PH3201 StatMech Assgn3
PH3201 StatMech Assgn3
PH3201 StatMech Assgn3
The following need not be submitted but may be attempted for practice. Part (a) of the first question was in the midsem. The second problem and part (a) of the third problem were (hurriedly)
discussed in class.
1. A zipper has N links; each link has a state in which it is closed with energy 0 and state in
which it is open with energy . We require, however, that the zipper can only unzip from the
left end, and that the link number s can only open if all links to the left (1, 2, ..., s 1) are
already open.
(a) Show that the partition function can be summed in the form
QN =
1 exp[(N + 1)
1 exp()
(b) In the (low temperature) limit >> kB T , find the average number of open links.
[The model is a very simplified model of the unwinding of two-stranded DNA molecules see
C. Kittel, American Journal of Physics 37, 917 (1969).]
2. Work out the thermodynamics of the simple one-dimensional model for rubber elasticity that
I had sketched in class. [Bowley-Sanchez pg 78]. If you are interested you may also look at
a slightly more sophisticated model in Callens book.
3. Consider N spin-1/2 spins in a magnetic field B.
(a) Initially, the system has a temperature T . If we slowly reduce the magnetic field to
B/2, what becomes the temperature of the system? If we slowly reduce the magnetic
field to zero, what becomes the temperature of the system? (Hint: the entropy remains
unchanged in the above adiabatic process.)
(b) The spin system is now in thermal contact with an ideal gas of N particles in a volume
V . Initially, the two systems have a temperature T . Assume gB B >> kB T . If we
slowly reduce the magnetic field to zero, what becomes the temperature of the gas?