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Iot Based Sanitizing Robotic Car

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Robot is a system that contains sensors, control systems, manipulators, power supplies
and software all working together to perform a task. Designing, building, programming and
testing a robot is a combination of physics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering,
structural engineering, mathematics and computing.

Obstacle Detecting Robot is a machine that detects any obstacle present in its way and
if found, changes its direction automatically. Two Ultrasonic sensors are arranged at front
side and back side of the robot. Two IR proximity sensors are also arranged at left and right
side of robot. The ultrasoni sensor detection range is upto 13 feet whereas IR sensor detection
range is few cms. If the vehicle encounters the obstacle then robot turns automatically to
avoid collision. The sensor is interfaced with ATMEGA328 microcontroller which processes
data and controls robot movements through L293d motor driver circuit. The dc motors are
interfaced with the L293d circuit.

We can also control robot in manual mode using android phone and bluetooth
communication. We are using HC-05 bluetooth module which is interfaced with arduino.
This is connected with the serial communication pins of Arduino. We can control robot
movements such as Forward,Backward,Left,Right Stop etc.

Software :


1. ATMEGA328 Microcontroller

2. Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 (2 nos)

3. IR Proximity Sensors (2 nos)
4. Bluetooth Module HC-05
5. Gear DC motors
6. L293D Motor Driver
7. 12V Rechargeable Battery

Block Diagram:

IR Proximity (Arduino UNO) MOTOR MOTORS
Sensors DRIVER

Bluetooth Module Sanitizer

HC-SR05 Spray

Power Supply

Robots are able to execute the task that is sometimes impossible or beyond capability
of human beings. It can give many advantages in term of safety, ease and efficiency.
Surveillance system and robots are two different systems that carry out their own task
respectively. The main inspiration for this project is to combine these two systems to produce
a mobile robot equipped with a camera as an intelligence surveillance system. By using this
Surveillance Robot, the image visualize can be more efficient compared to other typical
surveillance system since its multiple viewing angle can be varied. This robot can be used as
a medium for a monitoring system wirelessly by remotely-controlled by human via computer.

In this project, the robot is controlled by Atmega328 microcontroller. It is a fully

automated type of robot where it consists of sonar sensor for obstacle distance measurement.
The mobile robot uses a wireless camera in order to transmit the image captured on-site to a
monitoring station. It only uses bluetooth communication to connect the robot with android

Conventional Wireless Robotics: In conventional robotics, the controlling and

operation of robots is usually done by using RF [Radio Frequency] circuits. These circuits are
widely used for control and working applications and are also reliable over a small range. The
RF circuits consist of transmitter and receiver which are independent of each other. All the
control signals and commands are sent via wireless medium in between transmitter and

There are a number of advantages of RF circuits such as Low cost, Ease of

Construction & design, easy decoding, less maintenance cost etc. Besides these advantages,
there are still many serious drawbacks of using a RF circuit in circuit.

Limited Frequency Range: The frequency range used for typical RF communication is near
about 3KHz-3GHz. The use of channel separator increases the reliability but decreases the
actual usable working frequency range.

Limited Functions: The limited number of channels causes less number of combinations and
thus there are less numbers of available functions.
Limited Working Range: The working range of RF circuits with transmitters and receiver is
very small. It starts from a few meters to a few kilometres. The working varies from circuits
to circuits, but mainly depends on the values of physical components used in the circuit.
Mainly Wi-Fi and Wi-Max wireless services are used in RF transmitter and receiver circuits.
The following table shows the actual working range of different wireless standards that can
be used in wireless communication.

Reliability of Operation: The RF circuits are very prone to errors due to external conditions
such as EMI (Electro-Magnetic Interference), medium saturation, absorption due to repetitive
reflections from surface. Hence the output recovered is not always what is expected. This
might be a serious problem when working with scientific experimental components.

Security reasons: This is the main disadvantage of using a RF circuit and the main reason
why RF circuits are not preferred today. The RF frequency band is available for almost all the
users for data communication. So there might be a scenario where more than one user is
trying to accommodate channel for its own communication. In such case the frequency band
may get interference from another user. Or worst case would be, some user intentionally
trying to jam our communication network. The RF jammer circuits are very easy to design;
hence the question of security arises when RF circuit is used in the circuit. This security loop
hole can be very dangerous when the robot is being used for very confidential purposes. In
areas of military these security threats can produce disastrous outcomes.

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