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Creative Thinking Skills

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The text discusses various creative thinking skills and models that can be applied to help teach state standards in a more creative way, including SCAMPER, Talents Unlimited, Creative Problem Solving (CPS), and De Bono's Six Thinking Hats.

Some of the creative thinking skills discussed include SCAMPER, Talents Unlimited, Creative Problem Solving (CPS), DeBono’s Six Thinking Hats, Synectics, and Creative Dramatics.

The text describes creativity from a cognitive perspective including abilities like fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, transformation, sensitivity to problems, ability to define problems, visualization, imagination, analogical/metaphorical thinking, and ability to predict outcomes.

Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008

Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Creative Thinking Skills and State

Standards: An Oxymoron?

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.

“Class of 1964” Distinguished Associate Professor of Education
The College of William and Mary

Creative Thinking Skills

‡ Talents Unlimited
‡ Creative Problem Solving
‡ DeBono’s Six Thinking Hats
‡ Synectics
‡ Creative Dramatics
‡ What else???

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 1
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Creativity: Cognitive Abilities

‡ fluency

‡ flexibility

‡ originality

‡ elaboration

‡ transformation

‡ sensitivity to problems…

Creativity: Cognitive Abilities

‡ able to define problems

‡ visualization, imagination

‡ analogical/metaphorical thinking

‡ able to p
predict outcomes,,

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 2
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

‡Modify, Magnify, Minify
‡Put to other
h uses
‡Reverse, Rearrange

Talents Unlimited
‡ Productive Thinking
‡ Decision-Making
‡ Planning
‡ Forecasting
‡ Causes
‡ Effects

‡ Communication

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 3
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Creative Process: CPS

‡ Fact-finding
‡ Who did what,, when,, where,, why,
y, and how?
‡ Problem-finding
‡ “In what ways might we…?”
‡ “What is the real problem?”
‡ “Why do I want to do this?”
‡ Idea-finding
‡ brainstorming
‡ Solution-finding
‡ list criteria for evaluation
‡ evaluate ideas
‡ select one or more of the best ideas

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 4
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

White Hat
‡ What information do we have?
‡ What information do we need?

‡ What information is missing?

‡ What questions do we need to ask?

‡ How are we going to get the information

we need?
Hard ↔ Soft

Red Hat
‡ Feelings,
Feelings emotions,
emotions intuition,
intuition hunches,
impressions, intellectual feelings.
‡ The opposite of neutral, objective information.

‡ No need to justify.

‡ No need to give reasons or the basis.


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 5
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Black Hat
Risks, dangers,
Risks dangers obstacles,
obstacles potential problems,
and the downside of a suggestion.
‡ Assessment: Should we proceed with this
‡ Design Process: What are the weaknesses that
wee need to
t overcome?
erc me?
‡ Risks and Potential Problems in the Future:
What may go wrong if we implement this

Yellow Hat
‡ Speculative-Positive
‡ Positive thinking.
‡ Yellow is for sunshine and brightness.

‡ Optimism.

‡ Focus on benefit.

‡ Constructive thinking and making things



Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 6
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Green Hat

‡ Creati e Thinking
Creative Thinkin
‡ New ideas, new concepts, and new
‡ The deliberative creation of new ideas.

‡ Alternatives
Alt ti and
d more alternatives.
lt ti
‡ Change.

‡ New approaches to problems.


Blue Hat
‡ Control of Thinking
‡ Thinking
Thi ki about thinking.
b t thi ki
‡ Instructions for thinking.

‡ The organization of thinking.

‡ Control of the other hats.

‡ Focus
‡ Asking the right questions.
‡ Defining the problem.

‡ Setting the thinking tasks.


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 7
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Blue Hat
‡ Program Design
‡ Stepp byy step.
‡ Software for thinking.

‡ Choreography.

‡ Summaries and Conclusions

‡ Observation and overview.
‡ Comment.

‡ Summaries, conclusions, harvesting,

g and reports.
‡ Control and Monitoring
‡ The chairperson.
‡ Discipline and focus.

‡ Who is in charge?


‡Making the familiar strange and
making the strange familiar.
‡ Personal analogy
‡ Direct analogy

‡ Compressed conflicts


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 8
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Uses of Synectics
‡ To enhance critical thinking
‡ List attributes
‡ Make comparisons

‡ To enhance creativity
‡ See things in a new way
‡ Generate alternatives

‡ To enhance writing

‡ To enhance problem solving abilities


Personal Analogy
‡ Interview Summer: Tell the class that they
are summer.
summer Then ask questions like the
‡ Who is your best friend, Summer?
‡ What are you afraid of?

‡ What do yyou do for fun?

‡ You are preparing the students to use
personifications--I am summer, I play tag
with the noontime shadows.

Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 9
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Direct Analogy
‡ An automobile wheel in rotation is like…
‡ The cutter on a can opener.
‡ The rotor of a helicopter.

‡ The orbit of Mars.

‡ A spinning seed pod.

‡ A hoopp snake.


Direct Analogy
‡ How is laughter like a smudge of peanut
‡ How is a coffee pot like losing your
‡ Which is louder? Having g the attention of
a crowd of people? Being ignored?


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 10
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Synectics: Compressed Conflicts

‡ Two-word descriptions
p of an object
where the words seem to be opposites
or contradict each other.
‡ Life-saving destroyer
‡ Nourishing g flame
‡ Safe attack


Symbolic Analogy: Compressed


Wh t is
i ddescribed by th
ib d b the tterms
wickedly delicious? Delicate
armor? Silent storm?


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 11
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Symbolic Analogy: Compressed

‡ Have the class give examples of things that share both
h i i and d explain
l i whyh and d what
h causes the
tension. Then have them choose a word that describes
summer, like hot (burning, flaming, steamy). Then
choose an antonym for hot, like cold. Change the
form into a noun--coolness. Then brainstorm other
synonyms for coolness, like ice, snow, frigidity, etc.
Then randomly combine a word from list 1 with one
from list 2 like steamy ice. If that were the name of a
book, what would it be about?


Stretching exercises
‡ How is a beaver chewing on a log like a
‡ Which is softer-a whisper or a kitten’s fur?
‡ Imagine that you are a spider who is trying to
spin a web on a rainy, story day. BE THE
THING! As the spider, what does the storm
do to you and how do you feel about it?
‡ Delicate armor describes…
‡ An example of repulsive attraction is…


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 12
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

English: Grade 2 (Virginia SOLs)

‡ 2.1 The student will demonstrate an
understanding of oral language structure.
‡ Create oral stories to share with others.
‡ Create and participate in oral dramatic activities.
‡ Use correct verb tenses in oral communication.
‡ Use increasingly complex sentence structures in oral
‡ 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate
comprehension of fiction and nonfiction.
‡ Make predictions about content.
‡ Read to confirm predictions.
‡ Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction
and poetry.

Mathematics (FL: K-6, #8, 11)

8. Knowledge of Measurement:
‡ Evaluate how a change in length, width, height, or
radius affects perimeter, circumference, area,
surface area, or volume.
11. Knowledge of data analysis and probability:
‡ Make accurate p
predictions and draw conclusions
from data.


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 13
The College of William and Mary
Creative Thinking skills and State  NAGC 2008
Standards:  An Oxymoron? Tampa, FL

Social Science (VA SOLs)

‡ USII.6 The student will demonstrate
knowledge of the major causes and
effects of American involvement in
World War II by
‡ identifying
e t y g tthee causes aand eve
ts that
t at led
e to
American involvement in the war, including
the attack on Pearl Harbor;


Your Turn…
‡ Choose one of the standards in your
handout and apply one or more of
the creative thinking skills…do a
“think-pair-share” with your


Carol L. Tieso, Ph.D.
Gifted Education 14
The College of William and Mary

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