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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015

ISSN: 2395-3470


Samadhi Manasa1, Swapna Rani.T2 , M. Veda chary3
PG Scholar, 2Assistant Professor,32Associate Professor
Department of ECE, CMR College of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad

ABSTRACT: The main objective of this paper is to the position of the motor to the desired speed or point.
control the position of a DC motor by using Electronic analog controllers can be made from a
Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm solid-state or tube amplifier, a capacitor and a
implemented on ARM CORTEX M3 microcontroller. resistance. Electronic analog PID control loops were
PID attempts to correct the error between the often found within more complex electronic systems.
measured position and the desired position by However, nowadays, electronic controllers have
calculating the error and then outputting a pulse largely been replaced by digital controllers
width modulated voltage that can adjust the position implemented with microcontrollers or FPGAs. In this
accordingly. The PID algorithm that is added to the project, PID controller is chosen as the controller for
system becomes a closed loop system. By integrating the DC motor. This is because PID controller helps get
the PID controller to the DC motor we will be able to the output, where we want it in a short time, with
correct the error made by the DC motor and control minimal overshoot and little error.
the position of the motor to the desired point. PID
parameters Kp , Ki and Kd are finely tuned to optimal II. DESIGN REQUIREMENTS
values by trial and error method .And then a CORTEX
We must be able to position the motor very
M3 microcontroller is programmed by adding the
precisely, thus the steady state error due to motor
finely tuned PID algorithm to control the position of
position should be zero. We will also want the steady
DC motor.
state error due to a disturbance to be zero as well. The
KEYWORDS: PID Controller, Cortex M3, Optical other performance requirement is that the motor must
Encoder, Pulse Width Modulation, Quadrature reach its final position very quickly. In this case, we
Encoder Interface. want it to have a settling time of 40ms.We also want
to have an overshoot smaller than 16 %.If we simulate
I. INTRODUCTION the reference input by a unit step input, then the motor
position output should have a step response with the
There are many different DC motor types in above mentioned requirements.
the market and all with it good and bad attributes. One
such bad attribute is the lag of efficiency. In order to III. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION
overcome this problem a controller is introduced to
the system. There are also many types of controllers DRIVER
used in the industry, one such controller is PID
controller. PID controller or proportional–integral–
derivative controller is a generic control loop feedback
mechanism widely used in industrial control systems.
A PID controller attempts to correct the error between
a measured process variable and a desired set point by
calculating and then outputting a corrective action that
can adjust the process accordingly. So by integrating
the PID controller to the DC motor we will be able to
correct the error made by the DC motor and control

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

Fig 1: Block diagram

This board drives the quadrature encoder dc motor. It

uses PID method for position control, by accepting
serial commands on 38400BPS, 8, N, 1 .It is
interfaced to computer’s serial port via TTL/level
converter .On the other side it is directly interfaced to
microcontroller’s UART. Driver accepts the
commands from the host to position the motor at
required using hyper terminal software.


Fig 2: Block Diagram of Shaft Encoder

An optical encoder/quadrature encoder, also

known as a 2-channel incremental encoder, converts
angular displacement into two pulse signals. By
monitoring both the number of pulses and the relative
phase of the two signals, we can track the position,
direction of rotation, and velocity. The encoder disk is
firmly connected to the back-shaft of the motor, so
that both the shaft and the encoder disk rotate at the
same r.p.m. The rotation of the motor causes the beam
of light to be periodically intercepted by the solid parts
of the encoder disk creating a sequence of pulses of
light that will be translated by the photo couple’s
receiver into pulses of electricity.


The quadrature encoder interface of LPC

1768 decodes the digital pulses from a quadrature
encoder wheel to integrate position over time and
determine direction of rotation. In addition, the QEI
can capture the velocity of the encoder wheel. UART

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

transmits serial commands to position the motor. If the

motor turns faster than the required velocity, the
controller will deliver less power to the motor and if
motor turns slower than the required velocity, the
controller will deliver more power to the motor.
Controlling the electrical power delivered to the motor
is usually done by Pulse Width Modulation.


Fig 3: Position Control System

The steps to be followed to design a PID Controller

[1] are,

• Obtain open loop response from the

mathematical model of DC Motor and determine what
needs to be improved.
• Add a proportional constant to improve the
rise time.
• Add a derivative control to improve the over-
• Add an integral control to eliminate the
steady state error.
• Adjust each of K p , K d , K i until the design
requirements are met.

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

Fig 4: Flow Diagram of PID Algorithm


Electric circuit of armature and free body diagram of

rotor is shown below.

Fig 5: Schematic of DC Motor

Motor’s physical parameters are usually specified by

the manufacturer.


Motor torque T is related to armature current-I by a

constant factor K t [2] as follows

T = K t .i

Back emf –e is related to rotational velocity by;

e = Ke .

By newton’s law combined with kirchoff’s laws, we

can write
' '
J. +b. = Ki

L + R.i = V- K.

Taking Laplace transform, we get

JS2 θ(s) +bS θ(s) = K.I(s)

S(JS+b). θ(s) = K.I(s)

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

Similarly, timer is set to execute two software routines every

1/10th of a second (which is just an arbitrary value).
(LS+R) I(s) =V(s) – KS. θ(s) One of these software routines is to recalculate the
actual angle of the shaft or the total number of
θ(s) – Rotating speed , output

V(s) – voltage, input

By solving the above two equations;

If position is the output, the position can be obtained

by integrating '

i.e., we just need to divide the transfer function by ‘S’

These equations can be represented in state space form

[3]. Choosing motor position, motor speed, armature
current as state space variables,
Fig 6: Flow Diagram for Position Control of DC
= . + Then, another software routine is executed to control
the speed of the motor by comparing the number of
counted pulses with a fixed number which is referred to
as the “required pulses”. The “required pulses”
Y= [1 0 0] . corresponds to the desired speed, and the “counted
pulses” corresponds to the actual speed of the motor.
After obtaining the transfer function, PID parameters
were obtained by trial and error method using


In a closed loop system, a microcontroller will have

two main tasks:

• Constantly adjust the average power

delivered to the motor to reach the required velocity.

• Precisely calculate the position/angle of the

motor’s output shaft [4].

The shaft encoder will provide the

microcontroller’s internal counter with a sequence of
pulses that correspond to the rotation of the motor. A
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

objective function that optimizes the PID Controller

and dynamic response of the system to be controlled.

It is demonstrated that the position of the DC

Motor is accurately controlled due to the finely tuned
PID parameters [8], and the motor could reach the
required position as quickly as possible without any

Despite the enormous interest that modern

control techniques have sparked among academics
during the last three or four decades, PID controllers
are still preferred in industrial process control. The
reason is that controllers designed with the aid of
modern control techniques are usually of high order,
difficult to implement, and virtually impossible to re-
tune on line. PID controllers, on the other hand, are
simple, easy to implement, and comparatively easy to
re-tune on line.
Fig 7: Step Response without PID Controller

Another advantage of PID controllers is that

two PID controllers can be used together to yield
better dynamic performance. This is called cascaded
PID control. In cascade control there are two PIDs
arranged with one PID controlling the set point of
another. A PID controller acts as outer loop controller,
which controls the primary physical parameter, DC
Motor speed. The other controller acts as inner loop
controller, which reads the output of outer loop
controller as set point. It can be mathematically
proven that the working frequency of the controller is
increased and the time constant of the object is
reduced by using cascaded PID controller.


[1]. Chandra Shekhar Gohiya, S.S.Sadistap,

S.A.Akbar, B.A.Botre Central ,” Design and
Fig 8: Step Response with PID Controller Development of Digital PID Controller for DC Motor
Drive System Using Embedded Platform for Mobile
VII. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE SCOPE Robot”, 978-1-4673-4529-3/12/$31.00 c 2012 IEEE,
2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing
Conference (IACC).
In this work, optimal PID parameters were
[2]. “Control System Engineering” by I.J. Nagrath and
obtained by trial and error method. The simulation
M. Gopal, New age International, 2010.
results indicate that the presented approach works
effectively and provides a good relation between the

International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science (IJSEAS) - Volume-1, Issue-3, June 2015
ISSN: 2395-3470

[3].A.Chowdhury , D.Debnath ,NIT Agartala ,” DC [6]. Andrew KleeB.S. , University of Central Florida,
Motor Position Control using State SpaceTechnique “ 2003, “development of a motor speed control system
, ISSN 2348-5426 , International Journal of Advances using matlab and simulink, implemented with a digital
in Science and Technology (IJAST). signal processor”.

[4]. Jose Carlos Gamozo-Real , Ernesto Vazquez- [7]. Benjamin J. Engle , Advisor: Dr. John Watkins
Sanchez and Jaime Gomez-Gil , “ Position and Speed ,Wichita State University , “ MATLAB Based DC
Control of Brushless DC Motors Using Sensorless Motor Control Lab “
Techniques and Application Trends “, ISSN1424-
8220. [8]. N. Bacac, V. Slukic, M. Puskaric, B. Stih, E.
Kamenar, S. Zelenika ,University of Rijeka,
[5]. Mohamed Farid Bin Mohamed Faruq, University ”Comparison of different DC Motor Positioning
Malaysia Pahang, “PID Controller Design for Control Algorithms”.
Controlling DC Motor Speed Using MATLAB


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