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ABB Synchronous Motors PDF

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Synchronous motors
High performance in all applications

High performance in all applications

Synchronous motors

ABB synchronous motors help

our customers to cut operating,
maintenance and energy costs while
lowering environmental impact.

We provide motors and
generators, services and
expertise to save energy
and improve customers’
processes over the total life
cycle of our products, and

Table of contents

004 Synchronous motors

from the world’s leading

005 Efficiency and reliability

for a wide range of applications

006 Fixed and variable speed motors

008 Proven reliability

010 Effective cooling

011 Bearings and accessories

012 Robust frame

013 Excitation

014 Proven insulation system

015 Testing

016 Life cycle services and support

017 Total product offering

4 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Synchronous motors
from the world’s leading supplier
High performance in all applications
Designed to provide outstanding reliability and efficiency,
ABB synchronous motors help our customers to cut operating,
maintenance and energy costs while lowering environmental impact.

ABB is the market’s leading supplier of different applications to tailor cost-effective

synchronous motors and generators. All over the solutions. The flexible design concept enables us
world our synchronous motors are delivering to adapt motors for almost every kind of
superior performance in industrial processes, the application.
marine and offshore industries, utilities, and
specialized applications. We offer predefined maintenance programs for
all lifetime phases of all ABB motors, and
We have been designing and manufacturing AC preventive diagnosis and updates can help to
motors for mission-critical applications for more further boost your competitiveness when
than 130 years, and our experience and needed.
application knowledge have made us the
preferred supplier in many different industries. The global ABB network ensures local service
delivery whenever and wherever you need it.
ABB synchronous motors are based on modular Around the world we have over 60 service centers
and standardized platforms. Working together and more than 150 authorized service providers
with customers, we use our know-how of ready to support you.

Efficiency and reliability
for a wide range of applications
Motors that match your needs
ABB synchronous motors deliver efficient and reliable operation
in a wide range of applications. We have a strong track record in tailoring
motors to match customer needs across different industries.

Examples of industries and applications where our motors are operating include:
• Oil, gas and petrochemical: compressors, pumps, fans and extruders
• Marine and offshore: variable speed motors in azimuthing propulsors and shaft line applications
• Metals and minerals: rolling mills, hoists, processing lines, semi-autogenous grinding (SAG) mills, ball
mills and blowers
• Power utilities: pumps, fans and condensers
• Pulp and paper: chippers, refiners and grinders
• Water and wastewater: pumps
• Air separation: compressors
• Specialized applications: wind tunnel motors and motor-generator sets

— — —
Air separation Cement Oil, gas and petrochemical

— — —
Marine Metals and minerals Mining

— — —
Power generation Pulp and paper Water and wastewater
6 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Fixed and variable speed motors
Tailored to application requirements
ABB motor designs are always optimized for the specific application, ensuring
the correct starting method is used. The starting method is selected primarily on
the basis of customer requirements, network capability and process demands.

Fixed speed motors We supply motors and drives that meet torque
Fixed speed synchronous motors are typically requirements over the entire operating range,
used in applications like compressors, fans, from zero to maximum process speed. This
pumps, wood grinders and refiners. ensures smooth starting, acceleration and
operation. We offer optimized ABB motor-drive
The most commonly used starting methods for packages for the best possible variable speed
fixed speed synchronous motors are direct-on- solution. These consist of an ABB synchronous
line (DOL), reactor, autotransformer, load motor combined with an ABB load commutated
commutated inverter (LCI, 'soft starter'), inverter or ABB voltage source inverter.
capacitor and reactor capacitor.
We use our engineering and application know-
Variable speed motors how to ensure that all the components in
Variable speed synchronous motors are often electrical drive packages, particularly the
used in demanding applications in process converter-motor interface, are optimally
industries and in applications where variable integrated to match the process. Benefits include
speed delivers clear benefits. Rolling mills, mine special converter-fed motor designs, increased
hoists, pumps and compressors are typical efficiency and improved torque production
examples of variable speed applications. capabilities.
Synchronous motors with variable speed drives
(VSDs) are also commonly used in the main ABB motor designs are always optimized for the
propulsion system in ships. Optimized electrical type of converter that is most suitable for the
drive systems with variable speed motors can application. Our motors can be combined with all
also provide considerable energy savings in common converter types: load commutated
applications like extruders, compressors and inverter (LCI), cycloconverter (C) and voltage
pumps. source inverter (VSI).

Fixed speed motors

Output (MW)
80 AMZ 2500
AMZ 2000
70 AMZ 1600
AMZ 1250
AMZ 1120

50 AMZ 0900
AMZ 0710
40 AMS 1400
AMS 1250
30 AMS 1120
AMS 1000
AMS 900
10 AMS 800
AMS 710
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Speed (rpm)

Variable speed motors

Output (MW)
80 AMZ 2500
AMZ 2000
70 AMZ 1600
AMZ 1250
AMZ 1120
AMZ 0900
AMZ 0710




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Speed (rpm)

Output (MW)
80 AMS 1400
AMS 1250
70 AMS 1120
AMS 1000
AMS 900
AMS 800
AMS 710




100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000
Speed (rpm)

Output ranges of ABB synchronous motors (from 1 to 75 MW, 1 to 15 kV).
8 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Proven reliability
Increased productivity for your operations
ABB synchronous motors are renowned for their proven quality and reliability.
Robust design ensures reliability through cool operating temperatures and
low vibration.

Rotor minimum distance between bearings ensure that

The rotor plays a crucial part in achieving the best the motor operates below the first critical speed,
possible electrical and mechanical performance. keeping vibration levels low.

Higher speed motors (four and six poles) have Lower speed motors (eight or more poles)
solid rotors with integrated poles made from a typically have rotors with the poles manufactured
one-piece steel forging. A solid pole plate is from 2 mm laminated steel sheet. The sheets are
attached to the pole, a design that has good pressed together with inserted steel bars which
overload capability and low harmonics. At the are welded to the end plates.
same time this rotor configuration contributes to
excellent starting characteristics, high starting For lower speed motors the technically preferred
torque and low starting current. option is to vacuum pressure impregnate (VPI)
the rotor assembly after it is wound to achieve
The large cooling surfaces and effective flow of excellent insulation and mechanical strength.
cooling air keep the rotor temperature low and After impregnation, the complete rotor assembly
uniform, helping to ensure reliability and a long is dynamically checked for balance.
operating life.
Permanent magnet poles are used in certain
The coils are class H insulated for extra thermal variable speed applications. Permanent magnet
margins. The rigid rotor construction and rotors are straightforward constructions and do

not need an excitation system. When necessary, Modular stator design

high pole numbers can be used in low speed Each application has its own specific
applications. requirements in terms of motor performance. Our
modular stator design allows us to precisely
Shaft match the performance of every ABB synchronous
The shaft is manufactured from forged or rolled motor to the needs of its application.
steel and machined to exact specifications. The
shaft ends can be cylindrical, conical or flanged. Also The use of high grade core material increases
two shaft ends can be provided (double end drive). efficiency and reduces operating costs. Radial
cooling ducts ensure uniform and effective
Rotor windings cooling.
The rotor windings consist of either preformed
enameled rectangular copper wire or flat copper. The rigid stator construction transmits all forces
Proper supports between adjacent windings via the frame to the foundation to minimize
ensure stability up to the rated overspeed. vibrations. The windings are insulated with
The rotor windings are made to match (at the mica-based tape. When the windings are in
minimum) the insulation class of the stator. place, the complete stator undergoes vacuum
This ensures outstanding reliability and a long pressure impregnation (VPI). The windings are
service life, even with asymmetric loads or under class F insulated, which gives good thermal
exceptional conditions. margins.
10 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Effective cooling
The wide range of available cooling methods ensures that you
can select the optimum system to match the motor’s operating
and environmental conditions.

The three most commonly used cooling methods

are air-to-water, air-to-air and open air. Whichever
method is chosen, it will provide effective cooling
of the complete motor.

Air-to-water closed circuit cooling

The cooling air circulates in a closed circuit
through the active parts of the motor and then
through an air-to-water heat exchanger. This
method is especially recommended if cooling
water is available nearby. It is an ideal solution for
situations where closed circuit cooling is required
due to installation outdoors or in a hazardous
area, or whenever the quality of the surrounding
air is not suitable for direct cooling. It is also a
good choice for motors installed in machine
rooms with limited ventilation, such as on board
ships or in pumping stations that are fully

Air-to-air closed circuit cooling

The cooling air circulates in a closed circuit
through the active parts of the motor and
through an air-to-air heat exchanger. This
solution is generally used when a closed circuit
cooling system – such as air-to-water cooling – is
required but water is not readily available. An
additional shaft-mounted or separate electric fan
is needed to ensure sufficient air flow through
the cooler.

Open air cooling

Open air cooling can be used where the air in the
immediate environment is relatively clean and
there is adequate air circulation. The cooling air is
typically drawn in through filters, passed through Enclosure protection classes
the active parts of the motor, and then exhausted Available protection classes are IP23, IP44, IP54,
back to the environment. If the machine room IP55 or IP66, or NEMA equivalents. Motors can
ventilation system cannot compensate for the also be supplied for hazardous areas in
temperature gradient, the motor air outlet can be accordance with IEC/ATEX or NEC regulations
ducted to exhaust the air outdoors. (increased safety or pressurized construction).

Bearings and accessories
High quality bearings
Selection of the optimal bearing makes a significant difference to reliability.

The choice of optimal bearing arrangement and Lubrication

type is influenced by a number of factors. These In some cases the bearings are self-lubricated by
include customer requirements and operating means of an oil ring, which picks up the
conditions like ambient temperature, air lubricating oil and transfers it directly to the
cleanliness, vibration levels and possible shocks shaft, forming an independent and highly reliable
affecting the bearings. Also radial and axial loads, lubrication system.
rotation speed, coupling type and the type of
driven equipment should be taken into account. In applications involving large loads, high speeds,
high ambient temperature or where the motor is
ABB synchronous motors use quality sleeve mounted in an inclined position, an external oil
bearings that withstand high levels of vibration cooling and circulation system may be necessary,
and offer great performance. The bearings unless the oil is supplied directly from the
provide the same outstanding reliability under lubrication system of the driven equipment. In
static and dynamic (radial and axial) loads. Their certain applications which run at slow speeds, a
excellent heat transfer capability makes them jack-up system may be required for starting and
equally suitable for low and high speed slow turning.
Hydrostatic jacking oil systems are available for
End-shield mounted bearings are always used in low-speed applications and, in specific
higher speed (four and six pole) motors. Pedestal situations, for use during motor start-up and shut
mounted bearings are generally used for the down.
largest frame sizes of lower speed motors. Motors
with pedestal bearings are as easy to mount and Accessories
align as those with end-shield mounted bearings. We offer a broad selection of accessories,
The motors are normally delivered ready including devices and equipment for measuring,
assembled and require no further assembly on protection, termination, lubrication and
site. Separate pedestal bearing motors are often mounting of the motor. Typical examples are PT-
mounted on a common base frame. 100 sensors, earth fault protection relays, surge
arrestors, current transformers, rotor
Sleeve bearings last as long as the expected telemetrics, sole plates and anchor bolts.
lifetime of the motor, provided that the operating
conditions and maintenance intervals are as A separate main terminal box is mounted on the
specified. The bearing housing is designed to side of the motor, featuring bus bars outside the
permit easy access for inspection and motor frame and allowing connections from any
maintenance. The bearings are insulated from the direction.
motor frame to eliminate circulating currents in
the shaft, and the shaft can be earthed. The
bearings are sealed against oil leakage with
labyrinth seals. Sleeve bearings are designed to
be insensitive to misalignment and to permit
large axial play.
12 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Robust frame
Low vibration
Robust frame ensures great stability and optimum dynamic behavior.

For maximum flexibility, ABB synchronous motors

are designed for horizontal, inclined or vertical
mounting. Vertical mounting is available for
motors with eight or more poles.

The robust frame transfers dynamic and static

stresses directly to the foundation, reducing
vibration and contributing to the overall excellent
performance of the motor.

We can supply motors – even up to the largest

sizes and outputs – as complete, ready-to-install
units. This means that no further on-site
assembly is needed, which substantially reduces
installation times and cuts the risk that
something could go wrong during installation.

Our R&D team works closely with manufacturers

of driven equipment, using finite element method
(FEM) and dynamic animation techniques, to
analyze vibration models, test critical parts and
verify that harmful mechanical resonances will
not occur in the motor.

Corrosion protection
Our motors are designed and built to withstand
the relevant environmental conditions. All
surfaces made of steel, aluminum alloy or cast
iron are treated in accordance with the chosen
paint system. Selection of a suitable paint system
gives reliable anti-corrosion protection even
under the most severe environmental conditions.
For moderate indoor conditions the standard
finish is moisture-proof in accordance with the
relevant standards.

The right excitation method
for every application
We ensure that the excitation system matches the outstanding reliability
of our motors.

Higher speed motors (four and six poles) use a

compact, brushless exciter unit mounted on the
rotor shaft outboard of the bearings. No
independent support or alignment is required.
The high level of field forcing delivers improved
system performance, which increases the
production of reactive power and is beneficial
when faults arise in the supply network.

Lower speed motors (eight or more poles)

typically have a brushless exciter unit mounted
inside the motor enclosure.

Excitation control
The motor excitation control panel is supplied in a
For fixed speed applications and variable speed variety of basic formats. It houses the excitation
applications with less demanding dynamic equipment, protection system and logic
control requirements, a brushless exciter and functions for starting. We offer a wide range of
automatic voltage regulator are typical options. instrumentation and control equipment to
For AMS motors, PLC-based regulator is typically protect synchronous motors and ensure excellent
used. The brushless system has no wearing parts, reliability, availability and extended product
and the external excitation power requirement is lifetime.

The advanced and yet straightforward design has

a low component count and effective protection
functions, offering high reliability and easy
access for maintenance.

For variable speed applications where very fast

and accurate speed or torque control are
required, the motor is typically equipped with
brushes and a slip-ring unit to allow excitation
and control of the motor from the frequency
14 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Proven insulation system
High reliability, long lifetime
Insulation is crucial for overall reliability.

ABB has used the Micadur® Compact Industry The systematic VPI process is highly effective.
(MCI) insulation system for several decades, and After VPI is completed, stators and rotors are
it has gone into tens of thousands of large cured in an oven at high temperature, producing
motors and generators. Over this time, there have very strong and stable insulation with high
been no known primary insulation failures due to mechanical and electrical strength. This is
thermal aging. Thermal lifetime tests confirm especially important in order to resist inadvertent
that the endurance of the MCI system high stresses from out-of-phase synchronization,
comfortably exceeds the requirements of transients and short circuits.
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Even the largest wound stators are impregnated
Engineers (IEEE) standards. as complete units, ensuring that both the
insulation and the mechanical properties of the
The MCI insulation system is based on vacuum windings are excellent. This means that they can
pressure impregnation (VPI) of mica materials. A withstand vibrations induced by the driven
specially formulated epoxy resin is used to equipment and the mechanical stresses caused
produce a sealed and homogenous insulation by transients such as short circuits.
system with good performance in terms of
dielectric strength, heat transfer and elimination Medium and high voltage windings up to 15,000 V
of partial discharge - factors that promote great are made of form wound rectangular copper wire
reliability. Testing of the insulation system insulated with multiple layers of glass-fiber
includes close monitoring of the impregnation reinforced mica-tape. All the materials used,
process, curing times and pressure levels. including the VPI resin, exceed the requirements
of thermal class F.

Three levels of testing
Each motor is thoroughly tested before it leaves the factory.

During manufacturing, our motors typically pass

through more than 50 separate quality control
points comprising hundreds of individual
inspections. In addition, components and
assemblies constantly undergo quality
monitoring, inspections, reliability evaluations
and other tests as they progress through the
manufacturing process.

Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) is the final,

comprehensive set of tests that every motor
must pass before it leaves the plant. FAT verifies
that the motor meets the customer’s
specifications and application requirements. The
results are compiled in a report that is supplied
together with the motor. Customers can attend
the tests in person. For tests at the Helsinki
factory we also offer the option of attending the
tests via our online FAT system.
The insulation system is tested at full-voltage
Our test field is fully equipped to perform three levels. Unless otherwise specified, testing is
separate levels of testing, and we can also run performed according to the IEC 60034 standard.
combined tests with the customer’s own variable Testing according to classification society
speed drive (VSD) and transformer. requirements can also be done.

Three levels of testing

1. Routine tests
• performed on all motors

2. Type tests
• done in addition to routine tests
• normally performed on one motor in a series that has not been previously manufactured
• can also be undertaken at the customer’s request

3. Special tests
• may be conducted to verify performance in special conditions, eg, to verify compliance with
customer specifications regarding noise or vibration
• could also be done with regard to hazardous area or marine classification society requirements
16 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S

Life cycle services and support
From pre-purchase to migration and upgrades
ABB offers a complete portfolio of services to ensure trouble-free operation and long
product lifetimes. These services cover the entire life cycle. Local support is provided
through a global network of ABB service centers and certified partners.

Pre-purchase Spare parts

ABB’s front-end sales organization can help Spare parts and support are offered throughout
customers to quickly and efficiently select, the life cycle of ABB products. In addition to
configure and optimize the right motor for individual spares, tailored spare part packages
their application. are also available.

Installation and commissioning Repair and refurbishment

Professional installation and commissioning by Support for all ABB motors and other
ABB’s certified engineers represent an investment brands is provided by ABB’s global service
in availability and reliability over the entire life cycle. organization. Specialist teams can also deliver
emergency support.
Engineering and consulting
ABB’s experts provide energy efficiency and Migration and upgrades
reliability appraisals, advanced condition and Life cycle audits determine the optimum
performance assessments and technical studies. upgrades and migration paths. Upgrades
range from individual components to direct
Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis replacement motors.
ABB’s unique services deliver early warnings
of developing problems before failures occur. Training
The required data can be collected by an engineer Product and service training courses take a
during a site visit or by means of remote monitoring practical approach. The training ranges from
solutions. Integration into the ABB Ability™ platform means standard courses to specially tailored programs
the data can be transmitted to the cloud and accessed and to suit customer requirements.
analyzed remotely, allowing even greater insight into the
health of the equipment. The services focus on critical areas Specialized support
like the bearings, rotor winding, stator winding insulation Specialized support is offered through ABB’s
and overall mechanical condition. global service organization. Local units provide
major and minor repairs as well as overhauls
Maintenance and field services and reconditioning.
ABB offers life cycle management plans and
preventive maintenance products. Service contracts
The recommended four-level maintenance Service contracts are tailored to the customer’s
program covers the entire product lifetime. needs. The contracts combine ABB’s entire service
portfolio and 130 years of experience to deploy
the optimal service practices.

Total product offering
ABB offers a wide range of motors, generators and mechanical power
transmission products with a complete portfolio of services.

IEC motors Generators

• Low voltage motors • Generators for wind turbines
• High voltage induction and synchronous • Generators for diesel and gas engine power
motors plants
• Marine motors • Generators for steam and gas turbine power
• Motors for explosive atmospheres plants
• Motors for food and beverage • Generators for marine applications
• Motors for variable speed drives • Generators for industrial applications
• Permanent magnet motors • Generators for traction applications
• Synchronous reluctance motors • Synchronous condensers for reactive power
• Traction motors compensation

NEMA motors Mechanical power transmission components,

• Low voltage motors bearings, gearings
• High voltage induction and synchronous • Mounted bearings
motors • Enclosed gearing
• Marine motors • Mechanical drive components
• Motors for explosive atmospheres • Couplings
• Motors for variable speed drives • Sheaves and bushings
• Permanent magnet motors • Conveyor components
• Servomotors • Geared motor units
• Washdown motors
Life cycle services
18 S Y N C H R O N O U S M O T O R S H I G H P E R F O R M A N C E I N A L L A P P L I C AT I O N S


For more information and contact details:

9AKK105576 EN 12-2018

© Copyright 2018 ABB. All rights reserved.

Specifications subject to change without notice.

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