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5 Reasoning

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The passage discusses logical reasoning and contains examples of deductive and inductive arguments. It also discusses the characteristics of valid deductive arguments.

Deductive reasoning derives logical conclusions from premises, while inductive reasoning makes generalizations based on patterns and examples. Deductive reasoning is concerned with necessity, while inductive reasoning deals with probabilities.

For a deductive argument to be valid, the premises must be true and the conclusion must necessarily follow from the premises. If the premises are true, the conclusion cannot be false.

1. January 1, 1995 was a Sunday. What day of the week lies on January 1, 1996?

(A) Sunday
(B) Monday
(C) Wednesday
(D) Saturday

2. When an error of 1% is made in the length and breadth of a rectangle, the percentage error (%)
in the area of a rectangle will be
(A) 0
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) 4

3. The next number in the series 2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ? will be

(A) 74
(B) 75
(C) 76
(D) None of the above

4. There are 10 true-false questions in an examination. Then these questions can be answered in
(A) 20 ways
(B) 100 ways
(C) 240 ways
(D) 1024 ways

5. What will be the next term in the following?


6. Three individuals X, Y, Z hired a car on a sharing basis and paid Rs. 1,040. They used it for 7,
8, 11 hours, respectively. What are the charges paid by Y?
(A) Rs. 290
(B) Rs. 320
(C) Rs. 360
(D) Rs. 440

7. Deductive argument involves

(A) sufficient evidence
(B) critical thinking
(C) seeing logical relations
(D) repeated observation
8. Inductive reasoning is based on or presupposes
(A) uniformity of nature
(B) God created the world
(C) unity of nature
(D) laws of nature

9. To be critical, thinking must be

(A) practical
(B) socially relevant
(C) individually satisfying
(D) analytical

10. Which of the following is an analogous statement?

(A) Man is like God
(B) God is great
(C) Gandhiji is the Father of the Nation
(D) Man is a rational being.

11. Insert the missing number in the following:

3, 8, 18, 23, 33, ?, 48
(A) 37
(B) 40
(C) 38
(D) 45

12. In a certain code, CLOCK is written as KCOLC. How would STEPS be written in that code?

13. The letters in the first set have a certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship mark
the right choice for the second set: BDFH : OMKI : : GHIK : ?

14. What was the day of the week on 1st January 2001?
(A) Friday
(B) Tuesday
(C) Sunday
(D) Wednesday
Answer: (Wrong question)

15. Find out the wrong number in the sequence. 52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16
(A) 27
(B) 34
(C) 43
(D) 48

16. In a deductive argument conclusion is:

(A) Summing up of the premises
(B) Not necessarily based on premises
(C) Entailed by the premises
(D) Additional to the premises

17. 'No man are mortal' is contradictory of:

(A) Some man are mortal
(B) Some man are not mortal
(C) All men are mortal
(D) No mortal is man

18. A deductive argument is valid if:

(A) premises are false and conclusion true
(B) premises are false and conclusion is also false
(C) premises are true and conclusion is false
(D) premises are true and conclusion is true

19. Structure of logical argument is based on:

(A) Formal validity
(B) Material truth
(C) Linguistic expression
(D) Aptness of examples

20. Two ladies and two men are playing bridge and seated at North, East, South and West of a
table. No lady is facing East. Persons sitting opposite to each other are not of the same sex. One
man is facing South. Which direction are the ladies facing to?
(A) East and West
(B) North and West
(C) South and East
(D) None of these

21. Determine the relationship between the pair of words ALWAYS : NEVER and then select
from the following pair of words which have a similar relationship :
(A) often : rarely
(B) frequently : occasionally
(C) constantly : frequently
(D) intermittently : casually

22. Find the wrong number in the sequence: 52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16
(A) 27
(B) 34
(C) 43
(D) 48

23. In a certain code, PAN is written as 31 and PAR as 35, then PAT is written in the same code
(A) 30
(B) 37
(C) 39
(D) 41

24. The letters in the first set have certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship, make the
right choice for the second set: AF : IK : : LQ : ?
(A) MO
(B) NP
(C) OR
(D) TV

25. If 5472 = 9, 6342 = 6, 7584 = 6, what is 9236?

(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5

26. In an examination, 35% of the total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and 20%
in both. The percentage of those who passed in both subjects is
(A) 10
(B) 20
(C) 30
(D) 40

27. Two statements I and II given below are followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). Supposing
the statements are true, which of the following conclusions can logically follow ? Statements:
I. Some flowers are red.
II. Some flowers are blue.
(a) Some flowers are neither red nor blue.
(b) Some flowers are both red and blue.
(A) Only (a) follows.
(B) Only (b) follows.
(C) Both (a) and (b) follow.
(D) Neither (a) nor (b) follows.

28. If the statement ‘all students are intelligent’ is true, which of the following statements are
(i) No students are intelligent.
(ii) Some students are intelligent.
(iii) Some students are not intelligent.
(A) (i) and (ii)
(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (i) only

29. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal
statement is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning
(B) Inductive Reasoning
(C) Abnormal Reasoning
(D) Transcendental Reasoning

30. What is the smallest number of ducks that could swim in this formation – two ducks in front
of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck between two ducks?
(A) 5
(B) 7
(C) 4
(D) 3

31. Mr. A, Miss B, Mr. C and Miss D are sitting around a table and discussing their trades.
(i) Mr. A sits opposite to the cook.
(ii) Miss B sits right to the barber
(iii) The washerman sits right to the barber
(iv) Miss D sits opposite to Mr. C
What are the trades of A and B?
(A) Tailor and barber
(B) Barber and cook
(C) Tailor and cook
(D) Tailor and washerman

32. Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation between two variables?
(A) Scatter Diagram
(B) Frequency Distribution
(C) Two-way table
(D) Coefficient of Rank Correlation

33. When an error of 1% is made in the length of a square, the percentage error in the area of a
square will be
(A) 0
(B) 1/2
(C) 1
(D) 2
34. On January 12, 1980, it was a Saturday. The day of the week on January 12, 1979 was
(A) Thursday
(B) Friday
(C) Saturday
(D) Sunday

35. If water is called food, food is called tree, tree is called earth, earth is called world, which of
the following grows a fruit?
(A) Water
(B) Tree
(C) World
(D) Earth

36. E is the son of A, D is the son of B, E is married to C, C is the daughter of B. How is D

related to E?
(A) Brother
(B) Uncle
(C) Father-in-law
(D) Brother-in-law

37. If INSURANCE is coded as ECNARUSNI, how HINDRANCE will be coded?


38. Find the next number in the following series:

2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, 50, ?
(A) 63
(B) 65
(C) 67
(D) 69

39. Which of the following is an example of circular argument?

(A) God created man in his image and man created God in his own image.
(B) God is the source of a scripture and the scripture is the source of our knowledge of
(C) Some of the Indians are great because India is great.
(D) Rama is great because he is Rama.

40. Lakshmana is a morally good person because

(A) he is religious
(B) he is educated
(C) he is rich
(D) he is rational
41. Two statements I and II given below are followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). Supposing
the statements are true, which of the following conclusions can logically follow?
I. Some religious people are morally good.
II. Some religious people are rational.
(a) Rationally religious people are good morally.
(b) Non-rational religious persons are not morally good.
(A) Only (a) follows.
(B) Only (b) follows.
(C) Both (a) and (b) follow.
(D) Neither (a) nor (b) follows.

42. Certainty is
(A) an objective fact
(B) emotionally satisfying
(C) logical
(D) ontological

43. What is the number that comes next in the sequence?

2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ___
(A) 76
(B) 74
(C) 75
(D) 50

44. Find the next letter for the series

(A) X
(B) Y
(C) Z
(D) A

45. If ‘367’ means ‘I am happy’; ‘748’ means ‘you are sad’ and ‘469’ means ‘happy and sad’ in
a given code, then which of the following represents ‘and’ in that code ?
(A) 3
(B) 6
(C) 9
(D) 4

46. The basis of the following classification is ‘animal’, ‘man’, ‘house’, ‘book’, and ‘student’:
(A) Definite descriptions
(B) Proper names
(C) Descriptive phrases
(D) Common names

47. Assertion (A): The coin when flipped next time will come up tails.
Reason (R): Because the coin was flipped five times in a row, and each time it came up heads.
Choose the correct answer from below:
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are false, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is doubtful, (R) is true, and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is doubtful, (R) is false, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

48. The relation ‘is a sister of ’ is

(A) non-symmetrical
(B) symmetrical
(C) asymmetrical
(D) transitive

49. If the proposition “Vegetarians are not meat eaters” is false, then which of the following
inferences is correct? Choose from the codes given below:
1. “Some vegetarians are meat eaters” is true.
2. “All vegetarians are meat eaters” is doubtful.
3. “Some vegetarians are not meat eaters” is true.
4. “Some vegetarians are not meat eaters” is doubtful.
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1, 2 and 4

50. Determine the nature of the following definition: ‘Poor’ means having an annual income of
Rs. 10,000.
(A) persuasive
(B) precising
(C) lexical
(D) stipulative

51. Which one of the following is not an argument?

(A) If today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
(B) Since today is Tuesday, tomorrow will be Wednesday.
(C) Ram insulted me so I punched him in the nose.
(D) Ram is not at home, so he must have gone to town.

52. Venn diagram is a kind of diagram to

(A) represent and assess the truth of elementary inferences with the help of Boolean Algebra of
(B) represent and assess the validity of elementary inferences with the help of Boolean
Algebra of classes.
(C) represent but not assess the validity of elementary inferences with the help of Boolean
Algebra of classes.
(D) assess but not represent the validity of elementary inferences with the help of Boolean
Algebra of classes.

53. Inductive logic studies the way in which a premise may

(A) support and entail a conclusion
(B) not support but entail a conclusion
(C) neither support nor entail a conclusion
(D) support a conclusion without entailing it

54. Which of the following statements are true? Choose from the codes given below.
1. Some arguments, while not completely valid, are almost valid.
2. A sound argument may be invalid.
3. A cogent argument may have a probably false conclusion.
4. A statement may be true or false.
(A) 1 and 2
(B) 1, 3 and 4
(C) 4 alone
(D) 3 and 4

55. If the side of the square increases by 40%, then the area of the square increases by
(A) 60 %
(B) 40 %
(C) 196 %
(D) 96 %

56. There are 10 lamps in a hall. Each one of them can be switched on independently. The
number of ways in which hall can be illuminated is
(A) 102
(B) 1023
(C) 210
(D) 10 !

57. How many numbers between 100 and 300 begin or end with 2?
(A) 100
(B) 110
(C) 120
(D) 180

58. In a college having 300 students, every student reads 5 newspapers and every newspaper is
read by 60 students. The number of newspapers required is
(A) at least 30
(B) at most 20
(C) exactly 25
(D) exactly 5
59. Determine the relationship between the pair of words NUMERATOR : DENOMINATOR
and then select the pair of words from the following which have a similar relationship :
(A) fraction : decimal
(B) divisor : quotient
(C) top : bottom
(D) dividend : divisor

60. Find the wrong number in the sequence 125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165
(A) 130
(B) 142
(C) 153
(D) 165

61. If HOBBY is coded as IOBY and LOBBY is coded as MOBY; then BOBBY is coded as

62. The letters in the first set have certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship, make the
right choice for the second set : K/T : 11/20 :: J/R : ?
(A) 10/8
(B) 10/18
(C) 11/19
(D) 10/19

63. If A = 5, B = 6, C = 7, D = 8 and so on, what do the following numbers stand for ?

17, 19, 20, 9, 8
(A) Plane
(B) Moped
(C) Motor
(D) Tonga

64. The price of oil is increased by 25%. If the expenditure is not allowed to increase, the ratio
between the reduction in consumption and the original consumption is
(A) 1 : 3
(B) 1 : 4
(C) 1 : 5
(D) 1 : 6

65. How many 8’s are there in the following sequence which are preceded by 5 but not
immediately followed by 3 ?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 7
(D) 3

66. If a rectangle were called a circle, a circle a point, a point a triangle and a triangle a square,
the shape of a wheel is
(A) Rectangle
(B) Circle
(C) Point
(D) Triangle

67. If the statement ‘some men are cruel’is false, which of the following statements/statement
are/is true ?
(i) All men are cruel.
(ii) No men are cruel.
(iii) Some men are not cruel.
(A) (i) and (iii)
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (ii) and (iii)
(D) (iii) only

68. Which is the number that comes next in the following sequence?
2, 6, 12, 20, 30, 42, 56, _____
(A) 60
(B) 64
(C) 72
(D) 70

69. Find the next letter for the series YVSP ………
(A) N
(B) M
(C) O
(D) L

70. Given that in a code language, ‘645’ means ‘day is warm’; ‘42’ means ‘warm spring’ and
‘634’ means ‘spring is sunny’; which digit represents ‘sunny’ ?
(A) 3
(B) 2
(C) 4
(D) 5

71. The basis of the following classification is :

‘first President of India’ ‘author of Godan’ ‘books in my library’, ‘blue things’ and ‘students
who work hard’
(A) Common names
(B) Proper names
(C) Descriptive phrases
(D) Indefinite description
72. In the expression ‘Nothing is larger than itself’ the relation ‘is larger than’ is
(A) antisymmetric
(B) asymmetrical
(C) intransitive
(D) irreflexive

73. Assertion (A) : There are more laws on the books today than ever before, and more crimes
being committed than ever before.
Reason (R) : Because to reduce crime we must eliminate the laws.
Choose the correct answer from below :
(A) (A) is true, (R) is doubtful and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(B) (A) is false, (R) is true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is doubtful, (R) is doubtful and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(D) (A) is doubtful, (R) is true and (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

74. If the proposition “All men are not mortal” is true then which of the following inferences is
correct ? Choose from the code given below :
1. “All men are mortal” is true.
2. “Some men are mortal” is false.
3. “No men are mortal” is doubtful.
4. “All men are mortal” is false.
Code :
(A) 1, 2 and 3
(B) 2, 3 and 4
(C) 1, 3 and 4
(D) 1 and 3

75. Determine the nature of the following definition :

“Abortion” means the ruthless murdering of innocent beings.
(A) Lexical
(B) Persuasive
(C) Stipulative
(D) Theoretical

76. Which one of the following is not an argument ?

(A) Devadutt does not eat in the day so he must be eating at night.
(B) If Devadutt is growing fat and if he does not eat during the day, he will be eating at
(C) Devadutt eats in the night so he does not eat during the day.
(D) Since Devadutt does not eat in the day, he must be eating in the night.

77. Venn diagram is a kind of diagram to

(A) represent and assess the validity of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(B) represent but not assess the validity of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(C) represent and assess the truth of elementary inferences of syllogistic form.
(D) assess but not represent the truth of elementary inferences of syllogistic form

78. Reasoning by analogy leads to

(A) certainty
(B) definite conclusion
(C) predictive conjecture
(D) surety

79. Which of the following statements are false ? Choose from the code given below :
1. Inductive arguments always proceed from the particular to the general.
2. A cogent argument must be inductively strong.
3. A valid argument may have a false premise and a false conclusion.
4. An argument may legitimately be spoken of as ‘true’ or ‘false’.
Code :
(A) 2, 3 and 4
(B) 1 and 3
(C) 2 and 4
(D) 1 and 2

80. Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F are standing in a circle. B is between F and C, A is between
E and D, F is to the left of D. Who is between A and F ?
(A) B
(B) C
(C) D
(D) E

81. The price of petrol increases by 25%. By what percentage must a customer reduce the
consumption so that the earlier bill on the petrol does not alter ?
(A) 20%
(B) 25%
(C) 30%
(D) 33.33%

82. If Ram knows that y is an integer greater than 2 and less than 7 and Hari knows that y is an
integer greater than 5 and less than 10, then they may correctly conclude that
(A) y can be exactly determined
(B) y may be either of two values
(C) y may be any of three values
(D) there is no value of y satisfying these conditions

83. Four pipes can fill a reservoir in 15, 20, 30 and 60 hours respectively. The first one was
opened at 6 AM, second at 7 AM, third at 8 AM and the fourth at 9 AM. When will the reservoir
be filled ?
(A) 11 AM
(B) 12 Noon
(C) 1 PM
(D) 1:30 PM

84. In certain code TEACHER is written as VGCEJGT. The code of CHILDREN will be
(D) None of these

85. A person has to buy both apples and mangoes. The cost of one apple is Rs 7/- whereas that of
mango is Rs 5/-
If the person has Rs. 38, the number of apples he can buy is
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

86. A man pointing to a lady said, "The son of her only brother is the brother of my wife," The
lady is related to the man as
(A) Mother's sister
(B) Grand mother
(C) Mother-in-law
(D) Sister of Father-in-law

87. In this series 6, 4, 1,2,2,8, 7,4,2,1,5,3,8,6,2,2,7,1,4,1,3,5,8,6.

How many pairs of successive numbers have a difference of 2 each?
(A) 4
(B) 5
(C) 6
(D) 8

88. The mean marks obtained by a class of 40 students is 65; The mean marks of half of the
students is found to be 45. The mean marks of the remaining students is
(A) 85
(B) 60
(C) 70
(D) 65

89. Anil is twice as old as Sunita. Three years ago, he was three times as old as Sunita. The
present age of Anil is
(A) 6 years
(B) 8 years
(C) 12 years
(D) 16 years

90. If two propositions having the same subject and predicate terms are such that one is the
denial of the other, the relationship between them is called
(A) Contradictory
(B) Contrary
(C) Sub-contrary
(D) Sub-alteration

91. Ananaya and Krishna can speak and follow English. Bulbul can write and speak Hindi as
Archana does. Archana talks with Ananya also in Bengali. Krishna can not follow Bengali.
Bulbul talks with Ananya in Hindi. Who can speak and follow English, Hindi and Bengali?
(A) Archana
(B) Bulbul
(C) Ananya
(D) Krishna

92. A stipulative definition may be said to be

(A) Always true
(B) Always false
(C) Sometimes true, sometimes false
(D) Neither true nor false

93. When the conclusion of an argument follows from its premise/premises conclusively, the
argument is called
(A) Circular argument
(B) Inductive argument
(C) Deductive argument
(D) Analogical argument

94. Saturn and Mars are planets like the earth. They borrow light from the Sun and moves around
the sun as the Earth does. So those planets are inhabited by various orders of creatures as the
earth is
What type of argument is contained in the above passage?
(A) Deductive
(B) Astrological
(C) Analogical
(D) Mathematical

95. Given below are two premises. Four conclusions are drawn from those two premises in four
codes. Select the code that states the conclusion validly drawn.
(i) All saints are religious. (major)
(ii) Some honest persons are saints. (minor)
(A) All saints are honest
(B) Some saints are honest.
(C) Some honest persons are religious.
(D) All religious persons are honest
96. The world population growth rate at a certain reference year was 3.5%. Assuming
exponential growth of population, after how many years, the population of the world would have
increased by a factor 16 ?
(A) ~ 80 years
(B) ~ 40 years
(C) ~ 160 years
(D) ~ 320 years

97. A person writes all the numbers from 0 to 99. The number of times digit 3 will be written is
(A) 18
(B) 19
(C) 20
(D) 21

98. Starting from point A, Ajit walks 14 metres towards west, he then turns to his right and walks
14 metres and then turns to his left and walks 10 metres. He again turns to his left and walks 14
metres and reaches to the point E. The shortest distance between A and E is
(A) 38
(B) 42
(C) 52
(D) 24

99. A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting around a round table. A is between E and F. E is opposite to D
and C is not in either of the neighbouring seats of E. The person opposite to B is
(A) C
(B) D
(C) A
(D) F

100. The missing term in the series 2, 7, 24, 77, ?, 723 is

(A) 238
(B) 432
(C) 542
(D) 320

101. In certain city the Taxi charges comprise of a fixed charge and the charge of the distance
travelled. A person paid ` 156 for a journey of 16 km and another person paid ` 204 for the
journey of 24 km. The amount paid by a passenger who has travelled 30 km is
(A) 236
(B) 240
(C) 248
(D) 256

102. In certain code HEALTH is written as KHDOWK. The code of NORTH will be

103. Yadav, Arjun, Rajesh and Kamal play cricket. Rajesh and Kamal play tennis but do not play
football. Yadav does not play Badminton but play golf. Arjun does not play tennis. Kamal
sometimes plays Badminton. Who does play only cricket ?
(A) Yadav
(B) Arjun
(C) Rajesh
(D) Kamal

104. A deductive argument can not be valid :

(A) If its premise / premises is/are true and its conclusion is true.
(B) If its premise / premises is /are true and its conclusion is false.
(C) If its premise / premises is/are false and its conclusion is false.
(D) If its premise / premises is / are false and its conclusion is true.

105. An analogical argument is strengthened by

(A) making the claim bolder while its premises remain unchanged.
(B) reducing the claim made on the basis of the premises affirmed.
(C) remaining the claim unchanged while the evidence in its support is found to exhibit greater
(D) None of the above.

106. If two propositions cannot both be false but may both be true, what is the relation between
the two propositions ?
(A) Contrary
(B) Sub-contrary
(C) Sub-alternation
(D) Contradictory

107. Given below are some codes of arrangements of three items in order of wider scope. Select
the correct code.
(A) Garments, cloth and shirts
(B) Cloth, garments and shirts
(C) Shirts, garments and cloth
(D) Garments, shirts and cloth

108. What is equivalent of the statement ‘All atheists are pessimists’ ?

(A) All non-pessimists are nonatheists.
(B) All non-atheists are nonpessimists.
(C) All pessimists are atheists.
(D) None of the above.

109. The next term in the series: AB, ED, IH, NM, --- is
(A) TS
(B) ST
(C) TU
(D) SU

110. If STREAMERS is coded as UVTGALDQR, then KNOWLEDGE will be coded as


111. A is brother of B. B is the brother of C. C is the husband of D. E is the father of A. D is

related to E as
(A) Daughter
(B) Daughter-in-law
(C) Sister-in-law
(D) Sister

112. Two numbers are in the ration 3:5. If 9 is subtracted from the numbers, the ratio becomes
12:23. The numbers are
(A) 30, 50
(B) 36, 60
(C) 33, 55
(D) 42, 70

113. The mean of the ages of father and his son is 27 years. After 18 years, father will be twice
as old as his son. Their present ages are
(A) 42, 12
(B) 40, 14
(C) 30, 24
(D) 36, 18

114. The next term in the series: 2, 7, 28, 63, 126, --- is
(A) 215
(B) 245
(C) 276
(D) 296

115. Warrior is related to sword, carpenter is related to saw, farmer is related to plough. In the
same way, the author is related to
(A) Book
(B) Fame
(C) Reader
(D) Pen
116. “A man ought no more to value himself for being wiser than a woman if he owes his
advantage to a better education, than he ought to boast of his courage for beating a man when his
hands were tied.” The above passage is an instance of
(A) Deductive argument
(B) Hypothetical argument
(C) Analogical argument
(D) Factual argument

117. By which of the following proposition, the proposition “wise men are hardly afraid of
death” is contradicted?
(A) Some wise men are afraid of death.
(B) All wise men are afraid of death.
(C) No wise men is afraid of death.
(D) Some wise men are not afraid of death.

118. When in a group of propositions, one proposition is claimed to follow from the others, that
group of propositions is called
(A) An argument
(B) A valid argument
(C) An explanation
(D) An invalid argument

119. Namita and Samita are brilliant and studious. Anita and karabi are obedient and irregular.
Babita and Namita are irregular but brilliant. Samita and Kabita are regular and obedient. Who
among them is/are brilliant, obedient, regular and studious?
(A) Samita alone
(B) Namita and Samita
(C) Kabita alone
(D) Anita alone

120. In a post-office, stamps of three different denominations of Rs 7, Rs 8, Rs 10 are available.

The exact amount for which one cannot buy stamps is
(A) 19
(B) 20
(C) 23
(D) 29

121. In certain coding method, the word QUESTION is encoded as DOMESTIC. In this coding,
what is the code word for the word RESPONSE?

122. lf the series 4,5,8,13,14,17,22,........ is continued in the same pattern, which one of the
following is not a term of this series?
(A) 31
(B) 32
(C) 33
(D) 35

123. Complete the series BB, FE, II, ML, PP: choosing one of the following option
given :
(A) TS
(B) ST
(C) RS
(D) SR

124. A man started walking frorn his house towards south. After walking 6 km, he turned to his
left walked 5 Km after. Then he walked further 3 km after turning left. He then turned to his left
and continued his walk for 9 km. How far is he away from his house?
(A) 3 km
(B) 4 km
(C) 5 km
(D) 6 km

125. One writes all numbers from 50 to 99 without the digits 2 and 7. How many numbers have
been written?
(A) 32
(B) 36
(C) 40
(D) 38

126. "lf a large diamond is cut up into little bits it will lose its value just as an army is divided up
into small units of soldiers. It loses its strength." The argument put above may be called as
(A) Analogical
(B) Deductive
(C) Statistical
(D) Casual

127. Given below are some characteristics of logical argument. Select the code which expresses
a characteristic which is not of inductive in character.
(A) The conclusion is claimed to follow from its premises.
(B) The conclusion is based on causal relation.
(C) The conclusion conclusively follows from its premises.
(D) The conclusion is based on observation and experiment

128. If two propositions having the same subject and predicate terms can both be true but cannot
both be false, the relation between those two propositions is called
(A) contradictory
(B) contrary
(C) subcontrary
(D) subaltern

129. Given below are two premises and four conclusions drawn from those premises. Select the
code that expresses conclusion drawn validly from the premises (separately or jointly).
(a) All dogs are mammals.
(b) No cats are dogs.
(i) No cats are mammals
(ii) Some cats are mammals.
(iii) No Dogs are cats
(iv) No dogs are non-mammals.
(A) (i) only
(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (iii) and (iv)
(D) (ii) and (iii)

130. The next term in the series

2, 5, 10, 17, 26, 37, ? is:
(A) 50
(B) 57
(C) 62
(D) 72

131. A group of 210 students appeared in some test. The mean of 1/3rd of students is found to be
60. The mean of the remaining students is found to be 78. The mean of the whole group will be:
(A) 80
(B) 76
(C) 74
(D) 72

132. Anil after travelling 6 km towards East from his house realized that he has travelled in a
wrong direction, lie turned and travelled 12 km towards West, turned right and travelled 8 km to
reach his office. The straight distance of the office from his house is:
(A) 20 km
(B) 14 km
(C) 12 km
(D) 10 km

133. The next term in the series:

B2E, D5H, F12K, H27N, ? is:
(A) J561
(B) 162Q
(C) Q62J
(D) J58Q
134. A party was held in which a grandmother, father, mother, four sons, their wives and one son
and two daughters to each of the sons were present. The number of females present in the party
(A) 12
(B) 14
(C) 18
(D) 24

135. P and Q are brothers. R and S are sisters. The son of P is brother of S. Q is related to R as:
(A) Son
(B) Brother
(C) Uncle
(D) Father

136. Consider the argument given below:

‘Pre - employment testing of teachers is quite fair because doctors, architects and engineers who
are now employed had to face such a testing.’
What type of argument it is?
(A) Deductive
(B) Analogical
(C) Psychological
(D) Biological

137. Among the following propositions two arc related in such a way that they can both be true
although they cannot both be false. Which are those propositions? Select the correct code.
(a) Some priests are cunning.
(b) No priest is cunning.
(c) All priests are cunning.
(d) Some priests are not cunning.
(A) (a) and (b)
(B) (c) and (d)
(C) (a) and (c)
(D) (a) and (d)

138. A Cluster of propositions with a structure that exhibits some inference is called
(A) An inference
(B) An argument
(C) An explanation
(D) A valid argument

139. Consider the following assertion (A) and reason (R) and select the correct code given
(A) : No man is perfect.
(R): Some men are not perfect.
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) does not provide sufficient reason for (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) provides sufficient reason for (A).
(C) (A) is true but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false but (R) is true.

140. A definition that has a meaning that is deliberately assigned to some symbol is called:
(A) Lexical
(B) Precising
(C) Stipulative
(D) Persuasive

141. If the proposition ‘No men are honest’ is taken to be false which of the following
proposition/propositions can be claimed certainly to be true?
(A) All men are honest
(B) Some men are honest
(C) Some men are not honest
(D) No honest person is man

142. The next term in the series is : 2, 5, 9, 19, 37, ?

(1) 73 (2) 75(3) 78 (4) 80

143. In certain code MATHURA is coded as JXQEROX. The code of HOTELS will be:

144. One day Prakash left home and walked 10 km towards south, turned right and walked 5 km,
turned right and walked 10 km and turned left and walked 10 km. How many km will he have to
walk to reach his home straight?
(1) 10 (2) 20 (3) 15 (4) 30

145. A girl introduced a boy as the son of the daughter of the father of her uncle. The boy is
related to the girl as:
(1) Brother (2) Uncle (3) Nephew (4) Son

146. In an examination 10,000 students appeared. The result revealed the number of students
who have:

passed in all five subjects = 5583

passed in three subjects > passed in two subjects > passed in one subject > failed in English > failed in Physics > failed in Chemistry > failed in Mathematics > failed in Bio-science >The number of students passed in at least four subjects is:
(1) 6300 (2) 6900 (3) 7300 (4) 7900

147. At present a person is 4 times older than his son and is 3 years older than his wife. After 3
years the age of the son will be 15 years. The age of the person’s wife after 5 years will be:
(1) 42 (2) 48 (3) 45 (4) 50

148. If we want to seek new knowledge of facts about the world, we must rely on reason of the
(1) Inductive
(2) Deductive
(3) Demonstrative
(4) Physiological

149. A deductive argument is invalid if:

(1) Its premises and conclusions are all false
(2) Its premises are true but its conclusion is false
(3) Its premises are false but its conclusion is true
(4) Its premises and conclusions are all true

150. Inductive reasoning is grounded on:

(1) Integrity of nature (2) Unity of nature

(3) Uniformity of nature (4) Harmony of nature

151. Among the following statements two are contradictory to each other. Select the correct code
that represents them :
Statements :
(a) All poets are philosophers.
(b) Some poets are philosophers.
(c) Some poets are not philosophers.
(d) No philosopher is a poet.

Codes :
(1) (a) and (b) (2) (a) and (d) (3) (a) and (c) (4) (b) and (c)

152. Which of the codes given below contains only the correct statements? Select the code:
(a) Venn diagram represents the arguments graphically.
(b) Venn diagram can enhance our understanding.
(c) Venn diagram may be called valid or invalid.
(d) Venn diagram is clear method of notation.
(1) (a), (b) and (c) (2) (a), (b) and (d)
(3) (b), (c) and (d) (4) (a), (c) and (d)

153. When the purpose of a definition is to explain the use or to eliminate ambiguity the
definition is called:
(1) Stipulative (2) Theoretical (3) Lexical (4) Persuasive

154. Two railway tickets from city A and B three ticketd from city A to C cost Rs. 177. Three
tickets from city A to B and two tickets from city A to C city Rs. 173. The fare for city B from
city A will be Rs.
1. 25
2. 27
3. 30
4. 33

155. A person walks 10 m infront and 10 m to the right. Then every time turning to his left, he
walk 5, 15 and 15 m respectively. How far is he from his starting point?
1. 20 m
2. 15 m
3. 10 m
4. 5 m

156. A sister of B. F is daughter of G. C is mother of B. D is father of C. E is mother of D. A is

related to D as
1. Grand daughter
2. Daughter
3. Daughter-in-law
4. Sister

157. In the series AB, EDC, FGHI, ________? ________ OPQRST, The missing term is

158. Among the following propositions two are related in such a way that one is the denial of the
other. Which are those propositions? Select the correct code:
1. All women are equal to men
2. Some women are equal to men
3. Some women are not equal to men
4. No women are equal to men
1. (a) and (b)
2. (a) and (d)
3. (c) and (d)
4. (a) and (c)

159. In certain code, SELECTION is coded as QCJCARGML. The code of AMERICANS will

160. In the series 3, 11, 23, 39, 59, ________ The next term will be
1. 63
2. 73
3. 83
4. 93

161. Select the code, which is not correct about Venn diagram:
(1) Venn diagram represents propositions as well as classes.
(2) It can provide clear method of notation.
(3) It can be either valid or invalid.
(4) It can provide the direct method of testing the validity.

162. Select the code, which is not correct in the context of deductive argument with two
(1) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a false conclusion may be valid.
(2) An argument with two true premises and a false conclusion may be valid.
(3) An argument with one true premise, one false premise and a false conclusion may be valid.
(4) An argument with two false premises and a false conclusion may be valid.

163. Given below two premise and four conclusions are drawn from them (taking singly or
together). Select the code that states the conclusion validly drawn.
Premises: (i) All religious persons are emotional.
(ii) Ram is a religious person.
Conclusion: (a) Ram is emotional.
(b) All emotional persons are religious.
(c) Ram is not a non-religious person.
(d) Some religious persons are not emotional.
(1) (a), (b), (c) and (d)
(2) (a) only
(3) (a) and (c) only
(4) (b) and (c) only

164. If the proposition ‘All thieves are poor’ is false, which of the following propositions can be
claimed certainly to be true?
(1) Some thieves are poor.
(2) Some thieves are not poor.
(3) No thief is poor.
(4) No poor person is a thief.

165. Consider the following statement and select the correct code stating the nature of the
argument involved in it:
To suppose that the earth is the only populated world in the infinite space is as absurd as to assert
that in an entire field of millet only one grain will grow.
(1) Astronomical
(2) Anthropological
(3) Deductive
(4) Analogical

166. In a particular code, HOSPITALS is coded as HSOLSAPTI. The code of BIOLOGICALS

will be

167. In the series

1, 5, 13, 25, 41, …….
the next term is
(1) 59
(2) 63
(3) 61
(4) 68

168. At present, a mother is 3 times older than her son. After 5 years, the sum of their ages will
be 70 years. The age of the mother after 10 years will be
(1) 40
(2) 55
(3) 45
(4) 60

169. In the series

AYD, BVF, DRH, GMJ, ? the next term is
(1) GLK
(2) HLM
(3) LHM
(4) KGL

170. C and D are sisters. A and B are brothers. E is son of A and brother of D. B is related to C
(1) Brother
(2) Son
(3) Uncle
(4) Father-in-law

171. Anil played 8 cricket matches. The mean (average) of the runs was found to be 80. After
playing four more matches, the mean of the runs of all the matches was found to be 70.
The total runs made in the last four matches is
(1) 400
(2) 300
(3) 200
(4) 100

172. If two propositions are connected in such a way that they cannot both be false although
they may both be true, then their relationship is called
(1) Contrary
(2) Subcontrary
(3) Contradictory
(4) Subalternation

173. Which one among the following is not a characteristic of a deductive type of argument?
(1) The conclusion follows from the premise/premises necessarily.
(2) The argument admits degree of complexity.
(3) The argument provides us knowledge about matters of fact.
(4) The argument must be either valid or invalid.

174. Select the code which states the condition of an invalid deductive argument:
(1) All the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
(2) Some of the premises are true but the conclusion is false.
(3) All the premises are false and the conclusion is also false.
(4) All the premises are true and the conclusion is also true.

175. Given below are two premises, with four conclusions drawn from them (taking singly or
together); which conclusions are validly drawn ? Select the correct answer from the codes
given below:
Premises: (i) All bats are mammals.
(ii) Birds are not bats.
Conclusions: (a) Birds are not mammals.
(b) Bats are not birds.
(c) All mammals are bats.
(d) Some mammals are bats.
(1) (a), (b) and (d)
(2) (b) and (d)
(3) (a) and (c)
(4) (b), (c) and (d)
176. When a definition implies a proposal to use the definiendum to mean what is meant by the
definiens it is called
(1) Lexical definition
(2) Stipulative definition
(3) Precising definition
(4) Persuasive definition

177. Select the code which is not correct:

An analogical argument is strengthened by
(1) increasing the number of entities.
(2) increasing the number of similar respects.
(3) reducing the claim made earlier stronger.
(4) making the conclusion stronger when premises remain unchanged.

178. The missing term in the series 1, 4, 27, 16, ?, 36, 343, … is
(1) 30
(2) 49
(3) 125
(4) 81

179. The next term in the following series YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI, ? will be
(1) TLO
(2) QOL
(3) QLO
(4) GQP

180. If A is coded as C, M as I, N as P, S as O, I as A, P as N, E as M, O as E and C as S, then

the code of COMPANIES will be

181. Among the following, identify the continuous type of data:

(1) Number of languages a person speaks
(2) Number of children in a household
(3) Population of cities
(4) Weight of students in a class

182. Ali buys a glass, a pencil box and a cup and pays ` 21 to the shopkeeper. Rakesh buys a cup,
two pencil boxes and a glass and pays ` 28 to the shopkeeper. Preeti buys two glasses, a cup and
two pencil boxes and pays ` 35 to the shopkeeper. The cost of 10 cups will be
(1) ` 40
(2) ` 60
(3) ` 80
(4) ` 70
183. Out of four cities given below three are alike in some manner while the fourth one is
different. Identify the odd one
(1) Lucknow
(2) Rishikesh
(3) Allahabad
(4) Patna

184. Given below are some characteristics of reasoning. Select the code that states a
characteristic which is not of deductive reasoning:
(1) The conclusion must be based on observation and experiment.
(2) The conclusion should be supported by the premise/premises.
(3) The conclusion must follow from the premise/premises necessarily.
(4) The argument may be valid or invalid.

185. If two standard form categorical propositions with the same subject and predicate are
related in such a manner that if one is undetermined the other must be undetermined, what is
their relation?
(1) Contrary
(2) Subcontrary
(3) Contradictory
(4) Sub-altern

186. Men and woman may have different reproductive strategies but neither can be considered
inferior or superior to the other, any more than a bird’s wings can be considered superior or
inferior to a fish’s fins. What type of argument it is?
(1) Biological
(2) Physiological
(3) Analogical
(4) Hypothetical

187. Among the following propositions two are related in such a way that they cannot both be
true but can both be false. Select the code that states those two propositions.
(a) Every student is attentive.
(b) Some students are attentive.
(c) Students are never attentive.
(d) Some students are not attentive.
(1) (a) and (b)
(2) (a) and (c)
(3) (b) and (c)
(4) (c) and (d)

188. Given below are two premises ((a) and (b)). From those two premises four conclusions (i),
(ii), (iii) & (iv) are drawn. Select the code that states the conclusions validly drawn from the
premises (taking singly or jointly.)
(a) Untouchability is a curse.
(b) All hot pans are untouchable.
(i) All hot pans are curse.
(ii) Some untouchable things are hot pans.
(iii) All curses are untouchability.
(iv) Some curses are untouchability.
(1) (i) and (ii)
(2) (ii) and (iii)
(3) (iii) and (iv)
(4) (ii) and (iv)

189. If the statement ‘None but the brave wins the race’ is false which of the following
statements can be claimed to be true?
Select the correct code:
(1) All brave persons win the race.
(2) Some persons who win the race are not brave.
(3) Some persons who win the race are brave.
(4) No person who wins the race is brave.

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