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Nalsar University of Law, Hyderabad Entrance Test 2002

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University of Law, Hyderabad


Choose the pair of words that does not express the same relationship as that in the capitalized
(A) text : grammar (B) words : dictionary (C) curtain : blue (D) bag : jute
In the question below, find the odd one out.
2. (A) Jurel (B) Jurat (C) Justice (D) Jurist

Fill in the blanks. Choose the word which completes each sentence to make a logical
3. Form is not something added to substance as a mere____________adornment.
(A) protuberant (B) precarious (C) preponderant (D) polished
4. Yes, this was the place for him; not because_____________dictated, but simply because his
instinct of rest had found its home at last.
(A) expectancy (B) expediency (C) discretion (D) prudence

5. The person who is looking for sympathy talks________________.

(A) petulantly (B) despicably (C) plaintively (D) deftly
6. A speaker with a monotonous voice often produces a____________effect.
(A) soporific (B) sardoric (C) cadaverous (D) nebulous
7. The reasoning in this editorial is so_____________that we cannot see how anyone can be
deceived by it.
(A) coherent (B) astute (C) cogent (D) specious

Pick out the word that is most nearly the same in meaning as the word in capitals.
(A) reprimand (B) reprisal (C) repercussion (D) report
(A) attentive (B) vociferous (C) oblivious (D) obsolete
(A) parochial (B) insufficient (C) intact (D) decrepit
(A) abstruse (B) reckless (C) recent (D) queer
(A) masterpiece(B) riche (C) traffic (D) discourse

In each of the following sentences, some part of the sentence is underlined. Below each sentence
you will find four ways of rephrasing the underlined part. Select the answer that produces the
most effective sentence. The first choice repeats the underlined words. Choose it if you think the
sentence needs no improvement.
13. It was us who had left before he arrived
(A) us who had left before he arrive (B) we who had left before he arrived
(C) we who had went before he arrived (D) us who had went before he arrived
14. His love of poetry is well-known
(A) love of poetry is (B) love for poetry is
(C) love for poetry, is (D) love of poetry, is
15. Take alone a tape recorder or you risk misquoting your interviewee.
(A) Take along a tape recorder, or you risk (B) Take along a tape recorder or you risk
(C) Take along a tape recorder or you risk, (D) Take along, a tape recorder or you risk
16. Tonight’s performance. I’m sorry to say has been cancelled.
(A) performance, I’m sorry to say, has been (B) performance, I’m sorry to say has been
(C) performance I’m sorry to say, has been (D) performance, I’m sorry to say has, been

Identify the error from the underlined words in the following sentences. If the sentence is free of
errors, choose D.
17. Although I would never admit it publicly, I secretly believe that very few people are better at grammar
and writing than me. No error.
18. Did you notice how beautifully the sky looked that day just after the rain had stopped? No error.

Arrange the following in a logical sequence.

19. (A) Nowhere else in Europe is gossip-writing a highly paid and creditable profession; nowhere
else would such a headline as ‘Peer’ Cousin in ‘car smash’ be even imaginable.
(B) In no other country do so many newspapers devote so large a proportion of their space to a
chronicle of the activities of the merely rich or the merely enrolled.
(C) After a holiday from periodical literature, I am always staggered, when I get back to a wellstocked
(D) And where else but in England can one find three expensive but flourishing weeklies devoted
to absolutely nothing but the life of the rich and the titled?
(A) abcd (B) cbda (C) bacd (D) cbad

Read the following passage and answer the question given below:
This function of literature, the enlarging of our own life sphere, is itself of major importance. Additionally,
however, it has been suggested that solutions of social problems may be suggested in the study of
literature. The overweening ambitions of political leaders - and their sneering contempt for the law - did
not appear for the first time in the writings of Bunstein and Woodward; the problems, and the consequent
behaviour of the guilt ridden, did not await the appearance of the bearded psychoanalysts of the
nineteenth century.
Federal Judge Learned Hand wrote, “I venture to believe that it is as important to a, judge called upon to
pass on a question of Constitutional Law, to have at least a bowing acquaintance with Thucydides,
Gibbon and Carlyle, with Homer, Dante, Shakespear and Milton, with Montaigne and Rabelais, with Plato,
Becon, Hume and Kant, as with the books which have been specifically written on the subject. For in such
matters everything turns upon the spirit in which he approaches the question before him.”
20. The author’s reason for quoting Judge hand is to
(A) call attention to the writing of Thucydides and Carlyle
(B) support the thesis of the author that literature broadens our understanding and stretches our
(C) point out that Constitutional Law is a part of the great literature of our past
(D) show that everyone, including judges, enjoys reading
21. B is the husband of A. B is the father of C. D is the son of A. How is D related to C?
(A) wife (B) husband (C) brother (D) uncle
22. You start from a point A and walk 3 km. North then turn left and walk 4 km. Then turn left and
walk 6 km. up to the point B. What is your direction and how far are you from the point A.
(A) North; 6 km. (B) South; 5 km. (C) East; 10 km. (D) West; 3 km.

Read the following information and answer the questions that follow:
In a party there are six members (A, B, C, D, E & F), . , In the party there are two married couples. ‘A’ is
the brother of ‘D’s husband. ‘C’ is very fat and she teaches in a girls school. ‘F’ is an advocate and is a
bachelor. ‘B’s wife is not present in the party. Four of the persons in the party belong to the same family.
‘B’ and ‘F’ are in the same profession.
23. How is ‘F’ related to ‘B’?
(A) Uncle (B) Aunt (C) Niece (D) Cannot be found out
24. Of the following groups which one consists of members of the same family?
(A) ABCD (B) ACDE (C) ADEF (D) Cannot be found out
25. How many unmarried male members are there in the group?
(A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four
26. Who is married to ‘C’?
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) E
27. If Rs. 9,000/- of a 4% stock is sold at 112.50 and with proceeds at 5 1/2% stock is bought at
168.75, what is the result change of dividend
(A) Rs. 28 loss (B) Rs. 31 loss (C) Rs. 30 loss (D) Rs. 30.50 loss
28. What sum must be invested in 2 3/4% consols at 96 1/4 in order to obtain our income of Rs. 100
per year?
(A) Rs. 3,450/- (B) Rs. 3,400/- (C) Rs. 3,550/- (D) Rs. 3,500/
29. In what proportion must a merchant mix salt at 0.22 paise and 0.28 paise per oz. so that by
selling the mixture at 0.30 paise per oz. he may gain 25%?
(A) 2:1 (B) 2:3 (C) 2:4 (D) 2:1.5
30. A watch which gains 5 seconds in every 3 minutes is set right at 6 a.m. What is the true time in
the afternoon of the same day when the watch indicated a quarter past 3 0’ clock?
(A) 4.00 p.m. (B) 2.00 p.m. (C) 2.30 p.m. (D) 3.00 p.m.
31. Fruit is to Banana as Mammal is to
(A) Fish (B) Snake (C) Cow (D) Sparrow
32. ‘BDFH’ is related to ‘JLNP’ in the same way as ‘RTVX’ is related to
33. ‘Demographer’ is related to ‘People’ in the same way as ‘Philatelist’ is related to
(A) Fossils (B) Stamps (C) Photography (D) Music
34. Paw is to Cat as Hoof is to
(A) Horse (B) Lamb (C) Elephant (D) Lion
35. ‘EGIK’ is related to ‘WUSQ’ in the same way as ‘DFHJ’ is related to
36. Food : Stomach :: Fuel : _____________ ?
(A) Automobile (B) Engine (C) Truck (D) Plane

Questions 37 - 40
(1) All P and X are N
(2) All N except P are X
(3) No P are M
(4) No R are N
(5) All M are either X or R
(6) No Q are X
37. If statement (2) were shown to be false, which of the following would necessarily be true?
(A) Some M are neither X nor R (B) Some P are not N
(C) Some N are neither P nor X (D) Either some X are P or some N are neither P nor X, or both
38. Which of the following statements must be true if the above six statements are true?
I. No R are P II. Some X are P III. Some X are M
(A) I only (B) I and II only (C) I and III only(D) I, II and III
39. Which of the following must be false given the conditions as stated?
(A) No Q are P (B) Some Re are X (C) All R are M (D) Some X are met M
40. Which of the numbered statements can logically be deduced from one or more of the other
(A) (2) (B) (3) (C) (4) (D) (5)
41. A person climbing the Hill bends forward in order to
(A) avoid slipping (B) increase speed (C) reduce fatigue (D) increase stability
42. Smog is a common pollutant in places having excessive amount in air of
(A) Sulphur dioxide (B) Ammonia (C) Nitrogen (D) Oxygen
43. Finger prints on paper can be made visible by spraying the solution of
(A) sodium thiosulphate (B) silver nitrate (C) minhydrin (D) ferric chloride
44. Which of the following is a mixed fertilizer?
(A) CAM (B) Urea (C) Ammonium Sulphate (D) NPK
45. Chemical reactions involve
(A) Electrons (B) Protons (C) Neutrons (D) Nuclei
46. ‘Socialistic Pattern’ in Indian economy comes through
(A) nationalization of industry (B) adoption of mixed economy
(C) by removing tax burden on the poor (D) None of these
47. The emphasis in the First Year Plan was on the development of
(A) Industry (B) Agriculture (C) Education (D) Trade
48. The Decline of Village Industries was due to
(A) The Industrial Revolution (B) Heavy Taxation
(C) Export of Raw Material (D) British Policy in India
49. Green Revolution was meant to
(A) Increase food production (B) Improve the living conditions of farmers
(C) Organise peasants into a body (D) Grow more trees
50. The oldest large scale Industry of India is
(A) Iron & Steel (B) Jute (C) Cotton Textiles (D) Paper
51. Gandhiji’s “Champaran Movement” was for
(A) The security of rights of Harijans (B) Civil Disobediance Movement
(C) Maintaining the unity of Hindu Society (D) Solving the problem of Indigo workers
52. Which of the following was not a member of the Swaraj Party?
(A) C.R. Das (B) Motilal Nehru (C) Vittalbhai Patel (D) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
53. Jalianwala Bagh Tragedy took place in
(A) 1919 (B) 1925 (C) 1929 (D) 1909
54. Who said ‘Go back to the Vedas”?
(As) Vivekananda (B) Dayanand (C) L. K. Advani (D) Ashok Singhal
55. The Cabinet Mission did not recommend
(A) A ‘Constitution making body’ elected by the provincial assemblies
(B) A ‘Federal Union’ consisting of British Indian Provinces and Indian States
(C) Setting of an ‘Interim Government’
(D) The date of transfer of power
56. Socialism stands for
(A) State ownership of all property (B) Equal distribution of wealth to all citizens
(C) International peace (D) None of these
57. Security Council in the U.N.O. has
(A) 11 members(B) 9 members (C) 15 members (D) 12 members
58. The number of Elected Members in the Lok Sabha is
(A) 500 (B) 525 (C) 540 (D) 542
59. Who is considered the father of politics
(A) Plato (B) Socratese (C) Aristotle (D) Periciose
60. Federal State is a
(A) Union of State (B) Combination of States
(C) Group of States (D) None of these
61. Plane expenditure in India is met from
(A) Internal borrowings and other measures (B) External aid from other countries
(C) External aid from IMF (D) External aid and assistance from OECD countries
62. The area under irrigation has during the five year plans
(A) Increased (B) Decreased (C) Remained unchanged (D) None of these
63. In India the yield of dals / grams is not improving even after green revolution because
(A) It is difficult to produce high yield variety
(B) The Indian scientists are able to do research on this
(C) The soil condition in India does not help in high yield
(D) Due to destruction of yield by pests / insects
64. Principle constituents of Biogas are
(A) Methane and Carbon dioxide (B) Butane and Hydrogen sulphide
(C) Ethylene and carbon dioxide (D) Methane and carbon monoxide
65. Opium is obtained from
(A) Dried seeds as oil (B) Dried leaves by distillation
(C) Unripe capsules as latex (D) Roots are latex
66. Which of the following countries does not lie on Equator
(A) Gabon (B) Colombia (C) Tanzania (D) Indonesia
67. Ruhr Industrial Belt is situated in
(A) Germany (B) U.S.A. (C) U.K. (D) Russia
68. Baring Sea is located in
(A) North Pacific Ocean (B) South Pacific Ocean
(C) North Atlantic Ocean (D) South Atlantic Ocean
69. The World’s busiest inland waterways is
(A) St.Lawrence(B) Suez (C) Rhine (D) Danube
70. The greatest diversity of animal and plant species occurs in
(A) temporate deciduous forests (B) tropical moist forests
(C) heavily polluted rivers (D) deserts and savannas
71. Where is Bandipur National Park?
(A) Rajasthan (B) Andhra Pradesh (C) Assam (D) Karnataka
72. ‘Isabgol’ is an important cash crop in which of the following states:
(A) Madhya pradesh (B) Haryana (C) Rajasthan (D) Gujarat
73. Which one of one the following rivers flows through a rift valley?
(A) Godavari (B) Narmada (C) Krishna (D) Mahanadi
74. The Uri Hydro Electric Project is located in
(A) Jammu & Kashmir (B) Himachal Pradesh (C) Uttar Pradesh (D) Haryana
75. Which of the following parts of India are closest of Equator?
(A) Kanya Kumari (B) Lakshdweep (C) Nicobar Islands (D) Minicoy Islands
76. A promise made without the intention of performing it amounts to
(A) innocent misrepresentation (B) fraud
(C) negligent misrepresentation (D) wrongful misrepresentation
77. A contingent contract is
(A) void (B) voidable (C) valid (D) illegal
78. Promises forming consideration for each other are known as
(A) Independent promises (B) dependent promises
(C) reciprocal promises (D) mutual promises
79. Consideration must move at the desire of
(A) the promisor (B) the pormisee
(C) promisor or any third party (D) both promisor and the promisee
80. A person who is not a party to a contract
(A) cannot sue (B) can sue only in well recognized cases
(C) can sue (D) all the above
81. Indian Constitution envisages
(A) A Federal Government (B) A Unitary Government
(C) A quasi-federal Government (D) A quasi unitary Government
82. Fundamental Rights in India are
(A) Positive Rights (B) Negative Rights
(C) Imperfect Rights (D) None of the above
83. Right to property, India, is
(A) A fundamental right (B) A constitutionally sanctified statutory right
(C) A statutory right (D) None of the above
84. The Indian Constitution is
(A) Not the lengthiest Constitutions in the world (B) Lengthiest Constitution in the world
(C) One of the lengthiest Constitutions in the world (D) None of the above
85. Right to life and Personal liberty is:
(A) A Constitutional Right (B) A Fundamental Right
(C) A fundamental of Fundamental Rights (D) None of the above
86. ‘Inquiry’ and “Enquiry’ are:
(A) One and the same (B) Two different concepts
(C) Done by different authorities (D) Only spelling inaccuracy
87. A criminal complaint is filed before
(A) Police Officer in charge of a Police Station (B) A Magistrate
(C) The Sub-Divisional Police Officer (D) The High Court
88. Chipko movement relates to:
(A) Conservation of forests (B) Ozone layer depletion
(C) Green House warming (D) Noise pollution
89. Bio-Medical Waste means
(A) Waste generated during harvest of medicinal plants
(B) Surgical Waste generated at hospitals
(C) Plants which have no medicinal value
(D) Roots of Medicinal Plants
90. The minimum age for marriage is that the boy must be _________ and the girl _________
(A) 18 years, 21 years (B) 21 years, 18 years
(C) 18 years, 18 years (D) 21 years, 21 years
91. Attorney General of India means:
(A) Supreme Judicial Power (B) Topmost legal advisor of Central Government
(C) Advisor to the Supreme Court (D) President of the Legal System in India
92. On what basis the States have their representation in Rajya Sabha?
(A) Area (B) Lok Sabha seats (C) Population (D) None of these
93. What is another name of the Vice-President?
(A) Chairman of Rajya Sabha (B) Executive
(C) Temporary President (D) President in Emergency
94. High Courts take up the writs like Habeas Corpus under ________ Constitutional Authority
(A) Article 326 (B) Article 368 (C) Article 268 (D) Article 226
95. What does ‘adjudication’ mean?
(A) A decision given by an Umpire (B) Mediation
(C) Decision given by a Court (D) None of the above
96. An insolvent person is
(A) Notable to work (B) Bankrupt (C) Financially unsound (D) Infirm
97. One of the following cannot be taken as Intellectual Property
(A) Patents (B) Copyright (C) Know how (D) Discovery
98. A writ by a Court, to some person or body to compel it to perform some public duty is:
(A) Quo Warranto (B) Habeas Corpus (C) Mandamus (D) Prohibition
99. The Constitution of India is
(A) A wholly unwritten Constitution
(B) A wholly written Constitution
(C) Partly written Constitution, partly based on Custom
(D) A matter of ancient Indian Traditions
100. What is the legal name for the name and fame of a Trading Firm?
(A) Goodwill (B) Fame (C) Image (D) None of the above

Stated below are a set of legal principles. Apply them to the factual problems and decide from
amongst the choices provided.
101. Principle:
If is a settled principle that an occupier should not do a dangerous act without adequate warning if
he knows or suspects that a tresspasser is present. ‘A’ was cutting a large tree on his land. Some
boys were fooling about nearby. ‘A’ paid no attention as the boys were clearly tresspassers, when
the tree fell, one of the boys was hit by a branch and suffered injury.
(A) The boy was illegal present and cannot have the protection of law.
(B) ‘A’ was liable as he did not give warning of the danger likely to arise by the falling tree
although he knew that the boy was present.
(C) ‘A’ is not liable as there is no duty to do good and warning a person illegally on the premises,
of likely danger would fall in this category.
(D) ‘A’ was carrying out his lawful profession on his own land and anyone came there at his peril.
Hence ‘A’ was not liable.
102. State Liability
The State is liable for the act of its employees. When the act is of private nature, in the same
manner and under the same conditions as any other employer. The State is not liable when the
act is in the exercise of sovereign power or in performance of an act of State.
An army truck driven by a military driver ‘A’ was proceeding on duty to check the army men on
duty at different military posts. The truck hit a civilian ‘B’ and caused material injury. The fact
showed that the injury was caused due to rash and negligent driving by the military driver ‘A’. The
injured civilian ‘B’ brought a suit in tort against the Union of India. The suit:
(A) succeeded on the principle of qui facit per alium facit per se (he who does an act through
another is deemed to do it himself).
(B) Succeeded on the master and servant relationship between the Union of India and the military
(C) failed because the Union of India did not ratify the rash and negligent driving.
(D) failed because the incident occurred in the course of discharge of sovereign functions of the
103. Even if the sovereign functions of the State are discharged negligently the State is not vicariously
liable in tort.
‘A’ was a trader in gold. There he was arrested by Police and was detained in the police lock up
after search. The gold with him along with sundry other things were seized. Later he was
discharged. His possessions seized by the police were returned. He moved against the State in
tort. In the words of Supreme Court
“there can be no escape from the conclusion that the Police Officers were
negligent in dealing with____________property after it was seized.” One of the Constables was a
Muslim. He fled with gold to Pakistan.
(A) ‘A’ succeeded because the servants of the State were negligent and thus caused injury.
(B) ‘A’ failed because the Constable who seized the gold had fled to Pakistan and the gold was
not with the State at all.
(C) ‘A’ failed because the acts of search and seizure by the Police Officer were part of the
sovereign functions of the State.
(D) There was some other relief given to ‘A’.
104. The ‘last opportunity rule’ fixes the liability on the person who had the last opportunity of avoiding
an accident by taking ordinary care. ‘A’ fettered the forefeet of his donkey and left the donkey in a
narrow highway. ‘B’ was driving through the highway in a horse driven wagon. The wagon was
going too fast and killed the donkey. ‘A’ sued V.
(A) ‘A’ was at fault
(B) ‘A’ fettered the fore leg of his donkey. He was negligent
(C) Despite ‘A’ being negligent, ‘B’ could still avoid the accident
(D) None of these
105. Principle
A consideration is a price or recompense in return for a promise.
Facts: ‘A’ has a right to fish one day a week in the pond in the estate of ‘B’. In return for a fixed
monthly payment by B’, ‘A’ refrains from exercising the right to fish. The Act of ‘A’
(A) is no consideration as he is not paying anything
(B) is adequate consideration and invalid for a binding contract
(C) is inadequate consideration and invalid for a binding contract
(D) is a negative consideration binding for a valid contract
106. By which Constitutional Amendment Bill, the voting age was reduced from 21 years to 18 years?
(A) 48th (B) 57th (C) 61st (D) 63rd
107. The minimum number of members required to have a quorum at a meeting of the Lok Sabha is
(A) 1/2 of the total membership (B) 1/3 of the total membership
(C) 1/6 of the total membership (D) 1/10 of the total membership
108. Can a person who is not a member of Parliament be appointed a Minister?
(A) No
(B) Yes
(C) Yes, provided the Parliament approves of such an appointment
(D) Yes, but he has to become a member of Parliament within six months of his appointment
109. The call ‘Dilli Chalo’ was given by
(A) Lala Lajpat Rai (B) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(C) Mahatma Gandhi (D) Subhash Chandra Bose
110. The Hunter Commission was appointed by the British Government which was compelled to look
(A) Bardoli Satyagraha (B) Chauri – Chaura
(C) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre (D) None
111. A National Environmental Appellate Authority to deal with petition, complaints, representations or
appeals against the government of environmental clearance to project was created in which year
by an Act?
(A) 1992 (B) 1995 (C) 1997 (D) 1999
112. Which right in India is a Constitutional right but not a fundamental right?
(A) Right to property (B) Right to freedom of religion
(C) Cultural and Educational right (D) None of the above
113. Which of the following films won the Best Film Award in the 48t’ National Film Awards in 2001:
(A) Vanaprastham (B) Shantham (C) Pukar (D) Daman
114. Who among the following won the Nobel Peace Prize for the year 2001?
(A) Kofi Annan (B) United Nations (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these
115. Which of the following organizations was banned by the government of India in December 2001
under the Prevention of Terrorism Ordinance?
(A) People’s War Group (B) Maoist Communist Centre (MCC)
(C) Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) (D) All of (A), (B) and (C)
116. Who is the author of “An Equal Music”?
(A) Dick Francis(B) Vikram Seth (C) Salman Rushdie (D) Anurag Mathur
117. Name the religious movement started by Emperor Akbar in the late 16’h Century?
(A) Din-I-Ilahi (B) Jizya (C) Jauhar (D) Kharaj
118. The first Governor General of the East India Company in India was:
(A) Robert Clive(B) Warren Hastings (C) Sir John Shore (D) Marquis Hastings
119. With which of the following countries despite 1997 boundary agreement India signed an
agreement to expedite the process of resolving border disputes?
(A) Bangladesh (B) Nepal (C) China (D) Russia
120. Who certifies a bill to be a Money Bill in Indian States?
(A) State Assembly Speaker (B) State Finance Speaker
(C) Governor of the State (D) Chief Justice of the High Court

1.D 31C 61A 91B
2A 32C 62A 92C
3A 33B 63A 93A
4B 34A 64A 94D
5C 35C 65C 95C
6A 36B 66C 96B
7D 37C 67A 97C
8A 38C 68A 98C
9B 39B 69C 99B
10A 40B 70B 100A
11A 41D 71D 101B
12A 42A 72C 102B
13B 43C 73B 103C
14B 44D 74A 104C
15A 45A 75A 105D
16A 46B 76B 106C
17C 47B 77C 107D
18B 48D 78C 108D
19D 49A 79B 109D
20B 50C 80A 110D
21C 51D 81C 111C
22B 52D 82A 112A
23D 53A 83D 113B
24B 54B 84B 114C
25A 55D 85B 115D
26A 56A 86A 116B
27C 57C 87A 117A
28D 58D 88A 118B
29A 59D 89B 119C
30D 60A 90B 120C

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