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The AIESEC Way Is The Members Guide That Explains What Is The Purpose of Our

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The AIESEC Way is the members‘ guide that explains what is the purpose of our


The AIESEC Way is explained through the Golden Circle model which provides

The goal of this document is not for members to try and memorise all words or concepts. This

document you should only glance through. It will not solve all your problems or answer all of your

Since then, the world has been changing
faster than ever before. We believe that
Second World War by a group of young
people from Europe (Belgium, Denmark,
and they must learn to adapt quickly and
Finland, France, Netherlands, Norway, and
solve problems. This is why AIESEC strives
Sweden). Our fundamentals were shaped
for Peace & Fulfilment of Humankind´s

In today’s context, ‘Peace’ does not

necessarily mean only avoiding war. Peace
can symbolize a world that does not have
conflicts that arise from cultural, religious,
or other aspects of differences in
humanity. Peace can also symbolize being
in harmony with yourself. AIESEC strives
to build a world where people can work
towards their own understanding of

understanding the views of others.

Through “Fulfilment of Humankind’s

where people can be the best version of


We place our confidence in youth because explore and develop their leadership
they have the passion, dynamism and
entrepreneurial spirit that are needed to
shape the future. They have the
responsibility to improve tomorrow by sphere they would choose.
choosing who they will be today.

Our Unique Leadership Development Model

AIESEC’s leadership development model seeks to prepare youth to take a stand on what they

Self Aware
Declining Trust in Understands and lives personal values
Formal Leaders Focuses on strengths over weaknesses
Explores one’s passions

Believes in their ability to make a difference in the world

Interested in the world issues
Enjoys taking responsibility for improving the world

Empowering Others
Complex and
Interconnected World Develops & empowers other people
Engages with others to achieve a bigger purpose

Uncertain Adapts and shows resilience in the face of challenges

Takes risks when needed

This is the leadership that we believe in and develop.

Cross-Cultural Exchanges
AIESEC provides an opportunity for young people to work or volunteer abroad in non-familiar
environments. This allows them to step outside their comfort zone and expand their worldview, while

connected world.
Team Experiences
AIESEC members work in teams to create and manage these cross-cultural exchange experiences. This
provides an opportunity for our members to live powerful team experiences and develop their own

Inner and Outer Journey

framework AIESEC provides in every experience, enabling young people to learn the most from every

that what someone learns from any experience will stay with them forever.


Our Values

Striving For Excellence

to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do.

Some examples of living this value:

fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way aligned with

what we envision
Some examples of living this value:
We communicate openly and honestly with all stakeholders.

We create a dynamic and welcoming environment through the active

Some examples of living this value:

We celebrate our victories by sharing our achievements.

Some examples of living this value:

future years.
We support each other and we build on what has been done in the past.

of others.
Some examples of living this value:
We encourage and delegate responsibility to the new members of AIESEC in

We empower members to deliver exchange experiences.

Living Diversity

Some examples of living this value:

We interact with members from a large range of countries and territories at
global conferences and living the cross-cultural exchange experience.

To shape our culture we keep in mind to:

Reinforce our values constantly Engage and align our Confront contradictory behavior
stakeholders with our values that goes against our values

global network that takes ownership to make the world a

AIESEC does not have a pre-defined or officially accepted


bodies in its work, sustainability or decision-making. As an



resources sustainably to generate more impact rather than

making profit for shareholders.

AIESEC is completely run by young people - the majority of
whom are students and recent graduates.

Appendix 1: Our Leadership Development Model and Inner and Outer Journey

fundamentals, which enable life-long leadership journey of young person.

for everyone.”

Self-aware: “I know what I am good at, what’s

important to me, and what I am passionate
about. I am constantly exploring what I want
to achieve in my life.”

to challenges. I am flexible and I am always

fall I always stand back up.”

Empower others: “I am able to communicate

ideas clearly, engage in meaningful

The Inner and Outer Journey concept grew out of a “new models of leadership”
discussion held with the World Economic Forum. Based on research of the best
leadership experiences provided by AIESEC, the following elements describe what
people go through during their AIESEC experience(s) and what helps them learn
and develop the most.


Individual responsibility
Taking individual responsibility with clear goals is a first step in the outer journey of leadership

Challenging role and environment

Your role and surrounding environment push you to leave your comfort zone, enabling you to

different types of stakeholders (boss-customer-colleague, AIESEC-company-NGO, etc.)

Reflect on your experience

Support system
In the outer journey there should be some support system for the inner journey. It can be a
mentor, coach, buddy, etc. A support system can be provided by AIESEC or any other external

Set personal goals

goals for what you want to gain from the experience.

Understand your personal values

By living the experience and going through inner journey you realize the fundamental things
about yourself – your values and how they impact your everyday life.

Reinvent yourself
Capturing the learning from this experience to use it in the future; Understanding your ‘new self.


THE AIESEC WAY has evolved through the years of its existence.

AIESEC after the Second World War:

AIESEC in 1964:

of students”.

AIESEC in 1978:

effect various economic environments”.


AIESEC in 1989:
PURPOSE: To contribute to the development of our countries and their people with an

Offering people the opportunity to interact with their social and economic environment at

AIESEC in 1999:

called AIESEC 2005. It was created and used by The Rae Group at IPM 1999 to help the AI team

process of defining and agreeing upon those values was planned to be done later.



learning of our members and other stakeholders.

AIESEC members mainly run the process for other university students. Few AIESEC members

Our members are just the engine that makes the process happen and not necessarily

AIESEC in 2000:

South Africa we ran through a process for doing this and also explored what we needed to do to

results. At that moment the challenge that we had in front of us was to act upon that agreement

ideals – through agreeing upon OUR VALUES and simplifying THE WAY WE DO IT statement –

OUR IMPACT: By developing individuals, we contribute to the development of our communities with
an overriding commitment to international co-operation and understanding.

learning of our members and other stakeholders.


fulfil our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals.
Living Diversity: We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in

E :

Striving for Excellence : We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we

AIESEC in 2005:
The most recent global discussion about revising THE AIESEC WAY content started in 2004 and

different viewpoints, it symbolised increased unity and common vision among the membership

students and indirect service to society by providing it with capable future leaders without
considering the formal development of its members as those future leaders. The ‘AIESEC

– this needed to be reflected in THE AIESEC WAY statements. As well, the fact that AIESEC

impact in society was not clear.

By re-discussing THE AIESEC WAY, it was aimed to:

the world.

the ‘AIESEC Experience’ as the essence of what we do stated in THE WAY WE DO IT.

AIESEC in 2008:

The RAE Group, we have been using a language that is property of the consultancy firm due to

In order to handle the property of this consultancy company properly, and find our way to

supported us in the process of defining something that we think suits the unique needs of
AIESEC. In this context THE AIESEC WAY was born. THE AIESEC WAY describes not only

we have for AIESEC in 2010. The OUR IMPACT statement as well as our GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR

AIESEC in 2015: The Most Recent Revision of the AIESEC Way

changes were implemented (the AIESEC experience changed to being program-based and the
focus switched to leadership development in every experience we provide). It became necessary

refresh the AIESEC Way. The AIESEC way was changed based on the trends of current

This is important for the organization as it unifies

and Develop every young person in the world”. This significantly changed our approach toward

The AIESEC Way: Current version The AIESEC Way: 2008

Why? What is AIESEC ?

world issues, leadership and management. AIESEC does not
We place our confidence in youth, who hold the keys to discriminate on the basis of race, colour, gender, sexual

What we envision

others. Our impact

impact in society.
We enable young people to develop their leadership
The Way We Do It
challenging environments. We do this through AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development

Imagine what will happen to the world once we engage

and develop every young person? This possibility drives
us as we strive to achieve what we envision: Peace and
Fulfillment of Humankind’s potential.

Who we are

ethnic, or social origin.

THE AIESEC WAY there are three more elements
that support us in describing AIESEC. These three elements are:

1. English is the sole official language of AIESEC.


The external world message is clear: skills are just not enough. There is no leadership without ethics. AIESEC strives

the world lies in AIESEC’s ability to create, for each and every member, a steering wheel that will shape his/her

AIESEC’s ethical process is a deep and steady move to make the AIESEC Experience the gateway to the values-driven

Ethics adopted by the global plenary at IPM 2007 in Egypt was a key event in THE AIESEC WAY to develop ethical

The purpose of the AIESEC CODE OF ETHICS is to:

Open the gateway for what is needed for impact on the individuals that live an AIESEC EXPERIENCE.

The AIESEC CODE OF ETHICS is about the ethical principles we all adhere to, and the enforcement mechanisms to
align them with OUR VALUES.



Daria Aksenova (AI/Russia) Katarzyna Kuchnowska (AI/Mexico)

Kar-Men Lim (Singapore) Rui Correia (Mozambique) Taha Khazri (Morocco)

Miroslava Lišková (Czech Republic) Danial Mazhar Shafi (Canada)

Designed by: Aaron Mack (USA)


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