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TRANSCO Assistant-Engineer (EEE) TEST – 20

MAX MARKS : 100 Time : 120 Minutes

1. Match List –I (Term ) with List –II (Type) and select the 1. 105 ohms
correct answer: 2. 105.0 ohms
List –I List-II 3. 0.000105 
A. Curl
 F  0 1. Laplace equation
Among these
(a) 1 represents greater precision than 2 and 3
B. Div
 F  0 2. Irrotational
(b) 2 and 3 represent greater precision than 1.
(c) 1, 2 and 3 represent same precision.
C. Div Grad  
 0 (d) 2 represents greater precision but 1 and 3 represent
3. Solenoidal
D. Div Div  
 0 same precision.
4. Not defined 7. A (0-25) V voltmeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 2
Codes: percent of full scale reading. The voltage measured by
A B C D this voltmeter is 150 volts. The limiting error in
(a) 2 3 1 4 percentage for this instrument is
(b) 4 1 3 2 (a)2.5% (b) 0.05%
(c) 4 3 1 2 (c) 3.33% (d) 5.0%
(d) 2 3 1 4 
8. Dissipation factor, tan of a capacitor is measured by
2. The relation between electric intensity E, voltage
which bridge ?
applied V and the distance d between the plates of a
(a) Anderson bridge (b) Hay bridge
parallel plate condenser is
(c) Schering bridge (d) Wien bridge
(a) E=V/d (b) E  V  d 9. In a low power factor wattmeter, why is a compensating
(d) E  V  d(d)
(c) E = V/(d) 2 coil employed ?
3. What is the force experienced per unit length by a (a) To neutralize the capacitive effect of pressure coil
conductor carrying 5A current in positive Z direction (b To Compensate for inductance of pressure coil
(c) To compensate for the error caused by power loss
B  (3a x 4a y ) in the pressure coil
and Placed in a magnetic field ?
(d) To compensate for the error caused by eddy
15a x 20a y N / m
(a) (b) currents.
20a x 15a y N / m 10. In the power measurement by ammeter voltmeter
method, if the voltmeter is connected across the load,
20a x 15a y N / m 20a x 20a y N / m then the value of the power will be ?
(c) (d)
(a) The power consumed by the load
4. Equation .B  0 is based on ? (b) The sum of power consumed by the load and
(a) Gauss’s Law (b) Lenz’s Law ammeter
(c) Ampere’s Law (d) Continuity (c) The sum of power consumed by the load and
Equation voltmeter
(d) The sum of power consumed by the load, ammeter
5. For linear isotropic materials, both E and H have the
and voltmeter
time dependence e and regions of interest are free of 11. Wave winding is employed in a d.c. machine of ?
charge. The value of   H is given by ? (a) High current and low voltage rating
(b) Low current and high voltage rating
j E
(a) E (b) (c) High current and high voltage rating
 E  j  E  E  j  E (d) Low current and low voltage rating
(c) (d)
6. A resistance of 105 ohms is specified using significant
figures as indicated below:

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12. A shut generator has critical field resistance of 200  (a) 1500 rpm and 900 rpm
at a speed of 800 r.p.m. if the speed of the generator is (b) 2400 rpm and 600 rpm
increased to 100 r.p.m. what is the change in the critical (c) 2400 rpm only
field resistance of the generator ? (d) 600 rpm only
(a) Decrease to 160  18. Which one of the following is the correct statement ?
The output line in an induction motor circle diagram is
(b) Remains the same at 200 
the line joining the tip of the
(c) Increases to 250  (a) no load current phasor to the point corresponding
(d) Increases to 312. 5  to slip =0
13. The two winding transformer is used as an auto- (b) no load current phasor to the point corresponding
transformer . The kVA rating of the auto-transformer to slip =1
compared to the two –winding transformer will be ? (c) short circuit current phasor to the point
(a) 3 times (b) 2 times corresponding to slip =1
(c) 1.5 times (d) Same (d) Short circuit current phasor to the point
14. Assertion (A) : Transformer is not used in a d.c. line. corresponding to slip =0
Reason (R) : Losses in the d.c. circuit are not 19. Match List –I (Regulation method ) with List –II
negligible. (Relevant phasor ) and select the correct answer:
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct List -I
explanation of A. A. Synchronous impedance method
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct B. Mmf method
explanation of A C. Zero power factor (ZPF) method
(c) A is true but R is false D. American Standard Association method
(d) A is false but R is true List –II
15. Assertion (A) : - Connected tertiary windings tend to 1. Emf phasor
act as an automatic feedback control system. 2. Predominantly mmf phasor
Reason (R) : In the event of unbalanced secondary 3. Both emf and mmf phasor
load currents. Both secondary and primary load 4. Emf and mmf phasor including saturation
voltages are restored to their normal phase magnitude Codes:
and angle. A B C D
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct (a) 1 2 3 4
explanation of A. (b) 1 2 4 3
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct (c) 2 1 3 4
explanation of A (d) 2 1 4 3
(c) A is true but R is false 20. Match List –I (Machine components ) with List –II
(d) A is false but R is true (functions) and select the correct answer:
16. Consider the following curve. List -I
A. Damper winding
B. Interpole winding
C. Ending Ring
D. Conservator
List –II
1. Used in synchronous motor to provide starting torque
2. Used in d.c generator to neu-tralize the reactance
votage and cross magnetizing effect of armature
Which of the following characteristics of the induction reaction
motor are represented by the above curve? 3. Used to short circuit rotor bars of cage type induction
x-axis y-axis motor
(a) Out put p.f. 4. Used to protect transformers from damage when oil
(b) speed P.f. expands due to rise in temperature.
(c) Load efficiency Codes:
(d) Speed torque A B C D
17. The stator and the rotor of a 3-phase, 4- pole wound (a) 2 1 3 4
rotor induction motor are excited, respectively, from a (b) 1 2 4 3
50 Hz and a 30 Hz source of appropriate voltage. (c) 2 1 4 3
Neglecting ail losses, what is/are the possible no-load (d) 1 2 3 4
speed/speeds at which the motor would run ?

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21. The synchronous reactance is the ? (c) directly proportional to the square of the short
(a) Reactance due to armature reaction of the machine circuit current
(b) Reactance due to leakage flux (d) directly proportional to the short circuit power
(c) Combined reactance due to leakage flux and 27. The operating characteristic of a distance relay in the R-
armature reaction x plane is shown in the figure below. It represents
(d) Reactance either due to armature reaction or operating characteristic of a
leakage flux
22. For some given transmission line the expression for
vs  v R
 100%.
voltage regulation is given by Hence
(a) This must be a “short” line
(b) This may either be a medium line or a short line.
(c) This expression is true for any line
(d) This may either be a medium line or a long line
23. The capacitance of an overhead transmission line
increases with
1. Increase in mutual geometrical mean distance
2. Increase in height of conductors above ground (a) Both 1 and 2 are true
Select the correct answer from the following: (b) Both 1 and 2 are false
(a) Both 1 and 2 are true (c) Only 1 is true
(b) Both 1 and 2 are false (d) only 2 is true
(c) Only 1 is true 28. Match List –I with List –II and select the correct answer
(d) only 2 is true using the code given below the lists:
24. Assertion (A) : In L.P.S (Longitudinal power supply) List –I List-II
system, the voltage regulation is generally poor. A. Thyrite arrester 1. Tower location
Reason (R) : L.P.S. system has low level of short- B. Sag template 2. Cross bonding
circuit MVA. C. Cable sheaths 3. Restriking voltage
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct D. Circuit breaker 4. Non –linear resistor
explanation of A. Codes:
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct A B C D
explanation of A (a) 3 1 2 4
(c) A is true but R is false (b) 4 1 2 3
(d) A is false but R is true (c) 3 2 1 4
25. Assertion (A) : The short –circuit capacity of a bus in (d) 4 2 1 3
large power grid is defined as the product of the pre fault 29. In hydro power station what is an enlarged body of water
voltage and the 3-phase fault current at a point very just above the intake and used as a regulating reservoir,
close to the bus called ?
Reason (R) : The larger short-circuit capacity, the (a) Spillways (b) Forebay
larger would be the equivalent source impedance at the (c) Reservoir (d) penstock
bus. 30. Consider the following statements in respect of load
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct flow studies in power system
explanation of A. 1. Bus admittance matrix is a sparse matrix
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct 2. Gauss seidel method is preferred over Newton-
explanation of A Raphson method for load flow studies
(c) A is true but R is false 3. One of the buses is taken as slack bus in load flow
(d) A is false but R is true studies
26. A large ac generator supplying power to an infinite bus Which of these statements are correct?
is suddenly short –circuited at its terminals. Assuming (a) 1, 2, and 3 (b) 1 and 2 (c) 1 and 3 (d) 2 and 3
the prime-mover input and the voltage behind the 31. Load flow studies must be made on a power system
transient reactance to remain constant immediately after before ?
the fault, the acceleration of the generator rotor is ? (a) Making short circuit studies but not for transient
(a) Inversely proportional to the moment of inertia of stability studies on the power system
the machine (b) Making transient stability studies but not for short
(b) Inversely proportional to the square of the voltage circuit studies on the power system

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(c) Making both short circuit and transient stability sin t
41. At t= 0, the function f(t) = has
studies on the power system t
(d) For neither stability studies on the power system (a) A minimum (b) a discontinuity
32. Among the following pairs, the one not correctly (c) a point of inflection (d) a maximum
matched is ? dy
(a) UJT - Intrinsic standoff 42. The solution for the differential equation = x2 y
ration dx
(b) FET - Pinch –off-voltage with the condition that y = 1 at x = 0 is
(c) TRIAC - Breakdown voltage x3
(a) y  e 2x (b) In (y) = +4
(d) DIAC - Firing voltage 3
33. In a three- phase full wave a.c. to d.c converter, the ratio x2

of output ripple –frequency to the supply-voltage (c) In y = (d) y = e 3

frequency is ? 2
2z  5
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 6 (d) 12 43. The value of the integral  1 2
 
34. For a step –down d.c chopper operating with
 z  z  4z  5
discontinuous load current, what is the expression for  2
the load voltage? (K is duty ratio of chopper) Over the counter z = 1, taken in the anti – clock wise
(a) V0 = Vd.c.  K (b) V0 = Vd.c. /K
(c) V0 = Vd.c. /(1-K) (d) V0 = Vd.c. (1-K) direction, would be
35. In a self – controlled synchronous motor fed from a 24i 48i 24 12
(a) (b) (c) (d)
variable frequency inverter 13 13 13 13
(a) The rotor poles invariably have damper windings
(b) There are stability problems 44. If P, Q and R are three points having coordinates
(c) The speed of the rotor decides stator frequency (3, -, 2, -1), (1, 3, 4), (2, 1, -2) in XYZ space, then the
(d) The frequency of the stator decides the rotor speed distance from point P to plane OQR (O being the origin
36. The quality of output ac voltage of a Cycloconverter is of the coordinate system) is given by
improved with (a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 7 (d) 9
(a) Increase in output voltage at reduced frequency 45. A lot has 10% defective items. Ten items are chosen
(b) Increase in output voltage at increased frequency randomly from this lot. The probability that exactly 2
(c) Decrease in output voltage at reduced frequency of the chosen items are defective is
(d) Decrease in output voltage at increased frequency (a) 0.0036 (b) 0.1937
37. When cathode of a thyristor is made more positive than (c) 0.2234 (d) 0.3874
its anode
46. A solution of the differential equation x(t) + 2x(t) = 𝛿
(a) All the junctions are reverse biased
(t) with initial condition x(0-) = 0 is
(b) Outer junctions are reverse biased and central one
is forward biased (a) e2t u(t) (b) e2t u(t)
(c) Outer junctions are forward biased and central one (c) e t u(t) (d) e t u(t)
is reverse biased
47. The Laplace Transform of f(t) = e2t sin  5t  u(t) is
(d) All the junctions are forward biased
38. Let A = a ij  , 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n with n ≥ 3 and a ij = i.j. the 5 5
(a) (b) 2
s  4s  29
s 5
rank of A is
s2 5
(a) 0 (b)1 (c) n–1 (d)n (c) 2 (d)
39. Which of the following equation is a correct identity s  4s  29 s5
48. If V = a+jb and I = c + jd, then the power is given by
for arbitrary 3×3 real matrices P, Q and R?
(a) bc +ad (b) ac+bd
(a) P(Q + R) = PQ + RP
(c) bc – bd (d) ac+ad
(b)  P  Q   P 2  2PQ  Q2
49. Super position theorem is applicable only to network
(c) det (P+Q) = det P + det Q that are
(d) (P + Q) 2 = P2 +PQ + QP + Q2 (a) passive (b) time – invariant
40. If x = a (    sin  and y = a 1  cos   , then dy/dx (c) linear (d) non – linear
will be equal to 50. A current of i = 300t is suddenly applied to an
inductance of 1 mH. The induced voltage will be
   
(a) sin   (b) cos   (c) tan   (d) cot   (a) 300 volts (b) zero
2 2 2 2 (c) 0.3 volts (d) –0.03volts

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51. An RC circuit has a capacitor C = 2 𝜇 F in series with 1. Early Effect
a resistance R = 1 MΩ. The time of 6 secs will be equal 2. Highest input resistance
to 3. Inverting amplifer
(a) Three times of constant
(b) two times of time constant 4. Lowest power gain
(c) one times of time constant Codes:
(d) none of the above A B C D
52. When two networks are connected in series at the (a) 3 2 1 4
output and parallel at the input, then (b) 3 4 1 2
(a) T – parameters of the respective network are added
(c) 4 3 2 1
(b) h –parameter of the respective network are added
(c) g – parameters of the respective network are added (d) 1 2 3 4
(d) z-parameters of the respective network are added 57. Removing bypass capacitor across the emitter-leg
53. Two graphs are said to be isomorphic graph if their resistor in a CE amplifier causes
incidence matrices (a) decrease in current gain
(a) have determine value of zero
(b) increase in voltage gain
(b) are identical
(c) have a determinant value of unity (c) increase in current gain
(d) are transpose of each other (d) decrease in voltage gain
54. The value of current I in the circuit shown below for V 58. An emitter follower with β =100 is biased at I C = 0.25
= 2 volt is mA. The voltage source connected at its input has its
internal resistance of 2kΩ. What is the value of RE such
that it produces the output resistance of 110Ω? (Take VT
= 25 mV)
(a) 2kΩ (b) 1.5kΩ (c) 2.5kΩ (d) 1kΩ
59. A transistor has hfe = 100, hie = 5.2 kΩ and rbb = 0. At
room temperature VT = 26mV. The collector current |I C |
will be
(a) 10 mA (b) 5 mA (c) 1 mA (d) 0.5 mA
(a) 0 A (b) –0.5 A
60. Assertion (A): FET is a much more ideal amplifier than
(c) 0.5 A (d) 1 A
55. The value of Vc for the transistor shown in figure below the BJT at low frequencies.
is Reason (R): FET has high input impedance and there is
no feedback from output to input.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A.
(b) Both A and R are true but R is not the correct
explanation of A.
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is true but R is true.
61. The unity gain bandwidth f T of a JFET is given by
(a) 3 volt (b) volt (a) gm/2πCsg (b) Csg /2πgm
(c) 2 volt (d) None of these (c) gm/2πfCsg (d) Csg /2πfgm
56. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer 62. The transconductance for a JFET having I DSS = 8mA, VP
using the codes given below the lists = -5 V and biased to operate at VGS = 1.8 volt will be
List-I given by
A. Common emitter Configuration (a) 4.4 mS (b) 2.2 mS (c) 3.3 mS (d) 1.1 mS
B. Common collector Configuration
C. Base width modulation
D. Common base Configuration
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63. The output of the logic gate shown below is 70. An unity feedback control system with closed loop
transfer function is given by
C(S) Ks+b
= S2+ as+b
R(S )
The steady state error due a unit ramp input response is
b a K a a K
(a) ̅
X (b) 0 (c) 1 (d) X (a)
–K (d)
64. The Boolean expression: Y = AB + (A + B) (A̅ + B) may
71. The characteristic equation of a closed loop control
be simplified as system is given by:
(a) Y = B (b) Y = ̅ A (c) Y = ̅ B (d) Y = A s 2 + 2s + 10 + K(s 2 + 6s + 10) = 0
65. The minimum number of NAND gate required to The angle of asymptotes for the root loci for K ≥ 0 are
̅ is
implement the logic function given by f = A + BCD given by
(a) 6 (b) 5 (c) 3 (d) 4 (a) 180°, 360° (b) 90°, 270°
66. The boolean expression for the output f of the digital (c) 90°, 180° (d) None of these
circuit shown below is 72. In the control system shown below, the controller which
can give infinite value of steady-stae error to a ramp
input is

(a) AB̅ +A ̅B ̅̅̅̅

(b) AB
(c) ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅
A+B ̅B
(d) AB + A ̅
67. The type and order of the system described by the open (a) derivative plus proportional type
S (S+4) (b) derivative type (c) proportional type
loop transfer function are (S+1)(S+8)
(d) both (a) and (b)
(a) 1and 2 (b) 0 and 3 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 0 and 2 73. Consider the sequence
68. The transfer function R(S )
for the system described by X[n] = [– 4 – j5 1 + j2 4]
the block diagram shown below is given by: ↑
the conjugate anti-symmetric part of the sequence is
(a) [-4 –j2.5 j2 4 – j2.5] (b) [-j2.5 1 j2.5]
(c) [-j5 j2 0] (d) [-4 1 4]
74. Consider a continuous time signal given by ×(t) = δ(t+2)
1+H 1 1+G – δ (t-2). The value of energy for y(t) = ∫−∞× (𝜏)d 𝜏 is
(a) (b)
1−GH 2 1+GH 1 1
G+H 1 (a) (b) 1 (c) 2 (d) 4
(c) (d) None of these
1+GH 2 5
75. A system with input x[n] is given as y[n] = (sin 6 𝜋n) .
69. The gain of the signal flow graph shown below is
R(S ) x(n). The system is
(a) linear, stable and invertible
(b) non-linear, stable and non-invertible
(c) linear, stable and non-invertible
(d) linear, unstable and invertible
76. Statement A: system described by + 5y(t) + 2 = x(t) is
𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺3+ 𝐺4 (1−𝐺2 𝐺3 )
(a) nonlinear.
1+𝐺1𝐺2+ 𝐺2 𝐺3
𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺3+𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺4 −𝐺2 𝐺3 𝐺4 Statement B: a discrete time LTI system with impulse
1+𝐺1𝐺2− 𝐺2 𝐺3 1; n = 0,1
response h[n] = {
𝐺2 𝐺3 (𝐺1− 𝐺4) 0; otherwise
1+𝐺1𝐺2+ 𝐺2 𝐺3 The input-output relationship of the system is
𝐺1 𝐺2 𝐺3+ 𝐺4 (1+𝐺1 𝐺2 −𝐺2 𝐺3 )
(d) y[n] = x[n-1].
1+𝐺1𝐺2−𝐺2 𝐺3
Choose the correct option:

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(a) Both statements are true. 85. The difference between simple and compound interests
(b) Statement A is true, but statement B is false. compounded annually on a certain sum of money for 2
(c) Statement A is false, but statement B is true. years at 4% per annum is Re. 1. The sum (in Rs.) is:
(d) Both statements are false. (a) 625 (b) 630 (c) 640 (d) 650
77. Which one of the following is the correct fourier 86. A is two years older than B who is twice as old as C. If
transform of the unit step signal? the total of the ages of A, B and C be 27, the how old
u(t) = 1 for t ≥ 0 is B?
= 0 for t ≤ 0 (a) 7 (b) 8 (c) 9 (d) 10
1 87. In a certain code FIRE is coded as DGPC. What will be
(a) πδ(ω) (b) jω
1 1 the last letter of the coded word for SHOT.
(c) + πδ(ω) (d) + 2 πδ(ω)
jω jω (a) Q (b) R (c) S (d) P
4 -t 1 2t
78. Given x(t) = δ (t) – 3
e u(t) + 3
e u(t) then find x(s) and 88. In a queue, A is eighteenth from the front while B is
its ROC: sixteenth from the back. If C is twenty-fifth from the
(S−1)2 front and is exactly in the middle of A and B, then how
(a) x(S) = (S+1)(S−2) ; Re[S]>2 many persons are there in the queue?
(b) x(S) = (S+1)(S−2) ; Re[S]>2 (a) 45 (b) 46 (c) 47 (d) 48
89. The Sub-Seven is an example of:
(c) x(S) = (S+1)(S−2) ; Re[S]<2 (a) antivirus (b) Spyware
(d) None of these (c) Spam (d) Trojan horse
(t − 2)2 ;t > 1 90. The first electro-mechanical computer MARK-1 was
79. If, f(t) = { then the value of L{tn f(t)} is
0 ;0 < 𝑡 < 1 invented by ___________.
equal to (a) Charles Pascal (b) John W Mauchly
𝑑𝑛 𝑑
(a) (-1) F(s) (b) (-1)n F(s) (c) Howard Aiken (d) Clifford Berry
𝑑𝑠𝑛 𝑑𝑠𝑛
𝑑𝑛 91. Which of the following option may be used to change
(c) F(s) (d) (-1)n Fn (ds)
𝑑𝑠𝑛 page-size and margins?
80. The laplace transform of ( t ) (a) Layout (b) View (c) Tools (d) Data
s s−1 92. A function inside another function is called a _______
(a) log (s−1) (b) log ( )
s function.
s−1 s+1
(c) log ( ) (d) log ( ) (a) Nested (b) Round (c) Sum (d) Text
s+1 s−1
93. What triggered the formation of the Telangana Joint
81. Aihole Inscription is ascribed to which of the following
rulers ? Action Committee on Dec 24, 2009?
(a) Pulkeshin II (b) Rudradaman (a) Supreme Court Judgment on Free Zone
(b) Union Government’s U-turn on December 9
(c) Kharvela (d) Ashoka
82. In Greek texts, who among the following has been statement.
mentioned as Amitrochates? (c) Non-Implementation of 610 G.O.
(d) Arrest of K. Chandra Sekhar Rao
(a) Bimbisara (b) Bindusara
(c) Kautilya (d) Asoka 94. Why the Hyderabadi culture is described as Ganga-
83. Subhash Chandra Bose was re-elected the President of Jamuna Tahjeeb?
INC at the Tripuri Session in 1939 by defeating (a) It represents both Kutub Shashi and Asaf Jahi
Gandhiji’s candidate: traditions.
(a) Dr. Rajendra Prasad (b) J.B.Kriplani (b) It signifies harmonious relationship between
Hindus and Muslims
(c) Pattabhi Sitaramaiyya (d) Nellie Sengupta
84. Who will be the new head of the Press Information (c) It signifies the distinctiveness of the Islamic
Bureau (PIB)? culture.
(d) It represents the unity of Aryan and Dravidian
(a) Ira Josh (b) Sitanshu Kar
(c) Frank Noronha (d) T S Baku cultures.

7 Exclusively prepared for IACE Students Toll Free: 1800-270-9975, Ph: 9533200400
95. Gnana Saraswati temple at Basara is located on the 98. The sentence given with blank is to be filled with an
banks of the which river? appropriate word.
(a) Manjira river (b) Krishna river I shall go and …… down.
(c) Godavari river (d) Penganga river (a) lied (b) lie (c) lay (d) layed
96. During which of the following Telugu Month, Bonalu 99. A part of the sentence is given in bold. Below are given
festival is celebrated in Telangana? alternatives to the bold part at (a), (b) and (c) which may
(a) Phaalgunamu (b) Maakhamu improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In
(c) Kaarthikamu (d) Aashaadhamu case no improvement is needed your answer is (d).
97. The sentence given with blank is to be filled with an You are getting a beautiful salary.
appropriate word. (a) a smart (b) a handsome
I told him ……. that the assignment would be (c) a heavy (d) No improvement
impossible without more people. 100. Out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best
(a) repeatedly (b) repeated expresses the meaning of the given word as your answer.
(c) repetitive (d) repeating cease
(a) begin (b) stop (c) create (d) dull

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