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Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices
Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices
Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices
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Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices

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When it's time for a game change, you need a guide to the new rules. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices provides a play-by-play understanding of the practices strand of A Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Written in clear, nontechnical language, this book provides a wealth of real-world examples to show you what's different about practice-centered teaching and learning at all grade levels. The book addresses three important questions: 1. How will engaging students in science and engineering practices help improve science education? 2. What do the eight practices look like in the classroom? 3. How can educators engage students in practices to bring the NGSS to life? Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices was developed for K–12 science teachers, curriculum developers, teacher educators, and administrators. Many of its authors contributed to the Framework's initial vision and tested their ideas in actual science classrooms.
PublisherNSTA Kids
Release dateDec 30, 2016
Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices

Christina Schwarz

Christina Schwarz is the author of five novels, including The Edge of the Earth and the Oprah Book Club selection Drowning Ruth. Born and raised in rural Wisconsin, she lives in southern California.

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    Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices - Christina Schwarz




    An Introduction to Scientific and Engineering Practices

    Sarah is a conscientious teacher. She has been teaching science to middle school students for eight years. During that time, she’s gone from being a tentative novice teacher to being a competent veteran. Throughout her career, she’s been alternatively frustrated and pleased with her teaching. Sometimes things seem to be going well, and other times she feels she should be able to get more from her students; she wants them to think more deeply and wishes that she had more Aha! moments in her class. Sarah uses the district-wide pacing guide and follows the textbook that was adopted by her school several years ago. Of course, she supplements the district materials with things she’s found online, gotten from teaching colleagues, and picked up at conferences, but for the most part, she does many of the same activities from one year to the next. Recently, she has begun to hear about changes that may be coming to the science standards in her state. She is at once excited and intimidated by the big changes in science education. The more she hears about these reforms, the more questions she has about what this means for her as a teacher of science.

    As Sarah looks over A Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework; NRC 2012) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS; NGSS Lead States 2013) documents, she has a lot of specific questions about what she is reading. She wonders:

    What is this focus on practices all about?

    Is this just a new name for inquiry?

    How should my class look different if I am doing" the NGSS?"

    If I’m pretty happy with what I’ve been doing, why would I want to take this on?

    In another school district, Carlos has been teaching third and fourth grades for many years and loves working with his students. He tells great stories, and the students enjoy doing hands-on activities, such as exploring different rocks and taking field trips to the local children’s garden. Carlos’s state has recently adopted the NGSS, and he is wondering what these new standards mean for him:

    What will I have to do differently?

    How is this different from the hands-on inquiry I do now?

    "How will I have time for the NGSS? There is already so much to cover with the literacy and math curricula."

    Perhaps you can see yourself in Sarah’s or Carlos’s situation. You may have some of the same questions about the goals of this reform and what it means for you as a teacher of science. This is an exciting time in science education. We have many opportunities before us to make significant and lasting change in the ways we teach science at the K–12 level. But with major change comes some anxiety. We hope this book can begin to answer some of your questions about the reforms found in the Framework and the NGSS. Even if your state is not adopting the NGSS, you and your colleagues can take advantage of the research-based recommendations in the Framework for making science learning more meaningful and effective for all students.

    The title of this book expresses a major goal of the current science education reform effort: that students make sense of the natural and designed world by engaging in science and engineering practices. To some educators, this may seem like nothing new. For many years, it has been a goal of science reforms to move from students as passive recipients of knowledge to classrooms in which students are active participants in generating knowledge. Since the 1990s, attempts to incorporate inquiry into science classrooms have been a step forward in efforts to accomplish this. Yet, while these efforts have made some inroads, studies of today’s U.S. classrooms and curriculum materials show that many of our classrooms do not involve students in very sophisticated versions of scientific practice (Banilower et al. 2013). Instead, in many classrooms, students are primarily studying and recounting factual information and definitions provided by textbooks and teachers and reinforced through hands-on activities that may not be linked to advancing students’ conceptual ideas and practices.

    As a science education community, let’s embrace an opportunity to do more. The reform agenda articulated in the Framework and the NGSS provides a vision and way forward toward making science education inspiring and meaningful. While the Framework and standards do not tell us exactly how we should teach, they do provide clear direction for what we should be aiming for in our science instruction. They help us see that there are productive ways to integrate the processes of science with the learning of science and help clarify that we should be pushing for outcomes related to what students should be able to do with the knowledge they have developed over time. The Framework states that

    K–12 science and engineering education should focus on a limited number of disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts, be designed so that students continually build on and revise their knowledge and abilities over multiple years, and support the integration of such knowledge and abilities with the practices needed to engage in scientific inquiry and engineering design. (p. 2)

    Even though some of the themes in the Framework and the NGSS around engaging students in science and engineering may sound familiar, the documents offer new ways to talk about and organize instruction to meet these goals. In this book, we concentrate on one of the key innovations of the Framework: a focus on the practices of science and engineering. The editors and contributors to this book have a great deal of experience in working on how to focus our science classrooms on making sense of the world through engaging in the practices of science and engineering. The contributors include science education researchers and teachers who have explored these ideas in their own classrooms. We, along with many other science educators and researchers, have been collectively working on these problems for years preceding the publication of the Framework and the NGSS. The work of many of the authors within this volume contributed to the vision put forth in the Framework. What you read about in these pages are not ivory tower, experimental ideas or the latest fad that some hope will make all the difference. Instead, these are ideas that have been tested and refined in real science classrooms over many years. This book represents a true collaboration between practicing teachers, those in science education, and learning sciences researchers.

    From Scientific Inquiry to Practices

    The emphasis on science and engineering practices attempts to build on prior reforms and take advantage of what research has revealed about the successes and limitations of inquiry classrooms. We like to think of the focus on practices as a kind of Inquiry 2.0—not a replacement for inquiry but rather a second wave that articulates more clearly what successful inquiry looks like when it results in building scientific knowledge. The configuration of inquiry classrooms typically allows students to explore the relationship between two variables (e.g., how the mass of a toy car affect its velocity going down a ramp), but often this empirical exploration is not taking place in an ongoing process of questioning, developing, and refining explanatory knowledge about the world. Testing and confirming or disconfirming hypotheses is part of science, but these actions become meaningful by being a part of the broader work of building explanatory models and theories.

    This attempt to take our ideas of inquiry in science beyond designing investigations and testing hypotheses has led to the fuller articulation of inquiry as the scientific and engineering practices that enable us to investigate and make sense of phenomena in the world by building and applying explanatory models, and by designing solutions for problems. Making sense of the world, or sense-making for short, is the fundamental goal of science and should be at the core of what happens in science classrooms.

    What is involved in this sense-making? Sense-making, as we are using it here, is the conceptual process in which a learner actively engages with the natural or designed world; wonders about it; and develops, tests, and refines ideas with peers and the teacher. Sense-making is the proactive engagement in understanding the world by generating, using, and extending scientific knowledge within communities. In other words, sense-making is about actively trying to figure out the way the world works (for scientific questions) and exploring how to create or alter things to achieve design goals (for engineering questions).

    When student sense-making is the focus of the classroom goals and purposes, it becomes critical to use science and engineering practices to make sense of the world. Science and engineering practices are the way we build, test, refine, and use knowledge either to investigate questions or to solve problems. As defined in the Framework, the science and engineering practices are the different parts of the sense-making process. Here are the eight practices identified in the Framework and used in the NGSS:

    Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering)

    Developing and using models

    Planning and carrying out investigations

    Analyzing and interpreting data

    Using mathematics and computational thinking

    Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering)

    Engaging in argument from evidence

    Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

    Now that we have listed these practices, we can be a little more specific about how they are designed to flesh out scientific inquiry. The list includes some familiar ideas that are often present in classes attempting inquiry. We usually think of Planning and Carrying Out Investigations and Analyzing and Interpreting Data as ways to involve students in an inquiry investigation. But the NGSS practices move beyond these two practices to include others such as Constructing Explanations (practice 6). As we will see later (in Chapter 10, p. 205), using the practice of explanation requires more than what sometimes happens with hypothesis testing, in which students figure out how two variables are related. The goal of Constructing Explanations is to be able to say why something happens. In the process of figuring out why something in the world happens the way it does, students will often have different ideas and will need to evaluate one another’s ideas against evidence (practice 7). As students reach consensus through this argumentation, they represent their general account for why something happens as a general model (practice 2). And, of course, this should all be sparked in the classroom from explanatory questions (practice 1) that arise from an attempt to make sense of some data or patterns in the world. We will get to specifics about these practices and consider the engineering aspects in Section 2 of this book. For now, notice that the mix of these practices leads students to develop explanations and models and interact with one another to compare ideas and reach a consensus.

    One critical feature of a sense-making classroom is that students are genuinely engaged in science and engineering practices. An observer should be able to walk into a science class on any day and ask a student, What are you trying to figure out right now? The intellectual aim of any work in the science class should be clear to everyone. Rather than stating, We are learning about photosynthesis or plate tectonics, students should be able to say (and believe!), We’re trying to figure out how the tiny seed becomes this huge oak tree or We’re trying to better understand why volcanoes and earthquakes happen more often in some parts of the world. These examples illustrate how the students are figuring out the world and illustrate a sense-making goal in the classroom.

    In addition to these sense-making goals, another critical aspect of engaging successfully in science and engineering practices is related to the classroom. These practices create a need for designing our classrooms as places in which students are working together to share ideas, evaluate competing ideas, critique one another’s ideas, and reach consensus as a classroom community. This shift to practices highlights the importance of working with one another to build and debate knowledge, adding social interaction and classroom discourse to what students need to learn as they participate in scientific sense-making. In this way, the practices extend prior visions of inquiry to define processes for building and refining scientific knowledge as a community.

    Exploring the Difference in Vision in Two Classroom Cases

    One way to begin exploring the implications of a focus on student sense-making with practices is to examine two contrasting learning environments. Below we explore vignettes of two science classrooms. Both vignettes involve middle school students learning about the phases of the Moon, but they differ in some important respects. As you read these vignettes, look for several critical parts of the science learning environment. Ask yourself the following questions:

    Where do the questions come from?

    Who is involved in figuring out how to investigate the question?

    How do students get to an explanation?

    What is the role of agreement, disagreement, and consensus?

    Case 1: Moon Phases in Ms. Sheridan’s Class

    The students come into Ms. Sheridan’s class and find that the topic for the day is Moon phases. The day before this class, students had reviewed the order of the planets from the Sun. They had also made a chart of key characteristics of each planet.

    After she introduces the topic of the day, Ms. Sheridan asks the students to raise their hands and when called on tell the class one thing they know about the Moon. Students offer ideas such as I know we’ve sent rockets to the Moon and Isn’t the Moon involved in tides?

    After three or four students have shared, Ms. Sheridan asks them if they have ever noticed that the Moon has different shapes at different times. She explains that the different shapes are called the phases of the Moon and puts up a list naming eight phases of the Moon. Next, she explains that today they are going to learn why the Moon’s shape appears to change. She starts with the main facts about Moon phases: The phases occur in a cycle. The cycle is one revolution of the Moon around the Earth, about 28 days. She explains that the Sun is relatively far away from the Earth and the Moon. She shows the class how light from the Sun falls on the Moon, always lighting up exactly half of it. Then she explains that the part of the lit Moon you can see varies depending on where the Moon is in its orbit around the Earth. She shows the class a diagram on the smart board, walks them through the different steps in the Moon’s orbit, and describes the phase that can be seen at that point in the orbit, along with telling students the name of each Moon phase that she expects them to learn.

    Ms. Sheridan then tells the class that they can now try it out for themselves to see each phase of the Moon. She divides the class into eight groups and gives each group a small Styrofoam ball to represent the Moon and a larger blue ball to represent the Earth. Each group also gets a flashlight to represent the shining Sun. Ms. Sheridan gives each group one of the eight phases to prepare to demonstrate. Each group gets the name of a phase and a diagram showing the positions of the Moon, Earth, and Sun for that phase. The teacher gives each group five minutes to match the position of the Moon (the small Styrofoam ball), the Sun (flashlight), and the Earth (larger blue ball) to the diagram for its phase. She turns out the classroom lights, and students excitedly position the Moon and Sun to match their diagrams.

    Then, each group shows the rest of the class its model of the positions of the Sun, Earth, and Moon for its phase. For homework, Ms. Sheridan asks students to make eight flashcards with a picture of a Moon phase on one side of the card and the name of that phase on the other. She lets them know that they will have a quiz the following day on this material and on the planets they learned about the previous day.

    Ms. Sheridan has shared this lesson with some of her colleagues. They all like how hands-on the lesson is. They really like having students demonstrate the phases with a flashlight and Styrofoam balls and feel that this activity helps make the ideas more concrete and understandable to students. One of her colleagues wonders whether using a flashlight and Styrofoam ball to represent the Sun and Moon is what the NGSS means by Developing and Using Models.

    There is much to like in Ms. Sheridan’s lesson. Let’s come back to it after we look at how Ms. Lee’s classroom works on similar ideas.

    Case 2: Moon Phases in Ms. Lee’s Class

    The students in Ms. Lee’s class have been working on near-Earth astronomy for a few weeks. They have been pursuing the overarching question Why do the Sun, Moon, and stars move in our sky and change in appearance over time? Recently, the students have been investigating the appearance of the Moon. They wonder why it is visible in the sky at different times of day and appears some nights and not others. For over a month they have been spending a few minutes each day recording the appearance of the Moon on that day in a data table in their notebooks. As the Moon goes through the cycle of phases, the students learn the technical name of each phase. Prior to this lesson, they used moonrise time data to figure out that the Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth spins, and it takes about a month to complete one orbit.

    Ms. Lee begins class on this day with a discussion to help the students summarize what they have figured out so far and what questions remain about their observations. Ms. Lee draws their attention to the main question about the Moon that started them off on their investigation: Why does the Moon change shape during the month? The students have collected data about the Moon’s appearance with the observations made throughout the month. They know that it takes the Moon 28 days to complete a cycle as it orbits the Earth, but they still haven’t figured out why the shape changes during that time.

    Based on what they have discovered so far, the class refines its original question to Why does the appearance of the Moon change as it orbits the Earth? The students brainstorm their initial ideas about why the apparent shape of the Moon might change, using what they have figured out about the orbit of the Moon around the Earth as a starting point. In the discussion, Ms. Lee raises the question of how it is even possible to see the Moon from Earth. Students draw on what they know about light sources and how light allows us to see and generally agree that it must be the light from the Sun reflecting off the Moon that makes part of the Moon visible from the Earth (since the Moon is not a light source). But students are not in agreement about why this would change as the Moon revolves around the Earth.

    Ms. Lee suggests they try to picture what is happening as the Moon goes around the Earth and recommends they use physical props to see for themselves why the shape might appear to change. Students like the idea and are eager to see what would happen to light from the Sun as the Moon orbits the Earth. As in earlier modeling activities in their classroom, Ms. Lee has the class agree on the question the model needs to explain and then brainstorm what needs to be represented in the model. In discussion, students decide they need to represent the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun. Ms. Lee gives each group of students a Styrofoam ball and says that they can use the ball to represent the Moon. She suggests using a lamp she has without the shade to represent the Sun and places it in the center of the room so all the kids can use its light in their investigation (she also covers the windows so that the lamp Sun is the only light in the room). Since the goal of the activity is to see what the Moon looks like from Earth, Ms. Lee helps the students come up with the idea of using the ball and their own bodies to simulate the Moon’s orbit around Earth (recalling what they had already figured out about that from the moonrise times). Before they begin, Ms. Lee asks students to state what they are trying to figure out and how they will use the props to test their ideas. The students agree that they need to figure out what parts of the Moon they can see in each part of the orbit.

    The students talk actively as they engage and make notes about what they can see from each position. Once they have collected all their evidence and reported on it, the students are ready to try explaining the phenomenon. Ms. Lee asks them to discuss in their groups and draw a representation on their poster paper that shows why the Moon’s appearance changes over the course of the month. Once each group has finished, she has the students put up their diagrams around the room. They do a gallery walk so they can all see what the other groups have created. Then the students spend time in their groups talking about what they have seen, trying to identify where they have agreed or disagreed with other groups and what makes for a good representation. As a whole class they then discuss the differences among the various explanations and how they have represented them. The teacher guides a discussion to help the students decide on a consensus explanation and a way to represent that explanation in a diagram. Ms. Lee tells students that their homework for the day is to write a short paragraph that they could use to explain to a friend from a different class why we see phases of the Moon from Earth. The next day in class they apply their ideas by finding pictures in children’s books that should be drawn differently based on their knowledge of the Moon and its phases.

    Comparing the Cases

    There are some similarities between these classrooms, as well as a number of important differences. In both classrooms, students are engaged in hands-on science using physical materials and active learning strategies. In both classrooms, they are trying to generate an explanation about why the shape of the Moon appears to change. In both classrooms, students are challenged to think through the ideas. But there is an important difference in the work the teachers and students are doing in these two classrooms and in how that work is divided. We could characterize Ms. Sheridan’s classroom as one in which students are learning about lunar phases, while Ms. Lee’s classroom is one in which students are figuring out lunar phases.

    In Ms. Sheridan’s class, her job is to provide the explanation, and the students’ job is to work with the explanation and try to learn it. The hands-on activities allow students to see and understand the teacher’s explanation. The role of the students is to follow the directions, do the activity, try to apply the ideas provided by the teacher, and to learn material for assessments. Although students are working hard to understand the explanation provided by the teacher, it is Ms. Sheridan who has the authority and has done the heavy lifting of building the knowledge, not the students. And while the explanation was stated as the goal, the teacher’s assessment in fact ended up focusing mostly on the names of the phases and their order rather than assessing whether students could use that explanation and reason with it.

    In contrast, Ms. Lee’s lesson engages students in the science and engineering practices that are targeted in the NGSS. Students are positioned as the ones doing the figuring out, though they are guided by the teacher and given appropriate props. If you were to walk over to a group of students during the activity, you could ask them, What are you trying to figure out? and they would say something such as We know that the Moon is lit up by the Sun, but we are trying to figure out why the sunlit part of the Moon changes in shape as it goes around the Earth. They are manipulating the objects or analyzing data not because they are simply following directions but because they are trying to figure out and construct an explanation in response to a question. Ms. Lee didn’t just give them the challenge and let them discover, explore, or do inquiry. She gave them a lot of probing questions and guidance to get them to realize what needed to be investigated and helped them converge on a good starting point. But throughout, students were taking on the responsibility of making sense of phenomena, developing explanations, comparing them as a class, and reaching a consensus. Ms. Lee’s students were investigating why the Moon appears to change shape. They were engaged in science practices such as questioning, analyzing data, and modeling to make sense of the phenomenon. The students and their ideas are at the center in this classroom. (See Barton 2001 and for more information on the instructional sequence described here.)

    To go a bit deeper into the differences between these two lessons, we will ask a series of questions about the sense-making process that help us see how the practices played out in these classrooms.

    Where Do the Questions Come From?

    In both cases, students are working on a similar idea: The apparent shape of the Moon changes over time. But in Ms. Sheridan’s class, the question originally came from the teacher. She told the students they were going to learn about the phases of the Moon, introducing it as the next topic in their unit. Meanwhile, in Ms. Lee’s classroom the question emerged from the students’ own observations. As part of a larger investigation of why things change in the sky, they noticed patterns in the shapes of the Moon and uncovered the fact that these occur in cycles. In both cases, lunar phases is the name of the scientific idea they are investigating, but in Ms. Lee’s classroom the question was identified and phrased in terms of the phenomena they experienced: Why does the shape of the Moon change over time? Students were involved in co-constructing this question with the teacher. In Ms. Sheridan’s class, a question was not at the center of their work at all. Although Ms. Sheridan made an attempt to motivate the work on Moon phases by pointing out that the shape of the Moon changes during the month, the students did not frame their exploration of Moon phases in terms of a question. (You will read more about the importance of the Asking Questions practice in Chapter 5, p. 87.)

    Who Is Involved in Figuring Out How to Investigate the Question?

    In both cases, students were exploring how sunlight falls on the Moon and how that influenced what could be seen from Earth. Notice, however, that in Ms. Sheridan’s class, the design of the investigation came directly from the teacher, and it wasn’t really an investigation at all. The students were given directions about how to demonstrate something they had already been shown. In contrast, in Ms. Lee’s classroom, the activity was co-constructed. Certainly, the teacher played a critical role, but the students were also involved in thinking through how they would investigate their question and why particular aspects of the setup might relate to their ongoing work. The teacher proposed using physical props to explore light falling on the Moon but asked the students which objects they would need to represent in the model. After agreeing with the students on what the model needed to contain and providing the objects they needed, Ms. Lee asked the class how it would manipulate the objects to explore the question. In both classrooms, the students ended up doing similar activities—interacting with balls and light sources—but in Ms. Lee’s classroom, the students were part of thinking through the logic of what they were doing. (You will read more about the Planning and Carrying Out Investigations practice in Chapter 7.)

    How Do Students Get to an Explanation?

    This is perhaps the biggest difference between our two scenarios. In Ms. Sheridan’s classroom, the teacher walked the students through the explanation up front. She then gave them the opportunity to see the ideas in action by exploring the different lunar phases. As the students worked with the props, they attempted to match the diagrams they had been given. They already knew that they should be seeing different amounts of the Moon’s illuminated surface. Doing the activity helped them visualize that idea and see that it worked, but they already knew that what they were doing was correct. In contrast, in Ms. Lee’s classroom the students were more involved in building and using the explanation. They didn’t start from scratch, of course. Ms. Lee helped the class arrive at a good starting point so that all students were starting their investigation constrained by the ideas that what we see is sunlight reflecting off the Moon and reaching the Earth. But, it was up to the students to figure out why different positions in the orbit of the Moon around the Earth led to the different apparent shapes and why a host of other possible explanations (such as that the Moon phases are caused by a shadow from the Earth) would be inaccurate. In Ms. Sheridan’s classroom, students had to understand and replicate the teacher’s explanation; in Ms. Lee’s classroom, students were guided by the teacher in constructing that explanation. (You will read more about the Developing and Using Models and Constructing Explanations practices in Chapters 6 and 10, respectively.)

    What Are the Roles of Agreement, Disagreement, and Consensus?

    In Ms. Sheridan’s classroom, the teacher was the authority, providing the explanation. The students’ job was to try to understand and use it. In Ms. Lee’s classroom, the authority was more distributed. In their groups, students grappled with trying to explain why the shape of the Moon changed. In the gallery walk, they shared their group’s ideas and compared them with other groups’ ideas. In the discussion, they figured out where all the groups agreed, identified disagreements, and talked through the disagreements to reach a class consensus about the phenomenon. The decision for the final model involved all the students, guided by the teacher. (You will read more about Engaging in Argument From Evidence in Chapter 11.)

    Coordinating Practices to Achieve Sense-Making

    Now that we have seen an example of a class engaged in using science practices to make sense of scientific phenomena, we turn toward thinking about how this happens in general and how you can think about using practices to help your students make sense of the world.

    How do we use the science and engineering practices to work toward sense-making? It may be tempting to think of the practices as a sequence, perhaps like the scientific method or as an instructional sequence like the 5Es. As we will see in Section 2 of this book, there are many different paths to take through the practices, depending on the specific investigation or design problem. And practices may need to be brought in at multiple points as students build and refine an explanation, model, or design. But regardless of the path, there are four guiding questions that can help organize the work of the practices as part of sense-making.


    What is the observable phenomenon, object, or system we are trying to figure out or the problem we are trying to define? Investigations and engineering problems are built around phenomena and the questions connected with them. Engaging in practices means that we are always trying to figure something out or solve a problem connected with some phenomenon in the world rather than defining terminology (such as What is gravity/energy/an ecosystem?). While the word phenomenon is not explicitly part of the names of any of the eight practices, phenomena are central to what the practices are all about. One goal of the NGSS is connecting the science that students learn with the application of these ideas in the world. What can we explain with this idea? What problems do these ideas help us understand and solve? When engaging in practices, there must be something about the world we are trying to figure out. In other words, there is some event (such as an earthquake, a storm, movement of objects in a collision, change of materials in a chemical reaction) or a pattern (resemblances of offspring to prior generations, changes in atmospheric conditions before a storm, changing shapes of the Moon) that we are trying to figure out or problems connected with events or patterns that we are trying to understand to design a solution (e.g., early warning system for tsunamis, less polluting sources of energy). In science, once we recognize the phenomenon we need to ask about the what, how, and why. For engineering, once we have a problem we ask what factors are influencing this problem and how we can intervene to alter these factors.

    The most obvious practice involved in making sense of the world is Asking Questions and Defining Problems. But it’s important to stress that sense-making is an incremental process. Questions will arise not only in the beginning of an investigation or design but also throughout the process of sense-making. In our attempts to explain phenomena, we may uncover new questions or realize that our models work for some parts of the phenomenon but not others. We may end up in the Asking Questions and Defining Problems practice as we are in the midst of trying to design solutions, construct explanations, or develop models, as well as when we are starting an investigation or design. Furthermore, we may need to compare alternative questions or framing of the design problem in principled ways, drawing on the practice of argumentation. So part of refining what we are trying to figure out needs to build on the next three questions.


    How will we develop, explore, and test the model and associated explanation or solution? When we have phenomena that motivate questions to investigate and problems to address, another collection of practices comes into play to make progress on the work: Planning and Carrying Out Investigations. Typically, this may also involve clarifying what is known to inform the investigation or design, which draws on the practice of Obtaining and Evaluating Information. Again, because of the incremental nature of sense-making, constructing explanations and developing solutions will be ongoing, perhaps with initial ideas informing the planning of subsequent investigations or design explorations. Argumentation may be needed to make principled decisions between competing investigation plans and design ideas.


    Making sense of what we are seeing goes hand in hand with planning and conducting the investigation or design work. Key questions related to this aspect of sense-making include What happened?, Is this what we expected?, What worked?, What didn’t work?, and, most important, "Why did this happen the way that it did?" Rather than viewing investigation or design as a sequential process, proceeding stepwise from questioning to planning to solution, it is often more accurate and productive to view sense-making as incrementally building understanding or solutions, engaging in cycles of questioning, gathering data through investigations or tests of part of a design, making sense by developing or revising models, constructing explanations or solutions, and then evaluating progress and determining where to go next. For this to be effective, we have to have a way to keep track of what we are figuring out along the way. There are many effective strategies for this kind of work (see Windschitl and Thompson 2013 for a nice summary of some tools). The practices central here are Analyzing Data and Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking, which feed into the processes of Developing and Using Models, Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions, and Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information. Argumentation is especially important in a classroom since there are often many different emerging student ideas, which the class will need to compare, evaluate, and eventually reach consensus about.


    How does what we have figured out answer the questions or solve the problems we identified? How do we decide? Ultimately, our goal is to develop deep understanding of the disciplinary core ideas that help us account for how the world works the way it does. We have to continually check our developing ideas against the phenomena that inspired our work to begin with. Two practices that are central in this process are Developing and Using Models and Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions. In other words, we have to see if what we have figured out so far is helpful in answering the questions that drove us at the beginning of our inquiry. This cycle of wondering, working to figure out, and checking whether our emerging ideas are actually useful to satisfy our initial wondering is at the core of deep engagement in the practices. As has been necessary throughout the process, we also need to engage in principled evaluation of competing ideas through argumentation and reaching consensus as well as the processes of communicating information.

    As this quick overview has shown, scientific and engineering practices need to be used together to work toward making sense of the world. This idea is summarized in Figure 1.1 (p. 18).

    We saw a number of these connections in the scenario from Ms. Lee’s classroom. In her scenario, we saw the practice of Asking Questions as students brainstormed questions about why objects appear to move in the sky. The students conducted an investigation of rising and setting times for the Moon, analyzed data (their own and secondary data), and constructed an initial model that included the explanatory idea that the Moon orbits the Earth. This led to another question about why the shape changes in patterns, which then led to the main investigation using a physical depiction of the Moon, Sun, and Earth system. Students worked together to construct an explanatory model of why the Moon’s shape changes, shared their models, and engaged in argumentation from evidence to reach consensus on a shared explanation.

    The idea that practices work together for making sense of the world is one of the most important themes in this book. The goals of the Framework and the NGSS will not be met if lessons are taught by focusing on one practice at a time. The practices work with one another to help us understand how and why the world works and for engineering how to design solutions to problems. Focusing on the larger investigation context leads to authentic and purposeful reasoning and connected practices. Looking back at our questions informing the sense-making process, we can see how thoughtful work can happen in many places: during initial attempts to understand phenomena, during efforts to make sense of patterns in empirically related phenomena and related scientific theories, and in applying the revised theories and models to explain and predict other phenomena in the world.

    Figure 1.1

    Sense-making and the science practices

    The science and engineering practices work together to achieve four parts of sense-making. This diagram illustrates how the practices always operate in conjunction with each other.

    The Structure of This Book

    We compiled this book to help teachers of science grasp three sets of questions related to the NGSS practices, and we suggest that you use the question that each section asks to guide you as you read.

    Section 1: What is the vision put forth in the Framework and the NGSS, and how will engaging students in science and engineering practices help us improve our science classrooms? The chapters in Section 1, including this one, take a big-picture view and show how a focus on practices has the potential to reshape our classrooms. This chapter introduces the book and explores the fundamental shifts implied by engaging students in science and engineering practices. Chapter 2, written by two of the authors of the Framework, explicates the rationale for focusing on science and engineering practices and traces the development of this idea from earlier notions of inquiry in science. Chapter 3 examines some important questions about equity in the science classroom and explores how a focus on practices is in line with goals we

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