Maria Clara
Maria Clara
Maria Clara
“Today, we simply cannot be stuck to the Maria Clara The Supreme Court also noted that medical
stereotype of a demure and reserved Filipino woman. examination on the victim also failed to indicate any
We, should stay away from such mindset and accept the physical injuries or that she was raped by the two
realities of a woman’s dynamic role in society today; accused.
she who has over the years transformed into a strong
and confidently intelligent and beautiful person, willing While medico legal findings are not controlling, the High
to fight for her rights,” the Supreme Court said in a Court cited a study showing the “most common
decision penned by Associate Justice Samuel Martires. laceration sites” for rape victims.
Juvy Amarela and Junard Racho were convicted of rape The woman said Amarela raped her under a 2-foot
by the Davao Regional Trial Court (RTC), later affirmed maekshift stage. “(The woman) failed to mention how
by the Court of Appeals, for sexually assaulting a exactly Amarela pulled her to the makeshift stage
housekeeper on February 10, 2009 only hours apart. without any sign of struggle or resistance,” the SC said.
The woman’s story goes: she was watching a beauty “Her claim that she was forcibly brought under a
makeshift stage, stripped naked, and then raped seems
contest at 6 pm and on her way to a public bathroom
when Amarela pulled her towards a day care center. unrealistic and beyond human experience,” the SC said.
The woman said Amarela punched her abdomen, and The SC also noted that the woman “had no pertinent
boxed her upper thigh, rendering her too weak to fight physical findings/or physical injuries” despite claims she
the man as he “placed himself on top of her and was beaten.
Medico-legal not enough In May 2017, the SC acquitted a rape convict due to
insufficient evidence that the sex was not consensual,
The woman’s medico-legal report found complete saying that abrasions and contusions could also be
lacerations at two positions of her hymen. The SC cited suffered during consensual sex. The man said the
a study that says vaginal lacerations are injuries found
woman was his girlfriend.
in both consensual and non-consensual sex.
Before that, the SC also acquitted a rape convict
“The absence of bruises on the woman’s thighs – where because the woman kept silent as two men raped her.
she said she was punched there twice – reinforces the The woman said it was due to fear that the men might
theory that the woman may have had consensual
stab her.
intercourse,” the SC said.
The SC acknowledged that decisions of the trial court
In the case of Racho, he admitted to taking the woman are usually given deference because the judges there
to her aunt’s home upon his mother’s instruction but were the ones who got to observe the demeanor of the
denied raping her. victims and defendants. In this case, the SC said they
“Instead of reporting the incident to the police, the are forced to do away with that principle and
woman insisted that she be brought to her aunt’s house appreciate instead facts which could have been
nearby. This is way beyond human experience. If the misappreciated.
woman had already told other people what happened,
there was no reason for her not to report the incident
to the proper authorities,” the SC said.
Racho said that he didn’t want to go too far so he left Women’s honor’ doctrine still holds, says UP law prof
her, and he went back home. Published February 20, 2018 10:32pm
The SC said Racho could have made an alibi of not being By NICOLE-ANNE C. LAGRIMAS, GMA News
with the woman at all that night; the court said the
mother could have also supported a cover story. A criminal law professor on Tuesday said the "women's
honor" doctrine still holds even as a division of the
“The best defense for him was alibi which he thought he Supreme Court (SC) veered away from it as it acquitted
did not have to raise, given that he was telling the truth two rape convicts due to questions on the integrity of
when he left the woman by herself to go home. To our their accuser's testimony.
mind, these are badges of truth which persuade us that
Racho might be telling the truth,” the SC said. Augusto Arreza, a professor at the University of the
Philippines' College of Law, said the SC Third Division's
“Henceforth, we are constrained to reverse the RTC and remarks that the "Maria Clara" mindset is no longer
the CA rulings due to the presence of lingering doubts applicable in the present day "does not have anything
which are inconsistent with the requirement of guilt to do with the decision."
beyond reasonable doubt as quantum of evidence to
convict an accused in a criminal case,” the SC said. He interpreted this portion of the ruling as an "obiter
dictum," Latin for "by the way," or an expression of an
Amarela and Racho are ordered released from jail opinion with no binding force.
“unless they are being held for other lawful cause.”
Arreza said the ruling came about after a "dissection" of Women's group Gabriela has criticized this part of
the testimony of the complainant to ascertain its Martires' decision, saying that it "flies in the face of
credibility. actual rise of reported and unreported rapes, sexual
harassment, bullying, trafficking, and other crimes
"You have to remember the doctrine is based on the
against women."
presumption that the testimony of the offended party,
the victim, is credible. If the testimony is not credible, It also said that its reason for overturning the rape
you don't even have to apply the 'women's honor' conviction will "open the floodgates to many more
doctrine," he said in a phone interview. rapes, emboldening perpetrators who will abuse more
women with impunity, as they can now go on rampage
The doctrine in question refers to the jurisprudence- with the knowledge that courts will most likely dismiss
backed notion that a woman will not say she has been rape cases."
sexually abused unless it is true out of a "natural
instinct" to "protect her honor." Rights group Amnesty International said that the
decision will make it more difficult for rape victims to
Earlier sought for confirmation, SC spokesperson
come forward. — BM, GMA News
Theodore Te said the ruling "speaks for itself."
Notably, the decision penned by Associate Justice Te was citing the article that states “No doctrine or
Samuel Martires said the tribunal can no longer abide principle of law laid down by the court in a decision
by the 58-year-old "women's honor" doctrine as it rendered en banc or in division may be modified or
cannot be "stuck to the Maria Clara stereotype a reversed except by the court sitting en banc.”
demure and reserved Filipino woman." This is after Gabriela Secretary General Joms Salvador
“We should stay away from such a mindset and accept on February 20 slammed an SC decision acquitting two
the realities of a woman’s dynamic role in society today; alleged rapists. She said that this will “open floodgates
she who has over the years transformed into a strong to many more rapes.”
and confidently intelligent and beautiful person, willing In a 20-page decision by the SC Third Division, Juvy
to fight for her rights,” it said. Amarela and Junard Racho were acquitted from a rape
It said this "misconception" "puts the accused at an case.
unfair advantage" and "creates a travesty of justice."
“We have hinged on the impression that no young stand for the victims whose rights are being trampled,
Filipina of decent repute would publicly admit that she calling for justice due to the crime done to her.
was sexually abused, unless that is the truth, for it is her
natural instinct to protect her honor to protect her Actually, she said, although there are many women
organizations, but some people tend to look down at
honor. However, this misconception, particularly in this
day and age, not only puts the accused at an unfair them; and as subject of entertainment because of
disadvantage, but creates a travesty of justice,” the patriarchal culture. As long as this system is not broken,
then men and other sectors of society will look at
High Court held.
women with low dignity, and subject for abuse.”
The decision added, “Today, we simply cannot be stuck
to the Maria Clara stereotype of a demure and reserved Dagatan likewise reported that their office receives five
Filipino woman. We should stay away from such to six cases per week regarding abuse to women. Most
mindset and accept the realities of a woman’s dynamic of them are victims of abuse in the hacienda for two
role in society today; she who has over the years years already but revealed only now.
transformed into a strong and confidently intelligent She likewise emphasized that women have great role in
and beautiful person, willing to fight for her rights.” our society. They should be respected.
Maria Clara is a character from Jose Rizal’s famous Disregarding the Maria Clara Doctrine is not respecting
novels “Noli Me Tangere” and “El Filibusterismo,” the women, Dagatan asserted.*
portrayed as a reserved Filipina. The Maria Clara
doctrine also called “women’s honor” was entered into
jurisprudence in a rape case in 1960.