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Professional Skills - Chapter 7 (Trust and Collaboration)

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Clear Listening Self-Control Positive Assertiveness

Skills attitude


After Completion of the Chapter, You will be able to :
Know the meaning of trust
Discuss the different types of trust
Discuss the meaning of credibility
Discuss the benefits of trust and credibility
Discuss the acts that destroy trust and credibility
Discuss the ways of building trust and credibility
Discuss the role of truthfulness, authenticity and transparency in trust
Discuss the causes of inappropriate trust
Discuss collaboration

Trust and credibility are the building blocks of interpersornal relations, team and transtormed
ure. Trust means having a feeling of confidence and positive expectations among others. In our
daily life, we make decisions based on trust that our expectations shall be met and we shall be
Tespected. These feelings of confidence and positive expectations have positive impact upon our
working. Stephen Covey puts forward the proposition that trust always affects two outcomes-speed
7.2 Trust and CollaboratBo
and cost. If trust in organization or relationship is low, the speed of getting things done
and the costs will be high. Conversely, when trust is high, the speed of getting things
wil be slow
fast and cost will be low and consequently organizations with high trust done wil be
outperform their cOunterparts
with low-trust cultures in various performance indicatorssignificanty
organizations have to build the environment of trust and individuals have to earn credibility. Therefore
Trust in context of organization has been defined as the willingness of a party to be vulnerable h
the actions of another party. It is defined as
"decision to rely on another party under condition of risk" -Currall &Epstein
" "one party's level of confidence in and willingness to open oneself to the other party" -Hon & Grune
" Employees' willingness to be vulnerable to their organizations' actions based on the belief that their
organizations have integrity, and are dependable, and competent, etc.
Thus trust in general involves willingness to become vulnerable upon the actions of the other
persons (especially persons in power) who will fulfill their promise and shall behave with honesty,
reliability and integrity. Trust also involves expectations that trustee's actions shall be beneficial not
detrimental to one's interest and trustor shall maximize trustee's interest.

Trust also implies risk of becoming vulnerable as physical and emotional well-beings may be
threatened. When the risks in relationship are low, trust may exist in the background whereas when
the risk is high, trust becomes the crucial factor of success. How much level of trust is involved in
relationship, it depends upon personal trustworthiness being shared between each of the persans
involved. The process of building trust in relationship begins with each individual first becoming
trustworthy-how he or she is perceived by others as worthy of their trust. Aperson cannot demand
trust, but has to earn and command trust for making relationships long lasting and sustainable.
In actual real life situation, there may be four types of trusts:.
(a) Spontaneous trust
(b) Contractual trust
(c) Value based trust
(d) Safety trust
Spontaneous trust occurs when the people involved choose to further a relationship
with each other based on their own intentions, as well as their initial Perceptionsofthe
other person''s motivation capabilities and character. know well
how to behave in opening moments so that first Successful salesmenCreatedinthe
mind of other person. impression is positively
Contractual trust is aformalized approach of creating trust in a wherethe
parties involved develop a purpose for the relations. Here relationship
definite purpose and demonstrate confidence in each other for meet
common purpose. pursuns
Trust and Collaboratlon 7.3
In value-based trust the parties make commitments to each other based on ther
knowledge of each others' personal motivations, values and capabilities to fulhll
In safety trust, the parties build the trust through actual behavior and actions. This type
of trust builds loyalty between parties in a
The other term related with trust is credibility that stenms from the same
trust or believe". Communication researchers Berlo points out the root, credo, meaning"1
credibility" as trustworthiness,expertise and dynamism. characteristics of "source
Bank manager is lending because he has faith in the repayment of the
or accepts the message because s/he perceives the communicator credible.
borrower. A person listens
Followers are willing to
cooperate with their leaders because they perceive them more credible. People are willing to lend
their time, talent and toil when they perceive the other person as credible:
honest, competent and
The differences between persons having and lacking credibility are reflected from the
comparison: following

Credible persons Persons lacking eredibility

Trustworthiness: honesty, sincerity, Devious and dishonest, falkes and phonies

Expertise: competency. Lack of adequate skills and knowledge regarding their work. To
compensate it, they project themselves as whales in the sea despite
being frogs in the well through conning and manipulating
Dynamism: Inspiring, uplifting, Talks demoralizing, depleting and depriving others of their meaning
elevating in work and consequently vital energy.
People judge credibility of others from their:
Intentions as reflected in their actions or hidden agenda
Integrity as reflected in their action in a particular situation especially in the situation of
stress. Is there any dissonance between their walk and talk?
Initiatives- whether they initiate action or just talk
When the persons lacking credibility want to get the things done through others, they indulge in
one or other following ways:
Form alliances based on temporary relations or bargaining tactics,
Use manipulative and secretive ways,
Lead more by instructions than inspirations,
Become more suspicious about other people,
Treat others in unethical, inhuman and insensitive ways,
7.4 Trust and Collaborato
Deplete the morale and motivation of other persons,
Keep the things secret to such an extent that the whole task is sub-divided into such a wa
that one does not know the working of the other except the master-manipulat
Form cliques,caucus and coterie on certain latent patterns to grab resOurces,
Eulogize their insignificant achievements and seek back patting from superiors,
Harass and humiliate others and derive sadistic pleasure out of it.

People's perceptions about working with leader lacking and

demonstrating credibility
When people perceive their leader/ When people perceive their leader organization
organization/colleagues credible colleagues lacking in credibility
Feel proud to be part of the organization and are May say good things publically, but feel differenty in
ready to work extra private
Find meaning at their work Are motivated primarily by money or work to fulil
minimum obligations.
Feel highly motivated and having strong sense Have low morale and work out of compliance u
of team spirit. commitment. Compliance produces mediocrity
commitment leads to excellence.
See their own personal values as consistent with Will have dual set of values-one exposed and the
organization's values practiced.
Work with head, heart and spirit. Produce only if they are watched carefully.
Will address the problems in proactive way. longifthe
Would not be willing to stick around very
organization experience problems.
Trust and credibility contribute to following benefits:
1. Enhanced impact of message marshalliy
We find that despite planned and structured presentations or pleading of t owinth
arguments even with half-truths or filtered and fabricated facts-certain people try forceofthe
argument losetheimpact on the heart of audience, except managing the things with theCommunicate
power. The reason for this is their lack of credibility in the
legal or manipulative
2. Basisof we

eredibility adversely
Lack of trust and more affect the dynamics of our relationships. When
people around us
are cooperative and credible, we feel more energized and
Trust and Collaboration
.dneople manipulanve, Secreive and non-transparent, we feel scared. There may be time in our
life whern events are severe and time is compressed, we have to depend upon others. Here trust and
credibility play their role as we time people willingly contribute and cooperate.
a Positive effect on team efforts
Io the present world of interdependence, we have to work with various pefsons
and to interact
ah thenm in the group. Leaders have to build the team of dedicated and devoted
individuals to
bhieve comprehensIVe goals in the cómplex environment. Groups are different from teams. Team
ogether Everyone Attains More) implies unity of purpose, collaboration and commnitment to the
In situation of team individual members interact with each other and with the
team leader in
hieving their common goals. These team members depend on each other's input to perform their
wOrk. In team, comunication stemming out of transparency and trust is key
instrument for the
noss and survival of team. Without trust as suspicious and mistrust arise,
people will question
each others' intentions and the whole team efforts shall collapse. Thus trust leads to team efforts.

4. Leadership
In context of leadership, "Credibility is the foundation of leadership" Kouzes and Posner
because it enables the leaders to earn the trust and confidence of their followers. Their
intensive and ongoing research since 1980s, with interviews and focus group opinions of more than
L00,000 people over more than three decades searching the qualities people most look for their
willing cooperation-credibility is the answer. Kouzes and Posner point out the characteristics of
admired leaders in the form of 225 values as provided by more than 1500
nationwide managers,
which are subsequently analyzed into 225 factors and then reduced to 15 categories with following
the most frequent categories :
Integrity (honesty, trustworthiness, character, convictions)
Competernce (capable,productive, efficient, professional)
Leadership (inspiring, decisive, providing direction)
Transformational leadership requires trust of followers which is earned when they perceive their
leader as honest and possessing integrity. Trust is built and maintained by transformational leader by
Walking the talk, through patterns of actions consistent with espoused values and behavioral
integrity .
5. Engagement of
eever changing and complex environment characterized as volatile, uncertain, complex and
speedguous (vUCA)-organizations have to engage their employees to survive and thrive. Given the
and scale of
innovation and market changes happening, employees engagement is considered
e of essential kev to organizational success and to remain competitive in regular
waves of
Employees' engagement refers to:
iodvation and commitment of staff to contribute to the organization,
7.6 Trust and Collaboratioa
the degree of feeling valued and enjoying work,
the positive psychological state of feeling energized and absorbed in work
Transformational leaders effectively engage their employees throughtrust and transparency as it
helps to secure willing cooperation of different employees and accelerate the speed of working. They
departments that lead
to jealousy and
competition between different individuals and
discouragepractices like back-biting or sabotaging that adversely affect the harmony and
Conflicts among different individuals. Trust and openness play dominating role in engaging the
heads, hearts and spirit of emplovees. On the other hand-suspicion, fussiness, and defensive behavior
retard the engagement of employees.
6. Transformation of culture
Trust of the leader and colleagues help to transform the organizational culture. In present era of
Competition at global level and fast changing environment, an organization cannot afford low trust
culture of surveillance and high-control management that bread political posturing, promote internal
competition and cynicism, and deplete vital energy of the organizational members.
organization can compete in the era of speed, quality and innovation when trust among its
is difficult to
is low. It needs to be transformed as high culture of trust and empathy. Without trust, it
maintain teamn cohesion, initiate change programs in smooth way as it provokes resistance than
cooperation due to suspicion.

7. Employees' well-being
Trust and credibility of the leader and team mates help to contribute their well-being. As the
leaders and team mnates work in the environment of trust because of honesty, integrity and
transparency of different persons, they fel greater job satisfaction and become willing to cooperate
with others. This spirit contributes to ernployees' happiness and wellbeing. Therefore
leadership deeply grounded in honesty and integrity leads to wellbeing of employees because
employees feel to reciprocate by performing better, become more loyal and ethical at workplace and
feel higher level of job satisfaction. Authenticity of leader generating trust among others not ony
influences his or her well-being but also the wellbeing of the employees. Moreover honesty
integrity earn the respect of the employees and their positive perception about the organization that
increases the job satisfaction and consequently wellbeing.
8. Effective corporate governance
The corporate governance is the field of study that encompasses the interests of orderlyand
employees, customers and vendors, communities, financiers, and the government in the haveto
balanced management of business corporations. To attract funds from outsiders, companies
governance. For corporate governance, so far reliance has been placed on
ensure good mentality, but
that has led to checks and balances system with "check box compliance"
legal aspect confidence of different stakeholders. But legal cannot work the
has failed to win the system reach
Compliance with law and regulation is an important first step, but those who wish toeleganceof
leadership in the field need to be inspired by the sheet ethical
commanding heights of
governance principles that build the trust among different stakeholders.
Trust and Collaboration 7.7

Acts that destroy trust and credibility

Talking with masked face, rigid approach and arrogant attitude or dishonest claims
Not having ethics and empathy in personal and professional life
Sneaking servility towards superiors and supercilious arrogance towards inferiors (so called
persons not in power)
Pursuing vested interests and hidden agenda on certain pattern and paradigms, and lacking
transparency in outlook
Lacking consistency between words and deeds
Indulging in negative leadership such as abusive supervision, destructive leadership,
narcissists, histrionics behavior, etc.
Exhibiting skewed and shrewd stand as well as slant against or in favour of certain persons,
hyper reactive and least effective behavior
Lack of focus on the core-competencies
Arguing uselessly
Manipulating others through fear and flattery
Falsehood even for no specific gains and calumny, and accusing others with false and
fabricated charges
Building fragile, calculative, and temporary relationships; and formation of cliques, caucus
and coterie on certain underlying and latenf patterns with intention to grab power arnd

Self-conceit and selfish tendencies

Greed and unmitigated communion: favoring with expectation of reward in future
Prompted by jealousy-suppressing, maligning and stigmatizing the individual achievements
of others to boost self-esteem.


Credibility is earned not demanded. To build credibility, one should take care of the following:
Credo: a set of values and beliefs that guide the decision and action.
Competencies: knowledge, skills and abilities
Confidence: willingness to make use of those skills
Practise values in daily life. These values are personal, professional, interpersonal, ethical and
spiritual values in daily life.
Know yourself, otherwise there will be wrong standpoint of view confined to body-mind
mechanism. We usually take decisions from or body-mind point of view that is, viewing
Other person as manifestation of universal consciousness.
7.8 Trust and Collaboraton
and modifications of mind.
ve deep and overcome one's false identifications
Invest and build competencies on regular basis.
Inspire others to aspire.
Listen to others empathically and address their problems.
Be responsive and responsible.
Adhere and devote to a way of doing things that goes beyond mere acknowledgement of
their importance.
Take decisions on convictions than calculations.
Performn one's duties and obligations comnpletely, and strive continuously to demonstrate
proficiency in carrying outobligations.
Behave in consistent and predictable manner to ensure that words are congruent with
Communicate openly and transparently with clear intentions an motives for one's actions.
Share arnd delegate control.
Avoid micro managing like monitoring and surveillance system by perceiving others as
shirkers or criminals.
Show sensitivity to others' needs, desires and interests.

Truthfulness and honesty lead to trust

With growing number of corporate scams and scandals such as Enron, Worldcom, Taco, Satyam,
etc.-honesty, truthfulness and integrity of corporate leaders have gained focus of attentin.
Researchers have identified integrity, synonymous of honesty and truthfulness with five mai
as wholeness

as consistency between words and action

as consistency in adversity
as being true to oneself or authenticity
as morality and ethics such as justice
as empathy/compassion
Honesty, truthfulness and integrity are virtues as their pursuit leads to happiness and honest
without putting any additional psychological burden on the person's mind. As one
with oneself, one's spiritual and psychological capitals increase that help to cultivate linkedit
time of adversityin pleasant way. Considering it unique virtue, leadership researchers haave
transformational leadership and its variants like authentic
with transformational projats
authentic leadership, spiritual leadership, etc. Burn's theory of transformational leadershuP
Trustand Collaboratlon 7.9
transformationalleaders with strong moral commitments that influence their followers to elevate
levelofmorality and honesty. Kouzes and Posner aftertheir more than 30 years of research on
their to
relationship hetween credibility and leadership remark, "Honesty is absolutely essential
into the
leadership. If people are going to follow someone willingly, whether into battle or
boardroom,they first want to assure themselves that thePperson is worthy of their trust."
Honesty earns respect and voluntarily cooperation of others as people are likely to lend
andtoil willingly if they perceive their leader's credibility being reflected in his or her
e do not like
honesty, forward-looing and inspiration. On the other hand, in business dealings people
and deal with people who are duplicitous, deceitful and dishonest.

Authenticity leads to trust

Acting authentically creates environment of trust among others. Authenticity is closely
h selfawareness, sincerity, truth, and transparency. It is usually identified (sometimes confused)
sith sincerity, autonomy, congruence, genuineness. Acting authentically means nonconformance to
societal,cultural, and external rules, boundaries, or anything that is not true to an individual's core
olfor person's own makeup, consciously and mindfully striving for an awareness of one's values,
beliefs, thoughts, and feelings, followed by maintaining consistency (or exploring the inconsistency)
of those inward concepts with one's outward expressions and beliefs.
In the context of rampant corporate scandals and pervasive financial crises, George argues that
leadership needs to be completely reexamined and rethought. This calls for a new type of leader who
embodies qualities such as integrity, transparency, humility and a deep sense of purpose. Bill George
states concisely: "We need leaders who lead with purpose, values and integrity; leaders who build
enduring organizations, motivate their employees to provide superior customer service, and create
long-term value for shareholders." Bill George &Peter Sins advocate discovering one's True North,
"ust as acompass points toward a magnetic field, your True North pulls toward the purpose of your
leadership. When you follow your internal compass, your leadership will be authentic, and people
willnaturally want to associate with you. Although others may guide or influence you, your truth is
derived from your life story and only you can determine what it should be."
lo them five dimensions of an authentic leadership that help to win trust of others are:
Pursuing purpose with passion
Practicing solid values
Leading with heart
Establishing enduring relationships
Demonstrating self-discipline
person becomes authentic, his or her working becomes transparent and consequently his or
er actions
become predictable. It prevents anxiety and tension that contributes to unnecessary stress.
7.10 Trust and Colaboratio
entitlements from
compels them to work with duty-conscious approach than
others. Thus authenticity contributes to trust.

Transparency contributes to trust

Transparency usually means full disclosure of all relevant information in atimely manner. Being
inclusive word as talked in political science, leadership, governance, public relations
etc., it has been interpreted differently in different contexts: management,
Full disclosure,
Legal as wellas ethical compliance,
Integrity, honesty, ethics (personal'qualities), etc,
Flow of information to those outside the firm,
Flow of information on matters of public concern.
Transparency not only incorporates clarity without any distortion, but also qualities like
understandability, interpretability and coherence as it is associated with visibility and predictability.
Transparency also means moving beyond apparent information tó accessing the authentic reality to
have informed voice in decision or to assess the decisions made by insiders.
The role of transparency has been stressed because of growing number of scandals in corporate
world because of lack of transparency contributing to corruption and misappropriation of funds. As a
result the trust among the working of directors is eroded and further dealings are stopped. Leaders
claim transparency, but there is difference in claiming transparencyand being transparent. In the present
networked universe with competition at global level "where information travels globally with the
click of a mouse, transparency is no longer simply desirable, it is becoming unavoidable. S0
transparency is a matter of survival. It is essential for gaining trust of different parties, ensuring
justice with differernt stakeholders, discharging corporate social responsibility through disclosure o
strategic information, eliminating corruption, and establishing organizational legitimacy and
Transparency contributes to wellbeing at workplace with reduction in anxiety and stress an
enhancing the level of trust among people. As the working of the persons whether of rulingfacilitates
or rule
group becomes more transparent, their actions become more predictable. As transparency work
thriving at work, it leads to the happiness and wellbeing of people at workplace. Thriving at
also means positive affective experiences, cognitive liveliness, enthusiasm, appreciative enquiry,
which is possible because of transparent communication fostering trust and cooperation. andto
transparency also allowspeople to
develop authentic connections without being entangled
avoid wasting one's time and energy on superfluous works resulting in activity without
useless meetings and social gatherings.
Trust and Collaboration 7.11

Gix Disciplines for earning and sustaining Credibility

Research of more than 30 years by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. in context of leadership, with
comprehensive analysis of the common themes in the cases and empirical data presents the six
disciplines of credibility:
1. Discovering yourself means exploring one's inner
Who are you? What do you believe in? What doyou stand for? Once you discover your
you need not to seek guidance from outside world. To become credible as a person or a leader, you
should first clarify your own values and principles that guide your decisions and actions. Your clarity
about your values acts like anchors in astorm, engages you in meaningful dialogue with yourself as
well as with others, guards you against possible resentment and regrets and cultivates profouna

2.Appreciate constituents
Leading others is a dialogue, not monologue. These are relationships built on mutual
understanding. Constituents have to believe in that you are worthy of their trust. Leaders and
persons who are onlyinterested in their own agendas and their own advancements of goals will not
be followed willingly in the long run. Credible leaders and persons demonstrate empathy and
compassion for their constituents, and avoid behaving in selfish manner. They shift the focus from
self to others and understand others perspective, share information voluntarily, reciprocate and
make conversation as synergized dialogue. The persons acting in dictatorial manner fail to appreciate
others and consequently fail to earn respect.
3. Affirm shared values
Affirm shared values by honoring the diversity of many constituencies and finding a common
ground of agreement on which everyone can stand. Conflicts should be resolved on the basis of
principles, not on positions, on problems not personalities. Conflicts are inevitable in environment of
diversity, but shared yalues provide internal compass to act independently and interdependently,
and to resolve the conflicts in the light of those shared values.

4. Develop capacity by investing in education.

ldentify your core-competency and your job description and learn on continuous basis. People
cannot contribute to the aims and aspirations of an organization if they do not know what to do, and
they cannot contribute if they do not know how to do it. Strategic initiatives to build world class
Organizations' fail if the people's capabilities are not developed as they find loss of meaning and
motivation in contributingto the organization.
5.Serve a
Serve apurpose for the people who have made it possible for them to lead. When a key valueis at
7.12 Trust and Collaboratios
stake or someone's behavior is not consistent with those shared values, you should
courageously and make decisions based on matters of principles. By indulging in such act
convey the message that their personal career is on the line in service of the principles.
6. Keepthe hopes alive
Keep the hopes alive among people if you want to be accepted as inspiring and optimistic
or, a leader person
fueling energy and enthusiasmn among others. Positive emotions open your hearts and
minds, and breed Positive emotions among others. Being optimistic you will realize that
failure and
rustrations are temporary phenomenon, not permanent and universal. Instead of blaming yourself
Or others, you will accept your defeats and disappointments with happy note and find meaning in
that. Being optimistic means not waiting for good time or things to happen, but to create better
future. You will realize that struggles, sufferings and sacrifices are necessary to achieve greatness and
nstllpassion and purpose amnong others. The word passion- with its root in the Greek and Latin
words passio is used for suffering- signifies that sufferings and sacrifices are necessary to instill
passion among oneself and others.

Besides creating trust among others, one should learn to trust others appropriately. There are
negative effects of broken trust when a person faces situation of broken trust by others:
Emotional reaction of anger
Frustration at oneself for trusting someone
Frustration at offender for exploiting
Damage to interpersonal relations
Avoidance of transactions with offender in future
Withholding support and cooperation.
Negative effect on organizational citizenship behavior and job performance,
Relationship continues as a hollow "shell", a façade of superficial cooperation or pursuit or
specific transactions that are tightly controlled.
Experience of stronger negative cognitive and emotional reactions, including a sense of moral
Therefore one should be selective in trusting others. But one should analyze why we trust
inappropriately, the reasons may be:
Lack of power to discriminate
Focus on particular image or feature of the person without taking the picture in holistic
manner due to lack of maturity
Emotions dominating intellect
Lborontpature to act altruistically without regard whether the person is
deserving or no
Weaknessof seeking power or praise, which is exploited through flattery
Lack of maturity to judge others' intentions.
Trust and Collaboration 7.13
One should work upon these reasons to avoid trusting inappropriately. As the one
enters into
relationship, one should grow in trust gradually.

As a rule, one should build trust and credibility on continuous basis. But
sometimes without bad
intentions, we could not fulfill our promises because of pressures of time. In such situation, others
rust is broken. We have to rebuild trust in such situation. It is
repaired, but there is research that indicates that broken trust perceived
can bethat brokento trust
re-built cannor
certain te
However building trust is not as straight forward as building trust in the first place. There are certain
strategies that pay the way to re-build the trust.
There are two ways to rebuild trust: reconciliation and forgiveness. For reconciliation, the person
breaching trust should ask the victim whether s/he is ready to reconcile. If the person is not ready to
reconcile, rebuldin8 Process iS not possible. First one has to prepare the victim for reconciliation. For
this, one should first restore for damages that have already been done. Then apologize sincerely tor
what has been done and assure that this thing will not happen in future. One should take care of
words and deeds. It will take time to rebuild the trust. Forgiveness is the ultimate state of which
reconciliation is a behavioral manifestation. With forgiveness. the heart of the victim is cleared of

Collaboration among individuals and organizations is all about their mutual trust. at present
business is not operating at local level, but at global level where they have to enter into different
types of collaborations where both the parties are dependent upon each other. Foreign business
partner provides the advantage of technology and capital whereas local business house provides the
network of relations. They trust each other for mutual advantages. In context of organization,
different individuals collaborate and network with each other to excel. People can collaborate
effectively if they build up trust. As successful transformation of the organization depends on its
ability to bring people with diverse competencies that can lead to high quality decisions, it has to
build up trust among different individuals. It is in collaboration that crucial information and
perspective is shared that depends upon trust among different people.
In organizational context and foreign collaborations, trust is crucial factor as both the parties
become vulnerable to actions of other person. Therefore professional competencies and integrity of
the person become dominating factor in that. Trust is channelized as different members have
intuitive and immediate feeling while interacting with others. These feelings are based upon past
experiences, person's looks, sounds and acts. If these feelings resonate with person's past experience
or intuition, trust will be enhanced. On the other hand, if there is difference then distrust shall
emerge. There will be unconscious bias in the memory of the person interacting. As a result
collaborations collapse when the person feels that he has been cheated. In case of organization,
people do not collaborate because of lack of trust as they feel alienation, provocative behavior,
cheating. Therefore trust is must for effective collaboration.
7.14 Trust and Collaboratiom
Trust and Credibility are the building blocks of interpersonal relations, team and
culture. Trust means having afeeling of confidence and positive expectations among others. Trust i
context of organization has been defined as the willingness of aparty to be vuherable to the actions
of another party. The other term related with trust is credibility that stems from the same root, credo
meaning "I trust or believe". Communication researcher Berlo points out the characteristics o
"source credibility" as trustworthiness, expertise and dynamism. People judge credibility of others
from their:

Intentions as reflected in their actions or hidden agenda

Integrity as reflected in their action in aparticular situation especially in the situation of
stress. Is there any dissonance between their walk and talk?
Initiatives- whether they initiate action or just talk
Trust and credibility contribute to following benefits:
1. Enhanced impact of message
2. Basis of relationship
3. Positive effect on team efforts
4. Leadership
5. Engagement of Employees
6. Transformation of culture
7. Employees' well-being
8. Effective corporate governance
There are certain acts that destroy trust and credibility:
Talking with masked face, rigid approach and arrogant attitude or dishonest claims
Not having ethics and empathy in personal and professional life
Sneaking servility towards superiors and supercilious arrogance towards inferiors (s0o
persons not in power)
Pursuing vested interests and hidden agenda on certain pattern and paradigms, and
transparency in outlook
Lacking consistency between words and deeds
Indulging in negative leadership such as abusive supervision, destructive
narcissists, histrionics behavior, etc.
C Exhibiting skewed and shrewd stand as well as slant against or in favour of certain
hyper reactive and least effective behavior
Lack of focus on the core-competencies
Trust and Collaboratlon 7.15

Arguing uselessly
Manipulating others through fear and flattery
Falsehood even for no specific gains and calumny, and accusing others with raise a
fabricated charges
Building tragile, calculative, and temporary relationships; and formation of cliques, caucus
and coterie on certain underlying and latent paterns with intention to grab power and

Self-conceit and selfish tendencies

Greed and unmitigated communion: favoring with expectation of reward in future
Prompted by jealousy-suppressing, maligning and stigmatizing the individual achievements
of others to boost self-esteem.
To build credibility and trust, one should:
Practise values in daily life. These values are personal, professional, interpersonal, ethical
and spiritual values in daily life.
Know yourself, otherwise there will be wrong standpoint of view confined to body-mind
mechanism. We usually take decisions from our body-mind point of view that is, viewing
other person as manifestation of universal consciousness.
Delve deep and overcome one's false identifications and modifications of mind.
Invest and build competencies on regular basis.
Inspire others to aspire.
Listen to others empathically and address their problems.
Be responsive and responsible.
Adhere and devote to a way of doing things that goes beyond mere acknowledgement of
their importance.
Take decisions on convictions than calculations.
Perform one's duties and obligations completely, and strive continuously to demonstrate
proficiency in carrying out obligations.
Behave in consistent and predictable manner to ensure that words are congruent with
Communicate openly and transparently with clear intentions an motives for one's actions.
Share and delegate control.
perceiving others as
Avoid micro managing like monitoring and surveillance system by
shirkers or criminals.
Show sensitivity to others needs, desires and
appropriately. There are
Besides creating trust among others, one should learn to trust others
broken trust by others like
situation of
hegative effects of broken trust when a person faces
Trust and Collaboration
emoional reaction of anger, frustration at oneself for trusting
with offender in future, etc. Therefore one someone, avoidance of
shouldbe 'selective in trusting others. But transactions
one should
analyze why we trust inappropriately, the reasons may be:
Lack of power to discriminate
Focus on particular image or feature of the person without
manner due to lack of maturity taking the picture in holistic
Emotions dominating intellect
Inherent nature to act altruistically without regard whether the person is
deserving or not
Weakness of seeking power or praise, which is exploited through flattery
Lack of maturity to judge others' intentions.
One should work upon these reasons to avoid trusting
relationship, one should grow in trust gradually. inappropriately. As the one enters into
As a rule, one should build trust and credibility on
continuous basis.But sometimes without bad
intentions, we could not fulfill our promises because of pressures of time. n such situation, others'
trust is broken. We have to rebuild trust in such situation. It is
perceived that broken trust cannot be
repaired, but there is research that indicates that broken trust can be re-built to certain extent.
However building trust is not a straight forward as building trust in the first place. There are certalm
strategies that pay the way to re-build the trust.
There are two ways to rebuild trust: reconciliation and forgiveness. For
reconciliation, the pers0n
breaching trust should ask the victim whether s/he is ready to reconcile. If the person is not ready
reconcile, rebuilding process is not possible. First one has to prepare the victim for: reconciliation. For
this, one should first restore for damages that have already been done. Then apologize sincerelyfor
what has been done and assure that this thing will not happen in future. One should take care of
words and deeds. It will take time to rebuild the trust. Forgiveness is the ultimate state of which
reconciliation is a behavioral manifestation. With forgiveness, the heart of the victim is clearedof

1. Trust in organizational context means the become
vulnerable to the actions of another party. willingness of the party to
2. Trust also implies becoming as
physical and emotional well-beings

2 Credibility includes trustworthiness, expertise and

4. People judge credibility of others from s**.integrity and initiatives.
honesty and l authenticity lead tto
5. Transparency,
6. Sistening other helps to create
environment of trust.
Trust and Collaboratlon 7.17
7. Indulging in
leadership such as abusive supervision, destructive leadership,
narcissists, etc. destroy trust and credibility.
8. trust occurs when the people involved choose to further arelationship with each
other based on their own intentions as well as their initial perceptions ofthe other person's
motivation, capabilities and character.
Answer : 1. employees, 2. vulnerable, 3. inspiring, 4. intentions, 5. trust, 6. empauucay
7. negative, 8.
1. Manipulating others through fear and flattery help to create
2. Trust and credibility are same.
3, Lack of adequate skills and knowledge regarding work destroy
4. Trust contributes to sustainable relationship.
E Trust and credibility facilitate effective
corporate governance.
6. Trust and credibility contribute to well-being of
7. trust
Sneaking servility towards superiors and supercilious arrogance towards inferiors destroy
and credibility.
8. Pursuit of vested interests and hidden agenda on certain pattern and paradigms destroy
trust and credibility.
9. Credo means a set of values and beliefs that guide the decision and action.
10. To build trust, one should avoid micromanaging and surveillance by perceiving others as
Answer:1. False, 2. False, 3. true, 4. True, 5. True, 6. True, 7. True, 8. True, 9. True, 10. True.
1. What is meant by trust?
2. What are different types of trust?
3. What is credibility?
4. What are the acts that destroy credibility?
5. How truthfulness and honesty lead to trust?
6. How does authenticity lead to trust?
7. How does transparency contribute to trust?
8. What is meant by trusting appropriately?
9. How rust is rebuilt?


1. What i_ trust? What are the different types of trust? How trust is built up?
2. How to rebuild the trust when it is broken?
3. Discuss redibility. What are the factors contributing and destroying credibility?
4. What is trust and credibility? What are the benefits of trust and credibility?
5. Discuss the different acts of creating trust and credibility.

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