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MCQ On Basic Physics

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Five Year Papers

1. As a result of constant unbalanced force a body moves with __________.
(Uniform velocity, Uniform Speed, Uniform acceleration, aria!le "cceleration#
2. The range of the Ghori missile is __________.
($%&&'m, (&&&'m, (%&&'m#
3. The velocity of a wave of wavelength and frequency is given by __________.
(), ), , $)#
4. n aerodynamics the ratio of the velocity of the sound waves to the velocity of the
source is called __________.
(*eat+, Mac, N-m!er, Harmonic+#
!. The structure of a crystal can be studied with the hel" of __________ of #$rays.
(Interference, .iffraction, Polari/ation#
%. The s"eed of sound __________.
(Increa+e+ 0it, temperat-re, .ecrea+e+ 0it, temperat-re, .oe+ not c,an1e 0it, temperat-re#
&. 'ound waves are __________.
(Lon1it-dinal 0ave+, Tran+ver+e 0ave+, Not made of material medi-m#
(. f the vector addition of two vectors of magnitude 3 units and 4 units has a resultant
of ! units) then the angle between those two vectors is __________.
(&, 2%, 3&#
*. A raindro" continues to fall with a uniform velocity when __________.
(it+ 0ei1,t i+ !alanced !y air friction, it+ 0ei1,t i+ !alanced !y air friction and -pt,r-+t, It+ 0ei1,t i+
!alanced !y -pt,r-+t#
1+. ,very "oint on a rotating body has the same __________.
(Linear elocity, "n1-lar elocity, "n1-lar Moment-m#
11. -hen a body is thrown vertically u"wards) it is a case of __________.
(4ree fall motion, Pro5ectile motion, Under 1ravity motion#
12. The characteristic of a musical sound) which distinguishes between the notes of the
same "itche and intensity) is .nown as __________.
(Q-ality, Lo-dne++, Inten+ity#
13. 'ound wave travels faster in __________.
("ir, 6ater, Iron#
14. __________ of the following "henomena cannot be e#"lained by the wave theory.
(Interference, 4iffraction, P,oto1rap,ic Effect#
1!. n /ewton0s rings) the central s"ot is always __________.
(.ar', *ri1,t, red#
1%. -hen a "article move in a circle) the angle between its linear velocity 1v0 and
angular velocity 10 is always __________.
(3&, $7&, &#
1&. They "hysical quantity which "roduces angular acceleration is called __________.
(Centripetal force, centrif-1al force, Tor8-e#
1(. A string stretched between two fi#ed "oints is vibrating in one segment. The
frequency generated is called __________.
overtone, 4-ndamental 4re8-ency, Normal ,armonic+#
1*. The loudness of sound de"ends u"on __________.
(6avelen1t,, 4re8-ency, amplit-de#
2+. -hen the tem"erature of air rises) the s"eed of sound waves increases because
(fre8-ency of t,e 0ave increa+e+, only 0avelen1t, increa+e+, !ot, t,e fre8-ency and 0avelen1t,
21. A monochromatic light beam is entering from one medium into another.
__________ of the following "ro"erties remains unchanged.
(amplit-de, velocity, 0avelen1t,, fre8-ency#
22. The angular s"eed of the second hand of a watch is __________.
()9& rad)+, $rad)+, rad#
23. -hen a sound source moves towards a stationary listener there is __________.
(an apparent increa+e in 0avelen1t,, an apparent increa+e in fre8-ency:
" decrea+e in pitc,e:#
24. 2olour in soa" bubbles is due to __________.
(Polari/ation of li1,t, interference of li1,t, reflection of li1,t#
2!. A body remains at rest or continuous to move with a uniform velocity unless it is
acted u"on by __________.
(an -n!alanced force, " force e8-al to t,e 0ei1,t of t,e !ody, a force#
2%. 3riction is a self$ad4usting force. __________.
(It increa+e+ iindefinitely 0it, t,e e;ternal force, it doe+ not increa+e indefinitely 0it, t,e e;ternal force, it
remain+ con+tant#
2&. The dis"ersion of white light into seven different colours when "assed through a
"rism is due to __________.
(different inten+itie+, different amplit-de+, different 0avelen1t,+#
2(. A "endulum bob is swinging with sim"le harmonic motion. ts "otential energy is
ma#imum at __________.
(E;treme po+ition, mean po+tiion, at any ot,er point alon1 t,e pat,#
2*. -hen light enters into a denser medium) its velocity __________.
(Increa+e+, .ecrea+e+ , remain t,e +ame#
3+. ,lectromagnetic waves consist of an oscillatory electric field , and an oscillatory
magnetic field 5. 5oth fields are __________.
(Perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er, parallel to eac, ot,er, parallel to t,e direction of propa1ation of t,e 0ave+#
31. A "article moving with a uniform s"eed in a circle has __________ acceleration.
(/ero, ma;im-m, -niform#
32. f the distance between the centre of the body and the centre of the earth increases
the value of g __________.
(increa+e+, decrea+e+, remain+ t,e +ame#
33. 6otion under elastic restoring force is called __________.
(Simple ,armonic motion, Circ-lar motion, Linar Motion#
C,apter $
The Scope of Physics
1. The branch of "hysical science) which deals with interaction of matter and energy) is
called __________.
(P,y+ic+, C,emi+try, *iolo1y#
2. The new era of modern "hysics began near the end of __________.
cent-ry, $7
cent-ry, $3
3. 'crew and lever were invented by __________.
(Ne0ton, H-y1en, "rc,imede+#
4. 7hythagoras is famous in __________.
(P,y+ic+, C,emi+try, None of t,e+e#
!. n the field of research the strong incentive comes from __________.
(*i!le, Q-ran, In1eel#
%. /umber of ayah which are ta.en from 'urah /ooh for our boo. are __________.
($$ and $(, $9 and $2, $% and $=#
&. /umber of ayah ta.en from 'urah 1Al mran0 __________.
($<& and$<$, $7& and $7$, $3& and $3$#
(. Al$8hawari9mi was the founder of __________.
(Micro!iolo1y, "nalytical "l1e!ra, P,y+ic+#
*. :ogarithm was invented by __________.
("l> *er-ni, "l>?,a0ari/mi, I!n>e> Sina#
1+. n 6uslim world the man was both a "oet and a mathematician is __________.
(Omer ?,yyam, "l>?,a0ari/mi, "l>*er-ni#
11. 8itabul 6ana9ir was written by __________.
(@a8oo! *in I+,a8, I!n>e>Sina, I!n>al>Hait,am#
12. 7in hole camera was invented by __________.
(I!n>al>Hait,an, "l>Aa/i, "l>*er-ni#
13. bn$e$ 'ina was famous for his research in the field of __________.
(Medicine, mat,ematic+, p,y+ic+#
14. 6uslim scientist who wrote about 2++ boo.s is __________.
("!n>e>Sina, "l>Aa/i, Omer ',yyam#
1!. 2+
century is called the century of __________.
(P,y+ic+, C,emi+try, Mat,ematic+#
1%. ;imension of acceleration is __________.
, LT
, L
1&. The significant figures of 1%) & are __________.
(<, = and <, $, = and <#
1(. The author of 8itab$ul$6asoodi was __________.
("l>*er-ni, I!n>e>Sina, I!n>al>Hait,am#
1*. The author of Al$<anun$3il$Tib was __________.
("l>*er-ni, I!n>e>Sina, I!n>al>Hait,am#
2+. Alsh$'hifa an encyclo"edia of "hiloso"hy was written by __________.
("l>*er-ni, I!n>e>Sina, "!n>al>Hait,am#
21. Atomic cloc. is a =briefly> radio transmitter giving out short waves of wavelength
about __________.
(9cm, 9m, 9"#
22. The time interval occu"ied *1*2%31&&+ cycles of a s"ecified energy change in the
2esium atom is ta.en as equal to one __________.
(+econd, min-te, ,o-r#
23. The am"ere is the unit of __________.
(time, electric c-rrent#
24. 6ole is the amount of substance of a system which contains as many elementary
entities as there are atom in +.+12 .g of __________.
(Ce+i-m B $99, Urani-m B (37, Car!on B $(#
2!. The dimension of volume is __________.
, L
, L
2%. The dimension of velocity is __________.
, L
, LT
2&. The dimension of linear momentum is __________.
, ML
T, M
2(. The number of %4+(.2 has __________ significant figure=s>.
(one, fo-r, five#
2*. The circumference of a circle of radius 3.! cm is __________.
(($:33cm, 97:23 cm,$<3:=( cm#
3+. The volume of a s"here of radius 3.! cm is __________.
(($:33 cm
, 97:23cm
, $<3:=(cm
31. Al 8hawari9mi was the founder of __________.
(.ecimal +y+tem, Ceomtery, "nalytical "l1e!ra#
32. A number) which is reasonably reliable) is called __________.
(Aatio, 4-nction, Si1nificant 4i1-re#
33. ,lectromagnetic wave theory of light is "ro"osed by __________.
(Ma;0ell, Ne0ton, H-y1en#
34. -ave mechanics were introduced by __________.
(.e>*ro1lie, Ma;0ell, Ne0ton#
3!. /atural ?adioactivity was discovered by __________.
(Madam C-rie, *ac8-erel, Ma;>Plan'#
C,apter (
Scalars and Vectors
1. 7hysical quantity) which can be com"letely s"ecified by its magnitude only) is called
(Scalar+, ector+, None of a!ove#
2. 7hysical quantity) which can be com"letely s"ecified by its magnitude as well as
direction) is called __________.
(Scalar+, ector+, None of "!ove#
3. Two or more than two scalars measured in the same system of units are equal only if
they have the __________.
(Same Ma1nit-de, Same ma1nit-de and direction, Same direction#
4. @ectors are denoted by __________.
( or a, !, c#
!. 6agnitude of vectors is denoted by __________.
( or a, !, c#
%. Two vectors are equal without any consideration of their initial "oint only if they
have __________.
(Same ma1nit-de, Same ma1nit-de and +imilar direction, Same direction#
&. The tail end of a vector line is called __________.
(Initial point of t,e vector, terminal point of t,e vector, final point of t,e vector#
(. The magnitude of a vector is always treated as __________.
(Ne1ative, Non>Ne1ative, Ne1ative and Po+itive !ot,#
*. n "arallelogram law of vector addition the resultant of the vector is re"resented by
(.ia1onal of t,e parallelo1ram, any ad5acent +ide of t,e parallelo1ram, oppo+ite +ide of t,e parallelo1ram#
1+. :aw of cosine is normally used to determine the __________.
(Ma1nit-de of re+-ltant, direction of re+-ltant, !ot, ma1nit-de and direction of t,e re+-ltant#
11. The "roduct of number AmB and vector generates a new vector . The magnitude
of the "roduct is re"resented by __________.
(* D EmE", " D EmE*, EmE D *"#
12. :aw of 'ine is normally used for determination of __________.
(Ma1nit-de of re+-ltant, .irection of Ae+-ltant, *ot, Ma1nit-de and .irection#
13. m C m is governed by __________.
(comm-tative la0 for m-ltiplication, "++ociative la0 for m-ltiplication, .i+tri!-tive la0 for m-ltiplication#
14. m C =mn> is governed by __________.
(Comm-tative la0 for m-ltiplication, "++ociative la0 for m-ltiplication, .i+tri!-tive la0 for m-ltiplication#
1!. =m D n> C m C n follows __________.
(Comm-tative la0, "++ociative La0, .i+tri!-tive La0#
1%. The division of a vector by a "ositive number n is given by C EmE where m C
1Fn the direction of is __________.
(+ame a+ , oppoo+ite to , parallel to it+elf#
1&. The division of vector by a negative number n is given by C EmE where m C
1Fn the direction the is __________.
(+ame a+ , oppoo+ite to , parallel to it+elf#
1(. A unit vector is re"resented by __________.
( , , #
1*. The unit vectors are __________.
(parallel to eac, ot,er, perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er, none of t,e a!ove#
2+. The sum of rectangular com"onents vector "roduces the original vector) which is
re"resented by __________.
21. The magnitude of vector is given by __________.
, , #
22. The dot "roduct of unit vectors and is equal to __________.
(i, , #
23. The dot "roduct of unit vectors and is equal to __________.
24. The cross "roduct of unit vector and is equal to __________.
(&, $, #
2!. The vector "roduct of and is ___________.
(> , , r#
2%. A vector which can be dis"laced "arallel to it self and a""lied at any "oint is .nown
as __________.
(N-ll vector, 4ree ector, Po+ition ector#
2&. A vector) which can re"resent the "osition of a "oint with res"ect to some fi#ed "oint
in coordinate system) is called __________.
(N-ll ector, 4ree ector, Po+ition ector#
2(. f two vectors which are equal in magnitude but o""osite in direction) their
combination "roduces __________.
(N-ll ector, 4ree ector, Po+ition ector#
2*. The hori9ontal com"onent of vector is given by __________.
(" co+ , " +in , " tan #
3+. The vertical com"onent of vector is given by __________.
("co+, "+in, "tan#

31. The "roduct of magnitude of two vectors and cosine of the angle between them is
called __________.
(Scalar Prod-ct, ector Prod-ct, None of t,e a!ove#
32. The "roduct of magnitude of two vectors and sine of the angle between them is called
(Scalar Prod-ct, ector Prod-ct, None of t,e a!ove#
33. f and are the two vectors then __________.
34. Two or more vectors are added by __________.
(Head to tail r-le, +imple addition, none of t,e+e#
3!. The angle between the hori9ontal and vertical com"onent of a vector is __________.
(3&, &, $7&#
3%. f the resultant of two forces of magnitude 3/ and 4/ is !/ then the angle between
these two forces is __________.
(&, 2%, 3&#
3&. The dot "roduct of two vectors is 9ero when they are __________.
(In t,e +ame .irection, Perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er, In t,e oppo+ite direction#
3(. f the cross "roduct of two vectors is 9ero they are __________.
(Parallel to eac, ot,er, Perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er, Oppo+ite in direction#
3*. f are __________.
(Parallel to Eac, ot,er, eit,er " or * i+ a n-ll vector, perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er#
4+. The cross "roduct of two vector is a __________.
(Scalar, ector, None of t,e+e#
C,apter 9
1. The change of "osition of a body in a "articular direction is called its __________.
(.i+placement, elocity, "cceleration#
2. The change of dis"lacement with res"ect to the time is called __________.
(Speed, elocity, "cceleration#
3. The rate of change of "osition in a "articular direction is called __________.
.i+placement, elocity, "cceleration#
4. The total change in dis"lacement divided by the total change in time of body is
called its __________.
("vera1e elocity, In+tantane-o-+ elocity, Uniform elocity#
!. The change of dis"lacement in a very small interval of time =time tends to 9ero> of a
body is called its __________.
("vera1e elocity, In+tantaneo-+ elocity, Uniform elocity#
%. -hen a body undergoes an acceleration then __________.
(It+ +peed increa+e+, It+ velocity increa+e+, It fall+ to0ard t,e eart,#
&. A force acts on a body that is free to move. -e .nown that magnitude and direction
of the force and the mass of the body. /ewton0s second law of motion enables us to
determine the body0s __________.
("cceleration, Speed, elocity#
(. A hole is drilled through the earth along the diameter and a stone dro""ed into it.
-hen the stone is at the centre of the earth it has __________.
(Ma++, 6ei1,t, "cceleration#
*. A force of 3/ acts "er"endicularly to a force of 4/. Their resultant has magnitude of
($N, %N, <N#
1+. n __________ of the following e#am"les the motion of the car not accelerated.
(Car t-rn+ a corner at con+tant +peed of (3'm),r, Car clim!+ a +teep ,ill 0it, it+ +peed droppin1 from =&
'm),r at t,e !ottom to $% 'm),r at t,e top, Car clim!+ a +teep ,ill at t,e con+tant +peed of 2&'m),r#
11. The algebraic sign of acceleration de"ends on __________.
(T,e c,oice of direction, 6,et,er an o!5ect i+ +peedin1 -p or +lo0in1 do0n, T,e po+ition of t,e o!5ect#
12. The acceleration due to gravity __________.
(,a+ t,e +ame val-e every 0,ere in +pace, ,a+ t,e +ame val-e every 0,ere on t,e eart,, varie+ 0it, t,e
latit-de on t,e eart,#
13. 'wimming is "ossible because of __________ law of motion.
(4ir+t, Second, T,ird#
14. A vehicle is moving hori9ontally at 3+mFs. t is then accelerated uniformly in the
same direction at +.! mFs
for 3+ seconds. ts final s"eed is __________.
($7& m)+, 2%:& m)+, 3& m)+#
1!. An ob4ect falls freely from rest with an acceleration of 1+mFs2 =a""ro#imately>.
Then the distance traveled after +.% second is __________.
($:7 m, $7:& m, 9:= m#
1%. A trolley of mass 1.+.g travelling at 3mFs) collides with second trolley which is
stationary. Gn collision the two trolley 4oin together and continue to travel in the
original direction with a common s"eed of 1.+ mFs. __________is the mass of second
(&:99'1, &:=<'1, (:&'1#
1&. A steel ball is dro""ed in a viscous fluid. t will __________.
(move do0n 0it, -niform velocity, remain +tationary, fall 0it, -niform acceleration of 3:7 m)+
1(. A trolley of mass 2.g moves with constant acceleration on a smooth hori9ontal
surface. ts s"eed changes from 4mFs to 1% mFs during %.+ seconds. The trolley has an
acceleration of __________mFs
(&:% , &:==, (#
1*. ;uring a sto" a car comes to rest from a s"eed of 1+ mFs in ! seconds. Assuming a
steady deceleration during this time) it will travel a distance of __________.
((m, $&m, (%m#
2+. A ball is dro""ed from a tall building falls to the ground. 5all reaches the ground in
3.+ seconds. __________ is the height of the building.
($%m, 9&m, 2%m#
21. A trolley of mass 2.g is moving at 1!mFs. t collides head on with another trolley of
mass 1.g initially at rest. The first trolley stic.s with second one. __________ is the
s"eed of both trolleys after collision.
(%m)+, <:%m)+, $&m)+#
22. -hen a tennis ball is allowed to fall freely in air toward the ground. t is found that
it acquires a uniform velocity. This is because the __________.
(6ei1,t of t,e !all doe+ not act !eyond a certain +peed, Upt,r-+t of t,e di+placed air +-pport+ t,e !all,
4rictional force ca-+ed !y t,e air increa+e+ 0it, +peed#
23. The force required to accelerate mass of 1.g at 1.+ mFs
is __________.
($N, $&N, $&&N#
24. f a stone falls from rest with a uniform acceleration of 1+mFs
=a""ro#imately> then
(It fall+ e8-al di+tance in +-cce++ive +econd+, it fall+ $&:& m d-rin1 t,e fir+t +econd, it+ +peed increa+e+ !y
$& m)+ eac, +econd#
2!. The frictionless trolley is moving hori9ontally at 3+mFs. t is then accelerated
uniformly in the same direction at +.! mFs
for 3+.+ seconds. The final s"eed is
($% m)+, 2% m)+, <% m)+#
2%. A "erson covers half of its 4ourney at a s"eed of 4+ mFs and the other half at !+ mFs.
His average s"eed during the whole 4ourney is __________.
(2% m)+, 2= m)+, 27 m)+, 22:$ m)+#
2&. An ob4ect is thrown vertically u"ward with a velocity of 4+ mFs and returns after
some time into the thrower0s hands with the same velocity. Average velocity during
the whole movement is __________.
(2&m)+, =&m)+, 7& m)+, &#
2(. A body starts from rest and moves with uniform acceleration of 1+mFs
in the first 1+
seconds. ;uring the ne#t 1+ seconds it moves with uniform velocity attained. The
total distance covered by it is __________.
((&&m, $&&&m, $%&&m, %&&#
2*. A ball A dro""ed from the to" of a building while another ball 5 is thrown
hori9ontally at the same time. The ball the ground is __________.
(*all ", *all *, *ot, +tri'e+ +im-ltaneo-+ly#
3+. __________ of the following is one dimensional motion.
(T,e 0,eel+ of a movin1 train, t,e eart, revolvin1 ro-nd t,e +-n, " train r-nnin1 on a +trai1,t trac'#
31. A body has an initial velocity of ( mFs. After moving 4m its velocity is 12 mFs. The
acceleration is __________mFs
($&, $&&, 2#
32. A body starting from rest travels 12+ m in (
second. Assuring the motion to be
uniform) its acceleration is __________mFs
($%, $=, $&#
33. A body thrown vertically u" with a velocity of 1+mFs) comes bac. in to the hand of
the thrower after 4 seconds. Height attained by the body is __________. =Ta.e g C
($&m, %m, $%m#
34. The total change in velocity of a body divided by the total time is called
("vera1e acceleration, In+taneo-+ "cceleration, Uniform "ccelration#
3!. The change in velocity of a body in a very small interval of time =time interval tends
to 9ero> is called __________.
("vera1e acceleration, In+tantaneo-+ "cceleration, Uniform "cceleration#
3%. -hen there is equal change in velocity in equal intervals of time) then acceleration is
called __________.
("vera1e "cceleration, In+tantaneo-+ "cceleration, Uniform "cceleration#
3&. 3orce is that agent which "roduces or tends to "roduce the __________.
(Speed in t,e !ody, "cceleration in t,e !ody, Con+tant velocity in t,e !ody#
3(. -henever a constant force is a""lied on a body then it will move with __________.
(Co+ntant Speed, Con+tant elocity, Con+tant "cceleration#
3*. The direction of tension in string will always in the __________.
(Same direction of applied force, Oppo+ite direction of applied force, None of t,e a!ove#
4+. A body of mass 1+.g is sus"ended by a string) the tension "roduced in the string is
__________. =Ta.e g C 1+mFs
($&&N, 3:7 N, 37& N#
41. n elastic collision between the two bodies __________.
(Only momet-m of t,e +y+tem i+ con+erved, Only t,e 'inetic Ener1y of t,e +y+tem i+ con+erved, *ot, t,e
'inetic Ener1y and Moment-m of t,e +y+tem remain t,e +ame#
42. n inelastic collision between the two bodies __________.
(Only momet-m of t,e +y+tem i+ con+erved, Only t,e 'inetic Ener1y of t,e +y+tem i+ con+erved, *ot, t,e
'inetic Ener1y and Moment-m of t,e +y+tem remain t,e +ame#
43. f a lighter body collides elastically with a massive body at rest then the lighter
bodies will __________.
(Ae!o-nd, Come to re+t, Start to move 0it, a velocity do-!le of it+ initial#
44. The .inetic friction will always be __________.
(Creater t,an t,e +tatic friction, E8-al to t,e Static 4riction, Le++ t,an t,e +tatic 4riction#
4!. The unit of coefficient of friction in ' system is __________.
(Ne0ton, .yne, None of T,e+e (No Unit##
4%. ;ue to the rise in tem"erature the coefficient of fluid friction will __________.
(.ecrea+e, Increa+e, Aemain t,e +ame#
4&. A body of mass 1m0 slides down a frictionless inclined "lane an angle with
the hori9ontal then __________ of the following statement is most a""ro"riate.
(T,e component of it+ 0ei1,t normal to t,e plane p-ll+ it do0n t,e plane, T,e component of it+ 0ei1,t
parallel to t,e plane i+ !alanced !y t,e normal reaction of t,e plane, T,e !ody move+ do0n t,e plane 0it,
a con+tant acceleration#
4(. f a weight of 1 .g and 1gm are dro""ed from the same height simultaneously then
($'1 0ill reac, t,e 1ro-nd earlier, $1m 0ei1,t 0ill rac, t,e 1ro-nd earlier, !ot,er 0ill reac, t,e 1ro-nd at
t,e +ame time#
4*. f the velocity of the body is uniform then __________.
(It+ +peed remain+ -niform, It+ +peed and direction of motion 0ill remain t,e +ame, It+ acceleration i+
!+. f a "article is moving with constant s"eed in a circle then its velocity is
(Fero, Uniform, aria!le#
C,apter 2
Motion in Two Dimensions
1. The motion of a body along a straight line is called __________.
(Linear Motion, "n1-lar Motion, i!ratory Motion#
2. The motion of a body along a curved "ath is called __________.
(Linear Motion, "n1-lar Motion, i!ratory Motion#
3. The e#am"le of motion of the body in two dimensions is __________.
(*all movin1 alon1 a +trai1,t line, Pro1ectile, Train movin1 alon1 a +trai1,t trac'#
4. n "ro4ectile motion the ob4ect is "urely under the influence of __________.
(Centripetal 4orce, 4orce of Cravity, Ae+torin1 4orce#
!. n "ro4ectile motion =freely falling bodies> sign assigned to the acceleration due to
gravity =g> will always be __________.
(Po+itive, Ne1ative, None of t,e+e#
%. n considering the "ro4ectile motion all the vectors li.e) velocity and dis"lacement
along "ositive y$a#is will be ta.en as __________.
(Po+itive, Ne1ative, None of t,e+e#
&. ;uring the "ro4ectile motion) the vertical com"onent of a velocity __________.
(C,an1e+, remain+ t,e +ame, None of t,e+e#
(. ;uring the "ro4ectile motion) the hori9ontal com"onent of the velocity __________.
(Increa+e+, Aemain+ t,e +ame, .ecrea+e+#
*. The "ath of the "ro4ectile is __________.
(Para!olic, Hyper!olic, Elliptical#
1+. ;uring the "ro4ectile motion the acceleration along the hori9ontal direction will
(.ecrea+e, Increa+e, !e Fero#
11. n "ro4ectile the acceleration along vertical direction will __________.
(.ecrea+e, Increa+e, Aemain t,e +ame#
12. The e#"ression for the time to reach the ma#imum height of the "ro4ectile is
(o+in)1, (o+in)1, o+in)(1#
13. The e#"ression for the total time of flight of the "ro4ectile is __________.
(o+in)1, (o+in)1, o+in)(1#
14. The e#"ression for ma#imum height reached by the "ro4ectile is __________.
)1, o+in()(1, o
1!. The e#"ression for the hori9ontal range of the "ro4ectile is __________.
+in()1, o+in
)1, o
1%. The e#"ression for the ma#imum range of the "ro4ectile is __________.
)1, o+in
)(1, o+in)(1#
1&. 3or the ma#imum range of the "ro4ectile the angle of elevation must be __________.
(&, 2%, 3&#
1(. The hori9ontal range of the "ro4ectile is directly "ro"ortional to the __________.
(Initial elocity, S8-are of t,e initial velocity, S8-are root of t,e initial velocity#
1*. The hori9ontal range of the "ro4ectile is directly "ro"ortional to the __________.
(+ine of t,e an1le of elevation, +ine of t,e t0ice of t,e an1le of elevation, +8-are of t,e +ine of t,e an1le
of elevation#
2+. The e#"ression for the tra4ectory of the "ro4ectile is __________.
(a; B G !;
, a); B !;
)(, a; B !;
21. n "ro4ectile motion the small angle of elevation "roduces __________.
(4lat Tra5ectory, Hi1, Tra5ectory, Lo0 tra5ectory#
22. n "ro4ectile motion the large angle of elevation "roduces __________.
(4lat tra5ectory, Lo0 Tra5ectory, Hi1, tra5ectory#
23. f the angle of elevation of the "ro4ectile is *+ then its hori9ontal range will be
(Minim-m, Fero, Ma;im-m#
24. 3or the "ro4ectile with high tra4ectory their time of flight will be __________.
(S,ort, Lon1, None of t,e+e#
2!. 3or the "ro4ectile with low tra4ectory) their time of flight will be __________.
(S,ort, Lon1, None of t,e+e#
2%. f a "ro4ectile has some hori9ontal range at an angle of elevation of 1! then its
range will be the same when the angle of elevation is equal to __________.
(9&, 2%, <%#
2&. At ma#imum height) the vertical com"onent of the velocity of the "ro4ectile is
(Minim-m, Fero, Ma;im-m#
2(. Hori9ontal motion with constant velocity and vertical motion with constant
acceleration is called __________.
(Aectilinear Motion, Pro5ectile Motion, Circ-lar Motion#
2*. A ball is thrown hori9ontally from a height of 4++m with a mu99le velocity of
1++mFs. t e#"eriences a hori9ontal acceleration equal to __________.
, 3:7 m)+
, /ero#
3+. f a shell is fired with the velocity of *.( mFs at an angle of 4! then its hori9ontal
range will be __________.
(Fero, 2:3m, 3:7m#
31. A "ro4ectile is fired hori9ontally with an initial velocity of 2+mFs. after 3 seconds its
hori9ontal com"onent of velocity is __________.
(=&m)+, =:=<,(& m)+#
32. n "ro4ectile motion __________ of the following angle will result the ma#imum
((&, 2%, =&#
33. An aero"lane moving hori9ontally with a velocity of 1++mFs) dro"s a food "
while flying at a height of 4*+m. The " will stri.e the ground from the "oint
4ust vertically below the "oint of the "ro4ection at a distance of __________.
(37&m, $&&&, $3=& m#
34. The ball A is dro""ed from the to" of a building simultaneously the ball 5 is thrown
hori9ontally then __________.
(!all " +tri'e+ t,e 1ro-nd fir+t, !all * +tri'e+ t,e 1ro-nd fir+t, !ot, !all " and * 0ill +tri'e t,e 1ro-nd
3!. f the launch angle of a locust is !! and its range is +.( m then the ta.e off s"eed of
a locust is __________.
(( m)+, (:3 m)+, 9:3 m)+#
3%. __________ should be the initial velocity of a if it to hit a target 1+++ .m
(9$9&:% m)+, 9$9:% m)+, 9$:9% m)+#
3&. f an ob4ect is moving with constant s"eed along a circle then its motion is
(Linear, i!ratory, Uniform Circ-lar#
3(. The e#"ression for the time "eriod of an ob4ect moving with constant s"eed v along
a circle of radius r is given by __________.
(2r)v, (r)v, r
3*. The angle subtended by an ob4ect with the centre of the circle when its is moving
from one "oint to another on its circumference is called __________.
("n1-lar .i+placement, "n1-lar Speed, "n1-lar "cceleration#
4+. The unit of angular dis"lacement in system of measurement is __________.
(Aadian, m)+, rad)+#
41. The central angle subtended by an arc whose length is equal to the radius of the
circle is equal to one __________.
(Aadian, .e1ree, Cradient#
42. The relation linear =s> and angular => dis"lacements is given by __________.
(+ D r, + D r), D +r#
43. n the relation s C r) will always be measured in __________.
(.e1ree+, Aadian, None of t,e+e#
44. Gne radian is equal to __________.
(%:<9 de1ree+, %<:9 de1ree+, %9:< de1ree#
4!. Gne degree is equal to __________.
(&:&$< rad, $<:2% rad, $:<2 rad#
4%. The angular dis"lacement or shift "er unit time is called __________.
("n1-lar Speed, "n1-lar elocity, "n1-lar "cceleration#
4&. Gne revolution is equal to __________.
(( rad, )( rad, 2 rad#
4(. 1 radial is equal to __________.
((revol-tion, )( rad, $)( revol-tion#
4*. The direction of angular velocity is always along the a#is of rotation and it can be
determined by __________.
(Head to tail r-le, Ai1,t ,and r-le, None of t,e+e#
!+. f an ob4ect is rotating in the counter$cloc.wise direction then the direction then the
direction of angular velocity is __________.
(Into t,e plane, O-t of t,e plane, None of t,e+e#
!1. f a "article with instantaneous linear velocity 1v0 is rotating along the circumference
of circle of radius 1r0 then the relation between angular velocity =w> and its linear
velocity =v> is given by __________.
(v D )r, v D r, D vr#
!2. f a "article covers equal angular dis"lacement in equal interval of time then its
angular velocity is __________.
(aria!le, Uniform, "vera1e#
!3. The rate of change of angular velocity is called __________.
("n1-lar .i+placement, "n1-lar "cceleration, None of t,e+e#
!4. The unit of angular acceleration in ' system is __________.
, m)+
, rad)+
!!. The relation between linear acceleration =a> and angular acceleration => of a "article
is given by __________.
(a D r, D a)r, D ar#
!%. The velocity of the "article tangent to its circular "ath is called __________.
("n1-lar elocity, Uniform "n1-lar elocity, Tan1ential elocity#
!&. n circular motion the time "eriod and angular velocity of a "article are __________.
(.irectly proportional to eac, ot,er, Inver+ely proportional to eac,, none of t,e+e#
!(. f a "article is moving with constant s"eed along the circumference of a circle then
the acceleration "ossessed by the "article is __________.
(Linear "cceleration, Centripetal "cceleration, None of t,e+e#
!*. The direction of centri"etal acceleration will always be __________.
(To0ard+ t,e centre of t,e circle, "0ay+ from t,e centre of t,e circle#
%+. The force) which "roduces the centri"etal acceleration) is called __________.
(Centrif-1al 4orce, Cravitational 4orce, Centripetal 4orce#
%1. The e#"ression for centri"etal acceleration is given as __________.
(v)r, v
)r, r
%2. The e#"ression for centri"etal acceleration in terms of time "eriod =T> is given as
)T, 2r)T, 2
%3. The force) which .ee"s the body in circular motion and always directed towards the
centre of the circle is called __________.
(4orce of Cravity, Centripetal 4orce, Centrif-1al 4orce#
%4. The acceleration of the body or "article tangent to the circular "ath is called
(Centripetal "cceleration, Tan1ential "cceleration, None of t,e+e#
%!. n circular motion the tangential com"onent of acceleration arises when
(+peed of t,e o!5ect i+ c,an1ed, +peed of o!5ect i+ con+tant, direction of motion of t,e o!5ect i+ c,an1ed#
%%. n circular motion the centri"etal com"onent of acceleration arises when
(+peed of t,e o!5ect i+ c,an1ed, +peed of t,e o!5ect i+ con+tant, direction of motion of o!5ect i+ c,an1ed#
%&. 2entri"etal acceleration and tangential acceleration are always __________.
(Parallel to Eac, ot,er, Perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er, None of t,+e#
%(. A car is travelling at a constant s"eed of 2+mFs rounds a curve of radius 1++m. -hat
is its acceleration.
, 9m)+
, 2m)+
%*. f the s"eed of the ob4ect moving in a circle is doubled then centri"etal force
(Aemain+ t,e +ame, *ecome+ ,alf of it+ initial val-e, *ecome+ from time+ t,an it+ initial val-e#
&+. -hen an ob4ect moves round the circular trac.) the centri"etal force is "rovided by
(4orce of Cravity, 4ictio-+ 4orce, 4rictional 4orce#
C,apter %
Torque, Anular Momentum and !quili"rium
1. Troque is defined as __________.
(Time rate of c,an1e of an1-lar moment-m, Time rate of c,an1e of linear moment-m, time rate of
c,an1e of an1-lar velocity#
2. The vector quantity torque __________.
(.epend+ on t,e c,oice of ori1in, doe+ not depend on t,e c,oice of ori1in#
3. ,very "oint of rotating rigid body has __________.
(t,e +ame an1-lar velocity, t,e +ame linear velocity, t,e +ame linear acceleration#
4. The right hand rule is a""lied to find __________.
(T,e direction, of a vector o!tained !y t,e vector prod-ct of t0o vector+, T,e ma1nit-de of a vector
o!tained in t,e a!ove manner, neit,er t,e direction nor t,e ma1nit-de#
!. Two forces) which form a cou"le __________.
(can !e replaced !y a +in1le e8-ivalent force, cannot !e replaced !y a +in1le e8-ivalent force, are
perpendic-lar to eac, ot,er#
%. The direction of torque is __________.
(T,e +ame a+ t,e direction of t,e corre+pondin1 applied force, oppo+ite to t,e direction of t,e applied
force, perpendic-lar to t,e direction of applied force#
&. The centre of mass of system of "articles __________.
(coincide+ al0ay+ 0it, centre of 1ravity, never coincide+ al0ay+ 0it, t,e centre of 1ravity, coincide+ 0it,
t,e centre of 1ravity only in a -niform 1ravitational field#
(. The moment of momentum is called __________.
(Co-ple, Tor8-e, "n1-lar Moment-m#
*. ;imensions of moment of inertia are __________.
, M
, M
1+. The unit of moment of inertia is ' system is __________.
('1)m, '1>m, '1>m
11. ?adius of a ring is 2cm and its mass is 2+g. ts 6. about an a#is "assing through its
centre and "er"endicular to its "lane is __________.
($&1 B cm
, 7&1 B cm
, (&1 > cm
, 2&1 B cm
12. f the distance of a "article from the a#is of rotation is doubled) the moment of
inertia __________.
(*ecome+ ,alf, Increa+e+ t0o time+, increa+e+ fo-r time+, increa+e+ ei1,t time+#
13. The "hysical quantity) which "roduces angular acceleration) is called __________.
(Centripetal 4orce, Tro8-e, "n1-lar elocity#
14. Torque of a force T C is a vector quantity. ts direction is determined by
(Ai1,t ,and r-le, ?no0in1 t,e direction of 4, ?no0in1 t,e po+ition of ori1in#
1!. n rotational motion) the analog of force is __________.
(rotational inertia, moment of inertia, tor8-e#
1%. The term torque is synonymous with __________.
(Moment of force, Moment of inertia, "n1-lar Moment-m#
1&. The "roduct of force times the "er"endicular distance between some "oint and the
line of action of the force is __________.
(t,e moment of inertia actin1 on t,e !ody, T,e moment of force a!o-t t,e c,o+en point, T,e an1-lar
moment-m of t,e !ody#
1(. The magnitude of torque is equal to the "roduct of the force and the moment arm.
The moment arm is __________.
(T,e di+tance !et0een t,e point (point c,o+en#, and t,e pointof action of t,e force, t,e ma;im-m
di+tance !et0een t,e point and t,e line of action of t,e force, T,e minim-m (perpendic-lar# di+tance
!et0een t,e pivot and t,e line of action of t,e force#
1*. f the direction of the a""lied force is reversed then __________.
(It+ tor8-e remain+ -nc,an1ed, t,e ma1nit-de of it+ tor8-e c,an1e+ and direction of t,e tor8-e remain+
t,e +ame, T,e ma1nit-de of it+ tor8-e remain+ t,e +ame !-t t,e direction of t,e tor8-e rever+e+#
2+. f the directions of are reversed then __________.
(T,e ma1nit-de and direction of t,e tor8-e remain -naltered, t,e ma1nit-de of t,e tor8-e c,an1e+ !-t
direction remain+ -nc,an1ed, t,e ma1nit-de of t,e tor8-e doe+ not c,an1e !-t direction rever+e+#
21. A cou"le consists of __________.
(T0o e8-al and oppo+ite force+ actin1 at a point on a !ody, t0o e8-al and parallel force+ actin1 at a point
on a !ody, t0o e8-al and antiparallel force+ actin1 at t0o different point+ on a !ody#
22. The arm cou"le is __________.
(T,e +malle+t di+tance !et0een t0o e8-al and antiparallel force+, T,e 1reate+ di+tance !et0een t0o e8-al
and antiparallel force+, T,e line+ of action of t0o e8-al and oppo+ite force+#
23. The units of torque and cou"les are __________.
(N>m and N>m
re+pectively, N>m
and N>m re+pective+, N>m for !ot,#
24. A "air of forces equal in magnitude and o""osite in direction with non$coincident
lines of action is .nown as __________.
(" co-ple, " Moment of 4orce, " N-ll ector#
2!. The centre of gravity of an ob4ect is __________.
(T,e foce of 1ravity on t,e o!5ect, T,e point a!o-t 0,ic, t,e o!5ect rotate+, T,e point at 0,ic, t,e total
0ei1,t of t,e o!5ect+ act+#
2%. The centre of gravity of a body a irregular sha"e lies __________.
("t it+ centre, "t t,e +-rface of t,e !ody, "t t,e inter+ection of median+#
2&. ;uring rotational motion) the mass of a body or system is considered to be
concentrated at a single distance from the a#is =centre> of rotation. The distance is
called __________.
(T,e radi-+ of Cyration, T,e centre of ma++, T,e moment of inertia#
2(. A force "assing through the centre of gravity of a body __________.
(Ae+-lt+ only in rotational motion, Ae+-lt+ only in tran+lational motion, ,old+ t,e !ody in e8-ili!ri-m#
2*. n rotational motion) the analog of linear momentum is called angular
momentum . They are connected by relation __________.
( #
3+. n rotational motion) the quantity) which "lays the same role as the inertial mass in
rectilinear motion) is called __________.
(Inertia, "n1-lar Moment-m, Moment of Inertia#
31. The symbol that is used to re"resent rotational inertia or moment of inertia is
(6, l, A#
32. The angular momentum =:> can be e#"ressed in terms of moment of inertia =l> and
angular velocity => as __________.
(L D l, L D l
, L D l)#
33. The "roduct of the rotational inertia about an a#is and the angular velocity of a body
rotating about this a#is is called __________.
(Moment of Inertia, Tor8-e, "n1-lar Moment-m#
34. The moment of inertia or rotational inertial de"ends u"on __________.
(Ma++ .i+tri!-tion of t,e !ody a!o-t t,e a;i+ of rotation, Ma++ of t,e !ody and it+ radi-+, Ma++ of t,e
!ody and it+ an1-lar +peed#
3!. The time rate of change of angular momentum of a body is equal to __________.
(T,e applied force, T,e applied tor8-e, T,e moment of inertia#
3%. f no e#ternal torques act) the angular momentum of a body rotating about a fi#ed
a#is in two dimension is __________.
(aria!le, Con+tant, Not con+erved#
3&. The dimensions of angular momentum are __________.
, ML
3(. The ' of angular momentum is __________.
, '1m
, '1m
3*. The turning effect of a force is called __________.
("cceleration, Tor8-e, elocity#
4+. f is the angle between force and dis"lacement vectors then the "hysical quantity
torque is mathematical e#"ressed as __________.
(C D r4+in, C D 4rco+, C D 4rtan#
41. The "er"endicular distance from the a#is of rotation of a body to the line of action of
a force is called __________.
(Moment "rm, Tor8-e, .i+placement#
42. f the moment arm of a force is 9ero) i.e. the line of action of a force is "assing
through the "ivot then the magnitude of the torque generated as such is __________.
(Fero, Cloc'0i+e, "nticloc'0i+e#
43. The torque de"ends u"on __________.
(Ma1nit-de of force, Ma1nit-de of .i+placement, Ma1nit-de of 4orce and .i+placement#
44. The magnitude of torque will be 9ero if the angle between force and dis"lacement is
(&, 2%, =&#
4!. The first condition us is sufficient to establish the mechanical equilibrium
if __________.
(T,e !ody i+ +p,erically +ymmetric, T,e !ody i+ not deforma!le, T,e !ody may !e con+idered a+ ma++
4%. An e#tended body in equilibrium many be analy9ed as if it is a "article "rovided that
("ll t,e force+ are conc-rrent, T,e line+ of action of all force+ meet in a common point, any of t,e a!ove#
4&. The condition for equilibrium of a "article is that the __________.
(ector +-m of all force+ !e /ero, "cceleration !e con+tant, ector +-m of t,e force+ and tor8-e+ !e /ero#
4(. The "article moving with constant velocity may be __________.
(C,an1in1 in direction, "cceleration, In e8-ili!ri-m#
4*. 2onsider a body sus"ended from a ceiling by a single vertical cord. The weight of
the body is a force e#erted by __________.
(*y t,e !ody on t,e ceilin1, *y t,e !ody on t,e cord, *y t,e eart, on t,e !ody#
!+. t is easier to turn a steering wheel with both hands than with a single hand because
(" co-ple act+ on t,e 0,eel, T0o e8-al and oppo+ite force+ act on t,e 0,eel, T,e 0,eel i+ more +tron1ly
C,apter =
1. The acceleration due to gravity __________.
(Ha+ t,e +ame val-e every 0,ere in +pace, ,a+ t,e +ame val-e every 0,ere on t,e eart,, arie+ 0it,
latit-de on t,e eart,#
2. f a "lanet e#isted whose mass and radius were both twice that of the earth) then
acceleration due to gravity at its surface would be __________.
(2:3 m)+
, $3:= m)+
, (:2% m)+
3. -hen the s"ace shi" is at a distance equal to twice of the earth0s radius from its
centre then the gravitational acceleration is __________.
(2:3 m)+
, $3:= m)+
, (:2% m)+
4. A hole is drilled through the earth along the diameter and a stone is dro""ed into it.
-hen the stone is at the centre of the earth it has __________.
(Ma++, 6ei1,t, "cceleration#
!. /ewton0s law of universal gravitation __________.
(Can only !e indirectly inferred from t,e !e,avio-r of t,e planent, Can !e directly verified in t,e
lar!oratory, i+ valid only 0it, in t,e +olar +y+tem#
%. The gravitational force between two bodies does not de"end u"on __________.
(T,eir +eparation, Prod-ct of t,eir ma++e+, T,e +-m of t,eir ma++e+#
&. f the radius of the earth were to shrin. by 1I while its mass remaining same) the
acceleration due to gravity on the earth surface would __________.
(.ecrea+e, Aemain t,e +ame, Increa+e#
(. 7lanets revolve round the sun due to __________.
(M-t-al attraction and rep-l+ion !et0een t,e +-n and t,e planet+, Cravitational attraction !et0een t,e
+-n and t,e planet+, Centripetal 4orce#
*. 3orce of mutual attraction of earth on the ob4ects is called __________.
(6ei1,t, Ma++, Cravitation#
1+. -hen a "erson goes down to the bottom of dee" mine com"ared to his weight on the
surface then its weight will __________.
(remain +ame, Increa+e, .ecrea+e#
11. The weight of an ob4ect at the "ole is greater than at equator. This is because
(Cravitational p-ll i+ more at t,e pole+, t,e +,ape of t,e eart,, t,e attraction of t,e moon i+ ma;im-m at
t,e eart,H+ +-rface#
12. Gn the surface of the moon the weight of a "erson __________.
(Increa+e+, .ecrea+e+, Aemain+ t,e +ame#
13. A s"ring balance is being used to weigh mass of 1.g in a lift. f the s"ring balance
reads */ and the acceleration of free fall =g> C 1+mFs
. The lift is __________.
("+cendin1 at $m)+
, "t re+t, .e+cendin1 at $m)+
14. The acceleration of free fall on moon is about one si#th of its value on earth. f on the
earth a body has mass 1m0 and weight 1w0) then on the moon) mass and weight will be
res"ectively about __________.
(m)= and 0)=, m)= and 0, m and 0)=#
1!. '"ring balance is used to measure __________.
(Ma++ of t,e o!5ect, "pparent 0ei1,t of t,e o!5ect, None of t,e a!ove#
1%. A "erson whose weight is 12+ "ound on the earth) on the moon his weight will be
a""ro#imately __________.
((& po-nd, 9& po-nd, 2& po-nd#
1&. According to the law of gravitation the force of attraction between the two bodies is
directly "ro"ortional to the __________.
(S-m of t,e ma++e+ of t,e !odie+, Prod-ct of t,eir ma++e+, .ifference of t,eir ma++e+#
1(. According to the /ewton0s law of gravitation the force of attraction between the two
bodies is inversely "ro"ortional to the __________.
(di+tance !et0een t,e t0o !odie+, S8-are of t,e di+tance !et0een t,e t0o !odie+, none of t,e a!ove#
1*. The gravitational force between two bodies whose mass are m
and m
are "laced at a
distance r from each other is __________.
( , , #
2+. f the distance between two masses is doubled) the gravitational force between them
becomes __________.
(,alf of it+ ori1inal val-e, one fo-rt, of it+ ori1inal val-e, fo-r time+ of it+ ori1inal val-e#
21. The value of gravitational constant is __________.
(=:=<9 ; $&
, <:=<9 ; $&
, 7:=<9 ; $&
22. The dimensions of gravitational constant are __________.
, L
, LM
23. The a""ro#imate value of the average density of the earth is __________.
(%:% ; $&
'1 )m
, =:% ; $&
'1 )m
, <:% ; $&
'1 )m
24. The value of g varies with radius of ,arth as it is __________.
(Inver+ely proportional to t,e radi-+ of t,e eart,, Inver+ely proportional to t,e +8-are of t,e radi-+ of t,e
eart,, .irectly proportional to t,e +8-are of t,e radi-+ of t,e eart,#
2!. Acceleration of the moon is about __________.
((:(<( ; $&>
, (:(<( ; $&
, None of t,e+e#
2%. The value of orbit radius of the moon is about __________.
(9:72 ; $&
m, 9:72 ; $&
m, 9:72 ; $&
2&. The time ta.en by the moon to com"lete one revolution around the earth is
((:9= ; $&
+econd+, (:9= ; $&
+econd+, (:9= ; $&
2(. The gravitational force of attraction between two balls each of mass 1++.g when they
are "laced at a distance of 1m a"art is __________.
(=:=<9 ; $&
N, =:=<9 ; $&
N, =:=<9 ; $&
2*. The acceleration due to gravity decreases for a "oint above the surface of the earth
and for the same "oint below the surface of the earth with a __________.
(4a+ter rate, Slo0 rate, Same rate#
3+. The value of the gravitational acceleration at a distance equal to the earth0s radius
above the earth0s surface is __________.
(3:7 m)+
, 2:3 m)+
, (:2% m)+
31. The value of the distance from the centre of the earth when the gravitational
acceleration has one half the value it has on the earth0s surface __________.
($:2$2 Ae, (Ae, &:%Ae#
32. A "erson with a mass of 4+.g is standing on a scale in an elevator. The elevator
moves u"wards with a constant acceleration of 1.2 mFs
) then the weight of the "erson
as measured by him in the elevator is __________.
(92& N, 22&N, %2&N#
33. The sun e#erts a force of attraction on the "lanets thus .ee"ing them in their
(Aadii, Or!it+, State of motion#
34. /umerical value of the gravitational acceleration can also be estimated by .nowing
the __________.
("vera1e .en+ity of t,e Eart,, Circ-lar Motion, Ma++ of t,e eart,#
3!. A s"ring balance sus"ended from the ceiling of an elevator su""orts an ob4ect. The
magnitude and direction of acceleration) which would ma.e the balance reading 9ero)
is __________.
(3:7 m)+
do0n0ard, 3:7 m)+
-p0ard, none of t,e+e#
3%. The earth traverses its circular orbit in 3.1! # 1+
seconds) orbiting at an orbital
velocity of 2.* # 1+
mFs) then its orbit radius is __________.
($:2% ; $&
m, $:2% ; $&
m, $:2% ; $&
3&. The artificial gravity is "roduced in a satellite to overcome the state of weightlessness
e#"erienced by the astronaut by __________.
(Spinnin1 it aro-nd it+ o0n a;i+, Increa+in1 t,e or!ital +peed of it, .ecrea+in1 it+ or!ital +peed#
3(. The e#"ression for the frequency of rotation of the satellite to "roduce artificial
gravity is __________.
($)( 1)A, ( 1)A, $)( A)1#
3*. f the mass of the earth becomes four times to its initial value then the value of g will
be __________.
(E8-al to it+ initial val-e, 4o-r time+ to it+ initial val-e, One fo-rt, of it+ initial val-e#
4+. The value of gravitation acceleration =g> on the surface of the "lanet of radius 1+
and mass 1+.g is __________.
(=:=< ; $&
, =:=< ; $&
, =:=< ; $&
41. The acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the moon is about _________.
(One +i;t, t,e acceleration d-e to 1ravity on t,e +-rface of t,e Eart,, One fo-rt, t,e acceleration d-e to
1ravity on t,e +-rface of t,e eart,, do-!le t,e acceleration d-e to 1ravity on t,e +-rface of t,e eart,#
42. The mass of a "lanet and its diameter are three times those of ,arth0s. Then the
acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the "lanet will be _________.
(One t,ird on t,e Eart,H+, ,alf on t,e Eart,H+, None of t,e a!ove#
43. Acceleration due to gravity at the centre of the earth is _________.
(Fero, Ma;im-m, None of t,e+e#
44. The equation) which gives the magnitude of centri"etal acceleration of the moon) is
, 2A)T
, 2
C,apter <
$or%, !nery and Power
1. The dot "roduct of force and dis"lacement is __________.
(6or', Ener1y, Po0er#
2. -hen the force and dis"lacement are "arallel to each other) then wor. is
(Minim-m, Ma;im-m, None of T,e+e#
3. -hen the force and dis"lacement are "er"endicular to each other) then wor. is
(Minim-m, Ma;im-m, None of t,e+e#
4. -hen the force and dis"lacement are in the o""osite direction then the wor. is
(Po+itive, Ne1ativem, Fero#
!. The cross "roduct of force and moment arm is __________.
(6or', Po0er, None of t,e+e#
%. -or. is certainly done) if a body __________.
(U+e+ +ome ener1y, Cover+ +ome di+tance, Cover+ +ome di+placement#
&. Gne electron volt is equal to __________.
($:= ; $&
I, $:= ; $&
I, $:= ; $&
(. Gne 4oule is equal to __________.
er1, $&
er1, $&
*. The dot "roduct of force and velocity is called __________.
(6or', Po0er, Ener1y#
1+. 7ower is a __________.
(Scalar Q-antity, ector Q-antity, None of t,e+e#
11. -or. done by a variable force is equal to __________.
( 0,ere di i+ +mall, 0,ere di i+ lar1e, None of t,e+e#
12. A man does the wor. if he __________.
(Coe+ to fift, floor of t,e !-ildin1, Coe+ to fift, floor of t,e !-ildin1 and come+ !ac' to 1ro-nd floor,
remain+ on t,e 1ro-nd floor#
13. Gne horse"ower is equal to __________.
(%%&ft:l!)+, <2= ft:l!)+, None of t,e+e#
14. :aw of conservation of energy is equivalent to __________.
(La0 of con+ervation of ma++, La0 of con+ervation of moment-m, None of t,e+e#
1!. The e#"ression for the absolute "otential energy of mass m at the earth surface is
given as __________.
(m1,, CmMe)Ae, CmMe)Ae
1%. -or. done on a body is equal to __________.
(P:t, P)t, 4)"
1&. n a tug of war) team A is slowly giving way to the team 5) then __________.
(Team " i+ doin1 ne1ative 0or', Team " i+ doin1 po+itive 0or', team " i+ not doin1 0or'#
1(. 8inetic energy of an ob4ect __________.
(I+ independent of t,e direction of velocity, .epend+ on t,e direction of velocity, I+ a +calar 8-antity#
1*. -or. energy equation is sim"ly __________.
(La0 of con+ervation of ma++, La0 of con+ervation of ener1y, none of t,e+e#
2+. -or. done by a grass cutter is ma#imum when he "ulls it __________.
(Ma'in1 an an1le 2% 0it, t,e floor, Ma'in1 an an1le of 3& 0it, t,e floor, "lon1 a line parallel to t,e floor#
21. A car covers some distance without any acceleration in it) then __________.
(En1ine did +ome po+itive 0or', En1ine did +ome ne1ative 0or', none of t,e+e#
22. A body lifts a bloc. on to a table in time t. The wor. he did) de"ends u"on
(Ma++ of t,e !loc', time, none of t,e+e#
23. The unit of "ower is __________.
(0att>,o-r, Io-le>+econd, N>m)+#
24. The rate of change of momentum multi"lies by dis"lacement gives __________.
(Po0er, Pre++-re, 6or'#
2!. A ball during its downward 4ourney "ossesses __________.
(?inetic Ener1y only, Potential Ener1y only, *ot, 'inetic ener1y and potential ener1y#
2%. -or. done in the gravitational field __________.
(I+ independent of t,e pat, follo0ed, depend+ -pon t,e pat, follo0ed, none of t,e+e#
2&. -or. done in the gravitational field along a closed "ath is equal to __________.
(Fero, Ma;im-m, none of t,e+e#
2(. ,instein0s mass energy equation is __________.
(E D mc, E D mc
, E D m
2*. 1 .ilowatt hour is equal to __________.
(9:= ; $&
I, =:9 ; $&
I, None of t,e+e#
3+. The tidal energy is due to the __________.
(Aotation of eart, relative to moon, rotation of t,e eart, aro-nd +-n, none of t,e+e#
31. The dimensions of wor. are __________.
, ML
32. The dimensions of energy are __________.
, ML
33. The dimensions of "ower are __________.
, ML
, ML
34. __________ of the following quantity is defined as rate e#"enditure of energy.
(Moment-m, Po0er, elocity#
3!. Gravitational "otential energy transform into .inetic energy if __________.
(6ater evaporate+, " train accelerate+ from re+t alon1 a ,ori/ontal trac', " !ody fall+ from a ta!le#
3%. __________ of the following re"resents the energy lost by a 1 / weight in falling
through 1 m.

(&:$& I, $ I, $& I#
3&. -att may be defined as __________.
(Io-le per co-lom!, Io-le per +econd, Ne0ton meter#
3(. __________ of the following does not convert one ty"e of energy into another.
(Solar cell, Steam en1ine, Tran+former#
3*. __________ of the following has the same unit as that of "otential energy.
("cceleration, Moment-m, 6or'#
4+. ,#"eriment shows that the average "ower of a man u"stairs at an ordinary
"ace is only about __________.
(&:(( '6, &:99 '6, &:%% '6#
41. A body whose mass is 4+g finds that he can run u" a flight of 4! ste"s each 1% cm
high in !.2 sec. His "ower is __________.
(&:22 '6, &:%2 '6, &:=2 '6#
42. A "erson having a mass of %+.g e#erts a hori9ontal force of 3++/ in "ushing a *+ .g
ob4ect through a distance of 3m along a hori9ontal floor. The wor. done by this
"erson is __________.
(<&&& Io-le+, 3&& Io-le+, $$&& Io-le+#
43. __________ is the .inetic energy of %+ g bullet moving at a s"eed of %++ mFs.
($&,7&&I, $$,7&&I, $(,7&&I#
44. A ball of mass 2.g rolls from the to" of a smooth slo"e which is & m high and 14 m
long to its bottom. The change in the gravitational "otential energy is a""ro#imately
($9<I, $93I, $2$I#
4!. A man weighing %++ / climbs !m vertically u"ward in ( seconds his rate of
is __________.
($<%0att, (<%0att, 9<%0att#
C,apter 7
$ave Motion and Sound
1. f . is a "ositive constant __________ of the following e#"ression re"resents sim"le
harmonic motion =# is the dis"lacement of "article from mean "osition>.
("cceleration D ';, acceleration D >';, acceleration D ';
, acceleration D >';
2. f . and a are the "ositive constants and # is the dis"lacement from equilibrium
"osition. __________ of the following e#"ression re"resents '.H.6.
(elocity D ' (a
#, elocity D '(a
B ;
#,elocity D'(;
B a
#, elocity D '(;
3. A bob of mass m is hanging from the end of an elastic s"ring and e#ecuting '.H.6
with a "eriod T. f this mass is re"laced by another bob of mass 2m) the new time
"eriod of this system will be __________.
(T, (T, (T, T)(#
4. A bob of mass m is hanging from the end of an inelastic string is e#ecuting '.H.6
with a "eriod T. f this bob is re"laced by an other bob of double mass. The new time
"eriod of this system will be __________.
(T, (T, (T, T)(#
!. __________ of is not true for '.H.6.
(Motion i+ Periodic, Ela+tic Ae+torin1 force m-+t !e pre+ent, Sy+tem may po++e++ inertia, Total Ener1y of
+y+tem i+ con+erved#
%. A body is attached to the end of a s"ring is e#ecuting '.H.6. at the e#treme "osition
its __________.

(?inetic ener1y i+ ma;im-m, ?inetic Ener1y i+ /ero, *ot, 'inetic and potential ener1y are /ero, it+ velocity
i+ ma;im-m#
&. The motion of the sim"le "endulum is __________.
("l0ay+ +imple ,armonic, may !e +imple ,armonic, can never !e +imple ,armonic, circ-lar#
(. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 if __________.
(It+ acceleration i+ proportional to di+placement and directed a0ay from mean po+tion, It+ acceleration i+
proportional to di+placement and directed to0ard+ mean po+ition, It+ acceleration i+ /ero, none of t,e+e#
*. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 at the mean "osition if __________.
(If it+ acceleration i+ ma;im-m, it+ acceleration i+ /ero, it+ velocity i+ /ero, it po++e+e+ ma;im-m potential
1+. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 at the mean "osition if __________.
(It+ acceleration i+ ma;im-m, It+ velocity i+ ma;im-m, It po++e++e+ ma;im-m potential ener1y, none of
11. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 if __________.
(It+ amplit-de of motion remain+ con+tant, It+ amplit-de of motion may !e con+tant, It+ motion i+ not
periodic, it+ motion may !e vi!ratory#
12. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 with force constant . with an am"litude 1a0) when its
dis"lacement is 1#0. ts instantaneous 8., is re"resented by __________.
($)( '(;
#, G ';(, G '(a
#, "(')m#
13. A sim"le "endulum is "erforming '.H.6 with "eriod T. f its length is doubled. The
new time "eriod will be __________.
((T, &:%T, (:%T, $:2$2 T#
14. f we increase the length of sim"le "endulum its time "eriod will __________.
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain +ame, !ecome+ infinite#
1!. A sim"le "endulum that behaves as a seconds "endulum on earth. f it is ta.en to
moon. -here gravitational acceleration is one si#th that on earth. ts time "eriod will
become __________.
(2+econd+, $(+econd+, 9:% +econd+, 2:3 +econd+#
1%. A "article is moving in a circular "ath with constant angular s"eed. The motion of its
"ro4ection along its any diameter is __________.
(Pro5ectile, Tran+latory, i!ratory, Circ-lar#
1&. The tra4ectory of the bob of a vibrating sim"le "endulum after it has got suddenly
detached from the thread while "assing through its mean "osition is __________.
(Strai1,t Line, Circ-lar, Para!olic, Hyper!olic#
1(. A string stretched between two fi#ed "oints is vibrating in one segment. The
frequency generated is called __________.
(4ir+t overtone, f-ndamental 4re8-ency, Second Harmonic, Normal Harmonic#
1*. -hen the tem"erature of air rises) the s"eed of sound waves increases because.
(4re8-ency of t,e 0ave increa+e+, !ot, fre8-ency and 0avelen1t, increa+e+, Only 0ave len1t, increa+e+,
Neit,er fre8-ency nor 0avelen1t, c,an1e+#
2+. The angular s"eed of the second hand of a watch is __________.
()9& rad)+, $ rad)+, rad)+, ( rad)+#
21. ?estoring force is always "resent in __________.
(Linear Motion, Circ-lar Motion, Simple Harmonic Motion, Pro5ectile Motion#
22. The frequency of vibration in string of sonometer under tension T is f. f the
vibrating length is halved) .ee"ing tension constant) for the same wire) the frequency
becomes __________.
((f, $(f, G f, 2f#
23. A sim"le "endulum is trans"orted to moon its frequency of oscillation will
(.ecrea+e+, Increa+e+, Aemain con+tant, *ecome /ero#
24. The "itch of note obtained by " a stretched string would be lowered by
(Increa+in1 t,e ten+ion of t,e 0ire, Pl-c'in1 it more vi1oro-+ly, red-cin1 t,e len1t, of t,e +trin1,
0rappin1 a len1t, of t,e fine 0ire ro-nd t,e +trin1#
2!. -hen "itch of a note is raised then __________.
(4re8-ency i+ decrea+ed, Speed of +o-nd i+ increa+ed,
+peed of +o-nd i+ decrea+ed, 0avelen1t, i+ increa+ed#

2%. __________ of the following must differ for a transverse and longitudinal wave
moving in the same direction.
(6avelen1t,, 4re8-ency, "mplit-de, direction of i!ration#
2&. A s"ectator watching a match sees the bat the ball and hears the sound
of this about half a second later. This is because light waves and sounds waves have
a different __________.
("mplit-de, 4re8-ency, Inten+ity, Speed#
2(. n one medium a wave has a frequency of the wave length and s"eed c) the waves
"asses from this medium to another where its s"eed is 2F3c. n the second medium
the __________.
(fre8-ency i+ +till f and t,e 0ave len1t, +till , fre8-ency i+ +till f, !-t 0avelen1t, i+ ()9 , t,e 0avelen1t,
i+ +till , !-t fre8-ency i+ ()9f, fre8-ency i+ +till f, !-t 0avelent, i+ 9)( #
2*. ;ol"hins can communicate by emitting sounds of frequency 1!+)+++ H9. f s"eed of
sound in water is 1!++ mFs) the wavelength of these sounds will be __________.
($ m, &:$ m, &:&$ m, &:&&$m#
3+. The motion of the "articles of air) when sound waves "asses through it is
(Period, Circ-lar, I+ an e;ample of *ro0nian motion, Motion 0ill con+tant acceleration#
31. Two stringed instruments are "laying notes of the same "itch) __________ of the
following must be same for these notes.
("mplit-de, 4re8-ency, Len1t, of Strin1, 8-ality#
32. A sim"le "endulum is "erforming sim"le harmonic motion ='H6> __________ of
the following will remain constant through out its motion.
("cceleration of t,e !o!, It+ amplit-de, 4orce on t,e !o!, elocity of t,e !o!#
33. 3or a system to e#ecute '.H.6) its must "ossesses __________.
(Only ela+ticity, Only inertia, Ela+ticity a+ 0ell a+ inertia, Neit,er ela+ticity nor inertia#
34. A s"ring of force constant . is bro.en into two equal "arts) then the force constant of
each "art is __________.
(')(, (', ')(, '#
3!. The ' unit for force constant are __________.
(N, Nm
, Nm
3%. Time "eriod of a sim"le "endulum is T. t is .e"t in a lift) which is accelerating
u"ward. The time "eriod of the "endulum will __________.
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain t,e +ame, 4ir+t increa+e t,en decrea+e#
3&. n the above question if the lift moves u"wards with uniform velocity) its time "eriod
will __________.
(Increa+e+, .ecrea+e+, Aemain t,e +ame, Not,in1 can !e +aid#
3(. n the question number 3%) the lift falls freely. They the time "eriod will
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain t,e +ame, *ecome infinite#
3*. A body is e#ecuting '.H.6 of am"litude A. ts "otential energy is ma#imum when it
dis"lacement is __________.
(Fero, ")(, ", "#
4+. 6ass m is sus"ended from an elastic s"ring of s"ring constant .. The time "eriod of
small oscillation is __________.
(( m)', ( (m)', ( ')m, ( (')m#
41. The dimensional formula for s"ring constant . is __________.
, MT
42. n resonance condition the am"litude of oscillation is __________.
(ery +mall, Small, ery lar1e, Lar1e#
43. The ' unit of force constant is identical to that of __________.
(Pre++-re, Ener1y, S-rface Ten+ion, 4orce#
44. f the oscillations are highly dam"ed) the am"litude of oscillation __________.
(.ecrea+e+ 0it, time, Increa+e+ 0it, time, Aemain+ con+tant 0it, time, 4ir+t increa+e+ t,en decrea+e+#
4!. The time "eriod of a sim"le "endulum at the centre of the earth is __________.
(Fero, Infinity, Unity, Same a+ t,a,t at t,e +-rface of t,e eart,#
4%. n '.H.6 the ma#imum acceleration is and ma#imum velocity is ) its time "eriod
is __________.
((), (), )(, )(#
4&. n '.H.6 the gra"h between force and dis"lacement is __________.
(Para!olic, Hyper!olic, E;ponential, Linear#
4(. The tuning for. A is of a slightly higher frequency than a for. 5. they are em"loyed
to "roduce beats. Gn loading the for. A the frequency of beats will __________.
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain t,e +ame, !ecome /ero#
4*. 5eats are the result of __________.
(.iffraction, Con+tr-ctive Interference only, .e+tr-ctive Interference only, Con+tr-ctive and .e+tr-ctive
Interference !ot,#
!+. The distance between two consecutive nodes of a stationary wave is __________.
(, )(, )2, )=#
!1. The stem of a vibrating tuning for. is "ressed against a tableto". The duration of its
vibration __________.
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain+ -nc,an1ed, *ecome+ infinite#
!2. n a sim"le harmonic motion we have the conservation of __________.
(?inetic ener1y, Potential ener1y, Total ener1y, Electrical ener1y#
!3. The velocity of longitudinal vibrations in a solid de"ends on its __________.
(Ai1idity Mod-l-+, *-l' Mod-l-+, @o-n1H+ Mod-l-+, Poi+onH+ Aatio#
!4. n a sim"le harmonic motion __________ is constant.
(?:E i+ con+tant, amplit-de i+ con+tant, p,a+e i+ con+tant, P:E i+ con+tant#
!!. -hen beats are "roduced by two travelling waves of nearly the same frequency then
(t,e particle+ vi!rate +imple ,armonically 0it, a fre8-ency e8-al to t,e difference in t,e fre8-encie+ of t,e
t0o 0ave+, t,e amplit-de of vi!ration at any point c,an1e+ +imple ,armonically 0it, a fre8-ency e8-al to
t,e difference in t,e fre8-encie+ of t,e t0o 0ave+, T,e fre8-ency of !eat+ depend+ on t,e po+ition, 0,ere
t,e !eat+ are ,eard, t,e fre8-ency of !eat+ decrea+e+ a+ t,e time i+ pa++in1J
!%. -hen beats are "roduced by two travelling waves of same am"litude and of nearly
the same frequencies) then __________.
(T,e ma;im-m lo-dne++ ,eard i+ t0o time+ t,a,t corre+pondin1 to eac, of t,e con+tit-ent 0ave+, T,e
am;im-m lo-dne++ ,eard i+ fo-r time+ t,a,t corre+pondin1 to eac, of t,e con+tit-ent 0ave+, T,e
ma;im-m lo-dne++ ,eard i+ t,e +ame a+ t,a,t of corre+pondin1 to eac, of t,e con+tit-ent 0ave+, t,e
ma;im-m lo-dne++ ,eard i+ 7 time+ t,at, corre+pondin1 to eac, of t,e 0ave#
!&. -hen beats are "roduced by two waves) T
C a sin 1+++t and T
C a sin 1++( t
then __________ of the following gives the frequency of the beats heard.
(7)+ec, 7 )+ec, 2)+ec, 2)+ec#
!(. -hen stationary waves are set u" in a medium) __________ of the following
statements is correct.
(Aarefaction occ-r+ at t,e antinode, Compre++ion ta'e+ place at all t,e node+, no +train i+ felt at t,e
antinode+, Ma;im-m +train i+ felt at t,e antinode+#
!*. -hen stationary waves are set then __________.
("ll t,e particle+ of t,e medi-m are in +ame p,a+e, particle+ +eparated !y a di+tance of an amplit-de o-t
of p,a+e, all t,e particle+ !et0een t0o con+ective node+ are in p,a+e, particle+ +eparated !y a di+tance of
an amplit-de are al0ay+ in p,a+e#
%+. -hen stationary waves are set u" in a medium then __________.
(Ener1y i+ propa1ated at a rate do-!le t,a,t of travellin1 0ave+ of e8-al amplit-de and of e8-al velocity,
t,e fl-; of ener1y t,ro-1, any area i+ /ero, t,e ener1y den+ity i+ +ame t,ro-1,o-t t,e +pace, t,e medi-m
po++e++e+ no net ener1y#
%1. -hen stationary waves are set u" in a medium then __________.
(T,e amplit-de of vi!ration c,an1e+ +imple ,armonically 0it, t,e di+tance of t,e particle from t,e ori1in,
all particle+ are in t,e +ame p,a+e, different particle+ of t,e medi-m ,ave different period+ of o+cillation,
amplit-de of vi!ration of eac, particle c,an1e+ +imple ,armonically 0it, time#
%2. -hen stationary waves are "roduced in a medium. The am"litude of vibration
(of a particle c,an1e+ from time to time, i+ t,e +ame for particle+ +eparated !y ,alf t,e 0ave len1t,,
c,an1e+ +imple ,armonically 0it, time, i+ t,e time for all t,e particle+#
%3. Two tuning for.s A and 5 "roduce & beats "er second) when sounded together. Gn
loading the for. A slightly only ! beats are heard in a second. f the frequency of for.
5 is 2++ c"s) the frequency of the for. A after loading will be __________.
($3& cp+, $3% cp+, ($& cp+, (&% cp+#
%4. Two for.s A and 5 "roduce & beats "er second. Gn loading the for. A slightly the
number of beats reduces to ! beats "er second. f the frequency of the for. 5 is
2++c"s. The frequency of the for. A before loading is __________.
($3& cp+, $3% cp+, (&< cp+, (&% cp+#
%!. n stationary waves) the am"litude of vibration will have a ma#imum value at
"ositions se"arated by a distance equal to __________.
(, )(, )2, )9#
%%. n a transverse arrangement) a stretched string vibrates in two loo"s. f the same
string under the same tension vibrates in one loo") the frequency in latter case
divided by the frequency in former case will be __________.
($, G, (, (#
%&. A source of sound wave moves away with the velocity of sound from a stationary
observer. The frequency of the note is __________.
(Unc,an1ed, .o-!led, ,alved, +8-ared#
%(. The frequency of a man0s voice is 2++ c"s and its wavelength is 2 m. f the
wavelength of a child0s voice is 4 m then the frequency of the child0s voice in the
same medium is __________.
((&&, (%, $&&, 2&&#
%*. f the densities of two gases are in the ratio 2!J* then the velocities of sound in two
gases =having the same value of ratio of s"ecific heats> at the same "ressure will be
in the ratio __________.
((% K 3, % K 9, 3 K (%, 9 K %#
&+. The ratio of the fundamental frequency of an organ "i"e o"en at both ends to that of
the organ "i"e closed at one end is __________
($ K (, ( K $, $:% K $, $ K $#
&1. The velocity of longitudinal waves "assing through metal rod is "ro"ortional to the
square root of __________.
(Ten+ion, @o-n1H+ Mod-l-+, *-l' Mod-l-+, Ai1idity#
&2. The velocity of sound waves in fluid medium at absolute tem"erature T is directly
"ro"ortional to __________.
(T, T
, T
, T
&3. The velocity of transverse vibrations in sonometer under tension T is "ro"ortional to
(T, T
, T
, T
&4. 'ound travels faster in __________.
("ir, 6ater, ac--m, Cla++#
&!. -hen source of sound waves moves towards an observer at rest in the atmos"here)
the "itch of the note heard by the observer is higher because __________.
(6avelen1t, of 0ave+ !ecome+ +maller, 6avelen1t, remain+ -nc,an1ed !yt t,e o!+erver receive a lar1er
n-m!er of 0ave+ per +econd, T,e pitc, of t,e +o-rce increa+e+, T,e velocity of +o-nd 0ave+ increa+e+#
&%. 'ound waves cannot be __________.
(Aeflected, Aefracted, .iffracted, Polari/ed#
&&. -hen a body travelling with su"ersonic s"eed a""roaches a stationary observer the
(T,e pitc, appear+ to increa+e, T,e pitc, appear+ to decrea+e, T,e pitc, i+ -naltered, dopplerH+ effect i+
&(. -hen sound waves travel from air to water) the quantity that remains unchanged is
(Speed, 4re8-ency, Inten+ity, 6avelen1t,#
&*. @elocity of sound in a gas increases with __________.
(temperat-re, pre++-re, ,-midity, fre8-ency#
(+. -hen the "ressure of the gas is doubled) the velocities of sound in it are
(.o-!led, ,alved, -naltered, +8-ared#
(1. -hen the tem"erature of a gas is increased to 4 times the velocity of sound @
becomes __________.
()2, )(, (, 2#
(2. @elocity of sound is __________.
(.irectly proportional to temperat-re, Inver+ely proportional to temperat-re, Independent of c,an1e+ in
pre++-re, Independent of amo-nt of ,-midity in air#
(3. 'ound waves in air are __________.
(Lon1it-dinal, Tran+ver+e, Neit,er lon1it-dinal nor tran+ver+e, !ot, lon1it-dinal and tran+ver+e#
(4. At __________ tem"erature will be velocity of sound be double of its value at +2.
(7$3C, 7$3&C, 7$:3C, None of t,e+e#
(!. n sonometer) the frequency of a sonometer wire is given by n C 1F2: TFm. -here
' unit of the symbol m is __________.
('1, '1m
, Nm
, '1m
(%. n a vibrating tuning for.) the waves "roduced between the "rongs of the for. are
(Pro1re++ive, Simple Harmonic, Stationary, Plane#
(&. The ' unit for intensity of sound is __________.
(Io-le, I)+, Im
, 6m
((. The dimensional formula for intensity is __________.
(*. 'tationary waves of frequency 1%!H9 are formed in air. f the velocity of sound
waves is 33+mFs) the shortest distance between two nodes is __________.
($m, (m, 2m, Fero#
*+. 7roduction of beats is a result of the "henomenon of __________.
(Ae+onance, Interference, Aeflection, .iffraction#
*1. As a result of interference) energy __________.
(I+ lo+t, i+ 1ained, i+ tran+mitted, remai+n -nc,an1ed a+ a 0,ole !-t i+ di+tri!-ted#
*2. A ro"e can carry a transverse wave because it has the "ro"erty of __________.
(Ma++, ela+ticity, den+ity, compre++i!ility#
*3. The "itch of the whistle of an engine changes in the ratio of % J ! as it a""roaches a
stationary observer. f v is the velocity of sound waves) the velocity of the engine is
(v, v)9, v)%, v)$$#
*4. The s"eed of wave in a ro"e can be increased by __________.
(S,a'in1 t,e end fa+ter, +,a'ein1 t,e end over a -nder ran1e, +tretc,in1 t,e rope ti1,ter, -+in1 a ,eavier
*!. ;o""ler0s effect a""lies to __________.
(On'ly +o-nd 0ave+, only li1,t 0ave+, !ot, +o-nd and li1,t 0ave+, neit,er +o-nd nor li1,t 0ave+#
*%. The distance from crest to crest of any wave is called its __________.
(4re8-ency, 6avelen1t,, Speed, "mplit-de#
*&. 'ound travels fastest in __________.
("ir, 6ater, Iron, ac--m#
*(. -hen source and observer are moving away from each other the a""arent "itch will
(Increa+e, .ecrea+e, Aemain +ame, *ecome infinite#
**. __________ of the following is the ' unit of frequency.
(Hert/, cycle+)+ec, net0on, er1#
1++. 3or a closed "i"e) the second overtone is the __________.
(Second ,armonic, T,ird ,armonic, 4o-rt, ,armonic, 4ift, ,armonic#
1+1. A wave in which the "articles of the material move u" and down as the wave goes
from left to right is classed as __________.
(Lon1it-dinal, Tran+ver+e, Compre++ional, So-nd#
1+2. As a man move directly away from a steady source of sound at constant s"eed) the
sound he hears will __________.
(Increa+e in fre8-ency and inten+ity, decrea+e in fre8-ency and inten+ity, +tay con+tant in pitc, !-t
decrea+e in lo-dne++, remain con+tant in !ot, pitc, and lo-dne++#
1+3. ;ecibel is __________.
(" m-+ical in+tr-ment, m-+ical note, a mea+-re of inten+ity level, t,e 0avelen1t, of noi+e#
1+4. ncreased loudness "roduced when two bodies vibrate sym"athetically is called
("n ec,o, !eat+, de+tr-ctive interference, re+onance#
1+!. ;am"ing is a __________.
(Aed-ction in fre8-ency, Aed-ction in 0avelen1t,, red-ction in amplit-de, "ll of t,e+e#
1+%. -avelength is the distance between two nearest "articles of the medium having
"hase difference __________.
()2, )(, , &#
1+&. At the mean "osition of vibration) the velocity of the vibrating "article is
(Fero, Infinity, Ma;im-m, None of t,e+e#
1+(. The "itch of a sound is determined by its __________.
(Speed, 4re8-ency, .irection, N-m!er of !eat+#
1+*. -hen the soldiers corss a bridge) they are advised to march out of ste" due to the
(Ae+onance, Hi1, fre8-ency, Noi+e prod-ced, 4act t,at, !rid1e i+ 0ea'#
11+. A "ulse on a string is inverted when it is reflected from a __________.
(free end, fi;ed end, !ot, free and fi;ed end, none of t,e+e#
111. -hen two vibrating systems are in resonance) then their __________.
("mplit-de are e8-al, 4re8-encie+ are e8-al, Ae+i+tance+ are e8-al, Temperat-re+ are e8-al#
112. 'ounds above a frequency of 2++++ H9 are called __________.
(S-per+onic, infra+onic, ,yper+onic, -ltra+onic#
113. -hen waves go from one "lace to another) they trans"ort __________.
("mplit-de, 4re8-ency, 6avelen1t,, Ener1y#
114. Transverse waves are traveling along string) when the tension is increased to four
times its original value) the velocity of the waves is __________.
(.o-!led, red-ced to one ,alf, red-ced to one fo-rt,, increa+ed to fo-r time+ it+ ori1inal val-e#
11!. To "roduce beats it is necessary to used two waves __________.
(travelin1 in oppo+ite direction, of +li1,tly different fre8-encie+, of e8-al 0avelen1t,, of e8-al amplit-de#
11%. The am"litude of sound wave determines its __________.
(Lo-dne++, Pitc,, Aever!eration, Interference#
11&. Gvertones are __________.
(*eat+, t,e f-ndamental prod-ced in a pipe, t,e note+ prod-ced in a pipe ot,er t,an t,e f-ndamental, all
of t,e+e#
11(. Two tuning for.s of 34+ and 343 H9 are sounded together. The resulting beats "er
second will be __________.
($, (, 9, 2#
11*. The s"eed of sound waves in air having a frequency of 2!% H9 com"ared with the
s"eed of sound waves having a frequency of !12 H9 is __________.
(,alf a+ 1reat, t,e +ame, t0ice a+ 1reat, fo-r time+ a+ 1reat#
12+. The a""arent change in frequency due to a relative motion between the source and
the observer is .nown as __________.
(LaplaceH+ Priciple, Sa!ineH+ Principle, Ne0tonianH+ Principle, .opplerH+ Principle#
121. f , is the coefficient of volume elasticity =5ul. 6odulus> of the medium and its
density) then the velocity of a longitudinal wave in fluid is given by __________.
(v D E)P, v D E), v D P)E, v D P)E#
122. -e .now that the velocity of sound obtained from /ewton0s formula is much less
than the e#"erimental value. The reason for this is __________.
(So-nd travel+ in air -nder i+ot,ermal condition+, +o-ndtravel+ in air -nder adia!atic condition+, +o-nd
travel+ in air a+ a tran+ver+e 0ave motion, none of t,e+e i+ correct#
123. @elocity of sound as given by :a"lace is __________.
(v D ), v D ), v D ), v D )#
124. t is "ossible to recogni9e a "erson by hearing his voice even if he is hidden behind a
solid wall. This is due to the fact that his voice __________.
(,a+ a definite pitc,, ,a+ a definite 8-ality, ,a+ a definite capacitor, can penetrate t,e 0all#
12!. Two waves arrive simultaneously at a "oint in "hase. The disturbance) at the "oint)
due to each wave is 2.! mm and 3.! mm res"ectively the resultant disturbance is
((:% mm, = mm, 9:% mm, $mm#
12%. 'uccessive nodes or antinodes occur at "oints) se"aration between which is
()2, )(, 9)2, #
12&. The "eriod of "endulum is determined by its __________.
(Len1t,, Ma++, Ma;im-m Speed, "mplit-de#
12(. ?ed shift indicates the __________.
("proac, of a +tar, Aece++ion of a +tar, Stationary State of a Star, Si/e of a +tar#
C,apter 3
$ave Aspect of &iht
1. :ight waves __________.
(Ae8-ire air or anot,er 1a+ to travel t,ro-1,, re8-ire an electric field to travel t,ro-1,, re8-ire a ma1netic
field to travel t,ro-1,, can travel t,ro-1, a perfect vac--m#
2. The blue colour of the s.y is due to due to fact that __________.
(Aed li1,t i+ a!+or!ed, !l-e colo-r i+ preferentially +cattered, red li1,t i+ preferentially +cattered, t,i+ i+
t,e nat-real colo-r#
3. The wavelength 1++++ A belong to __________.
(Infra red +pectr-m, Ultra violet +pectr-m, vi+i!le ran1e, 1reen li1,t#
4. 6onochromatic green light has a wavelength of !2+ nm in air. The wavelength of
this light inside glass of refractive inde# 1.! is a""ro#imately.
(9&&nm, 92&nm, %(&nm, <7&nm#
!. The "ro"erty of light waves thath leads to the "henomenon of colour is their
(elocity, "mplit-de, Q-ality, 6avelen1t,#
%. f 7lan.0s constant h C %.%2! # 1+
KFH9. The energy associated with light with a
wavelength of 1%+nm is __________.
($:(2 ; $&
I, $:77 ; $&
I, $:(2 ; $&
I, $:(2 ; $&
&. __________ "ro"osed electromagnetic wave theory.
(4re+nel, H-y1en, Ma;0ell, 4ra-n,offer#
(. Two light waves meet at time when one has the instantaneous am"litude A and the
other has the instantaneous am"litude 5. Their combined am"litude is __________.
(" L *, !et0een " L * and B(" L *#, " B *, Indeterminate#
*. 6a#well based his theory of electromagnetic waves on the hy"othesis that a
changing electric field gives rise to __________.
("n electric c-rrent, +tream of electron+, " ma1netic field, lon1it-dinal 0ave+#
1+. __________ of the following "henomenon cannot be e#"lained by the wave theory of
(Aefraction, Interference, P,otoelectric, Polari/ation#
11. n the com"lete electromagnetic s"ectrum __________ of the following has least
12. The number of fringes "assing through a reference "oint) if the moveable mirror of
6ichlson0s interferometer is moved by +.+( mm) when the wavelength of light used
is !(++ A) are __________.
((<%, (<= (%&, (:<%#
13. __________ of the following demonstrates the transverse nature of light waves.
(Interference, Polari/ation, .iffraction, Aefraction#
14. The locus of all "oints in the same state of vibrations is .nown as __________.
(Half period /one, a ,alf 0ave /one, a 0ave front, none of t,+e#
1!. __________ is invalid for a "hoton.
(It+ ma++ i+ ,

, it ,a+ /ero re+t ma++, all it+ ener1y i+ ?:E, it+ moment-m i+ ,)c#
1%. __________ of the following is not a "ro"erty of light waves.
(t,ey tran+fer ener1y from one place to anot,er, T,ey can travel t,ro-1, vac--m, T,ey are tran+ver+e
0ave+, T,ey travel at t,e +ame +peed t,ro-1, 1la++ and 0ater#
1&. The "henomenon of interference of light was first demonstrated by __________.
(Ne0ton, Ein+tein, T,oma+ @o-n1, Mic,el+on#
1(. __________ of the following is not associated with light waves.
(Tran+mi++ion of ener1y, Interference, .iffraction, Lon1it-dinal i!ration+#
1*. 3ormation of colour in a thin film of oil is due to __________.
(Interference of li1,t 0ave+, diffraction of li1,t 0ave+, Scatterin1 of li1,t ray+, .i+per+ion of li1,t ray+#
2+. /ewton0s rings are formed due to the "henomenon of __________.
(Aeflection, Aefraction, .iffraction, t,in film interference#
21. nterferometer measures __________.
(elocity of li1,t in 1a+e+, 0avelen1t, of monoc,romatic li1,t, t,ic'ne++ of very t,in o!5ect+, ill-minatin1
po0er of li1,t#
22. __________ of the following is not true for interference of light.
(T,e t0o 0ave+ +,o-ld !e of +ame amplit-de, t,e t0o 0ave+ +,o-ld !e p,a+e co,erent, t,e t0o 0ave+
+,o-ld travel in t,e oppo+ite direction t,ro-1, t,e medi-m, t,e t0o 0ave+ +,o-ld !e monoc,romatic#
23. Two monochromatic waves of same wavelength are travelling through a medium.
They can interfere destructively. 7rovided their "ath difference is __________.
((, , %)( , %#
24. ;ouble slit arrangement is suggested by Loung in order to obtain __________.
(monoc,romatic li1,t, p,a+e co,erence, con+tr-ctive interference, de+tr-ctive interference#
2!. n Loung0s double slit arrangement) the bright fringes obtained are __________.
(Of -niform inten+ity, of non -niform 0idt,, colo-red, circ-lar#
2%. 3or constructive interference the "ath difference should be __________.
(Fero or inte1ral m-ltiple of 0avelen1t,, only inte1ral m-ltiple of 0avelen1t,, /ero or m-ltiple of
0avelen1t,, odd m-ltiple of 0avelen1,t#
2&. The two light waves can interference destructively if __________.
(T,ey reac, a point in p,a+e, t,ey reac, a point o-t of p,a+e !y radian, t,ey are travelin1 t,ro-1, a
medi-m in oppo+ite direction, none of t,e+e i+ tr-e#
2(. /ewton0s rings can be obtained by using a __________.
(Plano conve; len+ of +mall focal len1t,, plano conve; len+ of very lar1e focal len1t,, concave len+ of lar1e
focal len1t,, flat 1la++ +la!#
2*. n /ewton0s rings the central angle is __________.
("l0ay+ !ri1,t, al0ay+ dar', can !e !ri1,t or dar', of !l-e colo-r#
3+. The conditions for the "roduction of constructive and destructive interference are
reversed due to the fact that on the thin film __________.
(T0o ray+ of +plitted li1,t -nder 1o p,a+e c,an1e of $7&, One of t0o ray+ of +plitted li1,t -nder1o p,a+e
c,an1e of $7&, li1,t i+ diffracted, li1,t i+ polari/ed#
31. -hen electromagnetic waves stri.e the boundary of denser medium they are
(Aeflected, in p,a+e, Aeflected o-t of p,a+e !y $7&, reflected, t,ey are completely a!o+r!ed#
32. n 6ichelson interferometer semi silvered mirror is used to obtain __________.
(T,in film interference, P,a+e co,erence, mono c,romatic li1,t, colo-red frin1e#
33. ;iffraction is s"ecial ty"e of __________.
(Aeflection, Aefraction, Interference, Polari/ation#
34. 3resnel0s ty"e diffraction is observed when __________.
(Only +creen i+ placed at finite di+tance, Only +o-rce i+ placed at finite di+tance, *ot, +o-rce and +creen
are at finite di+tance, Neit,er +o-rce nor +creen i+ at finite di+tance#
3!. 3raunhoffer0s diffraction is observed when __________.
(Only +creen i+ placed at finite di+tance, +o-ce i+ placed at finite di+tance, neit,er +o-rce nor +creen i+ at
finite di+tance#
3%. n 3raunhoffer0s diffraction wave front used is __________.
(Sp,erical, Circ-lar, Plane, Conical#
3&. n diffraction "attern of monochromatic light the bright bands formed are
(Of -niform inten+ity, of non>-niform inten+ity, of -niform 0idt,, are of different colo-r+#
3(. The "oints of constructive interference of light are __________.
("l0ay+ !ri1,t, may !e !ri1,t or dar', al0ay+ dar', neit,er !ri1,t nor dar'#
3*. The diffraction observed by diffraction grating can also be termed as __________.
(Sin1le +lit diffraction, .o-!le +lit .iffraction, M-ltiple Slit .iffraction, 4re+nelH+ .iffraction#
4+. The grating used to observe) diffraction of visible light can have a""ro#imately
(9&& line+ per cm, 9&&& line+ per cm, $%&&& line+ per cm, 9& line+ per cm#
41. M$ray diffraction can be observed by using __________.
(.iffraction Cratin1, Aoc' +alt cry+tal, Conve; len+, Mic,l+on+H+ interferometer#
42. The "henomenon of /ewton0s rings can be used to chec. the __________.
(6avelen1t, of monoc,romatic li1,t, p,a+e co,erence of t0o +o-rce+, flatne++ of any 1la++ +-rface,
velocity of li1,t#
43. Two sources of light are said to be coherent if __________.
(t,ey prod-ce 0ave+ of t,e +ame 0ave len1t,, t,ey ,ave t,e +ame amplit-de of vi!ration, t,ey prod-ce
0ave+ in t,e medi-m +im-ltaneo-+ly, t,ey prod-ce 0ave+ of t,e +ame amplit-de#
44. As the order increases) the width of a dar. band in diffraction "atterns __________.
(Increa+e+, .ecrea+e+, .oe+ not c,an1e, !ecome+ infinity#
4!. The "ath difference corres"onding to a "hase difference of radian is __________.
((, )(, )2 #
4%. __________ of the following "henomenon can not be e#"lained on the "article nature
of light.
(P,oto Electric Effect, ComptonH+ Effect, Pair Prod-ction, Interference#
4&. 3ringe s"acing is defined as the distance between two consecutive __________.
(Cre+t+, *ri1,t frin1e+ only, .ar' frin1e+ only, *ri1,t or dar' frin1e+#
4(. f we narrow the distance between two slits in Loung0s e#"eriment the fringes width
(Increa+e+, .ecrea+e+, Aemain+ +ame, !ecome+ /ero#
4*. -hen /ewton0s rings interference "attern is viewed from above by means of
reflected light) the central s"ot is __________.
(.ar', M-lticolo-red, *ri1,t, None of t,e+e#
!+. There are two ty"es of diffraction 3resnel and __________.
(Mic,el+on, .e *ro1lie, 4ra-n Hofer, H-y1en+#
C,apter $&
#eometrical 'hoice
1. A lens is a "iece of trans"arent material that can focus __________.
(tran+mitted !ean of li1,t, reflected !eam of li1,t, none of t,e+e#
2. A lens is usually bounded by __________.
(t0o +p,erical +-rface+, t0o plane +-rface+, +p,erical and plane +-rface+#
3. 5asically lenses fall into __________.
(One cate1ory, t0o cate1orie+, t,ree cate1orie+#
4. A conve# lens is __________.
(t,ic'er in t,e middle and t,inner on t,e ed1e, t,inner in t,e middle and t,ic'er on t,e ed1e, none of
!. A conve# lens __________.
(conver1e+ t,e li1,t ray+ to0ard+ it+ optical centre, diver1e+ t,e li1,t ray+ to0ard+ it+ optical a;i+, none of
%. A concave lens __________.
(t,inner in t,e middle and t,ic'er on t,e ed1e+, t,ic'er in t,e middle and t,inner on t,e ed1e+, none of
&. A concave lens bends the light rays from __________.
(It+ optical a;i+, It+ optical centre, None of t,e+e#
(. The "oint to which the light rays are brought to focus is called __________.
(Principle 4oc-+, Optical ";i+, none of t,e a!ove#
*. The distance between the o"tical centre of the lens and its "rinci"al focus is called its
(4ocal len1t,, Aadi-+ of c-rvat-re, none of t,e+e#
1+. The "oint in the lens through which the light rays will "ass without any deviation is
called its __________.
(Optical centre, Optical a;i+, Principal a;i+#
11. n conve# lens when the ob4ect is "laced beyond 23 then its image will form
(at (4 on t,e ot,er +ide, in !et0een 4 and (4 on t,e ot,er +ide, !eyond (4 on t,e ot,er +ide#
12. n converging lens when the ob4ect is "laced within its focal length then the image
will form __________.
("t it+ principal foc-+ on t,e ot,er +ide, on t,e +ame +ide 0,ere t,e o!5ect i+ placed, none of t,e+e#
13. n conve# lens the image distance is ta.en as "ositive for __________.
(Aeal ima1e, irt-al ima1e, none of t,e+e#
14. The relation between the focal length and the "ower of a lens is that __________.
(t,ey are reciprocal to eac, ot,er, t,ey are inver+ely proportional to eac, ot,er, none of t,e+e#
1!. The use of a single converging lens is such a "osition when the ob4ect is "laced
within its focal length is called __________.
(Ma1nifyin1 1la++, Compo-nd Micro+cope, none of t,e+e#
1%. n order to get higher magnification by magnifying glass) the lens used is of
(+,ort focal len1t,, lon1 (lar1e# focal len1t,, none of t,e+e#
1&. f the focal length of the lens is 1+ cm then its "ower in dio"ter is __________.
($, %, $&#
1(. The "ower of the lens is 2 dio"ter then its focal length is __________.
((%cm, %&cm, <% cm,#
1*. The focal length of the magnifying glass is ! cm then its magnification is
(=, (, $#
2+. f the focal length of a diverging lens is %cm and the ob4ect is "laced at 12 cm from it
then image formed at a distance of __________.
(>(, >2, >=#
21. f the magnification of the lens is % and the image distance is 24cm then the ob4ect
distance is __________.
((cm, 2cm, =cm#
22. n com"ound microsco"e the final image formed is __________.
(irt-al and dimini+,ed, real and ma1nified, virt-al and ma1nified#
23. n com"ound microsco"e the ob4ective will form a image which is __________.
(irt-al and ma1nified, Aeal and .imini+,ed, Aeal and ma1nified#
24. The ob4ective of the astronomical telesco"e will form an image with is __________.
(irt-al and ma1nified, real and ma1nified, real and dimini+,ed#
2!. The Galilean telesco"e consists of __________.
(Sin1le len+, T0o len+e+, t,ree len+e+#
2%. n Galilean telesco"e the final image is __________.
(Aeal and ma1nified, irt-al and ma1nified, Aeal and dimini+,ed#
2&. The magnifying "ower of the terrestrial telesco"e is the same as __________.
(Ma1nifyin1 1la++, compo-nd micro+cope, a+tronomical tele+cope#
2(. The length of the astronomical telesco"e) which is focussed for infinity) is
(4o B 4e, 4o L 4e, None of t,e+e#
2*. An astronomical telesco"e has the magnifying "ower 1++ and focal length of
eye"iece is 4 cm) then the focal length of the ob4ective is __________.
(2&cm, 2&&cm, (%cm#
3+. The length of the Galilean telesco"e is given by __________.
(4o B 4e, 4o L 4e, None of t,e+e#
31. A telesco"e has an ob4ective of focal length %+ cm and eye"iece of focal length 3 cm
then its magnifying "ower is __________.
((, (&, $7&#
32. f the astronomical telesco"e has an ob4ective of focal length *+ cm and the focal
length of the eye"iece is 1+ cm) then length of the telesco"e is __________.
(3cm, $&&cm, 7&cm#
33. A Galilean telesco"e has an ob4ective of focal length 2! cm and an eye "iece of focal
length 1+ cm then its length is given as __________.
(9%cm, $%cm, (%&cm#
34. A Galilean Telesco"e has an ob4ective of focal length 2!cm and an eye"iece of focal
length !cm then its magnifying "ower is __________.
(%, 9&, $(%#
3!. The instrument) which is used to study the s"ectrum of luminous bodies) is called
(Spectrometer, Compo-nd micro+cope, Polarimeter#
3%. 2ollimeter) telesco"e and turntable are the "arts of __________.
(Compo-nd Micro+cope, Polarimeter, Spectrometer#
3&. The "art of the s"ectrometer named as collimeter consists of a __________.
(Conver1in1 len+, .iver1in1 len+, none of t,e+e#
3(. The s"ectrometer is an analysing instrument used "rimarily to discover and measure
the __________.
(Speed of li1,t, 6avelen1t, of li1,t, 4re8-ency of li1,t#
3*. The s"ectrum of light) which shows band instead of lines) is called __________.
(Contin-o-+ +pectr-m, line +pectr-m, !and +pectr-m#
4+. The front of the eye is covered by a trans"arent membrane called __________.
(Cornea, Aetina, none of t,e+e#
41. The abnormality myo"ia can be corrected by using __________.
(Conver1in1 len+, .iver1in1 len+, None of t,e+e#
42. The abnormality hy"ero"ia can be corrected by using a __________.
(Conver1in1 len+, .iver1in1 len+, none of t,e+e#
43. Nnder normal condition the human eye is most sensitive for __________.
(Aed li1,t, @ello>1reen li1,t, *l-e li1,t#
44. The "ower of the lens is measured in __________.
(Centimeter, meter, diopter#
4!. The iris controls the __________.
(6avelen1t, of t,e li1,t enterin1 in t,e eye, Speed of t,e li1,t enterin1 in t,e eye, "mo-nt of t,e li1,t
enterin1 in t,e eye#

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