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Transport Phenomena I: Department of Chemical Engineering Cairo University

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Transport Phenomena I

Department of Chemical Engineering

Cairo University


Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Ahmed Sherif Eissa, 0100-5806060 (Mob)
Ahmed Refaat, 0122-2277897 (Mob)

Saturday 10:45 AM to 12:45 PM
1. R.B. Bird, W.E. Stewart and E.N.
Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, J. Wiley
and Sons, Inc., NY, 2003

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Course Activities
• Lectures
• Home Works
• Project
• Exams

• There will be ~ 2 homework assignments
• Homework should be worked on in groups of 5. Only one
solution per group needs to be turned in.
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
There will be a group project (5 students per group)

Project Topic: Using Comsol Software for Modeling of

Momentum Transport Problem.

Project report: to be submitted sometimes during the term (date to

be announced later)

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Exams& Grading

• There will be a mid term exam

The course grades will be determined as follows:

Final Examination 70%

Homeworks: 5%
Project: 10 %
Exams (2 Mid Terms): 15 %
(1st Exam on 5th of Nov, 2nd Exam on 10th of Dec,

Transport Phenomena – Lectures


•As per the university law:

You have to attend at least 75% of lectures to be allowed

to sit for the final exam.

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Course Outline
Applied Mathematics and Momentum Transport:

1. Mathematical Preliminaries (Vector/tensor notation)

Index notation, scalar and cross products, Kroenecker delta, permutation
symbol, determinants, tensors, dyadics, symmetric and skew symmetric

2. Conservation of Mass & Momentum

Continuity Equation, Equations of Motion, N-S Equation

3. Constitutive Equations & Stress Tensor

Newtonian and Generalized Newtonian Fluids (GNF), Boundary Conditions

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Course Outline-cont’d
Complex Flows & Approximate Methods:

4. Lubrication Theory
Order of magnitude analysis for low Reynolds # creeping flows and
simplification of NS equations

5. Stream Functions
Analysis of flow around objects

6. Boundary Layer Approximations

Flow near boundaries

7. Turbulent Flows

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Today’s Agenda
Transport Phenomena: (Chapter 0 in BSL)
Overview and Perspective
Course Objectives
Applications & Examples

Mathematical Preliminaries: (Appendix A in BSL)

Vectors and Scalars
Index Notation
Dot Products


Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Transport Phenomena, Why?

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Levels of Studying Transport Phenomena

(a) Macroscopic
(b) Microscopic
(c) Molecular

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

How is our Book Organized?

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Momentum Transport

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Momentum Transport Phenomenon
Fluids Deformation
tied together via Stresses and
or Flow constitutive eqns


log τ
ie: Newtonian Fluid: τyx = µγ

τyx [=] shear stress µ

µ [=] viscosity
γ [=] rate of strain .
log γ
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
Momentum Transport Phenomenon

a) Flow through a pipeline

Need to know what
is happening in
bulk, boundary
b) Falling film problems

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Momentum Transport Phenomenon

c) Coating

d) Flow around objects, i.e. sphere

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Momentum Transport Phenomenon
Overall Objectives

Math Preliminaries Conservation law

-Momentum Static Problems
Constitutive eqn’s
& BC’s

Exact solns to Complex flows

flow problems; Approx solns
Newtonian -BL
flows/fluids -Turbulence
Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Math preliminaries: Vectors
Index Notation:
x3 a
a1 x2
a = a e + a e +a e
1 1 2 2 3 3
Where e1, e2 and e3 are unit vectors

Unit vector: vector of unit length along axis

e2 |ei| = 1
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
Vectors: Index notation
Can also write a as:
i =3
a = ∑ae
i =1
i i

Components of a are ai, where i=1, 2 or 3

For simplification, we omit the summation symbol:

a = a e
i i

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Vectors: Index Notation
F =a b c expanded
j i j i
F j = aib j ci ∴ repeated index " i ", so s u m,

F1 = a b c + a b c + a b c
111 2 1 2 3 1 3

Similarly, F2 = ? = ai b2 ci

F =a b c =a b c +a b c +a b c
2 i 2i 121 2 2 2 323

F =a b c +a b c +a b c
3 131 232 333
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
Vectors: Scalar (dot) Products
Scalar (dot) Products:
a a ⋅ b = a b cos ( θab ) = ai ei ⋅ b j e j
b ( )
= ai b j ei ⋅ e j = ?ai b j δi j

Define δij = Kronecker delta Named after

ei ⋅ e j = δij German
1 0 0 Kronecker
1 if i = j  
δij =  = 0 1 0 so e1 ⋅ e1 = cos 0° = 1
0 if i ≠ j  0 0 1  e1 ⋅ e2 = cos 90° = 0
 
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
Vectors: Scalar (dot) Products
a⋅a =
ai ei ⋅ a j e j = ai a j ei ⋅ e j )
ai a j δij = ai ai = a Magnitude of a

So a•b =?

a ⋅ b = (ai ei ) ⋅ (b j e j ) = ai b j ( ei ⋅ e j )
= ai b j δij = ai bi = a1b1 + a2b2 + a3b3

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

The components of a vector can be obtained by dotting
the vector with its corresponding unit vector

ak = ek ⋅ a
i .e.,
e1 ⋅ a = e1 ⋅ ai ei
= ( e1 ) ⋅ ( a1 e1 + a2 e2 + a3 e3 )

Transport Phenomena – Lectures

Another format:
wh ere λ = un it vect or in di rect io n of a
λ = λ1 e1 + λ 2 e 2 + λ3 e3 , λ =1

How to get λι: a ⋅ e j = a λi ei ⋅ e j = a λi δij

ai = a λi

λi = i
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
∂ ∂ ∂
“del” or ∇≡ e1 + e2 + e3
“nabla” ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ψ
Example: ∇ψ ≡ e1 + e2 + e3 = ei
∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3 ∂xi

∂T ∂T
V ⋅∇T = νi ei ⋅ e j = νi ei ⋅ e j
∂x j ∂x j
= νi δij
∂x j
∂T ∂T ∂T ∂T
= νi = V1 + V2 + V3
∂xi ∂x1 ∂x2 ∂x3
Transport Phenomena – Lectures
In Class Exercise
∇ ⋅ (V ψ ) = ψ ( ∇ ⋅ V ) + (V ⋅∇ψ )

= ei ⋅ e jV j ψ
∂ xi

= ei ⋅ e j
) (
V jψ )
∂ ∂ψ ∂Vi
( Vi ψ ) = Vi


= V ⋅∇ψ + ψ ( ∇ ⋅ V )
Transport Phenomena – Lectures

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