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Eye Movements in Reading - Keith Rayner

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The document reviews eye movement research over the past 20 years and discusses how eye tracking has been used to infer cognitive processes in tasks like reading, typing, and visual search.

The basic topics discussed with respect to reading are (a) the characteristics of eye movements, (b) the perceptual span, (c) integration of information across saccades, (d) eye movement control, and (e) individual differences (including dyslexia).

Theoretical and practical considerations concerning the use of eye movement data are also discussed.

Psychological Bulletin Copyright 1998 by the Americi i Psychological Association, Inc.

1998, Vol. 124, No. 3, 372-422 0033-2909/98/$3.00

Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing:

20 Years of Research

Keith Rayner
University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Recent studies of eye movements in reading and other information processing tasks, such as music
reading, typing, visual search, and scene perception, are reviewed. The major emphasis of the review
is on reading as a specific example of cognitive processing. Basic topics discussed with respect to
reading are (a) the characteristics of eye movements, (b) the perceptual span, (c) integration of
information across saccades, (d) eye movement control, and (e) individual differences (including
dyslexia). Similar topics are discussed with respect to the other tasks examined. The basic theme
of the review is that eye movement data reflect moment-to-moment cognitive processes in the various
tasks examined. Theoretical and practical considerations concerning the use of eye movement data
are also discussed.

Many studies using eye movements to investigate cognitive thing that could be learned about reading from eye movements
processes have appeared over the past 20 years. In an earlier (given the technology at the time) had been discovered. Perhaps
review, I (Rayner, 1978b) argued that since the mid-1970s we that opinion was widely held, because between the late 1950s
have been in a third era of eye movement research and that the and the mid-1970s little research with eye movements was
success of research in the current era would depend on the undertaken.
ingenuity of researchers in designing interesting and informative The third era of eye movement research began in the mid-
studies. It would appear from the vast number of studies using 1970s and has been marked by improvements in eye movement
eye movement data over the past 20 years that research in this recording systems that have allowed measurements to be more
third era is fulfilling the promise inherent in using eye movement accurate and more easily obtained. It is beyond the scope of the
behavior to infer cognitive processes. The first era of eye move- present review to detail all of the technological advancements
ment research extended from Javal's initial observations con- that have been made. Numerous works have dealt with methods
cerning the role of eye movements in reading in 1879 (see Huey, of analyzing eye movement data (see Kliegl & Olson, 1981;
1908) up until about 1920. During this era, many basic facts Pillalamarri, Barnette, Birkmire, & Karsh, 1993; Scinto & Bar-
about eye movements were discovered. Issues such as saccadic nette, 1986), and much has been learned about the characteris-
suppression (the fact that we do not perceive information during tics of various eye-tracking systems (see Deubel & Bridgeman,
an eye movement), saccade latency (the time that it takes to 1995a, 1995b; Mullet Cavegn, d'Ydewalle, & Groner, 1993).
initiate an eye movement), and the size of the perceptual span More important, the era has yielded tremendous technological
(the region of effective vision) were of concern in this era. The advances that have made it possible to interface laboratory com-
second era, which coincided with the behaviorist movement in puters with eye-tracking systems so that large amounts of data
experimental psychology, tended to have a more applied focus, can be collected and analyzed. These technological advances
and little research was undertaken with eye movements to infer have also allowed for innovative techniques to be developed in
cognitive processes. Although classic work by Tinker (1946) which the visual display is changed contingent on the eye posi-
on reading and by Buswell (1935) on scene perception was tion. In the eye-contingent display change paradigm (McCon-
carried out during this era, in retrospect, most of the work seems kie, 1997; McConkie & Rayner, 1975; Rayner, 1975b; Reder,
to have focused on the eye movements per se (or on surface 1973), eye movements are monitored, and changes are made in
aspects of the task being investigated). Tinker's (1958) final the visual display that the reader is looking at, contingent on
review ended on the rather pessimistic note that almost every-
when the eyes move (or at some other critical point in the
fixation). Finally, the development of general theories of lan-
guage processing has made it possible to use eye movement
Preparation of this article was supported by a Research Scientist records for a critical examination of the cognitive processes
Award from the National Institute of Mental Health (MH01255) and by underlying reading.
Grants HD 17246 and HD 26765 from the National Institutes of Health. In the present article, recent studies of eye movements in
Thanks are extended to Ken Ciuffreda, Charles Clifton, David Irwin,
reading and other information processing tasks are examined.
and Alexander Pollatsek for their helpful comments on prior versions of
Since the last review in this journal (Rayner, 1978b), there have
this article.
been many reviews of eye movement research (Kennedy, 1987;
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Keith
Rayner, Department of Psychology, University of Massachusetts, Am- LeVy-Schoen & O'Regan, 1979; O'Regan, 1990; Pollatsek,
herst, Massachusetts 01003. Electronic mail may be sent to rayner@ 1993; Rayner, 1984, 1993, 1995, 1997; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1987, 1992; O. Underwood, 1985). However, none of them are


comprehensive: Some deal only with reading (or scene percep- whether or not cognitive processing activities are suspended
tion), and most of them advocate a particular point of view. during a saccade (Boer & van der Weijgert, 1988; W. Hansen &
The goal of the present article is to provide a comprehensive Sanders, 1988; twin & Carlson-Radvansky, 1996; Irwin, Carl-
review of eye movement research over the past 20 years. Since son-Radvansky, & Andrews, 1995; Matin, Shao, & Boff, 1993;
1978, many eye movement studies have appeared in edited Sanders & Houtmans, 1985; Sanders & Rath, 1991; Van Duren,
books. Because the quality of the research reported in such 1993; Van Duren & Sanders, 1992,1995). Some of these studies
books is somewhat variable, the focus of the current review is have found evidence to suggest that some cognitive activities
on studies that have appeared in peer-reviewed journals. are suppressed during saccades. Because the tasks used in most
of these studies are relatively simple, it will be interesting to
Basic Characteristics of Eye Movements determine whether thinking is suspended during saccades in
in Information Processing more complex tasks, such as reading and scene perception. Cer-
tainly, people are not aware of pauses in mental activity during
When we read, look at a scene, or search for an object, we eye movements, but because saccade durations are so brief, any
continually make eye movements called saccades. Between the disruptions might not be particularly salient. Recently, Irwin
saccades, our eyes remain relatively still during fixations for (1998) reported some studies demonstrating that lexical pro-
about 200-300 ms. There are differences in these two measures cessing is not suppressed during saccades.
as a function of the particular task (see Table 1). Saccades are Saccades need to be distinguished from three other types of
rapid movements of the eyes with velocities as high as 500° eye movements: pursuit, vergence, and vestibular eye move-
per second. Sensitivity to visual input is reduced during eye ments. Pursuit eye movements occur when our eyes follow a
movements; this phenomenon is called saccadic suppression moving target; the velocity of pursuit eye movements is mark-
(Matin, 1974) and has been the topic of considerable debate. edly slower than saccades and, if the target is moving quickly
We do not obtain new information during a saccade, because across our visual field, we often make saccades to catch up with
the eyes are moving so quickly across the stable visual stimulus the target (White, 1976). Vergence eye movements occur when
that only a blur would be perceived (Uttal & Smith, 1968). we move our eyes inward, toward each other, in order to fixate
More important, however, masking caused by the information on a nearby object. Vestibular eye movements occur when the
available before and after the saccade makes it such that we do eyes rotate to compensate for head and body movements in
not perceive any type of blurring effect (Brooks, Impelman, & order to maintain the same direction of vision. Although pursuit,
Lum, 1981; Campbell & Wurtz, 1979; Chekaluk & Llewellyn, vergence, and vestibular eye movements are important and ex-
1990). However, some suppression is found even when masking tensively studied (see Ciuffreda & Tannen, 1995, and Leigh &
is eliminated (Riggs, Merton, & Morton, 1974), which suggests Zee, 1991, for more details), saccadic eye movements are more
that there is a central inhibitory contribution to saccadic sup- relevant in typical information processing tasks.'
pression as well. Finally, three types of small movements of the eyes need to
The velocity of the saccade is a monotonic function of how be mentioned: nystagmus, drifts, and microsaccades. Although
far the eyes move; it rapidly rises during the saccade to a maxi- researchers interested in eye movements in information pro-
mum that occurs slightly before the midpoint of the movement cessing tasks typically discuss fixations as the period of time
and then drops at a slightly slower rate until the target location when the eyes are still, the term fixation is something of a
is reached. The duration of a saccade is also influenced by the misnomer. The eyes are never really still, because there is a
distance covered; a 2° saccade typical of reading takes around constant tremor of the eyes called nystagmus. Such tremors of
30 ms, whereas a 5° saccade, typical of scene perception, takes the eyes are quite small, and their exact nature is somewhat
around 40-50 ms (R. A. Abrams, Meyer, & Kornblum, 1989; unclear, though it is often assumed that the movements are re-
Rayner, 1978a). lated to perceptual activity and help the nerve cells in the retina
An issue that has received considerable attention recently is to keep firing. Drifts and microsaccades tend to be somewhat

From a number of studies, it is known that the coordination of
Table 1 horizontal and vertical saccades is very accurate in adults when the
Approximate Mean Fixation Duration and Saccade Length in stimulus is a visually presented target (Bains, Crawford, Cadera, & Vilis,
Reading, Visual Search, Scene Perception, 1992; Collewijn, Erkelens, & Steinman, 1988a, 1988b). It is typically
Music Reading, and Typing assumed that the eyes move conjugately during tasks like reading. How-
ever, Collewijn et al. (1988a) found that the movements of the abducting
Mean fixation Mean saccade size (temporally moving) eye are somewhat larger than the corresponding
Task duration (ms) (degrees) movements of the adducting (nasally moving) eye in simple scanning
tasks. Similar observations were reported by Heller and Radach (1995)
Silent reading 225 2 (about 8 letters) for reading and other complex tasks. Bassou, Pugh, Granie, and Morucci
Oral reading 275 1.5 (about 6 letters) (1993) and Ygge and Jacobson (1994) reported that although the eyes
Visual search 275 3
of fifth-grade readers tended to be well-coordinated spatially, they were
Scene perception 330 4
not always closely conjugated spatially. Henriks (1996) recently exam-
Musk reading 375
Typing 400 1 (about 4 letters)
ined vergence movements of skilled readers and found that the eyes
converge during reading. As she noted, this finding is in contrast to
Note. Values are taken from a number of sources and vary depending earlier reports (E. A. Taylor, 1966) in which the eyes were found to
on a number of factors (see Rayner, 1984). diverge during reading.

larger movements than the nystagmus movements. Although the provided by the fixation-point offset; visual offset is more effec-
reasons for these movements are not completely clear, it appears tive than a neutral (auditory) cue, which in turn is more effective
that the eyes occasionally drift (i.e., make small, slow move- than onset of visual stimulation at the fixation point (Findlay,
ments) because of less-than-perfect control of the oculomotor 1992). This pattern of results suggests that some process that
system by the nervous system. When this happens, there is often may be termed relinquishing of attention is involved in generating
a small microsaccade (a much more rapid movement) to bring a saccade. Interest in these results has intensified recently because
the eyes back to where they were. Most experimenters interested of the suggestion that there is a separate category of saccades,
in reading assume that these small movements are "noise" and called express saccades, with very short latencies (Cavegn &
adopt scoring procedures that ignore them. For example, most d'Ydewalle, 1996; B. Fischer, 1992; B. Fischer & Boch, 1983;
researchers lump together successive fixations that are on adja- B. Fischer & Rampsperger, 1984; B. Fischer & Weber, 1993). At
cent characters as a single fixation. Another alternative is a more the moment, there is some debate about (a) whether or not there is
sophisticated procedure in which fixations are pooled if the two a bimodal distribution of saccade latencies (with express saccades
fixations are on adjacent characters and one is short (i.e., less representing one peak of the distribution and normal saccades
than 100ms). representing the other) and (b) the phenomenon in general (Find-
lay, 1992; Kingstone & Klein, 1993b; A. B. Sereno, 1992). Even
if there were no controversy surrounding express saccades per
Saccade Latency
se, there are questions about the functional utility of such short-
There is a latency period associated with making a saccade, latency saccades for normal information processing tasks (M. H.
because they are motor movements that require time to plan and Fischer & Rayner, 1993): Inhoff, Topolski, Vitu, and O'Regan
execute. Even if uncertainty about when or where to move the (1993) found no evidence for express saccades or a bimodal
eyes is eliminated, saccade latency is at least 150-175 ms (R. A. distribution of fixation durations during reading.
Abrams & Jonides, 1988; Rayner, Slowiaczek, Clifton, & Ber-
tera, 1983; Salthouse & Ellis, 1980; Salthouse, Ellis, Diener, &
Somberg, 1981), which suggests that saccade programming is The Visual Field and Acuity
done in parallel with comprehension processes in reading.
We make saccades so frequently because of acuity limitations.
Studies dealing with saccade latency are legion, and a complete
As we look straight ahead, the visual field can be divided into
review is beyond the scope of the present article. However, some
three regions: foveal, parafoveal, and peripheral. Although acu-
important facts have been learned about saccade latency that may
ity is very good in the fovea (the central 2° of vision), it is not
be relevant to understanding eye movement behavior in informa-
nearly so good in the parafovea (which extends out to 5° on
tion processing tasks (Becker & Jurgens, 1979; Crawford, 1996;
either side of fixation), and it is even poorer in the periphery
Findlay, 1992; Findlay & Walker, in press; Heywood & Churcher,
(the region beyond the parafovea). Hence, we move our eyes
1980). First, there are separate decision processes involved in
so as to place the fovea on that part of the stimulus we want to
computing when and where to move the eyes (Aslin & Shea,
see clearly. Of course, characteristics of the stimulus in parafo-
1987; Becker & Jurgens, 1979). Second, although saccades in
veal or peripheral vision influence whether or not a saccade
simple reaction-time experiments are often characterized as re-
needs to be made to identify it. For example, if a word of normal-
flexive, there is also evidence that cognitive processes can influ-
size print is presented in parafoveal vision, it is identified more
ence the latency (Deubel, 1995). For example, in the antisaccade
quickly and accurately when a saccade is made (Jacobs, 1986,
paradigm (Hallett, 1978), saccades are voluntarily directed away
1987a; Rayner & Morrison, 1981). However, if an object or
from a peripheral target, and latencies increase. Likewise, when
large letter is presented as the stimulus, it can often be identified
a number of saccades are planned in a sequence, latencies of the
in peripheral vision without a saccade (Pollatsek, Rayner, &
initial saccade increase (Crawford, 1990; Inhoff, 1986; Zingale &
Collins, 1984). Sanders (1993) showed that the visual field can
Kowler, 1987); as eccentricity of the target increases, latencies
be divided into regions where (a) a stimulus can be identified
can increase (Kalesnykas & Hallett, 1995). Third, increasing the
without an eye movement, (b) it is necessary to make an eye
saccade latency generally leads to increased accuracy in locating
movement to identify the stimulus, and (c) it is necessary to
a target (Jacobs, 1987a; Nazir & Jacobs, 1991). Fourth, when
make a head movement to identify the stimulus.
saccades are made to targets consisting of two elements, in rea-
sonably close proximity, the first saccade goes to some intermedi-
ate location. This is referred to as the global or center of gravity Eye Movements and Attention
effect (Deubel, Wolf, & Hauske, 1984; Findlay, 1982; Ones, Van
Ginsbergen, & Eggermont, 1984). If one element is larger or Although it is often necessary to move our eyes to identify
more intense (or brighter), then the saccade tends to land closer objects in our environment, we can move attention without mov-
to that target in comparison to a condition in which the two ing our eyes (Posner, 1980). The relationship between attention
elements are identical. Instructions to be more careful influence and eye movements has been extensively investigated (M. H.
where the eyes land (CoSfftS & O'Regan, 1987; Kowler & Blaser, Fischer, in press; Klein, 1980; Klein, Kingstone, & Pontefract,
1995) but also increase saccade latency. Fifth, when a fixation 1992; Rafal, Calabresi, Brennan, & Sciolto, 1989; Remington,
point disappears prior to the appearance of a target, latency de- 1980; Reuter-Lorenz & Fendrich, 1992; Shepherd, Findlay, &
creases (M. E. Cohen & Ross, 1977; Kingstone & Klein, 1993a; Hockey, 1986) but is beyond the scope of the present review.
L. E. Ross & Ross, 1980; S. M. Ross & Ross, 1981). This However, with complex stimuli, it is more efficient to move our
speeding up (called the gap effect) relates to the temporal warning eyes than to move attention (He & Kowler, 1992; Sclingensie-

pen, Campbell, Legge, & Walker, 1986). Furthermore, there is When reading English, eye fixations last about 200-250 ms
evidence suggesting that attention precedes a saccade to a given and the mean saccade size is 7-9 letter spaces (see Table 1).
location in space (Hoffman & Subramaniam, 1995; Kowler, Letter spaces are the appropriate metric to use, because the
Anderson, Dosher, & Blaser, 1995; Rayner, McConkie, & Ehr- number of letters traversed by saccades is relatively invariant
lich, 1978; Remington, 1980) and that attentional movements when the same text is read at different distances, even though the
and saccades are obligatorily coupled (Deubel & Schneider, letter spaces subtend different visual angles (Morrison, 1983;
1996; but see Stelmach, Campsall, & Herdman, 1997, for con- Morrison & Rayner, 1981; O'Regan, 1983; O'Regan, Levy-
flicting data). Although we can easily decouple the locus of Schoen, & Jacobs, 1983) .2 The primary function of a saccade
attention and eye location in simple discrimination tasks is to bring a new region of text into foveal vision for detailed
(Posner, 1980), in complex information processing tasks such analysis, because reading on the basis of only parafoveal or
as reading, the link between the two is probably quite tight. peripheral information is difficult to impossible (Rayner & Bert-
era, 1979; Rayner, Inhoff, Morrison, Slowiaczek, & Bertera,
1981). Whereas a majority of the words in a text are fixated
Developmental Changes in Eye Movements
during reading, many words are skipped so that foveal pro-
The characteristics of children's eye movements differ some- cessing of each word is not necessary. For example, content
what from those of adults. Preschool children exhibit more fre- words are fixated about 85% of the time, whereas function
quent small saccades and drifts during maintained fixation; sac- words are fixated about 35% of the time (Carpenter & Just,
cadic latency is usually longer, and saccade accuracy is usually 1983; Rayner & Duffy, 1988). Function words are fixated less
less precise in preschool children than in adults when scanning frequently than content words, because they tend to be short, and
a scene (Kowler & Martins, 1985). However, the shapes of the there is a clear relationship between the probability of fixating a
frequency distributions of fixation durations for children, adults, word and its length: As length increases, the probability of
and even infants are quite similar (Hainline, Turkel, Abramov, fixating a word increases (Rayner & McConkie, 1976); 2-3
Lemerise, & Harris, 1984; Harris, Hainline, Abramov, Lemer- letter words are only fixated around 25% of the time, whereas
ise, & Camenzuli, 1988). Although frequency distributions of words 8 letters or longer are almost always fixated (and often
fixation durations of elderly adults look like those of younger fixated more than once).
adults, saccade latency increases with age (Abel, Troost, & Although most saccades in reading English are made from
Dell'Osso, 1983; Pirozzolo & Hansch, 1981). left to right, readers do not relentlessly go forward: About 10-
15% of the saccades are regressions (right-to-left movements
along the line or movements back to previously read lines).
Measuring Eye Movements
Many regressions tend to be only a few letters long and could
Eye movements are monitored in many different ways. Eye- be due to the reader making too long of a saccade, in which
tracking systems are currently in use that rely on (a) surface case a short saccade to the left may be necessary for reading
electrodes (which are fairly good at measuring saccade latency to proceed efficiently. Short within-word regressive saccades
but not good at measuring location), (b) infrared corneal re- may also be due to problems that the reader has processing the
flections, (c) video-based pupil monitoring, (d) infrared Pur- currently fixated word. Longer regressions (more than 10 letter
kinje image tracking, and (e) search coils attached like contact spaces back along the line or to another line) occur because the
lenses to the surface of the eyes. Although there has been some reader did not understand the text. In such cases, good readers
discussion concerning the measurement, evaluation, and re- are very accurate in sending their eyes to that part of text that
porting of eye movement data (Harris, Abramov, & Hainline, caused them difficulty (Frazier & Rayner, 1982; Kennedy, 1983;
1984; Heller, 1983; Inhoff & Radach, 1998; McConkie, 1981; Kennedy & Murray, 1987a, 1987b; Murray & Kennedy, 1988),
McConkie, Wolverton, & Zola, 1984; Nodine, Kundel, Toto, & whereas poor readers engage in more backtracking through the
Krupinski, 1992), no measurement standards have been text (Murray & Kennedy, 1988).
adopted, and many methodological issues remain unaddressed On return sweeps from the end of one line to the beginning
or unresolved (see Inhoff & Radach, 1998, for a good discussion of the next, readers often undershoot and make small corrective
of these issues). Despite this fact, most of the important findings movements to the left. Because corrective saccades are often
discussed in this review have been replicated across different made following return sweeps, it should not be assumed that
labs. readers place their fixation to correspond to the beginning of a
line. Rather, the first and last fixations on a line are generally
5-7 letter spaces from the ends of a line. Thus, about 80% of
Eye Movements in Reading
the text typically falls between the extreme fixations. The first
Eye movements differ somewhat for reading silently versus fixation on a line tends to be longer than other fixations (Heller,
aloud (see Table 1). When reading aloud, or when reading 1982; Rayner, 1977), and the last is shorter (Rayner, 1978b).
silently while listening to a voice reading the same text, mean
fixation durations are longer than in silent reading, and the eyes 2
However, it should be noted that fixation rime increases somewhat
tend to get ahead of the voice; consequently, there are many
when the visual angle subtended by a letter is appreciably smaller than
fixations in which the eyes appear to be holding in place so as in normal reading. This is because the letters are more difficult to dis-
to not get too far ahead of the voice (Levy-Schoen, 1981). The criminate when the text is further away from die eyes. Thus, letter spaces
vast majority of the research on reading reviewed here is for are the appropriate metric of saccade size for relatively normal-sized
silent reading. print; if the text is too small or too large, the principle would not hold.

Furthermore, readers tend to not fixate in the blank spaces be- well, 1979; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989). If the text looks fairly
tween sentences (S. G. Abrams & Zuber, 1972; Rayner, 1975a). normal, typographical variables tend to have a relatively minor
Although average values for fixation duration, saccade length, influence. However, factors such as the quality of the print (vari-
and frequency of regression are cited above, there is consider- ations in fonts), line length, and letter spacing (Kolers, Duch-
able between-reader variability for all three measures. More nicky, & Ferguson, 1981; Morrison & Inhoff, 1981) influence
important, there is variability for a given reader within a single eye movements. Characteristics of the writing system also in-
passage of text so that fixation durations range from under 100 fluence eye movements (Osaka, 1989; Peng, Orchard, & Stern,
ms to over 500 ms, and saccades vary from 1 to over 15 letter 1983; Sun, Morita, & Stark, 1985).
spaces (see Figure 1). Actually, fixations as short as 50 ms A crucial point that has emerged recently is that eye move-
sometimes appear in the eye movement record during reading. ment measures can be used to infer moment-to-moment cogni-
Saccades as long as 15 letter spaces are quite rare and often tive processes in reading (Just & Carpenter, 1980; McConkie,
occur immediately following a regression in which readers typi- Hogaboam, Wolverton, Zola, & Lucas, 1979; Rayner, 1978b;
cally make a long saccade to place the eyes ahead of where they Rayner, Sereno, Morris, Schmauder, & Clifton, 1989) and that
were prior to making the regression. the variability in the measures reflects on-line processing. For
Eye movements are also influenced by textual and typographi- example, there is now abundant evidence that the frequency of
cal variables. For example, as text becomes conceptually more a fixated word influences how long readers look at the word
difficult, fixation duration increases, saccade length decreases, (Inhoff & Rayner, 1986; Rayner & Duffy, 1986). Thus, proper-
and the frequency of regressions increases (Jacobson & Dod- ties of the fixated word modulate the fixation time and result in
variability in fixation times. There is, of course, a purely motoric
component to this variability (Kowler & Anton, 1987), because
when spatial and temporal uncertainty about where and when
to move the eyes is eliminated, there is still variability in the
latency of eye movements (Rayner, Slowiaczek, et al., 1983;
Salthouse & Ellis, 1980). Similarly, there is variability in where
the eyes land on a target (Cogfte & O'Regan, 1987; Findlay,
1982). Although this noise of motoric variability makes it diffi-
n 8
o cult to interpret the cognitive signal in the eye movement record,
I - it is clear that the signal is there, and great strides have been
made over the past 20 years in understanding the relationship
• 6-
between reading and eye movements. One simple point consis-
tent with this claim is that, in reading, there is no correlation
between fixation duration and saccade length (Rayner &
McConkie, 1976), whereas in nonreading situations, in which
the necessity of linguistic processing is eliminated, there is a
correlation: the longer the saccade, the longer the next fixation
(Kapoula, 1983; Nattkemper & Prinz, 1986). The difference
100 200 300 400 500 600
between these two situations suggests that the difficulty of on-
Fixation Duration (ms)
line language processing associated with reading wipes out any
simple correlation. However, it is important to note that although
12-1 there is no correlation between fixation duration and saccade
length across extended text, correlations can be obtained locally
between a given fixation duration and saccade length (Pollatsek,
Rayner, & Balota, 1986), indicating that processing difficulty
influences both eye movement variables.

What Is the Best Measure of Processing Time?

A major issue concerns how to best summarize the eye move-

ment record to understand cognitive processing. This issue is
particularly relevant to the question of how to measure the tem-
poral processing associated with a given region of text. If the
unit of analysis is larger than a word, then the total first-pass
fixation time on that unit is generally used as the primary mea-
5 10 15 20 25 sure of interest. It is important, when analyzing such regions,
Saccade Length to distinguish between first-pass (i.e., the initial reading con-
sisting of all forward fixations) and second-pass (i.e., rereading)
Figure 1. Frequency distributions for fixation durations and forward reading time for the region. There is some controversy about
saccade lengths. Fixation durations are in milliseconds, and saccade how best to analyze a region when readers make regressions (see
length is in character spaces. Altmann, 1994; Rayner & Sereno, 1994b, 1994c). For example,

Rayner and Sereno (1994c) noted that, when readers enter a the time, although not always, first fixation duration and gaze
region and then quickly make a regression out of that region, duration yield similar results. Rayner and Pollatsek (1987) ar-
the first-pass time is very short in comparison to when the gued that the data suggest that if a cognitive operation is very
reader does not regress. How best to analyze such regressions fast it affects first fixation duration, and if it is a bit slower it
is uncertain. Some researchers simply record first-pass reading may affect gaze duration. Assuming that the gaze versus first
time and then examine the pattern of regressions out of the fixation duration problem were solved, there is still the problem
target region. Others have argued for regression-path durations of trying to assess the average time spent processing a word.
analyses (Konieczny, Hemforth, Scheepers, & Strube, 1997) or The problem is that words are processed when they are not
cumulative region reading time analyses (Brysbaert & Mitchell, fixated. Fisher and Shebilske (1985) showed this by having
1996). With these analyses, reading time represents the sum of readers read text as their eye movements were monitored. They
all fixations starting with the first fixation in a region and ending then had another group read the same text after deleting the
with the first forward saccade past the region under consider- words that the first group skipped over (function words and
ation3 (see Liversedge, Paterson, & Pickering, 1998, for further other short words). The second group had a difficult time under-
discussion of these issues). standing the text.
Issues have also arisen concerning the fact that comparisons Just and Carpenter (1980) assigned a value of 0 ms to words
often are made between regions of text that contain different that were not fixated in their gaze duration analysis. However,
words, with some regions being longer than others. One proce- this procedure really does not solve the problem, because words
dure is to divide the reading time (first pass or otherwise) by that are not fixated are clearly processed by the reader (generally
the number of letters in the region to yield a mittisecond- on the fixation prior to the skip). Subsequently, as a means of
per-character reading time. However, this procedure has been dealing with word skipping, Carpenter and lust (1983) proposed
demonstrated to yield a nonlinear function of word length on a conditionalized gaze duration, which is the mean gaze dura-
reading time, especially in short regions (Trueswell, Tanen- tion, given that the word has been fixated for at least 50 ms.
haus, & Garnsey, 1994). Thus, when the length of a region The problem with this measure is that it ignores the time spent
differs, a more appropriate procedure is to analyze the deviations in a fixation processing words to the right of the fixated word.
from expected reading times as determined by the best linear As discussed in detail later in this review, when the word to
fit for the reading time as a function of the number of letters in the right of fixation is not identified, some initial parafoveal
the region (Rerreira & Clifton, 1986; Trueswell et al., 1994). processing occurs. Rayner and Pollatsek (1987) suggested that
When a word is the unit of analysis, then the appropriate conditionalized gaze duration would be better if conditionalized
measure to use is also controversial (Inhoff & Radach, 1998). on fixating the word for 50 ms and not skipping the next word.
If readers always were to make one and only one fixation on a A second solution to the problem is the read to the right of gaze
word, then there would be little problem: The fixation duration (RRG) algorithm (Blanchard, 1985; Hogaboam & McConkie,
on the word would be the measure of processing time. However, 1981). The RRG measure sums fixations on words receiving
words are sometimes fixated more than once, and sometimes more than one fixation; when words are skipped, the fixation
they are skipped. The problem of multiple fixations has led to time is equally distributed between the last word fixated and the
different solutions. Using the mean fixation duration on a word word that was skipped. Both the conditionalized gaze and the
is clearly inadequate, because it underestimates the time the eyes RRG measures assume that (except for skipping) a word is
are actually on the word (i.e., a 200-ms fixation and a 150-ms processed only when it is fixated. However, as just noted, parafo-
fixation on the same word would yield a mean fixation duration veal information is extracted from a word on most fixations and
on the word of 175 ms). Likewise, the strategy of including facilitates identification on the subsequent fixation. Rayner and
only words that are fixated once {single fixation duration) is Pollatsek (1987) suggested that perhaps this preview benefit
problematic, because some words are fixated more than once, should be added to the fixation time on the word and should be
and some are skipped altogether; such a strategy may result in subtracted from the time spent on the prior word. All of this
the elimination of too much data. Thus, the two most frequently assumes that these processes can be precisely identified and that
used measures are the first fixation duration and the gaze dura- words are processed in series. If some processes overlap, then
tion on a word. Gaze duration represents the sum of all fixations the calculation of processing times would be even more com-
made on a word prior to a saccade to another word. First fixation plex. In addition, there is the problem that the processing of a
duration is the duration of the first fixation on a word regardless word is not always completed by the time the eyes move, as
of whether it is the only fixation on a word or the first of multiple there are spillover effects: Time processing a word can "spill
fixations on a word. over" onto the next word (Rayner & Duffy, 1986; Rayner,
The argument over which measure is best to use as an index Sereno, et al., 1989). To the extent that the processing of a
of processing time partly depends on what is being examined. word spills over onto subsequent fixations (McConkie, Zola, &
Inhoff (1984) argued that first fixation duration and gaze dura- Blanchard, 1984; Rayner, Sereno, et al., 1989), these measures
tion measure different processes. In his data, first fixation dura- are in error.
tion and gaze duration both were affected by word frequency, It thus appears that any single measure of processing time per
but only gaze duration was affected by the predictability of the word is a pale reflection of the reality of cognitive processing.
word in the context. He thus posited that first fixation is a
measure of lexical access, whereas gaze duration reflects text 'Rayner and Duffy (1986) and Duffy, Morris, and Rayner (1988)
integration processes as well. However, it now appears that this used a virtually identical procedure to establish the time needed to
distinction does not hold up in general and that for much of understand the information in a region.

Therefore, the strategy of analyzing large amounts of text with and Zola (1983) used the eye-contingent display change tech-
a single measure of processing is likely to be of limited value nique to replace an entire line of text with (a) another line of
in measuring on-line processing. Just and Carpenter (1980) text, (b) random letters, or (c) a row of X s for a 20-ms period
adopted such a strategy when they used multiple regression during either a saccade or a fixation. After the 20-ms period,
techniques to analyze eye movements over large amounts of text. the normal text reappeared. If the text was altered at any point
Their procedure has been criticized by a number of researchers during the fixation (including the first 20 ms of the fixation),
(Fisher & Shebilske, 1985; Hogaboam & McConkie, 1981; the change was noticed and disrupted reading. However, if the
Kliegl, Olson, & Davidson, 1982; Slowiaczek, 1983). Those change took place during the saccade, it was not noticed and
criticisms are not repeated here, but many of them follow be- did not disrupt reading (see also Ishida & Ikeda, 1989). Thus,
cause any such procedure must make unjustifiable simplifying new information is acquired from the text only during fixations.
assumptions about the relationship between the measure being Rayner et al. (1981; see Ishida & Ikeda, 1989; Slowiaczek &
used (in this case, gaze duration) and cognitive processing dur- Rayner, 1987) presented a masking pattern at various points in a
ing reading. An alternative strategy that many researchers have fixation and found that reading proceeded quite smoothly if the
adopted is to select target locations in texts for careful analysis text was presented for 50 ms or more prior to the onset of the
(usually on the basis of theoretical considerations) and examine mask.4 On the other hand, Blanchard, McConkie, Zola, and Wolv-
many different measures (such as first fixation duration, single erton (1984) argued that visual information may be acquired
fixation duration, gaze duration, probability of fixating a target within the fixated region at any point during a fixation as needed
word, number of fixations on the target word, saccade length to by comprehension processes. They replaced a given target word
and from the target word, and spillover effects). By doing so, (such as tombs) in a sentence with another word (such as bombs)
it is possible to draw some reasonable inferences about reading at various points during a fixation and had readers make forced-
processes (Rayner, Sereno, et al., 1989; Schmauder, 1992). choice decisions about whether or not they had seen these words
(as well as foils) during reading. Their basic finding was that the
longer the word was present in the text, the higher the probability
Saccade Durations and Gaze Duration
of indicating that it was present. However, words presented for
A recent controversial issue concerns whether or not saccade only 50 ms (at either the beginning or end of a fixation) were
durations should be included in the computation of gaze dura- sometimes responded to positively. Blanchard et al. argued that
tion. Most researchers have followed the lead of Just and Car- visual information is acquired whenever needed during a fixation.
penter (1980) and have used only fixation duration values in Actually, the results of these two sets of experiments are really
computing gaze durations. However, Irwin (1998) recently ar- not so contradictory; both of them emphasize the flexibility that
gued that lexical processing continues during saccades and that readers have in dealing with situations in which masks suddenly
saccade duration should be added into the gaze computation appear or words suddenly change during a fixation. For the sake
(see also Inhoff & Radach, 1998). This is a reasonable sugges- of parsimony, it seems most likely that readers typically acquire
tion. On the other hand, because intraword saccade durations the visual information necessary for reading during the first 50-
are quite brief and because the frequency of refixating a word 70 ms of a fixation, but when one word changes to another they
before moving to another word is relatively low, any effect of are aware of it. Both studies are consistent in providing evidence
adding saccade duration into the gaze duration measure is quite against the notion that there is a serial letter-by-letter scan within
minimal. For example, as noted previously, readers' gaze dura- a fixation. The same conclusion was reached in a study by Inhoff,
tions are longer on low-frequency words than on high-frequency Pbllatsek, Posner, and Rayner (1989), in which readers read text
words. When saccade duration is added into the gaze measure, that was transformed in some way. By requiring readers to read
the size of the effect (which is typically around 50 ms) increases mirror-image text (or rotated or reversed text) and varying (a)
by roughly 3-8 ms. In addition, if saccade durations are to be the direction of letters within words (left to right vs. right to left)
added to gaze durations, it is unclear what should be done with and (b) the direction of reading (left to right vs. right to left),
saccade durations for interword saccades. Should they be added Inhoff et al. showed that congruency of letter order and direction
to the word just fixated or the word that is the target of the next of reading is not critical for reading (Kowler & Anton, 1987)
saccade? Thus, there are unresolved issues regarding what to and that a serial scan of letters in foveal vision does not occur.
do with saccade durations. For gaze durations on single target
words, researchers would be wise to determine if adding saccade The Perceptual Span in Reading
duration has an effect in a given study. At this point, it appears
How much useful information can a reader obtain during eye
that it typically does not. On the other hand, when regions larger
fixations? Many different techniques have been used to estimate
than a single word represent the unit of analysis, effects of
the size of the effective visual field or perceptual span in read-
saccade duration are larger and hence are more likely to aid in
ing. However, most of them have severe limitations that are
revealing differences between conditions.
not discussed here (see Rayner, 1975b, 1978b for discussion).
Rather, the focus is on studies using eye-contingent display tech-
Eye Movements and Perceptual Processes in Reading

The Acquisition of Information During Reading " Ishida and Ikeda (1989) concluded that the visual sensitivity that is
suppressed during a saccade recovers only partially during the initial
With respect to the sequence of saccades and fixations, when part of a fixation and that it is fully recovered approximately 70 ms
is information acquired from the text during reading? Wolverton after the beginning of the fixation.

during a saccade because the eyes are moving so Normal Text



Moving Window


during a saccade XXXXXXX the eyes are moving so

Foveal Mask

during a saccade becausXXXXXXXyes are moving so

during a saccade because the dogs are moving so

during a saccade because the eyes are moving so

Figure 2. Examples of the moving window, foveal mask, and boundary paradigms. The first line shows
a normal line of text with the fixation location marked by an asterisk. The next two lines show an example
of two successive fixations with a window of 17 letter spaces (with other letters replaced with Xs and the
spaces between words preserved). The next two lines show an example of two successive fixations with a
7-letter mask. The bottom two lines show an example of the boundary paradigm. The first line shows the
text prior to a display change with fixation locations marked by asterisks. When the reader's eye movement
crosses an invisible boundary location (the letter e in the), an initially displayed word (dogs) is replaced
by the target word (eyes). The change occurs during the saccade so that the reader is not aware of the

niques (see Figure 2) developed by McConkie and Rayner target word is initially replaced by another word or by a non-
(1975) and Rayner (1975b). This research has provided the word. When the reader's saccade crosses over an invisible pre-
most definitive information concerning the perceptual span. specified boundary location in the text, the initially displayed
In the moving window technique (McConkie & Rayner, stimulus is replaced by the target word. The assumption with
1975), the text is perturbed except in an experimenter-defined this technique is that if a reader obtains information from the
window region around the point of fixation. Wherever the reader initially presented stimulus, any inconsistency between what is
looks, the text is visible, while outside of the window area the available on the fixation after crossing the boundary and with
text is perturbed in some way. Readers are free to move their what was processed on the prior fixation (when information
eyes whenever and wherever they wish, but the amount of useful about the initial stimulus was processed) is registered in the
information that is available on each fixation is controlled by fixation time on the target word. In a related technique (McCon-
the experimenter. Each time the eyes move, a new region of text kie & Zola, 1979), a single word in a given target location
is exposed while the region previously fixated is perturbed. In alternates between two different words with each saccade. Fi-
some cases, the window is defined in terms of letter spaces, nally, in another variation of the boundary technique (McCon-
whereas, in other cases, the window coincides with word bound- kie & Hogaboam, 1985), text is masked (or simply removed)
aries. Sometimes the spaces between words outside of the win- following a saccade and the reader must report the last word
dow are preserved, and other times they are filled in, and some- that was read.
times the text is perturbed outside the window only on selected Studies using these techniques (DenBuur man, Boersma, &
fixations. The assumption with this technique is that when the Gerrissen, 1981; Ikeda & Saida, 1978; McConkie & Hogaboam,
window is as large as the region from which the reader can 1985; McConkie & Rayner, 1975; O'Regan, 1979,1980; Pollat-
obtain information, there is no difference between reading in sek et al., 1986; Rayner, 1975b, 1986; Rayner & Bertera, 1979;
that situation and when there is no window. Rayner et al., 1981; Rayner, Well, Pollatsek, & Bertera, 1982;
The moving mask technique (Rayner & Bertera, 1979) is like N. R. Underwood & McConkie, 1985; N. R. Underwood &
the moving window technique except that, wherever the reader
fixates, a mask obscures the text around fixation while the nor- s
This situation creates an artificial foveal scotoma and eye movement
mal text is presented beyond the mask region. Just as with the behavior if the situation is quite similar to the eye movement behavior
moving window technique, the size of the mask can be varied.5 of patients with real scotomas (Whittaker, Cummings, & Swieson, 1991;
In the boundary technique (Rayner, 1975b), a single critical Zihl, 1995).

Zola, 1986) have been very consistent in indicating that the Zola, 1987; N. R. Underwood & McConkie, 1985) and generally
size of the perceptual span is relatively small; for readers of does not exceed 7-8 letter spaces to the right of fixation.
alphabetical orthographies (e.g., English, Prench, and Dutch) Is the size of the perceptual span better thought of in terms
the span extends from the beginning of the currently fixated of letters or words? The answer appears to differ to the left and
word but no more than 3-4 letters to the left of fixation6 right of fixation. Rayner, Well, and Pollatsek (1980) found that
(McConkie & Rayner, 1976a; Rayner, Well, & Pollatsek, 1980; the left boundary of the span was primarily defined by the
N. R. Underwood & McConkie, 1985) to about 14-15 letter beginning of the fixated word (though it did not extend more
spaces to the right of fixation (DenBuurman et al., 1981; than 4 letter spaces to the left of fixation). In contrast, Rayner
McConkie & Rayner, 1975; Rayner, 1986; Rayner & Bertera, et al. (1982) found that the right boundary of the span was
1979; Rayner et al., 1981).7 Thus, the span is asymmetric to primarily defined in terms of letters. When they compared read-
the right for readers of English. However, for orthographies, ing performance when the window was defined in terms of the
such as Hebrew, that are printed from right to left, the span is number of letters available to the right of fixation with reading
asymmetric to the left of fixation (Pollatsek, Bolozky, Well, & performance when the window was denned by the number of
Rayner, 1981). words to the right of fixation, there was no difference between
Characteristics of the writing system influence not only the "word" and "letter windows" when they were roughly equiva-
asymmetry of the span but also the overall size of the perceptual lent in size. More critically, detailed analyses revealed that per-
span. Ikeda and Saida (1978) found that the perceptual span formance in the word window conditions (in which word integ-
for readers of Japanese was about 13 character spaces (6 charac- rity was maintained) could be predicted very accurately from
ter spaces to the right of fixation), which is considerably smaller knowing the number of letters available on each fixation,
than that of readers of English. Osaka (1987, 1992) found that whereas performance in the letter window conditions could not
the span was larger for text consisting of a combination of kanji be predicted from knowing the number of words available on
(an ideographic script) and kana (a phonetic-based script) than each fixation. Thus, the perceptual span should be defined in
for text consisting only of kana characters. For the combined terms of the number of letters available to the right of fixation.
kana-kanji script (which is typical of Japanese text), the span Another interesting issue is whether or not readers are able
extended 7 character spaces to the right of fixation, whereas for to acquire information from below the line that they are reading.
the kana script it extended 5 character spaces to the right of Inhoff and Briihl (1991; Inhoff & Topolski, 1992) addressed
fixation. These studies involved horizontal reading, but Japanese this issue by asking readers to read a line from a target passage
while ignoring a distracting line (from a related passage) as
can also be printed (and read) vertically. Osaka and Oda (1991)
their eye movements were recorded. When readers completed a
found that the span was 5—6 character spaces in the vertical
line, they pushed a button, and the next line (with the corre-
direction of the eye movement. Subsequent experiments by
sponding distracting line of text directly below the target text)
Osaka (1993a) revealed that the span was asymmetric when
was presented. Readers' answers to multiple-choice questions
reading horizontally and vertically. Osaka (1993b) also found
suggested that they had obtained information from both attended
(using the moving mask technique) that readers of Japanese had
and unattended lines. However, a detailed examination of their
a great deal of difficulty when 4 or 6 characters in the center
eye movements showed that they occasionally fixated unat-
of vision were masked; this result is quite consistent with results
tended text. When such fixations were excluded, there was no
with readers of English (Rayner & Bertera, 1979), except that
indication that readers obtained useful semantic information
the mask needed to be larger for English to cause the same type
from the unattended text. Pollatsek, Raney, LaGasse, and Rayner
of disruption (which is consistent with the finding that more
(1993) more directly examined the issue by using a moving
characters are processed per fixation in English than in Japa-
window technique. The line the reader was reading and all lines
nese). Recently, Inhoff and Liu (1998) found that readers of
above it were normal, but the text below the currently fixated
Chinese have an asymmetric perceptual span extending from 1
line was altered. The lines below the currently fixated line con-
character space left of fixation to 3 character spaces to the
sisted of (a) the original text, (b) lines from another passage
right. In addition to the characteristics of the writing system
(a semantically different condition), (c) Xs, (d) visually similar
influencing the size of the perceptual span, reading skill influ-
letters, or (e) dissimilar letters replacing the letters from the
ences it. Rayner (1986) found that beginning readers had a original text. Pollatsek et al. found that the passages were read
smaller span (about 12 letter spaces to the right of fixation) most easily when the normal text was below the line and when
than skilled readers (14-15 letter spaces) but that it was asym- there were Xs below the line. None of the other conditions
metric to the right of fixation.
The results of a number of studies are quite consistent in
indicating that, for skilled readers of alphabetic writing systems, Binder, Pollatsek, and Rayner (in press) recently found that there
the perceptual span extends about 14-15 character spaces to are some circumstances under which readers process more information
the right of fixation. However, this does not mean that words to the left of fixation. For example, when a word is skipped, attention
may often be directed to the left of the fixation following the skip.
can be identified that far from fixation; indeed, word length 7
It is important to note that the moving window technique yields a
information is acquired further to the right of fixation than is
maximum span estimate rather than an absolute value for each fixation
letter information (Ikeda & Saida, 1978; McConkie & Rayner, (Well, 1983). Thus, although the size of the perceptual span has been
1975; Rayner, 1986). The word identification span (or area from estimated as being 14-15 letter spaces to the right of fixation, there is
which words can be identified on a given fixation) is smaller variability in the size of the actual perceptual span from fixation to
than the total perceptual span (Rayner et al., 1982; McConkie & fixation, as some studies reviewed in a later section have demonstrated.

differed from each other, which suggests that readers do not they are used in initiating lexical access processes. Another
obtain semantic information from below the line of text. How- possibility is that they are important because they are closer to
ever, when the task was to find a target word in the passage, fixation than the letters further into the next word. That this is
readers were occasionally able to obtain information below the not the cause of the facilitation is clear from experiments by
fixated line (see also Prinz, 1984). Inhoff (1987, 1989a, 1989b, 1990; Inhoff, Bohemier, & Briihl,
A final important finding is that the size of the perceptual 1992; Inhoff & Tousman, 1991), in which words were either
span is not constant but varies as a function of text difficulty printed normally from left to right or in reversed order from
(Inhoff et al., 1989; Rayner, 1986). Rayner found dial the size right to left (but with letters within the words printed normally
of the span was smaller when text was difficult to read. When from left to right). As readers fixated on word n - 1, either the
fourth-grade children were given reading-level-appropriate text, entire target word was available or the first 3 letters of the target
the size of their perceptual span was similar to that of adult word were available (with the other letters being replaced by
readers. However, when they were given college-level text, their Xs, visually similar, or visually dissimilar). Inhoff found that
span became much smaller. readers obtained considerable facilitation when the first 3 letters
In summary, it appears that the perceptual span for readers of the parafoveal word were available prior to fixating it when
of English generally extends from 3-4 letter spaces to the left reading from left to right. More importantly, he also found that
of fixation to about 14-15 spaces to the right. When the reading reading rate was facilitated by having the first 3 letters of the
material is difficult, the size of the span tends to be smaller than target word available when reading from right to left (where
this. Typically, readers focus their attention on the currently the beginning letters of the word were further away from fixation
fixated line, and information below the line of text is not ob- than the end letters). He also found evidence that readers obtain
tained, unless the task (e.g., visual search) or characteristics of information about the last 3 letters of 6-letter words. When the
the orthography demand it (e.g., reading vertically arranged letters where replaced by Xs or dissimilar letters, there was
ideographic systems such as Chinese or forms of Japanese). facilitation from having the end letters parafoveally available.
for readers of languages printed from right to left, the perceptual However, when the letters were replaced with similar letters,
span is asymmetric to the left of fixation (Pollatsek et al., 1981). there was virtually no facilitation. Inhoff's results thus show
The size of the span also varies as a function of orthography that proximity to the fixation point is not the reason that the
and is smaller for more densely packed writing systems. initial letters of unidentified parafoveal words are important;
rather, they are important because they are useful in initiating
lexical access processes, in integrating information across fixa-
Acquiring Information to the Right of Fixation
tions, or in both (see the next section). Although McConkie,
What kind of information is acquired to the right of fixation Zola, Blanchard, and Wolverton (1982) reported an experiment
when reading English? Rayner et al.'s (1982) finding that indi- that led them to conclude that information used to identify a
vidual letters to the right of fixation are more critical than word word is obtained only on the fixation on which the word is
integrity and that the acquisition of letters is not tied to words completely identified, several experiments have found signifi-
being intact suggests that readers acquire partial word informa- cant effects of partial-word information (Balota, Pollatsek, &
tion from the parafovea. Further evidence for this conclusion Rayner, 1985; Henderson & Ferreira, 1990; Inhoff, 1989a,
comes from another experiment reported by Rayner et al. 1989b; Lima, 1987; Lima & Inhoff, 1985; Pollatsek et al., 1986;
(1982), in which readers read text when (a) only the fixated Rayner et al., 1982). Thus, me use of partial-word information
word was available and all other letters to the right of fixation from the word to the right of fixation is likely to be a general
were replaced by another letter (a one-word window), (b) the phenomenon.
fixated word and the word to the right of fixation were available In addition to partial-word information being obtained para-
and all other letters were replaced by another letter (a two-word foveally, word-length information is acquired parafoveally and
window), or (c) the fixated word as well as partial information used in computing where to look next (O'Regan, 1979, 1980;
about the word to the right of fixation were available. In the Morris, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 1990; Pollatsek & Rayner, 1982;
third condition, 1, 2, or 3 letters of the word to the right of Rayner, 1979a; Rayner & Morris, 1992; Rayner, Sereno, & Ra-
fixation were available on each fixation. When the first 3 letters ney, 1996). It is clear from the fact that readers skip some words
of the word to the right of fixation were available and the remain- (S. F. Ehrlich & Rayner, 1981; O'Regan, 1979, 1980; Rayner &
der of the letters were replaced by visually similar letters, read- Well, 1996) that sometimes words to the right of fixation can
ing rate was not too different from when the entire word to the be fully identified and skipped. In such cases, the duration of
right was available; if the remainder of the word was replaced the fixation prior to the skip is inflated (Hogaboam, 1983; Pollat-
with visually dissimilar letters, reading was not as good as when sek et al., 1986). Word-length information may be used not only
the word to the right was available, suggesting that more infor- in determining where to fixate next but also in how parafoveal
mation is often processed than just the 3 letters at the beginning information is used. That is, enough parafoveal letter informa-
of the next word. Lima and Inhoff (1985) and Lima (1987) tion may be extracted from short words so that they can be
also found that the time a reader looked at a word decreased identified and skipped, whereas partial-word information (the
when the first 3 letters of a word were available on the prior first 3 letters) extracted from longer parafoveal words may rarely
fixation (compared to when they were not available on the prior allow full identification of them but facilitate subsequent foveal
fixation). processing. An experiment by Blanchard, Pollatsek, and Rayner
Why are the first 3 letters of the next word to be fixated (1989) documented this pattern. A parafoveal preview enabled
important in facilitating reading? One obvious reason is that readers to skip short words (1-3 letters) significantly more of

the time, whereas it had a negligible effect on how often long 2.3° or 3° from fixation, there is no difference between the
words (6-10 letters) were skipped. On the other hand, preview condition in which the first 2 or 3 letters are preserved across
shortened the gaze durations on the long words but had a much the saccade and the condition in which all letters are preserved.
smaller effect on the gaze durations on the short words. It was suggested (McClelland & O'Regan, 1981; Paap & New-
To what extent do parafoveal words influence the processing some, 1981) that the basic pattern of results is obtained only
of the fixated word? The evidence on this issue is somewhat when there is a limited target set, but Balota and Rayner (1983)
mixed. Kennedy (1998); Inhoff, Briihl, and Starr (1998); and demonstrated the robustness of the effect when a large stimulus
Murray (1998; Murray & Rowan, 1998) have reported that the set was used.
characteristics of the word to the right of fixation can influence Much of the original interest in the integration of information
the processing of a fixated word. For example, Murray (1998) across saccades was related to the notion of an integrative visual
found that when readers were fixated on the end of word n, if buffer in reading (McConkie & Rayner, 1976b; Rayner, 1978c)
word n + 1 resulted in an implausible reading, the fixation on in which gross visual information obtained from a parafoveal
word n was inflated even when word n + 1 was subsequently word was stored in a buffer and then combined with information
fixated. On the other hand, other studies (Carpenter & Just, available in the fovea about that word following the saccade.
1983; Henderson & Ferreira, 1993; Rayner, Fischer, & Pollatsek, According to McConkie and Rayner (1976b), the justification
1998) have found that the frequency of the word to the right of of the information from the two fixations could be based on (a)
fixation does not influence the processing of the fixated word; knowledge about how far the eyes moved and (b) the common-
fixation time on word n did not vary when word n + 1 was ality of the visual patterns. Although an integrative visual buffer
either a low- or high-frequency word. has a certain amount of intuitive appeal, a number of experi-
ments found no support for it. First, Rayner et al. (1978) found
that the typical pattern in the naming task could be obtained
Integration of Information Across Saccades
when the saccade was simulated. In the simulation condition,
The extraction of partial-word information from the parafo- the viewer maintained fixation, the parafoveal stimulus was pre-
vea implies that it must be integrated in some way with foveal sented for a period of time approximating the latency of a sac-
information from the subsequent fixation. When we read, we cade, and then the target word appeared in foveal vision for the
do not have the experience of seeing text for about 250 ms viewer to name. Thus, information initially impinged on the
followed by a gap or blank period (resulting from the saccade) parafoveal retina and then on the fovea, just as it did when a
and then by new text around our new fixation. Rather, the brain saccade was made. The fact that the same pattern of results was
smooths out the discrete inputs so that we maintain a stable obtained under both conditions suggests that knowledge about
coherent view of the text we are reading. how far the eyes moved is not necessary for integration. In
What kind of information is integrated across saccades? Im- addition, Le>y-Schoen and O'Regan (1979) and McConkie,
portant data on this question have been obtained both from Zola, and Wolverton (1980; see also McConkie & Zola, 1987)
reading studies (with fixation time on a target word as the found that readers are unable to detect small shifts of text during
primary dependent variable) and from a word-naming task intro- saccades; if the movement of the text was no larger than one
duced by Rayner (1978c). This naming task8 is actually a varia- fourth the size of the saccade, they were unaware that anything
tion of the boundary paradigm discussed earlier. In the task, odd occurred (though they did sometimes make small corrective
during an initial fixation, a word or letter string is presented saccades to adjust for the movement).
parafoveally. When the participant makes an eye movement to The finding that the visual display can be shifted a small
the parafoveal stimulus, it is replaced by a word, which must amount during the saccade without the reader noticing it is
be named as rapidly as possible. Integration is assessed by problematic for an integrative visual buffer. As indicated above,
examining the effect of the parafoveal stimuli on naming time. this result suggests that knowledge of how far the eyes moved
These naming studies (Balota & Rayner, 1983; McClelland & is not crucial for integration. Thus, integration would have to
O'Regan, 1981; Rayner, 1978c; Rayner et al., 1978; Rayner, be based purely on the commonality of visual patterns from two
McConkie, & Zola, 1980) have been very influential in assessing fixations, and how to align the two images might be difficult.
what type of information is integrated across saccades, but it is Even more problematic for the integrative visual buffer notion
important to note that virtually identical results have been ob- were subsequent experiments that demonstrated that case
tained from reading studies. changes did not affect reading (McConkie & Zola, 1979;
The basic finding from the naming task is that if the first 2- Rayner, McConkie, & Zola, 1980). McConkie and Zola had
3 letters of the parafoveal word are the same as for the foveal readers read text in alternating case, and each time they moved
word (which is present following the saccade), naming is facili- their eyes, the text shifted from one version of alternated case
tated when the word is presented either 1°, 2.3°, or 3° from to another (e.g., cHaNgE shifted to ChAnGe). Readers did not
fixation (either to the left of fixation or the right); if the parafo- notice that the change was taking place, and their reading behav-
veal stimulus is presented 5° from fixation, then there is no ior was not different from a control condition in which they
facilitation. When the parafoveal stimulus is presented 1° from read alternated case in which the letters did not change case
fixation, if the first 2-3 letters are preserved across the saccade, from fixation to fixation. If visual codes were important in
naming is much faster than when these letters change across the
saccade but not as fast as when the entire target word is pre- 8
Other tasks (such as lexical decision, same-different matching, and
sented parafoveally (and all letters remain the same during the categorization judgments) have been used, but the bulk of the studies
saccade). However, when the parafoveal stimuli are presented have used naming.

integrating information across saccades, then the change of fea- No evidence has been obtained to suggest that visual, morpho-
tures between upper- and lowercase letters should have disrupted logical, or semantic information is important.
reading. Thus, visual information is not combined across sac-
. cades during reading in an integrative visual buffer.
The Effect of Lexical and Sentential Constraint
A number of other candidates for the code conveying informa-
tion across saccades have been considered. One candidate is To determine whether lexical constraint can influence parafo-
some type of phonological code. Pollatsek, Lesch, Morris, and veal processing, Lima and Inhoff (1985) presented sentences in
Rayner (1992) found in both the naming task (see also Hender- which one of two words appeared in a target location. The target
son, Dixon, Petersen, Twilley, & Ferreira, 1995) and reading words, for example dwarf and clown, were selected to have
that phonological information is used in integrating information equal frequency in the language and be equally predictable in
across saccades. In Pollatsek et al.'s (1992) study, a homophone the sentence context. However, the initial letters of the target
of a target word presented as a preview in the parafovea facili- word in one condition (dwa) were shared by few words in the
tated processing of the target word seen on the next fixation lexicon, whereas those in the other condition (do) were shared
more than a preview of a word matched with the homophone by many words. Because prior studies had demonstrated that
in orthographic similarity to the target word. Because the ortho- seeing the first three letters of the parafoveal word produced a
graphic similarity of the preview to the target also plays a part large benefit, Lima and Inhoff reasoned that if lexical constraint
in the facilitative effect of the preview, however, codes other than were a potent variable in parafoveal processing, then the preview
phonological codes (such as abstract letter codes) are preserved benefit for dwarf should be greater than for clown. In fact, there
across saccades. was equal preview benefit in the two cases, indicating that lexi-
Morphemes have also been examined as candidates for facili- cal constraint does not operate on parafoveal information. How-
tating the integration of information. Lima (1987) examined ever, the fixation time on clown was actually less than for dwarf
whether prefixes could be extracted as a unit from the beginning (regardless of whether there was a preview or not), indicating
of a parafoveal word. She used words that had true prefixes that the frequency of the word-initial-letter sequence influences
(e.g., revive) and words that were "pseudoprefixed" (e.g., res- the time to process a word foveally. In a related vein, Inhoff
cue). If extracting morphemes were a significant part of the and Rayner (1986) found that more parafoveal preview benefit
benefit of parafoveal preview, then a larger preview benefit (the was obtained from a high-frequency parafoveal word than from
a low-frequency parafoveal word.
difference in performance between when a parafoveal preview
The effect of sentential constraint on parafoveal processing
of the target was present and when the preview was absent)
was examined by Balota et al. (1985). They varied both the
should be observed for the prefixed words. There was equal
predictability of a target word and the availability of parafoveal
benefit in the two cases, which suggests that prefixes are not
information by using the boundary technique. Two interesting
active units in integration across saccades. Another morphemic
findings emerged. First, the finding that a predictable target word
unit that could be extracted from the parafovea is the first part
is more likely to be skipped than an unpredictable one (S. F.
of a compound word. Inhoff (1989a) compared the preview
Ehrlich & Rayner, 1981; O'Regan, 1979) was replicated indicat-
benefit from seeing the first morpheme of a compound word
ing that sentential constraint influences the usefulness of parafo-
such as cow in cowboy with that from the first part of a ' 'pseu-
veal information. Second, when the target word was not skipped,
docompound" word, such as car in carpet, and found no differ-
fixation time on it was shorter when the word was more predict-
ence between the two conditions.
able. More importantly, the benefit of a parafoveal preview was
Finally, it has been suggested that semantic preprocessing of
greater when the target word was predictable, indicating that
unidentified parafoveal words is a relevant factor in integration
the extraction of parafoveal information is more efficient when
across saccades and aids in the later identification of a word
aided by sentential context. Additional analyses indicated that
(G. Underwood, 1985). Rayner, Balota, and Pollatsek (1986)
more letters were extracted from the parafovea when contextual
tested the idea that semantic preprocessing influences subse-
constraint was high.
quent fixation time in a boundary study. Prior to fixating on a An interesting corollary to the Balota et al. (1985) study is
target word (such as tune), the parafoveal preview for that word that, when the difficulty associated with processing the foveal
was either orthographically similar (turc), semantically similar word is high, the extraction of parafoveal information decreases
(song), or unrelated (door). When the eyes crossed the bound- (Henderson & Ferreira, 1990; Inhoff et al., 1989; Kennison &
ary location, the target word replaced the preview word. The Clifton, 1995; Rayner, 1986; Schroyens, Vitu, Brysbaert, &
semantically similar pairs (song-tune) produced a priming ef- d'Ydewalle, in press). For example, Henderson and Ferreira
fect in a standard priming experiment. However, in the reading (1990) used the boundary technique and manipulated foveal pro-
situation, although fixation time on the target word was shorter cessing difficulty while also varying the availability of parafoveal
when the preview was orthographically similar to the target information. They found that difficult foveal processing led to
word, there was no difference between the semantically similar the reader obtaining no parafoveal preview from the word to the
and unrelated conditions. Thus, readers apparently do not obtain right of fixation. These results thus suggest that the amount of
semantic information from unidentified parafoveal words. information processed on a fixation is somewhat variable and can
In summary, it appears that abstract letter codes ( McConkie & be influenced by factors such as the length of the currently fixated
Zola, 1979; Rayner; McConkie, & Zola, 1980) and phonological word and the word to the right of fixation (Rayner, 1979a),
codes (Henderson et al., 1995; Pollatsek et al., 1992) are in- sentential context (Balota et al., 1985), and the difficulty of pro-
volved in integrating information from words across saccades. cessing the fixated word (Henderson & Ferreira, 1990).

Display Change Effects? the change take place, they are aware of changing letters. How-
ever, under normal experimental conditions, even though they
A final issue to be addressed in this section is the extent to are encouraged to report any strange events as they read, they
which the results of studies using eye-contingent display rarely do so, and even skilled observers who know what is
changes are due to the display changes per se. Each time a happening in the experiment do not perceive the changes.
display change occurs in such studies, because of phosphor It could be argued that it does not matter whether or not
persistence of letters on the display monitor or the refresh rates readers are aware of the display changes, because there is a
of the display monitor (or both), there is a flash on the screen change in the stimulus pattern and it is registered by the visual
from replacing letters by other letters.9 One could argue (see system (even when the change occurs during a saccade) and
O'Regan, 1990, 1992) that the change per se is somehow influ- thus interacts with the manipulations being made. If this is so,
encing the results or that the amount of change artifactually then the interaction is very complex and not easily interpretable.
influences the data pattern so that the more letters that are re- The clearest example of this is the situation in which the display
placed, the more disruption there will be, or, given that the change is constant (in terms of the number of letters changing)
number of letters that change is held constant, either the location but some other variable, such as contextual constraint, is varied
of the changing letters (closer or further from the fixation) or and is found to interact with the amount of parafoveal informa-
the characteristics of the changing letters (replacing letters with tion obtained (Balota et al., 1985). Another factor is that it has
visually similar letters might cause less of a flash than replacing consistently been found that Xs outside the window lead to better
letters with dissimilar letters) might influence the results. performance than when letters are outside of the window. This
To what extent is this issue a worry? Some of the earliest is undoubtedly due to readers trying to incorporate erroneous
experiments of the genre (McConkie & Rayner, 1975; Rayner, letters into their reading in the latter case. However, a ' 'flicker''
1975b) suffered from the fact that the display changes associated explanation of the results should lead to the opposite prediction,
with eye movements were relatively slow, so readers undoubt- because there would be more of a flash going from Xs to the
edly saw some of the letters change. The eye-tracking and com- normal text than in going from letters to other letters. Although
puter systems currently used in eye-contingent change experi- one always has to worry about extraneous factors influencing
ments (see Beauvillain & Beauvillain, 1995; McConkie, Wolv- performance, the evidence in favor of display change artifacts
erton, & Zola, 1984; McConkie, Wolverton, Zola, & Burns, seems quite limited. Indeed, Briihl and Inhoff (1995) and In-
1978; Rayner, 1979b; van Diepen, DeGraef, & Van Rensbergen, hoff, Starr, Liu, and Wang (1998) directly tested the idea that
1994) are more sophisticated than those used in the early classic display changes per se influence the outcome of eye-contingent
experiments, and the more recent research with faster display display change studies. They varied the speed of a display
changes have yielded patterns of data very consistent with those change and the refresh rate of the display monitor and found
originally reported. The currently used display change tech- • no evidence to suggest that the results of eye-contingent change
niques generally mean that in moving window experiments the experiments were artifacts of the paradigm.
movement of the window is completed within 3-8 ms of the
end of the saccade10 and the speed of the display change in The Control of Eye Movements in Reaoling
studies using the boundary technique guarantees that the change One factor that dampened interest in using eye movements
occurs during the saccade. In the classic McConkie and Rayner to study reading at the end of the second era of eye movement
(1975) experiment, it was argued that the perceptual span ex-
tended 15 letter spaces to the right of fixation. Although there ' There is some controversy over the exact amount of phosphor persis-
were lingering effects for windows larger than 15 letter spaces tence due to different types of phosphors (see=Di Lollo, Bischof, Walther-
to the right of fixation, McConkie and Rayner argued that such Muller, Groner, & Groner, 1994; Groner, Groner, Muller, Bischof, & Di
effects (which were not significant) were due to readers seeing Lollo, 1993; Irwin, 1994; Westheimer, 1993). Much of the controversy
movement in parafoveal vision fas a result of the display centers on how much persistence remains when a letter is removed from
a monitor. However, in most experiments discussed in this section, one
change). As this review has documented, many subsequent ex-
letter is replaced by another letter, and readers do not have the impression
periments (with faster display changes) have found the size of
of overlapping letters. In addition, a number of studies (Kennedy &
the window to be about 15 letter spaces to the right of fixation.
Baccino, 1995; Kennedy, Brysbaert, & Murray, 1998; Kennedy & Mur-
Likewise, Pollatsek et al. (1986) obtained results that were quite ray, 1991, 1993, 1996; Neary & Wilkins, 1989; Wilkins, 1986) have
consistent with those of Rayner (1975b). shown that eye movement control is disturbed by pulsating illumination
Another issue to consider is that readers in moving window characteristic of display monitors that are periodically refreshed. In
and boundary experiments are often not aware that display particular, the size of a saccade varies as a function of refresh rate.
changes are taking place. If there are Xs outside of a moving However, this finding is not directly relevant to the issue under discussion
window, readers are certainly aware that the Xs are there, be- because across experiments in which display changes take place, the
cause they represent a homogeneous pattern. However, if the refresh rate is constant across the experimental conditions.
There is some variability across labs that use eye-contingent display
letters outside the window are replaced with other letters and
changes in terms of how quickly the display change is made. Thus,
readers have approximately 7-8 normal letters to the right of
attention should be paid to what each investigator reports as to how
fixation, they are unaware of the display changes. Even when quickly the change can be made. It should also be noted that some labs
the window is smaller than this and visually similar letters are use an algorithm whereby the location of the next saccade can be pre-
outside of the window, readers are aware of reading more slowly dicted on the basis of the velocity of the saccade. Also, the computations
than usual, but they do not know why. In boundary experiments, can be made such that the window moves as the eye is moving and does
if the display change is slowed down so that readers can see not depend on knowing exactly where the landing position will be.

research was the belief that eye movements are unrelated to information to the right of the fixated word was the space infor-
ongoing cognitive processes (Bouma & deVoogd, 1974; Kolers, mation delimiting word n + 1 (all the letters to the right of
1976; Viviani, 1990), Over the past 20 years, abundant evidence word n were converted to Xs). Despite the fact that word n +
has accumulated indicating that fixation time and saccade length 1 was all Xs before it was fixated, readers made a larger saccade
are related to aspects of the text currently fixated (Kapoula, off word n, the longer word n + 1 was.
1984; Rayner, 1997; Rayner, Sereno, et al., 1989). In a following Although most researchers have found evidence that word
section, research related to ongoing language processing is re- length is an important cue in deciding where to look next, Epel-
viewed. In this section, the focus is on the extent to which how boim, Booth, and Steinman (1994, 1996; see also Epelboim,
far the eyes move and how long the eyes fixate are determined Booth, Ashkenazy, Taleghani, & Steinman, 1997) argued that
by the information currently fixated. word length per se is not critical for eye guidance. On the
The earliest unambiguous demonstration that the length of basis of experiments in which readers read text with the spaces
the next saccade and the duration of the current fixation are removed, Epelboim et al. claimed that reading unspaced text is
computed on-line was provided by Rayner and Pollatsek relatively easy. They further argued that the elimination of space
(1981). They varied the physical aspects of the text randomly information between words primarily disrupts the word recogni-
from fixation to fixation and found that the behavior of the eyes tion process. Subsequent analyses by Rayner and Pollatsek
mirrored what was seen on a fixation. In one experiment, the (1996) demonstrated that most readers are slowed down (on
size of the window of normal text was randomly varied from average by about 30%) by the absence of space information
fixation to fixation, and saccade length was shown to vary ac- (see also Spragins, Lefton, & Fisher, 1976), and experiments
cordingly. In another experiment, the foveal text was delayed by Rayner, Fischer, and Pollatsek (1998) demonstrated that both
after the onset of a fixation by a mask (with the time varying word identification processes and eye guidance are disrupted
randomly from fixation to fixation), and fixation durations var- by the lack of space information (Pollatsek & Rayner, 1982).
ied accordingly (see also Morrison, 1984). In addition, the ma- Rayner et al. (1998) found that (a) the initial landing position
nipulations appeared to affect saccade length and fixation dura- in words shifted closer to the beginning of a word and (b) low-
tion independently. Thus, there is reason to believe that the frequency words were harder to identify than high-frequency
decisions of where and when to move the eyes can be made words when space information was absent. In another recent
independently (Rayner & McConkie, 1976). Accordingly, these demonstration, it was found that, when space information is
two topics are discussed separately. provided for readers of Thai (who are not used to reading with
spaces between words), they read more effectively than normal
(Kohsom & Gobet, 1997). Likewise, Inhoff, Radach, and Heller
Where to Move the Eyes
(1996) reported that the reading of long German compound
What influences where to move the eyes next in reading? As words is facilitated by the insertion of spaces, even though
indicated above, one important influence on where to move is this format is ungrammatical and never encountered in normal
the amount of useful letter information to the right of fixation. reading. Thus, it appears safe to conclude that space information
Balota et al. (1985) demonstrated that letter information to the is used for guiding the eyes in reading.
right of fixation was important in determining whether a word Word-length information also plays a clear role in where in
was skipped. However, most of the research suggests that word the word a reader fixates. Although there is variability in where
boundary information (conveyed by the spaces between words) the eyes land on a word, readers tend to make then- first fixation
is the major determinant used in deciding where to move to on a word about halfway between the beginning and the middle
next; saccade length is influenced by both the length of the of a word (Dunn-Rankin, 1978; McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, &
fixated word and the word to the right of fixation (O'Regan, Zola, 1988; McConkie, Kerr, Reddix, Zola, & Jacobs, 1989;
1979,1980; Rayner, 1979a). Such a relationship, however, could McConkie & Zola, 1984; O'Regan, 1981; Radach & Kempe,
also be a result of the linguistic characteristics of words (be- 1993; Rayner, 1979a; Rayner et al., 1996; Rayner, Fischer, et
cause shorter words tend to have a higher frequency in the al., 1998; Vitu, 1991a, 1991b, 1991c; Vitu, O'Regan, Inhoff, &
language). In order to examine the independent effect of word Tbpolski, 1995; Vitu, O'Regan, & Mittau, 1990). Rayner
boundary information, text has been presented to readers in (1979a) originally labeled this prototypical location as the pre-
which all of the letters to the right of the window boundary ferred viewing location. Subsequently, O'Regan and Levy-
were replaced by Xs but the spaces were preserved. This condi- Schoen (1987) distinguished between the preferred viewing lo-
tion was compared to one in which the spaces were also replaced cation and what is now referred to as the optimal viewing posi-
by Xs (McConkie & Rayner, 1975; Rayner, 1986). Although tion.11 The optimal viewing position is the location in a word
mean saccade length decreased somewhat when the letter infor- at which recognition time is minimized. According to O'Regan
mation to the right of fixation was removed, the removal of and L6vy-Schoen (1987), the optimal viewing position is a bit
space information more seriously affected saccade length. Pol- to the right of the preferred viewing location, closer to the
latsek and Rayner (1982) also showed that saccade length de- center of the word. Extensive research efforts have examined
creased markedly when the spaces between words were filled the consequences of making fixations at locations other than this
in, even when the letters were left intact. These experiments optimal viewing position (Coe'ffe', 1985; Holmes & O'Regan,
suggest that letter information may be of little value in guiding
the eye if word boundary information is not present. That word
length information is important in eye guidance is clear from 11
O'Regan (1981) originally called the optimal viewing location the
an experiment by Morris et al. (1990) in which the only useful convenient viewing position.

1987; Nazir, 1991, 1993; Nazir, Heller, & Sussmann, 1992; Na- made). However, with longer words, the effect breaks down
zir, O'Regan, & Jacobs, 1991; O'Regan & Jacobs, 1992; O'Re- (Vitu, 199la), and readers tend to fixate near the beginning of
gan, L6vy-Schoen, Pynte, & Brugaillere, 1984; G. Underwood, the word and then make a second fixation toward the end of the
Clews, & Wilkinson, 1989; Vitu, 1991c, 1993; Vitu & O'Regan, word (Hyona, Niemi, & Underwood, 1989; O'Regan et al.,
1988, 1991; Vitu et al., 1990). For words presented in isolation, 1984; Rayner & Morris, 1992; G. Underwood, Bloomfield, &
two general effects have been found. First, there is a reflation Clews, 1988; G. Underwood, Clews, & Everatt, 1990; G. Un-
effect: The further the eyes are from the optimal viewing posi- derwood, Hyona, & Niemi, 1987; Vitu, 1991b). Hyona et al.
tion, the more likely it is that a reflxation will be made on the (1989); O'Regan et al. (1984); Pynte, Kennedy, and Murray
word. Second, there is a processing-cost effect: For every letter (1991); Rayner and Morris (1992); and G. Underwood et al.
that the participant's fixation deviates from the optimal viewing (1987, 1988; G. Underwood, Clews, et al., 1990) have shown
position, the associated cost amounts to about 20 ms (O'Regan that informational density (or morphological structure) of the
et al., 1984). When words are in text, however, although the word influences how long the fixations are on each half of the
refixation effect remains, the processing-cost effect is greatly word. For example, Hyona' et al. (1989, using Finnish) found
attenuated or absent (Rayner et al., 1996; Vitu et al., 1990). that if the word was predictable from the first 6 letters (the
This indicates that contextual information overrides low-level words were typically about 12 letters), readers generally made
visual processing or that in reading text, the information ac- a fixation in the first half of the word and then moved their eyes
quired about a word before it is directly fixated affects its later to the next word; if they made a second fixation on the word it
fixation location and duration. tended to be quite short. However, if the word could only be
In any event, there is a clear tendency for readers to fixate identified by knowing what the ending was, readers typically
between the beginning and the middle of the word. Evidence made a short fixation at the beginning followed by a longer
that word-length information helps to guide the eye toward the fixation on the end of the word.
preferred viewing location comes from conditions in which there Although low-level visual information influences where the
was no parafoveal letter information (Morris et al., 1990). When eyes initially land in a word, it is less clear whether properties
the space indicating the location of word « + 1 was visible in other than the spaces between words and the length of a not-
the parafovea, the first fixation on that word was closer to the yet-fixated word are used in deciding where to fixate next. G.
preferred viewing location than when the parafoveal preview Underwood et al. (1987, 1990; Everatt & Underwood, 1992;
did not contain that space information. Hyona et al., 1989) examined the landing position in long words
A given fixation location in a word can be viewed not only (10 or more letters) composed of informative and redundant
as a landing position but also as the takeoff point or launch site halves. They reported that the eyes initially move further into a
to the next word, and one launch site is related to the next word when the informative information is at the end of the word
landing position (McConkie, Kerr, et al., 1988; Radach & than at the beginning and suggested that semantic preprocessing
Kempe, 1993; Radach & McConkie, 1998; Rayner et al., 1996). of parafoveal words was responsible for the effect. However,
Although the average landing position in a word lies between neither Rayner and Morris (1992) nor Hyona (1995a) replicated
the beginning and middle of a word, this position varies as a the effect (see also Radach, Krummenacher, Heller, & Hofmeis-
function of the distance from the prior launch site. For example, ter, 1995). On the other hand, there are demonstrations that
if the distance to a target word is large (8-10 letter spaces), orthographic properties of words influence the initial landing
the landing position is shifted to the left. Likewise, if the distance position. That is, some studies (Beauvillain & Dore, 1998;
is small (2-3 letter spaces), the landing position is shifted to Beauvillain, Dor6, & Baudouin, 1996; Dore & Beauvillain,
the right. To explain the launch site effect, McConkie, Kerr, et 1997; Hyona, 1995a) have demonstrated that an orthographi-
al. (1988) suggested that something like a range effect might cally irregular letter cluster at the beginning of a word results
explain these results (see also McConkie, Kerr, & Dyre, 1994). in the eyes initial landing position deviating toward the begin-
The range effect (Kapoula, 1985; Kapoula & Robinson, 1986) ning of the word, although Radach et al. (1995) did not observe
occurs when the eyes saccade toward isolated targets at various such an effect. Whether or not morphology influences the initial
eccentricities: they tend to land near the mean of the range of landing position is somewhat unclear. Beauvillain (1996) used
possible eccentricities instead of directly saccading toward the prefixed and suffixed French words that were around 10 letters
position of the target. Thus, targets presented at a small or long and found little effect of morphology on initial landing
a large eccentricity are overshot and undershot, .respectively. positions. On the other hand, Inhoff, Briihl, and Schwartz
However, Vitu (1991b) showed that when words were presented (1996) found that the initial fixation was more toward the center
in isolation at different eccentricities from fixation, the eyes' of a word for compound words than for derived (or monomor-
landing position did not differ as a function of eccentricity. phemic) words. However, they also found that initial fixations
Thus, she argued that the range effect cannot account for the on suffixed and monomorphemic words were virtually identical.
launch site data and that a "center of gravity" account (in Hyona and Pollatsek (in press) varied the length of the initial
which readers target the middle of a word for the next saccade) morpheme of Finnish words, while holding the overall length
can better explain the data. More recently, Radach and McCon- constant, and found no effect on the initial landing position.
kie (1998) provided analyses that are more consistent with a They also varied the frequency of the initial morpheme, while
range effect explanation than with a center of gravity account. holding the overall frequency constant, and obtained a small
The location of the first fixation is between the beginning and (about a quarter of a letter position) difference such that the
the middle of a word for words that are 4-10 letters long (either landing position was further into the word for more frequent
for the first fixation in a word or when only a single fixation is morphemes. In summary, it is clear that low-level visual factors

influence where readers fixate next. Furthermore, there appear longer than the second fixations (Rayner et al., 1996). Thus,
to be effects of the regularity of the initial letter clusters. How- although some second fixations on a word are made because
ever, it is unclear if morphology influences the initial landing the reader was in a bad place, refixadons are also often made
position and semantic preprocessing effects do not reliably in- for other reasons. Certainly, when more than two fixations are
fluence where the eyes land in a word (Liversedge & Un- made on a word, it is as likely that the additional fixations
derwood, 1998). are as attributable to incomplete lexical processes (Pollatsek &
To this point, the focus has been on forward saccades. How- Rayner, 1990; Pynte, 1996) as to being in a bad place in the
ever, many saccades do not simply move the reader forward word. It is also the case that frequency affects the first fixation
from word to word through the text: Sometimes they regress, of words that are fixated twice (Rayner et al., 1996; S. C.
sometimes they refixate on the fixated word, and sometimes Sereno, 1992), which is at odds with O'Regan's argument.
they skip words. Each of these topics is now discussed. There is also evidence that contextual variables influence
whether a reader will make an additional fixation on a word.
Balota et al. (1985) showed that readers were less likely to have
What Causes Regressions?
their next fixation remain in the currently fixated word if it was
Although roughly 10-15% of all fixations are regressions, predictable in the sentence context.
very little is really known about what causes them. As noted
earlier, text difficulty strongly influences the number of regres-
What Causes Word Skipping?
sions that readers make. Readers are much more likely to regress
to a word on the current line than to words on previous lines Contextual constraint has a large effect on skipping: Words
(Duffy, 1992; K. Ehrlich & Rayner, 1983). However, when they that are highly constrained by the preceding context are skipped
do regress further back in text, although there are sometimes more frequently than words that are not constrained (Balota et
backtracking movements readers often have fairly good spatial al., 1985; Binder, Pollatsek, & Rayner, in press; S. F. Ehrlich &
memories for where they went wrong in comprehension and Rayner, 1981; Rayner & Well, 1996; Schustack, Ehrlich, &
make fairly accurate saccades to that region of text (Frazier & Raynei; 1987; Vitu, 1991c). There is also some evidence to
Rayner, 1982; Kennedy, 1983,1992; Kennedy & Murray, 198ya, suggest that high-frequency words are skipped more than low-
1987b). Frazier and Rayner (1982) also demonstrated that when frequency words, particularly if the eyes are close to the target
readers encountered a word indicating that their prior interpreta- word on the fixation prior to skipping (Radach & Kempe, 1993;
tion of the sentence was in error, they often made a regression Rayner et al., 1996). However, the most important variable in
as soon as they encountered disambiguating information. It is word skipping is word length: Short words are much more likely
likely that many regressions are due to comprehension failures to be skipped than long words (Brysbaert & Vitu, 1998; Raynei;
(Blanchard & Iran-Nejad, 1987; K. Ehrlich, 1983; Frazier & 1979a). These facts suggest that when readers skip a word, they
Rayner, 1982; Hyona, 1995b; Just & Carpenter, 1978; Shebil- identify it on the prior fixation (Rayner & Duffy, 1988). Indeed,
ske & Fisher, 1983; Vauras, Hyona, & Niemi, 1992). However, when words are skipped, the fixation duration prior to the skip
many regressions are very short saccades and are probably due is inflated (Hogaboam, 1983; Pollatsek et al., 1986).
to oculomotor errors. It is interesting that regressive saccades are In summary, the data suggest that, in addition to word-length
more likely to occur following longer forward saccades (Vitu, information, textual variables appear to influence where the
McConkie, & Zola, 1998); this suggests that long saccades are readers' eyes move to next. Word length seems to be the primary
less accurate and lead to ill-placed fixations. Because regres- cue used in the normal sequence in which the word to the right
sions are hard to induce experimentally, it is more difficult to of fixation has not been identified (so that the reader fixates on
examine them than forward saccades. word n and then moves to word n + 1). Textual variables appear
to influence the decision of whether to make the next fixation
on the currently fixated word, to skip the next word, or to make
What Causes Refixations?
a regression back to some earlier part in the text.
About 15% of the words in text are refixated (i.e., they receive
additional fixations before the reader leaves the word). Why
When to Move the Eyes
does this happen? O'Regan and Levy-Schoen (1987; O'Regan
et al., 1984) argued that refixations on a word are often caused The ease or difficulty associated with processing a fixated
by originally landing in a "bad" place in a word and that word influences when the eyes move; much of this research is
processing of the word is distributed over two or more fixations reviewed in a later section (see Rayner & Sereno, 1994a, for a
in such cases. This suggests that (a) most refixations on words complete summary). One variable that obviously influences
should take the eyes to the optimal viewing location and (b) gaze duration on a word is word length: As word length in-
second fixations on a word should take longer than first fixations creases, gaze duration increases (Just & Carpenter, 1980;
(because'less information would be obtained when the eyes are Rayner et al., 1996). Much of this effect is due to the fact that
in a bad place). When readers make two fixations on a word, as words get longer, the probability that readers refixate it before
in the vast majority of cases, an initial fixation on a word is moving on increases. This section, however focuses on two
followed by a rightward movement within the word. By far the variables that, when word length is controlled, strongly influence
most frequent pattern is to fixate near the beginning of a word fixation time on a word: word frequency and contextual
followed by a fixation near the end of the word (Rayner & constraint.
Pollatsek, 1987; Rayner et al., 1996). First fixations tend to be Many studies have demonstrated that readers look longer (first

fixation, gaze, and single fixation duration) at low-frequency of word n + 1 to begin and signals the eye movement system
words than at high-frequency words (Altarriba, Kroll, Sholl, & to prepare a motor program for an eye movement to the newly
Rayner, 1996; Henderson & Ferreira, 1990, 1993; Hyona & attended location. Once the motor program is completed, it is
Olson, 1995; Inhoff & Rayner, 1986; Just & Carpenter, 1980; executed, and the eyes then move to the new word. Because
Kennison & Clifton, 1995; Raney & Rayner, 1995; Rayner, there is a lag between the attention shift and the eye movement
1977; Rayner & Duffy, 1986; Rayner & Fischer, 1996; Rayner & due to programming latency, information continues to accumu-
Raney, 1996; Rayner et al., 1996; Rayner, Fischer, et al., 1998; late from the parafoveal word before it is directly fixated. If the
S. C. Sereno, 1992; Vitu, 1991c). There are three additional parafoveal word is identified quickly, attention shifts again to
points with respect to this finding. First, there is a spillover the word beyond the parafoveal word (word n + 2) before the
effect from fixating low-frequency words as fixation time on eye movement is fully programmed. In this case, the eyes sac-
the next word is inflated (Rayner & Duffy, 1986). Second, cade to word n + 2, skipping word n + 1. Usually, there is a
although the duration of fixation n is influenced by word fre- cost in modifying the motor program, and, as noted in a prior
quency, the duration of fixation n — I (when the target word is section, the duration of the fixation prior to a skip is conse-
to the right of fixation) is not (Carpenter & Just, 1983; Hender- quently inflated (Hogaboam, 1983; Pollatsek et al., 1986). If
son & Ferreira, 1993; Rayner, Fischer, et al., 1998). Third, high- the motor program is too far advanced, however, there will be
frequency words are skipped more than low-frequency words either (a) a short fixation on word n + 1 followed by a longer
when words are 6 letters or less (O'Regan, 1979; Rayner et al., fixation on word n + 2 o r ( b ) a fixation located at an intermedi-
1996). ate position between words n + 1 and n + 2. The model thus
S. F. Ehrlich and Rayner (1981) found that words that are can explain some rather puzzling aspects of eye movement be-
constrained by preceding context are fixated for less time and havior in reading such as (a) very short fixations in text (given
skipped more often than unconstrained words (see also Altarriba that saccadic latency in simple oculomotor tasks is typically on
et al., 1996; Balota et al., 1985; Inhoff, 1984; Rayner & Well, the order of 175-200 ms) and (b) unusual landing sites (e.g.,
1996; Schustack et al., 1987; Zola, 1984). Hyona (1993) subse- the spaces between words). Although Morrison did not discuss
quently found that when high-constraint target words were not the issue of where in a word readers fixate, most processing
as constrained as those used by S. F. Ehrlich and Rayner,i2 there models assume that low-level cues such as word length influence
were no significant differences in either fixation time or skipping where readers fixate (Rayner et al., 1996).
rates. However, more recently, Rayner and Well (1996) found One problem hi Morrison's original model was that there is
that readers fixated low-constraint target words longer than they no explanation for why words are sometimes refixated. That is,
fixated high- or medium-constraint target words and that readers if lexical access is the trigger for attentional shifts (and hence
skipped high-constraint target words more than they did either eye movements), words should never be refixated. Some modi-
medium- or low-constraint target words. fications of the model (Henderson & Ferreira, 1990; S. C. Ser-
eno, 1992) incorporated a deadline for programming an eye
Models of Eye Movement Control movement: If lexical processing has not reached a criterion level
by this deadline, attention does not shift from the current word
The issue of when to move the eyes is at the heart of a recent and it may be refixated. Another account of why words are
controversy concerning different types of models of eye move- refixated proposed by Pollatsek and Rayner (1990) did not
ment control in reading. Such models can be classified into two involve any type of deadline. Rather, they suggested that the
general categories: (a) processing models, which assign lexical signal to stay on a word may be related to a decision that
processing or other ongoing comprehension processes a major something does not fully compute; for example, the word that
role in influencing when the eyes move, and (b) oculomotor has been accessed may not fit into the syntactic or semantic
models, which maintain that eye movements are mainly controlled structure of the sentence being constructed. These models do
by oculomotor factors and are only indirectly related to ongoing not deny that lexical effects can occur in the first fixation of
language processing. The first category includes a model pro- refixated words; they merely state that lexical processing may
posed by Morrison (1984), with various modifications (Hender- not be complete enough to warrant an attentional shift to the
son & Ferreira, 1990; Kennison & Clifton, 1995; Pollatsek & following word.
Rayner, 1990; S. C. Sereno, 1992), as well as one proposed by According to O'Regan's strategy-tactics model (1990,
Just and Carpenter (1980). The second category includes a model 1992), the eyes' initial landing position in a word largely deter-
proposed by O'Regan (1990, 1992), as well as proposals of mines how long to remain fixated and where the following fixa-
Kowler and Anton (1987) and McConkie et al. (1989; McConkie, tion is made. He proposed that readers adopt a global' 'strategy''
Kerr, et al., 1988). Because of the importance of the models of (e.g., careful or risky reading) that coarsely influences fixations
Morrison and O'Regan in generating research on the issue of eye and saccades. He also proposed that readers implement local,
movement control, each is discussed. within-word "tactics" that are based on lower level, nonlexical
According to Morrison's model, which was influenced by
Becker and Jurgens (1979) and McConkie (1979), at the begin- 12
In S. F. Ehrlich and Rayner's (1981) study, the high-constraint
ning of each eye fixation, eye location and visual attention are
target words were identified 80-90% of the time in a cloze task, and
oriented at the same location: the foveal word (word n). After the low-constraint words were identified less than 10% of the time. In
foveal word processing has reached a criterion level (such as Hyona's (1993) study, the high-constraint words were identified 65%
lexical access), attention shifts to the parafoveal word (word n of the time, and the low-constraint words were identified 32% of the
-I- 1) during the fixation. This shift of attention allows processing time in a cloze task.

information available early in a fixation. If the eyes land in a of model is sufficiently precise for comprehensive testing. Thus,
region of a word that is optimal (near the word's middle), there they suggested that future instantiations of models of eye move-
will be a single fixation. However, if they land in a nonoptimal ment control must be more explicit, perhaps through the use of
position, a refixation will generally occur. Fixation durations mathematical or computational modeling. One such model was
according to this scheme are mainly determined by oculomotor proposed by Just and Carpenter (1980) and a number have
constraints. The probability that a word is reflxated does not appeared recently (see Legge, Klitz, & Tjan, 1997; Reichle,
depend on its lexical status but on lower level visual factors Pollatsek, Fisher, & Rayner, 1998; Reilly, 1993; Reilly &
such as the landing position in that word. Linguistic factors O'Regan, 1998; Suppes, 1990, 1994). These models provide
influence the duration of a single long fixation (300 ms or the hope of more explicit testing of underlying claims related
longer; O'Regan, 1992) but only the second of two fixations in to eye movement control.
a refixated word. While Suppes's stochastic model (1990, 1994) has the virtue
A problem with O'Regan's model is that the optimal viewing of mathematical precision, it cannot account for many effects
position effect was originally obtained in tasks in which words that are known to influence fixation durations. Mr. Chips, the
were presented in isolation (Nazir, Heller, & Sussmann, 1992; model proposed by Legge et al. (1997), is based to some extent
O'Regan & Jacobs, 1992; O'Regan & Levy-Schoen, 1987; on work done on the impact of low vision on reading (Legge,
O'Regan et al., 1984). Normal reading, however, involves more Rubin, Pelli, & Schleske, 1985). As such, it is an interesting
than recognizing individual words. As noted previously, al- attempt to generalize from low-vision reading to normal reading.
though the reflxation effect (i.e., readers are more likely to However, many of the premises made by the model seem unreal-
refixate a word if the initial fixation is away from the optimal istic in terms of real-time processing events that occur in normal
viewing position) was obtained in reading, the processing-cost reading. The Reader model of Just and Carpenter (1980; see
effect (i.e., a cost of 20 ms per character that the fixation is also Thibadeau, Just, & Carpenter, 1982) attempted to account
away from the optimal viewing position) was greatly attenuated for reading processes from individual eye fixations to compre-
or absent (Vitu, 1991c; Vitu et al., 1990). hension processes. Although it was intended as a comprehensive
A number of studies have tried to discriminate between these model of reading, very few predictions can be derived from the
models. For example, Vitu and O'Regan (1995; see also Schroy- model that are relevant for eye movement control. The £-Z
ens et al., in press) presented data that they argued are inconsis- Reader model (Reichle et al., 1998; see also Rayner, Reichle, &
tent with the oculomotor deadline proposed by Henderson and Pollatsek, 1998), on the other hand, is a formal instantiation of
Ferreira (1990); specifically, they found that the duration of a Morrison's model (but with a number of modifications13) and
single fixation is longer than the first of two fixations (see also applies directly to eye movement control. Reichle et al. com-
Rayner et al., 1996; Schroyens et al., in press). Models with an pared actual eye movement data with simulations from the
oculomotor deadline should predict just the opposite, because model, and the fit between the model and data was very good.
when a second fixation on a word takes place, the deadline Furthermore, the model has the virtue that it accounts for many
would be approached by the first fixation. On the other hand, findings discussed in prior sections (e.g., preview benefits, fre-
Rayner et al. (1996) argued that data they obtained were incon- quency effects, spillover effects, constraint effects on skipping
sistent with the oculomotor type of model; specifically, they behavior) while also making explicit predictions.'4
found that when single fixations were made on a word, there In summary, there is controversy surrounding the issue of
was a frequency effect independent of where the reader fixated. eye movement control, but some findings and conclusions seem
In contrast, Reilly and O'Regan (1998) reported a number of incontroversial. Specifically, where readers look next is related
simulations that led them to argue that the oculomotor type of to the length of upcoming words (and where in the current word
model can better explain the details of where readers initially the reader is fixated), and how long they fixate on a word is
fixate in words. Although Reilly and O'Regan's analyses are related to the ease or difficulty associated with processing that
quite valuable, because they demonstrate the value of using word. It is hoped that more precision will be obtained on these
simulations to account for data patterns, their conclusion is not issues as models such as that of Reichle et al. (1998) appear.
too surprising given that where the eyes land was never a central
issue of processing models. Finally, Vitu, O'Regan, Inhoff, and Using Eye Movements to Study Language Processing
Topolski (1995) examined eye movements when participants in Reading
scanned transformed text (in which each letter was replaced
Considerable data have been collected that demonstrate that
with a z) and found that the eye movements were globally quite
eye movements are intimately related to the moment-to-moment
similar to when the same participants read text. Thus, they ar-
gued that the similarity of the pattern suggested that predeter-
mined oculomotor strategies were an important factor in eye For example, in the E-Z Reader model, a familiarity check that
movement control in reading. However, Rayner and Fischer precedes lexical access serves as the signal for the initiation of an eye
movement, and completion of lexical access is the signal for a shift of
(1996) showed that there are important differences between the
covert attention.
two situations and that eye movements in reading are influenced 14
As an example, the model predicted that when a word is skipped,
by immediate processing demands.
the duration of the fixation prior to the skip and the duration of the
Although there are extant data supporting both types of fixation following the skip should both be inflated. Whereas the former
model, Rayner et al. (1996) argued that the evidence is more effect had been previously noted (Hogaboam, 1983; Pollatsek et al.,
consistent with the processing type of model than the oculomo- 1986), the latter had not. However, examination of data revealed such
tor type of model. More critically, they argued that neither type an effect.

Table 2
Variables and Specific Studies Influencing Eye Movements in Reading

Variable Study

Semantic relationships between Carroll & Slowiaczek, 1986; Morris, 1994; S. C. Sereno, 1995; S. C. Sereno & Rayner, 1992
Repetition effects Hyona & Niemi, 1990; Inhoff et al., 1993; Raney & Rayner, 1995; Rayner, Raney, & Pollatsek, 1995
Morphemic units Beauvillain, 1996; Holmes & O'Regan, 1987, 1992; HySna & Pollatsek, in press; Inhoff, Briihl, &
Schwartz, 1996; Lima, 1987
Anaphora and Dereference Albrecht & Clifton, 1998; Blanchard, 1987; Duffy & Rayner, 1990; K. Ehrlich, 1983; K. Ehrlich &
Rayner, 1983; Garrod, Freudenthal, & Boyle, 1994; Garrod, O'Brien, Morris, & Rayner, 1990;
Kerr & Underwood, 1984; Kennison & Gordon, 1998; O'Brien, Raney, Albrecht, & Rayner, 1997;
O'Brien, Shank, Myers, & Rayner, 1988; Paterson, Sanford, Moxey, & Dawydiak, 1998; Vonk,
1984, 1985
Lexical ambiguity Binder & Morris, 1995; Binder & Rayner, 1998; Dopkins, Morris, & Rayner, 1992; Duffy, Morris, &
Rayner, 1988; Frazier & Rayner, 1990; Pacht & Rayner, 1993; Rayner & Duffy, 1986; Rayner &
Frazier, 1989; Rayner, Pacht, & Duffy, 1994; S. C. Sereno, 1995; S. C. Sereno, Pacht, & Rayner,
Phonological ambiguity Carpenter & Daneman, 1981; Daneman & Reingold, 1993; Daneman, Reingold, & Davidson, 1995;
Folk, 1998; Folk & Morris, 1995; Inhoff & Topolski, 1994; Jared, Levy, & Rayner, in press;
Lesch & Pollatsek, 1993, 1998; Pollatsek et al., 1992; Rayner, Pollatsek, & Binder, 1998; Rayner,
Sereno, Lesch, & Pollatsek, 1995
Discourse factors and stylistic Birch & Rayner, 1997; Blanchard & Iran-Nejad, 1987; Carrithers & Bever, 1984; Dee-Lucas, Just,
conventions Carpenter. & Daneman, 1982; Dentsch, 1998; Fletcher, 1990, 1991, 1993; Frisson & Pickering,
1998; Grabe, Antes, Kahn, & Kristjanson, 1991; Grabe, Antes, Thorson, & Kahn, 1987; Hyona,
1995b; Hyona & Hujanen, 1997; Hyona & Jarvella, 1993; Inhoff, 1985; Kennedy & Pidcock, 1981;
Morris & Folk, 1998; Rothkopf & Billington, 1979; Scinto, 1978; Vauras, Hyona, & Niemi, 1992
Syntactic disambiguation Adams, Clifton, & Mitchell, 1998; Altmann, 1994; Altmann, Garnham. & Dennis, 1992; Altmann,
Gamham, & Henstra, 1994; Altmann, van Nice, Gamham, & Henstra, 1998; Britt, Perfetti,
Garrod, & Rayner, 1992; Brysbaert & Mitchell, 1996; Clifton, 1992, 1993; Clifton, Speer, &
Abney, 1991; Ferreira & Clifton, 1986; Ferreira & Henderson, 1990, 1993; Ferreira & McClure,
1997; Frazier & Clifton, 1998; Frazier & Rayner, 1982, 1987, 1988; Frenck-Mestre & Pynte, 1997;
Garnsey, Pearlmutter, Myers, & Lotocky, 1997; Holmes & O'Regan, 1981; Kennedy, Murray,
Jennings, & Reid, 1989; Konieczny, Hemforth, Scheepers, & Strube, 1997; Liversedge, Pickering,
Branigan, & van Compel, 1998; Mazuka, Itoh, & Kondo, 1997; Murray & Liversedge, 1994; Ni,
Grain, & Shankweiler, 1996; Ni, Fodor, Gain, & Shankweiler, 1998; Paterson, Liversedge, &
Underwood, in press; Pickering & Traxler, 1998; Rayner, Carlson, & Frazier, 1983; Rayner &
Frazier, 1987; Rayner, Garrod, & Perfetti, 1992; Rayner & Sereno, 1994b, 1994c; Schmauder,
1991; Schmauder & Egan, 1998; Speer & Clifton, 1998; Traxler, Bybee, & Pickering, 1997;
Traxler & Pickering, 1996a, 1996b; Trueswell, Tanenhaus, & Garnsey, 1994; Trueswell,
Tanenhaus, & Kello, 1993; Zagar, Pynte, & Rativeau, 1997

cognitive processing activities of readers. Two variables, word are fixated for less time than when such an inference is not
frequency and contextual constraint, were discussed in a prior made. For example, O'Brien, Shank, Myers, and Rayner (1988)
section. Table 2 lists a number of other variables that influence found that when the phrase stabbed her with his weapon was
fixation time on a word or the pattern of eye movements. Briefly, read early in a passage, readers subsequently fixated no longer
with respect to these variables, the findings are as follows. First, on the target word knife than when the earlier phrase read
words that are semantkally related and in close proximity to stabbed her with his knife; in the weapon case, the reader pre-
each other produce priming effects. Thus, the word king in the sumably inferred that the weapon was a knife. By contrast,
same clause results in shorter fixation time on queen than if an when the original phrase read assaulted her with his weapon,
unrelated word is present (Carroll & Slowiaczek, 1986; Morris, readers fixated longer on the subsequent occurrence of knife.
1994). Second, when text is reread, fixation duration decreases Fifth, fixation times on lexically ambiguous words are modu-
(Hyona & Niemi, 1990; Inhoff et al., 1993); when high- and lated by the characteristics of the word and the prior context.
low-frequency words are encountered a number of times within The basic finding is that when the preceding context is neutral
a passage, fixation times on the words decrease, with the effect
being more pronounced for low-frequency words" (Rayner,
Raney, & Pollatsek, 1995). Third, readers look longer at prefixed A curious fact is that during the first and second era of eye move-
ment recording, researchers did not report effects of linguistic variables.
words than pseudoprefixed words (Lima, 1987) and longer at
For the most part, such effects were not examined, but they may not
morphemes in long words that are more informative with respect
have been noticed because the tendency was to record eye movements
to the overall meaning of the word (Hyona' & Pollatsek, in
while readers read passages of text. In such passages, words would
press). Fourth, fixation time in the region of a pronoun varies often be repeated throughout the passage. Because the repetition effect
as a function of how easy it is to make the link between the observed by Inhoff et al. (1993) and Rayner et al. (1995) results in
pronoun and its antecedent (K. Ehrlich & Rayner, 1983), and pretty much eliminating the word frequency effect, effects of word
words that invite the reader to make an elaborative inference frequency would not be apparent.

(so that it does not bias either meaning of the word), readers ment data can be mimicked by other laboratory tasks. One great
look no longer at a biased ambiguous word (one with a highly virtue of eye movement data is that readers are engaged in the
dominant meaning) than a control word (matched on length task of normal reading and can proceed at their own rate. Many
and frequency); however, they do look longer at a balanced years ago, Tinker (1939) demonstrated that reading rate and
ambiguous word (with two equally likely meanings) than at a comprehension were the same when readers read in an eye
control word. On the other hand, when the context biases one movement laboratory (with their heads fixed) and when they
meaning, readers look no longer at a balanced word than the read in an easy chair. Given the cost and effort that is required
control; however, if the context biases the subordinate meaning to obtain eye movement data, many researchers have opted for
of the word, they look longer at a biased word than at a control tasks that are thought to simulate eye movement data. The two
word (Duffy, Morris, & Rayner, 1988). Sixth, when a word is primary techniques that have been used are rapid serial visual
replaced by a homophone, readers look at it longer (Daneman & presentation (RSVP) of text and self-paced reading. In the
Reingold, 1993) unless the context is highly constraining of RSVP task, words are presented at a set rate (such as every
the correct word (Rayner, Pollatsek, & Binder, 1998). Seventh, 100-200 ms) in the same spatial location. Comparisons of this
stylistic conventions such as focus and dovetailing (the final task to normal reading have typically revealed that with short
content word of a sentence and the first content word of the next sentences, results that are typical of normal reading can be
one have the same referent) influence eye movements (Birch & obtained. However, when longer passages are presented, the pro-
Rayner, 1997; Kennedy & Pidcock, 1981). Finally, if an incor- cessing system quickly gets overloaded, and comprehension
rect interpretation of a syntactically ambiguous phrase is made, breaks down (see Masson, 1983). With self-paced reading, text
fixation times on the disambiguating word increase or readers is presented a word or two at a time and readers advance the
make an immediate regression (Frazier & Rayner, 1982). text by pushing a button. There are a number of variations of this
The above findings raise some important issues with respect technique: Some allow readers to look back in text (cumulative
to eye movements and reading. First, what exactly controls fixa- methods), some do not (so that only 1-2 words are tin the
tion time on a word? Some of the effects listed above are un- screen at a time); and in some, words are presented sequentially
doubtedly related to postlexical processing, so is the decision in the same location, whereas in others, words are presented
to move off of a word based on lexical or postlexical processing? spatially as in normal text. There are clear trade-offs associated
The answer to this question is not immediately obvious. It could with these techniques. One virtue when only 1 word is presented
be argued that the following variables influence lexical access: is that a processing-time measure is associated with each word
word frequency, contextual constraint, semantic relationships in the text (i.e., words cannot be skipped). However, the most
between words, lexical ambiguity, and phonological ambiguity. natural method, the self-paced cumulative moving window, in-
However, it seems less plausible that syntactic disambiguation volves cumulative presentation of words so that, if a reader
effects are due to lexical access processes: When readers en- looks back in the text before pushing the button, there is no
counter a disambiguating word, the lengthened fixation time way of knowing this. For this reason, this technique is seldom
must surely be due to postaccess integration processes. Like- used. The alternative, self-paced noncumulative moving window,
wise, coreference and anaphoric processing consists of integra- has the problem that readers are unable to reread words they
tion processing. The best answer to the question (Carroll & did not understand (or misanalyzed).
Slowiaczek, 1987; Hyona, 1995b; Pollatsek, 1993; Rayner & A general problem with all of the variations of the self-paced
Morris, 1990) is that lexical access (or familiarity check; reading technique is that reading rate is about half as fast as it
Reichle et al., 1998) is the trigger to program a new eye move- is normally. The fact that readers are slowed down by the de-
ment but that other higher level (postaccess) processes intervene mands of the task (because the reaction time of the eyes is faster
when something does not compute. Thus, fixation times primar- than the reaction time of the fingers) suggests that some caution
ily reflect lexical processing, but postaccess integration effects has to be exerted in generalizing from these tasks to normal
can have an effect as well. reading (Rayner, Sereno, et al., 1989). There have been many
A second general question concerns whether effects of experi- comparisons of RSVP and self-paced reading tasks to normal
mental manipulations on fixation time measures are produced reading (luola, Ward, & McNamara, 1982; lust, Carpenter, &
by similar effects in all relevant cases or by combinations of Woolley, 1982; Kennedy & Murray, 1984; Rubin & Turano,
unequal effects in subsets of the data. McConkie (see McCon- 1992). In many cases, similar results have been obtained, but
kie, Reddix, & Zola, 1992; McConkie, Underwood, Wolver- this is not always the case (Just, Carpenter, & Woolley, 1982;
ton, & Zola, 1988; McConkie, Zola, & Wolverton, 1985) has Kennedy & Murray, 1984; Magliano, Graesser, Eymard, Ha-
discussed the theoretical and methodological implications of berlandt, & Gholson, 1993). Researchers interested in the topic
this "frequency-of-effects" issue and has shown that when 20% of syntactic ambiguity and parsing have been particularly keen
of the fixations are affected by a particular manipulation with to show that similar results are obtained when self-paced reading
the size of the effect being 100 ms, even though the rest of the and eye movement data are compared (see Ferreira & Clifton,
fixations are not affected there will still be a 20-ms effect. On 1986; Garnsey, Pearlmutter, Myers, & Lotocky, 1997; Ken-
the basis of such arguments, some researchers (Rayner, 1995; nedy & Murray, 1984; Trueswell, Tanenhaus, & Kello, 1993);
Rayner & Fischer, 1996) have shown frequency distributions for indeed many results are quite similar across the two situations.
the effect being investigated to demonstrate that the distribution Perhaps it is not surprising that, when dealing with syntactic
shifted and was not due to a subset of the data. ambiguity where readers are "garden-pathed" and have diffi-
A final question that is relevant with respect to the findings culty getting the appropriate meaning, self-paced reading and
discussed in this section concerns the extent to which eye move- eye movement data are quite similar because processing has

been disrupted and readers must use some type of problem- and forth repeatedly between cartoon elements, and the picture
solving strategy to compute the correct meaning. Given that frequently was not given a full inspection until the caption was
they are going slowly in both situations, the results might well read. Similar results were obtained when complex mechanical
be fairly comparable. Even if this is the case, caution is war- diagrams in text (Hegarty, 1992a, 1992b) and subtitled TV pro-
ranted in generalizing from self-paced reading to normal reading grams (d'Ydewalle & Gielen, 1992) were used.
because of the depressed reading rate.
How well do standard laboratory tasks like naming and lexical Eye Movements and Individual Differences in Reading
decision compare with eye movement data? Everatt and Un-
derwood (1994) found little correlation between eye fixation There are well-known individual differences in eye movement
times and lexical decision times. However, Schilling, Rayner, measures as a function of reading skill: Fast readers make shorter
and Chumbley (1998) compared naming and lexical decision fixations, longer saccades, and fewer regressions than slow read-
times for words presented in isolation to fixation times on the ers (Everatt, Bradshaw, & Hibbard, 1998; Everatt & Un-
same words inserted in neutral sentence contexts and found derwood, 1994; Rayner, 1978b; G. Underwood, Hubbard, &
reasonably good correlations between the measures. The size Wilkinson, 1990). Likewise, bilingual readers make shorter fix-
of the word-frequency effect (i.e., the difference in reaction ations, longer saccades, and fewer regressions in their dominant
times for high- and low-frequency words) was fairly equivalent language (Altarriba et al., 1996; Chincotta, HyonS, & Un-
for naming and gaze duration (with the size of the effect a bit derwood, 1997), and children who stutter make more fixations
smaller for first fixation and single fixation duration). The size and regressions than nonstutterers (Brutten, Bakker. Janssen, &
of the frequency effect was exaggerated in the lexical decision VanderMeulen, 1984). In characterizing the eye movement pat-
times compared with the eye fixation times. These results sug- terns of dyslexic readers, Olson, Kliegl, Davidson, and Foltz
gest that researchers can have some confidence that results ob- (1985) categorized such readers as plodders and explorers;
tained with standard naming and lexical decision tasks general- plodders made relatively short forward saccades and very few
ize to word recognition processes while reading.16 regressions, whereas explorers showed more frequent word
Another procedure that has been adopted recently is to use skipping, longer forward saccades, and more regressions. It is
the same stimulus materials across different tasks to obtain con- likely that skilled readers can be divided into similar styles
verging evidence on a topic of interest (see Altarriba et al., (Rothkopf, 1978). Table 3 shows eye movement characteristics
1996; Inhoff, Briihl, et al., 1996; O'Brien, Raney, Albrecht, & of 10 skilled readers with good comprehension. It is clear that
Rayner, 1997; Schustack et al., 1987). Important information there is a considerable amount of difference been them. In the
can be gleaned both when the results are consistent (e.g., the remainder of this section, studies dealing with speedreading,
results are generalizable across tasks) and when they are incon- developmental changes in eye movements, and eye movements
sistent. In the latter case, differences across tasks can enlighten of dyslexic readers are discussed.
our understanding not only of the specific tasks but of the pro-
cesses involved. Recently, studies (Raney & Rayner, 1993; S. C. Speedreading
Sereno, Rayner, & Posner, 1998) have been reported with event-
Unfortunately, there is very little good data on the characteris-
related potential data in conjunction with eye movement data,
tics of the eye movements of speedreaders. Rayner and Pollatsek
which makes it possible to address issues that would be other-
(1989) reviewed some early studies but pointed out that the
wise difficult to examine. For example, S. C. Sereno et al.
studies were disappointing because of inadequate control condi-
(1998) examined the time line of lexical access and saccade
tions or because comprehension tests were not taken. The only
good recent report of the characteristics of speedreaders' eye
Finally, a technique called fast priming (S. C. Sereno &
movements was provided by Just, Carpenter, and Masson (1982;
Rayner, 1992) combines priming techniques with eye movement
also reported in Just & Carpenter, 1987). They monitored the
paradigms. In this technique, a random string of letters initially
eye movements of speedreaders (reading at approximately 600-
occupies a target location in a sentence. When the reader's eye
700 words per minute [wpm]) and normal readers (reading
movement crosses a boundary location, the random letter string
is replaced by a prime word that is presented briefly (30-40
ms) at the onset of the fixation and then changes to the target 16
Not every variable that affects isolated word recognition influences
word. Studies using this technique have examined semantic eye movements in reading. For example, Rayner and Duffy (1986) found
priming (S. C. Sereno, 1995; S. C. Sereno & Rayner, 1992), no effect of verb complexity on fixation times; Inhoff, Lima, and Carroll
phonological priming (Lee, Binder, Kim, Pollatsek, & Rayner, (1984) found little effect of whether or not a literal or metaphoric
in press; Rayner, Sereno, Lesch, & Pollatsek, 1995), and ortho- interpretation was associated with a target word (though regression
graphic priming (Lee et al., in press; Rayner, Sereno, et al., frequency was affected); Perea and Pollatsek (1998) found effects of
1995). neighborhood frequency on only spillover fixations (see Pollatsek, Perea,
and Binder, in press, for earlier affects; and see Grainger, O'Regan,
Jacobs, & Sequi, 1992, for how initial fixation location and neighborhood
Eye Movements When Reading and Looking at Pictures frequency interact for isolated words); and Inhoff and Tbpolski (1994)
found that the effects of orthographic regularity were rather transient in
Carroll, \bung, and Guertin (1992) found that when viewers the eye movement record. However, S. C. Sereno, Rayner, and Posner
looked at cartoons, mean fixation durations on the cartoon were (1998) found a regularity effect for low-frequency words, whereas,
longer than on the caption. There was not a great deal of consis- consistent with word recognition studies, there was no effect for high-
tency in where viewers looked first. They did not move back frequency words.

Table 3 found that children in their 1st year of reading show the same
Mean Fixation Duration, Mean Saccade Length, Percentage landing position patterns as adults; like adults, they send their
Regressions, and Words per Minute (WPM) eyes to the middle of a word. McConkie et al. (1991) also
for 10 Skilled Readers concluded that one of the primary differences between the eye
movements of children and adults is the frequency with which
Fixation Saccade Regressions
words are refixated before the reader moves to another word;
Reader duration length (%) WPM
adults refixated 5 letter words 15% of the time, whereas first-
KB 195 9.0 6 378 grade children refixated 5 letter words 57% of the time. As
JC 227 7.6 12 251 noted earlier, Rayner (1986) found that the perceptual span of
AK 190 8.6 11 348 beginning readers was smaller than skilled readers and that the
TP 196 9.5 15 382
TT 255 7.7 span was asymmetric for beginning readers. Apparently, 1 year
19 244
GT 206 7.9 4 335 of reading is sufficient for the development of the asymmetry
GB 205 8.5 6 347 of the span. Finally, the effect of aging on eye movements in
BB 247 6.7 1 257 reading is not completely clear. Solan, Feldman, and Tujak
LC 193 8.3 20 314
(1995) found that elderly adults read more slowly and made
JJ 241 7.2 14 230
more fixations (and regressions) than younger readers. However,
M 216 8.1 11 308 they also found that reading efficiency training greatly improved
performance. Although Solan et al. did not examine fixation
Note. Fixation duration is in milliseconds, and saccade length is in
character spaces (4 characters = 1° of visual angle). The text was fairly durations, it is highly likely that they increase, because saccade
easy reading. If the text were more difficult, for each reader, the mean latency in elderly adults is longer than younger adults (Abel et
fixation duration would likely increase, the mean saccade length would al., 1983).
likely decrease, the percentage of regressions would likely increase, and
the reading rate would decrease.
From "Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing" by K. Eye Movements, Poor Readers, and Dyslexia
Rayner, 1978b, Psychological Bulletin, 85, p. 627. Copyright 1978 by
the American Psychological Association. Poor readers and dyslexic readers, like beginning readers,
make longer fixations, shorter saccades, more fixations, and
more regressions than normal readers. These facts have been
around 250 wpm). In addition, the normal readers were asked known for some time and have been reinforced by many recent
to "skim" the text to produce rates around 600-700 wpm. studies (Adler-Grinberg & Stark, 1978; Eden, Stein, Wood, &
When tested after reading, the speedreaders did as well as the Wood, 1994; Elterman, Abel, Daroff, DeU'Osso, & Bernstein,
normal readers (when reading at their normal speed) on general 1980; Lefton, Nagle, Johnson, & Fisher, 1979: Martos & Vila,
comprehension questions or questions about the gist of the pas- 1990). Lefton et al. (1979) found that normal developmental
sage. However, when tested about the details of the text, gains made by children (wherein fixation duration decreases,
speedreaders could not answer questions if they had not fixated saccade length increases, and the frequency of regressions de-
on the region where the answer was located. The normal readers, creases) are not shown by dyslexic readers.
whose fixations were much denser than the speedreaders, were No one would dispute that the eye movements of dyslexic
able to answer the detail questions relatively well. When the readers are different from normal readers. One critical question
normal readers were asked to skim the text, both their eye move- that reemerged recently concerns the extent to which eye move-
ment patterns and comprehension measures were quite similar ments per se represent the cause of reading problems. Certainly,
to those of the speedreaders. In general, the results of research people with low vision (Bowers & Reid, 1997; BuHimore &
on the characteristics of speedreaders' eye movements are con- Bailey, 1995; Legge, Rubin, Pelli, & Schleske, 1985), oculomo-
sistent with the idea that they are skimming the text and not tor disturbances such as saccade intrusions (Ciuffreda, Ken-
really reading every word (see Rayner & Pollatsek, 1989, for yon, & Stark, 1983), or congenital jerk nystagmus (Ciuffreda,
more details). 1979) have difficulty reading (see Ciuffreda, 1994, and Ciuf-
freda & Tannen, 1995, for more extensive discussion of the eye
movements of patients with oculomotor disturbances). The more
Developmental Changes in Eye Movements
critical issue is whether or not reading disability in the absence
For over 70 years (Buswell, 1922), it has been known that of obvious oculomotor problems can be attributed to faulty eye
there are developmental trends in eye movements during read- movements. If eye movements were a causative factor in reading
ing: As reading skill increases, fixation duration decreases, sac- disability, then the problem could easily be diagnosed with a
cade length increases, the number of fixations decreases, and simple eye movement test, and oculomotor training would result
the frequency of regressions decreases. Table 4 shows summary in improved reading. Although there have been some demonstra-
data from Buswell (1922), S. E. Taylor (1965), Rayner tions that oculomotor training improves reading performance
(1985b), and McConkie et al. (1991) on different measures. (see Solan, 1985), Tinker (1946, 1958) and Rayner (1985b)
Although eye movements were recorded in very different ways, argued quite strongly that eye movements were generally not a
the trends in the data are remarkably consistent. cause of reading disability but were a reflection of other underly-
McConkie et al. (1991) examined children's eye movement ing problems.
behavior and found that they tended to have more variability in This issue was brought back into the spotlight by Pavlidis
their eye movement indices than adults. However, they also (1978, 1981, 1983, 1985, 1991). He reported experiments in

Table 4
Developmental Characteristics of Eye Movements During Reading

Grade level

Article and characteristic 1 2 3 4 5 6 Adult

S. E. Taylor (1965)
Fixation duration (ms) 330 300 280 270 270 270 240
Fixations per 100 words 224 174 155 139 129 120 90
Frequency of regressions (%) 23 23 22 22 21 21 17
Buswell (1922)
Fixation duration (ms) 432 364 316 268 252 236 252
Fixations per 100 words 182 126 113 92 87 87 75
Frequency of regressions (%) 26 21 20 19 20 21 8
Rayner (1985b)
Fixation duration (ms) 290 276 242 239
— — —
Fixations per 100 words — 165 122 — 110 92

Frequency of regressions (%) 27 25 24 9
— — —
McConkie et al. (1991)
Fixation duration (ms) 304 268 262 248 243 200

Fixations per 100 words 168 138 125 132 135 118

Frequency of regressions (%) 34 33 34 36 36 — 21

Fixation duration (ms) 355 306 286 266 255 249 233
Fixations per 100 words 191 151 131 121 117 106 94
Frequency of regressions (%) 28 26 25 26 26 22 14

Note. Dashes indicate that data were not collected.

which normal children, backward readers (whose reading dis- al. (1994) found that dyslexic readers had worse stability of
ability could be accounted for by intelligence, motivation, or fixation on small targets than normal readers and that dyslexic
socioeconomic factors), and dyslexic readers followed a dot readers' vergence and smooth pursuit eye movements differed
that moved across a screen. He reported that when the dot moved from normal readers. It is not clear what to make of these
from left to right, dyslexic readers made many more right-to- findings because pursuit eye movements are not characteristic
left saccades than either the normal or backward readers. Thus, of reading.17 The finding of fixation instability was also reported
he argued that faulty eye movements or some type of central by Pavlidis (1981) and Raymond, Ogden, Pagan, and Kaplan
temporal ordering problem could be diagnostic of dyslexic read- (1988). However, Raymond et al. also found that the latency
ers (Pavlidis, 1981). Pavlidis quite rightly pointed out that ex- and accuracy of eye movements of dyslexic children did not
amining the eye movements of dyslexic readers during reading differ from those of normal readers. Finally, Fischer and col-
was inconclusive because one would not be able to tell if eye leagues (Biscaldi, Fischer, & Aiple, 1994; B. Fischer, Bis-
movements per se or the dyslexic individual's problems with caldi, & Otto, 1993; B. Fischer & Weber, 1990) found that some
reading accounted for the differences between their eye move- dyslexic readers exhibit more express saccades than normal
ment characteristics and those of normal readers. The fact that readers. They argued that express saccades are related to atten-
erratic eye movement patterns were obtained in the absence tional processing. Given the failures to replicate Pavlidis's work,
of text thus suggested to Pavlidis that eye movements are a it would be premature at this point to arrive at firm conclusions
contributing factor to reading disability. However, a number of regarding the relationship between eye movements and dyslexia
attempts to replicate Pavlidis's findings have failed to confirm until these results are replicated in other labs.
his results (Black, Collins, DeRoach, & Zubrick, 1984a; B. It has also been suggested that dyslexic readers process less
Brown, Haegerstrom-Portnoy, Adams, et al., 1983; Olson, Con- parafoveal information on each fixation than do normal readers
ners, & Rack, 1991; Olson, Kliegl, & Davison, 1983a; Stanley, (see Farmer & Klein, 1995). Experiments by Rayner, Murphy,
1994; Stanley, Smith, & Howell, 1983a). Furthermore, other Henderson, and Pollatsek (1989) and N. R. Underwood and
studies have failed to find differences between normal and dys- Zola (1986) used the moving window technique to investigate
lexic readers' eye movements during nonreading tasks (Adler- this issue. Although N. R. Underwood and Zola found little
Grinberg & Stark, 1978; Black, Collins, DeRoach, & Zubrick, difference between good and poor readers (fifth-grade children
1984b, 1984c; B. Brown, Haegerstrom-Portnoy, Adams, et al.,
1983; B. Brown, Haegerstrom-Portnoy, Tingling, Herron, 17
Stein and colleagues (Stein, 1989, 1994; Stein, Riddell, & Fowler,
Galin, & Marcus, 1983; Eskenazi & Diamond, 1983; Fields,
1988) have presented data to indicate that dyslexic readers have fine
Wright, & Newman, 1993; Olson, Conners, & Rack, 1991; Stan- binocular control problems, which result in their being unable to hold
ley, Smith, & Howell, 1983b). their eyes steady. On the other hand, Lennerstrand, Ygge, and Rydberg
In addition to Pavlidis, others have argued that poor eye move- (1994) found no differences between normal and dyslexic readers with
ment control is characteristic of some dyslexic readers. Eden et respect to binocular control.

reading 1-2.5 years behind their expected reading level), dyslexic reader reported by Rayner, Murphy, et al. (1989) was
Rayner, Murphy, et al. (1989) found that the perceptual span consistent with data reported by Geiger and Lettvin (1987).
was smaller for dyslexic readers than for normal readers. How- However, it is not necessarily the case that eye movements per
ever, this finding does not necessarily mean that dyslexic readers se are the problem. Rather, the evidence suggests that these
process parafoveal information less effectively than do normal dyslexic readers have a visual-spatial deficit and that eye move-
readers (Rayner, Pollatsek, & Bilsky, 1995). As noted in an ments reflect a more serious underlying spatial orientation prob-
earlier section, normal readers obtain less parafoveal informa- lem. For the vast majority of dyslexic individuals, the evidence
tion when the fixated word is difficult to process (Henderson & suggests that they have a language processing deficit and that
Ferreira, 1990; Rayner, 1986). Rayner (1986) showed that when their eye movements simply reflect their difficulty processing
children were given difficult text to read, their perceptual span language. Three findings are consistent with this conclusion.
got smaller. Thus, whereas the perceptual span is somewhat First, HyOna and Olson (1995) found that dyslexic readers show
smaller for dyslexic readers than for normal readers, it is proba- the typical word frequency effect in which low-frequency words
bly not the case that dyslexic readers process parafoveal infor- are fixated longer than high-frequency words. Second, Pirozzolo
mation less effectively but rather that they have difficulty pro- and Rayner (1978) found that when dyslexic readers with a
cessing the fixated word. language processing deficit were given text appropriate for their
Actually, there is some irony with respect to this issue since reading level, their eye movements were much like those of
Geiger and Lettvin (1987) proposed that the cause of dyslexia normal readers at that particular age level (see also Olson,
was that dyslexic readers processed parafoveal information Kliegl, & Davidson, 1983b); when they were given age appro-
more effectively than normal readers. On the basis of experi- priate text, their eye movement characteristics showed the usual
ments in which dyslexic and normal readers had to simultane- differences from those of normal readers. Third, Rayner (1986)
ously identify foveal and parafoveal letters, they suggested that showed that normal children's eye movements (saccade lengths,
dyslexic readers' efficient parafoveal processing interfered with fixation durations, and the size of the perceptual span) could
foveal processing, and this is what causes their reading prob- be made to look characteristic of dyslexic readers' eye move-
lems. Indeed, Geiger, Lettvin, and Fahle (1994) argued that ments when they were given text that was too difficult for them.
dyslexic readers could markedly increase their reading ability In sum, the most appropriate conclusion remains that'eye move-
by cutting a small window in an index card and reading the ments reflect the difficulties that dyslexic individuals have read-
material inside die window as they moved it across the text. ing and are not the cause of the reading problem.
However, there is considerable controversy regarding whether
or not dyslexic readers process parafoveal information more Eye Movements in Music Reading and Typing
effectively than do normal readers. Perry, Dember, Warm, and
Sacks (1989) reported results that were consistent with Geiger Music Reading
and Lettvin (1987), but others (Goolkasian & King, 1990;
Although some classic studies of eye movements while read-
Klein, Berry, Briand, D'Entremont, & Farmer, 1990; Slaghuis,
ing music (usually by pianists) were carried out over 50 years
Lovegrove, & Freestun, 1992) were unable to replicate the find-
ago (see Weaver, 1943), only recently has interest in the topic
ings. Finally, Rayner, Murphy, et al. (1989) described a dyslexic
reemerged. Weaver found that (a) the number of notes per fixa-
reader who showed characteristics that were somewhat like
tion was about 1.5, (b) the average fixation duration varied as
those of Geiger and Lettvin's (1987) participants: He could
a function of the difficulty of the music with more difficult
identify parafoveal words and letters better than the normal
selections leading to longer fixations (460 ms) than easier selec-
readers could, and, when reading in a moving window experi-
tions (365 ms), (c) 7-23% of all fixations were regressions,
ment, he read better with a small window than with a larger
(d) the eye-hand span (how far the eyes are ahead of the
one." Rayner, Murphy, et al. (1989) argued that he had a selec-
hand) was variable (but never exceeded a separation of eight
tive attention deficit, which made it difficult for him to focus
successive notes or chords) and was influenced by the difficulty
attention on the fixated word, but that he was atypical of dyslexic
of the selection, and (e) progression along the musical score
was accomplished in two ways: When the music was homo-
In concluding this section, the question arises as to why there
phonic and chordal, pianists tended to use a vertical fixation
is so much inconsistency in the results of experiments on dys-
sequence in which they alternated vertical movements from one
lexia and eye movements. Why, for example, did Pavlidis find
half of the staff to the other half; however, when the music was
evidence for erratic eye movements in nonreading tasks while
contrapuntal, there tended to be a series of horizontal saccades
other investigators found no such evidence? There are many
followed by a vertical movement and then more horizontal
reasons why inconsistent results may be obtained with a group
of abnormal participants and variability is generally greater with
abnormal than normal participants. However, one likely possibil-
ity (Morris & Rayner, 1991; Pollatsek, 1983; Rayner, 1983, 18
Actually, he read better when the window was small and there were
1985a) is that a subgroup of dyslexic readers have erratic eye
xs outside the window. If there were other letters outside the window,
movements as found by Pavlidis. Indeed, case studies of dyslexic
he had problems reading.
readers reported by Zangwill and Blakemore (1972) and Piroz- 19
For example, Pirozzolo and Rayner (1979) reported a case study
zolo and Rayner (1978, 1979) have suggested that some dys- of a person who could read text better when it was upside-down (and
lexic readers' eye movement characteristics are in close agree- the eye movements going from right to left) than when it was in its
ment with those reported by Pavlidis." Likewise, as noted, the normal orientation (see also Larsen & Parlenvi. 1984).

An issue that has surfaced recently concerns where musicians 1991; Inhoff, Briihl, Bohemier, & Wang, 1992; Inhoff, Cala-
fixate in the musical score. Goolsby (1994a, 1994b) found that brese, & Morris, 1986; Inhoff, Chiu, & Wang, 1990; Inhoff &
skilled music readers did not fixate directly on each note or item Gordon, 1997; Inhoff, Topolski, & Wang, 1992; Inhoff & Wang,
of information that was performed. Rather, they often fixated in 1992). The primary finding reported by Butsch (1932) was that
blank areas of the musical score. He also found that they seldom typists, irrespective of skill level, attempt to keep the eyes 1 s
fixated on note stems or the bars connecting eighth notes, indi- ahead of the currently typed letter. However, Inhoff's studies
cating that the information necessary to acquire the rhythmic have found no support for the 1-s hypothesis. Rather, there was
aspect of the notation is acquired vertically and horizontally considerable variability in the size of the eye-hand span (M =
within a fixation. Finally, Goolsby (1994b) reported that melo- 2.8 letters), and it was affected by lexical properties of the text.
dies in which the notes and other visual information were spaced As in music reading, Butsch and Inhoff have both found that
close together resulted in fewer fixations than less condensed there are periods of time when the eyes wait in place for the
notation. Kinsler and Carpenter (1995) found that as the tempo hand to catch up.
of performance increased, the average time between saccades Inhoff and colleagues also examined the size of the perceptual
decreased but the mean amplitude increased. They also found span. Prior research (Salthouse, 1984; Shaffer, 1973) used a
that musicians' eye movements tended to be unrelated to the moving window paradigm in which the movement of the win-
execution of the elements of performance. Specifically, some of dow coincided with keypresses. However, the eyes do not move
the eye fixations are "holding" periods when the eyes are wait- one letter space to the right with each keypress. Thus, Inhoff
ing for the hands to catch up (see also Goolsby, 1989). and Wang (1992) and Inhoff, Briihl, et al. (1992) used the eye-
Two other topics have received attention recently: (a) individ- contingent moving window paradigm to determine the size of
ual differences and (b) the perceptual span. With respect to the the span in typing. The results indicated that (a) when fewer
former, Goolsby (1994a) compared 12 skilled and 12 less than seven letter spaces were visible to the right of fixation,
skilled music readers as they read music and hummed the mel- saccade size decreased and (b) interkeypress times increased
ody. The two groups were compared on (a) progressive fixation when fewer than three letter spaces were visible. Thus, the per-
duration, (b) number of progressive fixations, (c) progressive ceptual span and the region from which letter information is
saccade length, (d) number of regressive fixations, (e) regres- used in typing is about half that of reading.
sive fixation duration, and ( f ) regressive saccade length. Gool-
sby found that the two groups reliably differed only in the Eye Movements and Visual Search
duration of progressive fixations and that less skilled readers
were much more likely to fixate on notes and rests than skilled In comparison to reading, there have not been nearly as many
readers. On the other hand, Polanka (1995) found little differ- studies dealing with visual search. In fact, most studies of visual
ence in looking patterns as a function of expertise. However, in search rely on presenting stimuli for brief exposures, and re-
a study in which skilled musicians, less skilled musicians, and searchers either assume that viewers do not make eye move-
nonmusicians were asked to determine whether two scores were ments20 or their eye movements are monitored to make sure
identical or not, Waters, Underwood, and Findlay (1997) found they do not move their eyes (Klein & Farrell, 1989). Other
that the skilled readers were able to make the judgment with researchers seem to assume that understanding eye movement
fewer eye movements and shorter fixations than the other two behavior in visual search may not be particularly important.
groups; the nonmusicians made more saccades and longer fixa- However, many studies (Binello, Mannen, & Ruddock, 1995;
tions than the less skilled musicians. Findlay, 1995,1997; Findlay & Gilchrist, 1997; Gilchrist, Find-
Truitt, Clifton, Pollatsek, and Rayner (1997) recently re- lay, & Heywood, in press; Gould, 1973; Miller, 1978; Motter &
ported a moving window study in which they examined the Belky, 1998a, 1998b; Ponsoda, Scon, & Findlay, 1995; Previc,
perceptual span of pianists. They found that when the window 1996; Scialfa & Joffe, 1998; Scialfa, Thomas, & Joffe, 1994;
included one measure there was little difference from when the Scinto, Pillalamarri, & Karsh, 1986; Staller & Sekuler, 1980;
entire line of music was available. On the other hand, a half- Togami, 1984; Williams, Reingold, Moscovitch, & Behrmann,
measure window slowed down performance. Truitt et al. also 1997; Zelinsky, 1996; Zelinsky, Rao, Hayhoe, & Ballard, 1997;
examined individual differences in eye movements when reading Zelinsky & Sheinberg, 1997) have indicated that eye movement
music and found results quite consistent with those reported data yield important information about visual search. Indeed,
by Goolsby (1994b): The two groups differed only in average Findlay and Gilchrist (1998) argued that the tradition to pay
fixation duration. Finally, examination (see also Rayner & Pol- little attention to eye movements in search research is mis-
latsek, 1997) of the eye-hand span yielded results that were guided, and they demonstrated that when viewers are free to
quite consistent with Weaver's findings: The eye-hand span move their eyes, no additional covert attentional scanning
ranged from the eyes being 2 beats behind the hand to being 12 occurs.
beats ahead of the hand (however, the eyes were between 1 and Whereas most studies of eye movements during visual search
3 beats ahead of the hand 88% of the time). have examined complex search tasks, some (Findlay, 1997; Ot-
tes, Van Gisbergen, & Eggermont, 1985; Viviani & Swensson,

Recent studies by Jordan, Patching, and Milner (1998) and Patching
Classic studies of eye movements during typing were reported and Jordan (in press) have demonstrated that when fixation location is
over 50 years ago (Butsch, 1932). More recently, a number of not ensured by an eye-tracking system, central fixations occurred on
studies have been reported by Inhoff and colleagues (Inhoff, only 23% of trials.

1982) involved presenting a fairly simple array to participants of a target letter. They used both the moving window technique
and examining the characteristics of the initial saccade as a and the moving mask technique described earlier. The number
function of the array. Both accuracy and latency of the initial of items in the array was held constant, but the size of the
saccade were influenced by the characteristics of the array. Vivi- display was varied (13° X 10°, 6° X 6°, and 5° X 3.5°). In the
ani and Swensson (1982) had participants locate a star-shaped moving window study, search performance reached asymptote
target among 15 disk-shaped distractors located between 4.1" when the window was 5°. The moving mask had a deleterious
and 12.7° eccentricity. When the target was at a small eccentric- effect on search time and accuracy; the larger the mask, the
ity, participants located it accurately with a single saccade (see longer the search time.
also Findlay, 1997); when the target was more peripheral,
wrongly directed initial saccades were common (up to 40% of
Search Difficulty
the time). In free viewing tasks, the tendency to fixate the object
closest to fixation is very coercive (Engel, 1977). Zelinsky et The difficulty of the search task influences eye movements.
al. (1997) found that in a complex search task that participants Zelinsky and Sheinberg (1997; see also Williams et al., 1997)
initially directed their eyes to the center of the global display found that fixations were longer, saccades were shorter, and
and then to the centers of recursively smaller groups of objects more eye movements were made in serial search tasks (such as
until the target was acquired. searching for a circle among Q-like distractors) than in parallel
When eye movements are recorded during extended search, search tasks (a single Q-like target embedded in a field of
fixations tend to be longer than in reading. However, there is circles). A number of studies have found that when distractors
considerable variability in fixation time and saccade length as are similar to targets, fixation time increases, more fixations are
a function of the particular search task. Specifically, visual made, and saccade size decreases (Noyes, 1980; R. J. Phillips,
search tasks vary widely, and tasks in which eye movements 1981; Rayner & Fisher, 1987a, 1987b). Nattkemper and Prinz
have been monitored consist of at least the following: search (1984) also found that fixation duration is affected by the redun-
(a) through text or textlike material (Rayner & Fisher, 1987a, dancy or predictability of the array. Finally, Moffitt (1980) dem-
1987b), (b) with pictorial stimuli (Boersma, Zwanga. & Adams, onstrated that the difficulty of the array (complexity and density
1989; Nodine, Carmody, & Herman, 1979), (c) with complex of the array) generally, though not invariably, influenced the
arrays such as X-rays (Carmody, Nodine, & Kundel, 1980, average fixation duration.
1981), and (d) with randomly arranged arrays of alphanumeric
characters or objects (Zelinsky, 1996). Because the nature of
Comparisons With Reading
the search task influences eye movement behavior, any statement
about visual search and eye movements needs to be qualified Some studies have compared eye movements when reading
by the characteristics of the search task. with visual search when viewers search either text or letter
strings searching for a target letter while moving their eyes from
The Perceptual Span left to right. Although Vitu et al. (1995) argued that there were
many eye movement similarities between the two tasks, Rayner
Rayner and Fisher (1987a) used the moving window tech- and Fischer (1996) demonstrated that there were important dif-
nique as viewers searched through horizontally arranged letter ferences between them. In particular, they found that when view-
strings for a specified target letter.21 They found that the size of ers were asked to search for a target word, the word frequency
the span varied as a function of the difficulty of the distractor effect disappeared (see also Rayner & Raney, 1996). Thus,
letters. When the distractor letters were made up of dissimilar although readers looked longer at low-frequency words than
letters (e.g., the target letter was b and the distractor letters were high-frequency words, when the task was changed to search,
v, s, z, c, r, w, and n), the perceptual span extended from 3 to there was no difference in how long the two types of words
4 letters to the left of fixation to about 15 letters to the right. were fixated. Rayner and Fischer (1996; see Vitu et al., 1995)
However, when the distractor letters were similar to the target also found that fixations were longer in search than in reading
(h, k, d, and / when the target was b), the span extended only (when the stimulus was the same in the two situations). As
about 12 letters to the right of fixation. Rayner and Fisher noted earlier, readers do not obtain information from below the
(1987b) found that there were two qualitatively different regions line they are reading. However, in search tasks in which viewers
within the span: a decision region, where information about the search through rows of letters, Prinz (1984; Prinz, Natt-
presence or absence of a target is available, and a preview re- kemper, & Ullann, 1992) found that information is obtained
gion, where partial letter information is available but where from below the fixated line. Although there are some similarities
information on the absence of a target is not available. They between eye movements in search and reading, there are im-
also found that the decision region varied from 3 to 4 letters portant differences. Thus, it is hazardous to generalize from
when the target was similar to the distractor letters to 5-6 letters search to reading given that the cognitive demands differ in the
when the target was dissimilar to the distractors. Likewise, they
found that the preview region varied from 5-6 letters (to the
right of the decision region) when the target was similar to the
distractors to 7-8 letters when the target was dissimilar to the 21
In Rayner and Fisher's (1987a) experiments, the search array al-
distractors. ways consisted of strings of letters, with the string size being either 2,
Bertera and Rayner (1998) had viewers search through a 4, 6, or 8 letters. Spaces were inserted between the strings (such as
randomly arranged array of letters and digits for the presence pklmjhtr nbfd). The strings were searched from left to right.

Eye Movement Control programmed to move just beyond the decision region into the
preview region (Rayner & Fisher, 1987b). How far the eyes
Vaughan and colleagues (Graefe & Vaughan, 1978; Vaughan, actually move would be determined by the characteristics of the
1982, 1983; Vaughan & Graefe, 1977) tried to determine array (dense, difficult distractors, etc). In situations such as
whether fixation durations in visual search are influenced by this, the participant would primarily be moving from left to
the nature of currently fixated information or whether they are right across the line. Jacobs (1987b) found that when letter
preprogrammed (i.e., programmed without regard to the cur- strings had spaces between them (as in Rayner & Fisher, 1987b),
rently fixated information). Vaughan presented target letters im- participants actually moved their eyes a shorter distance than
mediately on fixation or else delayed their appearance with a when there were no spaces. He also found that average fixation
mask, as in the Rayner and Pollatsek (1981) experiment. He duration and overall search rate were longer when there were
concluded that whereas some fixations are preprogrammed, oth- spaces. When the array consists of randomly arranged alphanu-
ers are influenced by the fixated information. Other results meric characters (Bertera & Rayner, 1998) or colored bars (Zel-
(Hooge & Erkelens, 1996, 1998) have suggested that the com- insky, 1996) or circles with or without line segments (Williams
pletion of foveal analysis is not necessarily the trigger for the et al., 1997; Zelinsky & Sheinberg, 1997), then more effort is
subsequent saccade. Indeed, there is some controversy over how needed because a strategy must be developed for systematically
much processing of the fixated target occurs before a saccade examining the array.
(see Sanders & van Duren, 1998; Viviani, 1990); the amount
of processing that is completed may vary as a function of the
Eye Movements and Scene Perception
nature of the specific search task under investigation. In general,
though, it seems reasonable that in a visual search paradigm,
In comparison to visual search, there have been many recent
the link between eye fixations and cognitive processes might
studies examining scene perception. Although there has not been
not be as tight as they are in reading. Nevertheless, cognitive
as much research on this subject as there has been on reading,
load does increase fixation time (Findlay & Kapoula, 1992).
many of the same questions have been addressed within the
Jacobs (1986, 1987a, 1987b, 1987c, 1991; Jacobs & O'Re-
context of scene perception.
gan, 1987; see also O'Regan et al., 1983) examined the extent
to which the visual span influences eye movements. The visual
span was defined as the size of the region around fixation in How Important Are Eye Movements in Scene
which letters can be recognized with a given accuracy without Perception?
the use of any contextual information. Jacobs (1986) measured
the visual span psychophysically when viewers had to find a Viewers make many eye movements when looking at a scene.
target letter in a row of is without moving their eyes; the target Despite this simple fact, it has often been implied that examining
letter was presented at different eccentricities from fixation on the fine details of eye movements during scene perception is a
each trial. The eye movement behavior for the same stimuli was high-cost, low-yield endeavor. Some experiments using tachisto-
then examined and predictions were made concerning how easy scopic presentations (see Biederman, Mezzanotte, & Rabino-
the target was to locate on the basis of the visual span deter- witz, 1982) and eye movement recordings (see G. R. Loftus &
mined for that particular target letter. About 80% of the variance Mackworth, 1978) have led to the conclusion that participants
of mean saccade length could be accounted for by adjustments get the gist of a scene very early in the process of looking,
of saccades to changes in visual span, whereas less than 50% sometimes even from a single brief exposure. Thus, it has been
of fixation duration variance was determined by visual span advocated that the gist of the scene is abstracted on the first
changes. Jacobs concluded that cognitive factors related to deci- couple of fixations, and the remainder of the fixations on the
sion processes intervened in the triggering of saccades and that scene are used to fill in details. Given these findings, one may
the computation of their spatial parameters play an important question the value of information gleaned from detailed eye
role in determining fixation durations in a simple search task. movement analyses as people look at scenes.
In reading, something like lexical access presumably serves as Although this seems like a reasonable point, it basically as-
the trigger to move the eyes from one location to another, but sumes that the conclusions reached in the studies are valid.
in visual search, a simpler process may well serve as the trigger. However, as Rayner and Pollatsek (1992) argued, it remains to
Indeed, Rayner (1995) suggested that the trigger to move the be conclusively demonstrated that tachistoscopic studies reveal
eyes in a search task is something like "Is the target present in a perceptual effect rather than the outcome of memory processes
the decision region?'' If it is not, a new saccade is programmed or guessing strategies. Likewise, concerns can be generated
to move the eyes to a location that has not been examined. As about the eye movement studies that have supported the idea
with reading, attention would move to the region targeted for that the gist is abstracted very quickly from a scene. One finding
the next fixation prior to the actual saccade. Theeuwes, Kramer, is that the eyes are quickly drawn to informative regions of a
Hahn, and Irwin (1998) recently reported evidence consistent picture (Antes, 1974; Mackworth & Morandi, 1967). Another
with parallel programming of two saccades: one voluntary, goal- prominent finding is that the eyes quickly move to an object
directed eye movement to a search target and one reflexive, that is out of place in a scene (Friedman, 1979; Friedman &
saccade elicited by the appearance of a new object. Liebelt, 1981; G. R. Loftus & Mackworth, 1978). These findings
The decision about where to fixate next is also strongly influ- have been taken as evidence that viewers quickly get the gist of
enced by the characteristics of the specific search task. When the scene and move their gaze to the object that does not fit.
searching through text or textlike arrays, the eyes would be However, Rayner and Pollastek (1992) pointed out that the eyes

may be quickly drawn to informative areas because they are a pattern mask presented at fixation either 15, 45, 75, or 120
physically distinctive in the scenes, and the definition of what ms after the onset of a fixation. On a given trial, the mask was
is informative in these studies often corresponds to a definition either 1.5° wide and 1° high or 2.5° wide and 1.7° high. In a
of what is distinctive. Thus, in studies in which the eyes quickly control condition, no mask was presented. Total viewing time
move to an out-of-place object, it is also possible that such was longer when a mask was present than when it was not only
objects are physically distinct from the surroundings. In recent in the 15-ms delay condition. Thus, van Diepen et al. concluded
experiments, DeGraef, Christiaens, and d'Ydewalle (1990); De- that the information needed for object analysis was acquired
Graef (1998); and Henderson, Weeks, and Hollingworth (in within the first 45-75 ms of a fixation. However, their fixation
press) controlled for distinctiveness, and none of them replicated duration data led diem to conclude that, as in reading, informa-
the finding that semantically inconsistent objects were fixated tion can be acquired throughout the fixation as needed.
earlier than consistent objects. It is, however, clear that important Given the existing data, there is fairly good evidence that
or interesting objects in scenes are fixated more and longer information is abstracted throughout the time course of viewing
than less important objects (Christiansen, Loftus, Hoffman, & a scene (G. R. Loftus, 1981, 1983). Whereas the gist of the
Loftus, 1991; Henderson et al., in press; Kristjanson & Antes, scene is obtained early in viewing, useful information from
1989; G. R. Loftus & Mackworth, 1978; E. F. Loftus, Loftus, & the scene is obtained after the initial fixations. Thus, important
Messo, 1987). conclusions about the temporal aspects of scene perception can
A controversial claim regarding the importance of eye move- be obtained ty analyses of eye movements.
ments was advocated by Noton and Stark (1971a, 1971b; for
more recent work see Choi, Mosley, & Stark, 1995; Ellis &
The Perceptual Span
Stark, 1986; Stark & Ellis, 1981; Zangemeister, Sherman, &
Stark, 1995) in their "scanpath" theory in which the process Rayner and Pollatsek (1992) argued that the data on the
of pattern perception is viewed as a serial process with a fixed- perceptual span in scene perception mirrors that for reading
order strategy of extraction of information from the scene during with one important difference: Meaningful information can be
an initial viewing period and during subsequent recognition of extracted much further from fixation in scenes than in text.
the scene. Although the sequence of fixations is largely unpre- Using a moving mask paradigm, Henderson, McClure, Pierce,
dictable before viewing begins, Noton and Stark argued that and Schrock (1997) confirmed this conclusion and showed that
memory for a scene consists of information about the sequence although the presence of a foveal mask influences looking time,
actually used to get the information in the first place. According it does not have nearly as serious effects for object identification
to their theory, the order of fixations on a scene during initial as a foveal mask has for reading. Although these data confirm
viewing and later recognition should be similar, and they pre- that objects can be identified farther from fixation than words,
sented data consistent with this idea. However, although it has two other lines of research suggest that there are limits to how
been demonstrated a number of times that the initial viewing far from fixation information can be extracted even in scene
and subsequent recognition patterns of fixations are often similar perception. First, Nelson and Loftus (1980) determined how
(Mannen, Ruddock, & Wooding, 1995, 1996, 1997), other stud- close to fixation an object had to be for it to be recognized as
ies (Locher & Nodine, 1974; Parker, 1978; Walker-Smith, being in the scene. They found that objects located within about
Gale, & Findlay, 1977) indicated that there is no necessity that 2.6° from fixation were generally recognized, but recognition
they be so for accurate recognition to occur. depended to some extent on the characteristics of the object.
G. R. Loftus (1972; Christiansen et al., 1991) found that They also suggested that qualitatively different information is
memory for a scene was related to the number of fixations made acquired from the region 1.5° around fixation than from any
on the scene: More fixations yielded higher recognition scores.22 region further from fixation. Similar results were reported by
Loftus's general finding, along with the fact that there is quite Nodine, Carmody, and Herman (1979). Second, Saida and Ikeda
a bit of variation in the pattern of eye fixations on a scene as a (1979) used the moving window paradigm and varied the win-
function of instructions (Buswell, 1935;Yarbus, 1967), suggests dow size and the exposure duration of a scene; the probability
that people continue to abstract important information from the of correct recognition was determined as a function of these
scene following the initial few fixations. Antes (1974) reported two variables. In addition, two picture sizes were used (14.4°
a pattern of visual exploration whereby participants initially X 18.8° and 10.2° X 13.3°). As would be expected, and consis-
made many long saccades to fixate on informative parts of the tent with G. R. Loftus (1972), recognition accuracy increased
scene with short fixations. This behavior gradually evolved into with viewing duration. More important, Saida and Ikeda found
fixating informative areas less frequently and examining less a serious deterioration in recognition when the window was
informative details through short saccades and long fixations. limited to a small area (about 3.3° X 3.3°) on each fixation.
On the other hand, G. R. Loftus (1983) found that the initial Performance gradually improved as window size became larger,
fixation on a scene was shorter than subsequent fixations, and reaching asymptote when it was about 50% of the entire picture.
Nodine, Carmody, and Kundel (1978) found no evidence that Saida and Ikeda noted that the scene is scanned so that there is
mean fixation duration or saccade length varied over the course considerable overlap of information across fixations.
of viewing. Fixations were longer, however, on areas rated high
in informativeness.
Finally, van Diepen, DeGraef, and d'Ydewalle (1995) used 22
Tversky (1974) found just the opposite effect: Fewer fixations (but
the moving mask paradigm to investigate how quickly informa- longer fixations) were associated with better recall and recognition of
tion in a scene can be obtained. Viewers examined scenes with pictures.

Shioiri and Ikeda (1989) varied window size while the infor- the preview and target were identical. Thus, integration is taking
mation outside of the window was degraded by adding visual place at a level less abstract than the basic level concept. Another
noise. They tried to find the critical window size beyond which finding that indicated something less abstract than the meaning
a further increase did not improve performance. They found was involved in the integration process was that a visually simi-
that the greater the degradation, the larger the window had to be lar preview was facilitory (such as a carrot preview for a base-
to meet the criterion performance. Thus, at high eccentricities, ball bat), whereas a semantically similar preview (such as a
severely degraded information yielded normal performance. baseball preview for a baseball bat) was not (Pollatsek et al.,
Shioiri and Ikeda concluded that low-resolution information is 1984). This latter finding suggests that visual form in some
processed in the more peripheral parts of the visual field, sense is mediating the integration across saccades. hi addition,
whereas high-resolution information is processed in foveal vi- Henderson and Seifert (in press-a, in press-b) and Pollatsek et
sion. More recently, Wampers, van Diepen, and d'Ydewalle al. (1984) found that left-right orientation of an object is re-
(1998) used a moving window paradigm (see van Diepen, 1997; tained and integrated across a saccade in object identification.23
van Diepen, Wampers, & d'Ydewalle, 1998) and found that high A number of studies (Blackmore, Brelstaff, Nelson, & Trosci-
spatial frequency information is more useful in parafoveal and anko, 1995; Carlson-Radvansky & twin, 1995; Henderson,
peripheral vision than low spatial frequency information. 1992a, 1994; Henderson & Anes, 1994; Henderson et al., 1987;
Henderson & Seifert, in press-a; Irwin, 1991, 1992a; Irwin &
Andrews, 1996; Irwin & Gordon, 1998; Juttner, 1997; Juttner &
Integration of Information Across Saccades
Rohler, 1993; Palmer & Ames, 1992; Pollatsek et al., 1984,
How information is combined across saccades and how we 1990) have converged on the conclusion that transsaccadic inte-
perceive a visually constant world in spite of the displacement gration of real-world objects relies to a high degree on relatively
of the light pattern on the retina with each saccade has been the abstract representations. Apparently, the preview image of an
topic of much debate (Bridgeman, van der Heijden, & Velich- object leads to the computation of an abstract structural descrip-
kovsky, 1994; Irwin, 1992b, 1993, 1996; Pollatsek & Rayner, tion of the object (Carlson-Radvansky, in press; Carlson-Rad-
1992). As with reading, it has been suggested that information vansky & Irwin, 1995; Henderson & Seifert, in press-a). In
is integrated in a visual buffer that combines the information general, it does not appear that anything resembling precise
available on successive fixations (Breitmeyer, 1983; Feldman, spatial alignment is needed for combining information across
1985; Jonides, Irwin, & Yantis, 1982). However, research on saccades. Virtually the same preview benefit can be obtained if
object perception has found that visual information is not over- the preview is presented extrafoveally, followed by the target
lapped in a point-by-point manner in a buffer. The typical para- presented foveally after approximately 200 ms (which is the
digm used in this research involves eye contingent display average saccade latency in these experiments), with the partici-
changes (see Pollatsek et al., 1984). Viewers' eye movements pant maintaining fixation throughout (Pollatsek et al., 1990).
are monitored, and an object is presented in extrafoveal vision. Thus, the integration process does not depend on spatial align-
Viewers are instructed to move their eyes to the location of the ment of the two images. This conclusion is also supported by
object, and during the saccade, the initially presented object is research demonstrating that a scene can be shifted left or right
replaced by another object that the participant must name (with during a saccade, and displacement of the scene is not detected
the relationship between the two objects being varied). As in if the eye movement is more than three times larger than the
reading, viewers obtain information from an extrafoveal object scene displacement (Bridgeman, Hendry, & Stark, 1975;
that aids them in naming the target object. This preview effect is Bridgeman & Stark, 1979).
about 100 ms both in the naming paradigm (Henderson, 1992a, Consistent with the latter finding are some interesting experi-
1992b; Henderson, Pollatsek, & Rayner, 1987; Pollatsek et al., ments by McConkie and Currie (1996; see also Irwin, McCon-
1984; Pollatsek, Rayner, & Henderson, 1990) and when target kie, Carlson-Radvansky, & Currie, 1994), which have revealed
filiation time is measured (Henderson, Pollatsek, & Rayner, that participants are remarkably unaware of changes occurring
1989). in scenes when they move their eyes. Thus, if participants are
A number of interesting results have emerged from this para- looking at a scene that consists of a house and a front yard
digm. First, a size change of 10% produced no decrement in (with a tree in the front yard), they are often unaware of the
preview benefit (Pollatsek et al., 1984), and there was preview tree changing location or even completely disappearing from
benefit when the location of the preview and target changed the scene. Of course, the disappearance of the tree is noticed
(Pollatsek et al., 1990), indicating that a direct point-to-point when it is important, the target for a saccade, or attention is
mapping was irrelevant for preview benefit. Second, there was drawn to it (see Irwin & Gordon, 1998), but McConkie and
some preview benefit when the preview and target shared the Currie's finding is consistent with the idea that abstract features
same name (e.g., a baseball bat and the animal bat), indicating of the scene are encoded. McConkie and Currie and Irwin et
that phonological codes may be involved in the integration pro- al. proposed the saccade target theory to account for the results.
cess (Pollatsek et al., 1984). Third, changing the contour infor-
mation of an object from one fixation to another influenced the
" Henderson and Seifert (in press-a) obtained similar results in the
amount of preview benefit (Henderson, 1997). Fourth, changing
naming paradigm and when fixations were monitored during a scanning
the form of the preview but preserving the meaning also altered task. Henderson and Seifert (in press-b) also found that left-right orien-
the preview benefit. That is, the benefit was significantly smaller tation mediates the preview benefit only when position remains constant.
when one dog (e.g., a collie) was the preview object and a They also found greater preview benefit when objects remain constant
different dog (a German shepherd) was the target than when than when they change location.

According to this theory, prior to a saccade a target object in a retinal location inhibited identification of the stimulus) and that
scene is chosen. Once this object is chosen, the goal of the the mask in the same spatial location as the target appeared
perceptual system is to encode critical features about the object. phenomenally to cover it but did not actually degrade the infor-
After the saccade, these features are used by the system to mation. McRae, Butler, and Popiel (1987) obtained evidence of
search for the target object in the visual array provided during retinotopic and spatiotopic masking associated with eye move-
the new fixation. Finding the object provides the bridge that ments. Later work by Irwin, Brown, and Sun (1988) indicated
coordinates perception across saccades. Because the search for that the retinal masking phenomenon can be replicated, but that
the object is limited to a narrow region around the fovea, sac- there was little evidence that the mask in the same spatial loca-
cadic stimulus shifts are detected if the shift places the target tion has any effect either informationally or phenomenally on
object outside of the limited search region. However, if the target the visability of the target stimulus (see also Van der Heijden,
object is close enough to fixation, changes in the scene are not Bridgeman, & Mewhort, 1986).
detected (see Deubel, Bridgeman, & Schneider, 1998; Deubel, In summary, the evidence suggests that when meaningful in-
Schneider, & Bridgeman, 1996, for similar arguments). formation is presented, integration of information occurs at an
When the stimuli do not involve meaningful properties, is abstract level of representation rather than at a visual level (see
low-level visual information integrated across saccades? Some Irwin, 1992b, 1993; Pollatsek & Rayner, 1992). Although some
experiments purported to demonstrate such low-level visual in- very low-level visual information may be integrated across sac-
tegration, but the results were artifactual. In particular, Jonides, cades in some circumstances (see Hayhoe, Bensinger, & Ballard,
Irwin, and Yantis (1982) reported some experiments that were 1998; Hayhoe, Lachter, & Feldman, 1991; Hayhoe, Lachtei; &
initially taken as evidence for a low-level integrative visual Moeller, 1992), when meaningful processing occurs (as in scene
buffer. In these experiments, participants were asked to fixate perception), the information that survives the saccade is at a
on a target in the center of vision while in parafovea] vision, higher level of representation than pure visual information.
12 dots appeared. The 12 dots appeared to be a random array,
but in reality they formed part of a 5 X 5 matrix. Participants
Scene Context Effects on Eye Movements
were instructed to move their eyes to the array, and when they
did so, the 12 initially presented dots were replaced by 12 differ- Scene context has an effect on eye movements: Fixation time
ent dots. The participants' task was to indicate which dot from on an object that belongs in a scene is less than fixation time
the 5 X 5 array was missing. Clearly, this task could be done on an object that does not belong (Antes & Penland, 1981;
only if participants were holding the first 12 dots in a buffer and Friedman, 1979; Henderson et al., in press; G. R. Loftus &
integrating that information with the second 12 dots available Mackworth, 1978). This result demonstrates that eye move-
following the saccade. Jonides et al. found that the location of ments reflect on-line processing of the scene. However, it is not
the missing dot was reported with an extremely high degree of clear whether the longer fixations on objects in violation of the
accuracy. In contrast, performance in a control condition (in scene reflect longer times to identify those objects or longer
which participants held fixation while the first 12 dots were times to integrate them into a global representation of the scene
presented parafoveally and then the second 12 dots were pre- (it could also reflect amusement of the absurdity of the violating
sented foveally) was at chance level. These results thus seemed object in the given context). Other experiments have therefore
like good evidence for a low-level integrative visual buffer. Other attempted to determine whether context operates at the level of
studies (Breitmeyer, Kropfl, & Julesz, 1982; Ritter, 1976; Wolf, object identification. Boyce and Pollatsek (1992) developed a
Hauske, & Lupp, 1978, 1980) dealing with low-level visual paradigm in which the participant fixates in the middle of a
processing reported findings consistent with the integrative vi- scene, and then after 75 ms an object wiggles (moves a fraction
sual buffer theory. However, a number of studies (Bridgeman & of a degree of visual angle and then returns to its original
Mayer, 1983; Irwin, Yantis, & Jonides, 1983; Jonides, Irwin, & position). The participant's task was to name the wiggled ob-
Yantis, 1983; O'Regan & Levy-Schoen, 1983; Rayner & Pollat- ject. Participants invariably moved their eyes to the wiggled
sek, 1983) demonstrated that the original results were due to object, and it was named more rapidly when it was in a normal
screen persistence in the display monitor used to present the scene context than when it was in the wrong scene. DeGraef et
stimuli. When appropriate controls were used, the effect was al. (1990) used an object decision task in which participants
small or nonexistent. Some careful experiments by Irwin (1991, examined a scene and pushed a button whenever they detected
1992a; Irwin, Zacks, & Brown, 1990) demonstrated that the a nonobject (a geometric entity that they had not seen before)
results of Breitmeyer et al., Ritter, and Wolf et al. were artifactual in the scene. DeGraef et al. found mat scene context affected
because of (a) inadequate control over stimulus presentation, fixation time on an object, but only after the scene had been
(b) screen persistence on the displays used to present stimuli, viewed for a while (roughly 10 fixations). Thus, it appears that
and (c) comparison with inappropriate control conditions (see scene context can have an immediate effect on object processing
Irwin, 1993). (Boyce & Pollatsek, 1992), but it need not.
A phenomenon that would be consistent with an integrative
visual buffer is if backward masking occurred across fixations.
Eye Movement Control
That is, if a stimulus appeared in a spatial location and a mask
appeared in the same spatial location on the subsequent fixation, In comparison to what is known about eye movement control
would the mask affect the visibility of the stimulus? Davidson, in reading, considerably less is known about the mechanisms
Fox, and Dick (1973) reported that there was a cross-saccade that controj eye movements during scene perception. Consistent
effect of retinotopic masking (i.e., that a later mask in the same with reading studies, Shiori (1993) found that the onset of a

visual mask (either a uniform mask or a blurred image of the on processing the fixated information, it would make sense to
scene) at the onset of a fixation increased fixation duration leave the job of deciding where to fixate next to a relatively
proportional to the mask delay (see also van Diepen, 1998b), ' 'dumb'' process operating on information in parafoveal and
and van Diepen (1998a, 1998b), using an eye-contingent mask- peripheral vision, such as brightness differences or contours,
ing technique, found that sufficient information was encoded in that use little or no central processing capacity.
the first 50-75 ms of a fixation for object identification to occur.
Also, like reading, Henderson (1993) found that viewers tended
Eye Movements and Other Information
to fixate near the center of an object. Landing variability was
Processing Tasks
greater in the direction of the eye movement vector than in the
direction perpendicular to the movement. He also found that In addition to the topics discussed above, eye movements have
there was more of a tendency to undershoot the center of the also been examined in other information processing domains. It
object than to overshoot it. fiirthermore, landing position influ- is beyond the scope of the present review to describe all of
enced fixation time: The duration of the first fixation on an object this research in detail, but examples of a number of tasks are
decreased and the probability of refixating an object increased as described.
the deviation of the initial landing position from the center of
the object increased. Mannen et al. (1995, 1996, 1997) had
Auditory Language Processing
viewers look at normal scenes or the scenes after they had been
either high-pass or low-pass filtered. They found that viewers A currently popular method to study auditory language pro-
looked in pretty much the same locations across the three ver- cessing involves recording eye movements as people listen to a
sions of the scene. Because it was virtually impossible to recog- story or follow instructions regarding an array they are looking
nize the scenes in the nonnormal situations, low-level visual at. Cooper (1974) introduced this method and found that when
information must be critical in determining where to fixate next viewers listen to spoken language with an array in front of them
(Henderson, 1992b). consisting of elements that occur in the discourse that they
With respect to when to move the eyes, low-level variables, quickly move their eyes to those elements that are most closely
such as luminance and contrast, influence fixation time on a related to the meaning of the words currently heard. Tanenhaus
scene (G. R. Loftus, 1985; G. R. Loftus, Kaufman, Nishi- and colleagues (Allopena, Magnuson, & Tanenhaus, 1998; Eber-
moto, & Ruthruff, 1992). However, more critically, some as- hard, Spivey-Knowlton, Sedivy, & Tanenhaus, 1995; Tanen-
pect of object recognition is related to fixation time,M because haus & Spivey-Knowlton, 1996; Tanenhaus, Spivey-Knowlton,
( a ) the eyes move from an object quickly when a semantically Eberhard, & Sedivy, 1995, 1996) and others (Meyer, Sleider-
related object was just fixated (DeGraef, 1992; DeGraef, De- ink, & Levelt, 1998) have used the method to examine a number
Troy, & d'Ydewalle, 1992; Henderson, 1992a; Henderson et of different issues. Lansing and McConkie (1994) advocated
al., 1987, 1989), (b) incongruous objects in scenes are fixated recording eye movements of deaf speech readers as a means of
longer than congruous objects (Antes & Penland, 1981; Fried- studying the visual perception of spoken language, and Vatiki-
man, 1979; Henderson et al., in press; G. R. Loftus & Mack- otis-Bateson, Eigsti, Yano, and Munhall (1998) examined eye
worth, 1978), and (c) important objects are fixated longer than movements during audio-visual speech perception.
less important ones (Christiansen et al., 1991; E. F. Loftus et
al., 1987).
Mathematics, Numeral Reading, and Problem Solving
Ideally, a model of eye movement control during scene per-
ception should specify the mechanisms involved both in when Eye movements have also been recorded as participants solve
to move the eyes and where to move the eyes. However, be- math and physics problems (De Corte, Verschaffel, & Pauwels,
cause eye movements in scene perception depend on the task 1990; Hegarty & Just, 1993; Hegarty, Mayer, & Green, 1992;
(Buswell, 1935; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1992; Yarbus, 1967), Suppes, 1990; Suppes, Cohen, Laddaga, Anliker, & Floyd, 1983;
this is not a trivial endeavor. Henderson (1992b; Henderson & Verschaffel, De Corte, & Pauwels, 1992), as well as analogies
Hollingworth, 1998; Henderson et al., in press) and Rayner (Bethell-Fox, Lohman, & Snow, 1984; Carpenter, Just, & Shell,
and Pollatsek (1992) have proposed that a model like Mor- 1990; Dillon, 1985). Not surprisingly, more complicated aspects
rison's model of reading can account for eye movements dur- of the problems typically lead to more and longer fixations.
ing scene perception. Thus, something like identification of Studies dealing with numeral reading (Brysbaert, 1995; Chin-
the fixated object (or objects) serves as a trigger to move to cotta et al., 1997; Gielen, Brysbaert, & Dhondt, 1991; Pynte,
another part of the scene. Exactly where to move the eyes is 1974) have revealed that fixations on numbers are influenced
probably driven by low-level information (Findlay, 1981, by the number of syllables in the numeral and by the frequency
1982; Findlay, Brogan, & Wenban-Smith, 1993; He & Kowler, and magnitude of the numeral. Research on these topics has
1989; Henderson et al., in press; Mannen et al., 1997; McGo- yielded some interesting observations although the eye move-
wan, Kowler, Sharma, & Chubb, 1998), with the center of to- ment data are usually more descriptive than the data in reading,
be-fixated objects or other prominent aspects of the scene visual search, and scene perception.
serving as targets for the next fixation. Certainly, if something
moves (as in Boyce & Pollatsek's, 1992, experiments), the
movement drives the eyes to that location. However, even with 24
It is interesteing that Zangemeister et al. (1995) found that eye
static displays, it is plausible that lower level information movement patterns were fairly similar when viewing expressionist art
usually dominates eye control. Because viewers concentrate (in which there are typically no well-defined objects) and scenes.

Eye Movements and Dual Tasks different looking patterns for experienced versus novice drivers
(Chapman & Underwood, 1998; Crundall, Underwood, & Chap-
Pashler, Carrier, and Hoffman (1993) examined eye move-
man, 1998; Mourant & Rockwell, 1972), as well as effects of
ments when viewers were engaged in a dual-task situation. For
the difficulty of the driving situation (McDowell & Rockwell,
example, a speeded manual choice response to a tone was made
1978; Miura, 1990; Rahimi, Briggs, & Thorn, 1990; Shinar,
in close proximity to an eye movement. Although there was
McDowell, & Rockwell, 1977). Niemann, Lappe, and Hoffman
some slowing of the eye movement, the dual-task situation did
(1996) asked viewers to look at three-dimensional objects on a
not yield the dual-task interference effect typically found. Ja-
rotating turntable and to memorize the objects. A strategy of
cobs, Nazir, and Heller (1989) presented pairs of letters in pe-
thoroughly inspecting the object with a series of closely spaced
ripheral vision, and participants had to judge whether the two
fixations from a limited number of viewpoints led to the best
were the same. On the basis of saccade-latency data, a confus-
recognition rates. Studies in which eye-hand coordination is
ability matrix of letters was established. Eye movements have
important, such as playing video games (Shapiro & Raymond,
also been recorded as indices of mental workload (May, Ken-
1989), have revealed orderly sequences in which people coordi-
nedy, Williams, Dunlop, & Brannan, 1990; Moray & Rotenberg,
nate looking and action (Ballard, Hayhoe, Li, & Whitehead,
1989), concurrent memory load (Donk, 1994; Roberts, Hager, &
1992; Ballard, Hayhoe, & Pelz, 1995; Epelboim, Steinman,
Heron, 1994), and in conjunction with verbal protocols (J. P.
Kowler, Edwards, Pizlo, Erkelens, & Collewijn, 1995). Epel-
Hansen, 1991) in problem-solving situations. Finally, eye move-
boim et al. found that eye movements in such situations were
ments have been examined in tasks in which viewers count dots more efficient when participants had to perform an action than
or small lines (Kowler & Steinman, 1977,1979; Van Oeffelen & when they simply had to look at the sequence. Finally, Verfaillie
Vos, 1984a, 1984b). Ikeda, Saida, and Sugiyama (1977) used
(1997; Verfaillie, De Troy, & Van Rensbergen, 1994) examined
the moving window paradigm in a line comparison task. They
transsaccadic memory for biological-motion for point-light
found that accurate performance deteriorated if the window was
walkers. He found that when the walker was the only visible
smaller than the comparison lines and concluded that our excel-
object, displacements were quite difficult to detect.
lent ability for line comparison is only possible when the two
lines can be observed at one time.
Illusions and Imagery
Face Perception
Studies dealing with illusions, such as the Necker cube (El-
When examining faces, people tend to fixate on the eyes, nose, lis & Stark, 1978; Kawabata, Yamagami, & Noaki, 1978; Scotto,
mouth, and ears (Luria & Strauss, 1978; Mertens, Siegmund, & Oliva, & Tuccio, 1990) or ambiguous figures (Gale & Findlay,
Grusser, 1993; M. L. Phillips & David, 1997; Walker, Findlay, 1983; Garcia-Per£z, 1989; Ruggieri & Fernandez, 1994; Stark &
"ibung, & Lincoln, 1996; Walker-Smith et al., 1977). Fixations Ellis, 1981), appear to have declined since my earlier review
tend to be longer when comparisons have to be made between (Rayner, 1978b). Brandt and Stark (1997) recently found that
two faces rather than when a single face is examined (M. L. the pattern of eye movements was similar when viewers looked
Phillips & David, 1997). V. Brown, Huey, and Findlay (1997) at checkered diagrams and when they formed images of them
presented faces and scrambled face distractors in a circle around from memory. However, fixations tended to be 75-100 ms
fixation and asked people to move their eyes to the face. Initially, longer during imagery than actual looking.
viewers made short latency saccades to the distractors as fre-
quently as to the faces. However, with practice, they quickly
learned to delay the saccade and directed a much higher propor- Brain Damage
tion of saccades to the face target.
With the growth of cognitive neuropsychology and cognitive
neuroscience, it is not surprising that there have been many
Dynamic Situations
recent studies dealing with the eye movement characteristics of
Eye movement behavior in a number of dynamic situations, patients with some type of brain damage or clinical disability.
such as driving (A. S. Cohen, 1981; A. S. Cohen & Studach, Thus, for example, a number of studies have examined the
1977; Dishart & Land, 1998; Land, 1992; Land & Rirneaux, eye movements of patients with scotomas and visual neglect
1997; Land & Horwood, 1995; Land & Lee, 1994; Liu, 1998), (Behrmann, Watt, Black, & Barton, 1997; DeLuca, Spinelli, &
basketball foul shooting (Vickers, 1995, 1996), golf putting Zoccolotti, 1996; Karnath, 1994; Karnath & Huber, 1992; Ken-
(Vickers, 1992), table tennis (Land & Furneaux, 1997), baseball tridge, Heywood, & Weiskrantz, 1997; Ladavas, Zeloni, Zac-
(Bahill & LaRitz, 1984; Shank & Haywood, 1987), gymnastics cara, & Gangemi, 1997; Rizzo & Hurtig, 1992; Walker & Find-
(Vickers, 1988), walking in uneven terrain (Patla & Vickers, lay, 1996; Walker et al., 1996; Walker & Young, 1996; Zihl,
1997), mental rotation (Carpenter & Just, 1978; Just & Carpen- 1995) as they engage in reading, visual search, and scene percep-
ter, 1985), and interacting with computer screens (Deffner, tion. Gilchrist, Brown, and Findlay (1997) reported an interest-
1995; Goldberg & Schryver, 1995; Goolkasian & Bunt, 1980; ing case of a woman with congenital, extraocular muscular fi-
Jacob, 1991; Stampe & Reingold, 1995) have been examined. brosis who cannot make eye movements. However, she reads by
Studies in which eye-head coordination is important have re- moving her head in saccadiclike movements. Studies of eye
vealed that although the eyes often move prior to the head, head movements of individuals with schizophrenia (Katsanis, Korten-
and eye movements are generally highly coordinated in such kamp, lacono, & Grove, 1997; M. L. Phillips & David, 1997;
tasks. Other studies of eye movements of drivers have shown A. B. Sereno & Holzman, 1993) have also revealed qualitative

and quantitative differences between them and normal Antes, J. R., & Penland, J. G. (1981). Picture context effects on eye
individuals. movement patterns. In D. F. Fisher, R. Monty, & J. Senders (Eds.),
Eye movements: Cognition and visual perception (pp. 157-170).
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
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