Number of samples without growth before or after disinfection
Number of samples with growth before disinfection
Number of samples with growth after disinfection, but not before.

Table 6. Efficacy of fogging disinfection measured at control points before and

after disinfection.

1–50 colonies before disinfection > 50 colonies before disinfection

Plant Before1 Full Reduction3 Before1 Full Reduction3
2 2
reduction reduction
1 4 1 1 5 1 3
2 8 6 2 4 3 1
3 9 7 2 5 4 0
4 1 0 1 14 3 6
5 4 0 0 3 0 1
Number of plates with colonies before disinfection
Number of plates with no visible growth on plates after disinfection
Reduction of colony counts >50%.

The disinfectants are documented using standardized suspension methods, in
which killing of more than 99.999% of laboratory-grown microbes are needed.
However, this study has shown that bacteria can survive after fogging with
disinfectants. Few isolates were highly resistant to the in-use concentration of
oxidizing disinfectants. The slow-growing bacterium isolated in several plants
was resistant to tenside-based disinfectants if grown under nutrient limited-
conditions. Thus, survival was probably caused by lack of contact between
microbes and disinfectant, e.g. insufficient washing process, inefficient fog
droplets, too low concentration of disinfectant in the fog or inadequate amount
of fog in the room and bacterial resistance to disinfectants.

Even though equipment and environment appeared to be clean by visual

inspectin, attached microbes may have formed microcolonies or excreted
protective components around the cells. It is well known that attached microbes
are more resistant than planktonic, and that biofilm-growth impedes the killing
of microbes. Therefore, it is not surprising that the most effective disinfection
was seen in plants with an exhaustive washing process before disinfection. The
spore-forming bacteria isolated after fogged, but not washed surfaces, could
have been reduced if an alkaline wash had been carried out prior to disinfection.
Langsrud and Sundheim (2000) demonstrated that alkaline washes can potentiate
the effect of peracetic acid. Washing with alkaline solutions not only removes
dirt and microbes, but may also sensitize microbes to disinfection.

Detection of surviving microbes in the environment after fogging with contact

agar plates is an easy, but relatively insensitive method for the control of fogging
efficacy. About 15–20 different sites could be selected to document the efficacy
of the disinfection and to designate fewer, but important, control points.
Disinfectant fog should affect airborne microbes; thus, in addition to surface
control, air sampling could give valuable information. If the target is to improve
air quality, all possible sources contributing to the air microflora should be
evaluated. It should be remembered that microbes survive, but do not grow in
dry environments. Frequent use of fogging in rooms that are mostly dry, e.g. for
closed production or packaging, could result in longer periods under humid
conditions with a possibility for microbial survival and biofilm growth.

The results suggest that the technical performance of the fogging disinfection
should be monitored frequently to ensure optimal disinfection. The highest
efficacy of the fogging disinfection on environmental surfaces was seen in plants
with an exhaustive washing process preceding the disinfection. Our results
demonstrate that visual and microbial control can be an effective tool enabling
improved hygiene. Critical control points should be identified both for technical
performance of the fogging system and disinfection efficacy. Based on these
results we recommend:

• regular control of the nozzle and complete filling of the room with fog,
• regular control to ensure that the disinfection programme is functioning as
• regular control of the amount of disinfectant consumed,
• random sampling of the disinfectant concentration in the fog and after
• monitoring disinfection efficacy,
• auditing of the washing programme preceding disinfection and evaluation of
the washing process,
• random sampling using 15–20 different control points as well as air
sampling. The fogging system could be optimized until the necessary level
of disinfection is attained,
• regular control using a few control points to show that the hygienic
performance of the system is maintained.

2.3.2 Air disinfection

To be able to evaluate air disinfection efficiency, a method given in Chapter 5.7

has been developed. The method gives repeatable values for the 3 replicates used
in each trial. One drawback with the method may be that the microbes in this
method are in a very dry state, more dry than under normal conditions, and may
therefore be more resistant. Candida albicans appeared to be sensitive to drying,
because a high number of organisms was killed during overnight drying. It was
also noticed that the mould spores should be stored below 8°C to maintain them
as spores. When the stainless-steel coupons inoculated with Aspergillus niger
spores were placed into the cheese storage room the fungal spores started to
germinate during the ozone treatment, if the temperature in the room was
elevated to approximately 20 °C. Using all 4 microbes (C. albicans, A. niger, B.

cereus and S. aureus) in the same trial emphasizes the reliability of the results
achieved. The placement of the stainless-steel coupons appears to affect the
result. A slightly higher reduction was found on the coupons on top of the shelf.
The results show wide differences between the 2 agents used.

Air disinfection using ozone

The disinfection efficiency of ozone was not good. The numbers of

Staphylococcus aureus and B. cereus were not reduced at all with either 1 ppm
or 2 ppm for 6 h (results for 1 ppm not shown). The number of A. niger spores
was only marginally i.e. <0.5 log-units reduced. C. albicans was affected by
ozone with a reduction up to 1 log-unit. The position of the stainless-steel
coupons did not appear to affect the result (Fig. 3). However, due to the low
reduction in number of microbes it is difficult to say anything about the
influence of the position of the coupons on the reduction.

Survival on surfaces

(log cfu)

Ref 2h 3h 4h 6h
Treatment time

1.0 ppm A. niger 2.3 ppm A. niger 1.0 ppm S. aureus

2.3 ppm S. aureus 1.0 ppm B. cereus 2.3 ppm B. cereus

Figure 3. Microbial growth on the stainless-steel plates after air disinfection.

Preliminary experiments, in which B. subtilis, Micrococcus luteus, E. coli and
yeast were grown on agar plates and the agar plates were treated directly with
ozone, showed that the microbes were killed. To verify these results, microbes
growing on stainless-steel coupons were removed from the hard surface through
shaking in a neutralizer for 30 min and various dilutions were pipetted onto agar
plates. These agar plates were finally kept in a cheese storage room during air
disinfection. A reduction of all 4 microbes was noticed. The reduction in C.
albicans was approximately 3 log-units and for S. aureus approximately 4 log-
units. However, all the surviving microbes were found near the edge of the
coupon and the edge could have prevented the ozone from reaching the agar
plate. The number of B. cereus spores and A. niger spores were in this case
reduced by 1 log-unit.

Air disinfection based on fogging

When using an effective hydrogen peroxide-based agent, the reduction with

fogging varied between 4 and 7 log-units for the vegetative cells and 0.5–1.0
log-units for spores, (Fig. 4a). No significant reduction was found using a less
effective tenside-based agent (Fig. 4b).


Viable count (log cfu/cm)


Reference upper shelf on the top of below the mid below the
the mid shelf shelf lowest shelf

8 A. niger spores
B. cereus spores
7 S. aureus
Viable count (log cfu/cm)


Reference upper shelf on the top of below the mid below the
the mid shelf shelf lowest shelf
A. niger spores
B. cereus spores
S. aureus

Figure 4. Air disinfection of surfaces contaminated with spores of Aspergillus

niger and Bacillus cereus as well as vegetative cells of Staphylococcus aureus
using fogging with a) an effective hydrogen peroxide-based agent and b) a less
effective tenside-based agent.


2.4.1 Cheese production

Cheeses have been made for many centuries to preserve the milk. Cheese is a
concentrate of milk comprising casein, particles soluble in water and milk fat. As
a by-product whey is formed, since the casein and fat are concentrated into
cheese. Some examples of cheese types are ripened hard or semihard cheese,
blue cheese, unripened cheese as well as whey cheese. The use of rennets,
cooking of the cheese matrix and forming under pressure in moulds are common
phases in the production of most cheese types (Fox, 1987).

There are many crucial phases in the production of semihard and hard cheeses.
According to Frandsen (1992) the control procedure during production includes
analysis of the milk content, determination of the mammalian cell number,
bacterial count and freezing point as well as possible residues of antibiotics. The
cheese-milk is heat-treated either by pasteurization (70–72 ºC/15–20 s) or by
heating (65 ºC/15 s), homogenized and preacidified using a starter culture typical
for the cheese type produced. The heat treatment is performed to ensure that
neither spoilage microbes nor pathogens such as L. monocytogenes are
transferred from the raw milk into the cheese (Bertrand, 1987; Chapman &
Sharpe, 1990; Frandsen, 1992). During acidification rennet is added to the
cheese-milk, the casein in the milk is precipitated and the cheese structure is
formed. The jelly stucture or curd is cut into small pieces with special cutting
blades charasteristic for each cheese. During the syneresis phase whey is worked
out of the granular curd and the whey and granules are separated from each other.

The cheese moulds are used to remove the last part of the whey from the cheese
curd under pressure. In this phase the characteristic shape and surface of the
cheese is formed. Its main functions are to obtain a certain consistency, promote
ripening and adjust the amount of whey secreted (Bertrand, 1987; Chapman &
Shape, 1990). In earlier days cheese cloth and wooden moulds were used to form
the shape and skin of the cheese. At present these moulds are mostly made of
plastic. They are convenient because they are strong, light, cleanable, decrease
the process noise and are suitable for automation (Tamine, 1993). Moulds typical
for each type of cheese are used to obtain the characteristics of the particular
cheese type (Anon., 1980).

2.4.2 Methods in evaluation of cheese mould cleanliness

The design of cheese moulds is unfortunately not very hygienic. The moulds are
perforated by small holes for drainage, and made of a plastic material that cannot
withstand temperatures higher than 70 °C and their surface finish will in time be
quite rough. Therefore, it is important to have cleaning and disinfecting
procedures that are effective enough to ensure safe cheese production. The aim
here was to select and improve methods for the evaluation of washing and
disinfection effect of cheese moulds. These experiments have been performed on
cheese-moulds on 5 different occasions. Two methods, of the original 8 given in
Chapter 5.6 were selected. These 2 methods, washing out and TTC-method,
measure the remaining numbers of living microbes. We are continuing to search
for an effective method for measuring the remaining protein fraction. Four
different cleaning agents were tested.

The results using Check Pro protein kits are greatly dependent on the pH,
leading to possible false-negative reactions. Therefore, to determine whether
Check Pro is a useful method, the protein measurements should be repeated with
a neutral pH in the rinsing water. Macroscopic ultraviolet (UV) illumination was
also difficult in combination with the plastic material in the cheese moulds. UV
illumination was evaluated in 2 trials and then rejected. It may be a potentially
useful method after additional training and improvements in application. It was
difficult to use the direct epifluorescence microscopy (DEM) technique on
cheese moulds. Some bacterial cells were seen but no quantification was

Swabbing showed the same effects as washing out, but with much lower
recovery of bacteria. We chose washing out as the better of these 2 methods. The
Bioscreen measurements showed the same trends as the other culture techniques,
but with quite large standard deviations between trials as well as between
replicates within the same trial. After 4 trials the Bioscreen was rejected in
favour of the 2 other culturing-based techniques: washing out and TTC (Table
7). The adenosinetriphosphate (ATP) measurements are only relevant for lactic
acid bacteria because the spores do not contain ATP. The values obtained after
cleaning, however, were very low and it is doubtful if ATP measurements are
sensitive enough in this application.

Table 7. Results obtained in full-scale cheese mould studies.

Washing out
TTC moulding
Strain Sample (cfu/mould)
Mean St. Dev. Mean St. Dev.
Reference 5.0 0.0 7.5 0.0
SU436 2.5 0.0 4.6 0.1
Horolit CIP 2.1 0.2 4.6 0.1
P3 VR 2.4 0.4 4.5 0.0
Reference 4.0 0.0 6.6 0.0
Lactic acid SU436 1.6 0.6 2.5 0.1
bacteria Horolit CIP 1.2 0.6 2.4 0.3
P3 VR 1.4 0.6 2.5 0.2

The washing out technique gave much higher numbers of bacterial cells than
traditional swabbing. It appears to be a simple and promising method. Moulding
with TTC is also promising and quite simple to perform. Visual inspection is
even more sensitive than when using a camera. The camera, however, is simple
and fast to use and gives a quantitative value of the result.

We conclude that the methods ATP, swabbing, washing out, and moulding with
TTC, all indicated that the traditional agent (Horolit CIP) was more efficient in
cleaning than the others tested. When using an effective cleaning agent and lactic
acid bacterial contaminants, no growth could be detected after washing. The
Bacillus strain used did show some growth, which is logical since the spores
survive and adhere better than lactic acid bacterial cells. Comparing cleaning and
killing for different cleaning agents using the washing out method gave results
that were consistent for both organisms and during all repetitions. The results
from the TTC method correlate with the washing out method. Similar results are
also achieved when both indicator organisms were used.

2.4.3 Ultrasound cleaning procedure in cheese production

Narrow holes in the cheese mould walls serve for removal of the whey (Kivelä,
1996). These holes penetrate the walls and through them the whey is removed
during the pressing phase. When the whey flows through the narrow cavities and
perforated holes, the mould surface becomes soiled and later the whey can no
longer penetrate through these holes, thus lowering cheese quality. Furthermore,
the cheese material left on the surface also functions as a good substrate for
microbial growth (Chapman & Sharpe, 1990; Kivelä, 1996). Clogging of the
cavities in the moulds interferes with removal of the whey and the cheese
structure remains soft (Koivisto, 1999).

Cleaning of cheese moulds using low-pressure cleaning or common washing

machines is not applicable in the high-speed cheese-making process. In addition,
cleaning methods based on high temperatures and long-lasting soaking in
detergent solutions cannot be afforded in cheese manufacturing. To improve
cleanability of the plastic moulds washing machines based on ultrasonics have
been developed. In ultrasonic-based cleaning the target material is soaked in a
washing solution and a strong ultrasonic field is created by special ultrasonic
elements. The washing properties are dependent on the amplitude and frequency
of the ultrasound as well as on the depth of the washing solution, the external
pressure and the temperature (Anon., 1999). Disintegration of the dirt is based
on the breaking up of gas bubbles in the fluid (Kivelä, 1996). Washing based on
ultrasonics is smoother compared with other common methods, because the
ultrasonic energy is transmitted through the target material (Heino, 2000).
Ultrasound cavitation cleans the narrow cavities, thereafter making again
possible for the whey to flow through them (Kivelä, 1996). Results obtained in
the ultrasound-based cleaning studies performed in this project are presented in
Appendices 9–10.



2.5.1 Yoghurt production

Yoghurt manufacturing is a long process beginning with fixing the fat content of
milk to 2.0–3.5%. Milk is fortified by adding nonfat milk solids or concentrated

by evaporation to obtain the final texture desired (Matalon & Sandine, 1986).
The basic mix is then homogenized and heat-treated before fermentation
(Matalon & Sandine, 1986; Savello and Dargan, 1995). After heat treatment the
milk is cooled to 40–45 °C, inoculated with 2% yoghurt bulk culture and
incubated until sufficient acidity is attained (Matalon & Sandine, 1986).
Consistency of yoghurt is dependent on the starter culture used, storage
temperature and addition of stabilizing agents (Sinha et al., 1989; Savello &
Dargan, 1995). Yoghurt processing is a very demanding task, especially when
probiotic bacteria such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium
bifidum are used, because the growth rate of these bacteria may differ
considerably and affect the fermentation process. Long incubation periods at
temperatures around 37 °C are not attainable industrially if milk has not been
sterilized in advance. After the heat treatment the facilities in the processing
plant must be aseptic to avoid the risk of microbial growth in the final product
(Driessen & Loones, 1992).

2.5.2 Cleaning procedures used for pasteurizers

A CIP programme for a pasteurizer circuit normally consists of prerinsing,

circulation of an alkaline detergent solution, intermediate water rinse, circulation
of acid solution and postrinsing. Acid circulation is included to remove
encrusted protein and salts from the surfaces of heat-treatment equipment (Chisti
& Moo-Young, 1994). The flow rate must be more than 1.5 m/s to achieve the
mechanical force necessary to prevent biofilm build-up (LeChevallier et al.,
1990). Extensive bacterial biofilms may also develop on gaskets in dairy
equipment when regular CIP procedures are performed (Austin & Bergeron,
1995; Storgårds et al., 1999).

Long-standing processing will cause fouling on the surface of processing

equipment, especially in heat exchanger plates which results in the growth of
harmful thermophilic bacteria. It is important to specify the correct processing
times and cleaning methods. The cleaning efficiency of different cleaning agents
was tested using milk burned for 8 h on stainless-steel coupons (AISI 304, 2B)
using the pilot equipment (Figs 5 and 6). Biofilms for cleaning efficiency tests
were also formed on the coupons for 4 h (40 l pasteurized milk inoculated with
harmful thermophilic bacteria) in the pilot-scale tank-pipeline system Biorig
(Tankki Oy, Finland), in which the milk (43 °C) was circulated. Test coupons

were cleaned with 3 different detergents, 0.7% NaOH, 0.7% NaOH containing
0.2% SU 560 (chelator) and 1.5% potassium hydroxide (KOH), all with or
without nitric acid (HNO3) treatment (as single-phase cleaning and a 2-phase

The difference between various cleaning programmes can be seen in Fig. 7:

stainless-steel surfaces soiled with burned yoghurt milk containing harmful
thermophilic bacteria before cleaning (Fig. 7a), after single-phase cleaning with
0.7% NaOH (Fig. 7b), after 2-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH and 1.0% HNO3
(Fig. 7c), after 2-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH containing the chelator
solution and 1.0% HNO3 (Fig. 7d) and after single-phase cleaning with 0.7%
NaOH containing the chelator solution (Fig. 7e).

The study showed that bacterial numbers of harmful thermophilic bacteria will
increase strongly when processing times are long. In cleaning efficiency tests the
results showed that there are differences between detergents. In these trials the
best cleaning result was achieved using 2-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH
containing 0.2% SU 560 and 1.0% HNO3. The 2-phase cleaning procedure using
an alkaline mixture containing a chelator as well as HNO3 was the most efficient
combination for cleaning burned milk from stainless steel. In general, the results
showed that the acidic treatment enhanced the cleaning result. The harmful
thermophilic bacteria did not survive the cleaning treatments, but the remaining
soil was also a risk factor offering an attachment site for new contaminants. The
detachment of burned yoghurt-milk is therefore a very important but difficult
task to achieve without strong mechanical forces. Some results are presented in
the poster presentation Effects of cleaners of biofouled stainless-steel surfaces in
yoghurt manufacturing equipment in Appendix 11.

2.5.3 Ozone compared with chemicals in milk CIP cleaning

The efficiency of cleaning and disinfection was evaluated using 3 different CIP
procedures, which included a standard alkaline/acid wash, an enzyme-based
treatment as well as ozonated water (see Chapter 5.8). Two strains of B. cereus
were used in the 2 soiling procedures. The evaluation was performed measuring
the number of germinating spores, i.e the disinfection effect, and the amount of
remaining milk-soil, i.e. the cleaning effect.

Figure 5. Pilot equipment in simu- Figure 6. Pilot equipment in soiling
lation of soiling surfaces with burned surfaces with heated yoghurt-milk.

Figure 7. Stainless-steel surfaces soiled with burned yoghurt-milk containing

harmful thermophilic bacteria: a) before cleaning, b) after single-phase cleaning
with 0.7% NaOH, c) after 2-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH and 1.0% HNO3,
d) after 2-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH containing the chelator solution and
1.0% HNO3 and e) after single-phase cleaning with 0.7% NaOH containing the
chelator solution.

The sprayed spores displayed higher total cell numbers and smaller standard
deviations, compared with the naturally adhered spores. The logarithmic
reduction (4–6 units) of colony-forming units(CFU) on the steel surface after the
different CIP procedures measured with the swabbing clearly showed that the
standard wash with alkaline and acid was the most effective washing procedure.
With the enzyme-based agent no significant reduction in cell numbers was
observed. The ozonated water displayed reductions between 1–3 log-units. All of
these measurements showed lower reductions for the naturally adhered spores in
milk compared with the spores sprayed without milk. The TTC method worked
very well for low contamination levels, but all reference surfaces were over-
grown and a quantitative value could not be obtained. This method also showed
that the standard washing procedure was the most effective one. Using the
enzyme-based agent the surfaces were still overgrown after the cleaning, while
with ozonated water the reduction was estimated to be 1–3 log-units.

Measurements of the remaining milk-soil were more difficult than measurements

of the number of surviving spores, because all 3 CIP procedures evaluated are
quite effective in removing milk-soil. It is difficult to find analytic methods
sensitive enough for measuring the very small remaining fractions. Five different
methods were tested and 4 gave poor results. The best results were achieved
using the UV microscopy method, in which the area fraction of soil covering the
surfaces was estimated. The most striking result was that spores without soil
were shown to be extremely adhesive and almost impossible to remove with CIP
procedures (see also Husmark, 1993). These results indicate that the standard
wash was the most effective, followed by ozonated water and the enzyme-based
agent. The contact angle method may be useful in the future, if the surfaces are
measured directly after CIP and drying. The method is rapid, simple and
sensitive; however, in this test the washed surfaces were rinsed in neutralizing
solution before the contact angle was measured. Due to interference with the
detergent present in the neutralizing solution, the results obtained were therefore
not reliable. The SwabNCheck measured 4 units for the references and 0 for the
standard wash and the wash with ozonated water. A slight change in colour
could be registered from the enzyme-based agent. The ATP method gave more
than 9000 relative light units (RLUs) from the reference surfaces and below 30
for all the other washed surfaces, which is equal to the background level. The
macroscopic UV illumination gave a bright white-yellow shine on the reference
surfaces but nothing could be seen after the cleaning procedures.

2.5.4 Potentiation of the disinfectant effect with alkali and
enzyme wash

B. cereus present in pipes and heat exchangers represents a potential quality

problem for the dairy industry. Disinfectants based on peroxygen can eliminate
spores, but they are corrosive at high temperatures and concentrations (Russell,
1990; Bloomfield, 1992; Bloomfield & Arthur, 1994; Russell & Chopra, 1996).
In the dairy industry, disinfection of pipes, tanks and pasteurizers is preceded by
an alkali wash, often using temperatures above 60 °C, and alkali-treated spores
are usually not used when testing the sporicidal effects of disinfectants. Contact
with alkali could make the spores sensitive to peroxygen, reducing the
concentration needed to obtain an acceptable killing level.

Resistance of spores to peroxygen

Blakistone et al. (1999) determined the lethal effect of Oxonia Aktiv (2%,
40 °C) on a number of spore-forming bacteria and showed that B. cereus spores
were the most resistant. The resistance of Bacillus spores to disinfection varies
with the strain, sporulation, harvesting and washing procedure, and storage
conditions and recovery conditions (Waites & Bayliss, 1980). B. cereus ATCC
9139 spores were used in this study, because preliminary experiments revealed
this strain to be the most resistant to Oxonia Aktiv compared with 8 B. cereus
strains isolated from the Norwegian dairy industry (not shown). The higher
resistance shown by of B. cereus ATCC strains than by dairy isolates to chlorine
disinfectants was demonstrated by Te Giffel et al. (1995).

The sporicidal effect of disinfectants increases with temperature and exposure

time (Bloomfield, 1992). A relatively high temperature (40 °C) and long
exposure time (30 min) were required to obtain a significant reduction in B.
cereus viable counts when applying the highest recommended in-use
concentration of Oxonia Aktiv. Exposure to the recommended in-use
concentration of another peroxygen-containing disinfectant, Parades (0.25%),
was also not sporicidal for intact spores. The results suggested that the
disinfectant must be used at either high concentrations or at high temperatures to
be able to eliminate spores (Appendix 12). Apparently this is not suitable for
practical disinfection due to corrosion and toxicity.

Potentiation of spores by peroxygen in alkali wash

The sporicidal effect of 1% Oxonia Aktiv was generally poor at 20 oC and 30 oC,
even after an exposure time of 30 min. The sporicidal effect increased with
higher temperature and exposure time; a log-reduction of more than 2 log-units
was obtained after 30 min at 40 oC. A concentration of 0.2 % Oxonia Aktiv had
little effect (< 1 log-unit) on the spores even at 40 o C and 30 min. Exposure to
1% NaOH (10–30 min, 60 °C) did not reduce the viability of B. cereus
significantly (< 0.2 log-unit reduction). However, pretreatment of spores with
1% NaOH at 60 oC made the spores susceptible to Oxonia Aktiv, even when this
was applied at a relatively low concentration (0.2%). The lethal effects of 0.2%
and 1% Oxonia Aktiv were similar, indicating that a subpopulation of the spores
was potentiated by the pretreatment, whereas the reminder of the population was
unaffected even after 30 min of alkali treatment. Nevertheless, it appears that if
contact between spores and warm alkali can be established, significant reduction
in spore numbers can be expected even when using a relatively low
concentration of Oxonia Aktiv.

The potentiating effect of NaOH occurred relatively rapidly within 10 min at

60 oC. Pre-exposure to 0.25% and 0.5% NaOH (60 °C, 20 min) affected the
lethal activity of sAktiv, but much less than 1% NaOH. The effect of Oxonia
Aktiv occurred relatively rapidly after alkali treatment, with maximum effect
obtained within 10 min (Appendix 12).

The influence of cleaning temperature on the potentiating effect of alkali was

investigated further. The effect was temperature-dependent and visible already at
40 oC. The alkali treatment was sporicidal at 80 oC and the additive effect of
peroxygen disinfection was small at this temperature (Appendix 12).

The effect of Oxonia Aktiv on alkali-treated spores (1%, 60 °C, 20 min) was
approximately 3 log-unit reduction (Appendix 12), which was equal to the
exposure of intact spores to 1% HNO3 (65 oC, 10 min). Alkali-treated spores
were killed, showing > 5-log-units reduction by warm HNO3 (65 oC, 10 min).

Potentiation of spores by peroxygen in enzyme-based treatment

Pre-exposure to the enzyme-based cleaner Paradigm (0.09%) at 60 °C for 20 min

potentiated the effect of a peroxygen-based disinfectant Parades, but the effect

was generally higher when using 1% alkali at 60 °C for 20 min. A 3 log-unit
reduction was obtained using the recommended in-use concentration of Parades,
if the spores were pre-exposed to 1% NaOH. No lethal effect was observed if the
pre-exposure was carried out using 60 °C water for 20 min (Appendix 12).


It is known that monocomponent enzymes can be used for biofilm removal. The
heterogenicity of the biofilm matrix limits the potential of these enzymes for use
in effective cleaning. The proteinase samples, e.g. chemotrypsin were shown to
be effective in reducing and inactivating pure-culture biofilms, but when milk
residues were present no effect of the proteinases could be observed. The
different enzymatic cleaning procedures tested were also shown to be ineffective
in inhibiting growth and metabolic activities of bacterial strains isolated from
dairies. Based on the varying results obtained for removal and inactivation of
microbes on surfaces by enzyme preparates, one possibility could therefore be to
combine various types of enzymes to attain efficient cleaning. The use of
enzymes is also limited due to the lack of techniques for quantitative evaluation
of the enzymatic effects and the accessibility of the different enzymatic
activities. The results showed that the resazurin-based fluorometric assay tested
during that part of the project performed at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at
the University of Helsinki can be used for estimating the enzymatic activities on
process surfaces. This method can be recommended especially when a rapid,
high-throughput capacity system is needed (Mikkola, 1999; Augustin, 2000).


Efficient disinfection is required in food plants where wet surfaces provide

favourable conditions for microbial growth (Bloomfield, 1988; Brackett, 1992;
Holah, 1992). Disinfectants used in the food-processing industry include
oxidizing agents, e.g. hypochlorite, hydrogen peroxide, ozone and peracetic
acid; denaturating agents, e.g. alcohol-based products; nonoxidizing and surface
tension diminishing agents; and enzyme-based compounds (Flemming, 1991;
Troller, 1993). Although disinfectants were developed to destroy microbes (Brown
& Gilbert, 1993), microbes have been found in disinfectant solutions. Pseudomonas
sp. have been found in concentrated iodine solutions. As early as 1967 Burdon and

Whitby reported chlorhexidine (C22H30Cl2N10) mixtures contaminated with
Pseudomonas sp. (Marrie & Costerton, 1981). Increased amounts of free chlorine
(2.0 mg/l) did not kill E. coli grown in biofilm. The capsular Klebsiella pneumoniae
has been shown to have a 150-fold resistance to chlorine when growing on glass
surfaces compared with suspensions. Microbial contamination has also been found
in solutions of aldehydes, quaternary compounds and amphotensides (Heinzel,

Determination of disinfectant efficiency is often performed in suspension tests with

ready-to-use dilutions. Such tests do not imitate the growth conditions on surfaces,
where agents are required to deactivate the microbes (Wirtanen, 1995). Various
surface tests have shown that surface-attached cells are more resistant to disinfectant
treatment than are cells in suspension (Mattila et al., 1990; Wirtanen et al., 1997).
Results obtained using only one assessment method in testing can be inaccurate. For
example, cultivation and staining with 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride
(CTC) and 4,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) in a comparison based on biofilms
showed underestimation of viable bacterial counts in the cultivation (Wirtanen et
al.,1997). Testing procedures, based on cultivation, image analysis, impedance and
metabolic indicators, e.g. CTC-DAPI staining, appear to give good estimation of
both removal of biofilm from surfaces and killing of bacteria on surfaces. These
methods assess different parameters and therefore complement each other (Bredholt
et al., 1999). A major problem associated with the testing of disinfectants against
biofilm-grown bacteria is that it is difficult to recover all the surviving biofilm
bacteria as single-celled CFUs, because sampling in surface tests is often based
on cultivation of swabs taken from the test surfaces. Wood et al. (1996) and
Gilbert et al. (1998) describe the use of poloxamer hydrogels for the
construction of model biofilms in which the cell population expresses a biofilm
phenotype and is present locally at high cell density, and in which resistance to
disinfectants has increased substantially. Methods for disinfectant testing,
however, require further validation.

2.7.1 Suspension tests

Bactericidal suspension tests are often used for determining resistance in

bacteria, due to limitations in the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC)
method. In the simplest version of the method, bacteria are inoculated in
disinfectant diluted in distilled water and the number of survivors after a

specified time and temperature, e.g. at 20 °C for 5 min, is determined by plate
spreading. The main advantages of these methods are that all types of
disinfectants can be tested and the effects of temperature, exposure time and
interfering substances may be included. Bactericidal tests are easy to perform,
but more time-consuming and less reproducible than the MIC test (Nicoletti et
al., 1993). For this reason bactericidal tests are mostly used when investigating a
few strains and a small number of antibacterial agents.

It is important to understand that total kill in a suspension will not guarantee

efficacy in practical use. In most cases, bactericidal suspension tests for
determining the efficacy of disinfectants will overestimate the effect in practical
use. If a microbial strain survives the recommended in-use concentration at the
recommended exposure time and temperature, it would most probably resist
disinfection in practical use.

2.7.2 Surface test based on biofilms

The 1-N-phenyl-naphthylamine (NPN) test revealed that the tenside-based and

peroxide-based disinfectants were effective permeabilizers of the Pseudomonas
test strains used, whereas the alcohol-based agent was shown to permeabilize the
test strains only weakly. In the biofilm experiments, the assessment based on
CTC-DAPI staining showed that treatment with an undiluted alcohol-based
disinfectant left more than 100 000 viable cells/cm2 of both Pseudomonas strains
on the stainless-steel surfaces. The reduction in viable cell counts was less than
1.8 log-units after treatment. Cultivation and impedance measurement showed
that a 30-min treatment with the alcohol-based disinfectant was needed to reduce
the amount of contaminants efficiently. In impedimetric assessment, bacterial
growth was detected following an incubation period of more than 30 h after the
biofilm samples were treated for 30 min with the disinfectant. The alcohol-based
disinfectant proved to be very effective in experiments using Pseudomonas
biofilms, when evaluated using impedance and conventional cultivation but not
with CTC-DAPI staining, showing that many respiring cells were left on the surface
after treatment. This shows that the alcohol-based agent deactivates the bacterial
cells without destroying them (Larson & Morton, 1991). This was supported by
the findings from permeabilisation using the NPN uptake assay, which showed
that this agent affected the outer membrane (OM) only to a small extent. This
effect could also be seen from the results based on a biofilm-construct of

hydrogel, which protects the cells (Wirtanen et al., 1998). Denaturation can be
very rapid in suspensions (Härkönen et al., 1999); however, alcohols are not
efficient against spores, which means that they do not destroy enzymes taking
part in spore formation (Larson & Morton, 1991).

All methods used showed that the tenside-based disinfectant treatment left a
large number of viable cells on the surface. The area covered by biofilm
remained as it was before this disinfectant treatment. The tenside-based
disinfectant was not effective against biofilm bacteria both in these experiments
and in the hydrogel-construct test (Wirtanen et al., 1998; Härkönen et al., 1999).
These findings are in agreement with those from a disinfectant efficiency study
using dried bacterial cells on stainless-steel surfaces, in which a cationic tenside-
based agent also proved to be ineffective in killing bacteria (Grönholm et al.,
1999) and in results achieved using P. fragi biofilm (Wirtanen, 1995).
Cultivation and microscopy of CTC-DAPI stained biofilm on stainless-steel
surfaces confirmed that the tenside-based agent was not effective on cells in
biofilms. Impedance measurement, however, showed that the disinfectant was
effective in solution. This effect could also be seen from the permeabilization
results and from suspension tests (Wirtanen et al., 1998), which suggests that this
tenside-based agent affects naked cells but not cells embedded in biofilms or
attached to surfaces.

Treatment using the peroxide-based disinfectant lowered the number of respiring

cells. The cultivation results showed no growth in the treated P. fragi samples,
whereas the number of cells in treated P. aeruginosa samples decreased after 10
min of treatment by 2.3 log-units and after 30 min of treatment by 5.0 log-units.
The impedimetric assessment showed that some unharmed cells must have
remained on the surfaces because the detection times were not longer for treated
samples than for the controls. Some unharmed cells can grow very rapidly,
resulting in very short detection times. In treatment with peroxide-based agents,
the surface-attached cells burst in the treatment, which led to an increase in the
area covered by debris compared with untreated samples. The microbicidal effect
of peracetic acid on microbes in biofilms has been found to be limited, which means
that the biofilm must be broken in some way before it can be used effectively
(Exner et al., 1987). The effect of hydrogen peroxide is based on the production of
free radicals that affect the polysaccharides and glycoproteins in the biofilm. It is
also known that hydrogen peroxide was effective in removing biofilms from
surfaces (Mattila-Sandholm & Wirtanen, 1992). This effect was also noted in the

hydrogel test (Wirtanen et al., 1998). The NPN uptake assay showed that the
oxidizing peroxide-based disinfectant permeabilized the cell envelopes of the
Pseudomonas strains used. This study proved that the peroxide-based
disinfectant was the most effective disinfectant against Pseudomonas biofilms
when the microbiological activity was measured using conventional cultivation
and DEM with CTC-DAPI after a 30-min treatment. The impedance
measurement showed, however, that some viable cells were left on the surface.
Some unharmed cells can grow very rapidly, resulting in very short detection
times (Wirtanen et al., 1997).

Treatment with the chlorine-based disinfectant lowered the amount of respiring

cells below the detection level, as did the peracetic acid treatment. The range of
microbes killed or inhibited by chlorine-based compounds is probably broader than
that for any other approved agent (Holah, 1992; Tuncan, 1993; Helander et al.,
1997). The cultivation results showed no growth in the treated samples when the
duration of the disinfection was prolonged to 30 min. After 10 min of treatment
the counts were lowered by 3.1 log-units in P. fragi samples; in P. aeruginosa
samples no growth was found. According to the impedance results no growth in
the samples was found within a 24-h period after a 10-min treatment. The
cultivation and impedance measurement showed that prolonged treatment with
the chlorine-based disinfectant was especially efficient on Pseudomonas
biofilms. The antibacterially active moiety is formed when chlorine or hypochlorite
compounds are added to water and hypochlorous acid (HClO) is produced.
Stabilized hypochlorites are used when disinfection of long duration is required
(Troller, 1993). The results in the NPN uptake assay showed that the cell
envelope was not harmed. The results from the hydrogel test (Wirtanen et al.,
1998) were in agreement with these findings and showed that the chlorine-based
disinfectant did not penetrate the thick layers of biofilm constructs e.g.
hydrogels. Findings, especially from the impedance measurement showed that
only small changes occurred in the cell envelope. Dychdala (1991) suggested
that the bactericidal effect of hypochlorites is based on penetration of the
chemical into the cell as well as chemical reaction of the chemical with the cell
protoplasm, i.e. oxidative action on essential enzyme systems in the cell.

The influence of fluid dynamic shear of disinfectant solutions on the detachment

and killing of P. aeruginosa in biofilms formed on the stainless-steel surface in a
CCR reactor was also studied. The results showed that the CCR can be used to

discriminate between biocidal and cleansing action for different disinfectant types
(Appendix 13).

2.7.3 Surface test based on biofilm constructs

The results show that the Gram-positive bacteria tested in poloxamer hydrogels
underwent killing that varied in extent from ~ 0.1 to ~ 2-log-unit reductions. The
least susceptible organisms were M. luteus E-215 and L. monocytogenes. The
most effective agent against these 2 bacteria was a peroxide-based disinfectant
HPPA-1. This treatment was the poorest against L. innocua. It was also the most
effective of the formulations against the Salmonella strains tested, showing a
reduction of approximately 1 log-unit. The isopropyl alcohol-based IPA-L was
effective against most of the tested bacteria, except E. coli and
L. monocytogenes. The tenside-based disinfectant showed poor efficacy with all
the microbes tested. In the suspension tests using 4 the above-mentioned
disinfectants against the 11 bacteria, a 5-log-unit reduction in viable count
(5 min) was achieved in all instances, in many cases with no recoverable viable
cells. The susceptibility of the poloxamer gel constructs to HPPA, was further
evaluated over a range of concentrations, representing the extremes and mid-
point of the recommended use levels, using P. aeruginosa, E. coli, L. innocua, B.
subtilis and S. epidermidis. In most instances the degree of effectiveness
increased with increasing exposure to the agent. The results in the second study,
in which various commercial formulations of the same type were evaluated
against biofilm constructs inoculated with P. fragi, Enterobacter sp.,
L. monocytogenes, B. subtilis and Dekkera anomala, confirmed the earlier
results, showing that there is a pattern of susceptibility varying as a function both
of the organism and the disinfectant type. The results gainedfrom testing 13
commercial disinfectants showed agreement with the general observation that
Gram-negative bacteria are more resistant to disinfectant treatments than Gram-
positive bacteria (Vaara, 1992; McKane & Kandel, 1996). In all the gels with
Gram-negative bacteria, significant levels of surviving bacteria were detected.
The most effective formulations in these tests were the oxidizing hydrogen
peroxide based disinfectants. However the activity of this type of agent, unlike
the other formulations, was much lower against L. innocua and
L. monocytogenes. The killing activity generally increased with greater exposure
to the agent. They also performed best against Gram-negatives, e.g.
Enterobacter spp., Salmonella spp. and P. fragi as well as against the Gram-

positives L. monocytogenes and B. subtilis (vegetative cells). The isopropyl
(IPAs) and ethyl (ETA-B) alcohol-based disinfectants proved to be more
effective against vegetative cells of the Gram-positive B. subtilis than against the
other microbes tested (Appendix 14). The tenside-based disinfectant TAAS was
also the least effective in the hydrogel tests against all the microbes chosen (P.
fragi, Enterobacter spp., L. monocytogenes, B. subtilis, and D. anomala), giving
a log kill of < 0.3. These results agree with earlier studies using bacterial cells
dried on stainless steel surfaces as the inocula (Grönholm et al., 1999) and with
biofilm studies (Wirtanen et al., 1998, 2001).

The test based on hydrogel constructs is a severe test of disinfection efficiency.

Whilst the results do not necessarily reflect the likely effects of a formulation
against microbial contamination in situ, they do discriminate between the
disinfectant formulations used at normal levels. The differences in activity
between the two Listeria strains highlight the need to use realistic problem
organisms, such as Salmonella spp. and L. monocytogenes, in testing
programmes. Conventional suspension tests fail to discriminate between the
agents in terms of their efficacy and would therefore not assist in the selection of
agents (Appendix 14).


3.1.1 Definition of resistance

For users of disinfectants in the food industry and in other applications, it would
be most relevant to define resistance as ‘survival in practical use’. However,
survival after disinfection may be explained by factors not related to the
properties of the microbes themselves, but to external factors, such as soil
neutralizing the disinfectant. Survival may also be explained by other failures in
the cleaning procedures, e.g. leaving too much water after cleaning which will
dilute the disinfectant to sub-lethal levels or using temperatures too low or
exposure times too short during disinfection.

In this study, bacteria surviving the lowest recommended in-use concentration of

a disinfectant in a simple bactericidal suspension test are termed resistant. Since
many factors affect resistance in practice, a low-level resistance not detected in
this test may contribute to survival in the dairy plant. Therefore, bacteria not
surviving this test may have survived practical disinfection due to a combination
of resistance and biofilm formation.

3.1.2 Resistant strains from dairies

The results of hygiene tests after fogging disinfection and of disinfecting

footbaths is described in Chapters 2.3 and 2.2 respectively. Procedures for
isolation of resistant bacteria are presented in Chapter 5.1.

Identification and characterization of bacteria isolated from disinfecting

footbaths and fogging showed that some strains were resistant to the
disinfectants applied. The microbial flora in disinfecting footbaths with TEGO
and alkylamine-based TP-99 was dominated by Gram-negative bacteria
(coliforms and pseudomonads) and spore-formers. In baths with oxidative
disinfectants the flora consisted mainly of Gram-positive bacteria,
Acinetobacter-like microbes and spore-formers. Strains isolated from used
chlorine compounds, TEGO, TP-99 or Oxonia Aktiv, or from the surface of
footbaths with the respective compounds, were exposed to the recommended in-

use concentrations of disinfectants based on chlorine, amphotheric tenside,
alkylamine, quaternary ammonium compounds or peroxygen in a bactericidal
suspension test. Possible cross-resistance was also studied. Spore-forming strains
were not tested because they are intrinsically resistant to most disinfectants. In
general, bacteria from the footbaths or from the disinfectants used did not
survive exposure to the recommended in-use concentrations of chlorine,
alkylamine or peroxygen. Resistance to oxidative disinfectants has mainly been
associated with biofilm growth (Bolton et al., 1988; Clark et al., 1994; Mead &
Adams, 1986). In essence, this indicated that survival in footbaths containing
hypochlorite and Oxonia Aktiv was not mainly caused by development of high
resistance, but by biofilm formation.

Some bacteria isolated from footbaths using an amphoteric disinfectant TEGO or

from used TEGO survived exposure to 1% TEGO or 200 µg/ml benzalkonium
chloride (C6H5CH2(CH3)2NRCl), and were considered resistant. A permeability
assay based on NPN showed that resistance was probably due to low membrane

In the investigation of fogging disinfection, disinfectant resistance was tested for

some strains surviving in apparently clean areas. In many dairies, the microbial
flora after disinfection was dominated by a Gram-negative, slow-growing
microbe forming red colonies, which was identified as Methylobacterium sp. by
fatty acid analysis. These bacteria were not resistant to the alkylamine-based TP-
99 disinfectant applied when grown in rich laboratory media prior to exposure in
the bactericidal suspension test. However, after starvation in 10% nutrient
medium, they survived in the bactericidal test. These bacteria would not have
been detected in the ordinary hygiene testing performed in the dairy, because
visible colonies appeared only after 5–6 d incubation. In one dairy a Gram-
positive bacterium resistant to several disinfectants was isolated; this strain was
identified as either Rhodococcus sp. or Nocardia sp. by fatty acid analysis.


The causes for delays in yoghurt fermentation were studied by isolating harmful
thermophilic bacteria from the yoghurt process. Bacterial numbers were determined
from hot- and cold-mixing equipment used in yoghurt manufacturing. Milk samples
were taken from the evaporator funnel, sampling valve in the pasteurizing apparatus

and the fermentation tanks. Milk samples were taken 0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 h
after the beginning of processing. Milk samples were cultivated on milk plate count
agar and the plates were incubated at 55 °C for 48 h. The results showed that the
numbers of thermophilic bacteria were lower when using the cold-mixing than the
warm-mixing method. The numbers of thermopholic bacteria increased
significantly after an 8-h production.

Eight isolated thermophilic bacteria were identified. Gram-staining, spore-staining,

catalase test, API and ID tests as well as ripotyping were performed. All identified
strains were Gram-positive, spore-forming rods belonging to the genus Bacillus (B.
flavothermus, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis).

Effects of 2 different spoilage bacteria in yoghurt fermentation were tested on a

laboratory scale. Bacteria were added into ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) milk
together with normal starter cultures. The duration of yoghurt fermentation was
determined by measuring the pH as a function of time; the yoghurt was ready when
the pH was < 4.5. Fermentation tests showed clearly that the thermophilic bacteria
isolated from the process prolonged the yoghurt fermentation. B. licheniformis
prolonged the fermentation process more than B. flavothermus. B. licheniformis
numbers of > 8.0 × 105 cfu/g prolonged fermentation up to 1 h.



B. cereus is an ubiguitous organism readily adhering to surfaces of production

equipment. B. cereus spores appear to be relevant indicator organisms for
measuring cleaning effects. This study was carried out to increase our
knowledge of the frequency and localisation of contamination with B. cereus in
closed equipment. The work also aimed at improving methods for measuring the
cleaning effect. The 2 methods used in this case, alginate swabs and moulding
technique, functioned both quite well. Improvements can be made concerning
how to solve the alginate swabs satisfactorily and whether a detergent can be
used in the swabbing for better recovery. The moulding technique can probably
be made more sensitive with some further improvements in the substrate used.
The methods for quantification of growth on moulded parts can also be
improved. The results from this study showed that several sites had quite high

levels of contamination. Some sealings and gaskets, especially sealings in the
pumps located before the filling stage, were heavily contaminated with Gram-
positive rods and cocci. Also Gram-negative bacteria were found at some sites.
There were 7 sites at which B. cereus was found both in the spore and in the
vegetative form.


The intention of this project was to assess environmental impacts of different

CIP methods. The environmental effects of cleaning agents are usually judged
on the chemical compound, and the energy and water consumption in the user
phase. In this LCA study, in which a method for analysing and assessing the
environmental impacts of a material, product or service throughout its entire life
cycle was used, TINE cooperated together with chemical supplier. The different
methods for CIP cleaning compared were conventional alkaline/acid cleaning
(HNO3 and NaOH) with hot-water disinfection, single-phase alkaline cleaning
with acid chemical disinfection (Oxonia Aktiv S), enzyme-based cleaning
(Paradigm) with acid chemical disinfection (Parades) and conventional
alkaline/acid cleaning and disinfection with cold HNO3 at pH 2.

In this LCA 3 different transport cases (Oslo, Stavanger and Alta) and 3 different
effluent treatment methods (no treatment, internal biological effluent treatment
plant at the dairy and municipal effluent treatment plant and in addition a method
with filtration of CIP solutions) were used. The functional unit is defined as:
Satisfactorily cleaning, based on experience, of an average Norwegian dairy
with 30 cleaning operations a day (excepting pasteurizers) through one year.
The required amount of energy, water and cleaning agents was based on earlier
measurements and practical experiences. The chemical oxygen demand (COD),
phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) emissions were calculated from the content of
these elements in the cleaning agents. The production data of the cleaning agents
was site-specific data from the producers.

Based on the assumptions and limitations of this LCA the method of enzyme-
based cleaning has the lowest environmental impact. It has the best result for the
evaluation methods EPS and Ecoindicator, and also for the impact categories
global warming potential and ozone formation. The enzyme method and the
single-phase alkaline method had almost the same and lower use of energy than
the other methods, and also lower acidification potential. The enzyme-based
cleaning agent is used in very small concentrations and at low temperatures,
which are the main reasons for these results. The single-phase alkaline method
showed the best result for eutrophication.

Transport did not greatly influence the results. Filtration of CIP solutions
directly impacts the produced and transported amounts of cleaning agents, which
leads to better results for all parameters considered. The other effluent treatment
method, cleaning of wastewater, influences only the potential for eutrophication
and the Ecoscarcity evaluation method. Cleaning of the dairy and production of
cleaning agents and their delivery, have the greatest influences on the results.

Several sources of error occur in this analysis. The origin of the data is not the
same for all the CIP methods, and many assumptions have been used. Emissions
of various chemicals occur that cannot be evaluated or characterized in an LCA
e.g. phosphonates and different tensides, which are part of some of the cleaning
agents (the disinfectants of the enzyme method and the single-phase alkaline
method) used in this analysis.


The procedure used to evaluate sanitation functionality applies to both new

products and products already inuse (Fig. 8). The following sequences should be

a. Overlapping assessment of cleaning/disinfecting

The first estimate of suitability for use is made based on fundamental theoretical
• The product content from the specification sheet
• Environmental influence should be assessed
• Theoretical assessment of functional properties based on data from the
supplier’s tests performed on a small scale. The criteria for checking include
the influence on different types of goods, ability to remove and transfer soil,
killing effect on microbes as well as technical properties (foaming
properties, stability etc.)
• A cost estimate.

b. Supplier audit

• The cleaning and disinfection agents should be checked based on answers to

process-specific questions.

• Delivery certainty, product safety, responsibility of the producer, quality
aspects as well as company economy should be assessed.

c. Assess the functional properties of cleaning/disinfection

Small-scale tests should be conducted to determine if the agent fulfils the

demands set by the customer and the supplier. Suitable model tests e.g. the
cheese mould test, surface test for open surfaces and CIP tests should be
conducted on a large scale. The criteria should include: the influence e.g.
corrosion and deterioration of the goods used, ability to remove and transfer the
soil, rinsabilty, killing effect on microbes, technical properties e.g. foaming and
stability as well as the recommended concentration, temperature and duration.

d. Practical evaluation

New cleaning or disinfection agents should be checked after certain intervals

during the first year. A performance plan should be in effect, including above
criteria. The methods used for cleanliness should include visual inspection and
measurement with UV and ATP of critical points, concentration, duration of
cleaning or disinfection, flow using nozzles as well as soiling in the CIP tank
and phase differentiation.

e. Final decision

The environmental impact, functional properties as well as the economy should

be used in the final decision (Fig. 8).

Theoretical phase


Declaration of functional
1. Data collection properties
-Effect on materials
-Range of effectiveness
-Detergent properties

Yes No
2. Experience - Dairies
- Supplier
- Experts
- Documentation
Yes No

3. Pilot Tests Tests

- Standard tests
- Laboratory tests
- Tests by the supplier
approved Yes No

Practical phase at dairy site / farm / shop

Evaluation of function
4. Large-scale tests -Facts
-Large-scale tests
Yes No -Field test

Final approval

Figure 8. Evaluation procedure of the sanitation processes.


5.1.1 Commonly used methods for testing resistance phenomena

The MIC method has been used extensively to determine resistance to antibiotics
and is also used for disinfectants. In this method, one or several bacterial strains
are inoculated in a range of concentrations of disinfectant in nutrient broth (NB).
The lowest concentration allowing bacterial growth after a specified time, e.g. 24
h, is termed the MIC-value of the disinfectant for the microbe. The main
advantages of the MIC method are that it is easy to perform and many strains or
antibacterial agents can be tested in the same experiment. The applicability of
the MIC method is limited because many commonly used disinfectants cannot be
tested because their pH is either too high or low for growth or precipitation of
the disinfectant in the NB (Nicoletti et al., 1993; Sundheim & Langsrud, 1995).
The relevance of the method has also been questioned since the aim of
disinfection is not primarily to prevent growth, but to kill microbes. Therefore,
the MIC method is most commonly used in screening of strains for resistance,
comparing the efficacy of antibacterial agents or studying synergy effects.

It has been demonstrated that bacteria isolated from disinfectant solutions or

disinfection equipment can lose their resistance rapidly under laboratory
conditions and may not survive exposure to the disinfectants in laboratory tests
(Lowbury, 1951; Carson et al., 1972; Heinzel & Bellinger, 1982). One
explanation for this phenomenon is that under natural conditions the microbes
grow on surfaces whereas they have been cultivated in nutrient broth prior to
exposure to the disinfectant in the laboratory tests. It is now well known that
bacteria attached to surfaces are generally more resistant to a range of
antibacterial agents, including disinfectants (LeChevallier et al., 1988).
Following attachment, bacteria produce extracellular polymers protecting them
from the disinfectant applied. Other factors may also contribute to the resistance
of cells in natural environments such as growth rate reduction, limited nutrient
availability and increased production of biocide-degrading enzymes (Brown &
Gilbert, 1993; Boulange-Peterman, 1996). Thus, the survival of microbes under
practical conditions is not only a result of their resistance, but also of their ability
to attach to surfaces and their state. Bactericidal tests on bacteria attached to
surfaces may be used to determine resistance of microbes. These tests may give

more realistic views of the levels of disinfectant that will kill the microbe in
practical surface disinfection in factories with low hygienic level. In practice,
surfaces are cleaned before disinfection and the exposure to cleaning agents may
reduce the resistance of the microbes to disinfectant (Holah et al., 1998;
Langsrud et al., 2000).

5.1.2 Methods for isolating resistant strains

When bacteria survive cleaning and disinfection at unacceptable levels in the

food industry this can in most cases be explained by weaknesses in cleaning
procedures and practical performance. However, sometimes the survival is due
to high resistance to disinfectant. The following procedure was used in this study
to determine if survival was due to high resistance:

Potential resistant isolates were identified. It is well known that spores and
mycobacteria survive high levels of disinfectants and identification could be
sufficient to explain survival in many cases. For certain types of bacteria
intrinsic resistance to some disinfectants and biofilm formation have been
reported, e.g. pseudomonads, and this could give some indications of why they
survive practical disinfection levels.

If it was not evident from the literature that the bacteria have high intrinsic
resistance to the disinfectant applied, we tested the level of resistance. The
strains were analysed in a simple suspension test in distilled water using the
recommended in-use concentration of the actual disinfectant. In some cases we
tested type strains or reference strains from other sources of the same species. If
type strains and reference strains were susceptible in the suspension test, this
indicated that the species generally was not expected to survive disinfection. If
they survived the test, the recommended in-use concentration of the disinfectant
may have been too low to kill the actual species. If the isolate survived the
suspension test it was termed resistant. If it was killed, we did not know if it was
susceptible or had low-level resistance.

If the isolate survived the suspension test it was necessary to determine if it had
survived or grew in the disinfectant solution for a longer time, especially if it had
been isolated from a disinfectant solution. If the isolate was killed by the
suspension test, it was on some occasions tested to determine if other growth

conditions or disinfection procedures more similar to those in practical use made
the isolate resistant. To find measures to eliminate a resistant isolate, potentiation
of disinfectant by a cleaning agent and/or cross-resistance to other disinfectants
was on some occasions evaluated.


The poloxamer hydrogels demonstrate thermoreversible gelation properties,

being liquid and fully miscible with water at temperatures <15 oC but firm gels
at temperatures >15 oC. This suggests that dense populations can be cultured and
exposed to disinfectant as a gel at 30 oC, from which full recovery of individual
cells can be achieved simply by placing the hydrogels in neutralizing
solutions/diluents at <15 oC (Wirtanen et al., 1998). The poloxamer Pluronic
F127 has been investigated earlier for its potential as an agar substitute in
microbiology. Solutions are unaffected by autoclaving and appear to be nontoxic
to all bacterial species so far tested (Gilbert et al., 1998; Wirtanen et al., 1998;
Härkönen et al., 1999). The poloxamer matrices in the present study not only
reproduce the reaction-diffusion resistance properties of the biofilms but also
simulate other aspects of the biofilm mode of growth. The present paper
evaluates the possible use of such biofilm constructs of process contaminants
for comparison of commercial disinfectant formulations at normal use

Poloxamer F127 (Uniqema, Belgium) is a diblock copolymer of poly-

oxyethylene and polyoxypropylene. Aqueous solutions show thermoreversible
gelation. Poloxamer flakes were made up to 30% w/v in tryptone soy broth
(TSB) and refrigerated overnight to allow hydration to occur. The dissolved
poloxamer solutions were then autoclaved and returned to the refrigerator.
Before use, sterile, chilled poloxamer (3 ml) was inoculated with a 1/100
dilution of overnight (16–18 h) cultures (300 µl) of e.g. pseudomonads,
enterobacters, micrococci, bacilli, staphylococci, listeria, salmonella and yeasts
in fresh TSB to form a biofilm culture. The drops of poloxamer were carefully
placed onto stainless-steel (AISI 304, 2B) discs placed in Petri dishes containing
a small piece of moistened cottonwool. Each Petri dish was sealed with Petrifilm
and incubated at 30 °C in a static incubator. The susceptibility to in-use
concentrations of various commercial disinfectants, e.g. based on hydrogen
peroxide, hypochlorite, alcohols and tenside, was assessed after exposure for

5 min at 25 °C in the hydrogel test. After 5 min, samples (1 ml) were transferred
to a neutralizer solution (9 ml) which was kept under refrigeration (10 ± 1 °C)
for the hydrogel test and an ambient temperature (22 ± 1 °C) for the suspension
test. The aliquots were left for 5–15 min before further dilution and viable
counting on TSA plates (incubation 2–3 d at 30 °C) and yeast and malt extract
agar plates (incubation 4–5 d at 25 °C). The suspension test was performed
twice. The poloxamer-grown cultures were transferred directly to prewarmed
solutions of disinfectant, together with the stainless-steel discs. These tests were
carried out in triplicate. After 5 min the discs were removed and the gels
transferred to solutions of neutralizer (10 °C) for 5 min. This was sufficient time
for the gels to liquify and disperse. Serial dilutions were made and viable counts
estimated as before. The results were expressed as survival relative to
appropriate controls following exposure to sterile water (hydrogel test) or saline
(suspension test). The neutralizer solution contained lecithin (0.6% w/v), Tween
80 (6% w/v), sodium thiosulphate (0.8% w/v), L-histidine hydrochloride
(0.5% w/v), and bovine serum albumen (0.72% w/v) in Sorenson’s phosphate
buffer (1.25 mmol). The neutralizer solutions were sterilized by filtration
through a 0.45-µm filter. The efficiency of the neutralizer had previously been
tested using suspension cultures of M. luteus VTT-E-91474.



The susceptibility of commercially available disinfectants at in-use con-

centrations was assessed after exposure for 10 and 30 min on 4-d-old
Pseudomonas biofilms grown on stainless-steel coupons at 25 °C (60 ± 5 rpm) in
slime broth (Wirtanen, 1995). The test coupons were removed from the biofilm
formation vat and rinsed for 15 s in lukewarm (25 °C) sterile, distilled water in a
small vat under mild stirring to release loose cells before the disinfectant
treatments. This treatment was performed twice (Bredholt et al., 1999). Three
coupons of each type were transferred directly to disinfectant solutions (200 ml)
at in-use concentrations (25 °C) for each of the 4 following measurements:
cultivation, impedance, area coverage and metabolic indicators. After the
treatments the coupons for cultivation were transferred to solutions of neutralizer
(25 °C) for 5 min. The recipe of the neutralizer solution is given above (see
Chapter 5.2). The aliquots were left for 5–15 min before further dilution and
viable counting onto TSA plates (incubation: 2 d at 30 °C). Saline was used

instead of the disinfectant in the control test. The following determinations were

• Conventional cultivation: The bacteria were scraped from the test surfaces
(2.5 x 7 cm2) with a cotton-tipped swab (see sample treatment in previous
chapter), which was transferred into a test tube containing 5 ml maximal
recovery diluent (MRD; LabM, UK). The test tube containing the swab was
stirred thoroughly for 1 min to release the cells into the MRD solution. The
samples were diluted as logarithmic series in MRD and cultivated at 30 °C on
PCA for 3 d.
• Impedance: The change in impedance (resistance) of the growth medium
due to microbial growth was automatically measured using a BacTrac 4100
instrument (Sy-Lab, Purckersdorf, Austria). The instrument consists of
autoclavable glass measuring vessels containing 2 pairs of electrodes
connected to a microprocessor. The metabolism caused by microbial growth
changes the concentration of ions in the growth medium and in the layers
surrounding the electrodes. Changes in conductance (the M-value; relative
medium impedance) are brought about by bacterial metabolism, whereby
weakly charged substrates in the growth medium are transformed into highly
charged end products. Capacitance (the E-value; relative electrode
impedance) can be altered by factors such as changes in the pH of the
medium. The E-value should also be used if the growth medium contains a
high concentration of salts, which may make the M-value inaccurate. The
test surfaces (12 x 55 mm2) were placed in the measuring vessels, each of
which contained 9 ml growth medium. The measuring vessels were
incubated in the BacTrac incubator block (30 °C, 48 h), and detection time
for the samples was measured when the sample reached the E-value set.
• Epifluorescence image analysis of acridine orange-stained samples: For the
steel surfaces covered with biofilm stained with AO, the stain was allowed to
act for 2 min at room temperature, after which the surfaces were rinsed with
sterile water, air-dried and stored at 4 °C. The stained surfaces were examined
under an Olympus AH-2 epifluorescence microscope (Olympus, Japan) with a
suitable filter combination, using a 100x oil-immersion objective. Area
measurements were carried out with a microcomputer system. The images (50
fields/sample) obtained in the microscope were analysed as grey scale
interpretations. The areas covered with biofilm were converted into
percentages of the total area analysed per coupon (Wirtanen, 1995).

• Epifluorescence image analysis of samples stained in a metabolic indicator
system: CTC and DAPI staining was performed on biofilms attached to
stainless steel surfaces. For direct staining of the coupons, 2 ml of 5 mmol
CTC (Polysciences, Inc., USA) were pipetted onto the surface and incubated
without shaking at 30 °C for 2 h. After incubation, the surfaces were rinsed
with sterile distilled water, fixed in formaldehyde (CHCHO) solution, rinsed
with sterile distilled water and air-dried at room temperature for about 20
min. A total of 2 ml of 1 µg/ml DAPI (Sigma, USA) was added to the
surface. The stain was incubated for 20 min at room temperature, after which
it was poured off. The coupons were rinsed with sterile distilled water and
air-dried. The stained biofilm samples were stored at 4 oC. The samples were
analysed using the BH-2 epifluorescence microscope (Olympus) witha total
magnification of 1000x. The total number of cells and the number of living
cells were counted from 15 microscopic fields (= 0.032 mm2) for each
sample. The results are given as actual number of cells per area; the
detection limit in this experiment was 3000 cfu/cm2. Image analysis was
carried out with the Image-Pro PlusTM program (version 3.0 for WindowsTM;
USA) using an Optronics OPDEI-470T Cooled Color charge-coupled device
(CCD) camera (Optronics Engineering, USA) and a system consisting of a
Targa 64+ ADC card image processor and a High Resolution SVPVM1353
13" RGB colour monitor image display (Sony, USA).



The bacterial suspensions were treated in in-use concentrations except for the
alcohol-based agent, of which the concentration was 0.5%, in 5 mmol N-[2-
hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N’-[4-butanesuöphonic acid] (HEPES), pH 7.2 (Sigma).
The effects of the disinfectants were assayed using the hydrophobic probe
uptake method, in which a hydrophobic fluorescent NPN probe (Merck-
Schuchardt, Germany) is added to the bacterial suspension and the resulting
fluorescence is measured at 420 nm (excitation wavelenght 350 nm; Shimadzu
RF-5000, Japan). An increase in fluorescence is associated with disruption of the
OM of the bacterial cell, since NPN only fluoresces in a lipid environment. In an
aqueous milieu the fluorescence is zero. Normally the OM prevents the entry of
NPN into the cell’s lipid layers; thus low fluorescence indicates the presence of
an intact OM (Helander et al., 1997; Helander & Mattila-Sandholm, 2000).


The sampling kit contained sterile test tubes, test tubes with NB, sterile swabs
and pipettes. The managers were asked to take 4 samples (a–d) from 3 or 4
footbaths, preferentially from the most contaminated footbath, but with cleaner
ones also included. We sampled about 50% of the footbaths in 11 dairies. The 4
samples were:

• Samples of the used disinfectant before emptying the footbath (3–5 ml in a

sterile tube).
• One or two drops of disinfectant used added to sterile NB, which neutralizes
the toxic effects of the disinfectant.
• Swab samples of about 10 cm2 of a corner from the footbath after emptying.
The swabs were broken aseptically into the tubes with NB.
• Swab sample of the footbath before refilling of disinfectant. Some plants
washed the footbath before refilling.

A total of 10 µl of samples a–d were plated on PCA after arrival of the samples
in the laboratory. The plates were incubated for 3–7 d at 20 °C. Colonies of
differing morphology were further cultivated and stored in Lurcia-Berthani broth
containing 15% glycerol at –80 °C.


Contamination of cheese mould surfaces was carried out using autoclaved cheese
slurry prepared from 50+ cheese. The bottom parts of the cheese forms were
contaminated with the cheese slurry in combination either with lactic-acid
bacteria from a starter culture for cheese or with B. cereus spores. The pieces of
the moulds were immersed in the solution for 15 min and rinsed by dipping 5
times in clean water. After 1–2 h of drying the bottom parts were assembled and

The cleaning equipment used in the pilot scale was a Jeros 5120 washing
machine. Washing at 70 °C lasted 6 min with a water rinse for 1.5 min. The
cleaning equipment used in the full-scale operation was a Tuchenhagen tunnel.
The cleaning programme included prerinsing with water, cleaning and finally
rinsing with water. The programme time was 3 min and the washing temperature

was 70 °C. After washing the level of microbial contamination was measured
with different methods:

• In washing out (measures cleaning and killing effect) one piece of the mould
was placed in a sterile bag containing sodium chloride (0.85%, 100 ml) and
Tween (0.1%). The bag with the mould piece was shaken in a shaking
device for 30 min. From this suspension the number of surviving bacteria
was measured using the traditional pour plate technique.
• The TTC method measures the cleaning and killing effect. The cheese
moulds with B. cereus spores or lactic-acid bacteria were moulded with TSA
containing the indicator TTC. The cheese moulds covered with agar were
incubated at 30 °C for 2 d. After this incubation the degree of red
colouration was estimated manually (scale with 5 degrees) and measured
with a colour camera. Ten measurements were taken of each mould piece.
• The ATP method was used to measure the cleaning effect. The special swabs
were wetted in swabbing solution; the entire test piece (12 x 12 cm2) was
swabbed. The swab was immersed and shaken for 10 s in a releasing agent
and the relative luminescence was measured in a luminometer.
• UV illumination can be used to measure the cleaning effect. A UV lamp was
used for macroscopic visualization of contaminants. The cheese mould was
illuminated with the lamp in a dark room.
• In the DEM method, which measures the cleaning and killing effect, the
cheese moulds were incubated for 6 h in NB before staining with AO and
analysis in a fluorescent microscope.
• Measurements of protein residues to measure the cleaning effect were
performed using the SwabNCheck monitoring kit (LabDesign). The cheese
mould was swabbed according to the test protocol. The colour change was
visually inspected after 10 min and was also measured in a spectro-
photometer at 562 nm. According to the technical information the sensitivity
varied between 15 and 1000 µg protein.
• Swabbing, which measures the cleaning and killing effect, was carried out
by shaking the swabs with which the surfaces were sampled in sodium
chloride (0.85%) and the number of bacteria was measured through a
conventional pour plate technique.
• Bioscreen measurements can be used to measure the cleaning and killing
effect. The Bioscreen measures bacterial growth spectrophotometrically.
This method was modified between the different trials. The cheese-mould
was immersed either in various types of NBs or sodium chloride. From this

suspension assays of 0.1 ml were transferred to the Bioscreen for
measurements lasting 24–45 h. The integrated area under the growth curves
was calculated.


Contamination of the surfaces used in the fogging experiments was performed

on stainless-steel coupons (ss2243, 2B) with 50 µl of a pure culture of A. niger
or B. cereus spores or with C. albicans or S. aureus. All vegetative microbes
were in a stationary phase but not starved. The number of microbes on the
coupons varied between 105 and 108, depending on the organism. The A. niger
spores were placed onto ice-cold stainless-steel coupons, allowed to dry at room
temperature and then stored in the freezer to prevent the spores from
germinating. The other organisms were allowed to dry at room temperature and
then stored overnight at cold temperature. The coupons were prepared for about
18 h before the experiment.

These stainless-steel coupons were placed at different levels in a cheese storage

room of approximately 30 m3 in volume. After the treatment the coupons were
removed aseptically. The coupons were placed as follows: a) on top of the
highest shelf, b) on top of and beneath the midshelf and c) beneath the lowest

Before the disinfection treatments, i.e. ozone treatment and fogging, the
ventilation was shut off and the experiment performed at room temperature. The
ozone concentration was approximately 1 ppm and the relative humidity 43% in
the first treatment, in the second treatment the parameters were 2 ppm and 53%,
respectively. The fogging treatment was performed with a Disinfector 2000
(Clean Tech aps) device using both hydrogen peroxide and tenside based
disinfectants. Three replicates of each microbe at each level were used. After the
disinfection treatments the coupons were placed in a tube with neutralizer and
shaken for 30 min and the number of microbes determined using culture
technique. Tryptone glucose extract (TGE) agar was used for all microbes except
A. niger, for which dichloranrose bengalchloramphenicol (DRBC) agar was
used. The TGE agar plates were incubated for 2 d at 30 °C and the DRBC agar
plates for 7 d at 20 °C. After the incubation, the number of colonies was


Stainless-steel surfaces were contaminated with B. cereus spores and milk. The
test surfaces of stainless steel (ss2343, 2B; 45 x 45 mm2) were soiled in 3
different ways:

• surfaces contaminated with B. cereus spores of the dairy strain 341. The
spores were suspended in buffered saline solution (5 x 108 spores/ml) and
sprayed with a paint-brush in 6 thin layers. After spraying the surfaces were
dried overnight at room temperature in a sterile bench whose surfaces were
gently rinsed 4 times in cold water just before the CIP cleaning.
• surfaces with B. cereus spores (NVH1) in milk. The test surfaces were
mounted vertically in the spore-containing skim milk suspension, using a
magnetic stirrer in the soiling vessel. Spores were allowed to adhere for 2 d
at low temperature (4 °C). The surfaces with adhered spores were gently
rinsed 4 times in cold water before the CIP cleaning.
• surfaces with milk-soil were soiled using 1 ml of 3% fat milk which was
poured and spread, covering the entire surface, and then air-dried at 50 °C
overnight. These surfaces were gently rinsed 4 times in cold water before the
CIP cleaning.

After drying, the surfaces were cleaned and disinfected using 3 different CIP
procedures in the vertical section of the pilot-plant CIP rig (120 l) at a flow of
1.5 m/s. A standard alkaline/acid procedure was compared with a formulated,
enzyme-based agent, and to ozonated water (Ozotech, Norway). Ozone was
produced and bubbled directly into the test-rig tank. Ozonated water was built up
during 1–2 h. The conductivity was measured and the concentration of ozone
was calculated from the oxidation-reduction potential (ORP) value. The
concentrations of alkaline and acid substances (conductivity) were measured at-
line during cleaning. The pH value was also determined by titration. It was not
possible to determine the concentration of the enzyme-based agent either with
conductivity or titration, and therefore an adequate amount of the agent was
directly added to the buffer tank. The concentration of ozone was calculated
using the ORP values. After cleaning and disinfection the number of surviving
spores was enumerated and the amount of soil remaining estimated; all surfaces
were rinsed with a neutralizing solution before the analyses were performed. The
CIP procedures tested were:

• Standard rinse (prerinse with cold water for 5 min, 70 °C 0.9% NaOH for 10
min, 65 °C 1% nicric acid for 5 min and a final rinse with cold water for 5
• Enzyme-based cleaning (prerinse with cold water for 5 min, treatment at 50
°C using 0.09% enzyme-based cleaner, rinse with cold water for 5 min,
treatment with peroxygen-based 0.2% disinfectant and a final rinse with cold
water for 5 min)
• Ozonated water (prerinse with cold water for 5 min, 0.5–1.0 ppm ozone
rinse for 5–15 min and a final rinse with cold water for 5 min).

The number of surviving spores, i.e. the disinfection effect, was measured using
swabbing of the surfaces and moulding with TTC agar. The amount of remaining
milk-soil, i.e. the cleaning effect, was estimated in 5 different ways using a
protein-measuring kit (SwabNCheck), ATP measurement, measurement of the
contact angle of water, a UV microscopy method and staining the surfaces with
fluorescent AO and microscopy.


5.9.1 Process surfaces – Staining of Bacillus spores

To measure the number of B. cereus spores adhered to process surfaces after a

cleaning process 3 methods were evaluated. The first, DEM, is based on staining
the bacteria/spores with fluorochromes to visualize the organisms in a
fluorescence microscope. In the DEM analysis the fluorochromes erythrosin B
(ERB), acridine yellow (AY), auramine O (AU), pyridine derivative (C), AO and
DAPI were used (Figs A–E; Appendix 15). However, the interaction of proteins
and bacteria/spores causes problems in detection (Figs F–I; Appendix 15). The
second method performed was indirect immunofluorescence, which is based on
selective staining of B. cereus spores with fluorescence-stained antibodies. The
method is specific to B. cereus spores and does not stain the milk proteins.
Finally, a pilot test was performed with the QCM-DTM bioadhesion sensor. This
is a new technique based on the measurements of the resonance frequency. The
technique can be used for measurements of cell adhesion to different surface

In the fluorochrome experiments the surfaces tested (stainless steel, glass, teflon,
and silicone) were washed with ethanol and dried. The B. cereus spores (108
spores/ml) were prepared in three different mixtures: in saline and in milk-NaCl
(1:10 and 1:50) solutions. The mixtures were spread onto surfaces by spraying
twice. The surfaces were dried, whereafter they were stained with fluorochromes
at different concentrations and the excess stains removed from the surfaces by
rinsing with distilled water. The surfaces were then investigated using
fluorescence microscopy. A total of 40 images (equivalent to 0.001 mm2/surface)
within each sample were calculated manually; the analysis was also performed
automatically using an image analysis system (0.0081 mm2/surface). The results
were expressed in amount of spores/mm2.

Glass surfaces (1 cm2) were inoculated with spore suspension and dried for use
in immunofluorescence studies. These surfaces were then placed in a humidity
chamber. Phosphate buffered saline containing 1% bovine serum albumine was
added and after a 15-min incubation at room temperature the excess buffer was
removed. The primary antibody solution was added to the surfaces followed by
incubation at 37 ºC for 60 min, washing with buffer and addition of the
secondary antibody solution. These surfaces were incubated at 37 ºC for 30 min
and washed with buffer before the surfaces were analysed with fluorescence
microscopy. In all, 10 images (equivalent to a total of 0.625 mm2) within the
measurement frame were calculated manually, and the image analysis system
calculated a total area of 0.529 mm2. The experiments were performed with 2
different B. cereus strains, with and without addition of milk in the spore
suspension (1:20 and 1:50, respectively). The results were expressed in amount
of spores/ mm2.

In the QCM-DTM the cell suspension was injected into the QCM chamber,
which contained saline solution. The response was registered at the same
moment as the cells were in contact with the sensor surface (gold). Both
vegetative cells of B. cereus (3 x 108 cells/ml) and B. cereus spores (2 x 108
spores/ml) were examined. The measurements were performed twice without
cleaning of the chamber between the 2 measurements.

5.9.2 Cleaning of a production line

Along the production line between pasteurization and packaging, a total of 55

sites were selected for enumeration of the total number of bacteria as well as B.
cereus. The sites that could not be dismounted were swabbed with alginate
swabs (LabDesign) and parts that could be dismounted were taken to SIK for
moulding with TTC agar.

The swab assays were split into 2 parts. One part was directly analysed and the
other part heat-treated (80 °C, 10 min) before analysing. The heat treatment was
performed for the enumeration of B. cereus spores. The swab assays were
inoculated on TGE and blood agar. All samples were incubated at room
temperature for 14 d. Colonies with a Bacillus appearance were transferred for
confirmation on B. cereus agar and Mossel agar.

Parts, e.g. sealings and gaskets, that were dismounted were moulded with Mossel
agar containing polymyxin which is quite selective for B. cereus. The gaskets
were split into 2 parts, one of which was moulded directly and the other heat-
treated at 80 °C for 10 min before analysing. The colour indicator TTC was
added to the agar just before moulding occurrred. These samples were incubated
at room temperature for 14 d. Some colonies were transferred to TGE agar and
then to B. cereus agar and Mossel agar for confirmation.



5.10.1 Preparation of proteinase

The following proteinase samples were prepared for comparison purposes in

cleaning and disinfection in the dairy industry: cryotin from cod, trypsin from
Antarctic krill, chymotrypsin from cod and alkalase from Novo. Profiles for pH
optima for the enzymes were established to enable proper handling of the
enzymes in cleaning and disinfection trials. Furthermore, activity assays, using
low-molecular mass peptide substrates, were used to enable dosage of equivalent
enzyme activity amounts in the cleaning and disinfecting trials. These activity
assays were based on the amidolytic activity of the different enzymes:
SucGPRpNA was used for cryotin from cod and trypsin from krill and

SucAAPFpNA was used for alkalase from Novo and chymotrypsin from cod.
The measurements were performed at 25 °C using equilibrated buffer
(Ásgeirsson et al., 1992; Bjarnason & Ásgeirsson, 1993; Bjarnason et al., 1997).

In the determinations the increase in absorption rate at 410 nm was recorded, and
the activity corresponds to that section of the curve having the greatest slope. In
some cases the initial rate can be low and the optimum is achieved in the second
or third minute of the reaction, which is especially true for crude enzyme
samples: one unit of enzyme activity is the amount of enzyme that hydrolyses 1
mmol of substrate per minute The comparative experiments were performed
using equivalent activity concentrations of the enzymes in the comparative
cleaning and disinfection experiments. Furthermore, a pH of approximately 8.0
was used in all experiments at refrigerated temperatures for 2 h and also
extended duration of 24 h (Bjarnason & Ásgeirsson, 1993; Bjarnason et al.,

5.10.2 Microtitration tray-based methods in efficacy testing

Various microtitration tray-based techniques were used to screen large numbers

of samples for bacterial and chemical residues to enable choosing an optimal
method for further work. The automated methods were:

• a fluorometric assay measuring residual bacterial metabolic activities using

the fluorogenic redox substrate resazurin
• a colorimetric method analysing the effect of cleaning chemicals on dried
milk and
• a turbidometric method measuring the lowest effective concentrations of the
cleaning agents.

The fluorometric method for measuring residual bacterial metabolic activities

was based on use of the fluorogenic redox substrate resazurin. The reaction was
followed-up in a Fluoroskan II (Labsystems, Finland) for 60 h at 24 ºC.
Resazurin is blue in the oxidized form and pink when reduced in the second
stage of the reduction. Since the pink intermediate (resorufin) is fluorogenic,
fluorometry can be used to monitor the resazurin reduction quantitatively. The
concentration of residual protein on the microtitration trays after washing and
rinsing was analysed using the Bio-Rad protein assay kit I. The residual

polysaccharides were measured using ruthenium red stain. The changes in
turbidity using Bioscreen equipment (Labsystem) of the samples were measured
to determine the bacterial growth, which can be seen as an increase in turbidity.
This measurement was used to measure chemical residues in the samples after
washing and rinsing. The fluorogenic method was chosen for use in further
studies (Mattila-Sandholm et al., 1991).


The tests with the use of ozone for CIP cleaning and disinfection gave poor
results in microbial reduction. The main reason for this is probably the failure of
reaching an effective ozone concentration in the CIP system.

Although ozone is considered to be a very effective agent for disinfection there

are still problems in achieving concentrations high enough in the CIP system.
The CIP system in this study was too far away from the ozone generator and
because of that the ozone decomposed in the air with reduced efficiency in
disinfection. This shows clearly that all technical aspects of a method must be
solved before the method is applied in the process.



The bactericidal suspension tests cannot be used for comparison of commercial

disinfectant brands or of sensitive microbes. Methods based on exposing
microbes grown as biofilms and in biofilm-constructs to disinfectants provided
information not only on the bactericidal effect per se, but also interactions
between the disinfectants and the biofilm matrix.


In the tests performed there are differences between different types of

disinfection methods but also between different chemical agents. Ozone was not
to be as efficient on stressed microbes as it was on growing ones. In the case that
the microbes were in a viable and growing phase they were quite easy to kill.
Utilizing this step could make ozone more efficient. The trials also showed that
it was important to have a high concentration and enough contact time.

When the disinfectant used contained hydrogen peroxide and peracetic acid the
fogging was efficient while fogging with agents containing tensides was not
efficient. There is a need to test new agents in a controlled way. These tests

should be based on surface tests. In performing surface test it is very important
to know the behaviour of the microbes in different environments and situations.


The disinfection efficiency of ozone on surfaces was not good. If the capacity of
the equipment is sufficient and the surfaces are clean, fogging disinfection can
be used to eliminate bacteria from surfaces. It is recommended that the
disinfection efficacy in practical applications should be monitored frequently
using several sampling sites.


Spores and some resistant vegetative bacteria can survive disinfection due to
build-up of resistance against disinfectants. Some bacteria are intrinsically
resistant whereas other adapt to the disinfectant used. It was also noticed that
spores or bacteria forming biofilms may not be eliminated by ordinary cleaning
and disinfection procedures.


The cheese moulds were washed with different agents and washing-methods and
then analysed with different methods. None of the tested methods (protein-kit
Check Pro, ATP, swabbing, washing out, UV-illumination, DEM and TTC agar)
worked well for detection of soil. The TTC agar and washing out was most
reliable for detection of microbial growth. These methods generate compatible
and repeatable results. In the pilot-scale trials the contact agar method gave the
most reliable results. There is a need for improvement of methods with which the
level of organic residues can be detected so that the pure cleaning effect can be
evaluated. In the full-scale trial the microbiological tests showed that the rinsing
water was contaminated with a high number of bacteria. The methods can
therefore also be used to evaluate parameters in the supply systems e.g. as the
efficacy of the cleaning agents.


The main goal of cleaning and disinfection in the food industry is to remove dirt
and fouling and to destroy any remaining microbes on the cleaned surfaces.
Other aspects of cleaning are economy, environmental impact, safety and
corrosion. Life cycle analysis (4.1) is a useful method for looking at the whole
range of environmental impact of different CIP-methods, starting with raw
materials and ending with effluent handling. The weakness of LCA in this
context is the uncertainties in valuation and characterization of environmental
impact from certain chemicals such as phosphonates and tensides.

A practical approach to evaluation of functionality of sanitation is described in

4.2. The steps consisting of assessment of written information, supplier audit,
assessment of functional properties, practical evaluation and final judgement are
suggested in such a process.

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Summary of activities in the project.


Poster presentation Highlights from the NordFood2 Project P96049 Evaluation of

cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in dairies: Methods and mechanisms



♦ Gilbert, P., Wirtanen, G. & Allison, D. (1997). Standard laboratory test methods
and their relevance in the evaluation of disinfectants. Autumn Meeting of the
Society for Applied Microbiology (October 22, 1997). SFAM, London. 2 p.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Maukonen, J., Bredholt, S. & Mattila-Sandholm, T.
(1997). NordFood Sanitation in dairies. Espoo: VTT Publications 309. 47 p. +
appendices 22 p. ISBN 951-38-5055-2.

♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Allison, D., Mattila-Sandholm, T. & Gilbert, P. (1998).
Performance-evaluation of disinfectant formulations using poloxamer-hydrogel
biofilm-constructs. Journal of Applied Microbiology, 85, pp. 965–971.
♦ Mikkola, J., Ahlgren, J. & Ali-Vehmas, T. (1998). A fluorometric screening
method for analysing bacterial activities in biofilms – Efficacy of enzymatic
cleaning procedures. Tiedevinkki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University
of Helsinki (Poster presented Dec. 12, 1998).

♦ Bredholt, S., Maukonen, J., Kujanpää, K., Alanko, T., Olofson, U., Husmark, U.,
Sjöberg, A.-M. & Wirtanen, G. (1999). Microbial methods for assessment of
cleaning and disinfection of food-processing surfaces cleaned in a low-pressure
system. European Food Research and Technology, 209, pp. 145–152.
♦ Härkönen, P., Salo, S., Mattila-Sandholm, T., Wirtanen, G., Allison, D.G. &
Gilbert, P. (1999). Development of a simple in vitro test system for the
disinfection of bacterial biofilms. Water Science and Technology, 39, pp. 219–
♦ Høgaas Eide, M. & Homleid, J. P. (1999). Livsløpsanalyse (LCA) av CIP-
metoder. Meieriposten nr. 2/99, pp 32–35.
♦ Sundheim, G. & Eide, O. K. (1999). Bakteriologiske undersøkelser av fotbad.
Meieriposten, 7, pp. 190–192.
♦ Sundheim, G. & Homleid, J. P. (1999). Forhold som påvirker effekten av
tåkedesinfeksjon. Meieriposten, 9, pp. 248–255.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S. & Mattila-Sandholm, T. (1999). Microbial methods in
evaluation of cleaning procedures. In Wirtanen, G., Salo, S. & Mikkola, A.
(eds.). 30th R3-Nordic Contamination Control Symposium. VTT Symposium
193. Libella Painopalvelu Oy, Espoo. Pp. 207–218.

♦ Langsrud, S., Baardsen, B. & Sundheim, G. (2000). Potentiation of the lethal
effect of peroxygen on Bacillus cereus spores by alkali and enzyme wash.
International Journal of Food Microbiology, 56, pp. 81–86.
♦ Maukonen, J., Mattila-Sandholm, T. & Wirtanen, G. (2000). Metabolic indicators
for assessing bacterial viability in hygiene sampling using cells in suspensions
and swabbed biofilm. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und -Technologie, 33, pp. 225–
♦ Willcock, L., Allison, D. G., Holah, J., Wirtanen, G. & Gilbert, P. (2000).
Influence of fluid dynamic forces upon the steady-state population dynamics in
microbial biofilm communities. Journal of Industrial Microbiology, 25, pp.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Aalto, M. & Gilbert, P. (2000). Disinfectant testing using
microbes grown in biofilm-constructs. In: Proceedings of 15th ICCCS
International Symposium and 31st R3-Nordic Symposium on Contamination
Control. Pp. 319–324.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Heino, A. & Salo, S. (2000). Ultrasound cleaning in cheese mold
hygiene. Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of International Association
for Food Protection. Atlanta, Georgia. Poster P9. Pp. 40.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Kontulainen, S. & Salo, S. (2000). Effects of cleaners of
biofouled stainless-steel surfaces in yoghurt manufacturing equipment.
Proceedings of the 87th Annual Meeting of International Association for Food
Protection. Atlanta, Georgia. Poster P6. Pp. 39.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Saarela, M. & Mattila-Sandholm, T. (2000). Biofilms – Impact on
hygiene in food industries. In Biofilms II: Process Analysis and Applications,
Bryers, J. (ed.). New York: John Wiley-Liss Inc. Pp. 327–372. ISBN 0-471-

♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Aalto, M. & Gilbert, P. (2000). Disinfectant testing
using microbes grown in poloxamer-hydrogel biofilm-constructs. Proceedings
of the ASM Conference on Biofilm 2000 (B2K). Big Sky, Montana. Poster
113. Pp. 55.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Storgårds, E., Saarela, M., Salo, S. & Mattila-Sandholm, T.
(2000). Detection of Biofilms in the Food and Beverage Industry. In Industrial
Biofouling, Walker, J., Surman, S. & Jass, J. (eds.). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.,
Chichester. Pp. 175–203. ISBN-0-471-98866-9.

♦ Bore, E. & Langsrud, S. (2001). Identification of microorganisms isolated from
dairy industy after cleaning and disinfection. SFAM Summer Conference, 9–12
July, Swansea (UK). Poster abstract. 1 p.
♦ Langsrud, S. & Møretrø, T. (2001). Characterisation of bacteria surviving in
disinfecting footbaths. SFAM Summer Conference 2001, 9–12 July, Swansea
(UK). Poster abstract. 1 p.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Helander, I. M. & Mattila-Sandholm, T. (2001).
Microbiological methods for testing disinfectant efficiency on Pseudomonas
biofilm. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 20, pp. 37–50.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Aalto, M., Härkönen, P., Gilbert, P. & Mattila-Sandholm, T.
(2001). Efficacy testing of commercial disinfectants against foodborne
pathogenic and spoilage microbes in biofilm-constructs. European Food
Research and Technology, 213, 409–414.

♦ Wirtanen, G. (2002). Highlights from the NordFood2 Project P96049
"Evaluation of cleaning agents and disinfectants for use in dairies: Methods and
mechanisms" (1997–2000). Symposium on "The future for Nordic food
innovation in a European context" in Stockholm 28–29 January 2002. Oslo:
Nordic Industrial Fund. Poster abstract. 2 p.
♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S., Heino, A., Hattula, T. & Mattila-Sandholm, T. (2002).
Comparison of ultrasound based cleaning programs for cheesery utensils. In:
Fouling, Cleaning and Disinfection in Food Processing. Wilson, D. I., Fryer, P. J.
& Hastings, A. P. M. (eds.). Cambridge: City Services Design and Print. Pp.
165–171. ISBN 0 9542483 0 9.

♦ Wirtanen, G., Salo, S. & Storgårds, E. 2002. Microbial assessment cleaning efficacy evaluation. In: Matuszek, T. (ed.). Food,
packaging, equipment and building surfaces in their contribution to food
products contamination and process safety. Gdansk: Gdansk University of
Technology Publishing Office. Pp. 49–57. ISBN 83-88579-40-1.
♦ Sundheim, G. & Langsrud, S. (2002). Characterization of Cedecea like strains
surviving in disinfecting footbath. Manuscript in preparation.


♦ Kallio, J. (1997). Gram-negatiivisten bakteerien solunläpäisevyyttä edistävien
aineiden vaikutukset pesu- ja desinfiointiaineiden tehokkuuteen (The effect of
permeability-increasing agents and disinfectants on Gram-negative bacteria).
Bachelor thesis, Helsinki: Pikku-Sitomo. 75 p. + 5 appendices.
♦ Härkönen, P. (1999). In vitro -testin kehittäminen desinfiointiaineiden tehon
testaamiseen biofilmibakteereilla (Development of an in vitro test system for
disinfection of biofilm bacteria). Bachelor thesis, Helsinki: Pikku-Sitomo. 60 p.
+ 1 appendix.
♦ Mikkola, J. (1999). Uusia seulontamenetelmiä puhdistusaineiden tehon
mittaamiseksi meijeripesuja varten. – Fluorometrinen, turbidometrinen ja
kolorimetrinen menetelmä (New screening methods for the analysis of the
efficiency of enzymatic cleaning agents used in dairies). Bachelor thesis,
Helsinki: EVTEK. 58 p. + 9 appendices.
♦ Nilsson, A. (1999). Detektion av Bacillus cereus sporer på yta med hjälp av
DEM, immunofluorescens och QCM-D™ (Detection of Bacillus cereus spores
on surfaces using DEM, immunofluorescence and QCM-DTM). Master thesis
1999:L4, Kalmar. 33 p. + 5 appendices.

♦ Kontulainen, S. (2000). Termofiilisten haittabakteerien vaikutus jogurtin
kypsymisen hidastumiseen ja valmistuslaitteistojen pintojen peseytyvyyteen
(Effect of harmful thermophilic bacteria in yoghurt fermentation and cleaning
of surfaces in manufacturing equipment). Pro Gradu thesis (University of
Helsinki), EKT-series 1175, Pikku-Sitomo, Helsinki. 89 p.
♦ Heino, A. (2000). Juustomuottien puhtauden tutkiminen pilot- ja prosessi-
mittakaavassa (Cleanliness of cheese moulds in pilot and process scale). Pro
Gradu thesis (University of Helsinki), EKT-series 1182, Pikku-Sitomo,
Helsinki. 117 p.
♦ Aalto, M. (2000). Desinfiointiaineiden teho biofilmimikrobeihin (Disinfectant
efficacy against microbes in biofilm-constructs). Bachelor thesis, Helsinki,
Pikku-Sitomo. 66 p.
♦ Augustin, M. (2000). Rapid and sensitive fluorometric method for evaluation
of the enzymatic cleaning agents against biofilm bacteria. Bachelor thesis,
Pikku-Sitomo, Helsinki. 38 p. + 7 appendices.


Forskningsarbetet i projektet P96049 inom ramprogrammet NORDFOOD2
utfördes vid de nordiska forskningsinstituten VTT Bioteknik, MATFORSK och
SIK samt vid Helsingfors och Reykjavik universitet fr.o.m. april 1997 t.o.m.
januari 2000. De deltagande företagen var mejerierna Valio från Finland, Arla från
Sverige och TINE från Norge samt teknokemiföretaget Suomen Unilever Oy
DiversyLever från Finland. Dr. Gun Wirtanen, VTT Bioteknik, koordinerade
projektet. Maija Uusisuo och Oddur Gunnarsson skötte om projektet från Nordisk
industri fonds sida. Experimenten, vilka utfördes i projektet, fokuserde på
mätningsmetoder inom rengöring av öppna och slutna system, t.ex. dim-
desinfektion, ozonering, fotbadshygien, rengöring av ostformar och yoghurtlinjer
samt utveckling av metoder för testning av desinfektionsmedels effekt,
mikrobiologiska resistensfenomen, livscykelanalyser (LCA) och rengörings-
procedurens funktionsduglighet. Nya hygienlösningar baserade på projektresultaten
har införts i mejerierna. Projektresultaten kan summeras enligt följande:

• Det huvudsakliga målet i det svenska projektet var att utveckla och utvärdera
praktiska metoder för mätning av hur effektiv rengörings- och desinfektion-
processen är. Kravet var att metoderna skulle kunna användas på ytor i olika
typers mejeriapparater. Analysmetoder baserade på utsköljning och ingjutning
med trifenyltetrazoliumklorid (TTC) agar fungerade bra för testning av
rengöringen av plast ostformar. En 5-stegs metod för evaluering av rengörings-
och desinficeringsmedel har utvecklats på Arla Foods.

• Bacillus cereus är en viktig mikrob vid desinfektion av utrustning som används

i produktion av konsumtionsmjölk i Norden. Totala antalet Bacillus sporer på
hårda ytor är en användbar indikator vid mätning av rengöringseffekten.
Förbättrade detektionsmetoder för mätning av sporer fästade vid ytor kan
grunda sig på fluorescerande färgämnen, indirekt immunofluorescens och

• Miljövänliga rengöringsprocedurer, där ozonerat vatten eller enzymbaserade

rengöringsmedel används, utvärderades i ett CIP-system. I dessa metoder kan
man spara energikostnader i tillägg till mindre förorening av miljön. Lovande
resultat med en sänkning av spormängden på 1–3 log-enheter (90,0–99,9%)
uppnåddes då ozonkoncentration var 0,1–0,3 ppm.

• Dimdesinfektion och ozonering är potentiella metoder för desinficering av luft

och ytor. Det uppkom emellertid problem vid eliminering av bakterier på
somliga platser, t.ex. utsidan av rör, gummislangar och tak. På dessa ställen
sitter mikroberna ytterst hårt fast i underlaget och har en naturlig resistens eller
har utvecklat en högre motståndskraft mot desinficeringsmedel. Resultaten
visade att ozoneringen hade en liten effekt på ytfästa mikrober, speciellt då
dessa var intorkade på ytorna. Dimdesinficeringsanläggningens effektivitet bör
mätas med jämna mellanrum så att man kan vara säker på att optimal
desinficering uppnås.

• Resultaten av en förfrågning i norska mejerier visade att användningen av

desinficerande fotbad är vanlig där. Målet var att kombinera praktisk
information med laboratoriexperiment för att ta fram råd för hur hygienen i
fotbaden kan upprätthållas. Detta var nödvändigt, eftersom man kunde påvisa
att mikroberna kan överleva och växa i fotbad. Den norska rapporten initierade
en undersökning på Arla, där den mikrobiologiska statusen i fotbaden
undersöktes. Mikrobiologisk förorening kunde konstateras i alla testade fotbad,
t.o.m då hypokloritkoncentratinen var korrekt eller högre än anbefallt. På basen
av undersökningen anbefalls man numera att byta skor då man går in i ett
område med högre hygien i stället för att använda desinficerande fotbad.

• Livscykelanalys (LCA) av olika CIP-metoder omfattande standard-CIP med

lut, syra och hett vatten samt enzymatisk rengöring följd av syrabehandling och
kemisk desinficering gjordes på TINE. LCA-analysen omfattade alla miljö-
aspekter inkl. transport och utsläppseffekter. I LCA-analysen utvärderades alla
potentiella miljöeffekter för varje utsläpp enligt ’worst-case’ principen. LCA
bidrar med nödvändig information för att på bästa sätt kunna välja lämplig
CIP-metod, trots att den är baserad på olika antaganden. I denna studie blev
den enzymbaserade rengöringen utvärderad som det miljövänligaste alterna-
tivet huvudsakligen på grund av den låga koncentrationen och den låga

• Målet med projektet om rengöring av yoghurtfermenteringslinjen var att isolera

fördärvande mikrober ss. termofila bakterier från prosessen och att finna

lämpliga rengöringsmedel för ytor nedsmutsade med yoghurt. Olika
kombinationer av rengöringsmedel testades i pilotskala användande mikrober
isolerade ur yoghurtprosesslinjen samt vidbränd yoghurtmjölk på rostfria
stålytor. Bästa rengöringseffekt på ytor med vidbränd yoghurtmjölk erhölls
med en tvåstegs-rengöring med lut innehållande kelat.

• Testing av rengöringen av ostformer gjordes både i pilot- och processkala.

Strukturen av plast ostformar är komplex med långa, trånga, konformade
kanaler. Ultraljud visade sig vara bra för rengöring av dessa ostformar.
Ostformarnas hygien efter rengöring i pilot- och processkala utvärderades med
olika metoder och dipslide-tekniken var den mest praktiska metoden för
mätning av mikrobiologisk förorening. I industriell skala visade sig mätning av
pH vara den bästa metoden för att bestämma hur rengöringen fungerade.
Metoder baserade på det kemiska syre behovet (COD) samt EDTA-titrering
visade sig båda vara använbara vid bestämning av den organiska belastning i

• I försöken att utveckla nya miljövänliga rengöringsmedel innehållande

enzymer testades olika proteinaser (t.ex. kryotin och kymotrypsin från torsk),
vilka renats på Islands universitet. En metod baserad på fluorometriska,
kolorimetriska och turbidometriska mätningar användes gör att utvärdera
effektiviteten av de enzymatiska rengörings-medlen på Bacillus biofilmer.
Metoden baserad på fluorogeniska redoxindikatorer (t.ex. resazurin) användes
för att utvärdera effekten av enzymatisk rengöring av biofilmer med
mjölksyrabakterier, Escherichia coli och Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proteinas
proven avlägsnade biofilmen då mjölk inte fanns på ytorna.

• Evaluering av skjuvspänningens effekt (0.024–0.53 m/s) på desinficerings-

medlens förmåga att lösgöra P. aeruginosa biofilm gjordes i en koncentrisk
cylinder reaktor (CCR). Resultaten påvisade att CCR kan användas vid
bedömning av olika desinficeringsmedels rengöringseffekt. Vid mätning av
desinficeringseffekten och ytors sterilitet kan impedansmetoden användas,
eftersom några få, adapterade, snabbväxande celler liksom stora mängder av
kemiskt exponerade celler kan förändra näringsbuljongens konduktivitet och
kapasitans. Resultaten visade att livskraften och totala antalet celler kan
bestämmas med hjälp av infärgning av ytor. Odling var inte lämplig för

mätning av väletablerad biofilm, eftersom dessa celler ofta är hårt fästade vid
ytorna och därför inte kan lösgöras genom svabbning.

• Upptagning av 1-N-fenylnaftylamin (NPN) kan mätas spektrofotometriskt och

användas för uppskattning av permeabilisering av både Gram-negativa och
Gram-positiva celler. Gram-positiva celler har inte ett skyddande yttre
cellmembran och NPN har i dem fri passage till det inre membranet. NPN-
resultaten av cellers permeabilisering med kelaterande ämnen och
polyetylenimin (PEI) visade att cellerna är olika känsliga för olika ämnen.
Resultaten visade också att citronsyra är en effektiv permeabilisator medan
natriumcitrat inte fungerade som permeablisator.

• Parametrar i hydrogelmetoden, dvs. en metod baserad på konstruerad biofilm i

poloxamer, optimerades för testing av olika desinficeringsmedel. Resultaten
visade att en inkubering på 5 h av 100 µl hydrogel droppar ympade med
teststammar var det lämpligaste testmaterialet. Effekten av desinficeringsmedel
på biofilmbakterier kan optimeras med denna metod. Resultaten visade också
att de Gram-negativa bakterierna är mera motståndskraftiga mot desinfi-
ceringsmedel än Gram-positiva är. Det väteperoxidbaserade medlet visade sig
vara det mest effektiva mot de testade mikroberna.

Utveckling av detektions- och identifieringsmetoder för bestämning av

mikrobiologiska föroreningar på prosessytor, i råvaror, i luft, på förpacknings-
material och i slutprodukter bör få en fortsättning. Samarbetet inom mejerihygien
fortsätter nu i ett nätverksprojekt ”Dairynet – Hygiene control in dairy environ-
ment” som delvis finansieras av Nordisk Industrifond (P00027).


Testningen av ozon i CIP-rengöring och -desinficering gav resultat som påvisade

endast en liten minskning av mikrober. Den huvudsakliga orsaken för detta är
antagligen att man inte lyckades uppnå en effektiv, tillräckligt hög, koncentration
av ozon i CIP-systemet.

Även om ozonet i sig är ett effektivt medel vid desinficering finns det fortfarande
problem med att uppnå tillräckligt höga koncentrationer i CIP-systemet. CIP-
systemet i detta försöket var placerat för långt från ozon-generatorn. Ozonet bröts
ner när det var i kontakt med luft och därmed minskade dess effekt. För att man
skall kunna använda ozon bör man först få fram riktiga, tekniska lösningarna.



Bakteriologiska suspensionstester kan inte användas för jämförelse av

kommersiella desinficeringsmedel eller känsliga bakterier, dessa metoder bör
nämigen ge en hög avdödning för att de överhuvudtaget påvisar någon
desinficeringseffekt. Resultat av metoder som grundar sig på exponering av
biofilmbakterier och av bakterier i konstruerad biofilm (hydrogel) i desin-
ficeringsmedel gav information både om desinficeringsmedlens avdödande effekt
och om samverkan mellan desinficeringsmedlet och biofilmen.


I de utförda testerna kunde man märka skillnader mellan de olika desin-

fektionsmetoderna och också mellan de olika kemiska komponenterna. Ozon var
ineffektivt mot stressade mikrobceller, det hade bättre effekt på utväxta celler. I det
fall att mikroberna var livskraftigt växande var det rätt enkelt att avdöda cellerna.
Genom att optimera detta steg i metoden kan ozonet göras mera effektivt.
Resultaten visade också att det var viktigt att använda en tillräckligt hög
koncentration och tillräckligt lång kontakttid.

Ett desinficeringsmedel innehållande väteperoxid och perättiksyra var mera
effektivt än det tensid-baserade medlet vid dimning. Nya medel bör testas under
kontrollerade förhållanden med ytprover. Då ytprov utförs är det mycket viktigt att
känna till hur mikroberna uppför sig i olika förhållanden.


Resultaten av de utförda proven visade att ozonet inte var effektivt vid den utförda
ytdesinficeringen. I det fall att utrustningens kapacitet är tillräcklig och ytorna är
fria från organisk smuts kan dimdesinficering användas för avdödning av bakterier
på ytor. Det anbefalles att effektiviteten av desinficeringen övervakas i praktiska
applikationer och att man då använder sig av flera provställen per mätning.


Sporer och somliga resistenta vegetativa bakterier kan överleva desinficeringen

eftersom de byggt upp ett visst motstånd mot desinficeringsmedlet. Somliga
bakterier innehar en naturlig resistens, medan andra vänjer sig vid det använda
desinficeringsmedlet. Man märkte också att sporer eller biofilmbildande bakterier
inte alltid försvinner vid vanlig standard rengöring eller desinficering.


Ostformarna rengjordes med olika rengöringsmedel och -metoder och ytorna

analyserades därefter med olika metoder. Ingen av testmetoderna (protein-kit
Check Pro, ATP, svabbning, sköljning, UV-strålning, DEM och TTC-agar)
fungerade tillfredsställande vid detektering av smuts. TTC-agarmetoden och
sköljning fungerade bäst vid mätning av mikrobiell tillväxt. Dessa metoder gav
liknande och reproducerbara resultat. I pilotskaleförsöken gav kontaktagarmetoden
de säkraste resultaten. Det finns ett behov av att förbättra metoder med vilka
organiska rester kan detekteras, så att rengöringseffekten kan utvärderas. I
fullskaleförsöken visade de mikrobiologiska mätningarna att sköljvattnet var
kontaminerat med ett högt antal bakterier. Metoden kan alltså också användas för

att utvärdera kvaliteten i tillförselsystem ss. kvaliteten på ånga, vatten och


Huvudmålet med rengöring och desinficering i livsmedelsindustrin är att avlägsna

smuts och dålig lukt, och att avdöda de mikrober som finns kvar efter rengöringen.
Andra aspekter är ekonomi, miljöeffekt, säkerhet och korrosion. Livscykelanalysen
(LCA) är en användbar metod då man skall kontrollera den totala effekten av olika
CIP-metoder på miljön, från råvara till avloppshantering. Svagheter i LCA är
osäkerheten i värdering och karakterisering av miljömässig påverkan av enskilda
kemikalier ss. fosfater och tensider.

En praktisk tillämpning för evaluering av hur bra rengöringen fungerar finns

beskriven i kapitel 4.2. Följande punkter i proceduren föreslås: insamling av
skriftlig information, granskning av leverantörer, utvärdering av de funktionella
egenskaperna, praktisk evaluering samt en slutlig utvärdering baserad på alla
erhållna egenskaper.


Forskningsarbeidet i prosjekt P96049 i det andre NORDFOOD programmet ble
utført ved de nordiske forskningsinstituttene VTT Biotecnology, MATFORSK og
SIK samt ved universitetene i Helsinki og Reykjavik fra april 1997 til Januar 2000.
Meieriene som var involvert i prosjektet var Valio Ltd fra Finland, Arla fra Sverige
og TINE fra Norge. I tillegg deltok det teknokjemiske firmaet Suomen Unilever Oy
DiversyLever fra Finland. Dr. Gun Wirtanen, VTT Biotechnology koordinerte
prosjektet. Eksperimentene fokuserte på måle metoder i renhold av åpne og
lukkede systemer, for eksempel tåkelegging, ozonering, fotbad hygiene, vask av
osteformer og yoghurt linjer, utvikling av metoder for å teste effekten av
desinfeksjonsmidler, mikrobielle resistens fenomener, livs-syklus-analyser (LCA)
og evalueringsprosedyrer for funksjonaliteten av vaskeprosedyrer. Nye hygiene
løsninger basert på resultatene i prosjektet har blitt implementert i meieriene.
Funnene kan oppsummeres som følgende:

• Hovedfokus i det svenske prosjektet var å utvikle og evaluere praktiske

metoder for å måle effektivitet av vask og desinfeksjon. Metodene skulle
kunne benyttes på utstyrsoverflater brukt ved produksjon av ulike
meieriprodukter. Analysemetodene utvasking og TTC fungerte bra for å teste
rengjøring av oste former av plastikk. En 5-trinns metode for å evaluere vaske-
og desinfeksjonsløsninger ble utviklet ved Arla Foods.

• Bacillus cereus er en viktig målorganisme ved desinfeksjon av utstyr for

produksjon av konsumentmelk i de nordiske landene. Total antall Bacillus
sporer på faste overflater er en nyttig indikator for å måle effekten av
renholdet. Forbedrede deteksjonsmetoder for sporer som er festet til overflater
kan være basert på fluorescerende fargestoffer, indirekte immunofluorescens
og kvarts krystall mikrobalanse teknikker.

• Mer miljøvennlige vaske prosedyrer ved bruk av ozonert vann eller enzym
baserte vaskemidler ble utprøvd i et CIP-system. Ved disse metodene kan man
spare energikostnader i tillegg til mindre forurensing av miljø. Lovende
resultater med 90.0–99.9% reduksjon i sporetall ble oppnådd ved en
ozonkonsentrasjon på 0.1–0.3 ppm.
• Tåkelegging med desinfeksjonsmiddel og ozonering av luft er potensielle
metoder for desinfeksjon av luft og overflater. Det var imidlertid problemer
med eliminere bakterier på visse områder i rommet, slik som utsiden av rør,
gummislanger og tak. På disse områdene sitter mikrobene muligens fast i
underlaget og har er naturlig resistens eller utvikler høyere resistens mot
desinfeksjonsmidler. Resultatene vist at ozonering hadde liten effekt på
mikrober på overflater, spesielt når disse er tørket inn. Ytelsen til tåkeleggings-
utstyret må måles jevnlig for å sikre optimal desinfeksjon

• Resultatene av en spørreundersøkelse viste at desinfiserende fotbad er mye

brukt i norske meierier. Ved å kombinere praktisk informasjon med
laboratorieeksperimenter ble det laget retningslinjer for vedlikehold av fotbad.
Dette var nødvendig, fordi det ble påvist at mikroorganismer kan overleve og
vokse i fotbad. Den norske rapporten initierte en undersøkelse på Arla der den
mikrobielle statusen til fotbad ble undersøkt. Mikrobiell forurensning ble
funnet i alle fotbad testet, til og med når hypokloritt konsentrasjonen var
korrekt eller over det anbefalte nivået. På grunnlag av undersøkelsene ble det
anbefalt å skifte fottøy når man går inn i et område med høy hygiene fremfor å
bruke desinfiserende fotbad.

• Livs-syklus-analyse (LCA) på ulike CIP-metoder inkludert standart CIP med

lut fase, syre fase og hettvann og enzymatisk vask fulgt av syre behandling og
kjemisk desinfeksjon ble utført ved TINE. LCA analysen dekket alle
miljøaspekter inkludert transport og effekter på utslipp. I LCA blir alle
potensielle miljøeffekter til hvert utslipp vurdert ut fra ’worst-case’ prinsippet.
LCA bidrar med nødvendig informasjon for å velge beste CIP-metode, selv om
en rekke antagelser og forbehold må brukes. I denne studien ble enzym basert
vask vurdert som mest miljøvennlig, hovedsakelig på grunn av lave
konsentrasjoner og lav temperatur.

• Målet med prosjektet på renhold i yoghurt fermenteringslinjer var å isolere

forringelsesmikrober og termofile bakterier fra prosesslinjen og å finne
passende vaskemidler for overflater tilsmusset med yoghurt. Ulike kombi-
nasjoner av vaskemidler ble testet ut i pilotskala ved bruk av isolater fra
yoghurt og prosesslinje som var påbrent rustfritt stål. Best vaske-effekt på
overflater med påbrent melk ble oppnådd ved en to-fase prosess med chelator-
basert lut.

• Det ble utført uttesting av vask av osteformer i pilot- og full skala forsøk.
Strukturen til osteformer i plast er kompleks, med lange, trange, koniske
kanaler. Ultralyd viste seg å være en god metode for å vaske osteformer.
Renheten til osteformene etter vask i pilotskala og under prosessering ble målt
ved ulike metoder og dipslide teknikken var den mest praktiske metoden for å
finne mikrobiell forurensing. I industriell skala var måling av pH beste metode
for å bestemme om vaskeprosedyren fungerte. Kjemisk oksygen behov (COD)
metoden og EDTA målinger var nyttige for å bestemme organisk belastning av

• I forsøk for å utvikle nye miljøvennlige vaskemidler basert på enzymer ble det
renset proteinase prøver (for eksempel cryotin fra torsk, trypsin fra antarktisk
krill og chymotrypsin fra torsk) på Universitetet på Island. En mikrotiter plate
metode med fluorometriske, kolorimetriske og turbidometriske målinger av
effektiviteten av de enzymatiske vaskemidlene på Bacillus biofilmer ble
utviklet. En metode basert på fluorogeniske redoks indikatorer (for eksempel
resazurin) ble brukt for å evaluere effekt av enzymvask av biofilmer med
melkesyrebakterier, Escherichia coli, og Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Proteinase
prøvene fjernet biofilmer i fravær av melk.

• For å evaluere effekten av skjærkrefter (0.024–0.53 m/s) av desinfeksjons-

løsninger på løsrivelse av P. aeruginosa biofilmer ble det brukt en konsentrisk
sylinder reaktor (CCR). Resultatene viste av CCR kan brukes for å skille
mellom desinfeksjons- og vaskeeffekt for ulike desinfeksjonsmidler. I måling
av effekten av desinfeksjonsmidler kan måling av impedans brukes for å
evaluere overflate sterilitet fordi få, adapterte, hurtigvoksende celler på samme
måte som store mengder kjemisk eksponerte celler kan forandre
konduktiviteten eller kapasitansen til væsken. Viabilitet og totaltall celler
kunne bestemmes ved hjelp av farge prosedyrer. Oppdyrking var ikke en
passende metode for å måle veletablerte biofilmer på overflater fordi cellene
ofte satt så godt festet til overflaten at man ikke fikk dem løs med svabring.

• 1-N-phenyl-naphtylamine (NPN) opptak kan måles spektrofotometrisk og

brukes for å evaluere permeabilisering av både Gram-negative og Gram-
positive celler. Gram-positive celler har ikke en beskyttende ytre cellemembran
og NPN har fri tilgang til den indre membranen. Resultatene av uttesting av
NPN-metoden for å se på permeabilisering av bakterier med chelatorer og PEI

viste at sensitiviteten for permeabiliserende stoffer varierer meget mellom
arter. Resultatene viste også at sitronsyre var en effektiv permeabilisator mens
natrium sitrat virket dårligere.

• Parametere i metoden basert på hydrogeler (for eksempel biofilm konstrukter

av poloxamer) ble optimalisert ved bruk av ulike desinfeksjonsmidler.
Resultatene viste at 5 timer inkubering av 100 µl inokulerte dråper var beste
test matriks. Effekten av desinfeksjonsmidler på biofilm bakterier kan
optimaliseres ved denne metoden. Resultatene viste at Gram-negative bakterier
er mer resistente mot desinfeksjon enn Gram-positive. Middelet basert på
hydrogen peroksid viste seg å være det mest effektive mot mikrobene som ble

Utvikling av deteksjons- og identifiseringsmetoder for å bestemme mikrobiell

forurensing på prosess utstyr, råvarer, luft, pakkematerialer og i sluttprodukter bør
fortsette. Samarbeidet innen meieri hygiene vil fortsette i et nettverk prosjekt
”Dairynet – Hygiene control in dairy environment” finansiert av Nordisk
Industrifond (P00027).


Testene for bruk av ozon ved CIP-rengjøring og desinfeksjon ga dårlige resultater

mht reduksjon av mikrober. Hovedgrunnen for dette er antakelig at man mislyktes i
å oppnå en effektiv ozon konsentrasjon i CIP-systemet.

Selv om ozon er betraktet som et effektivt middel for desinfeksjon er det fortsatt
problemer med å få til konsentrasjoner som er høye nok til CIP-systemet. CIP-
systemet i dette forsøket var plassert for langt unna ozon-generatoren. Ozonen ble
dekomponert når den kom i kontakt med luft og dermed ble effektiviteten av
ozonet redusert. For at man skal kunne bruke ozon må de tekniske løsningene på
plass først.


Bakteriologiske suspensjonstester kan ikke bli brukt for å sammenlikne

kommersielle desinfeksjonsmidler eller sensitive bakteriearter. Metoder som
baserer seg på å eksponere bakterier dyrket som biofilm og bakterier i
biofilmkonstrukter for desinfeksjonsmidler ga sammenliknbare resultater og
informasjon om den bakteriedrepende effekten og interaksjoner mellom
desinfeksjonsmidlene og biofilm-matriksen.


I de utførte testene er det forskjeller mellom de ulike desinfeksjonsmetodene og

også mellom de ulike kjemiske komponentene. Ozon viste seg å ikke være så
effektivt for stressede mikrober som det var på bakterier i vekst. Der mikrobene var
i en levedyktig og voksende fase ble de drept ganske enkelt. Bedre utnyttelse
/optimalisering av denne metoden kan gjøre ozon mer effektivt. Testene viste også
at det var viktig med høy konsentrasjon og lang nok kontakttid.

Desinfeksjonsmidler med hydrogenperoksyd og pereddiksyre var mer effektive enn

tensid-baserte midler for tåkelegging. Det er behov for å teste nye midler under
kontrollerte betingelser. Disse testene bør baseres på overflatetesting. Ved utførelse
av overflatetester er det veldig viktig å kjenne mikrobenes oppførsel under de ulike
omgivelser og situasjoner.


Effektiviteten av overflatedesinfeksjon med ozon er ikke god. Dersom kapasiteten

på utstyret er tilstrekkelig og overflatene rene kan tåkedesinfeksjon brukes til å
fjerne bakterier fra overflater. Det er anbefalt at effektiviteten av praktisk
desinfeksjon skal overvåkes jevnlig ved bruk av mange nok prøveuttakssteder.


Sporer og enkelte resistente vegetative bakterier kan overleve desinfeksjon fordi de

bygger opp resistens mot desinfeksjonsmidler. Noen bakterier er naturlig resistente,
mens andre tilpasser det desinfeksjonsmidlet som brukes. Det ble også funnet at
sporer eller biofilmdannende bakterier ikke forsvinner under standard rengjørings-
eller desinfeksjonsprosedyrer.


Ostformer ble vasket med ulike midler og metoder og deretter analysert vha ulike
metoder. Ingen av testmetodene (protein-kit Check Pro, ATP, svabring, skylling,
UV-bestråling, DEM og TTC-agar) fungerte bra for å detektere smuss. TTC-agaren
og skylling var de metodene som virket best for deteksjon av mikrobiell vekst.
Disse metodene ga sammenliknbare og reproduserbare resultater. I pilot-forsøkene
ga kontakt-agaren de sikreste resultatene. Det er behov for forbedring av metoder
der nivået av organiske rester kan detekteres, slik at vaske-effekt kan evalueres. I
full-skala forsøket viste de mikrobielle testene at rensevannet var kontaminert med
et høyt antall bakterier. Metoden kan altså også brukes for å vurdere kvaliteten på


Hovedmålet med vask og desinfeksjon i matvareindustrien er å fjerne smuss og

dårlig lukt, og å drepe de mikrobene som fortsatt måtte være tilstede etter vask.
Andre aspekter er økonomi, miljøeffekt, sikkerhet og rust. Livssyklus-analyse er en
nyttig metode dersom man skal se på total innvirking på miljø for ulike CIP-
metoder, fra råvare til avløpshåndtering. Svakheten med LCA i denne
sammenhengen er usikkerheten i verdier og karakterisering av miljømessig
påvirkning for enkelte kjemikalier, som f eks fosfater og tensider.

En praktisk vinkling for å evaluere funksjonaliteten av vasking er beskrevet i punkt

4.2. Følgende punkter er foreslått; innsamling av skriftlig informasjon,
gjennomgang av leverandør, bestemmelse av funksjonelle egenskaper, praktisk
evaluering og endelig bedømmelse.



Tutkimustyö NORDFOOD II -ohjelmaan kuuluvassa projektissa P96049 tehtiin
pohjoismaisissa tutkimuslaitoksissa; VTT Biotekniikassa, MATFORSK:issa ja
SIK:ssä sekä Helsingin ja Reykjavikin yliopistoissa huhtikuun 1997 ja tammikuun
2000 välisenä aikana. Projektissa oli mukana kolme meijeriä: Valio Suomesta, Arla
Ruotsista ja TINE Norjasta sekä teknokemian yritys Suomen Unilever Oy
DiverseyLever Suomesta. Gun Wirtanen VTT Biotekniikasta toimi projektin
koordinaattorina. Nordic Industrial Fundin yhdyshenkilöinä toimivat Maija Uusisuo
ja Oddur Gunnarsson. Tutkimukset keskittyivät avointen ja suljettujen järjestelmien
puhdistusmenetelmiin liittyviin aiheisiin, kuten sumutusdesinfiointiin, otsonointiin,
jalkineiden desinfiointialtaiden hygieniaan, juustomuottien ja jogurttiprosessin
pastöörien puhdistamiseen sekä desinfiointiaineiden tehokkuuden testausmene-
telmien kehittämiseen, mikrobien desinfiointiaineresistenttisyyden määrittämiseen,
life cycle assessment (LCA) -elinkaarianalyysin laadintaan ja puhdistusohjelmien
toimivuuden arviointiin. Saatujen tulosten perusteella kehitettyjä hygieniaa
parantavia toimintatapoja on otettu käyttöön meijereissä. Yhteenvetona projektin
tutkimustuloksista voidaan mainita seuraavaa:

• Ruotsissa tärkeimpänä tutkimusaiheena oli kehittää ja arvioida käytännöllisiä

puhdistus- ja desinfiointitehokkuuden määritysmenetelmiä. Käytettävien
menetelmien on sovelluttava erityyppisten meijerituotteiden valmistukseen
käytettävien laitteiden pinnoilta tehtäviin määrityksiin. Käytetyt analysointi-
menetelmät, viljely huuhtelemalla otetusta näytteestä ja kontaktiviljely TTC-
väriainetta sisältävällä agarilla, soveltuivat hyvin muovisten juustomuottien
puhdistuvuuden testaamiseen. Osana tutkimusta valmisteltiin Arla Foodsissa 5-
vaiheinen menetelmä puhdistuksen toimivuuden arvioimiseksi.

• Tuotettaessa pohjoismaisille kuluttajille maitotuotteita on Bacillus cereus

-bakteerimäärien seuranta tärkeässä osassa. Pinnalle jääneiden Bacillus-itiöiden
määrä on käyttökelpoinen indikaattori määritettäessä puhdistuksen ja
desinfioinnin tehokkuutta. Pintaan kiinnittyneiden itiöiden määrittämiseen
voidaan käyttää uusia menetelmiä, jotka perustuvat fluoresoivien väriaineiden
käyttöön, epäsuoraan vasta-ainefluoresenssiin ja kvartsikristallimikro-
• Projektissa tutkittiin ympäristöystävällisempiä puhdistusmenetelmiä, jotka
perustuvat otsonoidun veden ja entsyymipohjaisten pesuaineiden käyttöön CIP-
pesuissa. Energiasäästöjä saavutettiin käyttämällä alhaisempia pesulämpötiloja.
Käytettäessä otsonikonsentraatioita 0,1–0,3 ppm saatiin lupaavia tuloksia,
joiden mukaan itiömäärät vähenivät otsonoinnilla 1–3 logaritmiyksikköä.

• Sumutusdesinfiointi erityyppisillä desinfiointiaineilla, otsoni mukaan luettuna,

on potentiaalinen menetelmä tuotanto- ja varastointitilojen desinfiointiin.
Putkilinjojen ulkopinnat, muoviletkut, katot ja muut hankalasti tavoitettavat
paikat ovat kuitenkin edelleen ongelma-alueita. Näille ongelmapinnoille voi
kiinnittyä mikrobeja, jotka sopeutuvat desinfiointiaineeseen muodostaen
resistenttikantoja, sillä näillä raja-alueilla desinfiointiaineen konsentraatiot ovat
mahdollisesti laimeampia kuin pääasiallisessa pesukohteessa. Tulosten mukaan
otsoni ei tehoa niin hyvin kuivassa ympäristössä oleviin mikrobeihin kuin
kosteassa ympäristössä oleviin mikrobeihin. Sumutusyksikön toimivuutta pitää
tarkkailla säännöllisesti optimaalisen desinfioinnin varmistamiseksi.

• Kyselyn perusteella jalkineiden desinfiointialtaat ovat laajassa käytössä

norjalaisissa meijereissä. Tarkoituksena oli laatia jalkineiden desinfiointi-
altaiden hoito-ohjeistus käytännön kokemuksista ja laboratoriotutkimuksista
saatujen tietojen perusteella. Hoito-ohjeita selvästikin tarvitaan, sillä on
todettu, että jalkineiden desinfiointialtaiden käytön seurauksena muodostuu
resistenttejä mikrobikantoja, jotka lisääntyvät ja leviävät tehdasympäristöön.
Norjalainen raportti sai alkunsa Arla Foodsissa tehdyistä jalkineiden
desinfiointialtaiden mikrobitilanteen kartoituksesta. Mikrobeja löydettiin
kaikista tutkituista jalkineiden desinfiointialtaista, vaikka käytetyt natrium-
hydroksidikonsentraatiot olivat yleisesti ottaen suositellulla tasolla tai sen yli.
Saatujen tulosten perusteella suositellaan jalkineiden vaihtoa siirryttäessä
korkean hygienian alueelle jalkineiden desinfiointialtaiden käytön sijasta.

• TINEssä tehtiin LCA-elinkaarianalyysi erilaisista CIP-menetelmistä, joita

olivat normaali CIP-menetelmä lipeä-, happo- ja lämpödesinfiointikäsittelyillä
sekä CIP-menetelmä entsymaattisella pesu-, happo- ja kemikaalikäsittelyllä.
LCA kattoi kaikki ympäristönäkökulmat mukaan lukien kuljetukset ja
jätevedenkäsittelyt. LCA-elinkaarianalyysissä jokaisen vaiheen kaikki poten-
tiaaliset ympäristövaikutukset huomioitiin ”pahin mahdollinen tapaus”
-periaatteella. LCA-elinkaarianalyysistä saatiin parhaan CIP-menetelmän

valintaan tarvittavat tiedot, vaikkakin arviossa oli tehty useita oletuksia ja
rajoituksia. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan entsyymipohjainen CIP osoittautui
parhaaksi menetelmäksi, koska siinä käytetyt konsentraatiot olivat pieniä ja
lämpötilat alhaisia.

• Jogurtin kypsytyslinjan puhdistuvuustutkimusten tarkoituksena oli eristää

jogurttiprosessista haitallisia pilaajamikrobeja, mahdollisesti myös lämpö-
kestoisia bakteereita, ja löytää sopivat pesuaineet jogurttisten prosessipintojen
puhdistukseen. Pilottimittakaavan pesukokeissa prosessista eristettyjä haitta-
mikrobeja sisältävää jogurttimaitoa poltettiin ruostumattomalle teräspinnalle
kuuman höyryn avulla ja näitä testipintoja käytettiin erilaisten pesuaine-
yhdistelmien vertailuun. Tutkimusten mukaan paras lopputulos pinnalle
kiinnipalaneen maitolian poistoon saatiin kaksivaiheisella pesuohjelmalla,
jossa käytettiin kelatointiainetta sisältävää natriumhydroksidia.

• Juustomuottien hygieniaa tutkittiin pilotti- ja prosessimittakaavoissa.

Muovisten juustomuottien rakenne on puhdistuksen kannalta vaikea, koska
muotissa on paljon kapeita ja pitkiä reikiä. Ultraäänipesuprosessi osoittautui
tehokkaaksi menetelmäksi juustomuotin reikien puhdistukseen. Juustomuottien
puhtaus pilotti- ja prosessimittakaavojen pesujen jälkeen määritettiin
erityyppisillä menetelmillä, joista kontaktiagartekniikka osoittautui
käytännöllisimmäksi mikrobien määritysmenetelmäksi. Teollisuusmittakaavan
kokeissa pH-arvon seuraaminen osoittautui käytännölliseksi menetelmäksi
pesuohjelman toimivuuden varmistuksessa. Kemiallinen hapenkulutus (COD)
sekä etyleenidiamiinitetraetikkahappo (EDTA) -määritykset osoittautuivat
käyttökelpoisiksi pesuveden orgaanisen likaantumisen seurantamenetelmiksi.

• Islannin yliopistossa kehiteltiin uusia ympäristöystävällisiä pesuaineita

käyttämällä kaloista eristettyjä entsyymejä, kuten turskasta eristettyä kryotiinia,
äyriäisplanktonista (Euphausia superba) eristettyä trypsiiniä ja turskasta
eristettyä kymotrypsiiniä. Näiden entsyymien pesutehoa Bacillus-biofilmien
poistoon tutkittiin mikrotiitterilevyissä sovelluksilla, jotka perustuvat
fluorometriaan, kalorimetriaan ja turbidometriaan. Entsymaattisten puhdistus-
ohjelmien arviointiin käytettiin fluorogeenisiin hapetusindikaattoreihin, kuten
resatsuriiniin, perustuvia spesifisiä ja herkkiä menetelmiä. Testibiofilmeinä
näissä kokeissa käytettiin maitohappobakteerien, Escherichia colin ja
Pseudomonas aeruginosan, muodostamia biofilmejä. Tutkituista aineista

proteaasia sisältävät aineet olivat tehokkaita maitolikaa sisältämättömien
biofilmien poistoon.

• CCR (concentric cylinder reactor, keskiösylinterireaktori) -laitteistoa käytettiin

arvioitaessa pesuliuosten virtausvoimien (0,024–0,53 m/s) vaikutusta
Pseudomonas aeruginosa -biofilmin pinnoilla pysymiseen ja irtoamiseen.
Tulosten mukaan CCR:ää voidaan käyttää erottamaan erityyppisten
desinfiointiaineiden biosidiset vaikutukset ja puhdistavuusvaikutukset.
Arvioitaessa desinfiointiaineiden tehokkuutta pintojen desinfiointiin voidaan
sovelletusti käyttää impedanssimenetelmää, koska muutamat, lujasti
kiinnittyneet nopeakasvuiset solut tai kemikaaleilla käsitellyt suuret
solupopulaatiot saavat aikaan muutoksia kasvatusliuoksen konduktanssi- ja
kapasitanssiarvoissa. Erilaisten värjäystekniikoiden avulla voidaan määrittää
pinnoilla olevien mikrobisolujen elävyys sekä kokonaislukumäärä. Viljely-
menetelmä ei sovellu paksun biofilmin määrittämiseen, koska solut ovat
mahdollisesti kiinnittyneet lujasti pintamateriaaliin eikä kaikkia soluja siten
saada irrotettua vanutupolla määrityksiin.

• Kemikaalien tunkeutumista Gram-negatiivisten ja Gram-positiivisten bak-

teerien soluseinämien läpi voidaan määrittää 1-N-fenyyli-naftyyliamiinin
(NPN) läpäisyyn perustuen spektrofotometrilla. Gram-positiivisilla soluilla ei
ole suojaavaa ulkomembraania (outer membrane, OM), joten NPN:n pääsy
sytoplasmamembraaniin on helpompaa. NPN-altistusmenetelmän tulokset
kelatoivien aineiden ja PEI:n tunkeutuvuudesta bakteerisoluihin osoittivat, että
ulkomembraanin läpäisyherkkyys vaihteli merkittävästi bakteerilajien välillä.
Sitruunahappo osoittautui usein tehokkaaksi soluseinän läpäisijäaineeksi, kun
taas natriumsitraatti oli huomattavasti heikompi aine.

• Desinfiointiaineiden tehon määrittämiseen on kehitelty hydrogeelin

(poloxamerista tehty keinotekoinen biofilmirakenne) käyttöön perustuva
menetelmä, jonka parametreja optimoitiin usean erityyppisen desinfiointi-
aineen avulla. Tulosten mukaan 5 tunnin inkubointiaika mikrobeja sisältäville
100 µl hydrogeelipisaroille oli paras testimatriisi. Tätä menetelmää voidaan
käyttää määritettäessä desinfiointiaineiden tehoa biofilmissä oleviin
bakteereihin. Saatujen tulosten mukaan Gram-negatiiviset bakteerit ovat
vastustuskykyisempiä desinfiointiainekäsittelyille kuin Gram-positiiviset bak-

teerit. Vetyperoksidipohjaiset desinfiointiaineet tehosivat useimpiin tutkittuihin

Prosessilaitepinnoilta, raaka-aineista, prosessi-ilmasta, pakkausmateriaalista sekä

lopputuotteesta tehtävien mikrobien määritys- ja tunnistusmenetelmiä on
kehitettävä edelleen. Pohjoismaissa meijerihygieniaan liittyvä yhteistyö jatkuu
Nordic Industrial Fundin rahoittamassa verkostoprojektissa ”DairyNET – Hygiene
control in dairy environment” (P00027).


Otsonin käytöllä ei saatu vähennettyä mikrobeja CIP-pesuissa ja -esinfioinnissa.

Suurin ongelma oli saada tarpeeksi vahva otsonikonsentraatio CIP-järjestelmään.
Tutkimuksessa käytetyssä koejärjestelmässä otsonigeneraattori oli liian kaukana
CIP-järjestelmästä. Otsoni pääsi reagoimaan ilman kanssa, ja näin ollen
otsonoinnin teho väheni. Jotta otsonoinnin käyttö onnistuisi, on ensin ratkaistava
tekniset ongelmat.



Bakteerisuspensiotestit eivät sovellu desinfiointiaineiden vertailuun eivätkä herkillä

bakteerikannoilla tehtäviin vertailuihin. Biofilmibakteerien ja biofilminomaiseen
rakenteeseen laitettujen bakteerien käyttöön perustuvat desinfiointiainetestit
antoivat vertailukelpoisia tuloksia sekä bakterisidisistä tehoista että desinfiointi-
aineen ja biofilmin välisistä vuorovaikutuksista.


Suoritetuissa tutkimuksissa oli eroja erilaisten desinfiointimenetelmien välillä sekä

erilaisten kemikaalien välillä. Otsoni ei ollut niin tehokasta stressattuihin
mikrobeihin kuin kasvuvaiheessa oleviin mikrobeihin. Elävät ja kasvuvaiheessa

olevat mikrobit olivat helposti tuhottavissa. Tätä vaihetta hyväksikäyttäen voitai-
siin otsonointi saada tehokkaammaksi. Tutkimusten mukaan on myös tärkeää
käyttää suurta konsentraatiota ja tarpeeksi pitkää vaikutusaikaa.

Sumutusdesinfiointi vetyperoksidi- ja peretikkahappopohjaisilla desinfiointiaineilla

oli tehokasta. Sumutusdesinfiointi tensidipitoisilla aineilla ei ollut tehokasta.
Uusien desinfiointiaineiden tehon testaukseen tarvitaan testausjärjestelmä, jonka
pitäisi perustua pintatestien käyttöön. Pintatestejä tehtäessä on tärkeää tietää
tutkimuksessa käytettyjen mikrobien käyttäytyminen erilaisissa ympäristöissä ja


Otsonin tehokkuus pintojen desinfiointiin ei ole hyvä. Sumutusdesinfiointia

voidaan käyttää bakteerien tuhoamiseen pinnoilta, mikäli pinnat ovat puhtaita ja
sumutuslaitteiston kapasiteetti on riittävä. Desinfioinnin tehokkuuden säännöllistä
seurantaa todellisessa käyttöympäristössä suositellaan tehtäväksi käyttäen tarpeeksi
monta näytteenottopaikkaa.


Itiöt sekä resistentit vegetatiiviset bakteerit voivat säilyä hengissä desinfiointi-

käsittelystä, jos niille on kehittynyt vastustuskyky käytettävälle desinfiointiaineelle.
Toiset bakteerit voivat kehittää vastustuskyvyn useita eri desinfiointiaineita
vastaan, kun taas toiset bakteerit voivat olla resistenttejä pelkästään sille
desinfiointiaineelle, jota on käytetty ja johon bakteerit ovat totuttautuneet.
Tutkimuksissa todettiin myös, että biofilmejä muodostaneet bakteerit ja itiöt eivät
tuhoutuneet normaaleilla puhdistus- ja desinfiointiohjelmilla.


Juustomuotit pestiin käyttäen erityyppisiä pesuaineita sekä erilaisia pesu-

menetelmiä. Pesutulosta analysoitiin seuraavilla menetelmillä: valkuaisaine-
jäämätesti Check Pro, ATP:n määritys luminometrillä, viljely vanutupolla otetusta

näytteestä, viljely huuhtelemalla otetusta näytteestä, visuaalinen tarkastelu UV-
valolla, värjätyn pinnan tutkiminen epifluoresenssimikroskoopilla (DEM) sekä
kontaktiviljely TTC-väriainetta sisältävällä agarilla. Mikään käytetyistä mene-
telmistä ei pystynyt määrittämään pinnalla ollutta likaa hyvin. TTC-agar- ja
huuhtelumenetelmä olivat luotettavimmat menetelmät mikrobikasvun määrittä-
miseen. Näillä menetelmillä saatiin keskenään yhteneviä ja toistettavia tuloksia.
Pilottimittakaavan kokeissa saatiin luotettavimmat tulokset kontaktiagar-
menetelmällä. Jotta varsinaista puhdistuksen tehokkuutta pystyttäisiin arvioimaan,
on tarpeen kehittää menetelmiä orgaanisten jäämätasojen määritykseen.
Teollisuusmittakaavan kokeissa mikrobiologiset testit osoittivat, että huuhteluvesi
oli saastunut ja sisälsi runsaasti bakteereita. Täten todettiin, että tutkittuja
menetelmiä voidaan käyttää myös arvioitaessa ylläpitojärjestelmiin kuuluvia
osioita, kuten pesuaineiden tehokkuuksia.


Elintarviketeollisuudessa puhdistuksen ja desinfioinnin pääasiallisena tarkoi-

tuksena on lian ja likakerrostumien poisto sekä puhdistetuille pinnoille
mahdollisesti jääneiden mikrobien tuhoaminen. Muita puhdistukseen liittyviä
huomionarvoisia tekijöitä ovat taloudellisuus, ympäristövaikutukset, turvallisuus ja
ruostuminen. Life cycle analysis – LCA eli elinkaarianalyysi (4.1) on käyttö-
kelpoinen menetelmä arvioitaessa erityyppisten CIP-pesumenetelmien ympäristö-
vaikutuksia ja se kattaa kaikki vaiheet raaka-aineista jätteidenkäsittelyyn. LCA:n
heikkous näissä puitteissa oli epävarmuudet tiettyjen kemikaalien, kuten fosfaattien
ja tensidien, ympäristövaikutuksien luonnehdinnassa ja arvioinnissa.

Kohdassa 4.2 kuvataan käytännön sovellus puhdistuksen toimivuuden arviointiin.

Suositellut vaiheet ovat kirjoitetun tiedon arviointi, tavarantoimittajien auditointi,
toiminnallisten ominaisuuksien arviointi ja pesutuloksen arviointi käytännön
tasolla sekä ympäristövaikutukset, toimintaominaisuudet ja taloudelliset tekijät
huomioiva loppupäättely.


Rannsóknarvinnan i verkefninu P96049 í öðrum hluta NORDFOOD verkefnisins
var unnin af háskólum, opinberum stofnunum og fyrirtækjum á Norðurlöndunum.
Aðilarnir sem um ræðir eru VTT Biotechnology, Valio Ltd, Suomen Unilever Oy
DiverseyLever og Háskólinn í Helsinki (Finnlandi), Matforsk og TINE (Noregi),
SIK og ARLA (Sviþjóð) og Háskóli Íslands (Íslandi). Verkefnið stóð yfir frá
apríl 1997 til janúar 2000 og var dr. Gun Wirtanen frá VTT Biotechnology
yfirumsjónarmaður verkefnisins. Yfirstjórn þessa verkefnis að hálfu norræna
Iðnaðarsjóðsins voru Maija Uusisuo og Oddur Gunnarsson. Tilraunir sem voru
framkvæmdar í verkefninu beindust einna helst að því að athuga þær aðferðir sem
notaðar eru við þrif og sótthreinsun á opnum og lokuðum kerfum. Má þar t.d. nefna
þokuúðun, ósoneringu, notkun sótthreinsimotta, hreinsun á gerilsneyðingartækjum,
þróun á aðferðum til að meta virkni sótthreinsiefna, þolni örvera gegn
sótthreinsiefnum, líftímaákvörðun (LCA) og þróun á aðferðum sem meta árangur
þrifa og sótthreinsunar í mjólkursamlögum. Út frá þeim niðurstöðum fengist hafa í
verkefninu hefur verið breytt um aðferðir hvað varðar hreinsunarferli í
mjólkursamlögum. Helstu niðurstöður verkefnisins eru raktar hér á eftir:

• Meginverkefni í sænsku rannsóknarvinnunni var að þróa og meta hentugar

aðferðir til að mæla virkni þvotta- og sótthreinsaðferða. Þessar aðferðir eiga að
vera hentugar til að meta yfirborð tækja sem eru notuð til framleiðslu á
margvíslegum mjólkurafurðum. Tvær aðferðir virkuðu best við sótthreinsun á
ostaformum, s.k. úthreinsun (washing out) og s.k. TTC- aðferð. Báðar
aðferðirnar byggjast á að mæla virkni sótthreinsunar og dauðatíðni örvera. Einn
hluti í þessari vinnu var unnin af Arla Foods og fólst í því að útbúa 5 þátta
aðferð til þess að meta virkni þvotta- og sótthreinsiefna.

• Bacillus cereus er mikilvæg baktería í sambandi við framleiðslu á neyslumjólk

á Norðurlöndunum. Heildarfjöldi gróa sem finnast á vinnsluflötum eftir þvott
og sótthreinsun er góður mælikvarði á virkni hreinsunarinnar. Betri
greiningaraðferðir á gróum sem loða við yfirborð má fá með litarefnum og
óbeinum ónæmisljósnemum.
• Umhverfisvænni aðferðir, sem byggjast á ósóneruðu vatni og efnum sem
innihalda ensím sem eru notuð í lokuðum kerfum (CIP), voru rannsakaðar.
Orkunotkun mætti síðan minnka með því að nota lægra hitastig. Niðurstöður
sýna 1–3 Log eininga fækkun á gróum með því að nota 0.1–0.3 ppm osón

• Þokuúðun með mismunandi efnum sem innihalda osón er aðferð sem er oft
notuð til þess að sótthreinsa framleiðslu- og geymslurými. Það er hins vegar
erfitt að ganga úr skugga um að efnið nái til allra svæða eins og t.d. á yfirborð
pípulagna, á gúmmípakkningar og á loft. Á þessum stöðum eru oft bakteríur
sem eru búnar að koma sér fyrir (biofilmur) og eru orðnar þolnar gegn þeim
efnum sem eru notuð. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að osón er ekki eins virkt gegn
örverum á þurrum stöðum. Einnig þarf að hafa stöðugt eftirlit með virkni

• Notkun sótthreinsimotta er útbreidd í mjólkursamlögum í Noregi. Markmiðið

var að tengja saman hagnýta þekkingu og niðurstöður rannsókna til þess að
þróa og búa til leiðbeiningar varðandi notkun á sótthreinsimottum í
matvælavinnslu. Slíkar leiðbeiningar eru augljóslega nauðsynlegar vegna þess
að það er ljóst að þolnar bakteríur lifa af, vaxa og dreifast í slíkum
sótthreisimottum. Norska rannsóknarskýrslan byrjar á að greina frá tilraun hjá
Arla Foods þar sem örverufræðilegt ástand sótthreinsimotta var kannað.
Örverumengun fannst í öllum sótthreinsimottum, jafnvel þótt klórmagnið í
þeim var rétt eða jafnvel hærra en þau gildi sem teljast eðlileg notkunargildi.
Niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar leiddu til að mælst var til þess að skipta um
fótbúnað í stað þess að nota sótthreinsimottur þegar farið er inn á hrein

• Líftímagreining (LCA) á mörgum CIP-aðferðum, þ.á.m. stöðluðum aðferðum

með basískum fasa, sýrufasa og hitameðferð og ensímhreinsun, auk
sýrumeðferðar og sótthreinsunar með efnum var framkvæmt hjá TINE.
Líftímagreiningin náði yfir alla umhverfisfræðilega þætti, sem og flutning og
áhrif á úrgangsvatn. Í líftímagreiningu eru öll hugsanleg umhverfisfræðileg
áhrif teknin til athugunar með það í huga að um sé að ræða að það versta geti
komið fyrir (worst case principle). Líftímagreiningar gefa nauðsynlegar
upplýsingar til þess að velja bestu CIP-hreinsiaðferðina. Í þessari rannsókn

kom í ljós að CIP-hreinsun með ensímum gaf bestu niðurstöðuna vegna þess að
ensímin eru notuð í mjög litlu magni og við lágt hitastig.

• Markmiðið með hreinlætisrannsókn á vinnslulínu við framleiðslu á jógúrt var

að einangra skemmdarörverur, hugsanlega hitakærar bakteríur úr fram-
leiðslunni og að finna hentugt hreinsiefni til þess að nota á yfirborð þeirra
tækja sem notuð eru í framleiðslunni. Í pilot skala tilraunum með margvísleg
sótthreinsiefni var mjólkin, sem nota átti til jógúrtframleiðslu, og bakteríur sem
notaðar eru í framleiðsluferlinu fest með hitameðhöndlun á yfirborð úr ryðfríu
stáli. Síðan voru gerðar tilraunir með það hvernig best væri að hreinsa efnin í
burtu og sótthreinsa yfirborðið. Í ljós kom að best var að nota tveggja fasa
hreinsikerfi þar sem notuð voru útfellingarefni og þvottaefni sem innihalda
hydroxýl efni.

• Rannsóknirnar á hreinsun ostaforma var bæði gerð í pilot skala og í fullum

skala. Byggingin á plastefninu sem ostaformin eru búin til úr er mjög flókin,
með löngum þröngum kónískum göngum (við losun á mysunni).
Últrahljóðbylgjur reyndist vera besta aðferðin til þess að hreinsa þessi göng.
Fylgst var með hversu vel hreinsunin tókst, bæði í pilot skala og í fullum skala,
með margvíslegum aðferðum. Aðferð sem kallast ”Dipslide” aðferðin reyndist
vera best til þess fallin að greina örverufræðilega mengun. Í iðnaðarskala
reyndist mæling á sýrustigi vera góður mælikvarði á hvort hreinsun hefði
tekist. Með því að mæla COD og ethylene diamine tetracetic sýru (EDTA) var
hægt að fylgjast með lífrænni mengun í hreinsivatninu.

• Við Háskóla Íslands fóru fram tilraunir til þess að þróa ný umhverfisvæn
þvottaefni til að hreinsa próteinmengaða fleti (sýni). Sem dæmi um þau efni
sem athuguð voru má t.d. nefna cryotín og chymotrysín úr þorski og trypsín úr
uppsjávarfiskum. Þróuð var örtítrunaraðferð sem er byggð á flúoriserandi
mælingum, ljósmælingum og þéttnimælingum til þess að athuga virkni þessara
ensíma á Bacillus biofilmur. Aðferð til þess að meta sérhæfni og næmni ensíma
á biofilmur annarra baktería (mjólkursýrubaktería, Eschericia coli, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa) byggðist á flúoriserandi afoxunar indikatorum, eins og t.d.
resazurin. Þeir próteasar sem voru prófaðir reyndust mjög vel til þess að
hreinsa biofilmur sem innihéldu ekki mjólkurleifar.

• Til þess að meta áhrif eiginleika sótthreinsilausna á P. aeruginosa biofilmur
var s.k ”concentric cylinder reactor (CCR) notaður. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að
CCR má nota til þess að greina á milli bakteríudrepandi þvottaáhrifa
mismunandi sótthreinsiefna. Til þess að athuga virkni sóthreinsiefnanna má
nota leiðnimælingar til þess að meta hvort yfirborð sé dauðhreinsað vegna þess
að mjög fáar, vel aðlagaðar, hraðvaxandi frumur sem og mikið magn af
frumum sem hafa verið hreinsaðar, breyta leiðninni í vökvanum. Með
litunaraðferðum má fá fram lifandi frumur og heildarfrumufjöldann á
yfirborðsflötum. Ræktun örvera er ekki nægjanlega góð aðferð til þess að mæla
biofilmur sem hafa náð sér vel á strik á yfirborðsflötum vegna þess að
frumurnar geta verið mjög fastar og losna ekki þó að strokusýni sé tekið.

• Mæling á 1-N-phenyl-naphthylamin (NPN) upptöku með ljósgleypnimælingu

er hægt að nota til þess að meta niðurbrot frumuhimna hjá bæði Gram
neikvæðum og Gram jákvæðum bakteríum. Gram jákvæðar bakteríur hafa ekki
ytri himnu (LPS) og NPN á miklu auðveldara með að komast að
frumuhimnunni sjálfri. Niðurstöðurnar á upptöku (gegndræpi) NPN með
útfellingarefnum og PEI sýndi að mikill munur var á milli bakteríutegunda.
Almennt má segja að sítrónusýra reyndist vera með mjög góða
frumugegndræpi en natríum cítrat var mun veikari.

• Mælieiningar í prófi sem byggt er á s.k. ”hydrogeli” var rannsakað með því að
nota mismunandi sótthreinsiefni. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að 5 klst. ræktunartími
100 l ræktar gaf bestu niðurstöðuna. Virkni sótthreinsiefnanna á biofilmur má
"optimera" með þessari aðferð. Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að Gram neikvæðar
bakteríur hafa meira þol gegn sótthreinsimeðferð en Gram jákvæðar bakteríur.
Sótthreinsiefni sem innihéldu vetnisperoxíð reyndust vera virk gegn flestum
örverum sem voru athugaðar í þessari rannsókn.

Ljóst er að halda verður áfram að þróa aðferðir til þess að finna og greina
örverufræðilega mengun á tækjum sem notuð eru í matvælavinnslu, í hráefninu
sjálfu, í loftinu í vinnslunni, á þeim pakkningum sem notaðar eru og í
lokaafurðunum. Samvinna á þessu sviði mun halda áfram á Norðurlöndunum í
verkefninu ”DairyNET ´Hygiene control in dairy environment” sem er styrkt af
Norræna Iðnaðarsjóðnum (P00027).


Þær tilraunir sem gerðar voru með notkun á ósoni til þvotta og sótthreinsunar í
lokuðum kerfum reyndust ekki sem skyldi hvað varðar fækkun á örverum. Ástæðuna
má trúlega rekja til þess að ekki hafi tekist að dreifa efninu í nægilegum styrkleika í
lokuðu kerfi.

Þrátt fyrir að notkun ósons sé talin afar árangursrík aðferð til sótthreinsunnar þá er enn
nokkuð vandamál að dreifa ozoni í nægilega háum styrkleika í lokuðum kerfum.
Lokaða kerfið, sem notað var í þessari rannsókn, var of langt frá ósontækinu og þ.a.l.
Spilltist ósonið þegar það komst í snertingu við loft og virkni þess minnkaði.
Nauðsynlegt er því að leysa tæknileg atriði í þessu sambandi áður en hægt verður að
nota óson með fullnægjandi árangri.



Það er ekki hægt að nota örverudrepandi lausnarpróf (suspension test) til að bera
saman áhrif mismunandi sótthreinsiefna eða við samanburð á næmum tegundum
baktería. Þær aðferðir sem annars vegar byggjast á því að bera saman áhrif
sótthreinsiefna á óvarðar (exposed) bakteríur sem eru ræktaðar sem biofilmur og hins
vegar bakteríur verndaðar innan í biofilmu gáfu sambærilegar niðurstöður og veittu
jafnframt upplýsingar um örverudrepandi áhrif sótthreinsiefna auk upplýsinga um
víxlverkun sótthreinsiefnanna og grunnmassa biofilmunnar.


Í mælingum kom fram að munur var á milli mismunandi sótthreinsiaðferða en

einnig kom fram munur á milli þeirra sótthreinsiefna sem notuð voru. Óson
reyndist ekki vera jafn árangursríkt gegn örverum í dvala eins og gegn örverum í
virkum vaxtarfasa. Í þeim tilfellum þar sem örverur voru í virkum fasa reyndist
næsta auðvelt að eyða þeim og myndi hagnýting þessarar vitneskju auka árangur af
notkun ósons. Tilraunir sýndu ennfremur að það var mikilvægt að nota mikinn

styrk og nægilega langan virknitíma. Þegar notuð voru sótthreinsiefni sem innihéldu
vetnisperoxíð og peredikssýru þá reyndist þokuúðun skila nægilega góðum árangri, en
úðun með sótthreinsiefnum sem innihéldu tensíð skilaði ófullnægjandi árangri.
Nauðsynlegt er að prófa ný efni við stýrðar aðstæður. Slíkar rannsóknir þurfa að
byggja á yfirborðsmælingum. Við framkvæmd yfirborðsmælinga er afar nauðsynlegt
að þekkja vel viðbrögð og hegðun örvera við mismunandi aðstæður og í ólíku


Árangur af sótthreinsun yfirborðs með ósoni skilar ekki góðum árangri. Ef geta
tækis er nægjanleg og yfirborðin hrein er hægt að nota sótthreinsun með þokuúðun
til að eyða bakteríum af yfirborðum. Ráðlagt er að fylgjast vel með árangri
sótthreinsunnarinnar við raunaðstæður og að taka sýni á mörgum mismunandi


Gró og nokkrar ónæmar bakteríur geta lifað af sótthreinsun þar sem þær hafa byggt
upp þol gegn sótthreinsiefnum. Sumar bakteríur hafa eðlislægt þol en aðrar hafa
aðlagað sig að þeim sótthreinsiefnum sem notuð eru. Eftir því var tekið að
hefðbundnar þvotta- og sótthreinsiaðferðir dugðu oft ekki til að eyða gróum og
bakteríum sem höfðu myndað biofilmu.


Þrif á ostaformum voru framkvæmd þar sem notast var við ýmsar tegundir
þvottaefna og þvottaaðferða og árangurinn síðan metinn með mismunandi
aðferðum. Engin þeirra aðferða sem notuð var (prótein-próf (Check Pro), ATP-
ljósmæling, penslun, úthreinsun, UV-lýsing, DEM og TTC agar) skilaði góðum
árangri við mat á óhreinindum. TTC-aðferð og s.k. úrheinsun reyndust þó skila
áreiðanlegustu niðurstöðunum við greiningu á örverum. Þessar aðferðir skila
niðurstöðum sem eru bæði samanburðarhæfar og hægt er að endurtaka þær aftur og
aftur. Í tilraunum þar sem líkt er eftir raunverulegum aðstæðum (pilot-scale)

reyndist snertiskálaaðferðin gefa áreiðanlegustu niðurstöðurnar. Nauðsynlegt er að
bæta aðferðir við greiningu leifa af lífrænum uppruna þannig að hægt sé að
sannreyna áhrif þrifa til hins ýtrasta. Í tilraunum í fullum skala sýndu öruveru-
mælingar að mikið fannst af bakteríum í því vatni sem notað var til skolunnar.
Aðferðirnar má þ.a.l. einnig nota til að meta breytur í dreifikerfum eins og t.d. áhrif


Megintilgangur þrifa og sótthreinsunar í matvælaiðnaði er að fjarlægja óhreinindi

og aðskotaefni og eyða öllum örverum af yfirborði þeirra flata sem hreinsaðir eru.
Önnur atriði sem þarf að huga að eru þættir eins og kostnaður, umhverfisáhrif,
öryggi og tæring. Líftímagreining (4.1) er árangursrík aðferð við að skoða heilstætt
umhverfisáhrif mismunandi CIP-aðferða, þar sem byrjað er á að skoða öflun
hráefnis og endað á að skoða frárennsli eftir vinnslu. Það er að vísu viss veikleiki
við notkun líftímagreiningar í þessu samhengi að erfitt getur reynst að meta
umhverfisáhrif vissra efna eins og t.d. fosfata og tensíða.

Í kafla 4.2 er lýst hagnýtri nálgun við mat á virkni þrifa. Eftirfarandi aðgerðir eru
ráðlagðar, en þær eru mat á skriflegum upplýsingum, endurskoðun birgja, mat á
virkum eiginleikum, hagnýtt mat og lokaskoðun.



Solveig Langsrud, Trond Møretrø and Gunhild Sundheim
MATFORSK, Norwegian Food Research Institute, Oslovn. 1, Ås, Norway

Aim: To determine if disinfecting footbaths in food industry were contaminated

with bacteria and characterise some of the bacteria present.

Methods and results: Bacterial strains were isolated from disinfecting footbaths
containing TEGO 103G (amphoteric disinfectant) or TP-99 (alkylaminoacetate-
based disinfectant) in five out of six dairy factories. Fourteen strains identified as
Cedecea spp. by their fatty acid composition were further characterised. The
reactions in the Rapid ID 32 E API analysis and 16S-rDNA-sequensing showed
that all strains were Serratia marcescens. In contrary to Ser. marcescens ATCC
13880 the isolates from disinfecting footbaths were not killed (<5 log reduction) by
the recommended in-use concentration of TEGO 103G, TEGO 51 or benzalkonium
chloride. Survival and multiplication in tap water with in-use concentration of
TEGO103G was demonstrated for one of the strains. All strains were killed by the
in-use concentrations of commercial disinfectants based on peracetic acid,
hypochlorite, quaternary ammonium compounds and alkyl aminoacetate (TP-99).
There were no indications of cross-resistance between disinfectants and antibiotics.

Conclusion: Serratia marcescens may survive and multiply in disinfecting

footbaths containing TEGO103G or alkylaminoacetate due to disinfectant

Significance and impact of the study: Disinfecting footbaths may act as

contamination sources in food factories and they should not be used without
regular hygienic monitoring.

Poster presentation Ultrasound cleaning in cheese mold hygiene based on the Pro
Gradu thesis by Antti Heino and presented at the IAFP Annual meeting in August


Gun Wirtanen, Satu Salo, Antti Heino, Tapani Hattula and Tiina
VTT Biotechnology, Tietotie 2, Espoo, Finland

The cleaning of the plastic cheese moulds is a challenging task. The structure of the
parts used in these utensils is often complex, with long, narrow conical channels,
which are hard to clean with conventional cleaning procedures. Furthermore the
cleaning procedure must be performed quickly, efficiently, economically and
environmentally friendly without harming the surface material. If harmful microbes
remain in the channels after cleaning they may be transferred into the product
causing quality and shelflife problems. An ultrasonic washing system based on
cavitation has been applied in automatized cheese mould cleaning systems in a
Finnish cheesery. The aim of this study was to compare various parameters in the
ultrasound cleaning procedure using different detection methods to optimise the
washing procedure. Parameters in the test series were type and concentration of
cleaning agents and ultrasound frequency. The results showed that it is important to
know the principles of the measuring method used to be able to interpret the results
correctly. The organic load determinations for the cleaning agent experiments were
performed using the EDTA (ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid) and COD (chemical
oxygen demand) methods. The organic load in the cleaning liquid affected the
efficiency of the various cleaning agents used. Experiments with cleaning agent
concentrations of 0.5%, 1.0% and 1.5% showed that the concentration should be
maintained at least at a level of 1.0%. An increase in the ultrasound intensity from
460 W to 740 W enhanced cleaning especially in experiments using artificially
aged cheese moulds.

Poster presentation Effects of cleaners of biofouled stainless-steel surfaces in

yoghurt manufacturing equipment based on the Pro Gradu thesis by S.

Abstract of the original article published in International Journal of

Food Microbiology 56 (2000) pp. 81–86.



Solveig Langsrud, Birgitta Baardsen and Gunhild Sundheim

MATFORSK Norwegian Food Research Institute, Oslovn. 1, Ås, Norway
Received 5 July 1999; revised 24 September 1999; accepted 10 January 2000.
Available online 18 May 2000.

Bacillus cereus present in pipes and heat-exchangers represents a potential quality

problem for dairy industry. The peroxygen-containing disinfectants investigated
had only negligible sporicidal effect when applied at the recommended in-use
temperature and concentration. However, cleaning agents used before disinfection
potentiated their lethal activity. Pre-exposure of B. cereus spores to 1% sodium
hydroxide at temperatures over 40°C increased the sporicidal effect of the
peroxygen-containing disinfectant. The effect was dependent on the alkali
concentration and the temperature. Also, a significant potentiating activity of an
enzyme-based cleaning agent was obtained, but the effect was smaller than for
alkali treatment. The results indicated that disinfectants based on peroxygen can be
used to eliminate B. cereus spores at non-corrosive temperatures and concentrations
if the surfaces are cleaned with alkali or enzyme-based disinfectants prior to

Author Keywords: Bacillus cereus; Spores; Cleaning; Disinfection;


Abstract of the original article published in Journal of Industrial

Microbiology 25 (2000) pp. 235–241.


Willcock, L., Allison, D.G., Holah, J.1, Wirtanen, G.2 and Gilbert, P.
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK, 1Chipping & Chorleywood Food Research Association,
Gloucestershire, UK and 2VTT Biotechnology, Espoo, Finland.

Keywords: Cleansing, Biofilms, Disinfection, Biocides, Fluid dynamic shear

A concentric cylinder reactor (CCR) is described which enables the steady-state

kinetics of a microbial biofilms to be evaluated under conditions of constant
nutrient flow and variable shearstress. The reactor has been used to evaluate the
influence of fluid dynamic shear on the extent and mode of detachment of bacteria
from biofilms. Using a food factory isolate of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PaENV, a
general increase in detachment and overall growth rate of the biofilms
(cfu/cm²/min-1) was shown, with time, for each biofilm regardless of the prevailing
shear. As the shear rate was increased beyond 0.123ms-1, then populations tended
towards a pseudo steady-state. Sudden changes in shear force, however, caused
dramatic changes in the productivity of steady-state populations. The CCR
provides an effective means of testing disinfectant activity, particularly for clean-
in-place situations and is able to discriminate between biocidal effects and
cleansing action for three different chemical classes of disinfectant. Utilisation of
the CCR would, therefore, provide enhanced ability to determine the efficacy and
efficiency of chemical products for use in sanitation protocols.

Poster presentation Disinfectant testing using bacteria grown in poloxamer-

hydrogel biofilm-constructs based on Bachelor theses by Päivi Härkönen and
Mervi Aalto.

Figures A-B. Spores of Bacillus cereus 229 stained for 2 min with 0.1% erytrosine B (left) and
0.1% acridine yellow (right). The magnification used 1000x.

Figures C-D. Spores of Bacillus cereus 229 stained for 5 min with 0.1% auramine O (left) and
for 15 min with 0.42% trans-4-(p-N,N-dimethylaminostyryl)-N-butoxylcarbonylmethylpyri-
dinium bromide (right). The magnification used 1000x.

Figures E. Spores of Bacillus cereus 229 stained for 2 min with 0.1% acridine orange. The
magnification used 1000x.
Figures F-G. Spores of Bacillus cereus 229 in milk soil (diluted 1:10) stained for 2 min with
0.1% acridine yellow (left) and for 5 min with 0.1% auramine O (right). The magnification
used 1000x.

Figures H-I. Spores of Bacillus cereus 229 in milk soil (diluted 1:10) stained for 15 min with
0.42% trans-4-(p-N,N-dimethylaminostyryl)-N-butoxylcarbonylmethylpyridinium bromide (left)
and for 2 min with 0.1% acridine orange (right). The magnification used 1000x.

Published by Series title, number and
report code of publication
Vuorimiehentie 5, P.O.Box 2000, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland
Phone internat. +358 9 4561 VTT Publications 481
Fax +358 9 456 4374 VTT–PUBS–481
Wirtanen, Gun, Langsrud, Solveig, Salo, Satu, Olofson, Ulla, Alnås, Harriet, Neuman, Monika,
Homleid, Jens Petter & Mattila-Sandholm, Tiina
Evaluation of sanitation procedures for use in dairies
The research work for project P96049 in the second NORDFOOD programme was
mainly carried out at VTT Biotechnology, Matforsk and SIK together with
representatives from the Nordic dairies Valio Ltd., Arla and TINE as well as the
technochemical company Suomen Unilever Oy DiverseyLever. The senior advisors at
Nordic Industrial Fund involved in the project were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur
Gunnarsson. The experiments carried out in the project focused on monitoring methods in
sanitation of open and closed systems e.g. fogging, ozonation, footbath hygiene, cleaning
of cheese moulds and yoghurt pasteurizers, development of testing procedures for
measuring disinfectant efficacy, microbial resistance phenomena against disinfectants,
life-cycle assessment and an evaluation procedure for the functionality of the cleaning
procedures. New procedures in hygiene have been implemented in dairies based on the
results. Development of detection and identification methods for assessing microbial
contaminants on or in process equipment, raw material, process air, packaging material
and final products is continued in the Nordic dairy hygiene network project DairyNET –
Hygiene control in dairy environment, which has partners from all Nordic countries and
which is partly funded by the Nordic Industrial Fund (P00027). The contacts between
industrial personnel and researchers dealing with hygiene questions in the Nordic
countries, which have been built up in the 2 previous NordFood programmes (1994–
2000), are thus continued.
NORDFOOD, dairies, sanitation, hygiene, microbes, detection, isolation, disinfection, cleaning,
life-cycle analysis, environmental assessment
Activity unit
VTT Biotechnology, Tietotie 2, P.O. Box 1500, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland
ISBN Project number
951–38–6017–5 (soft back ed.) B1SU00200
951–38–6018–3 (URL: )
Date Language Pages Price
November 2002 English 96 p. + app. 43 p. C
Name of project Commissioned by
DairyNET – Hygiene control in dairy Nordic Industrial Fund
environment (P00027)
Series title and ISSN Sold by
VTT Publications VTT Information Service
1235–0621 (soft back ed.) P.O.Box 2000, FIN–02044 VTT, Finland
1455–0849 (URL: Phone internat. +358 9 456 4404
Fax +358 9 456 4374


The research work for project P96049 in the second NORDFOOD
programme was mainly carried out at VTT Biotechnology, Matforsk and SIK
together with representatives from the Nordic dairies Valio Ltd., Arla and
TINE as well as the technochemical company Suomen Unilever Oy

Evaluation of sanitation procedures for use in dairies

DiverseyLever. The senior advisors at Nordic Industrial Fund involved in
the project were Maija Uusisuo and Oddur Gunnarsson. The experiments
carried out in the project focused on monitoring methods in sanitation of
open and closed systems e.g. fogging, ozonation, footbath hygiene,
cleaning of cheese moulds and yoghurt pasteurizers, development of testing
procedures for measuring disinfectant efficacy, microbial resistance
phenomena against disinfectants, life-cycle assessment and an evaluation
procedure for the functionality of the cleaning procedures. New procedures
in hygiene have been implemented in dairies based on the results.
Development of detection and identification methods for assessing
microbial contaminants on or in process equipment, raw material, process
air, packaging material and final products is continued in the Nordic dairy
hygiene network project DairyNET – Hygiene control in dairy environment,
which has partners from all Nordic countries and which is partly funded by
the Nordic Industrial Fund (P00027). The contacts between industrial
personnel and researchers dealing with hygiene questions in the Nordic
countries, which have been built up in the 2 previous NordFood Gun Wirtanen, Solveig Langsrud, Satu Salo,
programmes (1994–2000), are thus continued.
Ulla Olofson, Harriet Alnås, Monika Neuman,
Jens Petter Homleid & Tiina Mattila-Sandholm

Evaluation of sanitation procedures

for use in dairies

Tätä julkaisua myy Denna publikation säljs av This publication is available from
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ISBN 951–38–6017–5 (soft back ed.) ISBN 951–38–6018–3 (URL:

ISSN 1235–0621 (soft back ed.) ISSN 1455–0849 (URL:

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