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Students' Handbook: Semester-III

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Students’ Handbook


Mechanical Engineering


Department of Mechanical Engineering

Ambala College of Engineering and Applied Research, Ambala
(Affiliated With)
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra
Vision of the Institute
To become a source of technology and start an Incubation Centre for entrepreneurs resulting in
this region developing into a vibrant industrial hub with many startup companies dealing with
new technology.

Mission of the Institute

1. To impart quality engineering education to students through quality teaching, hands on
training, and applied research in practical and product oriented projects.
2. To impart such education those passing out students are ready with good theoretical and
practical knowledge to suite the current need of industry.
3. To expose students to applied research, especially the fact that research does not require
much money but does require great persistence.
4. To sow the seed of entrepreneurship in them so that our engineers become job providers and
not job seekers.
5. To train students as a complete person through extracurricular activities and with an exposure
to a transparent system based on ethics so that they believe that a successful institution and a
successful business can be run with ethics without corruption.

Mechanical Engineering Deptt.

Vision of the Department
To develop the next generation of professionals in Mechanical Engineering by providing best of
teaching and practical learning approach.

Mission of the Department

The mission of the ACE Mechanical Engineering Department is to
I. Constantly strive to improve instructive methods employed in delivering the Mechanical
Engineering academic programmes.
II. Prepare effective, responsible and skilled engineering professionals.
III. Participate in research and development activities for contribution in industrial up gradation
and strengthening the industry - institute relationship.
IV. Cultivate the spirit of entrepreneurship among students.
PEOs of Mechanical Engineering Department
PEO-1, To make students capable of applying the fundamentals of mathematics, basic
sciences, humanities, technical arts and engineering sciences in solving engineering
PEO-2, To develop analytical skills in mechanical engineering students for solving
engineering problems.
PEO-3, To impart knowledge to students about design methodologies in thermo fluids,
materials and engineering systems using latest design tools.
PEO-4, To make the students familiar about latest technologies in all mechanical
engineering fields for meeting societal needs in a cost effective manner.
PEO-5, To encourage students to acquire managerial and entrepreneurial skills and to take
innovative and research oriented projects.

POs of Mechanical Engineering Department

The outcomes we desire are that our graduates demonstrate:

a) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to mechanical

engineering problems.
b) An ability to conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data.
c) An ability to design systems, components, or processes to meet desired needs.
d) An ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams.
e) An ability to identify, formulates, and solves engineering problems.
f) An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility.
g) An ability to communicate effectively with written, oral, and visual means.
h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
societal and global societal.
i) Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning.
j) Knowledge of contemporary issues.
k) An ability to use modern engineering techniques, skills, and computational tools
necessary for engineering practice.
l) An ability to work professionally in both thermal, design and production engineering
m) An ability to act as Entrepreneur.
B.TECH. 2nd year Mechanical Engg. Semester-III
Course Course Title Teaching Schedule for Marks for Total
No Class Exam Marks


HUM-201 Basics of Industrial 3 1 - 4 50 100 - 150
E/ Sociology, Economics &
MATH- Management /
201E Mathematics-III
ME-201 E Thermodynamics 3 1 - 4 50 100 - 150
ME-203 E Strength of Materials-I 3 1 - 4 50 100 - 150
ME-205 E Machine Drawing 2 - 4 6 50 100 - 150
ME-207 E Kinematics of Machine 3 1 - 4 50 100 - 150
ME-209E Production Technology-I 3 1 - 4 50 100 - 150
ME-211 E Kinematics of Machine - - 3 3 50 - 50 100
ME-213 E Thermodynamics Lab - - 3 3 50 25 75
ME-215 E Strength of Materials Lab - - 3 3 50 - 25 75
TOTAL 17 5 13 35 450 600 100 1150
Note: Students will be allowed to use Non-Programmable scientific calculator. However, sharing of
calculator will not be permitted.
Duration of theory as well as practical exams time is three hrs for all courses except ME-205E for which it is 4


I For Theory Subjects:

(i) Class test ( Two best of three) 40%

(ii) Class Attendance (Lecture/Tutorial) 40%
(iii) Class Work 20%

II For Practical/Project Courses:

(i) Viva-Voce/ Test 20%

(ii) Laboratory Record 20%
(iii) Class Attendance 40%
(iv) Class Work 20%
L T P Theory : 100
3 1 - Total : 150
Sessional : 50 Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Meaning of social change, nature of social change, theories of social change. The direction of social change, the
causes of social change, the process of social change. Factors of social change – the technological factors, the
cultural factors, effects of technology on major social institutions, social need of status system, social relations in
industry. UNIT-II
Meaning of Industrial Economic, Production Function, its types, Least Cost Combination, Law of Variable
Proportion, Laws of Return – Increasing, Constant & Diminishing.
Fixed & variable costs in short run & long run, opportunity costs, relation between AC & MC, U-shaped short run
AC Curve.
Price & Output Determination under Monopoly in short run & long run. Price Discrimination, Price Determination
under Discriminating Monopoly. Comparison between Monopoly & Perfect Competition.
Meaning of Management, Characteristics of Management, Management Vs. Administration, Management – Art,
Science & Profession, Fayol’s Principles of Management.
Personnel Management – Meaning & Functions, Manpower – Process of Manpower Planning, Recruitment &
Selection – Selection Procedure.
Training – Objectives & Types of Training, Various Methods of Training. Labour Legislation in India – Main
provisions of Industrial disputes Act 1947; UNIT – IV
Marketing Management – Definition & Meaning, Scope of Marketing Management, Marketing Research –
Meaning, Objectives.
Purchasing Management – Meaning & Objectives, Purchase Procedure, Inventory Control Techniques.
Financial Management – Introduction, Objectives of Financial decisions, Sources of Finance.
Note : Eight questions are to be set taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in
all, taking at least one from each unit.
1. “Modern Economic Theory” Dewett, K.K., S. Chand & Co.
2. “Economic Analysis” K.P. Sundharam & E.N. Sundharam (Sultan Chand & Sons).
3. “Micro Economic Theory” M.L. Jhingan (Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.).
4. “Principles of Economics” M.L. Seth (Lakshmi Narain Aggarwal Educational Publishers – Agra).
5. “An Introduction to Sociology”, D.R. Sachdeva & Vidya Bhusan.
6. “Society – An Introductory Analysis”, R.M. Maclver Charles H. Page.
7. “Principles and Practices of Management : R.S. Gupta; B.D. Sharma; N.S. Bhalla;
1. “Organization and Management : R.D. Aggarwal, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Business Organization and Management : M.C. Shukla
Lecture No Lecture Topic
1. Introduction to subject matter

2. Meaning of industrial economics

3. Production function , types

4. Least cost combination

5. Least cost combination

6. Law of variable proportions

7. Law of variable proportions

8. Law of increasing costs , Decreasing Costs , and constant costs

9. Law of increasing costs , Decreasing Costs , and constant costs
10. Different types of costs ( Fixed cost , Variable Cost , costs in long run and short Run)
11. Opportunity cost , Relation in AC and MC , short run AC cost curve
12. Price and output Determination under monopoly in Short Run and Long Run
13. Price and output Determination under monopoly in Short Run and Long Run
14. Price Discrimination under Monopoly
15. Price Discrimination under Monopoly
16. Comparison between Monopoly and Perfect competition
17. Meaning Of Management , Characteristics , , Management vs. Administration ,, Management as Art
and Science and Profession
18. Human Relation Approach , Fayol Principals Of Management , Functions of
19 Human Relation Approach , Fayol Principals Of Management , Functions of Management
20 Planning, Steps In Planning, Planning Premises ,

21 Difference Between Planning Policy and Strategy , Authority and Responsibility ,Centralization and
22 Difference Between Planning Policy and Strategy , Authority and Responsibility ,Centralization and
23 Staffing
24 Directing
25 Directing
26 Recruitment and Selection
27 Recruitment and Selection
28 Leadership, Styles Of Leadership
29 Communication and process of communication
30 Communication and process of communication
31 Control, Process and Steps
 Differentiate between product diversification and product differentiation with examples from renowned
 “Industries are the veins of Economics.” Discuss
 Explain the law of diminishing returns to a factor. Does it apply to industry?
 Differentiate between return to factor and return to scale.
 Discuss the meaning of opportunity cost with examples.
 What do you understand by implicit cost and explicit cost.
 Discuss the main assumptions of the law of variable proportion.
 With the help of table and diagrams explain the mutual relationship between average cost,marginal cost and
total cost.
 Define price discrimination.
 What is pure monopoly? Does it exist in the present world?
 Give four features of monopoly
 Distinguish between single monopoly and discriminating monopoly.
 Give four points of differentiation between perfect competition and monopoly.
 What is dumping?
 Is monopoly a price taker or price maker?
 Internal economies are firm specific and External economies are industry specific. Is it true or false?

1. Mr Hussain passed his M.B.B.S. examination in the first division in 2009. Later on in the year 2011 he
passed his M.S. examination as an eye specialist.He was awarded with gold medal in this exam.After
completing his studies he joined a big hospital as an eye surgeon. He is performing 8-10 eye operations
Question- Now tell, what aspect of Mr Hussain’s above experience is science and what aspect is an
2. Mr Khan passed his B.Sc. (Non Medical) examination in the year 2000.After this he successfully ran the
business of his father. Suddenly, he thought of seeking employment and thought of seeking employment.He
got the job of finance manager in a company on the basis of his knowledge, experience and proficiency.He
is doing his job successfully.
Q1 Now tell, is the appointment of Mr Khan as a manager valid?
Q2 Was not it necessary for him to do M.B.A or some other course for this job?


Fayol recognised that there was no limit to the principles of unity of command, unity of direction
management, but he advocated 14. They included: and equity.
division of work, remuneration of
personnel and centralisation.
discipline, order, authority and
all of the above.

The 5Ms of Management are:

 Market,machine,method,manager,management
 Manpower,motivation,method,money,management
 Men,money,material,method,machinery

Top level management is also known as Administrative management.

 True / False
Administration is wider than management. Is it true or false?
Top Management functions are the most important because these take care of:
 Overall organisation problem
 Specific problems
 Routine problems

Directing function of management implies:

A ) Planning B) Organising C) Leadership D) Motivation
 A and B, C and D, B and C

Administration is a part of management,this view is given by;
 American experts
 British school of thought
 Henry fayol

Efficiency means:
 Doing the task correctly
 Doing the task with minimum cost
 Getting more benefits by using less resources
 All of these

The process by which a management synchronises the activities of different

Departments is known as:
 Co.ordination
 Co.operation
 Organising

The element which is not a part of Directing is:

 Supervision
 Leadership
 Motivation
 Division of work

Henry Fayol is known for-

 Scientific management
 Group dynamics
 Principles of management

Which of the following statement is true:

 Planning is backward looking
 It provides base for control
 Planning is the reverse of control

1.The following statements seem to be confusing. Which one of them is correct?
A) “Authority can be delegated, but responsibility cannot.”
B) “Authority can be delegated but accountability cannot.”

2 Distinguish between policy and strategy.

3 Discuss the various controllable and un-controllable premises.
4 Is it essential for decentralisation that authority is delegated to every department/ divisional manager?
5 If a CEO of a company delegates the authority to all divisional heads but the same is not further delegated.
1. What do understand by selection of employees? What are the necessary steps involved in the selection of
employees? Explain
2. Differentiate between external and internal recruitment?
3. Result based leadership is :
 Employee oriented
 Production oriented
 Both the above approaches
4. Power based leadership styles are:
 Autocratic style
 Democratic style
 Free rein style
 All the above

5. Why recruitment is called a positive process?

6 . Whether promotion along with demotion is also a source of recruitment?

1. Discuss the following:
 Staffing, Directing And Controlling
 Steps involved in controlling
2. Planning is looking ahead and controlling is looking back.Discuss
3. Discuss the main features of controlling.
4. Write short notes on:
 PERT and CPM Techniques
 Zero based budgeting
5. “Mistakes are the best teachers”, explain this statement with the help of examples.
L T P Theory : 100
3 1 - Sessional : 50
Total : 150 Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Fourier Series : Euler’s Formulae, Conditions for Fourier expansions, Fourier expansion of functions havingpoints
of discontinuity, change of interval, Odd & even functions, Half-range series.
Fourier Transforms : Fourier integrals, Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine and sine transforms. Properties of Fourier
transforms, Convolution theorem, Perseval’s identity, Relation between Fourier and Laplace transforms, Fourier
transforms of the derivatives of a function, Application to boundary value problems.
Functions of a Complex Variables : Functions of a complex variable, Exponential function, Trigonometric,
Hyperbolic and Logarithmic functions, limit and continuity of a function, Differentiability and analyticity.
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic, Polar form of the
Cauchy-Riemann equations, Harmonic functions, Application to flow problems, Conformal transformation,
Standard transformations (Translation, Magnification & rotation, inversion & reflection, Bilinear).
Probability Distributions : Probability, Baye’s theorem, Discrete & Continuous probability distributions, Moment
generating function, Probability generating function, Properties and applications of Binomial, Poisson and normal
distributions. UNIT-IV
Linear Programming : Linear programming problems formulation, Solution of Linear Programming Problem using
Graphical method, Simplex Method, Dual-Simplex Method.
Text Book
1. Higher Engg. Mathematics : B.S. Grewal
2. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : E. Kreyzig
Reference Book
1. Complex variables and Applications : R.V. Churchil; Mc. Graw Hill
2. Engg. Mathematics Vol. II: S.S. Sastry; Prentice Hall of India.
3. Operation Research : H.A. Taha
4. Probability and statistics for Engineer : Johnson. PHI.

Note : Examiner will set eight question, taking two from each unit. Students will be required to attempt five
questions taking at least one from each unit.

Tutorial Sheet No. 1

Q.No.1 What are the Dirichlet’s conditions for any function f(x) defined in the interval ( ,  ). Obtain
Fourier series of f(x) =(  x) 2 in (0. 2 ). Hence obtain the following relations:
1 1 1 1 2
(i) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +…….=
1 2 3 4 6
1 1 1 1 2
(ii) - + - +…….= .
12 2 2 3 2 4 2 12
1 1 1 1 2
(iii) 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 +…….= .
1 3 5 7 8
Q.No.2 Expand f(x) =x sin(x) in the interval ( 0,2 ) as a Fourier series.
Q.No.:3 State and prove the Parseval’s theorem on Fourier constants in the interval (-l,l).
Q.No.:4 Expand f(x) = xsinx in the interval    x   as a Fourier series.
Q.No.:5 Obtain fourier series of f ( x)  x in the interval ( ,  ). Hence deduce that
1 1 1 1 2
(i) + + + +……. =
12 3 2 5 2 7 2 8
Q.No.:6 Obtain fourier series expansion of the function
(i) f ( x)  sin x in ( ,  ).
(ii) f ( x)  cos x in ( ,  ).
Q.No.:7 Find
(i) half- range Consine series of f ( x)  x 2 in (0,  ).
(ii) half- range Sine series of f ( x)  x  x in the interval (0,1) .

Tutorial Sheet No. 2

x sin(mx)dx

Q.No.1. Find the Fourier Sine transform of f(x)=e-IxI . Hence evaluate
0 
1 x2

e  ax 1 1
Q.No.2. Find the Fourier Sine transform of (i) (ii) (iii) .
x x( x  a )
2 2
 x2 1
Q.No.3. Find fourier cosine transform of (i) e (ii) .
1 x2
1, x  a 
Q.No.4. Find the fourier transform of f(x)=  . Hence evaluate
0, x  a 
 sin( as ) cos( sx)  sin( x )
(i)  ds (ii)  dx
 s 0 x
Q.No.5. (i) State and prove convolution theorem for Fourier transform.
(ii)State and prove the relation between Fourier and Laplace transforms.
Q.No.6. Using Parseval’s identity forn Fourier transform, prove that
 1   t2 
(i) 0 (4  t )(9  t )
2 2
dt 
(ii) 0 (4  t )(9  t )
2 2
dt  .
u  2u
Q.No.7. The temperature u is determined by the equation  k 2 such that
t x
(i) u(x,0)=0    at x=0.Determine the temperature using Fourier Transform.
 2u a 2  2u
Q.No.8. Using fourier transform, find solution of wave equation  s.t.
t 2 x 2
(i) u(0,t)=0=u(π,t) (ii) u(x,0)= 3sinx+4sin4x

(iii) ut ( x,0)  0 for 0  x   .

Tutorial Sheet No. 3

Q.No.1. Define the following
(i) Limit of f(z) (ii) Continuity of f(z) (iii) Derivation of f(z)
(iii) Analyticity of f(z) (v) Singularity of f(z)
x 3 (1  i)  y 3 (1  i )
Q.No.2. Show that the function f(z) defined by f(z) = ,z≠0 & f(0)=0 is Continuous & the
x2  y2
C.R. equations are satisfied at the origin, yet f'(0) does not exist.
Q.No.3. If f(z) is an analytic function with constant modulus, show that f(z)is constant.
Q.No.4. If f(z) is a regular function of z, prove that
 2 2  2 2
 2  2  f ( z )  4 f ( z ) .
 x y 
Q.No.5 If f(z) is a holomorphic function of z, show that
2 2
    2
 f ( z)    f ( z )   f ( z )
 x   y 
u 1 v v  1 u
Q.No.6. Show that the polarform of C.R. equations are  . ,  . Deduce that
r r  r r 
 2u 1 u 1  2 u
   0.
r 2 r r r 2  2
x 2 y 3 ( x  iy )
Q.No.7. Show that the function f(z)= , z≠0, f(0)= 0 is not analytic at the origin even though it
x 6  y 10
satisfies C.R. equations at the origin.

Tutorial Sheet No. 4

Q.No.1 The probability that a man aged 60 will live to be 70 is 0.65. What is the probability that out of 10 men
aged 60 now, atleast 7 would live to be 70.
Q.No.2 In a bolt factory machines A, B & C manufacture 25%, 35% and 40% of the total. Of their output 5%,4%
& 2% are defective bolts. A bolt is draw random from the product and is found to be defective. What are the
probability that it was manufactured by machine A,B & C?
Q.No.3 In a bolt factory there are four machines A, B, C & D manufacturing 20%, 15%, 25% & 40% of the total
output respectively. Of their output 5%,4%, 3% & 2% in the same order are defective bolts. A bolt is
chosen at random from the factories production and is found to be defective. What is the probability that the
bolt was manufactured bymachine A or machine D?
Q.No.4 The contents of three urns are: 1 white, 2 red, 3 green balls; 2 white, 1 red, 1 green balls and 4 white, 5 red,
3 green balls. Two balls are drawn from an urn chosen at random. These are found to be one white and one
green. Find the probability that the balls so drawn came from the third urn.
Q.No.5 A random variable x has the following probability function;
Value of x : -2 -1 0 1 2 3
P(x) : 0.1 k o.2 2k 0.3 k
Find the value of k and calculate mean and variance.
Q.No.6 Four coins are tossed. What is the expectation of the number of heads.

Tutorial Sheet No. 5

Q.No.:1 A product of 0.5% is defective & is packed in cartons of 100. What % contains not more han 3 defectives.
Q.No.:2 A die is tossed thrice. A success is “getting 1 or 6” on a toss. Find the mean and variance of the number of
Q.No.:3 If a random variable has poisson distribution such that P(1)= P(2), find (i) Mean of the distribution
(ii) P(4)
Q.No.:4 Six dice are thrown together at a same time, the process is repeated 729 times. How many times do you
expect at least three dice to have 4 or 6.
Q.No.:5 The no. of telephone calls arriving on an internal switch board of an office is 90 per hour. Find the prob.
that at the most 1 to 3 calls in a minute on the board arrive.
Q.No.:6 The avg. no. of suicides per week in a city is 1.5. Find the prob. that there will be 5 or more suicides in
one month (4 weeks).
Q.No.:7 Chance of certain manufactured component of a machine being defective is 0.002. The components are in
packet of 10. Find the no. of packets containing no defective, one defective & two defective items resp.
in a consignment of 5000 packets

Tutorial Sheet No. 6

Q.No.1 Determine the analytic function whose real part is
(i) log x2  y2 (ii) sin2x / (cosh2y- cos2x).
Q.No.2 An electrostatic field in the xy- plane is given by the potential functiom Φ=
3x y  y . Find the steam function ψ. (Ans: ψ=  x  3xy  c ).
2 3 3 2

Q.No.3 (i)If the potential function is log( x  y ), find the flux function and the complex potential function w =
2 2

Φ+iψ. (ii) In a two dimensional fluid flow, the stream function is ψ = tan -1 (
y , find the
velocity potential Φ.
Q.No.4 The diameter of an electric cable is assumed to be a continous virate with p.d.f f(x) = 6(x)(1-x), 0  x  1.
Verify that the above is p.d.f. Also, find the mean and variance.
,0  x 1 1 1
Q.No.5 Given that , P( B)  , P( A  B)  . Find P( A / B), P( A  B), P( A '/ B ') .
,1  x  2 3 4
Q.No.6 The frequency distribution of a measureable characteristic varying between 0 & 2 is as under:
 x3 ,0  x 1
f ( x)  
(2  x)
,1  x  2
Calculate the standard deviation and also the mean deviation about the mean.

Tutorial Sheet No.7

Q.No.:1 Using graphical method solve LP problems:
MaxZ  5 x1  3x2 : 3x1  5 x 2  15
5 x1  2 x 2  10
x1 , x 2  0.
Q.No.:2 Using graphical method solve LP problems:
MinZ  20 x1  10 x2 : x1  2 x 2  40
3x1  x 2  30
4 x1  3x 2  60
x1 , x 2  0
Q.No.:3 A firm produces two products A &B on which the profits earned permit are Rs.3 and Rs.4 respectively.
Each product is processed on two machines M 1 & M 2 . Product A requires one minute crocessing time on M 1 and
2 minutes on M 2 while B requires one minute on M 1 and one minute on M 2 Machine M 1 is available for not
more than 7hrs & 30 minutes while M 2 is available for lot during any working day. Find the number of products A
and B to be manufactured to get maximum profit.
Q.No.:4 Vitamins A & B are available in two different foods P & Q. One unit of P contains 2 units of
vitamin A and 3 units of vitamin B. One unit of Q contains 5 units of Vitamin A and 4 units of Vitamin B. The
minimum daily consumption of vitamin A and B should be 1000 and 1500 units respectively. One unit of P costs Rs.
5 and one unit of Q costs Rs. 6. What should be the intake of P& Q in order to minimize cost.
Q.No.:5 A firm makes product x and y and has a total production of a capacity of 9 tonnes per day x & y requiring
the same production capacity. The firm has a permanent contract to supply atleast 2 tonnes of x and atleast 3 tonnes
of y per day to another company. Each tone of x requires 20 machine hrs production time and each tonne of y
requires 50 machines hrs production time, the daily maximum possible number of machine hrs is 360. All the firms
output can be sold, and the profit made is Rs. 80 per tonne of x and Rs.120 per tonne of y. It is required to determine
schedule for maximum profit and to calculate the profit.
MaxZ  5 x2
Q.No.:6 Solve graphically. : x1  x 2  1
 0.5 x1  0.5 x2  10
x1 , x2  0.
Tutorial Sheet No. 8
Q.No.:1 Using Simplex method solve the LPP
MaxZ  x1  3x2 : x1  2 x2  10
0  x1  5
0  x 2  4.
Q.No.:2 Using Dual Simplex method solve LPP
MinZ  2 x  2 y  4 z : 2 x  3 y  5 z  2
3x  y  7 z  3
x  4 y  6z  5
x, y , z  0
Q.No.:3 Find the solution space of the LPP
MaxZ  x  3 y  3z : x  2 y  3z  4
2 x  3 y  5z  7
x, y, z  0
Which of these are the (a) basic, (b) non- degenerate basic feasible, (c) optimal basic solution.
Q.No.:4 Using Simplex method solve the LPP
MaxZ  3x1  5 x2  4 x3 : 2 x1  3x2  8
2 x 2  5 x3  10
3x1  2 x 2  4 x3  15
x1 , x 2 , x3  0
Q.No.:5 Using Dual Simplex method solve the LPP
MinZ  2 x  3 y : 3x  y  3
4x  3y  6
x  2y  3
x, y  0

Course Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -

1. To impart basic knowledge of macroscopic and microscopic approach of thermodynamic.

2. To make the students learn thermodynamic properties, processes and cycles.
3. To give knowledge to students about different laws of thermodynamic and gas laws.
4. To teach the students about relationship between heat, work and physical properties of working substance
employed to obtain energy conversion.
5. To give knowledge to students about energy and its transformation.
6. To make the students acquainted the concept of equilibrium process and feasibility of a process.
7. To educate the students about basic knowledge of heat engine, pump, refrigeration and air conditioning system.

Course Outcomes (COs) : -

i. Students will able to understand the different properties and the feasibility of the processes.
ii. Students will gain the knowledge about different law so that they can understand the different processes.
iii. Students will develop the confidence to design different components and parts whether it will follow or violate
the different thermodynamic laws.
iv. Students will be able to realize the energy conversion and flow of heat so that they can develop new design for
existing parts.
v. Students will get familiar of different operations of different parts of refrigerator, heat engine, pump etc.


Sessional : 50 Marks Theory : 100 Marks
L T P Total : 150 Marks
3 1 - Duration of Exam. : 3 hrs

Unit I
Basic Concepts: Thermodynamics: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach, Thermodynamic Systems, Surrounding
and Boundary, Thermodynamic Property – Intensive and Extensive, Thermodynamic Equilibrium, State, Path,
Process and Cycle, Quasi-static, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Working Substance. Concept of
Thermodynamic Work and Heat, Equality of Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic and its utility.
Ideal and Real Gases: Concept of an Ideal Gas, Basic Gas Laws, Characteristic Gas Equation, Avagadro’s law and
Universal Gas Constant, P-V-T surface of an Ideal Gas. Vander Waal’s Equation of state, Reduced Co-ordinates,
Compressibility factor and law of corresponding states. Mixture of Gases, Bass, Mole and Volume Fraction, Gibson
Dalton’s law, Gas Constant and Specific Heats, Entropy for a mixture of Gases.
Unit II
First Law of Thermodynamics: Energy and its Forms, Energy and 1 st law of Thermodynamics, Internal Energy and
Enthalpy, 1st Law Applied to Non-Flow Process, Steady Flow Process and Transient Flow Process, Throttling
Process and Free Expansion Process.
Second Law Of Thermodynamics: Limitations of First Law, Thermal Reservoir Heat Source and Heat Sink, Heat
Engine, Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements and Their Equivalence, Perpetual
Motion Machine of Second Kind. Carnot Cycle, Carnot Heat Engine and Carnot Heat Pump, Carnot’s Theorem and
its Corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.
Unit III
Entropy: Clausius Inequality and Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase, Temperature Entropy Plot, Entropy
Change in Different Processes, Introduction to Third Law of Thermodynamics.
Availability, Irreversibility and Equilibrium: High and Low Grade Energy, Availability and Unavailable Energy,
Loss of Available Energy Due to Heat Transfer Through a Finite Temperature Difference, Availability of a Non-
Flow or Closed System, Availability of a Steady Flow System, Helmholtz and Gibb’s Functions, Effectiveness and
Unit IV
Pure Substance: Pure Substance and its Properties, Phase and Phase Transformation, Vaporization, Evaporation and
Boiling , Saturated and Superheat Steam, Solid – Liquid – Vapour Equilibrium, T-V, P-V and P-T Plots During
Steam Formation, Properties of Dry, Wet and Superheated Steam, Property Changes During Steam Processes,
Temperature – Entropy (T-S) and Enthalpy – Entropy (H-S) Diagrams, Throttling and Measurement of Dryness
Fraction of Steam.
Thermodynamic Relations: T-Ds Relations, Enthalpy and Internal Energy as a Function of Independent Variables,
Specific Heat Capacity Relations, Clapeyron Equation, Maxwell Relations.
Text Books:
1. Engineering Thermodynamics – C P Arora, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Thermodynamics – P K Nag, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference Books :
1. Thermal Science and Engineering – D S Kumar, S K Kataria and Sons
2. Engineering Thermodynamics -Work and Heat transfer – G F C Rogers and Maghew Y R Longman
NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions in all, at least two questions from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions, at least one from each unit.

Lecture Lecture Topic

1. Thermodynamics: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach, Thermodynamic Systems

2. Thermodynamic Property – Intensive and Extensive ,State, Path, Process and Cycle

3. Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Quasi-static, Reversible and Irreversible Processes

4. Working Substance , Equality of Temperature, Zeroth Law of Thermodynamic and its utility.

5. Concept of Thermodynamic Work and Heat, Path and Point functions

6. Numerical Problems related to Pdv work i.e closed system.
7. Energy and its Forms, Energy and 1st law of Thermodynamics for process and cyclic process
8. Analysis of various non flow processes such as isothermal, adiabatic, isobaric, isochoric and polytropic
9. Numerical problems on first law for various non-flow processes or closed systems.
10. Numerical problems on first law for various non-flow processes or closed systems.
11. Application of first law to flow processes or open systems, steady flow process, unsteady flow process,
flow work, conservation of mass principle.
12. SFEE derivation and its applications to devices like nozzles, boilers, gas turbine.
13. SFEE applied to devices like hydraulic turbine, rotary and reciprocating compressor, heat exchangers
14. Numerical problems related to steady flow energy equation.
15. Numerical problems related to steady flow energy equation.
16. Limitations of First Law, PMM-1, Thermal Reservoir, Heat Source and Heat Sink, Heat Engine.
17. Refrigerator and Heat Pump, Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements, PMM-2
18. Equivalence of Kelvin- Planck and Clausius Statements
19. Throttling Process and Free Expansion Process
20. Carnot Cycle, Reversed Carnot Cycle , Carnot Heat Engine and its efficiency.
21. Carnot Heat Engine and its efficiency, Reversed Carnot Heat Engine and its efficiency.
22. Carnot Heat Pump, Carnot’s Theorem and its Corollaries, Thermodynamic Temperature Scale.
23. Numerical problems on heat engines, refrigerators and heat pump.
24. Numerical problems on combined system or composite systems.
25. Clausius Inequality and Entropy, Principle of Entropy Increase
26. Entropy Change in Different Processes
27. Introduction to Third Law of Thermodynamics, Numerical problems.
28. High and Low Grade Energy, Availability and Unavailable Energy, Loss of Available Energy
29. Availability of a Non-Flow or Closed System
30. Availability of a Steady Flow System
31. Helmholtz and Gibb’s Functions, Effectiveness and Irreversibility.
32. T-Ds Relations, Enthalpy and Internal Energy as a Function of Independent Variables
33. Specific Heat Capacity Relations
34. Clapeyron Equation, Maxwell Relations.
35. Pure Substance and its Properties, Phase and Phase Transformation, Vaporization, Evaporation and
Boiling , Saturated and Superheat Steam
36. T-V, P-V and P-T Plots During Steam Formation, Properties of Dry, Wet and Superheated Steam,
Property Changes During Steam Processes
37. Temperature – Entropy (T-S) and Enthalpy – Entropy (H-S) Diagrams,
38. Throttling and Measurement of Dryness Fraction of Steam
39. Measurement of Dryness Fraction of Steam using different calorimeter.
40. Numericals on measurement of dryness fraction and use of steam tables

Tutorial 1
1. What is thermodynamic system? How are systems classified?
2. Give the difference between macroscopic and microscopic approach of thermodynamics.
3. Define the following terms: Surroundings, Boundary, Universe, Path function, point function.
4. State the Zeroth law of thermodynamics and explain how this law forms the basis for the measurement of
5. Define the term of Thermodynamic Property. Distinguish between intensive and extensive properties. Give
examples in each case.
6. Explain the state, path , process, cycle with the help of Pressure Volume diagram.
7. What are the similarities and dissimilarities between Heat and Work?
8. What do you understand by thermodynamic equilibrium? What are the conditions for this type of
equilibrium to exist? Explain
Tutorial 2
1. In a piston cylinder arrangement, the non flow reversible process is given by V= 200/ P, where pressure is in
bar and volume is in m3. Find the work done when the pressure increases from 1 bar to 10 bar. Indicate that
the process is compression or expansion.
2. Prove that the mole fraction of each constituent in a mixture of perfrect gases is same as its volume faction
and also, the ratio of its partial pressure to the total pressure.
3. State the Daltons law of partial pressure. Derive an expression for the specific heat of a mixture of ideal
gases in terms of the specific heat of its constituents.
4. A mixture of gases having 2 kg He and 5 kg of N 2 at 30°C and 1 bar is compressed in a reversible adiabatic
process to 6 bar. Find:
1. Final pressure of the constituents.
2. The Final temperature.
3. Change of internal Energy of the mixture during process.Take: Cv of N2 = 0.744, Cv of He= 3.157 and Cp
of N2 =1.049, Cp of He= 5.296 kJ/kg k.
Tutorial 3
1. Define the following terms: Energy, Internal Energy, Enthalpy, Throttling, Flow Process and Non-
Flow Process.
2. What is the difference between steady flow and transient flow process?
3. Explain the First law of thermodynamics with the help of Joules experiment.
4. Show that the internal energy is the property of the system.
5. What are the limitations of first law of thermodynamics?
6. Explain the Kelvin Planck and Clausius statement of second law and prove their equivalence.

Tutorial 4
1. Prove that the violation of Kelvin Planck statement of second law will lead to the violation of the
claussius statement and vice-versa.
2. Discuss the following: Heat Engine, Heat Sink, Heat Source, Heat Pump, Refrigerator, C.O.P.
3. Write notes on:
1. Perpetual motion machine of the second kind.
2. Thermodynamic temperature scale.
3. Carnot’s theorem.

4. An engineer claims his engine to develop 3.675 kW on testing the engine consumes 0.44 kg of fuel per
hr having a calorific value of 41800 kJ/kg. The maximum temperature recorded in cycle is 1400°C and
minimum is 350°C. Find whether engine is justify in his claim. If however the maximum and minimum
temperatures are maintains at 200°C and 250°C, will performance be possible on the same engine?
5. The mass flow rate of air through a reciprocating compressor is 0.4 kg/ sec. The air enters at 6 m/sec
with a pressure of 1 bar and specific volume of 0.85 m3/ kg and leaves at 4.5 m/sec with a pressure of 6.9
bar and specific volume of 0.16 m3/ kg. The external energy of the air leaving the compressor is 88 kJ/kg
greater than that of air entering the cooling water of the cylinder jacket absorbs heat at a rate of 59 KW.
Determine the pwer required to derive the compressor and inlet and outlet pipe cross section areas.
Tutorial 5
1. State and prove Clausius inequality for a reversible and irreversible process.
2. 2 kg of water at 94°C is mixed with 3 kg of water at 10°C in a isolated system. Calculate change in entropy
due to mixing process.
3. Derive an expression for the availability of a steady flow system.
4. Find the availability of steam in a steady flow for the following case p= 70 bar, t= 350°C, v= 200m/sec, z=
200m, p0= 1 bar and t0= 288°K
5. Define the term availability. Explain the classification of energy into high and low grades.
6. In a certain flow process , the fluid is taken from 10 bar, 500°C to 2 bar, 250°C while 200 kJ/kg of useful
work is realised. The properties of the fluid are

Pressure, bar Temperature, °C Sp. Enthalpy Sp. Entropy

10 500 2818 12.15

2 250 2030 10.5

If the ambient conditions are 1 bar, 15°C Determine: Degree of effectiveness and irreversibility of the

Tutorial 6
1. Prove that the entropy of any closed system which is thermally insulated from its surroundings either
increases or remains constant.
2. Obtain an expression for the change in entropy in a polytropic process undergone by an ideal gas.
3. Explain the following : Availability, Irreversibility, Effectiveness, Entropy and Third law of
4. 1 kg of air is contained in a piston cylinder assembly at 10 bar pressure and 500K temperature. The piston
moves outwards and the air expands to 2 bar pressure and 350K temperature. Determine the maximum work
available. Assume environmental conditions to be 1 bar and 290 K. Also make calculations for the
availability in the initial and final states.
For air: R = 0.287 KJ/Kg K.
Cv = 0.718 KJ/Kg K.
Cp = 1.005 KJ/Kg K.
5. Derive the Clausius inequality.

Tutorial 7
1. Explain the working of a throttling and separating calorimeter for the measurement of dryness fraction of
steam with the help of neat sketch. Prove that X = x1. X2.
2. Explain the difference between vaporization , Evaporation and Boiling.
3. Explain the following: Saturated steam, Superheated steam, Wet steam, Dry steam and Dryness fraction of
steam and Throttling.
4. Derive the Claussius- Clapeyron equation.
5. Steam from the boiler is delivered at an absolute pressure of 15 bar and dryness fraction of 0.95 into a
steam superheater in which the steam receives additional heat at constant pressure and its temperature
increases up to 300°C. Using the Mollier chart, make the calculations for the amount of heat added and
change in internal energy for unit mass of the system.
6. Steam which is initially dry and saturated is allowed to fall in pressure from 10 bar to 4 bar under the
following conditions:
a. In a closed vessel which loses heat by radiation and conduction .
b. Passing a steam through a throttle valve.

Estimate the final condition of the steam in each case. Take Cp of superheated steam as 2.7 kJ/Kg K.

7. Determine the quantity of heat required to produce 1 kg of steam at a pressure of 6 bar and temperature of
25°C under the following conditions:
a. When steam is wet having dryness fraction 0.9.
b. When steam is dry and saturated.
c. When steam is superheated at a constant pressure to a temperature of 250°C. Assume Sp.Heat
of superheated steam 2.3 kJ/Kg K.
Strength of Materials-I (ME-203E)

Course Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -

1. To impart basic concepts and principles applied to members under various loadings and the effects of these
2. To make the students acquainted with analyze and design structural members subjected to tension,
compression, torsion, bending and combined stresses using the fundamental concepts of stress, strain and
elastic behavior of materials.
3. To educate the students about the material behavior under a condition of pure torsion (twisting moment) on
circular shafts.
4. To impart knowledge about the procedures used to calculate the bending stresses and deflection of
transversely loaded beams and shafts with various support conditions and to draw their S.F and B.M
5. To impart knowledge to students about Mohr’s circle.
6. To make student acquainted with analytic methods used in connection with the structural design of columns
and struts under compression.

Course Outcomes (COs) : -

i. Students will gain knowledge about direct normal stress and direct shear stress and compute their
ii. Students will gain knowledge about proportional limit, elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate
strength, modulus of elasticity, and Hooke’s Law.
iii. Students will be able to calculate shear stress distribution in solid and hollow round members
under torsional loading conditions.
iv. Students will be able to design shafts for various conditions of power transmission and rotational
v. Students will be able to calculate bending stress and shear stress at any location along the beam
and the value of maximum bending stress and maximum shear stress.
vi. Students will be able to determine principal stresses, principal planes and maximum shear stress
under various combinations of bending, torsion and axial loads on machine and structural parts
using Mohr’s circle.
vii. Students will be able to apply the Euler Equation to calculate axial buckling load for long straight
columns of varying end conditions and materials
viii. Students will be able to know how to determine reactions, Bending Moments, shear force values at
any section of beams.
ix. Students will be able to determine the reactions and maximum deflection on statically
indeterminate beams, using the various methods.
x. Students will gain knowledge about ductile and brittle behavior of materials, emphasizing design


L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150 Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Unit 1
Simple stresses & strains : Concept & types of Stresses and strains, Polson’s ratio, stresses and strain in
simple and compound bars under axial loading, stress strain diagrams, Hooks law, elastic constants & their
relationships, temperature stress & strain in simple & compound bars under axial loading, Numerical.
Compound stresses & strains: Concept of surface and volumetric strains, two dimensional stress system,
conjugate shear stress at a point on a plane, principle stresses & strains and principal- planes, Mohr’s circle of
stresses, Numerical.
Unit II
Shear Force & Bending Moments : Definitions, SF & BM diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported
beams with or without over-hang and calculation of maximum BM & SF and the point of contraflexture under (i)
concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a part of it, (iii)combination of concentrated
loads and uniformly distributed loads, (iv) uniformly varying loads and (v) application of moments, relation between
the rate of loading, the shear force and the bending moments, Problems.
Torsion of circular Members : Torsion of thin circular tube, Solid and hollow circular shafts, tapered shaft,
stepped shaft & composite circular shafts, combined bending and torsion, equivalent torque, effect of end thrust.
Unit III
Bending & shear Stresses in Beams: Bending stresses in beams with derivation & application to beams of
circular, rectangular, I,T and channel sections, composite beams, shear stresses in beams with derivation combined
bending torsion & axial loading of beams. Numericals.
Columns & Struts: Column under axial load, concept of instability and buckling, slenderness ratio,
derivation of Eulers formulae for the elastic buckling load, Eulers, Rankine, Gordom’s formulae Johnson’s empirical
formula for axial loading columns and their applications, eccentric compression of a short strut of rectangular &
circular sections, Numerical.
Unit IV
Slope & Deflection : Relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection, Mohr’s theorem, moment
area method, method of integration, Macaulay’s method, calculations for slope and deflection of (i) cantilevers and
(ii) simply supported beams with or without overhang under concentrated load, Uniformly distributed loads or
combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads, Numerical.
Fixed Beams: Deflections, reactions and fixing moments with SF & BM calculations & diagrams for fixed
beams under ( I) concentrated loads, (ii) uniformly distributed load and (iii) a combination of concentrated loads &
uniformly distributed load.

Text Books:
1. Strength of Materials – G.H.Ryder - Third Edition in S I units 1969 Macmillan India
2. Strength of Materials – Andrew Pytel and Fredinand L.Singer Fourth Edition, Int.
Student Ed. Addison – Wesley Longman
Reference Books :
1. Strength of Materials – Popov, PHI, New Delhi.
2. Strength of Materials – Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publications
3. Strength of Materials A Rudimentary Apprach – M.A. Jayaram,
Revised Ed.2001, Sapna Book House, Bangalore
4. Strength of Materials – U.C.Jindal
5. Strength Materials – I. Kripal Singh
NOTE: In the semester examination, the examiner will set 8 questions in all, at least one question from each
unit, and students will be required to attempt only 5 questions.

Lecture No. Topics to be covered

Lecture 1 Simple stresses & strains : Concept & types of Stresses and strains
Lecture 2 Polson’s ratio stresses and strain in simple and compound bars under axial loading, stress
strain diagrams
Lecture 3 Hooks law, elastic constants & their relationships
Lecture 4 Temperature stress - strain in simple bars under axial loading, Numerical Problems
Lecture 5 Compound stresses & strains
Lecture 6 Concept of surface and volumetric strains
Lecture 7 Two dimensional stress system
Lecture 8 conjugate shear stress at a point on a plane
Lecture 9 principle stresses & strains
Lecture10 principal- planes
Lecture11 Mohr’s circle of stresses
Lecture12 Shear Force & Bending Moments : Definitions
Lecture13 SF & BM diagrams for cantilevers
Lecture14 SF & BM diagrams simply supported beams with or without over-hang and calculation of
maximum BM & SF
Lecture15 the point of contraflexture under (i) concentrated loads
Lecture16 (ii) uniformly distributed loads over whole span or a part of it
Lecture17 (iii)combination of concentrated loads and uniformly distributed loads
Lecture18 (iv) uniformly varying loads
Lecture19 (v) application of moments, relation between the rate of loading, the shear force and the
bending moments
Lecture 20 Torsion of circular Members
Lecture 21 Torsion of thin circular tube
Lecture 22 Solid and hollow circular shafts, tapered shaft,
Lecture 23 Stepped shaft & composite circular shafts, combined bending and Torsion
Lecture 24 Equivalent torque, effect of end thrust.
Lecture 25 Slope & deflection : relationship between bending moment, slope & deflection
Lecture 26 Mohr’s theorem, moment area method, method of integration
Lecture 27 Macaulay’s method
Lecture 28 Calculations for slope and deflection of (i) cantilevers
Lecture 29 (Ii) simply supported beams with or without overhang under concentrated load
Lecture 30 Uniformly distributed loads or combination of concentrated and uniformly distributed loads
Lecture 31 Fixed beams: deflections
Lecture 32 Reactions and fixing moments with sf & bm calculations
Lecture 33 Diagrams for fixed beams under ( i) concentrated loads
Lecture 34 (Ii) uniformly distributed load and
Lecture 35 (Iii) a combination of concentrated loads
Lecture 36 Uniformly distributed load

Tutorial sheet 1
Tutorial sheet 2

Tutorial sheet 3
Tutorial sheet 4

Tutorial sheet 5
Tutorial sheet 6
Machine Drawing (ME 205-E)
Course Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -
1. The students add to their knowledge of engineering drawing studied in previous semester i.e. drawing of
orthographic projections from isometric views & vice versa of simple objects in making drawing of machine
2. Students learn to draw the assembly drawing by knowing the working of each part with their dimensions.
3. The students will learn about the tolerances & fits designed for each material parts in the assembly.
4. Learn the use of keys, cotters, screws, nuts, rivets etc; for fitting of parts.
5. They will learn to draw jigs & fixtures by using various clamping devices & guide tools for manufacturing of
jigs & fixtures..
6. While preparing bill of materials in the assembly drawings students will learn the suitable material of part for
its better working.

Course Outcomes (COs) : -

i. While drawing the assembly drawing the students will supervise manufacturing of these parts as per the
dimensions given on the drawing.
ii. They could also be able to inspect the parts as per drawing in quality control section.
iii. The students will be able to exercise these drawings on CAD systems.
iv. The students will be able to use their machine drawing knowledge for designing of joints, couplings, gear
teeth, boilers, jigs & fixtures and other machine parts.


Theory : 100 Marks
L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
2 - 4 Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam : 4 hrs.

Unit I
Introduction to BIS Specification SP : 46 – 1988 Code of Engineering drawing – Limits, fits and
Tolerance ( Dimensional and Geometrical tolerance ) , Surface finish representation.
Gear : Gear terminology, I.S. convention , representation of assembly of spur gears, helical gears, bevel
gears , worm and worm wheel.

Unit II
Orthographic view from isometric views of machine parts / components. Dimensioning , Sectioning. Exercises on
Coupling , Crankshaft , pulley , piston and Connecting rod , Cotter and Knuckle joint. Riveted Joint and Welded
Joint. Unit III
Assembly drawing with sectioning and bill of materials from given detail drawings of assemblies : Lathe
Tail stock , machine vice , pedestal bearing , Steam stop valve , drill jigs and milling fixture.
(1) In the semester examination, the examiner will set two questions from each unit. The students have to
attempt three questions taking one from each unit.
(2) The questions from Unit I and Unit II will carry 20 marks each. Question from Unit III will carry 60
Text Books:
1. Machine Drawing by N D Bhat and V M Panchal, Charotar Publishing House
2. A Text Book of Machine Drawing : P S Gill , Pub.: S K Kataria & Sons
Reference Books :
1. A Text Book of Machine Drawing : Laxmi narayana and Mathur,
Pub. : M/s. Jain Brothers, New Delhi.
2. Machine drawing : N Sidheshwar, P Kannaieh V V S Sastry
Pub.: Tata Mc Graw –Hill Publishing Ltd.
R B Gupta Satya Prakashan
Note : Some of the exercises may be done on AUTOCAD Software.
Lecture Lecture Topic
Introduction to BIS Specification SP: 46 – 1988 Code of Engineering Drawing, Limits , Fits,
Tolerance , Surface Finish Representation
2. Gear Terminology, I.S. Convention
3. Representation of Assembly of Spur gears, helical Gears, bevel Gears, Worm & Worm Wheel.
4. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Crankshaft
5. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Pulley
6. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Piston
7. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Connecting rod
8. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Cotter & Knuckle Joint
9. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Riveted Joint
10. Orthographic view from isometric views, dimensioning, sectioning of Welded Joint
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
Lathe tail Stock
12. -do-
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
Machine Vice
14. -do-
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
Pedestal Bearing
16. -do-
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
Steam stop valve
18. -do-
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
drilling Jigs
20. -do-
Assembly Drawing With Sectioning And Bill of materials from given detail drawings of assembly of
Milling Fixture
22. -do-
23. Revision
24. Revision

1. Define
i. Limits
ii. Fits
iii. Tolerance
iv. Geometric Tolerance
2. What is the difference between dimensional & geometrical Tolerance?
3. Define
i. Addendum
ii. Dedendum
iii. Pitch Circle Diameter
iv. Flank
v. Clearance
vi. Face
4. What is the difference between spur gear & helical gear?
5. Draw the representation of helical gears.

1. Draw neat sketch of double riveted, double strap, zig zag butt joint with rivet diameter of 24.
2. Draw neat sketch of single riveted, double strap, butt joint with rivet diameter of 30.
3. Draw neat sketch of triple riveted, lap joint with rivet diameter of 20 and plate thickness of 15.
4. Draw neat sketches Cotter joint & Knuckle joint.

Q: Draw the front & side views of connecting rod from detail as shown in figure.
Q: Draw the detail drawing with sectioning & Bill of materials of assembly drawing as shown in

Q: Draw Assembly drawing with sectioning & Bill of materials from detail drawing of Pedestal Bearing as shown in
Q: Draw Assembly drawing with sectioning & Bill of materials from detail drawing of Lathe Tail Stock as shown in

Draw Assembly drawing with sectioning,Bill of materials from detail drawing of Drilling Jig as shown in figure.
Q: Draw Assembly drawing with sectioning & Bill of materials from detail drawing of Machine Vice as shown in
Kinematics Of Machines (ME-207E)

Course Educational Objectives (PEOs) : -

1. To make students aware about concept of applications of kinematics of machines.

2. To impart knowledge on different types of mechanisms & machines.
3. To make students capable of doing basic design for different types of mechanisms.
4. To educate the students about working of different type of links, mechanisms and machines.
5. To make the students gain knowledge of model analysis.
6. To impart knowledge to students about different mechanical parts.
7. To make students learn about working of different mechanisms like lower and higher pair, Screw Jacks,
Steering mechanisms etc.
8. To give knowledge to students about different other mechanisms like Hooks joints, antifriction bearing, Pivots
and Collars Bearings.

Course Outcomes (POs) : -

i. Student will acquire the knowledge about basic applications of kinematics of machines.
ii. Student will get familiar with the laws of friction, frictional applications, types of cams and followers, belt rope
& chain drives and can perform experiments on that.
iii. Students will be able to select the type of link, mechanisms, formulate the basic design of mechanical
iv. Students will grasp the basic knowledge about the mechanical engineering through this course of kinematics of
v. Students will be able to solve problems related to Steering mechanisms, Screw Jacks, Clutches, Belt & Chain
drives and different types of Cams.


Sessional : 50 Marks
L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 Total : 150 Marks
Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Kinematics, introduction to analysis and synthesis of mechanisms, Kinematics’ pairs, Degree of freedom, Dynamitic
chain mechanism, Machine, Four-bar chain, inversions, Single and double slider crank chain, Quick return
mechanisms, Introduction to function generation, Path generation and rigid bodied guidance.
Velocity determination; Relative velocity methods, Instantaneous center method Acceleration determination,
Kennedy’s Space cent rode and body cent rode,
Centripetal and tangential accelerations, Acceleration determination by graphical method using velocity polygons,
Cariole’s component of acceleration, Klein’s and other constructions. Analytical methods to find velocity and
acceleration of four –link mechanism, slider crank mechanism, freumdenstein’s equation, Coordinate a angular
displacements of input and output links (Path generation function generation), Least square technique, Rigid body

Pantograph, straight-line motion mechanisms (Peculiar, Hart, Scott Russell, Grasshopper, Watt, Kemp’s
Tchybishev, Parallel linkages) Indicator mechanisms (Simplex Crosby , Thomson, etc ) Automobile steering gears
(Davis and Ackerman),Hooks joint (universal coupling), Double hooks joints. Types of friction, Laws of dry
friction, Motion along inclined plane Screw threads, Wedge, Pivots and collars, Plate and cone clutches, Antifriction
bearings, friction circle and friction axis, bearings and lubrication. Motion along inclined plane and screws, Pivots
and Collars Thrust Bearings lubrication

Types of cams and followers, various motions of the follower, Construction of cam profiles, Analysis for velocities
and accelerations of tangent and circular arc cams with roller and flat –faced followers. Open and crossed belt
drives, velocity ratio, slip , material for belts, crowning of pulleys, law of belting, types of pulleys, length of belts
ratio 0f tensions, centrifugal tension, power transmitted by belts and ropes, initial tension, creep, chain drive, chain
length, classification of chains

Suggested reading:
1. Theory of machines:
S. S. Rattan, Tata McGraw Hill Publications.
2. Theory of Mechanism and Machines:
Jagdish Lal, Metropolitan Book Co.
3. Mechanism synthesis and analysis:
A.H. Soni, McGraw Hill Publications.
4. Mechanism:
J.S. Beggs.
5. Mechanics of Machines:
P.Black, Pergamon Press.
6. Theory of Machines: P.L.Ballaney, Khanna Publisher.

Lecture No Lecture Topic

1. Overview of the subject
2. Kinematics, introduction to analysis and synthesis of mechanisms
3. Kinematics pairs, Degree of freedom
4. Kinematic Chain mechanism , Machine, Four – bar chain
5. Inversions, Single and double slider crank chain , Quick Return Mechanisms
6. Introduction to function generation, Path generation and rigid bodies guidance
7. Instantaneous center method
8. Relative Velocity methods
9. Kennedy’s space cent rode and body cent rode
10. Types of Cams & Followers
11. Various motions of the followers
12. Construction of Cam profiles
13. Analysis for velocities and accelerations of tangent cams
14. Analysis for velocities and accelerations of Circular cams
15 Open and crossed belt drives, velocity ratio, slip
16 Material for belts, crowning of pulleys, law of belting
17 Types of Pulleys, length of belts
18 Ratio of tensions, centrifugal tension, power transmitted by belts and ropes
19 Initial tension, creep, chain drive, chain lenth, classification of chains
20 Pantograph, Peculiar, Hart, Scott Russell, Grasshopper mechanisms
21 Watt, Kemp’s Tchybishev, Parallel lingages
22 Indicator Mechanisms (Simplex Crosby, Thomson etc. )
23 Automobile steering gears ( Davis and Ackerman )
24 Hook’s joint ( Universal Coupling ), Double hooks joints
25 Types of friction, Laws of dry friction, Motion anlong inclined plane Screw threads
26 Wedge, Pivots and Collars, Plate and cone clutches
27 Antifriction bearings, friction circle and friction axis
28 Bearing and lubrications
29 Motion along inclined plane and screws
30 Pivots and Collars Thrust Bearings lubrication
31 Analytical methods to find velocity and acceleration
32 Slider Crank mechanism, freumdenstein’s equation
33 Coordinate angular displacements of input and output links
34. Least square technique, Rigid body guidance
35. Centripetal and tangential accelerations
36. Acceleration determination by graphical method using velocity polygons
37. Cariole’s component of acceleration
38. Klein’s and other constructions
39. Revision
40. Revision

Tutorial 1
1 A crank and slotted lever mechanism used in a shaper has a centre distance of 300 mm between the centre of
oscillation of the slotted lever and the centre of rotation of the crank. The radius of the crank is 120 mm. Find
the ratio of the time of cutting to the time of return stroke.
2 Locate all the instantaneous centres of the slider crank mechanism as shown in Fig. The lengths of crank OB
and connecting rod AB are 100 mm and 400 mm respectively .If the crank rotates clockwise with an angular
velocity of 10 rad/s, find: 1. Velocity of the slider A and 2. Angular velocity of the connecting rod AB.

3 The crank of a slider crank mechanism rotates clockwise at a constant speed of 300 r.p.m. The crank is 150 mm
and the connecting rod is 600 mm long. Determine:
1. Linear velocity and acceleration of the midpoint of the connecting rod, and 2. angular velocity and angular
acceleration of the connecting rod, at a crank angle of 45° from inner dead centre position.
4 A body, resting on a rough horizontal plane required a pull of 180 N inclined at 30º to the plane just to move it.
It was found that a push of 220 N inclined at 30º to the plane just moved the body. Determine the weight of the
body and the coefficient of friction.
5 An engine, running at 150 r.p.m., drives a line shaft by means of a belt. The engine pulley is 750 mm diameter
and the pulley on the line shaft being 450 mm. A 900 mm diameter pulley on the line shaft drives a 150 mm
diameter pulley keyed to a dynamo shaft. Find the speed of the dynamo shaft, when 1. there is no slip, and 2.
there is a slip of 2% at each drive.

1 In a pin jointed four bar mechanism, as shown in Fig, AB = 300 mm, BC = CD = 360mm, and AD = 600 mm.
The angle BAD = 60°. The crank AB rotates uniformly at 100 r.p.m. Locate all the instantaneous centres and find
the angular velocity of the link BC.
2 In a crank and slotted lever quick return motion mechanism, the distance between the fixed centers is 240 mm
and the length of the driving crank is 120 mm. Find the inclination of the slotted bar with the vertical in the extreme
position and the time ratio of cutting stroke to the return stroke.
If the length of the slotted bar is 450 mm, find the length of the stroke if the line of stroke passes through the
extreme positions of the free end of the lever.
3 An engine mechanism is shown in Fig. The crank CB = 100 mm and the connecting rod BA = 300 mm with
centre of gravity G, 100 mm from B. In the position shown, the crankshaft has a speed of 75 rad/s and an angular
acceleration of 1200 rad/s2. Find: 1. Velocity of G and angular velocity of AB, and 2. acceleration of G and angular
acceleration of AB.
4 An effort of 1500 N is required to just move a certain body up an inclined plane of angle 12º, force acting parallel
to the plane. If the angle of inclination is increased to 15º, then the effort required is 1720 N. Find the weight of the
body and the coefficient of friction.

5 The power is transmitted from a pulley 1 m diameter running at 200 r.p.m. to a pulley 2.25 m diameter by means
of a belt. Find the speed lost by the driven pulley as a result of creep, if the stress on the tight and slack side of the
belt is 1.4 MPa and 0.5 MPa respectively. The Young’s modulus for the material of the belt is 100 MPa.
1 A mechanism, as shown in Fig, has the following dimensions: OA = 200 mm; AB = 1.5 m; BC = 600 mm; CD
= 500 mm and BE = 400 mm. Locate all the instantaneous centres. If crank OA rotates uniformly at 120 r.p.m.
clockwise, find 1. the velocity of B, C and D,2. The angular velocity of the links AB, BC and CD.

2 Fig. shows the layout of a quick return mechanism of the oscillating link type, for a special purpose machine.
The driving crank BC is 30 mm long and time ratio of the working stroke to the return stroke is to be 1.7. If the
length of the working stroke of R is 120 mm, determine the dimensions of AC and AP.

3 In the mechanism shown in Fig, the slider C is moving to the right with a velocity of 1 m/s and an acceleration
of 2.5 m/s2.The dimensions of various links are AB = 3 m inclined at 45° with the vertical and BC = 1.5 m
inclined at 45° with the horizontal. Determine: 1. The magnitude of vertical and horizontal component of the
acceleration of the point B, and 2. the angular acceleration of the links AB and BC.
4 An electric motor driven power screw moves a nut in a horizontal plane against a force of 75 kN at a
speed of 300 mm/min. The screw has a single square thread of 6 mm pitch on a major diameter of 40
mm. The coefficient of friction at the screw threads is 0.1. Estimate power of the motor.
5 A shaft which rotates at a constant speed of 160 r.p.m. is connected by belting to a parallel shaft 720
mm apart, which has to run at 60, 80 and 100 r.p.m. The smallest pulley on the driving shaft is 40 mm
in radius. Determine the remaining radii of the two stepped pulleys for 1. a crossed belt, and 2. an open
belt. Neglect belt thickness and slip.


1. The mechanism of a wrapping machine, as shown in Fig, has the following dimensions : O1A = 100 mm; AC =
700 mm; BC = 200 mm; O3C = 200 mm; O2E = 400 mm; O2D = 200 mm and BD = 150 mm. The crank O1A
rotates at a uniform speed of 100 rad/s. Find the velocity of the point E of the bell crank lever by instantaneous
centre method.

2 In a Whitworth quick return motion mechanism, as shown in Fig. the distance between the fixed centers is
50 mm and the length of the driving crank is 75 mm. The length of the slotted lever is 150 mm and the length
of the connecting rod is 135 mm. Find the ratio of the time of cutting stroke to the time of return stroke and
also the effective stroke.
3. PQRS is a four bar chain with link PS fixed. The lengths of the links are PQ = 62.5 mm; QR = 175 mm; RS =
112.5 mm; and PS = 200 mm. The crank PQ rotates at 10 rad/s clockwise. Draw the velocity and acceleration
diagram when angle QPS = 60° and Q and R lie on the same side of PS. Find the angular velocity and angular
acceleration of links QR and RS.
4. A 150 mm diameter valve, against which a steam pressure of 2 MN/m2 is acting, is closed by means of a
square threaded screw 50 mm in external diameter with 6 mm pitch. If the coefficient of friction is 0.12; find the
torque required to turn the handle.
5. Find the power transmitted by a belt running over a pulley of 600 mm diameter at 200 r.p.m. The coefficient
of friction between the belt and the pulley is 0.25, angle of lap 160° and maximum tension in the belt is 2500 N.

Course Educational Objectives (CEOs):

1. To impart the knowledge about the different types of production and metal machining process and tools.
2. To communicate the knowledge about the concept of tool life.
3. To impart the knowledge about the various multi point cutting tools.
4. To give the knowledge about the various metal forming processes.
5. To impart the knowledge about the special purposed tools.
6. To introduce the student with the different measuring tools used in the industries.

Course Outcomes (COs):

i. Students will gain the knowledge about the different types of production and basic knowledge about
various kind of tools.
ii. Students will be able to understand the concept of chip formation its types and types of cutting.
iii. Students will be able to understand the nomenclature and geometry of single point cutting tool.
iv. Students will get the knowledge about the concept of tool life and factors affecting tool life.
v. Students will be able to know the application of tailor’s equation.
vi. Students will be able to understand the nomenclature and geometry of brooch.
vii. Students will be able to understand the nomenclature and geometry of twist drill.
viii. Students will be able to differentiate between hot and cold working.
ix. Students will be able to understand the working of different metal forming processes like rolling, forging,
extrusion etc
x. Students will be able to understand the concept of jigs and their application.
xi. Students will be able to understand the concept of fixtures and their application.
xii. Students will get the knowledge about tools used for linear measurement angular measurement.


L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 - Theory : 100 Marks
Total : 150Marks Duration of Exam. : 3 Hrs.

Metal cutting & Tool life
Basic tool geometry, single point tool nomenclature, chips-various types and their characteristics, mechanism of
chip formation, theoretical and experimental determination of shear angle, orthogonal and oblique metal cutting,
metal cutting theories, relationship of velocities, forces and power consumption.
Effect of operating parameters life tool geometry, cutting speed, feed depth of out, coolant, materials etc on forces
temp. tool life, surface finish etc., tool life relationship, tailor equation of tool life , tool material and mechanism.
Economics of metal machining & Multi edged tools
Element of machining cost, tooling economics, machines economics and optimization. Broach tools-types materials
and applications, geometry of twist drills, thrust torque and power calculation in drills, form tools-application.
Metal forming & Jigs and Fixtures
Metal blow condition, theories of plasticity conditions of plane strains, friction condition in metal working, wire
drawing-extension of rods, theory of forging, roiling of metals and elementary rolling theory, no slip angle and
forward slip. Tool engineering, types of tools, usefulness, principles of lactation, locating and clamping devices, Jigs
bushes, drilling Jigs, milling fixtures, turning fixtures, boring and broaching fixtures, different materials for Jigs and
fixtures, economic of jigs and fixtures.
Measurements, linear and angular simple measuring instruments various clampers, screw gauge, sine bar, auto-
collimator, comparator-mechanical, electrical, optical, surface finish and its measurement, micro and macro
deviation, factors influencing surface finish and evaluation of surface finish.
Suggested reading:
1. Manufacturing science:
Ghosh and Malik, E.W. Press
2. Principles of metal cutting:
Sen and Bhattacharya, New Central Book.
3. Metal cutting principles:
Shaw, MIT Press Cambridge
4. Manufacturing analysis:
Cook, Adisson-Wesley
5. Modern machining processes:
Pandey and Shan, Tata McGraw Hill Publications

Lecture No Lecture Topic

1. Introduction to Single point Cutting Tool and Geometry
2. Single point designation and nomenclature and various angles in different projection.
3. Chips, Mechanism of Chips formation, Various types of Chips produced.
4. Theorotical determination of Shear plane and shear plane angle.
5. Description of Orthogonal and oblique metal cutting, Metal cutting Theories.
6. Relationship of various forces generated and power consumed during machining.
7. Explanation of Merchant Circle diagram.
8. Effect of operating parameter on tool life, MRR and surface finish.
9. Detail of Cutting Speed, Feed Rate, Depth of cut and tool life.
10. Coolant, Effect of coolant while machining, Types of Coolant.
11. Effect of Temperature on tool wear. Various types of temperature failure
12. Tool Failure and Mechanisms
13. Tool life, Tool life relations, Taylor tool life equation , numerical.
14. Types of Wears on tool and Types of Tool Material
15 Broach Tool and its nomenclature, Principle of Broach tool
16 Types of Broach tool, Materials of broach tool.
17 Introduction to optimization technique of cutting tool.
18 Description of various elements of tool optimization.
19 Calculation of Total cost per piece considering all the parameters.
20 Relationship of total time/piece w.r.t. cutting speed & total cost per piece w.r.t. cutting
21 Numerical on merchant circle, tool optimization and tool life.
22 Introduction to Twist drill, Various parts of twist drill , Forces generated and power
consumed during drilling.
23 Introduction to Measurements, linear and angular simple measuring instruments
24 Description of various clampers, screw gauge, sine bar, auto-collimator
25 Introduction to comparator-mechanical, electrical, optical
26 Explanation of surface finish and its measurement.
27 Description of micro and macro deviation
28 Factors influencing surface finish and evaluation of surface finish.
29 Introduction to Metal blow condition, theories of plasticity conditions of plane strains.
30 Friction condition in metal working, wire drawing-extension of rods
31 Theory of forging, roiling of metals and elementary rolling theory, no slip angle and
forward slip.
32 Description of Tool engineering, types of tools, usefulness, principles of lactation
33. Introduction to locating and clamping devices, Jigs bushes, drilling Jigs
34. Description of milling fixtures, turning fixtures, boring and broaching fixtures.
35. Different materials for Jigs and fixtures, Economics of jigs and fixtures.

1. (a) An orthogonal cut 2.5 mm wide is made at a speed of 0.5 m/s and feed of 0.26 mm with a H.S.S. tool having
a20° rake angle. The chip thichness ratio is found to be 0.58, the cutting force is 1400 N and the feed thrust
force is 360 N, find :
(i) Chip thickness
(ii) Shear plane angle
(iii) Resultant force
(iv) Coefficient of friction on the face of the tool
(v) Friction force and normal force on the chip
(vi) Shearing force and normal force on the shear plane.
2. Describe the nomenclature of tool in orthogonal cutting system.
3. Study the effects of operating parameters on tool life and surface finish.
4. Determine the velocity relationship between Vf,Vc and Vs.
5. Describe the merchant circle diagram
1.) Explain continuous surface Broaching machine with working sketch.

2.) A cylindrical bar is to be turned. The maximum allowable feed is 0.2mm/revolution and at this feed rate Taylor’s
tool life equation for a tool-work combination is found to be vT0.25 = 75, where v is the cutting speed in m/min and T
is the corresponding tool life in minutes. the labour cost and overheads is $0.15 per minute and the total cost
involved in each regrinding of the tool is $2.50 On the average, it takes about 2 minutes to change the tool. Estimate
the cutting spped that will lead to the minimum cost.

3.) What is the technique of optimazing the machining cost.

4.) With a brief sketch determine geometry of twist drills.

5.) Derive thrust torque and power calculation in drills.

1.) What are jigs and fixtures . Explain various types of jigs and fixtures.

2.) What do you understand by friction condition in metal working.

3.) Explain the process of wire-drawing.

4.) How rolling process takes place. Describe the theory of forging.

5.) What is tool engineering. Describe economics of jigs and fixtures.

1.) Determine various types of linear and angular measuring instruments.

2.) With a neat sketch show working of screw gauge.

3.) What are the factors that influence surface finish.

4.) What are comparators. Describe various type of it.

5.) What is metrology. Give a brief description of term measurements.

6.) What is the instrument and with respect measuring techniques of surface finish.

1. How is chip formed in metal cutting. Explain the terms “Shear plane and Shear Zone”.
2. Differentiate between orthogonal and oblique cutting.
3. In an orthogonal cutting following data was observed:
Dia=50mm, Rake angle = 15 ,Vc=100 m min, Feed= 0.2mm rev, Cutting force = 180 kg, Feed force=60kg,
chip thickness = 0.3mm Calculate
a. Shear angle
b. Coefficient of friction
c. Cutting power
d. Chip flow velocity
e. Shear force
4. Explain the effect of process parameters on tool life.
5. What is meant by term Tool Signature in ASA system.

1. What are the friction condition in metal working. Explain in brief.
2. What are Fixtures. Explain various types of Fixtures.
3. A Twist Drill of 32 mm dia is used to drill a hole in mild steel plate. Following data recorded:
Fv= 60kg, Cutting force at lips (Fv1)=36kg, feed rate = 0.6mm/rev, Speed of drill = 500r.p.m. Value of C= 0.36.
a)Thrust Force
b) Torque acting on drill
c) Power required for drilling
4. Disucuss the principle of working of Auto-collimator.

5. Explain the priniciple of broach tool with a neat sketch.

1. Describe process of Surface Finish. Explain factor affecting surface finish.
2. The following data were recorded while Turning a workpiece on Lathe: Cutting speed = 25m/min, Feed
rate = 0.3mm/rev, Depth of cut = 2mm, Tool life = 100min, Tool life Equation
V T 0.12 f 0.7 = C
If Vc, f and depth of cut increased by 25% each, and also together. What will be the effect on tool life.
3. What is wire drawing operations with friction and backpull.
4. Describe various types of calculating devices. Explain V-locator.
5. Explain the working principle of Optical Flat as comparator.

1. List the various factors influencing surface roughness and describe the various methods of measurements of
surface roughness.
2. Describe the principle of location with suitable example.
3. List various clamping devices. Explain C-type clamp in brief.
4. Explain the methods of calculating total cost per piece considering all the elements of tool cost.
5. What is optimum cutting speed and tool life for minimum cost and maximum production.
Kinematics of Machine Lab (ME-211E)

Cource Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -

1. To impart students basic knowledge of the different properties of springs.

2. To make the students learn different types of mechanisms like single slider crank mechanisms.
3. To impart students basic knowledge of the value of coefficient of friction for a given pair of surfaces.
4. To make the students acquainted with design and operation of coefficient of friction of flat belt drives.
5. To educate the students about the value of coefficient of friction between the screw and nut of the Jack,
a. Raising the load
b. Lowering the load

Cource Outcomes (COs) : -

i. Student will acquire the basic concept of different types of mechanism & properties of springs.
ii. Student will get to understand the different links and machine parts.
iii. Student will design on frictional parts of the machines and different components of machines.
iv. Student will develop the confidence of design various mechanical parts related to mechanisms, friction and
mechanical properties.
v. Students will be able to realize the design and operation of different links, mechanisms and Screw Jacks.


L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
- - 3 Exam : 50 Marks
Tota: 100Marks Duration of exam : 3 Hrs.

List of experiments
1. To determine the modulus of rigidity of the material of a closed coil helical spring and the stiffness of a
2. To determine the value of coefficient of friction for a given pair of surfaces using friction apparatus
3. To determine the modulus of rigidity of horizontal shaft
4. To determine experimentally the ratio of the cutting time to idle time (cutting stroke to idle stroke) of the
crank and slotted lever (QRM)/ Whitworth and compare the result to theoretical values plot the following
a. θ v s X (displacement of slider).
b. θ v s velocity.
c. θ v s Acceleration and to compare the values of velocities
(Take angles θ =45˚, 90˚, 135˚, 225˚, 270˚ &335˚, ω = 1 rad s)
5. To determine the value of coefficient of friction between the screw and nut of the jack, while:
a. Raising the load
b. Lowering the load
6. To draw experimentally a curve of the follower-displacement v/s cam-angle. Differentiate the above curve
to get velocity and acceleration plot and compare the values with those obtained analytically.
7. To determine the coefficient of friction between belt and pulley and plot a graph between log 10 T1/T2 v s, θ.
8. To determine the displacement, velocities, & accelerations of the driven shaft of a Hooke’s joint for a
constant speed of the driver shaft.
9. To determine velocity & acceleration of slider in slider-crank mechanism and plot the following:
a. θ v s x (displacement of slider)
b. θ v s velocity and
c. θ v s acceleration.
Compare the values of velocities & acceleration with those obtained theoretically.(Assume ω=I rad sec.).
10. Study of the inversions of the single slider crank mechanism.
11. To verify the law of moment using Bell- crank lever.
Note: Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others (developed by institute) are required to
be performed by students in the laboratory.


Course Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -

1. To give the knowledge of different parts of 2-stroke and 4-stroke petrol and diesel engine.
2. To train the students about various operations of 2-stroke and 4-stroke petrol and diesel engine.
3. To educate the students about application of different types of engine.
4. To give the knowledge of different parts of water tube and fire tube boilers.
5. To train the students about various operations of different types of boiler.
6. To educate the students about application of different types of boiler and safety precautions.

Course Outcomes (COs) : -

i. Students will be able to differentiate between 2-stroke and 4-stroke engine and its application.
ii. Students will be able to understand the working of petrol and diesel engine and where it is used.
iii. Students will be able to understand the difference between water tube and fire tube boilers and its application.
iv. Students will gain the knowledge about the use of different types of boiler.
v. Student will acquire knowledge of different parts and why it is used.


L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
- - 3 Exam : 25 Marks
Total : 75 Marks Duration of exam: 3 Hrs

List of Experiments
1. Study of 2 stroke petrol and diesel engine models.
2. Study of 4-stroke petrol/diesel engine model.
3. Study of boilers.
4. Study of Babcock-Wilcox boiler (Model).
5. Study of locomotive boiler (Model).
6. Study of Lancashire boiler (Model).
7. To study the Red wood viscometer and measure the viscosity of fluid.
8. To measure the flash point of the given fuel
9. To study the Nestler’s boiler.
10. To study various parts of the vertical steam engine.
11 To study the diesel engine and make a trial on it.
Note : Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others developed by institute ) are required
to be performed by students in the laboratory.

Strength of Materials Lab (ME-215 E)

Course Educational Objectives (CEOs) : -

1. To train the students how various tests are performed on Universal Testing Machine.
2. To educate students how to perform the impact test on impact testing machine.
3. To impart knowledge about the hardness and how it is calculated.
4. To educate the students how to perform the torsion test on torsion testing machine.
5. To impart knowledge about the various mechanical machines and how to calculate their mechanical
advantage and velocity ratios.
Course Outcomes (COs) : -
i. Students will gain knowledge about various mechanical properties of materials.
ii. Students will gain knowledge about proportional limit, elastic limit, yield strength, ultimate strength,
compressive strength, shear strength, modulus of elasticity and how to calculate their values.
iii. Students will be able to calculate torsional shear strength of a shaft and design it for various conditions of
power transmission and rotational speed.
iv. Students will be able to calculate impact strength of material by Izod and Charpy impact test.
v. Students will be able to determine the hardness number of different materials by Rockwell,Brinell and
Vicker hardness testing machine.
vi. Students will be able to calculate the efficiencies of different machines like Purchase Winch Crab,Screw
Jack etc.


L T P Class Work : 50 Marks
- - 3 Exam : 25 Marks
Total : 75 Marks Duration of exam: 3 Hrs.

List of Experiments :
1. To study the Brinell hardness testing machine & perform the Brinell hardness test.
2. To study the Rockwell hardness testing machine & perform the Rockwell hardness test.
3. To study the Vickers hardness testing machine & perform the Vickers hardness test.
4. To study the erichsen sheet metal testing machine & perform the erichsen sheet metal test.
5. To study the Impact testing machine and perform the Impact tests (Izod & Charpy).
6. To study the Universal testing machine and perform the tensile test.
7. To perform compression & bending tests on UTM.
8. To perform the sheer test on UTM.
9. To study the torsion testing machine and perform the torsion test.
10. To draw shear Force, Bending Moment Diagrams for a simply Supported Beam under Point and
Distributed Loads.
11. To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Single and Double Purchase Winch Crab.
12. To determine Mechanical Advantage and Efficiency of Worm and Worm Wheel.
13. To determine Mechanical Advantage, Efficiency of Simple and Compound Screw Jack.
14. To find Moment of Inertia of a Fly Wheel.

Note: Any 8 experiments from the above list and other 2 from others (developed by institute) are required to
be performed by students in the laboratory.

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