EUF Joint Entrance Examination For Postgraduate Courses in Physics
EUF Joint Entrance Examination For Postgraduate Courses in Physics
EUF Joint Entrance Examination For Postgraduate Courses in Physics
• Do not write your name on the test.
It should be identified only by your candidate number.
• The use of calculators or other electronic instruments is not permitted during the exam.
• If you need spare paper for rough notes or calculations, use the sheets marked scratch at the
end of the answer booklet. Do not detach them. The scratch sheets will be discarded and
solutions written on them will be ignored.
Q2. The planar double pendulum consists of two particles of masses m1 and m2 and two massless
rigid rods of lengths l1 and l2 , which swing, under the action of gravity ~g , on a fixed vertical
plane, as depicted in the figure below. Considering ~g as constant and adopting as generalized
coordinates the angles ✓1 and ✓2 in the figure, obtain:
(a) Write the eigenstates |n1 ,n2 ,n3 i of the total Hamiltonian Ĥ in terms of the eigenstates of
one-dimensional harmonic oscillators |ni i (i = 1,2,3) and also the eigenenergies of Ĥ.
(b) One of the eigenenergies of the system is 72 ~!. What is its degeneracy?
(c) The observable Ĥ is measured when the system is in the following state (assume the
eigenstates |n1 ,n2 ,n3 i are normalized)
1 1 1
| i = p |0,0,1i + |0,1,0i + |0,1,1i.
2 2 2
What are the possible outcomes and what are their probabilities?
(d) Suppose the outcome of the measurement in item (c) was 52 ~!. Consider t = 0 the instant
immediately after the measurement. Find the state of the system | (t)i for t > 0.
Q4. The energy density u(T ) of electromagnetic radiation in equilibrium at temperature T can be
expressed (starting from thermodynamic arguments) as
Z 1 ⇣⌫ ⌘
u(T ) = ⌫ 3f d⌫, (1)
0 T
where ⌫ is the radiation frequency.
(a) Using only Eq. (1), find u(T ) up to a constant factor (that is independent of T ). What
is the dimension of this factor?
(b) In 1900, Planck discovered that
⇣⌫ ⌘ 8⇡⌫ 2 h⌫
⌫ 3f = 3 (h⌫/k
T c e BT ) 1
where h is Planck’s constant (which relates the quantum of energy to the frequency), c is the
speed of light in vacuum and kB is Boltzmann’s constant.
8⇡⌫ 2
(i) Discuss, without deriving it, the physical significance of the factor c3
(ii) Find the behavior of the energy distribution in the limit in which the photon energy is
much smaller than the thermal energy kB T .
(iii) What is the meaning of the result of item (ii) in the context of classical physics?
(c) The constants c, ~ = h/(2⇡) and the gravitational constant G may be used to define abso-
lute units of time (tP ), distance (lP ) and mass (mP ). Find these quantities in terms of products
of powers of ~, c and G. Find also Planck’s temperature TP . Estimate the order of magnitude
of tP , lP , mP and TP in the international system of units.
Q5. A student wants to measure the specific heat cx of an unknown substance x. For that purpose,
he can use a calorimeter, a device that ideally does not exchange heat with the environment.
The calorimeter’s heat capacity K is known. The calorimeter is initially at room temperature
Tamb . The experimental protocol consists of putting a known mass of water mH2 O at room
temperature Tamb in the calorimeter, adding a known mass of substance x, mx , initially at a
p Txp> Tamb , and measuring the final equilibrium temperature Teq . If necessary, use
2⇠= 1,4 and 26 ⇠ = 5,1.
(a) Write the equation required for determining cx from the data provided.
(b) Considering K = 30.0 cal/o C, the specific heat of water cH2 O = 1.0 cal/(g o C) and using
mH2 O = 50.0 g, mx = 200 g, Tx = 37.8 o C, Tamb = 25.0 ± 0.1 o C, the student found the final
equilibrium temperature of the system to be Teq = 27.8 ± 0.1 o C. Find cx . Express your result
with the uncertainty in the value of cx .
• Do not write your name on the test.
It should be identified only by your candidate number.
• The use of calculators or other electronic instruments is not permitted during the exam.
• If you need spare paper for rough notes or calculations, use the sheets marked scratch at the
end of the answer booklet. Do not detach them. The scratch sheets will be discarded and
solutions written on them will be ignored.
O dQ x
(a) Summing up the contributions of all charge elements of the ring, find the electric field
vector E(z) (magnitude and direction) at the point P .
(b) Proceed analogously to item (a) and find the electric potential V (z) at the point P .
(c) A point particle of charge q < 0 and mass m starts at rest from a point with coordinates
(0,0,z0 ), very far from the origin (i. e., z0 R) and moves along the z axis. What is its speed
when it reaches the ring center? Neglect the e↵ects of electromagnetic radiation generated by
the particle in its journey towards the ring center.
Q7. A rigid square loop of wire of side L has total electric resistance R. The loop is on the xy
plane of a coordinate system and moves with velocity ~v away from a region where there is a
uniform magnetic field B ~ (shaded area of the figure below) pointing out of the page (in the
positive z direction). Consider the instant
p when the left-hand vertex of the loop is a distance
s inside the shaded region (0 < s < 2L/2).
y v
x L
Q8. Consider the quantum non-relativistic dynamics of an electron (mass m and charge e) moving
along the x axis in a one-dimensional harmonic oscillator potential with angular frequency !.
~ = E x̂ along the same axis.
The electron is also subject to an electric field E
(a) What should the astronauts’ constant speed relative to the Earth be on the outward jour-
(b) According to the astronauts, what will the traveled distance be on the outward journey?
(c) Each year (according to the spaceship’s clock) the astronauts send a light pulse back to the
Earth. What is the period of arrival of the pulses at the Earth?
(d) In the middle of the outward journey, a couple of astronauts decides to the return to Earth
in a space module. According to the astronauts that remain in the original spaceship, the
module travels at speed 5c/6. Find the total time (measured from the Earth) the couple of
astronauts will have stayed away from our planet.