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Voice Based Robotic Arm Vehicle

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Volume 3, Issue 3, March – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Voice Based Robotic Arm Vehicle

Aarti Ghadge#1, Athul Menon#2, Sanjay Gupta#3, Tahir Shaikh#4
department Of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Theem College Of Engineering College
At Post Betegaon, Maan Boisar, Dist Palghar

Abstract:-The system allows controlling a robotic arm by II. EXISTING SYSTEMS

an android device where the human voice or android app
may specify continuous control signals to operate a robotic The first robotic arm to be used in an automobile
arm. The android device is used to send Bluetooth industry was “UNIMATE” in GM motors USA in 1950s.
commands. These commands are then sent to the From then there has been tremendous improvement in the
Bluetooth receiver which is in the receiver circuit. The research and development in robotics. Now robots are an
Bluetooth receiver is interfaced to the 8051 integral part of almost all industries. Robots must do different
microcontroller which is processed by it. The 8051 tasks including welding, trimming, picking and placing etc.
microcontroller controls the motor to move the robotic These robots are controlled in different ways like keypads,
arm as per the commands received.Thus the system uses optical control, etc.
an android application or human voice to move the robotic
arm in upward or downward direction, or can send Previously, the robot is usually controlled by using
commands like grip, open or close. Thus the robotic arm the mouse, keyboard or remote. Although the control of the
project can be used to pick any object, move it, and place it mouse and keyboard is precise, it is inconvenient to prepare
anywhere as per the need. special space for mouse and keyboard before the robot. Also,
the range of wired robotic arm depends on the length of the
Keywords:-Voice based, Android, Bluetooth, Microcontroller, wire. So, to increase the range of the system we need to
Robotics. increase the length of wire which increases the cost of
Sometimes the wired system may fail if the wire gets
Nowadays, robotics is becoming one of the most cut accidently or the wire may get corroded and the operators
advanced in the field of technology. Robotics deals with the are not alerted about the problem resulting in sub-par
design of robots, their manufacture and applications. Robotics operation. The wired system has less degree of freedom. The
gained more importance in the modern era since it requires wires in the system reduce the flexibility of the arm as it may
less cost to operate than a human labour to do the same task, get tangled with the arm and cause hindrance in its
also once programmed robot will perform better than an movement. The walls also act as an obstacle and therefore the
experienced human labour. Lately, industries turning towards controller and the arm must be used in the same room.
computer based monitoring of tasks mainly due to the need
increased productivity and delivery of final product with III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
maximum quality. Due to inflexibility and generally high cost
of hard computerisation systems leads to the use of industrial The proposed system allows controlling a robotic
robots. In this paper we are introducing voice based robotic arm vehicle by an android device using the human voice.
arm vehicle which is controlled using an android device. The The integration of control unit with Bluetooth device is done
main goal of this project is to help the people with disabilities to capture and read the voice commands. The robot then
by assisting them in their daily activities with the help of a operates as per the command received via android
robotic arm.The android device is used to send Bluetooth application. For this the microcontroller is integrated in the
commands. These commands are then sent to the Bluetooth system which makes it possible to operate the robot via
receiver which is in the receiver circuit. This Bluetooth android application. The controlling device may be any
receiver is interfaced to the 8051 microcontroller which is android based smartphone/tab etc. having an android OS.
processed by it. The 8051 microcontroller controls the motor The android controlling system provides a good interactive
to move the robotic arm as per the commands received. Thus, GUI that makes it easy for the user to control the vehicle.
this system uses an android application to move the robotic The transmitter uses an android application required for
arm in upward or downward direction, or can send commands transmitting the data. The receiver end reads these
like grip open or close. Thus, this Android controlled robotic commands and interprets them into controlling the robot.
arm project can be used to pick any object, move it, and place Thus, the system uses an android application or human voice
it anywhere as per the need. The receiver circuit instructs the to move the robotic arm in upward and downward direction
motors to move the arm as per the commands received by the and can send commands like grip, open or close to pick any
android application. object, move it and place it anywhere as per the need.

The Bluetooth device makes it possible for us to

control robot remotely, while smartphone makes it possible

Volume 3, Issue 3, March – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

for us to control the robot in the visual interface. The

android platform includes support for the Bluetooth network
stack, which allows a device to wirelessly exchange data with V. CIRCUIT DIAGRAM
other Bluetooth devices. The application framework provides
access to the Bluetooth functionality through the android
Bluetooth APIs. In recent years,the blue-tooth app has become
cheap and it is easy to carry and operate and it has more
applications in field. Bluetooth uses a low-power signal with a
maximum range of 50 feet with sufficient speed to enable
transmission of data between mobile and the arm. So, the
operator can move freely within the Bluetooth range and
control the arm and as the power requirement is low, it also
prolongs the battery life.


Fig. 2:- circuit diagram

A. Working & Circuit Description

The main components required for the project are a
device that runs the Android OS, an HC-05 Bluetooth module,
an 8051 microcontroller, two L239D motor drivers and four
DC motors.


Fig. 1:- block diagram
• The Bluetooth application is used for controlling the
The major building blocks of the project are robot.
• Microcontroller8051 • The voice commands given to the application are sent to
• Android smart phone the google engine.
• Dc motors with driver • This engine converts the voice commands into text.
• Bluetooth module • The text commands are then sent to Bluetooth module.

The android application controlled robot VII. BLUETOOTH MODULE HC-05

Communicates via Bluetooth to the Bluetooth module present
on the robot. While pressing each button on the application or • HC-05 module is an easy to use Bluetooth SPP module,
when the voice inputs are given to the application, respective designed for transparent wireless serial connection setup.
commands are sent via Bluetooth to the robot. The commands • It is operated at 3.3 volt. It is a 6-pin module and can be
are sent in the form of ASCII. The microcontroller on the used in data mode and command mode.
robot then checks the command received with its previously • Using the AT command mode, the HC-05 is set at slave
defined commands and controls the DC motors depending on mode to connect with the android device and the data
the command received to cause it to move forward, backward, mode is switched on for transmission and reception of
left, right, stop, grip, pick up and place. data.

Volume 3, Issue 3, March – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165


A. Features of 8051 microcontroller When logic 1 is applied to IN1(pin 2) and logic 0 is

applied to IN2(pin 7) of L293D IC, the motor 1 will rotate in
• 4 KB on chip program memory. clockwise direction and when logic 0 is applied to IN1 and
• 128 bytes on chip data memory(RAM). logic 1 is applied to IN2 of L293D IC, the motor 1 will rotate
• 128 user defined software flags. in anti-clockwise direction. In a similar way, the motor 2 can
• 8-bit data bus. also be operated by applying input to IN4 &IN 3(pins 15,
&10 respectively) of IC. Motors connected to IC 1 are used to
• 16-bit address bus.
drive the robot in forward, backward, right and left direction.
• Output voltage is 5 volt and current is 25 mA.
Motors connected to IC 2 are used to lift the arm in upward
The TXD pin of the Bluetooth module is connected to pin and downward direction and for holding and releasing the
no. 10 of the microcontroller which is the RXD/P3.0 of object.
microcontroller and the RXD pin of the Bluetooth module is
connected to pin no. 11 of the microcontroller which is the
TXD/P3.1 of microcontroller. The transmission and reception
of data between the Bluetooth module and the microcontroller
takes place through these lines using UART.


➢ Features

• 16 pin IC
• Wide Supply-Voltage Range: 4.5 V to 36 V
• Separate Input-Logic Supply
• Internal ESD Protection
• High-Noise-Immunity inputs
• Two DC motors can be connected simultaneously in any

Port 2.7, 2.6 ,2.3, 2.4 of microcontroller are

connected to input pins IN1(pin 2), IN2(pin 7), IN4(pin15)
and IN3(pin10) of first L293D Driver IC. Port 2.0, 2.1, 2.2,
2.5 of microcontroller are connected to input pins IN1(pin2),
IN2(pin 7), IN4(pin15) and IN3(pin10) of second L293D
Driver IC. It works on the concept of H-bridge to rotate the
motors in clockwise and anticlockwise direction.

For rotating the motor in clockwise and anticlockwise

direction the input pins has to be provided with Logic 1 and Fig. 3:-Flow chart of working
Logic 0.

PIN 2 PIN7 DIRECTION OF ROTATION Blue Control is a basic universal Remote Control for
Bluetooth enabled serial devices such as Bluetooth modules
1 0 Clockwise Direction connected to a microcontroller. For each button pressed, the
corresponding ASCII code for the label will be sent. For
0 1 Anticlockwise Direction
example pressing buttons A-Hwill send the characters "a" -
"h". The up, down, left, right, and center buttons will send
0 0 Idle [No rotation] [Hi-Impedance "U","D","L","R", and "C" characters.
1 1 Idle [No rotation]


➢ Features
Fig. 4:- blue control interface
• Input voltage is 12V and input current is 300

Volume 3, Issue 3, March – 2018 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

XII. AMR VOICE APP system. The development of apps for Bluetooth in Bluetooth
SPP APP is easy and free of cost. With tremendous smart
Android Meets Robots(AMR) is a voice recognition phone in markets, it is bound to have many more applications
app that uses android mobile’s internal voice recognition to in near future. It is robust, sensitive and fast moving, hence
pass voice commands to the robot. It pairs with the Bluetooth can be applied in rescue operations.
serial modules and sends in the recognised voice as string. For
example if u say Forward the android phone will return a
string *Forward# where “*” and “#” indicates the start and REFERENCES
stop bits.

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• Medical Assistance:-The robot can be used to assist and Communication (IJNTEC), Vol. 2, ISSN: 2347 – 7334.
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It is feasible to implement Bluetooth communication Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, Vol.4,
between smartphone and microcontroller. It can be used in ISSN: 2320-2084.
various industries for picking various objects where human
intervention is not desired. On a large scale, it can be used to
develop robots with military applications. It provides for
more development of applications based on android operating


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