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EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 59

1. Two transformers of the same type, using the 7. The efficiency of a 100 KVA transformer is 0.98
same grade of iron and conductor materials, are at full as well as at half load. For this transformer
designed to work at the same flux and current at full load the copper loss.
densities; but the linear dimensions of one are two
(a) is less than core loss.
times those of the other in all respects. The ratio
of KVA of the two transformers closely equals : (b) is equal to core loss.
(a) 16 (b) 8 (c) is more than core loss
(c) 4 (d) 2 (d) none of the above
2. When a transformer winding suffers a short-circuit, 8. The magnetising current in a transformer is rich
the adjoining turns of the same winding experience: in :
(a) an attractive force (b) a repulsive force
(a) 3rd harmonic (b) 5th harmonic
(c) no force (d) none of the above
(c) 7th harmonic (d) 13th harmonic
3. Supply to one terminal of a -Y connected
three-phase core type transformer which is on 9. In a constant voltage transformer (CVT), the
no-load, fails. Assuming magnetic circuit symmetry, output voltage remains constant due to :
voltages on the secondary side will be : (a) capacitor (b) input inductor
(a) 230, 230, 115 (b) 230, 115, 115 (c) saturation (d) tapped windings
(c) 345, 115, 115 (d) 345, 0, 345 10. If an ac voltage wave is corrupted with an
4. Auto-transformer is used in transmission and arbitrary number of harmonics, then the overall
distribution : voltage waveform differs from its fundamental
(a) when operator is not available frequency component in terms of :
(b) when iron losses are to be reduced (a) only the peak values
(c) when efficiency considerations can be ignored (b) only the rms values
(d) when the transformation ratio is small (c) only the average values
5. Keeping in view the requirement of parallel (d) all the three measures (peak, rms and
operation, which of the 3-phase connections given average values)
below are possible?
11. A 220/440 V, 50 KVA single phase transformer
(a) delta-delta to delta-star operates on 220 V, 40 Hz supply with secondary
(b) delta-delta to star-delta winding. Then :
(c) star-star to delta-star (a) the eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of
the transformer decrease
(d) delta-star to star-delta
(b) the eddy current loss and hysteresis loss of
6. The laws of electromagnetic induction (Faraday’s the transformer increase
and Lenz’s law) are summarized in the following
(c) the hysteresis loss of the transformer
increases while eddy current loss remains
di the same
(a) e = iR (b) e  L
(d) the hysteresis loss remains the same
d whereas eddy current loss decreases
(c) e   (d) none of these

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

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Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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60 | Transformers Junior Engineer
12. The low voltage winding of a 400/230V, 1-phase, 19. A single-phase transformer fed from a rated
50 Hz transformer is to be connected to a 25 Hz, voltage supply operates at no-load. The core loss
the supply voltage should be : of the transformer is assumed to be negligible. The
(a) 230 V (b) 460 V current drawn by the transformer from the supply
(c) 115 V (d) 65 V will have the waveform.
13. A 50 Hz transformer having equal hysteresis and
eddy current losses at rated excitation is operated
at 45 Hz at 90% of its rated voltage. Compared
to rated operating point the core losses under i
this condition : (a) 
0 
(a) reduce by 10% (b) reduce by 19%
(c) reduce by 14.5% (d) remain unchanged
14. A 10 KVA, 400V/200V single phase transformer
with 10% impedance draws a steady short circuit
line current of :
(a) 50A (b) 150A i
(b) 
(c) 250A (d) 350A 0 
15. A 400V/100V, 10 KVA two winding transformer t
is reconnected as an auto transformer across a
suitable voltage source. The maximum rating of
such an arrangement could be :
(a) 50 KVA (b) 15 KVA
(c) 12.5 KVA (d) 8.75 KVA i
(c) 
16. A 10 KVA, 400V/200V, single phase transformer 0 
with a percentage r esistance of 3% and t
percentage reactance of 6% is supplying a current
of 50A to a resistive load. The value of the load
voltage is :
(a) 194 V (b) 390 V
(c) 192 V (d) 196 V
(d) 
17. A 20-turn iron-cored inductor is connected to a 0 
100V, 50Hz source. The maximum flux density in t
the core is 1Wb/m2. The cross-sectional area of
the core is :
20. The equivalent resistance and equivalent reactance
(a) 0.152m2 (b) 0.345m2
of a transformer are respectively 0.5 and 0.8 .
(c) 0.0225m2 (d) 0.56m2 The voltage regulation will be zero when the load
18. A 220/220 volts, 50Hz transformer has a core flux power factor is
density of 1Wb/m2, find its flux density in Wb/m2
when connected to 110 volts, 25Hz supply : 0.8 0.5
(a) lagging (b) lagging
0.89 0.89
(a) 0.25 (b) 1.00
(c) 4.00 (d) zero

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

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EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 61
(c) Avoiding overloads
0.5 0.8
(c) leading (d) leading (d) Setionalizing and interleaving the primary
0.89 0.89
and secondary windings
21. If the secondary winding of the ideal transformer 26. In an ideal transformer, if K is some constant, then
of the circuit shown in the given figure has 40 turns, the supply voltage V, in terms of its magnetizing
then for maximum power transfer to the 2-ohm
current I m can be expressed as
resistor, the number of turns required in the primary
winding will be :
(a) jKfIm (b) I
8 m

(c) - jKfIm (d) - I .
Vg 2
27. CRGO laminations in a transformer are used to
minimise :
40 Turns
(a) Eddy - Current loss
Ideal Transformer
(b) Hysteresis loss
(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) Both eddy - current and hysteresis loss
(c) 80 (d) 120 (d) Ohmic loss
22. A transformer has at full-load iron loss 900W and 28. The useful flux of a transformer is 1 Wb. When it
copper loss of 1,600W. At what % of load, is loaded at 0.8 pf lag, then its mutual flux
transformer will have maximum efficiency
(a) May decrease to 0.8 Wb
(a) 133% (b) 125%
(b) May increase to 1.01 Wb
(c) 75% (d) 66.6%
(c) Remains constant
23. A transformer is so designed that primary and
secondary have.......... (d) May decrease to 0.99 Wb
(a) High leakage reactance 29. If, in a transformer Pc = core loss and Psc = full
(b) Large resistance
load ohmic loss, then maximum kVA delivered to
(c) Tight magnetic coupling the load at maximum efficiency is equal to rated
(d) Good electric coupling kVA multiplied by
24. Which of the following 3-phase connections of
transformer create disturbances in communication 2
Pc  Pc 
systems? (a) (b)  
Psc  Psc 
(a) Star/Delta (b) Delta/Star
(c) Star/Star (d) Delta/Delta
Pc Psc
25. Leakage fluxes of a transformer may be minimized (c) (d)
Psc Pc
(a) Keeping the magnetizing current of the 30. The hysteresis and eddy - current losses of 1-phase
minimum transformer working on 200 V, 50 Hz supply are
(b) Reducing the reluctance of the iron core to Ph and Pe respectively. The percentage decrease
the minimum in these losses when operated on a 160 V, 40 Hz
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
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Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
62 | Transformers Junior Engineer
supply would respectively be (b) Increase by a factor of 1.2
(a) 32, 36 (b) 20, 36 (c) remain unaltered
(c) 25, 50 (d) 40, 80 (d) decrease marginally
31. In a transformer if primary leakage impedance is 35. A bank of three identical single phase 250 KVA 11
neglected, then kV / 230 V transformer is used to provide 400V
1. Magnetizing current lags the applied voltage Low tension supply from a 11 kV, 3 phase substation
V1 by 900 the effective KVA rating of the bank will be
2. Core loss current lags V1 by 900 (a) 250 (b) 250 3
3. Exciting current lags V1 by 90
(c) 500 (d) 750
4. Core loss current is in phase with V1
36. when a short circuit test is conducted on a single
5. Exciting current lags V1 by about 800
phase transformer, 30% of the rated voltage is
6. Magnetizing current statements are
required to allow full load current. The short circuit
from these the correct statement are power factor is found to be 0.2 . The percentage
(a) 1, 4, 5 (b) 3, 4, 6 regulation of UPF is
(c) 1 , 4 (d) 1 , 2 , 6 (a) 30 (b) 29.5
32. A 50 Hz transformer having equal hysteresis and
(c) 15 (d) 6
eddy current losses at rated excitation is operated
at 45 Hz at 90% of rated voltage compared to rated 37. A auto transformer has V1, I1 as input quantities
operating point, the core loss under this condition and V2, I2 as output quantities with V2 < V1 the VA
(a) reduces by 90 % (b) reduces by 19 % conducted from input to output is

(c) reduces by 14.5 (d) remains unchanged (a) V1 I 2 (b) V2 I1

33. When compared with power transformer, a
distribution transformer has (c) V1 I1  V2 I 2 (d) V1  V2  I1

(a) Low % age impedance and high I2R loss to 38. A auto transformer has V1, I1 as input quantities
core loss ratio and V2, I2 as output quantities with V2<V1 the VA
(b) High % age impedance and high I2R loss to transformed from primary to secondary is
core loss ratio
(a) V1 I 2 (b) V2 I1
(c) High % age impedance and low I2R loss to
core loss ratio
(c) V1 I1  V2 I 2 (d) V1  V2  I1
(d) Low % age impedance and low I R loss to
core loss ratio 39. A 400 V / 200 V transformer has a full load voltage
34. A transformer designed for operation of 60 Hz regulation of x p.u. at 0.8 pf lagging if this
supply is worked on 50 Hz supply system without transformer is used as on auto transformer with
changing its voltage and current ratings. When voltage rating 400 V / 600 V or 200 V / 600 V ,
compared with full load efficiency at 60 Hz, the then its voltage regulation would be
transformer efficiency on full load at 50 Hz will be
(a) Increase marginally
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
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Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 63
V1  V2 V1  V2
x x 2x x (b) K, K
(a) , (b) , V2 V1
3 3 3 3
V1  V2 V1  V2
(c) K, K
V1 V2
2x 2x x 2x
(c) , (d) ,
3 3 3 3 V1  V2 V1  V2
(d) K, K
V2 V2
40. Which of the following statement are incorrect ?
1. Maximum voltage regulation of transformer 43. Two transformer of identical voltage but of different
occurs at leading power factor capacities are operating in parallel for satisfactory
2. Voltage regulation of a transformer is maximum load sharing.
when load power factor (lagging) angle has (a) Impedance must be equal
the same value as the angle of equivalent (b) per unit impedance must be equal
(c) per unit impedance and X/R ratio must be equal
3. Voltage regulation of a transformer can be
negative at leading power factor. (d) Impedance and X/R ratio must be equal

4. Voltage regulation of a transformer at zero 44. Two transformer to be operating in parallel have
power factor is always zero. their secondary no load emfs Ea for transformer A
and Eb for transformer B. As Ea is somewhat more
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2and 3
then Eb, a circulating current IC is established at
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 1 and 4 no load which tends to
41. In an auto transformer of voltage ratio V1/V2 and E a  Eb
V1 > V2 , the fraction of power transferred (a) boost both Ea and Eb with Ic =
Z ea  Z eb
inductively is
E a  Eb
(b) boost Ea and buck Eb with Ic =
V V2 Z ea  Z eb
(a) V  V (b) V
1 2 1
E a  Eb
(c) Buck Ea and boost Eb with Ic =
Z ea  Z eb
V1  V2 V1  V2
(c) V  V (d) V1 E b  Ea
1 2 (d) Buck both Ea and Eb with Ic =
Z ea  Z eb
42. A single phase transformers with KVA rating k 45. Short circuit test an a single phase transformer gave
V1 the following date
has voltage rating of V this transformer can be
2 30V at 50 Hz, 20 A Pf = 0.2 lagging
connected as an auto transformer to get two If S.C. test is performed on 30V, 25 Hz, then short
V1  V2 V1  V2 circuit current
possible voltage ratings of V2
and V1
(a) decrease at Pf < 0.2
respective KVA ratings as an auto transformer are (b) increases at a P.f. < 0.2

V1  V2 V1  V2 (c) increases at a pf > 0.2

(a) K, K
V1 V2 (d) decreases at a pf > 0.2
46. when a transformer winding suffers a short circuit,

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
64 | Transformers Junior Engineer
the adjoining turns of the same winding experience.
(a) at attractive force
(b) a repulsive force X X
(3) (4)
(c) no force
(d) May be attractive or repulsive depending upon
the current direction.
(a) Both 1 & 2 (b) Only 1
47. Transformer maximum efficiency, for a constant
(c) Both 1 & 4 (d) None of these
load current occurs at
50. In a transformer tapping are provided on h.v. side
(a) at any pf (b) zero pf leading
(c) zero pf lagging (d) unity pf
1. it has larger number of turns which allow
48. In a transformer re 2  jxe2  equivalent leakage smoother control of output voltage
impedance Z e 2 maximum voltage regulation is 2. It has to handle low value of currents
equal to 3. It is easily accessible for repairs.

re 2 4. it requires less insulation

(a) re 2 to Z lagging pf
e2 from these the correct answer is
(a) 1, 2, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3, 4
xe 2
(b) xe 2 to Z lagging pf (c) 1, 2, 4 (d) 1, 2, 3

51. Two transformers of different KVA rating working

re 2 in parallel share the load in proportion to their
(c) Z e 2 to Z leading pf
e2 ratings when their
1. per unit leakage impedance on the same KVA
re 2
(d) Z e 2 to Z lagging pf. base are equal.
2. per unit leakage impedances based on their
49. The relative current directions through the primary respective KVA ratings are equal
(P) and secondary (s) of a l-phase transformer
3. Ohmic values of the leakage impedances are
connected to a resistive load on the secondary side,
inversely proportional to their ratings
are indicated in the various cross section views
given in figure which of these are correct 4. Ohmic values of the magnetizing reactance are
representations ? the same
from these the correct answer is
(a) 1, 3, 4 (b) 2, 3
X X X (c) 2, 3, 4 (d) 1, 4
(1) (2)
52. Two windings of a transformer are indicated by
terminals AB and CD as shown in fig. when a
voltage of 100 V is applied across AB with BD
short circuited , a voltage of 200 V appears across

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 65
AC. The turn ratio from CD and AB is (a) 30 W (b) 25 W
A C (c) 60 W (d) 100 W
57. A transformer has iron loss of 90 watts at 60 Hz
supply and 52 watts at 40 Hz supply. Both losses
being measured at same peak flux density. The
total iron loss in the transformer at 50 Hz supply
will be
(a) 3 (b) 1
(a) 70 W (b) 90 W
(c) 3 or 1 (d) 2 or 1
(c) 50 W (d) 60 W
53. A 1 phase transformer has p.u leakage impendance
58. A 220 V, 60 Hz single phase transformer has
on 0.02 + j0.04 its regulation at pf 0.8 lagging and
hysteresis loss of 340 watts and eddy current of
0.8 leading are respectively
120 watts. If the transformer is operated from 200
(a) 4 % , 0.8 % (b) 4 % , - 0.8 % V, 50 Hz supply mains, the total Iron loss in the
(c) 2.4 % , -0.8 % (d) 4 % , - 1 % transformer will be
54. A 200V/ 100 V, 50 Hz transformer is to be excited (a) 525 w (b) 375 w
at 40 Hz from 100 V side for the exciting current (c) 325 w (d) 425 w
to be the same, the applied voltage should be
59. A 230 V, 50Hz single phase transformer has eddy
(a) 150 V (b) 80 V current loss of 30 watts. if the transformer is
(c) 100 V (d) 125 V excited with Dc source of same magnitude will be
55. If the load p. f. of a transformer is 0.8 lagging then (a) 30 w (b) 25 w
its primary p.f. is (c) 0 w (d) None of these
(a) 0.9 pf (b) 0.8 pf 60. A 50 Hz single phase transformer draws a short
(c) 0.7 pf (d) 4 pf circuit current of 35A at 0.25 pf lag, when
56. A transformer has hysteresis loss of 30 watts at connected to 16V, 50 Hz source. What will be the
240 V, 60 Hz supply., the hysteresis loss at 200 V, pf if it is energized from 16V,75 Hz source ?
50 Hz supply is (a) 0.17 lag (b) 0.37 lag
(c) 0.25 lag (d) 0.29 lag


# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
66 | Transformers Junior Engineer

1. Ans. (a) 3. Ans. (b)
KVA  E I, Given the two Transformers are of 1:1
same current density.
I = J A, where J is current density which is given 230V
as constant.
 I  A (cross sectional area of conductor)
As the linear dimensions are doubled (radius of 115V
conductor becomes double)
Cross sectional area of conductor becomes 4 230V
times and hence the current carrying capability.
I2 A 2 4A1
=  4 115V
I1 A1 A1

 E = 4.44 Bm A n f Tph
If the primary applied voltage is 230V then for a
 E  An core type 3-phase –Y transformer with one primary
[An = net area of core material] supply terminal disconnected, secondary side phase
Voltages are of the form 230V, 115V, 115 V.
E2 A 2 4A1 4. Ans. (d)
 =  4
E1 A1 A1
Advantages of auto transformer will be more
with % tapping nearer to 100% (or)
[ A2 = L2  b 2  2L1  2b1
transformation ratio nearer to unity i.e., smaller.
 4L1b1  4A1 ] In autotransformer transformation ratio is always
KVA 2 E 2 I2
 = 5. Ans. (d)
 – Y & Y –  transformers both belong to ± 30º
16E1I1 phasor group hence they can be used for parallel
=  16 operation.
6. Ans. (c)
2. Ans. (a)
Faraday’s Law: induced emf a rate of change
of flux linkages
 e 
Lenz’s Law: induced emf opposes the basic
According to Lorentz’s principle, two conductors cause which produces it
carrying current in the same direction will
d N
experience force of attraction and the conductors  e =
carrying current in opposite direction will
d 
experience force of repulsion.  e =
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 67
7. Ans. (c) 12. Ans. (c)

kVA out  P.f V1

Efficiency  = kVA  P.f.  W  W Bmax  , as f is reduced the Bmax demand
out 1 cu
increases. Hence the magnetising component
Let P.f. = unity, current demand increases, which may damage
100kVA  1 the Transformer due to increased resultant
full load = ...(1) current.
100kVA  1  WEi  Wcu
Hence must be maintained constant.
50kVA  1 f
half load = ...(2)
1 V1 V2
50kVA  1  Wi  Wcu
4 f1 = f2
Solving (1) & (2)
Wcu = 2Wi 230
 V2 =  25  115 V
8. Ans. (a) 50
To get sinusoidal flux the magnetizing current must 13. Ans. (c)
be a peak wave which is dominant with 3rd
harmonic. Given initially the hysteresis loss  w h1  and eddy
9. Ans. (c)
Due to saturation of terminal voltage of constant current loss  we 1
are equal, so
voltage transformer maintainted. wh 1 = kh50
10. Ans. (d)
we 1 = ke(50)2
If the waveform consists harmonics then its peak
voltage is not same as that of fundamental So, wh 1 = we1
frequency component hence the average and rms kh50 = ke(50)2
values differ. kh = 50 ke
11. Ans. (c)
wh 2 = kh (45)
Bmax   constant we 2 = ke(45)2
Total iron loss
Wh  B1.6
max f

V 
1.6  Wi 
= Wh1  Wh1  2Wh1
 Wh   1  f
 f  When frequency = 45 Hz & applied voltage =
 V11.6 f 0.6 90% of rated voltage

As frequency is reduced Hysteresis Loss V1  0.9  V1

Bmax =   constant
increases f1  0.9  f1
 Wh  f, We  f2
V  2
We   1   f  Wi2 = Wh2 + We2
 f 
 Wh 2 = 0.9Whi
 We  V12
We2 = 0.81 We1
 eddy current Loss is independent of frequency
.[i.e., no change]

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

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Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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68 | Transformers Junior Engineer

Wi2 = 0.9 Wh1  0.81 We1  1.71 Wh1 = 500V × 100 A

= 50 KVA
 Wh1  We1 
16. Ans. (a)
2Wh1  1.71Wh1 % Regulation of Transformer
% reduction core loss =  100
= (%R) cos2 ± (%X) sin 2
(+ve)  Lagging Load
14. Ans. (c)
Steady short circuit current is the current (–ve)  Leading Load
corresponding to rated applied voltage during short As the load is resistive,
circuit test on Transformer. To get rated short
cos = 1, sin = 0
circuit current we have to apply 10% of rated
voltage.  % Regulation
[ %Z = 10%] = % R = 3%
10  103  Load voltage
Rated current =  25A
= 200 – (3% of 200)
I V
I2 V2 = 194V
 I1 = V1 17. Ans. (c)
I2 400 18. Ans. (b)
 =
25 0.1  400 22. Ans. (d)
I2 = 250A 21. Ans. (d)
19. Ans. (c)
15. Ans. (a)
100A 10KVA 25A 20. Ans. (c)
23. Ans. (c)
24. Ans. (b)
100V 400V
25. Ans. (d)
26. Ans. (a)
The current rating of winding in both cases 27. Ans. (c)
remains same
100A 28. Ans. (c)
29. Ans. (c)
30. Ans. (b)
31. Ans. (a)
75A 500V
25A In a transformer
400V If primary leakage impedance is neglected, then
 Magnetizing current lag the applied voltage V1 by
Rating of autotransformer 900
 Core loss current is in phase with V1
# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya
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Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
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EE : Electrical Machines Transformers | 69
 Exciting current lags V1 by about 800 K = voltage ratio of the auto transformer
32. Ans. (c) 40. Ans. (a)
for this case  Maximum voltage regulation of a transformer
occurs at lagging power factor.
V / f  = constant
 Voltage regulation of a transformer at zero
Bm = constant power factor is not zero.
2 2
Pe  f Bm 41. Ans. (d)
2 V1  V2
 Pe become  0.9  Pe
Ph  fBm1.6 42. Ans. (a)
2 V1  V2 V1  V2
 Pe become  0.9  Ph K, K
V1 V1
here Pe  Ph 43. Ans. (c)
0.9  0.92 Per unit impedance and ratio must be equal.
 core loss reduced  1  = 14.5 % R
44. Ans. (c)
33. Ans. (a) 45. Ans. (c)
34. Ans. (d) 46. Ans. (a)
Because when frequency is decreased losses will 47. Ans. (d)
increases so efficiency reduces.
48. Ans. (d)
35. Ans. (d)
re 2 2
36. Ans. (d) Z e 2 at lagging pf
P.u impedance = rated voltage required to allow 50. Ans. (a & b)
full load current = 30 % = 0.3
49. Ans. (d)
short circuit power factor = R / Z = 0.2
In a transformer , tappings are provided on the h.v.
So,R = 0.3 × 0.2 = 0.06 side because
Voltage regulation  0.06 1  x  0  0.06  6%  it has larger number of turns which allow
37. Ans. (b) smoother control of output voltage
The VA conducted from input to output = V2I1  It has to handle low value of current

38. Ans. (d)  It is easily accessible for repairs.

The VA transferred from input to output 51. Ans. (b)

39. Ans. (d) 2,3
Voltage regulation of auto transformer at same 53. Ans. (c)
P. f  X 1  K  52. Ans. (b)
where % Regulation  R pu cos  X pu sin 
X = voltage regulation of 2- wdg (transformer) 4 % , - 0.8 %

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777
70 | Transformers Junior Engineer
54. Ans. (b)   45  25  70W
80V f ratio is constant 58. Ans. (d)

V1 f
Ph1  340w
 1 Ph2  120w
V2 f2
100 50
 V1 V2
V2 40 
f1 f 2
V2  80V
Ph  V 1.6 * f 0.6
55. Ans. (c)
Total Iron loss
for lagging load the primary power factor is less 1.6 0.6 2
than the load power factor. V   f  V 
Pi  Ph1   2    2   Pe1  2 
 V1   f1   V1 
56. Ans. (b)
V1  240V . f1  60Hz and V2  200V , f 2  50 Hz 1.6 0.6 2
 200   50   200 
 340       120  
V1 V2  220   60   200 
 4  425W
f1 f 2
59. Ans. (c)
V No emf in core
 constant
eddy current loss = 0W
Ph  f 60. Ans. (a)
Given data SC test - 1 : 16 V, 50 Hz
Ph 2 f 2
 cos sc = 0.25 lag
Ph1 f1
Isc =35 A
Ph 2  50  30  25W SC test -2 : 16 V , 75 Hz , cos sc = ?
For SC test -1
57. Ans. (a)
Vsc 16
Pi  90w  60 Hz Z 01       0.45
I sc 35
Pi  52w  40 Hz
R 01  cos  sc  Z 01
Bm = constant  0.25  0.457  0.114

Pi  K h f  Ke f 2 X 01  Z 012  R012  0.43

90  K h  60   K e  60  For SC test 2
52  K h  40   Ke  40 
X 01 new  X 01old   75
50  0.43  1.5  0.645
by solving above two equation Kh = 0.9 and Ke =
Z 02  R012  X 012  0.1142  0.6452  0.654

Pi  0.9  50  0.01   50 
2 0.114
cos sc   0.17l a g

# 100-102, Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya

Email : info @
Pratap Nagar, Tonk Road, Jaipur-33
Website :
Ph.: 0141-6540911, +91-8094441777

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