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Dream Rave I Introduction To Personal Analysis Ra Uru Hu PDF

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Some of the key takeaways from scanning the document are that it discusses DreamRave analysis which focuses on analyzing a person's 'Type' based on their sleeping and waking states. It also discusses comparative analysis between sleeping and waking Types as well as introductions to different gates for each domain.

The purpose of this document seems to be to provide an introduction to DreamRave analysis, which examines a person's 'Type' based on differences between their sleeping and waking states. It aims to teach students about comparative analysis between sleeping and waking Types as well as introductions to different gates for each domain.

DreamRave analysis focuses on examining a person's 'Type' based on differences between their sleeping and waking states. It involves doing a comparative analysis between the sleeping and waking Types as well as introductions to the portal gates for each domain.


International Human Design School

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Ra Uru Hu
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Cover/Mau Cattaneo

Transcribed/Patricia Balentine

Proofed/ Eileen Smith

Layout/Becky Markley

The original images used in this course are in the Illustration Library.

The Rave BodyGraph™ and Rave Mandala™ are registered trademarks of Jovian Archive Corporation.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Analysis
A Digital Book for Students


This course was originally taught in the Spring of 2007 for students who
completed the DreamRave Introduction course and wished to go deeper with
their study of DreamRave. Completion of the IHDS DreamRave Introduction
course is required for enrollment in IHDS DreamRave I: Introduction to
Analysis and access to this transcript.

As the next step in understanding a person‘s DreamRave, this 6-week

analysis course focuses on the ‗Type‘ of the dreamer in depth. Ra explores
the relationship, called comparative analysis, between the sleeping and
waking Type, as well as an introduction to the portal gate for each domain.
Analytical techniques are discussed using sample charts for each sleeping

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students


Lesson One ........................................................................................ 1

Introduction to Personal Analysis ......................................................... 1
Comparative Analysis ...................................................................... 1
Type.............................................................................................. 2
Sleeping Consciousness: A Programming Battlefield ............................ 2
The Transition from Sleeping to Waking ............................................. 2
A Different Body Consciousness ........................................................ 3
Type and Aura ................................................................................ 4
The Changing Elements ................................................................... 4
Shift in Type................................................................................... 6
Projectors: Prime Targets for the Programming Propaganda Field ......... 6
Difference in Time ........................................................................... 8
Activations ..................................................................................... 9
The Light Field ................................................................................ 9
The 8/1: The Mammalian Alpha ....................................................... 11
The 20th Gate: Startled Awakening ................................................... 12
The 57th Gate: Acoustic .................................................................. 14
The 1st Gate .................................................................................. 16
The 12th Gate ................................................................................ 16
The Deepest Programming We Receive ............................................. 17
Look at the Shifting of the Type and Change of Design Gates .............. 18
Lesson Two...................................................................................... 21
The Sleeping Reflector....................................................................... 21
Aura and Type ............................................................................... 21
Auras Change in the Dream Body..................................................... 22
The Reflector ................................................................................. 23
The DreamRave Chart .................................................................... 24
The 15th Gate ................................................................................ 25
The 4th Line: Obsession................................................................... 28
The 38th Gate ................................................................................ 29
Planetary Associations .................................................................... 31
The Chart: Anthony Hopkins ............................................................ 32
We are Vulnerable.......................................................................... 33
The Generator, Generator ............................................................... 34
The Generator Shift to a Non-Energy Type ........................................ 34
The 15/5 Generator........................................................................ 34
The Need for Basic Understanding of Gates ....................................... 35
Releasing Yourself from Being in Charge of Your Life .......................... 36
Alternate Lives .............................................................................. 37
Lesson Three ................................................................................... 39
The Sleeping Projector ...................................................................... 39

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

A Non-Sacral Being: A Body that Cannot Take Exhaustion ................... 40

The Collapsing of the Design Information .......................................... 41
No Personal Behavior When Asleep .................................................. 41
Shift in Type: Projector Dream Body ................................................ 42
Goal of the Program: Maintain Homogenization and the Not-Self ......... 42
The 57th Gate: Fear of Tomorrow ..................................................... 44
The DreamRave Shows Your Weakest Points ..................................... 47
The 28th Gate ................................................................................ 48
The Counterpoint ........................................................................... 48
The Program Only Attacks What is a Threat to It................................ 49
The 53rd Gate ................................................................................ 50
Vladimir Putin ................................................................................ 51
During Sleep the Program Attacks Our Definitions .............................. 52
Our Greatest Weakness is the Fear of What We Cannot Control ........... 53
Look For Your Weakest Points in Your DreamRave .............................. 54
Dreams Will Stop Having Value ........................................................ 55
Lesson Four ..................................................................................... 57
The Sleeping Manifestor .................................................................... 57
Results of Many Activations in the DreamRave ................................... 57
DreamRave with No Activations ....................................................... 59
Every Morning is the First Day of Your Life ........................................ 61
Looking for the Not-Self in a Design ................................................. 62
The Triple Split Definition ................................................................ 63
The Sleeping Manifestor .................................................................. 64
The Dominance of the 20th Gate ....................................................... 65
The 38th Gate ................................................................................ 66
The 6th Line ................................................................................... 67
DreamRave: Weaknesses to Program, Potential Strengths to True Self . 68
The 28th Gate ................................................................................ 69
1st Line: Secrets............................................................................. 71
Pluto ............................................................................................ 72
Homogenization on Top of Homogenization ....................................... 73
Wake Up and Establish Your Authority .............................................. 73
Lesson Five ...................................................................................... 75
The Sleeping Generator ..................................................................... 75
A Dream Example .......................................................................... 75
Volume of Activations in the DreamRave ........................................... 77
Chart Example: The 50th and 3rd Gates ............................................. 77
11 Activations ............................................................................... 78
The Significance of Quantity of Activations in the DreamRave .............. 80
The 27th and 50th Gates .................................................................. 80
The Dream Gives You Something You Cannot Have in Life ................... 81
Remember Who You are When You Wake.......................................... 82
The Second Chart .......................................................................... 83

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Open Centers ................................................................................ 84

15 Activations in the Dream Body .................................................... 85
The 50th and 28th Gates: This Person is Filled with Fear ....................... 86
The 50, 27 and 28th Gates ............................................................... 87
The Design Moon in the DreamRave ................................................. 87
Disappearing Centers: The G Center and the Heart Center .................. 88
Personal Dreams/Transits ............................................................... 89
Experiment with Transits ................................................................ 90
The DreamRave is a Key to Understanding What Maintains the Not-Self 91
Lesson Six ....................................................................................... 93
Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking ................. 93
DreamRave Knowledge ................................................................... 94
Codon Pathways ............................................................................ 94
The 1st Gate .................................................................................. 95
The 5th Gate .................................................................................. 95
Reflectors ..................................................................................... 97
Mapping your DreamRave ............................................................... 97
The 19th Gate ................................................................................ 97
The 15th Gate ................................................................................ 98
Our Psychological Weaknesses in Life ............................................... 99
The 38th Gate ................................................................................ 99
Transference ............................................................................... 100
Conditioning ................................................................................ 101
Every Morning You Start All Over Again .......................................... 102
Areas that Never Translate the Dream ............................................ 103
The Dreams of the Monkey Gods.................................................... 104
The 34th Gate .............................................................................. 105
Locking into the Mammalian Game ................................................. 106
The Not-Self: Lowest Level of Potential ........................................... 107
The Distraction ............................................................................ 107
True Authority: Not in the DreamRave ............................................ 108
Homogenization ........................................................................... 109
Illustration Library ........................................................................ 111
Lecture 1: Introduction to Personal Analysis ....................................... 111
Example 1 Rave Chart .................................................................. 111
Example 1 DreamRave Chart ......................................................... 112
Example 1 DreamRave Composite Chart 1 ...................................... 113
Example 1 DreamRave Keynotes Chart ........................................... 114
Example 1 DreamRave Light Field Chart with Keynotes ..................... 115
Example 1 DreamRave Earth Plane Chart with Keynotes ................... 116
Lecture 2: Sleeping Reflector ........................................................... 117
Example 1 Rave Chart .................................................................. 117
Example 1 DreamRave Composite Chart ......................................... 118
Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes .................................... 119

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Lecture 3: Sleeping Projector ........................................................... 120

Example 1 Rave Chart .................................................................. 120
Example 1 Composite Chart .......................................................... 121
Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes .................................... 122
Lecture 4: Sleeping Manifestor ......................................................... 123
Example 1 Rave Chart .................................................................. 123
Example 2 Rave Chart .................................................................. 124
Example 3 DreamRave Chart ......................................................... 125
Example 4 Rave Chart .................................................................. 126
Example 4 DreamRave Chart ......................................................... 127
Example Chart 4 The Demon Realm Gates ...................................... 128
Example Chart 4 The Light Field Gates............................................ 129
Lecture 5: The Sleeping Generator .................................................... 130
Example 1 Rave Chart .................................................................. 130
Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes .................................... 131
Example 2 Rave Chart .................................................................. 132
Example 2 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes .................................... 133
Lecture 6: Codon Pathways .............................................................. 134
Example 1 Codon & Composite DreamRave Chart ............................ 134
Example 2 Codon & Composite DreamRave Chart ............................ 135

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson One
Introduction to Personal Analysis

Welcome, back to Night Forces and DreamRave analysis. I hope all of you had the
opportunity to upload the program. If you do have any problems with it, we do have
a service area. Please use it. It‘s manned, you can have human contact. So if there
are any problems with the program, please let us know. As far as we know, so far
everyone has had—I think we had one problem with somebody downloading and
that‘s simply a matter of upgrading your MMI.

I want all of you to take a real journey with this. Develop as many charts as you
can, particularly of people that you know so that you can begin to look at things
through the perspective that we‘re going to work with over the next six weeks.

I want to be very clear about the nature of this program in terms of the utilization of
the information that you‘ll have at the end of it. Basically, this is the second of three
levels of developing what I hope will be good DreamRave analysts. This level is the
first time that anybody is being given analytical technique; in other words, what to
look for, how to look for it. What I‘m looking for in this particular process is to
consider this, because after all the software is proprietary, you‘re the only ones who
have access to it. It‘s not available in the shop. It‘s very important for me that this
information is used correctly and that you develop an experience of looking at
various DreamRaves. Next year, I‘m not sure whether it will be first or second
semester, I will actually offer an official analyst program in order to work at the
deeper levels of this.

Comparative Analysis

What‘s very important for me is to give you the basic tools so that you can begin to
gain experience in looking at DreamRave. One of the first places to start is that in
order to look at anybody‘s DreamRave, because DreamRave is in many ways, in
order to be able to do an effective overview, in order to be able to look effectively at
a DreamRave you need to be able to do comparative analysis. In other words, you
need to be able to compare different auras.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students


Obviously, when you‘re working with somebody‘s DreamRave one of the most
important things to begin with is to understand their waking wave. By the way, I‘m
using my own example today. Understanding the waking rave is simply a matter of
being able to ultimately do that comparison between the waking and the dreaming
rave. That comparison begins with the obvious or the basic. For example: Type.
We know how extraordinary Type is to the waking rave. The Type reveals the
possibility of being able to operate correctly according to a specific Strategy and
Authority. And all of that is derived from Type. And Type is, in that sense, the way
in which we know how to distribute Authority to what is the unique inner Authority of
a being.

Sleeping Consciousness: A Programming Battlefield

But of course, it doesn‘t have that value to a sleeping consciousness. One of the
things to remind you and to be very clear about, this is a programming battlefield,
the sleeping life. It is a programming battlefield. It is a propaganda war between
the Light Field and the Demon Realm, and it is, one could call it the Tao, but of
course what we receive from the Earth Plane is relative to the consciousness of the
waking rave. And we well know the waking rave is a deep not-self.

But it‘s really something to grasp about what happens when the Personality is
disengaged. One of the first things that you‘ll notice is that when you go from the
waking rave to the DreamRave, the first thing you notice is what‘s not there. And
you can see right away that there is this emptiness there. The whole housing of the
potential of mind, everything that we understand within the mechanics of Design in
terms of the potential of mind, is simply something that is not there. This is the
great advantage that the program has. After all, there is no mind getting in the way,
in essence forming resistance to the information going into the vehicle.

The Transition from Sleeping to Waking

The other thing is to think about the obvious. If there is no mind, then all of the
programming is taking place in the gates and channels, the streams that are there,
the circuitry in that sense, that is there in the DreamRave. And here comes our
dilemma. This moment of transition, this transition between being asleep and being
awake, this transition of moving from the 15-gate matrix and going into the 64-gate
matrix and how long it takes for the information to reach the mind and be
reconstituted as what we call a dream memory.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Introduction to Personal Analysis

It‘s not the mind that ever took it in, in the first place. It‘s one of the reasons why
one of the most risky things to do is to personalize your dream. Everything about
this program is about seeing the mechanical input and how it‘s carried through you.
And in how it‘s carried through you, how in essence it affects you both positively and

When we go over to the DreamRave something changes. And what changes is that
instead of having a planetary grid, we have a gate-oriented grid. It‘s kind of
reversed in that sense, rather than having a planetary grid with the gates that they
impact, we have the gate grid and the planets that impact it. So already there is a
kind of—the visual difference speaks a lot. So, what we get is a new kind of
configuration and we get a new kind of configuration because we have a very, very
different design. And this is one of the things that is essential to keep in mind about
this transition, the transition that takes place between the waking rave and the
DreamRave because in this transition that takes place what is really deeply impacted
is the design. And what really brings the transition is the design.

The Personality remains the same. It simply remains the same; there is no
transition there. What really makes a difference is not simply what appears or
emerges, but what doesn‘t make the cut. This is something that is really one of the
keys to looking at what your dream life is actually about. It‘s one of the most
important things to notice.

A Different Body Consciousness

So we have two things we immediately need to look for. We need to look for Type.
What is the transition from the waking to the dreaming? And then we need to look
at the designs; what in the Design of the waking makes it. And you‘ll see that from
the waking design, other than the serendipity of an activation from the Moon, you‘re
going to lose everything from your design; it‘s gone.

It‘s like the DreamRave gives you a different body, and in that sense gives you a
different body consciousness. Think about that. It‘s very, very important to grasp.
When we move from the waking rave to the DreamRave we get rid of this. So, in
essence we cut off the very instrument that is the key to what is correct for us; the
potential of what is correct for us.

We get a different dream body. Obviously, it‘s not a completely different dream
body. That is important to keep in mind. We still have to maintain the functions of
the body. The Splenic system is very, very much a part of the DreamRave; the basic
capacity of the vehicle to be able to survive during sleep, all the basic functions that
need to be taken care of, that‘s still at work. But there is this specialized imprint.
And this specialized imprint with its unique agents creates a dream body. And it is
this dream body that experiences what we call a dream. It‘s the dream body that
does; that‘s an aura, after all.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Type and Aura

The only way that you can ever understand Type is to understand that there is no
separation between Type and aura. There is none. And there is an enormous
difference, for example, which is why Type is so important to look at, is that when
you look at this configuration, when you look at this transition, I am a single
definition Ego Manifestor that becomes a single definition Projector. That‘s a very
different aura.

Here I have a closed and repelling aura in the waking life and here in the dreaming
life I have a focused aura, like a beam shining out chasing after something. It‘s very
different from this. That sleeping vehicle is not mine. I don‘t have anything to do
with it. One is familiar in the waking life to the vehicle and it has certain
characteristics. But all those characters disappear when we enter into our dream
body aura.

The Changing Elements

Then of course are the elements that are the changing elements, these become the
keys. What are the changing elements, what disappears? For example, I have the

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Introduction to Personal Analysis

62nd gate unconscious. Within the DreamRave matrix it‘s a very important gate.
This is a cross-speciel, a cross-dimensional portal gate. It is the gate of love is in the
details. But I don‘t have it, there‘s nothing here, there‘s no 62. It‘s design. That‘s
all it is.

Suddenly this element is simply not there. It‘s taken away. In my Design I have
absolutely no direct connection here between the G center and the Throat, none.
And I do not have the 8 th gate. If you look at my DreamRave you see there‘s the 8 th
gate. So something has changed. And if you look at this relationship between these
two charts, you‘ll see that fundamentally they are very different creatures. They‘re
very different creatures.

We all know that the dreamer has a life, in that sense. And we know that the
dimension of the life of the dreamer is particularly unusual. After all, things happen
in dreams that do not appear to happen in reality. And that the way in which we
function in the dream world, all of this is the impact of being able to experience it
through a different body.

The first thing you notice statistically about DreamRave is that where in the waking
population the energy Type dominates. The energy Type is 78% of humanity. And

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

literally it‘s just about the opposite in the DreamRave; in other words, the abundance
of Projectors and Reflectors, an enormous number of Reflectors, by the way. Again,
you‘re dealing with a limited matrix. And you‘re dealing with a limited matrix in
which the Design is out. The majority of dreamers are either going to be Projectors
or they‘re going to be Reflectors.

Shift in Type

So we have a number of things that we need to look at. Let‘s look at the first one.
What does it mean to have this fundamental shift in Type? Now, it doesn‘t happen
to everyone. The most common is certain Generators always remain Generators.
That is, if it‘s a conscious definition, the 15/5 or the 50/27 or the 53/42 if it‘s
conscious, then you‘re going to have a Generator that is going to be a Generator and
is always going to be a Generator. I will get to that when we look at examples as we
move through.

Projectors: Prime Targets for the Programming Propaganda Field

The transition here, first of all it‘s an obvious to understand something about the
nature of what it is to be a Projector. We know that the whole thing about Projectors
is that Projectors are here to be recognized. And Projectors have the gift of
recognition. So, built into this slice of the dreaming population is a very important
attribute. That is, this is about potential recognition that can come from the
dreaming process. It also means that the Projector that is designed to be recognized

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Introduction to Personal Analysis

within the dreaming context, that Projectors are more likely to be called out by the
forces, that is, the dream body Projector, than anyone else. In other words, they‘re
the ones traditionally that are given the plan. I know; I‘m one of them.

Traditionally they‘re the ones that are given the plan. That is, the sleeping Projector
has that possibility of this level of recognition. Now again, when I say something like
that it‘s not about personalizing that, it‘s about understanding that as a Projector you
are a prime target for the programming propaganda field. The Light Field wants you
to do its work, and the Demon Realm wants you to do its work, and the Earth Plane
just wants you to be involved.

All of this is impacting the way in which this information is going to move into your
system, then move out of the 15-gate matrix into the 64-gate matrix, and the way
it‘s going to
crystallize as a
concept in your
mind. So you
need to
understand that
when I say that
the DreamRave
Projector is one
that is going to be
called out. The
importance of that
is just that. Not
what they‘re called
to. Or not what
the call seemingly appears to be. You‘ll see, because in fact there is very little
potential of being able to grasp that. But if you grasp where the conditioning is, you
can begin to see what value that can bring into the waking life. We‘ll get to that as
we move along.

So, this transition from a Manifestor into a Projector, this is the kind of thing that
automatically tells you that here is an enormous transition. It‘s a very powerful
transition. It‘s much more powerful than the Generator to Projector, as an example,
which is a very important transference, and we‘ll take a look at that, or movement
between auric stages.

But here you‘re looking at something rather radical because you‘re looking at what is
in fact a Manifestor with a closed aura that the moment that they go to sleep
suddenly becomes this Projector with not so much an open aura, but certainly an
aura that is pushing outwards and looking for its focus and being receptive to
recognition. In other words, there is a very different process that‘s going on when
this being, myself, is asleep.

I‘ve a very interesting perspective on the dream life. I‘ve been smoking cannabis
since I was 13 years old. One of the things that it does is that it reduces the
lightness of that stage that where just before you fall into a deep, deep sleep state,

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

or just before you wake up where the majority of dreams that are related back to the
mind actually take place. I have had a life in which perhaps there are five or six
dreams in my whole life that I remember. They were, in their own way, very
profound for me.

But as a general thing, my understanding of DreamRave is how I understand how

that program has affected the way in which my whole persona operates in the world.
In other words, I don‘t look for it within the context of the dream, which I can‘t,
because I have no dream memory. I have always looked at it within the context of
the vehicle. In that way I was saved the dilemma of this maddening attempt to
deconstruct the symbols that are there, the Freudian movie. If you‘re going through
a tunnel, well, we know what that is, all that kind of stuff. I know that that is not
what it‘s about, because you can see it within the context of how the vehicle itself is
impacted. You really can.

Difference in Time

Anyway, let‘s begin a little bit of the journey here. This is just a basic overview that
I‘ve put together in terms of just looking at this DreamRave. One of the things to
see about it immediately is that this is a Projector. The next thing to notice is that
the difference in the time from the Design to the Personality and you‘ll see right
away we‘re talking about a very short space of time. This is a very different

What is interesting is that—if you talk about closeness in the metaphor of arc, your
dream body is closer to your Personality than your Design is. The Design is 88
degrees, this is about 8 degrees. It‘s very, very different. In other words, there is a
very unusual resonance that runs in the DreamRave—you don‘t need outer planets
now because it‘s not an 88-degree shift—when you‘re talking about only a few days,
many of the planets remain the same on both Personality and Design. The only
thing that tends to shift is the line values that are there.

So, you get this alignment between the dream body and the actual Personality,
though it isn‘t the Personality. Of course, we know that the whole intent and
purpose of this dream body is to in fact condition the Personality, the not-self
Personality to actually deal with the world in a certain way according to the program
it receives every night. This is an ongoing continuous programming field.

So, the first thing is we have the Type. We‘ve also seen, for example, the things
that are not there. Of course, when you‘re looking at the Design you can see—I
don‘t have my 10th gate here, there is no ego, and my initiation is out the window.
In other words, there are all these things that disappear. And when you look at that
unconscious 62 that‘s gone, it disappears, and then you find here is something that
is new. And it is not simply something that is new, it is creating an entirely new
definition. It‘s going to be a key in the analysis.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Introduction to Personal Analysis

So, you‘re looking for a shift in Type. You‘re looking for the loss of Design gates that
you may have in the matrix, and you‘re looking for any potential of a new Design
gate, your dream body Design gate and how it is going to affect you or change you.
I‘ve seen some DreamRaves where it‘s incredible how much change can actually take
place being brought by the dream body. And of course, there are going to be
variations on these shifts.

I am in my waking rave a 20/57. However, it is very different in the way in which it

operates within the dream body. But the real transition is that suddenly there is this
channel here that is not there in my waking rave, and obviously this is something
that is going to be a major component in understanding what my programming is all


The next thing is

that you can see
here this division in
terms of the
activations. In
other words, you
can see that
altogether there are
six activations. And
that those six
activations, five of
them are Light Field
activations, one is
an Earth Plane
activation and
obviously there are
no Demon Realm
activations. My
assumption being
that the forces felt that I didn‘t need any dark side programming while I slept. But
anyway, that‘s just a joke. Let‘s move along here.

The Light Field

The place to start is first of all to review the nature of the Light Field. We‘re talking
about the Personality crystal bundle filtering of the consciousness field. By the way,
for any of you who really want to go deeply into this knowledge, the program that I
do, Quarter by Quarter, carries really essential information in the broadest sense
because it gives the most detailed description of the bundles, the faces and the way
in which they operate on the Personality, that in fact this is what the Light Field is all

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

about. The Light Field is all about the Personality consciousness and the attempt of
Personality consciousness to program the Personality.

Of course, we see that in this programming of the Personality there are a number of
things that we have to keep in mind. The Light Field is not interested in the body.
This is the first thing to grasp. The Light Field is not interested in the body. To the
Light Field what the body represents is suffering. This is the propaganda for the

In other words, that the body is the place of all suffering and that the only way that
you can end that suffering is to leave the body. And the only way that you can leave
the body is to die. But anyway, aside from the black humor of that, it really is about
the illusion. Of course, it‘s a beautiful illusion, the illusion of joy and peace and
attunement and visions and all of this wonderful stuff, these quasi-spiritual mystical
dreams where the Personality can fly like a feather and be far above the mundane
pain and suffering of the world. Of course, everything about the Light Field is this
encouragement that the spirit remains superior to the form. So, this is really the
deepest area, in a sense, of the way in which the not-self Personality is programmed
in sleep.

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Introduction to Personal Analysis

The 8/1: The Mammalian Alpha

Now, let‘s look at some of the aspects. Let‘s begin with what‘s different. See, the
8/1 in the waking rave is the creative role model. Well, scratch that. We have a
different body here. And we have a body here that is the same as the matrix of the
mammalian body, and in the mammalian body the 8/1 is the channel of the alpha,
the mammalian alpha. Of course, if you look at this matrix you‘ll see that the
traditional gates of leadership—the 45, the 31—these leaderships gates, they are
simply not present in this design. What is here is the alpha mode, the alpha animal
that is automatically the one that is in charge.

So, this is a very different kind of theme. Now, the 1 st gate, this gate of joy, what‘s
interesting for me is that I‘ve found it amusing from the moment that I began to
explore this, which was a long time ago, the dominance of the Light Field when I‘m
unconscious, because for
me it‘s quite a
juxtaposition. And what
is so interesting about this
is that it is attached to the
south node. That is, it is
attached to both the
Personality and the
Design south node.

Again, the shift here is a

shift of line, both of which
are rather interesting.
Anyway, this south node
is in Scorpio. I have
what‘s known as the black
magician nodes. That is,
nodes that move from the
south node in Scorpio to the north node in Taurus. And of course, I move along
exactly the yin/yang line. What‘s interesting for me here is despite the fact that this
is all about the joy of the spirit and the joy to express the spirit that it‘s rooted in all
this old stuff, all this old programming. And not only is it old programming, but it‘s
trans-solar system programming because it‘s nodal. In other words, though it‘s
being filtered by the Personality consciousness field, the fact of the matter is this is
external information.

The other side of that is the real beauty in this. The other side of that is the 8 th gate
and the 8th gate is the gate of darkness. Here, this is the only area in the Light Field
where there is this acceptance that in order for the spirit to really be able to shine,
that the spirit can only shine when it ―temporarily‖ adapts to the horrors of being in
the body. Mystically you can understand, perhaps now, the name of this gate, the
8th gate, this Holding Together, the ordeal of having to hold together this form
principle, the suffering.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

And of course, you can also see that all of this is intended for not-self interpretation
of life. For the not-self this is the plane of suffering, there is no question about it.
Scratch any not-self and you get the pain of what it is to be here. And this 8th gate
brings this moving through the darkness. Not only is it moving through the
darkness, and of course as we go along in the course I will take you to keys at
deeper levels. Here, for example, is the full turmoil of a 3 rd line of this darkness, the
whole madness, in a sense for the spirit to be able to handle the extreme of the form
principle in order to be able to emerge and make its contribution. And it‘s intended
to make a contribution.

Everything about the programming of the Personality is to get the Personality to

express the will of the gods. So with all this Light Field activation that is there in my
dream body, the irony is that there is the presence of the 8 and the need to put all of
that through. And of course, because it‘s operating on the dream plane, how this
information is actualized, how it ends up being a component, as an example, of my
thought process is something that is very, very clear to me. It‘s clear because of the
strength that I have in Light Field activations, particularly the 20 th gate.

The 20th Gate: Startled Awakening

This 20th gate which is the

gate of sight, and you can
see I have the 6th line so I
have sight/vision. This is a
very curious one. We know
that the 20th gate is an
existential gate. We know it
is the I Am gate in the
waking rave. But this is the
gate of startled awakening.
This is the abrupt
awakening in the night, the
abrupt awakening from
sleep. This is not the
normal, gradual emergence
to awakeness.

Now, one of the most interesting things about my sleep life is that despite the fact
that I do not have memories of my dreams, I wake up at least two or three times a
night suddenly and then go back to sleep, and this is my 20th gate. Coupled with my
12th gate, which is all about solutions, it is clear to me that I am being influenced
with a great deal of information and that information is being processed. And every
time I process a piece of information I wake up. Now, I don‘t know what it is, but I
do in a sense.

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Introduction to Personal Analysis

That is, what I get to see is the—the healthier I have become in my life in terms of
the correctness of my own life over the last 20 years, what I notice is that there is a
freshness to my intellectuality every day that I don‘t quite grasp where it comes
from. In other words, it can, in a sense, be seen in the spectrum of courses that I
teach during the week. You well know, I work without notes and all of these things;
this is just stuff that comes out.

So much of the information is information that obviously is part of the way I‘m
programmed when I sleep because I can see very clearly in my dream body that
that‘s what it‘s about and I get the evidence of it. That is, if you‘re somebody that
has the 57/20 in your DreamRave what you‘re going to have is you‘re going to have
this experience of this startled awakening. For those that have a different kind of
chemistry that startled awakening can suddenly bring a very clear moment of
recognition. That is, a very clear image of something.

This is one of those existential transferences. In other words, what‘s interesting for
me in the chemistry is that if you look at the codon relationship of the 20 th gate that
the 20th gate is one of the speed agents of being able to take information from the
dream body chemistry and move that information to the neo-cortex the moment that
the neo-cortex is reengaged. In other words, it‘s almost like a jump portal where it
can just literally move the information quickly.

Again, I don‘t think most human beings who have ever looked into dream
interpretation have really ever come to grips with, because they‘ve never seen the
mechanics, the dilemma of trusting the interpretation of the mind. Because the
moment that you understand this matrix and see the way in which the programming
is received, you know right away that the moment that you wake up that your mind
has to be informed of the information. It actually has to receive the information.
Until it receives the information and how much of the information it receives and how
well it receives that information—one of the things that I will introduce the week
after is the mammalian, this BodyGraph matrix in terms of its codons, the way in
which these 15 gates translate in terms of chemistry to the other gates in the
vehicle, particularly Ajna and Head Center gates in order for you to actually see the
chemical movement of the information.

The moment that you begin to see what the agent is within your Design that will
move that information into the neo-cortex, you also have to see that that gate once
it‘s awake is also going to influence the way that information is going to move
because it‘s going to move it relative to its frame in the waking state.

Now, I don‘t mean to confuse you, but I truly want you to grasp that when I talk
about standing back from the personalization of the interpretation of what‘s in the
dream itself is something that is very important. We‘ll get back to that in the end.
In other words, it‘s not like you throw that away and there‘s no value to it at all, but
you‘re never truly going to grasp what it is until you understand how you‘re designed
to dream. It‘s like understanding your Design as a waking being. The moment you
recognize how you are designed to live you begin to live your life. The moment that
you understand the way you‘re designed to dream you can begin to interpret what is
happening to you as a byproduct of the dream process.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

For me the 20th gate is just something that I experience mechanically. It doesn‘t
disturb me that I do not have access to whatever the information is in terms of the
way in which it is being moved to my neo-cortex, I look at my own Design and in
looking at my own Design and again I take you back for a moment, everything about
my Throat is unconscious.
So, when I go into the
dream body, boy do I
ever lose access to all of
that. Really, it‘s gone.
It‘s not even a whisper in
the night.

Of course, the moment I

reengage into the waking
after the dream, I get
nothing consciously
because I‘m an
unconscious mind. I‘m a
totally unconscious mind.
For me it was never a
matter of, other than
those few very deep
dreams that I‘ve had, there‘s nothing in that that I needed to understand the impact.
I saw the impact. I lived the impact every night that I sleep. I feel this gate and
what it‘s doing to me.

I‘ve had a few occasions, very bizarre occasions—there was a place in southern
Bavaria where I stayed for many years. It was a place where I would constantly
wake up in the night and have this feeling that I felt like I had been teaching. But
most of the time it‘s just this waking up and then simply going back to sleep. This is
the 20th gate. For me the point is not what brought me to that awakening, my
assumption is that it‘s being processed the moment that I reach consciousness and
that ultimately I‘m going to benefit from it in one way or another. The beauty of
operating correct is that you can trust in the way in which all of it works.

The 57th Gate: Acoustic

I like particularly the 57th gate. It is a fascinating gate, this whole business of
attunement. And it‘s so deeply acoustic. It‘s one of the things to see about the
Light Field—the 57, the 20, the 1, the 8, the 12—with the exception of the 62, which
is the only collective aspect, this is deeply, deeply individual, deeply, deeply acoustic.
Anyone who has these activations there are things to be heard in dreams. Again,
everyone is unique and everyone operates correctly in their uniqueness. My dream
process is my dream process. And it‘s all rooted in the uniqueness of my Authority
and how I live my life.

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Introduction to Personal Analysis

To really understand that, particularly when you get to the 12 th gate, when you get
to that acoustic gate you know that from the 12.4, this beautiful line of the prophet,
this voice that can transform, or the voice in the wilderness, one way or another; but
nonetheless, the power of
mutation at work. This is
a portal gate. As a portal
gate it is opened up to
messages. It is very
important to remember,
in essence, what is said,
that these are the kinds of
dreams in which very,
very important things can
be said, things that in that
sense need to be heard.

Again, not everybody

needs to hear them. It all
depends on the way in
which your overall
chemistry is going to
operate, but it‘s there. This is deeply, deeply acoustic. It‘s something else that this
is a dreamer that can be very much disturbed by noise or noise pollution. They‘re
very attuned to the acoustic frequency in the dream. By the way, being attuned to
the acoustic frequency isn‘t just about sound. It is really at the deepest level simply
a very, very deep frequency sensitivity and many, many things emerge as sound in
that sense, can emerge as characters with something to say, including yourself
within the context of the dream plane.

But it‘s interesting that this is an aspect of potential information. This is the kind of
thing that in the not-self can have very, very profound consequences. In other
words, these are people that can wake up and think that an angel has spoken to
them, God has spoken to them; you can really get carried away. These are people
who wake up and think that they really know that they have an answer.

This is what makes it so dangerous. What makes it so dangerous is that the moment
that you personalize that, you get caught up in the Personality programming and
then your active mind wants to act on it. Then of course, the moment that your
mind is acting upon it you are true not-self. All of these things in the end become
rather uncomfortable self-fulfilling prophecies. The dream input is something that
can be deeply, deeply disturbing.

Remember, this is a Projector. This is an alpha Projector that‘s here to be

recognized as an alpha to be trained like one of Pavlov‘s dogs, to be a good
transmitter of light through the form, because that‘s what this is. And not only a
good transmitter of light through the form, but a transmitter of light through the
form that can be given all kinds of information, the secrets that are there, the
underlying secrets that are there.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

The 1st Gate

You see that in the 1st gate in its 1st line, the secret of how to maintain the spirit in
the darkness. For me it‘s had a perverse effect, in a sense. After all, my teacher is
one of the propagandas in this movie; my teacher was the design. And of course,
from the perspective of what I live as a being, it is clear that I see myself as a
messenger of the form principle; however, a messenger of the form principle that
embraces the nature of the light. In other words, my concern as expressed as an
example to Rave Psychology for the development of the Personality so that the
Personality can be freed from its delusions, which of course goes against the sleeping
program. It just does.

The 12th Gate

I love all of the little ins and outs. This one I like particularly. This is my only other
activation so I have all this dominance of Earth Plane activation and here I have this
Earth Plane 12th gate. This is mutation, this is the secrets, this is one of those places
where I‘m getting the information not from the godhead, not from the Design crystal
bundle, but from the planet. What‘s interesting for me when I think about this is the
way in which my waking
consciousness changed the
moment that I moved from
the eastern side of the
North American continent
where I grew up and I lived
most of my early life,
moving from that part of
the world to moving here in
the Mediterranean on Ibiza.

The most interesting thing

about that, of course, is
that my Earth Plane
changed. It‘s one of the
most interesting things.
People who say they go on
vacation and the biggest
problem is that they don‘t sleep well and they always blame it on a different bed, it‘s
an unusual circumstance and I didn‘t like the hotel, but it‘s not the case at all. If
they have any kind of Earth Plane activation it‘s actually disturbing because you‘re
completely shifting where you‘re receiving your programming from. For me it‘s just

Again, what I like to see in understanding the mechanics of the DreamRave is how
you can see how it affects your life as a whole, and so obvious to me that the
moment that I moved from North America to Europe is the moment that my Earth
Plane totally changed, and the information that was available totally changed.

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Introduction to Personal Analysis

The Deepest Programming We Receive

Again, it is one of these things that the mechanics can take you to. Altogether, when
I go back here, the waking rave, the program does its best to condition the waking
rave and generally is successful, what we call the not-self world. But at the same
time because of the nature of the not-self and the nature of the limitation of the
awareness that it produces, that stepping into the DreamRave is the only way in
which this pure unadulterated programming can take place. It is the deepest
programming that we receive. But remember there is a limitation to it. The
limitation to it is that it affects the Personality. Think about that. It‘s one of the
things that I mentioned to you, if you look carefully at this calculation, this Design
calculation of the DreamRave you see it‘s a kind of distorted clone of the Personality.
It‘s a slight shift away; it‘s just this slight shift.

But it‘s really there to have a deep impact on Personality consciousness. What we
know is that Personality consciousness is only a problem when the Personality is
running the show. That is, when the not-self mind is making the decisions for the
life. So one of the things to be clear about in terms of the depth of this
programming is that the moment that you‘re operating correctly is the moment you
eliminate the power of this programming to move you and you begin to open up the
possibility of you taking advantage of what the dream state provides.

It is clear to me that it is my DreamRave that in fact on a day-to-day basis enriches

my depth to be able to contribute, as an alpha, solutions. The 12 th gate is a gate of
solutions. What is so curious for me is that I don‘t need to get the solution in the
moment, because I have no access to it, but it is so obvious to me because I don‘t
look for them that they‘re there and it‘s clear to me that there are certain aspects of
knowledge that within my waking rave I don‘t see the potential. In the DreamRave I

In the waking rave I‘m an individual; I‘m not here to be influenced at all. The
hardest thing to do with somebody like me is to influence me in any way. It‘s just
the nature of being an individual integration Ego Manifestor. Christ, you‘re not going
to influence something like that. So it‘s obvious to me that for the forces the easiest
way to try to influence me is through this dream configuration, and it‘s a very cute
configuration that‘s all laid out there.

But again, though I can see what it brings, what it does for me is that it adds to my
outer authority. It has no impact on my inner Authority because it cannot. But in
terms of my outer authority it‘s truly changed my life. In terms of my outer
authority it has enriched what is my interchange or exchange with others.

For me the key is the presence of the 8 th gate. The presence of the 8th gate and the
combination of the transition to being a Projector, this is the gateway for me, the
secrets of the spirit in form. There is no other human being who has ever lived who
understands the travail and the journey of the Personality from incarnation to exit as

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

I do according to the knowledge I was given. In other words, this ability to be able
to see the essence of Personality in form is one of the advantages that is given to me
in the DreamRave.

If I were a dreamer, that is, if I were a dreamer that remembered my dreams, and
we‘ll talk about that, the thing to grasp is that if you‘re a dreamer you‘ll be able to
deconstruct your dreams from now on in the sense of what components of them are
related to what aspects in your dream body, so that it‘s not so much what the value
is as a direct interpretation from what you remember, but the construct that it‘s built
on and then to watch it.

The whole magic about awakeness is this ability to be able to see and to really
understand the nature of your dream body and what it means to your waking life.
You need to be able to watch, to be able to see what it brings to you, not in terms of
the story it tells you tonight, but in terms of the way in which it influences your
perceptions in the morning; it‘s there. It lingers as a background in the Personality

Of course, we know what mind is like. We also know how dangerous mind can be
when it thinks that it‘s in charge, that dream that you have that you‘re certain is
sending you a message; well, yes. The message is in the mechanics. Because if you
understand the mechanics then you begin to see the root of how ultimately it
became that message. That‘s the thing, is to understand where it‘s coming from and
why it works that way and what the key is for you.

Look at the Shifting of the Type and Change of Design Gates

Ultimately it will be about the other. The first thing that I would like you to do with
your dream work is that I would like you to look at these two basic things to begin
with; that is, the shifting of the Type, if there is a shifting of the Type, the losing of
Design gates that are in the matrix or the gaining of Design gates in the matrix.
These are things to really look at and begin to see how that in and of itself influences
you day to day in the way in which your mind looks at the world. It‘s the beginning
of a process of watching.

For me, one of my concerns about DreamRave has always been that it requires a
very acute mental sensitivity to be able to constrain oneself to see this information
the way it was intended to be understood. I understand what the program wants
from me when I‘m asleep. I see precisely what they‘re doing; it‘s not all bad, as
long as it‘s not running my life. It is deeply influencing my mind, there‘s no question
about it. And I can feel its influence in terms of the way in which my outer authority
is expressed. So I see the advantage of it. I also see the disadvantage when I was
not correct, because I also know what my not-self mind was capable of. And it
wasn‘t very pretty.

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Introduction to Personal Analysis

By the way, before I woke up I always slept through the night, funny enough.
Anyway, it‘s a fascinating subject. It is a pleasure to share it with you. I‘m glad
you‘re all participating in this. I think you‘re going to find it fascinating as well. To
all of you, it‘s been a delight, you take care, enjoy yourself, and until next week, bye
for now.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

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Lesson Two
The Sleeping Reflector

Aura and Type

Hello and welcome. Today we‘re really going to begin to take a look at the
phenomena of the sleeping life, and particularly to really grasp something about
understanding Type because it‘s going to be one of the keys. Here is an ability to be
able to take what you understand as Type, but be able to see very clearly that for
me there is no distinction between what is the aura and what is Type. In other
words, it is obvious to me that the aura of a human being literally expresses their

For any of you that have taken classes with me about auras and the light, just to be
very brief, each aura has its own unique quality. The Manifestor aura is closed, it‘s
repelling. The Generator aura is open, it is enveloping. The Projector aura is
focused and it is penetrating. And
the Reflector aura is a Teflon aura,
literally a Teflon aura. These
auras are what we meet when we
meet the other human being. It‘s
something really to grasp, we‘re
meeting auras.

One of the things you‘ll notice

about the configuration, that is the
sleeping rave, one of the things to
take in mind about it is that we
have the same Personality
calculation, I don‘t mean to be
redundant, but it‘s important to
think about this, but we have a
totally different design. Of course,
we know that within the context of the way in which the illusion of the being is built,
we know that the Design represents the command system for the vehicle itself.

So, when we‘re looking at the design, on the surface when you‘re doing an analysis
you talk about it being the unconscious, you talk about it being the biogenetic
inheritance, but in fact what you‘re talking about is that this is the vehicle. In other

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

words, these are the imprints that have to do with the vehicle and the life itself.
Obviously, when we go to this dream calculation—and again, the dream calculation is
something that comes with life itself, it comes with being born, is sleeping. After all,
we sleep quite a lot when we first come into the world. This is integrated together.

Auras Change in the Dream Body

What is interesting to look at and to think about is that this design, this lunar design,
this DreamRave Design is something that changes the aura. We have a dream body,
we have a sleep body, we have a dream auric body. And in this dream auric body
different things take place because the aura has changed. Now, in some cases,
they‘re rare, less so with certain Generators, but in some cases, there is going to be
the same kind of aura, simply changed by the quality of the matrix itself. Obviously,
we‘re dealing with a limited 15-gate matrix.

But it‘s something to really grasp about the dream body. It‘s probably the deepest
thing to grasp because if you grasp this you‘ll begin to be able to look at intuitively
the essential differences that take place in the design. This image is a classic. And it
is one of the things you get to see. Here we have in the waking world the dynamic,
that is, the majority in the waking world. After all, this is the key to the waking
world, it is the Sacral and its power, it‘s more than two-thirds of humanity, it is the
life force. And here you have this Generator that the moment that they go to sleep,
whoosh, not only is it gone, but you look at this and you see that this is a Reflector.

What is even more important to grasp about this is that the majority of waking
Generators are not going to be Generators when they sleep. And the majority of
them are going to be Reflectors. And the next majority are going to Projectors. In
other words, when you‘re looking at the dream world, in a sense, you‘re turning the
whole construct upside down. Where you have dominance of the Sacral in the
waking world, the Sacral is something that is a minority in the sleeping world. We
have this shift.

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The Sleeping Reflector

But it‘s more than just thinking about the fact that the Generator becomes a sleeping
Reflector, as in this case, but it‘s to understand that the auras just change and that
change in the aura is something that is really radical. Think about it. It‘s like me
going from being a Manifestor while I‘m awake with my closed and repelling aura, to
stepping into the dream world in my dream body as a Projector. And obviously, my
dream body is different.

And it‘s different because it has a Projector aura. That is, it has a focusing aura in
which in fact beyond the focus it‘s very vulnerable. All Projectors suffer from this,
that while they focus their aura, they become very vulnerable themselves; a total
shift in the capacity of the influence of the program in the way in which my
frequency operates
in these two states.

And here you can

see a classic; this is
a classic example of
this shift. You have
this very strong, this
very powerfully
defined design. The
last thing that you‘re
going to imagine
when you‘re looking
at this image is that this is going to be a sleeping Reflector. There are only two
centers that are open. So you look at this and you get an impression of one kind of
being. And I want you to see what a shift this is in terms of what an altered state it
is for this being to go from this waking vertical state and going into this sleeping
horizontal state and you have this shift in the auric body.

The Reflector

Now, let‘s think about this. The Reflector, because it‘s something really to grasp
about the Reflector, is an instrument of the program. That is, the not-self world, the
not-self Reflector is an instrument of the program, and an important instrument of
the program. They are the samplers. And as samplers there are things that truly
they notice. They notice the people that aren‘t standing in line and waiting like
everybody else, but trying to sneak ahead. They notice the people that break the
rules that nobody else is breaking. They notice these things; they notice them.
They are sampling the program and they can measure the program against the
common frequency.

Obviously, within the dream context in which the dream state is a place in which the
program intends to do the most intense work on us, that when you are a Reflector
when you are asleep you are being programmed to be a servant of holding together
the homogenized world. And it doesn‘t matter that you wake up into a Generator

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

body and you wake up into a Generator aura, the information finds its way through.
But it‘s something to grasp that here is somebody that in their sleep is being
programmed to be a Generator in a certain way. Again, it‘s a matter of seeing how
that programming actually works. We do have, in this particular case, a very
unusual configuration.

The DreamRave Chart

Let‘s move forward a step and take a look at it. Here is the DreamRave. And you
can see in this DreamRave that this is a very, very open DreamRave. By the way,
we will see DreamRaves that have no activations whatsoever. That‘s quite
something to think about. That was always my pat answer for what is the best kind
of design, these silly questions you get every once in a while. And I would say I
would have absolutely no activations. And of course, there are dreamers who have
absolutely no activations.

One of the things to be very clear about here is that we have something very
interesting. One of the keys that I gave you last week, a very important key, was
this shifting that takes place—what disappears, what isn‘t there. And obviously the
moment that the original design, the waking Design disappears, the moment that

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

this BodyGraph is integrated and the Personality is the only thing that remains, you
can see that there is no Personality in this construct.

And that if you look at the presence of the 38th gate and the 15th gate, if we go back
to the BodyGraph, you will see that there is no 38 th gate. It is simply not there.
There is no 15th gate. So in fact, when this person goes from one state to the next,
wow, is that ever a transition. Not only is it a transition in the sense that their aura,
their dream body is changing. So no longer do they have this enveloping aura, this
generative aura,
it‘s gone. That
aura breaks down
and what they get
instead is this
sampling aura.
And a sampling
aura that has a
body that is totally
alien. It has
nothing to do with
the waking being,
nothing. It‘s quite
something to think

Again, this
example for me is
an important
example to try to
again minimize the
level of personalization that we place on the dream state. You can see very clearly
that this particular dreaming vehicle has absolutely no relationship whatsoever to the
waking vehicle. So whatever is going on here, this is not personal, it is

Let‘s take a look and see what kind of programming is being received. Remember,
what is the goal of the programming? What is the goal of the ―program‖ creating
this kind of programming? Remember it‘s a Reflector. It‘s a Reflector that is going
to keep its eye out on things. It is a Reflector that is going to try to hold everyone to
the program. This is one of the great power sources that Reflectors have. We begin
this process with, let‘s start here with the 15th gate, this 15th gate here in the G

The 15th Gate

What do we know about the 15? One of the things that we know about the 15,
particularly its relationship with the 5, this is a channel that is universal. It‘s
universal; it‘s in all forms of life. The only life form that doesn‘t have it as a channel

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

is plant life, which has the 15 but it doesn‘t have the 5. The 5 is the way in which it
has a cross-speciel connection to all other forms of life, which is why plant life is at
the core of the whole chain of life, and that plants themselves are opened to being
conditioned by all other forms of life, whether it is insects, mammals or humans, or
whatever the case may be.

So the 15th gate is something that is synonymous with the basic life force. This is
the only channel, for example, of a single cell. And when we are looking at any
programming to the 15th gate it must be understood that this is a programming that
is taking place at multi-levels in the natural world. It‘s not just programming the
human that is
asleep; it‘s
programming all of
the 15s, if you
know what I mean.
In other words, the
thing to grasp is
that this is
everywhere, this
gate, it literally is.

So, any
programming here
is very specific.
Now what is it
about this gate
within the context
of the Earth Plane?
First of all, we
know what the
Earth Plane is. We know that the Earth Plane in a sense is the Tao of dream state
input. It is neither the propaganda of Personality crystal bundles, nor the
propaganda of the Design crystal bundle; it is the interface with the waking
consciousness of humanity. It‘s just an interface with that waking consciousness.

And in that interface with that waking consciousness there is something that is very
special that takes place in the 15. The whole thing about the 15 th gate is that it is
the gate of chaos. In Design we know it as the gate of extremes, extreme in
rhythm. But I want you to think about the 15/5 in the context of time. One of the
interesting things about anyone who carries the 15 th gate in their dream life is that
there is no longer a linear sense of time. So, these beings, in essence, have a kind
of travel permit into layers, it seems, of time. It can be, in fact, like its name, chaos,
it can be very, very confusing.

And yet at the same time there is a lot of information in timelessness, if I can put it
that way, because timelessness provides for comparison. And it provides for
comparison in an extraordinary way. In other words, I remember a dream of mine
that—you remember settings and things—I was in San Francisco—at least it seemed
like it was San Francisco—and in one of those old three storey wooden houses with

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

all these winding wooden staircases behind them that were sort of entrances. I can
remember coming out the back door on one of these little porches and looking out
on the street below, which of course was a hill, and there was a car parked there and
in front of the car was my father and my dog, one of my past dogs, Barley, the dog
that was with me during my experience.

They were both dead and I was very aware of that in the dream. They both died at
different times. Suddenly within this dream there is a time layering in which time
disappears, in essence. My father looked somewhere in his 60s so that was a very
young perspective of mine. The dog was sort of—it was impressive how real it was.
And yet how aware I was of the fact that there was all this time layering that was
taking place.

So one of the things to grasp about the 15, particularly within the Reflector body,
that is the Reflector dream body, is that this is all about being able to see things and
to see things relative to each other in a way in which you break down ordinary laws.
It‘s why the dreams in themselves, in fact, can be so confusing. And of course, what
that really leads to in a sense is that we‘re dealing with the Design here. We‘re
dealing with the design;
we‘re dealing with an
influence on the aura,
which is an influence on
the vehicle itself. And it
means it goes into the
vehicle‘s memory before
it percolates into the

One of the things to

realize about this is that
when this being awakens
into their Generator body
they‘re going to be very
concerned about time.
That‘s the way, literally,
it‘s going to work. In
other words, they‘re
going to wake up in their
Generator body and immediately time is going to be an issue for them, whether
there is enough time or there is not enough time. In other words, they‘ll be a
residue left over from the role of the gate in bringing in the specific programming.
It‘s a residue. Most of what we remember in dreams are residues of what the gate
brings. Again, it will have to wait until I get through all these basic processes, but I
will show you how chemically from the dream construct how the information
ultimately can flow into the vehicle, the whole holistic life as itself.

It‘s quite a process. And of course, the ability for that information to funnel in
correctly so that there is some kind of cognitive way of trying to pretend to put it all
together, the fact is, that what you‘re getting is the residue. You have these people

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

that wake up with a time thing, and they don‘t really know where that‘s coming

The 4th Line: Obsession

Of course, basically what the influence here is all about, if we move a little deeper we
see that this is the 4th line and it is the line of obsession. Remember, we‘re on the
Earth Plane so the frequency that‘s being picked up here is the chaos on the Earth
Plane. This is what
you‘re picking up.
And you‘re picking
up the chaos of the
frequency of that.
And basically what
this Reflector is
tuning into is what
its potential will be
as a waking being.

One of the most

important things to
understand about
what happens to
you when you give
up your Authority
to your vehicle,
take it away from
your mind, is that
all of the openness
in you becomes a potential of wisdom. Now, here‘s a being with a completely open
15/5. They can be very, very wise about the collective flow. They can be true
observers of the collective flow, and they can see who is not fitting in. And guess
what, it becomes their obsession. And of course you can see how that obsession
works because when they wake up in that Generator body, and they wake up into
that not-self, that not-self, the 15/5 is a bridge.

It‘s not the easiest bridge. You have the 32 and the 18 that are really going to act
as the prime conditioning bridges, or the 34 for that matter. But this 15/5 is a place
of wisdom, potentially. The wisdom to be able to see what is the right flow and who
doesn‘t fit into the flow, and who doesn‘t get there on time, and all of these things.

No matter what this person is going to construct in the editing room of the neo-
cortex after the chemistry has moved through, whatever drama it constructs
underneath, this is what the program is doing. This Generator with its sleeping
Reflector body learning how to become obsessed with finding a way through the
chaos only to awaken into a vehicle that‘s so susceptible to the conditioning of the
flow and you can see how it all begins to work. And they‘re looking for the flow, and

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

once they see it—they‘re a 6/2, they‘re a role model—they become an example for

And in their dreams, suddenly they dream about Harry or Harriet and they see them
in the context of a time warp. They see some past event in the context with some
potential future event in context to the present. In that moment in that dream, this
Reflector dreamer has been put on notice that there is something wrong with the
flow of these beings. When they waken into their Generator body, they will be more
sensitive to the action of those beings, because while they sleep they are being
programmed to be a sentinel, in that sense, of the flow, what is, in essence, the flow
that will bring the stabilization.

Understand this is a Design earth and of course we know that this is all about
stability. It‘s all about being grounded. This is the grounding for this being. The
grounding for this being
is to be alert in terms of
the flow to recognize
those that are out of the
flow, that ruin it.
Remember something
about a totally open
channel that can be a
bridge. It means you
always see the fault in
the other. Here is
somebody who is always
going to be able to point
their finger at those
people that are out of
step, always. ―You‘re out
of step.‖ And they can
be hypocritical as hell,
they‘re 6s by the way. It
doesn‘t mean that they are in step. But this is all the programming that‘s coming
from their dream process. It‘s a conditioning system.

The 38th Gate

Let‘s take a look at the 38 because the 38 is really an interesting gate. This is the
gate of aggression. Of course, we‘ve stepped into the Demon Realm so there is
something else to see about this particular dreamer, is that in this particular dreamer
all of the accent is on the form principle. In other words, all of this is about
concretizing in them the importance of, in essence, their form. It‘s very form
oriented. Obviously there are no Personality activations here, and the real key to
this is to grasp the essential meeting of the 38th gate, this gate of aggression.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

There is no light side here, there is no Personality here that says, kiss the flower.
This is the Demon Realm that says I‘m hungry, let‘s kill something. This is a
necessary ingredient. If there is no aggression, there is no ability for the bio-form to
be able to at least from the carnivorous point of view to develop any kind of regular
menu. Aggression is a part of it.

And to understand aggression within this context is that it is the necessary drive to
seek purpose. So, it‘s one of the things to grasp about this aggression is that yes,
there is certainly the potential for very aggressive dreams. That is, dreams that are
violent, dreams that can be frightening, not necessarily nightmares, but dreams that
can carry with them a great deal of apprehension. And it‘s clear to me that anyone
who carries the 38th gate, in their waking rave lacks that aggression. And what I
mean by that is that they lack that inner force that will do what is necessary when it
is necessary.

It‘s really interesting to look at this particular example, because it‘s a brilliant
example of that. There is no 38 here. There is nothing in this channel. So clearly
this is a being where this is a very important relationship, the root to the Spleen.
And again, this is somebody that can be wise about the struggle. It also means that
this is somebody, because this is Reflector programming who can always point out
who isn‘t struggling, who isn‘t fighting, who isn‘t ready to fight for their purpose, for
their ideal, for their this, for their that. It‘s being programmed into them.

And you wake up with the residue. You wake up with the potentially dark violent
dream caught in the chaos of a time warp where different times move against each
other. And of course, the dreamer wakes up and without any awareness and without
understanding the mechanics of what it is, tries to interpret something out of that,
when in fact what‘s actually happening is that we are being programmed and the
way we can interpret is the way in which the program covers it up.

Don‘t you get it? This is the way the program covers up what it‘s actually doing. It‘s
wonderful. It‘s a fool‘s game. Because what you get is the surface drama, and
underneath the surface drama is what‘s really going on. What‘s really going on is
that this person literally is being programmed to be more aggressive in their waking
rave and particularly to be interested in the conditioning of this channel of struggle.
And you can bet that if you meet their life you‘ll meet all kinds of 28/38‘s in their life.
This becomes a factor for them.

And of course, because they‘re a 6/2, because they don‘t have their own channel,
they‘re always saying that it‘s the other that doesn‘t have what it takes, but so often
they don‘t have what it takes. It‘s programming. It‘s just programming. As long as
you‘re operating from the plane of the mind, because after all this is where it all
distills. It all ends up in the mind. And then human beings do this with it, or that
with it, try to interpret it, become concerned, fascinated, whatever the story is.

My thing is that—I love this relationship, by the way, between what I do in the
mornings, Quarter by Quarter, and this because Quarter by Quarter which deals with
Personality crystal bundles, basically, is about understanding the power and the
influence of these forces on Personality consciousness. We know that dreams deeply

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

impact Personality consciousness. And of course, what that means is that given the
Personality is not-self, that the way in which the dream information is understood,
applied or the way it affects one is always being conditioned by the openness that
constitutes the way in which the mind decides and looks at things.

The moment that one is in transference, there is this enormous distortion in one‘s
ability to be able to see, to be in the right place, all the things that are necessary in
order to be able to operate
correctly. And all of it goes
back to understanding that
that is where the battle line
is. The battle line is with the

As I mentioned last week,

one of the phenomena for me
is that I do not need to
remember my dreams to
understand their effect in the
morning, because I do. I‘m
programmed the same way
every night. I have the same
Projector design, it‘s an
ongoing program. And I‘ve
been having it all my life and
for the last 20 years I‘ve known what it is. And I can feel the influences day to day
in the way in which my mind operates, and obviously transits are a part of this, so
that there are nuances and shifts. And yet, it is simply another way of grasping that
the program is doing its very best to trap us in homogenization, because that‘s what
it is. It‘s this deep trap.

Planetary Associations

The planetary association here is interesting. Again, this is a theme here. In other
words, the programming is something that has to be communicated. This is
something that has to be put out into the world; this is something that has to be
communicated when this person wakes up. And it has to be communicated through
their vehicle. This whole sense of seeing that basically you have somebody who is
basically a very quiet, pacifist, dignified being. And underneath the surface while
they sleep they‘re really being programmed to be much more aggressive in the most
general sense of the word, much more into using their power. All of that, it‘s just in
the program.

And of course, it feeds the mind. It‘s not a direct instruction. It‘s not what you can
interpret from the dream itself; it‘s what the program is doing here in these
particular places. And of course, not only is this to be communicated, but it is a 6 th
line. And of course, the 38.6 is a very, very, very difficult line. It‘s very difficult. It

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

can be one of the most uncomfortable lines to carry as a person because it is about
being misunderstood, not being understood, how frustrating and annoying and
aggravating it is not to be able to be understood.

What we have is a combination of this 38.6, which is vision, and the Design Mercury.
So, we have this communicating of that vision and the communicating of this need
that the only way that anyone is going to understand them is if they establish their
power on the physical plane by being in the right rhythm and flow. This is how
they‘re being programmed. And as a Reflector, to take advantage of all of that, to
be able to call out in witness for the program those that are not in the flow, those
that cannot get in the flow, those that do not have the courage, the stamina, the
intelligence to deal with the threats of life in front of them. They will point them out.
And they will point them out within the context of however their not-self is going to
formulate things relative to their basic design. It‘s going to come out through the
way in which they think they are living their lives. And underneath is this percolating
influence from the way in which they took in energy while they were sleeping.

The Chart: Anthony Hopkins

It‘s quite something to think about. It is interesting for me always having a nice
collection of charts as I have, I have an awful lot of so-called famous charts. I can‘t
imagine one that is more strikingly appropriate for this transition. It‘s the actor
Anthony Hopkins. For those of you that don‘t know one of his most famous roles is
his role of Hannibal the Cannibal in the Hannibal movies. This very sophisticated,
psychologist, I think
was his training in
the story with his
perverse obsession
to eat people.

When you look at

these two together,
when you look at
this dream body in
relationship to this
waking body, you
get these two very, very separate different forms. And you can see how underneath,
how the darkness percolates in this dream body and how inevitably it has to come
through the surface. Now, I‘m not suggesting obviously anything about Anthony
Hopkins relative to Hannibal, or similar tastes. But the fact that what makes him so
appealing as an actor in that role is that we can taste the darkness. It‘s underneath.
And this is something that is being programmed into this dream body. And here is
somebody in which the dream state is truly an alien state. He has no Personality
connection to it, none whatsoever, it‘s a really alien state.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

These transitions are so important to begin to contemplate. Obviously, all of you

have done your charts. Could you just write down so we can all see your waking
Type and beside that write down your sleeping Type? It‘s interesting to watch that.
There are very few that remain constant. That is Cathy you‘re a Generator,
Generator and I saw a Projector, Projector I think; yes, Inga you‘re a Projector,
Projector. And you can see how the transition is the main key. That‘s something
that is very important to keep in mind. And it means that you need to focus on
understanding the aura transition.

By the way, I‘m going to look at all the variations so we‘ll see an example of each of
them and I will do a double thing with the manifesting Generator shift. But this is
really a key. And this is really where the program takes its most powerful impact.
This is where it gets it in that it is very disarming in the way in which it changes the
auric body.

We are Vulnerable

It also means that we‘re very vulnerable in that sense; we have different
vulnerabilities when we step into the dream body. We‘re not as equipped. From the
very beginning of my work in Human Design I‘ve been telling people to sleep in your
own bedroom is something that is absolutely essential. It‘s essential for your well-
being, it‘s essential for your consciousness, it‘s essential. You can see the odd
transitions that take place. For example, I‘m a Manifestor that becomes a Projector
when I sleep which means that if I have somebody in my bed while I‘m asleep I‘m
actually focused on them. And in being focused on them I‘m totally vulnerable to
conditioning at the same time.

And obviously, that‘s a totally different transition. So it‘s really something to grasp.
This shift that takes place, this is one of the real keys. Again, it goes back to one of
these basics in Design is that the aura is so deeply expressive of what‘s going on.
You want to understand somebody, understand their aura. If you understand their
aura you can deal with them with a great deal of grace in this life because you just
get it.

And then to be able to see the shifting that takes place, because as you‘ll see just as
in our sample, the vast majority of people are going to have a Type shift, which
means they‘re actually having an aura shift, which means that the vulnerability of
the vehicle, that the vehicle is changing the way in which it consciously operates
which means it‘s much more vulnerable in its sleeping form which means that having
somebody in your aura, or having a pet in your aura while you sleep is something
that is very, very disturbing, and something that is genuinely unhealthy.

So, the shift that we have here, because when we‘re looking at this there are a
number of variations that we could be looking at. We could be looking a Generator
that becomes a Projector, as an example. As we go through this we‘ll see that there
are all kinds of different variations. And obviously, the Generator becoming a

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Projector is going to be very different than the Generator becoming a Reflector.

We‘ll take a look, by the way, next week at that particular shift.

The Generator, Generator

If you get the aura, then you can begin to understand. And particularly in the
context of understanding how many Generators are going to give up their Generator
aura. For them it‘s essentially a kind of relief. It‘s one of the things about the
Generator, Generator. This can be very, very difficult on the body unless the waking
exhaustion system is really at work. The Generator, Generator can be
uncomfortable; can create sleep problems that lead to waking problems and the like.
And again, all of that goes back to being able to naturally utilize the potential of the
Generator to its maximum before one actually goes to sleep.

The Generator Shift to a Non-Energy Type

But in most cases what we‘re going to see are Generators that are either going to be
Reflectors or Projectors. I still don‘t have stats, I‘m waiting, but when I get them I
will share them with you so we have a good look at the way in which all these
configurations operate. But of course, for the Generator that shift to a non-energy
Type is a grace. There is a tremendous amount of relaxation, which is why that the
exhausted Generator that goes to sleep that happens to be a Projector or Reflector in
their dream body, they‘re the ones that get the cleanest, purest sleep. They‘re the
ones that don‘t need more than a couple of hours, and bang, they‘ll be right back up
on their feet.

The 15/5 Generator

One of the most difficult examples, by the way, is the 15/5 Generator. I know a lot
of 15/5s. I have two 15/5 children. So, their DreamRave, they deal with this
constant generative field. One of the things about them is that the day has no
beginning and no end in any formal sense. It‘s punctuated by sleep, but it has no
beginning or end. It doesn‘t follow any formula. It‘s the only way that they can
maintain their well-being.

I see that in my son who can party all night and sleep three hours and get up and do
his thing. It‘s a flow; and they‘re healthy. Again, it has to do with being able to use
your energy well while you‘re awake so that you‘re not burdened by the leftover
energy in your generative system.

Again, there are all these variations. And the surface, like everything in Human
Design, yes, all these gates are interesting in terms of what they bring. We can see
that we have the time system that comes with the 15, and the 38 is going to bring

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Reflector

this need for aggressiveness in order to maintain the form. We can see it within its

Think about it as a Projector. It wouldn‘t be then sampling in order to be able to see

who stands out, it would be focused and looking at something. That‘s another story,
but all the basic programming. What we end up out of that is that by the time the
chemistry gets to the neo-cortex, what you end up with is a kind of trailer cliché of
themes of the 38 and themes of the 15; nothing more. But what it‘s really doing,
the first indication you can see in the Type shift. And by the way, in that sense you
can see it in the lack of Type shift as well. Both of them have analytical explanations
to them.

The Need for Basic Understanding of Gates

So, what we‘re looking at whenever we‘re looking at any kind of analysis within the
graph you need to have a basic grasp of each of the gates. By the way, I‘ll cover all
of them in our process. You need to have a grasp of all of the gates so that you can
see what the program is doing. And you can see how it affects the being. The
planets, in that sense, are very important because in a way it lets you know how you
can see it.

For example, here is somebody that in their waking life is being conditioned in their
dream life to seek their stability in finding that right timing, that right flow, even
though they don‘t have it, which means they‘re being conditioned to look for
conditioning. After
all, these are all
programmed. And
then once they find
that conditioning,
then they become
the finger pointers to
those that don‘t fit
into that; and in
that, they stay very
grounded, finding
that thing that they
really can be
connected to. And the other influence, this influence to communicate, literally to
communicate it to others, this need to defend the form, protect the form, fight for
the form, preserve it. And all of that ultimately coming out in the way the not-self of
this being is going to express themselves. It just will.

It‘s fascinating to see it for what it really is, this insidious endless programming, the
conditioning of us to be homogenized. After all, this is Earth Plane and Demon
Realm conditioning, this is propaganda. And there is no defense mechanism here;
there is nothing to stop it. As a matter of fact, there is not even a remnant of
Personality here. There‘s just simply the programming; helpless. And all you can do

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

is go back to the waking consciousness and understand that this is where the story
of your life is written in the way in which you decide how you move. Because the
moment that you give up that mental decision making Authority and you give the
Authority to your vehicle, the programming advantage is over, and your dream body
becomes a pathway to wisdom, like everything else that is conditioning that you
escape, because your dream body is a conditioned body. It‘s conditioned, after all.
It‘s there to condition you. It isn‘t there for anything else. It is there to condition
you; nothing else.

And what we are here for is to deny the authority of any force to condition us away
from what is correct for us. Don‘t get fooled by the movie. And it is clear that
information comes out, it is clear that dreams have all kinds of things to be revealed
and this and that, it‘s true. So that it will continue to capture the imagination of the
waking being. But underneath, this is all very slick, very detailed programming.

Releasing Yourself from Being in Charge of Your Life

I‘m so different in my life. I have been sleeping on my own now for 20 years. There
is such a grace that comes with that, because when you awaken you can sense what
the programming has been, at least I can. I know my DreamRave construct. I can
just watch it all pass by. I can watch it be the little things that take an angle on a
perspective on something; I can feel it. This is the thing that‘s so fascinating about
releasing yourself from being in charge of your life. The moment that you relieve
yourself of that terrible burden, because it‘s not one you can fulfill, you really get to
see the movie.

And of course, this movie is the most profound one, in a sense to see. My resistance
to DreamRave is that when I first began with this in the 90s it was caught up with
formal understandings of dream analysis and all of these things. And it was obvious
to me that though I could tell the story that way, in other words, I could describe the
38th gate and the 15th gate for this dreamer and talk about the kinds of dreams they
were going to have, which is what I ended up doing, instead of really teaching what I
wanted to teach, which I couldn‘t, in essence, teach then anyway, was the depth of
the program, the depth of what not-self conditioning is, how your dream body is the
ultimate not-self body. It‘s really not you.

Here you see the extreme of that; it‘s not you. It‘s a conditioning vehicle that is
intended to impact you when you awaken. And is intended to impact you with
conditioning elements that are there for your mind to feed on in its decision making
processes, so you end up with behavioral accents where you point out the flaw in
something or somebody not being in the thing or somebody not having enough
aggression to really do what they need to do, and blah, blah, blah. And it comes out
because it was put in there, and the not-self mind is susceptible to using it.

When it becomes interesting is when it becomes true outer authority, because again,
it‘s there. And yet, outer authority is a true perspective that is there to share with
the other. And share with the other as to this is the way the program is working

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The Sleeping Reflector

these days. This is what I get to see. They get to see the patterns, the flow out
there, and the rhythms that are out there. They get to see the energy level that is
there in the commitments of others. They get to watch the movie. They can
describe it. They can become ―experts.‖ And all of that is being funneled from the
dream state. It‘s just another conditioned form; nothing more, nothing less.

Alternate Lives

It always fascinated me these people that have this illusion that the dream is life,
that it‘s an alternate life, in that sense. Well, it‘s not. If the conditioning demands of
the dream were forced on you while you were awake you would consider yourself to
be a prisoner of war. This is deep, deep conditioning, deep conditioning for
humanity, incredible. And you can see that obviously in humanity, like carrying the
15th gate of chaos, the Earth Plane is nothing but chaos and the chaos gets fed back
in. Here is somebody who thinks that the answer to ending the chaos is to become
more aggressive, to fight it, to order it, to force it, all of these things. The world is

My interest in this subject is that at some point, like everything else in Human
Design, as it reaches different levels of verification, that at some point it‘s really
going to be understood what this is. This is where we are the most deeply
conditioned, where we are the most helpless. And where, in the end, we‘re often the
most foolish in what we actually think is going on.

The beauty for us in this knowledge is that mechanics allows us to cut through and
see things for what they are. This will definitely flow to the surface of the not-self.
It will definitely influence them. It‘s what the program wants. And the program
wants that this dream Reflector, when it awakens that it awakens with a sense of
something is wrong and it can point to it, fulfilling the goal of the program, to
homogenize that Generator into an activity that is not natural for it. So it goes.

Now I lay me down to sleep, I sure pray that the program gives me a break,
something like that. Anyway, to all of you, it‘s a pleasure sharing this with you. Do
take care.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

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Lesson Three
The Sleeping Projector

Hello and welcome. I had a really interesting experience when I was just looking for
a suitable chart to use for today‘s class. I have an extensive library of well-known
people. I must have gone through about 25 charts before I found what I was looking
for. Most of the charts, as I went through them, the vast majority of them turned
out to be sleeping Reflectors. It is astonishing, in fact, how many sleeping Reflectors
there really are. I‘m looking forward to the statistics; I assume it‘s even higher than
what Generator is in the waking rave. But anyway, we will wait and see what that
looks like.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

A Non-Sacral Being: A Body that Cannot Take Exhaustion

The subject today, at least the basis upon which this class is going to operate is
looking at the sleeping Projector. But I want to begin to show you some analytical
keys as well as we go through this. You can see here we‘re looking at a chart of a
single definition Splenic Manifestor. Obviously, somebody that is very, very open,
we have six open centers in a 5/1 profile. I don‘t want to get into the whole thing
about doing comparative analysis tonight, but obviously there are many things that
this is somebody that needs to pay
attention to in regards to sleep because
the moment that you see somebody that is
non-Sacral—that is, Reflector, Projector or
Manifestor—then you‘re looking at a body
that cannot take exhaustion.

It‘s the simplest way to understand it. The

Generator body is designed to be
exhausted, it‘s designed for exhaustion.
As a matter of fact, it‘s the wrong word for
them because in essence they are not
even without energy in their point of
exhaustion it is simply a running down of
the cycle of their motor every day. It‘s
very different from what it is to be a non-Sacral being. To be a non-Sacral being
means there is an extraordinary amount of stored energy. We live in a Sacral world.
We live in a generative world, deep Generator conditioning on this plane. It is the
Generator and their enveloping aura who are more than two-thirds of the human
population that all of us, regardless of the fact that we‘re not Generators, we all who
are not live in a Generator world.

It means that if you are a non-Sacral being at the end of the day, which is why first
of all that having your own space to sleep in is something that is absolutely
essential, it is necessary for you to decompress, to release left over conditioned
energy. And of course, it‘s very important that as a non-Sacral being that you have
a regimen in which you can go through a period of horizontal relaxation before you
actually go to sleep.

As I was asked earlier, this is about basically taking a completely relaxed position
where you‘re essentially lying down with your back propped up and your head
propped up so that you can entertain yourself. It is basically a horizontal position
and a position of relaxation. It is absolutely essential as a non-Sacral being to go
through this process before you go off to sleep. It is just something that is so
healthy for the body.

Now, it doesn‘t necessarily add anything or detracts in any way from the dream state
itself, because after all it‘s a different body. But it is very, very important in terms of
the level of energy and the quality of energy that you have in the morning. To

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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The Sleeping Projector

prepare for sleep correctly is one of the healthiest things, one of the most important
things you can do in terms of the well-being of your vehicle.

The Collapsing of the Design Information

Anyway, so we have this single definition Manifestor. The moment we begin this
shift of stepping into the lunar body we have this collapsing of all the Design
information of the waking state. And in that collapse we can see the disappearance
here of the 54th gate that was actually forming the definition that was creating this
manifesting single definition. And here, of course, there is nothing there to link it
up. By the way, that is the 38. Obviously, there is no connection here. Not even, in
that sense the 32 shows up because it isn‘t part of the matrix itself. So, what you
have is this shift in which you lose the manifesting capacity and what you‘re left with
is a Projector.

No Personal Behavior When Asleep

With the exception of the hanging 53 this is all deeply connected into the
individualized energy process. The first thing I want to talk about is not getting
caught up in looking at individual channels in the dream body in the way in which
you look at an individual channel in the waking body. In the waking body this is
really about expressing individuality. And it‘s rooted in the very deeply individual
10th gate that is the gate of individual behavior that‘s the bedrock of the integration

In other words, here individuality is rooted in the expression of different, individual

mutative behavior. That‘s not the case here. There is no 10 th gate. It does not
exist. So, in that sense, it is not in any way individual. It is more connected to the
herding instinct and the way the herd operates, in this case, the homogenized

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

domain, than anything else. But the first thing to see is that it is not about or
connected to personal behavior. There is no personal behavior when you are asleep,
despite what the illusion is of the dream.

Shift in Type: Projector Dream Body

Now, before I go into looking at some of these details because I want to give you
some keys today, we have to look at the obvious. And you always need to look at
the obvious. The most important shift is the shift that is taking place in Type. It‘s
the first thing that you have to look at and you have to see because it makes a
remarkable difference in the way in which the aura operates. Of course, the aura is
everything. The Manifesting aura with its repelling nature, the closed off aura, is so
different when it become a Projector aura in the sleeping body.

What we understand about the waking Projector is that its aura is a focused aura
intended to attract attention and be information-gathering phenomena. When you
take this into the dream body one of the things to understand about the Projector
dream body is that the dream themes are always specific. In other words, if you
have a Projector dream body, the chances are greater that you will have repetitive
dreams than someone else. Repetitive, pointed at a specific focus, looking for a
specific input.

Goal of the Program: Maintain Homogenization and the Not-Self

Let‘s think about something now. Let‘s get down to the nitty-gritty of what this is all
about. What is the advantage to the program in being able to impact us when we do
not have our Personality in the way, when in fact the best that we can get out of it is
a reassembled set of data that has no real correlation to what‘s actually taking
place? The program does one thing, doesn‘t it? It maintains the viability of

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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The Sleeping Projector

homogenization and the not-self. This is the goal of the program. The goal of the
program is not awakening, it‘s never been awakening. The goal of the program is to
maintain the homogenized flow of the totality towards its evolutionary destiny,
whatever that may be. And the way in which the program does that is the way in
which it operates through the not-self mind, because it is the not-self mind in the
delusion that it is empowered, it is the not-self mind that makes the decisions that
dictate the direction of the life.

So, what is the advantage in that third of every day that we sleep to the program?
The advantage is that they go to what is your weakest point and they reinforce what
becomes an underlying theme for the not-self to deal with. Let me go through that
again. What is the
program doing while
we are asleep? What it
is doing is that it is
hitting specific points,
and those specific
points act as agents to
keep us not-self.
Think about that,
because it‘s quite
something to think

In other words, if you

want to personalize
your dream you can
only do that within the
context of the not-self.
I mean, what the
dream is doing is that
it‘s reinforcing certain directions in your Personality consciousness that is going to
move you into decisions that will reinforce your not-self. Let‘s take a classic
example, and it is a classic example. The classic example is the 57 th gate. Here we
can see both Saturns, the Design Saturn and the Personality Saturn. And
interestingly enough, because Saturn doesn‘t move that quickly there is still a line
shift in those eight days or so between the two calculations so it was really on the
cusp, in that sense, it‘s an interesting movement.

And of course, we are dealing with Saturn. I won‘t get into the planets today but
obviously they have their value and they have their importance. In a graph, in a
matrix where there is limited activation, multiple activations are significant. In other
words, here we have two multiples, the double Neptunes in the 53, the double
Saturns in the 57. But I don‘t want to digress too much.

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

The 57th Gate: Fear of Tomorrow

Let‘s go back to the 57 for a moment. Let‘s think about this gate. Now, when we
see this gate, first of all just to keep it in the context of our work, this is a Light Field
activation. As a Light Field activation what it represents is neutrino programming
going through Personality crystal bundles. That‘s what it represents. It represents
direct Personality crystal manipulation. That is, the propaganda of the non-form.

And when we‘re looking at this Light Field activation, gate 57, the 57 th gate is a
deeply significant gate in Design, in many forms. It is obviously the most ancient
expression of awareness that we have. That is, if you look at it within the context of
integration it is the awareness gate of integration, it is the root of the intuitive
archetype, the intuitive perfected form, the intuitive awareness in the now, all of this
is rooted in the 57. It is a deeply, deeply acoustic gate. Let alone that it is
individual and of course, that is acoustic by its very nature. But it happens to be the
gate of the right ear. So it is the gate of acoustics in the now. That is, the
existential acoustic information.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Projector

So, at that level it is a very significant gate. But the thing to keep in mind here is
that we‘re not dealing with the waking rave. And one of the things that is universal
in gates that are associated with particularly the Spleen and the emotional system
here, is to understand that they bring specific fears into our lives. And fears that are
maintained and in fact elaborated on in our dreams.

Think about the 57. The 57 is the fear of tomorrow. It is the fear of what‘s next. It
is the fear of what‘s around the corner. It‘s the fear of what‘s just over the horizon.
It‘s the fear of tomorrow. Now, of course, if you‘re operating correctly out of your
Strategy and Authority you have the cognitive capacity to be able to orient yourself
in such a way that though
the fear of tomorrow may
be present it in no way
controls you, distorts what
you do, changes your mind,
so forth and so on. It

So, what does the program

want? And it doesn‘t
matter, by the way,
whether you have the 57th
gate for real, or if it just
happens to show up
because it is in the Design
of the dream body. The
thing to understand about it
is that it‘s the program
finding a weakness in you that will keep you locked to the not-self. And it is your fear
of tomorrow. So what does it do with that fear of tomorrow? One of the things that
it does is that it gives you counterpoint, a place in which there is no tomorrow, a
sense of the endless now; and really here in this 57/20.

And then something happens. This programming of this endless now where there is
no fear, there‘s none. And you don‘t necessarily notice it in the dream that there is
no fear. This is attunement, after all. You‘re caught in the music of this now ness
that stretches and stretches. That gives you a sense of well-being. And in this case
it‘s connected to the 20th gate, and of course we‘re staying in the Light Field, this
gate of sight. Well, that could really be misunderstood. The 20 th gate wakes you up.
That‘s what it does. It wakes you up. Do you know what I mean? Suddenly,
instantly pulls you out, wakes you up, drags you back into the waking body, and sits
you up in the bed.

One of the interesting things about the chemical transformation, remember I want to
make sure that you really, really get this. When you‘re in the dream, in the dream
body, you can only operate out of the matrix that‘s there. And you can only operate
out of what is active in the matrix that‘s there. None of that has mental cognitive
potential. None of it. So the moment you wake up, if the dream is going to be
realized as a cognitive experience, a kind of memory, then the information that has

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

been stored cellularly has to move—codon transference—the information has to

move until it is reassembled as a concept by the mind.

It is why, by the way, dreams are not an easy thing to remember. And that the vast
majority of people don‘t have a lot of dream memory. Some do; but they are rarer
than you think, because it‘s not an experience that the waking body is recalling. It‘s
a fragment that is put together as a byproduct of a chemical transfer of information.
One of the things about the 20th gate is that this sudden wakening is very good at
capturing an acoustic environment and turning it into a conceptual sight, literally.
You wake up with the image of the dream.

What‘s it for? The program wants this person to wake up afraid of tomorrow,
because it has to go back into its waking body. You know how all these New-Agey
people always wanting to
leave their body. This is
what we do in a dream.
You leave your waking body
behind and you enter into
your dream body and your
dream body is lighter—48
gates lighter.

And of course, when you‘re

in that dream body you‘re
not using your physical
body. As a matter of fact,
it‘s just flashing through
and you wake up into the
heaviness of the form
principle and this is what
the light likes to scare you
with, the devil, the body, and the sins. So, you go into the dream and there‘s no
tomorrow, there is this incredible now and then you‘re woken up with a shock and
you‘re right back into that heavy body and you‘re shaking and you don‘t know why
you‘re afraid, but you are. And the program has another small victory.

You know the way in which the Personality is going to deal with that. The not-self
Personality suddenly trying to figure out why it‘s afraid, suddenly trying to
understand a dream that it can‘t understand, because the only thing the dream
wanted to do, if I can put it that way, is to make it afraid, and it succeeded.

Everybody has always had this—it goes back to Bible stories and interpretations of
dreams and stuff like that. We have been so propagandized about all this. This is
just a program specializing in what will keep us not-self. There is no great wonder in
interpreting what goes by the screen, this broken telephone chemical transference
that just gives you the this and that of stuff. Yes, you can deconstruct it, yes, you
can make things up. Sometimes it‘s true. Life‘s like that.

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Projector

The DreamRave Shows Your Weakest Points

The not-self, the homogenized world is full of such things. But from this perspective
I know what the program is doing to this dreamer. Now, what does that mean for us
and what does that mean for analysis? The first thing to begin to see is that your
DreamRave shows you your weakest points. That‘s something very special. It
shows you your weakest points. It shows you those places where the forces can just
hold you away from truth, from the fulfillment of purpose.

This is what it‘s about. It isn‘t some kind of mysterious world with all kinds of
answers to great secrets.
It isn‘t the madness of
archetypal Freudian,
Jungian analysis. As a
matter of fact, those
concepts are so deeply
homogenized. They‘re
great in the sense that
they delineate the
spectrum of the not-self
movie. But it has nothing
to do with what‘s actually
going on. What‘s actually
going on is the program is
going right for your
weakest points. This lunar
body opens up the doorway
for honing in on those
areas where you can break free, which is why the program is concerned about them.
There is that potential in the waking being in those places to break through, to break
the covenant.

For me when I look at the DreamRave I look at something entirely different. I see
the potential to rise and fall. We all have our weak points. We do. What is going to
happen to this Manifestor when it wakes up in the morning? What is going to
happen to this Manifestor with those fears that woke it up in the middle of the night?
It‘s going to plot and it‘s going to scheme, because that‘s what the not-self does,
how to protect itself from the fears that it doesn‘t know. That could get dangerous,

Let‘s see what else the program has in mind for this one. So we‘ve seen the
combination here—it‘s interesting that it‘s the Moon, by the way—seeing the
combination here of the 20/57 and an indication that it is in the now that this being
is both its most vulnerable, and has its greatest potential. And of course, to live
existentially is very difficult. One has to be extraordinarily disciplined. You have to
be correct. So we see the weak point. The weak point is the way in which the
intuition will operate. The weak point is the way in which it will handle the now,

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

because if you‘re afraid of tomorrow you‘re never paying attention in the now and
things sneak up on you.

The 28th Gate

Let‘s look at the completion of this individual Splenic system. We have Venus here,
the 28th gate, the channel of struggle in the waking being. You have to struggle with
the form. This is what the light wants you to get, is that it‘s the form and the form is
difficult to control. We know. We know that in the waking life that purpose is
fulfilled through the form,
not the Personality. It‘s
the form that gets us to our
purpose. It is the form
that provides the
foundation for the
experience of correctness;
it is all in the form.

The 28th gate is all about

purpose. And again, this is
a fear. A fear that there is
no purpose, that one is
locked in the prison of a
form that has no future;
that is insecure. Oh, it fits
so nicely into the
weaknesses inherent in this
being that the program sees and sticks its thumb into. And what do you think you
get to experience in that 28? You get to experience the freedom from the form.
Only to be yanked back into it. And I mean yanked back into it. And your body is
full of fear.

The Counterpoint

When we look at the DreamRave, the 28th gate, the 50th gate, the 57th gate, they all
tell us something. The moment you see these gates in somebody‘s DreamRave you
know that the program is out to frighten them, just like that, frighten them, wake
them up, rattle them, make them uncomfortable, and not by the dream itself, but
the counterpoint. It‘s the counterpoint. It‘s coming back into the body. It‘s waking
up with a chemistry of fear in the body, how uncomfortable that is. It‘s not the
dream itself.

But this is the purpose of the program. When this being is going to wake up they‘re
going to carry in their chemistry all of that specific information fixed on those specific
places—the fear that that purpose is not going to be realized because there is
something out there—―I‘ve had a premonition. I had this dream and I woke up

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Projector

really frightened and I know there‘s something out there, and I‘m going to prepare.‖
And we‘re dealing with a 5/1. We‘re dealing with a very, very healthy, natural
tendency to paranoia in the first place. And of course, doesn‘t the program enjoy
picking on that aspect as well.

We are designed to be held in the grasp of the program. You do not wake up when
you‘re asleep—pardon the joke. The only chance you get to wake up is when you‘re
awake. This domain in the dream body you have no choice; you‘re locked in,
mindless, being programmed through your weakest points. Where this is particularly
interesting, by the way, for
example, looking at this
particular 28, if you go back
into the doubles here—no,
there is a double 28. I just
wanted to show you an
example where something
wasn‘t there, but I can‘t do
it with this one. So I‘ll just
make it up for you so you
get a sense of what I mean.

Let‘s say that this person

didn‘t have the 28 in the
waking rave, but got it
because of the Design here,
that itself is an indication
that that‘s going to be one
of the deepest conditioning areas for this person and whenever there is even a hint
of struggle in their waking life it‘s going to fill them with a certain amount of concern
and fear. You can get it by transit. We‘ll talk about transits later on. But you can
get it by transit.

The program is fascinating in the way in which it operates. I love my Mondays in

these past semesters because I get to do Personality crystal bundle programming in
the morning with Quarter by Quarter, and then I come here to DreamRave. Once
you see how deeply conditioned and programmed we are, it‘s so dense the
programming. That you have to look at this and understand that what we can take
from dream analysis is that we can actually help people to recognize their weakest
point, how to deal with that and how to watch that turn into their greatest
advantage, because that‘s what it is.

The Program Only Attacks What is a Threat to It

The program only attacks what is a threat to it. And what I mean by that is what is
a threat to homogenization, what‘s a threat to keeping someone in the not-self flow.
Humanity has never had this kind of understanding ever. I don‘t think that there are
very many human beings who can actually accept it, let alone recognize it that this is

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

a stage upon which the multitude are helpless, that at their most vulnerable they are
treated that way. You go to sleep, you‘re at your most vulnerable and you‘re taken
advantage of while you sleep.

Human beings always had a sense that there were all these hands guiding us, the
forces, the gods, and the godhead. If you go back far enough there was no real
sense of individual action, it all seemed like it was all just orchestrated. Well, it is;
deeply, deeply, deeply, deeply orchestrated. And none of us are free from the
constant work being done. I carry the 57/20 as a sleeping Projector. I know. Just
about every night of my life I have a 20 wake up experience. It‘s just a mechanism
and there‘s nothing one can do about it and I am not disturbed by the fact that the
programming has been at work and I‘m clicking to the program because my life is
based on the decisions I make, not on what I think.

It frees me. And it frees me to allow the program to do its work. I know my
weakest points, I have lived them. Everything in my DreamRave has always been
those points in my life that you could go this way or that. And here is what this is
about. My work in DreamRave is not to create a group of beings that continue the
lie about what dreams are or what they are not. This is about having a practical tool
that allows us to see the influence of the dream plane, but to be able to take an
advantage from it, to begin to understand that in essence it can be a guide for us, a
help for us. It can point the way to understanding where those points of weakness
really are.

The fear will be there. I know. I can wake up instantly with some nebulous fear of a
tomorrow. I‘m used to it. I just go back to sleep basically. There was a time in my
life where I thought it meant something. It didn‘t. This is the trap. When you begin
to fall for the distorted movie that you‘re offered, instead of seeing what‘s really
being done. And when you see what‘s really being done there is something you can
do with that. You can see it for what it is. And you can recognize that you have a
weak point and that it‘s worth paying attention to. And that you can deal with it
successfully by being correct.

The 53rd Gate

The moment that we jump out of this we move

over into the Demon Realm. We‘ve done the
28th, we‘re looking at the 53s and again we
have a doubling up here of the 53s. And of
course, here again is one of these form themes;
it is truly a form theme, particularly the 53 rd
gate. Everything about life is that life has to be
fulfilled through form. It is the gate of flight. It
is this understanding that the physical domain,
the physical world, the body, all of this, this is
what it‘s all about.

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The Sleeping Projector

But of course, in this particular Design it‘s very, very difficult for the 53 to act as a
counterpoint to the 28/57/20, if you know what I mean. What happens, in essence,
with this particular gate is that it points to what is the basic weakness that is here,
this weakness in this being that wants to finish things, just wants to finish things.
That‘s all they ever dream of, of wanting to finish something.

And of course, theirs will be dreams in which something remarkable starts, some
totally different thing, and they‘ll be yanked out of it. It‘s all integrated in this
design. This is a Design of somebody that is really being driven by fears. And all the
fears are pointed towards tomorrow; all of them. And it‘s a balance in the sense that
you have two gates of the light and two gates of the darkness. Yet, together
integrated into this Design they point to the same weakness. They point to what the
program wants from the
dream input in terms of its
impact on this being. It
wants this being to
constantly wake up with
that sudden, (sound-ah),
the fear, the being back in
the body, the not being
able to finish. It‘s all there.

And this person wakes up

and when they wake up
they‘re not guided by this,
we know that. They are
guided by their not-self;
they‘re guided by their
open centers. They‘re
afraid anyway. They‘re
looking for the right direction. They want to prove themselves worthy. They don‘t
know when enough is enough. They avoid confrontation and truth. They pretend
they think they know what they‘re talking about. And they think about all kinds of
stuff that doesn‘t matter, and all of that dealing with their fear of tomorrow. You
see, the not-self rules. What an interesting thing to look at.

Vladimir Putin

This is Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia. It‘s kind of spooky in a way, when
you think about it. Not that I want to look at George Bush‘s Reflector dream body.
But anyway, here is somebody that wakes up in the middle of the night afraid for the
future. Afraid for the future and wanting to prove this and that, and it goes on and
on and on. Not that I‘m particularly picking on Vladimir, I could pull any politician
out of the soup and show you their weaknesses.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

During Sleep the Program Attacks Our Definitions

What is so interesting about the program, what makes DreamRave so insidious, in a

way, is that in the waking rave the only way the program can affect you is through
your openness. But in the DreamRave it gets you through your design. It attacks
your very imprint. It turns it all around. This is the program. What it can‘t get to in
the daytime it gets to at night.

And what is so obvious to me, and I‘ve seen it so many times, that the greatest
damage that‘s done in a human vehicle is the damage that‘s done in those places of
definition being driven by a not-self mind. It‘s like this Throat Center. I have seen
so many Throat Manifestors, particularly 20/34s, who have had their thyroids
removed. Most people think that dysfunction is simply a matter of openness, but it
is not. If you‘re not operating correctly, whatever is an aspect in your nature is
going to be misused.

And you can see how devious the program is, how nasty it is that the moment that
you go to sleep it starts attacking your very definition. That‘s what it goes after; not
all of it. It can‘t after all, it‘s a limited matrix. It goes after what it can. And
whatever it touches is the weak point. We‘re designed that way. So we get it both
ways from the program. It‘s why it‘s so difficult to think your way out of this bag,
because you can‘t.

I‘m always astonished, day after day in my work, the deeper I go, Strategy and
Authority is an amazing thing, because you can‘t stop the forces from doing what
they do. I can‘t stop them from waking up my dream body. I can‘t. I suppose I
could dose myself half dead with sleeping pills or things like that, but that‘s not what
I do. It‘s just a mechanism.

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Projector

But think about all those beings that are grabbed like that in the night and how they
wake up with that not-self mind, its fears, its sense of insecurity. It‘s powerful. As
you will see even the most pleasant of conditions, that is, with the dream state, are
intended to create dependency on the homogenized world. It doesn‘t matter
whether it is a beautiful dream or it‘s a nightmare. That‘s just theater, honestly, it
does not matter. What matters is that you‘re being programmed, you‘re being
conditioned, and you‘re being set up in your own Design in specific places in your

If I were to do the dream analysis of this being my concern for them is about their
existential awareness, because this is what they‘re about. Their whole story is
whether or not they are going to be pure in the moment or not, whether they have
the ability to be able to be spontaneous, purely spontaneous and spontaneous
without mental determination, that what they say comes from their Spleen, not from
their Ajna, what they do is rooted in their root and not in their mind.

Our Greatest Weakness is the Fear of What We Cannot Control

In terms of what it points to is it points to some very basic things. Your greatest
weakness is your fear of what you cannot control. This is your greatest fear, and it‘s
your greatest weakness. And if you act on that weakness then your life and
everything around it is never going to suit you. There is always going to be a threat.
You will never be free of that. It is this fear of what you cannot control. This is what
is happening to you every night when you sleep, whether you remember or not,
whether it‘s this story or that story, there are nuances after all, transits happen.
This is what your dream life is doing. It‘s setting you up. It‘s setting you up to be
afraid of what you cannot control so you will be driven to try to control what you
could never control. This is a great victory for the not-self.

And this person, if you put to them in a way—public people—this is what they wake
up with, this is their deepest fear. And of course, you see the way that works. I
don‘t have to go into a whole geo-political this and that. It‘s just interesting to see
what dreams do and where they put their focus.

My concern is that through the DreamRave we have a way of putting our attention to
those places that need our attention; that we need to see that we can be both victim
and hero in those places. And it‘s not what we do about it, because the doing gets
done if you‘re correct, if you‘re operating out of your strategy, it‘s about being aware
of it so you can watch it. I can see my mind waking with its: what‘s going on. And
so? Life goes on, it just does. But it‘s what mind does. It‘s what the programming
is about. It‘s not going to become my weakness. I‘m not going to try to control
what I cannot control.

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Look For Your Weakest Points in Your DreamRave

As I said, I deeply understand this 20/57 and the way it works, I don‘t have the 28.
But nonetheless, when you‘re looking at your Design and you‘re looking at your
DreamRave the first exercise for you is to look at those gates or definition that
translate over from your Design to the DreamRave and begin to look at them as your
weakest point, and begin to think about them in that context, begin to see that this
is your most vulnerable place. And then to begin to watch what it‘s like for you each
day when you begin your process to see how these themes that are there are going
to emerge one way or another, and they do. It is the brilliance of the program.

We really are in its thrall. I hope you see that in this context there is no escape.
There‘s no escape from conditioning. It‘s one of the many reasons why I told people
to sleep in their own bed. Imagine what it‘s like to get all this weak point
conditioning that you end up with all these things in you that are vulnerable when in
fact they weren‘t yours in the first place. And how much of that burden most human
beings take on from their partners and whatever.

And to see that this is a practical tool; I don‘t like the impractical. It doesn‘t suit my
nature. If you‘re going to do any kind of analysis then it needs to have a practical
value for people. What‘s important for me here within this context is to begin to see
that this opens up a whole approach to being able to understand where the
weakness is in any Design and to begin to see that this is the roots of whatever
psychological manifestation it may have as not-self as a problem, because it takes
on costumes. Psychiatry and psychology is rooted in this distortion of what‘s actually
going on. It‘s amazing, actually.

I don‘t mean to upset Freudians and Jungians, but from the perspective of dream,
it‘s all nonsense. From the perspective of themes that are vulnerabilities that exist
in humanity, yes. And archetypal ways of expressing those themes, yes; but, it‘s not
the point. The stories are not the point. Remember, this is very new, this approach
of analyzing the stories, trying to deconstruct the dream, trying to deconstruct the

This is the not-self masturbating. It‘s nothing to do with what it‘s about. And it‘s
not their fault; not their fault simply because they were not equipped with the
information to be able to see it for what it is—programming, conditioning. Not only
programmed conditioning but the thumb being stuck right into those very, very
specific places in each of our designs with the sole intent of holding us in the thrall of
the program.

When I started with dream work in the 90s, it was impossible for me to get across
what this really is. The story was something that was what was interesting for
people. It has taken years, 8 or 9 years now, to get to the point where students of
Human Design are familiar with the intensity of the program in the not-self so this
can be seen for what it is. That the distortion of the Personality and the way in

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Projector

which the not-self Personality makes up a hallucinogenic life that has nothing to do
with its reality and nothing to do with what it is. The dream is the same thing, it has
nothing to do with what you think it is, or what they thought it was.

Dreams Will Stop Having Value

It is a profound mechanism for holding us in line with the program. From the
program‘s point of view, it‘s absolutely essential. And for us, a gift to be able to see
those places, to be able to see where that influence is, that negative influence, to
recognize it, to watch it as a passenger. To not allow it to dominate you as
somebody who is correct. It‘s quite something. And then you‘ll understand
something, the dreams themselves, they will stop having value. They will. They just
won‘t mean anything anymore. You‘ll see. It‘s quite something.

Anyway, I wanted to give you a place to start today, so you have your place to start.
Look for your weaknesses. And when we come back next week in the question
period before the class begins, I‘d like to hear your feedback on the weaknesses you
found. I think you‘ll find that fascinating. And for those of you who have a
DreamRave that is full of activations that aren‘t in your design, that‘s even more
interesting, in a sense. It is the program creating weaknesses for you, which is
something else.

Anyway, we‘ll get deeper and we‘ll be back next week. To all of you, nice to share it
with you; do take care. I look forward to hearing about your dream weaknesses.
Bye for now.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Lesson Four
The Sleeping Manifestor

I began to try to really put it across to you last week about a practical way of
understanding the analytical potential of the work we‘re doing. Remember that all of
this is about programming; all of this is about maintaining the stability of the not-self
homogenized domain. It‘s what it‘s about.

When we are looking at the specifics in the sleeping graph, when we are looking at
those particular 15 gates in that matrix, any activation that we see there is an
indication that that is an area in which programming of the not-self is necessary. In
other words, this is a place of a fundamental weakness in the being.

Question: some sleepers have no dream gates, and if there are no dream transits
passing through, how does this affect both the programming and the awake life for
that person?

Your comment about somebody having no dream gates, what that‘s really indicating
is that the not-self, that is, their waking not-self is so complete, it‘s such a joke. In
other words, built into their particular Design is no need to particularly reinforce not-
self programming, because it is so powerful on the surface.

Results of Many Activations in the DreamRave

It‘s one of the indications

about—I often find myself
drifting back to the Matrix
movies, because there is an
interesting thing in them, and
that interesting thing is that the
ability to be able to recognize
who can be pulled out of the
illusion and brought into the real
world, so-called. And when
you‘re looking at somebody‘s
DreamRave and you‘re looking at
a lot of activations in the
DreamRave design, what you‘re

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

looking at is somebody that the program works very hard on to maintain in the not-
self. In other words, the more activations you see in the DreamRave, the more
powerful the tendency in the being to struggle with the program.

It‘s just one of the things that you can see by understanding what it means to have
DreamRave activation. When you start seeing DreamRave definition and all of these
things, it is an indicator that the waking programming of this being isn‘t sufficient,
that they need to be programmed in these particular areas, not to awaken them, not
to provide them with the truth and all these things that are associated with the
interpretation of the dream, no, this is about reinforcing the deepest areas of
weakness in that being; in other words, where the work has to be done, where the
work has to be reinforced to maintain the not-self.

To understand it in that way is to see the joke of having no DreamRave activations,

the pure Reflector. This is not a sign of Buddha, or Buddha potential, in that sense.
It doesn‘t mean, by the way—all things exist. But it is an indicator that the waking
self is set up in such a way that it is already deeply programmed as not-self.

Something interesting for us to understand and in a sense this is one of the places
where the knowledge of the DreamRave can be very helpful in evaluating
somebody‘s design, and evaluating the potential in somebody to transform their life.
It doesn‘t mean that you ignore people that have no activations in their DreamRave,
but it is an indication that you may be knocking against a very, very powerful barrier
that gets in the way.

So your concern in your question, because it‘s a great question, about what goes on
in that is that basically this is the program saying we don‘t need to waste energy on
them, which is an interesting thing. And by the way, they get, unfortunately
because they are not-self, on top of that they get all the additional programming, the
conditioned programming that comes through not simply the transit field, but the
people around them and how the transit field affects those people around them.
Anyway, it‘s an interesting subject, obviously.

Our subject today is the sleeping Manifestor. Before we get into that I want to show
you something that—I have to confess, I had a horrendous time putting together the
illustrations for this class because I desperately went looking for a sleeping
Manifestor. This is not an easy thing to find. I went through hundreds of charts. I
eventually had to make one up. I know they exist, because of course anybody who
has the 28/38 and the 57/20 as Personality activations in their Design automatically
is going to be a sleeping Manifestor. But just idly just going through all of these
charts, how difficult it was to find.

Anyway, we‘ll get to that in a moment. But, let‘s look at this [below left]. Look at
the complexity that is here in this design. You have a split definition, you have
zooming hanging gates, you have a Throat, wow, is that a Throat, all of that stuff.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

Take a look at this next one [below right]. Here is a whole bunch of stuff; it‘s all
over the place. There is all this definition.

DreamRave with No Activations

Now, I want to show you what the two of these beings, what they actually look like
when they‘re sleeping.
Isn‘t that something? By
the way, this isn‘t rare.
This is not rare. This is
relatively common. It‘s
just a fascinating thing to
see. You have this deep,
deep complexity in the
waking rave; you have
all the conditioning that
goes in those two raves,
the not-self. Again, I
think one of the
dilemmas that students
of Human Design have
anyway, is that once you
get into the knowledge
you tend to in some
ways lose association
with the vast not-self
that is out there, and the
way in which human beings really operate.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

You look at this Design [below]; this is a Design that is locked into all kinds of stuff.
The not-self in this Design is so powerful. Aside from the openness that‘s there, the
big thing, of course, is that this is a split definition. There is the 9 th gate, the 50th
gate, the 57th gate, the 16th gate—so you have these four gates. You think about
this person. If you‘re a split definition the most powerful conditioning force in your
life, the thing that determines the way in which your not-self mind is going to
operate, is the gates that can link your split together.

So, what‘s important to this person? This person wants to be responsible, they want
to be aware, they want to have skills and they want to focus on that. And that
becomes their whole life. It has nothing to do with them. And it becomes their
whole life because they want to prove that they‘re worthy. And they want to be able
to show that they really understand things, that they really can be certain about
things and it goes on and on and on. On top of the fact is that this is an explosive
emotional time bomb, an unconscious fiery outlet.

We tend to look at a
chart because we
tend to look at it as
if we‘re preparing to
work with a client,
instead of looking at
the chart and see
humanity and see
what they‘re living.
The joke is that the
gods have a Design
like this and they
say, all right, don‘t
need any work
here, none. As a
matter of fact, the
only programming
that this person
gets while they‘re
asleep is from the
transit field when
there is a transit,
that is, if they‘re alone.

Of course, what that means is that they‘re simply being kept in tune to the
homogenized program and the basic fears and concerns and drives and all of the
things that go on in this dream programming that this person when they awaken
that their not-self is in tune with the homogenized world. This image here, there are
more of them in the sleeping life than there are Generators in the waking life;
Reflector dream bodies, these Teflon dream bodies.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

We need to understand how we can be of service with this knowledge. It isn‘t about
the hocus pocus of interpretation. It is about a mechanical recognition of what‘s at
work here. The work that needs to be done on this being in order to bring this being
to deal with its not-self, it is an
immediate indicator.

It took me many, many years

before I began to spend teaching
time focusing on non-energy
Types, particularly in the beginning
the Projectors. I managed to do
my Projector work and recently I
have been putting a lot more focus
on Reflectors. I think at the 2007
Ibiza event was perhaps the most
significant Reflector lecture that
I‘ve ever done.

One of the things that really is

ironic in all of this, is that one of
the roles of the Reflector—because
they are the sampler of the community, it is the not-self Reflector who can always
recognize those who are struggling to fit in or can‘t fit in or won‘t fit in. They see it.
They just do. And one of the ways in which I described them was sort of the
program‘s police force, this kind of watchdog of the program.

I made a joke about how wonderful it is for me in spy language to be able to turn
Reflectors so that instead of looking for those who are trying to break from
conformity, looking for those who are ready to be themselves, a slightly different
perspective. Here in the dream body where the vast majority of dream bodies are
Reflectors, they‘re all soldiers of the program; all of them.

Every Morning is the First Day of Your Life

Every morning that you wake, this cliché about every morning is the first day of your
life, you bet your sweet bottom it is. It is in a way in just about any way you could
look at it within the context of the maia. You wake up and start all over again. You
have to deal with conditioning the moment you wake up. The moment you wake up
it‘s there. The moment you wake up the waking self is placed under pressure to
homogenize. And it‘s like stretching your body in the morning; you begin your
program every morning as you awaken. You begin your life as yourself every
morning. It is the only way to maintain that process.

Most human beings simply wake up with the program. They are its embodiment and
they wake up with it. And what the program has done during their sleep is hit all
these buttons in them that maintains the tension in their lives, the tension of living
on this plane as not-self and reinforcing all of the worst possible habits of the not-

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

self. It‘s why it‘s such a challenge, because you come back into the waking rave and
you come back into the weight of the vehicle and you come back into the density of
the maia, my goodness we live in a dense maia.

And you have been helplessly programmed all night; me, too. Nothing we can do
about that. All we can do is limit the impact of the programming. Just limit it. We
limit it by not allowing the mind to make decisions because all of this is there to
impact the self-reflected consciousness. It‘s what the DreamRave is about. It‘s
what was never understood. There was this sense that something was going on. We
were getting messages through the dreams, oh, yeah, we were; we are.

Looking for the Not-Self in a Design

Let‘s look at a design. By the way, Jagruti mentioned that one of the students in the
class is a sleeping Manifestor, so I should have put out a call right away. Anyway,
here is an example. I want first of all to look at this only from the point of view of
the not-self. What do we actually see? It‘s one of my basic concerns in the way in
which anyone looks at a
chart that the tendency is
always to want to see what
they can be. You look at
the chart and you say, ah,
Splenic Generator; triple
split definition, Splenic
Generator; response and
Sacral and all of this stuff.

When I look at a chart I

always look for the not-self.
I never look any other way.
I sat with so many not-
selves doing their readings;
they‘re all not-self. Nobody
awake ever comes in for a
reading, it doesn‘t happen.
They‘re not-self. And the
only reason that they‘re
impacted by the reading is that you point it out. And they go, oh I know. They‘re
not-self. And their whole life has been their mind, their whole life, everything. Why
they‘re even with you was all a mental thing. It‘s their not-self that brings them
there, helplessly as it is.

And then you think about them. I think about what makes somebody as far away
from what they are. That‘s what I‘m looking at. I don‘t care that there is all kinds of
glorious possibilities in this design. Yeah, yeah; you know they have this cross, and
this ―this‖ and this ―that,‖ they‘re clarions, by the way. All this stuff; I don‘t see

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

that. I don‘t see that at all. I see the dilemmas. I see the triple split definition. Oh,
triple split definition.

The Triple Split Definition

About 11% of humanity has a very, very slow frequency in order for them to be able
to assimilate things. They‘re deeply confused as not-self; deeply. Where do you
start? What is the real voice? And we know that they operate as not-self. And we
know that they have a terrible time
with people. The moment a triple
split gets with one person and there‘s
this constant bridging from one
person, it‘s really unhealthy for them.
A triple split that doesn‘t move
through people, that isn‘t in
movement is going to be unhealthy.
And the reality is that they tend to
have these leanings towards bridges
and they‘re not healthy for them.
They‘re not.

When you look at any Design you

have to see what‘s being sought.
What do people look for? What are
they looking for? You can see it; you just have to look. They want success, any
price. They want to find their perfected form and their conviction. They want to be
able to be charismatic. They want to have opinions and ideas. So, this is who they
become. You become what you‘re not; you live what you‘re not. You suffer through
what you are not.

And then on top of that there is the open Ego that says, oh I have to prove that I‘m
worthy. And there is the avoidance of confrontation and truth. Here is a mind that
lies. It just does. It enters into things that are totally incorrect for it. It lives a life
that has nothing to do with it, absolutely nothing.

This is humanity. This is not the fairy tale. I‘m not into fairy tales. For me,
humanity has been severely corrupted by homogenization. Most human beings that
you meet, there is this hollowness to their process. There is this hollowness to
them. They live off their openness; there‘s nothing there. These are empty lives.
Despite the gloss, despite the ―this and that,‖ the not-self has its way, but they‘re

We‘re not talking about somebody who is awake, let alone awake, just operating
correctly, just operating out of their Authority, and just beginning the process of
finding their alignment, their direction. Think about what this clarion calls for. This
clarion calls for what its not-self wants. What‘s to trust in that? There‘s nothing real

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

here. This is what humans live; this is what they are. I don‘t give a damn what they
think their dreams mean, these are lost souls.

They‘re part of the turning of the wheel and nothing more, nothing less. As a
percentage there are very, very few human beings that have within them the
potential and the fractal to be able to leave behind the conditioning. It is so intense.
I had this incredible class this morning, Quarter by Quarter is such a joy. We were
looking at the influence of the Promethean godhead and the opening of Pandora‘s
Box and the misery of this plane.

I see understanding the nature of dream mechanics as something that can benefit
those that have broken the covenant with the godhead. You can only break the
covenant with the program if you abandon forever your mind as your authority.
There is no other way. There is no other way to be healed. There is no way in which
the information of dream mechanics can be of any value if one isn‘t operating
correctly. It just doesn‘t make any sense.

The Sleeping Manifestor

So we look at this design. When we step over, here you can see the sleeping
Manifestor. What a difference that is, when you think about it. There is this
movement from a triple split, Splenic Generator, very defined, seven centers defined
and then you go over here and you have this single definition Manifestor. Well, you
have one of the classic opposites of aura construct. You have a very, very different
dream aura, a different dream body here. You go from the Generator which is very,
very open so you have an open and enveloping aura. The moment you step into the
dream state that all shuts down. And it shuts down and becomes very, very narrow
in that sense. That is, the manifesting aura, the repelling aura, not easy to deal with
Manifestors, not easy to get towards that aura, let alone anything else.

So, here you have a very, very specific dream body. In understanding the nature of
the Manifestor we think of the Manifestor in the waking state in terms of its strategy.
And the strategy, of course, in the waking state as we understand it is to ask

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

permission as a child, to inform as an adult. This is not biological. It‘s not

biological; it is strategic to the advantage of Manifestors. It‘s not biological in the
way it is for Generators or Projectors or Reflectors in terms of their strategy, which
means there is no strategy here, in that sense.

One of the things that is so interesting about it is that the sleeping Manifestor can be
specifically informed. But I want you to take the perspective that I am beginning to
give you about looking at what it really means. Why is there this definition? When
you go back here you can see there is no 20 th gate—the 28 will come from the
Design side—it‘s not there in the design.

The Dominance of the 20th Gate

Remember, we‘re talking about a not-self, and we‘re talking about his triple split
definition not-self and we‘re talking about, because I showed you all of these
different ways that the splits can be connected. But think about the presence of this
20th gate in the dream state and what that means. In other words, when we‘re
looking at the dream body we‘re looking at specific areas that the program feels we
need to be worked over. In other words, we need to be more specifically
programmed here. And of course, what that means is that when this person
awakens there is going to be enormous pressure here in its searching for that 20,
which it always does. But it means that the conditioning of the 20 is going to
dominate in its life, which means that this Splenic Generator is going to have to see
that it‘s going to be constantly tempted to take spontaneous action.

Normally, that would be quite ok. But then look at their design; they‘re a triple split.
You cannot take spontaneous action if you are a triple split. You can, but there‘s
only going to be one part of you that‘s involved and that‘s always a problem. The
moment that any triple split is ready to do something, a Splenic Generator like this
that can be ready to do something in the waking life, that it has responded to
something, before it can truly make a commitment it needs to go for a walk where
there are people, it needs to go out in a public place where there are people.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

It needs to move so that the bridges can be multiple, so there can be the many
variations that give it an opportunity to integrate its aspects together. Here what
we‘re going to get is the program is saying in order to keep this being really, really
topnotch not-self, let‘s keep them focused on being spontaneous, rushing to
judgment, rushing to action, rushing to fight, not waiting, rushing.

The 38th Gate

I want to begin to explore the lines with you and to begin to get a sense of them.
Here we have a very powerful Demon Realm configuration. That is, we have the 28 th
gate and the 30th gate, so we have this aspect of the Demon Realm. We can see
that we have three different line variations that are going to be there.

Let‘s begin with looking at the 38th gate, which is the root of this. After all, this is an
adrenaline gate. This is somebody who is going to be adrenalized in their sleep.
Remember that they have the 20th gate; remember that the 20 th gate wakes you up
suddenly. It imprints a specific chemistry into you suddenly. And of course, what
that means is that when you wake up and you don‘t have that 20th gate there is a
fear that‘s there about something that‘s going to happen, a fear that can only be
ameliorated by finding that 20, to jump into the now in the hope that it‘s going to
save you, whatever the case may be.

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The Sleeping Manifestor

At the very core of this we have the beginning of this process and this 38 th gate of
aggression. Again, it‘s interesting, the names of these particular planes. They‘re
associated with the traditional way in which interpretation would follow the values
that ultimately get transferred to the waking mind, that is, the dream memory,
which is different from the dream process. In the dream memory, in this Demon
Realm memory, this 38 can be an uncomfortable dream to remember, at least the
way in which it would be deconstructed. In other words, that there is, in that sense,
aggression that is there.

The 6th Line

Of course, the whole point again to understand is that the drive to struggle and the
fears of failing to struggle are being reinforced very powerfully in this dream state.
Now, the line that we have is the 6th line and the 6th line is the vision line. Think
about structure, just basic
hexagram structure. What we
know about the 6 is that it is
a completion of a process.
But what we also need to
understand is that it is very,
very selfish. That is its purity,
is to be so absorbed that it is
neither this nor that, because
it is too absorbed in being its

One of the things to grasp

about this aggression is that
it‘s going to be aggression in
transition. In other words,
there are going to be shifts
that are taking place,
aggression that suddenly
stops, enemies that you have
in the life that you meet and the hostility with the enemy suddenly comes to an end.
As a matter of fact, because this is chained right through up to the 20, in the dream
state you can suddenly wake up with that in you.

Now of course, the interesting thing about that is what it can lead to. It can lead to
a sense that maybe it‘s possible to be able to fix your relationship with that other
person. That would be the natural dream interpretation. Here is your opportunity,
perhaps. But of course, the real thing about it is that it‘s pointing you at a place that
will reaffirm your conditioning. It isn‘t going to resolve anything at all. It‘s a perfect

Nine times out of ten if we had a way of measuring all of these things we would see
that if it wasn‘t the transit field, then it‘s going to be that person in your life that

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

you‘re obviously attached to because they do have that 20 th gate and you‘re hooked
on that. And of course, that‘s your conditioning instrument.

To really understand what the program does to you while you sleep is not to want to
sleep. The only thing one can say about it is that generally speaking it‘s painless and
it seems to go by very quickly. It‘s another thing that makes it so insidious is that it
seems like all of this programming is just compressed into this—poof and it‘s gone—
close your eyes; wake up.

I am a real apostate. I stand so far away from the godhead, they are just the
instruments of the program and the program is a playground. We are so helpless in
all of that. And you see how successful it has been within the context of the not-self
that the only things that are interesting, the only things that we are by conditioning
allowed to see interesting in dreams is their story deconstructed, interpreted,
mythologized to well, I don‘t know if lead astray is fair, but it certainly keeps you
away from the truth. If you‘re being conditioned by big brother, big brother does a
lot better when you don‘t know you‘re being conditioned. And when you‘re fed some
propagandized drivel to satisfy you as a placebo—anyway.

So when you‘re dealing with the 6 you‘re dealing with a point of transition. So one
of the things to understand about the 6 is that when you‘re looking at it in terms of
somebody‘s dream, it‘s an accent and a very powerful accent in which the forces, the
program is trying to stop somebody from transiting, stopping transition.

DreamRave: Weaknesses to Program, Potential Strengths to True Self

Again, remember, when you‘re looking at somebody‘s DreamRave, you‘re looking at

their weaknesses relative to the program. From our perspective you‘re looking at
their potential strengths. The moment that this person operates correctly out of
their channel of struggle, it becomes their strength in this life, after all. But they‘re
not, they‘re not-self. That‘s the whole point.

One of the things is that the indication is that here in the DreamRave there is the 6
which means they are ready for transition. So, it has to be blocked, so you stop the
transition and you point it at conditioning. So you wake them up with that vision, so
there is no transition, that they don‘t get past that person that conditions them, that
instead they make peace with that person and get stuck in that conditioning instead
of going past it. The program—individual, specific engineering.

When you think about all the totalitarian regimes that have ever existed on this
planet you‘d get an idea, the way in which they have tried to manipulate the
consciousness of the people, the way in which they have tried to homogenize the
way we think. And it doesn‘t have to be an evil empire to see that. You can see that
in every society, the way in which each society propagandizes and enforces its
homogenization. This is the not-self at work. There is nothing else.

You look at each of the open centers in terms of their not-self values, and you will
see that these are the nine themes of the world; that‘s all. This is the nine themes

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

of the not-self world; this is the nine themes of homogenization. It‘s what it is.
Looking for the right direction, looking for love, looking for attention, trying to be
certain, thinking about things that don‘t matter, never knowing when enough is
enough, avoiding confrontation and truth, holding onto things that are bad for them,
what a process. This is the not-self. It really is. This is our world. These are the

So, when you enter into this state, into this dream body where you cut off from the
vast majority of what you are, that your design, your natural body is put on hold,
you‘re wrapped in a dream body and penetrated by the program without defense.
And you wake up from those places where you have been inputted. And they
reinforce everything that the not-self is. And every place in your design, if you have
activations in your DreamRave, these are the places where the program tries to
enforce, tries to hold you, tries to maintain you in the not-self.

The 28th Gate

We also have the 28th gate activated. And the 28th gate is the gate of fear, so we
have quite a combination here, this fear and aggression. It is the Demon Realm.
And in the Demon Realm what we deal with is the form and decay. It is one of the
basic themes of the Demon
Realm, the fear that is
engendered. Remember
that this is the way it‘s
going to be interpreted by
the not-self, in that sense.
This is not the honoring of
the form, but it‘s the fear
of its darkness, it‘s the fear
of its decay.

And of course again, this

transition; transition is a
hope, it‘s a promise. It‘s a
promise that you can go
beyond this. We know it in
the 28.6, Blaze of Glory,
but that‘s the waking
theme. Take it to the
edge, get right over the
edge, fly and if you don‘t
make it, die. And here are the forces, the program. And the program sits in this
28.6; it sits on it. And you wake up in the morning and you get depressed and you
don‘t know why, you‘re just depressed.

So all of that programming about there can be a new vision and you can change
things and you can make it right with that person. Here is somebody who in their

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

struggle who is ready to struggle for purpose. This is one of the favorite places for
the forces to attack. If you‘re born with the 28/38, you are born to meet that
struggle and find your purpose, or die empty.

So, for the program these are ones that need to be controlled. You need to control
them. And it‘s part of the dream matrix, it‘s part of the dream body, so much of the
impact of dreaming is on holding back the purpose of humanity and turning it into
another fear that leads to

Remember that I told you there

are two things that are really
important to look at when you
begin. One is the transition
between the types and the other
is when things are added, things
you didn‘t have in your waking
rave that are suddenly there.
Here we have the example of the
DreamRave Design Jupiter in the
5th line, here as well in the 28th
gate. This is something that this
person doesn‘t have, which
means that this is something
that is being added to the way in
which their not-self is going to be concerned and impacted by the effect of the dream

Now, the fantasy is interesting as a theme because there is a potential in this for
deeply, deeply universal themes to emerge. In other words, dreams that carry with
them what Jung would have
referred to as these classic
archetypes. In other words, they
can almost take on a mythic
quality. The dilemma is that it‘s a
5th line. There is a lot of fear here,
there is a lot of paranoia here, and
there are a lot of concerns. But
the interesting thing about it is
that what you‘re looking at is that
there is a tremendous amount of
emphasis being placed on holding
back this 28 potential; holding it

And one of the instruments that

are being used in that sense is
these classic themes, dark
themes, foreboding themes,

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Manifestor

archetypes of the Demon Realm that are going to bring the fear and concern. And
remember the fear is that they don‘t know what and because it‘s going to be moved,
and it is going to move right to the 20 and it‘s going to jump, it‘s going to wake you
up and you wake up with those primordial fears. And when you wake up, what are
you looking for? You‘re looking for the 20th gate. You forget that you‘re anything
other than ―I want that spontaneous, I have to deal
with things now, I don‘t know what‘s bothering me,
I don‘t know what‘s out there and I‘m afraid of it,
and so I‘m going to deal with things now.‖ And oh
boy is that ever an incredible mistake. But then
again, it‘s the program succeeding.

We have an interesting grouping here. Remember,

before I do that, quickly, it‘s not there; they‘re going
to wake up and that 20th gate is not going to be
there. And of course, as this sleeping Manifestor,
they are moving all the information, just moving it all up here, all jumping out in this
20th gate, this sight.

1st Line: Secrets

This is this 1st line theme, secrets. Again, yes, secrets, it‘s true. But secrets not in
the sense that some great wonder is there. It is this setting one up that one is not
solid. There is a secret to be sought. You don‘t have the secret. The dream teases.
You‘re in a room and you
see something and as you
move towards it, it goes
further away. The secret.
You can see it‘s there in
the 1 as well, this secret.
It‘s the foundation, it‘s the
insecurity. It doesn‘t
matter what it looks like
in the movie of the
reconstructed dream
story. What it‘s setting up
in the being is that when
they awaken there‘s
something they‘re looking
for and they want to get it
from the 20, and as long
as their life is about
getting it from the 20 they
will never be themselves,
they will always be in the
program, they will be
good Pavlovian dogs.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Oh, it‘s clever, really clever. And you see, here you have the classic Moon presence.
This is something that, when I do the certification program because it takes a whole
class by itself to be able to talk about the influence of the Design Moon when it is
part of the whole thing. This is the most powerful driving mechanism you can have
in your sleeping design, is to have your Design Moon as an activation. The Moon
literally is what moves us. These are very, very powerful forces.

Again, when I do the deeper program I will do all the planets because they bring
their qualities and they are different because these are qualities that are impacting
the DreamRave. The Moon rules this, and it rules these designs. So, the influence
of the Moon here is very powerful.

Again, the whole thing about the 1st line of the 1st gate is the whole program of
having to deal with the body. We‘re in the Light Field and the joy that can come as
the possibility of being able to transcend the body, to be able to deal with the
darkness, to be able to burn one‘s
way through that darkness. And
again, the insecurity—can I, will I
have the secrets that I need, and
where can I get them? Well, we know
where you can get them. You can get
them from the 20th gate.

This person is going to be hooked on

this conditioning. What an incredible
thing it is to break the covenant. I
take great joy in being a heretic.
Human Design is deeply heretical. It
is heretical because it is mechanical.
The moment that you strip away the
mythologies and the costumes what
you see is the cruel unrelenting
precision of the program that has a
purpose and a future that literally has little to do with anything that we perceive as
important for our lives, our personal lives, our unique lives.


Not only that, we are in a time in which humanity is losing its fertility. They may
laugh at Pluto being demoted to a dwarf planet, but I tell you, Pluto is renting its
revenge on all. This is the god of the underworld. This great force is bringing the
fertility of humanity to an end. We are not the poster child of the program anymore,
we‘re not. The last time that we had any real positive attention in that sense and
where we were important, I guess, sort of, maybe, was when we were seven-
centered beings, the true humans, the ones that in fact had a relationship to all of
these gods and lived by them.

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The Sleeping Manifestor

Since we entered into the Cross of Planning and from the moment we began the
plutonian transition in 1781, oh boy has all of that broken down. And those gods
have slowly disappeared, except for quaint new-agey references, they‘re gone. But
they work on us. Invisible neutrino filters of the ocean, so powerful. And the
moment that you allow your mind to mimic the movie, that your mind is here to run
your life, to tell your story, to do your bidding, to be your bargainer, to do the
deciding, then you‘re in the embrace of this deep mechanical program and you will
never get out.

Homogenization on Top of Homogenization

This is what it‘s about. And if you understand the nature of your Design and you see
the way in which the program is trying to ensure that you are not-self, every
moment that you act correctly, you can see how accurate looking at your DreamRave
is to see what your true weaknesses are. What the not-self really needs to work on.

Then we get the homogenization on top of the homogenization. All of us as we go to

sleep and we enter into the programming of the transit field, we get this
homogenization so that we have these collective themes that emerge in the not-self
consciousness that become the basic underlying themes of concern in the not-self
consciousness. The moment that you have outer planets that in their very slow
movement enter into, as we have, we have one of the most extraordinary things
going on now with Neptune in the 49th gate, which of course is the portal gate that
connects to the 19 and people who are carrying the 19 th gate are being programmed
in a very unusual way and there‘s no way of really discerning that. When you see
the outer planets in dream gates you know there is a deep, deep programming
taking place, really deep over long periods of time for all of humanity.

Wake Up and Establish Your Authority

In the end, my work first of all in this area is to do two things. One is to debunk the
traditional approach to dream analysis, I think it‘s all a charade and it has cost
people a lot of psychic energy. At the same time, to find practical ways to make this
knowledge valuable to those who can be aware of it so that it can be a tool for those
who are operating according to their Strategy and Authority. So that you carry with
you an awareness of what you‘re dealing with.

Most of all, I guess, in a way, is that you wake up every morning and you begin your
process. It‘s something really to keep in mind. You wake up every day, you come
out of that state where you‘ve been totally in the thrall of the program, establish
your Authority immediately and hold onto it, because it‘s the best thing that you‘re
ever going to get in this life, is your own Authority. Nothing better, nothing.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Lesson Five
The Sleeping Generator

There are a couple of things that I really have to deal with first before we can go any
further today. One of my goals in this whole program, and you‘ll notice, by the way,
that slowly I am posting the programs for the new year. You can find them in the
IHDS in the general programs. Before I can get to the juiciest parts of the whole
sleep business, the deconstruction has to be there so that you really see what this is
about. If you can‘t see what this is about, you‘re not going to be able to bring any
kind of practical benefit to the other in terms of the interpretation that you bring.

A Dream Example

I give you an example. Not often, but every once in a while people write to me
because they‘ve had an extraordinary dream—not people in the dream course—and
it gets passed along to me, so I
take a look. Every once in a
while it‘s from somebody that I
know in the sense of a student
and there is something that
attracts me to reading it, so I
read it.

In this particular basis of this

particular dream, a very
interesting dream, as dreams
will be. But the essence of the
dream was a Generator‘s
dream. It was a dream of the
Sacral, in a sense, becoming a
dynamic force in this dream.
This person ended up flying on
their Sacral energy and felt this
enormous sense of power and relief in the aliveness and the density of this force.

At some point as they were approaching a plane of light they woke up. And they
woke up with a great sense of peace. There was very little interpretation offered in
that sense; just as well. When I hear a dream I look at where the hook is. What is

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

the hook? This is a Generator. What do we know about Generators? We know that
the vast majority of Generators, an enormous number of Generators, the billions and
billions and billions of them are not-self. And that they have an open and enveloping
aura. And that the world is shrouded in their frustration. And that they are the
great slaves. And they are enslaved to the wheel in the program.

Now, the program doesn‘t want to change that. The program is not interested in the
elimination of frustration. It‘s not. Now, think about that Generator waking up with
this sense of peace in the fulfillment of what is their potential. But they come back
into the world of reality; they come back into the world of the challenges of
conditioning. They come back to a history of frustration. They come back to all of

Now, in this particular case this is somebody that is obviously aware of Design. And
the only thing that is going to save them is going to be that Strategy and Authority.
But the dream is intended to disappoint them, and it will, because in the reality of
their life it‘s never quite going to feel that good, nor is it ever going to quite be that
powerful. Nor is it ever going
to be separate from the plane
of frustration. Of course, if you
take that dream at its surface
value without understanding
the mechanism of the dream
conditioning field, you can have
all this kind of positive
interpretation. But beware,
because it isn‘t. It‘s not what
it‘s intended to do.

Now, Generators are unusual in

the way in which they
transform as they enter into
the dream state. There is a
huge chunk of Generators, and
unfortunately I do not have the
numbers, we will get there
statistically, but there is a huge number of Generators from my own research in
trying to find appropriate charts and all kinds of things, it is clear to me how many
Generators in fact become Reflectors in sleep, who become Projectors in sleep, it is
the most common. But there is a very large percentage that are waking Generators
and sleeping Generators.

Now, again, there are other examples—Manifestors that become Generators, the
Projector that can become a Generator. By the way, they‘re very rare, percentage
wise. We‘ll discover that there may be half a percent or something. It is not a
commonality. The vast majority of sleeping Generators are waking Generators. And
it isn‘t always the direct movement of, for example, Personality definition to the
Sacral that crosses the sleep barrier. It is often all kinds of mixes in that sense in

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

terms of how it comes about. Nonetheless, the waking Generator becomes the
sleeping Generator.

Volume of Activations in the DreamRave

Now, I have a basic thing that I look at. As we‘ve seen, the first step is to see
whether there is a transition in Type. The next thing to look at is whether there are
gates that are there that aren‘t there in the waking rave, but are there in the
sleeping rave—gates that disappear, gates that appear. But the thing that I look at
the most is volume—the number of activations in the DreamRave. The more
activations in the DreamRave the more intense the sleeping program. It is the way
it works. And the more activations that you have in the DreamRave the more
potential for a life that is deeply disturbed by that process.

And what I mean by deeply disturbed I simply mean that these are people that it is
very, very, very, very difficult for them to break from the not-self. And yet, when
you meet them, if you meet them, if you could meet them, they would seem
different. They would appear to have the patina of maybe they could break away.
The program is only interested in you when you‘re asleep in order to make sure that
there are all kinds of things that are going to keep you locked to the not-self—the
dream body conditioning.

Chart Example: The 50th and 3rd Gates

Let‘s take a look at a design.

When I look at somebody,
here you can see a very
basic split definition. And
yet, in looking at that split
definition we know right
away that the dominant
conditioning areas of this
split are going to be in these
two places. This is what is
going to dominate in the
conditioning of this being‘s
life. In other words, the
need to be able to take
responsibility in this life, the
need to be able to find some
kind of rules, some kind of
way in which they can
maintain their connection to
others, all kinds of things
that are wrapped up in the 50.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Obviously, the 3, is constantly looking for mutation, constantly looking for something
that will literally change their life. Obviously, this is somebody that there is a pursuit
inherent in them for purpose. Yet, when we look at this Design and we look at the
split and the two gates and we look at an open emotion and an open Ego with a lot
of pressure on it, an open Throat that is extremely weak, only the 12 th gate and of
course, the whole mental system, and you can see a dense, dense not-self. And this
is a 3/5. The not-self Murphy‘s Law: if anything is going to go wrong, it will and
others will notice and they will get the blame; very powerful. And we know what this
being wants. That is, this being is looking for the illusion of purpose, the illusion of
finding its wholeness. They‘re going to chase after mutation, but not really ever be
mutated. They are going to dabble in responsibility and fail. And they are going to
be frustrated.

And then they lie down. Now, you know, this is a motor. It is an extraordinary
motor, but it is a motor. And one of the most important things for a Generator is to
go asleep when they are exhausted. It is essential for this being that when they are
really done they crash. And in that, going horizontal and entering into the dream
body, what do we get?

11 Activations

When I put this chart

up, and I went
through all kinds of
charts, this is what
got to me
immediately. Look at
all those activations,
look at all those
activations in a limited
15-gate matrix.
There are 11
activations in a 15-
gate matrix. Now, not
necessarily in all of
the possible places,
but there are 11
different activations.

What this says to me

immediately is that
this is a being that needs to be conditioned while they‘re asleep to keep them locked
in the not-self while they‘re awake, because they‘re dangerous. They can cause a
problem in the program. They can cause a problem in the program with their flow,
mutating and changing people‘s flow and you can see in here the mutation doesn‘t

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

This does. And that the hook here remains this. When we‘re doing the analysis of
somebody that is a split definition we talk about the gap as the key in understanding
the way in which they think. And here you have to see that when there is a split
definition in the dream body you have a particularly nasty conditioning that‘s at
work. And in this case, the whole focus is placed on the lack of the 50. And no
matter what this being is going to dream, the 50 is never going to be far away as a
subject within the dream context, because it‘s something, day and night, that they‘re
looking for and it can become so uncomfortable for them.

Now, physically, the fact that someone is a Generator at sleep, understand

something about this. Yes, the motor is running. There is no question about it. It
isn‘t supporting a 64-gate process. It is limited in its output, if I can put it that way.
So, it is not a point in which these are beings that when they do wake up are
exhausted and crash
back to sleep—by the
way, something that‘s
quite common with
the 15/5s. If you
know 15/5s and they
are Personality 15/5s
so that you‘re certain
they‘re going to be
DreamRave 15/5s
these are the kind of
beings that the alarm
goes off, they wake
up, they go back to
sleep. It is just
something that pulls
them away.

So this focus point,

wherever you are in
this dream state, that
focus point ultimately is always going to go back to the 50. But the real key here is
to understand the density of the programming energy. Where is it going? The 1st
gate, this whole role model system that is there in the 8/1 for the DreamRave, that
all of this is about being pointed towards the darkness and being pointed towards the
turmoil of the darkness, and that the turmoil of the darkness is something that when
they wake up this is where they are going to feel it.

They‘re being conditioned in their sleep to find their purpose in the same
conditioning hole that they have been trying to seek their pattern anyway. Look at
them; same thing. And in the dream they strip away the 3, there is no 3/60. And
you come back into a dream body that says we‘re going to get you day and night.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

The Significance of Quantity of Activations in the DreamRave

It‘s always a risk any time that I do any kind of deconstructing to misunderstand
things. So, I want to repeat something and I want to be very, very clear about this.
It is important that you see the quantity of activations that are there in the
DreamRave. What does it say? It says that this is somebody in their waking state
who is constantly in one way or another trying to fight the program. Now, it‘s not
that this is some kind of awakened being, the prince locked up in the frog‘s body, or
whatever the case may be. It‘s simply that their particular chemical combinations
make them likely, in that sense, for rebellion against conditioning.

If you‘re somebody whose DreamRave, as we saw last week, has absolutely nothing
in it, it doesn‘t mean anything other than the program is satisfied that you‘re
conditioned enough, that you aren‘t going to make it anyway. And that they‘ll leave
it to the transit field to do the general imprinting that is done to align the not-self to
its daily life. It doesn‘t mean, by the way, that those that have a great deal of
dream body activation are somehow special, better. But as I mentioned to you last
time, it‘s an indication in the same way—I think I used the metaphor of the Matrix
stories where they have to recognize those that are ready to be pulled out of the

This is one way to recognize that somebody is ready. It doesn‘t mean they can be; it
doesn‘t mean they will be, because obviously they have been deeply programmed
from the moment that they came into this plane. And you can see the breadth of
this programming here in this design. You‘re looking at the Light Field, the Earth
Plane, and the Demon Realm. You‘re looking at a density of activations that are all
over the place.

The 27th and 50th Gates

Let‘s look at the 27, this

gate of yearning. Think
about what we understand
abstractly as humans about
desire, desire in the context
of the 41/30, the 36/35, this
stream of desire, this
burning for something. It
has no comparison to the
potency of the yearning
that‘s in the 27. This is a
deep, deep longing for

One of the things to

recognize about the 50th
gate is that the 50th gate in

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

the dream body is the gate of sex. It‘s the sex gate. So it means that anyone who
is having sexual dreams, having dreams with sexual content, this is where it all
comes from. And it is this yearning in the 27, it wants that 50 in the dream. Look at
it, the Design north node and the Design north node in the 2nd line of possession.
Now we know what 2nd lines are about. 2nd lines are about the call. So, this is a
place where this being is called deeply in the dream, called in the sense that it‘s
pulled into it, possessed by it, taken over by it. It becomes the dynamic.

So, there is this flow that is there. The 15th gate, the chaos, the timelessness of it,
that there is no time, and that it‘s all lost. And here is this deep yearning in this no-
place, some-place. And what is this dream going to give you in the way in which you
see the movie? It‘s going to give you what you yearn for, or some facsimile of it. It
will point you at your purpose, the secrets in the 1 st line of the 27. You‘ll wake up
wondering. And oh boy is it going to reinforce your conditioning.

And your 50th gate in your waking life is going to be confused with your 50th gate in
your dream life, because you‘re going to start paying more attention to groups
because that‘s where you think you will fulfill this potential of responsibility. And of
course, because you‘re not-self you are not going to enter into things correctly.

The Dream Gives You Something You Cannot Have in Life

The dream is going to give you something that you cannot have in life. And it will
haunt you, because that‘s what it does to the Personality consciousness, it haunts it.
And we want these
dreams to mean
something. We
do. They do mean
something. Oh,
the weight of the
machine of the
Possession is a
deep, deep theme
here. You look at
here in the north
node in the 2nd
line, the Jupiter in
the 2nd line of the
38, again, the
strength of turmoil
that‘s here. There
are these very,
very powerful
themes that are here, and they‘re all focused on that non-existent 50th gate. And

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

the secret is going to be offered to you in the dream. It may not be absolutely clear.
It will have its fogginess.

And then will settle into the background of your consciousness. But it doesn‘t go
away, and it doesn‘t mean you‘re remembering it all the time; you‘re not. It just
becomes part and parcel of the rest of the conditioning. This being is locked into its
not-self through this open 50th gate; locked, no way out.

Not everybody is ready for Strategy and Authority. The two charts that I‘m using
tonight, as I said I had great difficulty finding the kind of charts that I wanted and I
have a huge chart collection, so I found these from people I know. I know this
being. Despite the fact that you look at this Design and you see there is all this
enormous potential, because the forces, the program is convinced that this being is
one that needs to be kept away from the potential of true transformation, that you
would think there would be this possibility for this being in its waking life to actually
be able to find the necessary truth. I know for a fact that this being, when it was
placed right in front of them, couldn‘t see it. And I understand why.

Nothing is more incredibly intense than the nature of programming. Mondays for me
are very special because I have had the privilege, really the privilege, of being able
to do the Quarter by Quarter course. To be able to outline in a way that has never
been done an understanding of the way in which the consciousness field, the human
consciousness is conditioned. The moment that you understand the depth of that
conditioning, the deep manipulation of the not-self self-reflected awareness, it is
remarkable that there is anyone who is ready. It‘s truly remarkable.

Remember Who You are When You Wake

If it were not for fractal lines, there would be no movement of the truth. It would
not be possible, because the program is so intense. Every time that I rant on and on
about Strategy and Authority, well, let me tell you, this is the movie. This is the only
way you get to break the covenant and you cannot do it while you‘re asleep. It‘s
why you need to understand that with the very first breath when you awaken in the
morning you remember who you are. You remember who you are so that you can
start that day as yourself, because whether you remember whether you dreamed or
not, whether you think you stored it or not, it is there. The programming has been
going on. And as time flew for you there was a tremendous amount of conditioning
work that was done on you.

We‘re fooled always by illusion. The dream interpretation becomes another illusion
that fools us. It just fools us—the fool‘s gold of thinking that you have found the
great secret in the dream, the prophetic dream prophets and all that stuff is only
true if you‘re not-self and are lost in the not-self world, because you‘re part of the
homogenization of the dream program. You share the same archetypes. You share
the same conditioning night after night after night after night. And that the world of
dream interpretation is as homogenized as the world of waking philosophy, neither of

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

which is to the benefit of the unique being, neither of which is of value to the unique

The Second Chart

Here is a second example for us to take a look at, to have a different kind of theme,
a different kind of perspective. We‘ve moved away from the split definition and that
quality of very, very
specific conditioning
and what that split
conditioning looks like
in terms of the dream
state itself. Here we
have single definition.
What you‘re going to
find quite often, as a
matter of fact, when
there is definition—
again, please don‘t
think that definition is a
common thing. It is

Again, it‘s the problem

of deconstructing and
my wanting to show
you various variations.
The vast majority of
dream charts are either going to be Reflectors or Projectors. And if they are
Projectors they are basically going to be single definition. It isn‘t to say that there
aren‘t going to be other variations. Obviously, there is going to be a splattering of a
little of this and a little of that. But in terms of basically what you‘re going to see is
a lot of Reflectors and Projectors.

By the way, that‘s very helpful in terms of practical analysis because it means that
those elements in their waking Design where they are subject to conditioning aren‘t
generalized and can be quite specific. In other words, you can really see the
pinpoints in what to work with.

Whenever you‘re going to look at the relationship between the waking rave and the
DreamRave, it‘s always important for you to have a sense of the person. In
September I‘m going to be doing a full program, a certification program for this, to
be able to provide the kind of techniques and information so that one can be very
specific practically in the way in which you help somebody gain benefit from their

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Remember that from the point of view of mechanics, the dream body can be very
useful. It can be very useful as a guide, as a signpost guide, in that sense, of what
you need to deal with in your waking state. So, it can be very helpful. But again,
you need to understand the being, after all.

Here what we‘re looking at is that we have this single definition, obviously a
Generator, obviously through the 50/27, but notice something here. You can‘t jump
to conclusions that that will be there, if you know what I mean. It is coming from
the Design Neptune, the 50th gate, 4th line corruption and you can see that this is
something that is going to disappear when we step into the dream body. After all,
all of this information disappears as we enter into the dream body.

Open Centers

So there is no guarantee. For example, just looking at that and saying, aha, this is
something that is going to translate over. Again, what we‘re looking at is that
because it is a single definition, obviously it is the open centers, their hierarchical
values that are going to be the determining factors in the conditioning in this being‘s
life. This avoidance of confrontation and truth and the need for attention are very,
very difficult things to have together. It creates a kind of schizophrenia, in a way.
Please do not take that statement to the extreme. I just mean they‘re in conflict
with each other.

That is, the open emotional system wants to avoid attracting attention and the open
Throat Center wants to get attention, so this ends up being somebody that within
their not-self configuration at the same time that they‘re attracting attention, they‘re
trying to blow it off because in fact they don‘t want the attention because they can‘t
handle it. Again, you can end up having an understanding of what kind of person
this is.

I don‘t see people‘s designs in terms of their activations, I really don‘t, because I
don‘t see people as who they are. I see people as who they‘re not. And it‘s who
they‘re not that runs their life. So there is this dilemma that is there in this being.
And of course, the fact is that they are in a hurry to try to get the results and they
are under enormous pressure to get those results. And they get caught in that bind
between the two.

Of course, somebody that unconsciously wants to succeed, this can be an enormous

frustration in not being able to come to grips with their not-self. And of course, with
the open mental system you have somebody that wants to be certain about
something. They just do. And they have a defined ego; they have all this stuff that
they need to prove and yet, it is their openness that determines their life. What we
know in terms of the program what we can be certain about in terms of the program
is that the program wants this person to be focused on what keeps them not-self.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

15 Activations in the Dream Body

So what happens? Hold your breath. Look at this [below]. Again, you‘re looking at
15 activations in this dream body. It‘s extraordinary what‘s there. Remember that
we had in the waking rave the Neptunian 50.4, and here we have this configuration
where the 50 carries the Design sun, and the power of the Design sun. What
disappears? We‘re still a Generator. We‘re still a Generator through the 50/27, but
the identity and obviously the Ego are gone.

This is going to be the source of everything. This is a being that is going to be

focused on a missing identity and it‘s going to lead to the chaos that the 15 always
creates. It is that identity, it is this place. The fact that this person has a defined
identity when they‘re awake means their
identity will never operate correctly because
of the way in which it‘s influenced in the
programming while it‘s asleep. In other
words, it‘s extremely difficult for this person
to live out their true nature. And the
program is going to make sure of it. Look
at all those activations.

What we know is that because there are all

these activations we are looking at a being
here that in that sense is a ―threat.‖ It is a
threat to the homogenized program. It can
be a very, very powerful tribal transmitter.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

It can affect the tribe, it can change the tribe. It can bring failure, it can bring
success. But it can be a deeply, deeply powerful force. That‘s why I never look at
people‘s designs in terms of their paying attention to their definition, because that‘s
not what they become. It‘s not what they live. It‘s not how they are conditioned,
it‘s not how they‘re fed, food conditioned. They are not protected or aware in their
sleep. So, the forces come and they hammer. Look at that.

The 50th and 28th Gates: This Person is Filled with Fear

So, what are you going to get? You‘re going to get a deep, deep complexity of
things. Look at the three 57th gates—3rd line, 5th line, 1st line. Look at the four 28‘s.
This is somebody that in their dream life is filled with fear. They are just overloaded
with fear. That‘s what those
things bring. And what I
mean by that is not
necessarily that their dreams
are frightening. It‘s the
opposite. It is the very
emptiness of the opposite
that leads to the fear in the

What you get in the dream

can poison your waking
consciousness. It just can.
This attunement is all about
the possibility of really being
in line with the thing that
matters. When the 20th gate
is there, as we saw last week, this sudden wake up and it‘s there so it‘s pounded into
you. And in this dream, they are always looking for the wake up, for the secret, for
the stuff underneath, for the fantasy of it all. And the fantasy will fill it up.

But when they wake up, it‘s not there. Look

at those 57s. Now, look here at this 57, it‘s
one activation, just one, that fear of
tomorrow pointed towards that 20. Go into
the dream state and the whole thing gets
backed up, and really gets juiced up, if I can
put it that way, particularly the Mars in
there. When this person wakes up in the
morning they have had all this conditioning
pressure on that 57.

And in the dream tomorrow may be nothing

to be afraid of and they‘re so relieved. And
they wake up in the morning and think, oh

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

what a wonderful omen, everything is going to be ok. But it isn‘t, because there is
no 20th gate and the fear will come back. It will come back because it is a not-self
being that operates out of fear, out of the conditioning that is rooted in its openness.
And all that pressure on the 57 is just going to lead to more and more and more. It
holds them to their not-self. It keeps a possible problem away from screwing up the
orderliness of the homogenized turning of the wheel.

The 50, 27 and 28th Gates

And the sex—the 50 and the 27 different

from what we looked at last time where
there is this potential in the dream life to
be nurtured that doesn‘t exist in the real
life, because the real life is governed by
the not-self and its dilemmas, its deep
dilemmas. And look at this 28. Isn‘t
that just juicy? You know that‘s a
problem. And think about this person
with their 28th gate. Again, you can just
see it here, just a touch of it, and a little
whisper of it, and not very clear.

The Design Moon in the DreamRave

And then you get over here and it‘s all loaded up. What does it mean? This need for
purpose, this need for purpose when you see the Moon, the Design Moon, and you
see it in the matrix of a dream body you know there is enormous conditioning
pressure here. Fear, you look at that Demon Realm—fear, fear, fear—everybody
thinks that the Demon Realm
means that you could have
nightmares and horror
dreams. You‘re more likely
to have a horror dream if you
have the Light Field because
it‘s trying to scare you about
the form than you are from
the Demon Realm.

The Demon Realm is more

devious in that sense. It
offers you what you think you
need and then leaves you
feeling at a loss. It hurts
you, because it stays there in
the back of your

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

consciousness. And if you don‘t find that expression, if you don‘t find that purpose,
if you can‘t get rid of that nagging fear, it doesn‘t matter what the dream was like, it
doesn‘t matter what the dream said, you‘re not-self and the dream has helped you
stay there.

Disappearing Centers: The G Center and the Heart Center

And you cannot break that bond, that relationship by understanding this. You can
only do so when you wake up in the morning and you operate correctly as yourself,
it is the only way to handle it.
There is no other way to handle
it. When a center disappears, it
is really significant. And it‘s
something to look at in any
DreamRave comparison to the
waking chart. Here you can see
this defined G Center. Now, it‘s
an interesting G Center in the
sense that there is nothing
conscious there. So, it‘s
interesting to see that in terms of
what happens to us when we go
to asleep, that here is somebody
that totally loses their connection
to their identity when they‘re

What does that mean when you wake up? That you become totally absorbed with
trying to express your identity. Your G Center, the identity that‘s there in your
openness, the false
identity of what your not-
self mind concludes about
what life is and who you
are. And of course, that
only leads to more
mistakes. It only leads
to more problems. It
only leads to more

So here, there‘s nothing.

This is a totally open G
Center and this person‘s
seeking of identity is
something that becomes
enormously powerful.
But what does it always

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

point to? It points to the 15th gate and the 15th gate is the gate of chaos. And we
know that the G Center is about love. And we know that it is about the pursuit of
love, to find love. And here is somebody who has a waking identity that is fixed who
is going to pursue love because of dream conditioning and it has nothing to do with
them. It‘s the programming and it will bring chaos. It will bring all kinds of
dilemmas in their waking life in the nature of their relationships.

Centers that disappear think about what it means. The Ego is gone and so the
moment that this person wakes up and the Ego gets back into gear, boy does it have
something to prove. But of course, the way it will prove it and the way it will decide
to prove it and the actions that it will take come from the not-self. And all of that
conditioning succeeds.

Personal Dreams/Transits

A third of our lives on average are spent in a brain washing state. That‘s the reality,
that is the true mechanics, it is a programming force. And it means that to begin to
understand dream interpretation, for those of you that are active dreamers, one of
the most important things for you to do with your personal dreams is to see them in
relationship to what the program wants to achieve with you. If you happen to be a
Reflector who has absolutely no activations, and again I showed you a couple of
those last week and they‘re not uncommon, then it‘s different because you have to
watch the transiting field and see what the transiting field is impacting in terms of
conditioning us.

I have paid a lot of attention over the years to the transiting field and introduced
people to really watch it and how important it is. To be conscious of the transiting
field is something that is a great education because you get to feel the connections
and the breaking of connections and what it means to be manipulated by the forces.
But grasp that the programming that‘s done when you are unconscious is the major
programming that you receive. And that programming that you receive from the
transiting field, I‘m not talking about your basic dream design, but what you get
from the transiting field is what programs you to receive the imprint in the waking
life. In other words, when we get to analysis, we will see that it‘s not possible to
interpret any dream until you see the dreamer and the transit, because only when
you see the dreamer and the transit together do you understand what the theme is
that‘s at play.

What I am showing you now is the basis of what is the first real mechanical
understanding of the dream process. And it begins with understanding it as a
conditioning force. If you can begin to understand this as a conditioning force then
the rest of the work, that is, developing the nuances of interpretation, that is a minor
thing because it‘s so much easier to interpret your dreams when you understand
what their purpose is. And the purpose can be seen in what is your natural dream
body, and of course, the transit field that is involved.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Now remember we are dealing with a very different amount of influence in terms of
the transit field. It‘s not like the waking rave, where you have all of these objects
and you have 64 gates and somebody is being affected all the time by something,
even in the dream state there are going to be occasions where there are no
activations to the dream body at all from the program where there is no setup for
the next day. But the actual interpretation of a dream, you can only interpret the
dream when the dreamer and the conditioning force of the program at the time are
seen together.

Experiment with Transits

One of the things you can experiment with, particularly and again it‘s only in those
cases when for example you have wake up dreams where you can time it precisely
because you really know the frame, though the tendency is for example that the
dreams that you wake up with in the morning are dreams that happen quite close to
waking. It is the area where there is the most interaction. To be aware of the
timing so you can begin to look at the relationship of the transit field and see what
the transit field is bringing.

But the things that are not here that were there, the G that was there, the Ego that‘s
not there, they play an important part in the transition when one goes back into the
waking state. They
become a key in that
sense. And what do
you notice today?
What you get to
notice today is that
the real thematic of
DreamRave analysis
is what things are
pointed at in
relationship to what‘s

In other words, what

are the conditioning
drives in the dream
state. For example,
for this person
transit activations to
the 38, transit activations to the 15 or the 20 are going to be very, very powerful.
That‘s when they‘re most likely to get very strong dreams that relate to the themes
that I‘m describing to you, because after all I‘m only describing a receptor. It‘s not
like talking about the waking rave. There is no self-reflected consciousness at work
here. There is no Personality in charge here in terms of the mental functioning. This
is a direct chemical programming.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
The Sleeping Generator

So when you‘re looking at the Design what you‘re looking at is what the foundation is
for the relationship to the dream. We know the basic dilemma of the dreamer, we
know the weakness, we know where the not-self is going to be reinforced and given
the terminology that we have in the specific keynotes we have the language to
understand what is being conditioned. And then it‘s a matter of practice.

The DreamRave is a Key to Understanding What Maintains the Not-Self

As I said, your own dreams or if you‘re not much of a dreamer I‘m sure you have
loads of friends that dream a lot and you can tell them that you‘re working in dream
practice and you need some volunteers. Get to know their Design and watch their
dream pattern. It‘s like anything else in Design and it‘s always been that way.
Practical experience is the most enriching process. You need to do your research.
You need to look and you need to begin to look with the correct perspective. It‘s
very important for you to start with understanding that what you‘re seeing in the
DreamRave is a key to understanding what maintains the not-self in the waking

This is your entry point. And once you have that entry point then you can begin to
understand the way in which, when you compare it to the dream state, that the
person will have or yourself, when you combine it with what the activations are if
there are activations from the transit, you begin to see how it all fits together.

Obviously, I‘m going to go into—I‘m offering the first certification course ever in this
in September, I‘m going to go into great detail in terms of all of that, but right now
for all of you, because next week is very special because I‘m going to do a number of
things and one of them is showing you the actual chemical relationship between the
dream body and the waking body, you need to gather and investigate and
experiment with the knowledge with this foundation. Look for the conditioning, see
it clearly and then you will discover that the dreams are very easy, truly I‘m not just
saying it, really easy to understand. You can see precisely what they‘re getting at.

Now, it isn‘t to say there aren‘t things in the dream that are fascinating in and of
their own right separate from the conditioning phenomena. Again, I will get to a
point where that is something that can be discussed. But it‘s very important to see
that that is not the point. The point is to understand how vulnerable we are as
human beings when we sleep. The point is to understand that awakening for us,
each of us, each day is a monumental moment in our lives. It truly is, because it is
only in that moment that we can reestablish our Authority because our Authority has
been taken away as we dream, as we sleep, and we must reclaim our Authority, in
that sense, when we awaken.

But this is the program. It is not the friend of anyone who wants to wake up, no pun
intended. It is not. It is not that it is opposed, in that sense, personally. It is
simply not part of the agenda of the program and the evolutionary process as it
moves forward. It is for those that are ready and capable of breaking the covenant,

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

which means those that are ready and capable of living exclusively and only by their
own Authority.

A pleasure and look at your DreamRaves carefully. Look carefully; don‘t just stare at
it, really go into it and see where your weak points are. They‘re your weak points.
It‘s an enormous benefit to see them.

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Lesson Six
Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

Ok, welcome to this sixth and final class of this particular session in DreamRave
Analysis. I know that many of you were anticipating that I was going to do
overviews of all of your DreamRaves. In looking at the material that I wanted to
cover and recognizing that to do the overviews for all of you was going to take a
couple of hours that basically what I‘m going to do is schedule in the first week of
August a gathering for this class so that I can, and there will not be a charge for that
so you get an extra shot of that, so that I can do all of your overviews.

I didn‘t want to give up this particular material that is here to be covered today. I
think it‘s a foundation of what this knowledge is all about and I think it‘s very
important that it isn‘t limited to what I‘ll be doing in September which is the
professional analytical program
because there I really want to
concentrate simply on analysis.
This is one of the theoretical
things that is necessary to
understand, these codon
pathways and the transition
from sleeping to waking which
is a fundamental theme in

So, my office will contact you

and will give you a date and
time. It will be at the same
timeslot, that is, it will be in
this hour. It won‘t be the first
Monday in August, but it will be
sometime during that first
week. I‘ll let you know in a
couple of weeks when it‘s actually scheduled. For those of you who haven‘t sent me
your DreamRaves, please do, so I can have the whole thing and be prepared for
when I do that.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

DreamRave Knowledge

Let‘s get to what this is all about today because again it‘s one of the things about,
and I‘ve talked to you about this before, my concerns about the way in which
DreamRave knowledge is used and how it‘s understood. I don‘t think there‘s ever
been any knowledge that actually reveals the nature of the sleep state or the sleep
body. I think that all interpretations of the dream experience are interpretations that
simply do not understand where the information is coming from or why it‘s receiving
specific information in a certain way.

There are two things about the DreamRave at a practical level that‘s important. One
is what we‘ve been looking at. That is, to understand that where you see activation
in a DreamRave is focused on being able to maintain the not-self. In other words, it
is a deep conditioning force.

The other side is what do we make of these dreams that we have, the stories that we
have and how do those things emerge, where do they come from, and what happens
to us when we move from that sleeping state and the dream body, what happens
when that dissolves and we return to what is the waking form and all of its 64 gates,
what happens to that dream information and how does that dream information move
through our system. How does it affect us and where does it affect us? This is what
we‘re going to be looking at today. We‘re going to be looking at a key in
understanding the nature of dream. This is perhaps one of the most interesting
maps that exists in my work. It is fascinating because when you really finally get a
hold of this and grasp it, you get to understand that the DreamRave programming
can be so powerful in the way in which it impacts us.

Codon Pathways

First of all, let me explain to

you what you are looking at.
Obviously, down here along the
left side you are looking at all
of the possible gates of the
dream body matrix, so you‘re
looking at all of these potential
gates going down the side.
Each and every one of these
gates belongs to a specific
chemical family. That is, they
belong to a codon group. So,
what you‘re looking at is in
essence the gate that is in the
dream matrix, you‘re looking at
what chemical family that gate
belongs to and then you‘re

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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

looking at the gate in the waking rave that is part of the same chemical family.

The 1st Gate

Remember, these are codon pathways literally. So, for example, if you‘re somebody
that carries that 1 in your dream state, for example—I do. I have that 1 and it‘s
there in my dream. And what that means when I awaken the information of this is
immediately available in the waking state through the 14 th gate. Now, I‘m a 2 and I
don‘t have the 14, which means as a conditioning factor the 14 becomes very, very
interesting to me. I get pointed at that phenomenon. Not only that, but the value
inherent in what I‘ve experienced in the dream state is being transferred along this
pathway and is there waiting, in a sense, in the 14th gate.

The 5th Gate

We have some movements that are incredibly complex, as you can see, pathways
that are extremely diverse. So, for example, we look at the 5, we know the
universality of the 5th gate. Think about the 5 and think about the way in which
we‘ve seen it within the context of the DreamRave. We‘re looking at the Earth Plane.
So, here is the 5 and the 5 is all about the Earth Plane. Not only is it about the Earth
Plane, but its theme is time and time distortion, the kind of dream where time
doesn‘t matter. The old and the perhaps future can blend into some kind of present

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

and in that there is the possibility of some kind of recognition, whatever the case
may be.

Think about what happens to this person when it wakes up. When it wakes up there
is the chemical transference of this information. It‘s already there in the 5, and
obviously the 5 is part of the waking rave as well, but it suddenly emerges in these
three other gates. It can end up being expressed through any of them, only one of
them or two of them. Or they can end up being conditioning factors in and of
themselves in terms of their attractiveness. Let‘s take for example that in your
particular Design let‘s say you have the 11th gate. It means that the way in which
this dream is going to be interpreted is going to be very powerful mentally. It is
going to affect your mind and it is going to affect your conceptualizing and it is going
to affect your ideas, because it‘s all part of the transference of the information.

Those other gates, if you do not have them, then they become even more attractive
and your ideas are going to end up pointing you in that direction or your pattern is
going to try to move you in that direction. It‘s all about conditioning. But it‘s also
the way in which it is interpreted.

Think about the way in which the not-self operates. The not-self operates through
open centers, or it operates through those gates that it bridges and splits; in other
words, deep conditioning factors. And you have to see that this transference leads
to an impact in the way in which you think, particularly when these gates are going
to be gates that you don‘t have, or gates that are going to be electro-magnetics or
whatever to what you do have. In other words, it is going to lead to considerable
conditioning and conditioning in the way in which you think.

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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

One of the things that is part of the technique of analysis and one of the reasons why
I wanted to introduce this now is so that you can begin to play with this and you can
begin to see your own mapping, because we all have a different way in which
transference, or transition takes place for us along different pathways.


Take for example those beings, because the question arises immediately, that in
their DreamRave are complete Reflectors and of course, we‘ve seen those examples.
No activations whatsoever. What you‘re looking for here is you‘re looking for the
transiting field and the transiting field only. In other words, analysis for these
beings, which by the way will probably be as much as 30% of the population, that
work with them is related to the way in which the transiting program is going to
impact their dream life and in that impacting of their dream life creates specific
pathways to the waking rave. All of this is about conditioning. But the moment you
get to the waking rave you get to something else. That is, you get to the not-self
and you get to what the not-self taps into, what it is not.

Mapping your DreamRave

And doing your own mapping is something that is very, very special just to be able
to contemplate it, just to look at it. Because of course, you look at your DreamRave
and you see it has a couple of activations, maybe. Maybe you have a definition,
whatever the case may be. And then you map that out. And you map that out in
terms of what are the pathways that are related to each of the aspects that you
have. And then how do those pathways integrate with your design. And slowly we
begin to see the track of the way in which the information that we receive in the
dream gets translated to the waking state. And it‘s always translated through the

The 19th Gate

Let‘s say that the pathway, for example, in your DreamRave leads to the emotional
system. Let‘s say it just leads in that direction. You have to see that the pointing of
that, the 19th gate as an example, just pointing in that direction can set up all kinds
of a mental state that says, I have to avoid this or I have to avoid that or whatever
the case may be. The moment that somebody for example in their DreamRave is
going to have that 19th gate it is going to impact that emotional system, because it‘s
pointed at it. It‘s also going to be there, obviously, in the other themes that are

But it‘s something to understand that the moment that something is pointed towards
a center that is already open then it gets carried into that context. Let‘s say you‘re

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

somebody like me with a hanging 49th gate in my waking design. Now, I don‘t have
a 19 in my dream state, but let‘s say that there‘s a transit that is going to bring that
19, it is immediately going to have an impact on me. It‘s immediately going to have
an impact on the way in which my not-self thinks about avoidance and confrontation.
And in fact, the dream interpretation is going to be framed in that way because it
has to move into the waking state. If it doesn‘t move into the waking state there is
no interpretation possible. You have to have access to it in the waking state for it to
be something that you claim is a dream or something that you remember.

The 15th Gate

And it is this incredible movement that is so fascinating to track. And of course,

when you‘re looking at this configuration what you‘re also looking at are levels of
complexity. Serin, for example, you have the 15th gate in your DreamRave, and
again we are still dealing with the Earth Plane and we‘re dealing with chaos. How
does chaos manifest itself? You‘re a 55 and you don‘t have the 39 so chaos is going
to manifest itself in
relationship to your
particular spirit. If you
don‘t have that 39, if you
have an open Root
Center, that Root Center
about being in a hurry
that all of this is going to
take on a patina of that

It‘s also going to work

through the others. We
are so setup. And it is
never a direct translation.
It can‘t be. This is
something to grasp. The
codon paths are very
selective. Andrea, our
resident geneticist would
like to see the second
illustration. Here‘s the second illustration. This is something else. This is about all
of the things that have nothing to do and are not part of the direct translation, but
I‘ll get back there. They‘re not; it‘s something to see.

We don‘t even get the full information load. It is only translated through the actual
pathways themselves. The advantage, by the way, is that it allows us to understand
something very profound. It allows us to see that what we interpret as dream, that
the basis of the interpretation is something that we can see in the Design on the
surface. This is the great journey, in that sense, in learning how to do DreamRave
Analysis. It‘s not about understanding that there is this plane and this realm and

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

this thing and here are the gates and here their new keynotes. Yes, that‘s very
helpful only in terms of the positioning.

Our Psychological Weaknesses in Life

When I look at the DreamRave, what I‘m looking at is where the weaknesses are
because DreamRave points to what are our psychological weaknesses in life, that‘s
what it does immediately. So I look at DreamRave activations in the context of the
dysfunction of the not-self and where the deep weaknesses are in the not-self,
weaknesses by the way in essence point to the fact that these are beings that are
caught in a deep struggle to free themselves from conditioning. If I want to
understand the impact on the psychology in the life, not simply the impact on the
weak points in the conditioning, in other words, the impact on the way in which we
think, in the way in which we look at things, and then you have to follow the
pathways. Because of course, the pathways on the surface when you look at them
in terms of the gates, the channels, the centers, when you see it the relationship to
the waking Design you begin to understand what frames the dream in the waking
mind and it is always the not-self.

One of the things to discover is that if you‘re a split definition you‘re going to have a
very, very powerful potential of bringing the dream to a kind of crystal quality in
your remembrance, if in your pathway there is the bridge to your split, because it
becomes this deep conditioning force in which the information moves specifically
through that particular theme. In order to really be good at DreamRave analysis you
need to understand the not-self mechanically. You need to be very clear about the
way in which the aspects of the not-self become the framework in which the mind
operates so that you can begin to follow these pathways and see what they actually
lead to.

The 38th Gate

As I said, some of them are deeply, deeply complex. The Arginin, here a classic
example of six different gates that are part of a specific chemical family, and when
you look at this the first thing is thinking about the 38 th gate and the Demon Realm
and aggression, the theme of the 38th gate, this fight that is there, and to see how
this translates. So it‘s something that‘s really, really important to look at. The
moment that you‘re looking at that you can see there is tremendous movement that
is there. It‘s tremendous. Where it‘s moving through all of these other themes so
that in fact if you‘re somebody that has an open Ego with a hanging 51, that open
Ego and the way it works not thinking that you‘re worthy, this is what‘s going to be
deeply affected by the impact of this dream in the 38; boom, there, right there.

It travels along the pathway. And you can see that the 17th gate is involved, you can
see that it‘s going to impact the way the mind works. If you‘re somebody that has
the 62nd gate and you don‘t have the 17, but you have the 38 in your dream you‘re
constantly finding yourself saying how certain you are about this or that, ―I‘ve

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

dreamed it and I know it‘s right and I know it‘s going to be the thing and that‘s really
what I‘m going to do.‖ And there‘s the not-self driving your mind to action. It‘s
something to really grasp.

When you see the dream body there is no dream interpretation, this is what is so
important to see. This is just where the imprint is taking place, where the direct
conditioning is taking place. It is only when you move into the waking state that it
becomes constituted as a concept. And it becomes constituted as a concept within
the framework of the not-self. It doesn‘t matter whether you have a mental gate or
not, it has to do with the way it
affects the not-self and the not-
self is rooted in the openness
and it‘s the openness that
frames the way in which the
mind thinks. This is going to
set the stage for your dream.
This is what‘s going to make
the difference. This is where
literally the story is going to lie.
And it‘s something really to
grasp. This is what it‘s about.
It‘s all about the movement
and the transference. It is.

By the way, I will correct this

illustration before I upload it to
you. It was something that I
literally quickly put together so
there are a couple of errors in it. Just so you know, but the illustration that you will
get, by the way, will be correct. By the way, the other is that the 53 rd gate is


It‘s just something to grasp the way in which the transference literally operates. It
is a key, in that sense. By the way, it‘s here, it‘s not missing, it‘s here, it‘s on the
other side of it. To understand this transference and to see the way it moves along
the path, because that‘s the whole story. And then to understand what that means
within the context of your design. Despite the fact that there is this sense that the
dream realm is something that is populated by the same archetypes, the kind of
Jungian approach to the idea of the dream forces has everything that the mechanics
of Human Design has revealed is that we are unique. We are unique not simply in
the way in which we are potentially differentiated, but we are unique in a much
deeper sense. That is, we are unique in the way in which we dream, we‘re unique in
the way in which our dreams become something that we can tap into.

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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

One of the things to speculate about is what happens when you‘re no longer living
the not-self, because when you‘re no longer living the not-self, the way in which the
dream is going to be interpreted is going to be entirely different. I don‘t even know
if it has power. This is one of the things to really begin to ponder about all of this is
that it has to get into the waking body.

My concern always with the dream is that I have always seen it as the most profound
programming agent that we have. There isn‘t any deeper programming agent. The
moment that you‘re lying there in your dream body is the moment that you are
deeply, deeply vulnerable. And it‘s something to grasp that all of that vulnerability
and all of the work that takes place while you‘re in the dream state, that the moment
that you come into the waking state there is this spreading out of the information
along the available pathways. And everybody is different.

You may have a single activation in your DreamRave or two or three, whatever the
case may be your pathways are going to be limited. To see your pathway in
relationship to your Design is another level of the uniqueness and only then do you
begin to get the framework of how it‘s working on you, because it is. This is what
it‘s about. It is a way of conditioning the Personality consciousness. It is so
powerful because it conditions you into the waking body and it conditions you in a
very deep hidden way and it takes advantage of what is already structured as the
way in which your mind, the not-self mind, approaches anything.

So they take on a certain flavor that is familiar because it fits into the way in which
your mind frames things. Some of these pathways are deeply fascinating. But it
doesn‘t matter what you do with them in this context, that is, to go through the
deconstruction and see the various ways in which the information moves. What‘s
important to begin to work with is that each and everyone of these gates you have a
value for these gates in a dream body. And now you have a new interesting keynote
that you can add to its pathway gates, because this information here and its keynote
value is going to move to here. It‘s going to be present in the waking rave, not
simply in that one gate, but in two or in four or in five or in six, and on and on and
on. In other words, this is very, very powerful imprinting that‘s taking place. And it
just flows out through these lines.


When you first look at the DreamRave and you see how little activation that is there
you don‘t really grasp why we have such a connection to this state. It‘s not about
what‘s happening while we‘re sleeping. It‘s about what happens when we wake up.
This is when the dream really does its work. We‘ve already seen that we‘re set up
for our weakness. We‘re just set up for it. I don‘t have the 8 th gate in my waking
rave, but I have it in the DreamRave [Ra’s chart below]. I‘m being set up to be
conditioned to go look for that 8th gate. It‘s a setup. It makes that 8th gate so
attractive to my waking rave. But that‘s conditioning.

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

The fact is that it is not just simply that I wake up and that 8 th gate is a conditioning
factor, but I‘m also dealing with the 14th gate which I don‘t have which is pointed at
my 2nd gate which I do that is having exactly the same impact. And on either end on
my 1, 2 nodes, is this pressure that is there, this conditioning pressure.

This is what you get to see in the dream; you get to see how constantly the program
is pointing you at more and more conditioning. There‘s my weakness as far as the
program is concerned, that‘s my weakness not having that 8 th gate. By the way, the
8th gate is Phenyl-
Alanin, and of course,
its pathway is to the 2nd
gate, and I have the 2nd
gate. It gets to be quite
a story.

So, instead of going out

of my 10th gate of
behavior to what is
awakening and the way
in which I‘m intended to
operate this is all trying
to drag my Ego out
through the 8th gate. And that‘s not who I am. And it doesn‘t matter whether I
remember the damn dream or not. It doesn‘t. It doesn‘t make any difference. The
fact of the matter is that it is there in my system and there is absolutely no way that
I can handle that intellectually. There isn‘t. It‘s always the story about conditioning.
Conditioning is not something that you can manage. You cannot manage it with your
mind. All you can do is operate correctly.

Every Morning You Start All Over Again

Every one of these classes I remind you that when you wake in the morning you
start all over again, because the moment you go to sleep at night is the moment you
enter back into the embrace of the program and all of its conditioning power on you.
When you wake up in the morning you have to start all over again. This is just the
way that it works. And of course, starting all over again is simply that you have to
deal with what is correct for you, you have to be able to make the decisions that are
away from the impact of all of this on your Personality consciousness, because that‘s
what it‘s doing.

It‘s not just a simple matter of understanding that the not-self operates through this
and that, it operates through this open center or that open gate, yes, we know. But
it‘s much deeper than that, it‘s much more intense than that. It‘s not just
programming that is set up for you at birth, it‘s accentuated. It‘s impacted all the
time. It‘s quite something to grasp; all the time.

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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

The interpretation of the dream, the ability to be able to hear somebody tell you
about their dream and be able to give them a practical response to all of that is that
you have to be able see the movement into the dreaming, into the waking state.

And it‘s when you see the movement into the waking state that you get the
framework for understanding the nature of the dream. You know what the points
are within the dream body. You understand where the propaganda, in that sense,
the conditioning force is coming from. You know that it is a weakness in that being
in order to maintain them as not-self. And then you get to see through the pathway
how that emerges into their vehicle, into their waking vehicle and how it impacts the
way in which the not-self is going to think. Again, no general rule, because each and
everyone of us have our unique pathways. We have a kind of unique chart of the
way in which this information gets transferred into our design. Again, it‘s part of the
technique of understanding in that sense how to do the analysis.

Areas that Never Translate the Dream

This is interesting. I find it to be a fascinating aspect of all of this is that when we

are looking at the dream body we have no Ego in the dream body. We have no
emotional system in the dream body, though there is, obviously, this movement
towards the Solar Plexus. That is, the ultimate cross-speciel. We don‘t have a Head
and Ajna. And what we‘re looking at in this particular illustration is that we‘re
looking at those particular codons that are not associated with dream gates and their
particular pathways. In
other words, these are
areas that never
translate the dream.
Think about that. They
are never forces of
establishing the weak–
ness; they‘re never
forces in expressing the
dream itself.

What I see here very

clearly about the nature
of the dream is
something that was
very obvious to me
when I first began
looking at this material. By the way, the dream body is one of the earliest variations
of forms that was explained to me in my experience. Because I had a dog, which I
was quite concerned with in that event and that‘s how I was told about the various
forms. And I was also told incidentally to the mammalian Design that this was also
the human dream body. That immediately set off all kinds of little bells for me.

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Look at this thing. Dreaming—I have a wonderful dog and anybody who has a dog
knows the experience of watching your dog while it‘s sleeping having a dream. It
barks and it moves its paws; it‘s really caught up in this state. The dream is so
primitive. It predates Homo sapiens. It is an ancient, ancient programming
mechanism. It‘s primitive. It has very, very little connection to what is the
development of mind out of the original Splenic configuration or specifically the
nature of the advancement that is there in the Solar Plexus system and ultimately
what the Solar Plexus represents as a potential awareness. The dream is a primitive
thing, deeply primitive, ancient.

When I say that I‘m not saying that in the sense of oh, wow, isn‘t that wonderful,
because I‘m not. It‘s an old mechanism; a very, very old mechanism that was in
place to have absolute control over the life force on the planet. It‘s just built in. And
it wasn‘t designed for humans. It‘s mammalian; it is something that we inherit in
this horizontal going to sleep business, because we are mammals no matter how odd
our mutation of the mammalian happens to be. We have this commonality with our
mammalian roots that is not that far away.

The Dreams of the Monkey Gods

Here are the darkest corners of us. They‘re dark corners. They‘re the dreams of the
monkey gods. This was a control mechanism for a very, very low level of
intelligence; truly. One of the dilemmas is the way in which suddenly this primitive
mammalian mechanism, the moment that you go into the waking state that this
primitive mammalian
mechanism is suddenly
integrated in the
sophistication of a 64-
gate matrix. And with
all the complexity of
the not-self mind in
the way in which the
not-self mind operates.
It‘s something to

If by definition what
we have seen, in a
sense, here are the
roots of the primitive
in the present and it‘s
quite something to think about in that way, the roots of the primitive in the present
and on the other side to see what‘s new, because this, in a sense, is beyond
mammalian. It just is. So, it carries with it the thing that makes us different from

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

It‘s interesting to see that the primitive will give you the 61/24, but it can‘t give you
the 63/4 or the 64/47. It‘s something to think about; I‘ll let you ponder that,
because it‘s quite something. We‘re looking at what makes us different. The key is
the Methonin in the 41 and the Tryptophan, the 35, because in essence they really
express the movie. The Prolin with its 36, the Glutamin with its 30 and there you
have the human experiential way and you have the whole expression of what the
modern human life is all about. You see, dreams are connected to the primitive, are
connected to our fears, are connected to our immune system nightmares, and are
connected to the deepest, deepest concerns for survival.

The 34th Gate

Over here it‘s very different. And again, the way in which your own Design is going
to operate, the balance between how much of you have a mammalian primitive root
and how much of you doesn‘t. And ultimately the difference between the way in
which dream is interpreted. But it‘s fascinating to
look here and to look at these elements and to
understand that these elements are keys in being
able to express what we understand as us.
Obviously, they cannot stand alone. But it really is
something to look at. I guess one of the most
fascinating is the 34th gate. It is universal in its
timeframe. It is a power that is there at the
beginning and there at the end. But
quintessentially this is a human power. It‘s so
different from the animal in us.

We think we leave this matrix behind when we

awaken, but we don‘t, because all the information
is carried through. And then you begin to see your
connection to the primitive. I know it very well. I
can go through here and very easily point out in
my Design all of the things that are so inherently
primitive in me. You go along and you get to see
all of those things that are there in your design,
every single one of them that are there and to
begin to grasp what that means. I can keep on
circling, by the way, it goes on and on and on and
on in this process here. But it‘s just to give you a
sense to have a—I see myself as deeply connected
to the past. And then I look at this map and I see
all of that. And you begin to understand that those
drives, those forces that are there, I am a deeply yang being, the yangness of me is
something that emerges here.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Locking into the Mammalian Game

Of course, all of this can become a real problem if I‘m not-self, because it draws me
away from my unique human potential and locks me into the mammalian game. The
mammalian game is best expressed through the 19 th gate. You need food, you need
territory, you need a lover, you need a god, you need allies, just all the basic
things—mammalian stuff. And you get drawn into that movie and of course, you get
drawn into it through your openness, through the way in which your not-self

If I go over here to what is, in that sense, uniquely human, I start looking—let me
see, is there anything here that belongs to me; yeah, there are a few things in there.
It‘s very different. You can see that. Being able to make the leap, to be able to
interpret this information you need to begin to deconstruct and look at yourself in
another way. You need to begin to look at the way in which this programming
information moves through you. It is one of my blessings that I do not have
conscious memory, generally speaking, of my dream process, because it is so
powerful what its impact can be on me in my waking life. And I mean I know that

When I went through my transition in my life when I first disappeared and went wild
and lived basically as an animal, and I did, I lived on the ground, I ate from the fruit
that was available, I lived in a tree for a year. It was very, very easy for me to be
absolutely mammalian. Well, you can see it. I can see it. All I have to do is just
look at all that and it‘s so obvious. The only reminder that any of us ever have and
it‘s a joke, because it‘s an endless reminder that maintains us in our mammalian trip
is what happens along these pathways, because this is constantly reconnecting the

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Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

waking body to its killer monkey host, because that is what we are. And this is the
way in which the most primitive aspects of our nature are reaffirmed in our waking

The Not-Self: Lowest Level of Potential

The dream state, no matter how lovely the story, is this incredible conditioning
programming field and it goes right at you. It holds you back from transcendence.
It does. It locks you and it locks you into the lowest levels of what our potential is.
That‘s what not-self is, is the lowest level of our potential. And that we can see that
when we look out at the vast majority of the planet that the mammalian, the basic
animal process is what infuses most lives—the violence, the dilemmas of the body,
food, sex, all of these things, the obsessions that the mammal has with all of these
things. This is what happens to us when we sleep.

We are brought back to the core of our mammalian nature, and then through that in
waking it moves through us, finding its way into our system. It‘s always a joke for
me, these people who always wanted to have peace on earth—with killer monkeys
running the show, you must be joking. All these human beings that say we are
above the animal. Yeah, yeah, sure; that‘s a joke. We are deeply held to our
mammalian nature. You think there‘s any difference between the come on of a man
to a women, or vice versa than goes on in nature. It‘s the same dance, it‘s the same

What was his name—Desmond Morris—that wonderful book, The Naked Ape. It was
brilliant—a zoologist who looked at human beings as if they were an animal. It‘s a
delight because you get to see—he was an expert, I think, in baboons. You get to
see despite the fact we like to dress it up with our self-reflected mental blah, blah,
blah, that most of the behavioral patterns that we put out in the world, those
behavioral patterns, and by the way the behavioral patterns in Arginin, that those
behavioral patterns, we are imprinted every single night with our mammalian-ness
over and over and over again.

The Distraction

This is how we‘re kept in line. This is how the program continues to control us. It‘s
why I was always resistant about getting into any kind of dream interpretation
because people get off on that and they don‘t realize that it‘s not the point. Yeah,
you can do it, it‘s easy, all you have to do is understand how it affects the not-self
and you can see how it‘s framed and you go back to what the theme is within the
dream and you‘d see how it all works out. It‘s not a big deal. It‘s not the point. It‘s
the distraction.

The great Harry Houdini, the wonderful magician, you force people to look where you
want them to look so they don‘t see what you‘re doing to them. They don‘t get
what‘s happening. It‘s an enticing movie. You don‘t know what‘s actually

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

happening. This is dreams. To really understand this is the most—when I think

about the primitiveness of the dream mechanism working out of the mammalian, it is
just so clear to me that this goes back to a time when our whole direction was
manipulated by the dream forces, how easy to do that, totally controlled, in that
sense, and having
that control operate
through the vehicle in
all of those particular
ways with the deep
not-self as its

We live in an
extraordinary time.
That it is possible to
see things precisely
for what they are. I
mean precisely. And
this is one of the
most fantastic things
to understand. It
isn‘t going to make those people happy that think that the value of a dream is the
meaning of the movie that you get. These are the fools. All I can say is enjoy your
delusion because that‘s all it is. You‘re caught in exactly what was expected of you
to get caught in. It‘s the limitation of not-self and its lack of awareness. It‘s not
what it‘s about.

True Authority: Not in the DreamRave

What it‘s about is to understand the overwhelming power of the dream force and
practically to understand where we need to be vigilant, what we need to be aware of
when we wake up from that process. Unique Authority, true Authority, Authority
that is separate from the demands of the program, they‘re not here in the
DreamRave. There is no opening of that door. You can only find that in the waking
state. And like all the dilemmas associated with awareness, the ultimate dilemma is
mind. It‘s mind. I remember what happened to me as not-self with this complexity
of influences in my design. It kept me away from my humanness.

It was so obvious to me, now, hindsight looking back, seeing what kind of being I
was then. I had no connection to my humanness; I was constantly being driven by
the mammalian imperatives. And I was like everybody else, not-self, full of obvious
weaknesses. How different it is when the mind is no longer in charge of the life. The
negative potential of the dream that is its process is something that is just
eliminated, but it calls for discipline. It calls for a deep understanding that every
single morning of your life you have to reestablish you Authority. You have to. You
can only establish that in the waking body.

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
Codon Pathways and the Transition from Sleeping to Waking

I remind everyone that the Personality that is liberated from the burden of decision
making can find the great entertainment that is life. And it doesn‘t matter whether
that entertainment is derived from the phenomena in front of you or the dream that
you had the day before. It‘s all interesting to watch once you‘re separate from the
sickness of mind making decisions. Then it‘s truly possible to become wise and to
become wise in understanding the influence of the program on life, a constant
reminder day by day by day as you live, a constant remind that to be free of that, to
operate as yourself is something that must occupy you at all times because the
program never gives up trying to be in control. It never gives up. It‘s always doing
its job, and it‘s always locking us to our primitive past.

It‘s clear to me that the dreams in this life now, the dreams of the nine-centered
being are still rooted in seven-centered themes that are rooted in this ancient
mammalian construct. They‘re locked in. It keeps us in the past. It keeps us locked
to the old ways. It keeps us in so many ways primitive.


The dream is really something. To understand the program, to really understand

what it does should be, in a sense, a deep shock; to really recognize how little
respect, in that sense, that the whole mechanism has for the rise of unique
awareness. Again, it‘s not the program‘s goal. It isn‘t. The program has other
business. And homogenization ultimately is the way of that other business. And
humanity is going to be left behind in this journey. It is important from the practical
point of view that any dream analysis can help you pinpoint in another human being
where their deepest dilemmas are in the waking life.

This is the gift. This is why I have come to this place of not just simply teaching it
but embarking on releasing this through professionals, releasing this program to the
public. It‘s because I see the practical value. It is perhaps one of the most profound
guides we will ever have to understanding weakness in a being in terms of the
program‘s perspective on them. And what that can mean for them in terms of the
practical of how to deal with it but also how to recognize it. This can be of value.
And in that sense it is something that is important.

Anyway, I want to thank you all and I appreciate the fact that you have been
involved in the program. As I said, in the first week of August I will arrange a
gathering so I can do all of your weaknesses and make them public to everybody, I
hope you‘re going to enjoy that, you‘re all masochists. I‘m just going to stick my
finger in all your weaknesses. I‘m just kidding—no I‘m not actually, it‘s true. But
nonetheless, we can all enjoy that together. So I‘ll do that at the beginning of

I would like you all to experiment though at looking at your pathways, it‘s very, very
important for you to begin to see how your activations, the way in which they
operate in the waking state, and something to ponder. This is a great visual work—
Design, all of its aspects. I find it very useful always because in my work I create a

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

lot of illustrations, as you know. The illustrations in and of themselves can be so

profound in terms of just a focus place for meditating, for looking at things, to see
your own configuration, to begin to grasp it and then to look at others. Follow these

And also look at the relationship between what is directly connected to the
mammalian in them and what isn‘t. It is something that ultimately I will teach you
about and show you how interesting it is to look at these different variations. But
most of all, if nothing else, our time together has to have reinforced your
understanding that it‘s up to you in this life to be correct. This is the where the
responsibility is. And it‘s only in that correctness that you can handle the pressure of
the program and the pressure of homogenization. It is such a thing to grasp.

We are all in a kind of heretical mode. We are here to challenge all of that. We are
here to challenge that to find our unique expression. This is the fulfillment of the
possibility of what it is to be us. Not to be a mammal, but what it is to be a nine-
centered being, the potential and the beauty of what it is to be a nine-centered
being. In that, there is only one way, you begin with inner Authority, you being with
stripping the mind of its decision making power. That‘s the foundation, it‘s always
the foundation. It‘s the only way to go.

So, I‘ll let you know. Again, in a couple of weeks I‘ll give you the dates when I set
the schedule. So I‘ll see you all then. In that slot I‘ll also explain to you basically
what will be coming up in September. It is an 11-week program and it is a
certificate program. I will make DreamRave Professional Analysts. I will make their
work available through the JAM Player so that we can begin to introduce this
knowledge to others. I really want to create the first professional group of
DreamRave Analysts. I‘m very much looking forward to that. I certainly enjoy the
fact that all of you have been involved. I hope you‘re going to continue this process.
As I said, I‘ll see you again in August when I go through your DreamRave overviews.
Until then, many of you I see along the way anyway, you take care. Enjoy the
entertainment and wake up in the morning as yourself. Andrea, as always, good to
have you back. Who else is going to correct me? Anyway, take care all of you. Bye,

~ The End of DreamRave I

Introduction to Personal Analysis ~

Illustration Library follows

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Illustration Library
Note: The page number beneath the chart indicates where that chart was
first introduced in the course.

Lecture 1: Introduction to Personal Analysis

Example 1 Rave Chart

Pg. 4

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 1 DreamRave Chart

Pg. 5

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation

Example 1 DreamRave Composite Chart

Pg. 6

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 1 DreamRave Keynotes Chart

Pg. 9

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Example 1 DreamRave Light Field Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 10

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 1 DreamRave Earth Plane Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 16

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Lecture 2: Sleeping Reflector

Example 1 Rave Chart

Pg. 21

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation
DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 1 DreamRave Composite Chart

Pg. 22

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All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation

Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 24

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Lecture 3: Sleeping Projector

Example 1 Rave Chart

Pg. 39

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Example 1 Composite Chart

Pg. 41

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 43

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Lecture 4: Sleeping Manifestor

Example 1 Rave Chart

Pg. 59

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 2 Rave Chart

Pg. 59

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Example 3 DreamRave Chart

Pg. 59

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 4 Rave Chart

Pg. 62

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Example 4 DreamRave Chart

Pg. 57

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example Chart 4 The Demon Realm Gates

Pg. 66

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Example Chart 4 The Light Field Gates

Pg. 70

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Lecture 5: The Sleeping Generator

Example 1 Rave Chart

Pg. 75

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Example 1 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 78

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

Example 2 Rave Chart

Pg. 83

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Example 2 DreamRave Chart with Keynotes

Pg. 85

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A Digital Book for Students

Lecture 6: Codon Pathways

Example 1 Codon & Composite DreamRave Chart

Pg. 93

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Example 2 Codon & Composite DreamRave Chart

Pg. 103

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DREAMRAVE I: Introduction to Personal Analysis
A Digital Book for Students

DreamRave I Introduction to Analysis is a program of the International Human Design School (IHDS)
All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2007 Jovian Archive Corporation

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