The Potion of Wonderous Mystery
The Potion of Wonderous Mystery
The Potion of Wonderous Mystery
All effects are permanent, unless otherwise stated. Effects can be removed by limited wish, wish, and
1 Burst into flame: take 2d6 fire damage and catch on fire, can be put out by normal
means. Everyhing around you in a 5 ft radius take 2d6 fire damage and catch on fire, but receive a reflex
save DC 10 + your con mod for half damage and do not catch fire. At any time you want, as a standard
action you can burst into flame dealing 2d6 fire damage to yourself and everything in a 5 ft radius around
you, catching everything yourself included on fire. Other than yourself, anything hit by this ability can
reflex, DC 10 + half your level + your con mod, to half the damage and not catch on fire. At level 8 you
activate a duration based version of this ability. When turned on this ability causes everything around
you to take 2d6 fire damge each round it starts its turn adjacent to you. You only take 1d6 damage from
this ability starting at level 4.
2 Vomit rainbows: your vomit becomes a color spray effect DC 12 + your con mod you
immediately vomit once when this result is applied
3 Uncontrolable vomit: you vomit randomly causing you pain and suffering, you are always
sickened and any time you perform a strenuous activity you must make a DC 11 Fort save or vomit and
take 1d4 nonlethal damage
6 Empathetic: you feel the emotions of everything in a 100 ft radious, this does not let you
pinpoint unseen creatures, you suffer a -2 penalty to attack rolls because it hurts to hurt others, you gain
a +10 on sense motive checks, whenever a creature in your range dies you must make a will save DC 10 +
dying creatures HD or fall unconscious. Crowded areas with more creatures than 4 times your HD are
distracting and hard to handle causing you to suffer a -2 to will saves. Puts the Pathetic into emPathetic.
8 Apathetic: you feel no emotions other than your own to a fault, and even your own
emotions are less than normal, you are immune to all emotion effecting spells. You cannot gain moral
bonusses or penalties. You cannot rage, you cannot hold a grudge, you cannot understand the emotions
of others and suffer a -10 to sense motive.
10 Ageless: you nolonger age and stop losing stats due to advanced age, you do not remove
stat loss already in place when this effect is activated.
11 Spell resiliance: gain +5 SR, if you already have natural spell resistance this stacks.
12 Scatter tactic: Choose an animal. Whenever you want you may scatter into proportional
parts of yourself; each part turning into an appropriately sized version of that animal. When you scatter,
you must distribute your HD amongst the scattering creatures. The more HD you give to a part, the larger
it will be. You may give each part a single order before you scatter, after which the parts will collect
together to reform you. When using this ability you have three additional d8 HD to use on the animals,
these count as temporary hit point that are lost after reforming.
14 Putrid Panic: You can only be infected by one disease at a time. Every day at sun down, if
you are not infected by a disease, you catch a disease that causes 1d4 damage to one of your ability
scores each day. The disease has an onset time of 7 days. 2 consecutive saves cures, Fort save DC 16. If
the disease is not treated after the 2nd day, after the onset period, you become contagious. Anyone
spending more than an hour near you must make a fort save or catch the disease.
17 Treacherous Shadow: Your shadow leaves you and becomes the shadow of another
creature. The shadow of the other creature comes to you and becomes your shadow. Both you and the
other creature are then tied together by fate, doomed to fight as archnemesis. If you already have a rival
or hated enemy they become the target of your shadow. So long as your shadow is possesed by another,
you will feel an emptyness that draws you to slay the other.
18 Evil mutant zombie twin offspring: Whenever you take slashing damage greater than
your con mod (minimum 1) times your HD, a piece of yourself comes off. The DM chooses what part
comes off and what possible penalties you might suffer for losing such a piece. After 1d4 days, the part
of you that came off grows into an evil-mutant-zombie-twin offspring of yourself, which blindly attacks
anyone it sees. Evil-mutant-zombie-twins look like you, though slightly rotting, and have stats
determined by the DM, but have HD equal to your HD at the time it was cut off of you.
19 Relative Gravity: Gravity is always relative to you. Based on you body positioning gravity
always is relative down to your body.
20 Party animal: Choose an animal, at will you may cause every animal of the selected type
within 50 ft of you to don party hats and dance. This functions similar to irresistable dance save DC equal
to 20 + 1/2 your level + your cha mod. To use this ability you must dance and sing as though you too
were effected by the irresistable dance. Any time you come into contact with a piece of the selected type
of animal (ie a fur coat) you must resist the dance.
21 The pain train has no breaks: Any round you inflict damage you are under the effects of a
freedom spell. You may choose to activate a freedom effect on a round before you attack, but if you fail
to deal damage on that round you become petrified for 24 hours or until someone casts a stone to flesh
spell on you.
23 Deaf in one ear out the other: you are deaf, but gain immunity to sonic damage and
24 Burdened by life: living is such a heavy burden that you suffer penalties as though you
were carrying one weight cappacity higher than you actually are.
25 Manic depressive reversive: When you would normally gain moral bonusses or penalties
they are reversed. Moral bonusses become penalties and penalties become bonusses. Rage becomes
fear and fear becomes rage.
27 Thundering steps: -6 to stealth checks you can also gain an attack with your feet on any
creature smaller than you, your feet are considered a natural slam weapon dealing 1d8 damage, this is a
primary attack.
28 Prehensile Hair: as per the witch hex using your total level in place of your witch level
29 Beer in the blood: +8 to fort saves but you are compelled to drink any and all alchohol
you can get your hands on. If alchohol isn't available, anything in a cup, bottle, or vial will have to do.
Potentially dangerous liquids require a will save if you haven't had alchohol in the past hour equal to DC
15 + 1 for each aditional hour you don't quench your thirst.
30 You swallowed something bad: Alien incoming, 1d8 hours later, 1d6 bleed damage and it
spawns the wicked beast to hunt everyone down. Drinking poison will cure you.
31 Wings of an eagle: you sprout wings like an eagles and gain a fly speed of 60ft average
maneuverability. Fly becomes a class skill if it wasn't already.
32 Dovahkiin: You gain the sorcerer bloodline powers of the Draconic bloodline, using your
total level as your sorcerer level, choosing one type of dragon for these powers, with the exeption of the
breath weapon. You gain the breath weapon of your chosen dragon as per normal, but anytime you kill a
dragon you add its type to your available breath weapons. Also as an additional breath available to you;
you gain a force effect breath that is used in a 60ft line which deals no damage, but allows you to
perform a bull rush against all creatures hit. You do not move with this bull rush. The force breath does
not use your normal breath attacks per day and can be used once every 1d4 rounds.
33 Curse of farmer Joe: all your stats become 10s, this effect can be removed by a remove
curse spell.
34 Lame: instant death fort save DC 23, a friend adjacent to you can assist you giving you a
+5 circumstance bonus.
35 Other Lame: one of your legs breaks 3 ways to sunday and no normal healing can fix it.
your base speed is reduced by 10ft (5ft if you are a small).
36 Aura of awesome: if you are wearing tinted glasses or goggles the air around you is
cooler and the light is not so bright. Creatures in a 30ft radius around you are uneffected by the negative
effects of high enviromental tempuratures and bright light. Once per day you can say a catchy one-liner
and put on your shades to give all allies within a 30ft radius a +2 moral bonus on all saves, attack and
damage rolls, skill checks, and cool poses for one minute/level.
37 Golden shower: choose a number of d6s to take in damage, gold erupts from your body
damaging you and dropping gold equal to the damage you take times 10.
38 Curse of teleportation: every so often you must make a will save DC 13 or be teleported
in a random direction up to 100ft. This effect always activates the first round of combat and every 1d4
rounds there after.
39 Neverending sweat: you must drink twice the normal amount of water for your race, you
are always considered soaked.
40 Curse of the Zoolander: You cannot turn left, turning around to face left requires a
acrobatics check to not provoke an attack of opportunity.
41 Eye of the megaton: you become the epicenter of a huge explosion. you are not hit but
any creature not standing closer than 5ft from you within a mile radius of you must reflex to avoid the
blast. Creatures within 5 ft of you gain evasion for evading towards you. every creature and object within
a mile of you takes 8d10 bludgeoning damage and 2d10 fire damage and catches on fire, reflex DC 18 to
half. creatures more than half a mile from you gain a +4 bonus to save as they get to see it shortly before
it reaches them.
42 Tool manufesto: When this result occures a single item manufests from your mind taking
on any proporties you desire so long as it only aids the function of the tool. The item can be a sword that
sings, a grappling hook that can hook onto flat objects, or any other item so long as the item has a basis
for its manufestation. If it is a wand or staff it does not cast spells, but instead modifies any spell you cast
with it. The item is only enchanted for effect and style not power, thus a singing longsword is not a +5
longsword that sings, nor can it cast any spells due to its voice, but it might be able to aid you in a
performance as it sings. the DM gets the final say of what this can create. Basic idea to remember is a
chainsaw that runs on magic or oil could be created by this, but the chainsaw would have no proporties
that a magically fueled chainsaw wouldn't have.
43 Duplicate deviant: you grow an exact copy of yourself which has the opposite alignment
of you. it posesses your memories and stats but dispises your way of living. it will either try to change
you to see things its way, or plot to kill you, whichever it thinks it can get away with.
44 Duplicate devote: you grow an exact copy of yourself which is absolutly loyal to you. it
worships the ground you walk apon and does whatever you ask of it, it has all of your memories and
stats but it is uncontrollably devote to you. If you should die while it is alive it will take your soul into its
body thus bringing you back to life, killing the duplicate.
45 Magic tunning: you constantly detect magic in a 30ft radius around yourself. when you
cast a spell of the divination school add +1 to your caster level.
46 Magic jamming: you are constanly under the effects of nondetection, detect DC 25.
when casting a divination spell you must make a consentration check DC 15 + the level of the spell or fail
the spell.
47 The horrible secret of space: you learn the horrible secret of space. the space robots
that protect people from the horrible secret of space will hunt you down to prevent the secret from
being learned. you will be pushed down any stairs when you stand at the top of them.
49 Amphisbaena: gain the amphisbaena creature template, execpt you do not increase your
51 Fey form: gain the fey creature template, except you do not change alignment
52 Undead: you become undead gaining all the immunities and weaknesses of being
undead, you lose your Con score and use your Cha for hit point calculation. though this does not make
you evil it makes it hard to be good. based on your level you must choose to progress as a lich or a
vampire; at total level 4 you chose vampire or lich. choosing vampire gives you all of the weaknesses of
vampires, all the special qualities of vampires, excluding the gaseous form, and the blood drain special
attack and the vampire slam attack, at 8th level you finish your transformation into a vampire gaining the
rest of the vampire abilities. if you chose lich at 4th level you gain cold and lightning resist 10, DR
5/bludgeoning and magic, and a phylactery which you must always carry upon your person, if your
phylactery is farther than 30 ft from your body you body is destroyed, if your body is destroyed the
phylactery will begin creating a new one taking 1d10 days, at 8th level you complete your transformation
into a lich gaining all lich abilities.
53 Lycanthropy: you become cursed with lycanthropy the DM chooses the animal or may
allow you to choose the animal. when you have 4 or more levels you shift from being an afflicted
lycanthrope to being a natural lycanthrope.
54 Animal hatred: choose an animal, all animals of that type hate you and attack you on
55 Thick carpace: you grow a hard heavy carpace granting you a +4 natural armor but it
hinders your movement as though you were wearing hide armor.
56 Hooved feet: your feet become hooves, you cannot wear normal shoes, though you
could wear horse shoes. your base speed is increased by 10 ft
57 Four eyes: you grow a second pair of eyes granting you a +4 bonus to perception checks,
but they look freaky so you suffer a -4 to diplomacy checks. bonusses and penalties can be removed
temporarily by covering the extra eyes with some sort of disguise.
58 Deep link: the first creature you meet eyes with becomes linked to you deeply. You and
the other creature treat eachother as though you were familiars of the other. use your total level to
determine what familiar abilities you may use.
59 Cursed with awesome: you gain a single spell as an at will spell like ability of the DMs
choice. You hate this ability as it is a horrible curse which you are force to bare. you may use the ability
after making a DC 15 + spell level + 2/times used in the current day Will save.
60 Blessed with suck: you gain the super awesome ability to comunicate with harmless
creatures, mimic the stats of any creature with lower stats than you, regrow body hair, turn invisible
when noone is looking, and when out of combat turn into a giant (large) version of yourself with 2 claws,
a gore, a slam, a bite, a tail slap, 4 tentacles, and a breath weapon. you cannot take any action that
would possibly engage combat when in your giant form, including intimidate checks and attacking walls,
even someone seeing you and getting freaked out is enough to revert you.
61 Tears of diamond: your tears become diamonds each worth 35 gold. You only release 15
tears each time you cry and you can only cry from extreeme sadness or joy, it becomes imposible for you
to force yourself to cry, it must be natural.
62 Paragon: if you are true neutral roll again. Choose a single alignment that you are other
than neutral. You gain the power of being a paragon of that alignment, if you break that alignment you
lose the powers. The powers are the same as the celestial, entropic, fiendish, and resolute templates, for
good, chaotic, evil, and lawful respectively. Use your level/HD in place of CR for calculating bonusses.
63 Beloved animals: choose one type of animal. All animals of the selected type love you,
and you them. You never need to handle such animals, unless they are being controlled or tormented by
65 Reverse aging: turn back your current age catagory by one, this has no effect on mental
stats, only physical ones.
66 Power of dominance: when you defeat an enemy you have a chance of absorbing a
portion of their soul, the DM chooses the chance to get a part of their soul and may give you 100%
chance with certain enemies. If you absorb a portion of a creatures soul, you gain a soul power from
them, the DM chooses what the soul power is but it is based on the creature. Each day when you rest
you may chose up to 3 soul powers you have obtained to use for that day. You may only have one of each
type of soul power each day. The three types are bullet, guardian, and enchantment. Bullets are
instantaneous use spell-like abilities, guardians are duration based spell-like abilities, and enchantments
are passive bonusses. A DM may also choose to reward you with an ability soul when you defeat a
particularly powerful opponent. Ability souls do not take up one of your three soul slots and are always
active, their effects are completely up to the DM but typically give passive bonusses like enchantments,
without taking up your enchantment slot. The DM may decide that certain enemies are similar enough
to grant the same soul power and may even decide that multiple of the same soul power increases the
strength of the ability.
67 My one weakness: You must choose cold, fire, acid, electricity, silver, cold iron, gold,
good, evil, chaotic, lawful, or oak wood. You gain regeneration 1 (selected weakness). You may only
choose an alignment opposed to your own. You gain vulnerability to any energy type you choose which
overwrites any resistance or immunity you might have to the selected energy type. Anything made from
the material you chose burns your skin to touch and being attacked by such an object deals an aditional
2d6 points of damage to you. You may ask you DM for a weakness not listed.
68 Beauty and the beast: You are cursed to look like a horrid monster suffering a -8 on all
diplomacy checks with those who judge with their eyes. You gain a +4 racial bonus to strength and suffer
a -2 racial penalty to dex, you grow one size catagory and gain two claw attacks appropriate for your new
size. You gain a natural armor bonus of +4, unless you already had better. Normal folk will be unable to
see past your appearance and will attack you on sight. To break the curse you must be kissed by a
someone out of love.
69 Sexy demon time: If you are a female you become a succubus, if male an incubus. This
transformation is gradual granting energy resistance electricity 10 and a +4 vs poison and darkvision 60 ft
at level 1. Upon reaching level 2 you gain the Change Shape special quality which can only be used to
assume your natural form. At level 4 you gain immunity to electricity and poison; DR 5/cold iron or good;
resistance to acid, cold, and fire 5; a +2 racial bonus to cha; and SR equal to 10 + your level. When level 6
or above you gain the special quality: Change Shape (alter self, Small or Medium humanoid). Finally, at
level 8 your DR increases to 10/cold iron or good; your resistance to acid, cold, and fire increases to 10;
you can cast charm monster at will as a spell-like ability; you gain a fly speed of 50 ft average
manuverability and fly becomes a class skill; your racial bonus to cha is increased to +4; telepathy 100 ft;
and you gain the Energy Drain (Su) special ability and the Profane Gift (Su), if a succubus, or Pain
Redoubled (Su), if an incubus, special ability. The saves for your special abilities are 10 + 1/2 your level +
cha mod.
70 Djinn of the potion: You become trapped in the bottle you drank from, or another vessal
if needed. Your prison becomes indestructable and you can be released for only minutes at a time.
Whenever someone rubs your prison you are brought out for only a short moment to hold a
conversation or grant a wish. You gain the spell like ability of wish 1/week and can only use it to grant the
wishes of those that summoned you. While you do not need the material component for this wish it
drains you, and makes you unable to leave your prison at all until the week is over. No creature may have
more than one wish granted by you. The only way to completely escape this prison is for someone to
wish you free of their own free will.
71 Breath weapon: Choose an energy type, fire, cold, electric, or acid, you gain a breath
weapon of the selected type. You gain the spell like ability of dragon's breath, exept that it can only be of
the energy type you chose. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day for
every 4 levels you have.
72 Brain or Brawn: Choose brain or brawn; if brain, gain +5 INT and lose -5 STR; if brawn, +5
73 Tothoust's arm: Your left arm becomes magically enchanted with the power of utterly OP
magic. The arm allows you to cast any spells you are able to cast without verbal, somatic, material, focus,
or divine focus components.
74 Master's arm: Your right arm becomes magically enchanted with the power of utterly OP
mastery. The arm grants you use of any and all feats that can apply to any weapon wield in it until you
are nolonger using the weapon.
75 Gender bender isn't enough: You gain the shapechanger subtype and change genders. At
3rd level, you gain the ability to change genders any time you want as a standard action. Additionally at
5th level, as a standard action you can fire a beam of energy that swaps the gender of anyone who fails a
Fort save DC 10 + half your level + your cha mod. Creatures that fail the initial save must also make a will
save of the same DC or be cursed with the new gender; if the will save succeeds the creature changes
back after 1min/level. Cursed creatures never regain their original form, unless the curse is lifted by the
caster by shooting them again or another caster, with a spell like remove curse. Regardless of if a
creature is cursed or not, any creature that has its form suddenly changed suffers a -4 penalty on attack
rolls the for one round, due to confusion, unless it is a shapechanger. Special: If you gain some other
shapechanger ability (ie Lycanthropy) you may use your shapechanging beam with that form as well. If
you gain a squirrel form you gain immunity to fire when in squirrel or a hybrid squirrel form.
76 Success in failure: Choose one craft, profession, or performance. Any time you fail at
your skill check with the selected skill, you succeed by the miniumum amount required for it to not be a
failure. For performance you may fumble and catch yourself in such a way that on-lookers cannot tell if
you slipped, or if it was part of the act.
77 Heavenly form: You turn into an angel. This transformation is gradual granting energy
resistance cold and acid 10 and a +4 vs petrification and darkvision 60 ft at level 1. Upon reaching level 2
you gain the Change Shape special quality which can only be used to assume your natural form. At level
4 you gain immunity to acid, cold and petrification; DR 5/evil; resistance to electricity and fire 5; a +2
racial bonus to cha; and SR equal to 10 + your level. When level 6 or above you gain the special quality:
Change Shape (alter self, Small or Medium humanoid). Finally, at level 8 your DR increases to 10/evil,
your resistance to electricity, and fire increases to 10, you can cast aid at will as a spell-like ability, you
gain a fly speed of 50 ft average manuverability and fly becomes a class skill, your racial bonus to cha is
increased to +4, and truespeech.
78 Failure in Success: Whenever you perform a craft skill check, your creations turn out
warped and ugly. Anything you craft can only be sold for half the normal market price. Magical items you
craft have all their properties, but they look horrible and the magical aura detects as weaker than it
actually is. Only a truely astute appraiser can identify your items true worth, and many still will not want
such unsightly tools. You gain the ability craft magical items with a hidden magic aura, so they do not
detect as magic; doing so adds 500 gold to the items crafting cost.
79 Epic Win: At any point within the next three days you may add 20 to any one dice roll,
this includes damage with a weapon or ray attack. If used for a craft check, the bonus applies to all
checks for the single object being crafted.
80 Epic Fail: You feel a malicious presence. At some point the DM will choose to have you
fail so spectacularly that people will speak of it for ages. This will only happen once, but it will be so bad
that your reputation will be irreparably damaged. The more fame you gain the more people know about
your one epic failure as well. Unless the DM feels strongly about it, you shouldn't die from your epic fail,
though it may cause the deaths of others.
81 Unlimited Blade Works: I am the bone of my blade: As a standard action you may
perform a craft (weapon) check without any materials, if your craft check succeeds, you craft the
selected weapon instantly. Any weapon crafted this way lasts for a min/level. Any weapon you create
with this ability dissapears one round after leaving your hand. Steel is my Body, and Fire is my Blood:
Starting at level 2, you are proficient with any weapon you create. I've created ofer a Thousand Blades:
Upon reaching level 4, you nolongler have to make craft checks to create weapons you have created
before. Unlimited Blade Works: Finally at level 15 you gain the power to craft a world using your craft
weapons skill check. Crafting the world takes 4 swift actions or 2 standard actions. The world you create
is always a flat plain containing all the weapons you've ever crafted with this power. When you world
craft all creatures within 500 ft of you must make a will save vs your craft check or be brought into the
crafted world. The world is hostile toward any creatures you want it to be. Creatures that are targeted by
the worlds hostility treat the terrain as difficult and take 1d4 damage per round.
82 Vice Magic: You choose a vice; the DM chooses a spell-like ability. So long as you are
meeting your vices requirements, you can cast your spell-like ability.
83 Strongest man in the room: All creatures within 30 ft of you (that have more str than
you) must make a (DC 10 + half your level + your con mod) Fort save or have its strength drained to one
less than yours this effect immediately ends when the creature is nolonger within range.
84 Tentacles, tentacles: The first time you take damage in a day, you become the center of a
black tentacles spell, with a caster level equal to your level. If you do not take damage in a day, the curse
activates at random, normally at night when your all alone and about to rest. Growing acustomed to
having this curse you gain a trait, hurts so good, which makes you stop taking damage from the
tentacles, but does not remove the grappled condition. At level 8, if you have the hurts so good trait, the
black tentacles will protect you when grappling you, giving you a +4 cover bonus to AC, and 20%
concealment against ranged attacks. The DM may choose to make this curse even worse, like causing the
occasional handmaiden demon summon, or better, like making the hurts so good trait granting DR.
85 Ethereal shift: As a standard action you may become ethereal, or material if already
86 Amphibious: You gain a swim speed equal to your highest movement speed and can
breathe in air and water.
87 Curse of the oracle: Gain one Oracle curse from the oracle curse list. Use your total level
for your curse level.
88 Blessed by a god(ess): Gain one domain power, use your total level as your cleric level.
You become like a shining beacon to the gods; this sometimes is less a blessing and more a curse.
89 Uncontrollable rage: You gain a rage +2 Str +2 Con +1 Will and -2 AC which you can
activate like a barbarians rage, with all the debenefits. Your rage causes you to focus on one target until
that target is dead or unconscious. If someone tries to provoke you into a fight you must make a will save
vs their skill check at a -4 to the save. If you fail your save you enter rage and must attack that taget until
one of you are dead or unconscious.
90 Growing flesh curse: You gain fast healing 1. You do not need to breathe while sleeping.
Flesh grows over your mouth and nose causing you to be unnable to breathe. As a standard action with a
slashing or piercing weapon, you can can cut open your mouth or nostrils for 1d4 damage to breath for a
number of rounds equal to the damage you took.
91 Zodiac Power: Choose 12 creatures, ideals, and/or people. Each chosen comes with a
zodiac form which can add a minor appearance change to yourself and a power. You may be in one
zodiac form at a time, changing forms is a swift action. The DM chooses what powers each form has, and
may add conditions under which the form can be used.
92 Critical luck: rolls of natural 9 and below count as having rolled one less, 11 and higher
count as one higher. 2s constatute critical failure due to this, and 19s are critical successes.
93 Saiyan blood: Every time you are reduced to below 0 hit points in a life threatening
battle, after you recover you gain +1 str or cha. You also get a beam attack requiring a ranged touch
attack, which deals 1d6 + cha mod in damage as a standard action.
94 The unknown mistery character: You are constantly at the center of a obscuring mist. A
powerful wind gust dispells the mist for one round. At level 4, you also become the center of a darkness
spell. Finally at level 8, you become the center of a solid fog, and a 300 ft obscuring mist. The solid fog
does not impede your own movement. The 300 ft obscuring mist acts as enviromental mist and
continuously disipates to surrounding areas possibly effecting areas larger than the 300 ft. 8th level mists
replace 1st level mists, also the 8th level mists can be left at the entrance of a structure for one hour per
level, after which it then begins generating from you. As soon as you leave the structure the mist starts
generating from you again and nolonger waits at the enterance. At level 15, you gain the ability to cause
a lightning storm once per day.
95 Sanitary sanity instability: You gain a sanity score of 50. Each time you see creatures of
the crazed and unholy you lose sanity; seeing an undead you lose 5 sanity, a deamon, demon or devil, or
a chaotic outsider you lose 10 sanity. Every time you kill such a creature you regain 3 sanity. Sanity can
be restored by a spell that restores ability damage, healing up to 2 times the level of the spell used.
Maximum sanity is 100. Sanity scores of 20 or less cause you to gain a madness. Sanity scores of 80 or
more lower the sanity loss of each sanity damaging action by 5. Also sanity of 80 or higher grants a +2 to
will saves.
96 Full crew: You gain a spell like ability to handle any vehicle you are on as though you had
a full crew; or horses if the vehicle needs pulling animals. This ability can be used at will, but lasts only as
long as you concentrate on it. Any skill checks the crew would need to perform, you must roll.
97 Monsterous: Choose an animal, you become a monster hybrid of human and the animal,
your type changes to monstrous humanoid. Though it is up to the DM to decide exactly what you look
like, snakes can replace your leggs with a serpentine tail making you like a lamia, and horses could make
you look like a centar. The DM may choose to add extra visual effects on your upper body, change your
size catagory, or give you natural weapons. Size increases cause a +2 size bonus to strength.
98 Curse of the hated: All NPCs hate you. Peace loving people may not attack you on sight,
but every word you say is like a provocation to them. Even the most saintly of souls cannot tolerate your
pressence for more than an hour.
99 Roll twice
100 Wish