Modul 2 Power System Studies 1
Modul 2 Power System Studies 1
Modul 2 Power System Studies 1
Hadi Suyono, Ph.D | Power System Analysis | Department of Electrical Engineering | Brawijaya University
Hadi Suyono, Ph.D | Power System Analysis | Department of Electrical Engineering | Brawijaya University
• Power system planning, design and operations require careful studies in order to
evaluate the system performance, safety, efficiency, reliability and economics.
• Such studies help to identify the potential deficiencies of the proposed system. In the
existing system, the cause of the equipment failure and malfunction can be
determined through a system study.
• The modern interconnected power systems are complex, with several thousand
buses and components. The manual calculation of the performance indices is time
• The computational efforts are very much simplified in the present day calculations
due to the availability of efficient programs and powerful microcomputers. The
following study tools are used for power system analysis
• Digital computer - The main frame computers are used in power system
calculations such as power flow, stability, short circuit and similar studies. The
introduction of cheaper personal computers with the graphics capabilities has
reduced the computational costs. However, the results produced by the
programs are sophisticated and require careful analysis.
• There are several power system studies performed to evaluate the efficient
operation of the power delivery [1,2]. Some of the important studies are:
• Impedance modeling.
• Power flow analysis.
• Short circuit studies.
• Transient stability analysis.
• Motor starting studies.
• Power factor correction studies.
• Harmonic analysis.
• Flicker analysis.
• Insulation coordination.
• Accurate value of the line constants are required for the power flow, stability,
voltage drop calculations, protection coordination studies and other power
system studies.
• The underground cables are more complex than the overhead lines and the
parameter calculations involve the thickness of the insulation, shield and the
various materials involved in the construction.
• The calculated impedance values are presented in tables related to the line
or cable location.
• Sometimes there may be many line or cables involved in a system and the
parameters are presented in the impedance diagrams. Such diagrams will be
very useful in the system analysis.
• Power flow studies are used to determine the voltage, current, active and reactive
power flow in a given power system. A number of operating conditions can be
analyzed including contingencies such as loss of generator, loss of a transmission
line, loss of a transformer or a load.
• Further, the results of the power flow analysis are the staring point for the stability
analysis. Digital computers are used extensively in the power flow study because of
the large-scale nature of the problem and the complexities involved.
• For the power flow analysis, the acceptable voltage levels are derived from the
industry standards. The line and transformer loadings are evaluated according to the
normal, short-term emergency and long term-emergency ratings.
50.78 2.34
3.55 26.96 1.2 23.82 23.42 0.34 20.99 6.77 20.95 7.72
7.17 2.35
22.3 1.52
25.7 0.44
26.06 1.52
6.49 26.82
53.29 6.66 52.24 5.14 7.12 4.87
22.58 2.88
(2) PQ (5) PQ
1.052V∠ − 0.78° 1.025V∠ − 4.02°
5.72 95
20 10 60 10
• The short circuit studies are performed to determine the magnitude of the
current flowing throughout the power system at various time intervals after a
fault. The magnitude of the current flowing through the power system after a
fault varies with time until it reaches a steady state condition.
• During the fault, the power system is called on to detect, interrupt and isolate
these faults. The duty impressed on the equipment is dependent on the
magnitude of the current, which is a function of the time of fault initiation.
• Such calculations are performed for various types of fault such as three-
phase, single line to ground fault, double line to ground fault and at different
location of the system. The data is used to select fuses, circuit breakers and
surge protective relays. The symmetrical component model is used in the
analysis of the unsymmetrical faults and mutual coupling.
• Transient stability of the system is defined as the ability of the power system
to remain in synchronism under transient conditions such as fault and
switching operations.
• In a power system, the stability depends on the power flow pattern, generator
characteristics, system loading level, the line parameters and many other
details. Typical stability runs and the example results showing the acceptable
and not acceptable results are presented in this Chapter.
• The majority of the load in the industrial power system consists of three-phase
induction and synchronous motors. These motors draw five to seven times the rated
current during energization and this causes significant voltage drop in the distribution
• If the terminal voltage drop is excessive, the motor may not produce enough starting
torque to accelerate up to rated running speed. Also, the running motors may stall
from excessive voltage drops or under voltage relays may operate.
• Further, if the motors are started frequently, the voltage dip at the source may cause
objectionable flicker in the residential lighting system. By performing the motor-
starting study, the voltage-drop-related issues can be predicted.
• If a starting device is needed, the required characteristics and rating can be
determined. Using a computer program, the voltage profile at various locations of the
system during motor staring can be determined. The study results can be used to
select suitable starting device, proper motor selection or required system design for
Department of Electrical Engineering
Brawijaya minimizing
University, Malang, Indonesia
the impact of the motor starting.
Power Factor Correction Studies
• Usually, the power factor of various power plants is low and there are several
advantages in improving them. The power factor capacitors provide an
economical means of improving the power factor.
• When the power factor improvement capacitor banks are installed in both
high voltage and low voltage levels, then there are several factors that
require careful consideration. Some of the important items are:
• Sustained overvoltages.
• Resonance frequencies of both high and low voltage capacitor banks.
• Voltage magnification at low voltage capacitor banks.
• Nonlinear power system loads such as converters, arc furnaces and vapor lamps
draw non-sinusoidal currents from the source.
• The voltage distortion produced in the system depends on the system impedance
and the magnitudes of the harmonic currents injected. If the system impedance is
low, the voltage distortion is low in the absence of harmonic resonance.
• Also, the harmonic frequencies induce voltage in the communication circuits. The
harmonic analysis is performed using frequency sensitive power system models.
• There are several industrial loads such as arc furnace, traction load, a
particle accelerator and motor-starting condition.
• The overvoltages may damage the power system equipment due to flashover
through insulation breakdown. Usually a flashover will cause a temporary
tripping and reclosing operation.
• The power system transients are modeled using the transients program and
are analyzed in the time domain. In this Chapter, the approach to the
transient modeling of the power system and solution approaches is presented
with suitable examples.
• Cable installation in the underground or in the cable trays are commonly used
to transmit power within the generating station.
• Also, the cables are used to transmit power at distribution level in the urban
areas. The current carrying capability of the cable is determined by the
maximum conductor temperature rise.
• In the substations and generating stations part of the fault currents are
diverted through the grounding grids. During the ground fault conditions the
fault currents through ground grid causes the grid voltage drop and hence the
neutral voltage rise. The purpose of the safety analysis is to evaluate the
• Grid potential rise.
• Maximum mesh voltage rise.
• Touch potential rise.
• Step potential rise.
• In order to calculate the above quantities, data for the soil resistivity, fault
current magnitude and duration and the geometry of the ground grid are
• The lightning surge is one of the major sources of external disturbance to the
power system. The lightning surge can strike the power system as a direct
stroke or as a back flashover strike.
• The surge current through the system depends on several factors such as
the tower and conductor configuration and the tower footing resistance.
• The system performance is analyzed for the overvoltages without and with
lightning arresters.
• The benefit of having lightning arresters in the system to control the adverse
effects of lightning surges is demonstrated.
• Electric and magnetic fields exist wherever there is electric power. Field
calculation approaches are discussed both for the overhead lines and
underground cable circuits.
• The acceptable levels of radiated fields are presented from various industry
• This type of study can identify the levels of field exposure and compare the
existing levels with the industry standard values.
• The data acquisition techniques are used to evaluate the power system performance
under various conditions. When there are several parameters to be measured in a
system, a simple data acquisition system can perform this function. When fast
transients are to be measured, data acquisition systems are used along with very
small time step.
• There are several types of data acquisition system software available for various
applications. Also, there are different communication protocols available to perform
the data transfer. In this Chapter, the following important data acquisition systems will
be analyzed:
• Steady state analysis.
• Transient analysis.
• The short circuit results provide the minimum and maximum current levels at
which the coordination must be achieved in order to protect the system.
• With the cheaper and faster microcomputers available at the design and
consulting offices, the time current characteristics of various protective
devices can readily be presented in graphical form.
• The necessary settings can be calculated and presented along with the
protective device characteristics in order to verify the coordination.
• The one line diagram of the proposed system is shown in Figure 1.1. The
required system studies are:
• Load flow analysis - To make sure that the line and transformer loadings are
within acceptable limits.
• Short circuit studies - To make sure that the circuit breaker ratings and relay
settings are performed to meet the new load flow conditions.
• Ground grid analysis - Ground grid for the substation and generating station
and related safety performance.
3. There is a political form opposing the electric distribution system in a school district.
This is a health-related issue due to an overhead line. The electric utility planners
want you to look into this subject and recommend to them suitable studies to be
performed. What will be the recommendation?
Figure 1.2 One-Line Diagram of the Proposed Generating Plant and Ring Bus