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M.B.a. I Semester Syllabus 2017-18 Onwards (2015-16 Scheme)

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Sl. Name of the Course Internal Semester Total Teaching Credit
subject Code Marks End Marks Hours
Exam Per Week
Business Data
1 1001 20 80 100 04 04

2 1002 20 80 100 04 04

3 1003 10 40 50 02 02

Fundamentals of
4 Management & 1004 20 80 100 04 04
Human Resources

Fundamentals of
5 1005 20 80 100 04 04

6 1006 20 80 100 04 04

7 1007 20 80 100 04 04

8 Soft Skills 1008 10 40 50 02 02

Total 28


Subject Code: 1001 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

1. To provide basic ideas on various statistical tools and techniques for decision
2. To equip the students with techniques for data analysis
Expected Outcome:
1. To enable the students with a skill of data analysis and decision making.

Module 1 12 hours
Mathematics for Managers
Functions, Determinants and matrices, Progressions- Applications in Business,
Limits and derivatives(except trigonometric functions) Meaning of limits, meaning of
Derivatives, Working rules of derivatives, application of derivatives to business &
economics marginal cost, marginal revenue, maximization & minimization using
second order derivative (Emphasis on cost and revenue functions)

Module 2 12 hours
Introduction to Statistics

Data collection methods, classification and tabulation, frequency distribution, Graphs

and diagrams, its analysis.
Module 3 12 hours
Measures of Central Tendency: Arithmetic Mean, Geometric Mean, Combined
Mean, Weighted Mean & Harmonic mean, Median, Mode (Grouped & ungrouped
Measures of Dispersion: Range, Interquatile Range, Standard deviation, Coefficient
of Variation Only Introduction to skewness & kurtosis

Module 4 14 hours
Probability & Probability Distributions: Counting Techniques (Permutation &
Combinations), Random Variable, Basic concepts of probability, basic rules of
probability (Addition, multiplication law), conditional probability
Discrete & continuous variables, commonly used probability distributions, Binomial,
Poisson, Normal and their characteristics.

Module 5 12 hours
Correlation: Types of correlation, Correlation & Causation, Scatter Diagram, Karl
Pearson s Coefficient of correlation (for ungrouped data only), Rank correlation.
Regression: Simple Regression, Method of Least Squares, Regression Coefficients

1. Case lets using MS Excel
2. Frequency analysis & graphs Using MS- Excel - 2 hours
3. Operations workouts
Recommended Readings:
Essential Reading:
1. Business Statistics- 3rd edition, G. C. Beri, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Mathematics and Statistics for Management, Revised Edition 2013, P. k.
Mittal, B. G. Sathyaprasad, M. K. Pradeep kumar Rao, Himalaya Publishing
Suggested Reading:
1. Statistics For Management, Reprint 2010, Anand Sharma, Himalaya
Publishing House
2. Fundamentals of Statistics, 6th Edition,S.C. Gupta, Himalaya Publishing
3. Statistics for Management. 5th Edition, Levin &Rubin, Prentice Hall of India
4. Quantitative Techniques for Business Managers, 1st Edition, R. K. Bhardwaj,
Anuradha R. Chetiya, Kakli Majumdar, Himalaya Publishing House
5. Quantitative Techniques For Managerial decisions, Second Edition, U. K.
6. G. V. Shenoy & S. C. Sharma, New Age International Publication
7. G. V. Shenoy & S. C. Sharma, New Age International Publication

Subject Code: 1002 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

1. To develop importance of the process of effective communication.
2. To enable students to speak confidently interpersonally as well as in large
Expected Outcome:
1. Effective personal and professional communication skills.
Module 1 15 hours
Theory of Communication
Concept of Communication Meaning, Definition, Purpose of communication,
Process with diagram and feedback. Characteristics and importance of
communication. 7 C s of Communication.
Principles of effective communication Simplicity, Face to face communication, use
of feedback, listening with understanding, Conducive environment, You factor,
Awareness of audience.
Types/forms of communication Verbal (features) and Non-verbal (features).
Channels in communication Vertical (Downward, upward), Lateral/Horizontal,
Crosswise/Diagonal, Formal, Informal & Grapevine.
Purpose of communication order, advice, suggestion, Instruction, Motivation,
persuasion, warning and education.
Barriers to communication- Mechanical, Physical, Psychological, Semantic,
Language, Status barriers and Socio cultural. Illustration of examples and situations.
Module 2 10 hours
Listening and Vocabulary
Listening: Hearing Vs. Listening, Importance of listening, and Barriers to Effective
Listening, Good Vs. Bad Listeners, Tips to effective listening.
Vocabulary: Words often confused, Words often misspelt, Common errors in

English Sentence framing.
Heteronyms, Homographs, Homonyms, Synonyms and Business jargons.
Development of coherent paragraphs.
Module 3 20 hours
Business Correspondence and Report Writing
Business Correspondence Standard parts of the letter and optional parts, Layout,
Types of business letters Block, Indented, Modified block, Semi indented &
Hanging out Style and Principles of Effective letter writing.
Memorandum Essentials of a Memo, exercise writing in a Memo & notice
Quotation Essentials of Quotation, the Process of Quotations.
Tenders Essentials of a tender, Inviting and Replying tender notices.
Writing routine (leave/resignation/request/etc) and Persuasive business letters Sales
(Enquiry, Order, Adjustment, Dispatch, Replying to Customer complaint), Claims,
Complaints and Acknowledgement.
Letters of Appointment, Promotion, Termination, Appreciation, Recommendation and
Report writing Business reports, Structure of a report, Types Long and Short
Module 4 5 hours
Personnel Correspondence: Resume preparation (Layout, Content, Features)
(Individual assignment to write resume can be given after explaining), Covering
letter, Difference between a CV and a Resume.
Module 5 10 hours
Presentation skills and Group communication
Presentation skills Elements of effective presentation, designing your presentation
(No., Content, font, pointers, heading, etc in slides and latest in Slides, Hyperlinks,
Master slides, and Prezi)
Group dynamics
Interviews - Types of Interviews - Promotion, Grievance, Assessment, Problem,
Reprimand, Stress, Panel, Stay/Exit, HR and Technical (job specific).
Meetings Importance, Advantages and Disadvantages, Role of a Chairperson, Role
of participants, Notice of a meeting, Agenda, Quorum and Minutes of a meeting.
Conference and Seminars - Importance and differences.
Public Relations Meaning, Importance & Press Note

1. Mock Interviews, Mock Meetings / Conferences
2. Book Reviews/Summarization, Note making
3. Reading Comprehension: Analysis of texts from the field of Literature
4. MC/Compere Training
5. Activities in Group discussion, Group Presentations, Telephone etiquettes
(Conference Call) & Oral cases in small groups.
1. Practice should be provided in functional writing samples and improving
writing skills should be a part of the exercise
2. Improving Reading & Speaking skills and Guideline to effective public
speaking should be the key focus of the activities.
Recommended Reading
Essential Reading
1. Dr. V. K. Jain, Dr. Omprakash Biyani, Business Communication, 2/e, S
Chand Pub.
2. Urmila Rai, Business Comm., 9/e, Himalaya Publications
Suggested Reading:
1. Lesikar, Petit & Lesikar s, Basic Business Comm, 10/e, Tata McGraw
2. Business Communication by Chaturvedi, Pearson Education
3. Balan,K.R. and Rayudu C.S. (1996) Effective Communication, Beacon New
4. Benjamin, James (1993) Business and Professional Communication Concepts
and Practices, Harper Collins College Publishers, New York.
5. Bhargava and Bhargava91971) Company Notices, Meetings and Regulations
6. Who moved my cheese Spencer Johnson: Who Moved My Cheese, Stephen
Lundin, Ph.D, Harry Paul, Stephen Covey: Seven Habits of Successful People,
7. Books by Narayan Murthy, Sudha Murthy, Nilekani, Chethan Bhagat and
8. C.S.G Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan, Business Comm, Himalaya

Entrepreneurship Development

Subject Code: 1003 Credits: 2

Contact Hours: 30 hrs Weekly hours: 2

External Marks: 40 Internal Marks: 10

1. To introduce the students to Entrepreneurship
2. To develop the students to become Entrepreneurial Managers
Expected Outcome:
1. By the end of the course students are expected to get the essential knowledge
about the Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship.

Module1: 12 hours
Entrepreneur: Meaning of entrepreneur; Evolution of the concept; Roles of an
Entrepreneur, Types of Entrepreneurs, Intrapreneurship, Concept of Entrepreneurship,
Evolution of Entrepreneurship, Development of Entrepreneurship; The
Entrepreneurial Culture; Stages in Entrepreneurial process.
Module 2: 10 hours
Entrepreneurial Development and Training: Entrepreneurial competencies,
entrepreneurial Environment, The process of Entrepreneurial Development, Models of
Entrepreneurial Development, Entrepreneurial Motivation, Entrepreneurial Training
Module 3: 08 hours
Entrepreneurial Environment: Global Entrepreneurship Environment, Business
climate in India, Environmental factors affecting entrepreneurial growth, creating a
Favorable Environment for entrepreneurship, Doing Business in India,
Entrepreneurial Life Cycle.

Practical Component:
1. Project-I: Visit any local enterprise. Interview the entrepreneur; study his
entrepreneurial journey, and prepare the profile of the entrepreneur not
exceeding 2,000 words.
2. Project-II: Interview an entrepreneur in your region and make a list of the
factors that motivated the entrepreneur to start an enterprise. In class, compare
your notes with others and prepare a list of the common motivating factors
among all entrepreneurs.
1. Activity-I: Presentation and Discussion on stories of Successful
2. Activity-II: Visit a local enterprise and study the profile of entrepreneur and
identify the traits and also problems faced by the entrepreneur and present it in
the class.

Recommended Readings:
Essential Reading:
1. Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship & Small Business Management, by Vasant
Desai, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
2. Entrepreneurship by Robert D Hisrich, Mathew J Manimala, Michael Peters &
Dean Shepherad, McGraw Hill Eucation Pvt Ltd., Edition 2013.
3. Entrepreneurship Development by Charantimath Poornima, 2/e, Pearson 2014
Suggested Reading:
1. Entrepreneurship- Theory and Practice, by Raj Shankar, Vijay Nicole Imprints
Pvt. Ltd., 2006
2. Corporate Entrepreneurship, by Morris M H and Kuratko, D, Ft. Worth, TX:
Harcourt, 2002.
3. The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development & Management, 5th Edition, by
Vasant Desai, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt Ltd.
4. Small Scale Industries & Entrepreneurship, 9th Edition, by Vasant Desai,
Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.

Fundamentals of Management and HR

Subject Code: 1004 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

1. The course will introduce the students to fundamentals and practices of
management in today s increasingly complex workplace.
2. The objective of the course is to familiarize the learner with the basic
principles of human resource management how an organization acquires,
rewards, motivates, uses, and generally manages its people effectively.

Expected Outcome:
1. This course will develop the basic human resources management skills
which include planning, controlling, organizing, budgeting and
communication, in all students regardless his /her area of specialization

Module 1 10 hours

Introduction to management

Definition and Functions of management, an introduction to planning, organizing,

directing, controlling, motivation and emerging trends in management. Contributions
by Management experts like Taylor, Fayol, Gilberth & Elton Mayo. Total Cost
Management value maximization of resources with special reference to HR,
Module 2 8 hours

Introduction to HRM: Foundation Concepts

Nature and scope of Human Resource Management, Importance of HRM, Difference
between Personnel Management and HRM, HR Manager: Qualities and
Competencies, Changing Role of
HR Manager, HRM Policy, Functions of HRM, Opportunities and Challenges of
HRM and Emerging trends in HRM. Introduction to HR Audit and HR Analytics.

Module 3 12 hours

Manpower Planning

HR Planning-Meaning, Objectives, Advantages and Disadvantages, Factors

influencing HR Planning, Tools and Technique of HR Planning. Process of
Manpower Planning (demand and supply forecasting. Job Analysis-Meaning,
Objectives and Skill Analysis (Competency based Job Analysis).Job Design- Job
Description and Specification, Job characteristics Approach to Job Design (Hackman
and Oldham), SWOT analysis of individual and organization.
Module 4 12 hours

HR Acquisition

Recruitment- Factors affecting Recruitment, Sources of Recruitment (Internal and

External) Methods of Recruitment, E Recruitment, Human Resource
Outsourcing(HRO). Selection-Selection Criteria, Selection Process and Selection
Tests, Interview process and types of interviews, Selection policy and Strategies,
Challenges of Selection in today s world. Placement and Induction Introduction,
Employee Mobility- Internal Mobility: Promotion, Transfer, Demotion. External
Mobility: Separations, Types of Separations, voluntary and non-voluntary separations.
Module 5 8 hours

Human Resources Development

HRD-Meaning and objectives, Training and Development: Training-Meaning, TNA

Why Training Where to look for Organizational Gaps ,Training Methods and
Training Process, Development- Meaning , Objectives, Career Planning and Career
Development Meaning , Objectives , Need for Career Planning & Development.


1. Case Studies and presentations

2. Article Review from newspapers (Ascent , Opportunities) which have debates
on current issues by HR practitioners
3. Visit industries (not just large, even SMEs identify what HR functions are
performed and by whom) and learn by observation.

Recommended Readings:
Essential Reading:

1. Human resource Management bySeemaSanghi, Vikas publications.

2. Human Resource Management (10th Edition) by Gary Dessler, Prentice Hall
3. Human Resource Management by P. Subba Rao, HPH
4. Edwin Flippo-Personnel Management
5. Managing Human resources Productivity, Quality of Work Life and Profits
By Wayne F. Cascio,RanjeetNambudri , McGraw Hill Publications.

Suggested Reading:
1. Human Resource Champions, - Dave Ulrich,ISBN 9780875847191.
2. The HR Value Proposition, David Ulrich, Wayne Brockbank, Harvard
Business Press, 2005
3. Human capital Magazine.
4. Leadership by Warren Buffet


Fundamentals of Marketing

Subject Code: 1005 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20


1. To enable the student to understand the marketing environment

2. To have an elementary knowledge of STP of marketing (segmentation,
targeting, positioning)

Expected outcome:

1. To equip the student with fundamental concepts of marketing

Module 1 Fundamental concepts of Marketing 10 hours

Market Definition, types of Markets, Market Places, Marketspaces and

Metamarkets, Marketing Management (Definition), what is marketed?
Marketing Process, Marketing Management Orientations (Concepts), Holistic
Marketing Relationship Marketing, Integrated Marketing, Internal Marketing,
Performance Marketing, Reverse Marketing (Demarketing)
Core Concepts of Marketing Needs, Wants & Demands, Target Market, Positioning
& Segmentation, Offerings and Brand, Value and Satisfaction, Marketing Channels,
supply Chain, Competition
Marketing Mix Updating the four P s (Marketing Mix 4P s, Modern Marketing
Management 4Ps, 4Cs
Module 2 Analyzing the Marketing Environment 8 hours
The Firm s Microenvironment The Company, suppliers, Marketing Intermediaries,
Competitors, Publics, Customers
The Firm s Macro environment Demographic, Economic, Natural, Technological,
Political, Social & cultural

Module 3 Know your Customer 12 hours
Analyzing Consumer Markets Factors influencing Consumer Behavior, The buying
decision process the five stage model. Types of Buying Behaviors, Participants
(roles) in consumer buying process.
Difference between Consumer Markets and Business Markets.
Analyzing Business Markets Buying Situations, Participants in buying process,
Stages in organizational buying process

Module 4 Marketing Strategy I (STP) 15 hours

Consumer Segmentation- Need for Segmentation, Basis of Segmentation -
Geographic, Demographic, Psychographic and Behavioural.
Business Market Segmentation Basis for Segmenting Business Markets Micro and
Macro basis.
Requirement for Effective Segmentation
Market Targeting Evaluating market segments, Selecting target market segment,
socially responsible target markets. Differentiation Ways of differentiation for
product offering
Positioning Positioning Maps, Choosing a right competitive advantage (How many
differences to promote, which differences to promote), Selecting an overall
positioning strategy.
Module 5 Marketing Strategy II (Marketing Mix) 15 hours
Levels of Product, Product Classification Consumer goods classification, Industrial
Goods Classification. Product Mix Product mix width, product line length - Line
stretching, Line filling, Line modernizing, Line featuring and pruning.
Designing the business portfolio analyzing the current business portfolio (BCG
Matrix, GE Matrix), developing strategies for Growth & Downsizing (Ansoff s
Packaging & Labeling Use of packing as marketing tool, objectives of packaging,
Branding definition of brand, branding, importance of branding
Services marketing additional 3Ps of marketing, characteristics of services
marketing, difference between good and services marketing

Pricing Strategies New product pricing strategies (Market Skimming, Market
Penetration), Product mix pricing strategies (Product line pricing, optional product
pricing, Captive product pricing, byproduct pricing, product bundle pricing), Price
adjustment strategies Marketing Channels The importance of channel, push strategy,
pull strategy,
Channel levels consumer channel levels, industrial channel levels, distribution
strategy (Intensive, Selective, and Exclusive)
Basics of Marketing communication mix (Advertising, Sales promotion, Events and
experiences, public relations and publicity, direct marketing, interactive marketing,
word of mouth, personal selling)
Product life cycles Common product life cycle, Marketing strategies for
Introduction, Growth, Maturity stage, & Decline stage
E- Commerce Marketing Practices (Pure Click companies, Brick & Click companies),
M commerce Marketing Practices
New Product Development Process, Ethical Issues in Marketing(4P s)

1. Visit a retail shop and note how the proprietor arranges items on the shelf.
Also list out POPs(point of purchase) used
2. Identify different brands of similar products (FMCG) and arrange them in a
product line
3. Go to a car showroom and find loans and car models bought in the previous
month. Find the demographic details of buyers
4. Identify an e-retailer and study the promotional activities for any 5 brands

Recommended Readings:
Essential Reading:
1. Marketing Management A South Asian Perspective 14e Pearson, Philip
Kotler, Kevin Keller, Abrahan Koshy, MithileshwarJha
2. Principles of Marketing 13e Pearson Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong,
PrafullaAgnihotri, EhsanulHaque
3. Marketing An Introduction 6e Pearson - Gary Armstrong, Philip Kotler
Suggested Reading:
1. Marketing Planning & Strategy Thomson - Sub
Subject Code: 1006 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

This course has been designed to help the students to understand the elements of
Management Accounting which are used to make and support Management
1. To develop knowledge and understanding of Management Accounting
techniques to support management in planning, controlling and monitoring
performance in a variety of business context.
Expected Outcome:

1. Students shall be able to understand, analyze and interpret financial and cost
accounting data for decision making
Module 1 10 hours
Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement
Management Accounting; Relevance; Financial Information for Decision Making; Sources of
Financial Information; Analysis of the Balance Sheet and Income Statement; Decision
Making Areas.
Module 2 15 hours
Budgeting and Budgetary Control
Nature and Purpose of Budgeting; Budget Types of Budget Functional Budget : Types of
Functional Budget, Budget Preparation, Exercises (all Functional Budgets) - Master Budget -
Flexible Budgets - Fixed Budgets Exercises; Zero Base Budgeting; Statistical Techniques -
Time Series Analysis (Cyclical, Trend, Seasonal Variation and Random Elements) - Moving
Averages- Trend Analysis - Regression Coefficients - Exercises; Budgetary Control and
Reporting - Behavioural aspects of Budgeting

Module 3 10 hours
Marginal Costing
Concepts; Marginal Costing Techniques and Tools ; Break Even Analysis; Cost-Volume-
Profit Analysis; Break-Even Charts; Profit Charts; Marginal Cost Equation; Differential Cost
Analysis; Stock Valuation Under Marginal Costing; Composite Break-Even Point; Marginal
Costing and Decision Making (Single Product Pricing, Multi Product Pricing, Replacement,
Sales, etc.); Exercises
Module 4 15 hours
Financial Performance Measurement
Concept; Significance; Cost Reductions and Value Enhancement; Financial Measures
(Profitability, Liquidity, Activity, Financial Adaptability and Gearing -Exercises) - Ratio
Analysis Types of Ratios -Exercises; Comparative Analysis of the Balance Sheet and
Income Statement (Common Size Analysis & Trend Analysis), Funds Flow and Cash Flow
Analysis; Non-Financial Measures; Exercises
Module 5 8 hours
Earning Quality
Concept; Tools of Earning Quality Measurement, Exercises; Earnings Management - Concept
and Tools; Potential Red Flags, Valuation of Intangibles: Intellectual Property; Intangibles;
Brand Valuation; Exercises

Recommended Readings:
Essential Reading:
1. Management Accounting by Khan and Jain, Tata McGraw-Hill

Suggested Reading:
1. Introduction to Management Accounting by Horngren, Pearson
2. Management Accounting by Pandey I M, Vikas Publication.
3. Accounting for Management by Bhattacharyya S K and Dearden J, Vikas
4. Management Accounting: Principles and Practice by Sahaf M A, Vikas Publication.
5. Management Accounting by Colin Drurry
6. Indian Journal of Finance
7. The Management Accountants Journal of ICAI


Subject Code: 1007 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

1. To introduce economic concepts, components and inter relations with a
managerial perspective.
2. To develop an economic logic of thinking in utilizing the resources
Expected Outcome:
1. To develop decision making & planning skills in resolving business
Module 1 12 hours
Introduction to Economics, Nature, Scope & Basic Economic Problems, PPC.
Managerial Economics Definition, Nature, Scope, Objectives (Decision Making,
Forward Planning, Problem Solving process) & Importance.
Fundamental Concepts Opportunity Cost, Incremental Cost, Discounting
Equi marginal Principle & Time Perspective.
Theories of the Firm William Baumol s theory of Sales Maximisation
Module 2 14 hours
Demand and supply analysis
Utility Analysis Meaning and Nature. Consumer s Surplus
Demand Meaning, Function, Schedule Demand Equation (Simple problems),
Types, Law (assumptions, explanation, reasons & exceptions), Change in demand &
change in Qty demanded.
Elasticity of demand Price, Income, Cross & Advertisement Elasticity (Types),
Methods of Measurement of Price Elasticity. Problems on Ratio method.

Supply Meaning, Function, Law & Elasticity of Supply.
Price Mechanism Equilibrium of Price and Demand (Dynamic analysis), Simple
Demand Forecasting Meaning, levels, Features, Importance
Demand forecasting for New and Existing products- Survey & Statistical methods
(Problems on Least Square method of trend projection).
Module 3 10 hours
Production analysis
Production - Meaning, Factors of production, Production function (Short & Long
Cobb- Douglas Production function- an introduction.
Laws of Production- Law of Variable Proportions & Laws of Returns to Scale
An introduction to Iso-quants, Iso- Cost, Ridge lines and Producer s Equilibrium
Economies & Diseconomies of Scale and Scope (internal/External)
Module 4 16 hours
Market analysis
Cost Analysis: Meaning, Types, Classification of Cost, Cost Curves, Problems.
Relation between Costs, AC & MC and LAC.
Revenue Analysis: Meaning, Types and Revenue curves. Revenue under Perfect and
Imperfect Markets
Market Analysis: Meaning, Types and Classification. Perfect Competition,
Monopoly, Monopolistic Competition, (Features and equilibrium, Long & Short term)
and Oligopoly (only features). Meaning of Duopoly, Monopsony, oligopsony.
Module 5 10 hours
Pricing & profit analysis
Pricing Meaning, determinants, objectives and Policies (Pricing methods Cost
based (cost plus, MC, ROR), objectives based (Profit & Sales maximization),
competition based (going rate, penetration and entry deterring))
Profit Meaning, Types, Objectives & Theories (Risk & uncertainty theory,
Innovation theory)
Break Even Analysis Meaning, Features, BEP (Diagram), Importance and
Application of BEP in management

1. Article, Concept, News reviews, Case studies, etc
2. Presentations, GD, Quiz, CBR, Guest lectures, TED talk, Debates, etc.
3. Assignments, mini projects, etc
4. Profile of Adam Smith, Marshall, Keynes, Myrdal, Amartya Sen, JN
Bhagwathi (indicative).
Recommended Reading
Essential Reading:
1. Managerial Economics by D.N.Dwivedi, 7th Ediction, VPH
2. Principles of Micro Economics by Taylor J. and Gugnani R. (Glocal edition),
Suggested Reading:
1. Economics by Samuelson P and Nordhaus, TMH
2. Managerial Economics by Petersen, Lewis and Jain S, Pearson South Asia
3. Principles of Micro Economics by Salvatore D, Oxford UP, International
4. Managerial Economics by Kalkundrikar A.B. and Kulkarni A.N.
5. Managerial Economics by D.M. Mithani, HPH
Other Resources:
1. Indian Journal of Economics and Business,, serials publication.


Subject Code: 1008 Credits: 4

Contact Hours: 60 hrs Weekly hours: 4

External Marks: 80 Internal Marks: 20

1. To introduce the concept of Personal, Corporate and Social etiquettes for the
2. To equip students to be ready to adapt corporate culture easily.
Expected Outcome:
1. The students to develop professional and pleasing personality.

Module 1
10 hours
Personal Skills: Self Introduction, Grooming standards and dressing, health and
hygiene, courteous phrases, banquet etiquettes
Module 2 10 hours
Corporate Etiquettes: Communication Skills Oral and Written, understanding
symbols, corporate etiquettes, Meeting etiquettes Reporting and Minutes of the
Module 3 10 hours
Social Skills: Socialization, Telephone etiquettes, Email etiquettes, SMS etiquettes,
Net-iquettes, Dealing with difficult people.

1. Write an email to the Chairman/Director of your department seeking a
permission to conduct Sports Tournament at the campus
2. Role Play of a Meeting and students to submit the minutes of the meeting and
3. Students to give their self introduction in class

4. Students to learn and report different etiquettes followed at different types of
5. List out courteous phrases and try to use most of them in day to life.
6. Visit an organization of your choice and study organization culture and
present a report of the same.
7. Organize a college level event and follow all possible protocols during
invitation, stage management etc.

1. Internal Assessment: (10 Marks)
Assignment, Presentation, Role play, Field visit and presentation
2. External Assessment: (40 Marks)
a) Project Report 20 Marks
b) Viva Voce - 20 Marks.


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