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Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering

A Project Synopsis


“ Digital Speed Control of a DC Motor Using Arduino for Conveyor Belt

Application ”

Submitted by:


Bhagya 3VN17EE002

Megha 3VN17EE005

Prema 3VN17EE007

Swathi 3VN17EE010

Project Guide Project Coordinator HOD

(Prof. Parvati Patil) ( prof. Anjali G) (Prof. Prashanth Kumar Chinamalli)

Note: In due causes of progress of the project some deviations and changes are anticipated.
Accordingly, the changes will be informed and incorporated.

Sl. No. Title

1. Introduction

2. Literature review

3. Objectives

4. Methodology

5. Block diagram

6. Conclusion

7. References
Digital Speed Control of a DC Motor Using Arduino for Conveyor Belt


A direct current (DC) motor is supposed to be operated at an accurate and constant speed even if the load on
the system is increased or decreased. In industries DC motor is widely used for speed control and load
characteristics because of its easy controllability which provides efficient and precise output. Cooling fans,
Air conditioner, AC machines and in many applications DC motor is used. The main purpose of a motor speed
controller is to take a signal representing the required speed and to drive a motor at that speed. In our work
we describe a technical system for the PWM control of a DC motor used for driving a conveyor belt. This
work consists of running characteristics of the conveyor belt so that it can be further implemented to industrial
applications. The speed of DC motor is controlled using Arduino programming platform and Simulink coder.
An Arduino board is used due to low cost, simplicity and flexibility. An additional advantage of this controller
is that it is easy to implement and tune. Atmega microcontroller which is used here can provide easy control
of DC motor. The PWM signal is generated by an Arduino Uno board, equipped with Atmega microcontroller.
Controlling the pulse width modulation (PWM) duty cycle is equivalent to controlling motor terminal voltage,
which in turn adjusts directly the motor speed. Here the hardware controlling process is done by MATLAB
Simulink environment which runs the hardware circuitry in real time interval.


Belt Conveyors are most commonly used in transportation of bulk materials like grain, salt, coal, ore, sand,
etc. DC motors are used for conveyor system that operate in both directions with the help of H bridge. H-
Bridge is an electronic circuit that switches the polarity of a voltage applied to a load. Hence use of H-Bridge
allows DC motor to run in both forward and backward directions. The running duty of a conveyor belt may
be modified by modifying the duty cycle value of the PWM signals that controls the transistors of the H-

DC motor is considered as an important component in the area of industry and laboratory experiments because
of its simplicity, low cost and efficiency. Speed control of any of the industrial equipment is done mechanically
by means of step pulley, sets of change gears, variable speed friction clutch mechanics and other mechanical
devices. The electrical speed control methods has much economical as well as engineering advantage over
mechanical speed control methods. The speed of the motor can be controlled by three methods that are-

1. Terminal voltage control

2. Armature rheostat control method and

3. Flux control method.

Here terminal voltage control method is employed to control the speed of DC motor using the interfacing
devices like Arduino using Simulink coder.

An Arduino board is used due to low cost, simplicity and flexibility. MATLAB Simulink is used to create
control algorithm and convert that algorithm in C/C++ code that can be uploaded in Arduino board. Simulink
is a block diagram based environment for simulating mathematical models and it can be used to program some
of the Arduino boards.

PWM based speed control of DC motor is done in Microcontroller has been used to generate PWM pulses.
Pulse width modulation (PWM) are pulse duration modulation is a modulation technique that confirms the
width of the pulse, the pulse duration based on modular signal information. Although this modulation
technique can be used to encode information for transmission, its main use is to allow the control of power
supplied to electrical devices, especially to inertial loads such as motor. The supply signal consists of an
impulse train of voltage pulses such that the width of individual pulses controls the effective voltage level to
the load. Both AC and DC signals can be simulated with PWM.

For a DC motor, the energy storage in the motor windings effectively smooth’s out the energy bursts delivered
by the input pulses so that motor experiences a lesser or greater electrical power input depending on the width
of the pulses.


This work presents speed control of a DC motor using Arduino and Simulink to drive a conveyor belt. The
PWM signal required for speed control is generated by Arduino Uno Board. A brief literature review
conducted in this context is presented in this section:

Petru proposed the PWM control of the DC motor used for driving a conveyor belt using Arduino. The running
duty of a conveyor belt modified by modifying the duty-cycle of the PWM signal[1].

Amit proposed speed control of DC motor using Arduino in simple manner. This paper adopted the low cost
technique of controlling the speed of the motor and direction of the motor[2].

Biswas proposed to enhance drive control design and testing for many purposes. DC motor is widely used for
speed control and to study load characteristics. Hence the motor speed controller representing the required
speed is used to drive a motor at that speed[3].

Asha proposed speed of the motor can be controlled by varying the temperature. For a set of temperature, the
duty cycle is generated using PWM by varying the pulse width. The PWM block used in the design judges the
voltage supplied to the motor and according to the supplied voltage motor speed will vary[4].
Ravikumar proposed PWM that can be used for speed control of a DC motor using microcontroller. It shows
that speed control strategy of DC motor plays a important role in its performance[5].

Raka proposed the direction and rotation speed of a DC motor using infrared remote controlled based
microcontroller. The greater the PWM, the terminal voltage will also increase so that the motor will rotate

Based on the literature review, it is observed that several studies and contributions are made in the area of
PWM control of DC motor using Arduino is observed. There are different approaches attempted by different
researches in this domain. As a result of survey, PWM is a convenient method of controlling the amount of
power delivered to a load without dissipating any wasted power. From the above references we can infer
Arduino Uno Board using MATLAB Simulink can be a better option for the speed control of DC motor.


• A direct current (DC) motor is supposed to be operated at an accurate and constant speed even if the
load on the system is increased or decreased.

• The speed of DC motor is controlled using Arduino programming platform and Simulink coder.

• An Arduino board is used due to low cost, simplicity and flexibility. An additional advantage of this
controller is that it is easy to implement and tune.

• Atmega microcontroller which is used here can provide easy control of DC motor.


• Speed control of DC motor to drive conveyor belt in both hardware and software method are

• Software models are using MATLAB/SIMULINK Software.


5 V Source 12V Source

Gear box

H-Bridge DC
Computer Arduino Uno

Conveyor Belt

Fig: Block diagram of speed control of DC motor

The Program is developed using MATLAB Simulink Coder. This program is used to control the pulse
generated by Arduino Board. The Arduino Uno is a Microcontroller board based on the Atmel series. The
programmer is interfaced to Arduino Uno board. The program is used to generate the Pulse width modulation
signal by Arduino board.

Then the pulse width modulation (PWM) signal will be generated by the Arduino Uno board for controlling
the operation of load, here motor is used as load. The PWM is used for controlling the amplitude of the digital
signals in order to control the electrical devices. It also adjust the average value of voltage that is going to the
electronic devices by turning ON and OFF the power at a fast rate. The average voltage depends on the duty
cycle or the amount of time the signal is ON versus the amount of time the signal is OFF in a single period of
time. For higher rpm ON load period will be high, as the rpm decreases ON period also decreases accordingly.

The PWM signal generated by Arduino Uno board is fed to H-Bridge. H-Bridge is a simple circuit which is
connected to DC motor to control its directions. The H-Bridge block output is a controlled voltage that
depends on the input signal at the pulse width modulation port. So depending on the size of the motor, we
can connect an Arduino PWM output to the gate of a power electronic device in the H-Bridge which supplies
to the DC Motor and controls the speed of the motor by varying the duty cycles of the PWM output signal.
The Arduino PWM signal switches ON and OFF the gate of the Power Electronic device through which the
motor is driven.

Conveyor belt coupled to the DC motor will also rotate thereby speed of the conveyor belt is varied
according to the requirement in both directions.

The present work is expected to come out with

• Speed of the DC motor can be regulated to the rpm as required by the conveyor belt for its varying
load at different intervals.

• The running duty of conveyor belt will be optimized, thus cost of the equipments used for controlling
the DC motor driving the conveyor belt system will be decreased.

• Faster rotation of the motor will be possible with greater control flexibility.


[1] Livinti Petru and Ghandour Mazen, “PWM control of a DC motor used to drive a conveyor belt”, 5 th
DAAAM International Symposium on Intelligent Manufacturing and Automation, DAAAM 2014

[2] Amit Kumar, Angalaeswari. S, Divyanshu Kumar and Shubham Bhadoriya, “Speed control of permanent
magnet(PM) motor using Arduino and LabVIEW”, IEEE,2016

[3] Shuvra Prokash Biswas, Md. Kamal Hosain and Md. Waliur Rahman, “Real-time Arduino based simulator
enabled hardware-in-the-loop electric DC machine drive system”, IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology
Conference (R10-HTC), 2017

[4] Asha K R, Suhada Tasleem P, Dr. Ravi Kumar A V, Dr. Mallikarjuna Swamy S, Dr.Rekha K R, “Real
time speed control of a DC motor by temperature variation using labVIEW and Arduino”, International
Conference on Recent Advances in Electronics and communication Technology,2017 IEEE

[5] K.S Ravi Kumar, Jaideep, Rohit and Vik as, “Microprocessor based closed loop speed control of DC motor
using PWM”, International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, communication and Computational
Technologies (ICCICCT), 2015

[6] IG.A.P. Raka Agung, S. Huda and IW. Arta Wijaya, “ Speed control for DC motor with pulse width
modulation(PWM) method using infrared remote control based on ATmega 16 microcontroller”, ICSGTEIS

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