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Morgan Geyser Court of Appeals Order

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Morgan Geyser was charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide for stabbing her friend multiple times as part of a plan to become proxies for the fictional character Slenderman.

Morgan Geyser was charged with attempted first-degree intentional homicide as party to a crime, by use of a dangerous weapon.

The charges stem from an incident where Morgan Geyser and another girl stabbed their friend 19 times as part of a plan to become proxies for the fictional character Slenderman in order to gain supernatural powers.


July 27, 2016
Diane M. Fremgen
Clerk of Court of Appeals

Appeal No.



This opinion is subject to further editing. If
published, the official version will appear in
the bound volume of the Official Reports.
A party may file with the Supreme Court a
petition to review an adverse decision by the
Court of Appeals. See WIS. STAT. 808.10
and RULE 809.62.

Cir. Ct. No. 2014CF596




APPEAL from an order of the circuit court for Waukesha County:

MICHAEL O. BOHREN, Judge. Affirmed.
Before Neubauer, C.J., Reilly, P.J., and Hagedorn, J.

PER CURIAM. Under our criminal justice system in Wisconsin, an

act that is considered a crime if committed by an adult is considered a delinquent

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act if committed by a child. The Wisconsin Legislature, however, has created

narrow exceptions to this general rule. Pursuant to WIS. STAT. 938.183(1)(am)
(2013-14),1 the legislature has decreed that if a child over the age of ten has
attempted or committed first-degree intentional homicide, that child will be
charged in adult criminal court, absent the childs burden to prove he or she is
entitled to a reverse waiver to juvenile court.

Morgan E. Geyser appeals from a nonfinal order denying a reverse

waiver to juvenile court.2 The dispositive issue is whether Geyser met her burden
to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that reverse waiver under WIS. STAT.
970.032(2) is appropriate under the circumstances. The circuit court denied
Geysers request after determining that she failed to do so. We affirm, as the
circuit court properly exercised its discretion when it rationally considered the
relevant testimony, applied the proper legal standard, and reached a conclusion
that a reasonable judge could reach.

Twelve-year-old Geyser was charged with attempted first-degree

intentional homicide3 as party to a crime, by use of a dangerous weapon, in a

criminal complaint filed on June 2, 2014. As set forth in the criminal complaint,
as well as testimony at the preliminary hearing, the charge stems from the events

All references to the Wisconsin Statutes are to the 2013-14 version unless otherwise

This court granted leave to appeal the order. See WIS. STAT. RULE 809.50(3).


Attempted first-degree intentional homicide is a Class B felony.



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of May 31, 2014, when twelve-year-old P.L. was found by a passerby lying,
blood-soaked in the grass pleading for help. P.L. was stabbed nineteen times in
her chest, abdomen, arm, and legs. When asked who had done this to her, P.L.
responded that it was Geyser.

Geyser and Anissa Weier, another defendant in this case, were found

walking together miles from the scene.

Both girls admitted to conspiring to

murder their friend in order to become proxies for Slenderman, a fictional figure
conceived on a website devoted to horror stories. Weier explained to police that
once they killed P.L. they would become proxies of Slenderman [and] they would
then move up and live with Slenderman in [his] mansion. Geyser and Weier
hatched the murder plot in December 2013 or January 2014, and planned for it to
coincide with Geysers sleepover birthday party. Geyser and Weier discussed the
details of the crime for months at school and on the bus, using code words so they
would not be discovered. During the evening of May 30 and the morning of
May 31, Geyser and Weier attempted several times to murder P.L., with each
attempt being frustrated. Geyser and Weier finally lured P.L. into a game of
hide-and-seek in the woods, where Weier pushed P.L. to the ground and sat on
her. After Weier got off P.L. and stood to the side, Geyser went ballistic
stabbing her. After telling P.L. to lay quietly and that they would find help for her,
Geyser and Weier left to find Slenderman.

On August 1, 2014, the circuit court found Geyser incompetent to

proceed to trial. She regained competency under the law at a hearing held on
December 18, 2014. After a preliminary hearing on February 16 and 17, 2015, the
circuit court found probable cause to proceed. The circuit court held a two-day
evidentiary hearing on June 17 and 18, 2015, on the reverse waiver, pursuant to
WIS. STAT. 970.032(2).

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Testimony at the hearing revealed that Geyser was diagnosed by

several experts with schizophrenia and oppositional defiant disorder and that she
would need long-term mental health treatment. Despite the necessity for early
treatment, Geyser had consistently refused medication to combat the symptoms of
her illness. Instead, she prefers to continue to reside in the fictional world that
she has operated in and have contact with the fictional characters that shes had
contact with in the past.4

The circuit court denied Geysers reverse waiver

request, in a decision consolidated with Weier for the purpose of disposition,

noting that Geyser failed to meet her burden to prove by a preponderance of the
evidence that reverse waiver under WIS. STAT. 970.032(2) was appropriate under
the circumstances. Geyser appeals.
Standard of Review

We review a circuit courts decision to deny reverse waiver under an

erroneous exercise of discretion standard. See State v. Kleser, 2010 WI 88, 37,
328 Wis. 2d 42, 786 N.W.2d 144. An appellate court will affirm a discretionary
decision if the circuit court examined the relevant facts, applied a proper standard
of law, and using a demonstrated rational process, reached a conclusion that a
reasonable judge could reach. Id. Importantly, we will not overturn a circuit
courts discretionary determination if the record reflects that discretion was
exercised; instead, we will seek out reasons to sustain the decision. State v.
Verhagen, 198 Wis. 2d 177,191, 542 N.W.2d 189 (Ct. App. 1995).

Testimony from Dr. Deborah Collins revealed that Geyser hears voices from a person
named Maggie, and she has visits from Harry Potter characters, including Voldemort and Snape.

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Reverse Waiver

The adult criminal court has exclusive, original jurisdiction over

Geyser by virtue of WIS. STAT. 938.183(1)(am), which grants jurisdiction to the

adult court where a juvenile over the age of ten is charged under WIS. STAT.
940.01(1)(a) with attempted first-degree intentional homicide. The difference
between a child convicted in adult court and a child adjudicated delinquent in
juvenile court is significant. Stated simply, the State loses all jurisdiction and
oversight over a child at the age of eighteen5 under a juvenile order, absent some
other court proceeding. See WIS. STAT. 938.355(4). In adult court, however, the
state retains oversight during adulthood for the entire length of the sentence upon
conviction, which in this case would not exceed sixty years. See WIS. STAT.

WISCONSIN STAT. 970.032(2) provides a mechanism by which a

juvenile may obtain a reverse waiver from adult court to juvenile court. Under
970.032(2), [i]f the court finds probable cause to believe that the juvenile has
committed the violation of which he or she is accused the court shall determine
whether to retain jurisdiction or to transfer jurisdiction [to the juvenile court].
The court must retain jurisdiction in adult court unless the juvenile proves by a
preponderance of the evidence all of the following elements:

The circuit court assumed that if reverse waiver was granted and Geyser was
adjudicated delinquent in juvenile court she would be ordered to participate in the Serious
Juvenile Offender (SJO) program under WIS. STAT. 938.538. Under the SJO program, one
exception to oversight ending at the age of eighteen is when a youth has been adjudicated
delinquent for committing a Class A felony. Sec. 938.538(3)(a)1m. Under that scenario,
jurisdiction and oversight could continue until the age of twenty-five. Id. All parties agree,
however, that as Geyser was charged with a Class B felony, the juvenile system could only
maintain jurisdiction over her until the age of eighteen.

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(a) That, if convicted, the juvenile could not receive

adequate treatment in the criminal justice system.
(b) That transferring jurisdiction to the court assigned to
exercise jurisdiction under [WIS. STAT.] chs. 48 and 938
would not depreciate the seriousness of the offense.
(c) That retaining jurisdiction is not necessary to deter the
juvenile or other juveniles from committing the violation of
which the juvenile is accused under the circumstances
specified in [WIS. STAT. ] 938.183 (1)(a), (am), (ar), (b) or
(c), whichever is applicable.

Sec. 970.032(2). The weight the court affords each factor is within its discretion.
See J.A.L. v. State, 162 Wis. 2d 940, 960, 471 N.W.2d 493 (1991). Importantly, if
the juvenile fails to prove any one of the statutory prongs, the reverse waiver is
thwarted no matter how compelling the evidence is on the others. See Kleser,
328 Wis. 2d 42, 97.
WIS. STAT. 970.032(2)(a): Adequate Treatment

The circuit court determined that regardless of whether Geyser is

adjudicated in adult court or in juvenile court her initial period of detention would
take place at Copper Lake School for Girls. The circuit court concluded, based on
a review of the testimony, that Geyser would receive essentially the same type of
programming up until age 18 and the court did not see a big difference in
treatment overall at Copper Lake under placement as either a juvenile or an adult.
Conversely, the circuit court questioned whether Geyser would receive adequate
treatment in the juvenile system after the age of eighteen, concluding that mental
health treatment/oversight would end at age eighteen under the juvenile system,
but it would continue under an adult criminal disposition. The court explained,
This Court continues to be concerned what happens after
18. For Ms. Geysers situation based on the nature of
schizophrenia and mental health laws, once she left the
juvenile system there would be no oversight, no control, no
ways to [ensure] public safety, no ways to [ensure] that she
receive[d] the adequate treatment that she needs.

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Trudy Breach, a reintegration social worker and case manager at

Copper Lake, testified that if Geyser were placed at Copper Lake she would
undergo an assessment period where staff members would make a referral based
on mental health needs, which may include medication, psychiatric therapy,
family therapy, and victim impact programs. Significantly, Breach testified that a
girl found guilty in adult court and sentenced to state prison and a girl found guilty
in juvenile court and sentenced to a period of confinement would both be held at
Copper Lake (until the age of eighteen) and would both receive exactly the same

Testimony also revealed that if Geyser were placed at Copper Lake

under a juvenile order, she would likely enter the Serious Juvenile Offender (SJO)
program. Under the SJO program, pursuant to WIS. STAT. 938.538(3)(a)1.,
Geyser would receive a court order for a five-year maximum sentencethree
years confinement at Copper Lake and two years supervision in the community.
Breach explained, however, that a juvenile may be released early from the threeyear confinement, serving as little as one year of her original sentence. If released
early, the juvenile would still only be required to serve two years of supervision in
the community, serving only three years of her original five-year sentence. When
a youth completes the SJO program at Copper Lake (both the institutional and
community release programs), she is no longer monitored or treated by the State.
See 938.538(5). This could happen on her eighteenth birthday or before. See id.
Significantly, the circuit court judge would have no control over the length of time
Geyser would remain confined at Copper Lake receiving treatment.

Dr. Kenneth Casimir, Associate Medical Director at Winnebago

Mental Health Institute, testified, Quite simply, I believe that the focus of the
proceedings here should be about obtaining reliable long-term treatment for

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[Geyser]. The circuit court considered the relevant facts and testimony and
determined that Geyser would receive adequate, if not better, treatment in the adult
criminal justice system as treatment would continue past her eighteenth birthday.
The court found it imperative, given the crime and Geysers treatment needs, that
adult supervision was warranted beyond Geysers eighteenth birthday.


conclude that the circuit court properly exercised its discretion given the facts
presented and made a decision a reasonable judge could make. As WIS. STAT.
970.032(2) requires that Geyser prove all of the statutory prongs in order to
obtain a reverse waiver, we could stop our analysis here; however, for
completeness we will address the remaining elements considered by the circuit
WIS. STAT. 970.032(2)(b): Depreciate the Seriousness of the Offense

The circuit court concluded that Geyser failed to meet her burden to

prove by a preponderance of the evidence that transferring her case to juvenile

court would not depreciate the seriousness of the offense:
The offense involved in this case was violent, was
premeditated. There was a conscious decision at the time
of the offense to let the victim die. This was charged as
attempted murder, but you have to keep in mind for both
defendants that this was in fact not a happenstance that just
didnt work out, they would have killed P.L. had they had
more time had they thought about it. This was
premeditated murder and an attempt to do so.

According to the court, [t]he nature of this offense, the youthfulness of the
defendants, their mental development, the mental continued development of each
of the defendants satisfies this Court that to place the defendants in the juvenile
setting unduly depreciates the nature of the offense, the seriousness of the

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Like the circuit court, other Wisconsin courts that have applied WIS.

STAT. 970.032(2) have analyzed para. (b) by considering whether the crime was
premeditated. E.g., State v. Dominic E.W., 218 Wis. 2d 52, 57-58, 579 N.W.2d
282 (Ct. App. 1998) (noting that the crime was impulsive, not premeditated, in
addressing para. (b)). The circuit court highlighted the specific facts of this case
revealed at the preliminary hearing, noting the premeditated nature of the crime.
The plot to murder P.L. was conceived months in advance, and Geyser and Weier
had many opportunities to realize the magnitude of their choice and back out of
the plan. Geyser and Weier made multiple changes to their plan before finally
succeeding. The circuit court also found it significant that the girls gave false
information to P.L.telling her to remain still so she would lose less blood and
telling her they would get help when in fact they were leaving her to die and
wanted her to remain quietto support the courts belief in the serious nature of
the offense.

The circuit court was clear in its conclusion that this was not an

accidental or impulsive crime; it was violent, premeditated, and [t]here was a

conscious decision at the time of the offense to let the victim die. The circuit
court reasonably related the serious nature of the alleged offense to the nature and
duration of Geysers potential punishment, finding that a reverse waiver to
juvenile court would unduly depreciate the seriousness of the offense. The circuit
court did not err in this discretionary decision.
WIS. STAT. 970.032(2)(c): Deterrence

Although the circuit court touched briefly on general deterrence,

noting that a message must be sent to the public that a serious offense is dealt
with on a serious basis that offers protections to everyone, the court focused its

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consideration predominantly on specific deterrence in Geysers case. According

to the circuit court, longer term control is necessary for Geyser and, thus, the
juvenile system does not offer deterrence. The court was chiefly concerned with
what happens to Geyser after the age of eighteen in order to ensure the protection
of the community in the future, noting [t]here has to be assurance that [this]
doesnt happen again, assurance to the public that [this] doesnt happen again. In
the juvenile system, Geyser would be released into the community: No restraints,
no supervision, no overview to see what happens, to see what happens to the
person who was 12 when they committed this offense to what theyre like at age
16, 17, or 18 to be sure theyre safe in the community.

Donna Bennett, a social worker for Waukesha County Health and

Human Services, testified that it was the departments position that Geyser would
be best served in adult court as the department believes that she is a danger to the
public and in need of restrictive custodial treatment [r]ather than placement
back at home or something other than a secure setting. Casimir testified that
Geyser was, at the time of the circuit courts decision, untreated for her mental
health disorders, meaning that she is still a danger to society as her delusions
remain intact. He explained, In her untreated state [she is] certainly at risk to
once again engage in violent behavior. While careful to clarify that not all
schizophrenics are dangerous, Casimir conceded,
[Geysers] belief, fixed delusional belief, in Slenderman
and his ability to harm her and her subsequent need for
violent behavior, because of that, makes her mental illness
dangerous. When your delusion, when your fixed
delusion tells you to kill people and when your insight
doesnt allow you to seek treatment then schizophrenia
becomes dangerous. It is a dangerous illness untreated, and
hence we are here.


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Geyser does not believe that she is mentally ill, and she refuses to

take medication. Casimir testified that schizophrenics are notorious for going off
their medication[s], and it is his belief that without continued supervision of
treatment there is no guarantee that Geyser will continue to persistently and
faithfully take her medication. Casimir expounded that Wisconsin does not have a
preemptory supervisory system for mental health, and he would be concerned
that after age 18, after this program were to be completed, in order to come back
into the attention of law enforcement, county mental health, the courts, there
would have to be some kind of outlandish behavior [by Geyser]. The circuit
courts determination that deterrence would be best accomplished in the adult
criminal court system was not an erroneous exercise of discretion.

The circuit court properly examined the relevant facts, applied a

proper standard of law, and [used] a demonstrated rational process to reach a

reasonable discretionary decision to retain adult jurisdiction of Geyser.


Kleser, 328 Wis. 2d 42, 37.

By the Court.Order affirmed.




RULE 809.23(1)(b)5.






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