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C H Gas Sensor Based On Ni-Doped Zno Electrospun Nanofibers: Ceramics

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Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2883–2887

C2H2 gas sensor based on Ni-doped ZnO electrospun nanofibers

Xinchang Wanga,n, Minggang Zhaoa, Fang Liua, Jianfeng Jiaa, Xinjian Lia, Liangliang Caob
Key Laboratory of Material Physics Ministry Education, and School of Physics and Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou 450052, PR China
nGimat Co., Atlanta, GA 30341, USA
Received 29 August 2012; received in revised form 17 September 2012; accepted 20 September 2012
Available online 28 September 2012


Pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers were synthesized using the electrospinning method. The morphology, crystal structure and optical
properties of the nanofibers were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and photolumine-
scence (PL) spectroscopy, respectively. It is found that Ni doping does not change the morphology and crystal structures of the
nanofibers, and the ultraviolet emissions of ZnO nanofibers present red shift with increasing Ni doping concentration. C2H2 sensing
properties of the sensors based on the nanofibers were investigated. The results show that the C2H2 sensing properties of ZnO nanofibers
are effectively improved by Ni doping, and 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers exhibit a maximum sensitivity to C2H2 gas.
& 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ni-doped ZnO; Nanofiber; Gas sensor; C2H2

1. Introduction nanostructures, including nanowires [13], nanosheets [14],

nanoparticles [15] as well as nanofibers [16], have been
ZnO, an important semiconductor material with a large synthesized for further increasing the surface-to-volume
binding energy (60 meV) and a wide band gap (3.37 eV), ratio of ZnO materials, and various methods for nanoma-
has attracted considerable interests in view of its remark- terials synthesis have also been explored, such as chemical
able optoelectronic properties and the sensitivity to various vapor deposition, template-based growth, solution and
gases, all of which make ZnO highly promising in a broad electrospinning [13–17]. Among these methods, electro-
range of real-world applications [1,2]. Recently, ZnO has spinning has been proved to be a versatile, effective, simple
shown great potentials for sensing toxic and combustible and inexpensive method to fabricate 1D nanofibers with
gases such as CO, H2, NH3, C2H5OH and H2S [3–7], high specific surface area, arising from their rough surface
whereas some inherent drawbacks including low sensitivity, and large surface-to-volume ratio, both of which make the
high working temperature and restricted detection of low nanofibers highly competitive for making the novel
concentration gases, may hinder the further development nanomaterials-based gas sensors [18,19]. Recently, the
of ZnO-based sensors. fabrication and sensing properties of electrospun ZnO
To solve these problems, two methods, introducing nanofibers doped with proper elements such as Cu, Co
specific dopants or increasing the surface-to-volume ratio and Pd have been reported [20–22]. However, the sensing
of the building materials [8–10], have been generally properties of Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers have been rarely
believed to be able to improve the performance of the investigated.
ZnO-based gas sensors. Various metal elements such as Al In this work, we report the synthesis and gas sensing
and Pt have been tried as the dopant into ZnO for properties of pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers through
enhancing the sensing properties, and some promising the electrospinning technique. The sensor fabricated from
results have been achieved [11,12]. In addition, numerous Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers exhibits improved C2H2 sensing
properties. The results show that Ni-doped nanofibers are
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 86 371 67766917. very promising materials for fabricating high performance
E-mail address: (X. Wang). C2H2 sensors.

0272-8842/$ - see front matter & 2012 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
2884 X. Wang et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2883–2887

2. Experimental

Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers with different doping concen-

trations were prepared by electrospinning. In a typical
procedure, the same amount of zinc acetate (2.19 g) and
various amount of Ni (NO3)2 were added into 30 ml of the 200 nm
as-prepared polyvinyl alcohol (PVA, Mw 80,000) aqueous
solutions (10 wt%) with stirring, and the reaction proceeded
at 50 1C for 1 h. This mixture was aged at room temperature
for 4 h, and then the viscous sol solution was obtained as the
precursor for the following electrospinning process.
The precursor solutions were electrospun at the positive
voltage of 8 kV and a tip-to-collector distance of 20 cm at
room temperature to form the nanofibers, which was
collected on a grounded substrate, and then were calcined
at 650 1C for 3 h in air to remove the organic moiety. The
morphology, composition and crystal structure of the
as-prepared nanofibers were characterized with scanning
electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX)
spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD), respectively.
Room temperature photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy
with He–Cd (325 nm) laser lines as the excitation sources 200 nm
was used to examine the optical properties of the nanofibers.
The as-prepared ZnO nanofibers were mixed with a
suitable amount of deionized water to form a paste, which
was coated onto a ceramic tube with a pair of Au
electrodes and Pt wires on both ends. A heating coil
through the tube was employed to adjust the operating
temperature of the sensors. After drying and aging, the
nanostructured coating was formed, and the sensors were 2µm
ready for use. A static test system was adopted for testing,
where the performance of the gas sensors was tested in a
closed chamber with a volume of 18 L, and the target gas Fig. 1. SEM images of pure (a) and 5 at% Ni-doped (b) ZnO nanofibers
was injected into the chamber by a syringe. In this present calcined at 650 1C for 3 h.
paper, the gas sensitivity was defined as S=Ra/Rg, where
Rg and Ra are the resistances of samples with and without sensing materials, and thus, may contribute to the gas
the presence of the detected gas, respectively. The response diffusion and mass transport in the materials so as to
and recovery time was defined as the time taken for the improve the performance of the resulting sensors.
sensor to reach 90% of the total resistance change in the X-ray diffraction (XRD) was used to examine the effect
presence (target gas adsorption) and in the absence (target of Ni doping on the crystal structure of the ZnO nanofi-
gas desorption) of the detected gas in a step function. bers. As shown in Fig. 2(a), all the diffraction peaks can be
indexed as hexagonal ZnO crystal structure for both
3. Results and discussion undoped and 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers, and the
good sharpness of the peaks reveal a highly crystallized
Fig. 1(a) and (b) shows the SEM images of the wurtzite structure. With regard to the Ni-doped nanofi-
as-fabricated pure and 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofiber bers, no peaks corresponding with Ni or NiO are observed,
mats, respectively, both of which exhibit a similar two-level indicating that doping Ni has no apparent effect on the
nanostructure. Firstly, the nanofibers, with the length up crystal structures of the ZnO nanofibers, whereas the (101)
to several millimeters and the diameter about 100 nm, are peak position shifts from 36.081 to 36.241, implying that
randomly distributed and form a fibrous nonwoven mat. the lattice constant of ZnO crystal has somewhat changed,
Secondly, as shown in the enlarged image (the inset images where Ni impurities would be in the form of Ni2 þ ions and
of Fig. 1(a) and (b)), the single nanofiber is composed of partly substituted the Zn2 þ sites in the lattice [23]. The
another sub-level nanostructures, about 25–50 nm in size, EDX pattern of 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers shown in
which makes the surface of the nanofiber considerably Fig. 2(b) reveals the presence of Zn, O, Ni and Si elements
rough and full of void space. Obviously, such hierarchical (Si peaks come from Si substrate), and no impurity
structures provided by the electrospun nanofibers can elements including carbon are clearly observed, indicating
significantly enhance the surface-to-volume ratio of the that the carbon element originating from PVA has been
X. Wang et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2883–2887 2885

Intensity (a.u.)
Pure ZnO
Intensity (a.u.)

5 at% Ni-doped ZnO

350 400 450 500 550 600 650

30 40 50 60 70 Wavelength (nm)
2 Theta (deg)
Fig. 3. Room temperature photoluminescence spectrum of Ni-doped
ZnO nanofibers with different doping concentrations after calcinations:
(a) 0; (b) 3; (c) 5 and (d) 8 at%.

substitution, which indicates that the optical band-gap (Eg) of

the Ni-doping ZnO nanofibers can be tunable by changing the
Ni doping concentration. This may be explained by the crystal
lattice confinement effect [26]. The doped Ni2 þ enters into the
ZnO crystal structure, and forms the localized band edge
states with a reduced Eg. The blue emission, on the other
hand, becomes stronger as doping more Ni into the ZnO
nanofibers, and eventually reaches the maximum value when
the Ni doping concentration was 5 at%, but then decreased.
This result reveals that Ni doping can facilitate the formation
of the intrinsic defects, either Zn interstitials or oxygen
vacancies, so as to increase the density of the blue emission.
The gas-sensing properties of Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers
to C2H2 were investigated. Fig. 4 shows the sensitivities of
pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers to 2000 ppm C2H2 gas
Energy (KeV)
at different operating temperatures. The sensitivities of all
Fig. 2. (a) XRD patterns of pure ZnO and 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers samples are found to increase with increasing the operating
calcined at 650 1C for 3 h. (b) EDX spectra of 5% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers. temperature, which attain the maximum at 250 1C, and
then decrease with a further rise of the operating tempera-
ture. It is believed that there is a potential barrier for
fully removed during the heating treatment in air. The Ni charge transport formed during adsorption of atmospheric
content is determined to be about 5 at% for the nano- oxygen molecules on the surface, which prevents the C2H2
fibers, which is close to the theoretical value. The patterns molecules from reacting with the surface adsorbed oxygen
of 3 at% and 8 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers are similar species at low temperatures. When the temperature was
to the results in Fig. 2(b). raised up to 250 1C, the C2H2 molecules were provided
Fig. 3 shows the PL spectra of Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers with sufficient energy to overcome the barrier, and hence,
with different doping concentrations. Two peaks are observed the chemical reactions occurring on the surfaces were
in all samples, an ultraviolet (UV) emission (around 390 nm) facilitated, resulting in a remarkably decreased Rg so as
originating from the exciton recombination of ZnO [24], and a to enhance the sensitivity. When the temperature was higher
blue emission peak (around 465 nm) arising from the intrinsic than 250 1C, the sensitivity was continuously reduced,
defects in the ZnO nanofibers such as the Zn interstitials and which may result from the decrease of the adsorbed oxygen
the oxygen vacancies-related donor defects [25]. With gradu- species available at the sensing sites on the surface for
ally increasing the Ni doping concentration, the peak position reaction and the increase in intrinsic sensor resistance in air
of UV emission peak exhibits red shift from 387 nm to 396 nm [27]. Moreover, we can also find that all of Ni-doped ZnO
because of the modulation of the band-gap caused by Ni nanofibers show higher sensitivities to C2H2 than the pure
2886 X. Wang et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2883–2887

18 showed in Fig. 6. We can see that both samples exhibited fast

0 at% Ni doped ZnO
response after C2H2 was injected, and reached to the
3 at% Ni doped ZnO
5 at% Ni doped ZnO equilibrium value about 5 s. The signal decreased as the
14 8 at% Ni doped ZnO acetylene gas was pumped out and came back to the initial
value within 10 s. The fast response and recovery time might
Sensitivity (Ra/Rg)

be attributed to the 1D nanostructures of the nanofibers,
10 which facilitated the fast mass transfer of C2H2 molecules to
and from the interaction region as well as improved the rate
for charge carriers to traverse the barriers induced by
6 molecular recognition along the nanofibers [28,29].
It is well accepted that the gas-sensing mechanism of
ZnO-based sensors belongs to surface-controlled type,
namely, the sensitivity is attributed to the chemisorption
of oxygen on the oxide surface and the subsequent reaction
0 between adsorbed oxygen and test gas, which brings the
180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 340 360
resistance change. Prior to the test gas (C2H2) injection, the
Temperature (°C)
oxygen molecules in air will absorb on the fiber surface to
Fig. 4. Sensitivity of pure and Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers to 2000 ppm generate chemisorbed oxygen species (O2 , O2  and O  )
C2H2 gas at various operating temperatures. by capturing electrons from the ZnO conduction band.
Consequently, ZnO will show a high resistance. Takata
18 et al. found that the chemisorbed oxygen species depend
5 at% Ni-doped ZnO strongly on temperature, and the stable oxygen ions were
pure ZnO nanofibers O2 below 100 1C, O  between 100 and 300 1C, and O2 
14 above 300 1C [30]. Since the sensor was operated at 250 1C,
the O  species were more important than other oxygen
Sensitivity (Ra/Rg)

adsorbates. When Ni-doped ZnO is exposed to reductive
gases (C2H2), the C2H2 molecules will react with adsorbed
O  species on the ZnO surface to form CO2 and H2O,
8 which leads to the increase of carrier concentration and the
decrease of the electrical resistance. On the basis of the
discussion, the C2H2 sensing mechanism of this ZnO-based
4 gas sensor may be described as follows:

O2 ðgasÞ þ 2e -2O

ads -2CO2 þ H2 O þ 5e
C2 H2 ðadsÞþ 5O
0 500 1000 1500 2000

C2H2 concentration (ppm)


Fig. 5. Sensitivities of sensors upon different C2H2 gas concentrations 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO pumping
at 250 1C. pure ZnO

ZnO nanofibers, and the sensitivity increases up to 5 at% 14

Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers, but the samples with the excess
Sensitivity (Ra/Rg)

Ni concentration such as 8 at% deteriorate with worse
sensitivity (as shown in Fig. 4). At the optimal Ni doping 10

concentration (8 at%), the sensitivity of the gas sensor can 8

reach the maximum values (16.9), which is 6.5 times larger
than that of pure ZnO nanofibers (2.6). The results suggest
that Ni doping is the effective method in improving the 4
acetylene injected
sensing performance of the ZnO nanofibers-based sensor, 2
and the optimal Ni doping concentration is 5 at%.
Fig. 5 shows the response characteristics of the nanofibers
as a function of C2H2 concentration in air at the operating -2
0 10 20 30 40
temperature of 250 1C. As observed, the response of the
nanofibers increased with the increasing concentration of Time (s)
C2H2. The Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers had a more rapid Fig. 6. Response-recovery characteristics of the sensors based on pure
increase than the pure. The response and recovery times were and 5 at% Ni-doped ZnO nanofibers to 2000 ppm C2H2 gas at 250 1C.
X. Wang et al. / Ceramics International 39 (2013) 2883–2887 2887

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