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14 Octubre 2015

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Joint Entrance Examination

for Postgraduate Courses in Physics
For the first semester 2016
14 October 2015
Part 1

• Do not write your name on the test.
It should be identified only by your candidate number (EUFxxx).

• This test contains questions on:

electromagnetism, modern physics, and thermodynamics.
All questions have the same weight.

• The duration of this test is 4 hours.

Candidates must remain in the exam room for a minimum of 90 minutes.

• The use of calculators or other electronic instruments is not permitted during the exam.

• Answer each question on the corresponding page of the answer booklet.

The sheets with answers will be reorganized for correction. If you need more answer space,
use the extra sheets in the answer booklet. Remember to write the number of the question
(Qx) and your candidate number (EUFxxx) on each extra sheet. Extra sheets without this
information will be discarded. Use separate extra sheets for each question. Do not detach the
extra sheets.

• If you need spare paper for rough notes or calculations, use the sheets marked scratch at the
end of the answer booklet. Do not detach them. The scratch sheets will be discarded and
solutions written on them will be ignored.

• Do not write anything on the list of constants and formulae.

Return it at the end of the test, as it will be used in the test tomorrow.

Have a good exam!

Q1. Defining the Hertz vector Z~ by the expressions:
~ ·Z
∇ ~ = −φ; ~ = µ0 0 ∂ Z ,
A (1)
~ are, respectively, the scalar and vector potentials.
where φ e A

a) Show that these potentials satisfy the Lorentz gauge:

∇ ~ + µ0 0 ∂φ = 0;
~ ·A (2)

b) Shows that for a medium without sources, (ρ = 0, J~ = 0) and with µ = µ0 the vector Z
satisfies the following expressions:
1 ∂ 2Z P~ ~ ~
∇2 Z = − ; ~ = 1∇
B ~ × ∂Z ; ~ =∇
E ~ ×∇ ~ − P,
~ ×Z (3)
c2 ∂t2 0 c2 ∂t 0

where P~ is the polarization vector.

Q2. Consider a very thin hollow disc with inner radius r1 and outer radius r2 lying over the xy
plane and with its axis centered at z = 0 (as illustrated in figure 1).

Figura 1: Hollow disk.

The ring has a superficial charge density given by:

σ(r) = , (4)
where r = x2 + y 2 .
~ = y = 0,z) on the axis z;
a) Find the electric field E(x
b) Suppose now that the ring starts to rotate with angular velocity ω0 . Find the current
density J~s = σ~v , where ~v is the linear velocity;
c) Find the magnetic field H(x ~ = y = 0,z) on the axis z, produced by the current density
Js .

Q3. A positive pion π+ can decay according to the reaction π+ → µ+ + νµ , i.e., it can decay into
a positive muon µ+ accompanied by a muonic neutrino νµ . Neglecting the mass mν of the
neutrino and considering the pion initially at rest in an inertial frame S, determine, in terms
of the mass of the pion (mπ ) and of the muon (mµ ):
a) The modulus of the muon linear momentum.
b) The total energy of the muon.
c) The muon velocity.
d) The average distance one muon runs (in the vacuum) before also decaying. Use the symbol
τ for the muon mean life-time measured in its own referential.

Q4. Consider a non-relativistic particle of mass m performing a simple harmonic movement with
frequency ν.
a) Determine, in terms of ν, Hthe allowed energy levels E for this particle, from the Bohr-
Sommerfeld quantization rule pq dq = nh.
b) Consider a system containing a large number of these particles in thermal equilibrium. From
the allowed energy levels for each particle, determined in the previous item, calculate the total
average energy hEi, where P (En ) = Ae−En /kT is the distribution function.

Q5. Consider a Carnot engine operated with an ideal paramagnet whose equation of state is given
by the Curie law
M = D ,
with M the magnetization, H the magnetic field, T the temperature and D a constant. The
internal energy change is given in terms of variation of the entropy and the magnetization by
dU = T dS + H dM (the term HdM is analogous to the term −P dV for the ideal gas) and
also by dU = CM dT , with CM constant.

a) Determine the relationship that links the initial values of magnetization and temperature
Mi , Ti to the final values Mf , Tf in an adiabatic transformation, in terms of CM and D.
b) Represent the cycle composed of two adiabatic and two isothermal transformations in a
diagram H-M . The isotherms correspond respectively to a higher temperature, TQ , and
a lower, TF . Indicate the four states in the vertices of the diagram as (M1 ,H1 ) (beginning
of the cycle, in the highest magnetization and at the temperature TQ ) (M2 ,H2 ), (M3 ,H3 ),
(M4 ,H4 ).
c) Calculate the total work done in the cycle, as a function of M1 , M2 , TQ , TF and of the
constant D.
d) Get the efficiency of the cycle, given by the ratio between the total work done and absorbed
heat ( at the temperature TQ ).


Joint Entrance Examination

for Postgraduate Courses in Physics
For the first semester 2016
15 October 2015
Part 2

• Do not write your name on the test.
It should be identified only by your candidate number (EUFxxx).

• This test contains questions on:

classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics.
All questions have the same weight.

• The duration of this test is 4 hours.

Candidates must remain in the exam room for a minimum of 90 minutes.

• The use of calculators or other electronic instruments is not permitted during the exam.

• Answer each question on the corresponding page of the answer booklet.

The sheets with answers will be reorganized for correction. If you need more answer space,
use the extra sheets in the answer booklet. Remember to write the number of the question
(Qx) and your candidate number (EUFxxx) on each extra sheet. Extra sheets without this
information will be discarded. Use separate extra sheets for each question. Do not detach the
extra sheets.

• If you need spare paper for rough notes or calculations, use the sheets marked scratch at the
end of the answer booklet. Do not detach them. The scratch sheets will be discarded and
solutions written on them will be ignored.

• It is not necessary to return the list of constants and formulae.

Have a good exam!

Q6. A disk of radius R is composed by two halves, each with mass densities 1ρ and 2ρ respectively.

a) What is the moment of inertia of the disk, with respect to the axis perpendicular to the
disk plane passing through its geometric center G?
b) Determine the coordinates x1 and x2 of the center of mass of the disk.
c) What is the moment of inertia of the disk, with respect to the axis perpendicular to the disk
plane passing through its center of mass?
d) Consider the movement of the disk in a straight line on a horizontal plane perpendicular to
the disk plane, without sliding. Find λ(θ) implicitly defined by

v(t) = λ(θ) R ,
where θ is the angle between the vertical axis and the straight line passing through the geome-
tric center and the center of mass (see figure), v(t) is the module of the center of mass velocity,
and dθdt
is the module of disk rotation velocity.

Q7. Consider an object of mass M that moves under the action of a Coulomb-like central force,
modified by a force proportional to the inverse of r3 ,

k q
F (r) = − − ,
r2 r3
where r is the radial coordinate, and k and q are positive constants.

Let the total energy of the system be described by

M 2 M 2 2 k q
E= ṙ + r θ̇ − − 2 ,
2 2 r 2r
and the angular momentum of the system given by L = M r2 θ̇.

a) For the case where the object describes a circular orbit (equilibrium), find the orbit radius
as a function of the parameters k, q, M e L of the system.
b) For the same conditions of item a), find the total energy E as a function of the parameters
k, q and L, of the system.

c) By identifying the effective potential for the radial movement as

L2 k q
Vef (r) = − − ,
2mr2 r 2r2
check under which conditions on the constants q, L and M , the radial coordinate of the circular
orbit obeys a stable equilibrium configuration.

d) In the case the radial coordinate of the particle move out of the (stable) equilibrium condi-
tion and oscillate approximately harmonically (around the radius of the circular orbits), find
the relationship between the radial oscillation period and the period of revolution (angular
movement) in terms of the constants q, M and L.

Q8. Consider a system composed by a pair A and B of spins 1/2 described by the state

|ψi = α|A+ i ⊗ |B− i + β|A− i ⊗ |B+ i + γ|A− i ⊗ |B− i + δ|A+ i ⊗ |B+ i

(with α,β,γ,δ ∈ C) in the Hilbert space HA ⊗ HB , where the state |A± i satisfies hA± |A± i = 1,
hA± |A∓ i = 0 and

ŜzA |A± i = ± |A± i, Ŝ∓A |A± i = ~|A∓ i, Ŝ±A |A± i = 0.
And similarly for |B± i. By recalling that

Ŝz ≡ ŜzA ⊗ IˆB + IˆA ⊗ ŜzB

and also
Ŝx ≡ ŜxA ⊗ IˆB + IˆA ⊗ ŜxB , Ŝy ≡ ŜyA ⊗ IˆB + IˆA ⊗ ŜyB
with I A ,I B being the identity operators acting in the corresponding Hilbert spaces,
a) What is the dimension of the Hilbert space HA ⊗ HB of the pair of spins A and B?
b) Consider the state |ψi with α = β = γ = 0. What is the most general value of δ ∈ C that
normalizes |ψi?

c) Consider the state |ψi with α = −β = 1/ 2 and γ = δ = 0. What is the expectation value
of the operator Ŝz for this state?

d) Consider the state |ψi with α = β = 1/ 2 and γ = δ = 0. Determine whether |ψi is an
eigenstate of the spin operator Ŝ 2 ≡ Ŝx2 + Ŝy2 + Ŝz2 . In the case it is an eigenstate, what is the
h i
corresponding eigenvalue? (Hint: remember that Ŝ± = Ŝx ± iŜy and that Ŝx ,Ŝy = i~Ŝz .)

Q9. Consider a harmonic oscillator with frequency ω , mass m and Hamiltonian

Ĥ = (1/2 + n̂)~ω, (5)

where n̂ ≡ ↠â with n̂|ni = n|ni and we recall that the lowering and raising operators satisfy

â|ni = n|n − 1i

↠|ni = n + 1|n + 1i

Assuming that at the time t = 0 the oscillator is in a coherent state |zi defined by

â|zi = z|zi,

a) What is the value of hz|n̂|zi for z = 21 exp(iπ/4), assuming that |zi is normalized?
b) Assuming that at t = 0 the oscillator is in the ground state |0i, determine the state form at
time t = 1/10 s for ω = 5π s−1 .
c) What is the value of cn (as a function of n and z) so that the coherent state |zi = n=0 cn |ni
P+∞ n in the eigenstates |ni of the number operator n̂) be normalized? (Remember that
e = n=0 x /n!)
d) Use the result of the previous item and calculate the numerical value of |hz 0 |zi|2 for z =
1/2 exp(iπ/4) and z 0 = 1/4 exp(iπ/4).

Q10. Consider a system of N non-interacting spins 1/2, with magnetic dipole moment of magnitude
µ, in the presence of a uniform magnetic field B.

a) Write down the Hamiltonian of the system.

b) Considering the system in thermal equilibrium at the inverse temperature β = 1/kB T ,
calculate the partition function Z(β,B).
c) Calculate the magnetization M as a function of T and B.
d) Get the expression for M in the high temperature limit and weak magnetic field.

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