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csec electrical and electronic technolohy

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Multiple Choice: This section comprises FIFTY questions. Choose the
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corresponding letter of the correct response to ech question !elo". Ech question is
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1. Doubling both the voltage and -. rom which of the following is electricit/ chemicall/
resistance in a parallel or series circuit will produced!

 
cause the current flow to (A) photo cell
(B) Carbon
(A) double (C) Batteries
(B) halve (D) 0enerators
(C) remain unchanged

(D) quadruple
. #n order to connect Batter/  and Batter/ 3 in
parallel4 their terminals should be connected
(A) 5 with 53 and 6 with 63
2. hich of the following materials has (B) 5 with 63 and 6 with 53
a negative temperature coefficient! (C) 6 with 53

(D) 63 with 5
(A) Brass
*. #t is advisable4 not to use ater for
(B) "ilicon
(C) #ron e7tinguishing electrical fires because
(D) EmailCopper water

$. %he r.m.s value of a sinusoidal (A) ma/ cause corrosion

alternating voltage is (B) ma/ transmit shoc to the user
(C) ma/ damage wire insulation
Did you(A)
value useful? (D) will not e7tinguish the fire
(B) 1.1 pea value
(C) &.*&* pea value
'. hich of the following is true for
(D) &.** pea value
%8 resistors connected in parallel!
(A) %he current flow through each
resistor is the same.
(B) %he voltage across each resistor is
the same.
(C) %he combined value of the resistors
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(3)Lamps is equal to the sum of the
individual values.
(D) 9ach resistor has the same
#n the above diagram +amps , and " resistance value.
are identical.
A volt meter connected across +amp "
should read

(A) one quarter of the applied voltage

(B) one third of the applied voltage
(C) one half of the applied voltage
(D) the total applied voltage

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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=. our 2> batteries are first connected in 1.

series and then in parallel. %he total
voltage is
(A) our times greater20.Ohm
in parallel than in
series e-20Ohm
(B) our times smaller in series than in
(C) %he same in both connection
(D) our times smaller in parallel than in hich of the following would be true for
series an/ value of current flowing in the above
1&. hat is the e7pected current (A) >1  >2
drawn b/ an electric cooer rated (B) >1  >2
at 12?@2$& volts! (C) >1 E >2
(A) 1= Amps (D) >1 F >2
(B) '.- Amps
(C) -2.1*Amps
1-. %he rate at which wor is done is
(D) =- Amps
referred to as
(A) 9nerg/
11. An open circuit has the effect of (B) %orque
(C) <ower
(A) #nfinitel/ high resistance and (D) Current
ero current
(B) ero resistance and 1. An electric stove rated at #?4 2&&>4
e7cessive current is accidentall/ connected to a 1&&>
(C) 97cessive current and suppl/. hat power would it now
e7cessive heat develop!
(D) ero resistance and e7cessive
voltage drop (A) 2-&
(B) -&&
12. A secondar/ cell is one which (C) '&&
(A)has an internal resistance of &.- (D) 1&&&
(B) cannot be recharged 1*.
(C) when in use will not deteriorate
(D)Can be recharged

1$. "ilver is a ver/ good conductor of

electricit/. #t has
(A) low permittivit/
(B) high conductivit/
(C) high resistivit/ %he circuit above represents a
(D) low permeabilit/ (A) bell circuit
(B) batter/ driven machine
(C) lamp dimmer
(D) potentiometer circuit

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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22. %he power dissipated b/ a -&L resistor

1'. which is connected to a 2> d.c. suppl/ is
(A) 1&.&&w
(B) 11.-2w
(C) -.&&w
(D) $&.&&w

2$. A variable resistor can be connected

as a potentiometer and as a
2ohm (A) varactor
(B) rheostat
(C) fuse
(D) switch
%he ratio of the current in circuit GAH to
that of circuit GBH is
2. 97ternal energ/ such as heat4 light or
electricit/ can cause electrons in the
(A) 1I-
valence shell to become
(B) 2I1
(A) charged
(C) -I1
(B) stationar/
(D) -I2
(C) trapped
(D) free
1=. %he voltage at the end of a suppl/
line was onl/ =&J of the suppl/ voltage.
2-. %he internal resistance of a cell having
%his could be due to the
an e.m.f. of 2> and a terminal voltage of
1.'> when suppl/ing a current of 2&A is
(A) cable being too large
(A) &.&1L
(B) cable overheating
(B) &.&-L
(C) "uppl/ voltage being too low
(C) &.1&L
(D) resistance of the cable being too
(D) &.1-L
2. ;ow man/ amperes of electric
2&. %he formula for quantit/ of
current are equivalent to &&
electricit/ in an electrical circuit is
K  #t. %he correct e7pression for GtH is
(A) &.&A
(B) &.A
(A) K@#
(C) A
(B) K 5 t
(D) &A
(C) K#
(D) Ki
2*. %he allo/ nown as constantan is
used in standard resistors because in case
21. <rimar/ cells are those which
of a moderate rise in temperature itHs
(A) consist of two negative electrodes
(B) Can be recharged
(A) increases appreciabl/
(C) Carr/ an open circuit voltage of 1.->
(B) Decreases appreciabl/
(D) Cannot be recharged
(C) #s hardl/ affected
(D) luctuates

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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2'. Mell/
(D) ,un cold water over the area
I/ll I/lL $$. %he resistance of a conductor is &.&-
ohms. hat current is required to pass
through it to give a  >olt drop!

% % (A) $&A
(B) &A
%he two suspendedO
electrical charges (C) &A
illustrated above would (D) 12&A
(A) attract each other
(B) repel each other $. 9lectrical generating utilities in the
(C) rotate Caribbean distribute power at
(D) >ibrate frequencies of

2=. %he total resistance of two resistors (A) $& or &;

having the same value and connected in (B) -& or &;
parallel in a circuit would be (C) *& or '&;
(A) three times the ohmic value of (D) =& or 1&&;
(B) two times the ohmic value of one $-. An Gelectrical shocH is a ph/sical
(C) the same ohmic value of one sensation caused b/ the
(D) half the ohmic value of one
(A) amount of current that can result
$&. hich of the following colour codes in serious damage to the muscles of a
shows the correct value for a resistor of persons bod/
1&&& ohms! (B) changes in temperature of a
(A) Brown4 blac4 red personHs bod/
(B) Brown Brown4 red (C) Current passing through the
(C) Brown4 brown4 orange chest region of the bod/
(D) Brown4 orange4 brown (D) ,eaction of the nerves to electric
$1. hich of the following conditions would
present a low resistance path in an electrical $. hich of the following are units of
circuit! energ/!
(A) An open circuit #. +umen
(B) A short circuit ##. Noules
(C) A series circuit ###. ?ilowatt ;ours
(D) A blown fuse
(A) # and ## onl/
$2. A person who gets an electrical burn (B) # and ### onl/
should immediatel/ (C) ## and ### onl/
(A) Appl/ mercurochrome ointment (D) #4 ## and ###
to the area
(B) Appl/ gentian violet to the area
(C) ,ub the area with petroleum

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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(B) Ammeter in series with the load

(C) >oltmeter across the load
$*. %he colour bands on a resistor are (D) Ammeter across the load
red4 orange4 red. %he coded value is
2. hich of the following colour codes
(A) &.2$L shows the correct value for a resistor of
(B) 2.$&L 1&&& ohms!
(C) 2$.&&L
(D) 2$2L (A)Brown4 blac4 red
(B) Brown Brown4 red
$'. %he frequenc/ of an alternating (C) Brown4 brown4 orange
current source is the (D)Brown4 orange4 brown

(A) radian $. %he power dissipated b/ a -&L

(B) voltage variations in one resistor which is connected to a 2> d.c.
revolution suppl/ is
(C) number of c/cles in one second (A) 1&.&&w
(D) Completion of a set of specific (B) 11.-2w
changes (C) -.&&w
(D) $&.&&w
$=. hich of the following solutions is
used as the electrol/te in a simple cell! . hich of the following should be
(A) Copper sulphate carried out last when treating an
(B) inc sulphate unconscious person who has had an
(C) "ulphuric acid electric shoc!
(D) Ammonium chloride (A)?eeping airwa/s to the lungs clear
(B) +oosening tight clothing
$=. %he collection of h/drogen bubbles (C) Administering artificial respiration
around the carbon electrode in a carbonO (D)%reating burns
inc cell is called
(A) amalgamation -. #n which of the following graphs is
(B) local action ohmHs law verified!
(C) ioniation
(D) polariation

&. hat is the pea value of a 2&> a.c.


(A) 1-2.'>
(B) 1=.>
(C) $$=.>
(D) $*.*>

1. %o measure the voltage across a load4

one would connect a@an
(A) >oltmeter in series with the load

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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=. hich of the following circuits will
dissipate the most power!

*. hich of the following precautions

should be observed when checing the
resistance of an electrical circuit with an
(A) AdMust the meter of f.s.d. before
(B) AdMust the meter to its lowest scale
(C) Connect the meter to an a.c. source. -&. hat effect does an ambient
(D) 9nsure that no voltage is applied to temperature greater than $&oC have on
the circuit while resistance is being the current rating of a conductor!
(A) %he current rating is decreased.
'. (B) %he current rating is increased.
(C) %he current rating remains

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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(D) %he current rating is multiplied b/
the voltage drop

"9C%#8: 2
Cndidtes M&ST ns"er A'' SI( questions in this section.

1. %he figure above indicates three resistance readings taen b/ an ohmmeter.

write the letters () 4 (3) and () . :e7t to 9AC; letter4 write the value of reading
indicated. ( mars 6 2 mars each)

2. %he figure below shows the dials of a five dial wattOhour meter for a N<" customer.
Calculate how much it would cost the customer for the one month period if he previous
reading was 111 and the rate is Q=.2-@?;. ($ mars)


orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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$. (a) "tate 8hmHs +aw and write the formula that represents 8hms +aw. (2 mars)
(b) igure 1 shows a series parallel resistive circuit.

igure 1
Calculate the
)i* %otal resistance when the switch " is closed )# mr$*
)ii* %otal resistance when the switch " is open )# mr$*
)iii* %otal current # when the switch " is closed )# mr$*
)i+* Ra7imum power developed in the =L resistor. ), mr$s*
Totl - mr$s

. (a) "tate %8 (2) reasons wh/ cells are connected in parallel. ) mr$s*
(b) "tate %8 advantages of an alaline cell over a leadOacid cell. ) mr$s*
(c) A commercial batter/4 with an open circuit voltage of 1.>4 has a
terminal voltage of 12.2> when suppl/ing a current of 2&A to a load.
Calculate the internal resistance of the batter/. )/ mr$s*
Totl - mr$s

-. (a) :ame %;,99 factors which affect the resistance of a metallic conductor.

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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)/ mr$s*

(b) A copper cable 1-&& m long4 has a crossOsectional area of 2- 7 1&O. %he
resistivit/ of copper is 1.* 7 1&O S m.
Calculate the resistance of the cable )/ mr$s*

(c) Describe the difference between positive and negative temperature

coefficients of materials. ) mr$s

. (A) Rae a neat setch of an a.c. sine wave. )/ Mr$s*

(B) #ndicate the following values on the setch in part (A) aboveI

(i) 8ne c/cle

(ii) <ositive <ea >oltage
(iii) <ea to pea voltage
(iv) ,.m.s. voltage )/


(C) :ame %8 electrical characteristics of an a.c. sine wave. ). Mr$s*

orm  9nd of /ear e7am 2&1& 08 8: %8 %;9 :9% <A09

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