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Arduino Based Voice Controlled Robot: Aditya Chaudhry, Manas Batra, Prakhar Gupta, Sahil Lamba, Suyash Gupta

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2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS)


Aditya Chaudhry∗, Manas Batra∗, Prakhar Gupta∗, Sahil Lamba∗, Suyash Gupta∗
Bharati Vidyapeeth’s College Of Engineering,
New Delhi

Abstract—In this research paper, a system is being proposed, meaning, thus reducing the computational time. In our sys-
which focuses on the concept of how a robot can be controlled by tem, speech recognition is separately handled by the android
the human voice. Voice control robot is just a practical example smartphone i.e., it functions independently from the robot’s
of controlling motions of a simple robot by giving daily used
voice commands. In this system, an android app is used as a main intelligence. Speech recognition also allows the user to
medium for the transmission of human commands to micro- perform multitasking by letting him/her concentrate on other
controller. A controller can be interfaced with the Bluetooth stuff and giving the command to the machine simultaneously.
module through the UART protocol. The speech is received by Furthermore, it’s even more robust as anyone can control
the android app and processed by the voice module. Voice is then the robot with their command providing you, even more,
converted to text . [1] The microcontroller will further process
this text, which will take suitable action to regulate the robot. The convenience to household people. Just giving directions for
objective is to design a robotic car whose basic movements such controlling a robot just by talking to it makes it simpler
as moving forward, turning to left or right can be controlled to operate while improving the efficiency and efficiency of
by the human voice. The Hardware Development board used working with that device.
here is the ATmega Arduino board. The software part is done in Robotics is one of the fastest-growing technology in the
Arduino IDE using Embedded C. Hardware is implemented, and
software porting is done. Generally, recognition of human voice science field. The main reason behind this is robots act as
using some kind of module cost way too much. After performing cheap labor that gives high accuracy of output. Robots also
an ample amount of studies on controlling robots, we came to proved to surpass the human limits; thus, those tasks which
the conclusion that yes, there exists a simple and very efficient seem impossible for the humans are now within their reach.
way to manipulate robots through our voice. This is an ergonomic
There is no limit to the applications where robots can work.
approach for the ease of robotic application. Such types of robots
will provide great helping hands while performing multiple tasks. Hence, the need to accurately and efficiently controlling the
The result of our studies also shows that there still exists plenty robots is also increasing. There exist hundreds of methods
of space for further research and development. [2] for controlling robots. This research paper aims to focus on
one method out of those hundred i.e., audio channels based
I. INTRODUCTION closed-loop systems, which is again one of the best and most
As we all know in today’s world, one of the most powerful efficient methods to control the robot as it uses speaking to
and rapidly developing devices is a smartphone, and all communicate with the devices. This system is not similar to
credit goes to powerful processor chips and their mode of any other system in which robots are fed with lots of words
communication. Here in our research also we used one such that in the future, they can recognize words with themselves.
method for communication i.e., Bluetooth. This technology In our research, we built a system which let a simple robotic
was created by Ericsson telecom vendor in 1994. Bluetooth car to move in all four possible directions i.e.; the robotic car
provides connectivity between devices for file transferring. It’s can do the following tasks. It can move forward, backward,
so powerful that it can connect almost seven other devices turn left and right and can stop at any time.
at the same time and can transfer data simultaneously. It
is best suited for the home environment as it’s working II. METHODOLOGY:
area has a range of about 8-10m. This is the reason why To control a robotic car using our voice we a very simple
smartphones are becoming so powerful in recent years as it approach 1st all the human commands gets converted into
turned smartphones into an all-purpose portable device. Using text and for this we use Google’s speech to text converter,
an android phone as a center for communication between it’s all implemented in the android app that we are using
robots and humans is already a very active field of research next the text form of command is being transmitted to the
with several opportunities. Bluetooth module of the robotic car. This Bluetooth module
Till now, speech recognition proved to be one of the ideal act as a bridge between micro-controller of car and android
methods for controlling a robot. The system we designed app for data transmission. After the text command is received
is also based on the same technology as it is the easiest by micro-controller, it controls the movement of the robotic
and very efficient way of giving commands. It’s simply a car accordingly.
technology where the system has to understand words, not it’s As our project was for educational purposes so that students

ISBN: 978-1-7281-4826-7/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 415


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2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS)

can try this on their own in their studies, so we used a very that controls the rotation of the DC Motors; thus, this H-
simple hardware architecture that we used we cost-effective bridge motor driver is responsible for providing direction to
hardware. our robotic car. The operational voltage of L298 is (5-35)V.
The architecture consists of the following components: The module has two screw terminal blocks for the motor A
1)Arduino Uno R3: and B and another screw terminal block for the Ground pin,
The micro-controller of Arduino Uno r3 is ATmega3298P. the VCC for motor and a 5V pin which can either be an input
1.1) ATmega3298P: or Output. This depends on the power supply which we are
It is a single-chip microcontroller. It contains a modified providing i.e., if the supply is <=12V it will provide output
Harvard architecture 8-bit RISC processor core. It also has and if supply is >=12V it will take input to safeguard other
a 32kb ISP flash memory with read-while-write capabilities. components from being burned out. [6]
Other than this, it includes one kB EEPROM, 2 KB SRAM, This also helps us in controlling the speed of motor driver i.e.,
23 general-purpose I / O lines, 32 general-purpose operating if the jumper is present motor drivers run at maximum speed
registers, three versatile timer / compare modes, inner and on the other hand if the jumper is absent we can connect a
external interrupts. It is embedded in Arduino UNO which PWM input(0-255) numeric value to control the speed of the
works on an operational voltage of about (1.8-5.5)V. It is a motors.
very low-cost micro-controller, thus, making it very effective 4) DC MOTOR:
easily available and very common to find in day to day An electric motor accomplishes almost every mechanical
appliances. motion we see around us. Electrical machines are a means
The Arduino Uno is an ATmega328-based microcontroller of energy conversion. Motors generate electrical energy and
board. It has 14 digital I/O pins, six analog inputs, 16 mechanical energy. The motor driver is one of the most basic
MHz ceramic resonators, USB connection, ICSP header, a components that can be found in hundreds of home appliances
power jack, and reset button. It involves all the assistance the we use in everyday life. Examples, where applications include
microcontr oller requires. It can simply be linked with a USB motors, are food blender, automobiles, hydroelectric power
cable to a laptop. To get started, it can be powered by an AC generator, and many more.
to DC adapter or battery.
The Uno varies from all previous boards because to serial III. IMPLEMENTATION:
driver chip it does not use the FTDI USB. Rather, it features In this proposed system, a smartphone is used as a speech
the Atmega16U2 programmed as a USB to serial converter recognition device. For this, we will be using an android
(Atmega8U2 up to version R2). The Integrated Development application that will recognize human speech using Google
Environment (IDE) of Arduino is a Java-written cross-platform Speech Recognition and will ultimately convert it into the text
application. It involves a code editor with characteristics using Google Speech to Text API. [7] The converted text will
such as highlighting syntax, brace matching, and automatic act as the code for the microcontroller which will be sent to it
indentation and is also able to compile and upload programs via Bluetooth & for this purpose HC-05 is used i.e.,the HC05
with a single click to the board. An Arduino program or code will act as the receiver (Rx) which will receive the code from
is called a "sketch." [3] a smartphone and transmit(Tx) it to the decode circuit. [8]
2) HC-05 Serial Bluetooth: Following are the steps to do so :
HC-05 is a serial port protocol Bluetooth module i.e., it 1) Download the app “Arduino Bluetooth Control” from google
serially communicates with micro-controller. For Bluetooth play store.
connectivity, there exist many devices like HC-06, HC-05, etc. 2) Make sure HC-05 is paired to your smartphone & to
If we compare both modules, HC-06 can work only as a slave make it paired use password “1234”. Then chose the HC-05
while HC-05 can perform both task i.e., salve as well as work option in the app searching list.
as master thus it can accept connection from other devices and 3) Now click on the voice command
can also provide the connection to other devices. In our project, 4) Articulate “Forward” to make the car move in the forward
we are using it in slave mode, which means it will accept the direction.
connection from the android application [4] . It operates on 5) Speak “Backward” to make the car move backward.
(3.3-6)V supply which means when the Tx pin of the Arduino 6)Speak “Left” to turn the car towards left.
board will connect to the Rx pin of Bluetooth module, we 7)Articulate “Right” to let the car turn in the right direction.
must use a voltage divider (Rx pin support 3.3V) otherwise 8)Say “stop” to stop the car.
the module will just crash out. There is no such condition for 9)Disconnect the Bluetooth connection after use
the Tx pin of the module as it supports exactly the same power
supply as that of the Arduino board. For connecting module
to the android app, we must use the default password of the IV. C ONCLUSION
module which is either “0000” or “1234”. [5] The goal of this article is to provide an equipment circuit
3) L298 H Bridge Motor Driver: that enables individuals to use their voice to control robots
One of our hardware architecture’s most significant parts is the or other home machinery. The smartphone is nowadays are
motor driver. Its function can be understood as a controller growing into more and more powerful devices, which have the


Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 17:20:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
2019 International Conference on Computing, Communication, and Intelligent Systems (ICCCIS)

Fig. 1. Block Diagram

capacity to interact with other appliances through Bluetooth, [9] R. Pahuja and N. Kumar, “Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth
wifi, etc. Bluetooth being a cheap mode of communication, Robot,” ISSN, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 2347–3878, 2014, Using
8051 Microcontroller” proceedings of.
provide a powerful mode of connection. All our research and
projects about controlling devices using voice pay off and
finally leads us to the conclusion that Yes, it is possible for
human beings to control their day to day appliances just by
their voice. [9]
As we know nothing in this world is perfect everything
is trying to make itself better and more effective compared
to others. So on the same note, this technology also requires
lots more development. Thus expanding its applications farther
where at present we can’t think of.
[1] R. Piyare and M. Tazil, “Bluetooth based home automation system using
Android phones,” in IEEE 15TH International symposium on consumer
electronics (ISCE), 2011, pp. 14–17.
[2] R. Pahuja and N. Kumar, “Android Mobile Phone Controlled Bluetooth
Robot,” ISSN, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 2347–3878, 2014, Using
8051 Microcontroller” proceedings of.
[3] J. Potts and S. Sukittanon, Exploiting bluetooth on android mobile mobile
devices for home security application”, proceedings of Southeastcan,
Orlando, Florida, USA, 2012.
[4] “Speech recognition and its application in voicebased robot control
system, Luo Zhizeng; ZhaoJingbing Intelligent Mechatronics and Au-
tomation,” Proceedings, 2004.
[5] “A study on precise control of autonomous driving robot by
voice recognition, Sung-Won Jung ; Ki-Won Sung ; Moon-Youl
Park ; Eon-Uck Kang ;Won-Jun Hwang ; Jong-Dae Won; Woo-
Song Lee ; Sung-Hyun Han Robotics (ISR),” 44th International,
Symposium, pp. 2013–2013, 2013, Publication Year. [Online]. Available:
[6] J. Potts and S. Sukittanon, Exploiting Bluetooth on Android mobile
devices for home security application”, proceedings of Southeast can,
Orlando, Florida, USA, 2012.
[7] S. D&apos;mello, . L. Mccauley, and Markham, “A mechanism
for human - robot interaction through informal voice commands,”
IEEE International Workshop, 2005, James Robot and Human
Interactive Communication. Publication Year. [Online]. Available:
[8] “A study on real-time control of mobile robot with based on voice
command, Byoung-Kyun Shim ; Yoo-Ki Cho ; Jong-Baem Won;Sung-
HyunHan Control Automation and Systems (ICCAS),” 11th International
Conference on Publication Year, pp. 2011–2011, 2011.


Authorized licensed use limited to: Auckland University of Technology. Downloaded on June 04,2020 at 17:20:30 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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