MBA205 Solved SMU Assignment
MBA205 Solved SMU Assignment
MBA205 Solved SMU Assignment
Note – The Assignment is divided into 2 sets. You have to answer all questions in both sets.
Average score of both assignments scored by you will be considered as your IA score. Kindly note
that answers for 10 marks questions should be approximately of 400 words.
Q.No Questions Marks Total Marks
1 Define the Linear programming problem in operation Research. Also, explain
various assumptions, advantages and limitations of linear programming problem.
A Linear programming problem in operation Research 2.5 10
Assumptions of linear programming problem 20 2.5
Advantages of linear programming problem 2.5
Limitations of linear programming problem 2.5
2 a. Discuss the concept of Degeneracy in transportation problem
b. The ABC Tool Company has a sales force of 25 men who work out from Regional
offices. The company produces four basic products lines of hand tools. Mr. Jain,
the sales manager, feels that 6 salesmen are needed to distribute product line 1,
10 salesmen are needed to distribute product line 2, 4 salesmen to product line 3
and 5 salesmen to product line 4. The cost per day of assigning salesmen from
each of the offices for selling each of the product lines are as follows
A Meaning of Simulation. 2 10
Practical applications of simulation 8
*A- Answer