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EP60003 Product Development

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Date: FN/AN, Time: 3Hrs., Full Marks: 60, Deptt: Rajendra Mishra School of’
Engincering Entrepreneurship, No. of Students: 68, End-Autumn Semester Examination, Sub.
No. EP60003, Sub Name: Product Development Yr. B.Tech.(H) / B.Arch.(H) / M.Sc. /
M. Tech(Dual)

Instruction: Please write in brief and to the point.

1. A global electric appliance company ‘GME’ wishes to launch a top quality hand held
electric iron which can iron a wide range of fabrics. An initial user survey of the same
product throughout the globe reveals the following major customer concerns:

The iron gets overheated if the plug in time is not monitorcd

ii. The iron cannot be maintained in the switch on mode while ironing clothes
because of the uncontrolled heating
The heated iron is not suitable for ironing a variety of fabric like cotton, silk,
wool, polyester, jute ctc.
We need to give lot of pressure on the iron while ironing certain fabrics
v. The hand and the shoulders get tired after gripping the iron for long time during
vi. After using the iron for a few months, the upper body of the iron also gets heated
vii. We need to replace the heating coil almost every six months
vi i i. When purchased in USA, lt cannot be used in India

a) Convert the above customer concerns into metrics and assign their corresponding units
in the following table. Also assign values to the metrics in the above table (x, y, z elc.
values may be assigned with >, °, = etc. with justification wherever applicable).
4+4+4 Marks

Customer Metric Units Value Remarks /

]^feeds Justification

ii i

b) Writc thc mission statement for the product. 2 Marks

c) While generating new concepts for developing an improved version of the electric iron,
decompose the problem functionally with inputs, outputs and sub functions. Show the
flow of energy and signals in the function diagram. 3 Marks

d) Which type of architecture will the company opt for and why? Is there any need for
differentiation of the product in its supply chain? Justify schematically. 1+2 Marks

2. A company ‘ Mrs. Clean’ has launched a face cash product Yoc women in the market.
The shops give a standard fiat discount of 10% over the tagged MRP of the product. The
actual price at which the customers purchase the face wash is Rs.300. lf sold at MRPs,
the shop owner would have made a profit of 20%. The distributor and the retailer
through which, the shops get the product keeps a profit margin of 10% each. The
manufacturer of ‘Mrs. Clean’ makes a profit margin of I 5% on the product. What is the
manufacturing cost of the said product? 3 Marks

3. Classify the following products based on product development sequence:

i) Racing Car
ii) Baby food
iii) Surface profiling Software
Show the schematic product development process from's with all the stages and gates for
each of the products. 1.5 + 3.5=5 Marks

4. Illustrate diagrammatically the ‘Product Development Cash Flow’ with respect to ‘Time’
of a successful product showing the ‘Pay Back Time’, ‘Development Time’, ‘ Break Even
Time’ & ‘Operating cost’. What is ‘Valley of Death’ for start-up ventures? Show the
'Valley of Death’ in the above diagram. 2+1+1=5 Marks

5. Sulabh International is evaluating a project whose expected cash flows are as fof lows:

Year Cash flow (Rs/

0 1,000,000
1 100,000
2 200,000
3 300,000
4 600,000
5 300,000

a) What is the NPV of the project, if the discount rate is 14% for the entire period?
b) What is the N PV of the project if the discount rate is 1 2% for year I and rises
every year by I %?
c) Which of thc schemes is more towards the success of the project?
2+2+1=5 Marks
6. An auto plant thal costs $100 million to build can produce a new line of cars thot whiff
gencrate cash flows with a present value of $140 million if lhc line is successful, but only
SS 0 mi I i ion if it is unsuccessful. You bcli eve that the probabi lily of success is only
about 50 percent.
a. Would you build the plant?
b. Suppose that the plant can be sold for $90 nâ i11 IOf1 t‹i another automak cr if the
line is not successful. Now would you build the plant?
c. Illustrate this option to abandon using a decision trcc.
2+2+2=6 Marks

7. Answer any ten questions 1x10=10 Ma rks

How many trcatmcnt chambers arc included in the dcs ign of bio-toilet? What is the
property of flappcr valve in bio-toi ter?
b. Name four dcsign varieties usual ly developed for biological toilet.
Name four tcsts used in Biological toilet cffluent?
d. Write four Eye Parameters which are required to be checked in q extilc Appl ications.
c. Name four gencri c compositiolis used in the developmcni of Pi¿Cmcnl or l9ye or Tonncr.
f. What are the most important criteria/parameters (any two) to be chccked for aerosol
spray paints?
What do you mean by “Low mould plate out”? I n that typc of product dcvelopment is it
required to bc considered?
h. Name four rcgu latory authorities applicable for Pi gmcnt or Liyc or I Of1n • P‘l od11CtS.
What parameters (any four) arc conordered during development of diagnostic kit?
What steps are generally fol lowed for the dcvclopmcnt of Malaria di• 6nostit kit?
k. Name any four products in the area of reproductive biotechnology'/
What is full form of MOET I ? 1low many t ypcs urc thcre in MOLT I‘!
m. What do you mean by M icromanipulation?

8. Answer in brief:
a. Why is packag ing impoHant in product dcvc lopmcnt?
b. V!ow many types of modular designs are possible? Give an c.xample of each type.
c. What are the motivcs of product change usinj modular architecture? G ivc
an example of each motive. 1*2+3 — 6 Ma rks

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