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2007.11.21 - The Word of God at The Synod of The Holy Archangels, Michael and Gabriel

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The Word of God1 at the Synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel2

I am Who I am. I am He Who goes with the cherubim and seraphim. I am the One Who
is born of the Father before eternity and the One Who became flesh in the Virgin from the Holy
Spirit to come among people as true God and from true God, and I am of the same one being
with the Father. Amen.

I am the Word of God, and I have come again on earth by this name, (Apoc. 19:13)
for two thousand years ago, I came down from heaven and I let Myself be crucified for man
and then I was resurrected, as it was written that it might happen to Me, and then I ascended
again to the Father, and behold, I have come again and I have come as word on the earth, having
neither beginning nor end, like the Father, and the Holy Spirit, the Creator of life, He Who
has spoken through the prophets, makes Me perfect with My kingdom having no end on
earth among people, for those who were, will be again and will come to life, and the living
ones, who will be like the saints, will be made perfect by the spirit of life, which is to be
forever, for My kingdom will have no end. Amen. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of
the dead3”, r.n.)

Open to the Lord, watching children within the gates for My coming! I have gathered
My people together to take it into My bosom and to give it the word of life, the word of creation,
for I want to fill with eternal life the one fed by the gifts of My word, by which I have come
again to man. My calling after the man has become a river of word over the little garden in
which I have made My word come down, in the end of the time, and this time that is Mine is
written into the Scriptures to be. I do nothing and I speak nothing from Me, Myself, but I have
come and fulfilled only what is written by the Spirit. Amen.

Behold, what a glorified coming, what a day of glory over the lands blessed by Me to
be around the little garden of the manger of My word, and which I, the Lord, often gather My
people to give it of My bosom! I am with armies of the saints and angels, and the heavenly
powers minister to Us. My angel, Michael, the archangel, stands before the angelic armies and
speaks this way: «Let us stand in awe, in fear and with reverence, for the Lord speaks over
the earth and He lets it know about His coming». Amen.

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, become word over the living and over the dead, for it is an
angelic feast, and I come and comfort the man, who was and who is and the one who will be. I
have announced those who are asleep by My angel, who has been waiting for Me to come to
wake them up, and My angel told them that they are called to a table of resurrection on the new
land chosen for My glory in the end of the time, and they have listened to the Lord and come
to a memorial table.

God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A.
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I have announced the people fed at My table of word and I have told it to come together
at the spring to strengthen My life and fulfillment within him on the rock of its faith.

I have announced Myself with a heavenly feast of saints and angels and I have called at
the table of resurrection those who have loved you because you are Mine, My people.

I announce Myself with My love for man over the whole Romanian people, My
newly chosen people, for I have chosen again a people for Me, to have a country and to
have a people in it for My coming, and I have done this because this was written to for Me
do and to choose again a Jerusalem, and behold, I have chosen and fulfilled this word.
Amen. (See the selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan4”, r.n.)

Oh, holy angels, and you, heavenly powers, who serve My coming and My days of glory
with the people on earth! Comfort each other and take from margins to margins the news of My
coming with the saints on the land of the Romanian people, and give heavenly powers to the
people of My word, by which I announce Myself as word over the earth. Amen.

Oh, My people, on which I, the Lord, rely in order to do the work of My coming now!
Oh, seek to take after Me, for I have come to build the man again, and I have come to build him
again in man, and that is why I have spoken to you so much, since even the sons of the
people wonder about what I have worked with you today, for the sons of unbelief are today
as those in the time of Noah, (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah5”, r.n.) who
neither heard nor believed that I was coming to wash away the earth from unbelief and from
the man who had given Me away with My image and My likeness in man. Oh, people nourished
from heaven, you are My people by faith, and I have always given you food with the spirit of
life, which gives you power to fulfill Me in you with My will, for the will of the Father and
Mine is your sanctification, son. It has got great, great work in man, and My word over you
has always, always sealed you, so that the evil spirit may see My seal, always fresh over you,
and the evil spirit to go weak in his power, and it will be weakened, amen, and then the people
will look for each other to advise one another to this spring and they will receive from it
power of life, spirit of life giving, the spirit, which I, the Lord put into My word, when I
speak with it over the earth. The sons of God are those who are nourished by God and from
God, and this is how they have become known to the devils that they are God’s sons among the

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sons of men, and the sons of men will run after God’s sons, and they will ask for a vessel with
oil from them, which gives light and burns within a snuff, so that they may also see the way
and that they may come to the life, which I, the Lord, ask from the man so that he may stand
before Me at My coming with the life of the age to be, for the new land, on which I have set
My kingdom with you here, My people, will be spread far and wide and will grow, as it is
written, and do not ask yourself how will this be, for all those that are written about My
glory of New Jerusalem over the earth, all, all and everything will come true with your
steadfast faith, that full of patience and love, My people but be the tool of My glory, by
which I am supposed to plough, to sow and to take care of the world that is to be, for this is
how faith is, bearing fruit out of its work, My people. Oh, there is no more beautiful image
on earth than that of the man’s image, which becomes God’s temple, the Holy Spirit’s
dwelling among people! This is how you are supposed to give light among the men’s sons,
and this is how you are supposed to preach Jesus Christ, coming in the flesh, coming in you
with His being, with His life, with His love, with His work, which works far and from far away,
son nourished with the Spirit of life giving, and Who proceeds from God. It is a day of angelic
feast, sons, and the angels comprise you within their glory from Me upon them, and they work
heavenly powers for you, and behold what glory is here now! And those of My glory, which
are not seen, comprise you within them too, and soon, soon, your eyes will be opened to
them, and they will gift away the garment of incorruptibility, for you and I work at this
glory, and it will give itself over in its day of visible glory face to face with the faithful man
and with the unfaithful man, for some for eternal life, and for others for eternal suffer-
ance, as it is written, My people. Amen.

Now, I am embracing in the word those who love you and who come on feasts to you
for My glory over you, for My sharing of word spring, giving of powers from above. I exhort
them, My people, them and you as well, to love their resurrection and then their life, for who-
ever loves his life on earth, he loses it, but whoever takes care of it for the spirit of resurrection,
that one gives Me his life, and I make his body into a palace of My rest and the rest of My saints
and angels, for this is the reward on the earth of those who give their lives over to Me as My
dwelling place, and this is how it is understood that the men’s sons are men’s sons, and those
who give themselves over to Me as My temple and rest, those are God’s sons among men’s
sons and they are the sons of the resurrection. Amen.

I give you the food on My table with My people. I make you a sweet calling to the life,
which does not perish. You, those who love the people of My word, because it is Mine, will
not lose your reward, for I have spoken about this then and now. Oh, bow to drink of the
spring of life, for My word has become spring on the earth from this place chosen by Me even
from the beginning of the world to be the new beginning of the new earth, renewed by Me by
the word and sanctified by the word. Seek after Me to find Me and you will find Me, and you
will find that I am In you and that I wait for you with patience and awaiting. Come to the spring,
come to be comforted in feasts near the people of My word, for the struggling is great on the
earth, but here you find rest, comfort, and power for those that will remain on earth. Peace to
you! Praise God for His glory by which He gives Himself to you! Receive from My love and
bear it in you to become gods by grace so that I may have rest in you with the face of the
Holy Spirit and then with His work. Nothing is eternal on earth, nothing, nothing but God
and then His people that is to be. Peace to you! Holy faith to you! Peace to you!

The people that has come with My angel from the place of the waiting of the spirit of
the resurrection over those who wait for the voice of the archangel so that they may wake up


for the age that is to come, this people, that has come now at the angelic feast in such a great
number, I, the Lord, look at it and pour out upon it the spirit of comfort, the promise of the full
resurrection of their bodies, according to their works and according to My great mercy, which
I have put to work now by the supplication by which, those who are set by Me in the little
garden of My word, intercede with Me to ask God for the release of the creature and the new
birth giving, the resurrection of the dead and the life of the age that is to come and to be on the
earth soon, soon.

Peace to you and peace to those who wait for the resurrection! In a little while I will
release on earth the garment of incorruptibility that is to come, and you will stand up
incorruptible, for I have been working now at this work with My people on earth, and which
I have built for Me by the word. Oh, rejoice and look at My glory rejoicing, for My people
of today is My glory from My coming, and soon, soon, I, the Lord, will bring the waiting
to an end. In a little while, all the creatures will take on the garment of incorruptibility,
and this joy will bring back on to the earth the eternity of all that have been made by God, and
which will be again, as it is written, and when I, the Lord, will speak and say: «It is done!»
Amen. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorrupt-
ibility6”, r.n.)

I comfort you too from the place of My spring of word, Romanian people. Receive this
whisper of My comfort and receive of My Spirit, for I speak to you only affectionately in order
to exhort you and that the work of My exhortation upon you may do you good. I have often
whispered to you and I have longingly called you and whispered to you: Wake up! The darkness
is great and the light is no longer seen, but I call out to you, wake up and set your eyes on to the
light, for I am the light and your salvation and I watch mysteriously over you and I call you to
watching. Wake up your love, My country! Let My will be upon you! I have got festive clothes
for you and I want to announce you as the first among the nations before Me. Do not go together
with the man who pulls you back wondering for your choice. What I did in the beginning and
what I have done now remains done, and your mystery is the land of My coming back from the
Father to man, and behold, I have the throne of My word on your hearth, and you value too
lightly the thread of life, which speaks from My mouth so that you may drink and know God,
Who is coming to you with all His mysterious adornment and Who will crown your forehead,
soon, soon, country of My coming back from the Father to man. Peace to you! From the midst
of the people of My word, I bless with a fresh word your hearth and your people, Roma-
nian country. In a day of angelic feast on your land with My people, with My new church, I
embrace you within the Holy Spirit to congratulate you with gifts of resurrection and new mak-
ing over your creature. Come to know My will, come to the spring and take Me, and then come
to You, for behold, I am coming to you and I have always come until you may have learned the
coming, your coming to My glory in you to be one spirit with Me, My country of today. Amen.

I, the Lord, embrace you within the spirit of angelic feast; I embrace My people from
everywhere and which have come together to be nourished from heaven and to spend with the

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angels, for the angels have brought a synod of feast into your midst, an angelic synod. I have a
spirit of teaching upon you, and I will embrace you within it in this day and I will give you
power to give from My teaching, too. Moreover, I will reveal mysteries to you, son. I will
refresh your understanding and I will give you power to be able to be great before Me as much
as I ask from you to be. I will also refresh you with heavenly ornaments, with deep mysteries
of word coming out of My mouth, for you are the one who grows and the one who learns from
Me to be small, to be a baby at My bosom, for only those who know how to stay at My bosom
and eat from Me, only these are the sons of My kingdom, only these are the temple of the Holy
Spirit Who becomes word so that I may come in to the man and to pour Myself out in you, to
overflow Myself over from you and to give Myself over for the life of many, and then to their
redemption, sons, so that I may be their Shepherd forever, and that they may be like you,
My people, people of the Shepherd Lamb, people redeemed from the great tribulation,
people of the age that is to come. Amen, amen, amen.

My angel Michael has spoken a word over the angelic armies to accompany to their
places those who have come and taken of the spring the word with a life giving spirit in it.

My angel Michael announces Me at the gates to enter again as word into the book for
the whole work of the day, (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book
of Life7”, r.n.) for the growth and steadfastness of My people in all the time of the work of My
word, having been working for fifty years over My people. Oh, the people of My word is great.
It is he who has heard the word coming out of My mouth, now, in the end of the time, and who
has fulfilled it in his life. Amen.

I come in again, children from the gates. Be strong for My coming down into the book,
for I strengthen you. The sighing in you is My highest dwelling in you and with you, for the
work of My descent as word from the Father to man wears your bodies out, but in order that
the man may understand My great fulfillment, which has been working now on earth, he needs
great mercy for God, great longing and love, and only then, only in this way, the man is able to
understand and believe My heaviness upon you, My sighing by which I dwell in you and keep
your spirit burning, for if I did not dwell in you, you would be knocked down within hardships,
because the evil spirit has dressed himself over with all kinds of faces and works to cut out your
standing before Me, and also to cut out My work of coming from the Father after man. Oh, be
merciful on people, and let this strengthen your spirit, body, soul and your standing before Me
for My coming, so that I may teach the man and call him out on the way of eternal life, and
which the man has to prepare it after that, for the man works his eternal life on earth, and
not beyond his body. Oh, all day you have been deeply aggrieved but full of mercy for My
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people, which is coming, which has always come to the spring, and which, through your love,
lifts My people up to Me.

Oh, children from the gates, let My love for man and My mercy on him always overcome
you, and in this way you will be able to burn like Me for the man’s salvation, because My
angelic armies cry after man, after My place in man. The angels cry looking at the people, for
the people live for their own sake, and they do not like to have angels, for the man cannot get
away from him, he cannot get away from sins to come under in My tent, under to an angelic
protection. Oh, children sons, blessed and again blessed are those who know how to stand
within your love, under your protection, within your teaching, for I have in you the gifts of the
teaching of eternal life and I want to strengthen you to their sharing, as you also work, because
My people loves you and it would stay long with you and never to be enough, for you have My
love in you for it, and by it I picked and pick them up, and through it I fill them with power to
become God’s sons, only that there are many among them who despise you very much, some
out of their foolishness, some out of their lack of wisdom, some out of their disbelief, some
because of their sins, and still some others out of their pride of not bowing and thus becoming
children just like you are, workers near you and with you, for the spirit of envy has destroyed
My man, and it digs with pride and strength among men, and it spoils My way with the man,
My dwelling in man, for I cannot dwell in the same place with the evil spirit, and I cannot clean
away the evil spirit, there where it makes its nest by the will and by work of the man having an
evil spirit.

You have been so dear to Me in this day by your keeping silent and by your speaking,
watching children before My word, when it comes! You have breathed upon My people the
spirit of its deification, exhorting it not to sacrifice God for the sake of its wills. He who un-
derstands and comes under this eternal mystery of the eternal life in man, that one has
always got God alive and true in him, as so few people understand to work this miracle upon
their life. You have exhorted to the work of the spirit those who are My people near you, and
you longingly yearn to see the sons of My people working out Holy Spirit. Oh, My people, you
do everything from everywhere, but the work of the Holy Spirit suffers waiting for you to give
Him place, from time to time at least, in the time of your days, if you cannot always be for Him
a place, sanctified and worked by Him. Oh, listen to the love of those who shake your peace in
order that you may take Mine, for My peace in you is the work of the Holy Spirit, Who has His
dwelling place in the saints, My people.

Oh, watching children in the way of My word so that you may give it then to My people
for its fulfillment! I asked you and I still do ask you to write the epistles of the resurrection over
the cities of My people, for much resurrection is needed everywhere where those are, those who
have come from time to time to the spring of life. Behold how they are surrounding you now,
those who are asleep for the gift of My mercy in you, for My work in you, for My descent
through you on earth, so that resurrection may come after this work, eternally working of res-
urrection! I, the Lord, will soon, soon, reveal My mystery with you in My people, and many
will cry within limitless pains that they have not known to want to understand and to believe in
Me what a comforting gift for man I have had in you in these days for the one who have stayed
so beautifully and sweetly in My arm of heavenly Shepherd. Oh, how hard it is for the Christian
who separates you from Me to put you down and then to judge you, for one like that forgets
about My foremost work in those who are bearers of God for man, for I am He Who said to the
working disciples: «I in you and you in Me», as I have also told you. Then, and now, I have
gathered disciples and then I took them with Me wherever I was going, as it is written about the


Lamb of God and about those who walk with the Lamb. I have taken some of them out of their
ranks and brought them down to the spirit of My humility and I have made them My disciples,
and I have also taken some of others from their families and showed them their happiness telling
them: «Blessed are those who leave father and mother, wife and children, ranks and posses-
sions, to walk with Me and to preach Me to the people, confessing Me from margins to mar-
gins, disciples of the preaching of the Gospel of the kingdom of God on earth with the peo-
ple». Oh, happy are those who do not stumble over anything to come and work for Me then and
so that they may become an example of self-denial for all those who want to leave death and its
fruit and then to take on them the garment of life, the way with the light on it and which does
not hide them, but it rather brings them into the light as My followers, as I worked with Moses,
by taking him out of his house and clothing him within My word of fire and making him into
the flame of the Holy Spirit, working before Pharaoh, who had been keeping My people Israel
in bondage; and furthermore, I made him the savior of his brothers, who were sighing in Egypt
for the atonement of their sin of brother betrayal, a sin committed out of envy.

I want to cleanse away the sins of My people made in the spirit, well, children sons, for
you stand before Me like the most childish of all that are My people from everywhere, and that
is why I have called you children-sons. Once I spoke through My word that I work to make
Christians, and then to make the Christians into My children, and I have not been able to do this
up to this time, because the sin of envy, sin made in the spirit, with the man’s earthly mind,
keeps the man great upon Me and I cannot be his God, just as I could not be Adam’s God after
he was envious of Me to surpass Me in greatness then and to be greater than Me, and he was,
for he threw Me away from him and he has got his own freedom, and by it he committed sin
against Me, and thus Adam did no longer want to be with Me.

The angelic hosts have stood in awe under My word now, for I am speaking with great
power of word, and the angels are careful, and I am moving above the throne of cherubim and
seraphim in which I am sitting here now, for they tremble under My body and word, and the
heavenly powers are shaken and are answering and serving My work with you, My people, and
I have before you those who are giving you My speaking with you. Woe to those who try to
humiliate them by the work of the evil spirit served by man! Woe to those who kneel them
down to make them move in elbows and knees, according to the will of those who humiliate
them this way, those who stay humbly as the stairway of My coming to keep Me between
heaven and earth and to work out My coming about which I spoke about two thousand years
ago in the word of the Gospel of My kingdom over the earth and over the man! Those who
sinned against Me, not knowing that I was the Son of God, coming down from heaven for man,
they were forgiven by My love, but those who have sinned in this way from that time on
and up to this day, after I proved Myself as true God by My resurrection, they have sinned
against the Holy Spirit, with Whom I came to work before the man by signs and miracles of
the faith of the people who were meeting Me on the way, and behold, those who have committed
the sin of contempt against those whom I have made them into My stairway of coming with My
salvation by the word upon man, they are against God, the Holy Spirit, not against them, and
that is why I said: woe to those who try to humiliate them by the work of the evil spirit served
by man, kneeling them down for their will, and I said mysteriously, and now I am saying it
openly that the exoneration from some kind of guilt is not done by accusation, by throwing the
blame so that some others may be guilty, but it is rather done by love, by faith and then by
forgiveness that comes from God and not from man, and this science and forgiveness work
through the prophesying spirit, by My revelation in those who have God in them. Amen.


Behold, I speak out a mystery to you, My people, for I have stayed long with you to
teach you, if I took you into My bosom in this day of glory of My angels. Oh, son, when satan
stood face to face with Me and tempted Me threefold, after I got out of the water of baptism at
Jordan and when the heavens were opened for My Father to speak that I was His beloved Son
in Whom He was well pleased on earth, I came back from the river Jordan full of the Father
and of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit led Me up into the wilderness, and there I did not eat forty
days, and then I went hungry. When satan saw that I was hungry, he tried to have a hold over
Me and he said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread».
However, I answered him, «Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds
out of the mouth of God». Then satan took Me to an exceedingly high mountain to see his
kingdom for a moment and he said to Me: «This dominion was given to me and I give it to
whomever I want; fall down and worship me and it will be Yours». However, I answered him:
«Get behind Me, satan, for it is written, “You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only
shall you serve». And again, he tempted Me the third time up there on the pinnacle of the
temple, and satan said to Me: «If you are the Son of God, throw Yourself down, for it is writ-
ten: ‘He will give His angels charge concerning You,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear
You up, so that You don’t dash Your foot against a stone». Again, I answered satan the third
time too, and I said to him: «You shall not test the Lord, your God». (See also Matt. 4:3-10)
And when I told him this, satan left Me, and I went into Galilee, into Nazareth and everywhere,
and I was preaching about Me with the power of the word of My kingdom and all were mar-
veled, and the Father was in Me. Oh, behold, My people, what God means in man! Learn, son,
learn My work upon you, for the prophesying spirit knows satan and when he is satan, but
the human spirit does not know him, and satan leads the man into temptation, well, well
sons. Oh, do not take, My people, after the one who denigrates the man, for the man does not
have this right. I, the Saint of the saints, have spoken this, son. However, you should take after
the man who rebukes you for your getting wise, but do not take after food to worship satan
for bread, and do not take after the goods of the world to long for them and to worship
them and their master, and do not bow to test God either, for it is written: «You shall not
test the Lord, your God». My people, receive My exhortation; receive it and seek first to remain
and seek not to commit sin by not fulfilling My word. I have only and only teaching for you,
for behold, My work of coming has got now enemies in your midst, My people, and My way
on to the earth has been denigrated, and I will get up now for Me and try to cleanse from dark-
ness those who work, either willingly or unwillingly, to make a spot on My work in order to
test your faith and the faith of many who get comforted from My river of word, My people.

Oh, children from the gates, wounded by the unfaith of My people and by its evil spirit!
Oh, sons, your sigh is in Me, as I am the One Who sighs in you for My work, stricken by the
fruit of the spirit of murmuring and discontent from the Christian. Oh, sons, you have been
despised and denigrated now by those who think that they are strong by themselves, by their
haughty and searching mind, by the truth, which they think that it is truth, by their own imagi-
nation, but their imagination is from the devil, and many use it as a spiritual gift, and this
is how they go wrong against Me and this is how they serve the devil and they do not know
what they do. Oh, the clean man cannot call you adulterers. The one, who is clean, does not
oppress the immoral one either, but the one who is not clean calls you immoral in order that he
may cover by this his steps without God, his self-will, children sons. Oh, it does not matter
sons. Those who are despised on My way with them, they are those in whom I rest with My
coming and from where I watch for My people, but the world in the man cannot love Me in
you, and it cannot love Me especially when I speak to the man about his evil works, those that
are far away from Me by themselves.


Oh, My people, from the time of those fifty years of word, now, when I have come again
from the Father to man! Oh, My people, this word and its work of descent down to you has its
foundation laid by Me even from the time of Verginica8, (Verginica - the diminutive to her real
name: Virginia, r.n.) while I was bringing closer those on whom I relied with the spirit of the
holy faith and of the love from above. However, because I relied on them further with My
exhortation and watching for the holy way in My people, after I took My trumpet away to
heaven, these children were despised by those who loved themselves from among the people
and they were wicked in their soul, but they loved Me and took mercy on Me by their mercy,
and they raised disciples for Me to the faith, and this is how I have raised for Myself another
people by the work of their love, by which I want to lift again to My bosom those who were
My people in My time with Verginica and then they left Me for their things. Oh, My people,
by the love of those who loved and served Me and by their clean spirit, I have raised a new
people for Me and I have exhorted it by My word and through them, and then I have laid down
some from among them at the foundation of My work of coming to you, as further word, for it
has been wonderful My plane made from the very beginning, which have been brought into
fulfillment now, because as those that were written about Me came to fulfillment, the same I do
and fulfill with them now those that I have to accomplish for My coming now, and behold, great
and sweet is the mystery by which I am coming down to you now, My people! I have worked
so wonderfully and I made a further stairway for My word upon you, and I keep in a cradle of
ministering angels those whom I rely on to come down to You to be your Shepherd and so that
you may not fall in those that are forsaken by you for My way, as many have fallen down again.

Oh, My people, I have always taught you not to stop near those who undress you of your
faith into My word, which exhorts you for My kingdom. I have always exhorted you not to
come to a stop among the group of people who are rebellious, even if these might be only one
or two of them, because there is a host of devils with them too, for they serve the devil. Oh, do
not come to a stop with them, because you become like them, both in your mind, in your heart
and in your faith and then you will fall in disbelief, and disbelief is the reward of those you
have worked and without My pleasure, and you fall under the work of the spirit of rebellion and
betrayal of God and of brothers, you fall into the sin of betrayal and revenge and then in denial
of Christ, for you do not belong to Christ when you do this, but you are rather against Him
and you are antichrist, son, and here it is what antichrist means! Oh, My people, when I
was speaking through Verginica and I had the inquiring one near My mouth, then I said: “Sons,
sons, now, when I am speaking, the antichrist is near the bed of My trumpet, too,” and
there were four, or five Christians when I was speaking like that, but when they grew in number,
how many antichrists were lurking for My life? (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and
the apocalyptic beast9”, r.n.)

Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.)
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Oh, the reward of those who stand against their own good by their rebellion and by their
haughtiness is ugly, sons! What use were the sons of Core if they murmured and stood against
Moses, by stoning him? I took Moses and took him out of his house and I made him a prophet
and savior for Israel, who were enslaved in Egypt, and then the people crushed Moses and did
no longer believe in him and in My words through him, and only Joshua believed My word.
When Israel did no longer want Moses as its guide, it blamed him because of his Ethiopian
woman, from where I called him and made him My prophet for Israel’s salvation, but behold,
the rebellious ones do nothing better than what Israel did, who fell into the deep by the sin of
rebellion, sons.

Oh, cleanse your hearts, you, those who rebel like Israel, for Elijah, My prophet, stood
at the woman in Sarepta more than three years, as I had sent him to stay there, and he did not
go there by himself, and then he also prophesied and worked out powers, and he even raised
Jonah from the dead and made from the widow’s resurrected son into My prophet, and the
Elijah’s disciples did no longer say that he was immoral. Oh, I have told you, My people, to
read My word very much, the word that keeps away the evil spirit from your heart and mind,
and read it within a clean heart, so that you may not die in relation with it and with its fulfillment
upon you, for if you do not listen to do this, you become My adversary, son. Oh, I have always,
always told you, My people, that it is not beautiful to love darkness. This is how I have always
told you, and you should be careful for it is true My Gospel by which I said that all the words
spoken in the darkness will also be spoken out loud on the roofs, and do not rejoice, do not rest,
do not refresh yourself when you work in secret believing that you do yourself good when you
do so, for My angels will fulfill the word of My Gospel for those that are worked in the darkness,
and I will overcome with the light and for the light, and I will overcome for you too, if you let
Me help you and cleanse you from those that are hidden in you and which blame you before
God, son. I am He Who will take you through angels out of you and put you face to face with
you for all those by which you have made Me suffer, and I will work as I worked with Adam
and Cain, who wanted to hide from God in themselves, and they were punished by their own
works if they did not listen for their repentance. Come and confess your sins, come to Me with
your brother, whom you have crushed by hidings between you and he against Me and against
My today’s walking. Come, because I have been waiting for you, for I have told you to come
long ago and you have not come yet that I may cleanse and forgive you, and then to protect My
work from the enmity of the devil. You are heavy with unclean sins within you, and you had to
be light, son. Your speaking between the two has to be healed, My people, for this work, against
God and against the mystery of the brotherhood among brothers, is a satanic sickness. This
sickness does not bring anything but faction in the body of My church, and by this devilish
practice satan has been conspiring for seven thousand years for the destruction of this human
people, My people. The dead are terrified when they see the consequences of this sin and
the unsleeping affliction, under which, they, poor of them, wait for their salvation to come
from somewhere. Oh, only you can save them by your churchly work among brothers and by
the light of your heart, which the dead and the living may see it by your churchly confession
and by your prayer then for all those who died and were unclean from this dark sin, for no one
among people commits this sin for his own good, but it rather commits it for the darkness and
for the reward of the darkness.

Oh, remember My people, the six vessels from the wedding in Cana, which were for the
cleansing of the Jews, son, and you should know that this was an example and prophecy for the
man’s preoccupation with his cleansing, for I went to the wedding in Cana and then I said to be
filled with water all those six vessels, when there was no longer wine on the wedding table, and


then the servants were to take and give it to the groomsman, and only the servants knew this,
those who poured out the water into the vessels that I might turn it into wine at the wedding,
and they were the friends of My mother, advised by her to God, and the ruler of the feast spoke
to the bridegroom of the wedding saying: «Everyone serves the good wine first, and when the
guests have drunk freely, then that which is worse. You have kept the good wine until now!»
(John 2:10) And the wedding guests praised the bridegroom. Behold, the vessels were pre-
pared for cleansing before the wedding for the new wine, and this was an example, My
people, prepared by Me for the wedding table, for I do not do as the man does, serving first the
good wine, but only after the man cleanses himself for the wedding, only after that I give
him the new wine, his union with Me, and for the fruit to be known, as it was known at the
wedding in Cana, when I took My disciples with Me, and the bridegroom and the bride as well,
and I saved them from the sin of the wedding, making of them the temple of My wedding, the
temple of My rest, My people. I exhort you to this example of the wedding, son, and for which
I went to the wedding in Cana. Cleanse yourself, son, from everything that is not beautiful
to do before Me and before your brother, and only after that you should take of the new
wine, of the wine of My wedding with you, prepared now in the end o the time, to take it
anew with My new disciples, like the new Passover prepared by them. Amen.

Son, search out for yourself, son, and do no longer stop and do no longer hide, and
cleanse yourself in a churchly way and not otherwise, for in My church of new Jerusalem the
cleansing is not worked in secret as the world and its priests exhort the people, but the
life, the teaching and the life correction are rather worked within the light, as My first
disciples worked, and as they set My work through the cities with Christians in them. Trust in
God and trust each other for a pleasant cleansing to Me, sons, for any other kind of work leads
to betrayal of God and of brothers, and what is not known by the whole church leads to treason,
revenge and enmity, and it leads to murmuring and slander as well, and these are the tools of
the devil, sons. Oh, it is not so in My new people, which always cleanses itself by the work that
stands before them and before Me so that they may be clean. However, you son who want to
get cleaned from yourself and do not want to work for your soul as in the church from the world,
for I tell you that I write darkness over man with this work, which those from the church of the
world work, and the priests of the world sell you to Caiaphas and Pilate, for they cannot rule
over the people, but only by striking them asunder first. Oh, get healed from this bad thing and
work as in the Scripture, My people, for it teaches you like Me and not like man, who draws
you to him in order to teach you the hiding and then the betrayal of your brother.

Keep away from sin, sons, for the sin is an evil spirit. Here it is what I teach you: keep
away from eavesdropping at the doors and windows, for satan, who fell from heaven uses this
human weaknesses and makes the man hear what is not, for what is done in secret is the invisible
work of the devil, which sows discord and enmity among men, and then he brings hallucinations
to man, so that the man may see with the eyes of the devil, and to hear likewise what is not,
because the devils have come into the people to lose them, to turn them into devils, and in such
a way that the man may no longer be able to get up there from where the angels fallen by the
haughty of the first-built man, who wanted greater than the One Who built him, and since then
satan has been hostile to man and made him do his will, and the people do not know to under-
stand satan’s work to keep away from it. My Holy Spirit, the Spirit in the prophets is that One
Who knows to tell the man about the trap which is set to catch him, but the man does not know
the prophets, as he neither knows the devil with its hidden work, for where the spirit of the
prophet cannot work, the devil can, and behold, I cannot make the man used to receiving from


Me protection over his life for what is not good for his life, and the devil comes upon him
because of the evil in him.

Oh, My people, the man does not have to test God, but he has to receive Him instead.
The man does not have to take after his hallucinations, for this makes him rely on himself and
to forsake Me when I come upon him. Receive God over your steps, for I have come on the
earth with My coming to watch your life and your salvation and faith, and that you may not fall
from My bosom of Shepherd, for if you take after yourself, supposing that you know what to
do, then you fall into the devil’s temptation, son. He who takes after himself loses his faith in
Me, and the one who loses his faith and faithfulness only a little bit, he goes to the winds, for
the works of man brings him forth their fruit afterwards, the fruit of his imagination, by which
he is guided. However, I want to have you in the school of the teaching by which I watch over
you and I want to tell you beforehand about those who struggle to embrace you and to shake
you off Me, and you should look into My word of your revival to see its fulfillment, when you
did not know how to listen to it to prevent the painful happenings that come and embrace you
suddenly when you do not know to receive word from Me. Oh, son, he who takes after his
imaginations for those who are and will be, that one is a false prophet and this is the spirit
who makes the man fall away from My protection, a spirit that serves the devil inside the
man. (See the selection topic: „The false prophet and the ecumenism10”, r.n.)

Oh, My people, you from all the time of this work of word! I have told you today that
God’s sons are those who have been fed with God and from God among the sons of men, and
this is how they have made themselves known to the devils that they are God’s sons among
men’s sons. Soon, soon, the men’s sons will seek after God’s sons and will ask from them
oil to light their way to the life of the age that is to be, and do not ask yourself how this will
be, for all those that are written to be in the glory of the New Jerusalem on earth, all will be
fulfilled, as My word was fulfilled by My trumpet and then by her sister after that, and I built
My holy citadel of New Jerusalem on the earth and I set a sacrificing people in it, a tool of My
glory to be able to come and to have a house on earth and to have a fountain to give from it to
the one who has gone thirsty after Me and after My love for man. Amen.

Now, My angel Michael is watching for the people that is so numerous, which has come
to the feast of the angels for its memorial and for its resurrection to incorruptibility. There is
still a little of time and its raising will come, for I, the Lord, was the beginning of the
resurrection of those asleep, who, soon, soon, will come up into incorruptibility and will
confess this work of My coming as word on earth and those who serve Me for it, and, again,
those who have worked before Me the works of the faith of My today’s word, for the mystery
of My coming now from the Father to man and for man is great. Amen.

I have a spirit of teaching for you, My people, and always, always I will embrace you
within it greatly, and you should be faithful to Me, to keep the devil behind you, as I kept him
when he tested Me after I got out of the river of Jordan, when I submitted to John for the baptism
with water. Always, always look after water, My people, and always baptize your being in the
water of the washing of your wrongdoings, in the spirit of the cleaning from all the things that
separate you from God, and then the devil will leave you and will no longer tempt you with his
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lying imaginations, and which he tries after that to fulfill because of your faith in them. Oh,
come that I may clean you from you and from the devil, for I have, at the spring, those who
know to revive you and to give you to Me always, to be always cleansed from your separation
from Me. Behold, how much teaching I have poured out today upon you.

Receive My image and bear it, My people in all the time of fifty years of My word into
your midst. I wait for you to take My image and My likeness in you, son, and you will be able
to work, if you bow to believe all My word in My time with you. I give you power to be able
to work, only for you to want it. However, I will hold your hand and protect you from the spirit
of unbelief, for satan’s spirit has got up with bitterness to test your faith, but I will teach you
and reveal you My word to know from Me and not from man how to believe in all that I have
spoken now. Amen.

I have stood on the clouds of angels above the garden of My word. (See the selection
topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) Strengthen
your staying before My coming of word, watching children in the gates, and let the gates be
strengthened and sustained as well. Amen. Then let My people come to you and teach it God’s
love and holiness, without which the man cannot work for Me and for him. In a spirit of the
feast of angels I have given My love and I have taught My people intimately.

Learn, My people, from the spirit of eternal life of My word and let yourself be lifted
up and come to take Me from the spring, but also come to learn, to fulfill and then come to
cleanse yourself for wedding, for the wedding table, as I have been exhorting you on this day
of great glory, the glory of the angelic armies, which have as guidance upon them the angel
Michael, My angel and yours, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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