Kill Team Rules v1.6
Kill Team Rules v1.6
Kill Team Rules v1.6
Version 1.6
This is not a Games Workshop product and is intended as a non-profit fan-made expansion on the official rules. You will require all
rulebooks and your army’s codex to use this material. We do not own any of the artwork that appears in this document or any other Kill
Team related documents. All rights and trademarks to all respective owners are reserved.
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team v1.6
Area Terrain
Ignore the cover rules for area terrain. Instead,
work out cover on a model-by-model basis using
the true line of sight and 25% obscured rules. Area
terrain is still classed as Difficult Terrain.
Suppressing Fire
If a weapon has more than one shot with a Flamer Weapons
weapon (such as a heavy bolter), the owning Flamer weapons in Kill Team have the following
player may decide to use Suppressing Fire. If he additional ‘Flamer’ Special Rule. ‘Flamer’ weapons
does so, the model reduces his BS by 1 during this include all weapons listed under ‘Flamer Weapons’
phase (e.g. BS4 becomes BS3). Choose a primary on page 56 of the core rulebook.
target within range; any models within 3" of this
target are eligible as secondary targets. Roll to hit Flamer weapons may cause their targets to catch
as normal - if any hits are scored at least one must on fire even if they survive the initial damage. Any
hit the primary target; any remaining hits may be model that is hit by a Flamer weapon must pass an
worked out against any secondary targets. You Initiative test or be set on fire! If a model fails the
must allocate at least one hit to every eligible test, place a Burning counter next to it. Models
model before assigning more than one hit. may only ever have one Burning counter.
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team v1.6
Following are a number of unique Special Rules Models in a Squad do not use the ‘A Team of
models in a Kill Team list may have. Heroes’ rule, do not have to test for ‘Nerve’ and
may only Counter-charge if all members of the
Inspiring Presence Squad are in range to do so into the same combat.
Any friendly model within 6" of the Team Leader Models in a Squad may not hide. You may climb
may use his Leadership for all Leadership tests. and jump with a Squad, but if any model falls out
of unit coherency the unit must regain its
Non-Flammable coherency as soon as possible (by using Run moves
Automatically passes Initiative tests caused by the or jumping and climbing if need be).
Flamer special rule.
If there is only one model left in a squad at any
Squad point, he immediately loses the ‘Squad’ special
Some models in Kill Team do not act individually – rule. Note that individual models will still count
such as swarms of Tyranids or squads of toward the maximum Model Availability of the Kill
Guardsmen. Where this is in effect ‘Squad’ will be Team. Individual models within a Squad may each
noted in the unit’s Special Rules and will state how target separate units when shooting.
many models form the unit. Simply treat the unit
as normal, using the Warhammer 40,000 rules.
Enough people have requested rules for an 'Injury' A model that has been knocked down may stand up at
mechanic in Kill Team that we thought we would add it. the start of its next Movement phase. In that turn it may
Beware, however, that the core Warhammer 40,000 act normally, but will move as if walking through
game was not built to accommodate or balance these Difficult Terrain, cannot charge, and its Initiate is
rules in any way. Discuss with your opponent beforehand lowered to 1. After this turn the model may act
if you would like to use these rules. normally.
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
In this section we will take you through the Kill deploys second deploys their models in the
Team mission rules that govern how you setup and opposite corner once the first player has finished.
play your games.
Mission 1: Skirmish
In this mission two Kill Team's encounter each contact during the shooting phase, but neither
other while hunting for relics or important pieces model may shoot during the turn. If a model kills
of equipment and each tries to drive the other off an enemy in combat he automatically captures any
and grab them for itself. relics the model is carrying.
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Mission 3: Hostage
In this mission one Kill Team launches a daring enemy models also within 3" he becomes the
rescue to recapture an important prisoner from the hostage 'keeper'. The keeper may move the
clutches of the enemy. hostage in their movement phase using the normal
rules for Infantry (it may not run). The hostage
Special Rules model can do nothing else, and may not be hurt in
You will need a separate 'hostage' model for this any way.
mission. Randomly determine who will hold the
hostage before deployment. The hostage 'holder' Victory Points
deploys first, and must place the hostage model in If a player is the hostage keeper at the end of the
their deployment zone (more than 12" away from game, he claims 3 VPs.
the edge of the table) when they deploy. The
player who does not have the hostage is called the Ending the Game
hostage 'rescuer' and automatically gets the first In addition to the normal rules for ending a game,
turn. if the hostage ends its movement phase within 6"
of the rescuers table corner the game
If a player has a model within 3" of the hostage at automatically ends with the rescuers winning the
the start of the movement phase, and there are no game.
Mission 4 – Sabotage
Each Kill Team is attempting to destroy a vital destroy it. Also, any friendly model within 6" of
objective of the enemy's. This could be a their own objective marker (i.e. the one in their
communications relay, fuel depot, etc. deployment zone) gains the Stubborn special rule).
In the Grab and Run mission both Kill Teams are counter, and all models 'lifting' it, may move a
trying to capture the same objective - this may be a maximum distance in inches equal to this result.
bio-specimen, ancient reliquary, ammunition crate, All lifting models must end the move in base
or any other single item of importance. contact with the counter. Models that are in base
contact with the objective counter at the start of
Special Rules the Assault phase may not charge, but may
Before deploying the teams, you must place a otherwise act normally.
single objective counter in the exact middle of the
table. The counter must be 40mm in diameter. Victory Points
If a player has a model within 3" of the objective
The objective counter may be picked up and counter at the end of the game, and there are no
moved in a player's movement phase, but only if a enemies also within 3", they gain 2 VP.
minimum of two friendly models are in base
contact with it and no enemies. Models must be in Ending the Game
base contact with the objective counter at the In addition to the normal rules for ending a game if
start of the movement phase in order to move it. the objective marker ends its move within 6" of a
To move the objective counter roll a d6 for every player's board corner, the game ends and Kill
friendly model in base contact with it and choose Team who owns that corner has automatically
the highest result on a single dice. The objective won.
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
Mission 6: Last Stand
In the Last Stand mission one Kill Team is a rule. If the banner-bearer is killed, the banner is
defender waiting for reinforcements, whilst the destroyed.
other is the attacker.
The defending player may group his
Deployment reinforcements into as many 'reinforcement
First you must determine which Kill Team is the groups' as he likes. On every turn after the 1st, roll
attacker, and which is the defender. You can do a d6 for every remaining reinforcement group. On
this either by deciding yourselves, or by rolling a a 3+ the group arrives using the Reserve rules from
d6. The defender must split his Kill Team in half (by a table edge of the defenders choice.
model count) and deploy one half within 6" of the
centre of the table; these are the ‘defending Victory Points
models’. The remaining half are known as the The amount of VPs both players receive depends
'reinforcements' and will arrive later in the game on how many ‘defending models’ are left at the
as described below. The attacking player now end of the game. If 50% or more of the models are
deploys his entire force anywhere on the table left the defender gains 3 VP, if 25% or less are left
more than 18" away from any defending model. the attacker gets 3 VP. If a banner is used, 1 VP is
The attacker will also always get first turn. awarded to the defender if it is still in play at the
end of the game.
Special Rules
The defending player may nominate one Team Bonus Campaign Experience
Leader or Special model in the 'defending' half of If the banner-bearer is alive at the end of the game
his Kill Team to carry a banner. This banner grants he gains +1 EXP. If a Team Leader of Special model
every friendly model within 6" the Fearless special kills the banner-bearer he gains +1 EXP.