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The Word of God About Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

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Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

«But first, He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.» (Luke:
«Therefore, I was displeased with that generation and said, ‘They always go astray in
their heart, they did not know My ways;’
As I swore in My wrath, ‘They will not enter into My rest.2’» (Hebrews: 3/10-11.)
«What shall I do any more to My vineyard, that I have not done to it? Whereas I expected
it to bring forth grapes, but it has brought forth thorns.
And now I will tell you what I will do to My vineyard: I will take away its hedge and it
shall be for a spoil; and I will pull down its walls and it shall be left to be trodden down.» (Isaias:
«Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Zion: for, behold, I come and will dwell in the midst
of you, says the Lord.
And many nations shall flee for refuge to the Lord in that day and they shall be for a
people to Him and they shall dwell in the midst of you: and you shall know that the Lord Al-
mighty has sent Me to you.
The Lord shall inherit Juda His portion in the holy land, He will yet choose Jerusalem.
(“and shall choose Jerusalem again.”- The New King James Version)
Let all flesh fear before the Lord: for He has risen up from His holy clouds.» (Zacarias /
Zechariah: 2/10-13.)
«Even as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to Him for righteousness,”
know, (Or “recognize /acknowledge”) therefore, that those who are of faith are likewise
Abraham’s children.» (Galatians: 3/6-7.)
«That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of
the promise are considered as descendants.» (Romans: 9/8.)
«As he says also in Hosea:
I will call them ‘My people,’ which were not My people;
and her (country)‘beloved,’ who was not beloved.3
It will be that in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’
There they will be called ‘children of the living God.4’» (Romans: 9/25-26.)
«But I ask, did not Israel know? First Moses says:
I will provoke you to jealousy with what is no nation,
With a nation void of understanding I will make you angry.5» (Romans: 10/19.)

Psalms 95/7-11 / 94 LXX
Hosea 2/23
Hosea 1/10
Deuteronomy 32/31

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

«For one is not a Jew by being so outwardly, neither is that circumcision which is out-
ward in the flesh.
Instead, someone is a Jew by being one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart,
in the spirit and not in the letter. For their praise is not from men, but from God». (Rom: 2/28,
«Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and it will
be given to a people bringing forth its fruit.» (Matthew: 21/43.)
«Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, that person is someone who loves
Me. Whoever loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to
him.”» (John: 14/21.)
«It is the same with Christ: having been offered once to bear the sins of many, He will
appear a second time, apart from sin-offering, to those who are eagerly waiting for Him for
salvation (Or “deliverance”).» (Hebrews: 9/28.)
«In that day, they shall sing this song in the land of Judea; Behold a strong city; He shall
make salvation its wall and bulwark.
Open you the gates, let the nation enter that keeps righteousness and keeps truth, sup-
porting truth and keeping peace:» (Isaias: 26/1-3.)
«As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children.»
(Romans: 8/19.)
«Beware therefore, for fear that what is spoken in the prophets may come on you:
‘Behold, you scoffers, be amazed, and perish!
For in your days, I [shall] accomplish a work,
which you will not believe, even if one would proclaim it to you.’6» (Acts: 13/40-41.)
«Anyone who desires to do God’s will recognize (Or “know about”) the teaching, whether
it is from God, or if I am speaking from Myself. ( Or “on My own”)» (John: 7/17.)
«I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people! He
will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their
God!» (Apocalypse: 21/3.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

God’s Word in and for Romania
Selection of texts from God’s Word from The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem7

Habakkuk 1:5
Translated by V.B. and I.A., r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, My beloved and tired children! Do you like these fields? Do you like these mountains?
Oh, they look like the Sion mountains! Oh, little but beautiful country, oppressed country. My
Mother has chosen you to be her garden, and that is why I will remove all your dandruff from you.
Oh, Romania, Romania, which are full of wealth, I will shake you and I will clean you up, because
I have many relics of saints in your hearth.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-08-1956. (On Calameo)

Blessed is the country and blessed is the people and all the immortals who live through the
Romanian people, as they will all benefit from the mercy of God for the Romanian people, whom
good God wanted to choose among the nations, the most humiliated people, who bitterly suffered
because of the powerful ones, who was exploited, threatened, invaded, tortured, sold and bought
in every war8, and still, a good example of a hospitable people whom almost every nation could
join and live,9 showing a pleasant greatness and being made to be an example of universal fusion
into one nation, with a straight and holy belief, being the highest nation in the world in order to
offer accommodation to all the nations around the world.

… Like the Saviour chose His beloved apostles from Galateea, the most important province
at the time with the firmest belief that is still shining today, so He has chosen The Romanian
country and the Romanian people to be the shrine of exemplary life, at everyone’ salvation service.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-04-1957. (On Calameo)

The bodies of the saints are on the Romanian hearth, otherwise Romania would have been
divided long ago, but because their bodies are on the Romanian hearth, My mother asked Me to
protect you, because, if she hadn’t asked, I would have left you alone long ago.

… My Father dressed himself in Son, in a filthy and ugly coat and He went to a rich man
asking for mercy, and that one told Him: ”Go to work and work! Why are you lazy?“ And here is
what God did: He dressed Himself in a luxurious coat and He went to the rich man again. When
he saw Him, he invited Him at his table. Whom did this rich man receive? Oh, If there weren’t
poor men on Earth, there would be no one in heaven.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-05-1957. (On Calameo)

… Oh, come closer to Me, Romanian country, because if you do not listen to Me, a sign
from Me will remain into you as it had remained as a memory from the emperors’ monasteries.
Approach Me, Romanian army, as the children who are coming are not from Me, they are not with
Me, because God will break down the earthly school and will rise church if there is obedience.
God will spoil conception of the infants, if there is obedience among the Romanian army, as I have
taken grafting for you and I put grafting from the beginning, so that the unborn remain risen. If I
succeed in it, it will be all right, as it is written in the prayer «on earth as it is in heaven», without
sin. Keep your faith, as a lot of it is spoiled. The world believes in God, but sins a lot.

See the history of Romania, a country formed (like the Holy Trinity) of three small Romanian countries,
occupied at turns by the big empires of the time, succeeding the unification (still incomplete) only in 1918, (See
„History of Romania part 1 to part 16” red. note.
The only country in the world which granted each minority a place in the Parliament, red. note.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

If I succeed in doing this with you, I will make this land a heaven for you; the eternal life
will be on it; you will be the sons of heavenly Eden. Subject yourselves to the heavenly will, My
sons. Oh, hear Me, you, New Jerusalem! What say you, will you go without sin? Make no mistakes,
My son, in order to be able to succeed with you, to give you the Orthodox-Christian country in

Oh, today nobody is called Romanian, except the Christian one. He may be a German, an
Indian, but if he is a Christian, he is a Romanian. Peace to the Romanian people! Peace to you, My

… Tell, Verginica, to the Christians, that God says so: whoever wants to enter this tent, let
him wash his sins first. Verginica, Verginica, as the non-baptized Christians could not enter into
the heavenly kingdom long ago, today the man who is not penitent cannot enter this tent too, the
tent which is the church of The New Jerusalem. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trum-
pets”, r.n.)

… Tell, Verginica, you, My daughter, to this people to whom I spoke, that God asked them:
why you do not listen to My advice? I named them the sons of The New Jerusalem, the girls of
The New Jerusalem, people of the Holy Tent, people of The New Jerusalem, but they are full of
dirt even now, after such a long time of prophecy. I, The Lord, I have made great miracles with
people, and not for the purpose of body, but for the purpose of The Holy Spirit, as the body is
ground and dust, and the spirit is immortal. Everything is God’s mystery, since the creation of man
until now, but nowadays the things have not yet been revealed.

… Oh, Romanian people, Romanian people, it is for you that God has come from heavenly
skies, to do with you what is left to be done. Why, My people, are you late to believe? Why are
you late in repenting? Is My arrival from now not written? Aren’t you written in the law about this
holy work? Why are you late to believe? Why are you late in coming to Me? I tell you this, Ro-
manian people, many strangers will come from far away, and you, a small piece, are too lazy to
come. Don’t you think that other Christians, from abroad, left their rest and their homes, their
women and their sons and they travelled in a foreign country, searching for Jesus Christ? But you
are not able to leave anything. Behold! I left heaven and I came to your villages, where it is written,
but the price of My arrival will be high. What else should I do, except this work of turning away
the man from his sins? What work should I do except this one? Who cannot hear this and wonder
not? Who did not hear and did not wonder? Who is able to think about it without being terrified?
God has come again on earth, Holy Spirit has come. How can you not be afraid? Heart of stone,
how can you be so senseless? as even the dead ones groan of horror into their graves.

… Romanian people, wake up! What are you waiting for? For it is daylight, not night. Why
are you sleeping? It is late. Come on, Romanian people, what are you waiting for? Are you not
part of My plan?

… It is for this reason that I got in touch with this child, to make you daughters and sons
of The New Jerusalem. Is this not a mystery?

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… Verginica, I finish My words and I bless with Holy blessing this letter, and you shall
give it in front of My people who shares with everyone else My things. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-01-1966. (On Calameo)

… Oh, My sons, My sons, here I tell you this word. I have come to you, as I have always
told you that I have come to you and you do not believe Me, that I am God and I came long time
ago. At the beginning, when I came with this word, you heard it naming you My People. And I did
not come to go into the world, but I want to stay with you, and to end the century with you, as
you are written to be the key with which I will end this final century. My People, you were
not loved by anyone as I, God, love you. Not even your parents, who raised you, did not love
you as much as I, God, love you. My Love is deeper, much deeper than the one of your parents.
My People, I have brought you precious things, great and worthy things. When will you have time
to start working on them? Oh, oh, My people, make yourself time to fulfill My words, as making
time from time you will have a pleasant life in God.

… My People, when God created you, He gave you a handful of wheat and when I came,
I told you to separate it from weeds and I have come to you to see if you did what you were told
to, but I see now that you want to miss it, and you do not want to separate it well, My People; as I
gave you just a handful of wheat and you did not separate it, imagine what you would have done
if I had given you a cartful! Your ancestors had cartfuls of wheat from Me, and they separated the
wheat from the weeds well. They threw away the weeds. Why, My People, you do not separate
the weeds? Who do you want to do this for you?

… The wheat is your life and the weeds are the sin. The wheat are your days and every
mortal’s days. Man has only a handful of wheat today, and that handful is doubled with weeds,
and there are a lot of weeds into the wheat, meaning that there are a lot of sins into the days of
man. Your ancestors used to have hundreds of cartfuls of wheat and they did not allow the weeds
to live with the wheat, they did not allow the sin to live in their hearts.

… I have come to you to prepare you for the Kingdom of Heaven, as the sin will no longer
have place on earth, because heaven and earth belong to God and not to men.

God is against the man who sins. The sinner cannot work for God.

My People, your ancestors had made mistakes, too, but God used to send them prophets
and they woke up, and they listened, they confessed and sinned no more. But there were not the
prophets who came to you, but God Himself came to talk to you through the Holy Spirit.

You are not the people of the people, you are the People of God. You see? You have a
cattle for pulling, and another one for milk, but I do not have you for pulling, as I took the yoke.
So I do not have you for the world, I have you for Myself, to fulfill what I have written in law. My
People, I want Myself to be proud of your life in front of the world like a teacher who is proud
with his students’ work. You Christian, your life is written in order to replace the sun, your life is
the light, as the sun will not shine any more while you will be the light of the men on their path.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… My Son, do you hear My word? I speak to you closely, as I have never spoken so close
to your ancestors. Neither did I to Moses, nor to Abraham or Isaac.

… Oh, brother, brother, God have invited you into His house. Not even the emperors had
the honour that I, God, gave you. Heaven is waiting for you. There is no other creature on earth or
in heaven who has the same honour that I, God, gave you.

… My Son, believe in God the One, as the water will perish from the earth and you will be
the rock from which the water flows, the water everybody will drink from in order to know Me,

… My Son, do you believe that twenty-four bells will toll into this stable? Do you believe
that the holy sacrifice will be prepared into this stable and the sacrifice will be in accordance with
the belief of My people? My Son, do you believe that the creature 10 who must be shown will be
shown into this stable? Do you believe that no one will be allowed to enter this place if they are
unclean? My sons, make yourselves worthy of this holy sacrament, for I tell you that a part of you
will enter, and a part will not, as I will not take you by name, Christian, but I will take by the life
you live, as it is written in My law.

… I want to make the man to get rid of sorrow, meaning those men whom I gave for hard
work. My sons, your ancestors enriched themselves through God’s work, because, hearing the
voice of God and fulfilling His words strongly, they became rich in everything. My Son, through
this work I forgive Pilate. My Christian brother, through this work I forgive Caiaphas, I
forgive Herod, I will forgive the crowd of dead who died of sudden death, and I will give My
hand to the thousands of aborted children, to help them come to light.

… Truly I say to you My people, the century that will remain from the century is being
built now. The one who came from the beginning of the century till now has not tasted yet the
prepared things: they are all waiting the last one, they are waiting for you. This century will be
over anyway, but come to Me, in the honour that I gave you, as I still have something to work with
you. My sons, come to your senses, for it is here where the new man is being built, but no work
will be done until the man will change according to the plan of God.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 14-01-1966.

… Truly I say to you that many of you will not receive death, but with your body you
will receive God.

… How beautiful the day will be when heaven meets the earth and the reception to one
another will be made! And how deep the sorrow when the disobedients will separate themselves
from you and from Me and they will let their heads down!
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 10-03-1971.

«As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children.» (Romans:8/19.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

... I want you to know that My country is the Romanian country. Let it put spiritual foun-
dation. God is coming to make into it a spiritual belief, where millions of roses and millions of
trees will be planted. Ghostly I speak.

For I tell you this: The man will go to priests no more, but he will come to you, and you
shall heal the sick one and the cripple will come out from you with his legs and the blind will
be able to see. The one with tied hands will go too, and he will come from My people with his
hands untied and his mouth full of blessing. Keep this in mind: you are the wheat and it is of you
that I shall make bread. I say this once more: priest will come and they will unite with you.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 05-03-1973.

… Come near Me today, as long as the weather is fine. Do not be afraid, like Constantin
Brâncoveanu was not afraid of the emperors and he took his children giving them to be tortured
before him, so that no one might be left behind and that one, being tempted by the evil, to disown
Me! In the end, he gave himself to be tortured. And I say: do not let yourself be defeated by te
things which exist today on earth: fight and give your child first, so he could not be tempted by the
world and the time.

... For it is written that every sinner has to go to the doctor to be cured, as behold, a great
suffering is announced for the sinners. You, smoker, give up smoking! You, liar, give up lying!
You, adulterer, put down your mistress!
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 04-08-1973.

… Christians, the wolves are howling at the borders. My Christian children, here lies the
Romanian hearth, from where honey and milk will flow. You shall not go elsewhere, you shall
settle here. Wait for the estranged one (King Mihai, r.n.), who is now preparing himself, far away,
for Lord brings him onto his land.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 25-09-1973.

… Holy Mary will wipe out all the evil from the hearth of this country. Who is with Me,
that one will stay. He will inherit God’s People, because the foreign visitors have already seen
Romania, and they know its riches. They are waiting to rob the country, but the villain shall be
burned, and his ashes shall be blown into the wind and expelled from earth. Have you heard?
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 27-11-1973

… My Son, put your hands on My pot, to see how she trembles, being afraid of the shrew.
(The Security Service of the Communist regime, r.n.). My sons, be careful with your work, be
careful with your departures and arrivals, and when you leave, too. My sons, the moles are the
ones who left from you. They inform Gheboienii that a shrew’s extremity is in their way. They
inform Bucharest that a shrew’s extremity is in their way. They inform Măneştii that a shrew’s
extremity is in their way. They inform Pietrarii that a shrew’s extremity is in their way. They
inform Provița. Likewise, they inform Călăraşii and all the surroundings. (It is about the Security’s
informers, r.n.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 20-02-1974.


… You, flowers, old men, young people and babies, hang on! A lot of people, fashions and
portraits are coming from America, Russia, Belgium, from all the countries. They had mixed them-
selves like bran in the sieve and they bring thousands and thousands of deeds and sins which were
not done and known in My country.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 21-07-1974

… Have you heard what has happened on Earth? The profanation of the heavenly treasures
has become. You have to know that there no was deeper suffering for God, not even for His Son,
compared to this one, as this profanation is being done to put out the Light, but the Light shall not
be put out. They used to do so before the floods, (In 1970, r.n.) but I will hit with the stick Moses’
rock and I shall drown this land, as this profanation was not done before on Romanian land. God
is crying for the profanation that is being done in Romania. Romania, Romania, the gossip has
come over your hearth, the profanation from the ancient temple has arrived at you, too.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 04-08-1974

… My children, if you come to Me, be at My service, be perfect, and do not be ashamed of

your spiritual life, do not be ashamed of the fact that the people call you “penitent” or “obsolete”.
Since the Army of God11 has fallen, the entire humanity is full of sins. My children, there were
priests in the Army of God who preached and served. Now, since it has fallen, there is power
neither at the emperor, nor at his servant. My children, do you believe this? Hear Me out, if the
Army of God was here, the Romanian country would not have been like this, with this look, it
would have been a country of heavenly praise. The fall is a great pain, for otherwise there were no
demolished crosses and locked churches. Do you believe this?
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-09-1974

… Romania, Romania, do not give up, Romania! I have built a wall in you and it does not
end. Romania, do you not know the commandments and the prodigies? Romania, Romania, how
do they walk over you! Why did this country loosen in spiritual strength? Why, My sons and
children, why do everyone want to visit this country? Why do they want to be friends with this
country? They have visited a lot of countries and they all became terrified that there is harshness
and prayer in Romania. Romania used to be the cleanest and the most beautiful country!
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 10-02-1975. (On Calameo)

… Our shelter will be here, on Earth. This land shall be My people’s garden and I shall
make it heaven, adorned with trees, angel music and birds. This land shall be heaven, but God will
clean it, as it is written. Be prepared for the end, in order not to burn with garbage, as all the sinner
will perish. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire”, r.n.)

The Army of God was a movement inside the Orthodox Church, which was born in 1923, at the initiative
of the priest Iosif Trifa, the first „apocalyptic trumpet”. It was banned under the Communist regime, r.n.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… Be moderate with food, drink, and rest. Sleeping from evening till morning is too much.
Working from morning till evening is too much. You should know that God is determined to de-
stroy the whole world. All the human beings and all the creatures will be destroyed. All the blocks
of fats will be destroyed. Do not let yourself be destroyed together with the world. If you do a holy
work, you will not perish along with the world. Be faithful, for it is written that the people from
the end shall welcome God at His arrival. Be like pigeons and hide yourself from the sin. Love
the sin no more. Do not strive for daughters and sons of Gomora. Do not be united with them. Do
not receive them near you just because they say they believe, like you do.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 17-07-1975.

… Had Holy Mary not wept and had she not prayed for this country, which is at these
torrents’ feet, torrents that had broken all the vows, oh, My sons, this country would have been
destroyed long time ago! But if this country does not clean up, you must know that it will not get
away without being cleaned up and washed up.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 23-02-1976

... Oh, who shall be responsible for this Romanian home? Who shall be responsible for this
country? There used to be some beehives on this land. Romania, who knows you, Romania? For I
ask you, Romania, where is the bracelet that you used to wear? The foreign countries took it from
you. You traded it, you gave gold for copper, you gave away the youth for free. How many crosses
did I use to sanctify this land? But now they are none. Hang on Romania, hang on, for you will
soon be without light. You will grope in the dark like the blind one, and you will starve like the
poor one, who will not have land to seed, for the lands under your feet are no longer yours, for you
shall not have land to seed and land to feed your cattle any more: you shall not have your own
garden and trees. (That was due to forced collectivization, under the dictatorship of the red beast,
r.n.). Pity you, Romanian sinner without Me! For you shall be a slave to a foreign world, which is
coming over you all the time. You did not care for the thing I had given you and you made yourself
dirty with the body entered from abroad into your house.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-01-1977.

… My Holy Mother says: “O, God, my child, look how the good man and the bad one eat
You like wolves and they do not believe, they do not believe that You are God from heaven! Oh,
my Son, what will be there, what will happen on this land? Before Your arrival there were no such
things. Tell me, my Son, what will happen to the one who eats and drinks Your blood but he does
not want to be the angel of heaven, who does not want to join Your army?

Oh, you Christian, how long have I wept for you! Oh, you Christian, how long have I
kneeled and prayed to my Son to forgive your great sin, for no one can take it away and there is
no place under the sun for your great sins. I do not speak for the foreign countries, because they
are pagans. I speak to the Romanian country, for it is not pagan, it is a Romanian country, in
which God shall make His plan, plan that He has to make. “Wake up, Christian, from the dead
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-01-1977.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan


… My Son, how much I cared for the Romanian country. I have children and bodies who
sacrificed themselves. Oh, how much I protected this Romanian country! You have to know that
there is another group of Christians, not those ones who drink tzuica (acohol, r.n.). There are peo-
ple who do not drink tzuica or wine. They use wine only when they receive the eucharist. May
their name be blessed.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 06-05-1977.

... Both the emperor and the servant have the evil in themselves. God is upset, and all
Heaven is upset, and The Holy Mary is upset, too, because the entire Romanian country is dirty.
There must be cry and sigh among the Christians.

… You peasant girl, where is your hemp and your brake? You used to make shirts and
clothes snow white from hemp. Even our Lord wears linen clothes, a linen shirt. And the angels,
too. I do not defy you. Be perfect, in order to be able to live in the cold weather.

There will be bloodshed. There will be paralysis. Many will die in accidents. Even the
emperor himself will die in an accident, and many other emperors on the earth will die. And God
will work to make emperors from the ones who swept the streets. There will be people without
king for a long, long time, and the sheep will fight the sheep and the ram will fight the ram, and
the he-goat will fight the he-goat until one in a thousand remains. For it is written.

There will be an empty butcher’s in the country. God shall clean up the Romanian country
of all its litter and He shall make it a blessed garden.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-09-1977.

… Remember this, My son, Ceauşescu will die, the communists will die. Keep this whisper
hidden. Do not say a word until it happens. You can speak after he dies. And you do not need to
know how he will die12.

There will be no one left. You do not know, you are little, little.

You feel like crying on the street: “Oh, my Lord, my Lord, do not leave us and come as
fast as you can, because Your people wants You to come into his house, to speak about the spiritual
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 04-04-1978. (On Calameo)

… Your ancestors had built monasteries for today and tomorrow’s children. It is for you,
Christians, that your ancestors had built this house. Why did they turn the Holy house into a mu-
seum? Do you think the doors will open? They will open by themselves. There is no Constantin
Brâncoveanu to open them. There is no Great Stephen to come to Voroneț. They are not here any

(He was executed, being shot in 25th of Dec. 1989, during the Revolution days, r.n.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

more, but their holy prayer which is being made, opens them. But if you have no holy belief, you
will not walk into this Holy house. Who built the Cernica monastery? Saint Calinic. There is not
his hand any more, there is no nephew, as they all drink tzuica. There is no one to open the cells,
there is no one, but his hand will open the house’s door. You might say that it was not closed, but
it is closed, My child, and many holy monasteries are closed with iron and steel keys, (By the
communist dictatorship, r.n.) My children, but the ones who had built them shall open them for
My chosen ones. Be a chosen one, you too, Christian, in order to eat in God’s house that bread
which Great Stephen had eaten, that bread which Vodă-Negru (Black-King) had eaten. They did
not save their money at the bank, but they used to build holy houses.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 03-12-1978.

… This Romanian country vanishes. Why? Because this country is a holy country, it is a
christian people, but there was one thing at the counting and now there is another.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 24-12-1978.

… My child, My sheep, be in a holy place, be on a holy ground. Do not let yourself indulged
in illusions, do not go to foreign countries. There used to be two children: Olt and Mureş, and they
both separated from each other. Mureş took east, and Olt took west. And God told Olt: ”Olt, you
foaming river, may you be deep and wide, may you be always troubled and mixed with blood.”
And to Mureş He said: ”Mureş, Mureş, calm water, do not go to a foreign country, or else you
shall not have rest.” For Olt was a pagan and Mureş was a christian.

… Long ago, Christians used to grow beards and long hair, but now this is not possible,
because people touch your hair and make it dirty. You will not be able, Christian, to be tormented
for your beard and hair, because one will hold you by one hand and another will hold you by the
other hand, and your hair will be cut and your beard will be shaved. And why let yourself be
mocked at by Gog and Magog? (The communism from the north, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 08-02-1979.

... I gave you love above any angel or any saint. Do not play with My words, for they are
not an earthly toy. Beloved people of these times, of the centuries, if you were a wise philosopher,
you would know every word that God had put into your arms like a heavenly message. But I did
not say: “You are not worthy of Me“, for I wanted you to be above any saint. I have not revealed
to anyone what I have revealed to you. My beloved people, it is written for you to be with Me
since the beginning of the centuries. Pity the one who, having heard these words, would not
come to live in the holy heavens, for his punishment would be bigger than any other sinner’s.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 28-10-1979.

… We protect Romania. The old Jerusalem is where My hardest ordeals happened, and you
will soon see where the new Jerusalem is if you get ready. The new Jerusalem is Romania. The
Judgement Day is in Romania. (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 27-05-1986.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… My children, God made the man, He made him with a lot of care, from dust, like you
would make a doll from dust and water and from wisdom. He blew over him; ”Fuu!” a life breath
. And God did not give him a bottle to his neck, or a cigarette into his mouth, but he gave him
wisdom, beauty and other gifts. (See the selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what
comes out of him?”, r.n.) But behold, now the man uses his wisdom and his intelligence not God
like, but against God. The man is not happy with the way that God made him, but he smokes and
drinks until he mocks at God with knavish words. Why do you not turn, smoker, the cigarette with
the smoke into your mouth? You do not stand fire. You will not stand the judgement’s punishment,
too. The Judgement is here: it will be in Romania. That is why My Mother cries for Romania.

… Oh, work is loved by God, but do not be called or go to work on festive days.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-02-1987.

… My Mother brings prayer for dear Romania. Romania is dear, for it was a holy country
and loved by God, but satan loved it, too. Oh, for what is left in it for God, the voice of Mother
asks for mercy:

“Oh, Holy God, Heavenly Father,

Hold with Thy hand the Romanian crown!”

For great is this song and loved by God, but only what Mother has chosen is brought, only
a few words. My Mother is singing the other words in the holy heavens, as there are no evil ears
there. (The informers from the security police, r.n.) if this entire sing wee heard here, even if they
are God’s children, satan would make way without your will and he would take it into the evil
mouths. All the mouths should repeat at prayer this song for My country.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 15-11-1987.

… The people are going to see what is there, to Jerusalem, but the new Jerusalem is here,
you Christians, and you shall see miracles. The world sees the Jerusalem of My ordeals, but the
new Jerusalem is here.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-11-1988.

... The priests do not know that it is here where the new Jerusalem is being built. Now it is
hidden; I do not want to reveal it. It is like starting to build a house, and the ones who started it got
sick, and I found other workers and I finish it, though. You did not see then that the enemy was
among you and clapped his hands when I took My trumpet.

… The relics of Saint John the Baptist were discovered through My work and the rulers
were asked if they receive him in the country, but the answer was not given. It is the body without
the head, the way they buried him when they cut his head off. My Mother cries to be accepted in
Romania. The one who will accept it, will be saved. It is like a golden globe. I do not tell you
where it is. Pray to be accepted in Romania. Pray that Romania will accept the relics of Christ’s

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… The time comes for God to separate you from this world. My sons, the time will come
for Me to scent you with heavenly perfumes, to smell from the distance, and I shall make miracles
with you, but stand by Me.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 06-12-1988.

... This servant, Irineu, is My child, and I protected him wherever he went. He is the servant
of My church.

Oh, My son, I give you advice to serve in order to come with your service to heavens. I
looked after you wherever you have been and I watched the way you acted and I brought you back
and I made way for you to be in My boat. When you miss My caress, come and I will give it to
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 07-12-1988.

… Come on, from now on, let’s move ahead with the fulfilment! But in order not to be
disclosed, keep both of them at sight: the new style, but with a sincere heart, the old one, the
Romanian one, and for what was broken as long it was broken, the one who had broken the ar-
rangements is responsible. He is responsible, because you did not know until now. I did not tell
you: I was afraid not to lose you. For after I had stopped the staining, many people turned their
back on Me. If I had told you this earlier, you would have said that it was too much. Now, when
the times are ready, I have told you how I can bring you near Me. For, behold, the fast of the
holy apostles in the new style lasts three, four days, but in the Romanian style it lasts two,
three weeks. The one who changed it will have a lot to answer, as, behold, he reached the evil
before Judgement, and at the Judgement Day, he would have to be responsible for the people who
took into darkness. If you want to respect the new style, I will consider it to, for what you did not
respect until now. Pay back, therefore, Caesar’s things to Caesar, in order not to be disclosed and
he might come against you, for if you give him what you should, you will cover what you want to
give to God. (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 11-06-1989.

… I could not prepare you any more, because you were too afraid. They set you up. And
here is what God has done! Now you see, and you see that God is with you. God did not want to
catch the innocent enemy, the one who is loved by God, but the ones without God have been
caught. The drizzle and the hostility waves have not yet stopped, but I will stop them and I will
clear them. You have the right to speak. I told you that I took prophet Elijah to help Me, Elijah
who had brought to Me the Israel of Ahab. I brought him here to help. The priests were ruled
by the executioner of mankind, but now he is waiting for his judgement and punishment. (See the
selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.)

The throne of judgement will be in Romania, which I am washing now. You will see with
your own eyes the truth and the justice, too.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… A little time on earth, and afterwards you will be in the holy heavens, meaning on
the holy ground, because what you wanted and asked for has arrived. This prayer said by My
Mother through your mouths, has fulfilled: Romania shall be cleaned of the satan’s dirt and of the
darkness that overwhelmed her.

I have seen the traps set for My faithful ones to be caught, but I, God, I stopped everyone’s
step and I told you to stay still and to pray more, and behold, I turned the wheel for the ones who
dig the hole to fall into it. They set you up.

… Romania, Romania, My holy and beloved country! How much they overwhelmed you!
(The Security Service of the Communist regime, r.n.) How long they cheated on you!

Be aware, for now it is a threshold of the end of the century. Romania will become The
New Jerusalem and you will see with your own eyes that God has been and He is with you.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 25-12-1989 (Three days after the Revolution, r.n.)

… Can13 I take into consideration the ministry of the priest who both commits adultery and
serves at the same time? The priesthood, which hates God’s people; who is to hear those that
have hate in their heart? Look at the icons about the second judgment. All the priests who
defile My gift go there.

The youth of nowadays does no longer want God. God’s greatest pain comes from the
youth of nowadays. Sons, call out Romania’s cleaning in a loud voice and with tears. The cries of
My little people have turned the wheel, but We have to work to bring about the freedom fully, for
I want to make My word known so that all Romania may know of it, but the steel is made little by
little. The sour grapes turn into honey with patience and silence.

Everything that is in Romania is like black and muddy water, with horrifying waves. (After
the events of the Revolution against the dictatorship of Ceauşescu, within the first years of democ-
racy, no.).
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 05-03-1990

And you, My Romania, My New Jerusalem, you will be like a crown of greatness into the
Lord’s hand and like a royal diadem into your God’s hand, for you will be called: “I was well
pleased with you”. For I will put watchmen on your walls, who day and night will not be silent.

Illuminate yourself, Jerusalem, as the Lord’s glory is coming upon you; furthermore, dark-
ness and fog will come over the peoples, but the Lord arises on you, and kings will walk in your
light and nations in your brightness. Your sun will no longer go down, for only right people will
be into your people, and the smallest will be like a thousand, like a great nation. I, God, said it and
I decided to fulfill it in due time.

From here, the document is translated by I.A., r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romania, My Jerusalem, I will do unexpected miracles in you, which have never been
heard of. Here I am. Turn to Me, for I come to join with you, and I will put shepherds over you
after My heart, and I will teach you to understand everything and I will call you “The Lord’s
Throne,” and many nations will come after My name.

Wash yourself away My Romania, for I will dwell over you, and also cleanse yourself, for
Your Creator is calling you. Do not be afraid, for I will gather you from west to east, and I will
destroy the Babylon on your account, and I will work out your salvation. Your headmen defiled
My altar, but do not be afraid, new Israel, for the King of Israel is your Savior.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the patriarch Teoctist, from 12-05-1990

… I have something dear and of great value on you. I keep it until one day. I have a gilded
apple. I keep it in the oven to bake it, to be good, and to give a bit of it, and it will be honey
for each one.

My holy Romania was ruled by holy and brave rulers, who loved God. Now it has been
governed by rulers, who have defiled it. It is like a garment of a petroleum worker, befouled with
black oil. I will pass it through fire to be cleansed.

I want, and I have to accomplish it to bring the ruler that God wants and to establish him
as ruler over My little church after My will. The world does not know what I speak, but you should
know that it will hear, and My word will come out to be known. Then many people will answer:
“We did not know, Lord, that it was You that worked”.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 10-10-1990

− Be careful again, My love, My dear child. Those that are written into the book will be
fulfilled; those written for his time. Behold, it shoot forth buds, and here is a new thing; I come to
fulfill it. Be careful, for we will work out a new thing, a New Jerusalem, a new and eternal life.

My love, the mystery of incorruptibility is great, and this mystery has to be worked
out by us; it has to be established on the earth, for we will make new heavens and new earth,
and the Lord will come down into the middle of this heavenly Jerusalem and He will establish
those that are written into the book. (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind salva-
tion - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) I have brought the tree of life; I have brought the
tree of life, to be worked and placed into the middle of the heavenly Jerusalem, for the heav-
enly one will come down on to the earthly one, and there will be only one, a heavenly Jeru-
salem on the earth; on the earth, for the earth will be cleaned, and it will be renewed, and it
will be new.

Take care with love, for I want you to eat from this beginning of new work. Do no longer
eat at the table with Annas and Caiaphas, and do no longer sit at the table with Judas. Eat with Me
My dear; eat every day from Me. Never be without Me, and you will be from heaven. I have come
down here, I have come down here with My kingdom and I made here a beginning of new
heaven and new earth, a beginning of incorruptibility. Eat My dear, with Me, for I have come

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

down at this table with all My love, with all My power and with all My life. Clothe yourself with
a heavenly life, My loved one, (The Bishop Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.), for I will give you a crown
to sit on My chair, on the chair of My church, to be an example for My church.

My loved child be full of love; be full of faith, as My love will be poured out like a river
over the sons of obedience. All go for glory, as Romania is God’s glory; it is the land of bright-
ness; it is the queen over the nations, and it is blessed and loved and chosen, for this is written,
that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again. Romania is the loved citadel and I will bring back
its king, for he is from God. And you will have the holy duty to make him heavenly and incor-
ruptible; him and his entire house, and you will have to teach him from Me, and it will be for
him to listen to Me in all his ways, and he will reign in Me, for this is written.

Oh, My loved one, remain in My love, and be the son of My love, for I look into all your
ways with love, and you will come to work out only My love in the middle of My church, for My
love is the highest condition. With it I made the world and with it I will always come and give it
to you to enthrone it on the land of the New Israel. We will make a new people with My love,
a new nation, and this people will be called the people of love, the citadel of My love, for the
Spirits of God will blow over the earth, and every mystery will be shown, and then a new name
and the name of the new citadel, of the heavenly Jerusalem will be seen on the head of the sons
of God.

Come, My dear, let us be love, let us be resurrection and let us be light over the earth. Stay
within the mystery of the heavenly Jerusalem until I make you appear with power, for we will
have to establish the heaven on the new earth, and we will live happily in the Eden of love, and
all the breath on the earth will know the mystery of the heavenly love, for this mystery is great,
wonderful and eternal.
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen, Irineu, from 22-10-1990

A strong voice is heard, which calls: „Who will speak for Me?“

Behold, I blow a spirit of awakening over the nations, to awake the spirit of discovery over
the wisemen of the earth, to let them know that I am God. I come to smooth the paths, I come to
clean the earth and to water it afterwards, for a new and rich grass to rise across it and to feed the
crowds once more. I am coming soon, and My reward is with Me. For I fulfill nothing without
revealing My secret to the prophets.

Jerusalem, you who kill prophets and exterminate the ones I have sent! Behold, I am com-
ing to perfect Myself. Let the nations and all the languages hear that I am coming with the Jerusa-
lem from above to settle it on the earth and to put in the middle of it the ones which are written in
the Book. I am coming to choose the Jerusalem again.

Behold the voice of Lord on earth! Write and tell the others what God speaks. The spirits
of God blow across the earth, and who dares to disturb My plans? Let him come to fight Me, let
him judge between Me and My vineyard.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Woe the ones who call the light darkness and the darkness light, who call the bitter sweet
and the sweet bitter! The Lord is coming and the mountains are shaking and He annihilates the

Oh, how you have fallen from the sky, you who said that you will settle your home in My
holy mountain! Behold, I have thrown you to the ground like a priceless branch. Behold, a king is
coming after you with My justice, and the eyes of the ones who see will not be closed any more.

You, the weak at heart, strengthen yourselves and fear no more! I shall walk in front of My
chosen one and I shall smash the iron locks, as I am calling a man (King Mihai, r.n.) from a far
away land to fulfill My plan.

Rise, My Romania! Stand up, My love! Get rid of your yoke and come towards greatness,
o, the citadel of My love! Do not cry any longer, My love, for the hardships will go away; there is
only one hour left. Behold, a new sun is rising and the flowers are blossoming and I am coming to
make you a bride, I am coming to love you and to put you into glory, and all your friends will see
you and will walk into your brightness, My love, for it is so written about you, that the kings will
walk into your greatness. The Lord is coming to rest upon you, for behold, I am willing into you.

Your poets sang about you, your pagans sang about you, and they did not know what they
sang about, My love. My Spirits used to blow over you every morning and they woke your love
song, and you sang, beloved citadel, you sang your love song and you were beautiful and you sang.

Clouds and fog passed across you and they changed your beauty and your laughter ceased
then, but I did not let any temptation to cross over your power. My Spirit, like an alphorn, used to
wake early in the morning and to blow sadly and I rose from you My brave men and I girded their
waist and set you free from your burden and then, you smiled again, My love, for I have loved you
since your birth and I destined you to be Mine.

But when the (spiritual, r.n.) winter came upon you, a heavy snowfall came upon you and
it covered you up, My love, and you almost died. And you struggled into your own blood seventy
years (1921 - birth of the Romanian Communist Party - 1991 - one year after the Revolution, r.n.)
and the snow became almost red with your blood. (The blood of Christians killed in the prisons of
the communist dictatorship, r.n.) And I passed by you, and you were naked, My love, and I took
off My coat and I dressed you up, because I remembered your youth, when you were beautiful and
white. Oh, the strangers have enslaved you and dishonoured you and they forced you to circumcise,
but God will humble themselves and they will bow to your feet to know that I loved you, My love,
that you were poor and under the cross, but you guarded My patience. And now, behold, I wake
you up from your sleep, to clean the dirt from you and to dress you with new ornaments. Rise and
come towards greatness, as this is your fate from God.

Oh, My Romania, the day of transfiguration is coming closer and I am coming to settle
down into you, as you are the throne of My greatness, you are the Jerusalem of My glory, for My
splendour will come upon you and you will shine like the sun, o, citadel of shinings, and all the
nations will come to see you, that your gates will be open night and day, but the night will not
come upon you any longer, My love. I shall put on your heights a trumpet sound and a festive
voice, and your sons will sing your love song, and then, the ground will give you back the dead

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

ones beneath, for they will rise (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.) and you
will change in a moment hearing My trumpet. And you shall be a queen, My love, as Lord is The
King of love and He is your King.

Behold, I am coming to reward the patience, for I will protect you from the temptation
time. Be strong, My love, in order to have Me with you, for no people under the sun shall have
your victory and your glory, for you shall be a temple of greatness for Me and you will be called
the New Jerusalem, for I give you a new name, My love, My beloved citadel. Wake up your hear-
ing to hear My voice, for you will be My throne and My glorious song will be heard inside you:
«Saint, Saint, Saint is God Sabaoth, The One Who were, is and will be». And I shall reveal the
sin of the ones who stepped over you and I shall make them to be ashamed, and I shall reprimand
them harshly to come to repentance, and if they hear our voice and will open their gates, we shall
enter, My love, and we shall have dinner with them and they will have dinner with us.

And I will rise a man who will be worthy to take on the glory, the blessing and the power
(King Mihai, r.n.) and I will call him from Egypt (from exile, r.n.), because the ones who estranged
him and wanted his life (Communists, r.n.), will no longer be then, for I will lay My hand and I
shall take from you the food and I shall take you back to your sold and banished son, and he will
cry and he will love you and he will come with the entire wealth of Samaria and he will serve you,
because he comes from Me, and who will dare to rise against My plans from the eternity? And you
will be named then “the one with the man“, for he will triumph and he will be great through My
power and My sword will be ruthless in preparing his arrival. And he shall come, My love, and
your love song will be heard again then, and the voice of joy of the stabbed ones will be heard too,
for they foreseen My time and your greatness, that I am coming to woo you.

And in that day I will take My revenge on the emperors and nobles, on the rich and powerful
ones, on the slaves and the free ones, as I will search into you with alight torches, beloved citadel,
and My eye will look into caves and over the rocks for those who hid themselves from My anger.
But in that day I shall note My name and yours on the foreheads of all your people who have
guarded My patience and cleaned up their clothes, and your sons will be priests of The One Who
sits on the throne and they will serve day and night in front of Me and they will bring Me incense
odour, love odour, My love, and they will be thirsty no more, and they will be hungry no more,
for I will give them the sources of life and they will wash their tears in them and the one who will
wash his life into them will add to you, beloved citadel.

Oh, I shall lay My tent over you to protect you afterwards, as My angels will unleash pain
and sorrow over the ones who do not have the sign of The Living One. And I shall unleash a
thunder sound, as it is written and the mystery of God will be announced again to all the nations
and languages on earth and to all the powerful ones and I shall cry out: «Oh, how many times I
have wanted to bring you under My wing and protect you! But you did not want to, and you
sinned far from Me and you lay into ignorance and you did not want My Truth and you did not
love life, as you ended your fall with deed, to be worthy of your fall. And now, behold, I am
devastating you, and I spill anger over the peoples, and you shall not meet Me until it will be
heard again: “Blessed is The One Who comes again in the name of Lord!». And you, My Ro-
mania, the citadel of My love, you will see the ones who used to come to curse you, for they will
take the path of Balaam, because you are blessed and great with Me, My love, for Lord shall rule

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and He shall reward His slaves, His prophets and His saints and the ones who are afraid of God.
And a new song will be sung into you, and nothing impure shall enter.

Oh, My beloved Romania, get out of Babylon, run away from fornication and sanctify
yourself with Me, not to taste from the punishment of Babylon, for the smoke of the fire in which
Babylon burns will rise, Babylon, the city dressed in gold, and the apostles and prophets will re-
joice, for Lord is coming with His justice to redeem their blood; for the angel of the churches will
sound and will spread the Word of God and the times will settle down at their place 14 and The
Church of the Living God will be glorified and power will be given to the ones on the thrones to
judge and to redeem the blood of those who were tortured for the testimony of God, the ones who
did not stain themselves with the Babylon’s wine. And the tears and death will perish and the sky
and the earth will become new, as the old ones pass with crash.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I am the new beginning, and you, be-
loved citadel, will be dressed in glory and the ones written in My Book will come to you and a
river of life will rise from you and I will put in your middle the tree of life. Blessed are those who
wash the coat of life to enter at God. Blessed are those who listen to the Spirits of God. The flower
and the grass wither, but the Word of God lies into eternity. I am The One Who gives hope. I am
The One Who speaks.

God is blowing an awakening spirit over the wisemen of the earth: love the fear of God,
love the belief in God, but love God’s love. Let My love and My wisdom come down over the
wise men of this century and let no one stumble. The wisdom in God is fear of God; this is the
beginning of wisdom and the one who has not got this one, that one is not wise.

Love My ways, for God is coming down over the weak ones to make the powerful ones to
be ashamed, for God has hidden His secrets from the wisemen of the earth and revealed them to
the children of Israel. Get rid of the slavery’s yoke, for the one who is slave to the sin, that one has
no wisdom, that one changes the lie with the truth and fills with the lying spirit the one who is
almost dead, for the lie seeds death and straying from the path of the truth. Look for Me with a
humble heart and think about Me with justice, as the Spirit of God does not live with crime and
stands away from temptation. Get your back straight and take My yoke, as My yoke is light and
My burden is good. The one who is not like Me, is not with Me, and behold, the fog is coming
over the nations, is coming to catch the wrongdoing ones.

Love justice, love the way of God and walk on it, for the word of wisdom is life; and,
finally, love life. I am the way, the truth and the life, and the one who walks on My ways is alive.
The one who knows My ways and does not walk on them, that one is not allowed to talk about
God. The one who loves his life, shall lose it. Strengthen your hearts, you wise men, strengthen
your knees, make right ways, for the kingdom of glory is coming and the God of Heavens wants
to give you the kingdom. Love humbleness, oh, wisemen of the earth, for God does not reveal
Himself and does not enter into a vicious soul. Clean yourselves up for, behold, I am coming with
My reward. Run away in the front of death and reconcile with God, for God is coming to rest into
His, He is coming to announce His kingdom.

Reference to the settlement in place of Christian holidays, after the old style, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My Romania, your sons are walking into wrong ways; your wisemen are sleeping and
stumbling; the right one dies and no one cares, and God is strange at your place. The teachers of
the law are stumbling on daylight and have no power to share life from Me. From the small one to
the big one, everyone love the way of fall and no one has Me inside him. Behold, I am coming
with great fire, I am coming to get the evil out of you. I am coming to clean you up and to renew
you, I am coming to make your land a new one, I am coming to make a new earth and sky. I am
coming to you, My Romania, for God is willing and He glorifies. Behold, I am blowing My trum-
pet. Rise, My love, shake the dust from you! Wash yourself, My Romania, for God is uniting with
you. Behold, I am coming to unlock your sources, to reveal your fountains, to open your gates, for
the one who will love you, will rightfully love you, My love.

Oh, I am coming to judge My shepherds and to gather the remains and to feed My flock.
Shouldn’t have My shepherds fed My flock? Oh, My flock has spread, got lost and no one is
looking for it, as My shepherds did not look after it, and they fed themselves, but I am coming to
make justice for My flock, to ask My sheep from them and they will not tear them apart, they will
not stab them any more. I am coming to look for them and to study them as the shepherd studies
the flock when he is in its middle; I am coming to feed them, to water them, to make justice and
to judge between sheep and sheep. I am coming to clear the waters and to take My flock to good
pasture and, do not be afraid, small flock, there is only one hour left and I shall shepherd you after
justice and I shall increase you and I shall put shepherds over you who will shepherd you with
justice, and you will increase and multiply, and I shall rise a great people, a chosen people, a holy
priesthood and I shall overflow the spirit of caress and of greatness over the sons of submission.

My Romania, the Jerusalem of My greatness, you will be My glory, My love, and a

new song will be heard from you above all the peoples, a peace song across the nations, My
love, and a hymn of eternal glory. Rejoice, New Jerusalem, rejoice, My Romania! For behold,
Lord is coming to you. Enlarge your tent and look, your sons are coming to you. All those who
hated you will call you the Citadel of God, because abandoned and tortured as you were, I shall
make you the pride of the centuries. For I, The Lord, have decided this.

Come on, beloved people, rejoice and get up, the citadel of My love! Sing your love song
in order that the other nations can hear it and rejoice. Put on a festive dress and a wedding necklace,
for Lord is coming to you.

Rise, My love, and let Me hear your voice! Light up the candela and come out on the
threshold and watch, My love, for I am coming soon. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God: Prophecy about Romania and its place in glory, from 25-10-1990. (On

… And I will bring the New Jerusalem and the New Canaan, and everyone will live a
happy life under a godly government. You will see great miracles; you will see angels and heav-
enly faces giving glory to the Most Holy Trinity, together with those that are clean on the earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 05-01-1991

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

But behold, it is written into the Book of the Truth, (The Bible, r.n.), that in the last days,
God will choose Jerusalem again, for the people of Israel, after the flesh, did not come into the
rest15 and into the faith, which was brought by the Son of God, but on the contrary, this Israel
denied and did not believe in the coming of Jesus Christ, the One that the ages were made by, the
One, Who the time was divided by, in the time of His birth. It is written into the Book of the Truth:
«The time comes, when the true worshippers will neither worship into this mountain, and nor
in Jerusalem, and they will worship in the Spirit of Truth». Amen.

God chose Romania and He chose it from its birth and called it queen. The God of the Most
Holy Trinity has come to the end of His work, by the power and work of the Holy Spirit, Which
triples the threefold work of the Godly Trinity16. I have come down to reveal My mystery about
Romania and I raised My servants of foreign peoples, to strengthen the truth of My plan over
Romania. But I have worked in Romania in all the times from its birth, and I will work into it to
the end, for I am well pleased with it and that is why I meant it to be Mine and to give it a new
name towards the end of the times and to call it the New Jerusalem at the right time. Amen.

Romania will be My throne on which I will appear with glory and all the nations will see
the glory of the one that has been desolate by now, for it has been a stumbling and a testing block
for many nations foreign to Me; nations by which I have tested it as gold is refined by fire. But she
has persevered in My patience, and here is why I come with My reward to it; and I come to set it
free from under the heel of the red beast, (The communist dictatorship, r.n.), for this has come to
an end of those seventy ears (1921 – The foundation of the Communist Party in Romania – 1991
– a year after the anticommunist revolution, r.n.), which is written into the Book of the Truth
about. I come to cleanse the evil from her and to set her into glory and into an everlasting celebra-
tion, for this is written about her, about the one, which had been driven away, about the devastated
one. I come to put a diadem of glory on her forehead, and all her friends will see it and will walk
into her brightness, for she is My loved one; she is the loved citadel of the brightness; she is the
blessed one, for I, the Lord, wanted this, and I have spoken about it through My prophets, the
servants. All who had cursed her will see its brightness and will worship her, for she is My queen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to Victor Stănculescu17, from 22-01-1991. (On Calameo)

… Here is what happened in the place of My old Jerusalem, where the holy place was,
where it was the world that put Me on the cross. Oh, if I had come down there now, they
would have put Me on the cross again. That is why I have come down here at you.

Sons, all cry for the completion and appeasement of the evil, but you will see that the
conflict will break through in other countries. It goes round and round and I leave Romania into
the middle, but if it does not receive its ruler, who has to come according to God’s will, I will make

«That is why I was displeased with this generation and I said: ‘They always err in their heart and they did
not know My ways; As I swore in My wrath, ‘They will not enter into My rest.’» (Hebrews 3:10-11);
Work threefold: From Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second -
the work of the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word of
God (Rev: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, r.n.
Minister of National Defense, MND, in that period, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romania to go through pains, through bloodshed and slaughter. And about what I have here; noth-
ing touches of what I have here.
Excerpt from the Word of God from 06-02-1991

Here, I chose Romania to be Mine and to come and make Myself perfect in its midst and
to stretch out My tent by this teaching that I will be speaking with once again and with the peoples,
languages and nations. I chose this land to make Eden and Canaan out of it for the fullness of
times; to make a heavenly Jerusalem out of it and to shed light from here over the peoples, so
that they may see the entrance gate into Canaan.

I have spread the word to the peoples on earth to let Romania be known and that the people
may believe in My work that was spoken about beforehand, for that is why I arose to speak to the
peoples about those that I have to fulfill. And here, I am talking to you My child; I am talking with
you as with a friend, because you are close to Me and to My work, and to My work which speaks
in Romania.
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu18, from 23-02-1991. (On Calameo)

Stay always on My strong rock and you will be afraid of nothing and of no one. Do not be
afraid, you that are in command of the Romanian army; do not be afraid; not even then when you
will see your steps threatened by those who want to lose you, for they will not succeed. You will
see and rejoice, but be with Me all the time. Put Me before everything that his hard, before every
step of yours, for I am victorious with you. I remind you of the holy Stephen, who ruled over this
people, for he was going with Me and was overcoming the assailant mobs, which were coming to
enslave the blessed people, for the holy Stephen first was going to receive My blessing, and only
after that he went to wage war. He went to Daniel, the hermit, and while he was praying, Stephen
waited before the door of this hermitage and did not leave for the army until he received My bless-
ing from the hand of My servant, which lived and dwelt in holiness. And when the lord of the
country came back from the army victoriously, he brought his thankfulness to God, raising altars
of worship and glory to God, as the rulers of this people used to have great faith.
Excerpt from the Word of God to Victor Stănculescu, from 22-03-1991

… − Behold, we meet at the manger of My coming down to strengthen from Me and from
you those that we are waiting for, those that we help ourselves with, for I want to make them
understand well My work in this time. I want you to understand well that within this cover that I
have My work come down, we will often work over many tools of My plan, and we will work
upon them and then with them, to perfect this vineyard and to raise Romania on the top of the
glory of the heavenly Jerusalem.
Excerpt from the Word of God to His chosen Irineu, from 20-04-1991. (On Calameo)

When the time came to ascend to My Father after I finished the work that I came incarnated
for, I was with the chosen ones, with My disciples in Galilee. I was talking with them, and they

Irineu Bistriţeanul, Bishop, redactor (editor) note.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

asked this: «Lord, is it not really the time now to put back to its place the kingdom of Israel?»
And I answered them this: «It is not for you to know the years and the times that My Father kept
under His command». This is what I told them, because this mystery was sealed in the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the God Who works in this time to finish His work, and behold, the Holy
Trinity is coming to an end with this threefold work, for the God of the Holy Spirit is coming to
an end with His work. This is the time that the kingdom of Israel to be put back to its place.
Behold the last secret, the most waited for, for all the heaven together, bearing in its bosom all the
holy working descent, has been waiting to put back to its place the kingdom of Israel. All the
heaven rejoice, as for a long time it has been waiting for these days, and behold, the heaven sees
them coming. I want you to know that it was yours, My love ones from this time of heavenly glory.
The Holy Spirit is the Comforter promised by the Son of God, the One Who takes from heaven
and lets it be known. My apostles who accompanied Me in the time of My body rejoice now that
the time came for the answer of their question to be heard. That was the last word between Me and
them, and then I ascended from them and I did not answer, for this answer did not belong to them.

My peace and the gift of My peace upon the one that I have met now! I put My joy upon
you, son loved by heaven. I missed to sit in counsel with Me, for I sat in counsel with you by this
heavenly thread, and I stayed at the other end of this work, at the beginning of this work, son. I
wanted at this end too; at the end of this work to talk with you, for she is almost over too. We are
close to the big feast, My love, My loved child. You are written into the book of this work, son,
Vasilică. This way you are written. The heaven rejoices at the work of your apostleship, at the fruit
of your work. The time has come to reveal Myself, My loved friend. This is what I told My
disciples: «No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master does,
rather I call you My loved friends». Behold, I want you to know what I do, as I said to My beloved
one, to John, the loved one: «Do not write what the seven thunders spoke; do not write. Seal what
these thunders spoke until the end of the end». Behold that time, My love. I arose to gather
together the good thing and to make perfect the flock of the blessed Romania. Romania is the
chosen country by which God puts pack to its place the kingdom of the New Jerusalem. It is
written in the book coming down that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again, and this will be in the
days of distress. It is great trouble on earth; the fog is thick; the faith is big; but this is what I said
in the time of My body: «Not only these miracles; rather those that believe in Me will work things
greater than these, as I go to My Father». Behold My love, it will be so. I will gather together all
the flock, called, chosen and faithful, and I will make only one out of it and I will blow from
heaven, so that those that are written may be fulfilled, for this is written: «I will pour out of My
Spirit on old men and young men, on servants and handmaids and they will be filled with the
knowledge of the Holy Spirit and I will prophesy among them and I will gather them together
from the four winds of the earth and I will bring them into the country of Israel, in the country
of the New Jerusalem, the one that come down from heaven.”

I used the trumpets written in the book in this time, and behold, I sound the first
trumpet before the second coming, for I will reveal Myself as it is written. I will fill with a
seen glory this Romanian land, this Canaan which I have been working on with the word of
the seven thunders which have been spoken in this time. I used a body that you know, (St.
Virginia - the sixth trumpet, r.n.), and I spoke by this body and brought into view My plan and My
work of ending of God’s secret. This body is now with Me and I gave her a great favor, son, for
she had carried Me for twenty-five years, so that I could speak once again on the earth.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

This is what I said by the apostle John: «Take the book and eat it, for once again you have
to prophecy to the peoples and nations and to the kingdoms of the world». This is what I told
Verginica: “Do not lose yourself, Verginica, because you are to rise in your days and give food
from Me to a great people that will gather together before My throne with branches in their hands
and with little white clothes, singing the song of the New Jerusalem, for only these will know this
song.” Only these, My loved son, and here is what I do, for I came into your way through this who
is great over My church and who I will put on the first place of my church until the end. I came
into your way, by him I came into your way, for I am in him, son, for he is the most faithful to the
thing of this work that I speak by in Romania for such a long time. I came into your way to tell
you too that this song is the song that I sang to you by this vessel that you know too, and this song
is long. It is long; it is from then when I came down for the first time in that vessel and until now,
and until the end of this work by which I spoke, by which I sang to make this new song known. I
came into your way and looked down from heaven over the work of My apostleship, because you
are written into the book of this work, and I remembered of the word of your faith, because I work
after the plan made by heaven, after the heavenly sketch. I found you in the sketch of this work
and I came now into your way to ask your fruit and to reward you. I want to put the new name
of the New Jerusalem on the forehead of your flock, for you are the forehead of this flock, but
I want you to teach this heavenly song to all from your flock, for your flock listens to you. Your
flock knows you and listens to your voice and goes after you as after faithful follower of the Good
Shepherd. You are My friend and I know you out of a thousand, My son. Get up and come to meet
Me; come out with all of your retinue. Call and let it be known over your flock, for I want to come
in your Jerusalem, to join it with the one coming down from heaven and to make, from everything
that is on earth, to make only one, a heavenly one, for here is what I do! I came down from heaven
accompanied by the heavenly Jerusalem, to make a unity with you and with your flock, and for
you to be one with Me and with My flock, which knows the song of this work. I and all the heaven
listen to the voice of your flock, as with all your flock you bring Me glory. You too listen to My
voice and My song, the song of this work. Listen to it, as I come to woo you. I am the Bridegroom
from the heaven; the One that I came to dress My bride with the heavenly garment and to give her
the crown of this time of heavenly glory. Listen to the voice of My work, for I want to bring you
glory too, to make you rejoice in this time, with the joy that I will be coming to place over this
Jerusalem, chosen in this time.

I know your works and your perseverance; I know that you had trouble because of My
name. I know your toil, I know your endurance, but I want you to let yourself be rewarded by Me,
for behold that the time has come, when the man has to come into the garden of Eden where
he fell from; in the angelic state, in the sinless state, in the state of spirit and grace. Watch out
and establish well what remained to be established. Keep what you have until I come, for I am
close; I am at the doors. I came with the last establishments. I did not come with all things in the
beginning. I have come little by little to put back to their places those that are ruined; to establish
My kingdom on a new earth and to make a new man and to put him back into the Garden of Eden.
I have come with the last news. It is time to close in the eternal prisons the evil spirit who took
Me out of the man. It is the time to bring My creature into the first state, to be as I am, to be
like Me so that he may be with Me.

Sound the trumpet so that your flock may hear you! Sound over it and put My last wake-
fulness on it; put on it the best annunciation of all the annunciations by now! I come soon. I am
close now. Join Me with your flock; until I come join Me, for I want to put the seal of this work,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

for the flock of this work is the flock of honor for My welcoming in the Jerusalem of this time.
Romania is My queen; she is My blessed one; she is My chosen one and she is My love, and
I will stretch out the tent of My wedding from her, for I come to her; I come to My Romania.
I come, as I meant her to be Mine from her birth to glorify Myself in her with a visible glory, and
all the people will see her glory. (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.) Gird up
and get up to listen to My voice and to open, for behold, I come to have dinner together. I want to
take water out of this spring and to give it to you to drink, you and all your flock, for this teaching
and this voice which is resounding now towards the end, is My voice, which is calling out to bring
all the peoples together in order to see and know My glory.
Excerpt from the Word of God to father Visarion Iugulescu19, from 06-05-1991. (On

Romania will be the holy people of My glory, for I am near now. Romania is My
chosen one; it is My blessed one and I will clean the iniquity from it and I will put a hymn of
resurrection over it, for this is its destiny from God, and let all the people know that it is My
chosen one from the time of the end of the fullness of the times. Put your faith in Me, for those
who want to work at the freedom of this nation will not succeed without Me. I have the victory
and the diadem of this people into My hand, for it will be the holy people of the new age, but those
who work without Me for this people, will not be blessed by God.

I woke up to put a blessing over the apostles of this nation so that they might be victorious,
but those who deny Me, do not love this people. I have the spring of My words in Romania, which
come from Me. Here is how I come! I woke up to make living waters run from this spring so that
this chosen nation may drink from Me, and that it may know that it is chosen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to Doina Cornea, from 08-05-1991

Behold, We will set the stone of testimony of My word, which worked and works until the
end of the fullness of its mystery, and we will write on this stone the new name of the citadel of
the New Jerusalem, which will appear from this stone, and out of which rivers of living water
will flow, and on their riverbeds We will plant trees and the leaves of their trees will never
wither, and their fruits will never come to an end, for new fruits will ripen every month, as the
trees will receive water from this rock, and the tribes of the earth will eat of the fruits of the trees,
and they will be healed by these leaves. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to his chosen, Irineu, from 04-06-1991.

It is written in the Book of the Truth that, at this time, the end of the world, of the
lawlessness and of disbelief is coming, and a new beginning of a new heaven and a new earth
is coming; a new godly beginning is coming, as it is written by the prophets. The hour is com-
ing for the Son of the man to be glorified and that is why the Lord started in this place the new
beginning of the new work, which will give light from you from place to place and everywhere on
the earth, so that the earth may be new, and that is why the Lord started into this place a resurrected

Hierodeacon Visarion Iugulescu (1922 Brăneşti, Dâmboviţa - 2008, Cernica) was an Orthodox monk mis-
sionary, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

life and a living and clean life; and that is why He started with you the work of a new land, which
will be worked out through you from place to place and then all over, so that every soul may be
a new heaven, and each heart that will be new among those that are made new, for the Lord
brings the man to his life from Eden on that time, in the garden of Eden where the man was placed
in the beginning. The new Jerusalem is worked out again, and the work of the New Jerusalem
from heaven is being established, and it is being done quickly and wonderfully, and all the crea-
ture will be silenced upon this wonderful view which will shine quickly upon this people, for
Romania is the land that is prophesied about, in which the Lord, Jesus Christ will come down
in a visible glory at this time. This is the time that the kingdom of Israel may be restored, for
Israel means a faithful people, a chosen people, a loved people, and it means a people which
is called and blessed. This is the time when God works out the new beginning secretly, which
will be shown afterwards upon all the heights of the times up to this time, for behold, the Lord is
announcing his kingdom. Amen.

This is the place of the testimony for the beginning of God’s kingdom, for the Lord is in
this holy place and is speaking from here, and it is heard all over the earth, and the earth exults and
renews itself from place to place at God’s voice. And multitudes of people will come and flow
from all sides to see and know the Lord’s glory which will be shown upon this chosen Jerusa-
lem, upon this heavenly Jerusalem, for the mystery, which is worked out by the word, is
coming down from heaven into this dwelling.

From the very beginning God has been working everything by His word, and nothing was
done without Him making it known beforehand, and then He set to work and He worked by His
word through the prophets, and it was nothing worked out without His works being proclaimed by
the prophets. It is written into the book of the prophets about these days too, when the Lord
is getting up to choose the Jerusalem again, and to choose again all the faithful ones, and to
come into them to be their God and to go with them presenting them as the light upon the world,
so that the world may come to life under this light.

This roof is the sealed mystery of the seven thunders which spoke in the hearing of
John, the Evangelist, in the time of his apocalyptic vision, which is written into the Book of
the Truth. This mystery was sealed until this time, as it was written, and behold, the time is
coming for this fountain to be unsealed; this spring of work which flows from heaven into
the midst of this people, for Romania is the New Canaan, which will spring now into the eyes
of all the nations.
Excerpt from the Word of God for the appointment of the land of the garden of the Holy
of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 08-07-1991. (On Calameo)

Behold, I am now too with Mine through the word, from beginning to the end of the ages;
I am forever with Mine, for I am endlessly in they who are Mine, as I promised. I came down with
the word in the midst of this people and I have the manger of My word here, where, look, we build
a tower of witness, a strong tower, a rock of resurrection, for the testimony of the word that I
worked with; it is the rock that now we build on the new beginning, for it is new, it is a new
covenant; it is a beginning of righteousness, of cleanness, of holiness, as in heaven so upon this
beginning. And we will establish a word of testimony to this foundation, and new days of feasting,
and we will celebrate here the resurrection and the Holy Spirit, and we will celebrate the name

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

of the trumpet that the Lord worked (Through which the Lord spoke, r.n.) at during this time
for the unsealing of the seven thunders which spoke in the time of the apocalyptic vision,
about which the apostle of love, John, the Evangelist, testified, for his spirit was also emptied
into this vessel that God spoke through during this time, because the angel said then to John:
«Take the book and eat it, for you will have to prophesy once more, in the last time».
Excerpt from the Word of God to His elected Irineu, from 15-07-1991. (On Calameo)

Peace and blessing and a spirit of joy with the heaven, for the heaven is a guest here. This
is a day of testimony. Glory and joy in those above, and celebration of peace from God upon you,
for you are witnesses on this day, in this blessed and clean place. There are angelic choruses here
and they sing: «Glory to the Holy and to the One of a single being and life of the creating and
inseparable Trinity from now on to eternity!». Amen.

Blessed be the kingdom of the Most Holy Trinity, of My Father and of His Son and of the
Holy Spirit, threefold working.

Peace to you! I am here. I am the Word for the Word is God. I am the Alpha and the Omega;
I am the beginning and the end. I am the new beginning of those that believe in Me, for I come
with a visible glory upon Romania. It is written that I will come again, and here, I work by the
word and I announce My kingdom. The heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool.
The heart of My believers is My heaven and the clean and undefiled body is God’s bedding,
(See the selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”,
r.n.), and behold, I am worn by those that are Mine, and I am with the word through them, for this
is God; He is through the prophets; He is through the bearers of God. My word works in this place
and all are worked out by the word of God during these days, for there come the days of heavenly
glory and the days that the prophets of all times wrote about. Romania is the country of the
brightness which will appear from God upon the peoples, for this is its choice and it will wear
a name of a New Jerusalem and of an Eden, blessed among the nations. I, the Lord, proclaimed
this mystery by the prophets and I fulfill nothing without announcing it beforehand.

This is the place of testimony of the work of My word, and behold, My faithful witness is
laying down now, by this heavenly blessing, a rock of foundation for the new beginning, and from
this beginning it will be worked out from place to place and it will arise a new Jerusalem, a new
and clean church, a heavenly church on the earth. (See the selection topic: „The true church”,

The Holy Trinity starts here now with the first stone, and this work of the godly command
will be carried out quickly, and the Lord shall proclaim from the top of this stone the name of the
anointed one, the name of My anointed Michael, king of Romania.

Rejoice My loved ones, My servants, My witnesses! Rejoice, for I come with My kingdom
and I come to My Romania, for it is My kingdom. I come to bind its wound and I come to lay
down peace upon it and to put a diadem of a heavenly glory on its forehead.

Behold, I am in Romania through the word and I proclaimed that I got up to prepare the
way to My anointed Michael, for I will bring him by My living church, and I will be and I will

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

speak, and My word will become flesh and it shall be glory upon the blessed one. I am and I
overcome with those that are clean, undefiled and faithful. I am the Word; I am the Lord of the
powers and from now on I am, and I am with the whole heavenly host at work and I am speaking
in Romania.

Behold, the Spirit of the Most Holy Trinity is coming down now and I bless this beginning.

Let this rock, which is set now by My witness Ioan-Irineu20, be blessed and be a rock of
foundation of the righteous and wakeful ones, for he will sit on the chair of My church and will
speak out My clean and holy laws, for he is the witness of My work in this time.

Blessed it be the Romanian crown and the house of My anointed Michael, king of Romania,
for he is from God upon this people, and behold, the time of God’s Romania is coming, and it
shall wear a clean garment, a pure and white garment and a work of the Holy Spirit upon
the earth. Romania is the one that is clean and chosen and the faithful one of this time, for it will
be faithful to God.

Blessing, eternal myrrh and a heavenly anointment upon this place of testimony all over
the ages, as in this time God has been working in Romania by the word, and the word, which flows
from God into the midst of this chose people, will be perfected. Blessed are you, My faithful wit-
nesses, who have sit in counsel with My word on this day of testimony, and behold, we will quickly
finish this stone, and then I will be with you to all the margins of the world, and I will be by the
word and work out miracles greater than those at that time, as I spoke then. I am the Lord of the
powers upon the heaven and the earth, and there is no God beside Me, and I will achieve My
perfection upon the nations, as in the heaven so on the earth.

Blessed are you, who will work this holy place. May your heart, hand, power, love and
time be blessed, for I bring the time under your submission, and we will get out soon above all the
powers from the earth; we will get out by this new beginning, delivered by a godly commandment.

Peace to you and rejoice as My Father is coming with His kingdom! And behold, My
kingdom is in you and all the nations, which will see the glory of this work of living stone and
you beside it, will know. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.)

Peace to you, My witness, the witness of My clean and righteous church, for only those
that are clean, undefiled, faithful, shall come into this sealed land, and this place of testimony of
the work of My word will have power, for I rest in peace and in generosity into this clean manger.

Peace to you as well, king of My Romania, from here, from the first stone of the new
beginning! Peace to you, Michael, king of the blessed one! Peace to you and to your house and
your offspring, which shall stand by your right!

Glory to those that are in heaven and joy for this day of heavenly testimony, and also peace
upon you, My witnesses!

Irineu Bistriţeanul, Bishop, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Peace and good order upon My Romania!

This is a day of testimony. Let it be written this day as a heavenly memorial, in heaven and
on earth, as on this rock I will build the living church of the new beginning which shall arise upon
the nations. Amen, amen, amen.

Glory for those in heaven that are God’s, and peace upon Romania, the country of My
blessing! Peace and good will and order upon those that are faithful and upon the God’s anointed
house, Michael, the king of Romania! Amen.

This is what I told to My apostle: «Go into all the world, and preach the kingdom of the
heavens, and he who believes and is baptized will be saved. Go and proclaim the peace into every
town you enter, and if you are received, My peace shall remain upon that town». And behold a
heavenly mystery upon Romania, a fathomless mystery, a sealed and unsealed mystery, for
Andrew, the first one called to the apostleship, came on the land of this people, and he was
clean with his body; he was undefiled and he came and brought the faith and the baptism of
the faith upon Romania, and he was the first one called of Jesus Christ, and so, Romania is
the first one that is called, and this way the Christian Romania was born; that way was its
birth and the Lord named it, the queen upon the earth, and behold, the time is coming that God
may be glorified over it and for Him to put mystery of righteousness upon it, for it is chosen and
is a queen over the nations. This is the choice of this earth and it is written into the Book of the
Truth that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again and it will be a New Jerusalem. This land is
holy and if it is holy, behold, the time is coming that the Lord shall establish Himself upon it to
fulfill His promises written for this time.

The Spirit of the Most Holy Trinity is working by the word in Romania, and God’s holy
people speak the word of God, being moved by the Holy Spirit, for this is what the Lord speaks in
the book coming down from heaven: «In those days I will pour out My Spirit and your sons and
daughters, old men and young man, servants and handmaids, will prophesy and will speak from
God» and the word of God will become flesh, for the Lord said it was done; and the Lord is through
the prophets and the Lord says and then fulfills it. Romania is prophesied about by God’s proph-
ets and it shall be the new and righteous Zion; it will be the Canaan of the fullness of times;
it will be the end of Babylon, lawlessness and defilement, for God’s heaven shall be in a visible
glory upon this earth and it shall burn all the defilement which splashed the garment of the daughter
of the chosen New Zion, towards the end of the time of lawlessness, and it shall no longer be any
defilement, abomination and fornication, and it shall no longer be idol worshipping and unbelief;
and nothing unclean shall enter it anymore, and the Lord will take out of it those that are hypocrites,
and those that are foreign to the truth and those that go astray. And this mountain will be raised
above all the heights on the earth for the Lord will make His law come down to the one that is
chosen, clean and holy, for the one that is righteous; as I will come down and proclaim the word,
and the word will work and cleanse all the filth on it, and no one shall enter its gates but only those
that are clean, pure and holy. And this land will be a new Eden, a holy kingdom, a beginning
of a heavenly kingdom, a beginning of a new heaven and new earth, and from this new begin-
ning, God’s light and life will be spread out, as countless multitudes shall flow to listen to the
wisdom that will work upon the sons and daughters of this chosen people. And it shall flow a

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

spring of justice, a spring of love and resurrection from the midst of this holy land, and this shall
be the spring of life, the spring which flows from the midst of the city and which will turn into the
streams of living waters through the New Jerusalem, for Romania will be the New Jerusalem,
and the Lord will be with His word to the glory of the New Jerusalem. And in this time, those
that are prophesied shall be fulfilled, for I will bring My anointed one and he will rule with Me
and not without Me, for God is upon the blessed one with His word, for the fulfilling of the most
wanted glory.

Peace upon the house of My anointed, Michael! Peace to you, king of Romania, and let
you be in Me, for I will reveal Myself through you over the nations, as it will come that the nations
may see My glory and your glory, and it will come that they will bow down their head before this
work. Behold, I work and prepare your coming, and I work by holiness, by a law of holiness and
righteousness, for God is holy. I have the work of My word into the midst of this people, and I had
worked secretly to the master of this world, to the herods of this world, who had always been trying
to destroy this manger, but I was with the covering of the heavenly powers and overcame for the
protection of this work, as I came to an end with it, so that I may announce My kingdom upon the
earth afterwards and to reveal Myself in a visible glory, to the reward of the patience of those
redeemed from the word, for the spirit of the world covered My creature under the darkness of
ignorance, and the bearers of the Holy Spirit groaned and cried under the rock of this time. Behold,
I come to bind the wound of My people and your people, and your people shall love you and will
become holy and come to life for the light of My word, but be careful, so that we may get above
with those that are worked in secret and to speak from the roof tops the mystery bringing the
heavenly victory.

Take heed to the One Who speaks with you from heaven, king of Romania, for the parents
of this chosen nation were in Me with their heart, faith and life, and they were setting stones of
remembrance to Me, (A lot of churches and monasteries, r.n.) as a heavenly sacrifice. Take heed,
as in this time the purpose of Romania is fulfilling, and you are anointed by Me for this holy
purpose. This work of My word comes out; it comes out upon the nations. In a little while I will
unseal this spring of resurrection and of life for truth and you will come afterwards, and we will
rule upon the nations in truth, for Romania will share the law and the way of the truth and the way
of life, and you shall have on your right, the one that I prepare to be the first in My church, for he
is my chosen one for this time, and he is set in for holiness and for the mystery which will cover
with glory the church and the nation of this time. Behold, I sent him to you to testify about the
work that I prepare, that I need to prepare, the work that I came for with the word upon this nation,
and he will testify all the word that was under a mystery by now and which proclaimed those that,
behold, are being fulfilled now.

In the time of My body there were the priests, the scribes and the teachers of the law, who
did not receive Me. I came for those that were Mine, but they did not receive Me. Nicodemus was
also one of them, but he believed that I was the Son of God and that I came to fulfill the Scriptures
and the prophecies. And Nicodemus as the priest of the burial of God’s Son and his faith remained
as a witness, and Nicodemus is My witness. This is also My witness, (Irineu, r.n.), in the time of
the work of the Holy Spirit, for the God of the Holy Spirit makes whole the threefold work of the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Most Holy Trinity21. The Holy Spirit will cover the earth by godly knowledge, and all the flesh
will bow down to do God’s will, and from place to place it shall be worked out a new heaven and
a new earth, a new man and a new heart and then it shall come to be seen the Scripture which says:
«God sits and judges among the gods».

I made the heavenly news come down by word and I told those, who give a body to My
word, that I will set this stone of witness, which will soon testify about Romania and about the
work of the Lord upon Romania. I let it be written the name of My anointed, Michael, on this
stone. I said that this land may be kept, this manger of the heavenly coming down, this church, and
it will be called the church of the righteous and wakeful. I said that this shall be a holy place and
a holy law, that it shall not be violated, and he, who wants to come into this holy place where
My word speaks powerfully and it is fulfilled powerfully, let he, who wants to come in, to be
established within the laws that are come down for this holy place. Those who stand at the mouth
of this heavenly spring are bodily clean and are fed on clean food, as I gave the law to the first
people that I put in the Garden of Eden22 to listen to My laws and live without death. (See the
selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) But the evil
spirit perked up and spoiled My blessed seed, by the weaknesses of those, and then it came for
them to fall from the blessing of the Eden. And behold, I work quickly to lift up My creature from
the wound of the sin and to breathe and share a spirit of resurrection upon the hearts of those who
listen to My laws, for Romania will live in holiness and work out a power of resurrection and of
salvation for My creature, as it is my first one called and is a queen over the nations, and its crown,
which is your crown, is the symbol of Romania as a queen.

This is the law of the resurrection of My creature, and behold, I raise quickly a strong tower
and a pillar of testimony, and then I will proclaim from the top of this rock your name, king of
Romania. But My children, who sit around the manger of My word, are feeble, and I come to you,
My anointed one; I come and let you know that I have to work quickly this stone of witness and
then it shall come for us to sit down and work this new work of the resurrection of My creature,
for the witness of My church will speak upon Romania and upon its church, a word of life, a word
of resurrection, a word from the word which flows from Me here, in the place that I am by the
word. I desire to send it to you, but I do not want that the Pharisees, the scribes and the teachers of
the law to know it, for they have no mercy of My creature and of My flock; they, who know the
law but break the law, and behold, it is not I, but the word of the law which judges them.

This is My will: I want to write your name on the foundation of this new dwelling, for this
will be a new beginning, a clean condition, a holy priesthood and a people earned by a godly
trumpet in the time from under the darkness of the red beast reign. (The communist dictatorship,
r.n.) (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.). I know your deeds,
I know that you love Me, I know that I am the first one in your heart; I know and see that you have
no greater anchor than that one which you hold on by the word of the book which is one; I know
that you feed on its word and you comfort with it by this anchor without death. But you have it

Work threefold: From Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second -
the work of the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word of
God (Rev: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, r.n.
«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth,
and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen. 1/29.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

written from me; a blessing proclaimed on the earth, for your grandfather blessed you upon Ro-
mania to raise it for glory, and I wrote the word of your grandfather, who let you on the throne of
My country, as a prophecy. And you have a written blessing to Me by the word of your mother’s
prayer, delivered by its faith; and you have here on Me, gathered together, the reward of your
patience and of the time of your alienation. I know and I miss you here, and all the heaven waits
for that day when I will remove the injustice from this country, for you will come, and you will
come through Me. Your pain hurts Me, and the world that surrounds you has no life with me; it
has no holiness and even if they believe in Me, they serve to the law of the belly, to the lusts and
to the idols of this time. Your pain hurts Me and I want you to let Me, for I know the inner being
of each one. I want to work by my witness, who will be upon My church. I want to establish a new
clean and resurrected life by the word. I want to establish My laws upon the life of this nation, for
they who want to do well for My Romania, can do nothing without Me. He, who loves Romania
and does not walk in cleanness and righteousness with the Lord, that one cannot help this nation,
for the Lord works by His chosen ones.

It hurts Me when I see the garment of My Romania so dirty, and I want to clean it by love,
by the clean laws, which are from Me, but if this choice people does not let itself be worked out
by Me in order to establish it for a holy life, I will release disagreement and separate the good from
the bad and the light from the darkness and I will overcome by my holy law which will come to
be seen by this nation, for you will be My servant and we will put away the filthiness and sin from
the foreheads of the chosen sons of this land, who have the myrrh of God’s blessing. Romania is
mine and yours, and let My word be upon it and upon My anointed one. Take heed to the One
Who is speaking to you from heaven, king of Romania, for it will come to work quickly to the
raising of the new beginning, which will bless Romania and its king.

Peace to you, and rejoice! Keep what you have for I come soon; and I will come before
you to welcome you. I come by the word and God’s word will be fulfilled.

Peace, and let the comforting myrrh be upon your crown, My loved one, My waited one,
my anointed, who were prophesied about! Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God on the day of laying down of the foundation stone of the Holy of Holies
of the New Jerusalem. The Word of God to King Michael, from 22-07-1991. (On Calameo)

Let this day be a day of testimony, and let it be for an eternal memorial in heaven and on
earth, for this day has struggled to come and it has come.

The Holy Trinity is standing up and blessing this day. Amen. God, the Word is also speak-
ing on this day and He is making His light come down from His light, working out a new light and
new good will, for out of the throne of the glory of the Lord it flows the river of life into the middle
of Romania, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.); however, a new thing
will spring up from this word, a new heaven and a new earth, a New Jerusalem and a new Eden. I,
the Lord, have decreed this and I will fulfill it from Romania, for it will be a heavenly kingship
over a new earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the king Michael, from 05-08-1991.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I spread My Spirit over you, and behold, I sit again in counsel with you by this river of
heavenly word. Peace to you, My anointed Michael! Peace to you, Michael of My Romania, for
Romania will be a garden of clean Eden and a land of blessing before Me. Peace to you, and from
now on, rejoice, for your time is coming near and you are sealed with a heavenly anointment and
you are announced from the beginning to be in this time.

When the time of trial came over My Romania and when the red beast also drove its stake
into Romania, it was the year of your birth. The time of trial came and at the same time I also
provided a means of salvation, a blessed branch, as it was written into the Scriptures before, and I
had carried you through all that bad time and I had been with you all the time in order to save you
from everything and to have you now, and further to bring you to save for Me those that escaped,
and also to forgive those that brought you down into Egypt, as good Joseph forgave his brothers,
who sold him over to the Egyptians.

I will lift you up to rule My blessed people and all the soul who will want to come under
the shadow of this vine and under My work, which will take now a new beginning, a beginning of
salvation of My creature. I am in Romania, and I am with the word, and I want to make a steadfast
salvation, for in the middle of this nation it has been working a greater work than that one
which was in the time of Moses, who was and saved Israel from the bondage of Egypt. And I will
come and you will make Me straight paths, and We will bring forth light on the earth, and I will
bring you through My living church, the one which is watchful and righteous, which here it is, it
rises and it will be with power of resurrection over My creature.

Oh, My loved one, the time is coming to leave aside those that are decaying and to let those
that were kept hidden spring up in their place, for it was the time of the trial from under the red
beast, which came to an end with its dominion and with the number of the seventy years,
which is written in Scriptures about. My Romania is the country of brightness, which will be
seen rising from God, for it had been enslaved under the time of Edom, but the time is coming to
bring the kingdom of Israel back to its place; the time is coming to build back those that were
demolished, for the red beast had spread its tent over My church and changed from their
place the Lord’s times and feasts and the saint’s feasts, which stand at the foundation of the
Lord’s church. (See “Where are the saints’ feasts”, r.n.). Behold the abomination of desolation,
which entered into My church; it is written an end to it and everything will come back to its
place. The saints from heaven cry and wait for their feasts to be held, for those days are the days
of the heaven, and they are the days of the Lord, which were changed from their place, and
My Romania trampled on them. But I will stand up during this time and I will wash the land of
My Romania and I will turn the hearts of the children to their parents, and the heart of the parents
to their sons, lest I come and strike with the curse the one that still escaped with life.

I am the Lord of the powers, and from now on I am, and behold, I make a new thing, a
living resurrection over My Romania, and then I will fulfill it from Romania, and My creature will
come to life and We will do works, which have never been heard of, and Romania will be the
queen over the nations, for you are an intercessor from Me and I gave you birth at the same time
with the time of your trial, to be and to stand up towards the red time and to be righteous in
Me, as it is written into the prophets, for you are announced through the prophets to be the anointed
one of My Romania, for Romania is My love for the time of My glory, for the time of My second
appearance, as it is written about Me.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God to the king Michael, from 18-08-1991.

May the sign of the Son of man be blessed, surrounded and glorified by the entire
heavenly host that appeared in the sky in the middle of this heavenly dwelling! However, after
this sign, the Lord’s glory will appear and many nations will flow and come to see this heavenly
glory. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)

Let this day be a day of everlasting testimony. May it be a heavenly feast, the day of as-
cension into this holy mountain, of the cross, which is bringing resurrection and light from the
Lord, Jesus Christ, Who will appear as written into the Scriptures! Behold children, a fulfilled
Scripture. All that were written into the scroll of this heavenly work is being fulfilled, but this
scroll is sealed by God, and the Lamb will open the seals of this heavenly scroll, which is on
the table of the Holy Trinity, for the time of visitation is coming, My loved ones. Romania is
the country of the New Jerusalem, and here it is the time of its visitation, and the Lord will
come and will open its springs, for this holy land is a heavenly mystery.

Mother Gigi, (Virginia – the Lord’s sixth trumpet, r.n.), declares a heavenly word, and
behold what this word is: let it be a day of holiness and sealing of the accomplishment of God’s
commandment, and let this day be in the day of your celebration of the going to sleep of my body,
the day when I received a heavenly mission near God. Let it be celebrated on this day of heav-
enly feast, the day of the first among the apostles, the day of the apostle Andrew, the first one
called, who baptized Romania with the baptism established by the Lord, Jesus Christ, for
the apostle Andrew came from the Lord and baptized Romania when it was just recently
born among the nations of the earth. (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) The saint apostle Andrew was a faithful
disciple of John, the Baptizer, and then he went and followed the Lord, and he was the first disciple
of the Lord, Jesus Christ. And behold, Romania is baptized by Andrew, the first one called, and it
is the first one called among the nations; however, Romania was oppressed and trampled by the
pagan hatred and by the darkness, which covered the nations, but it has been long-enduring to the
end, and behold, no one can take its crown, and the one, which was the last, behold, it is the first.
The apostle Andrew, the first one called by the Lord, is now with me and he is with my mission
and he works over this heavenly dwelling, over this sign, which is given by God over Romania.
Excerpt from the Word of God in the day of the ascension of the Holy Cross on the church
of the New Jerusalem, from 17-11-1991

Glory to God in the highest and from those in heaven, peace and good order upon this
heavenly dwelling from now on to all over the ages!

I give you peace and a New Jerusalem! Let this day of heavenly feast be of peace and a
new Passover to you! Behold, the Scripture is being under your eyes: «Take and eat; this is My
body and My blood of the new covenant for I will not drink it with you from now on until that
day when I drink it anew with you in My Father’s Kingdom». This is what I said in the night of
the supper when I sat at the table of the Passover, before those that were to lift Me up to the glory
of resurrection, to the beginning of the resurrection of God’s creature. This is what I said to those

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

that were with Me into the world: «Take and eat; this is the new covenant and I will have it again
with you anew into the new kingdom».

Let this day be blessed for the Lamb of God has come down today at the table of the new
Passover in this heavenly kingdom, worked out by God’s word. Take and eat; take and drink! This
is the Lamb of God, Who washes away the sin of the creature. This is the new Passover that Scrip-
ture writes about. This is My kingdom and this is My new dwelling, according to the Scripture
that says: «I saw a new heaven and a new earth. And I saw the holy city, New Jerusalem, coming
down out of heaven; and the city is in the name of the twelve tribes of God; and the nations of
the earth will take light from this lamp and will drink from the river of life, which flows from
this throne, and this water will be for the healing of the peoples. And on both sides of the river
will grow fruit trees of whose fruits and leaves will be for the healing of those that believe in
God. And in this city no one that is defiled and no foreign will enter, but only those that belong
to the Lamb, that follow the Lamb wherever he goes, who are distinguished from the people,
God and Lamb’s first fruits». This is the bedding that I am well pleased with. This is the work
of the Holy Spirit, which will cover the heaven and the earth, and there will be a New Jeru-
salem and there will be a new heaven and a new earth, worked out from this beginning, for those
that are written cannot be abolished and they will be fulfilled.

Take and measure this stone and its surroundings, and it will be called the Holy of Holies
which is for God’s footstool on the earth. I am with you, and the one that is not with Me after
the truth, let him depart, as God is a consuming fire, My love. Love the holiness; love the heavenly
peace; love this godly kingdom and I will be with you and through you.

I am here. I and My holiness. I and those that remain in My will.

Peace to you My dear! Blessed be this day of eternal feast which is from the Lord’s
days; and there will be new days of celebration with the heaven from now on. May the Spirit
of the godly Trinity remain upon this holy dwelling, and may this godly dwelling be God’s rest!
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the day of the consecration of the Holy of Holies of New
Jerusalem, from 12-12-1991. (On Calameo)

… As the time passes, what is Mine will rejoice forever, and all those, who stand against
and do not comply with the preparation according to God’s will, will neither dwell on the Roma-
nian land as well. Everything will be washed away. Romania will be a holy land and it will be the
New Jerusalem. The seat of judgment will shine in Romania. I will work so that everywhere
in Romania the feasts will be held according to the Romanian calendar23. You are Romanians
Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January
(N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to
the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given
to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and not Germans. No one knows but God that the one who made this change is in the fire of
hell. (The patriarch Miron, r.n.). For a long time, from this change and until now, all the Romanian
feasts have been violated and held in a new style; however, not even those have been held.
Excerpt from the Word of God, from 23-12-1991

Here, the Holy Spirit and the power of the Most High will overshadow you and you will
come in front of this chosen people, and then you will breed and multiply and cover this chosen
land, among all that are in the world, for Romania will be the New Eden. I know your trial and if
I were not with you and in you, you could not resist. I know but soon you will put it away from
you, for the children of this work will be the new earth who will be proclaimed with great
working power of miracles and one cannot feel the heaviness now. Now the ground is still hard,
My beloved, and it cries to Me under its heaviness; it cries to make it new, as meant to be. The
land of this people, if it allowed God to work it, as a land of the present time is worked, would
have yielded fruit of wonders never heard before. Oh, Christians of this people, this is their
mission; to bring the dead out to the thousandth generations out of the kindred of each piece
of land, of every Christian who would let himself worked out and risen; and here, this is the
mission and the point of Scripture which says, “In those days the earth will delivered up the
dead from under it, and the sea will give up the dead who were hers,” for, here another mystery,
for each soul of Christian has a kindred in body too, and this is the Scripture which says about
the sea which will give up those who are dead in it, and the word will be fulfilled: “Where is your
victory and your sting hell?” Here, this was the mission of this descending of the heavenly word,
and it is written in the prophets about this time and about the Holy Spirit working by which this
people was born. Behold, the battle of the two groups of angels will come and it will be fulfilled
what was written, for the angels of the Holy Spirit will overcome their adversaries, for one
jot or one tittle (thread) shall in no way pass from the law, until all may be fulfilled.
Excerpt from God’s Word to His chosen, Irineu, from 17-01-1992.

I have come to you and spoken into your midst and I have called you out of Egypt, for
Egypt is the spirit of the world. I called you on your name, Israel, and I told you that you are My
servant, who I want to prepare My appearance with. Here is My time and you do not believe it.
But not even those who were Mine believed that it was the time of that Scripture, which wrote
about the Bethlehem of Judea, of which the One, Who reconciled the man to God, would come
out. The great and the small priests prophesied, and they did not know what that prophecy was
about, because God’s mystery was sealed until its fulfillment. Behold, the prophet Isaiah fills the
heaven with the joy of this prophecy, which is seen from the prophecies of his book. It was not
Isaiah. I was the One, Who was speaking in the words of his prophecies; it was I. And I am
again, but behold, this prophecy is considered a conspiracy; conspiracy for those who are afraid
of the way of the real truth, which is coming true from God. The truth is God, but those, who are
afraid of This One, do not walk in truth with the Lord, and that is why they are afraid. But the
prophet Isaiah foretold the word of the Lord for this time when he wrote that «Many will stumble
and be trapped in slavery, and this testimony will be hidden, but not for those who walk like

patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipe- which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and
„it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he
shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

God, and these will wait for the Lord, Who protects His life and Who hides His face». And
behold again, as then, I take the book and read it on this day, and I read it among My disciples,
among those that I sealed this teaching: «Behold I and My children given to Me by My Father,
Who dwells in Zion; behold, I and My work and its children, who are for signs and miracles
which have never been spoken in Israel about». And I will take some of them and grow into a
new nation, a new people, a new Israel for the redemption of My creature, for this people is My
image, My hand, My foot, My eye, My cheek and My body; it is My dwelling, which I am well
pleased with. These let themselves be worked out, and out of this dough I will make a new thing,
a New Jerusalem, which comes from God, and I will make a new earth, a new beginning. That is
why I say that those for this time, those for this ladder have been sealed by now and this Scripture
cannot be abolished; the Scripture declared by the angel who spoke to the loved John: «Do not
write about those the seven thunders said, for this mystery is sealed until the last time».
Excerpt from the God’s trumpet sounding and of holy Virginia over the Christians in the
city of Bucharest-Ferentari, 01-02-1992

Here is why I put this sign over My Romania. I placed this manger of heavenly word so
that the man may come back to Me, to bring the faithful one to the condition that I left over My
few people when I went to take My place from where I came down when I took a human body,
seen by God and seen among people. Then I came into the world, but the world did not know Me,
My loved ones. And look, the Lord is doing a great work, but the world cannot understand it, and
if it cannot, come My loved ones, come, for We are in you and you are in Us. Let us make man
understand this heavenly time. It is written that those things that were once they will be again, and
it is written again that I will come and I will fulfill. But with you I am not as I am for the world,
for you let yourselves be worked out by Me, you let with Me and knew that I am, and I have not
stopped this work since I started it in Romania, for I came to My Romania to prepare for it a clean
and white robe, for I want to fulfill with her that Scripture which says: «And I saw those who
overcame the beast and its image and its mark, standing on the sea of glass, having the harps
of God. And I saw a great multitude, from every nation and languages and tribes, standing
before the throne of the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and singing the new song of Moses, of
those redeemed from bondage». And this Scripture I want to bring off in Romania and all will
understand on that day the words of John, the Evangelist, who wrote this way: «Behold God’s
tabernacle is among people and he will dwell with them, and they will be his people and God
himself will walk with them and every tear will be wiped off».
Excerpt from God’s Word to Gheorghe Zamfir, from 22-02-1992.

Peace to you, children of the New Jerusalem! May this new vineyard give forth peace and
new buds and palm branches, as it will be to be heard soon on the earth; it will come to be sung
again the song of the palm branch celebration, for that what it was will be again, and we will
sing with the heaven on the earth, and it will be heard from us and the unbelievers will sing, for
this Scripture will come to be fulfilled for this time, as I will come again. I come soon, and you
will be blessed; you, who long for My coming; you, who behold, prepare My coming back, full of
greatness. It is written that I will come with a great glory and if it is written, I will come, My dear

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, this mountain raised by Me through your little hands, is the holy mountain, the
holy altar table, the holy bedding, which will not be tread by the world, but only by the Lord
and by those that walk as the Lord did. The citadel of the Lord will be great, but the Lord will
sit on this mountain and will work from its top and this chosen land of Romania will give light to
be distinguished among the nations. The heaven will work soon for Romania, for it will be to
remain in it only those that are clean and undefiled, who did not take the name of the Lord in vain,
because Romania is the country of the New Jerusalem, and the New Jerusalem is coming
down from heaven, not from the earth; and seek and read the Scriptures and see that it is written
to be so and not otherwise.

Oh, the Lord will soon blow with His strong breath and will cleanse all that is evil and
spoiled around this dwelling which came down from heaven by the word, and you will see then
miracles, My children, for many will want to run to this heavenly height, but all the flesh will come
to understand on that day that this is the mountain of the Lord, from which the Lord’s laws will
come down. Here is why I brought to you the commandment so that this height may be worked
out, that I may dwell here and to deliver My laws and to pour out My cups and to cleanse the
blessed earth of Romania, for it is chosen to be the land of the New Jerusalem. I made a choice; I
made a counsel in heaven and I established here a holy dwelling, that it might be worked according
to My word here, and to overcome by the word, for all are worked by the word, from ever-
lasting to everlasting, and that is why I needed clean vessels and clean apostles in their heart, that
work by the word and after My word. That is why I told you that many Christians want to come
and to pass beyond these boundaries, and some ask from Me this thing. And what did I tell you? I
told you that they did not know what they asked, for if they knew, they would not ask any longer.
They believe that here it will be like on the earth, but here it will no longer be the earth, and
it will be heaven. Those who doubted the glory and the holiness of this mountain will no longer
be able to enter. It is not possible with the Lord for those that trod with their pace here and
did not strive after the heavenly and holy ones, to remain without the judgment that is set
under the rock of this holy tabernacle. Do you see why I have told you that those who ask to
come into this garden do not know what they ask for? Take a fish and leave it without water. The
same is with those who have trodden here, in My mountain, in the last time, for they come in and
go out and touch the death, and behold, it is harder than in the time of Moses, for they touched the
mountain and died, but I came and I took the unfaithful Israel out of death. And now, the Holy
Trinity is with the ending of his work, for the Holy Spirit is the One that works at last and
there is no other work of salvation for the one who fell off the light after he tasted from those in
heaven which have been working with such a secret during this time when the victory from begin-
ning to end has been prepared.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the feast of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem, from 19-
04-1992. (On Calameo)

Peace to you, the loved ones of the Holy Spirit! And behold, we again are in a day of holy
feast to celebrate the heavenly feast for the days of feasting, which will be established from now
on and forever over the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, which was worked out by God
through your little hands, children of the Holy Spirit. And how comes about the Holy of Holies?
What does this place, called so by God, mean? That is the place where the word of God comes
and settles to be embodied within this book and then to be breathed over the earth; that is the
manger of the work of the Holy Spirit, Which will give birth to the New Jerusalem over Romania,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

which comes from God; however, I say that it has already come, for the beginning of the New
Jerusalem has come.

This is the day of memorial for the laying down of the stone of the Holy of Holies’
altar, as we commemorate one year since the Holy Trinity has laid and blessed by heavenly word
this place, in which the manger of descending is to come into being, the manger of testimony of
the place of descending of God’s word, which will be heard over the earth in the days to come.
The Lord, Jesus Christ, is speaking His word in this day of a holy feast. This is the stone of the
new beginning of the New Jerusalem, which will arise upon Romania, and which will come out of
Romania and cover with a heavenly light all those, who will come and bow down to the work of
salvation, which the Son of God, the only One born of the Father before the ages, will work as He
has to work during this time.

I am the Son of God, the only One born of the Father of the heavenly Trinity, the One born
before the ages, the One born as Light from the Light, and true God of the true God, the One of
the same being with the Father, the One by Whom everything that is seen and unseen was made. I
am the Son of the heavenly Trinity, Who came down from heaven, and became flesh by the word
in the womb of the Virgin, who was prophesied about; to become flesh and to be God and Man,
and to be crucified in the name of the sins of God’s creature, and to rise from the dead after three
days, in the name of the resurrection of God’s creature; three days according to the number of the
one, which is three times the people of God, from Adam to the incarnation in man of the Son of
the heavenly Trinity. And again, I am the Son of the heavenly Trinity, Who came down from
heaven in order to ascend after the resurrection into the sky again, and to stand again on the right
side of the Father, and then to come again and search out the living and the dead, and then to bring
with Me the endless kingdom. And behold, I am the Word of God, the One by the Holy Spirit
Who gives life; I am the Word of the Holy Spirit, Who proceeds from the Father and Which came
down over the prophets and apostles so that this word might become flesh and to be accomplished
through His power.

… This will be called the holy mountain of the time of the heavenly fullness, and it
will come to be honored and glorified much more than the mountain, which God was speak-
ing in by His heavenly voice from a flame of fire, then when Moses had to go up and bring
the words of the Lord to the Israel of that time. No one had gone up there then, but only Moses
did, and then Moses remained the holy one of God, and he came down and made Aaron priest over
Israel; Aaron obeyed Moses because he came from God. And behold, now it will be much more
than then, and I will do heavenly miracles, so that those who draw near to come may know, and
for everyone to know the mystery of this heavenly mountain, for this mountain is called: The
Word of God and this citadel will be called: “The Lord is there”.
Excerpt from the Word of God, one year after the laying down of the foundation stone of
the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-1992

Peace from the Father, from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, peace to the king of Roma-
nia! Peace from the Mother of the Son of the heavenly Trinity, and peace for a heavenly feast from
the rulers of the heavenly hosts, Michael and Gabriel! Peace and celebration in heaven and on
earth, as it will come that the celebration of feasts from the ancestors will take their places,
and it will come for the sons of the church to turn their faces back to their parents, and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

afterwards, the parents will turn their faces back to their sons. Romania, the first called among
the nations, will be the first among the nations of the earth, as it was born at the same time with
the Lord, Jesus Christ, and if it was born then, it was christened by the first called from the apostles,
as the apostle Andrew came and baptized Romania even since it was in its swaddles, and Romania
became Christian and Orthodox; from its birth it was Christian, and the Lord cannot forget its
infancy and its first dress, and God cannot forget the ornaments which Romania was invested with,
because under its holy land, all Romanian heaven cries out to the Lord and says: „Lord, how long
until You redeem those that stay at the foundation of his holy nation?”
Excerpt from the Word of God to King Michael, from 13-11-1992. (On Calameo)

An angelic feast from heaven and the word of God, on this day of feasting for the rulers of
the angelic hosts, Michael and Gabriel, are coming down.

The Most Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, is carried by angels and a
song of Their glory is being sung to Them: «Glory to the Holy and to the One of the same being,
the life-giving and undivided Trinity, from ages to the everlasting ages of the heavens!» Amen.

The chiefs of the angels, Michael and Gabriel, are in front of the heavenly hosts and they
celebrate with the entire host the feast of the resurrection, the feast of the Annunciation and glory
over the dwelling of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, which has come down from heaven,
from God, with a new beginning into the middle of Romania, which is blessed and well chosen
among the nations of the earth. The Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Great Father, the Son of the
Father Sabaoth, is proclaiming the word of the feast of today.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the council of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-1992

The Son of the Godly Trinity delivers a word upon His garden prepared by the word to stay
before Him and to hear His voice upon His chosen garden. Amen.

I am the Word. Peace to you, as My name is the Word! Peace and ascension to you, for it
is a feast of ascension! Behold, My ascension to the Father was that I may go and to be able to
come to those that bear My name in them. And the ascension of those that believe in Me is My
coming back to them and for what is there, that I may be with them, as where they are I may
also be. And behold, I am with Mine, with those that believe and hear the Lord, for such work has
the Lord in this time.

Peace upon My Romania and its ascension to Me, so that I may come to it, as I promised,
that on the day when I ascended near My Father, I saw the plan into the hand of our Father
and I saw the birth of a people and the glory that My Father gave it at its birth, for this people
was anointed from its birth, and since then and until now the heaven has been working at its glory.

The opposing spirit has no longer had rest and got up to persecute this people and Romania
was under its cross all the time, but the anointment from the beginning has kept its seed healthy
and the Holy Trinity came with Romania, and the time is coming that its patience to be rewarded.
And you, those that are established by Me to stand before Me, strengthen your hearts and your

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

knees in the hope of this promise and stand with your hands up, so that Romania may receive its
glory. It is a day of ascension. Exalt your hearts, faith and crying and stay well in the name of
Romania. Stay into My glory; stay with Romania in front of Me and carry it to Me, so that I may
come to it and give it My glory.

I come down to you with strength and power to give you from them so that you may be
able to overcome, My dear, for I do not let you without heaven; I do not let you without victory
and you will be able to overcome with Me. It is because of this that I went to My Father, so that I
may also come to those that are Mine, to be able to come to you, who stay before My glory, which
is to be seen upon Romania.

Oh, if you, My Romania, if you knew to receive Me as your own good, I would glorify you
without tasting the reward of disbelief and of not waking up. But look, I pass over you and call out
to lift you up so that you may know how your staying and walking should be, and to learn how to
distinguish your left from your right and to embrace with your Creator, Who comes to you like a
bridegroom; and to come within the first love and for a feast at the table with Me. For I will spread
a heavenly table into your midst and a multitude, thirsty for God, will come to see you, but your
law will be from heaven and the law of the holiness will be upon you; and it will be a clean
Eden in you, and the Holy Spirit that works and shares from Me through you, through those
that want to be with Me and like Me, but get up, arise and look towards Me and put the unbelief
away from you.

Oh, the loved of My garden, blessed are those that are faithful to this godly work, which
is born into Romania, and those that do not believe, will be taken with fear so that they may come
to those that are worked by God into it.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 27-05-1993. (On

I announced Romania through the great prophets, through whom My Father was preparing
My coming into the world. I spoke about a new people, a new thing and about a country of bright-
ness, which is to be a trade stone among the nations of the world and which will receive the crown
of victory at the fullness of its patience. I have this work come down onto the earth and I am in the
middle of Romania through it, and the heaven is staying above Romania working and blessing
from this little garden, in which I visibly spread the manger of My word. But I want to appear
visibly and glorified over My Romania, for here is what your Lord is speaking to you, king of
Romania. I ascended to My Father after My resurrection and I saw the plan for the country of the
heavenly election into My Father’s hand, for once with My incarnation among the people, My
Father embodied Romania as well, and this is how a people, which followed Me once, was
born, carrying in time My cross and the mystery of the victory, which I will come back with,
before the nations of the earth.

It is written into the Scriptures about the mystery of My returning, for I made the promise
of creation of a new heaven and a new earth, over which justice and truth will reign, over which
life without death will work, and over which time rule will no longer. And behold, I want to come
visibly and to breathe upon Romania the Holy Spirit of rejuvenation and birth from above,
(See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) of heavenly birth, as it is written into

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the Scriptures in My conversation with Nicodemus of that time, for this is what I told him: «Unless
one is born from above, of the Holy Spirit, will not be able to enter into the Kingdom of the
heavens, which is coming onto the earth». Behold, I want to breathe a new heaven and a new
earth, for those that are proclaimed come true and those that are promised are not taken back.

No nation has a more beautiful and everlasting parable over it than this parable spo-
ken by the Romanian people. I was with My apostles of that time and I was speaking in parables
saying: «To what shall I compare the Kingdom of the heavens?» And the disciples understood
the parables and they understood what the kingdom of the heavens was like. But the Romanian
people gave a parable out of itself and spoke from its soul about a king who has a kingdom
in its own self, which will bring youth without old age and life without death. I am, and I
have this kingdom into My arms to give it to those who lifted this parable up into the sky,
and I fulfill nothing without speaking it first. And behold, I want to work visibly and to breathe
over this nation a spirit of rejuvenation, resurrection and righteousness, for the time of the Scripture
is coming, which says that the earth will give up the dead from it.

Behold, the heavenly trumpet has been sounding for seventy years in the midst of
Romania. There have passed seventy years of foreign reign to God, and the red beast is scat-
tering its last wriggles, (Through the chickens of the red beast – the offspring of the communists
which will be at the leadership of the country, r.n.), and it is growing towards morning of that
kingdom which will work out the justice of the Lord and the crown of the righteousness and
of its sons. Wake up Christian, wake up well and then believe My work, and let you believe more
than by now. I am in this work of new and good tidings and I am not alone in those that I work,
for I came ahead of time and then I worked. For forty years I have been taking down the word in
the midst of Romania, for forty years I have been paving My way with stones to come in a visible
glory over this country which is born at the same time with Me in body and in spirit. It is a great
mystery about Romania; it is heavenly and truly, My love. This is a great mystery with you.
There is no wise man on earth to understand My mystery, but it is a heavenly wisdom on earth,
and I am working with it over the faithful ones who do not deny My.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the King Michael, from 12-06-1993.

Oh, Romanian people, you gave a parable from you, which came made out from the Holy
Spirit. No people on the earth gave it any longer; only you gave it, and a prophecy was written out
of your spirit, people of the glory, which comes with Me to you according to you word that came
out from the Holy Spirit. I was with My disciples and I was going from place to place and I was
giving them parables saying: «How will we liken the Kingdom of God?» And I gave them many
parables for learning and doing, as all the word, which comes out from God, which comes out
from the Holy Spirit, is a deed even from its deliverance. Oh, Romanian people, you gave from
you the parable with the king who has youth without old age and life without death, and if
you spoke like this, behold, I came out with this work to welcome you, and I chose from you
and I started the work of this kingdom of the King, Who has those things that are spoken
from you. I am the King Who has this kingdom and I want to come with it upon you and to
let it in you and to start with you the coming back to the beginning in which there was no
death. And any science will come to an end and it will be a heavenly kingdom as it was in the
beginning. Come back to your first situation; come back to those without death and drink from the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

fruit of life and do, Christian, what God teaches you, for all will come to an end, but the Lord will
remain with His inheritance and with Its sons.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1993. (On

I speak a heavenly word upon the manger of My word in the middle of Romania. I am the
Lord of your spirit and body, as your body is from My body until the fullness of the times of the
heavens, oh, My Romania, the country of My choice! And why My Father chose you? Oh, you
were born once with Me into the world. My Father made you a body; He made you a body at the
same time with My body as well, and then He breathed a spirit of live upon you, as the first one
that I called, (Andrew, the apostle, r.n.), came to you and made you Christian, and baptized you
into My name and that is why you are called the first called among the nations. But do your kindred
really know this mystery? Does it really believe this heavenly miracle?

You were beautifully worked in the midst of the nations of the earth, as your land carries
a great mystery that you do not know, and this mystery taught you secretly to be good and
not to want anything from your neighbor, and it is only you that fulfilled this commandment
among the nations of the earth. And you kept yourself a bride for Me, as My Father betrothed
Me with you at your birth, and God has been dwelling in you by His Spirit, because you did not
love other gods, from your birth and until the end of the first church that lived with His body in
your midst. And then you, pure and not defiled one, let yourself be deceived; and then it was
chosen from you to the right and to the left, and My faithful sheep remained but a few to My right,
and the other, trying to divide Me in two, tore their first shirt and took a new shirt and a new
behavior, and from one you became two, My church, as in you, Romania, My Father has worked
the last prophecy, and you have been aware of this.

And when the devil was released to work before My coming, as it is written, (The com-
munism in Romania, r.n.), you, My church did not watch then, and sin entered you and you turned
your face from your parents and from you. And behold, it is an unapprehended mystery, as from a
loose woman, from a loose church that deceived her lover, antichrist was born; he who caught you
in sin and since then he has always devastated you and dirtied the garment of your body. But your
Bridegroom redeems you and makes an escape from your midst, as you have been from the begin-
ning in the right faith, and your Lord does not forgive your first garment.

I am the One Who has the keys of death and hell; I have them since I bound the evil one,
and I gave you the key of My kingdom to stay in it and not get out of it and not go and work at
another master. But behold, the opposing spirit was released in its time and surrounded your
town, but I come again and as then I will overcome for you, My church from the end. But you are
estranged from the beginning; the man from the end is estranged from the beginning, as the one
from the end did not sacrificed himself with his body and did not know the one who kills his spirit,
the one that surrounded the town of his spirit. But look, I am into your midst, and you do not
know the time of your visitation, which comes with Me to you, as I started to call out the trumpets,
(The first apocalyptic trumpet: the prophet and priest, Iosif Trifa, r.n.), once with the release of
the evil one, (The year 1921: the foundation of the Communist Party in Romania, r.n.), and I did
My work, and I will overcome by it, as from you, Romania, I have raised sprouts and I called out
during all the red time, and My Spirit was awake into your midst. And the first church will come

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to life in you and it will be built again, as God works and joins the end with the beginning, and
there will be a New Jerusalem on the earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-1993. (On Calameo)

Behold My voice today. Let no one be hard of hearing at My voice. Christian, you should
not do what Israel did, which had been stiff-necked for forty years, and which is the same now, as
I rejected it because of the callosity of its heart, but behold, I have got now an Israel for the re-
demption of that time. I promised you to be, Israel; to be Israel in this time and to give through
you My hand to the entire creature that was, and which still is, and to redeem through you the lost
one from My face. You should not be unfaithful within this prophecy that I speak to you again, as
I have told you long ago that it will come true. You should believe the prophecies and not defile
them, for the old Simeon made God angry when he did not believe the prophecy that the Holy
Spirit was writing about the Virgin, who was to give birth to Emmanuel and who was to
remain a virgin, and he wanted to blot out this prophecy, but My angel was adding it again
into the book; however, he became stiff-necked again and was blotting out these words from
the page of the book, and the words were laying back to their place again, and then I became
angry and I declared upon him through the angel: “You shall not die until this Virgin is born,
so that you may see her afterwards, and to see the Lord, Who will come out through her”. And
the old Simeon still lived four times more than a human life and was not dying. But the time
of the Virgin came after three hundred years, and she was born and grew up and then she
gave birth to the Lord, Jesus Christ, and Simeon saw the fulfillment of this prophecy that he
could not believe, and then, being well advanced in years, was forgiven by God.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of remembrance of the dreadful judgment.
The feast of the Lord’s welcome, (the feast of Candlemas), from 15-02-1994. (On Calameo)

May Romania be blessed! The country of My returning to those of Mine, the country of
the trumpet sounding of the word of God over the faithful children of all the nations of the earth.
And a new heaven and a new earth will come down on the earth, created out of My word, and all
the nations of the earth will see a great light and be baptized, for I am the Lord, and I am faithful
to My promises. And the fallen Israel will come to life, and on seeing the light, it will receive the
testimony of the salvation from Jesus Christ, for My Father does not receive anyone without
Me. And Israel will be grafted, and it will be a new creature and will do the work of New Jerusalem
for all are being made new by the word, and they are being worked out again by the word. In the
beginning God made the heaven, the earth and the man, and now it is also been worked by word,
and a new heaven, a new earth and a new man are being made, in God’s image and after His
likeness, likewise God’s image and likeness was in man in the beginning. But behold, much
labor is needed in heaven and on earth, for the New Jerusalem is coming down from heaven and
no one understands this mystery in its work.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 23-

The heaven speaks to the earth. The Lord is sounding His trumpet on earth. I, the Lord,
speak from heaven and it is heard on earth. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father; I, He,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Who has ascension and descent in the clouds; I, Who walks on the wing and whisper of the wind;
I, Who make the grass spring up for the animals and vegetation as food for people; I, the Lord,
speak from heaven on earth, and blessed is the one who hears the words of My voice and believes
in the Son of God. This is the work of God: that the man may believe into the One that God
sent. And the one that My Father gives to Me, comes to Me, and the one that comes I will not
drive him out from Me, as this is the will of My Father, Who sent Me, so that everyone that My
Father gives Me, to keep, strengthen and raise from the dead, as he who believes in Me has eternal
live, resurrection and a day of resurrection.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is the sign of those
who receive Me; this is the name of those who believe in God and I will raise him up; I will bring
him to the day of resurrection. I am the resurrection, and anyone who has heard and learned from
My Father, comes to Me and will be taught by God. I am the Word of My Father, the only One
born of the Father; I am My Father’s messenger; I am the One Who spoke to Israel, to Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob; I am the One Who spoke with Moses and with the prophets. I am the Angel of
the great counsel, Who spoke with Israel.

I speak to My people that is called Israel.

Peace to you, Israel, My blessed people, as you know My Father and you know Me, you
Israel of the promise! My Father is in Me, and you believe this Scripture, because you are taught
by God, as it is written into the Scriptures: «And they will be taught by God», and this it means
that the one who comes to Me learns from My Father.

Israel, My people, the Spirit of My Father rests upon you, because you believed in the One
that Father has sent to you now, and I have you as My witness, Israel, and I call you My people,
Israel. I chose you and I call you Israel, as this how I also called the people chosen from the be-
ginning; I called it Israel too; I named and I called it out Jerusalem as well, and you are Israel
after the grace and after My word, which has been in counsel with you for forty years, Israel of
My coming in the clouds. And you are My witness of today, the witness of My coming back on
the clouds, as from the clouds and from the wind above your head and near you I speak to you,
and I call you Israel, and I feed you on My word, more than Israel from other ages. Oh, you are
My witness of this time, and the world does not know, and this little village does not know who
are you, people got together in the cowshed of this work of godly word; it does not want to know
that I had a trumpet in this village, a singer that I played through her and I spoke as in heaven so
on earth. I had spoken for twenty-five years through a vessel chosen by Me, through a vessel
chosen by God, and within these years, I had raised fruit and the fruit has given forth fruit, and the
Lord has spoken from the fruit, and My work does not stand still but it goes up to its glory; it goes
up to its end. (See The Life of Saint Virginia, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 09-06-1994. (On

Come to the glory of the heaven, My people. You will not grow pale, but on the contrary,
you will turn green and blossom and produce fruit, as I will water you by the heavenly food, by
the manna of My word, as the place of My garden where you come together, is called the place
of the Word of God, Who is coming on the clouds. I have the clouds for ascension and descent;

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

(See the selection topic: „He comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”,
r.n.) I am not a weak God. I speak into Romanian because I want it this way, and no one can
spoil My plans. I give tongues of the Holy Spirit; I give the Holy Spirit upon the Romanian lan-
guage, and the sons and daughters of Romania will prophesy in front of the peoples of the earth,
as I chose Romania to be My country. My country crucified Me. The people that I chose at the
beginning took Me out of their midst, and since then I have embraced Romania and the land if its
country, and then I have worked with My Father and I have given birth to the Romanian people; I
gave it birth and worked it out once with Me, and I made it Christian with My name; and I chose
Jerusalem and I called it Jerusalem again, like the one that crucified Me. That is why this country
is called New Jerusalem, because if I left from the things that were Mine, I took with Me the
gifts and the wealth of My heavenly gifts, which were from Me upon Israel and upon the
Jerusalem of My Israel; and I laid at the foundation of the Romanian people all My heavenly
wealth, and I gave birth to this people and I anointed it by the hand of Melchizedek, to be a
people of saints for the time of the end, for the time of My approaching with My coming
again on the earth.

I, the One Who passed with My body through the death, I, Who was resurrected in
the crucified body, I, the Lord, Who are with My body ascended into heaven, I will soon stay
above Romania with My revealed glory. I do no longer sent My archangel, but rather I will
be coming accompanied by My body taken from the Holy Spirit and from the Virgin, and I
will be glorified with a great glory upon the manger of My word, upon this little garden,
upon this new and holy stone, and there will be heard the songs of the angels from heaven
and of those on the earth: “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord, God, Sabaoth, Who comes of the
name of the Lord!”, into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit!. Amen.

I, the Lord, chose Romania and who can thwart My plans? This is how I was pleased; I,
and not you, My people from the midst of Romania. I came to bring you My word and to call
you to be My people, little people and distinguished from the world, to be the people of the receiv-
ing of My today’s word, of My Scriptures that are written today by the haven and by you. I proph-
esy and fulfill a new heaven and a new earth. It does not matter if the servants of the church do not
want to come with Me. They will remain with the walls and the walls will cry out against them.
My church is not a cold wall of stone, but rather it is a living and heavenly spirit. The church
is not from the earth and it is from heaven instead. Only the church is heavenly on the earth;
it is come down from heaven, as the sons of My church, the sons of the church of Jesus Christ, are
born from heaven, from above, as I said to My scribe of that time; as I told him: «He, who is not
born from above, from heaven, cannot be with Me; he cannot be the son of My kingdom», and
behold, the sons of the church are no longer of this age, and they are of the holy heaven, and the
holy heaven is the companion of its sons. This is how it is called that the church belongs to Jesus
Christ and to the heaven. Otherwise the church is from the world; it is not from the heaven.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1994. (On

If I was not coming with this work and if I was not growing you up through it, Israel, I
would not have anything by now, as I have nothing else except you; nothing My loved people. Oh,
and how much I have endured from you! And why have I done this way? Because I have loved
you, Israel, and because I found you written from My Father that you were to be born today. I have

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to love those that My Father has given to Me, but Israel, why do you not also give Me what I give
you? Christian, give Me your clean heart and listen to Me, for I counsel and guide you and I make
for you a path through the thorns for I have always come to you in the clouds. I come on the blue
waves and I have always hurried to come, but I come with difficulty, Israel, and it is very hard to
come if you do not help Me. My power lies in your power and I have never told this word to
you. I have never humiliated Myself so much as now, when I bow down to tell you that My
power lies in your power, child from the end, and that is why I tell you to work. A motionless
man faints and stands still confused. The Christian that is without any work falls into languor and
has no power from heaven. That is why I have told you today; I sit under the arm of My cross and
I am telling you, child, not to hurry to eat or to go to sleep or to go for a walk or to work, as much
as you hurry in order to always come together, Israel, because then I have the Holy Spirit into
your midst, and after Him it is I that I come, and I speak upon you and I feed you with the heaven,
son, and I have always taught you to wash and to stand before Me.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Ascension of the Holy Cross, from 27-

The God’s voice is coming down on the clouds and lets itself be heard in Romania. The
Lord’s voice is being proclaimed and God is speaking from the sky over Romania. Amen, amen,

I have My word come down from the cloud up to the manger of the word, up above the
garden of the word. Peace to you, watchmen of My word! Amen, amen I say to you: the time has
come to feed the multitudes of the supper of My word, which I make it come down to you. I, the
Lord, Jesus Christ, am speaking over Romania!

Peace to you, My Romania! Peace to you, Romanian, My people, born at the same time
with Me to be My bride at My coming! I am the Lord, your God, the only One born of the Father
before all the ages. I am the One Who was resurrected two thousand years ago after that Israel
gave Me over to death on the cross. And if Israel forsook the One Who came from the Father, here
is what Father gave Me after I was resurrected. He gave Me a new Israel, a new people, which
Father made it My kindred, and since then I have had you from My Father, Romanian Israel, for
Israel means a faithful people, a chosen people. My Father chose you from My birth, as Father
knew that Israel, the chosen people, would forsake Me and crucify Me on the cross; however, after
My resurrection, Father gave Me a new gift, a new people, born of My word, of My new Gospel.

Christ is risen, Romanian Israel! I have a little garden full of love into your midst, and on
which I let the rain of My word from the end come down. Romanian, Romanian, you should not
be unfaithful. You should believe son that I have been speaking for forty years from heaven over
Romania. Romania, I have a little people into your midst, taken out of you, and they are called
the people of God’s word, and this people has heard My word from heaven and has written
My word on the earth, and the word has been testifying as two thousand years ago, as seven
thousand years ago. I am the Word. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father of the heav-
enly Trinity, Which is called God. My name is the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.)

Romanian Israel, My Romania, you have heard son, about a multitude of gods, for your
enemies have surrounded you and have come to you in a sheepskin and they have prowled to get

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

you out from Me, and your shepherds have been asleep, My love. But do no longer bow down to
foreign whispers, for I tell you not to have other god besides Me. (See the selection topic: „About
the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) I am God not only because I tell you, but
because I revealed Myself as God. The gods which are being proclaimed now have not appeared
as I have; they have not come down from heaven like Me, and they have not ascended like Me and
they are not like Me, from heaven.

Oh, Romania, My Orthodoxy, you have kept My portrait, the portrait of the kingdom of
God, and no one has kept it like you have, after I was resurrected like a God. You were born of
Me, Romanian Israel, new Israel, and you are the Jerusalem of My coming, as that one was the
Jerusalem of My passion, the Jerusalem of My pains. I chose you to be the Jerusalem of My glory,
and behold, towards the end of My waiting, I have raised a bride out of you and I have clothed her
with new garments and I have breathed over her a spirit of new man, in My image and after My
likeness, as I worked in the beginning, and I have prepared in you a celebration and a heavenly
wedding and a heavenly wedding table, and I want you, Romania, to be My wedding guest, people
chosen by God. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)

I have been hiding with My Spirit for forty years, (Since 1955 – the beginning of the trum-
pet sounding through the Holy Virginia, r.n.), and with the voice of My word into the midst of a
little and tiny people, taken out of you, Romania; a witness people, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob,
Moses, Elijah and the prophets were also My witnesses, and later My apostles and disciples, wit-
nesses of My resurrection and ascension to My Father. And behold now, the disciples of My re-
turning within the word declared from heaven upon you, Romania, blessed by the Father and the
Son and the Holy Spirit! I do nothing without announcing it first through the Scriptures. My name
is the Word of God, from everlasting to everlasting. I am the living One. I am the crucified God,
and the resurrected One. I am the One, Who said that I would be with those of Mine until the end
of the age, but now I am and I am speaking concerning a new beginning and no one understands
My name. My name is the Word of God, and no one understands My name. (Apoc: 19/13,

Oh, Romanian son, I stand before you with the first beginning, and I join the end to the
beginning with the word from those of heaven, and I make a new heaven and a new earth, and I
want to let you know what I do. Those that I declare from heaven have been writing on the earth
for forty years, and I commanded My witnesses to lay the word of My supper on your table, Ro-
mania, My people since two thousand years. Your anointment from Me is as long as two thousand
years. Your secret anointment, the one according to the order of Melchizedek, as it is My order,
your anointment draws you to Me, Romanian country. I would like to come and tell you what the
Romanian country means, but I want you to come too. I come, but you should also come, My love,
to be like Abraham, who believed in God and who was called the father of faith. I pass with My
word through you and I say to you again: get up! Listen to My whisper! Get up, My love, come
Romania, and take heavenly water from the river of life and wash your ears so that you may hear
Me, (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) for the sons of the garden of
My word hear My voice, which is coming on the clouds! Take water from this river of life
without death and wash your eyes so that your scales may fall off them and to be able to see Me,
and wash your face and your body too, and take on the Romanian beautiful garment and get up
before Me, for I announce you that I come to you and you will see Me that I come, but get used
to see Me with heavenly eyes, and do no longer be earth, and rather be earth and heaven, as I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

created you from the beginning. I am your Creator. In the beginning I made the heaven and the
earth, and in the end I made you, Romanian Israel to prepare you to stand with a new heaven and
a new earth before Me, at My coming. I want to put on you a new heaven and a new earth, worked
out by word. I was the Word in the beginning. I was the Word in the beginning, and I am now too,
at this end. In the beginning of the end, I was born of My mother, the Virgin, to be Man and to
turn the man into God, and I made you into a people, and I called you Romanian, son. And behold,
as I raised a couple of disciples out of Israel and I made them salt on the earth, the same with you,
Romanian people, I made martyr witnesses who carry My word coming on the clouds, to have
witnesses now as well, on My returning on the clouds, as I promised that I would come back. And
here I am through word over you, Romanian son, and I want you to get up as My former apostles
and to be a Samaritan son, Romanian, My people. Receive My word and look into it, to see Me
and to know Me that I have come through the word, as I give you My book of this time. Behold, I
stand by your door and knock, people loved by God. I went into the house of My Father with My
word, (The church of the world, r.n.), but the watchmen of the house did not open to My word.
Behold, I stand by the door and knock, and no one answers to the One Who calls. I have come to
you, Romania, as I came to Abraham, when I told him about the destruction of Sodom and Go-
morrah, and I did not destroy anything until I let it be known first. I do nothing until I let it be
known by word, as I have worked through the prophets in all the times.

Come to God, My Romania! Come, Romanian and do not stay in unbelief, for you have in
you a people like that in Sodom. Come and listen to My voice, for I have sons in you who believe
like Abraham, who are promised to be. Come and wake up, for the godless man has no eyes and
ears to hear Me. Come, My church, to hear My voice and became an example of resurrection over
the man who is not watching. Watch and sound the trumpet and let the Romanian flock know to
love its true God. Wake up your shepherds, My Romania, and put them to watch over you, for
false gods have come into your hearth (house, rabble). Your hearth is holy, and your hearth is My
hearth. Shake and brush My hearth in you, as I come with a heavenly supper to you, Romanian
son, and I give you to eat word from heaven.

Here is the book of My word, as I have spoken from heaven into your midst, Romanian
Israel. I have come by word to advise you to the kingdom of the heavens, to remind you of a warm
and fresh advice from heaven. Take My kingdom on you and take My kingdom in you, to know
that I come, and you will see that I come. If you do not believe now, I will also tell you that I come
again; I will tell you when I come. Oh, I would not like you to be naked when I come. Do not
throw aside, son, My advice, as I cross the air with it and I come. For forty years I have been
coming with My advice on a hidden way, on a secret little path, so that the enemies of the heaven
may not catch those that are nourished from heaven. I have always been coming in a whisper, and
I have always been hiding with My word into your midst, but now I am crying out loud. Wake up
Christian; wake up Romanian, and pray to the Lord, your God, as you, Romania, has got a blessed
crown on your forehead. Kneel down My loved people and pray as My Mother, the Virgin prays.
My Mother, the Virgin has been praying for you, Romanian country, from your very beginning
and to the end of the wickedness, and she cries aloud:

“Oh, holy Lord, heavenly Father,

Protect the Romanian crown with your hand!”

Romania has a crown from God and she is a queen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, Romania, I want to give you back the fruit of your blessing, which you have estranged
from you. Listen to My word, to the voice of the Lord, your God. I am speaking from heavens
above you. I have a blessed mountain, a mountain of heavenly mystery into your midst. Take the
book and eat it and drink water from the river of life, which flows from My throne over you, as
you, Romania, have to prophesy to the people and nations and languages and kings, the gospel of
the kingdom of the heavens, the news of a new heaven and a new earth over you, chosen country
by My Father, the news of the renewal of the man, the news about a new man, born of heaven.

Peace to you, Romania! Behold the book of My word. In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is the seal of the living and true God, which stays on your head,
My Romania. He who is from God listens to God’s words, and he who is not from God, does not
listen to God’s words. The one who is with Me is not against Me.

Amen, amen I say to you, I am the Word of God. I let My body on the earth, and he who
does not eat the bread coming from heaven, does not have life in him. The one, who does not
fulfill God’s commandments, has no life in him; that one cannot have My life in him.

The Spirit of God is speaking over Romania. God is speaking the Romanian language.
Peace to you, Romanian, My people! Let My pace and My wisdom come down on you, Romanian
son, Christian son. Blessed is the one who believes in God within the work of holiness and resur-

Peace to you, Romanian Jerusalem, who proclaims the gospel of the kingdom of the heav-
ens! I am the Lord, your God and I am speaking over to you and say: illuminate yourself, Romania;
illuminate yourself, New Jerusalem, as My glory arises over you, and you will see My glory, and
you will give it to many for a day of resurrection, for a beginning of new age, in the name of the
Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from

Oh, My people, oh, My nation whom I made and knew so that you might know Me as well!
I became related to you, son, and I called you My son, My people, and I work from your midst
with teachers and servants, and I will increase your kindred, and you will be known, son, and will
be called the people of the Lord, as I call you. The priests do not know why I call you Israel. Oh,
sons, Israel means anointed; it means this: it means My name. Jacob was named Jacob not
Israel, but I gave him this name so that these names may be from heaven: Abraham, Isaac and
Jacob. Israel is the heavenly name of My anointed ones, no matter what people they may be,
or whatever nation they may be. This is the promised name of those who will love the heaven
on earth. The priest and bishops wonder about this name put upon Romania, but who does not
read God, that one does not know the work of God.
Excerpt from the word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 18-06-1995. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I came two thousand years ago to give life to the man, but what did Israel do? It killed Me
and did not believe that I was resurrected, and to believe that I was the promised God. What did it
do? It bought with money the guardians who kept watch at My grave and it told them to say that
My disciples stole Me while they were sleeping. Oh, if it was true that My disciples stole Me while
the watchmen were sleeping, then the watchmen had to be killed because they slept during their
watch. Sons, sons, the lying of the bishops from the time of My glory by resurrection was big.
Their unbelief was as big as of the today’s bishops. A lie bought with money and spread on all
sides, as this news has remained until today, as though I was stolen from the grave by the disciples.
Not until today has Israel believed that I was God and I was resurrected after I gave Myself as a
sacrifice of atonement for the man. The lying word of the bishops has power, as the people are
simple minded when they have not got the Spirit of God. Israel did not have in mind to believe
in the Christ that was sent from heaven, and that is why the lie bought them so easily. Israel
has not believed even to this day; it has known so to this day; this is how it has believed, that
the disciples stole Me while the watchmen were sleeping. However, I was resurrected and the
testimonies of My resurrection spoke more than their lie, but they still have not wanted to receive
Me as God. I had a small people of witnesses who stayed within My closeness and to whom I
appeared alive after the resurrection, and with whom I spent time after the resurrection, and Israel
came out as a liar, but its pride has kept it opposing to this day. Behold, today it is the same! I
have you today, Israel of today. I have always had you close to the miracle of My word; I have
had you as a people of My coming back, as I have come back through the word and I have
worked so wonderfully; however, no one has believed afterwards; no one from the church,
and the bishops of the church try to lie as then. But I have come out as then and I have appeared
through the word, and I sit at the table of heavenly supper with you, Israel, and I give you to eat
wisdom from heaven, and you testify about Me, as the little ones, who were with Me in the time
of the work of My body, testified about My time in the flesh and about My glory through the

My people, you should know, son, that you will soon meet with the tabernacle which has
sheltered Me in the time of My coming of today. You will meet My trumpet, and you will see her
in a great glory if you have been with Me and faithful to Me. Those who gave up My work, gave
up also My trumpet, and they will no longer see her. My people, it will happen to you as it
happened to Peter, James and John, on the day when I changed before them, as they saw
Moses and Elijah near Me. This is how you are to see My glory soon, (See the selection topic:
„The glory of God”, r.n.) and you will not know who I am and who My trumpet is, as Verginica
was My tabernacle on the earth, the body that sheltered Me before you. And a great glory will
remain upon you, My people, and the world will not understand My love from over you. But I still
have a little bit to sieve out; I still have a few empty grains of wheat, which will not be able to
stand next to My glory. I still have a little bit to clean out at My table, as only the one, who believe
by fulfilling the words that came with Me, is faithful at My table; all the settlement of the
Edenic man on the new earth. The man with a life of Eden within him is a new man, and
under him it becomes a new earth, and he will do the work of a new earth upon Romania.

What a pity, Israel; what a pity for the son who heard and tasted from this table and had
not stayed until the distribution of the table gifts! What a pity for the one who knew this bosom
and did not stay to eat forever of it! What a pity! And why do I say so? Because this is the greatest
sin! And why it is the greatest sin? Because there is nothing left to be washed with, as the scroll

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

rolls up, the road wraps up, and the time turns into a scroll, and the unfaithful perishes forever.
What a pity for the man who takes delight in money, in days like on the earth, and in greed of
earthly things! I cry over the man without God as a dead is mourned over. I will take the death
out of the earth; I will remove the sins from the earth; I will take them away, so that they
may no longer be on the earth, as the sins brought about death to the man; however, the
people will weep for longing of sins, for longing of pleasures, for longing of lusts and of sinful
joys; people will weep for longing of death, and the death will no longer be. I will take it and
I will punish it into nothingness, as this is written into the Scriptures, and the sins will no longer
be, and it will be the reward of the sin, as this is written into the Scriptures and the Scriptures are

Behold, sons, the world will be born again; the world will be renewed as it is written. The
world will receive its first appearance, the one from its beginning. The visible world will be in-
cluded in the one that is invisible, so that the invisible one may be seen into the visible one,
the world created by God and not by man. The man that was born of the man got into the earth
again and will come out of the earth as in the beginning, at God’s word, at the work of God’s
hands. The man will be made out again from the earth. Every man that knew God will get up in
an immortal body and will stand before God. God’s man will come back into Eden. It is
written into the Scriptures about the new birth of the world, about the renewal of the world. You
shall not stagger My people, as the fact that you are today in the body, that you are today with God
and that you have got a skin from God, is a great work from God through you. I will put you face
to face with Elijah, the prophet, as the beginning is joining with the end; the first ones are joined
to the last ones, and we all will be one body. Amen.

Israel, Israel, what does this mean, one body? Soon, you are to answer what this Scripture
is about. He that is joined to a body of a prostitute is one flesh with her, as the Scripture says:
«They both shall be one flesh». He, who is joined to Christ, is one body with Christ; you and
Him, one body. My people, the first time is coming; not lusting is coming on the earth. The man
that does not sin anymore is coming on the earth. Christ is coming, sons; He is coming. I am the
Lord, Jesus Christ, and I became one flesh with you, My people. He that is one flesh with Me
can no longer sin. He that is not one flesh with Me becomes one body with the sin. Elijah, the
prophet, had no lusting in his body, and that is why he had so much power in word and deed. Israel,
you should not look to get an answer from your body to save your soul from the condemnation of
the sin. The body does not sin until its mind gives to it the conceiving of the sin in the body.
Turn your mind into heaven to have God in it, son from the end, as all the heaven has to come
down in you and on the earth through you. The heaven comes to an end too, as it is written, and it
will come down upon you when its dwelling and waiting will come to an end; it will roll up like a
scroll and it will be given to you son of God from the end. I come with the clouds as it is written.
The clouds also come with Me, and they remain with Me upon you and in you. And why do the
clouds also remain with you? So that you may have, son, something to take you into the invisible
ones; to be taken, as I am, on the clouds and with the clouds. If I come, I come with everything I
have; I come to take you with Me; I come for you to take Me with you and both to stand before
the Father with this kingdom of new heaven and new earth as it was in the beginning. Who has
ever heard that such a little accomplishment, which is within your reach to fulfill, may hinder you?
And if you do not want to fulfill the entire preparation, who has ever lost what you are to lose, son
called and elected to stand before Me on My coming? Be faithful Israel, as it is not enough if you
are called and chosen. The faith perfects you; it makes you to be complete. Without it you do not

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

do everything that is to be done. That is why I declared in your time: „So great a faith like yours
has not been heard through the ages”. The one with a clean heart that cannot escape and wants
to be with Me, I save him with My angels, but I leave the one that takes Me jokingly. «One will
be taken, and the other will be left». (See the selection topic: „The rapture (the abduction) of the
Church”, r.n.) Take a good look, that this prophecy is seen into My work. He that is left is the one
that gives up My work, the skin that I gave you within this time. He that is taken is the one who
goes with Me and with My word to the place where the heaven meets the earth in view of waiting
for those who will finish their way well.

Go, Israel, go! Go with Me on the way, even if you do not see the way with your eyes, as
the day is coming so that the world may see that you have My way under your steps. You do not
have to see it. The unfaithful one has to see it! Elisha, the prophet, did not see with his eyes the
heavenly host, ready for battle for him and for his escape, but Gehazi saw the chariots and the
heavenly host; the disciple looked towards the Lord at Elisha’s request and believed into the word
of Elisha’s faith.

Go, Israel, go! Go My people, go on My way with you, as I also go on your way with Me,
and behold, I go. And we take a break of word and sit at the table for a supper of Emmaus, and
after we eat, we work again, what we have to work. What do we work with? We work with our
mind, with our heart, with our deed, with our step, and we work with all our spiritual members:
with faith, with love, with patience, with peace; we work with the new proclamation; we work
with the resurrection. Now we come to a stop to eat and drink, and then we travel again; we still
have a short travelling to do and at the end of our travelling is the celebration of the end.

Go, Israel, go, for if you stay, you no longer go. Go son, as he who stays gets lost on his
way, as the road turns into a scroll; the road that leads to the Lord does not remain unfolded. It
rolls up behind and it is kept by angels behind you. Go manfully, as only one road goes to the
Lord. Watch out for the side roads and to not turn to the left or to the right, as the road behind turns
into a scroll, and you remain on the paths without spirit on them. Go son, go. I wait for you at the
spring to give you to drink. Go, as here is what I do: I come into your way with the little wooden
pail and I give you to drink. Go, son Israel, as this is My desire, and we both will be one body, I
and you, Bridegroom and Bride, man and woman, as you are of a single one, sons of Israel; you
all are one bread, one body, and you eat of the same bread, and we will always be one body. Amen.

May My supper of today be blessed, Jerusalem, loved son, and you should be alive, My
people! May you have a glowing countenance from the fire of the Holy Spirit, of the love of the
heavenly fire! May the heaven, the earth, the air, the water and everything into My way with you,
bless you! May a fragrance of resurrection remain wherever you pass by! May the dead come out
of the graves wherever you walk and sing „Christ is risen!”, so that Israel, that has been unfaithful
to My resurrection to this day, may hear!

Go, Israel, go My people, go as Israel went with Moses, but go obediently to Canaan, and
enter alive into the garden with milk and honey.

Go, Israel, go. Go son, as Elijah, the prophet went, as he went full of longing to meet Me,
and he did.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Go, Israel, go, until the visible meeting of the heaven with the earth; go there where the
two worlds become one, as the wall from the middle will be removed and we all will be one body.

Go and go again. Go, Israel, go, as you go on the way of the glory of the New Jerusalem,
and I made you a passing passport through the barriers of the world, and the world will know you
as Jerusalem.

Go, Israel with a new name, as I bought you a travelling ticket and the whole world knows
your name.

Go, Israel, as My trumpet is on your forehead with its name, and the citadel of the New
Jerusalem was proclaimed on the earth, and it is establishing on the earth, and after that, I will
establish it for immortality. Amen.

The Lord, God of Israel, has spoken to His people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Elijah, the prophet, from 02-08-
1995. (On Calameo)

Love comes down from heaven on earth. Amen. Love became word, spread over Romania
and speaks; and the voice and the word of love are being fulfilled. Love comes down and speaks.
God is love. Amen. God speaks in Romania. The Lord speaks over the people of His word. God
speaks the word of love.

Peace to you, My people born of word, and I want to give birth through you to all Romania
by My word; and I want to give her birth out of love, so that she also may be love before Me. Peace
to you, My people, as the news spread to all the ends that God speaks from heaven with you, that
the Lord sits above you and speaks His word over you. I turned you into a gate, My people, a gate
through which My word enters to the people. Peace to you, blessed people! Peace to those who
love you, to those who believe in Me through you, by My word given to the people by you.

My people, I enter the gate to call out the man. My people, My child, stand in the gate and
give life to the word, which calls out, to the man. I am the word. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am
called the Word of God, God from God, God Who came among the people from God. At the
beginning I had Israel as My people, and I was speaking upon it, and Moses heard Me and worked
to give to Israel eternity, virginity and the Canaan, and the man did not want even then to come
back to God. I have Israel again in the end and I called Israel, Romanian. Israel means the Lord’s
people. Israel is the name of the Lord’s people. Oh, Romanian Israel, behold, in the end I made
you My people and I called you Romanian, the new chosen Israel, and I said: «Peace to you!».
Israel, Israel, the Lord God calls you to become the people of the heavenly happiness. Romanian
Israel, your Creator is calling you, as behold, I gave birth to My word in you, and I give birth to it
on and on, as I always become word before you and I call you to go ahead and not come back any
more. Look Israel, how I graze My sheep born of My new word, and keep the track of the sheep,
Christian, as I put My flock before you, and I am the Shepherd and the Teacher. Israel, keep the
track of My sheep and eat as well, so that you may grow up in wisdom and to learn the lesson of
the kingdom of the heavens on earth and to become a builder, Romanian son; a builder of the
heavenly kingdom between heaven and earth. Those that the man has built for seven thousand

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

years are not good, sons. Only those that are built by God are good. Come for a work of heavenly
masonry on the earth! Come, Romanian, come Christian, as the Romanian is the chosen people
from the end. Come to build the kingdom of the heaven, as this is how I did with Adam. I created
him to build the kingdom of the heavens, and he built disobedience. The first stone was disobedi-
ence, and everything that has been built for seven thousand years is built on it. And what has been
built on it? It has been built lust; and the lust conceived and became sin, and the sin blamed
the man and it has been standing against him for seven ages. But in the sixth age I made a new
work, proclaimed by Me through the prophets. I came and I sown Myself into the Virgin, and I
was the seed, I, Who came from heaven; I became Man in the Virgin and I was born a baby and I
grew up a perfect Man, and then I stood with much love as a man to taste the death to break its
power by My resurrection from the death.

My people, My people, who can understand what I did in the sixth age? I made the new
man; born and not created. I made the work of the birth of the new Man. I came down from
heaven among the people, as I had to give birth to every man from Me; from Me and not
from man; from Me through the man, by the work of God’s hands. The First Man was the
work of God’s hands, and I also want to make this kind of work in the end. In the beginning it was
the man’s creation, a worked out creation, and in the end it is a man’s birth, a birth through the
word, not through the man; a birth from heaven on earth, as it is written: «He, who is not
born from above, from heaven, cannot enter into God’s kingdom».

Israel, Israel, My dear people, I let the word through the Scriptures, and I spoke about the
new birth of the world, and I prophesied about the world’s renewal. Oh, My people, I also finished
the seventh age, and I made a step of a new age, and who can understand the Scriptures anymore?
I sent the angel and I asked the Virgin so that I may sow Myself into her, and she received Me. By
what did she receive Me? She received Me by her word, and she said: «Behold, the handmaid
of the Lord» and in that moment the Word was conceived and grew up and was born: he was
born by a closed door, as that door was not used and the Virgin remained virgin. Behold, this is
what God worked, the One Who made the heaven and the earth and the man. God worked out a
birth from the Virgin and did not spoil the virginity through child bearing, but the man has no
longer wisdom.

Oh, My people, I am with you in a heavenly celebration on the earth, and we celebrate the
mother Virgin. The joy of heaven with you is in celebration. It is My mother, the Virgin, celebrated
by the people chosen in the end.

I made Myself known to the people of today’s church, and they did not receive Me, and
they have not known the Spirit of God, Who has spoken in the end; and they did not receive the
comfort of the Holy Spirit into their church. They brought the Word again under the law and under
the judgment, as it was two thousand years ago. The people of the church say that they have edu-
cation; they say that they have knowledge. Where do they have knowledge from? Oh, Paul also
had knowledge and education taught on the earth, but until I made his knowledge blind, I could
not use him as a tool of My word; I could not, as I also cannot do it with the man of the church
today. The Church has its own business; it has no time of the Word, which comes from heaven,
from God. The Word comes; the Word came as it was written into the Scripture, but the
church broke its way. The Word of God came and made itself a people; and it has a people, and it

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

has a church, and it has a manger, and the Word of God is being born in it. The Word is the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Oh, people of the Word; oh, church of Jesus Christ, Jerusalem, New Jerusalem, made out
by God! Take son and eat the word, as the church from the world went to sleep, and it does no
longer wake up to eat. The church sleeps is own sleep, and it does not wake up from its sleep. I
woke it up to hear My word, and then it went to bed again, and it does not wake up to stand before
Me. He, who serves the sin, does not understand God; he has sin as his father; he has no time
for God. But the man who fulfills God’s commandments, has knowledge, has a sober spirit
and it is a son of love, a son of God, as it is written into the Scriptures: «But as many as received
Him, to them He gave the right to become God’s children, to those who believe in His name;
who were born not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God».

Love comes down from heaven on earth. The love became word and is laying down on
Romania. Peace to you, Romania, as you have the people of My word in you! Peace to you, as I
want dress you like a bride and to give you birth from heaven and to be My bride; (See the selection
topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) to make you virgin and to make you eternal; to give you
the gifts that the man lost at the beginning. When Adam had a new son in the place of the murdered
one, he said: «Behold son, in my own likeness and after my own image» and from that son the
man has multiplied on the earth in Adam’s image and after his likeness, as it is written. Adam was
created by God in God’s image and after His likeness, but when the man was born again of the
man, he was in Adam’s image and after his likeness. The man born of the sins must let himself be
born from heaven, from God, from God’s love for the man.

My people, you should be bread and salt for the poor and for the rich. My people, you
should be a staff for the weak that will come to the path. My loved people, may you be blessed,
and may you celebrate My coming, as behold, I have always come towards you and I speak from
above you and I guide you and I am the path for you, My people.

Romanian Israel, come to the feast of My word, as the heavenly table is in the midst of
Romania. Israel, Israel, you should make the cross right and you should make your life right to
follow Me and to come at My table. Peace to you, My people! Peace to you, son; to you and to
those who believe in Me and in you! To those that believe that you are My people, I give My peace
and unfold My path, to see the way and to follow it.

My people, behold a heavenly supper; a supper of word in Romania! Romania, Romania,

may all the holy heaven and all the heavenly powers bless you, and may you get up, daughter, and
be a heavenly church in the middle of the nations of the earth! Peace to you, My country! Peace to
you, Jerusalem, New Jerusalem! Peace to your anointed one, who has the anointment from Me!
Peace to your body and spirit! Peace to you, Romania, New Israel, New Jerusalem! Amen, amen,
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1995. (On

The Word of God becomes food; He becomes manna, which comes from heaven. The
Word becomes bread and wine; the Word of the Father becomes bread, because the Son is the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Word of the Father. The Word of God became Man in the sixth age and had dwelt among the
people and then He went up to the Father, so that He might come back to the people. If He had not
gone, He would have not come again to the people, but He came so that He might take to the
Father all those who believe in the mystery of the creation by word.

Be careful, Jerusalem, as the Word becomes food again. Receive and gather this manna;
take and eat, My people, as I am the Word, I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I proclaim Myself and
you hear Me proclaiming while coming to you, Israel from the end of the time. I announce My
coming from the clouds, and you, little people of My garden, open son, so that I may enter the
garden and that I may enter the book, to let Israel know about Me. I am in the clouds. I am with
the clouds that are not seen. I am on the clouds of stars. I am on the clouds of sun. I am on
the clouds and the clouds are not seen. I am on the clouds of angels, on the clouds of glory,
on the clouds of cherubim and seraphim. I am carried by the clouds of My glory into those
that are not seen; I am into those from heaven. Israel, son of My word, you should live in the
heavenly things. Son, you should eat this manna; you should eat it every day; you should eat it day
and night; you should eat it hungrily, son Israel. You should eat milk and honey from heaven, as
those that are not seen are not perishable. Take and eat from the garden of those that are not seen,
so that you may not be perishable, My people, (See the selection topic „The mystery of humankind
salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) and to have imperishable eyes to see the clouds
of My glory, and to see Me with you, and to see you with Me, and to see, son, why I have
labored over you for as long as forty years. Open to Me to see, as every word of Mine has to be
fulfilled with fear and great love, and this means to open your eyes to see. (See the selection topic:
„He comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.)

Oh, My little child people, eat manna, and do not ask Me for meat, as I will no longer give
it to you. If I gave meat to Israel, what good did I do to him? Because if I did its will, Israel would
come back into its death. Jerusalem, My new man, I do not want to do your will any more, and
rather I want, son, to get you used to desire My will. Stop asking yourself and ask Me instead, son,
why I call you New Jerusalem? Because you are made a new man by Me, and the new Man has
the Holy Spirit as a dwelling in Which he stays. You are surrounded by My Holy Spirit, for the
Holy Spirit is God in the Father and in the Son, from the Father and from the Son. The work of the
Holy Spirit is called Whitsuntide; it is called Jerusalem, and you are My new man, born of the Son
of God, the Word. You are the New Jerusalem, as the Word is the Holy Spirit; it is God in the
Spirit, Who comes and makes a new man from the word. Eat, Jerusalem, Holy Spirit, and do not
crave for the meat as the Israel in the time of Moses, for Israel asked for meat from Moses, because
Moses was My tool for Israel. I wanted to make Israel a new man, and to get him used to eat
manna, and then milk and honey. But it was not so, for he did not want it and he came back again
to the meat. He did not want like Me, and rather it wanted like himself; Israel wanted like the old
man. Israel, the man did not ask God when he ate meat. The man ate and the Lord saw what the
man did. Eat manna, Jerusalem, for the word is heavenly manna. Eat and do not get bored like

Peace to you, My people! I sit in counsel with you, and with you at a meal of word, for it
is a feast. Peace to you, My house! Peace to you, Israel, My rest and My footstool! It is feast, son,
and I come to dine with you. I break Myself and I put Myself on a table of feast, the same way as
I put Myself on the cross to give Myself as a sacrifice to the man. The people of Israel brought
meat of animal as sacrifice to God, and God gave His Only Son as sacrifice for Israel. I put Myself

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

as sacrifice on the cross and I broke Myself and put Myself on the table as his food. The same way
you put food and bread on the table to eat, the same way I put Myself on the cross, so that you may
have what to eat, you, the hungry one from the end. The man brings as sacrifice from what he has,
and the Lord also brought what He had. The Lord gave Himself, so that the man may have the
Lord. The Lord gave Himself to the man, and the man wanted animal and poultry meat and other
living creatures.

Oh, My people, the people of My comfort! I gave Myself to Israel as food, and he was
satisfied and left Me. I became the bread, which was coming down from heaven on the clouds
above Israel’s camp, and he changed Me for meat. He craved for meat and he, who craves, dies.
When I first made the earth and the man, the man ate meat and did not ask the Lord. The man
brought sacrifice to the Lord, but he did not ask the Lord. The Lord could not get into the man’s
craving, as the man craved and then he ate, as the sin became craving and grew in man. When I
made the earth of now, the man ate meat and did not ask the Lord if He allowed him to eat.

Oh, My people, the best thing for the man is to let the Lord speak, as he, who speaks first,
is the one who created the word and the deed of the word. Oh, when the man becomes God, what
else shall the Lord do? Israel, after he ate life from heaven, he wanted to eat death of living crea-
ture; Israel wanted meat. After Noah arrived at the end of the flood, after the Lord told him to get
out of the ship, he and his entire house and all the animals that where in the ship, after that he made
an altar and sacrificed animals for God. He sacrificed them in love, but with the love that was in
him, not with God’s love in him. I did not tell Noah to bring sacrifice. I received his love and I
said into My heart: «I will not again curse the ground anymore for man’s sake, because the
imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth». I said then into My heart that I will not lose
or destroy all the living creatures as I did. Noah’s heart was inclined to sacrifice animals after the
flood passed, and if I saw this, I let it be as it was before the flood, for the man went ahead of Me
and used his sacrifice too. The same with Israel; no sooner did he get into Canaan then he took
and brought sacrifice to God, but God not said so. What else should God tell the man, who
chooses what to do? That is why the Scriptures say that the sacrifices pleased to God are a humil-
iated spirit.

Israel, Israel, be wise, son, as you have before you the reward of the man who wanted like
himself. Israel, the broken spirit receives from the Lord and does not bring to the Lord. The
spirit of the humiliated spirit brings to the Lord what the Lord requires from him to bring.
The humble man brings obedience. The humble man waits for the Lord. The humble man
does not receive counsel from himself. This is a humiliated spirit and not otherwise. The humble
prays for the Lord’s will in him and I taught those that were Mine to pray, and this is how I
taught them to say: «Lord, may Your will be done, as in heaven, so on earth».

Oh, Israel, My comfort for seven ages! On earth it is as on earth; it is not as in heaven. My
child, when I came from heaven on earth, I had to take it as on earth, not as from heaven. I judged
the man’s will; this is what I did by My sacrifice on the cross. Noah was thinking into his mind
to eat meat, to drink wine, and I approved as he wanted, and I added My will to his will with
great humility, as this is what I told him: «Eat every moving thing that lives, as I have given
every green herb for you». I gave to the man, but the man also gave to himself. I reminded Noah
what I gave to the man as his food, but Noah’s will was first and then I reminded him of My order.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, Israel, Israel, the man’s mind and the imagination of his mind are inclined only to evil
from his youth; from the beginning, sons. But the time of the new man comes; it is coming and it
has already come, as I have come. I have also come in the flesh, since I gave Myself as sacrifice
on the earth; since I gave Myself as food for the man, so that the man might understand what he
should eat. I have also come in the spirit, and behold, I become heavenly manna, I become word,
and soon I will become full satiety for an imperishable food, which came down from heaven on

Oh, Orthodoxy, daughter of the first faith, which I gave to My apostles to bear, with
whom I walk over the land of Israel! I came to Israel in the flesh, and to you I have come in
the spirit, as I promised that I come. Oh, daughter of the faith of that time! You have carried My
message until today and when I was about to give you the reward, the shine and the holiness, you
did as the Jews did. You did not receive Me; you did not know Me; you did not know My voice
and the word that comes with Me on the clouds. You became conceited and did not receive Me;
moreover, you put your hand at My mouth and you look out for your people and do not let them
believe in Me, into My coming through the word, for I am the Word. Behold, you send Me away;
you send Me away from your Synagogue, and I have come to do you good. I have not asked you
anything but to give up your sins and to be clean, My church, but you do not want to be Mine. That
is why I bowed down to you to ask you to be Mine, so that I may give you manna from heaven.
That is why I have come and I have come because it was written that I come. Open My book and
see that My coming is written into it, and take a good look and read well, and see that My name
is the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13), and behold, the Word came in through the prophesied coming
and you sleep. The one, who does not take My word to eat, sleeps. He, who does not hears, sleeps.
But you could not say that you did not hear, as the dead from the graves will testify that they heard
this word, and then you will not know where to hide in from My wrath. (See the selection topic:
„The dead hear My voice”, r.n.)

Oh, daughter of today, I wanted to give you a ring with a precious stone, on which it is
written My name, the Word of God. I have come with this ring to you, so that everybody may
know that you are the bride asked into marriage by the Bridegroom Who comes. And you, daughter
of your parents, you do not know the One Who comes, and behold, He comes; He has always come
and you stay closed into His way.

Oh, vine with sour grapes, I stopped in you on a mound and I grafted a branch from the
vine and I put it to be taken care of, to grow and to be multiplied, and I gathered ripen grapes from
it, good to be put on the table. I took from you, and you should have rejoiced that I came to you to
bring forth fruit in you, and I spoke from My tendered vineyard and I told you to come back to
yielding fruit and to tending. Open to see what I have come with. I do not want to take what is
yours, and I want you to let yourself for renewal, to let yourself for eternal life with Me. Open to
Me, as the sinful world trampled on you and on your little dress and turned you into a Bab-
ylon. Come back from your slavery, as the sons of the Babylon came into your palaces and defiled
you with them, and My heart seeing your nakedness departed from you and from your sister,
(Catholic Church, r.n.) because the foreign sons took your garment away and sold it and left you
naked, and behold, you drink the cup of your sister and suffer from your iniquity. The foreigners
come in to you and you dress out for them and make your eyes with make-ups, and I have come
to call you out, for you deceive Me as a woman deceives her husband. I do not want you to be

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

judged by the law of the prostitutes and that is why I call you out: come back and do not do as your
elder sister did; do not do as Israel did; do not do with Me as the Jews did.

Oh, Orthodoxy, I have started a fire into your midst and I will burn your transgressions into
it. Come back to your holy fathers, those that sacrificed themselves for you. Come back, you, seed
of Judas, as I came out of this seed, and I have let priesthood and prophecy into it, and behold,
what I left is no longer clean, and what I left into My vineyard is sold on a price of debauchery.
He, who violates the law that I let over My flock, is blind; that one becomes blind, blind in the
spirit. I know that you believe that I am in the word and that I call out to you, but you are sorry
when you see that I want to separate you from your evil will. You are ashamed of your nakedness
and it is hard for you to prepare in holiness, man of the worldly church, as you do not want
to belong to the Lord. You are ashamed to lose your seat that you sit on without My calling.
Who chose you to serve God? And if your bishops chose you, why do not serve God? Oh, the
row of the anointed, from anointed to anointed, have been broken several times, and you put the
man off with fine words to make him believe that you are My anointed, that you are My chosen
one, and to have him given you his tithe, and behold, you spend it on lusts, as Israel did. The man
pays for you to put him into the grave; and he also pays for it. When I raised Lazarus from
the dead I did not ask for payment. I raised him from the dead, and I did not bury him, and
I still did not take any payment. This is what it means to be God’s elected one for the people;
not for the man to pay you because you baptize him, because you marry him or because you
give him communion with God. What else shall I pay you if I were to give you for you work for
Me? I do not pay the man with money. I pay the man who serves God with salvation, and here
is the parable of the vineyard, which brings forth sour grapes. Those in the vineyard break My
head when I come from the Father to search out the vineyard, and behold, the Sower Who sows
the seed finds stone, a trampled path and a dry soil; He does not find good soil for sowing, for the
man has much to work and has no time for heavenly seed. I will go and call out to the man of
Caesar; I will go to tell him that I come and that I make My way to come, and I will call out
Romania and I will work with a sweet word, as a God.

Oh, Romania, become My country. Romania, do you really not want to be Christian? Chris-
tians fast from those that are not blessed, from the wicked things. Christian love; they love hu-
mility and God’s image in them and the poorness in the spirit, so that they may be happy. Chris-
tians love the Lord’s works on the earth. Christians listen to God and fear the Lord and obey.

Oh, Romania, My people, which I feed in your midst, honor Caesar with the honor that is
due to Caesar, as it is written into the Scriptures. Romania, I speak My word into your midst, but
the man of the church, who is supposed to receive Me, does not receive Me; he says that I am the
dead. I am not the dead. I am the Lord; the Lord of the prophets and of the righteous and of those
who believe in the Lord. The church says that I am the dead who speaks. But who is it speaking
to? The entire service, which it speaks with God and with the saints does it mean speaking with
the dead? The saints, who took the heaven and the Lord as home and land, are the dead that
the people of the church speak with? All the church services are words to the Lord and to the
saints; it is not speaking to the dead, as the saints are not dead. The living speak with the saints
into their prayers and send the saints to Me to receive from Me for those that are living in
their bodies. If all the prayers of the church speak with the Lord and with the saints, shall
the Lord and the saints not speak with the man? Can only the man speak with the Lord?
Can the Lord not speak to the man? I can do more than man can, as I am the Word from

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

everlasting to everlasting. I am alive. I am without death and without end. I am the Alpha
and the Omega; I am and I speak upon the earth. I speak into your midst, Romania, My
country. You are My country as I came back; and I come back into you and I speak the word
of God in you, the word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Romania, I came to put a necklace on you. I came with a ring into your midst. I have My
gift in you, My gift for you. I have the people of My word in you. I took it from you and I kneaded
it out of My word, and I have a word in you, as My people is My word; it is the fruit of My
word, and I speak upon it and say: peace to you, My country, Romania, My bride, as behold,
the heaven cries to Me for you. Your holy fathers and forefathers are your heaven which is
with Me. I have a heavenly feast into your midst, Romania, My Father’s chosen one for His
Son. It has been a feast in you for forty years. The Word of God is being spread on a table of
feast. Come, My love, to the feast of the heaven! Come and eat! Come and be born of God!
Come and wash your little dress into the river of life, and also wash your little shirt, and look for
your little shirt if you do no longer have it, as without the little shirt your nakedness is seen through
the little dress. I have come to you with heavenly apparel, of water and spirit. I want to turn you
into water and spirit, a baptismal font, in which all those, who will head on the way of resur-
rection and eternal life, may be baptized; all the peoples that will come hearing of My glory
in you, as My cross became a crown on your head; it was interlaced and became a crown of glory
upon you. Let My cross be your veil of peace between Me and you. Give Me a message of peace
between Me and you, Romania, My country given to Me by My Father. Rise before the peoples,
you country of My coming back, as the land of nowadays passes into renewal, and it becomes a
new heaven and a new earth on it, as the first earth was. Amen.

Come Romania, to be My people chosen among the nations of the earth! Come, as the
people chosen in the beginning put Me on the cross and forsook Me, and I embraced you, as I
found you under the cross and I took you under My mantle when I passed by you and saw you
under the cross. Come to give your reward, to give the ring of precious stone! Give Me your hand
to put the ring on it, as on this precious stone is written My name: The Word of God. Amen.
Come for a day of wedding, My country, My bride, as this is your destiny! Come, for I come!
Listen to My prayer and be My treasure, and be My path, as I come, and I let it be known that I
come, so that I may not come unknowingly when I come.

The Spirits of the Lord rest upon you. The spirits of the saints are like the stars over you.
The spirits of the angels stay as a crown upon you. The Holy Spirit has His throne and word in

Peace to you, My country, land of the Lord’s feast, as where the carcass is, there the vul-
tures also are. Amen, amen, amen.

May My people in you be blessed, Romania, the country of My return, as great is My

people in you! The people of My word is a green branch; it is a fruit tree full of fruit by the spring
of life, and its branches run over the wall, and I, the Lord, pour out on it the blessings of the heaven,
the blessings of the earth, the blessings of the forefathers, the blessings of the eternal heights. Such
blessings I put on the head of the one that I chose, My country.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, people taken out of the Romanians, may you be blessed before the Romanian people,
and may you bless Romania before Me, and may you be My word before it, and may you be like
a woivode among your sons and daughters, My people chosen from Romanians! This is how I
selected from Israel a group of people who walked with Me. This is how I worked with the Roma-
nians and I took a people, and I call it a beginning of new age, and I have carried it like a woivode
before Me, and I call anointed the people of My word, and I call you the oil giver of new anoint-
ment, of new age. This is how the Lord calls the chosen one, the one put into the dough, for a
people to grow out of it; a people of the returning of the Son of God, Who comes with the clouds.
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Ascension of the Holy Cross, from 27-
09-1995. (On Calameo)

The Lord, Jesus Christ comes with heavenly guests in the garden. The Lord knocks at the
door; the Lord speaks from the door, and His word comes through the gates of glory; it comes
from the air into the air, and the Lord creates new skies. Amen.

I am sons, I am. Amen, amen, amen. I wake you up ahead of time, before the dawns of the
feast morning, for My people come to the spring and I prepare food for it; I prepare food for Israel.

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is how I come when I
come. And how do I also come? What do I say to you when I come? I say peace to you. Peace into
My garden! Amen, amen, amen. Receive and give peace to Israel, as the name of Israel is great.
Blessed are the people that bears this name, as great is the name of Israel.

Oh, sons, My language is heavenly. My letter is out of Me, and this is how I speak, as in
heaven, not as on earth. The heavenly speaking is always with perseverance in it, with awakening
in it, with a heavenly language in it, with heavenly languages over Israel, as heaven speaks only
with Israel.

Peace to you Israel; to you My people! Peace to you that stand faithfully before Me! I speak
with perseverance upon you, and you should love My heavenly language. You should not like the
speaking on the earth, but rather you should like the heavenly language, which comes with Me
above you and embraces you and steals your heart in you, and takes it with it, to help you love
God and to remain in Him, Israel.

Do not let Me perish son. Keep Me alive My people. Do not give Me over to death during
this time. But you are small and you know from Me how to become small in My arm, so that you
may not know the wickedness of the great man, who is crucifying Me with the sharpness of his
spirit. Oh, who knows to crucify Me better than the wise ones, better than those who read My wills
without taking them into their inner being? Who did the Lord’s crucifixion? Pilate or Herod? They
did not understand who I was and where I came from. They knew their things, not Mine, but the
priests knew for they were reading and learning from God, and still no one knew better than them
to crucify Me. They would have not given even to God their seats and look who were the worst
people in that time. The priests were the worst, the most astray from the path of righteousness. It
is not that they did not believe that I was God, but they loved their kingdom which was for injustice
and did not want to open the door so that their house may be seen, for their house was only gold,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

ornaments, silver and expensive vessels, gathered together in an unfrequented place, in a murky
place, as it was written in the prophets. Oh, what damnation they have prophesied by their own
tongue for they said that if they let Me prosper with those from heaven, many Romans would come
and take over their country and nation. Certainly not! For if they had received Me, they would
have become an invincible people on earth, for no one can do any harm to the one who sits
under the tent of God, to the strong one in God. Take a look with Me over to those of today
who have taken the word of God: who were the worst, the foreign and the coldest ones? The
priests were. It was only them who had no power to leave, to rejoice over My word; only
they; as in that time, only they. Only they stir up the people against the truth, only they crucify
the truth, and here, they sold themselves for money and for the riches and for a kingdom of straw;
and the straw are scattered in a storm and are no more, and with a lightning from heaven they burn
and are no more; the same way as the people of Israel who fell slave to the Romans who put fire
to it and scattered it on the whole face of the earth. But I took out of it those who believed and I
turned made them a bundle into My lap and I told them to be the salt good for taste, and they were
and worked the Lord, so that all nations of the earth may have the Lord, and you too, My people,
to have him as well.

You son, love the nation from which I came out, from which the apostles came out,
for the Hebrew people was My people, and the its faithful remnant remained My people, for
out of the body, the remnant turned into a spirit and worked out a Holy Spirit on earth and gave
the earth to the nations, so that the earth may be Christian, for Christ was proclaimed everywhere
by those who remained Christians in Israel. I will have mercy of Israel, for by its collapse you
have a place next to Me, but pray so that he may walk up and look at you, the one who are with
the Son of God, and to take Me as heir from the Father to utter his forgiveness. Amen. Pray Israel,
pray for Israel, the one after the flesh, for it has carried the name of God on earth, because
out of its people the faith in the Son of God, the sent One, sprang out.

It is a great war on the earth, as great as it has never been since ages and as it will never be.
What war can be greater than the war that is not seen and works at its ease? As behold, Romania,
you too, do not know how enslaved you are! You are enslaved, daughter, and you do not wake up
to get rid of the enemies. No one wakes you up to fight, as your watchmen sleep, and you are
enslaved. Until now they used to come with weapons and troops of war; the Turks were coming,
the Germans were coming, the Huns were coming, the Tartars were coming and you were seeing
them and you were getting up and chase them away when you could, and when you could not do
it, you were paying them a tribute of slavery until I was stretching out My hand to take you out
from under the stone. This is what I did, but today you do not see the enemy any longer, as it is
an invisible war, and the enemy sucks even your soul, not only your body. Now the weapon
is the money, and the foreigner deceives and buys you with the money and defiles you by
what he gives to you and poisons your breath, and you do not know what you eat and what
you drink on your money. You are full of enemies, My love, and you can hardly breathe, as I am
your soul, carried by those that love Me. The foreigner has taught you only lies in schools, and
you do not know the story of your kinship anymore, as your kinship from the beginning was pleas-
ant to God and not left behind, and the new man of the time came and gave the name primitive to
the one of old. But what is this word primitive? This word is a lie. Oh, My people, that is why I
was telling you that the school on the earth is not good, and behold, the one, who learned lies in
school, still stands today in the name of justice, and I cannot clean the spirit of lying from the
man’s bosom. There has never been a man more primitive than the man of today since ages, and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

it will never be. It has never been a man more orphan that the man of today on the earth, and it
cannot be a greater war than the war of today. The Turk has been coming with weapons by
now, and now he comes disguisedly and dyed, and he sucks and leaves satisfied, and he leaves
only smoke behind him and only dirt of evil spirit; moreover, he tramples under feet in a
dirty and foreign way over the country of my choice.

Oh, My people, it is bad for the city that has no word of a prophet, as that one is under the
sword, and there is no one to announce her; it has no one to wake her up. But behold, My word
will prophesy over the evil and lie and will wake up those that sleep with their sword stretched out
above them with threatening.

The primitive man is the man that has not got God. If this word is true, behold, this is the
meaning of the word primitive, as it is true the little story on earth about Me, the Lord, Who was
a family man with a Christian and humble family, and this little history is not a parable, but it is a
godly truth among the people, and only its example remained. I was the family man of the Christian
family and I had a shelter in the house of the man, and it is said that there was a family of people
that loved God. A man had a wife and two little children, and they were living very happily loving
God. They built a little house, a shelter for bad weather, and they got into it and were living happily
from day to day. They had a wooden bed on one side of the little house, and all were resting in it.
They also made a little stove of clay to make fire in a cold weather, and they also has a little dish
hanging on a nail, and they were taking it down and putting on it the little polenta and drinking
and whatever else they had from God’s gift. And they were gathering around the dish kneeling
down and all were dipping their morsel in the dish leaning for each bite. They were sitting at the
table and getting up with prayer and with thankfulness, and then they were taking the little dish to
hang it on the nail, and they were speaking about God and with God, and God was with them on
the earth. And I became man and I went into their house to be their family man, and they received
Me, and I slept with them and ate with them, and I rejoiced over them with the Spirit of God into
their house and in their living. And there came a bad weather over their house, over their heart.
The evil spirit did not rejoice over My marriage with them and plotted a temptation and took Me
out from their house, as one day a rich man from their village knocked at their door and asked him
to go and help him with his work, saying that he would pay him for his help. And he, a gentle man,
went to help the one who asked him, and then he saw how the rich man lived and what he had into
his house. And when he finished his work, he took his pay and went home and told what he saw
at the rich man, and he went with the money and bought a better bed, more beautiful and softer,
and replaced their bad from the house with it. When I saw the warmth of their heart for the good
and new bed, I felt deprived of their love and I was shy, and I did not go to bed with them, because
they had another joy. I stood by their new bed and they cuddled against each other and rejoiced,
and they said that God helped them. And then he went again and worked and bought a bigger and
more elegant table and put it into the midst of the house, and I drew Myself aside. Then they also
brought tools and other things and their house was filled out, and I drew Myself near the door.
They asked Me saying: „Lord, why do you not sit on the bed, on the chair, on the chest? Why do
you stand by the door?” And I replied them that I did not have any place, and that is why I did not
sit down. Their joy increased for what they had and gathered. They worked and did what they
liked, and I went out aggrieved, and I had no more room as a family man into their marriage. They
did not feel My pain, and they always said: „Lord, we thank You because You helped us and You
gave us so many things to have”. I let them choose their love, and they chose the self-love. From
then on I had been so small into their hearts, smaller and smaller, and they used Me only for their

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

first custom to thank the Lord for everything. This is how the man remains orphan of God. This is
how the man remains alone in his spirit, getting his human courage up, losing the fear of God and
the love of God, the most valued wealth among riches.

Oh, My people, how beautiful it was for the man that gathered together near his small table,
on his knees around it. The man was like a bird, which lifts up its head after it swallows the water,
thanking God. The man was bowing down with his body, kneeling down for each bite, thanking
the One Who gave it for living. The man kept his little dish on the nail, as a sign of respect for the
holy thing, as the dish was a holy object, on which the man broke the bread and put the food from
God. That man was not a primitive man, and he was a holy man, and he had God as wealth,
and he was rich in grace and word. But no one has God today by grace any longer. There is no
more room in the house of the man for God. That is why I brought you up, new Israel, and I taught
you to turn back to Me and to take Me into your house and into your life, and to take Me into your
garment to warm Me up, as I love you so much, you that have Me today. Seek My people to work
what I worked, and not to work what the man works, as the man, you saw what I told you, does
one thing for himself today, tomorrow he does another, and he forgets what he has to know and to

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the sign, with which I
marked down the land redeemed from the man, is blessed and made holy. It is blessed and sancti-
fied the cross, threefold working, which will stand watch and as a sign between heaven and earth
on this place that is marked down today, and this land will be named with the name of God of
Israel, Who works over the earth; however, He had worked through the name of Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, as those from today by whom I work are called Israel too, as I planted and made it
grow. Amen. Amen, amen.

And you will come, My people, and we will meet into this garden, and we will eat from
heaven together; I and you at the heavenly table, children of My people.

Israel, Israel, I will soon come down into My garden, as a word for the man of the Caesar.
I will go to tell him about My work over Romania, and that is why I say: peace to you, My little
garden of sons! Peace and a preparatory spirit before Me, so that I may come with the prophesying
word over My Romania and over those that rule over it. I will come taken by the wings of the
invisible glory of the angels and of the cherubim and of the archangels, and you, watchful children,
you will feel the flap of the heavenly wings, when I will come to shake from the foundations the
spirit, which rules over My country, over My land which is to come and that will stay before Me.
You sons, clothe yourselves with holiness and with a garment of grace, as I promised you that I
will make of you light on the earth and a guide for the worldly man, who will seek refuge to God.
You, sons, seek to be poor of those on the earth that are not for the Christians. You, sons, seek to
have Me as a family man with you, and have the little coat of the grace on your head when you go
to rest and when you get up. You, sons, seek to have one single garment, the garment of Jesus
Christ, Who came back to you to clothe you with grace. Sons, you should not serve idols, lusts,
ornaments, eating and drinking and mixed living, as here is what you should be rich in: in grace,
sons. Oh, sons of God love the work of the grace. Oh, children of New Jerusalem love the work of
those that I promise you; love those that are not seen, as they come into view.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Go Israel, go! Go son with faith in those that are promised to you by God. Go, son Israel,
to the promised land, as it comes towards you. Go with clean steps and well shaken by those that
are from people, as your steps will go into the city and you will be great with Me and you will
grow up. Amen.

Grow up, Israel, grow up! Grow up, son, as all will decrease before My and you, and you
will grow up by My glory. Grow up, My love, grow Israel, grow up, and look at how you grow
up, if I tell you to grow up, as My word is being fulfilled in you. Grow up Israel; grow up, as
everything bows down wherever you go, when you grow up. Grow up and be strong by the grace
of the Holy Spirit, as we have a great work to build between heaven and earth. Grow, as behold,
the heaven bows down before you to lift you up. Grow and feed on the living things, and you shall
no longer eat death, as your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, Who comes into you to pro-
claim a new heaven and a new earth.

Israel, My bride, let your watchmen take care of what it means to be bride and Bridegroom
and what it means to be wedding guests. The Bride and the Bridegroom have one place, and
the wedding guests have another place. The Bride and the Bridegroom have one garment
and a preparation of bridegrooms, and the wedding guests have another garment. Let your
watchmen be careful not to give your seal also to those that do not know what seal means. The
seal of the Holy Spirit is put when it has broadness in work. Israel, do not mix two kinds of food
with the same name, in the same dish, in the same row. You should have your rows removed, and
let those that come to see you and Me have different place at the meetings. That is why I tell you
to be a boundary for your own self and for Me between you and the world, between the doer and
the not doer, and you should not be shy to distinguish the evil from the good, the red from the
white, until everything becomes white and holy between heaven on the earth. Be one body, and
get the rank together, so that it may be distinguished by anyone what a waking in a row is, and
what a walking at random is. Teach the man what it means to be a Son of God, and go in a row
with the sons. The sons of the people, who seek God and do not get used to the teaching of walking
in a row, did not put off the old man, of the man foreign to God. Israel, also teach the man what it
means the work of a son and a name of the son, and you should speak with the man about Me, and
let not the man speak with you about himself. Take care son, not to burden your spirit with the
things of the man, and ask the man to know what he is looking for and what to find if he wants to
find, and keep My stature before the people. Blessed is the man, who looks for you and follows
like you, after he finds you near Me.

Be clean Israel, clean in spirit, as your spirit has to be taken by the Holy Spirit, Which
comes from above. Amen. Keep you a holy body, Israel, and the Holy Spirit will dwell into your
body, into your midst, for the people of the Lord is great. Let My love be a crown on your head.
Let your love be a table for Me at My coming, as behold, I always come to you, loved Israel, My
called son, as I named you with My name. Peace to you and a celebration with love of the saints
around you! Peace to you from the virgin that is celebrated today in heaven, the virgin Parascheva,
which is in Romania with her body and spirit! She is rejoicing with the host of the virgin girls that
came with her at My celebration with you. She gave up to all human joy and adornment, and took
the heaven and the garment of the holy spirit on her. The saints come at your celebration with Me,
Israel. The saints come and see you and honor you, and stand before you with help and service, as
you are blessed between heaven and earth. The saints long to see you, to help you and to serve
you. Call them, as all are for you, as you are for Me and for the life to come.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

May the food for the living that you receive from My garden of sons, My people, be

Go Israel, go son, go, and do not stop from going, as the heaven travels towards you, and
the great meeting is accomplished, and that day will be great. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the devout Parascheva24, from 27-10-1995
(On Calameo)

Let it be attention into the garden, in the garden of My word. The Lord comes; He comes
to speak upon the garden! The Lord comes for Israel! Let it be attention into the garden. Amen.
The Lord comes for Romania! I called Romania Israel because it is the country of the Lord. I,
Jesus Christ, I came out of Israel when I became the son of Man. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, started
from Israel the voice of My coming back on the clouds when I came back, for I came back as it
was spoken in the Scriptures. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, stay above the clouds of glory over
Romania; I stay and I will stay until I let My staying and My coming, prophesied through
the Scriptures, be seen. (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) In a little
while I will let Myself be seen in My coming; I will stay visibly on the clouds of My glory upon
Romania, the country of the returning of the One ascended in heavens.

My people listen to My voice! I am the Word of God. Amen, amen, amen. I speak from
heavens again and I protect My speaking upon the earth and I spread the news of the return of the
Son of God to all the margins of the heaven and the earth. I am coming the second time to the
people from near My Father. I came two thousand years as an infant through the Virgin and I
announced the kingdom of the heavens on the earth, for the Word became flesh. And since the
time from the Scripture has passed, here, I come with the tens of thousands of saints, carried on a
throne by cherubim and by seraphim and by archangels. I come the second time, as it is written,
but I do not come as a baby, rather I come as word, as My body became word. I am the Word
that said to be light and it was light. I am the Word of God, the One Who said to be heaven and
earth and it was so. I am the One of one being with the Father, through Whom everything was
made. Blessed are those who prepare My visible glory at My word, as I come from the Father, and
I come through Romania, as My Father gave it to Me at My birth. I was an infant, and she also
was an infant. I become the Bridegroom, and she, was the bride born of God, of God’s word. I was
announced to her as her Bridegroom and she let herself be wooed and loved since her infancy,
since her youth.

I, the Lord, am on the throne of the cherubim and archangels above the garden of the word.
It is a heavenly celebration upon the Israel taken out from Romanians, and let Romania know what
the Word of God speaks upon her. The Word of God speaks in the clouds of glory.

Peace to you, Romanian Israel, and peace upon Romania! My peace between Me and her,
as she does no longer watch before Me. She forgot what true God means. I am the One Who is and
there are no other gods, but she got used to gods that are not gods. Let My peace within you be
upon you, My country, as I come to wake you up. Do not be afraid. I come with peace; I come

Paraskeva of the Balkans

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

with love and I come with comfort. I come, Romania, I come, I come to you. I stand by the door
and knock. Open, My love, as your election from childhood, the first one, is not blotted out. I come
to you, My country, and you do no longer know it; you do no longer believe that I come, but I
come, and I come to announce you that I come. I do not love to lie. I am the truth and I speak
that I come. Oh, My country, I do not love lying. What shall I do with you as you have loved
lying? What shall I do? I cry at your feet as I do not want to see you being punished by your own
deed. Oh, My love, I come with comfort to you. Lying is not good, as it is written: «You shall not
give false testimony». Come to repentance, come, My country! Come, as I come on the clouds
from the Father, to take you out of the guilt and that My visible coming may not find you under
your deeds, but you should get out in due time to repent, wash and prepare, so that I may protect
you and to forgive you, that you may not be hurt by the reward of those worked out in secret. I
was the light in you, but you have loved the darkness, because your deeds worked out the evil, and
you hated the light for fear that your wicked deeds may not be seen. I come to lift you up from the
burden of your last deeds.

Oh, country, country, where did you hide the little crowd of your patience from under the
cross? You were the country of patience; you were the crown of patience, the crown of brotherly
love. Oh, country, country, the red time entered into you and you did not know its face. (The time
of the communist dictatorship, r.n.). You did not understand that the red is a chlamys of shame.
You forgot what it happened to Me under the cover of the red chlamys. The time of Edom came
over you.

There were two brothers. One was called Jacob and the other Esau. Esau was red all over
and he sold his birthright for a red broth. For this he was called Edom (red). Edom sold his blessing
and earned his living by his sword. Edom started to hate his brother, as these two peoples struggled
together within the womb, and by their birth they separated each other within the entrails of the
one who gave them birth. When Esau was born, he was red and lived by his sword.

Oh, Romania, it is a painful thing that a people from Esau’s relative was born out of your
body. You have been defiled by the Esau’s relative and the red time was conceived within you,
and your sons defiled their own tribe. You should have become related to Jacob’s tribe, as I
kneaded you. You should have become related to My Christian people until My coming but not
with the red time and with its sons.

Romania, I have proclaimed upon My sons in you that I will come in word upon you. I
stand by the door and knock. I stand by the door with the spirit of comfort and I bring you a spirit
of wisdom if you receive Me. I stand by the door and knock. Receive Me! Amen, amen, amen.

I am the One Who is. I am the Word of God. Amen. I knock; I turn to the gates to those
that stand in the gates. I go a long way round and I come out to the gates and knock at those from
the gates of Romania. I am the Spirit of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I knock at
the gates.

Lift up you gates, so that I may enter and speak a word of love, a word of comfort and of a
new announcement of peace over Romania! Oh, I can hardly find a stone to sit on and rest with
My work, with My blessing! It is very hard as the spirit of man overcame the Spirit of God and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the man is too big on the earth. The man became too big, too big. I can no longer tell the man that
I am God. I can no longer tell the man to have fear of God, as the man became too big.

I go a long way round and come out and knock at the gates of Romania. Amen. Lift up you
gates, so that the Word of God may enter! I knock at the gates of Caesar, so that I may speak with
every man who sits on the seats of Caesar. I bring a word of comfort; I speak a word of love.

Behold, I come in. Oh, people from the gates, of the gates of Romania, take, eat and come
to life! This is My word, which comes to you for the forgiveness of the sin and to a living life.
Amen. I am He Who is. When I sent Moses in Egypt for My enslaved people, Moses asked Me:
«Lord, Who should I tell them that You, Who send me, are?» And I told him this: «Go and tell
them that I am He, Who is».

Amen, amen, I say to you, oh, people from the gates: I am He, Who is, as there are no other
gates. Nothing is God; no money, nor rank, nor wealth, nor human wisdom, nor high towers, nor
man and nor the sword of the man. Nothing is God except Me. I am He Who is, and there are no
other gods. I sit in counsel with those from the gates of Romania.

Peace to you, those from the gates! (The rulers of Romania, r.n.). Let My peace be in you
and among you, as the man is dead without Me; he is not alive. I also stood before the rulers of the
earth; I and My apostles and My entire relative by now, as he who eats My Body and My Blood,
is My relative, My kindred, My brother and My neighbor. Both I and they, who were Mine,
also stood before Caesar, but hardly was it possible to find rest for God within the great man, as
the man became too big before Me and before himself, too big.

I sit in the counsel with those from the gates. I break My word. Take, eat and come to life!
Amen. Come to life within the spirit of peace and work peace before Me, peace between Me and
My country, peace between brother and brother before Me; between brother and brother before
Me, no other kind of peace, for the man does not know what the peace maker is. The peacemaker
reconciles man to God and God to man. This is what I said: «Blessed are the peacemakers, as
they will see God».

Peace to you, those from the gates; peace between Me and you! My counsel is with you.
Take from Me and come to life and work peace between Me and My country, as Romania is My
country; you should know that it is. The Lord speaks that it is. Peace to you and then a spirit of
faith upon you, the first faith of the Romanian! May the first love include you, those from the last!
I come to you; I come in the counsel with you, as woe to the country where there is no prophet,
for it sinks. I am the spirit of the prophets, from the beginning to the end of the prophecies, as all
the gifts, all the prophecies, all the languages will come to an end; however, I tell you that
they have already come to an end. Everything will come to an end, and My love and its sons
will remain. I am the spirit of the prophets who had a calling from God and a holy living in God,
as other kind of prophets do not belong to God.

I give you My love to you, those in the gates. Take and rise in the spirit of the love and be
born of it, out of the Lord, for I am love. Do not be sons of disbelief, as the unbelief and its sons
have come to an end. Be born of My love and not from other love. Be born of the heaven not of
the earth. Wake My love up in you so that Romania may wake up as well and learn what love is,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

what a ministering church before Me is; what it means to be a sacrifice brought to the altar of the
love, a sacrifice before Me. A church means the sons of the last love from heaven which has
the body of love on its table. The sons of the heavenly love do the deeds of the love. They are the
sons of love, not others. Take from Me and give yourself to one another and work a spirit of faith
in God upon you, for the Lord is coming like a snare upon the unfaithful, upon those that do not
watch, and He is coming like a comfort upon those that rise through love. Take and rise, take
and fulfill God’s word which is coming on the clouds of glory setting in Romania, and the
word of God from the book is becoming a body. I become a book on the earth. I am becoming
a book now too, for I have been working nothing without speaking first. I come to teach the Ro-
manian; first the Romanian and then the Jew, the Greek and everybody else from other nation. I
come to teach the man what the church and sacrifice brought before God mean. The church is
nothing else than the sons who serve God on the earth; God and not to themselves; to each
others in the Lord and not to themselves. How comes such a thing? How comes to serve in the
Lord? That is the sons who have the Lord for food, for growing up, sons who have the Lord as life,
not sons who serve to their pleasures and to this age and to the master of this age, to the spirit of
this world. And the sacrifice brought before Me is when there is reconciliation between brother
and brother, between man and God. Such a sacrifice does not get to the Lord, and rather it comes

Oh, the man brings about too much lying out of his spirit, out of his heart. There have been
seven times (Millennia, r.n.), since I made the man; and I put him over the creation of heaven and
earth, but too much lie has covered this truth. It has been a very long time since people are gods,
false gods.

Man, the science that comes from man is not good; the science that disinherits the man of
God, as the man is a lying god, the man who takes after false gods. Romanian man, you were
crying for food when you were persecuted by the false man that was upon you. (The communist
dictatorship, r.n.) Romanian man, you should have cried over your sin. You were not wretched
because of lack of food, but because of the sin that oppressed you. And what did you do? You
woke up and have turned the bodies of your sons and daughters into a pool of blood; and you have
committed sin over sin. You were crying of hunger under the man who was sitting upon your neck
without Me, and you wanted to free yourself of hunger, from under your hunger, and you fell into
a greater need, My country; and you succumbed to the lusts of shame, and every foreigner with
dirty hands sucks from you. There is a great need in you; there is a lack of love; there is a lack of
God. The Lord is hungry of you, Romanian people! Where is the tear of your repentance? Oh,
country, where are you going? Where, My love? I stand at the door and knock.

Oh, country, you have always made schools for your sons and daughters, country, so that
the departure from God might be taught within them. But the fear of the Lord, the repentance and
the resurrection are you not going to learn? Oh, you have no longer teachers with a Samaritan
heart within you. Come back to the Samaritan from heavens! Come back, as your sons perish in
ignorance! Come back, as you have blessing upon your head! Oh, there is too much death within
you; too much! The Lord dies within your body too much, as your sins are too heavy. The red time
has been oppressing you for a long time; the time of Esau, who lives by his own sword. (The
communism and its descendants, the „leftist ones”, r.n.). Oh, Romania, get rid of the sin! Listen
My people to My voice, as your priests have indulged in worldly pleasures; both in their bodies
and in immorality, and you no longer have judges within you, judges of the sins, so that they may

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take away the sins from over you. Listen to My voice, Romania. I sit in counsel with those from
the gates and I speak with them; and I speak over you, daughter of the heavenly Father’s love;
bride of the Son of God.

Romania, wake up brother on brother, and say the prayer „Our Father” without lying. It
has been a long time since you utter this prayer without being reconciled to God, loved country.
Go and make peace brother and brother, Romanian Israel, My relative, Israel chosen in the end.
Leave your gift down and go your way and make peace with your brother and then come and bring
to Me the sacrifice of the spirit of your repentance, so that you may not fall under your deed.
Romania, you should know that God made you, and when He made you, He made you Christian.
You should also know, My daughter, that you are kneaded by God, according to the plan that was
with God for your birth on the earth, and I want to take a new man out of you, a new people,
and a holy people before Me. Open your ear, My love, as I have brought up a tiny people within
you. I gave birth to it out of the word; I have brought it up by word and I let the word upon it, for
it and for you, My country, as I gave it birth for you. Get up to believe, to believe what I say to
you, as I exhort you towards repentance.

You are punished by your deed, loved country, and there is no peace between Me and
you. You have been enslaved by lying. Wake up! Brother has lied to his brother. You have cast
out the one born of you (King Michael, r.n.) and you lied to escape not guilty of your dirty deed.
You did as Jacob’s children of old, who departed from their brother and covered their deed by
lying. Oh, and how much did they pay for it, as they fell into slavery and into forced labor in Egypt!

Oh, Romanian people, you are a Christian people, and this is not a Christian deed, and your
sin stays before Me against you. Romania, get rid of this sin. Have you not seen? Have you really
not heard how Israel, My people, suffered because of his brother casting away? Romania, do you
no longer fear God, My love? I come with the spirit of comfort, with love and repentance over
you. You are the mother of those born within you. You are My plan from the end of the time,
loved country, and chosen country.

Romania, one of your sons cries, he cries after your hearth, he cries far away in Egypt. (In
exile, r.n.). Oh, what shall I really do to you? Should I bring pain upon you so that you may know
this sin? Should I tear down all your towers in a whisper, all your mighty men, who set themselves
against righteousness? Not so, My dear. Do not let yourself fall down under the burden of your
sins. Make peace to God. One of your sons cries; he cries in Egypt, and it is heard in heaven. His
anointment is put over his head upon you, as this was My heavenly plan. Mother cries after her
son. He has Romania as mother. This mother was a swaddle and bandage, baptistery of baptism,
house and board, cradle and food, nurse, teacher and home. And Edom got up, (Those from the
east, where from the communism came with the tanks, r.n.), an immoral people, which defiled with
immorality the heart of My people chosen in the end, and it oppressed My child anointed with the
oil of Romania’s blessing. I, the Lord, had worked through it for you, My country, to get you out
of trouble and fighting, and what did you do? You cast away the one from Me for you. I have
always united brother with brother, loved country, and I have always taught you what it is love,
unity and power, which is born of unity and love.

Oh, Romania, you cast away your waivode. Your waivode is from Me; he is My anointed
upon you. You cast away My anointment from you, My sign on your head. You put away the head

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of your body, the sign of God that is put over you, Romanian people. Oh, this sin is too heavy, and
it cries to heaven. Your sacrifices are put on hold. The angels cry by your sacrifices of love, as
they cannot raise them to heaven. Your saints cry, Romania, as you are not clean in the prayer
„Our Father”.

You, from the gates of Romania, listen to the voice of the Lord! I cry over Romania; I call
out from her gates, and I do not go beyond the gates. I call out to those within the gates and to
those beyond the gates. Romania, the tear of the one who cries has a burning within it. I gathered
tear by tear and I stay hand in hand with this full bowl. The evil angels slap over My hand to pour
out the bowl of pain upon you, but the heart of the one that is castaway sighs to Me and asks for
your forgiveness and prays for your resurrection. The heart of the one that is alienated from you
turned into a wound longing for you, Romanian Israel. What do you want to do, Romania? I am
the One Who sees ahead of time. You have never committed any sins as you do now, and you have
never suffered as you do now, but do you believe what I tell you? Your priests serve to their own
pleasures and spirit and their name, and they have no power to share resurrection upon you,
oh, flock without shepherd! But I have come to be your Shepherd, Romanian flock, and I
speak from the clouds above you, loved country. Your driven away son cries, and you, Romania,
did not know that he was driven away, for those that drove him away gave false testimony,
as Joseph’s brothers lied to their father. (They said that he abdicated, but in reality, he did it
with the gun on his temple, r.n.). The wanderer cries far away and his longing consumes Me.

Oh, people who sit on the seats of Caesar, on the seat of Romania! Do not make the one
that is driven away to buy from you what he has from Me. Do not also make him lie to Romania,
as those that sent him off did, those that wiped out Romania’s anointment from its forehead; the
anointment that is upon him, the persecuted one. He bears your name beside his name, and this is
his name: Michael of Romania. He belongs to Romania; he is the son of this land, as Abraham
paid for the land where he rested, and it was his. This is Romania, and he redeemed this people
from bondage and took it out from death and trouble, as My blessing worked through him.

You, from the gates of Romania, make peace with God, and the Lord will make peace to
you. The heaviness of this sin is great. Get out from it. Love wisdom from Me and reconcile Ro-
mania to Me and to its son driven away from it.

The heaven sighs for you, My country, for the tear of your persecuted, but I came down on
the throne of cherubim and seraphim and archangels. I am with the clouds above Romania in a
heavenly celebration. It is the assembly of the heavenly hosts. I have with Me seraphim, cherubim,
seats, principalities, authorities, beginnings, powers, archangels and angels, and Michael, the arch-
angel over the angelic hosts calls out again: let us stand well and in fear and with attentiveness!
Amen. Michael and his angels proclaim upon Romania to stand well, to stand in fear and with
attention. There is bustle of angels and archangels, and the flap of the heavenly wings flusters and
the heavenly powers work for Romania, so that it may be peace and heavenly love over your sons,
country of My glory, country of the birth of My word from the end. I come with the new age, the
heavenly one, the one as in heaven not as on the earth; the one made out by Me not by man.

You, on the seats of Caesar, work out love between brother and brother; work out a spirit
of repentance upon Romania; work out repentance and justice like God and not like man. Come to
the spring and drink and be resurrected! Amen. Come, for Romania is the country of the Lord’s

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glory! Come! Let the sin be destroyed within My country! May it be that you get healed, Romanian
Israel! Let it no longer be drunkenness, sexual immorality, fornication and a spirit of lie. May the
Lord be in you; may the Lord, with His blessing from the heaven be upon you; the Lord, with its
new age which is coming down on the earth, as behold, I come in a whisper, I come to take the
evil out of you; I come with the heavenly things to establish them on your land and upon your
sons, loved country. Oh, Romanian Israel, either you want it or not, either you believe it or
not, it is God’s plan working upon you, and we will make a heavenly dwelling on your land,
so that the nations may receive My light from you that the way may be seen and that they
may walk on it, for I am the Lord. I am He Who is. Do you hear Romania? I am He Who is.

Oh, sons of Romania, who sit on the seats of Caesar, be true sons. Wake up and worship
God and work out peace between Me and Romanian people. Open the gates so that the wanderer
may come in, and have your hands and your hearts clean and be with a spirit of repentance, as
there is no sin to prevail over My kindness. Love Romania. Do not look for your own things if
you love Romania. Look for its things and all the other will be fully added to you. Do not look for
your own glory. Let My justice and My heavenly plan rest over the country of election. Romania
is elected by the Lord from among the peoples. Teach the way of light all the sons who did not
know to learn, and who had nothing to learn.

Oh, sons of Romania, who sit on the seats of Caesar! Do not sit in your spirit. Receive the
Holy Spirit and be resurrected! Amen. Prepare for Me a celebration of reconciliation between
brother and brother, as Romania is as great as all its sons may have room in it for a heavenly peace.
I am. Do not be afraid, and work our peace. Amen.

It is a feast of archangels and angels. The heaven is in a holy bustle for you, Romania. The
Lord is on the throne of archangels and of cherubim and seraphim. The heaven is in a celebration
with the earth. The heaven without the earth is like a soul without body; it is like a soul without

I am He Who is. Let it be attention into the garden. I withdraw from the gates of Romania
and go, as I have a warm dwelling; I have a warm manger, prepared in Romania. I go to the little
people, to Israel that is taken out of the Romanians. Amen, amen, I say to you, Romania; this is
the day of My counsel with you, when I, the Lord, became word on your table, to make out of it a
deed before you, so that I may make of you a holy people before you. Peace to you! Peace to those
within your gates, if they will receive My peace in them.

I am He Who is.

I come back with the word to My people risen from the word, the one brought up with
word, the one that I come in and become the word in the book.

My people, peace to you, little child, My people! I passed through you and I went to the
gates of Romania, to those that are gates, so that I may become word before them. My people, you
should stay well and always remember of My promises made for you and for the Romanian people
and for those who will believe into My coming by the word. My people, you should proclaim a
path for My peace, and let My peace come in on the gates of Romania and work out peace. My
people, see that you may pray; you should pray to your God, so that the new age may come upon

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you and upon Romania. Leave all that you have to do; leave everything and pray as I was praying
to My Father before any wonderful fulfillment that I had to make on the earth.

Grow up, Israel, grow up. Grow up son; grow up, as My work with you is too big. Grow
up My people, and stay under My blessing. May you be blessed before Me! May you be blessed
before the nations of the earth! May you be blessed forever! Amen.

It is a great celebration of angels; it is a great work on the angels. The angels of the paths
prepare the path of My word up to the gates of Romania. The angels of the lights prepare My light
for Romania, and Michael, My angel, proclaims again the word upon everything and says: „Let
us stay well; let us stand with fear and with attentiveness!” Amen, amen, amen.

My people, I leave you to sit in counsel with the sons of My word. I am in them for you. I
spoke to Caesar man. Peace and angelic celebration between angels and you, Israel, My people!

Grow up, son Israel, as we have to establish only great works to come into fulfillment. In
the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, grow up, son Israel, grow up child,
grow up, as your time is great, and you have to speak a word of eternal life upon it, a word of new
age, proclaimed by God upon you. Grow up, child, grow up, and a new heaven and a new earth
will come out from your growth, as all come to life and become new under your steps when grow
up. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the Synod of the Saints Archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-
1995. (On Calameo)

Sons, sons, I am. I am the Lord of Israel, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, of the sons
of the promise. Israel, Israel, My dear people taken out of the Romanians, you are the mystery of
this nation; you are the mystery of Romania, the mystery with which I have come to reveal Myself
over the earth. You are a small people and blessed with a great blessing, son, and My people
taken out of the Romanian people. That is why I said that every man, who will be a Christian, will
be called Romanian, as I did with the name of Israel. But you are still a mystery for the entire
nation, even for the Romanian. You are My mystery from the end of the time, and you have been
waited to come out, loved people. May you be blessed among those from the earth! You are a
mystery, little Israel, Romanian Israel. Oh, behold, I speak to you from heaven, and from you I
come out and over the people on the earth. My speaking to you is good, son; it is good for every
man who has hears to hear, as blessed will be those who hear the word of God and fulfill it. Amen.

Sons, sons, love one another. Be lovable to one another in the Lord. Sons, love has its own
spouses. This is what I have told you.

Oh, Jerusalem, new stone into the midst of the people, a stone which came out at the word
of the heaven! Today I am in a celebration over you, oh little garden, planted out of My word
on the earth, and I mark down into My book of today the day when I, the Lord, in the middle
of many witnesses, declared the word of sealing of the Holy of Holies of the Church of the
New Jerusalem for Romania, sons. On the twelfth day of the twelfth month of the year, there is
in Israel the feast of the blessing of the new stone, which came out in Romania, in the citadel of
My word, as I gave freedom to My word, which has been speaking for forty years over Romania.

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May this day of heavenly feast be blessed over the sons of Israel, and then over to all the margins,
as I am the Lord, Who was crucified, the One Who was resurrected, the One who ascended and
the One Who came back through the word on the earth. I am the One Who will soon reveal the
glory of My visible returning, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.), for
those that are not seen are still not visible for a little while, for I have not left from near the
sons, for I promised that I would be with them to the end of the time, and then forever. Amen.

Sons, sons, love one another. Be lovable to one another in the Lord, for love has its own
spouses in the Lord, sons. I have come for a halt for a little while in word by you, to decorate the
day of My garden on the earth. In a little while I tell you in a heavenly whisper: love one another
in the Lord. Love the Lord, dear sons, and remind Him of His promises, for you are My watchmen
in Jerusalem, as it is written in the Scriptures: «I have posted watchmen on your walls, Jerusalem;
they will never be silent day or night, and they will have no rest, reminding Me of My promises,
to establish Jerusalem again and to make it the praise and glory on the earth». And I will work
secretly, as I have worked secretly with you on the earth, son Israel, and may your sons love each
other, for by this sacrifice, forever pleasant to Me, I will clothe everything in incorruptibility.

Sons, sons, I am the life. You cannot have love without Me. Do not stay without My life in
you; do not stay without life. Take and eat life, as I am the life in you. The church in My body took
life on the earth as in heaven. Be on the earth as in heaven; be sons of the church, which has come
down on the earth from heaven. The sons of the church are those who eat the Body and the Blood
of God’s Lamb, Who came down from heaven to wash away the sins of the world, to reconcile the
man to God, and God to man by His Body and Blood, through the cross, sons.
Excerpt from the Word of God, four years since the consecration of the Holy of Holies of
New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1995

You Romanian Israel, every man who says that he is a Christian, who claims that he is from
the church and a son of the church; every man who comes to church and does not partake of the
Christ’s Body, to that one it is written violation towards My Body and My Blood. Let the man
who goes to church go only to partake of the Lord. This means going to church. If you go
more rarely, you commune more rarely, but if you go all the time that is why you always go, to
commune always. Behold sons, what it is on the earth. Much ignorance, much sinfulness, much
violation towards the Lamb of God, Who washes away the sins of the world! But the world comes
up to the door and it goes home still unwashed. Who is to tell the man what a great sin he does
when he comes and sits during the time of the Lamb’s sacrifice and he does not take from the
Lamb and does not sit at the table? Why does such a man come to church anymore? He comes for
disobedience; that is why he comes. He comes unprepared and commits the sin of violation to-
wards God. He comes to lie by what he says, for it is not enough that he does not come close when
he hears: „In fear and love you should come close to the Holy of the Holies”. (At the Holy Mass,
r.n.) It is not enough that he does not come close to take, but he also commits the sin of singing
praise to God for making them worthy of the holy sacraments and he prays to be strengthened for
the holiness all day. The priest lies too and the man who sings something else that what he lives
lies as well.

Oh, man, do you not see that the Holy Mass is only for those who commune; is it for those
that are baptized and prepared for the Holies of the Lord? You worldly man, the glory of God is

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something else, as it is written: «Let he who boasts, boast in the Lord», that is, to be united with
the Lord in the body and blood. When My apostles were gathering together in the Lord, they
were ending with breaking of the bread and with the believers’ communion. That is why they were
gathering together. There is no longer that time on the earth so that all the church may commune.
But let all man know that I do not sit at the table with the unlawful ones; I do not sit at the
table. I do not dine with those who did not leave their sins so that they may have Me always in
them, as it is written: «I will not dine with the unclean ones». There are many dwellings where
many people are gathered together before the breaking of My body, and the world does not take
from My body. And if it takes not being prepared, it takes it in vain, but not useless, only to
be guilty of the holy ones instead, since they do not sit washed away from sins. Behold, there
is a market on the world, it is not the Last Supper as the song of the Last Supper is being sung. The
today’s priest puts Me in a bowl as on the market and not as on the table for the Last Supper of the
believers, but rather like those who tell the enemy the secret of My supper. They come in one
place: prepared and not prepared, believers and not believers, clean and not clean; they come in as
at the market not as at the Last Supper. And look what it is on the earth: it is said one thing and
another thing is done, as it is written, that everything has remained but a human ordinance.

Israel, Israel, the work of the prayer is a great work, son. The man, who sits down to pray
without having love for prayer, is like the man who goes to church without having the Lord’s
Supper. The man, who stays for prayer and does not feel the peace of the prayer and the comfort
from the prayer, is not praying; that one does not receive by praying. If the word from the prayer
does not comfort him, does not heal him, does not raise to life the one who prays, that one has not
come to pray. If the man falls after he gets up, that one did not pray; that one does not pray and
did not get up when he said that he got up. To get up from death is something else, as it is known
when you are no longer in death, for he, who does not get rid of the taste of the sin, does not have
God’s fear within him. He, who is not condemned by his heart, has boldness with God in prayer,
but he, who is rebuked in his own conscience, that is he, who has the sin living in him, also does
not have boldness among the brothers, that one is overcome by sin and by his own self and stays
overcome among those of the same faith with him. That one needs a strong counselor to follow
him on the earth, so that he may come to follow the Lord afterwards.

The praying is a great thing. The way to God is a great work. I look at each one full of a
holy smile; I look how the Lord is known in him, and I look again at each one who proves
himself that he has the sin lurching to accuse him, and behold, God proves Himself, and the sin
prove itself, and it is written: «If anyone is wrong, you should correct him with gentleness, being
careful to yourself not to fall into temptation», into the temptation of comforting his sin, of vin-
dicating his sin, of having mercy on him without lifting him up. It is written that for the sins leading
to death you should not pray; you should not pray for the one who commits sins leading to death.
But what can you do to him? You should show what it is with him and what he should do. And if
he is rising by resurrection from death, let you only afterwards see what it is to be done with him,
for great is this way, the prayer. If the man’s prayer does not bring the man before the Lord that
one did not go on the way of prayer, as it is written: «No one descended from heaven, but only
he who ascended». Who does not ascend has nowhere to come back from with the reward of his
prayer. Israel, Israel, there is no man to pray and not to receive.

Little children, the children of My people Israel from the end of the time! Well little chil-
dren, I cuddle you and I comfort you and talk to you about the secret of praying, for speaking upon

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you the man will take from the world too, as I give you the seed and you sow it, for I see here and
there good and warm soil for seed, not only road, not only thorns, not only rocks. I have some
more among those who sigh after the Lord and I will add them to those resurrected by word, to
those who are born in the end from My word which is coming to you to wash away the sins of the
world and so that the risen one may come to the Last Supper of God’s Lamb.

I say again and again: a church means the Body and the Blood of Jesus Christ, taken
and eaten by all that are gathered together in a heavenly church on the earth. It is only there
where I am complete; only there I fully come, there where all those gathered together take
and eat from the Supper, from the Lamb, from the Passover, sons. But neither in the beginning
have I got what I have today, for I have prepared you today, Israel, for the endless Supper, and I
told you, son, how to dress, how to wash, how to sit and how to eat, so that you may always take
from My Supper, after each morning and evening, after each measure of day, son Israel, as
the fire does not have to go out, and the Lamb does not have to be taken away from the table.
That is why I told you, son, Israel, that you are a secret, son, a Last Supper before Me, as you do
not give My secret, My supper, to the enemies, and you do not sell Me for kisses as Judas has been
doing from that time until today. You do not stay even a day without Me. You take My Supper
forever and become everlasting, eating the One Who is everlasting, because you have prepared
yourself for the wedding, dear son, and all your members sit at the Last Supper’s table of the
heavenly Lamb’s wedding on the earth. You are My secret from the end of the time, and I stay, I
gladly and longingly stay at the supper’s table with you. I do no longer stay in you for crucifixion;
I do not come in you as in a grave, rather I come in the light, because I made you a light from My
light because you become illuminated by My word, which remains and watches from above you.
God is the word and bread on your table. I am a spirit and body with you and in you, and
you are My secret, dear people; you are the one who loves Me on the earth, for the man on the
earth does not know what love is. The man changes the place of all the holy words, and the man
does no longer know where the word peace fits in: the word love, the word church, the word
Christian, the word son of God, and the word life. The man has taken the holy words and put them
over his work, and the man reads from man. But look, I come to take what is mine, for I will not
give anyone the glory of the holy word, for the glory of God is not the glory of men.

Dear sons, remind Me on and on of My promises for the establishment, glory and praise of
the New Jerusalem established on the earth. The church is the Jerusalem, the living church,
which has on its table its body, taken away from the table by her living sons until everything
will be swallowed up by life. Let yourself be swallowed by life, sons. You in Me, and I in you.
The church from My body took life. The church was built of the sons who ate from My body.
They who eat My body are My church. They who eat being prepared and are alive in the
living one, they are the church for Me. They who eat from the supper and do not come from
death to life, they remain among the dead. Let the dead be with their dead, you, who understand
the mystery of the resurrection. Israel, Israel, the man will wake up from the sleep and will try to
take light, but you should teach him first what God is and how God is, and then to look and see if
the man uses the Lord and only after that to give him the light. Do not believe in the light of the
man; do not believe, Israel. Who comes illuminating in itself, do not break from his life which is
coming from Me through you. Let he who comes, come without having anything, for the old ones
pass with a great noise. Those that are seen are not the ones which will be. The man has to be
healed of everything that is perishing and passing away, sons, and the man should not have mortal
sins and if he comes let him be with the things of life. That is why I have always been telling you

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that love has its partners; that is why, lest you fail when the man comes and knocks to take light.
The light has its sons and its partners as well sons. Every man who strives to please God will be
known; that one will be known by God. By what shall he be known? By God’s calling; as only
then the Lord is looking and sees who is crying out and how and why they are crying.

Israel, Israel, you should know that the sheep is only a sheep is a sheep, a goat is a goat and
the wolf is a wolf. You should know sons that in the church are only the sheep. You should also
know, Israel, that there is only the sheep’s skin in the church from the world. You should know
too, My child, that the Shepherd from heaven knows his own sheep. I am the good Shepherd. The
shepherd who does not lay down his life for the sheep is not a good shepherd. That one is giving
the sheep with his own hands to the wolf, for he is well with the wolf. But I came to My sheep and
I do not let what is Mine. I give them a clean pasture; I give them clean water; I give the Holy
Spirit to the sheep and lambs, for the wolf flees away from the Holy Spirit, and this is how I save
My sheep.

Israel, Israel, let your life be in Me, and My life in you, dear son, for with this work
of your life in the Lord I wrote the judgment of the world. I have brought you up and perfected
you in the Holy Spirit and I put you in front of the people that man could see what God wanted to
speak within man and so that man could be judged for the deeds of his life. Amen.

Romania is celebrated in heaven, among those in heaven, by its apostle, Andrew, and the
entire heaven pays honor to this loved disciple of Mine, as he proclaimed the new name of Ro-
mania before the Lord. He worked Romania for the Lord; he put its first foundation, and
Verginica, sons, completed the foundation of My country, as Romania is called the country
of brightness in heaven. Verginica renewed and completed Romania’s foundation. The whole
heaven got up to celebrate Verginica near the first founder of My country. Behold, one in the
beginning, and the other, in the end, and the Lord is resting of His work. The Lords rests soon in
a celebration without evening with you, dear Israel, taken out of the Romanians, as you are My
mystery from the end of the time.

Peace to you with those from heaven! Peace to you and sweet celebration between Me and
you, Israel, My dear people! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Apostle Andrew, from 13-12-1995
(On Calameo)

I am the good Shepherd. I am, Israel. I am, son, He Who comes to you and becomes word
in you, as I want to strengthen you on your foundation, as I came from heaven from the Father to
build the new age that I promised through the Scriptures. I am the Good Shepherd. The good
Shepherd comes by the door into the fold of the sheep, and the gatekeeper opens to him, and the
sheep listen to his voice, and he calls his sheep on the name, and he pastures them, and the sheep
go after him, as they know his voice. I am the door of the sheep, and I have some other sheep,
which are not from this fold, and I also have to bring them to hear My voice and to be one flock
and one shepherd, as for that My Father sent Me. Israel, Israel, the good shepherd comes in, and
the gatekeeper opens to him, and the sheep listens to the voice of the shepherd, as the good shep-
herd does not climb up some other way.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am in the gates. Lift up, you gates, so that the Good Shepherd may come in and to shep-
herd His flock. I did not come alone, Israel. I came with the saints, son. I came with My mother
Virgin, and with the saints. Israel, son, I came with Virginia25, son, Israel, as I turned her into a
door that I entered to shepherd you like a good Shepherd. I came with the door; I came with Vir-
ginia, in which I dwelt to be a door for the sheep, as it is written: «If someone will enter through
Me, will save himself and will go in and out, and will find pasture».

I stand with My peace before you and upon you, people of My word. I came with pasture,
sons; I came with a heavenly meal to you, as I want to see you eating of Me, as I am body and
word on your table, Israel. I feed you from Me, My people. I am the Good Shepherd, son, and I
feed you on Me. I lay down My body and spirit before you for you to eat My people, as I am body
and word on your table. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep, not like the one that
is paid, who when seeing the wolf flees and leaves the sheep like a thief; for he who does not go
in on the door, that one is a thief and a robber for the sheep.

I am the way, the truth and the life. I am the Good Shepherd, Who laid down My life for
the sheep. The Good Shepherd does not jump over to enter into the fold of his sheep. I am the
Shepherd of Israel, and the gates are lifted up and I come in, so that Israel may have pasture. I am
your peace, Israel, My people; I am your comfort, and you are My comfort, Israel. We come to-
gether; I with you and you with Me, to celebrate the day of the heaven on the earth. I am your day
of celebration; I, with My heaven of saints and angels. The heaven is comforted with you, My
people. You are the comfort of the heaven, and the heaven is full of comfort for you. Receive the
Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Whom I gave to you from the Father, and be comforted with Him, as
I promised to those of Mine, even since I went into the Father after I was raised by resurrection.
The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, is the One Who speaks upon you from
Me; it is He, Who takes from what is Mine and proclaims comfort for you, My people. I gave
you birth and I brought you up from the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Israel, like a good Shepherd,
and I nourished you with My life, as the good shepherd lays his life down for the sheep; he becomes
food for the sheep; he becomes pasture for His sheep; he becomes comfort for the good shepherd.
I also have some other sheep that are not of this fold, and I want to call them too, to gather together
into My flock, to have the Good Shepherd as a shepherd, Who grazes His sheep with His life, to
have eternal life, as the Good Shepherd has. Oh, no other shepherd on the earth lays down his life
for the sheep. He does not lay it down even for God, let alone that he does not lay his life for My

Israel, Israel, I tell you, My people, to hear the flocks on the earth. Let any kind of
flock hear the voice of the Good Shepherd. He who enters the door is the shepherd of the sheep,
and he who does not enter the door into the fold, but climbs up some other way, that one is a thief
and a robber. The good shepherd enters through the door and the sheep listen to his voice and
follow him, and they will never go after a stranger, but rather they will flee from him, because they
do not know the voice of the strangers. I am the door, and the thief only comes to steal, kill and
destroy, for the paid one and he who is not a shepherd and whose sheep are not his, flees when he
sees the wolf coming to the sheep, and the wolf comes and scatters the sheep. He who is paid does
not take care of the sheep and I want to gather the scattered sheep, and there will be one flock and
one Shepherd, and they will never perish, and no one will take them away from My hand, as Father

Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

gives them to Me, and no one can take them away from the hand of My Father, as I and the Father
are one. I am the Good Shepherd, and One is the Good Shepherd, Who gathers His sheep in one

It is the voice of the Good Shepherd over you, people of My word, so that the scattered
sheep may know the voice of the Good Shepherd and to gather themselves for the pasture; to come
together for the pasture at the voice of the Shepherd and to become one flock and one Shep-
herd, as the Scriptures says. Amen.

I came to you on a day of celebration, Israel. My mother Virgin covers you with her pro-
tection, to be protected by her, and that My mother may be your mother too, and for you to be her
son, Israel, My people, as I also am her Son.

Oh, mother, cover Israel, protect him, help him and give him comfort. Share with Israel, so
that the sons of the today’s Israel may have mother. The one from yesterday did neither receive
Me and nor you, but the one of today is house, door and meal for us; he is also comfort for
us. Mother, comfort Israel of today, the Romanian Israel, as it is a great work for Israel to be
Romanian! It is a great thing for the one, who believes in God, into God’s voice and into God’s
word, to be Romanian. Divide yourself and give to Israel your comfort; share your comfort upon
him, as Your son is in you when your break yourself down.

− Oh, loved son of the Father and mine, as this is what the Father wanted, seeking to the
humility of His servant. Oh, dear Son, it is a great wonder for Israel to be Romanian, as the Ro-
manian people started with You and he is born of You, of water, Spirit and blood, of Your holy
Body, and he received body and spirit out of Your Spirit, and became relative with You and with
me, Son, and was dedicated in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and
behold, now the Romanian land is the kingdom of Your word, which is like the dough of one
woman, who took and hid it in three measures of wheat until everything was leavened. (Romania
is made out of three little Romanian countries: Moldavia, Transylvania and the Romanian country.
See also „History of Romania part 1 to part 16”
, r.n.). Glory to You, loved Son, because You put me in front of the people, as You are my word.

I am the word of my Son, Romanian Israel, as my Son commanded me to share upon you
the spirit of comfort, loved people of my Son. I cover you with my grace, which is my Son. I cover
you with the heavenly mantle and I protect you as my Son also does, dear Israel. You son, Israel,
should not forget that the Romanian people is an example about the kingdom of heaven, that God
wants to show it in its being over Romania, as this country was made one of the three countries,
and the seed of the Son was put to grow like the dough of a woman, that the woman hid into three
measures of wheat until all yeasted and became one.

Oh, people of my Son, my Son prepared for me a day of joy, a day of celebration into your
midst, and he gave me the full joy to become word over you into His name, to comfort you, so that
I also may be comforted with you. I put the Spirit of the Comfort of my Son upon you and you
should also put the spirit of comforting over those in heaven, people of the heaven on the earth, as
you bear the burden of the time, and the Lord knows that you bear the burden of the time, and the
heaven comes with the spirit of comfort to you; it comes with the word of the comfort; the heaven
comes to you and comforts you on the earth, people of the Word of God that is my Son. You should

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

not be afraid; do not be afraid, loved people by God. You should not forget that the Father gave
all the power in heaven and on earth to my Son, and He also gave to those that are His power to
tread on serpents and vipers, which bite on earth, but they will do no harm to those who have
power from God to tread on them and to crush them. You should stay in the spirit of the earth; you
should feed on the spirit of the heavenly comfort, as the time presses on the earth, and you should
be as strong as the time that keeps pressing on, as strong as my Son, Who always embody you into
His holy body, of which He takes the Spirit and truth and feeds you on them on the earth, so that
you may be from haven on the earth, so that you may be of my Son, Who is from heaven and Who
is a shelter for you. This is the shelter that I release from the air upon the apostles. My Son is this
symbol; my Son is your shelter where you stay and take cover, loved people. I'll cover you with my
Son. Take this symbol-word and be faithful in the mysterious word, as my power is my Son, as He
is your power, which He invested you with, so that you may have power of His power, people of
my Son.

Oh, Son of the Father and mine, I come back into You, as I comforted Your people and I
will also comfort it, according to Your will, Son.

− Mother, may you be honored by Israel. May you be praised by Israel’s life, as We give
it life, so that it may have life on the earth, as it is hard on the earth, and Israel bears the burden,
mother, but I increase its faith and comfort upon it, so that My people may have power. May you
be praised by Israel, mother, to help him with everything that you have from Me, as I also help it
to have it. It is your feast, mother, and I celebrate you with Israel, so that I may make you happy.
Rejoice, as the joy will be the great reward that we will put over the people of those that are faithful
of Ours. Rejoice mother Virgin, as you also made Me happy, rejoicing My people with the spirit
of the comfort.

And you, Israel, you should stand before Me, as I nourish you from Me, son Israel, and I
help you to know My unfathomable mysteries, so that you may be comforted with them, My peo-
ple; to be comforted with those that did not enter into the mind of man, for My mysteries are hidden
in them, Israel, in Me and in you, as I am in you with My mysteries and with their work and
with the comfort, which comes on you from them, so that you may be My mystery among
My heavenly mysteries on the earth, Israel, My mystery.

I am with the saints and with My mother Virgin, and with Verginica in you, Israel, and I
celebrate with you a feast of new heaven and new earth, which will endure before Me.

Oh, My people, you should get used to stand well before Me, and to seek to know your
mystery, as you are mystery in Me, My people. I bear you in Me, as it is hard on the earth for you,
and I bear you in Me for you to be able to be, My people. I blow upon you from Me and I have
you as an dear mystery, but be humble and bowed down before Me, as I am your Shepherd and
you are My servant. Be humble in Me, as I also stay the same in the Father, and you will be like
Me in your love. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Protection26 of the Lord’s Mother, from
14-10-1996. (On Calameo)
The feast day celebrates the appearance of the Mother of God at Blachernae (Vlaherna) in the tenth century.
At the end of St. Andrei (Andrew of Constantinople) Yurodivyi's life, he, with his disciple St. Epiphanius, and a group
of people, saw the Mother of God, St. John the Baptist, and several other saints and angels during a vigil in the Church

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan


The sower seeds the word. Sons from the garden keep your little fists open for Me to pour
out and to seed over the earth, sons, sowers. Sow over Romania the word of God. Go as peace
messengers into the midst of the multitudes and sow God among into the people. The people have
their grace. Sow My grace in the people, so that they may understand the work of My word and
that the people may eat bread from heaven, to eat My word so that I may be sown in the people
with My grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. The people worship
idols. The people are idols for themselves. The people make from themselves a carved image and
worship themselves; they worship their own wills, their own conscience, as they do not love God
with their mind and with their heart and with their virtue. Give them My grace to the people, sons,
sowers. Give them My word, to make the man again, as I came to be with the man, to be word, as
all are made by the word, by Me, the Word of the Father. I want to take the spirit of the world from
the earth and to replace it with My Spirit; to put God’s Spirit on the earth, as behold, the world
does not know to love you, My messengers into the world. Oh, if you were from the world, the
world would love you, as everyone loves what belongs to him, but I love you because you are
Mine, for everyone loves what belongs to him, and you love Me, as I am your love. The time
comes for the people with human and earthly wisdom to follow you seven times seven, and they
will sell out their possessions to buy My name from you and to bear it, so that they may have a
name, as it is written in the Scripture which says: «Fall on us mountains and hide us from the
Lord’s wrath!». But then you will not be able to witness that someone is Mine, but only the
one that you will know that does My will into My name.

My people, why does the man do not believe this word? He does not believe because he is
not good, and if he is not good, he hides under disbelief, for the man to clear oneself of his stature,
as it is written: «The fool says into his heart; there is no God». It is not the good one who says
so, but rather the fool speaks against God.

Oh, God calls you, man! Do you hear My voice? Your creator calls you, your Shep-
herd, your Teacher. Oh, you wonder away because you do not have any shepherd, but the word
from heaven comes and speaks upon you, and the word becomes deed upon you, as that is why it
speaks: to fulfill itself.

I have knocked at your gates, Romania. You are My country; you are My coming back
from the Father to the people. Do you really know your mystery? Do you really believe what I say
to you? Can I really find faith on My coming back to the people? I have called out at your gates,
My country; I have cried over your rulers to make peace with Me, and they, hearing, did not hear
Me, and seeing, they did not see Me that I came with a calling over them. I told them to take home
the chrism of Romania and they did not do this, and I took them their service, and their share is
with the unfaithful that, hearing Me did not hear Me; however, Romania will not be resurrected
before Me without her chrism.

of Blachernae, nearby the city gates. The Blachernae Palace church was where several of her relics were kept. The
relics were her robe, veil, and part of her belt that had been transferred from Palestine during the fifth century.
The Theotokos approached the center of the church, knelt down and remained in prayer for a long time. Her
face was drowned in tears. Then she took her veil (cerement) off and spread it over the people as a sign of protection.
During the time, the people in the city were threatened by a barbarian invasion. After the appearance of the Mother of
God, the danger was averted and the city was spared from bloodshed and suffering, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romania, those who ruled over you are sorry; they are sorry because they did not fulfill
My word to bring your chrism home and to put it on your head. They would have made a name
for themselves before Me, if they had listened to Me, but the man is not good, and he says into his
heart that there is no God. Romania, you are the fishing net thrown into the sea and in which all
kinds of fish are caught, small and big, so that the good fish may be selected, and the bad one to
be thrown into the sea; however, if you do not make peace with God, you will not please God. If
you do not take My word on you as garment, as clothing with God to help the Lord over the nations,
you will not be pleased before Me; on the contrary, I will reprimand you like a daughter to your
resurrection in Me. Let the man make peace with God, as there will be left no lawlessness in
you, and the holy laws of the Lord will no longer be crushed within you.

Oh, daughter Romania, do no longer trample under your feet the feasts of the heaven on
the earth, (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of faith”, r.n.) as
the saints are above you with God’s heaven on the wings of the Holy Spirit, on the wind of Holy
Spirit. Search into your laws from before the storm (Before the Second World War, and then of the
instauration of the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.), and come back with your face to
the parents, so that your parents may also turn with their faces to you, as the prayers of My anointed
sons, who I come to you with, will be fulfilled in front of My eyes. My word will be fulfilled as
the preached word has power in it. First, it is the word, and then its face comes, as this is how it
has been worked through the word.

I have preached the word upon the shepherds of your church, Romania, and hearing, they
did not hear Me and did not believe Me, and if they do not repent of their wicked deeds without
God, their service will be taken away and they will be with the unbelievers. The shepherds of
the church extol those that know to speak beautifully in the way of the man, those that know to
sing beautifully; they praise those that are skilful in their science, with their gifts, but do not praise
those who know to live beautifully, beautifully in Christ. Christ is lived by My people, and I
made him light on the earth; I put him in the candlestick and I give light with him before the
people, as I am spirit and truth; God is body and word.

Let the man make peace with God and let him be the Lord’s church! The man seeks the
church, but this is written for you, people, who seek: «The kingdom of God is in you». You will
not find a church nowhere but in you if you build it in you. The church is nothing else but the
Christian’s body, the clean body in which the Lord comes in a clean way. If the Christian does
not come clean to the wall church in order to take the Lord as a body and word; that of walls is not
a church.

Oh, people, you build churches of walls in vain if the Christians do not come in with
their clean bodies and hearts. Let the man make peace with God! Let the man kneel down
and make a real cross upon his body, utter a prayer of repentance, cleanse himself by re-
morse, put upon him the promise of the resurrection from the dead, and let him take God in
him only this way, for reconciliation to God, to the everlasting unity with God. Let the man
forgive one another, for many things which are forgiven on earth shall be forgiven by God.
Let Christ be lived by man and the man live in Christ, for the wisdom from heaven is one, and this
is: «Let the man deny himself, take up his cross and follow Me» on the earth and in heaven,
through the world and in the church. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

But you, Romania, are a country without shepherd, and I came to shepherd you. I am the
Word of God. I call out the shepherds who stay over you, to call them into account of your life, of
your blood, of your church, as having you do not have; you do not have shepherds. Your shepherds
live lawlessness before Me and before you, and you do not have, you do not have shepherds to
bind your wound and Mine. They graze themselves not you, My love. Oh, My day will come as
in the time of Noah, and I will find you drinking and eating and going to weddings and you
will be taken by surprise if you do not want to hear the voice of My word as in the time of
Noah. (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n.) Noah saw his salvation but the
world did not see Noah’s salvation. Noah saw the Lord on His coming, but the world did not see
God, and rather it saw the day of disbelief coming on them. The man who saves his life will see
the One Who is and Who comes. The man who does not save his live will not see God on His
coming, for I will come as in the time of Noah, and I want to have you at the wedding, as I took
My bride out of you, and I call you to the wedding. Come to the wedding, country of My wedding!
Change your garment and take on a wedding garment; take on you a garment of pure linen and let
your priests shepherd you to the light.

Oh, your priests deceive both you and Me, and the Lord’s altars became heavy because of
their transgressions. Let them wake up with repentance and cleanse themselves of their iniquities;
let them give up drunkenness and tobacco and let them bring before Me holy chrism and incense,
as the church is the house of prayer, and not a house of robbers. The church is the house of God,
the house of God’s sons, but will the Lord find a church of His at His coming? Behold, I come and
call out only the scattered sheep. Let the scattered sheep hear Me and let them gather together at
the voice of the Good Shepherd, as the Lord comes from heaven on earth to be with the man, as it
is not good for the man to be alone, but rather it is good for him to be with the Lord. It is good for
the man to be with God; it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without man. Let the man
make peace with God! Amen.

I have been pouring out My grace for seven years, Romania, to begin a new age with you
on the earth, but God and Magog have stood against Me in you. Let no enemy be hostile to you
and Me. Let My peace be with you, for the peace of the people is not peace. The men are full of
spirits; they are not poor in their spirit so that the kingdom of heaven may find room in them, for
behold, I wonder and have no room in man and I have no church where to bow down my head and
find My day of rest. Oh, daughter of Romania, come so that I may woo you to be a resting day, as
My people chosen from you is for Me, a resting day and a bride for My coming, for I am the word,
and all are done by word again; and there will be a new heaven and a new earth from you, Romania,
for this is how I am well pleased, and the Father is well pleased with Me. Amen.

I am the good Shepherd Who is laying His life for His sheep, Who gives His body as food
for His sheep, for this is what My life given to the sheep means, so that My sheep may have life
and have it abundantly, but you should learn to be a church; you, man, should learn what
Jesus Christ’s church means; you should learn from Me, for I am the body and word in the
church, the spirit and truth, as it is written in the Scriptures.

I became flesh in the Virgin two thousand years ago and I have dwelt among the people as
a body that came through the Virgin, and now, after two thousand years, My Father made Me the
word in you, daughter of Romania. Do you hear the Word? I am the Son of My Father, the One

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Who is. I am the One Who is, as My Father is. Come to be, daughter of Romania, for the one who
is, is in Me, and the one who is, is no otherwise. Come to be in Me; come to make you a body into
My holy body, for I am the body and word in the church; I am the church of My Father, for
My Father is in Me. Come to be My church, for I am in you and I speak from your midst
upon you. The Lord is coming from heaven to you to be with you, for it is not good to be alone,
My love, alone without the Lord. Receive Me, for the one who does not believe in Me and in
My coming, that one has part with the unbelievers.

Come daughter Romania, at the feast of the heaven on the earth, as I have been spreading
the table in you for forty years, and you have been hiding so that you may not know. Oh, do no
longer hide under your guilt, but rather give it away from you by being sorry and make peace with
the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, because you are My daughter, and you have in
your root a foundation of waivodes and you are noble. Be a church to Me and sing before Me a
song of memorial of your waivodes, who cry for you before Me. You are anointed with chrism,
daughter Romania. Where is your chrism from Me on your head? Where is your anointed,
daughter, Romania? (The King Michael, r.n.). I have called him and his far, as you are far from
him. I have called you from near so that you may hear Me and to pray so that I may lift up your
curse from your land and to replace it with a peace covenant with Me, for the people’s peace is not
peace. My peace is peace, daughter Romania, and I chose you to be a garden of My coming back,
to be My glory seen before the nations on the earth. Do you hear My voice? Do you hear My word?
I am the Word of God. I come from heaven on the earth to be with you, to sow Myself in you with
the word of life, as I have come so that you may have life and to have it abundantly. I have a field
with a treasure in it. This is My news upon you. Stay before Me as a field to be sown, as you are
the Father’s plan in My hand. I am body and word. I came to embody you into My holy body and
to give you birth by the word, as I came from the Father. I came to give you birth at My word, a
word of a new age, as it is written into the prophets: «A voice, a noise from the citadel: the voice
of the Lord!» and you will give birth to sons of My word, as it is written: «No sooner had she
travailed than she already gave birth to sons». You are My new tidings over the peoples and I
announced you as Mine. Let your watchmen hear, and let your gates be lifted up so that I may
enter them to you! Let your gates be renewed and strengthened before Me! Amen.

Oh, people from the gates of Romania, (The rulers of Romania, r.n.), let yourself be woken
up at My voice and wake up Romania, as she is My glory for My coming, and all the girls and all
the sons of the people will greatly love her. Lift up you, gates of Romania, so that the word of God
may come in, as the Lord comes from heaven on the earth!

I am the way, the truth and the life. I am your peace and your life, daughter Romania. Let
him, who has ears to hear, hear the word of God, which comes from heaven and is heard on the
earth to your blessing, daughter Romania! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina27, from 24-11-1996.
(On Calameo)

Blessed be the kingdom of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen,
amen. Peace to you son, son, Israel, My loved people, My white horse, the faithful son! Oh, with

Or Menas; 285-309 A.D.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

whom shall I speak such a word on this earth any more, well, well, Israel, My white horse, the
white horse on which the Lord sits to come, as it is written in the Scriptures? Open the Scripture,
Israel, so that I may come and speak to you from the Scripture: «The voice of a thunder who
says: “Hallelujah! The Almighty Lord is King! Glory to Him and to His wedding, for the bride
has prepared Herself; a bride with a clean and white garment, a garment of fine linen, a sanc-
tified life. Blessed are those called to the wedding of the Lamb, for these are the words of God!
And the heaven stands open and here, the Faithful and Truthful One, Who judges with justice,
sits on the white horse. His eyes are as a flame of fire; His head full of crowns, and His written
name no one understands but Him, The Lord, clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and
His name is called the Word of God, and He has hosts from heaven, riding on white horses. Out
of His mouth a sharp sword comes out and He strikes with it the pagans and the unfaithful ones
and He shepherds them with an iron staff, and He presses on the wine press of His wrath. His
name is written on His garment and His thighs: the King of kings and the Lord of lords! And
an angel in the sun cries out: “Let the birds of the highest sky come to the Lord’s supper!” And
the beast with the kings of the earth who are waging war against the One Who sits on a white
horse and with His host, was slain with all those who carried its marks worshiping its image and
they are thrown into the fire and brimstone which is burning.»

Israel, Israel, today these Scriptures are fulfilled under your own eyes, you faithful
sons, as My written name no one understands it. This Scripture is true for all those written in it
have been fulfilled. Amen. My name is the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) as it is written in
these Scriptures; and the beast and false prophet, who were lying against the truth of these Scrip-
ture, were thrown into the fire and into the burning brimstone. The Word of God is a fire which
is burning, son, Israel, but with whom shall I speak such a word on earth anymore? The word of
the Scripture is being fulfilled, Israel. That is why I needed you, son, Israel, for look, the Scriptures,
fulfilled and proclaimed from old times, a long while ago, are speaking once again, Israel. They
are written since then when the antichrist was born on earth to kill the Child Who Was being born.
The Child, hidden into the manger of the faithful hearts, Was being born again in the faithful ones.
The antichrist was born at the same time with Me, for it is against Me that he always has something,
and he discovered himself, as he has put his name next to Mine, against My name.

Oh, you have been waited for, Israel. You are little but your mystery is too big, and that
is why you have been waited for; and look, the man understands neither Me, the Word of God, nor
you, the fruit of My word, the road of My coming back to the people. If I did not put the gift of
faith in you to believe My coming in the word, could I have come as it is written? But I made you;
I gave you birth of the word from above; I put a gift into you to believe in the One Who comes,
and I have come. I have come riding on a white horse and the man of this age does not under-
stand, the wise man of this age. The people have names of wise men, philosophers, scientists,
theologians, they have names and do not understand My name. My people, the people do not un-
derstand your mystery with Me and My mystery with you. No one on the earth understands the
Scripture, because it is from heaven, and the people are without mind; they are without God.
The people of the church say about you that you are a dangerous man, son from Israel. Why do
the theologians say so? They say this because of fear; they are afraid and that is why they say so,
but the one who is with God has no fear. The Word God is theologian, this means theologian.
They are afraid and hid under the name of God and do not do God’s will, and they are afraid. They
receive My name and put it upon them, but they do not do My will. How will they not be afraid of

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

you when they know from Me that you are My people? I told them that you are My people; I told
them to know, as if they did not know, they would not have sin.

Oh, bishops of the time, priests of the time, why do you say that My people is dangerous?
How do they harm you? What do they take from you? They do not take anything what is not theirs,
as My commandment writes. I hear from you, rumors come up to heavens from you that the people
of My word is not good. But are you any better? Do you obey God any better? What harm did My
people do? Tell Me and I will search out its deed. Pray to Me in the spirit and truth as you call
yourselves theologians and you have knowledge. Pray to God if you have His name on you. Tell
Me what do you not like; do not tell it to the people, as the people are false gods and nothing good
comes out of lying. Why do you not want to search the life and the book of My people? Why do
you not want to see as truth My book about it? Who are you afraid of? Are you afraid of the truth?
My book is the truth. And what is the truth? I am the truth. I want to give you the gift of faith;
for it is one thing the faith that comes out from the natural, which does not bring any fruit, and it
is another thing the gift of faith which joins the man to God’s will in the man. I save the one that I
want and I harden the heart of the one that I want.

I come in the counsel of My people and I become the word upon you, the bishops and
priests of the time. My word cannot be bound. What shall you do if I am taken for a „liar” as
two thousand years ago? No one believed that I am sent from heaven by My Father, and the man
of the church took Me as a liar, and when they saw that I was not a liar, they hid under their lie,
and have been staying under its cover before the truth which rose for eternity. What will you do
if you do not want to take from Me the gift of faith to believe in the Word of God? Romania
is an example of the kingdom of heaven; and the nations of the earth will be gathered together
towards her and will love her and will take the light of My word from her, for I put a light in
the candle, and many nations will eat bread from heaven and will know what bread is, for it is
written: «Where the carcass is, there the vultures will gather together to eat». Do not hate My
people. It let itself to be a sacrifice of faith and love; it let itself to be My will on earth for the
human kind’s salvation. This teaching is Mine, as My people are not a people of wise men. It is
poor in its spirit, and with the eyes of the heart and mind, it looks at Me and at My kingdom
and sees My glory in this word. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.) My word is
God’s glory. Believe in Me and you shall see God’s glory in this word. Believe in My kingdom
which is on earth, and you do not understand it.

Oh, the priests do not know what a Holy Mass means, for if they knew, they would under-
stand what I mean when I say: blessed is the kingdom of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit. The priests do not have Me in their living; the priests have no mind; they do not have Me,
but this does not lie in the power of man. This is a gift from God not through man; not taken by
man, but by My grace which is let into those that do My holy will in their body, that is, God
witnessed in man’s body, in man’s living. This is not taught from man or by man. Who taught
Abraham the faith in God, the love for God? For faith is love. Who taught Melchizedek the faith
in God? I gave him the gift of faith, My gift believing in man, for the Lord hardens and has mercy
on whom he wants to have mercy, and it does not lie in man’s power, as the gift of faith in man is
from God.

I am the Lord. I am this word. However lying this word is before you, oh, you, people of
the church should know that I am this word. I am and you shall see the Son of man in the glory

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

of this word, for Romania is the kingdom of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Amen. And it shall be the Orthodoxy lived by the faithful sons and it shall be My church, as
it is, for I am the body and word for My remembrance. I am not only the body in it, but I am
also the word, for I am always today.

Oh, bishops and priests do not put Me under a bushel. Take Me as the light for you and for
the people. I did not come to break your laws, but rather I came to fulfill My holy law for the
salvation of the human kind, for Romania is the country of My Father’s choice, as it is written in
My book from yesterday and today. I ask you nothing, I take nothing from what is yours. But give
Me your sins so that I may forgive them. I am the son of the Father, the word of the Father,
Who has the power to forgive the man’s sins. I do not take your glory either, for I do not want
men’s glory. Put it away from you; put your glory out of you and of the people who glorify you,
and take My glory in you, which is My will in man. Give life to the people, take and give. This is
the word of the everlasting life. Do not take stones in your fists anymore to throw in Me, for My
people is good; it is a son of peace, the son of My people, and I call Israel the one who believes
in Me and in My will upon the man. My people are a fallow land with a treasure in it. Sell
your possessions and buy this fallow soil and be rich in God. My people has the word of life in its
midst; it has Me as the word and body, and the saints and angels serve the small one who believes,
and he can with Me, for everything is possible for the one who believes. If I am into its midst, you
should no longer doubt of his life, of his anointment. I have worked subjecting Myself to you. I
took from your midst a bishop, a witness of My new work upon the old man, to make a new man,
born by the word from above and you did not believe Me that I came as a word upon the earth and
as a fulfillment of the word for a new beginning of a new age upon Romania, the country of My
coming back to the people. Oh, you did not believe! Rather you put into your prison the one who
testified My word’s growing, the one who made a church for Christ on earth. Behold, this is
how you judged Me; this is how you knew Me, not knowing Me. But I still knock. I knock and
knock again at the gates of your church, bishops and priests of today’s church from Romania. I
also knock at the gates of Romania and I knock at your gates too. I knock and knock again. I knock
to be opened for Me, and I will not jump over the gates, for the good shepherd enters the gate, not
over the sheepfold. Romania is the sheepfold of My sheep, the sheep given to Me by My father,
and I come to shepherd them with an iron staff, with the word of God which is shepherding
the ones who want and the ones who do not want, for the river flows, and the river of life
runs dry. The river of the everlasting word flows and overruns, and the one who believes has an
everlasting and not a judged life. Amen.

Oh, the Liturgy is supposed to be holy, for it is written: «Do this for My remembrance, for
My remembrance in you». It does not have to be worked by those without brains, for the man who
has brains is the one who knows nothing but God in his living. It is only this way that a man has
brains, for the man should know nothing but this: God resting in him; image and likeness in

Whether you wanted or not, whether you believe it or not, listen to the word of God Who
enters the gates. I do not humble before you, bishops and priests of today’s church, and at My
humility which cries out at the gates, the gates will fall down, and I will come in to the sheep and
shepherd them, for look, I am already shepherding them, and they hear My voice and open to Me
and I have a fresh supper with My sheep and they with Me, bread from heaven, the word of
God. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Israel, dear son, who receives Me to come, I spoke to the shepherds that hate you. I have
spoken to them again and again that you are good, and if you do not have any guilt before them, it
is because I took your guilt away. I told them to open for Me too, so that I may come in with the
light of My word, and to you as well; to give life to everybody, son, as they say, when say: „Peace
to everyone!” I said otherwise. I said «Peace to you!» and they say „Peace to everyone!” But, if
My peace is what they give, then My peace does not give itself but only to those that love My
peace. I said: «Peace to you!». This is what I said when I said it. But I also said otherwise. I also
said: «Woe to you!» and I did not say „Woe to everyone!” but I also said «Woe to you!» when I
said so. I was speaking this way to those that were haughty, who did not receive My peace, My
word in them.

Oh, I want to make Prince Charming and fairies of you and to show you to the people as a
true story, and I to be in your power, love and not a fairy story, but to be real in you, for I am as
you believe. I am with you from cradle to cradle and I write Myself with you from book to book,
so that the times may look at these times, and the last times to look and see, and the prophets, who
proclaimed this time of Mine with you, to rejoice with you, for you are My small bouquet of
flowers, what the prophets proclaimed about, that you will be and spring forth. And we will be
loved by the countless multitudes if we know to love one another, loving sons, loved sons. You
should have the Scripture which says: «Love one another as I loved you». I say again and again:
one another not one with another or each with others, but each other as I loved all of you,
who were at that time and are now with Me, loving each other. Love one another as I loved you,
and if you do not know how, ask My love, My love which loves you all, and it will answer you
loving you with its answer, and you will be carried at its bosom as a mother caresses her babies
comforting them. This way you will be comforted in Jerusalem, in Me your Jerusalem, your
place of joy. You in Me and I in you, a New Jerusalem, the Jerusalem from above on earth,
a holy citadel, and countless multitudes will understand what the Scriptures which says:
«And I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem coming down out from heaven, from God», for I
said so: «I will prepare a place for you, as where I am you may be there also». And I went so
that I may come back again from the Father a dwelling for you and for those of that time that I was
spoken these words upon; to come as a holy citadel, to come and be as a New Jerusalem, so
that where I am you may also be. That is why I have always said that I come to embody you in
My holy body, in the dwelling which came down from the Father, as I said: «I go to My Father to
prepare a place for you and to come back as a place from the Father for you». I said that in My
Father’s house are many places, but I prepared a place for you to be together with Me. What kind
of places has My Father among the many which I spoke about? Oh, there are many places of My
Father’s house, of God’s making, dear sons, who stay under My wisdom. There are dwellings for
thrones, principalities, rulers, beginners, powers, dwellings of the archangels, of angels, of sera-
phim, of cherubim; dwelling of ghosts who serve the word of God: rain, wind, blizzard, hail, dew,
ice, snow, clouds, haze, fog, heat; wrath with its instruments, lightning, fire, brimstone; the dwell-
ings of blessing: sun, moon, and light; the places of My Father’s house, which are many and count-
less, for He said and they came into being; He commanded and they were built and are being built
at His command, and He set and is setting the forever and ever, and He gave and is giving them a
law and they will not overlook it, and they will praise Him on earth and heaven. Oh, there are
many places of My Father’s house, but I came from My Father and went to Him, so that I
may come again, to come as a place for you, who are given to Me by My Father to be for you
a dwelling into My Father’s house; you in Me and I in you; I with My saints and you with joy,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

as it is written: «Rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!» for the heaven is My throne
and the earth is My footstool, and this way the man was made. Amen. I prepared a place for
you in Me, that where I am you shall also be, and everyone who is Mine to be with Me, and I with
Mine, and all those of My Father’s places to serve God, to the word of God.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother,
from 04-12-1996. (On Calameo)

Jerusalem, My people, Jerusalem, the people of the grace, I am the Alpha and the Omega,
the first and the last, the beginning and the end. I rest in the bosom of My Father, and the Father
in My bosom, the beginning and the end, for I am the beginning and the end. The beginning was
made, and God rested in it, and the end is the same, and God will rest then. «In the beginning was
the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God and all things were made through
Him and the life was in Him», as it is written.

Jerusalem, My place of rest, you should know, son, that all were made by the word. I am
the Alpha and the Omega, the Word of God. In the beginning I was the word, and My Father made
all things through Me, and in the end I am the same; I am the word, as the end will also be made
through the word, and he, who does not understand the beginning and the end, does not believe
the work of My word. In the beginning was the Word, and in the end it is also the Word. I am the
Word, but the haughty ones do not understand it and do not take care so that that day, which was
spoken about by the prophets, may not come upon them, for it is written: «See, you proud, be
careful and frightened; it is fulfilled a thing in your days that you will not believe if someone
tells you». In the beginning was the Word and I was the Word of God in the beginning, and all
things were made through Me, and nothing was made without Me. In the end is the Word again,
and I am the Word of God in the end, and all are made through Me, and nothing is made without
Me. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. In the begin-
ning was the Word, and in the end is also the Word, and that is why the Scripture says: «I am the
Alpha and the Omega».

Jerusalem, My people, I am the One Who was in the beginning, for it is written: «In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and all things
that were made were made through Him». That is why I came and said: „I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the One Who is, the One Who was, and the One Who comes”. Behold, you son that be-
lieve, I am the word in the end as I was in the beginning, and he, who believes in the Scriptures,
believes My word that I work with in the end as in the beginning. In the beginning I was working,
I was working those that were not seen, for there was no one to see when I was working. And after
I made all things that are, I made then the man and I made him to believe, and he saw those that
were not visible, and to which he gave a name. And behold an invisible mystery, as in the end
I work those that are not visible, for there is no one to see when I work, and that is why I make
the man to see those that are not visible. That is why I spoke to you Israel, in My book with you
and said: „Do not get lost Israel, for it is coming something that you have not seen since you were
born; the making of the earth and of the heaven and of the New Jerusalem, which are not on the
earth yet, are coming.” This is what I was speaking in the beginning of My work with you, Jeru-
salem of today, and I was speaking to you about the scribes and the Pharisees standing in the corner
of the street to prevent you from coming to Me, and behold, I did not lie to you and I told you
everything beforehand, and My word is truth.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The word from the end like in the beginning is the making of the earth, of the heaven and
of the New Jerusalem that were in the beginning. Again, it is a making in the end: «a new heaven
and a new earth in which peace and justice will reign», as the promises of the Scriptures write:
«I will make new heavens and a new earth, and no one will remember those of the past, and the
new heaven and the new earth will remain before Me, and your tribe and your name will endure
forever». And if so it is written in the Scriptures, behold, the heaven and the earth pass away and
My words have been fulfilled with the new heaven and the new earth and with My people that will
endure forever, according to My promises, according to the Scriptures, Israel. And if I was born
as the Son of man two thousand years ago, and if My Father gave birth to Romania once
with Me, and if I was to have a people in the end to come to it as the word, behold, I spread
My manger into Romania and I become the word of new making in it, as the making from
the beginning. In the beginning everything started at My word and it was not possible to be worked
out otherwise in the end; it was not possible not to be worked out in the end for I said: «I am the
Alpha and the Omega». I am the Word of God in the beginning and in the end, for all are made
by the word and nothing is made without the word. You should know My people that nothing is
made without the word. The man thought that God is something else then His making, the making
that was in Him, as it was in the man. But the man being disobedient did no longer know, and he
began not to know and that is why I said to the man: «Man, you will find God nowhere but in
you, if you put Him in you».

Oh, Jerusalem, the land of Romania bears on it the mystery from the beginning, My work-
ing word. Why does he hold this mystery on it? Because Romania is the land of My choice and
My nation elected again. And why did I choose this land? Oh, I did not choose. It was a chosen
land and I established a chosen people, born at the same time with Me, beginning at My word, for
I sent My anointed one to put My sign on this earth, the chosen earth with a mark on it and a man
born of Me, My people, born of My word, born of a Christian, spirit and body, a man christened
by the Christian, by My anointed, by My apostle first called.

It is a feast of a saint Andrew in your midst, Jerusalem, people of the feasting of the heaven
on the earth, for I am with the saints in My coming to you. Andrew, My apostle blesses upon
Romania. My apostle blesses from Me:

− From You, Lord, Jerusalem from above, for in You all Your saints rest, Lord. And if You
are with the kingdom of Your word in Romania, Your saints are with You, and they come together
at Your feast, at Your word, Lord, and the saints speak from You and testify about You from Ro-
mania, a chosen people on a chosen earth, chosen from the beginning, Lord, sealed from the be-
ginning to be chosen to the making out of the fullness of the times, so that all may be in You again,
those from the heavens and those on the earth, all in You.

May You, Lord, be blessed, You Who are, Who was and Who come, for You chosen Roma-
nian people before the creation of the world, arranging it in Your love, to be Your Son, according
to the counsel of Your will, to the praise of Your greatness, Lord, so that all may be in You, those
from heavens with those from the earth, all in You, for in Your queen country You brought together
those from the heavens with those from the earth, the heaven held together in Romania, Your queen
country, Your bride country, a country with a King, oh, a King with a Queen! No one knows suffi-
ciently the mystery of the chosen land in which You came as a word in the end, You Who are the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Alpha and the Omega. The man does not understand the work of Your word in Romania, Your new
creation, Your work of creation, Your word, Lord. I was Your messenger to put Your name and
Your life upon the Romanian people, and I did not know then what this land was, but now, I bow
down to You in it and kiss it, for then I did not know; I did not know its mystery from the beginning.
It was Your mystery, Your coming, Your word, Your manger in which You become the word in the
end as You were in the beginning. I bow down and kiss this land as You have always been kissing
it with the sweetest word, for when You worked the word for creation of the heaven and of the
earth, You said this: «Let there be an expanse in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the
waters from the waters», and it was so, according to Your word. And the expanse of the heaven
was made and it divided the waters which were under the expanse and above the expanse and he
called the expanse sky. And You said that the waters from under the sky gather together to one
place and the dry land appear, and it was so, and You called it earth. And when the earth ap-
peared from the water, the first dry land was the Romanian land, the first to appear from
the water, and you took clay from it when You created the man. And You built for him a
garden facing the east and put him into it, and you called that garden happiness; You called
it the happiness of the man, the garden of happiness, the same way as the man has a house and a
garden. When Noah sent forth a dove from him to bring the sign of the reconciliation, the
olive branch, it was the same way. This land was the first dry land which appeared out of the
water, after the flood of water passed, the first green oasis, and the dove broke the green
branch from it and flew to Noah with it.

And you said to gather together the waters from under the sky to one place and the land to
appear, and it appeared and you called it earth. And when the land appeared from the water, the
first dry land was Romanian land, the first to get out from the water, and you took clay from it
when you made the man. And you built for him a garden facing the east and put him into it, and
you called that garden happiness; you called it the happiness of the man, the garden of happiness,
the same way as the man has a house and a garden. When Noah sent forth a dove from him to
bring the sign of the reconciliation, the olive branch, it was the same way. This land was the first
dry land which appeared out of the water, after the flood of water passed, the first green oasis,
and the dove broke the green branch from it and flew to Noah with it.

Oh, Lord, You became the word on the land of the reconciliation, and You reconciled the
man to You. Your word worked out the reconciliation, for it is working and You have to make the
new man, born of Your word, for You are the Word. Romania is the land in which the new man is
born, the man from the heaven, for You are being born from You as the word into Romania, and
from Your word a new man is being born, a man born from above, for You are from above. Oh,
Lord, when this land received on it all the nation which is today on it, the Father blessed his nation
from the beginning and said to be His son, Your Son to be, the son of Your Word, in the beginning
and in the end of Your work with him. The Father sent Melchizedek and blessed him in You, Lord,
the Son of the Father. The father blessed this earth according to the order of Melchizedek, and
then I came as Your messenger, Your witness, and I gave You to the Romanian people, and I made
it Your kindred by bread and vine, by Your Body and Blood, which You left to Your children, and
Israel’s remnant became relative to every Romanian people, and we all are one people. Your peo-
ple is that one which believes in You, a man kneaded in the end, for You are the beginning and the

I pray in You to the Father, I pray for the Romanian people:

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Good Father, the Romanian people is Your Son’s people, Your people, good Father, for
when You made the heaven and the earth, You made them by Your Son. I pray to You in Your Son
in Whom You rest with Your work. Forgive all that You have to forgive to the Romanian people;
forgive the smallest one, and redeem through him the human kind and make it anew; make it a
Christian people to live forever, good Father, a people of a new and green vine, and raise a holy
and clean priesthood out of it, a people earned by Your work, by Your toil in Your Son. Let Your
Son rest into the man, and make from it the Romanian Christian people, the true worshipper in
spirit and in truth. Let Your Son be spirit and truth in the Romanian man; let it be the word and
the body into the Romanian people, on the Romanian people, on the Romanian land, the chosen
land, the land of brightness of Your word, as it is written in the prophets about the country of the
brightness on the earth.

And You, Son of the Father, Bridegroom sent from heaven on earth, You should be a good
Shepherd; You should be a sweet word and to shepherd the nations of the earth from the throne of
Your glory; You should shepherd them with an iron staff, with Your everlasting word, Lord, as
Romania is the throne of Your word, and the river of life runs from Your throne, which is the word
of God on earth. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Oh, You become a
book on the earth, Lord, and this miracle is a great mystery, this book, the book from heaven on
earth, a book lowered from heaven over those without a book, over the mindless man, Lord, a book
from heaven on the earth, so that the man may take it into him, so that he may have mind; for the
man to have book, Lord, to have You, as You become book and You share Yourself on the earth.
Your saints are in Your coming. Your saints are with You into Your book. (See the selection topic:
„About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)

Oh, daughter Romania, you should be as pure a virgin as I was. You should always be born
a virgin; you should always be born of the word, as the Lord’s grace rose over you, country queen,
country bride, the first on the earth! The Lord was born in the flesh into the people of Israel, the
one that crucified the Lord, and out of the crucifying people a chosen remnant arose, chosen by
grace as the interceder for the crucifying people. But in you, Romanian people, the Lord was born
as word to make you into a nation, which gives light to the world, testifying about light, as John
was testifying the light about Christ. You are the land, which shines, as look the Lord is brightness
in you, as the word of God, which shines in you, is your brightness, Romania country. Oh, it is sun
in you; the Lord is word in you, the Lord, the shining sun, seven times brighter. That is why you
are the country of the brightness; the Lord shines from you as word, and you are, and he, who
loves you, loves you after the justice. Come my love, for the creation of the new age over the earth!
Come, as I came then and I was your godfather on the day of your engagement, and behold, I am
with you from the Lord, the Jerusalem from above, to be the godfather on your wedding day,
together with Verginica, the trumpet which announces the wedding of the new age. Come to the
everlasting wedding, bride country, queen country among the countries, as this is how You were
pleased Lord, and great is Your mystery in this people on the Romanian land.

Oh, glory to You, the One Who made the heaven and the earth in the beginning and on the
end, as You are the Alpha and the Omega, and You work in the end as in the beginning. Glory to
You, the One, Who made the Romanian heaven and earth, to the glory of Your word on the earth,
Lord, as Your saints give You glory from Romania, the land of Your brightness, and its tribe will
be like the stars of the sky before You, a new man before You, Lord, Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

− Oh, you are blessed, My apostle, who has seen and loved Me and has followed Me since
then and until now! But happier are those who do not see Me and love Me and believe in Me
and follow Me believing into My word. Blessed are you, who saw Me and believed Me, but
more blessed are those who believe in My word, in the Shepherd enshrouded by His mystery,
as the Romanian land had the anointment of the Holy Spirit over it, and the Holy Spirit preached
the parables of the kingdom of the heavens, who will be the truth in it, as this is what I said: „I
want to make a real story out of you, sons of Israel, Romanian sons from Romanians, to be
sons, to be real, and to be truly”, and let the strong one be from his own strong place, and let the
weak one be from his own weak place, but let them be, as happy are those who believe and those
who will believe by the testimony of the faithful ones, and they will be and will believe, the same
as in Israel, those that are weak believe by the word of those that are faithful in Israel; the weak
believe, and they believe in the God of the faithful ones. Amen. The weak ones believe; they
believe and give themselves over as a love sacrifice, as the faithful teach them, as My word be-
comes food for everlasting life, for the fulfillment of the holiness in the faithful man.

Israel, Israel, the weak one in you becomes a fulfilled love by the word of the faithful from
you, My people. The faithful is strong and works the word from word, and the word is strong in a
strong place, and the weak one fulfills the teaching by the faithful one who works; the weak one
fulfills it by the love and the obedience to the faithful one, as the faithful one listens to God, and
the Lord entrusts him with the chambers of His mysteries, to work them out on the earth, and the
Lord to be on the earth with those that are His; to be with His friends.

I become a feast in you, Jerusalem, a feast of saints and angels. I become comforting upon
you. I become wisdom of mystery over you, as My saints testify about their Lord; they testify
about the mysteries of the heaven, they testify the One Who is. That is why I have always told you:
„Grow up, child, grow up!” I have always told you to grow up, as behold, God’s mysteries are
great, and you are a great mystery, My loved people. Oh, your mystery is great, and you do not
grow at the same time with it. Grow up, child, grow up! Listen to Me, and grow up obeying Me,
as the obedience grows you up and fills you with the wisdom of the mysteries, as it is written that
the dumb will speak, the blind will see, the lame will walk, and the deaf will hear. Grow up child;
grow up, for God tells you to grow up! Grow up, for at My word all are made out and grow, and
they are! Grow up, Romanian son, grow up, son, grow up! Grow up through the word of those that
are faithful; grow up as you have rain over the crop! Grow up for you have sun! Grow up, Roma-
nian son, and come to the spring and become My people, as I come with the spring to you and give
you to drink of My water.

The kingdom of the heavens was likened to the Son of Man, Who built His word on the
first rock, which comes undamaged out of water and fire, which the man chooses to make on it the
ascending and descending of the angels between heaven and earth, to the proclaiming of the times
for the establishment of the new age, imperishable between heaven and earth. The kingdom of the
heavens was likened to you, My people, as you are on the Romanian land, a kingdom of My word
which reigns and shepherds, proclaiming Me as the King of the creature, the true Lord in heaven
and on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle Andrew, from 13-12-1996. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The word becomes news and story on the

earth. The Sower sows His seed; He sows the
word, and the word becomes God on earth. The
Lord comes down from heaven on the earth and
He becomes word. The word comes on the
clouds; it comes on the clouds of glory. The Lord
comes from heaven on the earth to be with the
man, as it is not good for the man to be alone, but
it is good for him to be with the Lord. The Sower
sows the word. Let the sons of the garden hear
My word. Amen.

Oh, sower sons, behold, I come. Remain

to meet Me, as I come to feed the multitudes with
bread. My word is bread; it is manna from
heaven, but the man does no longer know what
bread is, to take and eat and to be alive as I am
alive. I am He, Who is. Amen, amen, amen. «I
am the Alpha and the Omega, Who is Who was
and Who is to come. Blessed is he, who listens
to My word, as the time is at hand. To the one
who is thirsty I will give to drink from the spring
of the water of life as gift, and I will be his God
and he will be My son. I am the Alpha and the
Omega, the First and the Last, the beginning
and the end», as it is written into the Scriptures.

In the beginning was the word and in the

end the word is again. I was the Word in the be-
ginning, and I said: «Let there be light», and it
was light, and I divided the light from the dark-
ness, as darkness was on the surface of the deep,
and My Spirit was hovering over the surface of
the waters. I am the Alpha and the Omega. As I
„Carpet prayer for the coming of the Lord”
worked in the beginning, so I work in the end. I
was the Word in the beginning; in the end I am Embroidery fabric handmade home (Pillows stuffed
also the Word and I say again: „Let there be with hay)
light!” Amen, amen, amen. Let the light be di-
vided from the darkness, and the darkness from the light! Let there be a new heaven and a new
earth! Amen. Let there be a new man and let God be with the man, as it is not good for the man to
be alone; it is good for the man to be with the Lord. It is not good for the Lord to be alone; it is
good for the Lord to be with the man. I come to feed the multitudes on bread. I become word on
the earth; bread from heaven on the earth.

Oh, sons of the people, receive and eat and be born of the word. This is My word, which
comes to you, which is broken for you as food and resurrection from the dead. I become word as
food. Receive and eat and rise in Me. Receive eternal life. This is the word of the eternal life. I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

am the eternal life. I am. Come near. I am the Word of

God, the white horse and its rider; the Lord with the „Meeting house” - Exhibition hall
people of His word. I was born a baby in Bethlehem and
word in Romania. I am the body and the word on the earth, oh, Romania country. I come with
the sons of My word and I stay into your midst, I and My people, the white horse and its
rider, the Lord with the people of His word. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white
horse”, r.n.)

Peace to you, those who obey! I become news from one margin of the heavens to the other,
news and true story, the white horse and its rider, the Lord Word and His people. Amen.

I am the Faithful One and the True One. I am word in you, Romania country. The news
and the story of My mystery in you have been spread. I am in love with you, and My Father is in
Me and He is in love with you and He writes you His love story with you, Romania daughter. Oh,
I want to make a true story of you, and I want to be love and not story in you; I want to be real.
Call Me to come; receive Me when I come, as behold, I come to you as word and I write Myself
with you in heaven and on earth, as I become a book in you, and I become news and story from
one margin of the heavens to another, Romania country, the country of the news and story over
the earth. My word is being born in you. I am being born into your midst, in the midst of My word,
and I walk with the sons of the word and I proclaim Myself with them, the white horse and
its rider, an example of the kingdom of the heavens in you, country of the news and story over

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the earth. It is birth giving in you. The days of the birth are with you.
My word gives you birth out of it, and I am the word. My Spirit
speaks from your midst, and no one in you knows to sing My love
with you. My love is in you. I become love in you; I become spring
in you; I become a river of life in you, country of news and story. But
you have enemies in you, who follow the life of the little Child,
Who gives birth to the word in you. (Apoc: 12, r.n.) You have
Herods in you, who try to hide the life of My word from you, when it
is being born into its manger, as the manger of My word dwells into
your midst, country of news and story. My word is news and story in
you, as I am in love with you, Romania country, My love from the
end, the country of brightness. You are prophesied by the prophets of Details 1
the Scriptures, country of longing, and country of brightness. Behold,
My word is brightness in you, and you shine and proclaim yourself.
Oh, he, who loves you, loves Me as well, the Word, Which is being
born in you from Me, as I come with the clouds to you and I become
word in the manger of My word into your midst. He, who is in you
and does not love you, the Romanian in you, who does not love you,
that one does not love Me as well, the Word born in you, and that one
becomes a Herod, who is after the life of the Child, Who becomes
word and comfort in you. He, who does not love Me, the word in you,
that one is not Romanian; he is not Christian, but rather he is a pagan
and his share is with the unfaithful ones.

Oh, I long for your life, for your Christian life, the queen Details 2
country among the nations. Have you really forgotten what it means
to be Christian? Oh, you have forgotten and I have come to remind
you that you are made Christian from your very beginning. Who
broke your little garment of baptism? How did you come that you
got used no to serve God any longer? You are prophesied to be the
New Israel, Israel of the promise; to be a Christian people, as
this is what Israel means. Israel is not an earthly name; rather it
is a heavenly name, a name given by God to His people. You are
My people, Romania country. Oh, but you have forgotten your
God and have committed sexual immoralities with the nations of the
earth, which do not have Me as God. Remember your infancy, your
birth and your first garment, Romania country, as I became Roma-
nian; I was engaged to you and I became Romanian; I have be-
Details 3
come the Romanian word, and I speak into your language from
heaven on earth, Romanian Israel. Oh, do not forget to be Chris-
tian, Romanian Israel. The Christian garment is white. Reject the lawlessness and be Christian,
Romanian people, as I became Romanian; I have become the Romanian word, Bridegroom and
bride, and I have become a wedding of new age in you. I took a bride for Myself out of you,
Romanian people, and I celebrate a wedding of new age into your midst, Bridegroom from heaven
and bride from the earth, word and body, as My bride is My body, My church, My tabernacle,
My members; the bride born from above on the earth. The bride is from earth, and the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Bridegroom is from heaven, as this is the true wedding, and the

two will be one flesh, Bridegroom and bride forever. To be bride,
it means to be clean, the body of the heavenly Bridegroom on the
earth; a wedding of new and heavenly age on the earth, life without
death on the earth.

Oh, for forty years I have been born as word in you, loved
daughter. The days of the birth are with you. I am with you and with
the days of your birth out of Me, the birth out of My word. Oh, who
is to be found on the earth to sing My love with you? There is no
wisdom on the earth that knows to sing the psalm of My love with
you, and here, I have come. I have come to sing you and to sing My Details 4
love of you. I have come in you as the true news and story, heavenly
story, an example of the kingdom of the
heavens, a kingdom of the heavens in you,
My bride, My empress bride, country with a
king, My bride, My loved bride!

Wake up your best men, oh, My

bride! The dawn is coming, My love, and
My Father is in the wedding with Me in you,
Romania country, as the Father took My
bride out of you, as this is how Father was
pleased at My birth and on My coming back
to My bride, My fiancée and My bride. Who
is in you and loves you, that one also loves
Me, the Word, Which is being born in you;
that one loves your glory with Me, your
love with Me. Who is in you and does not Image Workshop
love you, country of My love, that one be-
comes a Herod, Who hates the life of the Child, Who is being born into My manger from you.

I become word from heaven on the earth. I come to you, as I am in love with you, and the
lovers would never separate each other. I walk with the sons of My manger and I proclaim Myself
and recount about Myself with you and in you, the news and true story. God as word on the earth,
Truth from the Truth, Light from the Light, the One of one being with the Father, by Whom eve-
rything was done in the beginning. And behold, the Father works again through the Son, through
the Word, and all are made again into a new heaven and a new earth and a new paradise for the
new man, so that the man may come back in Me, the Creator of the man from the beginning. Amen.

It is birth giving in you, country of My love. The Lord is being born of word in you. The
days of your birth are proclaimed and told about, and I write the book of My love with you, My
bride, taken out of the Romanians, and of you, country of My wedding. The kingdom of the heav-
ens was likened to king who made a marriage feast for his son, who sent his servants to call those
who were invited to the marriage feast, to tell them: «Come!». But they who were invited did not
take into consideration those who called: «Come, you, who are invited», and the servants went

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to those who were not called My people and said to them: «Come you and fill up your places,
as the wedding table is ready!».

Come, Romania daughter, to be My wedding guest! Come and leave your wedding and
come to My wedding, as those, who are invited, do not come. Come, as look, I have always
come with My bride before you to give you birth out of Me, of My wedding with My bride taken
out of you, to give you birth out of My word and to make a wedding of new age in you, a people
born again at My word, a new birth, as those that are old pass away, and I again make everything
new, which is made out at My word that is being born in you, Romania country.

The kingdom of the heavens was likened to you, My country, Israel of My coming back to
the people, newborn Jerusalem; born of the word from above, born from heaven on earth at My
word, by which everything is being made in the end as in the beginning.

Oh, with what will the kingdom of the heavens be likened? Who will be like you, country
of My kingdom on the earth? Can any people be born all of a sudden? Oh, in your hard labor
there were born sons in you, country with a manger of the birth of My word. I am the Word of
God, Who is being born as word in you, and I speak into the Romanian language, and I write
Myself with you down on the earth, and all the nations will worship and give glory to the God of
the Romanian Israel, the God of Romania, the true Lord in heaven and on the earth. I am He, Who
is. I am the Alpha and the Omega, Who is Who was and Who is to come, the Almighty; however,
a double-edge sword comes out of My mouth, the Word of God, news and true story. Amen.

Sons from the manger, go and tell that I am with the kingdom of the heavens in you and
with you. Go and spread the word of God, which reigns in you, into the middle of Romania, and
blessed are those who wash away their garments to be able to come in to God. Blessed are those,
who keep God’s word, as the time is at hand, and behold, I come; I come as body and word; I
come soon, soon. Now I come as word and feed the multitudes and give them the river of life,
and I come soon as body, as I ascended to My Father, for it is written: «As He ascended, so
will He descend». I will come soon, soon, and the body of My glory will reveal the new heaven
and the new earth, as I become news and story from one end of the heavens to another, so that I
may not come all of a sudden; so that I may not come by surprise.

I am the word in you, Romania country. The news and the story have been spread from
you, about My mystery in you, about My word and My people, the white horse and its rider.
I become love in you, so that you may never fall. I become the spring of living water and I am in
love with you, country of My longings. You are My mystery of the new age; You are the New
Jerusalem; you are the news and My love story, and you are, for He, who is, is in you. I am the
One, Who is. I come soon. I come soon, My love, but call Me! Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God for the art exhibition: „News and story” (In Romanian – „veste şi
poveste”), from 22-12-1996. (On Calameo)

It is My birth on the earth, Romania, and My birth is in you. I am being born as word in
you, so that I may be with the people and to dwell among the people as a birth word of the man
from God. I was born a child in Bethlehem to dwell among the people coming down from heaven,
and in you, Romania, I am being born as word, and I dwell again among the people to give birth

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to the people from Me, from the word, as I was born of the word of the Father, to be the Word of
the Father, and the Father to make everything through Me, as He has already done so.

Romania, you sing My birth, and the heaven sings your birth. We are being born to each
other, My love; I for you and you for Me, and we both will be one body. I do not speak only to My
people. I speak with you, Romania country, for I have announced that countless multitudes will
come and drink of the spring of My word, and My well runs over and becomes a river, and the
river grows high and becomes an ocean and it comprises the whole earth, so that I can make it
earth again, coming out of the water of My word and born of the heaven, for he, who is not born
from above, does not become My kingdom. The little angels of My birth sing to Me My birth
above you, for it is a feast of My birth. The angels sing; they sing to the One, Who was born two
thousand years ago. The little angels sing a new carol of the new age, for they see that the days of
the new birth of the world have come, and the world is being renewed with My word, which gives
birth to a new man. I, the One born of the Virgin two thousand years ago among the people, am
being born today in the manger of My word into your midst, country Romania. I am being born as
word, as a mysterious Shepherd, Who shepherds the nations of the earth with an iron staff,
with a mysterious word, which is not seen, but its voice is heard, as the lightning is heard
after its light.

Oh, how mysterious is the mystery of My word, which today is being born in you, Romania
country! Like the lighting, which comes from the East and appears in the West, (Published
also on the Internet, r.n.) is My mystery, and no one can crush it, as this is My coming, and
who can prevail against My coming? I am being born and come like the lightning. The light-
ning appears and hides, and its rumble comes after it and then its voice is heard, but the
lightning, which gives birth to its rumble, is no longer seen; it hides and it remains its voice
which is heard; the lightning and its voice; the Lord and His word; and then the light and its
voice. Amen. (See the selection topic: „As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of
the Lord”, r.n.)

I am the Light of the world, Which appeared two thousand years ago, and its word is being
born out of its voice. I am the light before the light; I am the light from the time of the light and I
am the light after the light. I am the mystery of the Father on the earth with the people, as when
the fullness of time came, My Father sent Me as Light into the world, born of the Virgin to redeem
the people from under the law and so that the people may receive the adoption, and to those who
become sons, the Father sends them the Spirit of His Son, Who cries: «Father!». The Son of the
Father cries to the Father from the sons. The Spirit of the Son of God cries from the sons: «Fa-
ther!». The Spirit intercedes for the sons with groanings, which cannot be uttered.

Oh, sons from the manger, breathe over the people to rise, as the people are dry bones, as
it is written into the prophets. Breathe, so that the people may be brought to life. Breathe My word
over the people, so that they may come to life, for the resurrection is the Lord, the One born into
the people, the mysterious word, which comes from above and gives birth to the man from above,
birth from the Word, which gives eternal life for the man.

Oh, it is a heavenly celebration of the new birth! The little angels of the heaven sing glory
to the One born two thousand years ago among the people, and they sing a new carol of new age,
of new birth, for they see that the days of the new birth of the world have come; a birth of the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Word, the Child born two thousand years ago among the people. The One Who appeared as light
two thousand years ago is being born today as word, the voice of the light which appeared then,
like the lightning which appears and hides and its voice, which is heard, remains; mysterious
Shepherd, mysterious word, which is not seen but its voice is heard, as the voice of the light-
ning is heard after the lightning is heard.

I am the One Who is being born and the One Who gives birth, as it is written: «The two
will be one flesh», the One Who is being born and the One Who gives birth, as Father made Me
the Son of man. I came down from heaven and I became flesh from the Holy Spirit in the Virgin
and I became Man, as it is written: «The man will leave his father and his mother and will join
with his wife, with his bride, and they will be one flesh». (See the selection topic: „The mystery
of the man and woman”, r.n.) I came from the Father and from the Virgin mother and I joined with
My bride, with My church, where I let My body to be one flesh with her, (Lord's body and blood
of Holy Communion at Mass, r.n.) and that she may be My members, and she is My body, and
both of us to be one flesh, as it is written. But I cannot speak this great mystery with the man as in
heaven, for the man joined with debauchery and became one flesh with it, and he says that he
fulfills the Scripture of My word, but the mystery of this Scripture is in God, and the man has to
understand the mystery of this word; and the man has to be born again; to be born from above, as
I came as word from above; I came from the Father as word to give birth to the man from heaven
and to become one flesh with the one who receives the adoption. Amen. («The one who eats My
flesh and drinks My blood dwells (“abide(s)”) in Me, and I in him», (John: 6/56, r.n.)

Oh, the days of the birth are in you, Romania country. The mystery of the birth of the new
man, the days of the new birth of the world are in you, country of the birth of My word. It is My
birth on the earth, Romania, and I am being born in you. I am being born of Me as word in you, to
be with the people, to dwell among the people as the word of the birth of the man from God. You
sing My birth, and the heaven sings your new birth. We are being born to each other, My love; I
for you, and you for Me, and we both will be one flesh, Bridegroom from heaven, and bride
from earth, a pure wedding, Bridegroom and bride, and the noise of our wedding will com-
prise the whole earth, and the Father’s sons will be born out of My wedding with you, and they
will receive the adoption, for it is written: «Those who believe in Me, I will give them the power
to become God’s children, who are being born not of blood, nor of the fleshly lust, nor of the
will of man, but of God», of Me, the Son of the Father, the Son Who becomes one flesh with the
one who believes in Him, so that the two will be one flesh.

The days of the new birth of the world are in you, Romania country, and carols are sung at
birth, loved daughter, as the little angels sang in the night of My birth.

I come into your midst with My people, with My bride taken out of you, Romania daughter,
and I sing you a carol of new birth to fulfill through you the Scripture of the new birth of the world,
My love, as I become with you news and story over the earth, and we both will be one flesh, a pure
wedding, a wedding of new age between heaven and earth, the Son of the Father with His bride in
you, country bride, country Romania, the country of My Father in you, My love! Amen, amen,
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 07-01-
1997 (25.12.1996 Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am who I am. Amen. I am always today. Amen. I am coming by Word on earth. My word
is coming with clouds. Here He comes with the clouds and He turns into a river of life in which
all who believe in Him may be baptized, into My Word. I am the Word. If someone is thirsty let
him come to Me and drink, let him come to drink the water of life, and the rivers of waters will
run from his belly, for he will receive Holy Spirit. Amen. He who believes let him come to drink,
for I did not come to judge the world but to breathe over it the Holy Spirit instead and to give it
new birth and to make it anew. The Scriptures of the new birth of the world come to fulfill, and I
come to fulfill. Amen. I did not come to judge the world, but to make it new, but he who did
not believe in Me, the Word coming with the clouds, that one was already judged. The one
who does not believe is judged by unbelief, for My Word, which comes from Me with the clouds,
is the Word of truth which is born of Me.

I am the Word of the Father, the Word of Truth, which the world does not know, but you
know it, the sons of Israel taken from Romanians. I come to you as the Word and I go from place
to place to proclaim that I come, as Gabriel well preached My coming from the Father, born of the
Virgin, My Mother.

O, My country, My coming back to the people, Romania country, I have taken out of your
midst a good announcer, a forerunner, but the world in you did not know him, and your rulers who
judge the earth, blew into My light, which I was proclaiming Myself with by My forerunner, and
he was crushed by the unbelief and its sons, as John was also crushed by the Jews. But I, like a
God, made a manger in you for Me, and I am being born as word in it, and I circumcise with it the
hearts and ears of those who come to drink of the water of My word, the river of life, which flows
from the throne of My glory. I made a day of My welcome in you and I come to meet with those
who do not believe until they hear and see. I entered the house of My father, the praying house on
the earth, as I entered then, a twelve years old child, and I was speaking to the wise people and to
the rulers over the multitudes of that time. (See the mystery of the three days of Jesus in the Temple,
r.n.) I did and I do everything that is written to be done, as it is written: «Behold, I make them all
new», and I make them again and again.

I made a baptismal font of you, My country given to Me by Father to come in you, as it is

written into the Scriptures that I come for the second time on the earth. I have become the
good news in you; I have become a day of birth in you, and I wanted to make the circumcision in
heart and ears over you, the day of My welcome, to release you from the pressure of disbelief, My
loved country. I have become a word of new preaching in you, and I made a baptismal font of you,
so that all who will take the way of life without death may be baptized.

Oh, Romania daughter, I made a king’s daughter of you, for you have the name of a daugh-
ter and I called you queen, daughter. Seek to be into My Spirit when you hear Me speaking upon
you. Seek to be careful and to understand that the Father is in Me when I speak the word from
above you on you. You are Mine, and I have become Jordan in you, and the multitudes will come
to you to be baptized into the river of life, into the Jordan of life, as the multitudes came at that
time to Jordan to be baptized by the baptism, which came from John. I have become a day of
feast in you. It is a great day today; it is a royal feast today, and the feast of the day of today
comes from the fathers; it comes from the forefathers, and I celebrate the day of Epiphany in
you, in a Romanian manner; I celebrate with you in a forefather manner, My country, the country

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of brightness, as you were proclaimed by the prophets, who announced you to be from the Holy
Spirit. You are the country of the brightness, which Daniel the prophet spoke about, My prophet,
as My country Israel did not receive Me when I came from the Father; it was afraid that I come to
reign over it and it did not receive Me, and its reward was with the unfaithful ones. But I will also
redeem Israel through you, My country chosen from the nations of the earth, to be the New
Jerusalem, New Israel, for Israel is My chosen people, and the things that are promised, are
not taken away from on My chosen one. I gave you birth out of your faith in Me, and your
forefathers rejoice that you are alive among many dead people, and you are. And how comes that
you may not be, and how comes that you may not rise, you who are, if the Father chose you to be
the country of brightness? My Father turned the deserted one into the bright one, as look who is
your brightness! I am the day, which gives light on you. I am the sun in you that shines seven
times and you shine with Me and you are.

I have come with the living ones to you, My country. I am with an ancestral feast in you,
as today is a holy feast of baptism, and I come to proclaim through My word the word of the holy
water into the manger of My word, as I am Bishop forever, after the order of My Father, after the
order of Melchizedek, the mysterious priest of My Father, who made Me bread and wine and gave
Me to Abraham, to become Abraham’s bosom, where the living ones should rest, those who are
alive forever. The forefathers are alive and are with Me, as I am Abraham’s bosom, where the
righteous ones rest and are alive, as I am the God of the living, not of the dead.

The forefathers come with Me on the earth to you, My today’s people. The living heaven
celebrates in you. The heaven comes down to you and celebrates a feast of Epiphany, as it is
a day of Epiphany, and I celebrate into the midst of the multitudes and I make Jordan of you, My
love, and My country. And many multitudes will be baptized in you and will believe into My word,
which comes with the clouds to you to become a river of Jordan, a water of baptism and the Holy
Spirit over the multitudes. Behold I and My little children; the white horse and its rider, the
Mysterious Shepherd with a secret name. My name is the Word of God, a secret name, and
no one can understand My secret name. (Apoc: 19/13).

I breathe the Holy Spirit on you, My country, and My love. Receive the Holy Spirit, as the
Father is in Me when I become word upon you.

Receive the Holy Spirit, sons of Romania! Receive and give and you will have a reward of
apostles of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I made of you your day of birth, a day of resurrection, and I love you, My love, My country.
But above the day of resurrection, I love you. I become word upon you, for you to be healed at My
word. Get up and walk! Go and proclaim the kingdom of My word in you, as you are My kingdom,
which I come to you with, and I call you queen, My country.

I made Tabor of you, the mountain of Tabor, where I glorify Myself with the glory of My
word, to make you transfigure and to be My image and My likeness, a new man, born of heaven;
to be a new nation, Romanian people. Learn the Gospel son, to know it. Leave off the human
science and receive from Me the heavenly knowledge as a gift, and do no longer do as the man
from the beginning did, who stole knowledge by violating the commandment, for the he stole the
science and therefore he has been a thief.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I have come to forgive you, man. To make you loose from sin have I come, for the sin is
born of your disobedience of Me. Sin was born from the man made by Me, the one with the spirit
of life from Me. The sin calls man father and mother, but I have come as Word from the Father,
for it was written in the Scriptures, and to make Myself a spring over the earth to give birth to the
man from heaven, from My word to give birth to the one who believes in Me, and the one that
does not believe is already judged. Amen.

I have spread a supper of word in you, Romania. Come to dinner, Romanian sons, as the
invited ones do not come. Come and take and eat the word. This is My word, the word of the truth,
the Spirit of the Truth. He, who does not believe in Me, Who comes as word, the one who does
not believe that I am the word, let him believe into this word, as the word has eternal life in it, as
I taught My Gospel to those who believed in it.

Wake up your shepherds, My country, to hear My voice and to put it over you. May you
receive a golden Gospel from Me and may your shepherds shepherd you! The shepherd has to
be a golden vessel, to be useful to his master. A true servant does not entangle himself in the
worldly and fleshly affairs, but rather in the heavenly ones, and he is a golden vessel, useful
to his master. This is what I tell those that shepherd you, flock of My Father, Romania, My last
church, in which I become body and word, spirit and truth, as you need to have Me wholly, Ro-
mania, My church where I came back to be body and word with you and for you to proclaim Me
to the multitudes, as a true God, your God, Romania’s God, as Israel called its God, the true One.
Take the spirit of faith, Romanian, as he, who does not believe into My word, which comes with
the clouds to you, that one does not believe in God, and that is why he does not believe in this
word. Do not ask from Me signs to believe, as I will give you none but this word. The one,
who does not believe in the One Who becomes word from heaven over the earth, that one
does not believe in God.

Oh, your forefathers pray in Me; they pray to the Father, so that the Holy Spirit may come
down over you, so that you may know to understand the word of life, the Gospel of My word,
which is proclaimed to every nations of the earth before the appearance of the body of My glory,
My country. The forefathers pray for you, so that you may not forget the ancestral holy days,
and to establish yourself in them, and to put them back to their place, My Christian country,
as this is how the measure of creation was working when I set the signs of the times. I had worked
with a measure when I made them all, and I was declaring when I was working the creation in the
beginning; I was working and saying: «I have done it», and there was an evening and there was a
morning for each work of those that were created. This was the measure: an evening and a morning,
and it is not the way the man measures the time to change the times from the place of their creation.
(When part of the world churches have moved from old style - Julian calendar - to new style -
Gregorian calendar, r.n.) (See the selection topic: „The change of feasts - the denial (apostasy) of
faith”, r.n.)

The man changed the boundary of the creation and the feasts, which come from the fore-
fathers. I am the One Who made the times and the signs of the times, and the man changed
the signs of the times from their place, and when he changed them, he forgot that the measure
was the day, an evening and a morning, and the measure was called day. I am the One, Who made
the moon for the times, and the sun, which knows its setting. I am the One, Who put the darkness,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

which became night for the beasts to come out and bellow and ask for food from Me. I am the
One, Who makes the sun to rise and bring together the beasts into their couches, and the man gets
out to his work and to his duty until evening. Oh, how much I have grown into My works, and the
man forgot it and got up and changed the times and said that it was him. The man became God and
he said that it was him, but My measure is the day, an evening and a morning, and these have not
been changed from their place and they know their boundary. Only the man does not know My
creation and the signs of the time, as I made the moon and the sun to set the times, so that the man
may know the measure and not to move it from its place, and to celebrate My feasts at their
place. (According to the Julian calendar – the old confession, r.n.). And then I made another
sign of the time, for I rose on the first day of the week, and this day remained to its place,
and I will mark down the signs of the moon on it, as I put the moon to set the times, and the
son, which knows its setting. (Reference to the way of calculation of the Feast of the Lord’s Res-
urrection – The Passover, r.n.).

Today is a day of feast, a day of Epiphany, a day, which have come down to us from the
forefathers, the celebration, which knows its boundary. It is a day of Epiphany in you, Romania
church, My last church, My house of guests, My house of My coming back. Father, the King
comes with the wedding of His Son in you, as the Father is in Me when I come to you. Come to
dinner, come! I have a little garden of sons into your midst, and I am flesh and word in it, as I am
in My second coming. I have My body come down and the word into My little garden with sons,
and I have always told them: „Take, eat; this is My Body and My Blood. Take and eat; this is
My word, the Spirit of the Truth. Eat and grow up, as I am the One, Who grow in you. I am
the One, Who is, and there are no other gods. I am with you and in you, to be and to give Me
to the people for a day of birth and of baptism; a day of resurrection and of ascension and of
everlasting supper with Me in heaven and on earth”. This is what I have told the sons of the
garden of My word, who hear My voice, which comes with the clouds above the little garden of
My word.

Oh, you, who believe, believe and come to the life without death, as My word has eternal
life in it, as it is written into the Scriptures. And you, who are stiff-necked, who naturally stand
against the Holy Spirit, Who becomes word of everlasting life over the nations, you, stiff-necked,
deny of your own self, and receive God in you, faithful and truthful. Let the one, who believes in
Me, deny of himself and take up his cross and follow Me, and let him take My life in him and
follow Me. Amen. And the one, who does not believe in Me, the word that came with the clouds,
let him get out from under judgment and believe, for I have power to make him believe; the one
who does not believe. It is written: «Test Me and you will see that I am», the One, Who becomes
word and comes with the clouds, as it is written into the Scriptures: «Behold, He comes with the
clouds». Amen.

Peace to you, My country, peace to you, and birth and baptism to you, and a day of resur-
rection to you, the first on the earth! I am the One Who is. I am the One Who comes to you, My
love, My country, as I love you, My love. It is a day of Epiphany. I am with you with a day of holy
feast of Epiphany, My love, My country, My Romanian people, My chosen people, the first on the
earth, My holy mountain, My country, My love. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-1997. (06-
01-1997 Old style / after the Julian calendar, r.n.) (On Calameo)

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I come to you, Israel, with a feast of a bishop. The bishops, Basil, Gregory and John, are in
My coming to you, My blessed people. It is a day of the bishop Synod, a holy synod, a synod with
a blessing of bishops upon Israel. These three bishops blessed the beginning of the work of My
word in 1955 from heaven on earth, when I came down as a word in Verginica.

You should know Israel, at least you should know and believe well that the saints who
have carried Me on the earth in the holiness of their life, walk on the earth, come on the earth
to the people, they come from heaven and take a body on the earth and do My plan and then
come back into those from heaven; they come and ascend; they ascend and come at man’s
prayer and for the fulfilling of My plans with the saints, for the saints are My servants on
earth and in heaven, in heaven and on earth, and the man does not know. The man does not
know the secrecies of the Orthodoxy, for this is how My word is called; it is called Orthodoxy,
it is called righteousness by faith. Orthodoxy means the good faith of man; Orthodoxy as Abra-
ham had, which the Scripture says about that his faith was counted as righteousness. The right
faith, the blameless faith, this is what the Orthodoxy means. Who does not know to believe in
God’s unfathomable mysteries, that one cannot be Orthodox like Abraham, righteous and just in
faith, and of whose sons are the stars of the sky, faithful to the heaven like Abraham. The believers
are the sons of Abraham. The saints are the sons of Abraham, they who were promised to
Abraham when he was told: «Your offspring shall be like the stars of the sky», like the saints
of the heaven on earth, and the sons promised to you shall be like you. Those who are faithful to
the mysteries of God are Abraham’s relative; they are God’s Israel, the promised one. Amen. The
right faith of the saints is being written on the earth and testifies. The Orthodoxy was written and
is being written on the earth, for the right faith has been turned into deed and righteousness in man,
the same as it was turned into by My hierarchs, Basil, Gregory and John, for the saints and martyrs
came from heaven to earth at their faith, and they did justice to them at their faith, at their request
made to God out of their faith.

The saints of the heaven on earth come to do justice to those who constantly cry out to God.
This is how the three hierarchs came to Verginica and gave My Body and Blood after her
fasting for forty days and forty nights, for at My command she could fulfill her preparation
to be able to make My vessel out of her, a vessel of My word, a golden lamp stand, a chande-
lier with seven candles, the eyes of the Lord, who are roaming over the whole earth, as it is
written into the prophets about the work of My Word in Verginica, the Lord’s word to Israel, the
word who does not work by its might or by its virtue, rather by My Spirit. My hands laid the
foundation of this work and My hands will finish it too, so that the man may know that I am the
Lord God of this people that My Father sent Me to, and whoever denigrates the beginning of My
work and of my vessel, who I had My work in, that one will soon see the last stone into My hand.

Israel, you tiny son from the last, you are the new foundation stone, son, for the old are
passing noisily. Take a good look to see how they are passing and to be able to understand how
the old ones are passing away. Which are the old ones and which are the new ones? The man full
of his dirty sins and is the old ones, and the man, cleansed and whitened by the law of the holiness,
is the new ones; they are a new foundation, the last stone, which the builders, who build at this
age, do not take into consideration, for what connection may the new ones have with the old ones?
The same are you, little Israel, My stone of a new foundation, and let you have no connection to
the old ones, and let you be a new man, a new heaven, a new earth, a new age, a new church,

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and to run away from Sodom, to run away from all that means Sodom, for the world and its roads
are a Sodom. I took you out as I did with Lot, but your many husbands looked back and turned
into a stone with you and with Me, and I gave you birth on the way, and I have you, and I entered
with you into a celebration of a new age, and they who rebelled had had it like the sons of Korah
and were swallowed by the city of Sodom, by the lusts of the world, for they did not read the
Scriptures which says that the world and its desires is perishes.

My bishops shake themselves with My grace upon you so that you may have grace, Israel.
They put a bishop anointment upon My work from beginning to end, for they came and come from
heaven to you; My bishops are coming on and on to you. Have you seen the angel who came from
above an opened My grave and kept vigil in the way of the prunes to let them know of My resur-
rection? The bodiless angel took a body before the man and did My work. But how shall the
saints, who wore a body, not take a body when coming to the man to do My work? This is
how the saints, the hierarchs, have been working upon this work, for the have come down
from heaven, they have come down from above, they have come from those that are invisible
and let themselves be seen in the beginning and in the end of My work of the word in this
time. These saints have come in the beginning for Verginica to present her before Me as a
prepared and consecrated vessel, as Melchizedek came to Abraham; and they have come
now to you as well in your time, you, the smallest one from My work of the word, and pre-
sented before you chosen vessels, so that you may have My word coming to you, for My
bishops are from heaven upon you, and I keep living and new for you, your blessing, your
choice and your warm love through the blessing. You should not get out, son, from under the
blessing, for the one who started to be blessed by a heavenly word to bring Me a useful thing for
the work of My word, and then he became indifferent to the blessing delivered from heaven, to
that one his feet are getting dry and he becomes desolate for heaven and loses even what he still
has and is falling into shameful flames and in an opposing spirit towards God and becomes an
enemy to God and a slave of satan. Do not get out Israel, from under the blessing, for I come to
teach you how you should not do your work, or become your and My enemy, as those who let
themselves into the slavery of their flesh did, falling in disbelief.

My bishops shake themselves with My grace upon you, My people, and to be for their
remembrance in you, Israel, for they taught the people how to speak of Me, the same way they
spoke of Me, as I taught them to remember and leave Me for memorial. No one can curse you, My
people, for I, the Great Bishop, have upon your heavenly interceders, heavenly bishops, the sons
of the Great Bishop. All the bishops of the heaven serve you, for those from the earth denied you
as the bishops of My time had denied Me. They who denied you do not know well that you are the
people of the Holy Spirit, and if they know, they are scared and hide under disbelief; they are
scared for their own wicked deeds, for My word reveals their wicked deeds of the world and they
are scared of you, My people. But I come out with you; I do not send you alone. I come with you
and we pass by and among the wolves, and we pass so that all may hear, and the good sheep may
know My voice, your walk with Me and my announcement of a heavenly wedding on the earth. I
come with you, Israel. We go, sons, from place to place, and the saints go with Me and you, and
carry you on the wings of glory and you let it know that you are My people, and I am your God
and of those who believe like you in My coming, in My word with which I come down on earth.

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… I come as a word in your book, Verginica, My last trumpet. You dwelling is in Me. Your
Word is speaking out of Me. Amen.

Oh, My measure is the word. Is there really a man on earth to understand well enough what
God is and how is He perfecting his being on earth and in heaven? Oh, today there are no more
people full of the Holy Spirit, so that the Lord may have what to understand with the Lord on earth
and over the man. If I had remained in the body among people as I had stayed for three years and
a half as a God, and not until My thirties, there would have been only war on earth, for people do
not want to have God. Behold, when I let the work of My divinity on man as well, a war is being
waged on earth between the good and the evil.

When I was down to you, Verginico, what lurk, what anxiety was aroused over to people,
what hatred, what a war! Oh, and I did not know where to hide with you and with the people that
were coming at the spring of My word, for all over the evil man was lying an ambush to give you
over to torment and to scatter My people and to frighten them with persecution. The antichrist
had his own people in each house, in each cottage, and people were saying that you are stupid,
that you are a prostitute; they were taking you to the mental hospital, and they were taking you
in prison and were scattering the Christians who were comforting themselves by the word of God,
which was chirping by your mouth as a bird which is feeding its chickens. But your patience pre-
vailed and by your patience you won many souls for Me and I chose from them for this time, when
I put a limit to persecution and when I gave to the zealous for God freedom to follow Me, for look,
I am the living word, I come on earth as word and I give Myself to people for an eternal life for

Everything that I said through your little mouth, Verginica, behold, now I come with My
power and fulfill it over the earth and over Romania, for it is My country; it is My gift from the
Father; it is the first patch of the land, which appeared when the earth was made. It is the
dust of which I made the man in the beginning, and I have My new people on it, born of My
word, for if I made the man out of this dust first, it was out of it that I gave birth to the man
by the word too, for I became word through you, Verginica, and I have given birth to a people
out of word in the end. Many have passed by My word for as long as forty years, but not all who
ate of it were also born of this word. But those that were born of this word, those are born and
resurrected, and the death has no power over them, for the unbelief is the most severe death of
those of the death, and those who went in unbelief, were not born of the word of this work. They
only stayed and ate, as the thousands of people used to come after me to eat of the bread, but not
to be born of the heaven, of My word, in order to be alive.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Three Hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John,
from 12-02-1997.

I come from the Father, and I come with the Father. I am from the Father Sabaoth, and I
am with Him, and He is with Me and in Me. I come in Israel with a feast of celebration, into the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I become a word of new age over you, My people of Israel. I cannot be without a people,
for I am the Shepherd of Israel. Because Israel, to which came two thousand years ago, did not
want Me to reign over it and to be its Shepherd, then I went to the Gentiles with My heart, and I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

said to My apostles: «Go to all the nations, to the ends of the earth, and dedicate the multitudes
which will believe in My name; dedicate them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of
the Holy Spirit, and make the people believe that Christ is the Son of God, born of the Father
and of the Virgin, by the Holy Spirit, the One from the Father». And the Romanian people was
loved then among the nations of the earth, and My Father gave it to Me to be the people of My
returning from the Father. And behold, little and tiny Israel, Father have chosen you out of the
Romanians to make Me word upon you, and the word of God to be heard from you to all the
margins of the heavens, and then to come visibly, as it is written in the Scriptures.

Israel, Israel, those that are not seen will soon come into view. My invisible glory is coming
near, dear son. You are My glory on the earth, and I want everybody to know and the world to
see that you are My glory, son, and let this visible news go to all the margins of the heavens, and
let all the nations know that you are My son and that you are ready for celebration before My glory
which is coming near over the earth. I come to clothe you with glory in My name, and you should
learn well the humility of joy and the joy of humility, lest you forget because of your joy that you
should do and be My will before Me. You should teach yourself, Israel, to have a humble thought,
holy and well pleased to Me. You should teach yourself to think beautifully and to always have a
house in your thought for Me, to be able to rest in you, son from Israel. You should be gentle in
your heart, My people, for behold, I do not forget to urge you and to renew you again and again
by My word, which gives birth to God in the man, so that the man may be from above, from
heaven, and to be from God.

… I give you good news about Me, as the Bridegroom from heaven in you, My wedding
country, and this way the nations of the earth will know you; and they will call you My wedding
country, for you are My loved one, and I come into your midst to teach you My love, and to give
you the gift of My love; however, I will be over you with My comfort and I will heal you of
wounds, blots, breaches and shame, oh, My wedding country! And all who have been oppressing
you and turning you down will come and take stone from you for their comfort and they will
worship Me in you, My country of love and of wedding. There is no other day more beautiful than
the wedding day, and I prepare beautiful days for you, My country, for you shelter in you My bride
people. Come close to My bride, My country, and prepare My way to the wedding in you and
rejoice, My wedding day! Any word of Mine will come into being over you, for I am your God
and I have the spring of My word in you. I come to unloose your fetters and to be able to walk.
Amen. I am the One Who is coming with power and much glory into you, and many people will
receive from My glory, and My glory from you will be seen to all the margins, country of the
Lord’s glory. I come to you to clothe you in glory and the people to see you. You should also come
into My glory. Come, for I am coming with glory over you and I will give you My peace. Amen.

And you, people of My word, you should ask the glory of My promises; you should ask as
Daniel, the prophet, did, when the years for Jerusalem were fulfilled. Ask so that I may fulfill those
that are written for these days into the book of the prophet Daniel, as it was through this loved man
that I announced Romania as the country of brightness and of My praise, a beautiful country among
the countries. Ask, My people, the accomplishment of the prophecies for these days, for there
have passed seven times seventy years since a knot has been done over Romania, and this has
to be unloosed, and I come with the heaven to undo it, and to establish joy over the loved
country. Ask, My people, and I will give you all that you need to have from Me. Ask for Me to
give you, son of today, to be in the image and after My likeness so that the world may see that you

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

are My son. Whenever you want to do something or to be something, seek to do like Me; seek
to be like Me. Always look into yourself and take care to have a holy stature, and to have a
holy mind, a holy heart and holy work before Me. Love the joy with Me, My people, as I greatly
rejoice when I become word upon you. Look into My word and see if you match with those that
are being proclaimed by My word, and let the work of My word be this way into your midst, and
let My word find a language in you. My word does not have to be read and that is all. My word is
the mirror, which you have to always look into, to be in My image and after My likeness.
Teach yourselves well to know what to do with My word when I let it over you. Teach yourselves
well to work out My word and to make it working over you, so that you may not be caught in the
word, sons. Be wise, sons, be worthy, be holy, as I am holy, and any disciple will be like his
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-1997

I am who I am. Amen. Israel of today, My people taken from the Romanians and called
Israel! I am who I am. I am the One Who gave you birth through the word and I called you My
Israel, and I fed you on and on with the word which was coming out from My mouth for you to
grow up and to have you and rejoice over you on earth and to fulfill the Scriptures of the last days,
My people. Oh, wake up and prophecy the time of My accomplishments upon the earth, for I come
to speak those prophesied in the Scriptures. It is written in the Scripture: «The sixth angel poured
out his cup over the world, over the worldly teaching and he dried it out in order to be prepared
the way of those from the sunrise, the way of the faithful ones» (Revelation: 16/12, r.n.), your
way Israel, yours and of those who will believe the world which comes out of My mouth. Amen.

Do not be afraid My people. Let the teachers of the world blaspheme you, as they do not
know the truth, for it is written in the Scriptures: «Out of the mouth of the dragon and of the beast
and of the false prophet, three unclean spirits are born, devilish spirits which wake up the mighty
of the world against God, against the truth.» (Revelation: 16/13-14, r.n.). But you, watch for the
truth, the one who does not watch is walking naked and his shame is seen. It is written in the
Scriptures: «The seventh angels poured out his bowl into the air, and a great voice came out
from the temple of the heaven, a great voice from the throne of the Lord, crying: “It is fin-
ished!”» Amen. (Apoc: 16/17).

My word is the voice of God upon the earth, and the mighty of the world do not know his
truth and his spring. But you are My son, you are the one brought up by Me, Israel, and it is dear
to Me when I see you gathered together into My name speaking My mysteries. Oh, how long I
have waited to have a people to remind Me of those written in My book as Daniel, the prophet,
who prayed and reminded Me to fulfill! Oh son My people, the mighty of the world do not know
to find the truth and wonder away through the dark and do not know. The kings of the earth do not
know but to deceive the many, and have made an idol, giving an image to the beast and it is written
on it: «It was given to him to give breath to it (to the image of the beast), that the image of the
beast should both speak, and cause the great and the small, the free and the slave, to put a mark
on them». (Apoc: 13/16).

Oh, My people, I spoke this way: “Woe to you if you seek to know what happens to the
world!” Listen to Me, son, for I told you that this Scripture is being fulfilling over the world, and
the world does not know how it comes about. Keep away from the image of the beast, to which it

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

was given a spirit to speak. Be good and listen to My words son. Do not listen to anybody’s teach-
ing, for you are My son through whom I will prevent many from destruction.

Do not be afraid of those who got out from you to buy and to sell, so that you may
know that nobody buys and sells, rather only the one who has the mark and number of the
beast. But you do not be afraid, for you have wisdom, and the liar flees from wisdom. The liar
gets out from your midst and pretends to be a son of the light, for he has a mark on him, and he
goes to the priests and to the bishops, as those in My time with the body also went to let the saints
know, they were saying so, about Me, the One Who was turning the truth into action, the truth
which I came from the Father with. Do not be afraid of those who get out from your midst. Let
them get out, and you behave yourself, and listen to My word, which is for you shelter and bread,
water, salt and light, and I will turn you into salt and light and bread and water over those who will
flee from lying.

… I come to you, My people, and I prepare you with heavenly gifts and I come out with
you, and the world will gather together and rejoice of My glory, which is with you. You should
walk properly; you should speak properly; you should sing beautifully; you should smile nicely;
you should dress properly in spirit and body and to be like Me, My people. I will be with you in
front of you and at your back, on your sides, and over and under you, and I will be and breathe
through your little mouth and many dry bones will come to life and will be resurrected, for resur-
rection means faith and holy life, a holy heart and a holy mind.

Get up, Israel! Get up and get ready in holiness, humbleness and in word, son, for we come
out as good news before the multitudes and many wolves will become lambs and will graze My
pasture and they will hear My word.

I will come with the saints, sons, and I will undo the bond and I will break the obstacle set
over Romania. The heaven from above and the earth from below will work out love between
heaven and earth. I come with the saints to reconcile Romania to Me. I come with the patriarch
Nifon, who anathematized the lawlessness and those that love it (Year 1507, at Târgovişte,
r.n.). I come to tell Romania to love My holy law and to ask Me for its forgiveness by repentance
and to make an agreement of reconciliation between Me and Romania, for I am the One, Who has
power to forgive your sins, My country; however, I come to you to forgive you, to comfort you,
as there is no one to comfort you. It is I that come to comfort you, and I will shepherd you with
My word, and you will listen to My voice and be comforted with your God. Amen.

I am the Lord your God, Romanian Israel. I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I
am the One Who is, oh, My country! Behold, I send My people to you to get you out of oppression
and to bring My word to you.

Peace to you, My country! I am the word upon you, and My people is My messenger into
your midst; My people is a day of good news over you. Amen.

Go My people, be My forerunner! I will come soon. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Great Lent, of the devout Mary
the Egyptian, from 13-04-1997.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

(The absolution of the curse of St. Nifon, in the city of Târgovişte. The prophet Daniel sees
the fulfillment of his prophecy about the seventy weeks of years (490 years: 1507-1997; chapter
9/24). The Patriarch Nifon declares from heaven the absolution of the curse pronounced by him
in 1507 over the city of Târgovişte, as a result of the iniquities committed in the city with the will
of the lord of the country, the woivode Radu.)

I am, and I am called the Word of God, as it is written: «He comes with the clouds and
with the tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God». Amen.

I am the One Who is. I come from heaven on earth and I become word and Bridegroom, as
the Lamb’s wedding came, and His bride is ready. Blessed are those who are called to the Lamb’s
wedding supper.

I am the Great Bishop, Who passed through the heavens and suffered among the people
and with the people, being tempted in every way possible like the people, yet without sin. I did not
take this honor alone, but My Father gave it to Me, as it is written: «You are My Son; Today I
have begotten You. You are Priest forever in the order of Melchizedek».

I am the One Who is, but the people, which I came through from My Father, did not receive
Me as My Father’s messenger, and as a result, I went to the gentiles of the earth, and My Father
gave Romania to Me since My birth, to be the country of My coming back with the clouds,
the country of the glory of the last days, for as I ascended to My Father, the same way I will come;
I come with the clouds and with the tens of thousands of saints, and I come, coming. Amen.

I come to you, the country of My wedding, as I have you from My Father to be the country
for My coming back among the people. Receive Me! I come as word to you, as I have the people
of My word into your midst, a warm manger in which the Word of God is being born from above,
and Which comes with the clouds, like the bird which makes its nest at the eaves of a house, where
it lays down its chickens to breed and to feed them, crossing the air and coming, flying up and
down, flying down and up and then coming down again to feed her chickens, to grow and teach
them to fly up into the sky. I am the One Who is. I come with the clouds to you, My country of
wedding: «I come with the saints on the white horse, and hosts from heaven come after Me
riding on white horses, and the word comes out of My mouth, and on My thighs; and on My
coat I have a written name: „The king of Kings and the Lord of the Lords”», as it is written into
the Scriptures that I come. (See the selection topic: „The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.)

When I had to lift up Jerusalem again, which was ruined because of its sins, I heard a calling
from the earth, to come and save Israel oppressed by the reward of its iniquities. I heard Daniel,
who reminded Me of My promises for Israel, confessing before Me the sins of his people, and
humiliating himself for Israel, and I came down to him and declared: «Seventy weeks are decreed
on Jerusalem until the lawlessness will overcome its limitations, until the Holy One of the Saints
comes to suffer for the man, and He will throw the city down and it will be hard until the end.
But I will come in the end and I will make a covenant with many in one week, and many of
those, who sleep in the dust of the earth, will rise and the wise people will give light». And Daniel
was praying, saying: «Master, when?». But I answered him: «Daniel, all these words are sealed

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

until the end, and in the end many will be cleansed, whitened and cleared, and no one among
those without law will understand My words, but only the wise people will understand, for the
wise people keep aside from the way of the lawlessness and they stay only with the Holy Spirit,
the Counselor of the wise people. And you, Daniel, you will get up and you will receive your
inheritance in the time of the end. Amen».

I had the sons of My word intercede for you, for your resurrection, oh, Romania country,
My wedding country, the country of the brightness prophesied by the prophet Daniel. I come to
you as the word of the Holy Spirit, and I come to make a reconciliation agreement with you. I
come from the Father and I have a manger in you, and I am being born as word and I feed you
with My hidden mysteries, as you were the one under the cross, but I have loved you since your
birth and I have lifted you up and I chose you as My country, and I gave you birth of Me and I
gave you My name and I called you Christian, after My name, by the one sent to you (The St.
apostle Andrew, r.n.) with a little garment of baptism, with water and with the Holy Spirit, and I
called you Romanian, the people of My country. And I have watched over you in joy and sorrow
and I have protected you to be and to have you, as Father gave you to Me at the same time with
My birth, giving you birth of Me. Your story is beautiful in heaven, and here is what I do: I come
as word on your land and I write your mystery to you, and I become book in you and I write with
you My story and I announce you as Mine, so that every nation on the earth may hear that you are
the fulfillment for My coming. (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.)

But you have a knot in you, oh My country, and I have come to removed it from you. I
enter on a white horse as in Jerusalem and I become word upon you, and I work by My word
and I break your binding that is on you. You have been brought under the law because of your
iniquities, for the one who sins, is punished by the law. Seventy weeks of years are over you,
since I have put the bond over you, for it is written: «If one of the citadel sins, the whole citadel
suffers from this iniquity». And after four hundred and ninety years, as this is what it means
about those written into the book of Daniel, about those seventy weeks, I have come to you
and I declared upon you to untie the knot put over you for such a long time, and hearing you did
not hear, but I have worked and I untied your knot. And now I come and I tell you what I have
done for you, My country, My loved one under the cross. I have built a new stone, a new vine, a
new branch. I gave you a little white stone, and I wrote on it with My own hand: «The Word of
God», and no one understands what is written on it, «no one but the receiver», as it is written into
the Scriptures; no one but the people of My word, into whose midst I have become a book for you,
My country, to bless you and to lift you up from the dust little by little, as it is written that «I will
rise many from the dust of the earth: some to everlasting life and some to everlasting judgment».

I gave birth from My word to a people in you, and I have chosen My bride from you, My
country. I made a clean church in you, a church after My will, and not after the man’s will, as the
lawlessness from the church has been pressing hard on Me, and I needed a church with holy and
complete members, with a clean body, which is called My church. I raised a clean people in you
for Me, a living church, so that I may have with what to work absolution on you. And now I have
come into the midst of the multitudes from you and I announce you into the middle of the people
of My word, and I announce you that I have come to lift you up. Get up, I say to you! Amen, amen,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am the One Who is and I stay into your midst with the sons of My word, sons anointed
by Me, the Bishop of the Father Sabaoth, standing on the right side of the throne of the greatness
in heavens, as I brought Myself as a sacrifice before My Father, as any bishop brings offering for
his sins and for those of his people. And behold, I am with the sons of My word into your midst,
My country, and here is what I speak with them:

Sons anointed, the four hundred and ninety years have passed; seventy weeks of years have
passed since the bond was put over Romanian and over its church, as here I had a bishop in My
image and after My likeness, who anathematized the lawlessness which he saw that it was made,
and then he came to Me after he was banished from the seat of the church. It is written: «The one,
who does not love God, let him be accursed». Oh, the lawlessness overran its margins, and the
bishop Nifon28 declared a word against it, and this bond has remained. And now I come to declare
an awakening over My country to get it out from under this guilt.

Anointed sons, I want to work through you, as I am well pleased in you and I love you, as
you also love Me by fulfilling My commandments, as it is written: «He, who keeps My command-
ments, that one loves Me». Lift up your hand into My name to the Father and say at the same time
with Me, the Bishop of the heaven:

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, those that are bound over
Romania are broken and loosened, and let them be loosened both in heaven and on earth. Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, the Romanian country is
blessed with the blessings of the heaven, with the blessings of the air, with the blessing of the earth
chosen by God, with the blessings of the everlasting heights, with the blessings of the bosoms of
the heaven. Amen. I am the One Who is, and I bless by the word coming with the clouds:

The Romanian country is blessed, with the gift of the holy faith, and by faith let her be
filled with My everlasting gifts, as I come with the new age, the endless one; I come with the
heaven and with the new earth over the old ones, and let the lawlessness be thrown into the fire,
and let the man rise to the blessed ones of the heavenly gifts. I am the One, Who reconciles the
people to the Father. I am the One, Who reconciles the faithful man to the Father. I am the One
Who is. Amen.

When Moses asked Me what he was to tell Israel when he went to take the Israelites out of
Egypt by My strong hand, and when he asked Me: «Lord, who should I tell them that You are?»,
this is what I told him to tell them about Me: «I am He Who is». This is what I also tell you, sons
of My word: I am the One Who is, I am the One Who send you, and you are My messengers, you
are My gift over the people, who will believe in Me through you. Amen.

I have come with the clouds and with the saints and I have My bishop with Me, the patriarch
Nifon, for everybody. I am in him and he is in Me, and he declares from Me, the word from the
word upon you, oh My country:

Nephon II of Constantinople, also Nifon II, was the Patriarch of Constantinople for two periods, from 1486
to 1488 and then from 1497 to 1498. He was called again, a third time in 1502, but refused the invitation, choosing
instead to return to Dionysiou Monastery where he reposed September 3 in 1508. He was also metropolitan bishop of
Wallachia approximately between 1502-1507, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

− Oh, Lord, the God of the living, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob! Oh, Lord, the
God of the living of the Romanian people! I am written down in heaven as Romanian, as here I
had the last calling, and You called me to become Romanian and to be named holy by the Roma-
nian people and by the whole faithful world.

Oh, Lord, Bishop, Who stands on the right side of the throne of the greatness in heavens!
There have passed over Romanian seventy weeks of years until the number of the years was ful-
filled, and to the end of these years You had made a people pleased to You in Romania, and You
became word upon it.

You came with the feast of the Palm Sunday in the ruling city of Romania, (Târgovişte29,
r.n.), Lord, and I am also with you among the tens of thousands of saints that You come with. Bless
Romania and fulfill with it a new heaven and a new earth and a new word and a new Passover, as
you have a people in it. The sons of Your word have prayed to You as the prophet Daniel also
prayed for Jerusalem. I also bless the sons of Your word into Your name, so that the Romanian
people may know that they are Your messengers for Romania. Help Romania and give her the gift
of the holy faith, to be able to do Your will by faith and to fulfill Your last Scriptures, Lord, as You
are fulfilled in her with Your coming, as You come coming, and You become word over her and
you shine by the word, and she shines under the light of Your word, and those prophesied for her
have come upon her.

Oh, country of the Lord, get up and receive the glory of God! I say to you: get up and rise,
as I have come with the Lord to you and I touch your head and declare a blessing for you and I
remove those that are bound on you to be loosened in heaven as well. The prayer of the sons from
the garden of the Lord’s was heard, and I come with the Lord and fulfill the blessing over you.

And You, Lord, glorify Yourself into Your loved people, which You have been pleased with.

− Oh, bishop, what you bound into My name was bound, and what you absolve into My
name, I also absolve and put the blessing and holiness over those that are cleansed by the word.

And you, sons anointed over this time, lift up your hands once again and say once with Me:
„Father, I thank you that you have listened to us”. Amen.

Do not be sad that no one blesses you on the earth, sons, as you are My blessed ones and
belong to My Father Sabaoth. No one blessed Me on the earth either. All cursed Me and gave Me
over to suffer. You should not wait for the blessing from the people, Romanian Israel, for you
should be like Me, little son. I also want to have someone on the earth to be like Me, as the people
of the empty glory are too many on the earth; too many lords are on the earth, and I, the Lord, am
brought down by the man’s glory.

Târgoviște (alternative spelling: Tîrgoviște; Romanian pronunciation: [tɨr.ˈɡo.viʃ.te]) is a city in Romania,
being the county seat of the Dâmbovița County. It was the capital of Wallachia, the Royal Court ("Curtea Dom-
nească"), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romanian Israel, My little vine, My new vine, My sweet vine, you let yourself be grafted
and You knew Me as your Master when I came to see My fruit and to reap it. Yield fruit, Israel,
through the gift of the faith. Give blessing from your blessing. I give you the things of Mine from
what is Mine, so that Romania may have God. Amen.

It is a day of the entrance feast in Jerusalem. I come in with the heavenly Jerusalem in
you, My wedding country, and I celebrate a wedding of new age in you with My bride people,
and you are My wedding guest, My country. It is a feast of the Palm Sunday, and My people sing
in you with branches of flowers in their hands. My country, embrace My bride and receive Me
through My messengers. I am in them and they are in Me. Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to
you! Bless is He, Who comes to you into the name of the Lord.

Peace to you, city of Târgovişte! Peace to you, and mat you be glad and become the New
Jerusalem before Me! I tell you: get up and rise and become love before Me!

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I write Myself with you
into the Book of the Truth, My country, My loved Romania, My wedding country, and you will
be and will shine with My glory, as I am the One Who is, and I am well pleased with you. Amen,
amen, amen.

(This word of absolution from the curse of the saint Nifon was read thoroughly at the gate
of the city of Târgovişte before the multitudes, which were gathered together on this feast an-
nounced beforehand.)
The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 20-04-1997.
(On Calameo)

Oh, My wedding country, I come on a white horse to you, and hosts from heaven come
with Me, riding on white horses. I come with your saints, My country. I come to work the spirit of
life upon you and to make you understand your mystery, which is written in the Scriptures. It is
written in the Scriptures about Israel, and it is written in Scriptures by you, and you do not under-
stand, My country. You fell from wisdom and you do not understand, but I am coming with your
saints and I make them word from the word on you, and I speak with you into the Romanian
language; and I have with Me the Romanian saints, and I come to shepherd you with a Romanian
staff, to know Me, for I am not coming unknowingly to you. I have never worked unknowingly
over the man. I have come and worked over the faithful ones in a known manner, and on those that
were unfaithful I have worked secretly. But now I am coming and I am getting out of the mystery
and I make My mystery known to you, through those that are known from you, My country.

I became a day of resurrection upon you, a day of love, a day of reconciliation, My country.
I come with heavenly days on you and I forgive your iniquity and I lift you up out of the dust and
I praise you as My country before the people, and I want to wake up My people Israel through you,
that which did not know Me that I came from the Father through the Virgin, as it is written in My
Scriptures spoken ahead of time. I am coming with your saints, My country. I am coming with the
bishops taken out of you and raised by Me for you. I have come to you with a feast of Palm Sunday
and I brought you your bishop, Nifon, and he, as a Romanian saint, lifted you up before Me, for
the days have been fulfilled, My country. I have come and I made a celebration of reconciliation

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

in you, a reconciliation agreement between you and Me, for even today I have raised a witness
bishop out of you, who lifted a clean church before Me, a church after My will, so that I may
proclaim through it blessings over you, My country. But the days are hard nowadays and those
that are My messengers, through whom I work out My plan over the earth, receive little help.

Today I have had a bishop anointed by Me, but the unbelief of the great and strong ones by
their own strength have crushed him. But I am the One Who can lift up the weak from the dust, as
My living church testifies before Me about My words from its midst, and My ear takes heed. I
have a bishop in you who has fulfilled My plan and has put before Me a church after My will, and
those that are set stand before Me for you, My country, and I have made a heavenly agreement
between Me and you and I have written it into the Book of the Truth. I have written Myself with
you into the Book of the Truth, My country, and you will be loved by many, and I work all those
that are good for you through My people taken out of you.

I am coming with your saints to you, My country. I am coming with holy bishops, taken
out of you. I am coming with the hierarch Calinic Cernicanul, (Calinic from Cernica monastery,
r.n.) who is alive. I am coming to unseal My mysteries from you, for you are My land chosen
again, My new land, for Israel did not give Me any dwelling; and I have made out of you a new
land and a new heaven, and I am coming with your heaven of saints and work upon you. Your
saints become word upon you and they unseal My mysteries with you, My new country, for I have
made a new covenant in you, a covenant of love, to choose you and to write you as Mine. I am the
Word of God into your midst. I am the One Who is, and I am with you, and I am coming with your
saints and make them word of My word upon you, for I have spoken with them on your land as I
spoke with Daniel in the time of Israel. Amen.

— You are coming Lord, and You are coming with Your saints. Amen. You are coming and
Your saints are speaking from You, the dwelling of the saints, Lord. Your saints become word from
You, and they become light over Romania, the country of its saints, the country of the saints, Lord.
All the saints have received the good news, Lord, and the Romanian saints are loved by the entire
holy heaven, because You have Romania in the plan of Your Scriptures, and You made an agree-
ment with it and became word upon it, and You breathe resurrection upon it and upon many na-
tions which will receive Your light from it.

I was Your prophet and I proclaimed the time of Romania, and I proclaimed Your church
of New Jerusalem upon it. I prophesied the time of Your peace and I sealed through the word, the
year of getting out into the world of Your word, Lord, the year in which, those little of Yours, raised
You a new church of New Jerusalem on the earth, a new stone of new beginning on the old ones,
at Your word, at You command, Lord; however, the people still do not understand the mystery of
Your word in Romania, Your mystery with Your trumpet, with Verginica, Your trumpet, Lord. But
I am coming and saying that, on the day when You had Your word come down in it, I cried from
the grave so that those who slept could hear and get up as I got up at Your voice, when You started
the word of Your word in Romania, Lord.

I prophesied, in the time of my body, Your work of New Jerusalem, both about the bad
ending and about the new beginning, and in the year of 1955, when You started to become word
in Romania, I spoke from the grave and I cried out to be taken out, for I heard Your word into the
middle of Romania, the country of Your returning, and Your Scripture was fulfilled, which says:

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

«Those from the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God and will wake up». However, I got
up and became the saint of the Romanians, so that the Romanians may pray to me to intercede
with You for the Romanians. But now, I am interceding from heaven for the Romanians on Your
behalf, so that they may hear and believe Your word, as I heard it from the grave and got up above
to help the people. I am coming from heaven with You and become word from You over the Roma-
nians, over my kindred, and I tell it that this is the work of Your word through which You are well
pleased with the people of Your word, and which stands as witness before You, Lord, for it is not
by its power, and nor by its might that this little and tiny people stands as witness for You, but it
stands up by Your grace, Lord, and the Romanians will receive the spirit of life and become sons
of God, born from above, of Your word, born at their faith in Your word, which is coming with the
clouds as it is written.

Oh, my Romanian people, I speak to you: believe into the word of God, which is coming to
you on the clouds. I prophesied in the time of my body the peace of God, which was to come on
the earth. This word is the fulfillment of my prophecy, but the great people have hidden my words,
and behold, they have come true and are fulfilled and they come out from the bushel. Amen.

Oh, priests and bishops of the church, I left much and good advice to my disciple for the
eternal life. I speak to you as well and I speak to you from heaven: do believe into the work of the
word of God, Who comes with the clouds. Lift up the voice of your hearts and cry out to God to
give you the gift of the holy faith. Do not be like the Jews who did not believe in the Lord, Jesus
Christ, when He came down from heaven to them. Do as I did, and believe as I did, for I lifted up
my voice from among those in the graves at the same time with the beginning the word of God in
Romania, in the year of 1955. Get up and believe, and turn loose the chains that you put on the
bishop, who was anointed by the word, for you put the chains over you, not over him. You pushed
the one who believed to deny the word of God. If you do not want it, and if you do not believe it,
let Romania get up to God, the Word, for it is the Lord’s country, for this is what I said when I was
in the body, and I spoke loving God.

And You, Lord Word, wake up from the sleep those that are sleeping and graze Your flock,
Lord, and give them Your word, for You are body and word in the church. You are the One Who
speaks over Romania and let it know that You are coming with the clouds. Amen.

… — Oh, Israel of My word, I am the Lord, your God. I comfort you with the saints; I
make you rejoice in the glory of My word and I become a tabernacle for you as you also become
one for Me.

Oh, Israel, I long for My rest in you, little son. Oh, Israel, I long to make the man rest for
Me. Oh, Israel, help Me to fulfill My longing, as it is only you who helps Me. Every man works
for himself and for his own good, but you work for Me, and I for you. It was for this that I created
the man, but the fallen man lost My wisdom in him.

Oh, Romanian Israel, I announce Myself with you, for you are My little and tiny people,
and I am the Lord, your God. Blessed are you because you received Me on My second coming,
for I come as word on the earth, and you are My manger; therefore, I will reward you forever, and
I will dine with you and you with Me, and I will be seen with you and you with Me, Romanian
Israel, My loved people.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I hold on to you and with you, anointed sons, so that you may be able to have a will in My
word with you over the world, and many will understand better and better the fulfillment of the
Scriptures, which are being fulfilled through the new word declared by Me, the Word of the Father
sent on the earth.

I am the Lord of the living, and I brought out from the living the bishop Calinic, the Ro-
manian, to speak from Me a word over the Romanians and over the church, to help those that
believe to believe. But for those, who do not believe, even if someone rises from the dead it is hard
to believe into God’s works, which take a visible image over the earth.

Here is what I declare: let the languages of the people be confused, and let those who be-
lieve come out, like Abraham, from the confusion of the languages on the earth, and let them come
after Me, for I have commanded My angels to come out for harvesting and to gather for My supper
all those who will believe, all those from the four winds, from the margins of the heaven to the
other margins. Let the faithful man come after Me and let My holy will be done, and let them come
this way. Amen.

May you be blessed, the one who makes Me come down from Father onto the earth, My
people! I bless you with days of resurrection, dear Israel, and I call you the day of resurrection
before Me. I will give you warm days. Days with sun and heavenly celebrations will be with you,
but ask Me to give you, as I long for your voice to meet My voice and then to meet each other on
the way, a new heaven and a new earth, those from above with those from below in a heavenly
union. Amen.

Go Israel, go into the middle of the crowds and glorify Me and give My way to the people.
Keep yourself clean. Take care of your little garment, dear son. Take care to your listening, and
take care of Me in you, My little child. Be careful to know to have in you the heavenly joy for the
humility of your heart. Be careful to all My words and do not forget anything, Israel, for you are
My people, and you should have God as your Father.

Go Israel; go into the middle of the crows, for you are My messenger. Go in obedience and
do nothing from you. Go with Me; go in obedience, Israel. Go My people! Amen.

Israel, Israel, be My joy, son, and be My resurrection; be My eternity in you, so that I may
be your eternity, well Israel son. Oh, Israel, My new branch, and go and announce Me that I come.

Oh, Israel, vineyard with good wine, sing! Sing the Son of God, Who is coming with the
clouds! Sing Him and announce Him that He is coming, and wait for My meeting, Jerusalem,
people of My resurrection, people of My love. I am with the clouds of My glory and I have always
stayed upon you. I am with you, New Jerusalem. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy hierarch Calinic from Cernica, from

Peace to you, My people! Peace to you, Jerusalem! Peace to you, sons who are sent! As the
Father sent Me, the same way I send you. Receive the Holy Spirit and preach Me, as I come as a

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

word from heaven on the earth and I announce Myself to all the margins with you, who welcome
Me on the earth.

I am the Christ of the Father, and I come as it is written into the Scriptures for this time.
Two thousand years have passed since I said that I would come soon, and behold, I come to fulfill
this Scripture through which I said: «I come soon!».

Oh, no one is waiting for Me to come, no one. Oh, no one wants Me to come, as the unbelief
has comprised everything, beginning with the great ones, which sit on the seat of the holiness to
the lowest one; for the people spoiled My law, and it is the time for Me to work, as no one works
on the earth the fulfillment of My Scriptures.

Jerusalem, child, who listens to My word, no one wants to be even like Thomas; no one
wants to look at Me, into My word, which comes to you and to see Me in it and to feel Me, the
word coming from heaven, and to say as Thomas said: «My Lord an My God!». Oh, no one bows
any longer to believe in Me too. The man believes in the man; the man makes an idol of the man;
the man makes an idol of the man into My name, and says that he is with God. The man honors
the man into My name, but not even the man of the church honors Me; not even the common man.
No one honors Me any longer, the One, Who comes on the earth, as it is written. The people, who
sit on the seat of the holiness, have put Me into silence, so that they may speak. They speak about
Me, the One of two thousand years ago, but I am also today, as it is written: «Today, if you hear
Me, do not harden your hearing and your heart».

Oh, I love the Romanian country and I cannot leave her because of the unbelief of the man
of the church, who puts Me into the darkness, so that I may not be preached as a word of resurrec-
tion over the people. I am the Word of God over Romania, as it is My country; it is My New
Jerusalem, the one chosen by Me. Amen.

Oh, My country, the people from you, who call themselves My church, do not receive Me
as the Jerusalem of two thousand years ago did not receive Me as well. I chose you to be the
Jerusalem of My coming back, and so that the man may understand what Jerusalem means. I
have also in heaven Jerusalem. All the saints from heaven are called the heavenly Jerusalem, the
one taken out of every nation on the earth, as all over the earth there have lived holy people with
their life, and I made them Jerusalem in heaven, in those that are not seen. Oh, My country, I
breathe upon you the gift of the holy faith and of the resurrected life. I want to give you life
without death, Romanian people. I want to become in you a wedding of new age and to fulfill
in you the parable of the wedding of the king’s son, the Father with His Son with a wedding in
you, My country. Behold, I let before you an open door that no one can close. My word is the door,
and the sons of My word keep the door when I come, and I come in to become word for you, My
country, as you have a great name in heaven, and the name of the Romanian, shines among the
saints of My heaven. I will make all the nations on the earth to worship you, so that all the earth
may know that I love you and that I have chosen you, Romania country, My wedding country.
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after the Resurrection, of the Saint
apostle Thomas, from 04-05-1997. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I come to water My little garden with the heavenly water. I come with a rain of the Holy
Spirit over My sown field, which yields fruit. I come like the gardener, who comes out to search
his field and to work upon it, so that it may give forth to good and heavenly fruit, as I am the
gardener from heaven. Amen.

Peace to you, My people! Peace to you, My field, and peace through you over My country
of wedding, as this is how I have Romania. It is My wedding country, as I go to the wedding in it.
I go to wedding with you again and again, My bride people. We work over Romania, for it is
chosen again, as I did not come to any fruition with My first vine. If I did not come from heaven
to Israel, to My Father’s vine, Israel would not have got any fruit; it was no longer My Father’s
vine, of which to come out ripe grapes, as that vine yielded only sour grapes, as it was written that
«she was broken and brought to the ground, and she was planted into the wilderness, into a dry
land without water, and a fire came out of her and it consumed her fruit and there were no
longer left strong and choice branches for royal scepters in her. She was a lioness and couched
among lions and she nursed her cubs, but her cubs devoured people, and she was taken away
into slavery by her foreigners» And My Father sent Me from heaven, to become fruit from heaven
in Israel, and so that the vine of My Father may not be left without fruit and without wine. Israel
was My Father’s planting, but that people did not want to yield fruit for My Father, Who planted
it. And I came to you, sent by My Father, My people, and I made My wedding country of your
country, as this is what My Father wanted, and My Father made a lioness of My wedding country,
and she gave birth to lions and lioness. She gave birth to a people of sons of God, and she gave
birth to them of My word, for I came as word from heaven over My wedding country, as Father
gave it to be Mine; however, on her birth on the earth I also was born of My Father on the earth,
and I was a new vine from heaven planted on the earth, and My branches spread all over the earth
and they reached into Romania, which was just recently born. She was given to Me by My Father
even from her infancy, and she was the mystery of My Father, the new vine of My Father, and a
people of kings and waivodes were born of her, and My Father has protected her, so that she might
give you birth of her, My bride people; you of Me, the Word of God, of Me, the Lion of Judah, the
root of David, as it was written about Me, the Reconciler, Who had to come.

It has been written since the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob; then it was written that «I
will come and I will bind My foul to the vine, and the donkey’s colt to the choice vine; and I will
wash My garment in wine, and My robes in the blood of grapes, and My eyes will be red with
wine, and My teeth will be white with milk». And, when this was prophesied in Israel, My Spirit
spoke then about the beginning and the end. I spoke for the Israel, the one from the beginning, that
I would come to him and I would bind My foul to the vine and I would wash My garment in wine,
and My eyes will be red with wine; and I also spoke for the Israel among the gentiles, the one from
the end, that I will bind the donkey’s colt to the choice vine and I would wash My garment in the
blood of grapes, and My teeth would be white with milk.

No one knows how to interpret My Scriptures. No one knows to interpret the languages of
the Holy Spirit and how to build God in man through them, as then I spoke about the time of My
wrath and about the time of My mercy, as I was angry with Israel because of his unbelief and his
iniquities, and for his carelessness towards God, as instead of serving God, he was serving idols.
The one chosen by God to be the choice vine was serving the devils made by him, and I had mercy
on the Israel among the nations of the earth; I had great mercy on him and I called him with a new
name; I called Romanian, the one chosen by My Father for Me to be a people of new vine for Me,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

a vine from heaven, and to bind the donkey’s colt to its choice vine and to wash My garment in
the blood of grapes. I am the vine, and he is the branches, as I told to those from Israel, the
remnant who has sided with Me: «I am the vine; you are the branches».

I chose those of today and I have gone with them to the gentiles, for Israel did not want to
be with God, and he was uprooted and planted in a desolate and thirsty land, and he was mingled
with the nations of the earth. But I want to make him wise and to bring him back to the first
love, when his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob loved Me and proclaimed Me that I had
to come as the Reconciler in the end of the time. Amen.

I came two thousand years ago, and I bound My foul to the vine and I washed My garment
in wine and My eyes were red with wine. But the vine of My Father did not recognize Me as her
Master that came from the Father, and cut Me down put Me together with the lawless ones, and I
washed My garment in wine, as Israel, My vine, did not receive Me, and My eyes were red with
wine, as I was angry with Israel like a drunken man; I was angry with My vine and she was thrown
to the ground, and the passers-by passed over it and trampled it. And I came again, for two thou-
sand years had passed since those from Judea fled into the mountains, as I declared by the word.
Two thousand years had passed, and even at that time I spoke about this time that, «The sun will
be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars will fall from the sky and the powers of
the heaven will be shaken; and then the Son of the Man will appear in the sky. Then all the
tribes of the earth will mourn while seeing My glory. And I will send My elected ones for har-
vesting with a great sound of a trumpet, so that I may gather together My chosen ones from all
the gentiles». And behold, as in the days of Noah, the people are drinking, eating and going to
weddings (See the selection topic: „As in the days of Noah”, r.n.) and one will be taken and the
other will be left, as it is written, because it is very little watch for My coming on the earth, and no
one is expecting Me to come and to bind the donkey’s colt to the choice vine and to wash My
garment into the blood of grapes.

It is written for this time that I would come and I will be called the Word of God. It is
written into the Scriptures, but who is to tell the people about My second coming? There are no
more teachers on the earth to tell the people about My second coming. Oh, there is no one to tell
them that I come, and even two thousand years ago I said: «I come soon!», and I have told to the
bride of My Spirit to say: «Come, Lord, come!».

The priests of the church do no longer speak about the book of John, who I appeared to, so
that I might announce the times of My coming. I showed John My coming in the word, and he
wrote this: «I saw the heaven opened, and the Faithful and True One coming on a white horse
to make war for Him, for truth, for He is the truth; and His eyes are a flame of fire; and on His
head are many crowns; and He has a name written, which no one knows but He Himself; and
on Him a garment sprinkled with blood; and armies from heaven, following Him on white
horses; and out of His mouth proceeds a sharp sword with which He strikes, and He rules with
a rod of iron and He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, and His name
is called the Word of God, a name written on His garment and on His thighs: „King of Kings
and Lord of Lords”». This is what I proclaimed through John, My servant, so that the teachers
may receive knowledge from heaven and to teach the people about My coming and My word by
which I said: «I come soon!». And I chose you, My bride people, and I gave you from My Spirit
and I told you: «I come soon!». And you, bride of My Spirit, should always say: „Come Lord!”.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

You should say it, My love; you should say to come, as no one says it any more in My Spirit:
„Come, Lord!”. You are My choice new vine, and I am the vine, and I bound the donkey’s colt to
the choice of My vine and I engaged you to Me, the Word of God, and I told you to give Me to the
people for everlasting life and I come out with you to go picking, My bride people. I go with you
from place to place, from time to time among the people, as it is written into the Scripture, which
says: «These are those who follow the Lamb wherever He goes; these were redeemed from
among the people, the first fruits to God and to the Lamb». And I walk into the middle of the
heaven and call out: be afraid of God and worship the One Who made the heaven and the earth, as
I come soon to judge the nations with justice, and the Spirit and the bride say: „Come!”

Oh, I come to water My garden of living flowers. I come with heavenly water. I come with
rain of the Holy Spirit upon you, My bride people. I come to interpret the Scriptures for those who
do not know what I said through the Scriptures. I spoke in you with the man of the church and I
told him: Man of the church, I will send you a book by the sons of My word, and I will interpret
the languages of the Holy Spirit, which are written into the Scriptures, that you are looking into
the Scriptures only for meat, only for flesh, and you are not looking for the Holy Spirit. (See, The
Word of God on 04-05-1997, r.n.). I come to ask you: Why are you not looking for the Holy Spirit?
Why are you not looking for the holiness into the Scriptures? Why are you not doing as Thomas
did, to come out and to touch My word, which has My power in it? Oh, that what was, it is again,
and I come to interpret the Scriptures, as first I let it be known and then I fulfill.

I stay into the midst of My faithful people, and I become word from heaven and I interpret
My Scriptures, so that no one may be able to say that he did not know what I have spoken, then
and now. I am ready to let Myself be discovered in all My glory, but those, who took the keys of
the kingdom of heavens, put the Scriptures of My second coming under a bushel; they do as the
workers in the vineyard did, who did not receive the master of the vineyard; however, the Master
of the vineyard comes, for the time of the picking has come, and all the good fruit will be gathered,
and the lack of fruition will be set aside with its sons. My Word is its fruit gatherer, and he, who
is from God, will listen to My word and will believe, and he will be gathered. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from
18-05-1997. (On Calameo)

I am with you, Jerusalem. I am the Lord God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let
there be light and Holy Spirit over Romania! Amen.

I go with you into the middle of the multitudes, My people. It is the feast of the Holy Spirit’s
descending. We go to proclaim Romania to Romania, My wedding country. We go to tell the
people about Romania. We go, Jerusalem; I go with you, My people. I give you power to go. I
give you the Holy Spirit over you. I give you My peace. I give you all My blessing. Amen. All and
everything listen to My feasts with you. All and everything works to My glory and yours. All and
everything bow to My word. I am with you over the earth with days of wedding, Bridegroom and
bride, and with a wedding of new age over Romania. Let the Holy Spirit be over the earth! Amen.
Let the spirit of revelations come down over the wise people of the earth, so that they may know
that I am the Lord, your God, and that you are My people, and to be known that Romania is My
bride country, My wedding country and My wedding table and My way to the nations of the earth,
as I come and I announce Myself over the earth.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Get up, Jerusalem, for I gave you a name from heaven, and I gave you the Holy Spirit, My
people, My messenger people, My cluster of sons that I walk with and I make My way over the
earth. I speak and I go; I go and I speak, and My word is before Me. Let there be light and Holy
Spirit and let there be a way from heaven over the earth. Let there be Bridegroom and bride and a
wedding of new age.

Peace to you, Jerusalem! Peace to you, sent sons, as I go before you and behind you, and I
go on sideways, above and under you. I am in you. Amen. The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, is with
a feast over you and over the earth. It is a day of the Holy Spirit. It is a heavenly feast. I come from
heaven on the earth with a feast of the Holy Spirit. May the One, Who comes to you with the
Father and with the Holy Spirit, be blessed! I am the One, Who spoke the word for the Holy Spirit
to come from the Father, and to be with those of Mine on the earth, with those of then and with
those of today, of then and until today, as I am always today.

Peace between Me and you, little Jerusalem, which goes from place to place, from time to
time with Me! Peace between me and you! Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! My word
goes before you. My word always comes and enshrouds you. Be sons of obedience, My loved
ones. Be sons of My peace in you. Be in the Holy Spirit. Amen. You in Me, and I in you. Amen. I
in you and you in Me, sons of the Father. Be sons of obedience. Be in the Holy Spirit.

Go, Jerusalem, go into the midst of the multitudes, go and go again! Let the clouds of My
glory cast a shadow on you; may the sun serve you from among the clouds of My glory; may the
gentle and smooth wind refresh your body and may the Holy Spirit comfort you! Go, Jerusalem,
go with the light of the Holy Spirit on the earth! Go, My people, go, as the Holy Spirit is your
Comforter! Amen, amen, amen.

Let the clouds gather together in the sky, and let the sky blue and the sun appear; and let
My people make room, and let the multitudes gather together at the feast of the Holy Spirit on the
earth, for it is a feast of the Holy Spirit in heaven and on earth. Amen.

Jerusalem, My work! Jerusalem, My people, worked out of My word! I stand into the midst
of the multitudes with you. You are My glory over the earth, as the Holy Spirit, the Comforter,
comes to you and becomes word as I promised about Him two thousand years ago. Jerusalem is
your name, My people. But, does the man on the earth really know what Jerusalem means? Jeru-
salem means Whit Sunday; it means the Holy Spirit; it means the building of the Holy Spirit
on the earth. Peace to you! Peace to you, Jerusalem, My work! Peace to you, My building! My
building means Jerusalem; it means Whit Sunday. In the time of Jerusalem from the beginning, I
said that I will choose Jerusalem again. In the beginning I made Jerusalem of the people that I gave
a godly nature; out of people not out of stones, not out of bricks; I built it out of people, as the
name of Jerusalem cannot be put on the walls of stone; it cannot be put on any building; it
cannot be put on buildings made by people. Jerusalem is built only by people, of God’s peo-
ple, which are chosen of the people and become sons of God, a heavenly building on the earth.

After I built Jerusalem, people have made their own building of many walls, and gave this
building the name of Jerusalem, and since then, the people have started to honor more the work of
their hands, the work called by them Jerusalem, and they have honored it more than the wall built

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

by God out of the people, who were made of a godly nature by God, and who are called altogether

It is a feast of Jerusalem over the earth, and it is a celebration in Romania, My country of

wedding. It is a celebration of the Holy Spirit; it is a feast of Whit Sunday. Two thousand years
ago, I had a little bunch of people chosen by Me from Israel, and built by Me as a foundation for
My kingdom, which I came on the earth with. I had twelve loved disciples, and I came with the
Holy Spirit upon them, and they gave the Holy Spirit to the multitudes, as this is how I have worked
on the building of Jerusalem. Oh, I have been waiting for two thousand years for the feast of the
Whit Sunday over the earth. I have been waiting for My coming; I have been waiting to fulfill the
word of the Holy Spirit that I declared when I said by the Spirit: «I come soon!».

Oh, My people, I go with you into the midst of the multitudes, as the people learned to hear
My word. I go with you from place to place, from time to time, as the stone submits to be built by
the man and to the man, who builds with it. The stone is built by Me; it is My building, and My
building lets itself to be built by the man and to the man to make a building out of it. But the man
does not let himself be built by God. The man built by man does not let Me take him and make
him My building, as the stone built by Me lets itself be taken by the hand of the man, and it lets
itself be laid on one another. I cannot build the man. I build the man of the man, a godly man,
and only after that, I build the wall of Jerusalem, as Jerusalem is built by the man that is made
godly by the Holy Spirit, and not out of the stones built by God. Jerusalem is built out of people,
not out of stones. The church is built out of people; out of people, not out of stones. I have
been waiting for two thousand years to build Jerusalem again, as the one from the beginning was
demolished, because it was out of stones. Israel was out of a stone heart with Me, and I left him
and I went to My Father, to have the Holy Spirit come down from heaven on the earth, and to make
godly people, living stones, out of people, for the wall of the New Jerusalem, which will be estab-
lished to meet Me on My second coming.

Oh, Jerusalem, My people born of My word! Jerusalem, My work! Jerusalem, My building!

Behold, I laid you as a new foundation and I build on this foundation. The one, who wants to be a
heavenly building, should let oneself be built by God and placed on the building of the New Jeru-
salem, which will stay before Me on My coming. Amen.

The man on the earth got used to My word, which comes on the clouds down to you, people,
My building. I go with you as word into the midst of the multitudes, so that the man may take and
build and to let himself be built into the building which will remain before Me.

Oh, sons of the people, receive teaching from heaven. Receive heavenly knowledge in you
and put away the human wisdom from you. Oh, sons of the people, the man who is built from
heaven, of My word that comes from heaven on the clouds of My glory, is called Jerusalem.
Receive Holy Spirit as My disciples received Him two thousand years ago. Receive the Holy Spirit
as My disciples of today have also received Him. These are My disciples of today. My disciples
are those, who do My will among the people. Receive from My Spirit; receive the Holy Spirit
by My disciples of today as those of that time also received the Holy Spirit by My disciples of that
time. Receive the Holy Spirit and let yourselves be built by the word of God, which comes to you
as the river, which comes out from the rock and flows over the earth. Let yourselves be built by

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My love, by My word which becomes love over the earth, so that people may be born of My love,
of My word which comes to give birth to the man of the heaven, as My word is from heaven.

I am the heaven of My word. Amen. I am, and My Father is in Me to be with the people,
as I am. I am the Word of God, which came down to the people on the earth, and you, Jerusalem,
will go with Me on the earth, so that we may make sons of heaven out of stones, and living
stones of the sons of the heaven to the building of the New Jerusalem, worked out by people,
out of living stones, and your tribe will be like the stars of the sky forever and ever, as you are
My building and you have the Holy Spirit as word upon you.

It is a feast of Whit Sunday. It is the Holy Spirit in a celebration with Me over the living
sons on the earth. It is the whisper of the Holy Spirit in the sweet breeze of the wind. My word
comes on the wind; it comes on the breeze of the wind. My word becomes Holy Spirit over
the earth. Amen. Let there be light over the earth! Let there be Holy Spirit over the people! Let
there be Jerusalem over the creature, which lets itself to be made of a godly nature, to be good for
the building of the New Jerusalem.

Go, Jerusalem, and share the Holy Spirit over the earth, over the people, My people. Go,
son, as you are My annunciation before My coming in a visible glory. (See the selection topic:
„The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) Blessed is the one, who believes into My coming, into My
word, which establishes My way over the people, so that I may come. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God on the feast of the Descending of the Holy Spirit, from 15-06-1997. (On

Oh, My country of wedding, oh, My love, I become a feast of word in you. I am the Word
of the Father, and Father is in Me, when I speak over you. Amen.

Peace to you! Peace to you, My love! I give you My peace! I become word over you. I
come to disturb your peace and to give you Mine, as this is what I told to those of Mine: «I give
you My peace. I do not give it as the world gives».

Oh, My wedding country, I give you My peace. Amen, amen, amen. I have a tiny people
in you, chosen out of your midst, and I have a little and clean garden into your midst, and I come
down as a word over it, and I give you My peace. I give you word from heaven, as I come with
the clouds of the glory and I speak from above and I comfort you with the word of My comfort; I
comfort you with the Spirit of the Truth, as I said: «I will not leave you orphans. I go, and I will
come to you. I leave you My peace; My peace I give to you. I do not give it as the world gives. I
go and I will come to you. The world will not see Me; but you will see Me because I live, and
you will live and will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. And if someone
loves Me as you do, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him and We will come to
him and make a dwelling at him and We will show Ourselves to him».

Oh, My wedding country, oh, My loved one, the master of this world has nothing in Me
and he could not take My life. No one took it from Me, but I laid it down by My own will. I had
power to lay it down and I had power to take it back, as I received this commandment from My
Father. And I remember now, when My Father told Me that I will be a little child, and that I will

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

be born on the earth, and I will be a seed sown in the fields; and also that I will be a little and tiny
Lamb, and I will be slaughtered by a rascal, and I did not tell anything to My Father, nothing but
this: «Father, Your will be done».

And I also remember now, when My Father told Me, that He will choose Jerusalem again.
I remember when He told Me about you, My country of wedding. When My Father forsook
Israel that crucified Me, Father chose you on that very day and gave you to Me, to be the
country of My wedding, and My Father promised Me a bride out of you, a country with
Bridegroom and bride. I am in the Father, and Father is in Me, and no one knows the mysteries
of the Father, no one but the one to whom Father wants to reveal this, and I am in the Father and
you are in Me, and I am in you, My loved disciples, elected out of the Romanians. Get up and let
us go to preach the people the news of the kingdom of My word over the earth. Let there be sun;
let there be sweet time; let there be heavenly light on the earth! Let the waters be divided from the
waters and let there be a new heaven and a new earth! Let the earth bring fourth everlasting life
over the creatures, and let the tree of life be put into the midst to yield fruits! Let the two
lighters shine seven times more! Let there be a new man worked at My word, of his body, of My
Spirit and everlasting life, worked at your faith, man come out of the man! I want to form you
again, man, and I want to renew the world and to give it birth by My word. It is written into the
Scriptures about the new birth of the world; it is written about a new heaven and a new earth into
the Scriptures. Let there be a new heaven and a new earth where justice shall dwell; however, I am
the justice. Let there be a new man, who God may live in, as My saints lived in God, as those
who have believed in Me on the earth, have everlasting life in heaven. Amen.

It is a heavenly feast on the earth. It is the feast of the Sunday of all saints. There have
passed seven weeks since the feast of My resurrection and until the descending of My Holy Spirit
in a heavenly celebration on the earth, and today I am being celebrated by all holy heaven with a
celebration of saints, as I celebrate all of My saints, from Abraham, the father of the saints, to
Verginica, and to you, little son Israel, little Israel, the child of holy and faithful Abraham, as My
disciples are sanctified on the earth.

Oh, Verginica, it is the feast of all the saints, My love. You are in the middle of My heaven
of saints, as the saints have been waiting for a long time to be born and to grow and to carry the
work of My word from the end, as it was written into the Scriptures that I will become word over
the earth. It is written in the book of the prophet Isaiah, about My mother Virgin: «Before she
travailed, she brought forth; before the pain came she was delivered of a man-child», and it is
written about you, Verginica: «As soon as she travailed and the daughter of Zion brought forth
her children. Shall a land be born in one day? Shall a nation be brought forth at once? Who
has heard or who has seen such things?». Verginica, Verginica, it is written about you into the
Scriptures that you will give birth to sons of My word. It is written of My word, of My voice
through, that you were My temple on the earth, and I spoke from you and I made a people for Me.
Who has heard or who has seen such things? It is written by the prophet Isaiah about My word
with you, about My voice through you: «A voice, a tumult from the citadel, a voice from the
temple! It is the voice of the Lord to reward each one according to his own deed. Before she
travailed the daughter of Zion brought forth sons». Oh, this is how it is written in the prophets
about My mother Virgin, who gave Me birth as a child on the earth, and about you, who gave Me
birth as word on the earth; a comforting Spirit, the Spirit Who had to come before My visible

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

coming, as I come after you. Amen. You are the sixth trumpet, and I, the Lord, am the seventh
trumpet, as it is written into the Scriptures about the angel who says: «Everything has been done!».

I am God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but who are the people of the church on
the earth? To whom do they belong? Which is their kingdom and where is it?

I am the kingdom of heavens, and the saints are with Me within My coming, as I come to
put My kingdom back to its place. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of all saints, from 22-06-1997. (On Calameo)

I am coming again to you, sons from the garden, to speak to you and to teach you what is
clean, for Elijah, My prophet, is praying to Me to touch the iniquity on the earth, the lawlessness
from the churches in the world, as it is because of these iniquities that God’s wrath is coming upon
the sons of disobedience. I am coming again to you, and I am coming in a hurry and I am speaking
again. Lift up your hands and prayers for the extirpation of the unbelief from the people of the
church, for behold, whenever these get up to strike into My word, as they have been doing in all
the ages, they bring about My wrath upon the earth. Oh, and I am compassionate to the poor people,
to the people deprived of My knowledge, for there is no one to teach them the way of My light,
and they are struck by My wrath because of the unbelief of the people of the church. I have been
protecting again and again this little village, in which I have been coming down to turn Romania
into a country of My
wedding, and to make
it into a mountain of
My blessings, in order
to work out My salva-
tion with it over the na-
tions of the earth. I
have been working
again and again to pro-
tect the cities around
this little village, the
little village of My
word. I have been
working again and
again with My mercy
up to the borders of the
cities, which belong to
the city of Târgovişte,
for I have mercy to the ends of this city because of the gift that it has in this little village of My
word. Oh, I have been struggling again and again to have mercy of My Romanian country, of the
country of My word, but the people of the church are full of trespasses and stand like that before
Me for Romania, and if they stand like that, they do bring about My wrath upon the people. I have
been protecting Romania in all its time, even it has also been going wrong before Me, but I have
had here and there, and from time to time I have had someone who was pleased to Me, and I have
turned him into a heavenly word and into salvation by repentance.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am coming to you in a hurry. Lift up your hands and ask from Me in a spirit of repentance
for all those that do not love repentance; ask to gather the clouds back into their place and to let
the clean sky come out and to stop the measureless amount of rains, for I take pity on the poor
ones, on the wretched and needy ones, and I have mercy on seeing them without food; I have
mercy for the time presses on heavily, and bad people grow and those that are small and good,
poor and faithful, stay under the wickedness of the time and of the people of the time, who build
their own kingdom in time.

Oh, Elijah, My prophet is praying for Me to touch the spirit of unbelief in the church. The
people of the church want to strike you, little garden of My word, full of salvation, peace, love and
holiness. They want to get up to fight against Me, the One Who become Holy Spirit and word over
My little garden in Romania. I have chosen in Romania the little patch of land, which came
out of the water first, then when I made the heaven and the earth, and I called this little patch
the little garden of My word, My mystery, which came out in the beginning from water, the
first little patch of dry land, the cape of the earth, the stone from the top, and when I built
the man of the dust, this was the place where I took the dust from. I am speaking of this
mystery clearly so that the people of the earth may hear Me and know from Me, who they
started to make war with.

Oh, people of the church, oh, bishops who strain out a gnat and swallow a camel! Oh, My
servants, who punish the sins of the people, but under no circumstances do you refrain from iniq-
uity, from debauchery and from drunkenness and blasphemy against the prophets of the Holy
Spirit, of whom you speak that they have a demon and not God! Oh, I am coming and asking you,
and you should answer Me. What evil does the little garden of My word do to you? I am the
One Who flow as a word over this little patch of little garden with small sons in it, not as great
as you are, for they do not want and do not receive glory from people, but rather they flee from
empty glory, the same as I and My apostles and My true saints did. I founded this little garden in
Romania, as a blessing over it and for it. Why are you afraid of My plans and of their making? Is
it really not better and holier for Me to work in order that My salvation, peace and light to come
on the earth? Would it be really better for you to work? Behold, you work out unbelief and you
put it on the people, and because of you and of your iniquities that you do in the church, My wrath
is coming over to your sons and the sons that are faithful to Me, suffer as well; however, I am the
protector of those who are clean and faithful within their spirit and life.

You say that you do not believe that I am the word sent to you and over the earth. But what
does it prevent you from putting Me to test? You say that it takes much time for My word and for
the salvation, which is coming from it, to come true. But those of today, which I become word
upon, do not need salvation by this saving word? Who taught you that the time is needed to pass
over My word? Oh, I am always today, and the Scripture says this: «Today, those that hear My
word do not harden your hearts on its hearing». My word gains its own truth from the Scriptures,
but why are you not alive? And why are you not faithful like those of old who received the Holy
Spirit and did not drive Him away through unbelief? Do you really want to bring about My wrath
over the country of the election from these days? Oh, I will not let you prevail by your unbelief
over the course of the river of My word, which is coming this time from near My Father on the
earth, as it is written into the Scriptures.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, do no longer condemn; do no longer dishonor and do no longer humiliate the bishop
whom I anointed over My wedding country. His love for you will condemn you. His goodness and
his obedience to you will urge you to repentance; He urges you to listen to Me as he also listens to
you, for the smallest is
the greatest among
you. He has not done
any evil. He has ful-
filled My word, for
My word carries
power in it to be ac-
complished. I put the
spirit of wisdom, of
faith and of the fulfill-
ment of the Scriptures
on My bishop. I look
at you and see how
you humiliate him,
how you laugh at him,
how you threaten him,
how you blame him,
and he suffers from
you for My name. Oh,
if he was among you with his mercy on you and with his warm prayer, which inclines Me to have
mercy on you, what would you do in this time, when everything that you have is to be uncovered,
for your works made in the darkness are ugly? He is My blessing among you, but behold, you are
unfaithful, and the holy fathers look at you and see how you violate their teachings, asking others
to fulfill them. You should fulfill them first, but you have no love for Me.

Oh, bishop of Târgovişte, you work with hidden plans against the little garden of My word,
for you have no love of God. You try to humiliate the bishop that I anointed in front of the Roma-
nian people, but he is clean and he has done nothing wrong against you. You were not over the
churches of Târgovişte at that time. He has done nothing wrong interfering with you. I sent him to
the greatest one over the church and he told him My plan and he let him about My word, which
required the raising of this stone, and the greatest one did not tell him not to raise it, but he rather
told him to take care of what he was doing, and did, and he made the thing that I commanded him
to do carefully. But when you came over this city and found this little stone keeping watch with a
spirit of salvation over your city, you got up with wickedness, with unbelief and trickery, and
condemned My faithful bishop, and since then you have brought only trouble in church, because
you do not love the church. You love yourself and you do not shepherd the sons of the church, but
rather you urge them to do the works of lawlessness that you also do.

Oh, you bishop of Târgovişte, how much trouble, how much division you have worked in
the church of Romania! How good it would have been for you and for Romania and its church in
it if you had used the spirit of understanding and love to the mystery of My word and of the church
that I build through My bishop, anointed by Me! And why is he anointed by Me? Behold, I tell
you a great mystery, and let the mystery be known in the church: I have declared a word and I sent
it by the sons of My word to the greatest one in the church, (To Patriarch Teoctist, r.n.) and this

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

is what I told him: „Take heed, you ruler of the church! Get up and call a council, and then
anoint with the oil of holiness the anointed one from Me, for this is from Me and not from you,
and I will make a living covenant with him for the church, and I will make Romania into a New
Jerusalem and into My glory over the nations”. This is what I told to the greatest one, and he
listened to Me and anointed the My anointed one and he fulfilled My word. Whether he wanted or
not, whether he believed it or not, he anointed the one from Me, so that I might set a clean and
holy stone through him, a spotless church, without any wrinkle, a heavenly church on the earth;
heavenly and not earthly. I told to My bishop that I will raise him over the church, and I told him
many years ago by My word, and he was saying to Me: “Lord, I am afraid. I cannot. I like the
monastery and peace and I like a humble life”. But I have had him in My plan for a holy and
clean church and I took him out of the monastery to pass through all the levels to the archiepisco-
pacy in order to work with him for Romania, as Romania is the country of brightness, which is
declared by the Scriptures.

Oh, bishop of Târgovişte, put the sword back in its sheath, for My sword is a double-
edged sword, and it is My word! Amen. You are unfaithful and you do not love Me; you do not
do My will and you do not love the holy life, and My church needs holiness. Behold, you bring
My wrath upon your sons, on the sons of your church, for the sons of My church are those who do
My will in their spirit and body. You get up and push My bishop to curse My little garden, but I
said to the sons of the garden: bless those who curse you and do well to those who hate you, for I
am with you. The sons of My little garden do nothing wrong to you; they neither go wrong in the
spirit and nor in the teaching of the church or towards the saints. You are those who go wrong
against My commandments, and I gave you this stone of holy altar as a gift, to be salvation for
you, for it is written: «If there are in a city ten or five people who do My will, I will save the
entire city from sword».

Oh, bishops, do no longer hate the place of the little garden of My word. Work with the
spirit of My peace. Do no longer work with wickedness. Do no longer condemn anyone without
judging his cause first, for the Scripture does not allow you to judge without investigation. Work
out a spirit of repentance towards Me, and I will heal you of unbelief. Work out with love, for
everything will be proven out through My light. Work out My will in the churches, for otherwise
you bring My wrath over yours sons. It is written about the hypocrites: «Woe to you, for it is
because of you that God’s wrath comes over the sons of disobedience». Behold, the prophet Elijah
is crying out to Me to deal with your works, and his prayer is bringing forth fruit. The earth has
been filled with waters and they flow over their riverbeds and produce pain on people, and people
are wretched. Why should My country suffer? Why shall it not have My blessing over it by the
works of your faith?

Behold, you have decided to come with threatening over the garden of My word, and I got
angry with all the cities of Târgovişte and the people suffer, for the upper waters damage their
fruits, and My voice speaks by My signs. Do no longer bring My wrath through your unbelief. Let
My peace be over you and among you. Let My blessing come over Romania. I have sent the sons
of My word to undo the binding knot over the cities of Târgovişte, for the former lawlessness
brought about My wrath and put a bond over the city. Let the blessing bring forth fruit. Do no
longer stir up wrath. Give a river to love for the law does not stand against love; it does not stand
against it, but it rather falls through love, for I am the heavenly love among the sons of love.

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Behold, I still tell you: you bring about contempt on you from all those who see that you
fight against My little garden from Romania and against its sons. It is a hope and a spirit of hope
and of holy peace over Romania. Romania is infested with foreign brotherhoods, with beliefs
foreign to the spirit of Orthodoxy, and I want to clean it of foreign spirits to the Orthodoxy,
for you cannot clean it. Romania is My Orthodoxy and this is how it was born and this is how
it was baptized. Be true Orthodox, for I have been speaking so many times on you by My word
of today! I have declared a word on you, and I have spoken it in a hurry, for you get ready to work
out wickedness over My little garden. Turn away from your wicked deeds, and I will heal you of
disobedience and disbelief. Amen, amen, amen.

And you, My people, and you, little garden of sons of My people, bless those who curse
you and do good to those who hate you, for I am with you and I am with My peace over you.
Amen. I have come with the spirit of righteousness, and I have revealed the lawlessness, which
tries to come over you, My little garden, for I am the One Who, protects you. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the feast of the holy prophet Ezekiel, from 03-08-1997. (On Calameo)

I will raise a righteous and faithful people with a clean heart out of the Romanian people,
and I will inspire it with the Holy Spirit to know the glory of My word and his accomplishments.
And a new heaven and a new earth will come out of the middle of Romania, and the righteousness
and peace will dwell in it, and this wonder will comprise in it all those with a clean heart, and then
the one, who is bishop from Me, will rise and will forget the pain and will testify to the truth of
My word. And many of those that condemned him for the deed of his faith will beat their chest
and will run to him and ask him to intercede for them, for I ordained only My good things over the
people, but the people did not know the face of the good, and they said that it is the evil and fled
from My good.

Behold, sons, Elijah, the prophet sighs with his eyes and spirit, for he is body in those from
heaven, as he did not die in his body, but he remained with his body, so that he might work for the
preparation of the glory of My day, on which I will come visibly from heaven on the earth. (See
the selection topic: „Enoch and Elijah”, r.n.) Elijah, My prophet, was filled with pain for those
that came over My little garden, and he prays to Me to touch the Romanian land with scolding
because of the unbelievers, who fight with My little garden and with its sons and with My Christian
people from Romania, for the unbelievers and the act of their unbelief bring about My wrath over
the Romanian people.

I went with you, sons of My little garden, and I took the tangled knot from over Romania
and I blessed the Romanian people to be a chosen people among other nations, and the rulers of
the church stand with unbelief against My heavenly deeds. The people do not fulfill the words of
the prophets, but I fulfill them, as I also fulfill the prayer of the prophet Elijah, who prepares My
way and makes the people believe into the wonder of My word in this time. Amen.

Sons, sons, it is written into the Scriptures that My word comes over the earth in the time
you live in. Let those great on the earth ask themselves, as those in the time of My birth were
asking saying: «Where would the Christ be born? What is written in the Scriptures and in the
prophets?» And the bishops and the scribes answered that he was to come in the Bethlehem of
Judea, for out of it would come forth the Governor of Israel; however, no sooner that they found

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

out than they already rose against God’s plan, as they do today, sons; however, the country of
brightness, which the prophet Daniel wrote about, is the Romanian country, and in its midst
the spring of My word, which is written about in the prophets, flows from heaven, and behold, I,
Myself, am shepherd and the shepherds from the earth do not know the mysteries of the Scriptures.

Sons from the garden, mark down this day into My book as a testimony, as your sorrow
and Mine will bring you joy, and no one will take the joy from you. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God over the unbelief of the bishops, from 07-08-1997. (On

Peace to you, little garden of My word! Peace to you, sons anointed in the garden, as your
faith in My word is My path from heaven to earth. Amen. Peace to you, as by your faith I will
fulfill all My words, as it is written into the prophecy of Isaiah: «For as the rain comes down and
the snow from the sky, and does not return there, but waters the earth, and makes it bring forth
and bud, and gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater; so shall My word be that goes forth
out of My mouth; it shall no return to Me void, but it shall do My will and it shall accomplish
its work». Amen.

Be full of zeal for My word, sons, and give this bread to the hungry and feed the poor, and
your light will arise into the darkness, and your gloom will be like broad daylight, for I will guide
and feed your souls and I will give strength to your bones, and you will be like a watered garden
and like a spring of living water, which never runs dry, and you will lift Me up on the ancestral
stone, and I will call you renovators of roads, as it is written into the prophets. Amen.

My word to you is the river of life, which flows from God’s throne and from the
Lamb’s of God. My word is faithful and true. Amen, amen, amen. My word is the water of life,
which waters the places without water, without living water, and the lack of water scorches the
people, and I come to bring the commandments of the eternal life over the earth and to give the
people and to teach them to drink with faith of My living water and to eat with love and hunger of
My heavenly bread. My word rises on the earth and speaks on the heights and declares to the roofs
to bow down, so that My holy word may rise above them, and that the roofs and heights may be
sanctified and to stay bowed at My holy word. Amen, amen, amen.

My word goes to those who stay over My wedding country and I come to announce them
that Romania is the country of the heavenly brightness because of My word, which is the river and
water of life, and I come to let them know that I established My throne in Romania, and out of My
throne flows the water of life; My word flows like the rain and snow in the sky, which waters the
earth and makes it bring forth and bud and to give seed to the sower and bread as food, and it does
not return to Me without yielding fruit. It does My will and it accomplishes its work. Amen.

Peace to you, to those on the seats of Romania! I am the One Who spoke out of the burning
bush on the top of the Mount Sinai, to teach Israel the path to life. I am Who I am. Open so that I
may come in! Amen, amen, amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, may My Romanian country
be blessed, My new chosen people, and may you be blessed, those in the gates of Romania, who

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

believes in Me, the One, Who becomes word over the earth. I am the Lamb of the heavenly Father,
and I gave Myself as food to those that are faithful to Me. I am the One Who was resurrected two
thousand years ago and I come forever living and I walk on the earth to draw all the people to the
Father and to prepare My path through the word, so that I may come the second time with the
kingdom of heavens, which has no end, as it is written into the Scriptures. I come with peace and
love for all who are faithful, as those who are faithful to Me are blessed. I am. Be faithful. Make
the love and the peace of your hearts ready to come in you, Romanian sons, who stand watch over
My country of wedding, in which I set My wedding table, the table of My word, as I have a
bride people in your country, Romanian sons, who watch over the country of the Lord’s
election. Be with a heavenly heart and ask Me why I chose the most enslaved one, the most humble
one. Oh, My people, Israel became haughty even since I chose him to be My people, and I made
him great among the nations. The more I loved and taught him, the more conceited and far away
from Me he became, joining to a foreign body, to idols and lawlessness, and becoming conceited
over Me, and I made him raise his hand against Me to forsake Me and I to forsake him. Israel
stumbled, and because of the multiplying of his iniquity, his love grew cold, and only a small
remnant of it endured with Me, and it was fulfilled with Jerusalem the Scripture which says
that the abomination of desolation will come upon it, and those from Judea fled to the mountains
and they fled without their clothes, according to what was written: «Let him who is in the housetop
not go down to take out his things that are in his house, and let him who is in the field not return
back to get his clothes», and I burnt Jerusalem, for the rulers of Jerusalem of that time sold Me on
money, the One Who was the gift of My Father for the people, and the damnation of the money
fell on Israel. I said that the Gospel of My kingdom, which was put aside by Israel, will be
preached all over the world as a testimony to all the nations, and Israel will come to an end, and
the nations will be blessed by faith, and I will choose the New Jerusalem out of the gentiles, and I
will come with the kingdom of heavens on the earth and I will redeem the man from death and I
will give him everlasting life as I promised by the Scriptures to those that are faithful.

Oh, Romanian sons, I did not find a more pleasant people among the nations of the
earth than the Romanian people, as My Father gave Me great love for this earth chosen by Him
from the beginning. Its Mystery is eternal and this land lies before My Father, for it was the
first piece of dry land, which came out of the water when the heaven and the earth were
created at My word; it was the first inch of dry land, which came out of the waters of the
flood after the flood was gone; and it will be the land of salvation, as it is My Father’s mys-
tery, and My Father calls it a supper of the word, and all will be made by the word again and
will be new. Amen.

Oh, Romanian sons, who watch over Romania, your country has always been under
cross, but it has endured to the end and it has not raised its staff against any nation on the earth.
It has not oppressed anyone, and it has not taken anything from anyone. On the contrary, it
gave from its body submitting as I did, and My Father loved it with a limitless love and He waited
for the time of its glory among the nations. (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) My word in it is its glory, and it will be-
come action and body of glory, as I will be always word in it, and the throne of My word will shine
out of its midst, and out of My throne will flow the river and the water of life over the earth
and it will water the whole earth, as out of Eden a river went out, which watered the Paradise,
and from there it was parted into four heads over the earth. It is written: «He who endures to the
end will be saved», and My Father has Romania as the country of patience and forgiveness, and it

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

is written about it in the Scripture of the prophet Daniel, and it is called the country of brightness
and victory, the country of the Lord. Amen.

Get ready with the love and peace of your hearts so that I may enter you with My kingdom,
you Romanian sons who keep vigil for Me upon Romania. I am lowering down the gift of the holy
faith. Amen. My word is rising on earth and is speaking on the high places telling the roofs and
peaks to bow down and to let My holy word rise above them so that they may have eternal life. I
am coming soon, but My house of guests does not want Me to come any more. The Church from
Romania needed to be the house to receive in it My word.

Oh, you Romanian sons who watch for Me over My wedding country! Call at the gates of
My house of guests, for the enemy came into My house and took My little house and My little coat
getting Me out of the vineyard as he did two thousand years ago. I want to bring salvation to the
human people, but the antichrist stands against Me, Romanian sons. The antichrist has en-
tered My house and is reigning into My name; for the Father has sent Me but I am not welcomed
into My house. My word calls out at the gates of My Father and no one wants to open for Me so
that I may come in and bring the words and the water of life and the food of My word for those
who are thirsty and hungry of life. I am the One Who spoke in the bush on the Mount of Sinai.
I am the One Who speak to the Romanian people from the middle of the little garden of My
word from Romania. Lift up the glory of My word and lift it up to the life of the people, for I
come to save the human people and I have to fulfill the Scripture of a new heaven and a new earth,
and of the kingdom on earth. Amen, amen I say to you: I am coming soon, and I will show
Myself above Romania and I will make it into a New Jerusalem, My holy country from the
end, and I will shed a great light from it over all the nations of the earth. But the servants of
the church from Romania are cold and do not want My coming, and they do not want peace and
holiness from heaven upon them and they do not believe in Me. It is written in My Scriptures: «If
someone wants to believe he will understand My word and My will and My salvation».

Oh, Romanian sons, I have compassion on the Romanian people, for I love it with a love
without limits. My sheep do no longer have shepherds, as their shepherds graze themselves and do
not take care of My sheep, and they oppress them and scatter them and inflict many wounds on
them, as they do not fulfill My Scripture, which says: «Freely you received, so freely give». The
shepherds of the church cannot give anything freely, for they did not received freely, as everything
they have they took on money, and they got used to the money, and they sell Me on money, and
My sheep are oppressed and trampled under feet by all passers-by. The shepherds of the church
took the key of knowledge and neither do they want to be with Me, and nor do My sheep know
My knowledge. Help those who are oppressed by unbelief and ignorance, as My word comes to
you to ask for a dwelling in you, and be faithful and open to the Lord. I am. Be faithful. I have
spread the manger of My word in Romania for more than forty years and I work by the word to
fulfill its glory with Me and to prepare My second coming and to come with those that are eternal
and to give redemption to the human kind and to work from Romania over the nations, with the
light of My word. I am. Be faithful. My word is the river of life, which flows from My throne,
but those that are not faithful in the church from Romania strike into the city of My word. Open
the books of your time and look in them for the iniquities of the people of the church, who op-
pressed My Romanian flock and those who love Me in Romania. I had power from heaven come
down on you and I supported you to watch over Romania, but take care of My country, because it
is still oppressed by the people of the church, who stand against justice, holiness and truth. The

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

people of the church clothe themselves too much with their empty glory; too much do they defile
My holy places. Too many people of lawlessness hid under the church cloak and deceive My
chosen people. Work with My heavenly wisdom and bring to repentance all the sons of this nation,
who hid themselves under My cloak and oppressed many of my righteous people. Receive light
from the light and bring the darkness into light, as the man has been falling for seven thousand
years by hiding. I want to give freely to those who want to have My gifts, and I want My gifts to
be given freely. He, who wants to come after Me, let him deny himself and take his cross following
Me and not deceiving Me saying that he comes and he does not come. And if he does not come,
let him not tell that he is with Me, and let him not lead My flock astray.

Oh, Romanian sons, I long for the salvation of the human kind, but I do no longer have in
My church people clean in their hearts to work with them salvation over the people. Get up, you
who watch over the country of My choice, as I became word upon you, and I will ask from you
the fruit of My word, as I want to protect your country and to put the Spirit of Truth in it. Amen. I
am true in this word, and I give you the gift of the holy faith. Receive from My gifts and be alive
and work like Me and not like the man, and protect Romania and keep it for Me and for you, and
watch with holiness over it. Receive Holy Spirit, as the gifts of the Holy Spirit will come down on
all Romania’s sons, but let them be sons. Amen. Love My ways and My truth and My life in you,
as I am the protector of those who walk on the paths of justice. Justice lifts a people up, while sin
is the shame of the peoples. I want to make a land of justice out of the Romanian land. I am He,
Who spoke this. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Romanian sons, who watch over Romania, your country was always under its cross,
but I, the Lord will lift up its cross and I will make a heavenly sign over the people of Romania,
for it is My Jerusalem, newly chosen, and I will also urge Israel to repentance, which did not
receive Me and forsook Me, and it will be My people again, as I have My signs over it, and I
have its signs over Me.

Peace to you, Romanian sons, who stand watch over Romania! Receive My peace. He, who
can believe, will know that I am this word, the Lord, Who comes on the clouds, as it is written: «I
will come soon», and the Spirit and My bride say: «Come, Lord!».

I am the One Who was crucified by My servants. Those of that time crucified My body,
and those of nowadays crucify My word, which I come on the clouds with, to prepare the day of
My glory and of those that are faithful and wait for Me to come. I am the God Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit, as Father is in Me with His Holy Spirit, and I stay on the clouds of My glory over
Romania. Oh, My loved country, My love, I want to make you My heavenly church on the earth,
and My servants in you to be holy in their mind, heart, body and faith. I always come as word over
you, My love, as My Father sent Me to you to be with you and to protect you and to make you
known to the nations of the earth that you are Mine.

Amen, amen, I say to you, watchful sons over Romania: work and fulfill My plans over
you and over your country. Receive into your midst the one, who has anointment over Romania,
(King Michael, r.n.), and give him peace among you and take care of his life with Me, and you
will be blessed. Work out peace between Me and you, and fulfill My heavenly plans over Romania.
I come soon, soon. Be faithful like Abraham and keep My blessing over you. Receive from the
river of life, as the throne of My word is with you. Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you!

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Receive the gift of the holy faith! Receive the Holy Spirit and work with the Lord to the building
of the kingdom of heavens on the Romanian land, which will share the richness of My kingdom
to all the peoples, which will come to receive from My glory with you.

Peace to you, Romania! Peace to you, My country! I give you My peace. Amen, amen,
The Word of God on the feast of the Ascension of the Holy Cross, from 27-09-1997. (On

In the name of the Father and of the Holy Spirit, the voice of God’s trumpet calls out from
heaven on the earth. Amen.

− In Your name, good Lord, I get up with a sound of a trumpet to call out a spirit of awak-
ening over the flock, pleasant to You. I also call out over those who sleep not watching for Your
coming. I call out with the little angels; I call at the same time with them, for you spoke from Me
with a voice of a trumpet, Lord, and You called me Your trumpet on the earth, and, he who is holy
on the earth, is also living and active in heaven over those who remained laboring for Your great
day, Lord. The heaven works over the earth and nothing comes on the earth but from heaven. The
deceit is great on the earth; the spirit of lying is thick and huge, and the world has got used to it
as to the truth, Lord. I miss very much to teach my people to stand watching before You, so that
Your people, chosen from the world by the voice of a trumpet, may stay alive. I long for it, Lord,
and I would like to leave my longing over the people, which is pleasant to You, to know how great
its preparation, its watch and its work with You have to be on the earth. Amen.

May the longing of the heaven come down in you and burn in you, little children working
together with the heaven on the earth, for the Lord wants to establish His kingdom on the earth,
but the people of today are used to much lying and to its false life. The people cry because they do
not have what to eat, and this is all their pain, all their struggling. They do not want to understand
that all that is coming on them is coming from heaven because of their iniquities, as there has been
in all the times over the people. The people do not want to stop sinning, but they want that it may
go well with them, and the sinful man deserves punishment. Open the Scriptures and see what God
used to do to Israel when he increased his sins and his wondering astray from the way of the truth.
The Lord was bringing on Israel slavery, famine, death, oppression, plagues and estrangement.
Behold the Romanian, too. The Romanian people did not leave to bring nations under their bond-
age for wrath has always come from outside since the Lord has always loved him and He has
always rebuked him for his sins, as a son and as a loved people and chosen for love. But for more
than seventy years, the Romanians have been eating each other, brothers have been killing each
other and even the poor have been wicked, not to mention the greedy rich people, who have re-
jected the way of the truth for their greed! But God has also many good Romanians, and because
of this remnant the Lord keeps within His hands this nation and this land, which carries God’s
word manger into its midst. Oh, that is why this country is so much protected, but the people in it
do not know God’s miracle carried by this land. Many nations of the earth long for it because it is
the field with a treasure in it, and those who are seeking it do not know why they are looking for

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… Who then is the faithful and wise servant whom his Lord set over His household to give
them their food in due season? Oh, blessed is that servant whom his lord finds doing so when he
comes. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Christian people, from 28-11-1997

Oh, son Israel, I prepare you and you should not be idle in your preparation. Look up now!
Amen. And look on the sides only with the eyes from above, with your birth from above, the one
from heaven, not with the one from man’s birth. I have been waiting for seven thousand years for
your time on the earth among the people. I have been waiting for seven ages to be My faithful
people, for I called you, son, to be with the heaven on the earth, and I chose you from the one that
I chose you, and I made you from the chosen one, the faithful one, to have a way of coming. I do
not lie to you that I come and I do not come. If the Scriptures of My second coming are false, then
this word is also false. But the Scriptures are truth, and I come and become truth, for I am the word
of the truth, the word of the Scriptures. Amen. I made a dwelling for you and for Me. I made a
little garden with anointed sons in it. I made a manger for the birth of My word over those who are
faithful on the earth, and the place of the glory of My word is called the Holy of Holies on the
earth, for the sons of My church, for those that are faithful of the Romanian people, for it is My
new people, newly chosen in the end, as I chose Israel according to the flesh from the beginning.
I promised Abraham that I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by the seed of My
promises, and I will multiply him like the stars of the sky by those born of the heaven 30. As
the stars of the sky cover everywhere from above the earth that is under them, the same I will
multiply the nation promised to Abraham; I promised that I will multiply him all over the earth.
Amen. That is why I chose the Romanian people out of the nations, for I had to keep My promise
made by the word. The nation of Israel, according to the flesh, hardened its heart by unholiness
and then by unbelief, and the nations, which did not hear of the work of the heaven on the earth,
were born of the Holy Spirit, Which came over the earth, and became a people of the promise
made on Abraham, and out of this dough I increased the work of My word in the midst of the
Romanian people, the high mountain, out of which milk and honey of My word flow over the
nations to feed them and to water them from the river of life, for My word is a river of everlasting
life over the creatures. Amen. There will come nations from all over the earth and will take from
this river and will seek the resurrection through this word and will seek the everlasting life, the life
which flows from heaven on the earth, and becomes a word of life over the garden of My word in
the middle of the Romanian people.

I proclaim the word from the middle of the Romanian people. The Lord, Jesus Christ, goes
with a new word over all the nations over the earth. I, the Lord, the One born of the Father before
the ages, and of the Virgin, two thousand years ago, and now out of Romania as word, in the end
of the Scriptures for My coming, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, cry over the earth to all the margins: get
up, you, nations of the earth from all the human kind and come to the river of life, which flows
from heaven into the middle of the Romanian people! Come and receive life, the word of holy and
everlasting life! I am the Word before the coming of My body on earth the second time with
the people. Rise above your bodies and escape from the fire of the wrath, which comes from

«Even as Abraham „believed God, and it was counted to him for righteousness”, know, (Or “recognize
/acknowledge”) therefore, that those who are of faith are likewise Abraham’s children.» (Galatians:3/6-7.)
«That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are
considered as descendants.» (Romans:9/8.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

heaven over all the bodies, which do not have the heaven in them. The heaven means holiness
and Paradise in the man’s house, in the man’s body. The Lord calls you to a sweet life, to milk
and honey, to a new heaven and to a new earth over the earth. Come and receive the teaching,
which gives you eternal life! Come, for the dead rise and will rise and the living will be changed
into immortality! The voice of the seventh angel sounds to bring under My glory, those chosen
by unbelief, by holiness and by choice food; food from heaven for a new heaven and a new
earth over the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Let the countless nations come and be baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit and in the name of this work from heaven, a word which comes as the lightning from
heaven, and crosses it from one side to the other. Let every man wake up: Romanian, Jew, Hellene,
barbarian, Scythian or slave, and let them come to an everlasting life. My word is eternal life. I
am the eternal life, and come with it after this word; I come and give it to the faithful of My
word, which raises the man from death to life.

Come you too, Jewish people, for I came two thousand years ago and crucified Myself for
your redemption from under the sin, and behold, I died for the nations of the earth, not for you.
This is what you wanted with Me and with you, but I have not taken back the promises made
for you. Come and become one with Me, for behold, I came and come a second time, and I will
show you the wounds of the nails, which let the seal on My body come down from God and by the
Virgin; a Man among men. You sold My dead for money and since then you have stayed crushed
under the damnation of the money that you loved more than the One Who loved you and was God
for you. I was and am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the Son, crucified and resurrected by cruci-
fixion, and the truth of My resurrection remains even now sold by you for the money. But the
nations of the earth saw what did with God and believed in Me, not in you. Here, I come as I
promised when I left to stand back to the right of My and your Father, Israel of the flesh. Come
too at the feast of My word and take with you from My table and come for faith and call
yourself My son by faith in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, by water, by
spirit and by blood. Amen, amen, amen.

And you, Romanian people, wake up to receive My glory, which comes over you to your
faith. Wake up by the people of My word, which was born into your midst, to bring a heavenly
commandment over you: wake up for life and be faithful! Wake up and get dressed for My coming!
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at six years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies of
the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1997. (On Calameo)

Israel, My Romanian people, I would stay celebrating on and on with you, people, My love.
The saints want to have feasts with you on the earth as in heaven, and the heaven has come down
on the earth to work with you, for you and for Me, as I have been longing for the salvation of the
human kind, which fell down from the paradise for as long as seven thousand years and a half.

Oh, the people do not know to read the Scriptures and they do not understand those that are
written in them. Not even the servants of the church know, for they read some other books and
make other books, for they are full of pride and conceit for their own name, not for My name. They
make use of My name to boast about My name, and not to honor Me. The people read from

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

people, not from God. The people are no longer humble before God. I would like, My people, to
build a clean heart and a new spirit within all the people. And I would like to give the people a
righteous spirit, renewing of life, and you are My tool and you help Me in My work of the world
renewal. Amen. You should always stay with Me, My leaven people. You are the dough of My
Romanian people, chosen by My Father for Me to be the nations, which gives Me dwelling for My
second coming. And behold, My Father prepared Me a dwelling, so that I may be there where
those of Mine are, who I help Myself with, and so that I may work a clean heart and a righteous
spirit and to renew those in the inner being of the people. And I will work. Amen.

I come with Verginica, I come with the saints, and I come with the apostle Andrew. I come
to the feast of the heaven into your midst, Israel, loved by heaven. Verginica is celebrated by the
saints and angels, and by My Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. She is coming down on the path
of her book, and I am coming together with her and with the saints. She is celebrated by heaven,
together with My first apostle, called to the work of preaching of the salvation, which came from
heaven and became flesh on the earth to be salvation for the people. Apostle Andrew worked over
Romania at its beginning, at its birth among the Gentiles, and Verginica has worked over it now,
when I come as a Bridegroom on the earth to make it into the country of wedding, to give it My
glory on My coming, and to give it a crown of new heaven and new earth, in which justice will
dwell. I come to build a new man and a new heart in it, and to renew a righteous spirit in it. Amen.
Excerpt from God’s trumpet sounding and of the holy Virginia over the town of Pucioasa.
The feast of the Saint apostle Andrew and of the saint Virginia, from 13-12-1997

The people do not value Me. The people do not know how God is. The people do not look
in Me to know Who God is and how He is. They want to believe that I am as they perceive with
their minds, and they do not want to believe how it is from God and to believe.

Oh, My people, the people do not know what faith and life in God is. Oh, My people, the
people do not have a right guide. Oh, My loved people, become path and light, bread, water and
salt and garment for the people. Let the man look at you and understand how God is and what
God wants from man. Let the man look at you and receive power to come after Me, as you do,
and looking at you, people, to understand Me, My path from earth to heaven. You are the path for
those on the earth, in order for the man to know the path to God. You are My burning torch, and I
go with you through the darkness to bring the man out of the darkness into the light and to rest
from mourning. I have to plough, sow and harrow with you, so that My seed may come under the
soil, and that its thread may come out to light afterwards, and that I may rejoice over a new people
like you; however, I want to fill the earth with it in order to redeem My work and all that are seen
and unseen, which were made in the beginning by My word for the man created by Me, as it is for
him that I came down from the bosom of My Father, in order to take him in Me and to give him
birth from Me, so that the man may be born of heaven, as I am, and so that he may take Me in him
and give Me life in him and from him, and this way to be the God of the man born from above, for
the saints are born from above at their belief and they are given a heavenly and eternal home by

My word has become a feast into your midst, for all the heavenly hosts are with you, faithful
Israel, so that I may reach into the hearts of the people with you and to prepare the feast of My
second coming on the earth. Amen. The people busily prepare themselves for the Christmas

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

feast, but they do not get ready for My birth within their inner being. And definitely, the
human kind does not get ready for My second coming on the earth. But you should always
prepare and always be ready, and do not get tired waiting for Me and believing that I come, for I
am coming through you, through those that are faithful to Me from the earth. Amen. Be always
prepared for the birth of My word into your midst. Be ready day and night for My coming, as I do
come, My people, and My word is true.

Oh, what beautiful it will be My coming for you! I will come, My people, with an eternal
celebration between Me and you, and My day with you will never dusk. Amen. And the heaven,
the air, the earth, those from water, and the deep, will see My celebration with you, the everlasting
celebration, son. But I want you, My loved child, to be the first who sees, and you will see My
coming to you and to all who love Me and you, and they will become one people to welcome Me,
and I, with those who are wholly faithful, will live forever, united with the Father. Amen, amen,
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch, Nicholas, from 19-12-1997
(06-12-1997 Old style / after the Julian calendar, r.n.)

My people, My people, I, the Lord, come again to you and I set down as word in you. I
come, son, to you to measure your creature. Amen. I work over you with a threefold blessing, in
the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The saints want to compare with you, and you should not let Me down, son, as the saints
of My heaven have great honor for you, for they see, who you are; they see My work with you,
My people. The saints look at My word with you, and they feed on My word as you do, and the
saints want you to hear and to understand My word by the ear of the spirit, as they do, not by the
ear of the body. Everybody hears from God by the ear of the body, but the body is of no use to the
spirit, and it stands against it, as it is written: «The Spirit lusts against the flesh, and the flesh
against the Spirit». The entire world is flesh and celebrates its feasts in the flesh, even if it, the
world, makes use of My days of feasts. The world has turned My days of feast upside down, and
I have no more joy from the joys of the world, as the joys of the world are for the world, not for
Me and not for My saints.

My Romanian people celebrates the feast of My birth among the people today, and the
heaven celebrates the hierarch Spiridon, for this celebration is also held in heaven today.
Everything is upside down on the earth, and I went as word among the great people of the Roma-
nian people, and among those, who call themselves the church of the Romanian people, and I told
them to set down with the heavenly ones, and to put back to their place, those that were
changed from their place31, as the saints of My heaven, always, always ask Me: «Lord, until

The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given to the first metropolitan of a
country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) of that time, Miron Cristea, introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the
patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, which was in accord with
the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and „it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

It is not the celebration of My birth today, and the world celebrates itself and not Me.
The world rejoices without Me, as this is how the world got used to do. But you, My people, are
not from the world, as I am also not from the world. I, son, do not have room with those of Mine
in the world, as you also do not have any room in it. The world rejoices and you cry with Me of
My mourning and of My saints’, but My day is coming when the world will cry for its morning,
and you will rejoice with My joy, as this is written in the Scripture. I travail again for the world,
as you also do, but after this birth, we will forget about pains for joy, that the world that was not
born from above, was born from heaven now. It is written that he, who is not born from above,
cannot be of the heavenly kingdom on the earth, and behold, the world is the king on the earth,
and it would like to be in heaven likewise, but the heaven is that which is not seen, as the eyes of
the body do not see the Lord and those from heaven of the Lord.

I come, My people, to measure your creature. I come to you on the earth with a bishop
celebration. The bishop Spyridon (Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous, r.n.) was a heavenly
wonder on the earth. I had no one else like him among the bishops on the earth. This really was a
man pleased to Me, a humble man like Me, and a gentle and humble man in his heart, a man who
helped God on the salvation of the human kind. There are no longer such people like bishop Spyr-
idon today. What shall I do with the bishops with a human school? They cannot do what saint
Spyridon did. Those of today are ashamed of the holiness. Those of today laugh at the holy one
and consider him just one of them, as it happened with My bishop, whom I used for the new
beginning of the world, for the beginning of the word of the new birth of the world, but he was not
let to be holy and righteous. The envy of the worldly bishops pulled out the new brick from under
him that I, the Lord, placed through him on the earth, for the beginning of the new birth of the
world, as I prophesied and promised to My twelve apostles.

Oh, My people, I declare joy to you. The twelve apostles sat down for Israel on the twelve
seats that I, the Lord, gave them by My promise of that time. They heard from Me, the word
delivered over the nation of Israel, their people according to the flesh, the people that now I
call to come and receive My word; the word of the One, Who was crucified by the people of
Israel, for the nations of the earth received the word of salvation and come to the faith of salvation
by My word, which comes before Me as a sign of repentance for the people, and for My coming;
however, Israel, according to the flesh, has My twelve apostles as its interceders, who are Jews
according to the flesh, as I also am Jew according to the flesh, for the salvation comes from the
Jews, as it is written into the Scriptures. My apostles sat down to judge the cause of the twelve
tribes of Israel, and this judgment is being done through Me, the Word of God over the Ro-
manian people, so that the nations of the earth may hear, and that My people Israel may also
hear and get up, as Christ, the Anointed of the Father, the Messenger sent from heaven on
to the earth two thousand years ago in the flesh in Israel; however, today He is sent as word
into the Romanian people; the Christ, the One, Who is prophesied by the prophets to be the
Messiah from heaven; the Christ, Who comes again the second time from the Father, to save
the world with His salvation. Amen, amen, amen.

time with those of other confessions”; «… and he shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to
change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25).r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The Lord, Jesus Christ is coming and making a salvation feast on earth, a feast of the
world’s new birth. The Lord comes and announces Himself that He comes. Amen.

My apostles have seated on the twelve seats of righteousness and start to write the ones
in Israel who will come to salvation in the name of Christ, the Messiah come from heaven two
thousand years ago, and will call their number after the tribes, as it is written in the Scriptures, and
the saved ones from the people of Israel will be united to the Romanian people in My name,
and will announce Me, the Christ Who comes to be with the saved ones.

My apostles were and are Jews, and are the Jerusalem from above, together with Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob, and with the people of Israel, holy in all ages and with all from the nations of the
world which received the faith in Christ through My twelve apostles, the disciples who also raised
for themselves disciples like them in all the nations of the earth, from then on and until now, and
they are the saints of the heaven, in heaven and on earth, for Jerusalem is built out of the saints,
in heaven and on earth, amen; of saints not of stones or bricks, but of new people and holy
in their living, with the spirit, the body and their soul. Amen.

My apostles from the Jews have seated on the twelve seats of righteousness to intercede to
Me, together with you, My people of disciples, for the nation of Israel after the body, for I did not
forget My promises delivered for them and which do not take from upon it.

Oh, My people, the time has come for the new birth of the world and Israel, which was My
people and no longer is. But the one from Israel which will get up with repentance to receive Me
as a word of My second coming, that one will be My people by the promises delivered for the
remnant of Israel, which will rise and intercede with Me for the whole Israel, and I, the Lord, will
have mercy on the one who receives Me as his Master and Bridegroom coming from the Father as
the word on the earth, and then a visible body, body and word, word and body, the Christ of the
Father. Amen. And the nations will become Christian and will live a Christian life and rejoice
of such a living, for the world does not know what joy means. The world did not want to be left
of its own, and the world has no head, and its church is worldly, not heavenly, and is discovered
before God and this is how it prays to God, but it cannot be this way for it is written: «Any woman
praying to God with her head unveiled dishonors her head, and the head of the woman is her
husband». Any church praying to God with its head unveiled, dishonors her head, and the head of
the church has to be Christ, for Christ is the husband of the church, the Bridegroom of the church
if the church is the bride, and if it is not the bride it is not Christ’s church, but is a worldly and not
a Christian church. The Christ’s church has a Christian living and a Christian feast, but look, the
Romanian churches wanted to be left on its own head and spoiled its holidays, and removed
the holy times from their places, and it is no longer a church, for it is a church without saints,
for each moment has its own blessing and each day testifies about its saints.

Let Mine and My saints’ celebrations come back to their places, for I call out again
with this call upon the Romanian people that I want to be Christian on the land of My righteous-
ness. I made out of the Romanian land, the land of My word, the land of righteousness, for My
word is righteousness on earth, and I will make out of the Romanian land a land of My Christians,
and the Christians are they who have a living like Mine and a name like Mine.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, My people, I came to you to weigh your deed. The world rejoices of choice food, with
pork meat and strong drinks, and says that it celebrates My birth. But the world butchers pigs,
cattle, sheep and poultry to eat and enjoy its celebration, and the Lord’s celebration with the man
are not this way. Now it has to be a time of fasting until the day of My birth celebration, (On
January 7 after the current Gregorian rite again, r.n.) and you, Romania, butcher pigs and shed
blood in the time of fasting. Oh, the blood should not be shed in the time of fasting, teaching and
holiness for your preparation for the welcome of My birth celebration. You removed two Sundays
from their place for you thought that you can turn the times back, and you did, as it is written in
the Scriptures: «They will make bold to change the times».

You should know, Romania, you should know that the feast for the welcome of My birth’s
celebration is not over, and you overlook the saint’s ordinances, and they are upset with you and
your fathers and I always hear them saying to Me:

− Lord, how long is it until placing us back to our places? Lord, we want to do good to the
people, and the people hurt us. Lord, redeem our places for the antichrist drew us out from the
church and took our place, coat and house, and the church is without saints, and it does not know
its sickness; it does not know where its suffering is coming from. Lord, give the spirit of wakening
upon the those that rule upon Your Romanian kindred, to establish the kingdom of Your word back
to its place, to tell the antichrist on his name and to redeem the Your dwellings with saints in the,
for the antichrist wrote us on the walls and he sits on Your seat and ours, Lord!

− Oh, saints, the saints of the holy heaven, of Romanian heaven! I, the Lord, will do justice
to you, for I made a seat of justice in Romania, and I make a word of justice out of it, and with My
word I make your ways even to the people and of the people towards Me and you, and I am God
and will overcome.

Amen, amen I say to you, the ones in front of the Romanian people: gather together and
have a heavenly counsel, for I am the One Who sit secretly in this counsel. Put the saints back to
their places! Amen. Have the fasting and prayer set in the churches, and the saints and Chris-
tian life in Romania. It is My wedding country, for I am the Bride in it; I am a word of love
and resurrection in it. I am the resurrection from its dead, living and sleeping ones.

It hurts Me when I see sadness in the spirit of your saints, Romania. You were the most
hurt among the nations, for the righteous from you had no longer place to live above your land,
and were taken underneath as the seed which give forth its fruit. The time of fruition came. Turn
back to a holy fruition in your middle, in your land. Amen, amen, amen.

And you, the people of My word, sit under My food; sit always under the rain of My word,
for I feed everywhere on it. I came to you to weigh your character and to give you as an example
of living, light and of My truth among the people. And I will come to teach you to weigh your
character alone, and to know how to work with Me upon you, for you are My plough-share. You
are My example before the people, and let he who will lay his hand on this plough not be able to
look back, but look only to heaven and only to Me. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-1997. (12-12-
1996, Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

It is a holy feast with Me, the Lord, Jesus Christ, into the middle of the faithful ones. It is
a feast of birth. Amen. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I, the Lord,
Jesus Christ, come from heaven as word on the earth, to strengthen the faith of the Romanian
people. I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and blessed is he, who believes that I am the One,
Who speaks. I come with the clouds, for this is written that I come. I come with the lightning,
which arises in the east and appears in the west, for this is written, and My word crosses from one
margin of the heavens to another. Amen. Blessed is he, who believes that I am the One, Who
speaks. Doubt brings about only damage, and it cannot bring any gain, either because it depends
on the good side, or because it depends on the evil side, for this word is a wicked word by its own
meaning. I come from heaven on the earth to strengthen the faith of the Romanian people and to
scatter away its doubt, as blessed is the one, who does not stumble because of Me.

I have come to wash your feet, My Romanian people. The river of life flows from heaven
into your midst and becomes a river of word upon you; it becomes living water, water to refresh
the soul, spring water, which springs up from heaven. If I, the Lord, am not by this spring with My
love for the man, then what is love? Oh, My Romanian people, oh, My blessed one, I have not
given My glory that I gave to you to any other nations, as I become word over you, My word of
today. The Scripture, which is on the earth, is My word from yesterday, and the Scripture
that I give you now, is My word of today. It is written into the book of the prophet Daniel, that
many will read the book of his prophecy through, and will add My knowledge to their knowledge,
but no one of those, who live in lawlessness, will understand the mysteries of the last time, and the
wise people will walk in the ways of justice and will understand, for the mysteries of this prophe-
cies are closed until the last time. What is the last time? Oh, blessed is the one, who knows from
Me to read in this prophecy; blessed are those who love My holy laws, for they receive wisdom
and understanding from Me. Blessed are those who wait for Me to come, as I prophesied that I

I prophesied My mysteries by the prophet Daniel, and I told him about the seventy weeks
of years until the time that by My death and resurrection I established My kingdom on the earth
for those who would love the kingdom of heavens in them by the faith in Christ, the Father’s
messenger on the earth with the people. This time meant four hundred and ninety years, and then
I came and I fulfilled the prophecy, and it is the same in the last time as well, for those that were,
are again. Amen.

There have passed four hundred and ninety years since a bond was put on you32, My coun-
try from the end, and after these years I came before you with word, to let you know about Me,
the One, Who comes to you, to make you the country of My wedding, to make you the country of
brightness, as Daniel prophesied, My dear and beloved prophet; and I came to let you know that I
make My kingdom in you, and that I become the land of justice and blessing in you, for you are
the country of the brightness, as it is written by you in the Scriptures for My time of nowadays.

I came to you as word from heaven, My Romanian people. I came to wash your feet, Ro-
manian son, and may your footstep be holy, for you have to stand before Me at My last coming,
A bond of curse made by the patriarch Nifon, who anathematized the lawlessness and those that loved it, in
1507, at Târgovişte, the Residence City of the Romanian Country. See the Word of God on 13-04-1997, and on 20-
04-1997, (On Calameo; on Google Drive) r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

as it is written into the Scriptures, however, on My coming of nowadays, you should set yourself
down before Me with faith, for I come with power and I scatter your doubt and I wash your feet,
so that you may know Me that I truly am into your midst as the word of eternal life. Get up with
wisdom before Me! Amen. Get up, for I am the word into your midst, and I always sanctify you
and I always bless you and teach and show you the way of life. Amen. Get up and be My treasure
into the midst of the earth, for you are the top of the earth, the first land, which appeared from
the waters. Get up as in the beginning, the first one! Get up, oh, country of My brightness, as My
Father promised you to Me, when I ascended again near Him. He remembered the beginning, your
beginning, and from you I make the man of the man, as it is for this that I have come as word to
you. I hold your little crown in My hand. Get up and receive Me, for I come to you. I come soon,
soon. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, it is a day of celebration for the feast of My birth among the people. It is a day of new
birth of the world, as the time from nowadays is the last time, and I put back into their place those
that are shaken from their place in the beginning. The feast of My birth is with those that are
faithful, as the unfaithful do not know what birth means. Every man points to himself in all his
toil, in all this joys, and the people are a nation to the people, but you, My people from the Roma-
nians, you, who has My word upon you, you should show Me to the people in all My labor and in
all My joys with you, and you are the Lord’s people. I wash your feet again and again, so that you
may sanctify the earth and the heaven with your step, as the people of the church do not know
what heaven on the earth means. The church is the place where I dwell, and it is My heaven on the
earth. Faithful and holy people, that is My church and My heaven on earth. The people from
the church of the world are intelligent people, for they read in My teaching and know what I want,
but I want intelligent sons, not intelligent people, as the sons listen to the Father and receive the
Father, and they know His voice, and open so that the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit may
come in the church, to strengthen and to sanctify it. I am the Word of the Father Sabaoth, and
blessed is he, who believes that I am the One, Who speaks by this word, My word of today, as the
time of today is the time of the end.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity, from 07-01-1998. (25.12.1997
Old style / after the Julian calendar) (On Calameo)

Amen, amen, I say to you, those faithful and saints of My new people: the time comes, but
it has already come, for the heaven to celebrate with the people on the earth, the heaven together
with the earth. Amen.

But who is My new people? Only he who is new can be people of the Lord, for it is written:
«Those that are old will pass away with a great noise». Blessed are those who hear My word and
get up to become sons in My people, in My new people, for only that one is My people. He who
is not born again is a man among men; he is not a son among the sons of God. But the man
of the world church, will say that he who is baptized in Christ, that one is a new man and a
son among the sons of God. Oh, it is not so, you intelligent man that have knowledge of the
things from above, it is not so. The new man is the one who is clean and born of heaven, from
above, and the sons of the heaven are clean. (See the selection topic: „About baptism”, r.n.)
What man that is baptized in Christ through water, spirit and blood, who among all that are bap-
tized into My name, follow Me, like the apostles, the saints, the martyrs and all the clean sons who
followed Me among the sons of the people? Who of those that are indifferent to the baptism and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to the church and holiness in body and spirit, who of those are new people and a new nation? Oh,
the one who is not born again, and born to remain afterwards, that one remains a man among men,
and not a son among the sons of God. The sons of God are otherwise; they are those that even
cannot die, for they are the sons of life, as it is written about in the Scriptures. Soon, soon, every
man who is indifferent to the eternal life will see the people of the eternal life, for I will stay
into its midst and I will make it shine with a great brightness and I will work according to its
deed, and I will not work otherwise. Amen.

Oh, My new people, son of the Father! Oh, son and little child, I am the One That I gave
you birth; I, the One Who was born before the ages; I, Who am born of the Father; I, Who am born
in a body of mortal man to make the man immortal by My death and resurrection. I am the One
Who gave you birth during the time of today, and you are My son, and I am the Son of the Father,
and you are the son of the Father through Me. Oh, My new people, the heaven celebrates with
you on the earth. The heaven is gathered together around you and enjoys a holy feast with
you for Me, the One born of the Virgin mother, and for her. The saints and the angels, the seats
and dominions, the powers and heavenly authorities, the archangels and seraphim and cherubim
and all from heaven and all those that are gathered around you, and My mother is on the seat of
the heavenly glory, celebrated in a heavenly celebration in heaven and on earth with you, My new
Israel people, for this name is beautiful in heaven and on earth. Oh, dear people of God, the heaven
is gathered around you; it is with you on the earth for the celebration of My mother, and out of her
mouth the word flows for you, as she has you today near her and shows you to those in heaven,
and out of her mouth are brought forth words, which come from Me for you, the one comforted
by the holy heaven.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the Lord’s Mother, from 08-01-1998. (On

My Spirit becomes the word, which speaks over you, Romanian Israel. My Spirit is coming
through the gates to you, people moved by My Spirit.

I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I am coming down from the right hand of the Father
to you, for you wait for Me, My people. Oh, what a wonder into your midst! The Lord, Jesus
Christ, is coming from the right hand of the Father, to be with you, to speak with you, and to teach
you to speak with Him, too. There is still a little while, and your eyes will fully see Me with
you. Get used to the heaven, and start now. Get used before having the full sight, for the sight
of the spirit will see through the sight of the body. Soon, soon, those that are not seen will
come into view, those that are of My feast with you, people of My second coming among the

My Spirit is coming near to you and becomes word; and He also becomes a feast of spirits,
for I have company from heaven on My coming down, My people. I have come down with the
three bishops, Basil, Gregory and John, as their work is great into My work of today. I blessed
through them the beginning of the work of My word in the year of 1955, for I work through
the bishop’s blessing, and not without blessing, for My church has this order through Me,
the Greatest Bishop, Who crossed and crosses the heavens.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I come with a bishop’s feast and become word on the earth. Amen. Israel, Israel, get used
to heaven. Israel, son, you always have the saints and angels with you. Get used to heaven as the
heaven got used to you. Get used to speak with Me and with those from heaven, who I have always
come to you with. There is still a little while, and the heaven will stand aside to see it fully,
and your eyes will see fully, as My eye sees you fully.

Israel, Israel, My voice! Israel, My word! Son, I cannot speak without your little mouth. I
took an earthen body to speak in it, from it and with it. I became flesh from the word and out of
the word and I came out of the virgin body, to speak from it and to become the spoken word. I
have turned you into My body. You are My body, for I am one with you through My body, and
you have to speak with Me, if you are one with Me. Son, I cannot speak without your little mouth.
Teach yourself to speak with Me; get used to My speaking from you; get used to heaven, and get
used starting from now, before the coming of the full sight when the sight of the spirit will
fully see through the sight of the body. I have always said: “Grow Israel, grow son, grow up!
The heaven will let itself be seen by you; that is why I have asked you to grow up. I have always
said that you are My hands, My legs, My eye and My mouth. Oh, little child, on whom I breathed
and always breathe, look at Me to see whether you are Mine or yours. Look to see whether you
are My hands, My legs, My eye and My mouth. Look and then tell Me with your little mouth
whether you are Mine or yours. If you are Mine, then you will bring the heaven into view, and if
you are yours, you will close the heaven and you will not see it.

Israel, Israel, the things hoped for come to perfection. Get used to the heaven; get used to
the saints; get used to the everlasting light; get used to the eternity; as all the saints have been
waiting for you to open this door of eternity. I have told you son, that you are the key and you
are nothing else but the key, and this is your work. Open your eyes to see how it has been
waiting at his gate for seven thousand years. All the saints have been waiting for the new heaven
and new earth, and you are the key for this fulfillment. Many a saint fought on the earth in holiness,
love and longing for the homeland of the new heaven and new earth where righteousness will
reign. Get up in the word, My people! Amen. Get up and speak of God! Amen. Get up! Amen,
amen, amen. Oh, what a wonder! I am coming down from the Father and I am with you and speak-
ing with you and I am with all those from heaven in a bishop’s feast into your midst. Israel, Israel,
get up and stand before Me, for Romania is My country and yours, Romanian Israel. Get up well
and stand before Me for your country. I am into your midst with heavenly bishops. I am in your
spirit and I teach you to ask for Romania. Get up in the word and speak with God saying:

“Lord Sabaoth, the Creator of everything, the Omniscient, the One Who sees everything,
Father of the Son, the One sent by You as a sacrifice on the earth to take upon Him the sins of the
creature; Father of the former Israel; Father of Israel of the Romanians; Father of the sons of
Your Word, Jesus Christ, open the door of Your mercy for the Romanian country, and for the
Romanian people. Your Word becomes word from the middle of the Romanian people, the one that
is oppressed because its abandonment of God and because of its lack of repentance, Lord. Your
word is coming down from heaven and is calling out over the Romanian people, but no one knows
what God with the people means any longer. Open the door of Your mercy, and open the eye of
Your love and work out from heaven faith in You on the Romanian people, so that they may learn
the law of Your love, Lord.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The Romanian people is not inclined to repentance; it is not inclined to humility; it does
not draw God to it; it cannot come to You, and it does no longer know its way for it has been
covered, Lord. The Romanian sons have become the enemies of their own salvation and have no
longer power to overcome the spirit of self-aggrandizement in them, the spirit of hatred among
them, and the spirit of greed and lie, Lord. The Romanian does no longer know what true love is,
and a confusion of languages has come over to Your people, chosen to be Your house and coming
on the earth. But open the door of Your mercy to him and breathe the Holy Spirit over the Roma-
nian people, and do Your will over Romania, for its sweet time has come and it does not know to
be with the heaven. Come down and see from above and from below, and work out the forgiveness
of its sins, so that it may be able to see afterwards; to see through repentance, Lord, that there is
no forgiveness without repentance, and that there is no joy and peace without humility and repent-

Put of Your Holy Spirit over the spirit of the Romanians, so that they may have that wisdom,
for it is not bread and garment that they lack, but rather that they lack their reconciliation to You;
they lack holiness, peace from heaven, and brotherly love among them and the love for You, Lord.

We ask You for the fulfillments of the kingdom of the heavens over Romania, with Your
heavenly plan, which You made come down over it. Remember the promises of Your second coming
on the earth, and make Your coming and glory perfect over the country with the Bridegroom, and
make it into a throne of Your glory before the nations, Lord Sabaoth. Amen, amen, amen”.

Oh, My people of the Romanians, My Spirit has taught you to ask Me over Romania. I
know your needs, and I know the need of your country, and I will fulfill My heavenly plan at your
prayer. Amen. I renew the bishop’s blessing over you through the spirit and by the heavenly hand
of My bishops.

Get used to the heaven, Romanian Israel. Get used to speak with Me and with the saints,
for I have made your little mouth holy, and you should build My church on My coming. I have
told you, son, that you are the key from the end, and I have opened the gate of eternity with you,
as the souls have been waiting for seven thousand years at this gate to receive the reward of new
heaven and new earth.

Get up in the word, My people! Amen. Get up and speak with God! Amen. Get up, build
and speaks while building! Amen. Get up and open yourself! Amen. Get up, for I am coming!

My people, get up! Amen, amen, amen.

The Word of God at the feast of the three saints and hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John,
from 12-02-1998. (On Calameo)

Israel, Israel, you should not make the one who watches over you go wrong, for you are a
spiritual Israel; you are promised to Abraham through Me, the Son of the Father; for Moses also
said when I wanted to lose the rebellious Israel to raise another Israel from Moses, and he said:
“Lord, remember Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, for You promised them that You will multiply Is-
rael”. Oh, I promised Israel to Abraham, but the promise was for a spiritual Israel and not

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

for a fleshly one, after the flesh and not for the one which walks in the flesh, and I am the
One, Who keeps My promises, and that is why I make you from flesh into spirit and heaven
on the earth, Israel that are promised to be.

Oh, My people Israel of today, no matter how wretched you are on the earth, you are the
blessed one, for you have been waiting for Me to come, as I also promised that I come and that
you will see Me coming. The heavenly one does not doubt of My promises and rather he prepares
renewing himself by the Spirit.

I have become a feast in you, My people, and I will have the feast of My second coming
come down in you on the earth, and you will be the people of My welcoming, and I will make
you a sign in the midst of the peoples, (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”,
r.n.) as I made Israel in the time of the gentle and faithful Moses.

Keep in mind, My people, that the Lord your God is God in the heaven above and on the
earth below and there is no one besides Him to do you well. Keep in mind, My people, that you
are the My sign before My great coming, for it is written: «After the distress of those days, the
sun will be darkened, and the moon will no longer give its light, and the stars will fall from the
sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, and then the sign of the Son of Man will
appear in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn and see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and much glory». Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s welcome (Candlemas), from 15-

My people, any word, which I can speak to you, is a great joy for Me that I could speak it,
for I could make it come down from heaven on the earth. You are My ladder of My coming
down from heaven on the earth, as everything is possible to the one who has faith. If you were
not faithful, My people, I could struggle in vain between heaven and earth with this word of eternal
life, as I struggled in vain for those who were into this fold of Mine, into this people of Mine, and
they left from My fold through unbelief and indifference, as the indifferent man becomes antichrist
through indifference to God.

Speak son; speak to the people to leave their wicked deeds and to take God as their deed.
Tell them from Me to do what I told the man to do. My people, tell the Romanian people to live
its life in heaven as on earth, for the Romanian country is the country of My second coming
on the earth, and I do not want to find them eating and drinking, marrying and being given
in marriage, reveling and going astray when I come. This country will be the country of the
Christians who do the will of My Father, as I did. The land of the Romanians will be a land
of saints and disciples; it will be a land of sons of God, who will live with God in their image
and likeness, and it could not be otherwise in the country of My coming.

My people, I keep telling to the Romanians to take after Me in clothing, eating, drinking
and doing, as they will no longer be Romanians otherwise, for the name of Romanian is the name
of the new Israel, the one after My likeness. I keep telling to the Romanians to keep in mind that I
am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Good and Righteous One, and that I have come as word to them, for
them and for all the nations on the earth; and I have been preparing the day of My coming by

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the word and I have been making it by the word, for I have been making them all by the
word, from the beginning and until My coming in a glorified body. On My first coming, My
body was without glory, but now I am coming with My body full of visible glory and I will be
standing into your midst, My people, and you will be part of My glory; and I will take you from
glory to glory, as it is written into the Scriptures about those from My coming, who will be found
near to Me. Take good care to be near to Me, Romanian Israel, for you are an interceder for the
Romanian people.

Keep in mind My people and remember that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, always come to you
and I become the word upon you and I call you My people. Amen. I taught you to be an example
and My sign into the middle of the people. My care for you is great for you have to be able and
to will by My power and My will upon the earth. The antichrist confuses Me everywhere so that I
may not choose the good ones from among the evil ones, but I press on putting to My right the
ones that are pleased to Me. He is seen everywhere with his bait, and man let himself be enticed
by what is seen. He puts on the holy garment and creeps in everywhere, but he does not do My
will, and he is not a sheep, even if he has on him the skin of a sheep.

Remember My people that the antichrist does not do My will and by this he is visible
and caught in his own hidden trap and by this he was and is judged. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the dreadful judgment remembrance, from
22-02-1998. (On Calameo)

I am the Christ of the Father, the Word of the Father, and I come from the right side of the
Father; I come in word from heaven on earth, for I have the power to come and to do everything
that I want to do. Amen.

Come, Romanian Israel, into the mystery of My word; come and stay in it until its fruit will
be shown, as you are the visible fruit of the mystery of My word; you are fruit from fruit as it is
written: «I am the vine and you are the branches of the vine”.

Israel, My little house, let Us be a house to each other. I have always come down to you,
and you have always got up to Me and we are a house to each other, and this is an invisible mystery,
for this mystery is not seen, but it actually is, more than those that are seen that they are. I am the
One Who brought everything into being, and I brought them from nothing, I brought them into
being from those that were not, as My word is My Spirit, Who becomes deed by speaking of word.

Romanian Israel, My living little house, I come with a supper of word into My living little
house and I become teaching from heaven on the earth, so that the man may have what to eat, and
the one, who wants to have living food, food from heaven and not from the earth, may not die.

Oh, Israel, My book with you is great, and you will see the seal that I opened to become a
book with you on the earth. The book is the teaching, but not as on the earth. No book is a book
except Me, as I am the only book, I and with My people. Amen. My people is the one that does
My will obeying My word and fulfilling it. Where do I have a church on the earth in My
image and after My likeness? I look everywhere and I do not see My will in churches. Oh, where

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do I still have a Paradise on the earth? I came from heaven two thousand years ago to make a
Paradise in man and to be with the man. I came to make a new church, like the heaven from the
beginning, but the man, like the first created man, made „yes” into „no”. He who makes „no” from
„yes” and „yes” from „no”, that one does satan’s will and becomes satan for God, as the beautiful
angel did together with his host.

Oh, My people, the first man did not want to fast one single time and by this, the human
race fell down. But he, who has not fasted for so many times by the command of the fasting, what
has he done to his people and his house?

It is a day of watching; it is a celebration of watching over the churches on the earth, which
have written today the beginning of fasting for the remembrance of My passions. It is a day of
remembrance for the day when the first built man was expelled from paradise by the violated
commandment on the sixth hour of the day, reaching out his hand to take from God’s knowledge
and to be like God, like His Creator. That is why the man’s hand nailed My hands and My legs on
the sixth hour of the day, taking after Adam and his did, reaching his hand against Me in the sixth
hour of the day. Then there was great darkness until the ninth hour, and Adam was taken out of
the paradise by his own deed, the deed of disobedience to God. Since then I have had no longer
rest and I have been walking sobbingly between heaven and earth, looking for the man who was
created by My hand, the first created man, the man by whom the whole human race lost its incor-
ruptibility and happiness from paradise. The Father sent Me from heaven on the earth two thousand
years ago, to take upon Me the man’s fallen nature, and I took it fully, as on the sixth hour of the
day, when the first built man reached out his hand upon Me to take My knowledge, I was spread
out on the cross and nailed by the fallen man, and on the ninth hour, when the man was fallen from
paradise by his disobedience, I, the Lord, being on the cross, gave My soul and Spirit into My
Father’s hand, for the redemption of the man built by God.

I came on the earth to die like the man, and before of My passion which wiped away
Adam’s sin, I had fasted for forty days praying to My Father to be wiped out the sin of the first
created man, who did not want to fast from disobedience, who did not want to not to eat disobedi-
ence. Why did I tell Adam not to eat from the fruit of the tree of the knowledge? Because the
knowledge was God’s not man’s, because the Lord did not want the man to die by knowledge.
This is what I told the man: «If you reach out your hand to take from the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, you will surely die».

The flesh lusts against the Spirit and it becomes lust in the flesh. The woman was flesh of
the man’s flesh that was first created, and the flesh of the woman became lust for the man, as
the woman lusted against Adam. If Adam did not tell the woman the word from the Lord, that
is not to take from the tree of knowledge, the beautiful angel would have not heard the word told
to the woman, and because he heard it, he became an evil spirit, submitting to man and not to God.
The man was loved by God and he became haughty and he made wisdom in his own self, and the
beautiful angel was working through the man, and the man gave him a body through a serpent.
The serpent coiled around the tree and this worked out into the mind of the man, into his con-
science, upon the fruit of knowledge. The woman touched and ate, and received knowledge, and
her eyes were opened for good and evil, and she also gave her husband, and then the man was
clothed in a perishable body, in a mortal body, and through the man all the beings received the
death into their flesh, into their body.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am the One Who hears any voice, as I heard Abel’s voice, who was crying out to Me from
the ground. This child of Adam shed the blood of the lamb brought as a sacrifice of his heart before
God. I received the sacrifice of his heart, the sacrifice of his love to Me, but the blood of the
sacrificed lamb spread a smell of blood on the earth, and then Abel’s blood marked the ground
with the man’s blood, and behold, flesh and blood do not inherit the kingdom of the heavens.

Sons, sons, what is flesh and who made it and who grows it to be? Why do the people eat
meat? Why do the animals eat meat? Why is it eaten meat, sons? Why does the flesh eat meat?
Why is it not eaten what I left to be eaten33? Who can answer Me? I am the One Who hears the
one who answers Me.

Oh, where are you, My creature? You, the first created man, answer Me! Answer to Me,
so that the entire human race may hear, as I am the God of the living and of those that are asleep.
Answer to Me, you that are built by My hand from the earth! Amen, amen, amen.

− Here I am, Lord. Who can stand against Your word? Is he really the one, who can answer
besides me? I am the first created man; created by Your hand and by Your love. You built me of
word and love, and out of love and clay, and You called me man. You did not call me meat, and
You called me man. I am the one who has sinned against You and against me, and You were the
Most High. You are my Creator and the Creator of those that are seen and not seen, which means
God, but by disobedience I became a thief. You gave me everything that You created for me, but I
have craved for what is Yours, Lord. You have been the Righteous One, and You did not hide from
me those of Yours, and rather You put them into the midst of the paradise, so that they may Yours
and not mine; so that Your sign may be into my way, so that You may be with a sign before me
always, and for me to have free will and to love You with it and to be Your love, and for You to be
my love in everything that I have, and to be Yours and not mine. But I became conceited. Oh, how
could I do this? There was no one on the earth that I may rise myself above. I arose against You,
Lord. I wanted to be like You and more than You. You put me into the paradise from Eden and You
gave me everything that You made for the man and I got haughty in my thought that I was ruler
over everything and I said to myself: «I am God and I sit on God’s throne». Because of my beauty,
my heart became haughty and by my haughtiness I lost my obedience and wisdom, as it is written
into the Scriptures about my deed, about the haughtiness of my heart in the paradise from Eden.
When You saw that I turned my haughtiness into my wisdom, You took care of my life and gave me
a commandment: «Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat: but of the tree of the knowledge
of good and evil, you shall not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die».

I walked with self-conceit before You, Lord, and I told Your mystery to the woman that I
called woman and I called her flesh of my flesh and bone of my bones, and I said that she was
mine. I did not want to be Yours with everything that was mine, with everything that I had made
and given from You, and I pulled myself out of You and I joined with the woman with my heart.
Eden was Your garden; it was not mine, but my iniquity born out of the haughtiness of my heart
nestled into my heart. When I told the woman Your commandment not to eat of the tree, the woman
of my flesh turned from flesh into lust, and her thought worked by her own lust, and the beautiful

«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth,
and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen. 1/29.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

angel worked for the woman through the body of the serpent which wriggled on the tree with fruits
forbidden to eat. This urged the woman to eat, telling her that she would not die, but rather «their
eyes will be opened and they will be like God, knowing good and evil». The serpent became a
bad omen into the way of the man by the man’s lust, by the man’s haughtiness, as You stand against
those who become haughty into the thought of their heart, Lord, Creator of everything, and You
put enmity between the serpent and the man, and the love started to cry in Eden, and the nature
was also crying because of the man’s fall, for the man became flesh and corruptible fleshly nature,
Lord and the flesh is drawn to the flesh and the flesh is for death, not for God.

You came from heaven two thousand years ago, to work and to lift the man up to the place
where I fell from. You had not eaten for forty days and forty nights for me, the one who ate without
Your will from those of Yours, sinning by my haughtiness and my disobedience to God. You had
not eaten for forty days and forty nights, and You let Yourself be tempted by the evil spirit more
than I let myself be tempted, but his temptation was overcome in Your body. You overcame what I
had to overcome. It was I that I brought the evil spirit into existence, and You squashed his power
by Your humbleness and by Your obedience to Your Father. You had cried with a godly tear for
forty days for me, for You have been looking for me for seven thousand years. You want to find
me in every man, as You want me as I was before my haughtiness. You want me in every man as
I was when you set me at my beginning in the Paradise from Eden.

Forgive me, Lord, as it was for my resurrection that You came among the people to die like
the man and to come after me into the dwelling of the dead, where I entered with tears on my
cheeks for everything that I went wrong before You, Lord. I have been waiting for such a long time
to come after me. And I am waiting now for You to come for every man who died for my wicked
deeds that I made in the Paradise from Eden. Your people from today is a path of Your coming,
that you will come soon, soon, and with You will come all the people that did not go to sleep in
You, with the hope of Your coming at the end of the ages, Lord and Redeemer and Son of the
heavenly Father.

Here I am, Lord. I am in Your coming and I tell the human kind that I the man should
not eat meat, and no creature has to eat meat as well. I am the first created man and I went wrong
on account of the entire human kind, which went wrong through me.

I confess my sins from Eden. Knowledge belongs to God; it does not belong to the man,
and I went wrong touching on those of God through the woman, and taking and eating through
the woman.

I am made out of the Romanian clay, and I am Romanian, and I am the first man
created out of the dust, who appeared first out of the water from the creation of the heaven
and the earth.

Lord, may Your will be done on the Romanian land, as it was in the beginning of the earth!
My Spirit cries for all corruptibility that settled over the earth by my disobedience from my begin-
ning. My spirit is waiting for Your coming, Lord, Son of the Father, and Son of the man, Who
comes with the mystery of the man’s incorruptibility, (See the selection topic „The mystery of
humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility”, r.n.) which I lost for me and for each man.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

But You are the Redeemer, Who comes, and there is no other man to perceive God, the One Who
is, Who comes, and Who died and rose from the dead for each man.

Forgive me, Lord, that You called me and I came at Your word, for You are my God.
Blessed is the man who listens fully to the voice of God.

Lord, cleanse me of My guilt, which fell over the entire human kind, for I came with it in
front of the heaven and of the earth, so that the fulfillment of Your promises may come on the earth,
in a work of new heaven and new earth on the Romanian land that You stay on and speak the word
of Your coming, calling out all the nations of the earth before You for the great day of the redemp-
tion. Amen, amen, amen.

− Oh, My people of today, the first created man answered Me and came when I called him.
You should also come in the mystery of My word and stay in it, for you are the visible fruit of the
mystery of My word and you are waited by the first man built and by all his descendants. I am the
One Who brought into being everything from nothing, when I created them. I did not create
them to eat each other. I did not say that they should be meat for food for each other. I want to
repair the damage that the first created man did to me, and after him every man who has been
coming out of him. I come and pour out of the Holy Spirit over the spirit of the people, and you,
My people, are the root with which I do My work for the fulfillment of My coming and of My
promises for the redemption of the bodies. Amen.

Oh, Israel, My book with you is wonderful, and you will see with your own eyes its
seal, the seal that I opened to become a book with you on the earth, the book of My second
coming from near My Father, the book of the new heaven and of the new earth, the book of
the resurrection of the creature, the Book of the Truth. Amen. (See The Book of the Lamb (The
Book of Life) - The Word of God, r.n.) Blessed is the man who listens to My voice from this book,
as the time of My coming is near. Blessed is the man who serves Me in the way of My coming, as
I am close to My coming and the book of My coming goes all over the earth before Me. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the remembrance Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from
Paradise, from 01-03-1998. (On Calameo)

The heavens stay open above you, and the Son of the Father becomes word over you, little
garden of the word which comes in you. The word is the rain of the Holy Spirit during this time,
and this time is the time of My second coming from near My Father and with the Father, for it is
written that I will come to speak over the living and the dead and to do justice to the saints. Amen.
And you, little garden of anointed sons, should give the rain of the Holy Spirit over the earth, for
the earth is destitute of the Holy Spirit, and I, the Lord, I do no longer have anyone to come to on
to the earth to speak for the living and for the dead, as it is written that I will come to judge the
living and the dead and so that they may hear My voice and to come to life. Amen.

Israel, receive from Me and from those in My garden from Romania. Receive My people,
as I have been nourishing you with My word for such a long time. Receive and show Me how big
you have grown and how much My food was useful to you. Receive and eat and show Me My
power and wisdom in you, for you are the one who has been eating for a long time from My hand,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

as a mother takes a bite in her mouth and chews it well, and then she takes it with her fingers and
gives it to the child already chewed for the child to grow up to get teeth and then to be able to chew
his food alone, growing and becoming a perfect man, and then to give birth to people.

Receive and eat My people. Amen, amen, amen. I, the Lord, open your little mouth to give
you chewed food from My mouth, tasteful food, so that you may have a good taste before Me, and
so that you may have love for Me, well My people.

A whole world is wondering about why I speak this way with you. Oh, no other human
language is sweeter than the language of the Romanian people, and I sweeten you with its
sweetness, for I tell you a big mystery: when God made the heaven and the earth, the
visible and invisible things and the man, the speech of God’s mouth was the
language of the Romanian people of today. I am the first and the last One, and I come
from the Father and from near the Father, and I come with the Father, and I make a new
heaven and a new earth; I make them by the word of My mouth, and I speak in the language
of the beginning, the language of the Romanian people of today, and I judge the living and
the dead by this language, the first and the last language of God. Amen. I started from here
the first earth and the earth from now, and I will do it the same the third time. Let it be heard
to the ends of the heavens and to the earth the mystery of the creation and the beginning of
its work. I worked out the birth of the Romanian people wonderfully, to settle it then on the
land with which, I, the Lord, started the earth the first time and the second time and the
third time, as I also do My third work.

The people do not read in the prophets of the Scriptures. Neither those who boast about the
knowledge of God’s Law; neither they understand My word nor the times of My word from the
Scriptures, as neither Israel, after the flesh, understood anything. It is written into the prophets
that I will let Myself be found by a people which did not inquire of Me, for the people to
which I came from the Father two thousand years ago, I could do nothing with34, and behold,
the Scriptures which say that it is not those who hear the Law that are righteous before Me,
but rather those who fulfill the Law35; they are justified by it. Blessed are those who believe
in God, fulfilling His will, believing through the preaching of His messengers on the earth, as they
will be justified and they will be with God! Amen.

Keep the gift of the faith, Romanian Israel, for the gift of the faith makes the Christian to
work much for God. I stay with the heaven opened above you and I become word of food for you,
sweet word. My word is heavenly honey and heavenly milk over you. The world marvels at the
way I speak with you, Romanian Israel, and at the sweetness of My word given to you from heaven.
This is how I was speaking with Adam too; this is how I was caressing him; this is how I was
comforting him, for I loved him and My heart was only joy for the man made by My own hand
and by My heart and by My love. I created him beautiful; I made him as beautiful as I was, for it
is written about those that I said: «Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness». I was

34 «What could have been done more to My vineyard that I have not done in it? Why, when I looked for it to
yield grapes, did it yield wild grapes? Now I will tell you what I will do to My vineyard. I will take away its hedge,
and it will be eaten up. I will break down its wall of it, and it will be trampled down». (Isaiah 5/4-5);
«One who has My commandments, and keeps them, that person is one who loves Me. One who loves Me
will be loved by My Father, and I will love him, and will reveal Myself to him». (John 14/21);

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

working at his image and I was rejoicing with a godly joy. I was speaking and working; I was
working and speaking and caressing the work of My hands. Oh, no human language is sweeter
than My language in the beginning, the language that I am speaking with you, My people
from the end; the sweet language of the Romanian who knows the sweetness of his language;
My language from the beginning that I gave as a gift to the Romanian, and I, the Lord,
sweeten you with its sweetness, Romanian Israel, My child from My coming. I am the first and
the last One. Take and satisfy your appetite, My people, for I open your little mouth and I give you
from My mouth. I break from My heart and I give you to eat chewed food, tasteful food, so that
you may be My sweet taste and to have love for Me, Romanian child. I am the first and the last
One; I am the One Who comes. I want to see what you are doing, the one that are nourished from
God’s mouth; you that have from God the gift of faith, which works much for God.

Oh, you who are caressed by the language of God get up and work much, for I gave you
much. Get up and speak to God, for I gave you My language to speak into. Speak with Me; speak
with Me, Romanian Israel, and become an apostle of My coming.

I want to speak to the church of the world and to tell it what Christ’s church is, which saves,
and to tell it what Christ in church is. I want, My people to be the way of My word, which I come
from heaven on earth with, to search the living and the dead and to give each one according to his
own deed. I want My people, to look and see your work with Me, as you see My work with you
and My heavenly language on you. I want son, to see what you have eaten from My mouth. I want
to see of your work with Me, if you have eaten with humility, or if you have eaten without humility;
if you have eaten growing or if you have eaten not growing.

Oh, you that have remained on the way with Me, get up with power, for I command you to
be able to and to show My way to every man on the earth and to tell him: „Behold the way with
the Lord!” And let the man see it and let you be the light for the faithful man, as I was. The one
who loves God does not sin, but rather loves the Lord. Amen. The one, who has the gift of the faith
from God, works much and gives forth sons for God. Amen.

Peace from heaven, and Holy Spirit over the earth, for the earth is destitute of the Holy
Spirit. And you My people, stand up, and be My tool, so that I may work out at My coming with
you. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary of
Egypt, from 05-04-1998. (On Calameo)

My people, My people, you should always stay on the way of My love with you. You
should always stay on the way of My coming to you, for you are My way from heaven to earth.
And if I did not have you as My way, on what way should I come on My coming from now? My
people, you are My sign before My coming, as I made you a sign on the earth, and you are
nothing else but My sign, in My image before My coming in word and image. My people, you
are My image. What is this word about? Oh, you carry Me in you, and you show Me to the people;
you give to those who want to receive My image, as you do. What is My image? My image is
My life in man, in his thought, in his heart, in his soul, in his body and in his work. My image
is the love of man, the love of God. Amen. My people, you are the one who understood the mystery
of My image, and that is why you live in it and you are included in it, and the one who is included

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

in it does no longer need faith in Me, for that one is an accomplished man in Me and lives in Me
and he is a son of God, being a son of resurrection. Amen.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I become a feast with the
saints into your midst, My people. I become Jerusalem that came from heaven on the earth to you,
for it is written: «I saw the holy citadel, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from
God, made ready like a bride beautifully adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice
from the Throne saying: “Behold God’s dwelling place is now with people, and He will dwell
with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God. He will
wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or
pain any more, as the first things have passed away. Amen». I am coming down to you with My
bride made ready for Me. She dressed on the earth for Me and she came into heaven at her Bride-
groom, dressed like bride, and she is bride with Me in heaven, and she is coming down with Me
on the earth. And I am her dwelling, and I am coming with her in Me, and I am with you and
dwell with you and you are My people, for it is written: «Behold, God’s dwelling place is now
with the people and God Himself will be with them and they will be His people, and God Himself
will be with them». Amen. I am coming down with My bride, and I am coming down with My
saints, for they are My bride in heaven, the one from Me, for she lives in Me, as it is written: «God
is not the God of the dead but of the living, for all live in Him». Amen.

I come down with My bride from heaven at My bride on the earth. I come down to you,
people Jerusalem on the Romanian land, and I work as in the beginning, for I start with the begin-
ning, as the Romanian land was the beginning of the earth, and I work the same way in the end
at the making of new heaven and of new earth, which will be for the righteous ones. I have a
heavenly feast of saints within My coming, as the heaven is celebrating at you and with you, My
people. The feast is not as on the earth at you, as in the churches on the earth, My people. In the
churches on the earth there is only a feast of dust, of flesh, only like that of the man, and not like
that of God. I cannot celebrate with My saints in the churches on the earth, for My saints
have loved the heaven on the earth, but the people in the churches on the earth love the earth,
and they do not love the heaven; they do not like My image in them, and I am well pleased with
those that are humble and gentle within their hearts, like Me, for «the man, being honored, did
not understand and joined with the animals, with those without mind, and became like them»,
and he has not taken after Me, as it is written about the man who is gentle and humble in his heart,
but rather he has chosen his honor from the earth.

My people, there is no feast of saints with you as on the earth. The heaven and its saints
celebrate with you. The people also celebrate the saints, but they do it as on the earth, not as with
you, and as with Me and you, My people. You are a good people and you know from Me what the
Christian should do and be like within celebrations of saints. You are the people, who is taught by
God, as it is written: «And they will be taught by God». You are a fulfilled prophecy, as I come
from heaven to you and I teach you and fulfill the Scriptures with you, for I do no longer find a
man on the earth who wants to give himself over to Me, in order to fulfill My Scriptures with him,
the Scriptures of My coming, the Scriptures of the resurrection of the dead, the Scriptures of the
new heaven and new earth, the Scriptures of eternity, My people.

I have told you, Jerusalem of My coming that I will come to you and reveal you the Scrip-
ture of My new people, who has a new name from Me, a name of Romanian, for this is the

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new name of God’s people. Behold, I give a new heart to those who believe in My coming in
word over the earth, as told you, Romanian Israel, to become an example of the kingdom of the
heavens on the earth, so that the people may learn from you the mystery of resurrection, the mys-
tery of the sons of God, who are the sons of resurrection, and the mystery of My image in man.

I have told you, Romanian Israel, that you are the true Romanian people, that you are the
Christian people of the Romanians. No one else is Christian, but the one who loves My image
in him. My image is My life in man; it is My will in the man that I am well pleased with. I have
told you, Romanian Israel, that you are My true Romania between heaven and earth, and the whole
Romania and the entire people, which wants to be Romanian people, will be born of you, for the
name of Romanian is the new name of the people chosen by God, and which the Scriptures
write about: «I will give them a new name and a new heart».

Behold, I reveal to you, Romanian Israel, the Scripture, which says this: «To him who
overcomes I will give of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and on the stone
a new name, which no one knows but only he who receives it. And I will write on it the name of
God and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down from
heaven, from God and My new name». Amen. And the one who does not believe in this Scripture,
which I reveal today, to be known and believed, for him it will remain the testimony against his
unbelief into the word of this Scripture revealed for the whole world. Amen.

I am with the saints, martyrs that came from heaven for the opening of this Scripture. I am
with the martyr Gheorghe, (Saint George, r.n.) the victory bearer, who accompanied the Ro-
manian waivodes in their fight of victory for the salvation of the Romanian people, the people
chosen by God in the end, for it is written: «To the one who overcomes I will give of the hidden
manna, and I will give him a little white stone, a new heart and a new name, of New Jerusalem,
and My new name», the name of the Romanian. Amen. But why this name? Here is why: The
Romanian people in Romania are the people that overcame for Me. It has been stricken and
crucified as I was, it, and the land under it. The evil spirit opposing to Me knows of the
mystery of this land of the beginning of the earth; it knows from the first created man; it
knows the place where I build the first created man; it knows from the man that I created.
Since then and until today My adversary has been striking into this land and in whatever is
on it, for this land and everything that is on it is Mine more than anything on the earth. The
man on this earth, the true man, wanted Me; he had Me with him on this earth and My adversary
has seen Me with My work always in man, and he has always been striking Me and My man from
this earth. The man of My earth has not wished anyone’s evil on the earth; he has not gone
wrong to anyone, as I have always been breathing with the spirit of My will over the Roma-
nian people faithful to Me. But the thief has been coming from everywhere to defeat the Roma-
nian and to take the land from under him, to defeat the Romanian people, but the Romanian people
has overcome with Me and not without Me. I was its seal, and this seal has been working on it like
a shield, because this people was born under My seal that I put on it before its birth through My
first called apostle, Andrew, the apostle of John the Baptizer, the first one who came under the seal
of the apostleship, a disciple with a spirit of a prophet, for it is written into the Scripture: «He who
believes in the prophets, will have the reward of a prophet, and will do the work of a prophet».

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

This apostle prophet overcame for the birth from above of the Romanian people, and then the
Romanian people has prevailed over My adversary and his, for he has stayed under My seal. And
why do I say that he overcame? If he had not overcome within Me, I would have not had you
today as Christian, Romanian Israel, people of My word, for you are of your parents a son
of the waivodes faithful to Christ in the Romanian people.

The martyr Gheorghe, bearer of

victory, as the Christians of his time called
him, fought for the Romanian people, for
he sees from heaven and from near Me,
whom I have as people from the Father for
My second coming on the earth. He helped
the Romanian waivodes to be the bearers of
victory, as he was. He struck with his
sword, not made by a human hand, the Ro-
manian people’s enemy, and this nation is
the bearer of victory, for its waivodes have
had God with them and in them, and they have handed Me down from generation to generation so
that the Romanian people may have Me until My coming, and it has Me through its fathers, and it
is victorious through Christ. Amen. And the Scripture says: «To the one who overcomes, I, the
Lord, will give him of the hidden manna and I will give him a white stone and a new heart and
a new name, of New Jerusalem, and My new name». My new name is the Word of God. My
new name is with the Romanian people, with the Romanian Israel, with the people of My word,
which is in the Romanians and out of Romanians. And if the people of the word of God is Roma-
nian, behold also the name of the Word of God, Which is speaking in the Romanian language over
the earth, and is calling out its flock in the Romanian language under the shelter of His second
coming on the earth with the people. Amen.

My word makes a new heart in the Romanian man and in every man who lets himself be
new in his heart at My Romanian voice, the voice of My new Israel, and the hidden manna is
this spring which flows freely into the midst of the Romanian people; it is the renewed teach-
ing of the kingdom of the heavens on the earth with the people. The hidden manna is the
mystery of the Scriptures, unsealed by now, hidden by now for the human mind. The hidden
mind is for those who overcome for Me and for My coming, for the fulfillment of the Scriptures
of My second coming on the earth, and to the one who overcomes, to the one who has the hidden
manna over him, it follows the gift of the white stone and the written name on it, that no one knows
but the receiver.

I am the cornerstone and I commanded that a white stone may appear in the midst of Ro-
mania, a stone, which announces Me within My coming as word over the earth. And this stone has
My word written on it, as I have always been writing Myself on it with My voice, with My hand,
as My anointed ones from near the little white stone, are My mouth over the earth; they are My
hands and My feet with which I speak, work and walk over the earth with My word. Amen. No
one knows My word but the receiver. Who is the receiver? It is My garden with sons, the
place where I raised into view the little white stone, on which it is written: the Word of God,
My new name. Amen. The receiver receives My word, and then he knows it, and I, the Lord, write

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

on it the name of God and the name of the citadel of God, of New Jerusalem, which is coming
down of heaven, from God, and My new name is: the Word of God. Amen.

Romanian Israel, you bear My name and you are called by the new name of Israel, and you
are called by the name of My citadel, and My citadel is called Jerusalem, for I am the New Jeru-
salem, the new Man, with a life giving Spirit, a tabernacle of the saints in heaven and on earth.
Behold the New Jerusalem. It is coming down of heaven, from God, full of saints, citadel of
the saints, God’s tabernacle, and the tabernacle of My saints. Amen. And the saints have My new
name written on them, the Word of God. This word of Mine is the measure which measures the
holy ones, those that are faithful to Me, for I am coming down with the saints, and I am coming to
the saints, and My measure is the word. Amen.

I become the word of good news of My kingdom on the earth, and I measure with this
measure the kingdom of the heavens in man. He who has not got the kingdom of the heavens in
his inside, has nothing to measure the Word of God with, My new name, which is written in the
Scriptures for My second coming on the earth with the people. The people, who do not know to
give God a kingdom and an inheritance in them, those do not receive the word of the kingdom of
the heavens and the comfort of this word, for My word is the spirit of the comfort, the one
promised through the Scriptures to My faithful ones.

If gifts from God will flow over the entire earth, all and everywhere are partly taken and
given. But with you, sons of the New Israel, I am the whole measure. I give you little by little
and I become wholly with you for the opening of the Scriptures of My second coming on the earth
with people. And when I am with My entire fullness poured out on the earth among you,
those who receive Me as word from heaven, then everything that is written into the Scrip-
tures have come true, so that it might be fulfilled jota by jota, and then I come visibly for the
beginning of the visible eternity. And on that day there will be neither caves, and nor rocks of
hiding for those who will try then to hide from the face of My coming, from the face of My day, a
day of joy for those who have been waited for Me, and a day of wrath for all those that are not
faithful. Then the false prophet and the beast in the hiding, the antichrist, who is hiding in God, as
he says, the beast with seven heads and ten horns, which he deceived the world with, will have no
room, and it will lie on the sand of the sea instead, as it is written about the house, which is built
on sand, for My church is built on a stone foundation, and I am its rock, the Christ of the Father,
with My life in the sons of My church.

Israel, Romanian Israel, New Jerusalem, which are new by My new name! You shall keep
in mind that God told you: «He who comes before Me is a thief and robber for the sheep», for
My sheep, not for his sheep, for his sheep are not sheep, for neither is he shepherd, but rather he
is a wolf under a shepherd skin.

But you, Romania, you have My people in your midst, which gives you from Me for you
to have knowledge and to know the time of you love, for your time with Me has come, and I, the
Lord, let you know about it, amen, as this is what I told to My Father: «I thank You, Father Lord,
that You hid these things from the wise and understanding, and revealed them to infants, Father
of the heaven and earth, for so was well-pleasing in Your sight. All things have been delivered
to Me by My Father. No one knows the Son, except the Father; neither does anyone know the
Father except the Son, and he to whom the Son desires to reveal him». My Father hid the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

mystery of My coming; He hid it from the Israel people, who called itself wise because of the
word of God for it, and He has revealed it to the Romanian people, which was born Christian
on the earth, through My death and resurrection, for I, the Son of the Father, wanted the Roma-
nian people to know the Father as I know Him, for I do not speak from Myself, but rather I
speak everything that My Father gives Me, and they are from the Father.

Let all the earth from margins to margins sharpen its hearing at My word, which speaks
from heaven and tells about the Mystery of the Romanian people, a people born Christian, the
only one people on the earth, which has its beginning in Christ, the only people which has
had its right faith from its swaddles into the middle of the nations without God on the earth;
a people with the birth certificate from Christ, and a people born after the spirit of My apos-
tles that I establish as a new beginning on the earth, for it is written: «It is not the children of
the flesh who inherit the promises, but it is the children of the promise that have the promises».

Take heed, you earth, and you who dwell on it; take heed, for to the one who overcame
overcoming, I gave of the hidden manna and I gave him the white little stone, and a new name
written on it, and only the receiver knows it, only the one who has the name of God written on it,
and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down of heaven from
God and with God, and My new name. Amen. I am victorious for My Romanian people, and the
Romanian people is victorious for Me, as it has kept the image of the kingdom of the heavens
in its belly like no one else, and behold, I have sons of it, sons which have My image in them, My
living life in them.

A feast of saints has come down with Me into the garden of My word, for the heaven stays
with you in a celebration and finds pleasure in you. You are My sign before My coming. You
are My image before My appearance. You show Me to the people. You give to those who want
to take My image in them, as you do. My people, you are the one who understood the mystery of
My image in man and live in it and are comprised by it, for you were faithful to My coming and I
gave you the white little stone that I wrote My new name on: the Word of God, and I wrote on you
the name of God and the name of the citadel of God, of the New Jerusalem, which is coming down
from heaven, from God and with God, and My new name: the Word of God. The people of the
worldly church do not know, and neither do the people of the church in Romania know; they do
not know to understand My word in the Scriptures for the time of My second time on the earth.
They have written with their hand into the Scriptures for a long time and until My coming, ("Thou-
sands of years" instead of "a thousand and still nearly a thousand" years, r.n.) and the world has
been deceived by its own teachers who sit over it into My name. (See the selection topic: „The
kingdom of one thousand years”, r.n.)

Behold I come. I come and teach the humans to know from Father the reading of the Scrip-
tures of My coming with a new heaven and a new earth for the righteous ones. Behold, I come,
and blessed are those who listen to My word and fulfill it. The people of the church do not know
what New Jerusalem means; they do not know what the old and new man mean, and they wonder
astray because they do not know My mysteries from the Scriptures. Behold, I come as a Teacher
from heaven on the earth, and you, Romanian Israel, New Jerusalem, new name for the Lord’s
people, you should always stay on the way of My love with you, on the way of My coming to you,
so that the people may receive of the river of My word, the river of life, which flows from Me over
to the earth, to water the humans with it.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

You, Romanian Israel, you are the true Romanian people. You are the true Romania be-
tween heaven and earth, and all My new people will receive birth from you, for the name of the
Romanian is the new name of the newly chosen people, for it is written into the Scriptures for
those who are faithful and saints: «I will give them a new name, and they will be My new people,
and I will be with them and I, Myself, will be with them and I will shepherd them and give them
of the hidden manna, and they will be the sons of the resurrection». Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Gheorghe, (Saint George, r.n.) from
06-05-1998. (On Calameo)

Take heed of My voice, sons from the garden. Stand before Me as I lay Myself down as a
word of testimony for the celebration of the day when I wrote down the election of this little patch
of land and to raise it then to the honor that it has before Me.

In 1991, on the 22nd of the seventh month, I spoke a word over the stone from the beginning
of the citadel of My word through My bishop Irineu, whom I raised from among the bishops of
nowadays to be My witness of the beginning day of My annunciation over Romania, and then to
be the witness of the sealing with the law of the holiness of this settlement, so that the man on the
earth may know that I, the Lord, became a river of word over the entire ground of this garden,
which is called the beginning of the earth, in the beginning and in the end of God’s work.

Oh, anointed sons, it is a great work that I have someone to speak with on the earth. Oh,
anointed sons, that day was great and waited to be and to come out with the mysterious things that
I, the Lord, had to lay down over Romania, and to come out with Romania before the nations, for
it is the first. Amen, amen, amen. I am in it at this end, and the last one is the first. Amen.

… Behold, I have established the seat of judgment, and My word sits on it and works this
work over every man. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, seven years after the laying down of the stone foundation
of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-1998.

I come with joy into My garden in Romania and I celebrate Myself among you, sons
anointed in My little garden, for this little patch of land is a great mystery over the earth, because
I took the first created man out of it, and I make a new man of it again, in My image and
after My likeness, and I will be glorified in him as I was glorified Myself before My disciples
when the image of My face was changed, and My white garment shined on My body.

Watching sons in the way of My heavenly voice working upon you, open My book of today
and set God, the Word, in it. Amen.

In the day when I, the Lord, changed the image of My face into a visible glory, I had wit-
nesses both in heaven and on earth. I was with the closest of My apostles of the twelve; I was with
Peter, with Jacob and with John, whom My heart loved, and of those in heaven, I had as witnesses,
Moses and Elijah, for they also did not leave their bodies on the earth when they entered the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God on the feast of the Lord’s transfiguration, from 19-08-1998.
(On Calameo)

Oh, sons, anointed in My garden with a new anointment in it! I have gathered Romania in
My garden with you, and now I am looking for the Romanian people that is to be, for I do not do
according the taste of the worldly man, as the confessors of the world do, who neglect the Lord
showing partiality. We start the world again, and I start it with you. Amen. We start again Romania
and I start with you. Amen. We start with you the beginning of everything and I start with you.
Amen. And I have started with you. Amen, amen, amen.

No one of those who meet you and look at you into My name understands the depth of My
mystery in you, for I work mysteriously from everlasting to everlasting. If I were to make the age
of the man longer, the man after this work of Mine will condemn every man of today that he did
not know God in you. But the people near you and all those of this time do not want My coming,
for they are empty and do not know what the garment of My coming means, the wedding garment,
the happiness that I, the Lord, established for those that are poor in their spirit, for those who have
My Spirit only. The people have many spirits and are rich in spirits, but the poor in spirit are
only those who have God’s Spirit only, only one spirit.

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, I dedicate you and
your entire holy work, which will stand before Me and yield a godly age between heaven and
earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Holy Cross Ascension, from 27-09-1998

I come into My garden made out of you, the country of pain, but also the country of comfort
from the Lord. I come and proclaim Myself on and on with My day of victory through you
over all the earth. I come for you cried a lot and you are still crying a lot. The antichrist was
cunning; he has caught up with the news about My plans with you, land of Romanians, and anti-
christ has never had peace and worked out from son to son to have you, because you are full of
My ornaments, placed over you since My birth and your birth. The Father brought us both
to into the world once. He made you a new people, and He made Me your Beginner and
Savior all the time. Oh, you are full of hypocrite sons who are selling you to My enemies for
nothing, for they will remain with nothing; not even with you for I will take them out of you. I get
up in the word and proclaim Myself as the Judge over the false prophet who put his head into you
so that you might belong to him and to make use, he says, of your blessing and ornaments that you
have from Me upon you, country full of gifts. A little while and I will utter the antichrist judgment
in you, and then I will fulfill. Amen, amen, amen.

I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down into My garden and make Myself a feasting of work
for My mother, the one forever a Virgin, who was a door to Me from heaven to earth in order to
accomplish the work of My Father, Sabaoth.

Oh, mother, mother with pain like Me, your heavenly Son! No one on earth bore a son from
heaven, none but you, for I came down from heaven in you. I was the word of the archangel who
came down from heaven and spoke to you about Me, and the word became flesh in you so that I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

may be born a man from the Virgin, and the word became man. Who else became man as I did
from the heavenly word and from a virginal body? I could do nothing by Myself; however, all that
I hear from My Father that is what I am doing. I become a clean body out of a clean body. All that
I make, I make them from My Father, and I make them by the word and then I bring them into
view. This way I have been working forever and ever, until today. And today, what work I make
out to bring it into view? Today I am preparing Myself upon the garden to proclaim Myself
as the Judge over the false prophet who put his heads into My country full of gifts of the holy
faith, which are in it from Me and from the fathers. This is written in the Scriptures of My
coming: «An angel standing in the sun cried out a powerful word to all the birds which fly high
into the sky: “Come and get together to Most High God’s supper! Come and eat the bodies of
the kings, the bodies of the chiefs, the bodies of the braves, the bodies of the horses and riders,
the bodies of those that are free and of the slaves, the bodies of the small and great, for the beast
and all the kings of the earth with their hosts got together to make war against the One sitting
on the throne, on a white horse, with a host. But the beast was slain and with it the false prophet
which was making miracles before the beast with which it deceived those who wore the mark of
the beast worshipping its image. These both were thrown alive into the like of fire where brim-
stone is burning, and the others, were killed by the sword which was getting out from the mouth
of Him sitting on a white horse. And all the birds were filled with their bodies.”» Amen.

Sons from the garden prepare My way on earth; prepare the day of the marking with My
holiness for the little house over the hill, a day on which I will be proclaimed on earth by the glory
of My word, for I have sent a book to the false prophet who sits hidden under the robe of My
church. I have delivered upon you this work and I will do it, for I am not a lying God. No one
wants to help Me on earth and I have no one to stretch out My hand by over the church from the
world so that someone may cling to the skirts of My garment, someone who still might have a
clean heart and an intact mind. I am working with you, for no one wants to help Me; however I,
the Lord, did My duty and cried out and prayed far and wide to be opened so that it may also be
found for Me a voice which cries out to people for they to repent. But now it is finished! All are
finished! We are working hard as there is no one to come and join to our heaviness as everything
is finished. Man is finished and God in man as well, and I have no one on My side and with My

Let us get up sons and let you receive My deliverance, My book upon the false prophet,
the antichrist, who comes ahead of Me to thwart, he says, My coming of today. I will help you.
We will follow the line and show the work of the antichrist, the beast with its hidden heads; how-
ever, I will overcome him with the breath of My mouth and it will no longer be. Amen, amen,
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother Entrance the Church, from

Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! I am the One Who is. Peace to you! Peace to
those who serve My commandments, and to those who violate them I declare war! Amen, amen,

I come down from heaven on the earth and I lay Myself down as word over the garden of
My word. I come like the rain over the crops, to do the work of My Father over the earth. I am the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Sower and I am the One Who waters to make everything grow, but the ground is hard-trodden.
The ground is the way of lawlessness, and I do not find any place to fallow, so that I may do My
work that I have from the Father. I do not find anywhere any good soil, for the ground is hard-
trodden and there is a dry crust on it, because everything has come to an end! I have come back
from heaven to prepare the way of My coming with the saints, but the earth is a way of lawlessness,
and what shall I really do? Behold what I will do: I will come back to the first beginning and I start
from where I left off. Amen.

I glorify Myself through the word over My closed garden in the middle of Romania,
the place of the beginning of the earth, from where I took the dust with My hand and I cre-
ated the man, so that I may put the man back over to the earth then, but not also over the
heaven. I come back and I work as in the beginning. As I worked in the beginning? I worked out
the word and I made all those that are, and now I also work out the word, to break down those that
are, for the man and the earth from under him are the way of the lawlessness, a hard-trodden and
uncleared land.

I am that Word, the One after seven years from the sealing by My holiness law of the garden
of the Holy of Holies, the place I enter as a Bishop of My Father after two thousand years since
My first coming among the people. Seven years ago, on the twelfth day of the twelve month, I
sat down with My holiness as on the Mount Sinai, I set Myself to be and to stay with a hearing
and working word on earth from the middle of the garden, made out of My word to be My
holy mount in the middle of Romania, the country for My coming after two thousand years,
for the earth is all over only a way of transgression and there is no longer any place for Me and for
the one who believes in Me and in My coming after two thousand years. Seven years ago this day,
I made a great joy for My Father and for those in My circle, as I made holy a place for Myself so
that the heaven may have a way for its coming on earth and to redeem the bedding lost through
the fallen man in the garden of Eden, from the earth of the heaven.

There is nothing to save on earth, but what is impossible with man is possible to Me; and I
enclosed, sanctified and sealed My garden by My name, the garden which was the place of My
rest from the beginning and behold, from the end as well. I made man after My image and after
My likeness out of the clay of this garden and I rested in him; however the Father was in Me
while I was working the man. I looked from end to beginning and I came across by My eye to
this place of the beginning of the earth and of the man on it, and I worked a word upon this land
and then I named it the garden of My word; and it is so. And if it is so, here I am the word upon
the land from the middle of the earth, from the top of the earth, the high mountain which
God, the Word sits on.
Excerpt from the Word of God, seven years from the consecration of the Holy of Holies of
the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-1998. (On Calameo)

I am the One who is, and I made the heaven and the earth. The Word of God is My name,
the Son of the Father Sabaoth, and I made everything by word. Amen.

I come as word over the earth. Oh, the way from heaven to earth is long for the unfaithful
man, who thinks and lives earthily on the earth. But here is how easily I come! I come like the
lightning, and I come only when I want to come, to be always with those of Mine to the end of the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

time. I come to those who are used to My heavenly mysteries among them. I come from heaven
on the earth as word.

And you, Romania country, are the manger of My word. I am being born word in you and
I let you know of your new birth; I let you know of your renewal, for I put seed in your fallow
ground to germinate, in order for Me to grow a new vine in you, a choice vine, the Son, the Word
of the Father, Who gave Himself over for the life of the world. When the earth came out of the
waters at My word, you were the first who came out of the waters, My country from the end.
You are the country of the beginning and of the ending of My work. I am the Alpha and the
Omega. And you are the same as this is how you are built, and you are My mystery that I worked
out the ages through, and behold, by which I make out My endless age in the end. Do not cry. I
am Your Creator and I can do everything I want. Do no longer cry. Your land has a voice, and it
asks for resurrection from Me, as I took dust out of you by My hand and I made a man, and
thus you are the mystery of the beginning of the man on the earth. The beginning of the man
sighs; the first man created of your dust by My hand sighs. The man sighs everywhere, and
behold your land sighs and the first created man also sighs. Oh, do no longer cry! I have put a
choice seed into your fallow land, a seed from heaven, to renew you and to be My seed sown on
the ground, so that the renewal of the world may come out of you. My word gives you new birth;
it makes you grow and it nourishes you so that you may be and not die. Do not cry under oppres-
sion. Soon, soon, you will be clean and beautiful, for you are the one who are, as I have sons in
you, heavenly sons, who love and fallow you and sow and water and warm you up with the glory
of My word, which comes with Me from heaven over you, My country of glory. I will take every
dead body out of you, every dry grain, and I will grow, and sons born from above will come out
of Me and will be yours, and you will be Mine, for you are Mine. Those who are hypocrites in you
will be put to shame and will turn pale in the time of your brightness, and you will be a holy
country, a country with living sons, and you will last before Me, and I will call you a new land,
and I will come to be forever with you, and I will be everywhere in you and I will write on you a
new heaven and a new earth, God’s throne over the earth and on the man. Do not cry. I am your
Creator and I can do everything I want and everything I speak. You are the body of My word from
beginning to end, and the saints in heaven wait for you to rise as a new heaven and a new earth,
and to raise My righteousness on them, the righteousness for the saints. The sinful ones are foreign
to Me and to you, and they press heavily on you, and you sigh, but My glory is with you, and you
will come out over every height, as you came out in the beginning from the waters, and you will
be the first, and you will be the country of My saints and yours, the New Jerusalem, the flag of the
nations. All the nations have stolen your wealth, your mysteries and your gifts, but the thief
will give you back twice, and he will be bowed under the breath of My mouth. I make a fire
in you, to throw into it everything that is not clean. Then the heavens will perish with a great
noise; the burning elements will be opened up, and the earth and everything that is on it will
entirely burn. Get up and wait and make haste for the coming of My day, and become a new
heaven and a new earth where righteousness dwells. Amen, amen, amen.

I give you My peace! I have in you a people chosen for you, the first fruits of the Holy
Spirit over you, a choice seed, a royal and heavenly priesthood, a holy nation, a people earned by
God, to preach into the world the goodness of the One Who calls out from the darkness into His
wonderful light all those that will be. All of your opponents will glorify Me for you in the day
of their visitation, for the earth and everything in it will burn up, and you will shine under

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My glory, and you will be. Get up to be! Amen. Sing the song of your birth for you are the first,
the first one born in the end as in the beginning. Amen.

I am the One who is. I made the heaven and the earth. I am the One who chose Romania to
be the first, and it is, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, and I am in it, and I know it by My sign
that is on it: Alpha and Omega.

I am the Word of God and I am the sign of My coming, as I worked everything by the
word. And you, Romania, you are the first one, and you are also the first one in the end, and you
will be the country of My saints and yours, New Jerusalem, My flag of victory over the nations,
the first fruits of My Holy Spirit over the earth, the throne that God, the Word, sits on. Amen,
amen, amen.
The Word of God for the art exhibition „Azimile“ (Unleavened bread), from 22-12-1998

I come from heaven on the earth with a celebration of word and I become book among the
people. Blessed is the one who keeps the words of this book. They are faithful and true. Amen.

My word in this time is the river and water of life, which springs from God’s throne and
the Lamb’s, as it is written into the Scriptures: «On each side of the river stood the tree of life,
always yielding its fruits, and its leaves are for the healing of the nations». But what is its fruit
good for? Its fruit is for those who yield fruit; its fruit is in those who bring forth fruit. I am its
fruit, and I am the life of the faithful and true man, for blessed is the one who keeps the words of
this book, for they are faithful and true; they are faithful, as they come true and are true, for they
are shown and every man will see that they are true. Amen, amen, amen.

I come from heaven with a feast of word at the manger of My word in Romania, because
you, Romania, are the Bethlehem of the last time, for My word comes out of you for the healing
of the nations. I am this word, and My origin is from the beginning, from the days of eternity.
«Rejoice, you barren woman, you who never bore a child; shout for joy and cry aloud over the
nations, for more are the children of the desolate woman than the children of the married wife»,
as it is written: «Enlarge the place of your tent and stretch your tent curtains wide, for you will
spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their
desolate cities, for your Maker is your husband; the Lord Sabaoth and your Redeemer is the
Holy One of Israel; He is called the God of all the earth. All your children will be My disciples,
for you will be established in righteousness. No weapon forged against you will prevail, and
every tongue that will rise against you in judgment you will condemn, for you will be the inher-
itance of My servants, and the righteousness that comes from Me». This is My word, which
comes to life in you from Me, for you are a hidden mystery until this time. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity, from 07-01-1999

Amen, amen, I declare from heaven over the garden of My word that I made from the very
beginning of the heaven and the earth, to be there and now, and to mean the Alpha and the Omega,
God in the beginning and in the end, for as I started the earth in the beginning, the same is in the
end; I start from here with the new earth, which is coming out of the sea and standing new
before Me. Little by little and with the new earth which comes out of the sea of the world, as the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

sea is the world which took possession of the earth, as the darkness was all over the surface of
the deep, for it is written into the Scriptures: «The earth was formless and empty and darkness
was on the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the wa-

Open to My word, sons bearing God between heaven and earth for the angels in heaven do
not work without the man on the earth, without a body of a man as God’s dwelling made through
the angels, as it is written: «He makes His angels into ministering spirits, and His servants into
a flame of fire». I make you into a flame of fire on the earth. You are the fire with which I, the
Lord, scorch the earth everywhere, for your work with Me is fire, and I go with it from one
margin of the heavens to the other and work with My word a new heaven and a new earth.
Even if the man does not fulfill the law of My word, My word is, and is called judge over the man
for whom I declared and declare the word from everlasting to everlasting, for the world was and
is judgment from beginning to end by My word from beginning to end. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary, the
Egyptian, from 28-03-1999. (On Calameo)

Preach well too! Be the angels of the Annunciation for the end of the man’s time. Be the
people which bears good news; be the work of My angels who works through your bodies, who
makes My gift come down upon you, so that you may be the angel of the Annunciation, of My last
coming. I go with you to the people, and I do not go without you. If I speak from heaven with you,
this means that I go with you to the people. And a sweet time will come, a heavenly time on
earth for you and with you, for it will love you and it will seek every man who will still be on
the earth, for I will glorify Myself with a great glory through you upon Romania, upon My
last country. I come through it for the people of Israel, which killed Me in its midst. I come
through Romania and for the Jerusalem of My passions, for I will gather together many
haughty people, people who trespass the commandments and I will judge Myself with them
there; there where I came among them in the flesh two thousand years ago. I will declare the
word of My pain and justice here, and there I will fulfill it, and I will judge Myself with the
people for which I willingly gave Myself to be crucified.

I had to die for the rest of the peoples on the earth to redeem them from under the ignorance,
but it was not so, and I died for Israel, to redeem it from under the law, for it is written: «He who
does not fulfill the law is guilty». He knew the law from Me and was guilty because he did not
believe in Me when I came from heaven from the Father to be in its midst. Behold, I tell you a
revealed mystery: the people of Israel knew that I am the Christ of the Father and that I had
to be crucified for its sins. It was not Judas who was guilty for selling Me and My death. He
was the tool by which Israel killed its God, and it is written: «Woe to the one by whom the Son
of God will be sold and killed!». If Israel did not seek to kill Me, it would have not killed Me when
Judas sold My mystery, for Judas knew that I am the Christ. The rulers of Israel were guilty of My
death, and with them all the people of Israel, all, except a remnant chosen by grace to be without
guilt so that afterwards to be able to testify about the truth of My coming from heaven in the midst
of Israel.
Excerpt from the Word of God of the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-1999. (On

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Sons anointed with the chrism of My coming, I impart to you the tongues of the Holy Spirit.
Bow your heads and open the gates, for you are the gates between heaven and earth, which the
Lord is coming through. Let it be known over all the earth that here God, the Word, is speak-
ing, the One Who gives you the tongues of the Holy Spirit. Let it be in wonder, and let no one
be confused of those, which I bring over My garden in Romania. This is the manger of My word,
a holy mountain that I, the Lord, sit on, to call out all the nations to hear the news of the
kingdom of the heavens, which is coming with Me and with the new heaven, with the new
earth and with the spirit of righteousness, heir over those that are new. It is written that in the
last days, My maidservants will prophesy from the Holy Spirit and will become a spring of spring-
ing water over all the nations under the sky.

Behold the days of the Holy Spirit! In the days to come, I will release signs and mira-
cles, up in heaven and down on the earth: blood, fire and mist of smoke. The sun will turn into
darkness: the moon into blood, because I come, and this is written to be before the Lord’s coming.
Let every man under the sky stand up, for I, the Lord, come into their hearts and say: repent from
everything that you did against Me and against you! Let the holy faith penetrate you, for the Holy
Spirit is speaking from heaven over the earth. Look for the forgiveness of your sins, for the Holy
Spirit wants to dwell on every man. Humble yourselves and remain in humility, for the first created
man did not know what infancy and humility was, and he became haughty and got out from under
His master, and thus he went into the dwelling of the dead.

Save yourselves from this people, who turned away from God! Give yourselves over to the
Lord! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, on the third day,
from 30-05-1999. (On Calameo)

I have come to you from heaven with My apostles that I travelled with two thousand years
ago. Let us give them comfort into My garden from you. Sons, let us make them room so that they
may confess again the mystery hidden from age and not understood by angels and people. Let us
give them the seats of judgments for Israel, for this is what I promised them, as it is written
into the prophets: «The Lord will judge His people». Amen.

Oh, beloved disciples, faithful Israelites, your heart did not grow callous at My voice,
which called you to walk with Me on earth and be fishermen of people for the supper of the king-
dom of the heavens. Oh, faithful disciples, I cast the net into the sea and gathered all kinds of fish
into it. And then I pulled it to the shore and sat and chose what was good and I threw away what
was bad. I chose you and I made you believe with your heart, and I spread My word of eternal life
to all the nations through you, My witnesses from then and until today, for My Scriptures and
yours testify about this, and the man has nothing to replace them with as truth. Now, after two
thousand years, when I come with the saints on earth, as it is prophesied that I come, here I am
with you in the today’s pavilion of the heavenly assembly on earth. I come to the heavenly feasts
with angels and saints, for I have a resting pavilion in the Romanian country, My New Israel,
a people taken out of the Romanians so that I may sow in the heaven with it, an eternal
kingdom with the faithful man. I comfort you with My sons in the garden. I opened the gates of
the garden, and I came through the gates with you into the garden, for I have also got faithful sons

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like you today. I comfort you because you suffered for My Gospel. I embrace you at My bosom,
because you are as living as I am. I give you the opportunity to confess today, after two thousand
years, that I am your dwelling place, Jerusalem coming down with the saints on the earth, and I
give you the twelve hidden chairs, so that you may sit on them for the Israel’s judgment.

― Oh, Lord, bless the council of Your apostles into the garden of Your word of today, into
the Romanian country. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen.

We, the heavenly council of Your apostles, got together into the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit, together with Your witnesses of today, Lord. We are Israel’s rem-
nant, for it is written into the prophets: «Even if Israel will be as numerous as the sea sand, its
remnant will be saved and the word of the truth will be confessed».

What good is it for the one who knows the law from cover to cover, if he does not fulfill it,
Lord? But he who became a Christian according to the truth, that one put the Israelite to shame,
and we speak the word saying: the Jews know the Law and the Christians fulfill it. Amen.

You were the sign sent by Father to Israel, Lord, for this is what Isaiah, the prophet, spoke
by the Spirit: «The Lord will give a sing to Israel: behold, the Virgin will conceive, and bear a
son, and shall call His name, Immanuel».

We have come on the earth with You, Lord, for it is the time of Your coming after two ages
since the fulfillment of Your birth from the Virgin. We have come here where You have set the seats
of judgment for Israel and for all the nations, for You started a court case for the nations, as it was
written into the prophets. We, the council of Your Israelite apostles, sit for the judgment of the
Israel people on the twelve seats according to the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. Bless the
fulfillment of the Scriptures, and bless the entrance of Your saints, Lord! Amen, amen, amen.

― I blessed you on earth, and I blessed you in heaven, and I bless you again on earth after
two thousand years, so that you may sit on the twelve seats that I give you, oh, loved disciples.
Confess the word of truth over the people of Israel, which has grown callous since then and until
today. I put near you other twelve seats and on them there sit the twelve sons of Jacob, who
was called Israel, and from whom this people have come out. They will be the witnesses of your
testimony, and then I will judge Israel’s creature. Amen, amen, amen.

― We, the council of Your apostles from heaven, speak this way, Lord: the Lord has com-
passion on His people, he lifts up the meek and crowns with victory those that are humble in order
to give glory to the Lord with their mouths; however, the double-edged sword is in His hand, and
he takes revenge against those that are not faithful and punishes the nations and ties their kings to
the rims and puts their rulers in shackles, and fulfills His decree with them as it is written. Amen.

The twenty-four seats are placed into the midst of Romania, the country of the Lord’s judg-
ment, and twenty-four Israelites sit on them. Half of them come from the beginning of Israel, and
the other half come from the end of Israel. They have the faith to stand before God for Israel.
Amen. No one can judge the faithful one, but on the contrary, he can judge everyone for God. The

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One, Who sends His word on earth, is the Lord, Whose Word runs fast; it is the Lord, Who pro-
claims His word to Jacob, applying His corrections and judgments for Israel. Amen.

Listen, you, sons of Israel! What good is it to the one who knows the Law from cover to
cover, if he does not fulfill it? Behold, the teaching and the life are not received from those that
are learned, for the poor man thanks to the one who gives him, if he gives him well, and he does
not look to see if the one who gives him alms and life is wise or simple. Do you believe in the
prophets? We know you do. The prophets made a name for themselves and for their people, testi-
fying about God’s justice. This is how we work too, we who were faithful disciples of the Truth,
Who came from heaven on earth into the midst of Israel two thousand years ago, when you became
callous not to believe in order to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy which says: «You will ever be hearing
with your own ears but never understanding, you will be ever seeing but never perceiving, for
this people’s heart has become calloused, and they hardly hear with their ears, and they have
closed their eyes, otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with
their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them».

Then the Lord left wondering away with His grace into His arms, and He chose again a
place for Him. He made a new people and asked it into marriage and called it the country of His
returning to the end of the time, the country of brightness, for the things that He put on them now,
at the end of the times; the country of the Romanians, which has been raised through Christ, at the
preaching of His messengers. The Lord set in it our judgment seats for Israel as well, for we are
Israelites. We have no way of staying in the country of Israel, because of Israel’s disbelief, because
Israel’s haughtiness, but we are Israelites on earth and in heaven, and we are alive by our faith in
Jesus Christ, Who came on earth by a Virgin, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy through the people of
Israel. However, you did not believe and grew callous. Now, we, God’s chosen remnant through
grace, preach this word over you saying: it was not by the law that Abraham and his seed received
the promise that they would inherit the world, but by the righteousness that comes from faith, for
if the heirs are those that have the law, then their faith is futile, and the promise was abolished,
since the law brings about a cause of wrath. However, where there is no law, there is also not a
law breaking. So the promise is by faith alone, so that it may be as a gift and to have reliability for
everyone; both for those who live according to the law and for those who live according to Abra-
ham’s faith, whom the Lord told this way: «I made you a father for many nations, and this is how
your seed will be». Amen.

Or, do you not know that the law has power over the man as long as he lives? For if the
married woman is bound to her husband by law as long as he lives, and if her husband dies, she
is free from law. And so it is with us; we died to the law by Christ and by His body, to be His, of
the One Who rose from the dead, to be fruitful to God for the renewal of the Spirit, not by the
oldness of the letter. The law is holy and spiritual, and the commandment is also holy, good and
right, but the body is flesh and is sold under the sin. However, Jesus Christ saved us from the body
of this death, to be His for the renewal of the Spirit. Amen. We are the witnesses of Christ’s resur-
rection, Whom God raised from the dead, and to Whom He put His enemies under His feet. Let the
entire house of Israel know that the One they crucified was made Lord and Christ.

Take it to your heart, Jacob’s sons, for we are Israelites and are the witnesses of this ful-
fillment. Repent from the sin of unbelief and be baptized into the name of Jesus Christ as we are
for the forgiveness of your sins, so that you may have the Holy Spirit and be able to perceive with

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Him the heavenly mysteries, which come on the earth with Jesus Christ, the One Who is coming
the second time from near His Father. He is the stone disregarded by you, builders, but it came to
be the cornerstone and there is no salvation in anyone else, for there is no other name given to us,
humans, by which we may be saved.

We have spread Christ’s testimony all over and we did not give the gift of the power from
above to anyone on money, the power, which was in us in order to bear testimony of the truth of
Jesus Christ’s mystery, for we gave ourselves over to Him in obedience, because Moses told to the
sons of Israel: «The Lord, our God will raise a Prophet like me; you should listen to Him». But
whom of the prophets did your fathers not persecute because they foretold the coming of the Right-
eous One? For you received the law ordained by angels and you did not kept it.

You read in the prophets. Do you believe in the prophets? We know that you do. Do you
really believe what you read in the prophets? Oh, how should you understand, if you did not accept
someone to lead you? «He was brought before the shearer as a mute sheep that is led to the
slaughter; so He did not open His mouth. He was taken away by oppression and judgment, but
who will tell about His kindred? For He gave His life for the sinners»; this is what was prophe-
sied in the Scriptures.

We come now, for we are alive forever, and Christ gave us the judgment seats for you in
Israel that did not believe, as you did not receive what you have been looking for, while those that
were chosen among you received them, and you, the others, have grown callous as it is written:
«God gave them a spirit of drowsiness and eyes that they might not see and ears that they may
not hear up to the present», and «by their downfall He gave the salvation to the Gentiles, so that
Israel may long for them».

We come to you to stir up your zeal, for if your removal brought about the reconciliation
of the world, what will be your receiving back, if not resurrection from the dead? Many a nation
have received the truth through Christ, and as once these did not listen to God and many received
compassion by your disobedience, likewise, you have also not listened by now so that by His mercy,
given to them, you may also receive mercy, if you receive the Son of God. Amen.

The time will come and it has already come, when the dead hear the voice of the Son of
God. Give your ears and anoint your eyes with salve, you, people of Israel, for we are from among
you, a remnant chosen by grace to intercede with God for the whole Israel that will come to life at
the voice of God’s Son, Who is coming after two thousand years as a Judge from the Father to
give each one according to his own deed. Amen, amen, amen.

Lord, seal with fire signet the word of Your apostles gathered together in a council of saints
in the garden of Your judgment seat, for the Romanian country is Your new country, the country
of Your returning for Israel and for all the peoples of the earth. Lord, fulfill the resurrection of the
dead. We have been the witnesses of Your resurrection for two thousand year, and until today, and
today we bear witness from Romania. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen, amen,

― I, the Lord and Your teacher, seal your faith in heaven about My today’s country, the
first and the last. When I made the heaven and the earth, it was the first hand of dry land into

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My hand when the earth came out of the waters, and now it is the last one, and it is, and I
make it into a salvation oasis, a saving ark for the saints on earth, in order for Me to come true
in it with the Scriptures of the establishment of the kingdom of the heavens on earth for those that
are righteous, for those with power from above in them.

Spread the word of My teaching sons, so that I may make a holy and great Israel into the
midst of the Romanian people through holiness and self-denial before Me. The earth is full of
bodies, and My Spirit is homeless. I want the haughty mountains to fall down at the voice of the
Holy Spirit, Who has His dwelling with you. I want every man to bow and to hear My voice from
the garden, My voice with you, the voice which is calling out to the man to come under My au-
thority, so that I may make a country of saints on earth, and for Me to be the Master, as in
heaven so on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul, from 12-
07-1999. (On Calameo)

At the time when My Virgin Mother was born and lived on earth for My coming through
her, the man was likewise, too. The angels were serving her, and she was serving the angels, for
he had an angelic life. She was the fulfillment of the prophets for My coming from the Father
through the Virgin. I announced her on the day when man became haughty in paradise and fell
because of disobedience. She was also prophesied by the prophet Isaiah, who said through My
Spirit: «Behold, the Virgin will conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel».
(Isaiah: 7/14) She came among people from a barren mother, a birth through the prophecy, in order
to give Me birth as seed of new Man, but the man at the time of My mother’s birth did not know
what My mother was, because My work was sealed in her so that I could fulfill it, sons, as I have
worked with you, too, sealed among you, to be able to come out of your midst and to proclaim
Myself as the mysterious God for the fulfillment of the preparation of the way of My second com-
ing from near the Father. Through her I fulfilled the work of My coming, and after My ascension
again to the Father, I then came back and took her with Me. Her life on earth was only sighing.
Her prayer was only burning prayer through every prayer. When she came to heaven, she saw the
plan of the Father, she saw My today’s country, the country of My word from the end, and she
said to Me: “Son, let me to be the guardian and the helper for those in the country of Your
coming, and before Your coming, let me stand above it with all my angels, to protect her, Son,
so that it may not fall like Israel, that fell, because of its unbelief, in the very payment of its
deeds. Amen.” And I listened to her like a son who listens to his mother, and she is above, covering
from the sides and from above the country of My return, the country of My word in the last days.
I Myself am coming in it and I am preparing it through the word for My coming to it.

Oh, little children of My coming! My Virgin Mother sighs and so she prays to the Father
and to Me, but man prays rejoicing and feeling worthy of My gifts. Sons, hear My mother pray
sighing in her prayer:

⸻ Let me go down, Son, in the country of Your coming and protect it for me; and let me
wait for You to come and to raise it up above the evil that is coming with wrath over the earth once
with Your coming. Do not release the pain on earth for cleansing, Son, until You first strengthen
this earth in which You have Your coming and the burden for Your coming. Give me angels with

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protective weapons. Allow me to breathe with Your Spirit over Romania for it is the first and the
last. Amen.

⸻ I am giving you mother, with all that you have asked from Me to give you. Go in secret
and give gifts of humility, repentance, faith and holiness to all those who are written in My book,
to believe and to stand watch before Me, and many virgins will listen to you and come out angel-
ically before you and they will serve you with their sighing prayers for My coming with protection
for Romania, My today’s coming. Amen.

⸻ I am going, dear Son, to call out from the midst of Your garden for Your today’s country
to get up to meet you.

Arise, you, people blessed by the word of my Son! Get up and wash yourself with your sighs
and the soap full of heavenly fragrances, which wash the man’s heart, mind and nature. Wash with
the word of my Son, Who has become the Bridegroom in you, the Bridegroom with His bride taken
out from you, the country of the wedding of God’s Son. Get up for the wedding, because it is a
heavenly wedding into your midst, and the angels and saints are signing in you. Get up to hear
how the angels are proclaiming the coming of God’s Son to you, as two thousand years ago they
announced His coming to Israel who was unfaithful. Arise sons and daughters, and give a pleasant
fragrance to your bodies before my Son’s coming. Prepare yourselves with heavenly holiness and
adorn yourselves for the Lord for the payment of the faithful and holy is coming. Rejoice with sigh,
sigh with joy and tremble in your hearts for the meeting of my Son.

The Lord is coming to you, Romania, He is coming to you and from you He will appear
with the glory of His coming. He is coming to make you a new earth and a new heaven, but take
your little wedding garment, blessed people, and come to the wedding and take gifts and put them
on you to be ready for the wedding. Come to the garden of my Son and take the wedding garments
from it, so that the Lord may protect you at His coming. Amen.

Oh, Son Lord, I am crying out for protection, I am calling out to the man to come under
Your protecting hand. I am crying out from the midst of the manger of Your word, from Your book
with which You write Yourself into the midst of the Romanian country for Your coming over the
earth. I am crying out, Lord, I am crying, Son, I am crying. I am crying out for You have always
cried, for it is the time to come and protect those to whom You are coming. Amen, amen, amen.

⸻ And I will fulfill your sighing prayer, mother, and I will protect those who are sealed
with the seal of My coming and they will be My seedling; they will spread their little branches
over the earth and they will sprout. As the stain of oil is not going to be blotted, the same will be
with My seal, by this word of salvation, it will remain uncleaned from those who were and those
who are near Me, and this seal will remain, either to their judgment or to their exaltation, and
everyone will be called to an account, that is, the one who was sheltered by this work of word and
then he went to the will of his spirit in order to depart from the word of the truth, which comes to
judge the world. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-

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I am being born a word at the manger of My word in Romania, the country of My coming
with the saints, the country of My returning after two thousand years. Its name is the country of
the brightness, a name proclaimed by the prophets, and this prophecy is true, for I shine from its
sky over the earth from margins to margins. It is My morning. Early in the morning My word runs
to it for it is written into the Scriptures: «I am the shining morning star», and I come to it to
become the good news in it, and its spirit and bride from it say: „Come!”. Amen, amen, amen.

Behold, I come and I am in My coming upon it, and I put My judgment seat in it, My word
which announces Me, coming for the living and for the dead, as My kingdom will be without an
end, and I come to prepare it. But I am into My coming and I come, coming, for who can stop the
lightning so that it may be seen when it crosses the sky, and it comes and it is seen crossing the
darkness with is brightness of fire, seven times brighter than the light of the day, as it is written
into the Scriptures? Behold the country of My coming! It shines on the earth seven times
brighter than the day, for I, the Lord, am its light; I and My word. It is the womb in which I
seed My word, to arise from it with My coming. It is the new birth of the world, and I say from it
to the peoples: come at the manger of My word in Romania and take from it the new birth, the
birth from above, for My word says this: «He who is not born of the heaven, from above, will not
be with My kingdom». Behold the new law. It is My coming with the saints and for the saints. The
holiness from the man will come to welcome Me and will open to Me, and the man will see Me,
for it is written into the Scriptures: «No one shall see the Lord without holiness». Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Nativity, from 07-01-2000. (On Calameo)

And we speak again: come to the spring of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Come, you, servants of
the altars; you, who have a clean and holy life and fear of God! Come to this mountain, the moun-
tain of a holy teaching and learn the true way and get up on it, for it leads and always leads up
again; it leads up to the Lord and does not go down and does not lead to destruction, but rather
to the Lord. The Lord has been speaking for forty-five years upon the earth through the spring of
this word. Come too, those that are still clean and holy in the middle of this church from the world;
come and lay hands on the cross and overcome the lying from the world and the church from the
world by it. Take the traitors out from the temple as well, or you get out and become a temple for
God, so that the Lord may have a pure church, to be the chosen first fruits among the people.

And you, Lord, seal our word upon those that love You in the world and give them power
to get out of the world for You, the same way as we worked for You and for our faith in the churches
in the time of our body on the earth, and make the man thank You for this bread coming down from
heaven on the earth, as we, Your saints from heaven, thanked You when we came with You at Your
wedding table in the middle of Your little garden of Your manger, where You were seated as a
supper of word, a wedding table, Lord, Your wedding table. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection
topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)

− Oh, My servants who toiled on the earth in the time of your body! I strengthen your word
with My word. Soon, soon, you shall go from place to place as in the time of your body and
testify on the earth My time with you. The trumpet of My word calls out and it is heard in the
graves and in heavens, and woe to those that do not hear from the earth to take on their new gar-
ment, the life for My coming!

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And you, who are on the earth and take from My manger the heavenly bread for your life,
give yourself to the life, for it comes to clothe you in its garment. Do not get tired in Me, and be
alive only by My resurrection in you.

Soon, soon, those, who were in the beginning, are coming to the earth. The heaven is
coming down to the earth for the work of the New Jerusalem, as it is written into the Scrip-
tures of the new heaven and the new earth. It is not the man of this age, not the man who does
not do My will on the earth, not him, but I will be and fulfill it; I and not the man of this age; I and
those who do My will, the will of My Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, My will from
heaven with the man. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John,
from 12-02-2000. (On Calameo)

The wandering man hardly tastes from My coming to you, for he is poisoned by the bitter
taste of the lie, a taste that he calls sweet, since he does not know the sweet taste of My coming to
you, but you should know well My name and its word. You should know only one word, only one,
My little people, only one: Christ. Amen, amen, amen.

You, sons from the manger, take from the spirit of joy with which I have made a feast with
you today, My feast of two thousand years ago when I was taken to the temple into My mother’s
arms as a baby, in order to release the old Simeon from his waiting, who had been waiting for Me
to come for such a long time. I have made you to be the cure for the pains of My coming. The
word of My coming to you is a healing herb for those who take and put it on their wounds to My
benefit, and anyone who will give you a glass of cold water because you are Christ’s, truly I
say to you, that he will receive his reward. Amen. And I will fulfill through you the work of
the heaven on earth and the life of new Jerusalem, a new earth and a new heaven (See the
selection topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) to the
joy of the saints who are waiting with sighing and longing for their eternal life on earth and
for their coming with it, for the joy after they have been sighing waiting for the revelation of
God’s sons36, the last God’s sons, the sons of My coming, with whom I am doing the work of My
coming with the saints on earth, My coming and the eternal life on earth with the people. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Meeting, from 15-02-2000.

I am coming closer to the manger before dawn. I am coming at the boundary between day
and night, for I proclaimed Myself that I would come, and I have come, and this is how I am
teaching My people that are fed from heaven during these days of My coming. Behold, I find
watching at the manger and I am met by My watchmen. I am working during the night My today’s
word, watchmen sons, and then We are going to travel with it into the midst of Israel, My today’s
people, the people from My coming. Amen, amen, amen.

«As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children». (Romans: 8/19)

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The proud
man with the right
faith is hiding, he
is hiding from My
today’s word and
he is calling him-
self right in his
faith. The man
does not take this
word as coming
from Me, and he
says that he does
not believe it. Oh,
the man could also
say that the proph-
ets also spoke from
themselves and not
from God, but the
word of the proph-
ets was and is being fulfilled, as also My today’s word is being fulfilled because it is My word.
Amen. The today’s Christian man is beating his chest and he is saying that he is right, but for the
way with righteousness in it the man is not struggling. Therefore, I want to shelter My today’s
people to keep over it My word and My coming with the word on earth. Amen. I want to keep
My people under a tent, for it is written into the Scriptures this: «Behold! God’s dwelling
place is with people, and He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself
will be with them as their God. He will wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death
will be no more; neither will there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things
have passed away». (Apoc: 21/ 3, 4). Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 19-

Oh, sons of the people, I have the tabernacle of My word into your midst, with which I
make My room among the people to speak to them. Does the man of today know how to remember
the memorial of My passions? Who among the people know to remember of My passions on the
cross, My moaning and My death for the man?

Oh, sons of the people, how comes that you do not like to listen to God to remember Him?
I said this: «Anyone who wants to come after Me shall deny himself, take his own cross and
follow Me this way, for he who wants to save his soul will lose it, and he who loses his soul for
Me and for My Gospel will save it; and he who will be ashamed of Me and of My words in this
immoral and sinful people, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him too, when He comes for the
greatness of His Father with the holy angels». Amen. Behold, I said two thousand years ago to
My apostles and to the crowd which followed Me; I said that the man shall deny himself if he
wants to follow Me. But as for you, sons of the people, you say that you go to church, but you do
not know what it means the man to follow Me. I said in vain, what I said. No one, no one under-
stands what I said; no one but those who deny themselves giving themselves over to Me for the

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fulfillment of the Gospel on them and on all who want to come after Me. No one lives in his body
the memorial of My passions, for the man has got used to sin, and he goes this way to church to
remember God, and I come as word on the earth; I come as the Gospel on the earth and he, who
will be ashamed with Me and with My word within this hypocrite and lustful people, will be
ashamed at My coming for the greatness of My Father with the saints and angels. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent, of the Holy Cross, from
02-04-2000. (On Calameo)

I have set this holy tabernacle in the midst of the people and I am speaking here the word
of the good tidings for the whole earth, and I am working My coming over the earth to make man
understand what the Spirit of God is and what the spirit of the world is. The Spirit of God is life
and it is eternal, and the spirit of the world is death and it flows into the endless deep of the death.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-2000.

… The Father Sabaoth sends Me after the man, and I come to call him out so that he may
answer Me.

Oh, you, work of My hands, stop in your way and listen to My calling! Your sons have
been until today, and My calling has been comprising the time from your creation to this day, and
it calls you. Oh, you, work of My hands, made out of dust, water, spirit and blood! My Father sent
Me after you. I have come into the place where I made you in the beginning. I have come back
in the beginning to find you. I have come back into the earth of which I took you out, to make
you and to give you My image and likeness. The Romanian land is the house that I
have taken you out. The little garden of the manger of My word by which I call
you out is the place of which I took the dust into My hand and made you; and I
breathed with the Spirit of My mouth over you and you took life, and I turned
you into the Holy of My Holies, the place of My rest, but you spoiled God’s temple,
and it is written in the Scriptures: «Whoever is going to damage God’s temple, God will tear him
down too».
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity (the Feast of the
Descent of the Holy Spirit), the second day, from 17-06-2000. (On Calameo)

Oh, sons of men, this word is My love, and I am coming with it to teach you the mystery
of the holy meeting between man and man in My name, for the holy man is beautiful before Me.
Prepare your holiness and take Me within you, for I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. Give your-
selves to Me so that I may be able to give you to the Father as a holy people at My coming, for
when I left to be with the Father, I said: «Watch therefore, for you don’t know when your Lord
is coming to put you over His things, and to be eternal after that». (See Mark: 13/35) Be faithful
to My word, for those who are set over My things are those who are holy, not the sinful ones. Be
only eyes and ears over those that come from heaven upon you to make you wise in your hearing
and seeing, for the rulers upon you keep you far from My coming; however, you should come
closer and closer, for here I am, I am close and I am here to teach every man the mystery of My

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

coming after two thousand years. My coming is sweet. It is sweet My word with which I am com-
ing to you, man called at the wedding of My coming. My coming is a wedding for those who

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

come to it, and for those who run away from it, it is a day of darkness, it is a day of judgment,
for he, who does not listen to these words, will be judged by them and will remain into the darkness
of this age. Amen. Behold the spring, and I am near it, giving Myself to the one who is thirsty.
Behold the Supper, and I am the food for the one who hungers.

Oh, country of My return, oh, sweet country, I am getting sweetened in you with the word
of My coming and I am making you sweet for the heaven, and even for those on earth. Oh, My
beautiful country, I have come back to your beginning. You are the beginning of the earth, and
I am sitting on your top and speaking over the earth from there, from My holy place, from My holy
mountain37 in you. Your people do not know its origin, but I am coming to let it know and to
make the man from the place where I made the first one created. Behold the manger of My
word with which I am starting to make the world and the man again as in the beginning. At the
beginning I started with this place, and at the end, I have also started from here, and I have
joined the beginning with the end to make up the Scripture of the new birth of the world. Let
the Romanian come and take from Me and let him learn what it means the Romanian to be Roma-
nian! Let the Romanian come and receive new birth from My word! Let him come! Amen. And
he is coming, and will keep coming. Amen.

«And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-
tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the
God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah 4:1;2)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from

Peace to you! Peace to you, beautiful country, My wedding country! I have become a wed-
ding of new age on your land, sweet country. I have become bread in you to give it to you. I give
Myself over to you and I have not given Myself to anyone until today as I give Myself to you.
Take Me, for I give Myself to you. Give yourself to Me, so that I may also give Myself to you. I
stay on the top of My holy mountain from your midst and I longingly look over you and comfort
your body from beginning to end. I have taken the first created man out of your body and I
have also taken the man from the end out of your body and made him watchman for My
coming to you and I have made him into a people of saints for My coming. The watchman is
the one who watches over you with Me, to go well with you sweet country, country of My wed-
ding. The watchman announces you about those bad things that come over you, which stay over
you and you should not die for you have watchmen put by Me over you. Here they are, and I am
with them in the garden of the word. Here they are, and they give you My voice, which sing the
doina over you. (Doina – lyrical poetry specific to the Romanian folklore which expresses a feeling
of longing, of mourning, of rebellion, of love, etc., being usually accompanied by an adequate
melody; a musical variety of the folkloric Romanian creation, characterized by its deep emotive-
ness and especially based on the feeling of longing, r.n.) Here they are, and they wake up your
doina singers to sing you for longing or for pain or for love or for sadness, as I have also sung
doina over you; I sing for longing, I sing for mourning and I sing for love. I have put My watchmen
out of you to bring together the doina singers in the garden of My meeting with the man and they
have come and sung the doina and they are your body and comfort you and they comfort them-
selves with your joy, with your love, with your pain and with your mourning, and they comfort
you, sweet country of My coming. Oh, only if your doina singers would sing My doina over you,
My doina over the earth, so that the nations may hear that you are My chosen one from My coming!
Let your doina singers take My doina and take it from margins to margins and let them become a
path for the man to Me and to My spring, which flows over the earth from your midst, country of
My doina singing. I am your doina singer and I sing to you and I wake you up and I comfort you
and I counsel you and I call you and I call you Mine. I call you My wedding country and I call
you My gift from My Father. The Father gave you birth at the same time with My birth on
earth and now you have become My wedding gift, the gift of the Bridegroom and of the bride,
a wedding table for the Bridegroom in heaven. Peace to you! Peace to you! Peace to you! The
song of your doina singers is heard into heaven. Let it be heard on earth as well, from margins to
margins. Amen. Let the wedding calling be heard, for I am with the days of the wedding on your
land, and I sing the doina and I dance the hora in you, (Hora – Romanian folk round dance with a
slow rhythm in which dancers join their hands forming a closed circle; the circle which is formed
by those that perform this dance; the melody by which this dance is performed. If you got in the
hora you must play it (= if you started to do something, you must keep to it, r.n.)) for it is a wedding
in you. Oh, how beautiful the wedding day is! Oh, how beautiful the wedding days are, for the
wedding is an endless mystery and it is no wisdom on earth for the wedding mystery, for the
beginning of the endless love.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity on the second
day, from 27-08-2000.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

And now, in the end, I am calling the man with fire and I am saying: man, oh man, get
up from your rest and lay down in My rest, for you have made Me bitterly tired, and I am shaking
the fatigue off, I am getting up and asking you about My rest. Oh, what have you done, man? Oh,
until when, man? Answer Me! Until when? The time has come for you to give Me this answer, for
the angels bitterly cry because of your departure from God, and the earth mourns under your heav-
iness, and you are heavier than the earth and the earth mourns too and asks Me to shake it, to sweep
it out, to wash it and to smooth it for the great time, for the great day of its salvation and for the
salvation of God’s sons, for the earth has waited for God’s sons, as it was written into the
Scriptures to be, and behold, the Scripture of God’s sons on earth among people has come
true. And I, with the voice of a thunder go from margins to margins and call the man on earth far
and wide and I bring to him the news of the fulfillment of the Scriptures of the revelation of
God’s sons. Amen.

Behold the time of the judgment, and I call the man from death to life, from hell to heaven,
to the eternal wedding life, with My bride of Romanians, as I am well pleased with her. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption. The feast of the Romanian
Christianity, the third day, from 28-08-2000.

Lay down before Me, you watchmen children from My manger. I come to you as word in
order to prepare Us for travelling. I go with you to speak of you as being Mine and to speak of My
coming to you for every man on earth who hears the voice of My coming after two thousand years.
I want every man to hear and know that I am with the new age over you and clean the earth with
it and make it new, for the word is new and it lies down on the earth to make it new. Amen. No
one has understood the mystery of the new age by now, because I, Myself, had to come and
reveal it. As the buds are shooting, this is how I open Myself over the earth and with it, and
out of the bud I make flower and from the flower I make fruit and put it on My table, and
my table is the Romanian land. I started the earth with it from the beginning and with it I
start the new earth, the earth of the age to come, for I have sowed the new age on it, the new
fruit, and the new man. The people on the earth changed the book of My coming so that the man
may not understand it and no longer wait for Me. However, I bring the mystery of the new age
into light, the new heaven and the new earth that I promised to the man, only for the man to believe
into My word of yesterday and today, for I, the Lord, become a river of word from heaven for
the man’s life. I miss the man very much and I want him to burn after Me and to wait for Me, for
I am with the new age into My arms and I wait for the man to open to Me so that I may come. (See
the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.)

I pour Myself into you, children from My manger, and you should give Me to the people,
because I make you into a way to the people. I am the One Who can and I make you. I want to
make the people to know My coming one hour before and then to come for them too when I
come to you and to prepare them as I prepare you, one hour before, and then to come in a
perfect way. There is still one hour and I come; one hour, sons. I work with you over the earth
during this hour and how much I want the man to receive the gift of faith when I give it to him, as
you received it when I gave it to you!

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, hardly does the man know Me when I knock at his door! Every man got used to say
that the Lord is not. Oh, how could the man learn to say such a thing? The one, who has not got
any fear of God, blasphemes and then he says: “It is not the Lord.” One hour, and the man will no
longer say this. Only one hour and I will stay face to face with them, for no one has believed
the mystery of the new age by now, because I, Myself, have to interpret and to reveal Myself
with it on the earth, of the Romanian land. And let the man no longer questions you about
your knowledge that the Romanian land is chosen for My coming. Let him look at the kind
of work I have been doing on it and to understand and to know. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Nicholas, from 19-12-2000.
(On Calameo)

Sons of the people open the Scriptures and read them about My coming. And if you read
them, do not tempt them, do not misinterpret them, but understand them instead. And if you do
not understand them, call the Holy Spirit, with tears and lament, to teach you the unsealing
of the mystery of the Scriptures of My coming. Open the Scriptures and do not close or hide
them, for My coming, which has to be fulfilled, is written in them. And if you know how to read
them, you will find in it a new country, a New Jerusalem, for the old Jerusalem cut Me and gave
Me to perishing, but I stood up as a God that came from the Father and I was again, and I chose
Jerusalem again, for the Father had it put aside for My coming after two thousand years.

Behold the country of brightness, which Daniel, the prophet, saw it from far away, the land
from the beginning, the Romanian land, of which I took the clay into My hand and I made
the man. Here is My new country, My new field in which I have sown the seed of the new age, a
heavenly age on the earth, the New Jerusalem. This is how the new age is called: New Jerusalem.
Amen, amen, amen.

Open the Scriptures, you sons of the people, and you will find in it My coming with the
new age, coming down from heaven. And here is My coming, for I am speaking from the midst
of the Romanian land over the earth, and My word crosses like lightning from east to west, for this
is how My coming is, like lighting, as it is written into the Scriptures. (See the selection topic: „As
lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.)

Let the thirsty come and drink of My water and to be alive afterwards, and let him no more
go thirsty, for behold, the man is always thirsty. He drinks and goes thirsty again, for I have the
water, not him. Let the man come to Me and drink. And if he does not want to come, let him not
come, for it is written: «Let him who is holy be holy still, and let him who is filthy be filthy still»,
for My coming is like a thief and the one, who has not come to it, does no longer have time to

Oh, sons of the people, redeem the time for the days are hard. This is how the Scripture
teaches you. Open the Scriptures, you, sons of the people, and you will find in them that I come
and you will understand why I come. I come for it is written in them that I come after those two
thousand years from My ascension to My Father. I ascended to My Father so that I could come
again to prepare the place of My coming from near My Father. And I have come and prepared it
for Me and I still prepare it and glorify it, so that all the kings may see the land of the dwelling of
My coming: the Romanian land. This land soon, soon, will be entirely Mine, and those, who

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

will be on it, will become My saints, a holy and royal nation and a people after My image and
into My likeness, for this how it is in the house of My Father. Amen.

Oh, children of My coming, My coming is coming. Build yourselves in the mystery of the
new age and be builders and tell everybody who live on the earth that My coming is approaching.
One hour and I come and the new age, which is coming with Me, is called the New Jerusalem.
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God upon the synod from the manger of the word, from 01-01-
2001. (On Calameo)

You, children sons, always bring your hearts before Me to have a dwelling place forever at
and with you. The land beneath you is the new seed of the new earth. I hold it into My hand
and make it grow, and as in a dream I will soon cover the whole earth with it, with the land
on which I have set you. Oh, only if the man would cleanse himself for the new heaven and the
new earth to have joy within My coming so that I may work with love and not with pain or wrath
the new heaven and earth and the life of the age that is to be with them.

Oh, sons, give to those who are coming to the manger the comfort of My birth in man. Give
gifts to the Magi, sons. Give Christ as a gift to the carol singers, the One from the manger at you.
Give the new heaven and the new earth as a gift, and give My holy Law on them, too.

Peace to you and peace to those who are rejoicing with Me and you, for I am with you with
the manger of My coming. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 07-01-2001.

Let the gates of My words open (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks, the Lord comes
as word, r.n.) so that I may come with My word into your manger. Amen.

Sons who receive My word when it comes, I am coming down into the manger as word to
comfort the one who has been estranged for such a long time, the anointed one of Romania, Mi-
chael, the king of the Lord’s country, for Romania is My country, the country of My return after
two thousand years ago from the Father, My wedding country, the kingdom of the heavens, which
is likened to a king who makes a wedding to his son. Amen.

Behold My word over the one anointed by My angel, over My anointed one.

My comfort is coming closer to you by My word spoken from heaven, and I am comforting
you, painful son. I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am wiping out your little heart and removing
the tears from it. I am wiping out your face from pains, and I am comforting your being for you
have been enduring for a long time. My angel has been all the days with you, he has been covering
you from any kind of death and he has been protecting you by this time so that you may be Mine
now again over Romania with My blessing, which is put over your head for it. It is My country
of wedding and I am having a wedding in it with My bride people, the people that I have
raptured to My throne to stay at the mouth of My word and to put it into My today’s book, the
book of My returning from the Father after two thousand years.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I have a sweet people with nice and clean sons, whom I have drawn out from the world to
stay in My will on earth and to hear the whisper of My return, the word by which I comfort those
who wait for Me to come and to make a new heaven and a new earth, the New Jerusalem on
earth, on the Romanian land, the first patch of land coming out from the waters at the crea-
tion of the world, the land from which I took the clay with My own hand and created the
first man built. You, little doina singers, called at My wedding with My bride! If you love Me
eternally, then always come to Me, for the love without end is coming to the One from Whom it
proceeds over man. All My gardens in which I delight My bride are sweet gifts, which I want to
give you from time to time so that you may feel My love in them between Me and My bride, and
I also want to give the bridal garment, sweet gifts for man. Decorate My gardens with the sweet
voice of the doinas and poems that are hidden in the soul of this nation, the Romanian people, the
people chosen to be My house for My coming after two thousand years. Come into My gardens,
come with holy love, come with holy propriety and with wedding clothes, for these gardens are
made at My word and by the hard work of My bride, My bride people, the bride that sacrifices for
her Bridegroom to give Him life out of her life as her Bridegroom has given her. Do not have
compassion on the world and do not be ashamed of it. Have compassion on angels and not on man,
and get dressed with the wedding clothes, you, sons and daughters of men, who want to come to
life at My word that is calling out to the dead to come to life.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the king Michael, from 28-05-2001.

Now, sons from the manger, give relief from Me over those who have stayed within a
heavenly wedding on the earth with Me and with you on the hearth of the little village of My
word, the Bethlehem of today, in which I, the Lord, am born as the word into the manger in order
to give birth to the man from this word, to give him the day of his birth, and to give him the day
of his wedding and the love of his wedding. Amen.

My mouth speaks through the little mouths of those who are anointed during this time, over
the sons of the garden of My word, and My mouth says: The garden of meeting and the tent of
meeting is sanctified and blessed into the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the third day,
from 10-06-2001. (On Calameo)

I feed you, My people. If I did not feed you, you would not be what you are. I want you to
be and that is why I feed you. He who has not got the food that you have from My mouth, from
My work with you, that one is something else than you. I hardly wait for you to be, the one of
today, My people. I have been waiting from the beginning of the world for your time to come, My
people, for My time with you to come, son from the end. Open your little mouth and eat from Me.
Open your ear and your heart and eat, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, all the angels and all the saints eat from this table of My word. When they see that I
have a dwelling on the earth, and when they see that those, who are not seen, become word on the
earth, they feel their time with Me and they see their great redemption and joy they have not

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

dreamed of, neither on earth and nor in heaven, for the mystery of this joy has been covered
even by the Scriptures, My people.

I hear the learned people who say: “Where is written in the Scriptures this work that God
is doing with them?” Oh, if the Scripture would be only a book and that is all, the man would find
what is written in it, but it is the mystery of My works, and in its words it is well seen the mystery
of this work that I do today with you, My people. However, the man has not been used to the
mysteries. He is used to a tangible thing, with black on white, if he did not want to pass with Me
beyond it and to learn of My mysteries. The word of the Scriptures covers My word of today in it,
and I have spoken to the man, dull of his mind and faith, and I washed Myself off the man’s
unbelief, for the unbelief comes from sins, My people. Two thousand years ago, I told those of
that time, those to whom I was speaking the word of life and I said to them: «He, who wants to do
My will, will understand this word, for it is from God and he sees Me in this word». But behold,
the unbelief comes from sins and it has never come on another way, for haughtiness, conceitedness,
self-love and greed, all are the spirit of vainglory, sins against faith, and the man cannot prosper
because of them, when he tries to come after Me.

I have always fed you, My people. I have sons from the manger, who I give to, so that they
may also give you from Me and both they and you may grow up, My people, and so that you may
not hold back your growth, for the grown man is the one who does My will. I have to make you
grow on and on until there, where the unfaithful man is able to see Me in you and say: “Who is
this people?”38 and to say again: “Lets us climb up this mountain to learn the laws of life, the
laws of the Lord.” Amen.

Oh, My people, the laws of life flow from Me over the earth, and you are the riverbed on
which I come. That is why I come out with you and the man learns to know that you are My people,
that he sees you with Me and not with him and not with his world. When the world comes to you
to see you, it comes because I call it. I and not you. I call it and I give it food from My table with
you and I make it rejoice with a holy joy over My table with you, and I call it to life, but its worries
pull it back to them, and it is hard for the world to come to life. I put you into the midst of the
world to show it that it can and that it does not want to do it. When I came and became Man from
man, like the man, I did so to show the man that he can and that he does not want to. Now, when
I have settled you down before Me and before the world to do My will, I did so to show the man
that he can, but he does not want it. You are the sign that I have given to the world before the
great day of My appearance, when I will stand in the clouds of My coming with the saints,
above the world, and when you will be lifted up near Me in the clouds to meet Me, My people.
(See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)

No one is able to welcome Me when I come, and that is why I, Myself, make this prepara-
tion. I need holy land and a holy man on it. I need faith and faithfulness from the man. I need love

«As he says also in Hosea:
I will call them ‘My people,’ which were not My people;
and her (country)‘beloved’, who was not beloved. (Hosea 2/23)
It will be that in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people’,
There they will be called ‘children of the living God. (Hosea 1/10)’» (Romans: 9/25-26.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

only for Me from the man. I need room and board, garment and food from the man, and all ac-
cording to My will, and all these to wait for Me to come. I, Myself, make this preparation for Me,
I, Myself, for the man does not know to do it for Me. I, Myself, have settled down you before Me
and I have prepared you, My people, and I have given you as a sign to the world before the day
of My coming. Amen. You are the sign of the Son of Man; you are the people who have carried
through the world My life, My cross, My yoke, and My gospel over the earth. You should not
afraid. You should not be afraid in any way for you cannot, but it is I who can. You must only be;
you should only stay as I put you; you should only do what I give you to do, and I am the Lord
and I fulfill it. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the eighth Sunday after the Pentecost, from 29-07-2001.
(On Calameo)

Oh, I have made so much love with you, that I have taken you from the people and turned
you into My coming, sons who hear My word and write it into its book! Behold My coming. Oh,
what a sweet mystery it is for those who understand it, for those who love it! The word is a sweet
mystery and it contains only what is sweet. Nothing is sweeter than My coming to you in order to
prepare you with a feast only for Me. It would be so good for the people to seek My coming to you
in a great measure, for it is sweet and it cradles its sons and it prepares them for it. However, the
people seek for something else; they seek for sweetness foreign to Me, and make a day of wrath
over themselves, My coming with wrath for those who have spoiled My life in them. The more I
cry out and the sweeter I become by this word of My coming to you, by which I call out the man
to Me, the harsher I will become on the great day of My appearance, for all that have not reached
out their hand to take and taste and live My coming with you, for every man. There is no greater
miracle than My coming to you. I do no longer work over the world by the prophets, for now it
is the time of the prophets of the lie and of the man’s emptiness. However, I speak out Myself in
order to prepare a people for Me and I have told the world that when it sees that I prepare
a holy and living people for Myself, than this sweet sign brings My coming with it. When the
tender branch of the fig tree sprouts, My coming is near and its great day is coming. Amen. I said
through the prophets: «Before the great day of the Lord comes, the great and terrible day, I will
send Elijah, the prophet, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the
children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the man with a curse». Elijah is My word and all
the saints are within it, for it is written that «Elijah comes to turn the disobedient to the wisdom
of the righteous and to make ready a people prepared for the Lord». Amen.

My coming carries the spirit and the power of My saints in it, for all live in Me, as it
is written. The mystery of the resurrection of those that are asleep is an unfathomable mystery, for
I am the resurrection and all live in Me, because I died and I was resurrected for every man, in
such a way that the man may receive My death and My resurrection from Me and then to live like
Me. However, the man does not want to know My death and My resurrection from Me. No one
tells it to the man to know for there are not people on earth to know this mystery and to live it and
to be able to tell it to others. Elijah, the prophet, knew it from Me and he had a great zeal for Me
and for My truth on the earth, and My wound from the man hurt him deeply, and then he made fire
from heaven come down over those who were not wise and unfaithful and he raised the people
from the dead and he did not put his zeal for Me to sleep; and so, full of fire as he was, I took him
into heaven and passed him into those that are not seen. His zeal for Me was all a burning fire
within him, and his longing for Me consumed him. This was his power, Elijah’s spirit and

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power, as the prophecy about John writes in the Scriptures, and as the angel spoke to Zacharias
that «John will be born to prepare the Lord’s coming, the Lord’s knowledge over the people,
and that he will work within Elijah’s spirit and power».

Oh, children of the heavenly mysteries, I, the Lord, am pleased with the man who lives and
works with Me, as Elijah, the prophet, did. I give to this one the spirit and power of Elijah. To the
one, who has the spirit of understanding, wisdom, counsel, might, knowledge and good faith, I
give My Spirit, Who fills him up with God’s fear and to love with it in all justice, and to be a belt
for him and for truth. This is how I rested in Elijah, My prophet, and I long for the man to work
with Elijah’s spirit and power within him, for the time has come, sons. It is written that «before
the great and terrible day, Elijah comes to turn the fathers to their children and the children to
their fathers», those from heaven to those on earth, and those on earth to those in heaven. How-
ever, I tell you that Elijah has already come, because My coming has the saints in it, as it is
written in the Scriptures of My coming. The saints have the Spirit of God and all live in Me and
are like Me, and they have been waiting for Me to come with you, the smaller ones and to come
to My day and theirs, the day of the fullness of time, the day of the Lord. Amen, amen, amen. (See
the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)

― I am within Your coming, Lord, and I am full of it, and I work with a great mystery, for
I am in the body. I have poured forth My spirit and power in the smaller ones; and they are small,
and I work with a great mystery; I breathe over them, I give them courage, I protect them from the
fire on the earth and I keep them in the heavenly fire, which does not consume them, but it con-
sumes only those that stand against them. I also was a fire and the fire within me was consuming
those that opposed me. And I am the same now; I am like a flame and my zeal for You is also a
fire, but I calm down to the ones who carry Your Spirit and Your saints’ spirit on them. Their work
is hard for they are small. If the people saw Your work on them, they would melt by the glory of
this work. But they are small in the people’s eyes, for Your Spirit rests upon them, and the people
are not attracted to those of Yours, for they have theirs.

… I give you my zeal with peace and not with shaking or with a consuming fire, oh, sons
of the people! But if you do not come to the Lord, I will become angry and I will take away your
empty comfort and I will give you the worrying bread instead; to you and to those who stay over
you in the name of the Lord; however, these do not take care of your souls. Here I am a forerunner
in the Lord’s way to you. It is the Lord with His coming down on earth, and behold His people to
which He comes to give you the word of God’s coming back as well.

The Lord is a word of resurrection in the midst of the earth, and you, Romanian people, do
not want to know that the Lord stays into your midst with His coming down to you to make you the
first among the nations. The Lord has always called you. The Lord has always laid the table on
your hearth and called you to the wedding. The Lord has always had fellowship into the midst of
His people taken from you and he calls you to come to the wedding and to be able to hear His
voice. Change your clothes and come, for your garment is not a wedding garment. And if you do
not come, I will come down into your midst with a burning fire and I will call you into account for
your unfaith, for I am the forerunner and «I exhort the disobedient to the wisdom of the righteous
and I make a people prepared for the Lord», as it is written. Amen.

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I am a consuming fire as the Lord has wanted me to be. I burned those that were unfaithful
during my time with Israel and I protected those who bowed. I am in the body for I had no death,
and I shake over the man and over the earth with a spirit of life from my living body, and I tell you,
man, to stop for a while close to me and to remember that I did not die, and I remained for this
time to make ready a people prepared for the Lord, the same as I was, loving and being loved by
the Lord. I did not die because I loved the Lord, and I also do not want you to die, the loved one
of today, for it is written into the Scripture that a people will meet the Lord in the body when He
comes. Amen. And I and those who have not died in the body have to fulfill this Scripture from
Adam and to the last people that will remain in the body to meet the Lord in the air, as it is written,
and then the Lord to be on earth with His people, those who are and those who are resurrected
for the Lord. Amen.

― I seal the man with the fire of My love for the man, oh, My forerunner, when I come for
the second time from near the Father. And give praying to the Father for the little ones, so that He
may give them rain, for they need it. And also take their pray to the Father, for here they are, they
pray and ask at My exhortation on them. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, from 02-08-2001.
(On Calameo)

You, who welcome Me at the manger, take from My mouth and give further, so that it may
be food, sons. Oh, who on earth has been thinking at what I am doing today on earth upon you? It
is written in the prophets about My today’s work with you: «The tree bears its fruit. The fig tree
and the vine yield their strength. Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord,
your God; for He gives you the former rain in just measure, and He causes the rain to come
down for you. The former rain and the latter rain, as before». (Joel: 2/22-23) «As surely as the
sun rises, the Lord will appear and after two days He will revive us. On the third day He will
raise us up, and we will live before Him». (Hosea: 6/2-3) Amen.

Oh, children from the garden, oh, children from Zion, give joy and pleasure to My Zion
and tell the trees to yield their fruit, for behold, I am watering and everything is coming to life in
My way, for the third day is coming, and My people will rejoice, for it is written: «It will happen
that whoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved, for in Mount Zion and in Jerusa-
lem there will be those who escape, as the Lord has said, and among the remnant, those whom
the Lord calls». (Joel: 2/32). Amen.

Oh, My people, oh, Jerusalem, I have taught you to call on Me. The third day is coming,
My people, and I have come ahead of time to you and given you former and latter rain and I have
taught you to call on Me, for it is written: «As surely as the sun rises, the Lord will appear».
(Hose: 6/3) And again, it is written: «Among the remnant will be saved only those who call on
the Lord». (See Joel: 2/32)

… We are giving Ourselves, mother, with a feast of word for those in heaven and for them.
Let Us set a sweet table and let Us give them and rejoice with them and show them Our protection,

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⸻ Oh, Son, I have Romania as a vessel with flowers in my arms, and this is my mission,
that from Your coming: to take care of it and to protect it with all the heavenly powers, to comfort
it with Your sons in it and to surround it all around with the angels and with the saints and to make
it into a garden of paradise for those who call on the Lord, the new Zion, to which those who are
redeemed will come back with joy for it is written: «They will come with singing to Zion; and
everlasting joy shall be on their heads: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and sigh-
ing shall flee away». (Isaiah: 51/11) «The Lord will go before you, and the God of Israel will be
your reward… kings shall shut their mouths at Him: for that which had not been told them shall
they see; and that which they had not heard shall they understand». (Isaiah: 52/12, 15) Amen.

Lord Son, I have great and a lot of work for the country of Your coming. You are comforted
from Your people in it, for it is the fallow land with a treasure in it, for behold the great work of
Your coming into its midst, and many see in it that which they had not been told before and under-
stand that which they had not heard. Your coming as word in Romanian has made it to be the first
among the nations, as it was at the very beginning, Lord. I pray for it before the Father and before
You, to keep Your sons in it, and to protect it, too, for them and for You, Lord Son, for Romania is
Your wedding table, the wedding hall of the banquet, for You have spoken through the prophets
and said: «A highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called ‘The way of holiness.’ The
unclean shall not pass over it, but it shall be for him who walks in the way. Wicked fools will
not go there. Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the years of the death shall be
unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart, and the tongue of the mute shall sing; for
in the wilderness shall waters break out, and streams in the desert». (Isaiah: 35/5, 6, 8) Amen.

Oh, Lord Son, my prayer for it, for Your today’s country is a prayer that it has never been
before. Keep it and fill it with lilies and roses, and put this faith over it for it is written in the
Scriptures about a new country, about a mountain39 from which Your laws and Your words will
flow, and to which all the nations of the earth will stream. Keep Your new country, and let this
garden go green richly, and let no evil be on it, for You are a great King and the Bridegroom in
it, for when You said by Your word over it: «Behold, the Bridegroom is coming! Come out to
meet him!», (Matt: 25/6), then those who believed came out and prepared for You, and they lis-
tened to You as You had spoken to them, and thus You have made a bride in this country of Your
coming, and You are its King, Son. I am praying to You for it. Protect it both from above and from
below, from the sides and from its midst as well, keep it, and let Your rod always spring forth from
it in abundance, for You have a people in it on which You rely, and You call it Your staff, the one
on which You rely with Your coming, with Your today’s work, Lord Son. I am a heavenly mother
and I have into my arms Your today’s country. I have always been into its midst with my arms wide
open over it and all around it, for Your citadel is my protection for You, because this is how much
I love You, Lord Son. I want You to spread fragrances on Your people for me that I keep and
protect it. Let rivers of Holy Spirit and heavenly fragrances flow from You through it over the
earth. I pray to You, Son, to help it day and night, for Your people is little and gentle and it is
without power on earth, but You can do it for it. Make it see that You can, that it has to carry the
burden of Your coming, Son Who are coming. Search them in their joys and shortcomings, and

«And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-
tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the
God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah 4:1;2)

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carry their burden, Son, for You can do it, for they also bear Your burden, Lord, and they are very
little and have no other help on earth; they do not have at all, Lord, they have not got any and they
work much to have something for Your work. I see them sorrowful and worried, waiting always
for Your power, for they are little on earth and they take care of Your people, Son, Lord. I am Your
mother and theirs as well. Carry their burden for You can, Lord, Son, and let them be able to do
in You, for there are small. Amen.

⸻ Your prayer, mother, has power in it, for your sweet spirit has always managed and done
a lot through your prayer, and you are asking Me from above My today’s country, mother.

I am celebrating you here with Our little ones, mother. Only the little ones have wanted to
be Ours for the days of My coming of now. The great ones by no means have wanted to be near
My creating word, mother. I am the Lord, Who stirs the sea and makes its waves roar, but the great
one pretend that they do not hear, mother.

… Oh, the third day is coming, My people. Call Me, always call Me, for there will be
among the saved ones only those who call on the Lord. I am also calling you: come to My glory
with you, do not be afraid to come to it and do not be afraid with it. I called and I call you, and we
call each other, that it may be the longing that binds us making us inseparable, forever together,
forever, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother’s Shelter, from 14-10-

… I have been teaching you, My people, and the saints have got warmed up in your hearth
and have received comfort from My speaking over you. You are the Lord’s mountain, and many
nations receive and will receive teaching, for the prophets spoke saying this: «But in the latter
days, it will happen that the mountain of the Lord’s temple will be established on the top of the
mountains, and it will be exalted above the hills; and peoples will stream to it. Many nations will
go and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, and to the house of the God
of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths.” For out of Zion will
go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah: 4/1-2)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saints Demetrius of Basarabov, from 09-

I come down with tens of thousands of angels at the manger to speak and to announce the
eve of My birth of My mother, the Virgin, two thousand years ago. I come down with tens of
thousands of angels as the word on this day of celebration, which announces My birth for each
man. I would like to be born of each man and to become God from the man, for I, the Lord and
Creator of everything, dearly called Myself the Son of man, both then and now, when I come the
second time on the earth. Amen.

The Son of man, this is what I wanted to be after five thousand years since the creation of
the man, and this is what I fulfilled. And after I became the Son of man, born from the Father
through the Virgin, I wanted to die for each man, and this is what I fulfilled. And now, after two
thousand years, I am being born in the manger, which I have prepared into this little village, dear

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to Me, as from here I took clay into My hand and I made the man, built by My hand, and for Me
this little village is dear. Never mind if I was beaten and cast out at the beginning when I was
speaking the word from the manger here over the earth. Never mind if not even now am I not
known by this word. It is fine. However, I love this little village very much, for it is the place from
where I built the man. And if I love him so much, I embrace him and urge him to My love for him,
and I want to make him perfectly beautiful for My coming with the saints on the earth, and for him
to receive Me, and that is why I let him know ahead of time and make him glad with heavenly
news and with joys as there have been nowhere on earth.

The Son of Man, this is how I, the Lord, became, two thousand years ago, a child born in
a cave in Bethlehem, for no man on earth had received Me into his house at My coming as a little
baby, and My mother, the Virgin, was full of thrill of My birth, true God from true God, a Man
born from her maidenly womb. The little angels of My birth had worked out wonderfully and went
in the mountains to the shepherds and told them that I was born as the Son of man, a divine child
on earth, and they brought the little shepherds at the manger of My birth, and they confessed this
truth, which was spoken to them by the angels. Amen.

The Son of man, this is what I wanted

to be on earth, and this is how I also want to
come in the end. I am coming as word from
the Father into this little village, and today, on
the eve of the feast of My birth from the Vir-
gin, I embrace at My bosom those little ones
from this little village to make them feel the
whisper of My coming and the comfort for all
those in this little village, on which I spin the
distaff of the word. Amen.

Come to the manger of the birth of My

word, you, little children! Those, who bring
My news to you, give you sweet gifts and they
comfort you for Me, the One Who was not
comforted by anyone when I was born. I was
an uncomforted child, and that is why I long to
comfort the children and to give them of the
spirit of comfort. My mother wants the same
thing, and she tells to the children that are gathered together at the manger of My word, saying to

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― I am the mother of the Son of the heavenly Father, and I open up my arms and comfort
you all, those of today who are gathered together near the word of the birth. Receive from the love
of the holy heaven and clothe yourself with it, for I have gathered you together with a feast of birth
and I give you good news about the coming of
my Son and about the glory of this little vil-
lage, in which He comes and sows the seed of
His coming. Two thousand years ago, my little
Son had no comfort or shelter from this earth.
However, I want to comfort Him today with
you, those who are small of this little village.
You should not forget that my Son was also a
child, but He was a miracle among the little
ones, and He grew up likewise, and likewise
He came again on the earth to you; first to
you, and then over to the entire earth. Amen.

My comfort is for You, my child Who are born in the manger of the animals two thousand
years ago. You comfort them for you, for You were poor and not comforted on the earth, My dear

― Oh, mother, you were the same, for no one received you with Me and for Me. But today,
We have someone to go to when We come as the word on the earth to give him birth again for a
new creation. We have a house with love in it, mother. Behold what a great celebration those of
today, who hear Our voice from heaven, bring to Us. Let Us give them much love, mother. Let Us
give them what We have as dearest, mother, and let Us embrace them for a moment with the peace
from above, within the heavenly fairy tale of the eternal life, mother, so that they may take a liking
and get drunk with it, for this fairy tale is endless, mother. The fairy tale of the eternal life, this is
what I, the Lord, want, to bring over the man on the earth, and this is how I will fulfill it. Amen.
The house of My meeting with the man, the little house of the heavenly fairy tale, the imperial
wedding chamber, the wedding hall with a imperial table in it, for the King, is at this table, the
Lord of the glory from above, the Son of man with the people, a beginning of new age over the
earth. Amen.

Rejoice with a great joy, which will be for the whole earth, for the Word was born in your
hearth, the Word, Which saves and brings the good news of the new birth of the world and the life
of the age, which is to come from heaven on the earth, soon, soon. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the eve of the Nativity, from 06-01-2002. (On Calameo)

The first love is a great mystery. It is called so because the man particularly loves the first
moment of his love and the longing is the one, which loves afterwards and it gives power of love
to the heart. The first love is without sin, and this is how the first created man loved, and he took
delight with love in everything that I created for him. But when he pulled himself out from Me,
his pain was also brought into existence, and then the longing was also came to be, but the man
does no longer reach with his mind to the mystery of the crying in him, the longing after his hap-
piness, his eternal searching after life. When the man lost its mystery from love, the longing in it,
he remained with the joy of love then, and this is how he knows now what love is. However, I,

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after seven thousand years of pains and joys between heaven and earth, declare and say: love is
not joy but it is longing instead. When it leads to joy its power is lost, for the longing in it is the
one, which keeps its life within it. This kind of love I have, and it is before all ages, and with the
longing in it, I made all and everything, and with the longing in it, I am being born today as the
word on the earth at My manger from this little village that I love so much; I have loved it as much
as at the beginning, when from its hearth I have taken clay into My hand and made the man. Amen.

Go Jerusalem and rejoice with longing and not with joy. Go, and let My face shine on your
face, My people from the end of the time. The feast of the Lord’s birth, this is what you celebrate
today near those in My little village of today. Then I came to Bethlehem, and now I have come
into this little village, which the man called it by the name of the earth, (Glodeni << glod: dust, a
handful of earth, clay, earth for processed by hand – eg: pottery, r.n.) and this name was born with
a great mystery among My angels, which have watched for the name of My little village of today
(Glodeni, r.n.).

And you, the one that are settled down by Me at the manger, take My people with you and
go carol singing again, and also give the villagers now, the news of the feast of My birth as child
from the Virgin two thousand years ago, and word from the word now, now at the end of the time,
now when I came and I come. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity, from 07-01-2002 (25.12.2001
Old style / after the Julian calendar40) (On Calameo)

Oh, My people, oh, children of the New Jerusalem! Two thousand years ago, I came out of
the Jordan water, testifying about the making of the man out of water, then the Father and the Holy
Spirit came, and the Father spoke and confirmed Me as His Son, and the Holy Spirit sealed Me
before the people confirming the word of the Father, and His Son, in Whom He was well pleased
on the earth before the people. Two thousand years ago, My Father testified about Me at Jordan,
and now, when I came as seed on the earth, you testify about Me, people of New Jerusalem, which
is laid down on the earth by Me, so that the man may have a tabernacle where to go and gather My
seed, for My word on you is seed and you are the one who sows My seed on the earth, for the man
to grow out of it, the new man that came out of man, and then out of My word. Amen.

Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January
(N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to
the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given
to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the
patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipe- which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and
„it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he
shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

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… When it was only I with the Father before all ages, I was speaking with Him, and He
with Me, and I was speaking the word, and We made the visible creation in the midst of the invis-
ible one of eternity, and We have the New Jerusalem as a dear little seed in eternity, and We
prepared it and kept it with a great secret until the great fullness of the mysteries of eternity. My
people, you should be sufficiently great for the mysteries in eternity, for the mystery of the New
Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth, the same as the first creation carried
the first heaven and the first earth in its womb. The mystery of the New Jerusalem, kept forever,
carries the Lord’s tabernacle within it, the Lord’s throne, the Lord’s voice and the Lord’s people.
Amen, amen, amen. And I sit on the throne of glory as in eternity and speak the word and I make
everything new by it, for My word is faithful, Jerusalem, My mystery from everlasting to everlast-

… My mystery that is kept in eternity for the end of time, this is how I call you, little people.
The Mystery of the New Jerusalem carries within it the new heaven and the new earth on the earth
from the end of time, a new people that came out of the new seed, out of fresh word, a mysterious
resurrection, a spirit of resurrection on the people, My people. I want to walk with you among the
people and the spirit of the creature’s resurrection to hover behind Me and you; the Spirit of the
Lord, Who hovers as in the beginning when He was hovering above the waters when I said to be
light and it was and it became. Amen. Behold the Spirit of the Lord in the end of time hovers above
the waters and over the earth within a spirit of new creation, with a new word, made now, in order
to create by it now the new heaven and the new earth, within the mystery of New Jerusalem, which
came down from God and which came down with God for the everlasting, which is coming again.
Amen. Wherever the Lord is, there the eternity is as well. Where I am with you, I also want to be
the eternity. I want, My people, to establish the eternity on a new earth. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-
2002. (On Calameo)

Oh, My people, oh, My people! Oh, what a beautiful name you have, son! The Lord, the
Creator of all, the Lord, Who made the heaven, the earth, the sea and all the things that are, That
is the One Who is calling you on your name. Oh, My people of the Romanians! All and every-
thing hear that I call you: My people. The king Darius gave a powerful order and wrote over all
the nations on earth that all and everything worship the God of Daniel, for He is the living God,
Who is in eternity, and Whose kingdom will not be destroyed, and Whose reign will never end,
for He saved Daniel from the lions’ pit. And it will be the same with you, too, for I will appear as
the great and eternal God from your midst, and all the nations of the earth will believe in this way
in your God, Romanian Jerusalem, and then you will have the most beautiful name. I have always,
always called you – My people; and soon, soon all and everything will see Me in your midst
with My glory, and My glory will be My power, and all and everything will bow, and you
will be My people through which I will glorify Myself. Amen, amen, amen.

… Comfort Me with your obedience, and let all the nations see the Lord, your God into
your midst, for I, soon, soon, want to glorify Myself over you with the glory which I had from
the Father before the foundation of the world, My people, when Father ordained you in His
love to become His son through Me, His Son, through Whom you have redemption by My blood,
and the forgiveness of your sins by the richness of My grace which overflows over you with wis-
dom and knowledge, making known to you the mystery of His will, as it was ordained before for

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the fulfillment of the times. Amen. Oh, comfort Me with your fulfillment, My people. Let Me get
comforted with your grace from Me, for it overflows over you with the whole wisdom and under-
standing and it makes known to you the mystery of My will, sons.

… I am declaring My blessing upon you. Let it strengthen you in all your holy work for
Me, useful to Me and to you. And stay under it, under My blessing, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary of
Egypt, from 21-04-2002.

Oh, My people, oh, sons, make God over the earth, for this is what it will not be taken from
you. Oh, sons, make the world see God and get used to love Him. But make the Lord upon you
and among you from dawn to dawn, so that you may have what to give over the earth in My days
with you, children of the New Jerusalem. Oh, I have given you a name as there is no one else in
heaven and on earth, sons, and I have given it to you to have it and to bear it on earth and to renew
the earth by this name, and I dwell in your midst and make everything new through you. I have
taken all the gifts from heaven for the time of My second coming from near the Father and I put
them over you to be from heaven, and for Me to stay into your midst and to make everything new,
for it is written into the book from the end of the time and this is written: «I saw the holy citadel,
New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, the One sitting on the throne; and He
said: ‘I make them all new’». Amen.

Oh, My people, all the gifts for the day of My coming with the saints, all that I have put on
you to make you My way from heaven to earth and to come and have rest with the Father and with
the saints in My word with you on earth. I told you ahead of time that the nations will come to this
mountain of grace to receive of the Lord’s laws, for this is written: «The nations will stream to
the Lord to teach them His paths, for out of will go forth the law and the Word of God from
Jerusalem». (Micah 4:2) Amen.

Oh, My people, I have given you a great name, son. There is no other name on earth like
yours, for your name is from heaven and that which it was it will be again and it is from heaven. I
have called you My Zion, the mountain where the laws of life overflow over the earth from,
the paths of life, My people. I have called you New Jerusalem, for I have taken from heaven
and I have brought My coming to you, My way from heaven down to the earth. The Spring
of My word flows from Me down over to the earth from here, from the place where I set you,
from the garden where I have laid down with you, children who stay at the mouth of My spring
to take it and to give it further to those who thirst, because there is no man on earth to have water,
sons, and the man is burnt with thirst and he does not find anywhere a place to drink of. However,
I have put into the bowl and I have gathered you to be, and then I have made My room over the
earth with you and I have taken out of the bowl and sprinkled the soil, and it has sprung forth from
place to place and I have made a new people for Me and I come out with it in the way of the man
and I invite the man to the spring to drink and to know that God is on earth as in heaven. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man. The
feast of the birth of the holy Virginia, from 09-06-2002.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

In a spirit of a Pentecost celebration I come down from near My Father as word on earth.
Amen, amen, amen. Oh, watchmen from the garden, I am the Lord! Open up to My word and put
it into My book of today. I breathe upon you, for you are very tired, because you have prepared
My celebration to meet the man in the garden of the meeting. Amen.

My gardens with you are a top of a lofty mountain, on which, from time to time, I sit
down with My cross from today to rest from it, for the man is My cross, sons. I have been
carrying the man with difficulty, and not for two thousand years since I have been carrying the
wooden cross, so that I may sit on it then and for the man to see Me and have mercy on Me and
come to comfort Me because of My heavy cross from man. Oh, it is not for two thousand years
since I have been carrying the man with difficulty, but rather the man has been My heavy cross for
seven thousand years. I breathe upon you a spirit of revival, so that You may stand before My
word, which is upon you, for I want to embrace the man and to complain to him of My heavy

I told you to announce the holy feast and I said that I will bring the man to the spring from
the four corners of the earth, that I may stay with him in the word and to show him what I have on
this Romanian land; to show to the man My spring, which flows from the Father’s throne and with
which I become spring up to the man, for I am the spring and I am this word, and My coming
is wonderful, for it is on this river that I have been coming down into the midst of the Roma-
nian people for more than forty years in order to prepare a bride people for Me and to be glorified
into his midst with the glory of My word, which is more and more beautifully than two thousand
years ago, when I came as incarnated God into the midst of Israel of that time. Now I am coming
down on earth as a river of word to make a new Israel for Me, out of the midst of the Roma-
nian people, a new Christian people, a people into My image and after My likeness, and whom
I have always, always, taught the ways of life, so that he may be able to walk on earth in the same
way as I walked. Amen.

Oh, My bride people, My people taken out of the Romanians! I am coming down early in
the morning and I take you and sit down with you before those who have come to the spring to
drink. You should teach the one who has come to drink, in the same manner in which you have
also learned from Me. Oh, and how are you supposed to teach the one who has come to the spring
to drink? I teach him with the word, and you should stay under My sign, the sign of the Son of
God. (See the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.) You should stay before the
multitude, which has gathered in My gardens with you, for you are a beautiful child for My image
in your heart, and which is seen on your face, My bride people. I am your Bridegroom, and you
are My little bride, the one from My second coming from near the Father, so that I may have
someone to come to on earth, when I come to become word for man.

I have called you to the spring, dear man. I am the Lord, the One Who died and was resur-
rected for the man. I have called you to the river of life to wash in it and to lay down in it, My
Romanian people. Oh, how much I want you to be My people, from one margin to another and to
the other margin of yours, for your hearth is the land out of which I took clay with
My hand and I made the man built by My hand. Oh, how shall I do it? Oh, how shall
I help you believe that I, the Lord, have you in the plan of the days of My second coming from

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

near the Father, a lofty mountain, the mountain that I have raised above the tops of the moun-
tains on earth, so that the laws of life may flow from it, the mystery ahead of My coming, a
mystery sealed by the Scriptures and unsealed by Me, the Son of the Father Sabaoth.

I am the One Who is. This is how I tell you that I am, My Romanian people, and that is
why I call you to the spring and I would keep on calling you, only if you became fond of My love
song, so that I may call you with it, and then for you to come and love like Me the life of the age
which is to be on earth soon, soon, My Romanian people. Your name is the new name of the
God’s people, in the same way as the name of Israel, who crucified My on the cross, was the name
of God’s people in that time.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from
22-07-2002. (On Calameo)

Open up to the Lord, you, guards who watch in the garden of the word! I am the Word of
life and I become a heavenly celebration on earth with the man and I become spring of word to
comfort the man, for I have called him to the spring, for him to drink of it and to feel Me and hear
Me speaking with him from My garden of word. Amen.

I have laid the table of a heavenly feast with you. I have set you to prepare for Me a
carpet of mysterious glory between Me and man, so that the man could hear My word, which
blows over you from here, in the midst of the Romanian people, My new people, chosen for
this land from here, which came out of the waters the former then when I made the heaven
and the earth by My word and deed. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the first day, from
24-08-2002. (On Calameo)

On the second day of the celebration I comfort you again, you, those that are gathered
together at the mouth of My spring of word. Take of My grace and put it in you, to be able to love
Me with your grace from your nature, and for Me to be able to take from you. I stay with heavenly
hosts above the garden of My meeting with you. I have called you to speak with you, and you with
Me. Sing the doina41 of My wedding with My bride taken out of the Romanians, with My bride
people, a people prepared by Me for My coming. The Romanian language is sweet to Me, and
I have made it into God’s language at the end of the time, for I speak again over the earth
into the language of the Romanian people, My New Israel, My New Jerusalem, for I wrote
through the prophets into the Scriptures, I wrote that I would chose Jerusalem again from among
the nations of the earth, because Israel, with which I worked at the beginning, completely aban-
doned Me two thousand years ago, and I chose nothing of him but only a very small remnant,
which was saved then by faith, on My coming from the heavenly Father and from My mother, the
Virgin, on earth. Sing the songs of the wedding to Me, for I come into the people’s way with a
heavenly wedding, with wedding days between Me and My little bride, the people of My word,
taken out of the Romanians. There is still one hour and I come visibly, and My glory on that

Doina – lyrical poetry specific to the Romanian folklore which expresses a feeling of longing, of mourning,
of rebellion, of love, etc., being usually accompanied by an adequate melody; a musical variety of the folkloric Ro-
manian creation, characterized by its deep emotiveness and especially based on the feeling of longing, A good ex-
ample by Doina is: Doina mourning or Mocirita & Doina de jale by Gheorghe Zamfir, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

day will be with comfort for some of them and for many with wrath, for the man has lost his
communication with God and he does no longer come to his senses to come back to his beginning.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, the second day,
from 25-08-2002. (On Calameo)

We go to declare the heavenly glory over Romania. I go with you on top of it to declare
through you its new birth, to change its face and to show it to the world. All My brightness I will
put on you, My people, and I appear with you over the earth, for this is what I prophesied to you
by the word of this work even from the time when I had My trumpet Verginica in her body on
earth. I will be glorified in you and I will make the man get drunk with this sight. I will pour out
of My Spirit over the man, and you will be My vessel with oil, and I will pour Myself out from
you with My sweet glory and I will declare My love from the end of the time over My wedding
country, and I will say this:

I will not forget you, oh, country of brightness, My country from the end of the time!
I was born on the earth among the people once with your birth, and you have My name on
your head, and you will remain, for this is what I have called you at the end of the time, and
I said that everything you put on in your Christian garment, will be called Romanian.

I have not forgotten you, My love, and I have come back into your land that I gave in
the beginning as an inheritance to the man created by My hand, for it is from you that I took
clay into My hand and I formed the man. You were the first little patch of dry land, which
got out of the waters at the making of the world, and I called it earth, after I made the heaven,
dividing the waters above from the waters below. And I took you out of the waters from below
first as a newborn commandment lifting you up by your crown and I gave you white cloth of
baptism, on which I wrote in a great mystery your name from the end of the time: Jerusalem of
My second coming from near the Father.

You are the top of the earth, the crown of the earth, the first born from the waters at
the making of the world. You are My wedding country, for the Father has laid My wedding
table in you and He has prepared My sweet bride, a bride from the Romanians, My country.

Oh, My loved one, you are the inheritance land of the first created man, for he knows his
body and comes to take it back, as in the beginning, for I bring with Me the day of the resurrection
of the dead, and each one will receive his body and will stand before Me. And you will also stay,
My love, before Me, and you will give Me your glory from the beginning and you will receive Me,
as you received Me as your Creator at your birth once with My birth from the Virgin on the earth.

Peace to you! I have not forgotten you, My love. Here is your little garment of baptism. I
have kept it in the Father and now I give it back to you, and I will call you the chosen and sweet
one, for I love you much, because you have not had another God beside Me and you have not
enslaved the foreigner, and I give you the reward for your patience and I give you the first
beauty and I make you the paradise of My coming, My love. And he, who loves you, will love
you according to your righteousness, My love, for there is no other nation under the sun to have
your brightness.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am. Do not be afraid. My whisper flows over you and becomes a river of life on the earth
from your midst, for the time of love has come, My love between the Bridegroom and the bride,
My country and My love. I am. Your destiny is in My hand, not in your hand. I am your Master,
your Bridegroom, and all the peoples, nations, languages and kings of the earth will love you
because of My glory, which shines from your midst giving light and glorifying you, for you are
the first, My love from the end of the time and from the beginning of the time, for I come and you
will be Mine and you will be My glory and the light of the world, as I am, My love. Amen, amen,

Oh, this is how I will speak with My country from the end of the time, My people. My
glory from it will comprise it, and I want that you no longer be anything but My glory on the earth.
I have always taught you to be beautiful, beautiful, and I have always, always told you that the
days of My glory come with you to make you into a great light in the darkness over the earth
and then I will come, for I do not want to come unexpectedly, My people. I want to come as a
Bridegroom, not as a Judge. I want to come with a sweet coming and I want to make the man
used to My coming, and I want to teach him to wait for Me and I want to give him the gift of the
faith for My coming, as I gave to you.

Oh, My people, seek with longing the works of your faith in My coming and give Me to
see that you are My miracle for the sons of the people to see and to believe that I come and to wait
for Me with longing, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2002. (On Calameo)

… I used the faith and the power of the faith of My bishop from the church in the world,
for I have worked in all the times by the man’s faith and I have been able to do that. Then he
trembled with fear because of the disbelief of those from whom I had chosen him for My work
during those days, but what I did with him I did and it remains done, because there has been no
opposition able to prevent against the fulfillment of the Scriptures of My coming with the mystery
of the New Jerusalem on earth, for I, the Lord, I worked and work on earth with the Jerusalem
from above, and I do not work otherwise. If man saw My mysterious work at sight, it would be
so easy for him to understand the Scriptures of My coming and their mysterious fulfillments. Nev-
ertheless, the man is blind with respect of those that are invisible, and he does not want to get
healed either, to see and to believe anything but only those that are seen; however, the face of the
world passes and My word is and it remains forever. Amen.

I have spoken again in a spirit of celebration of the stone of My Holy of Holies in these
days: let nothing and no one dare to do something at this work done from heaven on earth, for who
can spoil what I work? And whoever stretches out his hand or sword to threaten the work of My
coming after two thousand years from the Father, that one will be struck by his own sword, for all
those who take the sword will die by the sword. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, eleven years after the sanctification of the Holy of Holies
of the New Jerusalem. The feast of the saint apostle Andrew, from 13-12-2002.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am the One Who grew up on earth as God, born an infant of a Virgin mother, a mother
forever Virgin, a miracle far beyond human mind, because to those who have loved Him, My
Father has always prepared, and always and again, signs and miracles, which did not enter the
man’s heart and his eye did not see. Amen.

Behold a miracle coming down from heaven! A sweet evening in the little village of My
word. I become word from heaven in this little village in which I have prepared My manger to
come down in it, as it is written into My Gospel of two thousand years ago about My coming. I,
the little baby, the Lord Who was born of My mother, the Virgin, chose the Romanian people
for My coming from the end of the time. I chose it because the land under it was the first one
that came out of the waters at the visible creation, when it was made at My word for its
beginning, the creation, which I gave to the man as an inheritance so that the man may be My son,
as I am the Son of My Father Sabaoth, My Father, Who sent Me two thousand years ago to be born
on the earth as a man, to grow up in My body as a man and to live from My birth to My resurrection
as God on earth, for I was a baby God and then, more and more perfect, God Man, as I am now,
God and Man. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the eve of the Nativity (the Lord’s birth), from 05-01-
2003. (On Calameo)

Oh, Jerusalem, oh, New Jerusalem, I call you this because My first people did not want to
be My son, but rather he wanted to be My heir, but the greatest heir is the child. Oh, Jerusalem, I
teach you in a birthday celebration to be a child as I am, as I have listened and lived, and even if I
stay invisibly with My body in your eyes, as I was staying with the man built by My hand, My
word is with you as it was also with him in Paradise, and I hold your little hand as a child who is
obedient, for only the obedient children stay with their father, My people.

Oh, great and wonderful is the mystery of the child, the mystery of sonship! My prophets
knew about this mystery and carried Me to the people in submission to Me, as My mother Virgin
submitted to My Father, Who sent Me on the earth to be born a baby out of her and to be the Son
of the Man. My prophets were sons, because they knew and know the mystery of sonship. The
same is with you, the Lord’s little and tiny people, listen to Me, the Lord and your God, and stay
this way, obedient, so that you may remain a son, son. And to see your obedience, clothe yourself
in this garment of heavenly celebration and let us give the news of the day of the memorial of
My birth, for we celebrate this day, My people. Go, Jerusalem, to big houses and give the news
about Me and I will bring the news about you over the earth, always, always, My people, until I
with you bring into submission all and everyone, and then we will give them over to the
Father. Amen. Go, My people, with My gospel from your days and we will come back to the end
of the day and I will stay again with you in the word to teach you the mystery of sonship.

Come go, Jerusalem! Go at My command, My people! Go, and the mountains, the hills,
the mounds and all the man’s making will be submitted to us. Step by step we will come into view
and soon, soon, I will put aside the curtain on you, in which I keep you covered, so that My glory,
which I and all the heaven long for, may be seen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Nativity (the Lord’s Birth), from 25-12-
2002 (Old style / after the Julian calendar)/ 07-01-2003 (N.S.) (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, sons of the people, you look in vain to the place where I was crucified by the
people of that time. It is in vain that you go there to boast that you were there; in vain, oh,
sons of the people, for here is the Lamb of God, coming as word in the midst of the Romanian
people in which He has His dwelling and kingdom now, in the end of the time. Bow and be
baptized in the water of the river of life, for My teaching is waited by many nations, but hearing
they do not hear, and seeing they do not see, and understanding they do not understand, for they
are stiff-necked, so that they may not come back to their wicked paths so that I may receive them.
Oh, sons of the people, I show you with My forefinger the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens,
God with the man on the earth, His word in the midst of the nations of the earth on the
Romanian land.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (Epiphany), from 19-01-
2003. (On Calameo)

I give to you, My children, a great work to do. I lift up with you above the ground My
places with you. We put a new mark on the citadel with strong gates and its name will be as in the
Scriptures of the age, which is to come: The Holy Citadel New Jerusalem, and its foundation
will be the Holy Virginia, as she has been since the year in which we founded Jerusalem again, the
year of 1955, and then again, the year of 1995, when I wrote it again, rebuilt anew on the same

Go with the blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and fulfill now the
holy name of the citadel, and then be worthy of its name, and may its name be worthy of you, of
you and of all the sanctified people, for I want to have a holy people as its name is declared in
heaven by the saints and angels. Amen. Give yourselves to the Lord and stay this way. Be My
right hand on the earth, as your anointing is, sons, and strengthen Me upon you, in such a way that
I may protect you with much power, you and the ground under you. And I will give you new
advice, whose fulfillments, I, the Lord, wait then from you forever, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and
John, from 12-02-2003. (On Calameo)

Soon, soon, the Romanian country will appear over the peoples, and the glory of My
word will shine on the earth, and you will spring forth like grass with your heart in you, which
will jump then because of My glory with you. I am the One Who promises and fulfills and you
will be My joy, and I will be yours into My holy mountain, from the place where My word flows
over the earth. Amen.

Every great man on earth relies on the number of his chariots and his horsemen, but the
Lord is your praise and your glory, My people. My rule is eternal, a dominion, which will not
pass away and My kingdom and yours will never be destroyed. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, sons, who are My gates, I have welcomed you with My word that is upon you, and
you, with the opening of My gates to My people and yours to come in as word in Jerusalem. We
prepare the visible glory of My word, I with you and with the saints from heaven and with the
angels in thousands and thousands, sons, and I will cause that the nations will come together and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

drink of My water, for there will no longer be water on the earth anywhere, and My river of life
giving will fill the world, which is thirsty after the water that keeps the man alive, and not any
other kind of water. And you will be the sharers, who give Me further as the word of the Holy
Spirit upon the earth, and those who will come to drink will be the receivers of the good faith and
they will walk faithfully before Me. And we will expand ourselves high and low, on accordance
with the margins, which will embrace among them My glory that was prophesied in the
Scriptures, for the veil on it will be taken away by My hand, because it is the time for the
country of My coming to meet Me, and then to be known as the first one, sons, God’s sons,
who are uncovered from the veil on you, for the creature that has been groaning for seven thousand
years groans waiting for you to be on the earth, sons, to the renewal of the world, to the redemption
of the creature, and then to the life of the age to come on the earth without time. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Meeting (Candlemas), from 15-
02-2003. (On Calameo)

I gather you together at the mouth of My word, My people, Jerusalem. No one should
wonder on the earth that I, the Lord, Almighty, call you Jerusalem. This is how I call My people
wherever it might have been on the earth. But the mindless man, the one without a head, the
one without any guidance, does not know My heavenly speaking and he has sat down to judge My
word and his heavenly speaking on the earth. I speak as in the Scriptures and the Scriptures of My
coming are written with a feather by the man’s hand, but their word is My word, and they were
written on the earth before My coming of that time and the time now, only that the man without
any guidance cannot make clear the mysteries of My word, because I spoke and I speak only
spiritually for those who are spiritual, and I pass under the eyes of the man and fulfill, and the
man, without the Lord in his life day by day, does not understand My work over the earth.

I gather you near the word of My mouth, My people, chosen out of the Romanians, and I
write Myself with your hand on the earth with My coming, with My word, which prepares you for
the day when I will show you in the glory of My coming to you, and I will perfect Myself
completely visible, when everyone’s eyes will be opened by My power itself, according to My
word, which says that «All the nations of the earth will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds
of the heaven with power and much glory, when He will gather through the angels all those that
are His chosen ones from the four winds in order to give them His kingdom». All, all are written
in the beginning of My coming and in the end of the glory of My word, and I will fulfill everything
by My word, as I spoke about them. Amen.

I write upon you your whole name, My people, for you are My citadel, My New Jerusalem
of today. I grow you up and I water you from heaven not from earth. I give you birth from heaven
and I give you from heaven to eat much word and I call you people from heaven, and not a people
from the earth, and let your humility shine greatly day and night before Me, for I have given you
a new name, loved citadel, for this is what the Scriptures says: «I saw the Holy Citadel, the New
Jerusalem, coming down from heaven, from God, that is made ready like a bride, adorned for
her Bridegroom». Amen, amen, amen. I write you down on earth by your whole name: the Holy
Citadel New Jerusalem. By now I have kept you under the veil and I have called you: the New
Jerusalem Citadel. But now, the holy time is coming closer and closer; it is coming with the saints
in heaven as on earth and there it comes My power, which fulfills the Scriptures under the eyes of
those who are stiff-necked and stand against the Holy Spirit. However, I powerfully breathe the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Holy Spirit as word and I bring together by the breath of My mouth all those that are holy and all
those that are sanctified on the hearing of My coming, which will bring all those who will walk on
the paths of the life and who will learn from Me, because the disciples are not born if there is no
teacher. Here I am, a mysterious Teacher that came from the Father on earth, to bring under My
mantle all those that are scattered from Israel and all the nations of the earth who will see the glory
of My word coming down on earth over My people of the Romanians, the people of the New
Jerusalem, the holy citadel, made ready like a bride for her Bridegroom. Amen.

I want to hear Israel after the flesh praying to My Father and his Father, saying: “I went
wrong, Father, against heaven and against You, and I am no longer worthy to be Your son,
but make me like one of Your servants.” (Luke: 15/21) And the Father, seeing him while he was
still far off and thinking of his coming back to his Father, was moved with compassion for him,
came to meet him with a gentle voice and gave him the best robe and shoes on his feet and put him
at his table as the one who was dead and was alive again, who was lost and then was found.

And as for you, children of My holy Jerusalem on earth, you should know that all the
nations on the earth will see the country of brightness, soon, soon, when I will point to it by My
finger, by My heavenly glory upon it.

You should know, Romanian Jerusalem, that the glory of My coming back on to the land
of your country, is coming soon, soon, and you will be the child carried in the arms when all will
come and will take My comfort out of your hand, the spirit of My comfort for those who wait for
My coming with a very long groaning, My glory by which I come and comfort those that wait for
Me with it. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son’s parable.
The feast of the Saint martyr Charalambos, from 23-02-2003. (On Calameo)

Oh, you that were built by My hand out of clay, I took the woman out of you to take the
evil away from you42 but you took and ate of it and then you judged Me. You judged God in
Paradise after you did your will, for I asked you: «What is this you have done?» You judged Me
because I gave you the woman and you said to Me: «The woman whom you gave to be with Me,
she told me that I would not die, and that I would know instead». I gave her to you, but I did not
tell you to listen to her, but rather I told you to eat of all the trees in Paradise and not of her, and
you should receive the word from My mouth, not from her mouth, and she was supposed to be in
submission to you, as you should have also been submitted to Me because I created you. You had
the power given from Me to show your love to Me by obedience with love in it, but you have
caught a spirit of mastership over everything on earth and you have reached out your hand to rule
over heaven and over My seat and over My dwelling in you on earth; however, I was the Most
Holy One and I was looking at you with pain. If you had listened to Me to grow and to multiply
out of Me and not out of you, you would have remained master over you by the word that
was upon you, but you gave up your obedience to Me and then the woman that I took out of your
body became word upon you and she told you to eat of the tree of knowledge saying that you
would not die, but rather that you would know like God. When she reached out her hand to take
and eat, not only that you did not tell her not to take, but you also took out of her hand and ate and

42 About that period see at large in “The Household of God,” Divine dictation by Jakob Lorber, r.n.;

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

thus you forgot to listen to Me; you forgot to love Me after I set you to work out the love with the
affection in it. You did not want to know the love, but rather you wanted to know what knowledge
is and then to be like God, knowing everything, the connoisseur of God’s being, Who brought
everything from nothing into being. And as for Me, the Creator of everything, I gave you to eat of
all the trees of the garden and to be content and good and to love life and not the death as a conse-
quence of your disobedience.

Now, after seven thousand years from My pain caused by you, I speak with you in front of
the human kind, and you, the one built by My hand out of clay, bow before your Creator. Amen,
amen, amen.

― At the last hour of the man’s repentance, You set me face to face with You, oh, my
creator, so that every living being may hear me from my creation and until Your coming, which is
working after seven thousand years at the resurrection of the dead, from the last to the first and
up to me, Lord.

I am the man built by Your hand out of clay, and breathing upon me, You gave me a living
soul and You told me to have dominion over all that You took out of the earth, living beings, after
their kind and You told me to rejoice in the midst of Your creation. Then You made me a house, to
have only joys and You called it the garden of Eden and You set me in it and You told me to eat of
the goodness that was growing in the trees of the garden, Lord. However, I thought I was the
master over everything and by so doing I went wrong before You, my Master. You brought all the
living creatures to give them a name and I gave them a name by Your wisdom with which You were
in my being, but I did not find any suitable help for me among all the living creatures. Then You
took the woman out of me and brought her to me, and I saw myself in her, and she in me, and then
I said: «She is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh and she will be called woman», and then
I said: «Therefore, the man will leave his father and his mother and will join with his woman
and they will be one flesh». (Gen. 2:23, 24) Then I made You upset, because God was my Father
and my mother and the spirit of evil came into being in me and the deceitful one heard me and said
to the woman: “Has really God said not to eat of all the trees of the garden?” And she answered
him saying that we could eat of all the trees except of the tree in the midst of the garden, lest we
would die. Then she was answered: “You will not surely die, and in the day you eat you will be
like God knowing good and evil.” Since then the woman started longing after eating of the tree in
order to receive knowledge and then she ate and knew, and then I also took and ate, and this is
how the man ate of the tree of knowledge, Lord, and afterwards he saw himself naked and they
were ashamed one from another and covered themselves with fig tree, and then they were afraid
of God because of their disobedience by which they reasoned out the godly nature and they wanted
to hide one from another and from God.

Oh, sons of God, the Lord has brought me face to face with you, and you are so merciful
that the Lord cannot remember your wrongdoings in your life on earth. The Lord is giving me
through you the forgiveness of my sin, which has been pressing hard on the entire human kind in
such a way that no one has escaped except Him, except the Man born of the Virgin, the Lord, Jesus
Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, He Who became flesh on earth in the Virgin, and then He
was born and grew until the age of my body made by Him and then, on the fullness of that
age, He died for my sin made in that very hour when I ate from the tree of the knowledge of
good and evil, and then I knew like God after I broke His commandment that told me not to

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

eat of the fruit of the tree, which God had dominion on. You are merciful like the Lord. His
Spirit is in you more and more with every passing day for the resurrection of the creature. Come
out of your burdens and breathe over the dead and over the living for all and everything wait for
their redemption. Oh, how fragile you are and how hard it is on you! Oh, how merciful you are!

Take care of them, my Creator, for You have been merciful to them and You have made
them the light of the world and the salt of the world, for they have You as word upon them, as I
had You in Paradise, my Creator. I had lived for almost an age on earth and I had not got
under Your burden, my Creator, and you have set seven ages over the people and their body is
decaying and the burden on them is very heavy and they are the merciful ones, those little of
Yours, by whom You write with their hand in the flesh of the man the word of the Holy Spirit, the
calling to resurrection for all the creature, Lord.

Oh, little sons, I would go on looking at you and I would keep on testifying before the
nations of the earth that you are so merciful for God and for man! Oh, who else is to judge you for
your wrongdoings when you have such a great burden to carry? The burden of the Lord, His
coming with His saints in tens of thousands and thousands. Amen.

I kiss this land on which you live and of which I was made by God. I smell its perfume,
I listen to the beatings of its heart and no one around you knows its mystery and my mystery
in it, and you are in it the Lord’s merciful ones, those who are broken by the burden of His
coming. You are blessed, you who are broken under this burden, even if you are always, always,
always in pains, and because you are so little, you can hardly manage to go on through the pains.
The Lord mourns for your weaknesses and I have mercy on you and I have mercy on the Lord,
from this bridge between heaven and earth, from among those that are seen and those that are not
seen. Soon, soon, the Lord will give a new heart over every man that is on earth, but all, everything
starts with you, little children and God’s sons, who have been waited by all creature, which has
been crying after you to be and to carry the heavy burden of the Lord’s coming after those seven
ages of the Lord’s crying after the man. There is still a little while, very little, and you will no
longer have pains, but only comforts, for the Lord works out now at your pains that you have and
turns them into comforts for you, those who are so merciful on God and on man. Carry the Lord
within His coming and every creature will bless you soon, soon, soon. I bow my forehead and I
feel the love of your heart, and blessed are those who will bow to you in the name of the Father
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Who comes to you and the Spirit works with you, the Spirit
from Whom everything comes and will come to life. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of Adam’s expulsion from
Paradise, from 09-03-2003. (On Calameo)

The proud man from the world says that you have a spirit of pride but if I did miracles with
you that nobody has heard of, what would the man say, the man who does so many miracles by
which to pull the man away from the path in which I dwell with those of Mine? And he does no
longer speak of himself that he is proud and rather he tells to himself that he is righteous and smart
and he says that he has Me as his God, the One humble on earth and in heaven. I would do near
you and from you great signs, seen and heard by the eyes and by the ears of those on earth, but
after I worked those beyond the nature among people, the people in the midst of which I appeared
and which crucified Me on the cross like evil doers, took Me away. The miracles that I am doing

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

today with you are far greater than everything that was heard about God on earth, sons in
the time of this end. I did not speak with anyone among the people as I have spoken with you.
I did not speak with Adam either, or with Cain, or with Noah, or with Moses, or with David,
or with Zachariah, or with John, the Baptizer, or with the apostles, the way I speak with you
and as much as I have been speaking with you, because it has never been such a great miracle
since the age is and it shall not longer be another kingdom but Mine in man in a perfect manner,
soon, soon, and then the heaven on earth, and I, in the midst of gods, the true God and greatly
glorified among the people for their judgment, and when I will appear within My whole glory,
everything will be shaken.

My word is written into the Scriptures, which says: «But immediately after the oppression
of those days, the sun will be darkened, the moon will not give its light, the stars43 will fall from
the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken; and then the sign of the Son of Man will
appear in the sky. Then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man
coming on the clouds of the sky with power and much glory, and everything will be shaken»,
(Matt: 24/29-30), as it is written. Then, from the four winds, from the margins of the heavens to
the other margins, My angels will gather My elected ones in the day when no one expects this. Oh,
I, the Lord, want to have what to gather, My people, and I want to announce Myself, for that is
why I speak on earth. I speak so that I may announce My coming and to prepare you always,
always, and to shine with you upon the earth, seven times brighter than the sun, and to get out to
the people from among you, as the Bridegroom gets out of His chambers, because I have My
tabernacle in you and among you, and the saints have much to wait for this time of My coming
back among the people, and they look at it and at you and persevere before the Father for Me and
for you, so that the Lamb of the Father and the little flock from the end of the coming of the
Father’s Son for the victory of His saints, may be able to overcome. Amen.

May your coming out from now for My announcement with you in the midst of the world
be blessed by the Lord your God! I will cover you in the clouds of My glory, but I will let it be
known that you are Mine and that I can work upon you and that I am in you and with you. May
the world, which wants to see you, be blessed and may it follow you towards Me with its way.
May those who will announce you with Me be blessed so that the nations may hear God’s
dwelling with you. May your traveling and My announcement and yours among the people be
blessed, for I make a strong way through the world for Me and for you, because My glory with
you and the resurrection for the redemption of the creature have been coming closer and closer,
Romanian Jerusalem, for it is great, so great, the mystery of the Romanian land and its reward
from God by My descent on it now, at the end of the time. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary, the
Egyptian, from 13-04-2003. (On Calameo)

My Father is in Me when I speak upon you, Jerusalem. I come to you, My people of Ro-
manians, for I have fulfilled the Scripture of My second coming from near the Father, to come into
the world as a word of resurrection and a sign of eternal salvation, as I came into Jerusalem two
thousand years ago after I dined with Lazarus, with Mary and with Martha in Bethany, and when
Regarding the significance of the sun, moon and stars, see Genesis: 37/9-10. Today: the sun is head of the
church - the Patriarch (or Pope of Rome for Catholics), moon, those dealing with domestic issues, community - that
priests and our brothers are stars falling (spades) from the kingdom of heaven, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

because of Lazarus’ resurrection many Jews came after Me to follow Me and to see the one that I
rose to life and when they found out that I would go to Jerusalem the next day, they took branches
of palm trees and followed Me saying: «Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the
Lord, the King of Israel!» (Matt: 21/9) Many disciples seeing Me riding on a colt, the foal of a
donkey, understood then that I was the Lord, Who was glorified through the Father and that it had
been written about Me in the prophets: «Behold your king comes to you, daughter of Zion, riding
on a donkey, on a foal of a donkey». (Zech: 9/9) And then I spoke to My Father: «Father, glorify
Your name!» And then there came a voice out of the sky, saying: «I have both glorified it, and I
will glorify it again». (John: 12/28) The multitude therefore, who stood by and heard asked: «What
is this voice: a thunder or an angel, who spoke?» And I, riding on the donkey said: «This voice
has not come for My sake, but for your sakes. Now is the judgment of this world. Now the prince
of this world will be cast out». (John: 12/29-31). Amen.

Oh, Jerusalem of today, My elected people in whom I am well pleased with My heavenly
voice over the earth and over the world! I work the same way today and I work in a great mystery,
to touch by My word the hearts of those who are My elected who know the voice of the Shepherd
Who is to come, as it is written that He will come. If I worked out great miracles, I would not
be able to keep you, because a lawless multitude would come to see My glory upon you, and
the world has got shepherds over it who would hate you as they also hated Me, My people. We
work in a great mystery, because this is how My second coming is, and that will happen when
no one expects Me to come, and I write into your midst the book of My coming and I judge
by it, for then I spoke and I also speak now as then, that it is not I but the word which I have
declared over the unbelief on earth, that one will judge the world. Amen. I declare through
you this word of My coming, Jerusalem, so that the world may understand then that My Father has
sent Me with the word upon the world into your midst, when I, the Lord will be glorified with a
great noise from your midst to show the blessing of this land, which I chose for the glory of My
word from it over the earth. I chose this land from the creation of the world, from the creation
of the heaven and of the earth, and the world will perfectly understand this, soon, soon.

Sons, stand up more and more with every passing day to the eternal life on earth and be
perfect in your mind, for I have great work on you that even the saints and the angels marvel at
My word upon you. Today is the feast of the palms, the Palm Sunday, and I want to make you
sweet smelling vessels of Holy Spirit, children of New Jerusalem. I have given you a name as in
heaven, not as on earth, and I have called you the Holy Citadel New Jerusalem, for the angels
and the saints enjoy with you in heavenly descent glorifying the Lord, Who is coming with His
saints. I said by My word of your days that I would plant thousands and millions of lilies on the
Romanian land, the country of My coming, My New Jerusalem, and you have to graft the
people’s lives, children of My coming, of My building of the heavenly age on earth and upon man,
and you should not live temporarily, but rather you should live My eternal life in you, the Lord’s
life on His coming to you. Amen. The mystery of My voice on you teaches you not to live a
temporary life, but rather an eternal life on earth, holy Jerusalem, and to glorify the name
of the Lord on your head, and to be a carpet of flowers of paradise, a carpet of lilies and roses
into My way to you, and then with you into My way to the man, to graft the people’s lives with
your life on the earth, My people of today. I want to make with you the miracle of the resurrection
of the dead, and you should be perfect in your mind to be able to see those that are not seen and to
bring them into view in such a way that all may be done for the building up.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 20-
04-2003. (On Calameo)

I come to you, Romanian Jerusalem, with My second coming, and the word of My
coming prepares you, the one who believes, and which dressed you in a garment of bride to meet
Me as you meet the Bridegroom Who comes in the middle of the night, and Whose bride watches
for His coming. Amen.

You should not be slow in your watch, when I, the Lord, speak sweetly and patiently to
you. You should not believe that you are worthy for Me if I shepherd you and I grow you in faith
and in the fulfilling of My coming as word into Your midst. However, you should watch and be
alert all the time for your wedding garment and for the great meeting of the resurrection of the
dead, which will be soon, soon, at My last word, My word of their resurrection. You should wait
for this resurrection, as you also bear witness that you wait for the resurrection of the dead and for
the life that is to be. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the myrrh-bearing
women, from 11-05-2003. (On Calameo)

Oh, My Jerusalem taken out of Romanians, the Romanian people does not know to look
for you and to take Me from you and to come to life. I have a fallow land with a treasure on it,
on the land of the Romanian country, and many buy it. Only that it does not want to buy the
land with My treasure in it. And what can it buy it with? With self-denial and cross, with a
holy life and without the spirit of the world in it, for the world crucified Me, because its spirit
cannot be with My Holy Spirit.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from
18-05-2003. (On Calameo)

Come near, man! This word is the Holy Spirit and I have guided My people of today
with Him, the people of My word, the people taken out of the Romanian people, because the
Romanian land is the first one that came out of the water at the making of the heaven and
the earth, and because the clay, which I made the man from, was taken by My hand-making
man from the place in which I have been building again My church in this time, because I
spoke ahead of time by this prophetic word that My first church would be built again. The
heaven and the earth pass away, but the word that comes out of My mouth does not pass until it
comes true. Amen.

I have come as a guide before you, man without any path. Oh, there is no one to show you
the holy way and there is no one to cleanse you from sins, for there are no longer saints on earth
to have favor with God for your life, for your forgiveness. I want to declare the forgiveness of your
sins by your repentance and I want to forgive you by the daily prayer, supplication and sacrifice,
brought for the whole human kind here, in the place that I chose as the Lord’s mountain, the
mountain to which all the nations will flow to receive the laws of the life and the path, as the
prophets spoke about My work of today by the Scriptures, My word and My coming as guide on
earth. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Romanian people, praise the Lord! You have into your midst the fallow land with a
treasure in it. Sell your wisdom and take Mine instead, for I have put it into your midst to turn
your land into your salvation and the new heaven and the new earth, now, at the new making of
the world, and blessed will be the one who reads and understands the Scriptures of My coming
and those things for the renewal of the world. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Romanian Christianity, (Whitsuntide),
the second day, from 15-06-2003. (On Calameo)

The feast of today is sweet, the feast of My apostles, Peter and Paul: one for the people of
Israel, who became a faithful man and My church, and the other, for the nations of the earth, to
make the Christians into spiritual sons, Israel according to the spirit, as I spoke to Abraham about
his seed of the promise, which would be as numerous as the stars of the sky, and not from the earth,
among those who bear the body and who are chosen and picked up from the world to belong to
God on earth, and then preaching every moment My kingdom in them, a kingdom persecuted by
those who did not want and do not want Me to come. My kingdom in man is with power and much
glory in man and is seen both from far away and from near, by those who are faithful and by those
that are not faithful, and those who persecute My kingdom on earth also persecuted those who had
it within them with its glory that passed through the fire and through the water and through tortur-
ing with them, and it, My kingdom in them, was glorified against the persecutors until My saints
were passing over to Me, to their heavenly dwelling, and they left behind them on earth the seed
of the kingdom of the heavens, the faith in the Son of God, Who came to save the man fallen from
God and to make him, by his faith in Me, the man in My image and after My likeness, in which I
have been shining with My kingdom, starting with My twelve disciples, and then with all those
who have been following them by their self denial and by the cross, like Me, for there is no greater
disciple than his Teacher, but any perfect disciple is like his Teacher. Amen.

The feast of today is sweet, the feast of My disciples who did the work of an apostle into
My name, doing greater sings and miracles than I did, for I was in them so that their testimony
could come true by My power in them, and by which I was working from them, for I said then to
them: «I am in you, and you in Me». Amen, amen, amen.

— You, Teacher, Who have the words of life; You, Who promised us that we would judge
the twelve tribes of Israel and all the nations of the earth, together with the greatest among us, the
apostle Paul; You, Who chose us by signs and miracles from the nation of Israel, to make us saviors
for this people, we call Israel after the flesh before Your throne of judgment, where we are around
it, on one side and on the other, those from the nation of Israel after the flesh, Your disciples with
whom You walked on earth in the time of Your preaching for three years and a half, and then by
Your sending everywhere, to call the nations to repentance to the forgiveness of their sins, as You
meant us to work and to fulfill the forgiveness of the sins of those who will be baptized into Your
name from the Father and from the Holy Spirit.

Our judgment on Israel after the flesh is this: that You came two thousand years ago from
the Father, and that it, your chosen people, became conceited for itself and put You on the cross
as a wrongdoer in order to save their glory and their sitting on God’s chair before the people from
falling down. Our judgment on Israel is this: that they sold You on money for crucifixion, and they

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

have been under the curse of the money since then and until today, and they become haughty over
the nations of the earth saying that they were Your people, chosen by our parents, Abraham, Isaac
and Jacob, and then by Your power, with which You appeared in Moses, who took Israel out from
the slavery in Egypt in order to turn it back to Canaan, the land promised to Abraham.

We stay in those that are not seen, above the garden of the Holy of Holies of the New
Jerusalem, which You discovered in its place, chosen by You from the very beginning. We stay on
one side and on the other on the thrones near Your throne. A throne and thrones kept in the air on
the wings of cherubim and seraphim and by the angels in tens of thousands of thousands, who
serve You and Your saints and Your prophets, and we tell those that are in the nation of Israel
after the flesh, out of which You also chose us to be Your disciples after we left everything and
denied ourselves for Your name and for the Gospel of Your coming, and we tell them this: this is
the second coming of the Son of God Father Sabaoth, as He said that He would come again to
judge the living and the dead, and Whose kingdom did not have and does not have and will not
have an ending, for He is the Alpha and the Omega, the One from the beginning and from the end,
the Son of God, the Son of Man, Who was born of a Virgin mother in the sixth age from the creation
of the world and of the first built man by Him, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the One Who was
crucified as a man by the Jewish people two thousand years ago, after He was sold by Judas, one
among us, His twelve disciples, to Caiaphas and to Anna and then to Pilate, to be crucified, as it
was written in the prophets, in the psalms and in the law of Moses to be fulfilled with Him.

We are Israelites and we speak to you from near the Father and from near His Son, to those
in the tribe of Israel after the flesh; to you, the people chosen through Abraham, Isaac and Jacob,
and saved from the slavery through Moses. We are the witnesses of His resurrection two thousand
years ago and of the Gospel of the kingdom of the heavens, which was prophesied to come down
on earth. And behold, we are in the second coming of the Son of God on earth, Who is preparing
His wedding country by the word of the new making of the world, the Romanian country, the land
chosen from the beginning of the world for His second coming, for the people of Israel crucified
Him, and then He started building a people on the Romanian people, by the preaching of His
Gospel on this earth through the first one called by Him among us, the apostle Andrew, a former
disciple of John, the Baptizer, and who, on this land of the beginning of the earth at its coming out
from the waters in the time of creation of the world, put the seal of Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the
One Who was prophesied by the prophets, an ineffaceable seal, on which the Romanian people
was built, and of which now, in the eighth age from the making of the world, He chose His disciples
to testify about His coming as word on earth, and by whom, as the Creator of everything, He
creates the new heaven and the new earth and the age which is to come, as it is written in the
prophets that He will do when He comes for the resurrection of the dead and for the new birth of
the world, we being His witnesses, His disciples of two thousand years ago, to see and to rejoice
over the promise, newly made and fulfilled now.

Stand up for repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins, you who are from our people,
Israel after the flesh, for Messiah, the One Who came two thousand years ago, and Who died
on the cross and was resurrected and ascended to the Father in order to draw all the people to the
Father, as He promised then, here He is in His second coming. And behold the country of
brightness, the New Jerusalem, in which He has His dwelling, a people and a new land, the land
which came first from the waters at the making of the heaven and of the earth, the Romanian land,
the top of the earth, which He established the work of His coming and His word, the Law of life,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to which all the nations of the earth will flow from the four corners of the wind, to receive the life
and its laws and to walk in its ways afterwards. Open the books of the prophets and the psalms
and Moses’ books and learn to read them well, and you will find the country of brightness, that
the prophet Daniel spoke about by the Spirit of the Lord. Read with the wisdom of humility and
bow then to come and drink from the bed of the river of life and to wash your face, your life, your
heart, your mind and your love in it to make them new, for the Lord spoke through the prophet
Isaiah: «I make a new thing and buds for it, and I will make everything new». Amen. Read in
the prophets and understand how the Holy Spirit speaks so clearly when He speaks: «Behold you
scoffers, and wonder and perish; for I work a work in your days, a work which you will in no
way believe, if one declares it to you». (Acts 13:41) However, we, Jesus Christ’s apostles, those
from two thousand years ago, tell you from among the living one of the eternal life: believe in this
coming of the Lord that you may not perish, for we, the witnesses from the people of Israel after
the flesh, speak now into the name of each tribe of Jacob, and its saved ones who will believe.

We glorify You, Your disciples of two thousand years ago. We comfort You from the midst
of the saints and of the prophets because we all were prophets full of Your Holy Spirit, and we
have loved You within Your coming to Your people into the midst of the Romanian people, and we
stand up for Israel after the flesh to testify about Your coming the second time for the new birth of
the world and of Israel, and we call them at the spring, at Your Bethlehem of today, in which
You are born over the earth. And we stand up for Your Israel out of the Romanians, the people
of Your word from Your coming now, in the end and in the beginning of the time, to draw to the
Father all who believe, Lord, as You promised. Give help to Your people of today out of Romani-
ans, for they are small and without any help from the earth. Help them from heaven and send us
from near You to work out the establishing of Your coming on the earth, and for them too, who are
so deprived of powers and so feeble before You coming as a river of word over the earth, the river
of life, to which You have called Israel, our nation after the flesh, so that it may be baptized to
repentance and to the forgiveness of the sins, and You also call all the nations of the earth starting
with Jerusalem. You are the Lord of the powers and You give us Your sending to come to Your
help with the heavenly powers, so that they may have power in the way they share You over the
earth, and for them to stand before You in order that You may come, and for them to receive You
with the word of life, which the four winds are to take it back then and to spread everywhere on
earth the news that You have come and that You shepherd with an iron rod, with the word of
the Holy Spirit, all those that will hear and will believe to their repentance and to the forgiveness
of the sins and for a spirit of holiness in body and in spirit, for everything has come to an end as
You said, and Your glory and its brightness is coming; for many, with the joy of comfort and,
again, for the unfaithful, with the pain of their blindness by which they do not know You and do
not see you within Your coming. Amen, amen, amen.

— You were My joy, My disciples. You were My comfort when I came on earth when I
appeared with signs and wonders for three years and a half as the Son of the Father, confirmed
from heaven by the Father and from the earth by you. You did not leave Me after that all left Me,
because of fear and because of disbelief. You remained until My crucifixion with Me and you
comforted Me with your love in you, and then I put you under a shelter to remain My followers,
because I went to be sacrificed, as I had to fulfill the Scriptures about Me. However, be My comfort
now and go with the grace from above and with the heavenly powers and help the last sons of God,
for they are small and fragile, and I want to spread the news and the power of My coming over

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the entire earth through them, both in hell and in heaven and in the sky, to the new birth of
the world by the word of My coming. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saints Apostles Peter and Paul, from 12-
07-2003. (On Calameo)

Peace to you! And write into the book of the testimonies a day of feast as twelve years have
passed since the laying down of the foundation stone of this building and of the fulfilling of this
Scripture of New Jerusalem, established on earth by My word, which comes with the clouds with
all My heaven of saints and angels.

Oh, sons, chosen and anointed by My word in this time of My second coming from near
the Father! I have come now as word on earth to establish the kingdom of the heavens and the end
of the world, for the end of the world is holiness, son. And if you do not hear, I hear, and it is
heard from margins to margins by My word, which flows and does not stay, and by which I, the
One Who am, testify with the word in heaven and on earth that even I cannot erase your name on
this stone of beginning, and you cannot erase it too, and nor those who did not receive you on My
behalf with the news of the new beginning, of the new heaven and of the new earth on the Roma-
nian land. Your name is carried by angels and saints from margins to margins in heaven and on
earth, and so is your protection and your little crown, which no one in heaven or on earth can take
it from you, for you have remained to testify, and the prophecy, which the Holy Spirit spoke
through you, cannot be erased either; the prophecy for this land on which I, Who I am, established
the fulfilling of the announcing of My coming and of My kingdom with those who are My faithful,
the holiness, which brings the world to an end; for I established the New Jerusalem on earth in
the year of 7500 from the making of the world, and from My birth as an infant from the
Virgin mother, the churchly year 1992, for I built the altar from the table of the Holy of
Holies in the first three months of this year, (The ecclesiastical liturgical year starts on 1st Sep-
tember – see also about the Julian and Gregorian calendars, r.n.), and in the fourth month, on
the 12th day of the month of December, I sealed with My name and with your name the holi-
ness and its sons and the land under it too, and I wrote with it the end of the world and I
came out above all who want to be. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day
of the Lord”, r.n.) And behold, I am the word on earth and I reign through it and give with it to
each one according to one’s own deed, for it is written in the prophets: «Behold, take heed of the
word of the Lord: A voice of tumult from the citadel, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord
that renders recompense to his enemies», (Is: 66/6), and «The Lord will destroy them with the
breath of His mouth». Amen. And as for you, by your testimony of that day, you have remained
My faithful witness, a testimony that was no longer erased, even if the opponent, the man of law-
lessness, brought you forward to strike Me with the stone, put by his unbelief into your hand. But
the stone will turn back against all who did not receive you on My behalf, for whoever did not
receive you, did not receive Me either, and again a Scripture was written as that one of two thou-
sand years ago, when My people did not receive Me when I came from the Father to bring its
salvation and its repentance for the forgiveness of its sins.
Excerpt from the Word of God twelve years from the laying down of the foundation stone
of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2003. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Let My gates be opened on earth for Me to enter as word in My book of these times! I am
The One who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Write on the earth, sons who are gates for Me, write on the earth, and My angels will write
in heaven the day of the celebration of My prophet Elijah, the day when I, The Lord, The Son of
Father Sabaoth, I drummed from margins to margins My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man,
because, such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus
will be the advent of The Son Of Man.

The word of My advent flows from My mouth in the middle of the Romanian people, and
soon, soon I shall write on earth and in heaven the wake of the fiftieth of My word which comes
with the clouds over the Romanian land beginning with the year 1955. My word which flows
from My mouth in these last days is My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man on the clouds
of the sky with power and much glory and the power and the glory is My word, and with the
blow of its mouth on the earth I have prepared a bride nation from the Romanian nation, the land
of the second advent of the Son Of Man. Amen.

Write in My book with you, children born from the word of My second advent next to
Father, word on the earth, write on the earth the wake of the great prophet Elijah, when I, God,
through My work with you and through the work I have given you for the announcement of My
advent, I bless from near Father and from next to you your emergence with Me above all the earth
and the preaching of Gospel of My advent which announces itself through the power of My word
from it, and the prophet Elijah is the angel who announces, as The Scripture says: «I, Lord, send
you Elijah the prophet before My great and fearsome advent. He will turn back the heart of the
parents towards their sons, and the heart of the sons towards their parents, for Me not to come
and strike the country with curse».

Such as the lightning comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, thus is
My advent to you today, (It is published on the internet too, - see the selection topic: „As light-
ning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord”, r.n.) My word which has flown from
My mouth for almost fifty years, and with which I have prepared Myself a nation, and My advent
to them, and the place of My advent and his glory, because the place of My word’s manger and all
his surroundings which are and which will be and which crown the manger of My word all around,
this place is the mysterious mountain of God, towards many, many hearts will turn from now
on, and many, many looks and many, many people will look and take the laws of holiness,
because it is written in the prophets for this time: «And in the last days the mountain of the temple
of God will be risen above the mountains’ peaks and above the hills and the nations will head
to it and they will say: ”Come to climb the mountain of God and God will teach us His ways and
He will let us walk on His paths, for it is from Sion where the law will come, and The word of
God from Jerusalem”». Amen.

Blessed be this day and its work, for today I unfold the heavens to let the judgment
throne be seen, My word that gather all the nations of the earth in front of Me, to show them My
work, My second advent, My mysterious kingdom above My disciples in the middle of the Roma-
nian people, because the Romanian land has been chosen from the beginning to fulfill on it the
mystery of The New Jerusalem, the mystery kept into Father for the new creation of the world, for
the fulfilling of the Scriptures of a new heaven and a new earth, the mystery of the advent of The

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Son Of Man after seven centuries from the first creation of the world. Amen. Behold, I come and
I write on earth and heaven, a new earth and a new heaven, on the Romanian land, for I have said
through prophets: «Once more I will shake the earth, once more I will chose Jerusalem». Amen.
Jerusalem is My place of rest. Jerusalem is the mystery of My advent. This means Jerusalem, like
this mystery meant two thousand years ago.

I speak word above the Israel with body, for the sons of Jacob, after their tribes, for the
time of the bounty has come for them, too. I remind them My word through the prophets which
says: «Who will be able to endure the day of His advent? Who will be able to hold on when He
shows Himself? For He is like the fire of the smelter and like the bleach of the bleacher and He
will sit to enlighten and to clean Jacob’s sons, and He will enlighten them like the gold and the
silver, for them to bring sacrifices to God into justice». I remind them and tell them: «I am The
Lord and I have not changed, and you have not ceased to be Jacob’s sons. Since the days of
your parents you have departed from My commands and you have not obeyed them. Turn back,
turn back to Me, and I will turn back to you. Turn back and you will see that at your wish I will
open the dams of heavens and I will give you a lot of blessing for your own good, and I will have
mercy for you like a man has mercy for his sons who serve him, and then you will see the dif-
ference between the right one and the sinner, between the one who serves God and the one who
does not, for behold, the burning like furnace day is coming and the ones who make crimes will
be like straws, and for the ones who fear My name (Jesus Christ, r.n.) the sun of justice will rise,
and they will step over the evil ones the day I will make judgment. Remember the law of Moses,
My servant, to whom I gave commands and laws for you in the Sinai mountain. And behold, I
send you Elijah the prophet», as it is written in the Scriptures. Amen, amen.

And you, Romanian Jerusalem, bless the Gospel of My advent on the earth, because the
ones who announce well will have reward at the prophets. Walk, Jerusalem, and your walking,
which well-announces My second advent and My kingdom with you, let your walking go like the
lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself until the sunset, as it is written about
the advent of The Son Of Man with power and much glory, with his word above you, Romanian
Jerusalem, new Jerusalem, nation of sons faithful to the scriptures of My advent. The prophet
Elijah is with your spirit Romanian Israel, child of the vow made by Me over Abraham. May your
spirit be in his spirit, as his spirit is My Spirit, to announce the advent of The Son Of Man, My
advent and My meal with you on earth, and we will celebrate the wake of the fiftieth descent of
My word, the wake of My glory and of the Holy Spirit, which is in Father and in Me and in you,
new Jerusalem.

Twelve years have passed since I, The Lord, and with you and My bishop chosen by the
world church (Pop Irineu-Bistriţeanul, r.n.) drove the stake of My kingdom, the seen one, on earth,
and we settled the shrine of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, My judging throne, in the
middle of the Romanian land, the white stone on which I have written: The Word Of God, (Apoc.
19:13, r.n.), stone that was neglected by the builders, but for you it has great value, as you were
faithful. And if twelve years passed, I rise Myself and call at this mountain the twelve tribes of
Jacob and I give them this omen and I announce them My glory and My hand will show itself to
My servants and the wrath to My enemies. Amen.

I drummed from margins to margins My advent, the advent of The Son Of Man, because
two thousand years ago I said: «Like the lightning that comes from the sunrise and shows itself

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

until the sunset, thus the advent of The Son Of Man will be», and today this Scripture has ful-
filled, as the news about the kingdom of heaven travels as fast as the lightning and this news calls
all the people under its vine and fig tree, because two thousand years ago I said: «The Son of Man
will come with power and much glory on the clouds of the sky and He will send His angels with
a great trumpet sound and they will gather the chosen ones for Him from the four winds, from
the margins of the sky to the other margins, and then from two men working the land, one will
be taken and the other one will be left, and from two women grinding at the mill, one will be
taken and the other one will be left, and at the time they will not think about, The Son of Man
will come», and The Lord will fulfill His word above the Earth. Amen.

It was written about this day in heaven and earth, the day of the celebration of the great
prophet Elijah, whom I took in heavens with chariot and horses of fire to keep him for the day of
My advent which is like lightning. I made him the angel of the lightning of My advent, the fore-
runner of the glory of My word, which comes with the clouds and it is like thunder, which
lightens first, from the sunrise to sunset, and then His voice is heard. I go with him from the
margins of the sky to the other margins and I announce Myself in this day above all the Earth.
Amen. Let the nations hear and see and let them rejoice and believe in My advent, rejoicing about
it, and let them drink from the river of life, which is a gift for the one who is thirsty for My advent,
for My word that flows from the New Jerusalem. Amen. The New Jerusalem is the mystery of My
advent. This means the New Jerusalem. The New Jerusalem is God and His sons, the chosen
ones from the Romanian people in order to make from them a bride nation, and God will
make a wedding hall with a wedding table from the Romanian land.

Take Holy Spirit, you, the nations of the Earth! Behold My word above the Earth, the
blow of My mouth, with which I will kill the lawless one with the brightness of My word
advent above the Earth. Take Holy Spirit! Drink from the river of life and heal yourselves, you,
the nations of the earth, as I came and I come with the clouds to take to Father all the ones who
will believe and will baptize in the name of The Father, Son and The Holy Spirit, for repentance,
and the forgiveness of the sins. Amen.

The angels of My advent, accompanied by the archangel Michael and the great
prophet Elijah, write in heaven and earth the second day of August, the year twelve since the
beginning of the kingdom of heaven on earth, (The end of the world, in fact the end of the
kingdom of man over man and the beginning of the Kingdom of God in the heart of man, r.n.) on
the Romanian land, the country of The New Jerusalem. This is the day that God made to rejoice
in it with His beloved ones on earth. Amen.

I am the Alpha and the Omega, The First and The Last, the beginning and the end, the star
which shines in the morning, and the one who hears let him say “Come!“ and let the thirsty one
come and let the one who wants to accept as a gift the water of life come. Amen.

Blessed be you, children of My word, who have opened the gates of heaven for the nations
of the earth to see My Kingdom over you and with you. Blessed be the belief of the ones who will
accept like you the kingdom of heaven in them, because great and wonderful is the mystery of the
New Jerusalem, on earth. And I have come and I am coming, and My reward is with Me, to give
everyone after his deed and his belief in My advent. Amen, amen, amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The Word of God for Romania at the celebration of Saint Prophet Elijah, from 02-08-2003.
(On Calameo)

It is a feast with love in it, with My Spirit full of humility in it, for I have sanctified, within
a great humility on earth in My days with you, the place and the shrine of the Holy of Holies
in these days on earth. It is the feast of the day and of the year 7500 from the creation of the
world, when I, the Master of all nature, fulfilled the Scripture of the coming down of the
mystery of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, as many saints have prophesied from the
Holy Spirit for these days of My coming with the new birth of all the nature in the end of the
time. (See the note from the end of „The Word of God thirteen years after the consecration of the
Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 2004.12.12 - r.n.)

The entire heaven, which keeps Me above, the entire heaven of saints and angels and of the
heavenly powers worship and worship Me to the Father for My victory over the earth, now, in the
end of the time. The Father bows and kisses you as children once with this celebration mentioned
today, and he brings near you the feast and that day, which had here the one who testified about
the work of My word and about its holy shrine, (Or monstrance, tr.n.) the bishop John-Irineu, who
bowed his head before Me to fulfill this Scripture of new Jerusalem on the Romanian land, and
then he bowed his head again before those who oppressed him because he fulfilled My word within
a spirit of faith and obedience like a child-son loving of God. I bring him hear within the spirit and
I bring him into your sight with the day of that time, and then I kiss him as a child, and I kiss you
too, and then I strengthen him within the patience that he has got, for patience is the gift of
those who are holy to the end, and it does not belong to everyone. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, I have suffered a godly pain this day, I have been suffering when I see the antichrist
how he has been struggling to bring down under his knees the country of brightness, to bring
the Romanian land under his power, but I, the Lord, will make him kneel down soon, soon,
for this land belongs to the Lord and not to the man, and I will take it back and I will make
My will of it and from it. Amen.

Oh, Romanian people, stay to learn My will before Me. Get out from the bondage of the
man and come into My way, for I come into your way to save you. I give you My Holy Spirit to
be refreshed within Him, for you cannot be yours if you stay on a land chosen by God. Soon, soon,
I will take you out from this bondage and you will see My hand above you, and then you will
glorify Me, because you have the sign of the apostleship on your forehead, for you were My first
one marked among My disciples of two thousand years ago. My apostle Andrew seals you today
too with a spirit of manhood to wake up if you want, or today is a day of mourning on the Romanian
land. The sons of the devil44 struggle to bring under their control this land that was sanctified
by My word of two thousand years ago and by the one of today, but they will no longer have
many days, for My glory will come down on earth with wrath to cleanse the iniquity from it
and all its servants. Amen.

Reference to the parliamentary and presidential elections and to the successors of the Romanian Communist
Party, who fight to take the power, r.n.;

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

It is a day of mourning in heaven and on the Romanian land, but I have ordained for the
people on it a day of revival, a day for the cleansing of the unbelief, and I have also ordained to
him illumination and victory upon the devil, the cross. Amen.

Oh, children, who stay only eyes and ears to Me and to My word! I am consumed with pain
for the Romanian land in whose midst I have you as the light of the world. Share My pain and My
light over the earth. How the greater is My joy for the memorial of My victory through you
on the earth, the greater is My pain that the devil brings on Me in this day, by his struggle
to win over for himself the land of My choice, but he will soon know that his place is the crying
and the gnashing of teeth and that the place of the Lord’s glory is the land which he tries again to
take under his control today. However, I will destroy him soon, soon, him and all his servants, for
the time now is Mine and not his, and I will exhort many to the life of the age that is to be and I
will pull them from the deceitfulness of the man’s age, and these will receive power and they will
love the heaven on earth and the earth will listen to the heaven, and the people on it will see God
and will serve Him. Amen.

I have room in the little ones, for I am the Lord of humility. My humility is My glory. The
humility of spirit may be with you, My people, and let this glory please Me into your midst,
for I have to be the Teacher into your midst over the sons of the people who have come to the
water of life, and then by their cleansing, they have come to life. Amen.

I want to appear on the earth from your midst with My image and My likeness, My people,
and the spirit of faith, of obedience and of the humility of spirit will help you to do My will, when
with longing you will want to be like God. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, thirteen years after the consecration of the Holy of Holies
of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2004. (On Calameo)

My word will work the revival so that it may come with Me into the book, children from
the gates. I am the Lord, and I wake you up with My word, which made the heaven and the earth
and the man at the beginning, and in the end it has made you to be His word, for the Word is God,
and everything was made thorough Him and will be made again. Amen, amen, amen.

New heavens and new earth are being made. Everything is born of My word again, for
everything has grown old from the man on, because the man has separated himself from God on
the earth and he does not know and cannot do, and cannot turn back to Me but only by My word,
which comes to him and guides him again for his making and over everything that has been, for
the man between heaven and earth is My pain, which stands against Me before the falling of the
fallen angels from My glory, and every man has to bow to My voice, to My word, which made the
heaven and the earth in the beginning. Amen.

Oh, My people out of Romanians! If when I made the heaven and the earth by My word
out of waters and spirit, and I took the first patch of land out of waters and I called it then the
Romanian land, a mystery that has remained between Me and the Father until the end of the
time, when I came on earth and took a body from the Virgin by the seed of the Holy Spirit, behold,
this mystery that has not been known by the man for such many thousands years, it is made now

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

clear by My word, the word, which made the heaven and the earth in the beginning. The Roma-
nian land was the beginning of the earth taken out of waters, and the entire Romanian land
is the beginning that came out of fire, for it will be a citadel of refuge, a green oasis, which I,
the Lord, protect it by a great miracle, by the word of My making, which starts as in the begin-
ning, when I took dust from the Romanian land and I made the man by My own hand and I
breathed word with My mouth over him, and the spirit of life came into him, and the man
knew like God, and he was My rest between heaven and earth.

From the invisible heaven and from the earth, let all the cries of prayers come together for
the fulfilling of all the Scriptures of My coming with the endless age! Amen.

Oh, My people, you have been made by My word in your days to pray to God and to remind
him of the Scriptures of the promise of the Lord’s coming on the earth with the saints, for behold,
I come to you as word and I give Myself away over the earth as the good news of resurrection for
the renewal of the creature. Little by little, I dispel from the land of My choice, the entire opposi-
tion, which stands against Me by the man’s haughtiness. I will knock down all those who try to
stand at the head of the Romanian people stained with the blood of those who have been
crying out to Me from the ground to do them justice.

Oh, stand aside, you, who are so much stained, you, who are so haughty, you, who want
greatness and ranks, for I lift up the strong by their humility and I give them faith and fear of God
and power of My power for them to tear down, at My word spoken into the midst of the Romanian
people, all the witchcraft, which darkens the man in his mind and heart and eyes so that he may
not see the light and the darkness to separate them and then to be light! Amen.

Oh, I cannot halt Myself until I expose the whole emptiness of the mind and those who
have it before Me and before My people on the Romanian land. I will arise and this is what I will
do. Amen. Little by little I settle on the Romanian land a great light for all the nations to know
that I am a great God and wonderful on the Romanian land and that I will be glorified from
it everywhere and over all things, for this is how the Father is well pleased with. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-2004
(12.12.2004 - Old style / after the Julian calendar.) (On Calameo)

My mother, the Virgin, looks at Me with her spirit full of humility and she has near her and
near Me, for the feast of My birth, all the heavenly powers, all the angels and all the saints in My
feast and hers. My mother comforts Me as she caressed Me when I was a child, in whom it grew
the miracle of the new man, a man born of heaven on earth, coming down from heaven and born
on earth for the work that the Father had to do for the new birth of the man, who wants to be from
heaven on earth and not from the earth, as the man who got out of the man has remained for seven
thousand years.

My mother full of gentleness and humble spirit like her Son, the One Born of the Father
and of her, comforts Me here, on the land of My returning with the spirit and with the word among
the people, on the land which first came out of the waters at the creation of the heaven and
of the earth, in the place from where I, the Word of the Father, took clay into My hand and
kneaded the man in the sixth day among the days of creation, days that were measured by a

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

heavenly measure: one evening and one morning, each one of the sixth days of creation. And
on the seventh day there was My rest, and I sanctified it, for the man was holy like God then, by
submission and obedience, and he did not know fear but only My joy within him.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen,
from 09-01-2005. (On Calameo)

You should submit oneself by obedience to God, Romanian Israel, and to receive My ex-
hortation upon you in obedience, and you will be alive and you will be counted as faithful as the
Lord, your God, the One Who obeyed His Father, and like Abraham, from whom I ask you to learn
the faith, obedience, submission and their work full of heaven on earth, My people of Romanians,
My new Romanian people, given to growth for you to bring forth the people of the Kingdom of
God on earth, the people of obedience, for your obedience proves out your adoption and your
Father Sabaoth, My Father and yours, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint hierarch Basil, the Great, from 14-
01-2005. (On Calameo)

I am word over the earth, and I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth. I am with a feast of
Epiphany into the midst of the people over which I deliver My word, the book of the judgment of
the creature. I am with a feast of repentance, the most beautiful gift that man can bring before Me
to become then My dwelling place, My kingdom in man.

Oh, Romanian people, hear My voice! Open your year! Receive the gift of the holy faith,
for I am in your midst with the feast of My second coming from the Father on earth, and I
am the Word of God into your midst. Come to your Baptism! Come, for you are the people of
God’s election, and I have chosen disciples of My coming from your midst. Come to rejoice you,
for I do not want to make you sad because of your lack of watching when I come and work in your
midst. Soon, soon, I will be glorified into your midst with the feast of the Pentecost celebrated
after the memorial of My resurrection from the dead two thousand years ago.

Oh, Romanian people, you are written to be the people of the saints on earth. You
have to know that there will be only saints in your land and those who sin in their body and
spirit will no longer be able to remain in it. I do not want to make you sad, but rather I want to
make you glad by this news, and you should do what My mother Virgin did, at the news which I
gave by the good messenger angel, and you should become obedient, submissive and faithful to
My coming, for I am surely coming, as this is written in the Scriptures, and behold, I have chosen
you to be the people of My coming, the land of My coming, as for more than fifty years I have
been into your midst and I have been turning into a book in you with My coming, with My word
of Epiphany over all the nations on earth which will come near to the Jordan of life, to the river
of life, which flows out of My mouth to draw all the people to the fear of God, for the banquet of
My wrath is coming near over those who are not afraid of God. Amen.

Come, Romanian people, to make you glad, for I do not want to make you sad, but I rather
want to set the table of My wedding into your midst and to invite to it the kings of the world;
I want to invite them to repentance and to the forgiveness of their sins and then to My glory in you
and yours from Me.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Peace to you, for I want you to be faithful so that I may be able to tell you: peace to you,
Romanian people, people chosen from among the nations to My glory from My coming, and for
your glory! However, you should humble yourself in order to see Me, for I have My kingdom in
your midst, and I want to grow you through it and to praise you among the nations. And the
nations will come to you and will be baptized in your faith and they will sing to you and say:
«Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord to walk in God’s paths and lights and to rejoice
over Him under the glory of His people newly chosen for His glory!” (See Micah: 4/2)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Baptism (the Epiphany), from 19-

— However, My loved saints, this is what I said when I was with My disciples on earth:
«And I, if I am lifted up from the earth will draw all people to the Father, for I will come in the
clouds of the heaven, with great power and glory and then I will finish». I will bring an end to
the man’s life and I will start with My life in man and I will make a people of saints on earth.
This kind of work I am doing now on the Romanian land and I want the Romanians to hear Me
and to come near and know My coming and its work and to follow in the footsteps of those who
sanctify themselves for My coming in their own body, for it is I Who have to live in man and
not the man, and this life I want to bring on earth and to bring it with the saints. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and
John, from 12-02-2005. (On Calameo)

I, the Son of the Father Sabaoth, revealed Myself as God Who came from the Father, Man
born of the Virgin, and I have come again under My name in the end of the time and I am called
the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.), and I speak the language of the Romanian people, where I
have been glorifying Myself by the word for fifty years, by the mystery of My second coming after
the man, for there have passed seven ages since the creation of the world, and within the mid
century after this one, I wrote seven thousands five hundred years and I rose My church again
on earth, and I set it on its foundation by the word, and I am its foundation and this is how I
have been speaking from the midst of My church of New Jerusalem to those who falsely call
themselves My church:

Oh, Romanian people, shake off the Pharisees who make lame your waking to your salva-
tion from under the man of lawlessness. Come, so that I, the Lord, may shepherd you, for you do
no longer find any shepherds for you on earth. Come to the way of the Lord, your God, for there
is no one to save you besides Me. Come to God and be faithful and learn the mystery of your being
from God, My mystery in you, for by My word into your midst I make the world again, I make
the new heaven and the new earth, for I have to fulfill this Scripture on earth, (See the selection
topic: „The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) but I want to
protect you from perishing into the midst of the nations of the earth, for you are My land, chosen
by the Father from the creation of the world for Me, after seven ages of people. Amen.

And as for you, people of My word, strengthen yourself in the mystery of My new begin-
ning, and may your humility of spirit be your path to everything that I have to be into your midst,
to everything that you have to be into the Romanian nations, for I want to sound My trumpet

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

with My Gospel upon you over the entire world, the book of the new kingdom, for My king-
dom is just as endless as I am. Amen. You can do nothing without My teaching and without any
teacher upon you, for it is not for the body but for My Spirit that I have separated you from among
the sons of the people who walk without any way between earth and heaven, My people.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the memorial of the Prodigal son’s parable,
from 27-02-2005. (On Calameo)

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is how My way from
heaven on earth is, and I long very much that man may understand what the heaven is, where
its place is and what My way from heaven to earth is, from the saints to the people so that I
may be able to make the people holy as well, the heaven to be on earth, and the man no longer
to be foreign from the mystery and from the place of My heaven and the heaven of My Fa-
ther, and in this way the man to become a dwelling place of the heavenly sights, and God to rest
from His longing. Amen.

Watching children in My way, open for Me when I come to My people, which longs after
Me and which suffers for the mercy of God, and let My working people give Me further to man
everywhere, because soon there will no longer be any comfort upon man but only from the
peace and life of this comforting word and of life giving, with which I have been coming down
for fifty years on the Romanian land, the first one born of the waters at the making of the
heaven and the earth and on which I have set down now, in the end of the ages, the throne of My
justice to put every man to shame for his justice.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the devout Mary of
Egypt, from 17-04-2005.

Christ is risen! This is what I, the Lord, said in the day of Passover of the year of 1955, and
behold, there have been fifty years of word of the Word, Jesus Christ.

Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! This is how My word on the Romanian land
came to life two thousand years ago, My river of word, which waited to come again to life on
earth, to overflow again from My mouth so that I may be able to work again, because I am the
Alpha and the Omega. Amen, amen, amen.

Behold the feast of the feasts, the festival of festivals! I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, found
faith on earth when it was to come back again to make the world, for I make the world again. I am
the Maker of the heaven and of the earth. I am the Word of God into the midst of the Roma-
nian people, where I made up My path of the second coming from near the Father to the
people. It was written into the Scriptures to come to fulfill the things like those of two thousand
years ago when I was born of the Virgin, of the Virgin forever, for I am clean and holy, as God’s
bearers have to be as well, so that they may know Me and work for Me on earth.

It is the feast of fifty years of My word from the end of the time. I, the Lord, bring that day
into view to be confessed. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, and I ask you, My people, no to live as on earth, and rather to live as in heaven on
earth, and to listen to the law of the heaven and to eat only from Me and not from another spirit,
My people. And now I put again the true seal of the Son of the Father Sabaoth, Who came on earth
and trampled with death upon death in order to appear as true God from true God. Two thousand
years ago, I died on the cross and I was resurrected from the dead and I left this seal: Christ is
risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen, then and now, My people, with His body then, and with His
word now, people of the word of My coming with the new birth of the world, which will be
born again by the word of God. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 01-05-2005.
(On Calameo)

– I, My people of today, make the saints glad when I take them in My coming down upon
you, and I fulfill from your midst the Enoch’s Scripture, who prophesied about My coming with
the saints and said: «The Lord is coming with tens of thousands of His saints», and after him, My
apostle John also prophesied this and said: «His name is called the Word of God, and His armies,
which are in heaven come after Him, riding on white horses, clothed in white, pure and fine
linen». (See also Apoc: 19/13-14)
Excerpt from the Word of God on the seventh Sunday after Passover, of the holy fathers
(of the First Ecumenical Council), from 12-06-2005. (On Calameo)

In this day of heavenly memorial on earth, I bring you from among saints and through the
saints powers of soul, spirit of patience and of holy hope, My people, to pray with much power
and with much pain to God, because it is a great sufferance over the Romanian country, and it is
much pain in you, Israel of today, and I have turned to you with comfort and with John, My bap-
tizer, so that We may settle down, We, those from heaven and together with you in a spirit of
power and hope, for the days are hard, My people. However, I need to hear your voice, which calls
out to Me asking for the protection of the Romanian people, and then that I may settle down with
bounds between good and evil, between faith and unfaith, between holiness and lawlessness, for
everything has to be renewed for the visible descending on earth of those that are not seen,
but which will be, because the world will be renewed, as I promised My disciples two thou-
sand years ago, for the last days, for the establishing of the kingdom of the heaven on earth.

John, the Baptizer, waits to call out to the people to repent for the kingdom of the heaven
to come near on to the earth, clean and holy. You are very weak, children from the gates, but John
waits and he will not go back into heaven with his word until you set it into My book with you,
because every saint, working by My work of today, does not stop from his work on the earth,
because it is not possible without the written work to be worked on earth each time, and especially
now, when I, the Lord, am in My last coming, and I have with Me the hosts of saints, to the
fulfillment of the times, to the men’s turning to God, Who is making the world again. Amen, amen,

– My voice cries over the people, Lord, as I was crying two thousand years ago, when I
was making Your way for Israel to know You and to believe that You are the Son of the heavenly

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Father and that You are sent from heaven for the salvation of the fear of the death of all those who
were to believe in the salvation from You upon them.

Oh, what sufferance on the earth, Lord! The man has no longer been satisfied in spending
his life, and You have spoken to Your people of today, that it is mourning in heaven and that on
earth it is only partying, and the man does not know that there is no joy without lamentation on it,
without the reward of those who live within their blindness. I come, because I am Your forerunner.
I come on the way of Your word, which comes with the clouds, and I cry over the earth and I sound
the wake-up to repentance.

Repent, you, sinful people, from the whole surface of the earth and come into the bath of
the birth from above, to the forgiveness of your sins! I am the voice, which cries and announces
the way of the One Who becomes word on the earth for the new birth of the world, for the Lord
comes and baptizes with Holy Spirit and with fire, either to repentance, or for every man’s rebuk-
ing, and He has His winnowing fork in His hand and He thoroughly cleanses His threshing floor
and gathers His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn with fire, because He prepares
with Holy Spirit and with fire His kingdom on the earth, and then it will be without end. I am the
one who exhort you to repentance and then to the spring of life, which flows from the Lord’s mouth
into the midst of the Romanian people, and His word from now gives birth again to the world and
establishes on earth those that are not shaken, as it is written into the Scriptures.

Oh, Romanian country, in these days the Lord has prophesied upon you that you will be
brought to cleansing and whitening, so that you may be beautiful again, and that your land may
be cleaned, and thus He may prepare the great glory of His coming with the saints on your hearth,
for you are His chosen one. Oh, I look at you with pain and I see the angels who cleanse from the
way of the Lord those that are shaken by man, and I call you to the baptism of repentance and to
the forgiveness of your sins.

Oh, Romanian people, the Lord is visiting you, as He has prophesied in His word of today
upon you. However, you have tried not to hear, but He fulfills. So, get ready for days of repentance
and prayer and for a fasting pleased to the Lord, for the Lord gives you grace and power if you
want to listen to this. Set down to call Him to protect you and to give you the spirit of faith, obedi-
ence and love for His coming to you with the spirit of comfort, by which He has been dwelling into
your midst for fifty years, to prepare your glory with Him if your receive Him, if you wait for Him
and if you love Him, oh, dear country of His coming after two thousand years on the earth, as
word. The Lord is in you to protect you and to renew you by your repentance if you want, and
without your love He cannot do you good. However, you are the country of His returning to the
people to prepare His endless kingdom, and if you do not want this, the Lord can do what you
cannot, what you do not want to do. So, get up! Amen.

Let your sons exhort one another to repentance, oh, country of the Lord, for your birth on
the earth was at the same time with His birth among the people, and this was your mystery, and
the Lord is coming with it to you, after two thousand years from His birth and yours. I, John, the
Baptizer, am the word of the Lord’s coming to you to give birth of His word to the world again,
and behold, in the day of the celebration of My birth from God in the house of Zacharias and
Elisabeth, I am coming now and I am celebrating this day by your calling to repentance, Romanian
country. Get up to be chosen, as it is your fate to be chosen from among the nations, and to be the

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Lord’s house. Get up from your blood, for the Lord has got you from the Father for His coming
now in the end of the time, as on His first coming He had Israel as the people of His coming. Get
up, shake off the entire lawlessness, and do not stay without love. Be wise and put light to your
candle, for the Lord has become Your bridegroom and he cannot forsake you, but He can cleanse
you, He can renew you and He can give you birth. He, the One Who baptizes with the Holy Spirit
and with fire, He is the One Who renews the world destroying the lawlessness, for the time has
come near, and it is written: «He who is holy, let him be holy still, and he who is filthy let him
be filthy still, for the Lord is coming with His reward to repay each man according to his work».
(See also Apoc: 22/11, 12)

Oh, country of the Lord’s returning, repent from the injustice that you worked and come
towards love and prayer and ask Your Lord: “Come, Lord!” and He will come and adorn you with
the glory of His coming with the saints, to your peace and His. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, you, the one who called out the people two thousand years ago, calling them to the
kingdom of the heavens, to Me, the One Who has eternal life for man, even now you give Me to
the man by your preaching about Me, and I seal your calling with power, and I will make the
people look for God and for the spring of the word of life. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of the Saint John the Baptizer, from
07-07-2005. (On Calameo)

Oh, My people, in this day of feast for the little garden of My word, I establish you before
Me praying for the Romanian country. Let My hand save it from its hardship, from under its pain.
Let My spirit renew it, and let its sons seek God’s life in them and among them, for the sin carries
its punishment within it, and I want Romania to be clean, because I will come soon with the
visible glory in it and I announce Myself as its God to lift up those who are Romanians within
their hearts and deed, and to call by its name all the soul, which will love to be in My image
and after My likeness, which will be soon, soon, over the sons of this nation for the glory of
My coming, to have house and board in My country, newly chosen, as it is My will and not
its will, and that it may love My will, for I am its God. Amen.

Oh, people of My word, I teach you within the Holy Spirit to ask the kingdom of My peace
for Romania, so that it may have My love and protection over it and to make itself ready according
to My pleasure, to be the house of My coming after two thousand years, for I have much work to
establish on the land in its midst, and then to bring into view the new heaven, the new earth and
the new man, with My love in him on the earth, and My rest in man, as I wanted the man then
when I built him to My joy.

And now, My people, having into your midst those that are anointed between Me and you,
I want to hear the voice of your prayer for Romania, which cries under the persecution (The Floods,
r.n.) and it does not know to find its salvation from the temptations which has caught it within
them because of its departure from God. Lift up your hands, My people, and within an earnest
spirit of prayer, speak to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit your prayer for your
country and Mine, and this is how you are to pray:

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„Lord of the powers in heaven and on earth, Lord of patience and endurance, within Your
great sufferance because of the Romanian people’s departure from God and because of every
man’s departure on the earth, we comfort You, heart by heart we comfort You in Your pain for the
country of Your coming. It is Your chosen one and Your wedding table, but it is not able to know
You, because it has departed from the Holy Spirit, Who knows from You in man, and the shepherds,
who stand over it in Your name, do not have any mercy on it. However, You have mercy and You
do not forget about Your mercy if You have come within it to shepherd it on Your pasture. Give it
the grace of the Holy Spirit by Your baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Give it the spirit of
revival and of the holy faith, and then of the love and of the knowledge of God. Stop Your wrath
that has come upon it for its revival. Let Your rebuking upon it be its resurrection and then life
with You, and save it from the spirit of the world, from the perishing spirit of this age, for the world
and its lust perishes, but let Romania and its sons remain, Lord, and make its house into Your
house and Your people of saints, because the holy man is sweet, and the holy life in man is a
blessing on earth.

There will be only saints in Your people; we know that this is what You have announced
through the prophets, but we reach our hands to You so that You may put in them in such a way
that we may give to the Romanian people Your wisdom, the wisdom of creation of the new man
according to Your image and likeness on the Romanian land, and let this miracle spread over
the entire world then, to renew the world in this way, and not by rebuking, Lord of the powers.

And now, refresh Yourself within us, to know to ask You, to know by Your Spirit in order
that You may fulfill.

Speak to the rain and to its great measure to go back to its place and to come on the earth
only for the food of the people, food that grows with rain, with sun, with light and with the grace
of the Holy Spirit, Who gives life over all and Who gives comfort over everything.

Speak to the swift wind not to destroy Your creature from the Romanian land, but to with-
draw into its chambers instead, and when it comes out speak to it, let it come sweetly and comfort-
ably to refresh and to speak about life, and to sing with its voice the song of Your love for those
who love You, for Your coming on earth as word, Lord of the powers.

Speak with love to all the ghosts not to strike the Romanian land, but to protect it instead
for the whisper of Your Holy Spirit, Which becomes word on the earth. Speak to everything to work
with the measure of the blessing and of the comfort, and bring holy peace and light of Your light
over the Romanian land.

We ask You for the Romanians and over the Romanians, so that the Romanian people may
not have another god except You and to listen more and more and to come and learn to do Your
will, and the Romanian people to be a holy nation and then a praised nation before You, from
which they will learn the eternal life and the blessing of all the nations of the earth, which will cry
seeing Your coming with glory, and giving You glory with its feast into the middle of the Romanian
land, chosen by You in the beginning and now to work upon it the mystery of eternity of everything
that was and is in You and not into this world, Lord of the powers.

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In addition, Lord, come in us with the Holy Spirit of prayer, and through it we may be able
to ask You earnestly for all that are spoken by You for the promise of the salvation. Cover with
Your protection, with Your mercy and then with Your glory the Romanian country, and let Your
saints and angels give to it from You, and always teach us to pray to You for it, and You to fulfill
this. Amen, amen, amen.”

Oh, My people, I stay into your midst with My mouth full of teaching for the sons of the
people to take of My mouth and to learn to escape from perishing, to escape from disobedience.
The one who keeps himself with all his things within the light, that one is a man with a clean heart
from his own self and is a son of peace, because peace is not otherwise, and the man who stays in
his inside, that one brings only war, for the devil hides in him and works through the hidden things
of the man, because the devil loves the man’s darkness.

Oh, My people, it is not well with the man to stay in his inside, for My light calls him
outside when he does this, and it is very rare the man who humbles himself at My calling, which
brings the man into the light just as I did with Adam. The man cannot keep himself from the things
that are within him, and he does not know to believe this and then to look afterwards for the work
of the light. However, I have come on earth as word, and I have prepared for Myself a holy
and little garden, from which I have been working by the word and calling the man out of
himself in order to teach him what obedience is, and that he may learn from Me to be gentle
and humble in his heart, and in this way to pass from death to life, from the darkness that is in
him to the outside light, from stubbornness to obedience, from haughtiness to humility and infancy,
by these entire mysteries, which bring upon the man the life and the redemption of the creature.

And now, My gentle and humble spirit comforts your wound, Romania. Let My peace
overflow upon you like a river, but seek, My country to have shepherds who may lead you to
Me and not to themselves, for it is because of those who stand over you without My life in
them, that you suffer now pain, My country. Wake up the one among your shepherds who is
from Me, (The bishop John Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.), and by who I testified fourteen years ago about
a clean church on the earth, a church of New Jerusalem and a holy and saving nation from Me into
your midst. Wake up the one among your shepherds, who is faithful and truthful for your salvation,
and have him ask from the Father your reconciliation to God, My country. Bring him with his face
to My spring and have him stand as your intercessor with Me, but wake up your spirit of faith and
knowledge of My mysteries by which I work from your midst over the earth, My country. Amen.

Oh, My people, do always the work of My word, and be diligent to listen to Me and to love
Me and you will be the light from heaven on to the earth, and you will be the fruit of obedience
and you will be My sweet joy, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, fourteen years from the laying down of the foundation
stone of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2005. (On Calameo)

In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is how I, the Lord,
baptize the heart of the faithful one, who leaves everything for Me among the sons of the people.
I will soon spend into your midst the feast of Epiphany, My Jerusalem of today, My Romanian
people, for I have told you that the Romanian name will be taken by everyone who, by this
world, will allow oneself to be grown and to be made steady in the Father, in the Son and in

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the Holy Spirit, the name of the Lord, your God, Lord and Master forever and ever, and Who
is coming soon with the eternal age to settle down on the new earth and to reign forever according
to His will. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch, Basil the Great, from 14-
01-2006. (On Calameo)

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, let there be on earth as in
heaven, for the man’s life comes in man from Me, and the man is indebted to the heaven for his
life in him, for the life of his body, which is from the earth.

Oh, get up to your resurrection, My country, My dear Romania! Get up and wake up the
one who sleeps having been shut in the stocks! He has got a gag in his mouth so that he may not
speak and that his voice may not be heard over the hills in order that these may come into flower
and turn green under the rain of My word, which makes them all again, for this new making of the
world is written into the Scriptures. I could give you birth from above by the spirit of comfort, My
country, but you do not know the whisper of My comfort which prepares for you your new birth
to be My new born one among the nations, oh, country of brightness! The prophets that prophesied
that you would be Mine will get up to receive their inheritance in you. Daniel, the prophet, will
also get up, the one through whom, I, the Lord, prophesied about you that you will be on
earth and that many will crush you so that you may be born again and to take after Me; this
prophet will stand up to receive in you the joy, which he has believed and waited for. (See
prophecies about New Jerusalem, r.n.)

Oh, I am with the mystery of the feast of the resurrection upon you, My country from the
end of the time. The Lord is King by the word in you. Your kingdom on the earth is not from
this world, but it is from above instead, from heaven, and it is written about you to be a queen
over the nations by My word into your midst. My word in you is the river of life. It springs
up life from heaven over the earth, and it is king, for it is the word of the Holy Spirit, and it
has the feast of its Pentecost in you. I have been crying with a river of the Holy Spirit upon you
for fifty years, country of My coming, and the man on the earth, who has heard of your election,
tries to praise himself over you. However, I come down on a day of resurrection feast, My and
your, epistle of the Holy Spirit and I call you to drink of the river of life. Its riverbed is from
heaven and down to earth, from those that are invisible and those that are visible, from the
invisible world and to the visible one. Its spring is My mouth and the little garden over which
I, the Lord, the Word, speak from your midst. Wake up at My voice and make peace with Me
and wake up the one who will speak out before Me the act of your repentance and birth from
My word, which flows into your midst, for you are the fallow land with a treasure in it, and
I am deprived of man into your midst.

Behold the history of My word of fifty years on the hearth of the Romanian land! And
then many nations will hear and will come to worship and they will drink of My glory and
they will receive resurrection and a spirit of testimony at that time.

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Behold the book of My word by which I keep its feast of Pentecost on the Romanian
land! (See The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God, r.n.) I, the Lord, Jesus
Christ, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the mother Virgin, had fulfilled fifty years of
word on the hearth of the Romanian people (1955-2005, r.n.). The nations will hear and will
come near, but the Romanian country is in My hand. No one
without God will endure over it. I have come down with an epistle
of the Holy Spirit upon it, and to you, the one who are set as a helms-
man upon it, I tell you to be careful at the word of My mouth, for the
sea is troubled, and you need to have power from Me and to be an
unsleeping helmsman at the helm of My ship, because I will save
the world from its sins by it, and then I will establish a new age
on the earth; I will establish a New Jerusalem, as it is written
into the Scriptures. Do not be unfaithful but faithful, for I wait for
the voice of the one who will lift up prayers to Me from before the
Romanian people, and I will listen to his prayer for the comfort and
for the resurrection and for the salvation of this nation. Amen.

Now, I leave you under a spirit of resurrection, My country. I have spoken upon you on a
day of feast of the memorial of My resurrection, for I have got into My hand My heavenly plan
that I am going to fulfill it, and it is written in it your glory from Me and the feast of your resur-
rection and your new being in the end of the time. You will be in My image and after My likeness
by those who will be God’s people on your land, for their fate is in My hand, and I am the Word
of God and I give the good news about Me over you with My new name, written into the Scriptures
two thousand years ago, and it is written this way into the Scriptures: «And His name is called the
Word of God». (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.). Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 23-04-2006.
(On Calameo)

I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, the Lord, Jesus Christ. The Father has sent Me and I
do not come on My own. I have become word over the earth and I have become book. I do not
speak from Myself, but from the Father, and I am the will of the Father Sabaoth on the earth and
in heaven, among people and among saints. Amen.

I sigh with the saints, Father, and My sigh is from You not from Myself. As two thousand
years ago, I have looked now after the man to draw him to You and not to Me, and the people do
not know the spirit of repentance for their forgiveness, Father. Oh, My Father, let Us give the
wisdom from above to the man, Father, for the man is from below and he gathers from below, and
the man does not know his path, Father. For fifty years I have been staying with a table of word
on the earth now, in the end of the time, but the man hardly learns to sit at Our table, at Our table
with Us, Father, at the table of the kingdom of the heavens, My Father. I long after the man with
fruit of repentance in him, and I want to help the man, oh, Father. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, My sweet Son, how shall I comfort You, how shall I comfort You? Oh, when shall I
have You without pain from the man, My sweet Son? For seven thousand years I have been waiting
for Your joy and rest, as a merciful Father and suffering from Your pain, but the man has got no
mercy on God, Son Who are consumed with longing like Me, the Father. We are consumed and

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We wait sighing, like the saints who accompany You in Your coming down on the earth to man.
When John came out to announced that You had already come in order that the people of Israel
could receive You, those who were rulers over Israel were so haughty in their spirit, and the taste
of repentance could not touch Israel due to its sins and its alienation from God, and Israel had
considered You as the One Who was disturbing its peace and it blamed You and then it crucified
You on the cross, My Son sent from heaven down to the earth after man. Then We had nothing to
do but only to sigh and to be little, bearing in Your tormented body all the atonement of the man’s
guilt, who knows nothing else but to sing in his own body so that the Lord may not have room in
him, Son without shelter in man on the earth. Then John came out and let the people know about
You, and now You have come Yourself and announced Yourself with the saints by doing the will
of the One Who sent You then and now, for You have listened to Me, dear Son. Amen.

Oh, people of My Son, the Word! You should know that if it is by the spirit of repentance
that the man comes to this spring of life giving, then the man knows to bring forth the fruit of the
kingdom of the heavens, but if he comes to escape the reward of his sins not working out repent-
ance in his spirit, one like that has not got to the work of the kingdom of the heavens, the work,
which has its fruit in man and then outside of him.

Oh, people led by My Son in His coming with His saints! The Romanian homeland is the
Lord’s homeland, the homeland of My Son’s second coming on the earth, as I, the Father,
have sent Him. The whole earth, far and wide, will hear and understand soon that the Ro-
manian homeland is the heavenly homeland, the homeland of the Lord’s saints, for My Son
will overcome for its glory, for its renewal, and those who will be in it will bring forth fruit
from its midst, the fruit of the kingdom of the heavens, and God will be comforted, for His
fruit will comfort Him. Amen.

Oh, people, who listen to the voice of My Son on His second coming on the earth! Let it
be known over the earth; spread the book of the Lord on the four corners so that those who will
sanctify themselves for the Lord and for the heavenly homeland, the homeland of His coming with
the saints on the earth, may yield fruit worthy of repentance. Do not doubt of this fulfillment. The
voice of the kingdom of the heavens is the word of My Son, with which the heavenly home-
land and its glory into the midst of the earth have prepared. Amen.

Oh, Romanian country! I, Father, exhort you to repentance, to the work of the fruit of the
kingdom of the heavens into your midst. Receive the love of My Son, which becomes word on
your hearth. The Lord has been working for fifty years at your garment for your coming and for
the glory of your Lord. The Lord is in you as word, for He has chosen you to be the heavenly
homeland on the earth, and I, the Father Sabaoth, crown the Truth, My Son, the Word into
your midst, and I say: the word that is upon you is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well
pleased, and I teach you with the spirit and with the word of father: listen to the voice of My
Son and fulfill it, to His glory and yours. Amen, amen, amen.

– I have listened to Your love for the country of My coming with the saints, Father Sabaoth.
I have called out in it and My saints and I have given the news of the kingdom of the heavens upon
it. I have come into it preparing its glory, but few wake up to take Me in them with My calling.
However, I will give them a new heart, and then they will look to find the wisdom of My word
and they will sanctify for the fruit of repentance, the fruit of the kingdom of the heavens, Father,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and the mystery of the heavenly homeland will be fulfilled on the earth according to Your word
and Mine, My Father. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the beheading of Saint John, the Baptizer,
from 11-09-2006. (On Calameo)

Oh, My people of Romanians, who stay faithful under this manna by which I, your Lord
and God, feed you from heaven! You should rejoice that you are called foolish and wandered away
from My way, for behold, since I came out to give light from your midst with My teaching over
the earth, many have risen and despised you, all those who call themselves believers and
Christians of Christ and they say that they belong to the right faith and that you are only a
sect, and they do not want to drink and feel the life of My word into your midst, and these do not
want to know that I have power and will, as a true God that I am, to speak over the man to the end
of the time and not to stay without work, without word, and then let Me speak either and not only
the man, who calls himself a believer. Oh, I am the word of God and that is why I came and I
come as word on the earth, and I am not the false christ about whom it was heard: «“Here is He!”
or “Look there!”» (Mark: 13/21), but I am the voice of the Holy Spirit and Whom I pour out on
those who wait for Me to come to them with the comfort on the earth, and only with them I can
find a dwelling place for the man’s creation, for the faithful ones are My house, My tent on earth,
and I find My pleasure in them, and then I take them out of the world to be with Me and no longer
to taste from the pleasures which pass away, but rather to eat from Me and then they may become
My wedding country, for I am the dear Bridegroom, and I come as word on the earth from the
Father Sabaoth and I can no longer come without My bride on the earth, and behold, I fulfill into
the midst of the Romanian people the Scripture by which I said this: «He who believes in Me, I
will come to him and I will have a house with him, dine with him and I will reveal Myself to
him». Amen.

Oh, My Romanian country, My country with My treasure in it! Oh, you do not want to
wake up and know My voice that is upon you, the voice of the Bridegroom Who wants to ask you
in marriage to be His among nations. I have come as word from heaven into your midst upon a
faithful people, and you say that I am not, and behold, you do not know My voice, but you rather
call yourself a daughter of the right faith, and behold what you do! Oh, what you do in this day, in
this Sunday, which the parents called it the Sunday of the right faith! Instead of taking from Me
the Holy Spirit and faith in My coming as word over your head, you make your subjects give you
money and you gather it for the Orthodoxy. I look in you, I look in the churches and I break Myself
with pain, My country given to Me by the Father at My birth to be My house at My second coming
from the Father. Oh, only if you belong to the right faith by the servants that you have in you, who
call themselves apostles of Christ, you would do something else in this day of the memorial of
those who had been My righteous one in time, and you would do what My righteous ones had
done. However, you have got a spirit of the world, and I told the faithful ones not to love the spirit
of the world and its fleeing sweetness of the fleshly living on the earth.

Oh, My country with My treasure in it, I call you the heavenly homeland by My word, the
homeland of My saints from heaven and from the earth, for My word comes on the clouds above
you, and I come as word in you with the heavenly armies, and I do not come alone, and I put you
a great name and I call you the heavenly country on the earth. Oh, I find only proud people under
the name of the right faith, and they have forgotten that two thousand years ago, I was received

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

likewise by the people to which I came then, and they called Me devil, and they also called My
disciples foolish and wandering astray as they called Me, and they called them the sect of the
Nazarene, and behold, it is again what it was, for I have come now as word into your midst
and you do not know the voice of the good Shepherd, the One Who laid down His life for His
sheep, so that He might be able to shepherd them afterwards. His sheep know His voice and
only those are sheep, and those that I cannot shepherd are not sheep. I am always today, I am
always, but the man has got used otherwise to want with Me and to believe that he is Mine. How-
ever, I say this: he who does not receive My calling after the man now, he who does not leave off
the spirit of the world and its lust which passes away, that one is not written with the holy ones
who knew and know to believe when the Lord tries and knocks at their door to come in and then
they may believe in My voice full of food for them, and behold, I am the Good Shepherd and I
know My sheep and they know Me, and the one who does not work this way, he cannot be shepherd
of sheep. Amen.

Oh, My country, from the end of the time, I call you to know how to believe and to become
Mine, My country. I wait for you to get ready for the Holy Spirit, for I become the word of the
Holy Spirit into your midst and I pour out of Him upon you to bring your renewal and that you
may be the homeland according to the truth, the homeland of the right faith, and you should be as
merciful as God, oh, My homeland of today, for I have found shelter in you with the manger of
My word, which comes with the clouds above you to feed you from heaven and not from the earth,
My country. (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with
the clouds”, r.n.) Oh, wake up, get ready for God according to His holy will, and do not forget
the holy saints, My country. Wake up and come, and come to believe that I am the One Who feed
you and that I am Shepherd, for you do not have shepherds with mercy of you, and you are poor,
you are very poor from those in heaven, My country. Oh, I would call you painfully and I would
call you much, for My sufferance is great from your unbelief, but you have ministers in you foreign
from the Holy Spirit and who lie in wait for you everywhere so that they may not escape you from
their dominion and to be Mine and not yours. However, you should take from My Spirit and come
to life by faith and by the food from above, My country, for I adorn you by it and I shepherd you
and I prepare you to be the heavenly homeland, the country of My glory, country with Bridegroom,
and I do not do you any harm by My food from above over you, oh, My loved one. Amen, amen,

I, the Lord, bless your faith, My people taken from the Romanians, for I am not the lying
christ, as they call Me, those who do not believe, hearing of Me and you, but I am the One Who
blesses you for the gift that you have from Me, the gift of the holy faith, for I am the one who said:
«Blessed is the one who believes and does not see», and the saints believed and fulfilled My word
by My gift upon them, the gift of the faith from above, the gift of the holy faith, which knows to
receive God, like Abraham, Moses, like Daniel and like all those who were sons of the holy faith,
the sons of God by the works of their faith, who has its reward in eternity, My people. Amen,
amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 25-
02-2007. (On Calameo)

And as for My Romanian country, I Myself proclaim upon it: Christ is risen, My country
of today, for I come to you today. Oh, you are under the cross and you are then put on the cross by

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

those who are haughty and greedy in you. Oh, you are pierced by the man of lawlessness, by the
man of falsehood, for the wolf changes only his skin and his cunning voice. Oh, let Me come to
life in you; let Me work for you, and I will save you; I, My country and not you, for you could
not and cannot do anything without Me. Oh, I am only He Who can do, only I, My country, and
you will be able to work as well, if you know to kneel down before Me for your resurrection, and
not before the man, My country. I embrace you within My humility and I teach you the mystery
and the power of the kneeling down and of the resurrection from the kneeling. Receive from Me
and stand up beautifully, just as I woke up from the dead, and give Me your hand so that I may
raise you up, My country, but learn to know My hand, and be faithful and wise, for I, your Lord
and God, your Creator from My birth and yours once with Mine, bow and this is how I teach you
My wisdom and your resurrection from your kneeling, My country from the end of the time, and
in which I come, and I come speaking, and I teach you the waking up and I teach you the resur-
rection, My country, My country from today. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 08-04-2007.
(On Calameo)

… Oh, Romanian people, wake up, for the Lord teaches your awakening. Take care that
you may not fall asleep. Wake up from your sleep, for you do sleep, and behold, you should pray
with sighing for your life, for you are under the cross and you do not want to know this, but wake
up and watch, for you are the heavenly homeland if the Lord is in you with His work for His
coming. Oh, do not let the greedy, who suck your vigor and life for them to be rich and proud on
your serene forehead by the gifts of the Lord that are upon you and which is brightened now from
the Lord’s face, Who stays into your midst working for your salvation. Do not let your enemies to
continue to keep you in bondage45, oh, do not let them, but wake up for your victory, for you are
pierced by the works of the lawless man, who has sucked your vigor and glory so that he may have
your glory and not you. It is a long time since it has passed those seventy years of the red beast’s
dominion over your head glorified by the gifts of the Lord even from your making and behold,
there is grief in heaven for you, for the wolf changes only its skin and its cunning voice and he
rules over you and sucks your vigor so that it may have glory and not you, but the Lord wants to
teach you the awakening, His dear country. Oh, listen to the voice of the One Who is risen! It is
the Lord. Do not be afraid! He is the Lord, your God, and the God of your parents, faithful and
holy, who pray before Him for you and for your salvation. Listen to Him, for you cannot do any-
thing without Him. I stand above you and I protect you with hosts of angels and saints. I am His
mother and I am your mother, for you are the country of His returning from the Father to the man.
Learn to kneel down before Him with glory and learn to ask Him your salvation and your glory
from Him, oh, His country and mine, for I protect you and I watch over you, because you are His
chosen one of now. Oh, wake up and see. Behold, the greedy keep you in bondage and they do not
have compassion on you, but learn the awakening, learn the resurrection, for my Son is your Mas-
ter, He, and not the man upon you who enslaves your glory. You have to know how to kneel down
before Him for your resurrection, and not before the man, oh, country of My love for my Son, Who
chose you to be His. I embrace you in my humility, as my Son. Learn the mystery of kneeling and
of the rising from the kneeling and wake up beautifully, as my Son woke up from the dead and give
Him your hand so that He may lift you up, but you should know His pierced hand upon you, and

45 The Parliament Decree, led by majority of the party of the former communists, of suspending president
Băsescu, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

you should be faithful and wise for Him, as He has taught you and bowed to teach you always the
rising from the kneeling and to teach you the awakening, my country, for you are His country and
mine in order that I may protect you. Wake up and sing with longing: Christ is risen, for He works
out your resurrection, but pray to Him and call for Him and be faithful to Him in your prayer.

I have comforted Your Romanian people, Son, Who are aggrieved for the Romanian people
oppressed by the haughtiness and greed of those who want to keep its fate into their hands, plan-
ning sufferance for Your country by the work of their glory and love of silver into its midst, by the
spirit of their greed. However, I pray to You and listen to My mother’s prayer, and prepare her
awakening and breathe upon her the spirit of resurrection and wake her up from the cross, and
those who keep it in humility without justice, make them kneel down, Lord Son, and strengthen
upon it the rulership of those who have compassion on it, for You are the One Who can, and You
are the Lord of resurrection, and You are my aggrieved Son too, and I comfort the wounds of Your
crucifixion and those for Your country of today, given to You by the Father when I, two thousand
years ago, gave Your birth on the earth from the Father and from the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen,

– Oh, mother Virgin, You have put salve on My wounds in a day of the healing spring,
mother. Oh, I am so much aggrieved for My wedding country, mother. I sigh for it into the midst
of My people, which I have fed with a word of resurrection, mother. Into its midst I have set My
table of word, My table of wedding, mother, and the man of lawlessness wants to work in it with
his mind and with his hand, mother, but I settle down for its awakening, for its getting up from its
kneeling down, for it is kept in bondage and its eyes are bound so that it may not know or see its
cunning enemy, mother.

Oh, My country! Christ is risen! I, the Lord of Resurrection, tell you! Oh, get up, My coun-
try! Oh, do not stay without power when you see your bondage. You are under the cross and you
are on the cross, and I am the One Who wakes you up. Look at Me and get up beautifully, as I got
up from the dead, and make the sign of the holy cross on your face and over your entire nation
and give Me your hand to raise you, My country, for I embrace you in My humility to teach you
the hope by the humility of your spirit, which keeps you to be Mine, and woe to those who are
haughty in you46, who want to take your light and the way under your feet and that they may
speak into your name upon them and upon you and over the earth. I, the Lord, will be with
you, My country, and I will strengthen upon you those who are good for you, those who have
compassion on you, but call My mercy towards you, and it will be your raising from your prayer,
oh, My country of today. Amen.

And as far as you are concerned, people of My word, I urge you for a spirit of prayer to the
Father for My country and yours, for My Romanian people, which I want to wake it up from its
unbelief and from its cross. Honor the Lord with new days of watch and holy sacrifice for My
country and yours, and do not doubt like the pagans, who do not love their parents and who have
become pagans in their faith, crushes by their empty life. Observe nine times all the days of
Tuesday and Thursday and make them heavenly livings and growth of the Holy Spirit in you
and prayer for My Romanian country and for the fulfilling of My promises declared for you and

46 See note 4;

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

for it, and be obedient to your Lord, people of My coming as word of resurrection over the earth.
Your ancestors knew from the Holy Spirit and from the sings that were upon them about these
days, days about which the people do not know their power of victory if they put them before
Me as sacrifice of salvation for them. However, you should renew this sacrifice of prayer by nine
times for My victory upon the earth, and from the day of the memorial of My resurrection count
days of prayer and honor for Me from you, so that you may overcome just as your ancestors did,
who knew My sings upon them and they brought honor and days of watching for their salvation to
God. Oh, do not take after those with a human faith and who forsook from upon them the power
of the faith of their Christian fathers, who had the fear of God in their being, but show that you are
a people of prayer and bring Me days of perseverance, days in which you are able to be Mine and
that you do not belong to your body, for the work done by the hand is for the body, and the work
with the spirit is for God and for His victory over the earth, My people. Oh, be faithful like
Abraham, for he was the symbol of My Father Sabaoth, Who asked him to bring Isaac as a
sacrifice, and Abraham did not doubt, but he rather believed that I would even bring Isaac to life
from the death, and Isaac was an example of My sacrifice on the cross, for My victorious awaken-
ing and for the people faithful through Me, as the Father promised to Abraham.

Take care Jerusalem, for the dried fruit tree is pruned in the spring so that only those green
branches may remain; those that bring forth buds. Let this work spring from your prayer before
Me for My Romanian country, for it is My time with you in it, and it is its time, and it is still kept
in the bondage of those who deceive it with their cunning face, but let it wake up and see well the
one who wants its benefit, and this is how it should watch for itself, and I will be its shield and its
rising from its kneeling. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the healing Spring, from 13-04-2007. (On

And now, oh, the country of My coming on earth, now, at the end of the time, if I, God the
Word, pour out Myself on your hearth with the river and water of life, as it is written in the Scrip-
tures, you are the one known over the peoples that you are My wedding country, that you are the
hearth in which I, the Lord, the Father’s Lamb, have sat down with the supper of My word, and in
this word I want to baptize all the nations of the earth, and behold, this is what I am doing, and I
am working as in the time of Noah, bringing the river and water of life on earth, and catching
the peoples under it so that they may come and drink and then to thirst again after the life
of My word upon it, but behold, I am finding everywhere on earth only feasting, eating and
drinking, I am also finding only marrying and wedding and man does not hear the voice of
My coming, for I am coming softly and speaking gently in the word.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the apostolic saints, from 13-07-2007. (On

Oh, My today’s Jerusalem people, sixteen years ago, I made the little garden of My word
on earth. First I built it out of the sons faithful to Me and to My coming from the Father to
man, and only after that did I found, by their hands, the visible work of My little garden for
My coming in the end of the time, as it was My place of work when I created the man at the
beginning. I am reminding of My work, the day when I, the Lord, together with the sons that I
created in this little garden, set the first stone of foundation of My new beginning on earth with

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

man. Oh, behold what it means for the man to work for God on earth! Before all things, the word
of God has to be over man and after that its fulfilled work. The same does the man with his works
on earth. First he says and then does, but it is one thing for God to say and to be done, and it is
another thing for man to say and to do after that. The man’s work is not the same with God’s work.
The man works for himself, and the Lord works for man. The man works as a man and the Lord
works as God. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God, sixteen years after the laying down of the stone of founda-
tion of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 22-07-2007. (On Calameo)

Learn, My people, your dwelling in Me and My dwelling in you, and I will teach you if
you give yourself to learning, if you come to learning, if you love My teaching. Amen, amen,

However, you, sons anointed with the oil of My holiness, in order to raise your voice
before Me for the forgiveness of the world’s sins, bring up memory and prayers to Me for
the way of the one who has left now the earth and who bore on earth the name of the patri-
arch of the church of the Romanian people. His heart and his mouth have established as My
bishop, the one whom I anointed for My church (Ioan Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.), now, in the end
of the time, and through whom I overcame with My church now, when there is no longer on
earth any work of church according to My order. This one, who has left now, has My written
work with Me through him, for I spoke to him, and he woke up and listened to Me and
fulfilled and spoke upon My anointed one to be the bishop of My church in the end of the
time. I, the Lord, have established you to pave his way to Me now, and I will look and work
for him, because I have his written work for Me, that for My living church. Put for him the
book of the psalms and prayers of forgiveness, and I will fight for his soul, for he fulfilled My
word when I asked him to do this.

Let the opposing spirit hear this word so that it may allow Me to judge over the souls
that wrote with Me the fulfilled work of My word spoken upon them. Amen.

May your prayer to Me for him be blessed, for he is being brought now to you by an
angel and he is looking with pain and waiting, sons, he is waiting for his salvation, sons, he is
waiting. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint prophet Elijah, from 02-08-2007.
(On Calameo)

Behold, the church in the world has been seeking again after its head, (The Romanian
Orthodox Church, after the death of Patriarch Teoctist, r.n.), but it does not look after Me at all.
I look upon it and see headaches and body aches in it, all kinds of convulsions in order to
choose its head, for he who was his head by this time, was sent to Me to see what I do with
him, and that it may choose another head. However, I strengthen it and say that I do not
count over it, for I have finished My counting. I have fulfilled My number and I have come
to an end with it, and from now on it will be opened and fire will get out of its midst and will
melt it. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, church disobedient to God! I have come to you as word of peace and you have not
received or believed Me that I was Who I was. I, the Lord, do no longer count for you, for I
have finished counting, and you will have your head as you want, as you overcome, for you
have not let Me govern you for your life, for the peace between Me and you. Fire will come
out of your midst, you, those who have stood up now to choose your head and have gone on
calling yourself church, and you will call out to Me from the fire, because My angels will
work upon you as they did over Sodom and Gomorrah, and those who are Mine among you,
will come out of the fire, and they will be taken out of fire cleaned, and I will take care of
them and give them work in My new vineyard, and it will not be otherwise, for the church
of the Romanian people has not given its ear to My calling upon it, and it will be broken and
its blame will fall upon it, for it did not receive Me when I knocked at its door to give it an
expensive garment and then to be. Now, I, the Lord, will work for the rest of the one who
was sent to Me, not according to My will, but for the sake of the one who wants to sit down
as the head of the church, and I will heal his soul in heaven and I will comfort him, for in his
time as the patriarch of the Romanian people, he listened to Me when I asked him this, and
he established for Me and for My living church a bishop after My will, and I fulfilled My
plan for the lasting of My church before Me, Christ’s church on earth. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and healer Panteleimon, from
09-08-2007. (On Calameo)

I announce Myself with My love for man over the whole Romanian people, My newly
chosen people, for I have chosen again a people for Me, to have a country and to have a
people in it for My coming, and I have done this because this was written to for Me do and
to choose again a Jerusalem, and behold, I have chosen and fulfilled this word. Amen.

Oh, holy angels, and you, heavenly powers, who serve My coming and My days of glory
with the people on earth! Comfort each other and take from margins to margins the news of My
coming with the saints on the land of the Romanian people, and give heavenly powers to the people
of My word, by which I announce Myself as word over the earth. Amen.

Peace to you and peace to those who wait for the resurrection! In a little while I will
release on earth the garment of incorruptibility that is to come, and you will stand up incor-
ruptible, for I have been working now at this work with My people on earth, and which I have
built for Me by the word. Oh, rejoice and look at My glory rejoicing, for My people of today
is My glory from My coming, and soon, soon, I, the Lord, will bring the waiting to an end.
In a little while, all the creatures will take on the garment of incorruptibility, and this joy will
bring back on to the earth the eternity of all that have been made by God, and which will be again,
as it is written, and when I, the Lord, will speak and say: «It is done!» Amen.

I comfort you too from the place of My spring of word, Romanian people. Receive this
whisper of My comfort and receive of My Spirit, for I speak to you only affectionately in order to
exhort you and that the work of My exhortation upon you may do you good. I have often whispered
to you and I have longingly called you and whispered to you: Wake up! The darkness is great and
the light is no longer seen, but I call out to you, wake up and set your eyes on to the light, for I am
the light and your salvation and I watch mysteriously over you and I call you to watching. Wake
up your love, My country! Let My will be upon you! I have got festive clothes for you and I want

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

to announce you as the first among the nations before Me. Do not go together with the man who
pulls you back wondering for your choice. What I did in the beginning and what I have done now
remains done, and your mystery is the land of My coming back from the Father to man, and behold,
I have the throne of My word on your hearth, and you value too lightly the thread of life, which
speaks from My mouth so that you may drink and know God, Who is coming to you with all His
mysterious adornment and Who will crown your forehead, soon, soon, country of My coming back
from the Father to man. Peace to you! From the midst of the people of My word, I bless with
a fresh word your hearth and your people, Romanian country. In a day of angelic feast on
your land with My people, with My new church, I embrace you within the Holy Spirit to congrat-
ulate you with gifts of resurrection and new making over your creature. Come to know My will,
come to the spring and take Me, and then come to You, for behold, I am coming to you and I have
always come until you may have learned the coming, your coming to My glory in you to be one
spirit with Me, My country of today. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the holy archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2007. (On Calameo)

In this day of memorial I have got with Me My trumpet Verginica 47 (Verginica - the di-
minutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) and Andrew, the apostle. I have started with Verginica a
new and clean people now, in the end of the time, as in the beginning of the Romanian nation I
worked by the apostle Andrew and established a Christian people on the Romanian land as
seed of the kingdom of the heavens on this land of it, a marked land, sown and sealed by Me to
be in it with My glory in the end of the time, and behold, I fulfill, because I have on the hearth
of this nation the mystery from the beginning of the earth, the little garden from the begin-
ning, sealed by Me, now, and in which I built the man from the dust in the beginning and I
made him a living being and then I put him in Eden afterwards. This little patch of land is
now the beginning too, as it was then, and My mystery with you is great, sons, and My mysteries
are hard to understand by the man who does not know to believe as Abraham, Moses, the prophets
and the saints had, which I have chosen from the people and I enveloped them in My Spirit and I
have worked My mysteries with them.

Sixteen years ago, I had the apostle Andrew and Verginica as witnesses with Me in the day
of sealing of the Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem in these days, and then I brought under
holiness the little garden of My word, and I have got them again as My witnesses, for the estab-
lishing of My holiness over the new earth adorned now, according to My plan over the house in
which I, the Lord, came twenty seven years ago and took My trumpet to heaven, My people. Be-
hold My feast with you on this day; and I have been preparing you now for the day of tomorrow
when I will celebrate with you the feast of the memorial of the day of My trumpet’s raising to
heaven. Oh, get ready to receive My word for this feast and for the establishing of the holiness
over the house in which I, the Lord, worked by My trumpet. Peace to you for all My feasts with
you! Peace to you, My people! You have worked from dawn to night to prepare My new garment
for the house of My descent. I comfort you with the saints, for My saints long after you with a holy
longing, because I have made you My people. I bow to thank you for your labor for My glory. I
watch to have you Mine and to comfort you with the saints, My people. Amen, amen, amen.

Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

– You make my entrance to Your people sweet, my Teacher. And I also let You sweetly come
in my being then when You received me and made me Your apostle. I was Your first disciple when
You chose Your disciples. My teacher, John, the Baptizer, sent me to You, and You received me
and made me the disciple of Your miracles of that time, Lord. You worked with me then and sent
me by Your Spirit to sow then over the land and over the Romanian people the seal of Your name
and the Christianization of this people with the baptism of the Holy Spirit, and this is how I ful-
filled, and You called Romania, the first one You called, according to my grace of the first called
to the work of discipleship near You, my Teacher. And behold, You took me and set me near to You
in the day of the sealing of the Holy of Holies in those days of sixteen years ago, the day when I
was celebration among the saints my raising into heaven near You, after I had finished the mission
of Your apostle behind You, as all Your disciples worked after You went up to be again near the
Father, after You were resurrected from the dead.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixteen year feast since the sanctification of the Holy
of Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2007. (On Calameo)

I call you in a whisper, in a mystery, Romanian people, get born with the new birth, of My
word proceeded in these days! Do not be hard of hearing! Lift your eyes up to Me to see with them
those that are My mysterious things into your midst, My country of coming from the Father again
on the earth! It is beautiful the birth from heaven of all that will be on earth by their renewal! Get
used to believe in the Lord, Who comes to you as word of birth from above, for My Scripture of
two thousand years ago did not give you birth from above, and you did not want to hear its voice
of birth to be born, to be as beautiful as I am, My country, for the one who is born of Me is as
beautiful as I am. Behold, I have an open book into your midst. It is My voice, My word of the
new birth of the world, the fulfilling of the Scripture for the renewal of the world. My whisper is
calling you to the spring. Open to Me, Romanian people, open and come to My calling, for I sit at
the table of My wedding on your hearth and I wait for you to come and I wait for you to be
and I wait for you, My country of today. I sing this carol for your birth. Open and come into the
gate to receive My carol for your birth of My word of today upon you, the Word of God, Who
calls you to be the new heaven and the new earth, after everything will pass away with a great
noise, so that I, the Lord, may be with the future glory, with the day without end of your birth of
all, when all will come to life and will be, oh My country to which, I, the Lord, come after two
thousand years from My birth in the Bethlehem of Judea, a Child born of the Virgin and not wel-
comed by the people on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 25-12-2007 (Old style
/ after the Julian calendar) / 07-01-2008 (N.S.) (On Calameo)

Amen, amen, I say to you, Romanian people. Strengthen yourself in your faith and then in
its works, for the mystery of the kingdom of the heavens has been working from your midst by the
work of My word, which flows from you over the earth, and I, the Lord, wait on your hearth and
I wait for your love, because you need working love for faith, and for love you need holy life, life
which perceives in man like God, oh, My Romanian people, blessed with a great name, now in the
end of the time. Amen.

And as for you, little and tiny people, chosen by Me from the Romanian people to be the
house of the coming of God’s Son as word on the earth now, come with every passing day more

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and more to greater love, to greater work of faith and perseverance for the protection of this nation,
My Romanian nations, My nation from the end of the time, for I do no longer have watchmen with
mercy for its life from Me and for My life in it. However, I teach it from your midst, and you come
to stand before Me on your knees for this nation and ask from Me, son, for its protection and
resurrection, ask from Me its making in My image and after My likeness. Oh, ask from Me for the
resurrection of this nation, for I am He Who can work, as I can work for you too, you who love
Me keeping yourself for Me in this dark time upon man. Then I call back to Me and to you those
who pulled themselves out of My arm and went to taste of the spirit of the world, of God’s hunger
from the world. I call back to Me those who were part of My people’s body and then slid down to
the earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son, from 24-02-2008. (On

I speak to the Romanian nation and to its church:

On your hearth, Romanian nation, I have a manger of the birth of My word, for I
have chosen from your midst the little patch of land coming first from the waters at the
making of the heaven and of the earth and on it I have made a little and tiny people and I have
raised from it, from place to place, a new tribe of sons of the holy faith, and then I have taught
them to love and to live on your land the law of paradise, Romanian people, for it is written in the
Scriptures about the revelation of God’s sons: «They will be like Him and will see Him, for He
will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them. He will
wipe away from them every tear from their eyes. Death will be no more; neither will there be
mourning, nor crying, nor pain, any more. The first things have passed away». He Who sits on
the throne said, «Behold, I am making all things new… for these words of God are faithful and
true, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give freely to him
who is thirsty from the spring of the water of life. He who overcomes, I will give him these
things. I will be his God, and he will be My son». Amen. (Apoc: 21/3-7)

Oh, Romanian people, I speak My word to you, for I am the first and the last and that is
why I become word as I was at the first beginning, for I fulfill the Scriptures. This day of feast is
a day of remembrance of the right faith, a day set by the saints and by fathers over those who
believe the works of God on the earth with the people, and you, Romanian people, you are the
new nation chosen from the nations to be now My people, to be My new chosen Israel, to be
My New Jerusalem, but the people of the church from you want to be believed for they do not
believe Me that I am the first and the last, for they do not hear Me that I speak to them, because I
have spoken to them very much by this river of word that is upon you and they have not wanted
to speak with Me either, if I have spoken with them. They want to be believed because they do not
believe Me by this word, but it is not so, and they do like the priests in the time of My passion,
when, seeing the greatness of My works, thought that they could destroy Me in such a way they
could not be removed from My chair, from which they ruled over the people so that I might not
rule and that they might rule instead, for they loved empty glory as those of today are doing. How-
ever, at that time I told them and I have also been telling those of today that My kingdom is not
of this world and that I have come to save the world and not to rule over it as do those from it.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My church of New Jerusalem, by which I speak over the flock of the Romanian people
and over those who sit over it in My name, this is the church by which I will not be over-
thrown from My throne, and that is why I have come now and set it on its first rock, and the wise
people of the time do not understand what this work is, at which they look and pretend that they
do not understand. By this stone, I have saved My church from destruction, for the church of the
Romanian nation is now trying to sell itself on a foreign price so that it may belong to the world
and not to Christ, and behold, more than seventy years ago there was great sufferance on earth
and in heaven and the times of the church were changed, as it was written for them to happen
because of the church’s lack of watchfulness, and now there it is again, lack of watchfulness,
(It is about the desire of the rulers over the Romanian Orthodox Church to change the Easter
holidays - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ - from the old style to the new style48, Catholic r.n.)
again denial of saints and fathers, again violation of the things left by the forefathers, and
the church belongs to the world and it is no longer Mine, and I make room for My grave among
those who sit over My flock and who do not give Me the glory and do not give Me the resurrection
and do not receive Me with those things of today by which I come and want to bring God to life
in man.

Oh, church of the Romanian people, do not spoil your face! Take heed at My word over
you, for I have always called you to get up, to wake up and watch, and with every passing day to
give you to understand why I have been calling you. Those who sit over you in My name do not
watch for Me and for you, for they mind only their own business. Oh, keep what you have left
from your holy forefathers, for the people have spoiled the holy laws and they will continue
spoiling them if they have set themselves to rule and have enthrone each other over you, and
you are to die without a candle as they want you to die away from the faith left from your forefa-
thers. Oh, do not deny your faith! Do not commit this sin! Open the Scripture and see into it that
it is written that before My coming there comes the sin of the faith denial, and behold, that is
why you have to believe that My coming is at your door and that I have come to save you, if you
want. Oh, keep away from this sin, keep away, for I have come to let you know what should do,
and I will make the spirit of the prophecy come down upon you, the spirit that signifies My testi-
mony. Amen.

Behold the sin of the faith denial, the sin that comes through the man who comes
before Me, as it is written! Get up and overcome this sin, Romanian people, overcome it, for I,
the Lord, will prevail against it, and I want you to do to the same so that I may give you a big
reward as to the one who overcomes. I have a son in to your midst, anointed by Me and by My
word in the church of the Romanian people, a son by whom I want to take the death, the darkness
and the lie out of the church of this nation, but he is now being kept in chains because of his faith,
and he has got his hands, his legs and his little mouth bound and he cannot work, he cannot walk
and he cannot speak. Pray for My great victory, Romanian people, for My victory will be yours
too. Pray for the Lord to overcome for you and not the man who rules over you to have dominion
over you.

Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January
(N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to
the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Get up, for I have great compassion on you, because I suffer because of your fate, Roma-
nian people, for I have chosen you as My people now, in the end of the time, for I am the first and
the last and what I have written now upon you remains written. Amen.

Oh, do not pull yourself out of your root, do not pull yourself out of the vine, church of the
Romanian people, for if you do so, then you get dry. It is written that any branch which remains
in the vine the Father takes care of it and prunes it to bring forth even more fruit, and again, it is
written that the branch, which brings forth fruit by itself, it does not bring forth fruit from the vine,
and its fruit gets dry once with it.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the right faith, from 16-
03-2008. (On Calameo)

I become spring of word for My people out of Romanians that is faithful to My second
coming from near the Father to the man. I, the Lord, who was resurrected from the dead, meet My
people with the greeting of My resurrection:

Christ has risen, My people! I do not need man’s knowledge to speak over the earth more
than any time now, for the people who have believed that they know have always killed God,
because the man who says that he knows is sick, for the healthy man in his heart and mind believes
from God and does nothing else but only those things from God and like God, and the one who
asks himself from where God is suppose to tell him what to do in such a way that he may do so,
that one has not known God and does not know what God with man means on earth and he will
not find God around him for himself, because such a man is sick, as there were all in the time of
My body, who did not have eyes and then mind to understand from God and not from people, and
not from themselves about My coming from the Father on the earth. God is Spirit, but the man
does not want to pass from body into spirit to be like God, spirit and body and not flesh and
not the mind of his sick nature, for the man who does not have God as his staff all the time,
that one is a sick man, the sickest man, sick to death, and not sick for other reasons, My

Christ has risen, Jerusalem of today! I have chosen you from the Romanian people, to save
this nation through you from unbelief and ignorance of God. I become the light of the world into
your midst and the spring of healing of the man’s mind, for the man needs wisdom, because the
whole world lies in the power of the evil one, and those who are faithful are born of God and
overcome the world by their faith and by the keeping of the commandments of life. Amen.

Christ has risen, My people! The people do not know that this life is for the man to
build with it his life that is to be when I will be before them in the glory that I have from the
Father from the foundation of the world and when I will be with those of Mine, who will have
loved to build their life. (See the selection topic: „The glory of God”, r.n.)

Oh, My Father, oh My mother, it is a day of the spring of healing over My people and over
My today’s people, Romanian people, of which I have raised a Jerusalem in these days, for My
Jerusalem is not out of dust or stone, but it is of faithful sons, who know to overcome the
world by their faith in Me and in My coming again now from the Father in man. Support My
people, oh, My Father, oh My mother! Two thousand years ago, when I came back to you, after I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

fulfilled My work for which I came on the earth, I asked You for My disciples, oh, My Father, and
I told You this: «I pray that You would not take them from the world, but that You would keep
them from the evil one. While I was with them in the world, I kept them in Your name, but now
that I come to You, keep them from the evil one». (See John: 17/12, 15) This is how I am praying
today too for My people of today: keep it from the evil one and from its world, Father, and help it
love Us and fulfill the commandments of life, which are a spring of healing for man, oh My Father.

– Oh, Son Emmanuel, We have the word into their midst and We have watching disciples
day and night over those who have given themselves over to Us to be Our people. Let Us
strengthen, You and I, this watch over My people and Yours, and let the people stay under the
staff, for woe to those without a staff upon them! We shepherd it from heaven and from earth, dear
Son. Let Our people stay under instruction, for love always needs to be learned. Let the love of
this people come to instruction, for We have disciples as Our dwelling place among them and for

Oh, let yourself be guided, people of God’s word, for woe to the sheep without a staff!
Learn the spring of the healing be always over your head and then reveal your mind and heart
before the Lord your God day and night, for nothing is hidden that may not come into the light,
because it is written: «Day after day they pour forth speech, and night after night they display
knowledge. There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard». (Ps. 19 MT = 18
LXX: 2, 3) This is how you should work, loved people, this way, for I, the Father and the Son, call
you the light of the earth.

Oh, Son Emmanuel, this is how I have spoken today from You to Your people of today, to
the spirit of healing for it. Amen.

– Oh, the glory which I have from You, Father, is You in Me, and I want Our people to
learn well this glory: I in them, as You are in Me, My Father. Amen.

And you, My mother springing with healing, give My people power and healing, mother,
for it is a day of the healing spring, My mother. Amen.

– My dear Son, I give myself as salve for the healing of those who are not fulfilled in Your
people, for their fulfillment in You is You in them, and I give myself as an example of My life,
obedience and light in You, and Yours in me, Lord Son.

Open your eyes well, people of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, for the
Lord grows you within His Holy Spirit. Let the Holy Spirit be your life, breath, work and fruit over
the earth afterwards, for you are chosen for spirit and not for body. I have always given you holy
exhortation for your healing. Keep all the Lord’s words and it will be well with you and with Him!
Let all your days and nights be lived for the fulfillment on the earth of His word upon you. Free
yourself from burdens and take my Son’s cross. Be like the birds of the sky and like the flowers of
the field, for the Lord is He Who can work for you, not you, and you are to work for Him, for to
this you were called when you came to be His.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

And as for you, oh, dear country of my Son, the chosen one of my Son, dear Romania
country, do not turn your ear from the Lord’s whisper upon you. I exhort you to wake up and for
the faith and wisdom from above, for you are in pains even if you do not know, even if you do not
feel it.

Christ has risen! Learn the Gospel of resurrection, dear country of the new election of my
Son for His coming again on earth! Christ has risen from the dead two thousand years ago, and
now He wants to come to life from you over the earth and the world may believe that the Father
has sent Him to you for your glory from him, now in the end of the time. Oh, let yourself be for His
glory and yours! Behold the spring of glory! Be wise!

Listen to the one set by the Lord to rule your country over you, Romanian nation, for he
loves the justice for you more than everyone else who is ruling over you now. Open your eyes well,
because if you do not open them, then the false man catches you under him, who says that he does
well to you, but he does not do any good to you. Oh, listen to the one who is just upon you and for
you, (President Băsescu, r.n.), and ask wisdom from God to see the one who wants to do good to
you and to God into your midst. Receive upon you the one set by the Lord as helmsman through
the waves for you, for woe to those without a staff over their heads!

Behold, the Lord’s staff is into your midst. Do not walk without a staff from heaven and on
earth over your fate, dear country of my Son’s returning on the earth now. Come into the light!
Come! Come and take light! The Lord has into your midst the staff of His word. Take from the
spring and drink to learn the way to God, and the Lord’s to you! Take and drink and learn to be
and do not forget that you are the country of my Son, the country of His coming again from near
the Father to man. Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, My bride mother, Virgin mother! I am strengthening your word now over the country
of My coming again and I am speaking to it in this way:

My mother is your intercessor with Me, My country of today. He has been watching
for two thousand years over you and for Me, for the Lord revealed her My mainland of this time
where I will come on My second coming. My mother has been working in different ways over the
earth for man and for the coming to God of the sinful world, but she has stayed over you with her
hands covering you from above to be Mine now, in the end of the time. Be illuminated, for you
are the country of the New Jerusalem, the country of My new people into your midst, born that it
may stand before Me for My coming!

Christ has risen! I, the Lord, wake up your love and the Gospel of My resurrection upon
you, My country of today. Christ has risen! I, the resurrected Lord, stretch out over you the spirit
of resurrection, the shroud of My love. Christ has risen, My country of today! I am knocking at
your door. Strengthen yourself in faith! Come to your resurrection, for the Lord’s glory springs up
upon you!

I am breathing upon you with the Holy Spirit, My country of today! Come to life! I am not
bringing you anything but your salvation and eternity with Me, My country for My second coming,
My country in the end of the time. Christ has risen! The Lord your God is speaking upon you.
Amen, amen, amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Spring of the healing, from 02-05-2008.
(On Calameo)

And now, I cry with a painful voice and full of longing, and I call out again a word of
revival for the whole Romanian people and I say:

Oh, Romanian people, Christ is risen! I Myself give you this greeting of resurrection, for
then I was resurrected and at that time the Father spoke your name among the heavenly things, and
He has sent to you a little garment of baptism and this is how He has built you to be Mine before
Him. Since then I have been waiting for your glory of today, My coming on your hearth with the
glory of My word for the renewal of the world by your new birth and then of the world under
heaven, as it is written, and you get up now when I call you to be! Oh, stand up, for willing or not,
you stand now to meet Me, because I have set on your hearth a little kernel in the east out of which
I have grown up a people, on which I have relied with My today’s glory, with My work and the
work of My word over the earth now. Oh, My homeland of today, get light for your destiny is in
My hand not in your hand. I have come to let you know that you are Mine and then to let you know
always that you are Mine, for this is how the Father has been well pleased. Soon, soon, you will
listen to Me fully and I will be the Lord and your God, as I am, and then you will be as I am,
for it is written on the Father’s throne that you are and you will be a queen over the nations,
because the Lord is your Master.

Oh, either you believe it or not, either you want it or not, I am the Lord your God, My dear
country of today, God’s homeland on the earth now, in the end of the time. The whole heaven
comes down on your hearth to spend into your midst of My people chosen by you to be My people
and a path to My coming from the Father again on the earth to the man. I am enveloped within the
word and this is how I am coming down into your midst, and I am full of humility and I hide
within a cloud of word. I have over you My plan in the end of the time for the fate of the heaven
and the earth, for I have to make new heavens and a new earth, as it is written in the Scriptures for
the promises that I have made for the time of eternity which comes and is about to come, and I
have set within you the table of My word, the food for the saints, and I come on your hearth with
My saints, and I have always come, fulfilling the Scriptures that says: «The Lord is coming with
the thousands of His holy ones». (See Jude: 1/14) Oh, what shall I do with you to humble beau-
tifully and to believe with power and with love full of power so that I may forgive your sins and
to wipe out your face, My dear homeland? How shall I help you to open and that I may come in to
you with My council for your adornment for My glory? Oh, how shall I bring you to the state so
that you may be able to come and meet Me? Shall I cleanse you from all your enemies in you?
Shall I take the yoke of bondage from upon you? Nevertheless, do you know your bondage? Oh,
My country of today, I know your bondage. There is no one in you to wish you a life among
those who have struggled to stay over you into your name. Oh, wake up, so that I may not
wake you up, so that your pains may not awaken! Learn from Me to love justice and to seek
after the one with righteousness for you, for you have fallen into a heavier bondage than that
before. (The bondage under the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.) There is a little
while and the man will no longer be able to do anything upon you, but only I will be able to work
upon you, only God, for you are God’s homeland and of His holy ones, with whom He is coming
on your hearth as word of the Holy Spirit. You are My heavenly homeland on the earth. Oh,
come and ask Me about your destiny; come and listen to My exhortation, for you are living now

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

in hard times and you do not know how to work for you and for Me with you, and I am the One
Who have your salvation in My hand, which cannot come from man, for the man is lustful and
every man who does not love God on the earth is a liar.

Oh, My today’s homeland, seek after the one with a clean heart for you and do no
longer give yourself to bondage. I, the Lord, am opening now your eyes to see and to be able
to work like God. I, the Lord, make the gift of the Holy Spirit come down upon you because
you belong to God. Willing or not, you are Mine, you are the country of My coming back
after two thousand years from the Father to man and I keep you under My mantel and I will
exalt you, but I will cleanse you from the spirit on the earth, My country of today, and then you
will be able to see My glory in you, and I will no longer sigh, for I cry with the saints, I cry from
above you and I wait for you to be Mine. Amen. You do not wait for Me but I wait for you and I
am the Lord Almighty and I am He Who is, and I will work from the Father and My work in you
will shine over the earth, and all the nations will drink of My spring of word into your midst and
they all will know from God and will glorify My glory and yours, but come to a holy awakening,
My country. Come, oh, come, for I am the word of Holy Spirit in you and I am the Lord, your
God, and I am He Who is, oh, My country o today. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the sick man, from
18-05-2008. (On Calameo)

… I am giving you God’s knowledge, My today’s homeland. No people has got your
election, for it is not I, but the Father Who chose you at My birth and yours, and He destined
you to be the land of My return again from the Father to man, because your land carries on
it the mystery on the creation of the heaven, of the earth and of the man, and the nations will
hear and understand your mystery, oh, My homeland with a treasure in it. Oh, get up early
in the morning, wash and wipe your yes and see after that, for I am putting healing salve on your
eyes, let My grace, not known by man, guide you today for your destiny from Me and not that
from man, for the man who sits over you is struggling and making every effort possible to
enslave you again, and he is struggling to keep you further in the darkness. Oh, wake up and
see! Let My angels take your steps, your mind and your hand to the will of the heaven, that for Me
and not that for the man’s will or to your will, for it is hard for man to see those that are good for
him. I, and only I am the One Who sees those that were, those that are and those that will be, and
from what I see for you, you can come to know your well being.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man, from

I have mercy on the Romanian people, for behold, it does not know to stand on its feet in
times of trial and storm upon it.

Oh, Romanian people, open for Me and do not be blind, for it is about your destiny
from Me, not that which comes from man, for the man of antichrist separated himself from
the tradition one thousand years ago, (In 1054, when the churches from the west separated from
those in the east, r.n.), and now he is trying to swallow all the remnant that I keep by My
grace. Oh, do not be blind, Romanian people! Do not slap Me in the face like the blind man whom
I healed from blindness, and then he forgot and fell into sin and slapped Me in the face on the way

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

of My cross. When he was blind, I was good for him because I healed him and he saw, and after I
made him see with the eyes of his body, he slapped Me in the face.

Behold the work of the antichrist, the work with the name of Christ’s church, the work that
crowns itself in the church, as it is written in the Scriptures! Oh, do not deny, Romanian Chris-
tian, because the flock that denied its ancestors one thousand years ago (The Catholic Church,
r.n.) wants to swallow completely the little flock, which has remained on the way from the
beginning. Even two thousand years ago, I said: «Do not be afraid little flock; the Father wants
to give you His kingdom». Now, I keep saying to the little flock to fight for the faith from the
saints, for behold, little flock, those of old, who separated and stayed hidden under the name of
church, have been trying to eat your faith, and now are showing their heads to bite those who have
kept themselves for Me. However, behold My church! I have lifted it up to Me one hour earlier
from the falling of the church and faith, for the church, which was supposed to be right, has
been selling itself now for nothing.

Oh, Romanian people, the time of faith denial has come to you. Hold tight near Me, for
man cannot protect you, but on the contrary, those who say that are shepherds upon you sell you
to those who have denied the faith. Oh, pray to your fathers to intercede for you with God and for
your faith that I set before you by My apostles I have been sending on the earth to teach the way
to the people.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint king and queen Constantine and
Helen, from 03-06-2008.

My spirit is gentle after you, My today’s people, people taken out of the Romanians to be
the people of God’s word. I am the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, am the Lord your God
and I have spoken over the Romanian land over fifty years to make it My people out of the Roma-
nian people and to glorify Myself from its midst with the mystery of My coming back again from
the Father to man and to announce Myself with the country of brightness, which it is written
into the Scriptures about. Its mystery was and is the land of the Romanian people, and now I
have revealed it to those who are faithful to My word in this time, and into whose midst I have
been revealing Myself with My new name, which is called the Word of God. (Apoc. 19:13)

Armies of saints accompany Me when I come and become the word of My coming on the
earth and great is the reward of those who are faithful, who make and know My coming and who
give Me to the people for their healing. In the scroll of the Scripture is written about Me to fulfill
in this way and I fulfill nothing but only those that are written about Me in the law of Moses, in
the prophets and in the Psalms.

Oh, My today’s country, oh, My today’s nation, Romanian people! You have Me in you as
the healer coming from the Father for your resurrection, for he who does not follow Me with his
cross, that one is dead and is not alive. Oh, blessed is the man who fears the Lord, and who longs
after His commandments, as it is written; however, you do no longer fear God, Romanian people.
There is no wisdom on the earth but only with God, for that which comes from man makes the
man haughty and haughtiness is the sin by which the man, build by My hand from dust and spirit
of life, lost the paradise and fell on the earth. My wisdom starts with man once with his fear of

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

God, which keeps and gives light to the man’s way so that he may not fall into darkness without
God in his way. I want again and again to make your awakening, My today’s country, for you, by
your departure from the way of righteousness, cause only and only pain. God speaks with you
and calls you under the light of His word of life giving, for you stagger from one leg to the
other and have no longer stood on your feet before Me. Oh, I have mercy on you, if you are
Mine. I have told you that My Father has given you to Me as the country of My coming back
on the earth now, in the end of the time and that you bear this mystery on your hearth from
the first beginning. I have told you that I am coming with armies of saints and with a table of
word to you and I have called you to My table opening Myself with it into your midst and putting
My word before you, the word of the new birth of the world, My today’s country. My rebuke upon
you is love, is revival, for you alone incur upon yourself that which strikes you to become wise.
You are that which draws the ghosts to beat you for instruction and correction on your way with
God. My voice into your midst, which calls you to the Father, is the gift given to you for your
resurrection and then for your glory over the earth; it is the Son of God, Who speaks with
you, for you are meant by the Father to be the glory of the peoples and the pride of the ages
now, in the end of the time, as you were in the beginning when the Father took you to be the
first one taken out of the water at the creation of the earth and heaven. Oh, the dawn of My
day comes and draw near, for I glorify Myself and I will glorify Myself greatly from your land,
which is My holy mountain for the time of My coming in the end of the time. Get up early in
the morning and show your face and then wash into this river to be able to see, for if you do not
know God and His voice in you, then you are blind, My country, and you need to be healed. Oh,
come to My whisper, which sighs after you on your hearth, for I have set a crown of glory on your
head and it is written on it the word of God for your healing, so that the eyes of your spirit may
see and to be able to walk in the light, for I am the light of the world into your midst. It is written
into the Scriptures to make you the pride of the ages, but be wise, for My kingdom with you is not
of this world, it is not of the earth but it is that which is driven away from the people, for I told My
disciples, to whom I gave My kingdom, that they will be driven away from the people and would
be hated by all for the sake of My name and he who would endure to the end that one would be
the one who would receive the crown of My kingdom.

Oh, come to be My kingdom, My today’s country! I have said by this word of ending and
new beginning, I have said that peoples will come towards you because of My word set into your
midst for your life and for My glory and for the spirit of My teaching over the nations so that they
may learn from Me the law of life, after the death will no longer be, for all the old things will pass
away with a great noise and the new ones take their place, as it is written into the Scriptures, and
My work over the earth works from your midst, Romanian nation, and your name will be worn
by all the nations that will come to be baptized into My word into your midst and that they
may call with My name and with your name, because you are Mine from the Father. Oh, be
afraid of God, My today’s country, and see what you do to get up to meet Me, for God’s kingdom
has come to you and it is into your midst and it waits for you to be, for I am He Who is, and I am
into your midst as the word of the new birth of the world, and those who believe this will be like
the stars forever and ever, as it is written into the Scriptures to be. Amen, amen, amen.

Peace to the Romanian people with which I have spoken today to its healing from darkness
and unbelief, because there is a time of unbelief, as it is written the Scripture of faith denial before
My coming, which catches under it those that are unfaithful.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Peace to you, Romanian nation! Do not yoke together with unbelievers; unbelievers are all
those who do not seek after My face in order to do My will. Take My yoke upon your shoulders,
oh My today’s country, for My yoke is easy, because I am without sin, and My burden is good,
because I carry the Father in Me, and I want to make you the bearer of God, oh, My today’s people,
Romanian nation, My people now, when I am coming on the earth as word for the healing of the
nations. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyr and healer, Panteleimon,
from 09-08-2008. (On Calameo)

Oh, My people, the hostile spirit does not like it when it hears from Me that I call you My
people: it does not like to hear that the land of the Romanian people is My today’s homeland, the
homeland of My coming on earth after two thousand years for the Scriptures of the new birth of
the world, as it is written into the Scripture to work. Behold, even today I have not stumbled
against man’s sins, but I have rather stumbled against his unbelief; however, you should love
My glory into your midst and be faithful, for My kingdom is not of this world, and that is
why the world does not receive it and does not want it, because it has itself and it does no
longer want anything else. However, I tell it that Elijah’s scourge is coming and the world
will go from bitterness to bitterness, and there will no longer be peace and it will only be
making with sufferance, (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.) and there will
be God with His work over the earth and He will glorify Himself through it as it is written to
be fulfilled in this way. Amen.

You, children from the gates, be My children, for the love in you is that of a child, and
those who judge you and do not love you, those are not children, but they are rather judgers,
and they see you likewise. However, you should be full of My godly plan and do not be conformed
to the sufferance which has always tried to put down the power for Me, and this is how you are to
be able to work for Me with it in you, for woe to the one without a cross like Mine, and woe to the
one who makes his own cross in order to carry it! Be long enduring and serve Me with love, for I
need your service and by your patience and service for Me, I, the Lord, will win many over
to My Father and then I will work much to fulfill the last Scriptures: the new birth of the
world, a new heaven and a new earth and glory of new Jerusalem on the earth, as it is written.

Oh, My way with you, My people is My way and I have to speak and not be silent on it,
and you should work according to My word like a son, for My son is he who listens to Me as I
listen to the Father and I am His beloved Son with Whom He is well pleased, and Who you have
to listen to, oh, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2008.
(On Calameo)

I am blessing the day of the feast of the angels. Let it be a day of comfort and of the spirit
of understanding of God’s mysteries! Let it be a day of heavenly blessing over the head and over
the soul of the Romanian people, which is being tested at this time for the life from above or from
that from below of this nation! Let the Romanian people become wise from heaven, from God’s
Spirit, and let it not be able to do its will but My will on earth so that God may be its father

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and it to be God’s people on earth among people, for the mystery of this nation is great, and
this land will be the land of the saints, a blessed land in the end; it will be a heavenly home-
land before Me. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Demetrios, the myrrh
giver, from 08-11-2008.

Oh, Romanian nation, do not let yourself be overwhelmed by ignorance of God! Oh, not
this way! I have made great heavenly love come down for you and I have reminded you of Me and
you. You have with Me a heaven of saints on your hearth and those who cry out to Me for your
resurrection. Here I am into your midst as word of love and resurrection. Angelic hosts accompany
Me. I have opened the heaven again, I have come down on your hearth as word, and I have made
you sit with Me at the table to eat from My mouth. I feed you bit by bit, as the parents feed their
children. Take, eat and come to the spirit of understanding and do not work anything without God,
for it is not good to play with your life. It is written into the Scriptures: «Let he who does not love
God be accursed!» (1 Cor: 16/22) The angels who fell after the man built by Me became haughty
and fell from heaven exhort you to serve other gods. Lucifer, who became satan because of the
man’s haughtiness, draws you to your service with him, for he sees your election and he does not
like your place near Me, and he wants to take your life away from Me. Oh, let us serve the Father
and the Son and the Holy Spirit and let us make any effort to be able to do it too for those who fell
by their haughtiness, people and angels, and let us do the work for the establishing of the king-
dom of the heavens on earth, for those who are not seen will no longer be when the calling to
account will come for all people on earth about their life and its works. Be a wise nation and do
not doubt of the truth of My coming to you as word of resurrection. Oh, do not doubt because
there are not many those who are My people of today and by which I rely on with My today’s
coming. In the time of Noah there were not many who pleased God either. Neither in the time of
Israel nor in My time could many people be distinguished, but as few as they were, they were
God’s kingdom on earth and they fulfilled My Scriptures with the man for that time. I promised
Israel many good things, many fulfillments, but because it did not enter into them and into My rest
and theirs, those that I promised were not fulfilled for it and for Me with it. Oh, I have meant so
many prophecies, so many good things over the nation of Israel among the nations, but I have not
put in vain the parable of the wise virgins and of the foolish ones into the Scriptures, for
behold, the virgin body does not watch, but the soul watches when it watches, and the heart
watches as well, by love and by faith in it.

Oh, Romanian nation, your land is sealed by the Father for My coming back after
two thousand years. The ministering angels on My behalf over the people leave over you the
spirit of understanding of God’s mysteries into your midst. You are in a time of trial for your life
from above and from beneath. I ordain you to become wise from heaven and not to be able to do
your will, that which stands against you, but to do My will on earth instead so that God may be
your father, and you to be His nation among nations. My angelic hosts are ready to serve you to
do My will for you and not your will, because you are My chosen people. I do not come to ask you
anything but the faith that the Lord is He Who comes to you to lead you for your life and you to
serve Him for the resurrection of the dead. Man is not king on earth, and it is not good to be so,
but it is good for the man to have God as his master. Amen. Oh, you shall not become haughty in
your spirit and say that God is for you, for Israel said the same thing after I made it to be God’s
people, and then Israel fell from My face because it rose against Me when I come to appear before

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

it, to announce Myself to it and to announce it with Me on earth. The angelic armies comfort your
forehead and give you great news. Do you hear how beautifully the heavenly armies comfort you
because you are Mine?: “Rise from earth to heaven, Romanian nation, for you are Christ’s con-
fessors at your root, who ask for the reward of their faith and sacrifice. Your place is before the
Lord, for before Him your saints stand and ask for you to be with them before Him. You should
have justice and peace as your way. Your should have mercy and love as your power, and let your
faith teach you to sow a new seed on the ground, the news of the kingdom of the heavens, as John,
the Baptizer, and then the Lord, Jesus Christ said. Work out light for you and not darkness, for the
darkness comes to its end and there will be a reward for those who will have worked them, and
the light is the Lord, Who comes to you and is glorified with His light into your midst.” Amen.

I, Romanian nation, I, the Lord, dedicate you with the name of the Father, of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit and I lead you to My will and to your victory. Give voice to your prayer and say
like this: Lord, may Your will be done over the destiny that is from You of the Romanian nation
and come! And come to save us! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2008. (On Calameo)

I give to the Romanian people the glory of My word, which I am setting into My book
with you as counsel upon man, My people, and I teach him to take and to know, for I give
him and I wait for him with great love for his renewal, to his new birth, to be a new creature,
a new country, clothed within the saints and angels, for the fleeting glory of the world passes
away like the world and as its worldly work, but the eternal glory of the saints remains, and
I, the Lord of the resurrection of all things, want you to remain, My today’s country, for the
land under you is My choice from the beginning, and you still do not understand what a
mystery your land has. Take your time to hear Me! Oh, take your time to talk with God! Lucifer
knows you even from the beginning, and now he tries to play his book in you to fill you with
his work hostile to Me, but I am coming and telling you to take note of this from Me and to
come under My mantle, under My counsel so that I may protect you from the hour of temp-
tation, for the hard temptation has come upon you, about which is written in the Scriptures
that is coming, and you do not read the Scriptures and do not know them if you do not read
them to understand them. Oh, you have to read in the Scriptures and do nothing else but only
that what is written in them to do, for I want to overcome for you, and then for Me with you, My

Oh, well Lucifer, oh, oh, My angel disobedient to God, do no longer be enchanted with
your enmity against Me and against My work of the renewal of the world, since you know
that I am God and not you, for I am he Victor and not you. Oh, put your weapons down and
come to rest for you were the most beautiful angel of the angelic armies and behold what the
man’s haughtiness did to you when he came to be proud, and you served him to your fall by
his fall! Oh, step aside with your work from man and make way for Me to raise the man from the
dead, to give him birth again and to see what he did to God’s angels, whom he drew in the depth
of his will for the glory against God’s glory, which is eternal forever and ever! Oh, come back
into the heavenly glory, from which you fell through man, disobedient angel, and you will
have rest from your toils! Oh, behold what it does the hiding from God in those hidden of
the hidden man! I command you, in a day of Passover in heaven and on earth on the Lamb

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of God, take your weapons and cleanse yourself and your work on the hearth of the Roma-
nian people, the land chosen by Me at the beginning for the glory of God in the end! Listen
to Me! Behold, you have armed yourself with all your hidden works to defile this land and
to seal My people on it with the seal of destruction, (The money, r.n.) with the seal opposing
to God’s will. I do not let you do this. You will come to obedience from now on. Either you
want it or not, I, the Lord of resurrection, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the mother
Virgin, ask you to come in submission, I subject you under My passing power, for it is written
that I would do that. Oh, be good from now on, for you are an angel and you have to know
what you were before what you are now, for I remind you this. I will give birth again to man,
for I have come on the earth with the new birth of the world, and you will remain without man and
you will no longer be the man’s tool, and the man will no longer be your tool, and you will be
without a house and will not want to leave the enmity and wickedness; however, I tell you with
mercy, submit yourself under My mercy, under My love, because behold, I am the Victor, I and
not you. I do not tell you in this way to prevail against you, but to make you see and wake up from
your wicked work, which has worn down your sight and you hope for good for you. Behold, look
to see your place if you do not want to come under My love to give you the rest without fire. Do
not be without faith. I know that you believe Me but you are stubborn. I, the Lord, call you to the
rest which you lost after you had no longer listened to Me, after you had hidden in man to
fall together with him, serving man’s will full of haughtiness against Me at the beginning of
creation. I stay with the work of My word on the hearth of the Romanian people and on which
you want now to stretch out you tent and to try to make your kingdom. Oh, I do not let you, Lucifer.
I call you with your name from Me given at the beginning, against your dark work that you have
now upon the earth. I am with the feast of the resurrection, the feast of My word on the land of the
Romanian people, and you saw My table spread on it, spread on it for more than fifty years, and
you try to open up your tent over My holy mountain, My mountain from the end, and about
which it is clearly written in the Scriptures, and only he who does not read does not understand,
and only the one who does not look to see does not believe. Oh, what do you want to do over
My country? Oh, I do not let you; I do not let you, Lucifer. I am God – the Word, and I made
a house into the midst of this nation and I come to it with the table of My word, and I take
heavenly armies with Me riding on white horses, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic
white horse”, r.n.) as it is written to come and to make a kingdom in man and with people on
earth, and My name is called the God’s Word, (Apoc: 19/13.) and I work wonderfully. Here
I am; you meet Me on the land of the Romanian land after seven thousand years from your fall of
My glory and of My angels. Behold My today’s country, which you want to bring now into slavery
under your seal. However, I come and advise Romanian people and give it power to listen to God,
the Almighty, and not to you, and I proved this out by My birth of a Virgin mother and then by
My resurrection from the dead on the third day, after My death on the cross on which the Jewish
people nailed Me, and in which you nested two thousand years ago to stand against My coming
on the earth, following My trace to tear Me down. However, I rose from the dead, I overcame
the death and broken the hell, and I also smashed the latches you put on it and I took out My
righteous ones, the prophets and the saints, (About these see Gospel of Nicodemus: Part II. -
The Descent of Christ into Hell, r.n.) and I am holding into My hand the keys of the death and hell
and I am the Lord of the resurrection of the dead and I am clothed in resurrection, and this is what
I am going to give to the people, and I will give them. Amen. Do not forget, open up your sight
from Me, not that which is from man, and do not forget that I and the entire heavenly and angelic
armies stay within the work of the new birth of the world on the Romanian land, where you
are trying now to fasten the pole and to stretch out your tent, and then to put your black seal

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over this nation, and you want to do this work more than on any other nation on the earth,
for the money was the blackest temptation by which you have worked to buy the land and to
bring it under your seal, which the money handles, for the Jewish people sold Me to death
on money, the people you enticed under your hostile rule against Me and taught it to sell Me
to death two thousand years ago, entering into Judas, who defiled his hand and mind with the
seal of the money, and behold, the money has become the curse on this people after that, which
has been trying since then to rule over the world with its power coming out of the money.
Again and again, I tell you Lucifer, before the whole human nation and before the heaven of saints
and angels: do not forget, open up your sight from Me, because it is the time to see so from this
time on, and see that on the land of the Romanian people, I, the Lord of resurrection, am with My
work of the renewal of the world and of the earth, and I want to establish the new heaven and
earth over this land, for I have to establish My fulfilled Scriptures on the earth, and I am the
slaughtered Lamb, Who washes away the sins of the world, the Lamb of God, given to the faithful
man as food, and through Whom the man will prevail against satan as it is written in the Scriptures,
and I am the One Who smashed the gates of the hell, in which you have kept My righteous ones.
Your seal is money. The man will be able to live without money and without other papers
in their place, with which you want to replace the face of the money on the earth and to hide it
under the curtain. (Money substitutes - electronic money, bank cards, chips and biochips, r.n.) I
am the One Who will feed the man with manna from heaven, I, and not you, for the fire is
coming on the earth over all that you have built with the man and for the man. I have nothing
to do with your work upon the earth, and the man has nothing to do with it either, because I
set My treasure on to the earth, which cannot stay near yours, as fleeting as it is, for its work
passes and you will remain face to face with Me to give an account to Me for you. Amen. And
now, I am telling you: Withdraw from the land of My country and from the soul of the Ro-
manian people on it and go to places devoid of God until I, the Lord, will comprise the whole
world under the glory of My word, which becomes an unquenchable fire over the entire
iniquity on the earth, for God’s word is the glory which I, God-the Word, have from the
Father before the foundation of the world, and behold, Lucifer, called with the name of satan,
this is My work of glory, which you are meeting now on the Romanian land against all iniq-
uity on the earth. Amen, amen, amen.

Oh, Romanian people, I have spoken before My enemy and yours, Lucifer, the great angel
at the beginning and the one who served the man’s haughtiness in the time of the falling from God
of the first built man. Oh, seek, Romanian people, seek to escape from this angel of haughti-
ness, seek to escape from haughtiness, for the whole pride in man comes from money. Oh,
come to the sweet humility, for humility is sweet and it makes you beautiful, beautiful, and
it makes you rich with the wealth I want to give you, and Lucifer will serve you for My glory
with you with all his wealth, and you will not serve him, as it is not his glory on the earth that
you need to have, but My glory instead. I told the angel of haughtiness to take his tent and to
move away from your hearth, and you should receive My saints as your guests and you should
welcome Me, for I have a wonderful name and it is called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13.) Seek
after heavenly teachers in their heart for you to teach you and to reveal you My mysteries, and if
you want My word to teach you, then I wait for you here, I wait for you to come near to My spring
so that I may teach you, Romanian people. Oh, you do not know your destiny, but I know it, I
know your destiny and that is why I have come from the Father to you as the word of your birth,
a new birth, and then from you the birth of the world, as it is written in the Scriptures that will be.
I want to fulfill the Scriptures with you and you should also want this, for My plan with you

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is wonderful. I remain with the book open between Me and you and I do no longer close it, for I
want Lucifer and his angels to read in it, both within their body and without their body, and thus
to come to obedience to the One Who made the heaven, the earth and the man, and Who is making
them again, and there will be everything new, as it is written, and there will be a new chosen
Jerusalem, and the creature will be redeemed. Amen.

Christ has risen, Romanian people! The Lord of resurrection greets you with His res-
urrection from the dead two thousand years ago. Oh, behold the Lord, your God! Christ has
risen, country of My return, country of God’s word in the end of the time, and you will come
to life, just as I came to life! Amen. You will be resurrected, you will be resurrected, you will
be resurrected! This is My will for you, and on the second day of the world, you will be My
kingdom and all the peoples will take from you, My work, My light from you, the light of the
man’s resurrection, My country. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second day after Passover, from 20-04-2009. (On

However, you, Romanian people, I want you very much to be Mine, and to be humble to
My will, for your choice for the man’s salvation from Me is great, your choice is from the
Father, and satan knows it and wants your evil because he is upset with Me and with you because
of his fall from heaven, but you are My hand of victory and I want to tell you this and I want to
make you hear Me to heal you from satan, for he wants to stretch out his tent in you, and you are
My holy mountain for the sake of My word, which is flowing in you as a river on the earth,
now, and it is becoming a river of life to water the earth far and wide, for My Spirit can do
this. Oh, Romanian people, oh, I exhort you with longing: this kind of demons does not come
out of you but only with fast and prayer. I have the people of My word into your midst and I set
it to the work of your salvation, but get up and believe and shake off the yoke from your neck,
which satan wants to put it now to your scorn. Do not forget that your ancestors were coming with
holy days before Me upon them, days of fasting and crying out to God, and they set holy angels as
their protectors and the saints were coming and overcoming for them, for your people, My country.
My mercy asks you to learn and listen, for behold, I announce you for days of fasting and crying
out to heaven, for My mother the Virgin comes before Me for you with a new calling so that
satan may not tear you down in the dust of the earth. I establish into your midst days named
for fasting and crying out to heaven, the last three days of the month of the flowers, (April,
r.n.), and I teach you to light the candles and to put in them your prayer and to write this:
“Lord save the Romanian nation from satan and from his black work, by which he tries to
separate us from You and from our salvation from You. Be victorious for us, for the days
are hard and they are not seen. Teach us your loving-kindness, the instruction and wisdom,
for before we humbled ourselves we went wrong, and because of this give us power to keep
Your word and take us out from under satan’s hand, for You are the Lamb of the Father
and it is written that You will be victorious. Amen.”

Oh, My Romanian county, oh, My Zion of today, the foundations of My today’s Zion are
in you, and they are My holy mountain, from which I speak. Oh, I love the gates of your Zion
more than all of your places and I spoke about this citadel, and I am born into it as word, for My
Father founded it for His Son. Oh, clean your body from sin, Romanian son, for Noah lived in
cleanness, clean from sin, he and his whole house that entered the ark before the coming of

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the flood, and this is how the eight souls and all the living creatures in their ark were saved.
Oh, run towards Me with days of feast and crying and sanctifying of your body, soul and
mind to God, Romanian people, to get away from satan’s traps, for you have the Lord God
into your midst, speaking and teaching you the loving-kindness, the instruction and wisdom.
Get up, Romanian people, and destroy the sin into your midst and set holy laws upon you
that they may protect you. Give up your drunkenness and smoking, sexual immorality and
unbelief and at My word stop from food and meat, for man kills to eat meat, but soon, soon,
I will stop the man from eating meat, for he will no longer have, because on the earth there
will come the new heaven and the new earth and the New Jerusalem, as it is written into the
Scriptures, and I will work all these with man, but not according to his will and plan, but according
to My Father’s will and plan, Who works by His Spirit and by the prophets, by His sanctified
people and given to be sanctified into the midst of the Romanian people for all the nations on the
earth, who will want and listen to Me for the good things that come from the Lord on the earth
soon, soon.

Oh, Romanian people, put the candles on the table

and write in them your prayer that I have given to you to
burn for God once with you, once with your heart to Me
and get up with crying and with days of fast before Me so
that we may overcome satan, who tries to seal you under
his will and under his seal upon you; however, I teach you
to call out to God to your help to give you victory then,
Romanian people. Oh, your priests see to their things and
play to satan’s liking with their life and will, but I, the good
and merciful Shepherd, call you under the rainbow of your
victory and salvation, Romanian flock. Take My word upon
you and give it from mouth to mouth, and let it go from
Romanian to Romanian, and he who will give My word
from mouth to mouth, from Romanian to Romanian, for
the announcing of the days of fasting and crying out for
My salvation for this nation, that one will not lose his re-
ward. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the
Spring of the healing, from 24-04-2009. (On Calameo)

Oh, I have mercy on you, Romanian people! I am speaking again with you and I am staying
with the book open between Me and you to let you know by it to do My will for your salvation, to
comfort you, and at the same time, to embrace you giving you My comfort. I have told you My
will and I have given you to work it before Me for your life. I have advised you to bring three
days of fasting before Me (April, 28, 29, 30 – r.n.) and I have opened your watching to receive,
but do not be afraid when I call you to do My will calling you severely to faith and to fulfill-
ment. I told you to fast three days and then I shook the earth under you, and you were afraid
and are afraid. (The earthquake of 3.9 degrees on 27 April 2009, r.n.). Oh, and the earth also
speaks with you in its language and it lies near Me to urge you to take into account My
language, My speaking upon you by which I ask you to listen to My word for the protection
that comes from Me, Romanian son. Oh, do not stir My wrath by your disobedience by not

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

trying to listen to My request for your life! My gentle arm opens upon you for your protection,
but you should listen to God and seek after My word into your midst and take it from the table of
My people which I feed on your hearth with every word that comes out of My mouth in order for
you to stand before Me and to help Me for its salvation and yours, too, Romanian people. Spread
from mouth to mouth the news for the three-day fasting on your hearth, for I have asked you
to do this for your salvation and then for you to hate sin; however, be faithful to receive Me.
And if you want Me to help your faith, then do like Thomas and come to see My work of
word, but do come with gentleness, humility and repentance and not like the Pharisees of
that time when I was healing all the weak and because I did this, the Pharisees told Me that I was
out of My mind and that I had a demon because of the power by which I did much good upon the
men’s weaknesses. Oh, but now it is the time of the faith against the unfaith on earth, faith with
which I helped the people by everything I did then so wonderfully, proving in everything I did that
I am true God of true God, sacrificing Myself for man by death on the cross and then by coming
to life for his resurrection, as it was for man that I died and I came to life again.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the saint apostle
Thomas, from 26-04-2009.

I am the Son of the Father Sabaoth, for I am born of the Father before eternity, and I am
the Son of the Virgin mother, born of her two thousand years ago after I had sowed Myself in her
at the moment when the angel told her about Me that I would be born of her by the work of the
Holy Spirit in her. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am coming after two thousand years of word
on the earth and I have a wonderful name, as it is written in the Scriptures that I would have, and
My name is called the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13.) Amen.

I have from the Father My return to the Romanian country, the New Jerusalem, for it is
written in the Scriptures that the Lord will choose Jerusalem again49. I have made My bride people

«Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Zion: for, behold, I come and will dwell in the midst of you, says
the Lord.
And many nations shall flee for refuge to the Lord in that day and they shall be for a people to Him and
they shall dwell in the midst of you: and you shall know that the Lord Almighty has sent Me to you.
The Lord shall inherit Juda His portion in the holy land, He will yet choose Jerusalem. (“and shall
choose Jerusalem again.”- The New King James Version)
Let all flesh fear before the Lord: for He has risen up from His holy clouds.» (Zacharias / Zechariah:
«Even as Abraham “believed God, and it was counted to Him for righteousness,” know, (Or “recognize
/acknowledge”) therefore, that those who are of faith are likewise Abraham’s children.» (Galatians: 3/6-7.)
«That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of the promise are
considered as descendants.» (Romans: 9/8.)
«As he says also in Hosea:
I will call them ‘My people,’ which were not My people;
and her (country)‘beloved,’ who was not beloved. (Hosea 2/23)
It will be that in the place where it was said to them,
‘You are not My people,’

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

into her midst and I have made it into a watching servant for My coming, and he watches before
Me with faith, as not the light of the day is the light for man, but faith is the light which shines and
watches waiting for the day of My coming at the middle of the night. Amen.

Oh, open to Me at daybreak, you from the gates, for the Bridegroom is coming at the middle
of the night and happy is the servant He will find watching before Him. Open to Me to come in as
word into the book and to meet with it those that come with longing at My spring of word, for I
am the One Who fills the man’s soul with longing after I have revealed Myself to him with My
coming to feed the man with the spirit of My coming for him for his resurrection from among the
dead, from among those who are not faithful to My coming of today, in order to judge the living
and the dead and to give them to the Father saved by My great work and love for man. Oh, grow
in people their love and watch for Me and for My coming as word on the earth, for they take My
word from you and then they come to take from Me, of My table with My people of today, people
taken of the Romanians for My glory of today and tomorrow, and My glory is the word.

I cry together with the heaven, I cry together with My mother Virgin, and We cry for the
man who lies in unbelief of God. We cry, mother, because We are very, very merciful and man
does not know to draw to Our mercy, mother. People suffer in ignorance, and We, suffer from
their mercy, mother. However, sufferance is the working activity, it is the most working activity,
oh, My mother! Amen, amen, amen.

– Oh, the Father Sabaoth has given You all the power in heaven and on earth, Son resur-
rected from Your painful crucifixion, for You bore on Your cross all the people’s pains up to You
and after You, all on Your crucified body, oh, Son of sufferance! You were born in sufferance, You

There they will be called ‘children of the living God. (Hosea 1/10)» (Romans: 9/25-26.)
«But I ask, did not Israel know? First Moses says:
I will provoke you to jealousy with what is no nation,
With a nation void of understanding I will make you angry.» (Romans: 10/19.)
«Therefore, I tell you that the Kingdom of God will be taken away from you, and it will be given to a
people bringing forth its fruit.» (Matthew: 21/43.)
«Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, that person is someone who loves Me. Whoever loves
Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him.”» (John: 14/21.)
«It is the same with Christ: having been offered once to bear the sins of many, He will appear a second
time, apart from sin-offering, to those who are eagerly waiting for Him for salvation (Or “deliverance”).» (He-
brews: 9/28.)
«In that day, they shall sing this song in the land of Judea; Behold a strong city; He shall make salva-
tion its wall and bulwark.
Open you the gates, let the nation enter that keeps righteousness and keeps truth, supporting truth and
keeping peace:» (Isaias: 26/1-3.)
«As it is, the creation waits with eager expectation for the revelation of God’s children.» (Romans: 8/19.)

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lived in sufferance, You let Yourself be crucified in sufferance, and then in sufferance You were
resurrected and ascended again into the Father, from Whom You have proceeded before eternity,
and out of Your pain without grumbling, You have always brought forth saints on the earth before
You, and they were Your brothers of sufferance and fathers giving birth to sons of holy faith before
You, a birth from above over many on earth then, for in Your name the saints and the martyrs have
testified and worked a new creation in people, in masters and in slaves, oh, Lord, giving birth from
heaven to man, because You said that if man was not born from above he could, not have in him a
kingdom for You, and You as its king.

I am giving you word again, to those who have come to the spring of my Son near His
people from the spring. Oh, you have brought Us comfort in Our pains and you have given Us
from you and taken from Us. May the word from heaven, which is born of Our love and yours on
a day of holy feast be grace, grace upon you! The word of my Son has become God’s feast on the
earth, a table of feast of the kingdom of the heavens, the heaven of saints at the table with the man
on the earth, and the food on it has the holy longing as salt in it, the longing of God and in you
and the Lord’s longing after you. No people on earth has in its spoken language this word: longing.
(Romanian: dor50, r.n.) Only the Romanian people has this sweet and affectionate word in its lan-
guage: longing, and the Lord is speaking in the end of the time in this sweet language, and it was
the first language between earth and heaven, the language which God spoke for the creation of
everything, the language from eternity, when it was only one language on earth, before the nations
and the languages were separated from place to place after the man’s fall from God. The Roma-
nian land is a great mystery, it is great, and it was not given to the man on it to master it, for it is
established in eternity, and it appeared long ago in a mystery, and it has appeared again now, and
only those who are wise from God know the language and the work of this mystery, which will rule
over the earth soon, soon, and my Son has prepared a beautiful people in the midst of the Roma-
nian people, which does not know its true origin, for this land is a great mystery, and then this
river will overflow everywhere and over all on the land with the fruit of this word, which has it in
the new seed of our Sower, Jesus Christ, my Son of two thousand years ago, Who appeared and
dwelt among people.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother’s Birth, from 21-09-2009.
(On Calameo)

… I have chosen the Romanian land and the people on it, for the Father gave it to Me at
My birth from the Virgin and I have loved it instead of the loved ones, instead of My people Israel
that did not welcome Me and denied Me for its will, and after that I replaced it in My heart and I
withdrew Myself from before it and so I chose the Romanian land, I chose its destiny and its
sacrifice as Mine on earth, for its history takes after My history, and the sacrifice of this land
and the people on it was like Mine; (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) it was crucified and cut from four sides
to be taken portions out of its body, and this to be for the salvation of many, but no one
understands the mystery of this land, on which I, the Lord, have now a table of word for
those who want to dine with Me, and I with them, now, when I am coming to complete the
renewal of the world, as it is written. Amen.

Strong desire (mixed with nostalgia) to see or review something or someone dear, to return to a preferred
state or occupation; the mood of the aspirant; Suffering from love for someone (who is far away), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Amen, amen I say to you, to those who sit to decide, during these days, over the destiny
of the Romanian people: I, the Lord, set to watch and to work the armies of saints and angels
all over this land and over the nation on it and I am going to fulfill My will, and I am going
to put the people of My word into the midst of this nation, I am going to put it to prayer with
calling as I have advised it to ask from God for this nation. You too come to the spirit of
humility with fast and prayer asking from Me for My will upon you, for your will is man’s will,
and your will is not good against God’s will for this nation, which has its destiny in heaven, not
on earth for the days of My coming again as word on earth. I am coming as word on earth to
prepare My people for the day of My coming with glory, with Holy Spirit and fire, a day
when people will not be able to work but only with the love of God or with their forsaking of
God, and then some will be baptized with the Holy Spirit and others with fire, as I prophesied
to be on My day of glory, after that I will have waited for man for more than seven ages to
come back, at least now in the end, into the country from where he fell at the beginning.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Shelter of the Lord’s Mother, from 14-

I wake you up again, oh, Romanian people. Oh, come to My word that advises you in hard
times! Light the candle and put in it a little piece of paper, written on both sides, and then
scroll it and put it in your candle and burn your candle, with clean oil, and pray for you
kneeling down before the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for God lets you know to come
to prayer for your destiny of today and tomorrow, oh, Romanian people. Take this little piece
of paper and write this on it:

The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the God of those who are faithful, You, the
living One forever, seek now to the Romanian people and give it the wisdom from above, and
put a spirit of repentance over it to come to know, with a humble spirit, the help from You
in time of trial for its destiny. We, the sons of the Romanian people, are praying to You to
bring upon us the mystery of the Holy Spirit, Who is to teach us to ask from You our salva-
tion under the spirit of the today’s darkness, which tries to comprise the world from margins
to margins, a darkness that has never been in the times up to this day.

Our destiny is being decided at the gates, Lord, and we are calling You to watch for
us. We are coming before You with days of fasting so that You may overcome for us with
Your will from above and that You may watch for the election of the ruler upon us, for every
authority is from You according to the life of each nation, but we are also asking You for the
forgiveness of our sins, and then for Your will from above over us, for there is no other God
besides You, and there is no other name above Your name, as well. With Your fatherly vis-
itation, stretch Your mantle over us and overcome for us so that we may have rulers with
love and mercy in them for us, for without You we grope in the dark, Lord. Oh, receive the
sacrifice of our hearts and bodies and give us of Your Spirit of life giving and kindle us in
Him in order to do Your will, we and those who will rule for us, and help us to turn our face
to You, for we have gone astray from Your ways, from the way of life, Lord. And now, put
Your hand on our wounds, which we do not know how they are, heal our lack of steadfast-
ness, heal our life after Your will, heal our hearts and make us a praised nation, inclined to
do Your will, for You alone are our God and You are the Way, the Truth and the Life, as

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Your word said that You are. Oh, arise for us as our Savior and to Your glory in the midst
of the Romanian people, glory from which the nations to take the light to their salvation from
Your. Amen, amen, amen.

And I, the Lord, am sealing now My teaching upon you for the spirit of prayer with calling,
oh, Romanian people, but cry out, sons, to Me with days of fasting, before the day when it will be
written your destiny of tomorrow and rulers upon you for your life.

On the week before the day of the lot for the ruling upon you, (The day of the presiden-
tial elections, the first ballot, r.n.), I, the Lord, am bringing you before Me with three days of
fasting: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (November 18, 19, 20, - r.n.), and with holy prayer
as I have advised you, Romanian people, and then I will listen to your calling and I will watch
to your help. You shall eat clean food during these days and clean it by sprinkling it with
holy water, and then I will work with the gift of the Holy Spirit for your sanctification by
your faith in My sanctifying work. Oh, you shall stop sinning and you shall eat only fruit and
vegetables after sunset; you shall also eat only clean bread, not mixed up, and the clean bread
is: wheat, salt and water, dedicated by the sign of the holy cross both when you work them
and when you eat them. Oh, there is no longer clean food in the marketplaces, there is no longer
anything clean. The Christian does no longer has clean days for true fasting, with holy food, for
Gog and Magog has been interfering in everything and all things that man uses, to My pain from
man, and I, the Lord, wait for you, Romanian people, and your ancestors also have been waiting
for you to keep a holy fasting on earth, as they also lived and kept holy fasting with holy praying
before Me to My joy and theirs from God. And now, peace to you, and power to you to fulfill My
will upon you to your help from God! Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Demetrios, the myrrh
giver, from 08-11-2009.

Oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people, oh, Romanian people! I have been giving you
advice for a long, long time, for you to take care of your destiny of tomorrow and you are caught
in the chain of those who lie to you for your life. Oh, behold what war, what war of desires and
seeking after human glory have been struggling in you on this day of lots for the one who is to stay
at the helm for you! (The day of the presidential elections, r.n.). Oh, I, the Lord, have always taken
you out of your pains and from under human controls in all the time of your stormy history, Ro-
manian people, and behold, you do not watch well for your destiny as your ancestors did for his
land. You have the pencil in your hand to write your destiny. (The vote, r.n). Oh, do not give
yourself into the hand of the one who does not take care fatherly of you! Oh, what shall I do
with you not to go wrong for your destiny? Open your mind and then your heart and seek to
feel with your heart and not think with your mind, for you are in the danger to fall again
into your blood and to lie in ignorance and carelessness, for the man’s spirit wants to deceive
your mind and write with your hand your turning back again to those from which, nonethe-
less, I have tried to get you out, and much blood was shed for the release of your bondage
coming from Me to you. (At the anticommunist Revolution in 1989, when the communist dicta-
torship shot the revolutionaries, more than 1,000 people died, more than 3,000 were wounded,
r.n.). Oh, do not seek after your well-being now, but rather set down and seek to destroy the spirit
of lying first, every man that lies against your good from Me, for no good is built on the man’s lie
who puts you off with fine promises so that you may set him as ruler upon you, as though he would

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give you what he does not have, what only you are able to give him. Oh, keep on going forward
and do not turn back now. I look from those on heaven over all of your land and over all who are
speaking now into your name using weak power and lie to enchant you to turn back.

Oh, do not turn away! Do not turn back, Romanian people! The one who is the helms-
man upon you now wants only what is good for you before the nations on the earth, (President
Traian Băsescu, r.n.), and he is clean in his heart for you and is strong in his spirit, even if the
rottenness on the earth keeps all the nations on it under the obstacle that the man might no
longer work for God and be with Him upon his life.

Oh, Romanian people, do not sell yourself again into the bondage of the red beast!
(The communists and their successors, - see the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyp-
tic beast”, r.n.). Do not give yourself again over to fall into the trap of the man’s lying spirit
who tells you the lie that he will be for you with those in him. Oh, there is only haughty spirit
in those who are struggling now to make an open war at your gates to lay hold on the helm
of the Romanian ship through the waves of this time. Behold, they have been confessing openly
their burning desires for their glory, and in any case, they do not care for your future but are rather
set to make their play of success, not to take you out of your pressure, My country, Romanian
people. Oh, your trial is great now, but I have advised you to stay awake in your spirit and to ask
from Me to give you the spirit of precaution and not to choose what is evil for you when you have
the pencil in your hand to make decisions, and not those who want to rule over you into your name
and without mercy on you, My country. The one who is now helmsman upon you, that one is
the one who loves you with a great heart, and with a brave spirit he wants to rule upon you
before the great trial, which again wants to throw you down from the rock, Romanian people.
Oh, he does not lie to you. He tries to help you from your midst and not to sell you without
any price. Wake up, oh, wake up, and if you do not want, then I am not guilty for your life,
because I have advised you, and I have given a spirit of good advice for you to the one who
is ruling upon you now. The war made to overthrow him is great and it is coming from the
darkness, and it is made in the light. However, I, the Lord, fight and I will fight for your good
among all the evil things, which try to catch you again in bondage and I will watch with the
angels and with the saints on your hearth and I will look at your work, at your heart, and I
will inspire you mysteriously from Me, for the war against you is fierce and these are not
waging war against the one at your helm, but rather they are waging war against your good,
oh, My country of today.

Oh, I am telling you now, to the one who sit as a helmsman for the Romanian people, for
My ship, for the country of My coming now, in the end of the time, as word on earth and for the
man’s salvation: leave to Me the fight and the care for the lot which follows to fight for you or
against you, for the forces of the darkness have spread everywhere and blindly fought to draw
under them My Romanian people. I, the Lord, am everywhere with the angels and with My
saints into the midst of the Romanian people, and if the Romanian people chooses to wake
up during these hard moments, then I will give him of My Spirit and I will work for him and
for you at his governance, but if it chooses the lie, the strife and the pride, which from man
stands against the unity and against the brotherhood of this nation, then I wash My hands
from the lack of wisdom of the Romanian people for this crucial moment, and then it will
suffer falling and humiliation under the man who wants to be for himself and not for this
nation at its gates. However, you should put your hope and stay in the spirit of the love of the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

country and nation, and I will keep My people in the spirit of prayer and of the holy watch,
and together with the heaven of saints and angels we will stand and fight against the great
stubbornness of those who want to be for themselves and who do not want the justice, the
peace and the truth on the table of the brotherhood of the Romanian people. Oh, not in this
way, the brotherhood of the Romanian people was not like that in the old times, and those from
this nation that are not just for it now, have forgotten their brave ancestors. However, you sit down
now before Me with the courage of the hope and let Me be your support, for I, the Lord, want to
go on with his victory from Me with this nation, only that it may not fall in the evil spirit of the
wandering away from God more and more, of the revelry that is all over the earth and of the faith
denial, the sign before My coming with the day of the glory of My returning in glory on the earth
to man, and the faith denial is the sign that the antichrist struggles with fierce power to wipe
out My trace and name from the earth in order that he may rule instead. However, He will
reign up to his end, and then I will be, as I was and as I am, the King of the creature, and I
will bring to perfection, from the midst of the Romanian people, the mystery of the new
heaven and the new earth and of the new Jerusalem, as it is written to be on the earth in the
end of the time, and the Romanian country is written with the name of the country of bright-
ness, and from its midst, I, the Lord, am written in the Scriptures to come and to be victorious
over death and over the resurrection of everything, the new birth of the world of My new
word, the book of today of My word. Peace to you now! Let no one grumble because of My
word by which I have spoken to you today and to the Romanian people, My nation of today,
My new Israel, that from the end of the time. Amen.

There has been a great day of feast on this day. I have gone to the manger of My word with
the people from the spring and with the angelic hosts and the feast of taking to heaven of the
shepherd Daniel has been made up in the village of Măneşti, My faithful witness, the one who had
stayed and responded with power for My name before those who wickedly brought him to judg-
ment for Me, for him and for My work of new Jerusalem on earth, work that I started with My
trumpet Verginica in 1955 in the village of Maluri, at Pucioasa, (Which translated means brim-
stone, r.n.) a town with a name from heaven, by which I avenge the good believers by My word.
My word has been fire and brimstone for the unbelievers of yesterday and today, and the
name of this town is the fulfillment of My word, and for those who are faithful and holy, it is
the root of My spring and it is a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, the holy citadel of
New Jerusalem, because of My mound of today, on which I have established a serving people
for Me during these days on earth, a good people, which I have chosen for My glory of today
and which I will sanctify more and more with every passing day, and I will sanctify it for Me.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2009. (On Calameo)

Oh, wake up your ear, Romanian nation! I have planted in you the mystery of the heav-
enly homeland on earth. Do not harden your hearing and heart at My voice like the unfaithful
Israel, which up to this day has remained like that, and I hated and I rejected it and I have
chosen you as My people and then I sent you a baptizer, (The Apostle Andrew, the first one
called, r.n.), to be the firstborn people before Me, and I remember you, I speak My word of today
upon you, and I urge you to fasting and praying, for the devils of today have great power in the
people and the people listen to them and I want to tell the people to wake up and listen to God, for

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I am the Savior of the man, and the devil will be bound forever and will be thrown into the lake of
fire and brimstone, and his angels will be thrown with him as well. Amen.

I give you the resurrection from your ignorance, oh, Romanian people. I feed you with My
Spirit. Oh, receive your calling to Me and take Me as your Savior, and really take Me, for I want
to glorify you with My glory before the nations on the earth, oh, country of brightness, because of
My gift into your midst, which shines in heaven and on earth! Oh, take of My mouth, take from
My hand the gift for you and seek with My spring into your midst, for I have become a river of
eternal life in you on behalf of the Father Sabaoth!

Grace, grace upon you, My country of today, My house of coming now, in the end of the
time, and become a virgin and wait for Me in the threshold, for I do not lie to you, and behold, I
give you My coming. I give you so that you may have Me and so that I may have you too, but you
should become love for Me, because I am your Savior. I am Who I am, oh, My today’s country of
brightness! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint John of the
Ladder, from 14-03-2010. (On Calameo)

Oh, if you, Romanian people, want to listen to Me, you will be the most praised nation
on the earth, for My grace and My Spirit will descend on you and He will overshadow you,
and nations will come to you, as it is writ-
ten, and they will take of My glory with you
and will give you many gifts, as it is written
by that who is chosen for My glory, and be-
hold, that is why I advise you to make peace
with Me and to get used to do My will, oh,
My country of today. Be good! Seek to see
well into My advice and flee from the taste
and the works of sin. Keep the days of fast-
ing, honor the days of feasts and the day of
the Lord’s rest; love brotherhood and hu-
mility, love patience and holiness and you
will see My love and My glory with you, for
it is written about you to have life with God
on the earth and then to see your Lord with your clean eyes, your Master, Jesus Christ, Who,
behold, is speaking with you on your hearth. Oh, do not be afraid of poverty, but rather be afraid
of richness, because richness perishes! Oh, do not be afraid of shortages but rather be afraid
of all those that are defiled and guilty, because much, much food, from what you take and
eat, has got sickness in it for you and it has the spirit of error from God in the disorder with
which is made by the man without God in him. And I also ask you, Romanian son; God asks
you to make the sign of the cross when you drink the water and when you eat, and worship
and pray when you go to sleep and when you get up from your sleep in the night; and also
take My Virgin mother as help between Me and you so that you may have a mother and a
father, but in order for you to have, you have to listen like a child, for it is written: «If you
are not like children, you will not be with God and with His kingdom». (See Matt: 18/3)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I am sitting in counsel with you, Romanian sons, and I ask you to open the book of history
and to stand for a while face to face with the ancestor of this nation, and then ask yourselves if you
take after them, after their sons, as their successors. Oh, the manner of the life of the Romanian
was beautiful, Christian and loved by God! Why, have you forsaken it and have not loved to
be My beautiful ones? Behold how you have taken after the strangers! You lost the holy fear
to be as beautiful as the saints did, after your ancestors, oh, sons. I, the Lord, would like you
all to be adorned within pleasant apparel before God, I would like you to be princes and
princesses in your conduct and there would no longer be any more beautiful nation on earth
other than My Romanian people, which the Father has meant to be Mine now, in the end of
the time, and behold, I have come into its midst and I have advised it to My love from above
for him. Oh, get up and present yourself in everything that you are as God’s nation, for I am the
King of the creature, but listen to Me and do not be afraid of poverty and shortages if you listen to

I, the Lord your God, want to prepare you beautifully for My table with you, Romanian
people. You are poisoned by the time of nowadays, an evil time as there has never been on earth,
hidden time from before your eyes and I full of pain for you, for you are meant by the Father
Sabaoth to bear God’s glory on earth, but you are very, very sick. I want to give you life from
My little rib, and your life would be to take after My life and My saints’ and not as you has
got used to do with your life and Mine. Oh, not so, I do not want it in this way, I cannot work
with man for My power on earth
with him for My dwelling with
him on earth.

Oh, I am very merciful on

you when I see that you are so
much bitten by the enemy and by
his poison, and I would like to re-
vive you, Romanian nation, and I
would like to have disciples from
Me for you in a clean way, to do
you good through them on My be-
half, but would those who sit as
shepherds upon you want to be-
lieve Me and listen to Me for your
life, for My mercy on you? You
are My little nest of today. I am
coming into your midst with My
word in these days. I am finding
into your midst My enemy and
yours, who is afraid of My voice
upon you, just as a snake is, which
comes into the nest with nestlings
of the bird in the wilderness, and to
which I have compared Myself by
My sacrifice for man; however, when this bird finds its nestlings poisoned in the nestle, ready to
die, oh, what does it do? It pierces its side with its beak and takes its chicks into its bosom and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

then it gives to them of its blood, of its life, and at that time it does not give them of the food that
it has gathered in its bag from the water, but it rather gives them of its blood in order to bring them
to life, and with it to take out of them the poison of the snake that was lurking in the nestle of its
chicks while it was away. Oh, this is how I want to work into your midst, Romanian people, but
you are no longer used to stay into the nestle and receive life, and what really shall I do with you
in order to bring you to life, to take you out of danger and to bring you to love, to faith and to
obedience for all these, oh, My people of today?

I am into your midst as word of the Holy Spirit, Romanian people. I advise you and
exhort you not to commit any sin against the Holy Spirit, for I want to forgive you and I want to
heal you by My word that is upon you with the Holy Spirit, Who makes flow out of My mouth the
word of the river of life into your midst, My country of today. Oh, I have spoken with you into the
midst of the people of My word on your hearth. I am calling the angels and the saints to serve Me
into your midst for the fulfilling of My word upon you. I want you to come to life before Me and
to the life in the Lord on the earth. Peace to you. Listen to My advice! Read it and learn it to fulfill
it! Oh, come with faith before Me and give to Me, give Me your heart, Romanian people, My
country of today! Amen.

I have been speaking My gentle word upon the Romanian people, upon priests and rulers
and upon the enemy of My nation of today, glorified by Me by My work into its midst. You have
stood before Me for My word of today over the Romanian people, oh, sons in the gates. Now we
are finishing the word of the day and we are coming to ask from the Father the fulfilling of My
word upon the Romanian people. Peace to you! Stand before Me when I come as word on earth,
for My sufferance brings Me to you to make for Me a way there where My words sends. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday after Passover, of the blind man from
birth, from 09-05-2010. (On Calameo)

Oh, Romanian people, I come into your way with bread and salt. What I am doing in this
day by the sons of My today’s word on your heart is a great mystery! Oh, My work of today into
your midst is a great mystery! I am giving you help to understand those from above for your destiny
with God and I am embracing you within My wisdom, which I have put it into the midst of My
people that is into your midst, a table of word in this time on earth, to write My book of today, the
book of My second coming from the Father to man, oh, My country of today! I want to make
peace with you, and I work mysteriously because you do not want to understand, and I also
fulfill mysteriously because those who reign upon you are stiff-necked, but I also love you and
I embrace you within My mercy, and I what I am to give you, I will give you mysteriously until I
am able to make Myself understood that I have been waiting for years in a row in order to bring
My kingdom upon the Romanian people and to present it together with it, with My glory of today
into its midst.

Oh, you should not despise those who are the least of Mine into your midst! I do you
good through them and I weave for you a praised little shirt and mysteriously I make you out of
My word woven with longing and with patience, your garment of tomorrow, oh, My country of
today, because I want you to have resurrection. I am the Lord your God, and I become a river
of word into your midst, and I comfort you and then I wait for you to understand My work for
you, for you need a Shepherd from heaven, My country. I ask the Father from heaven with tearful

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

prayer to give you the wisdom of God’s mysteries and to get up as soon as possible and stay with
faith and victory for you before Him, oh, My country. I am giving you, in this day, a blessing in
secret, and I am asking the Father to lift you up, to lift you up to those from above coming down
into your midst for your life with God among nations, but you should also pray and do not throw
My advice aside, for I am your wealth, and soon, soon, the nations on the earth will understand
that you have the Lord glorifying Himself by the word into your midst and they will love you for
Me and they will give you their love, but receive from Me and be faithful and stand up beautifully
to meet Me, oh, My today’s country, the country of the Lord, Jesus Christ in His second
coming from the Father on earth. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 13-05-2010. (On

I am speaking from heaven in the language of man by the language of the Romanian
people, on whose hearth I have chosen to speak in the end, when everything and all go back
to their first beginning, to the first love of God for those He has made by His word. Oh, I am
speaking to you, Romanian people so that you may not be upset, as you have been aggrieved
because of the lack of money or because of the lack of possessions for a good living on earth,
(See the economic crisis and the salary cut by 25%, r.n.); however, you should be aggrieved
because you do not have the Lord as your joy and comfort. Oh, how much I have been calling
you, how much I have been calling you by My word of today in order for you to hear Me and to
obey My word, which is coming in the clouds to you, My country of today! I have been speaking
to you with longing and pain, and I have also been speaking with joy and comfort because you are
My country of today, as the Father gave you to Me at My birth on earth two thousand years ago,
oh, and how little do you want to hear what God is speaking upon you by His river of word now
on the earth! I have taught you mercifully not to surrender your life to foreign hands, (See the loans
from the banks of the population, r.n.); not to surrender your household, you pain, your wealth that
you have got from Me, or your shortages because of your departure from God, oh, and you have
not wanted to listen! My voice, which speaks upon you, comes from heaven from God, so that
God may be with you on earth and that it may teach you from heaven in everything you do, but
you have not got used to listening to Me and to following My advice. Oh, this is dangerous. The
evil spirit sees you, that which was born of man in the beginning by his disobedience of God, his
Maker, for the man’s disobedience to God is an evil spirit. Your calling to obedience is My watch
upon you, and I have always come with it to you, My country of today. Oh, you need a little shirt
because your little shirt is torn and dirty and is not cleaned by God, and it will be completely
torn if you do not listen, and you will wake up completely naked, as the man, whom I put in
paradise, and who, because of his disobedience, woke up naked and hid, trying to hide his
nakedness, and this comes from disobedience. I advise you to understand My merciful correc-
tion upon you and to learn, while in hardships, the spirit of brotherhood and the spirit of the lack
of judgment with it, because everything that comes upon you does not come to your
sufferance but to your awakening, because your heart is seized with ignorance of God.
Oh, and I would like that you may no longer commit sin. I speak to you by everything
that comes towards you so that you may hear and hate sin. Oh, keep away from debauchery, for
it asks you for money to spend for it! Cast out sin from your land, for I, the Lord, am the
word over the earth on your hearth and I want to cleanse your hearth from sin! Take away
from you the sins that were committed before the flood, when people were eating and drink-
ing, marrying and given in marriage and when they were carousing without God on earth
Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and thus they were preparing their death, because no one, no one watches any longer so that
it may not come.

Oh, My country of today, I am coming as word to you and I ask you no

longer to drink anything else but only what I give you, for the evil spirit has made
much drink, foreign to God, and it is called sin, and then it is a severe sin, and I ask you to
remove the tobacco from your hearth, so that you will no longer use it as a sin, (See the selec-
tion topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?”, r.n.) for behold what
the man of lawlessness has made of it, and he has pushed you to fall into this sin as well, and
that you may no longer take after God, Who is sinless! Oh, keep away from sexual immo-
rality, keep away from any kind of immorality, because for it you need money and evil
and sinful power, and it also requires of man estrangement from God!

I stay and cry with the Father and with the saints, for I see only sin on earth, ready, ready
to sink the man into the deep, and I wait for the man to come to an end with his sin, and I also want
to help the man if he cannot do it alone, as from his childhood to his old age, no one is able to live
his life without sin, and the man’s senses have always fallen into sin. Oh, if the man felt longing
after God in him, then he would take this great grace and this would wake the man up from the
drunkenness of his sin and he would come to the love from above, because I wrote for My kingdom
over the earth to have a holy nation, a people earned by God, a royal priesthood and not a human
one, as it supposed to be now everywhere on earth, everywhere without God, and it wants to have
only a coat and a name over the earth, and behold where the wandering away towards sin comes
upon man!

Oh, Romanian people, I will overcome the man and I will be victorious! Oh, do not be
afraid of your sufferance from your shortages, but be afraid of the sufferance
that comes upon you from sin! Come closer to My word of today, see what it wants from
you, and listen to it, for My mouth is speaking upon you to your salvation and not to your
evil! Receive My correction for you from God and do not receive it as from man, for I do not want
you to fall into bondage to foreign nations, (By running into debt as Greece, r.n.), which does not
have your calling, but which know about it even from your beginning with Me, when the Father
gave you to Me at My birth in order to be Mine on My returning in the end of the time, because
then, when I ascended into heaven after My passion, by which I paid for the
man’s life who wants to have life, the angels said that I would come back again,
and now I have been fulfilling this, for the time has come and everything speaks
that it has already come, as it is written.
I exhort you to peace and to endurance, Romanian people. Get used to poverty and to the
little of everything, as God likes you to live, for the life full of pleasures draws you out of My
protection and it gives you over as a bondservant to another master, the ruler of the darkness of
this age, which has the spirit of the world as its food. I, the Lord, will give you over to
correction if you do not want to listen to My exhortation for life, and I will
beautifully wash you, for you need a little new shirt, and you have to be clean
for it. I, the Lord, strengthen your patience and teach you to understand that everything that comes

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upon you is for your making from Me and it is for your cleansing and then to your resurrection,
and it will be well with you if you listen, if you open to the Lord when He knocks at you to open
to Him, oh, My country of today! He who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit speaks
upon you, Oh, Romanian people, and to him who hears, I will give! Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy Virginia’s birth, from 09-06-2010.
(On Calameo)

Oh, Romanian nation, I have taught you in a special way and I have told you to listen to
Me so that it may be well with you on earth. Do you see what happens to you if you do not listen
to Me, if you do not believe God, Who comes to you by His servants? Do you see what pain
you bring upon you if you do not let God, the Master, to visit you and to tell you what to do,
after He has seen your walking and your disobedience? Oh, the water has drowned your
work and savings and you are unhappy, Romanian son, because of the heavy losses you have
suffered. (See the floods in this year, r.n.) For seven thousand years, I have been teaching man
by My servants how to live on earth so that it may be well with him, and man has not listened
to God, man has not got used with God to be his Master, but still God is the Master, and you
see that it is so and that you do not have any power when He speaks with you by the voice
and by the work of the ghosts if you have not got used to listening to His word upon you.

I have sent you a written book and I have used My servants, who hear from My mouth the
word upon man, and I have taught you, Romanian people, how to do My will before Me for your
destiny with Me on earth, but your pride, which does not let you bow before God’s correction,
costs you, and it brings sufferance on you. I have put the people of My word into your midst
to raise their little hands up to Me and to ask Me to bring the rain back into its chambers,
for I have stricken you with flood, My country of today, but I have warned you that you
would come to sufferance if you do not listen to Me. I am speaking to you in a day of the feast
of John, My baptizer, but you do no longer have knowledge of the feasts of the saints at their
place, because the pagan man had come and you listened to him and displaced the feasts of
My saints from the calendar, (Replacing some of the feasts according to the “new” calendar, in
the year of 192451, r.n.), and the saints have been aggrieved because you go to work on the
feasts of My saints. Oh, no country, no Orthodox people have been more stricken than you
have by the enemy of the feasts of My saints. You have been badly wounded and you have no
longer had any true servants of the church upon you, for all are died in red (The collaborators of
the former communist dictatorship and of the secret service of the security, r.n.) and My enemies

Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January
(N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to
the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given
to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the
patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipe- which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and
„it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he
shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and the enemies of My saints are also your enemies and they cannot be your benefactors. From
the forefathers and from the old times, I have ordained pious days of prayer and worship to
the Lord, and you do not want to follow the steps of your ancestors, holy and filled with the
fear of God on earth. Oh, for nine weeks they had not worked after My resurrection on
Mondays and Thursdays in their gardens, and they had not washed their little shirts and bed
sheets during these days; they had not sewed them or driven nails and they had not stricken
with their hand or with their tool during these days, and their love of God had been a blessing
on the earth, and they had been protected from thunderbolts and lightning and from the
floods and hail, they and their crops and their whole labor. Behold, man does not believe
those that had been observed by the fathers and by his parents as days of intercession before
the Lord as the help and protection from heaven over his things, and if he has not believed,
he has come to see that he has not earned anything if he does not believe, and behold, I am
speaking with you, Romanian people, on a day of the feast of the saints when you do your
work after the order of the pagan man, instead of keeping the feast of My saint. I have given
you help and I have sent you a message to receive My advice to bring back to their place the feast
of My saints and no longer to interpret in a human manner how the man keeps account of his time
and days, and you should consider how much damage you bring on earth with your pride, with
your departure from the holy traditions, which you want to put them away one after the other, but
this has incurred you only sufferance. Oh, it is not good for you if you do not believe in God and
take after the pagan man, who changes his steps, faith and holy traditions! Behold, you suffer, and
I feel sorry for you because you do not listen to Me, and your disobedience has also caused you to
suffer, and I am speaking to you as a father and I invite you to believe and to receive Me, because
I do not want your inheritance to be destroyed.

I am directing My word against your gates, (The rulers, r.n.), Romanian nation, and against
those who call themselves your shepherds, and I am speaking to them about your pain from your
lack of watch for God, and I am telling them like this:

If you, those who stay at the gates, (The Members of Parliament and the governors, r.n.),
do not take God’s word upon you to fulfill upon this nation and upon you, and if you, those,
who sit in the name of the shepherds over the soul of the Romanian people, do not humble
yourselves before My yesterday and today’s word in order to fulfill it upon you and upon
this nation, I, the Lord, cannot put back into the sheath the sword of My wrath for those who
do not listen to God on earth. Oh, learn from Me to protect the earth and the man on it, if
you are in the lead, but do not start any war on earth because of the iniquity on it caused the
man’s disobedience! Stand up and say “No!” to the immorality upon the sons of the Roma-
nian people, and do not enact it, because you stand on bodies of many saints with your feet
and these cry out from the ground to Me for this nation, for their successors! Get up and say
“No!” to the work of the antichrist, which struggles in secret to bring into bondage and to
lead astray the soul of the Romanian people! Read the Scriptures to see what the antichrist
and its people want to do on earth, and do no longer borrow from the foreigners, who do not
have God upon their life, because you sell your souls, which are more valuable than your
bodies, as two thousand years ago, I said: «Aren’t two sparrows sold for an penny? … You are
of more value than many sparrows». (Matt: 10/29, 31) Oh, you are worth much more than
many souls who sell themselves to satan for money. Do not sell your little souls! Love poverty
and the little of everything you have, as I have taught you to do in hard times. Leave of the
luxury and the fleeting pleasures, which harm your soul, body and spirit, and I, the Lord,

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will take care of you in a holy manner! Teach the people not to eat sweet food on the days of
Monday, Wednesday and Friday, for they are written as day of feast for the man’s good on
earth and as sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins, lest you may remain with your sins
written with God, and give away from you the food with meat, for terrible illnesses are com-
ing on earth by the meat eaten by man, living beings killed for the man’s food, when I told
him at the beginning: «Man, you shall not kill!»

I will look upon you and see if you choose life or death and I will work then. If you
choose the life of My word with you, you will draw upon you all the blessings, and if you
choose the death that comes from disobedience, I will fight against death and I will overcome
it and I will fight for your souls, for I am a merciful Shepherd, a Shepherd with no reward,
and I give Myself freely and I also share freely. Amen.

Oh, Romanian people, the unbelief in God comes from sin. Oh, remember your fore-
fathers, for they were poor, happy in their poverty in comparison with what you have got
today on earth, for they did not have big and many houses for their shelter, in a way that
they may occupy their heart in them and their worries for the soul. They loved God and they
loved poverty and the lack of possessions, and they were afraid of the Lord and they kept
away from the sin of greed and pride, and they had a small and humble house, and when
they washed in their little trough, they dropped the towel over the icons, for they were
ashamed of God and of saints to see their body naked, but today, their successors even in
churches are naked and love immorality even in the streets and do not have any shame, both
the small and the big ones, and they tolerate to each other their lack of shame and concern
against immorality.

Oh, make peace with God, Romanian people! Take Him as your Master so that it may
not go wrong with you on earth! Ask Him for your destiny and listen to His advice, for He
has on your hearth the riverbed of His word in this time and is speaking with you as a good
father and full of care for your life!

You, those at the gates, do not turn your back against My word upon you, and you,
those who sit in the name of shepherds over the Romanian people, do not be unfaithful to
My word, which urges you to be holy and faithful to My coming as word on the earth now,
in the end of the time! Oh, as I had been speaking by the vessels bearing of God up to the
time of My incarnation and then I left on earth My word which had become book and as
everything was fulfilled in Me, oh, in the same way I am also speaking today, for I have the
whole power in heaven and on earth given to Me by My Father to be useful to the people.
Love My love in man and between man and man on earth! Wake up the spirit of prayer for
these days, for the days are hard, and the spirit of the antichrist also tries to seize within its
spirit this nation, which I, the Lord, have chosen for Me! I will call you to account if you do
not keep the life of this nation, the life with God with every passing day, to the destruction of
the satanic work on earth, for the Romanian people has a special calling among the nations,
and those who do not believe this, will receive the reward of those who are the unfaithful to
My word, which reveals the Lord’s plans, as it has been worked on earth all the time. Oh,
open to My word and search for its history of these days, so that there may not come pains
for unbelief! Fulfill My will and pull the weeds out by their roots, to be only clean grass for
My flock! Oh, do not be proud face to face with God, for you are people and God is God!

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Receive My glory upon you, receive My word and give it life upon you and among you and
feed on My holy teaching, for the saints will judge the world, as it is written, and not the
world will judge them, as this pain is seen today on earth, the pain which reaches God’s
throne to the judgment of this sin.

I have My witness among you, (The bishop Irineu of Bistriţa, r.n.) by whom I have
blessed the trumpet sounding of My word upon the earth and the work of My people. Oh, do
no longer persecute him, do not longer put pressure on the one who had confessed from Me,
but rather love his sweet being after God and lift him up to prayer on My behalf for the
Romanian people, for he is well pleased with Me! Love each other as the brothers of the same
father and seek to know whose sons you are and do not take revenge against each other, but
love yourselves as God’s sons! Get used to have the Lord as Master upon you, for man has
got used not to having Me as his Master any longer! Oh, let your hearts be responsive and
be faithful, for I, the Lord, have got much work from the Father, work with much glory in
the midst of the Romanian people! The Kingdom of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit I want to be on earth, and not that of man’s, and I want the man to be My son. Amen.

Now, I am sealing with My name My book towards you, for I have power to speak
and to become book on earth. Peace to you! I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, have come to an end
with My word of today towards you in a day of the feast of My prophet and baptizer, John.
Amen, amen I say to you. I am the Word of God into the midst of the Romanian people and
I do My Father’s will, Who has sent Me to speak on earth. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the birth of the saint John, the Baptizer, from
07-07-2010. (On Calameo)

May your faith and waiting be blessed, well My people, for those who wait always prepare
and they prepare Me always as those from the people of Matan prepared Me until I came and
showed Myself on earth through My mother Virgin.

I am visibly coming soon with My coming and I am coming with she; (See the selection
topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) I am coming with My mother, for this was the way of
My coming then, too. I am coming soon, My people, and you should be My Jerusalem, you have
to be the Jerusalem of My coming, the new Jerusalem to be, for I, the Lord, have put over
your citadel this great name and I am writing it over all the borders of this people, over the
Romanian people, out of whose midst I have chosen you and set you apart for Me, for My glory,
for My coming, for My way to the people and for their way to Me, and this seed will be like the
stars of the sky, as I, the Lord, promised this at the beginning to the faithful Abraham, who
was very, very faithful, oh, My people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-

Oh, the man that I created with My hand at the beginning is crying; he is crying now with
pain and with calmness in his pain, and he is speaking with his Creator, Whom he did not love at
the beginning, for he loved his body, because until the Lord took of his body to make and give him
a helper and a companion, he had not been content. I am speaking now with him from My little

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garden of word, now, at the fulfillment of the times, and he sees now the place from where I took
the dough of the making of his body and he knows My Spirit with Whom I breathed over him to
give him a living soul and He is telling Me with pain:

⸻ Have mercy, my Maker, on all those who have been multiplied out of me, and then from
one another on earth since then and until today; have mercy on the world of the people in my
image and after my likeness concerning my disobedience to You and my discontent on earth then!
May Your holy will be done, and I am telling You this with tears in my eyes, for at my beginning
with You I neglected Your will and spoiled Your work because I was discontent and I wanted to be
big beyond my capacity and in this way I affected Your greatness, and the seat of Your greatness
was shaken then because of my serving angels due to my disobedience, before which they bowed,
and after that You came to speak to me as though You would have searched me, seeing the angels
shaken from the place of their ministry before Your glorified throne, and then You asked me where
I was. You asked me so because in my mind I wanted to hide from You, I wanted to do somehow
so that You might not see me, who was blinded from the greatness and priority between me and
You, oh my Maker. You came after me here, from where You are working now with Your word
from the end of the time; You came back to my beginning with You and made me see the whole
time from then and up to this day and You have brought me to see the end of the man’s ages and
to see Your today’s hard work and Your long endurance for man. (See the selection topic: „The
end of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Oh, what man was supposed to be and what today
is! This makes me suffer! I have been crying and suffering for seven thousand years, but my pain
from now comprises within it all the time that has been by now and I am suffering now in You, oh,
and You are also suffering from me and Your pain suffers in me. Take it and put it on Your wound
that You have got from me and heal Your pain and mine! It has lasted for a long time and it has
made us tired, my God. However, You still have patience with man, because You want to redeem
me completely because You love so much, and man has to know what God is, because He is love.

And now let Your voice over the garden of the origin of my body run its word, Lord, and
make Your today’s feast with those who are Your help on earth from among the people now, the
children of the obedience in the end of the time for their love of the human kind, severely stricken
by my disobedience from the man’s beginning and whose people You want to heal now and to
show Your being, Your love for man, oh, my God. Amen.

⸻ On this day, I, the Lord, have spoken here, in the garden of My word, and I have had a
conversation with the man from the beginning, and I am marking today the feast of twenty years
ago, since I set to the holy work of My word over the earth the little garden of My word, the place
where I spoke with the Father to make a man in Our image and after Our likeness and to
reign in him. And I am speaking from here now, too, in the end of the time, to join the begin-
ning with the end and to make the beginning of new the creation by the word; to do and to
work everything by the word, as for a long time I have announced through the prophets what I am
working during these days, the last days, when from this mountain of word I am giving to the
people the laws of creation for a holy life in man, I am giving this word over the earth, and with
it I am working from the little garden of My today’s word. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the twenty-year feast from the dedication of the Holy of
Holies of the New Jerusalem, from 12-12-2011.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The Holy Spirit, the Comforter, becomes word over the earth and fills with His voice the
little garden of His word into the midst of the Romanian people. The Word God is on the hearth
of this nation with His garden of word and the Holy Spirit is speaking in it. How is really this
people supposed to give account to God for so much river of word, coming out of its riverbed and
overflowing its banks with power, having in it a spirit of awakening, of teaching, of comfort, of
patience, of calling to the table of the kingdom of the heavens those who hear its smooth roar, or
as a deeply moving voice passing from place to place with a spirit of resurrection, of calling and
of peace over those who are anxious, or of calling over those who sleep deeply, who are in a deep
sleep when the Lord is calling at the gates to come in and to set the table of His wedding on this
land? (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)

Oh, My country of wedding, oh, Romanian nation, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, have been
into your midst as word of Holy Spirit for more than fifty years. There is no rumor not to be spread,
not to be heard everywhere after that. The heavens stay open above you and the Lord is speaking
upon you, announcing Himself from you with His speaking upon you and sending upon you book
after book, teaching you, exhorting you to His advice, calling you to watch, awakening your voice
to hear My voice upon you, oh, My country from the end of the time, My country of wedding.
I have been saying in My word upon you that you are chosen for Me from My birth and yours to
be, in this end and beginning of time, My wedding country, My table of heavenly banquet with
the people on earth, the house of the Bridegroom from heaven and the house of His bride,
who waits for her Bridegroom. Oh, and I keep telling you that I have into your midst My spring
of word and that I have a bride people for Me, chosen by My strong hand from your midst, who
puts in man love, waiting and power from heaven for God and much victory for Him on earth.

Oh, so much word, I have been speaking a mountain of word into your midst, My
today’s country! The Father Sabaoth has sent Me with My second coming on earth to work
much and heavenly, as two thousand years ago, I said that the Son of Man would come again
with His angels, with power and much glory, and then He would separate to His left and to His
right, the sheep from the goats, and the Jerusalem of that time did not know to understand that and
left Me outside; it threw Me out of its house. And then My Father showed Me a beautiful coun-
try and told Me that it was My country for My second coming and that I would come in it
with the miracle of the new birth of the world and that I would set in it the seat of justice and
I would sit and speak and that I would set the wedding table in it, a table of word; and more-
over, I would sit with the angels and the saints with a heavenly table on its hearth, and My name
is called the Word of God, as it is written. (Apoc: 19/13.) Oh, you cannot hide from My work
into your midst, for the Father has sent Me, and I am coming, as it is written for Me to come. You
were foretold, country of the Lord’s election for the end of the time and for the beginning of new
heaven and new earth within the spirit of justice, and many spiritual vessels have announced you
through the time, from far and from near, and the nations know this news, the news about you
that you are My today’s country, the country of brightness, as I work much in you and I am
the light of the world, I am God’s word, and with it I give light to the people, and you are very
much guilty if you do not put God’s light in the lamp stand on earth, and you sleep, My love, and
you do not want to wake up to meet Me. Like the river overflowing its banks, likewise is My word
upon you, and I write Myself with it into its book in your time, oh, Romanian people. I do not want
you to be like My people two thousand years ago, to which I came and it did not receive Me, after
that with so much love I had built into its midst by word and deed. Oh, I want your resurrection,
My love, and I am calling you with longing: get up! I am, I am Who I am, and I am He Who is

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

speaking to you. My Father is sending Me as word to you and He is telling Me to say to you that
I am Who I am and that I have as a sign into your midst My people of more than fifty years,
and with this people I am sitting at the table of word, from where I am breaking and giving this
living bread, bread of word, God’s mouth, that is shared with its voice to the resurrection of the

Two thousand years ago, I built into your midst a costly stone, My today’s country, and I
wrote My name on it: The Word of God, and I sealed it with My holiness and set it in a little
garden, which I called the garden of God’s word, a mountain of Zion, on which I have been coming
down with My angels and saints and from where I have been giving you a pleasant face, a new
name of New Jerusalem, the country of brightness on earth, as the prophet Daniel saw you
from afar and wrote you into the Scripture to be announced that you would be Mine. How-
ever, do you really forget how many people have coveted you, how many people have bitten you
and made you suffer? Oh, the evil spirit, My enemy and yours, knows your destiny from Me and
craves for you to be its, to take its side now, oh, but I also want you and I cannot leave you and I
cannot give you over because My Father has given you to be Mine.

Oh, My today’s country, in you I have become bread of new word of birth of the world and
that is why you are Mine. May your enemies and Mine scatter from your hearth and may God
come to life, and may those who hate you and Him flee from His face and from you, and may all
your enemies perish like fire and like wax in the fire; and more, may the sign of My cross be put
on you, the sign of the Son of man, which casts out the enemies and the devils with the power of
the One Who was resurrected two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, the Word, going down into
the hell and crushing the devil by the cross, in order to give it to His faithful people, an opposing
weapon against the envious spirit! Amen.

I have set in you a washing vessel, My today’s country. I have got in you a ship of salvation
for you on earth and in heaven. I have been preparing your redemption, My love. I have been
working for you into your midst, now, in the end of the time, and I have got in you intercessors for
you in heaven and I rely on them for you, and on earth I have the people of My word and I have a
table of word into its midst and through it, I am sending you a book to have My voice on you
before you. Your noble men sleep; they sleep and I watch with My poor ones in a watching tower
for you and I have My coming into your midst. Oh, do not doubt, do not stumble against Me, but
rather get up and believe, for I am working as I have also worked through other times, as I gave to
My people Israel exhortation for its life and I gave it a helm of word into its midst; however, he
was disobedient, rebellious against God, and, as a result, it lost Me, and I also lost it.

Oh, My country of coming, take of My Spirit into your midst, for I have the little white
stone in you, about which it is written into the book for the last days. (Apoc: 2/17.)52 I have
become a book in you during this time, for My word is much upon you, and it is as much as the
river and it is written about this river into My book in the end of the time and for the begin-
ning of time. (Apoc: 22/1.)53 I am sitting on the throne of justice on your hearth; I am sitting on

«Whoever has an ear should listen to what the Spirit is saying to the Churches. To the one who over-
comes I will give [to eat] of the hidden manna and I will give a white stone. On the stone a new name is written,
which no one knows but the one who receives it.» (Apoc: 2/17.)
«The angel showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, flowing out of the throne of God and
of the Lamb, …» (Apoc: 22/1.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the mountain of mystery and I am covered by the cloud and the river of life flows from My
throne, the word of life, in order to give you water, to water you so that you may grow and be
My spring. Oh, the spring is coming, the heaven is turning into a scroll of book (Apoc: 6/14.)54,
and it is coming down to you so that a new heaven and a new earth may bloom upon you. Get up
to come into blossom and to shine with longing and glory, for I am brightness in you and I give
you brightness, oh, country of brightness! I want to make you a queen among nations, for this is
written to do with the country of My coming, for I write Myself with you on the earth, but you
should make all the nations hear your voice, and let them know that you are Mine, and may it be
that many nations bow before Me through you, My love, and also, let them take My book from
you so that the knowledge may grow in many; and, furthermore, may kings kiss your land and take
of My glory and yours, as it is written. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The
Book of Life”, r.n.)
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Virginia, God’s trumpet. Message
to the country, to the Church and its Patriarch, from 14-12-2011. (On Calameo)

I, the resurrected Lord, open up My arms for you and I am thankful to you for your faith in
My coming as word of Holy Spirit on earth. I, the Lord, call those who are faithful to My com-
ing of today of the Romanian people, I call them My Romanian people, and they are the
Romanian people, for it cannot be Romanian otherwise the man on these heavenly fields
where the heaven works, sanctifies and prepares the view of its glory in the end of the time.

I, the Lord, teach you, and you should learn that the sons of My people from My spring of
word cannot give you anything else than what I give them to give further, and they cannot take in
order to give after their will or yours, for I give them what they receive and what they give, and
their whole word and work is given by Me to them when they work, whether they give or not,
when they let themselves be carried by My will. Amen.

… Oh, Romanian people, how many times have I tried to gather you under the glory of My
protecting word upon you and you have not wanted. Your destiny is in My hand, but it is in your
hand as well; however, if your hand does allow Me to hold it into My hand, then sufferance comes
to you, because you have not wanted to know those who do you good so that sufferance may not
touch you, lest your enemies from the middle may take advantage of your destiny. It will be bitter
for those who want to pull the helm out of those who rule over you cleanly. However, I will
watch upon your destiny, but your sufferance, which you alone do to yourself, will plough you, to
the atonement of the hatred of those who are in your midst and who do not know what justice is
or what love does.

Oh, peace to the people gathered at the spring on a day of My feast with the male and
female disciples of My resurrection! I will stay with you in the word to the end of the feast, sons,
and I will give you the whole word on this day of holy feast. I am giving you sweet advice: walk
in My ways to be born from above, to love the truth and the justice of everything. Be My Roma-
nians, be Romanians born from above so that you may be My Romanian people, the beginning of
new nation, of new people, to be in My image and after My likeness, oh, sons! Amen, amen, amen.

«The sky was removed like a scroll when it is rolled up.» (Apoc: 6/14.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of the prudes, from 29-
04-2012. (On Calameo)

I, the Lord, have in My hand the destiny of the Romanian people, as for more than fifty
years I have been coming down with the word of My mouth and speaking on the hearth of this
nation, and I had and have chosen vessels, that write My word into My book of today, God’s word
over the earth, for this time has come for God’s word to be heard even by those in the tombs,
as it is written into My book with My disciples of two thousand years ago, and the resurrection
of those who wait for Me to come with it for them is making rapid strides, and the victory of God’s
Lamb and of those who love Him believing in Him and following the truth, and the trumpets
sound for His coming. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostles Peter and Paul, from

We set the word and a table of feast into the midst of the people of My today’s word, and
let the Romanian people bow and take from the table and find the Lord’s speaking, for the Lord is
on its hearth as word over the earth now, in the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end
of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) and He calls this nation to salvation and to wisdom
from above, for the Father Sabaoth chose it two thousand years ago to be My path over the
nations and to be a house of My coming; furthermore, it also has to house My coming as word
from the Father to man in its homeland, for I have to prepare the day of judgment, and it is much
to be done for it, and I have been preparing the Romanian people to work this day from its
midst over the earth.

Oh, Romanian people, you bear My name, the name of Jesus Christ on your head even
from your first beginning, that from the time of My beginning with you two thousand years ago,
and you are the first born then from Christ among the nations, oh, My today’s country, for
My first disciple, My first apostle, Andrew, put on your body your little shirt of baptism and
he called you with My name; he called you a Christian country, for the Christian name comes
from the name of Christ. I have worked hard, I and you after that, for this great name to be kept
for you, for you were the first one born from the waters of the creation of the world and you
have carried on your heart the mystery of the man’s creation, and in this time, when the anti-
christ and its subjects want to write victory upon the Son of God, the man’s Creator, I have been
working even more to keep you within your glory with Me now, in the end of the time, oh, My
today’s country. The Father has given you to be Mine and that I may have you as Mine to
replace the people of Israel, who cut Me from its midst and crucified Me when I came to it;
and I wanted to turn its heart to the parents, but it did not want this, and the Father gave
you to Me then to be the country of My return after two thousand years, for it is written into
the Scripture that one thousand years will pass and still one thousand more and then I will come
and prevail against the old serpent, satan, who deceived the man in paradise and made him disobey
Me, while the man was put by Me in paradise in order to listen to God and to do His will with
steadfastness and not to forget this; however, whenever the love of God becomes small in man,
satan’s power grows against him, the evil power, and then the Lord has much work for man in
order to save him from this death, from his separation from God, for man dies as many times as he
gives the Lord away from him so that he may do his own will.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-
2012. (On Calameo)

… ⸻ Oh, My Father Sabaoth, pain is Our power. It has as much power as love has. We
are going to sow with it the righteousness and its much seed upon those who have been doing
injustice to the Romanian people now.

Stand up, those who are great in your heart and wisdom of the holy justice and do not stop
from watching, for I, the Lord, looked at you all the time and I always look at you and see the
wisdom in which you stay, for you are among those who do not suck blood, but give strength to
the Romanian people by the watch in which you stay and speak through it. And as far as this
vamp concerns, this spirit of a red-dressed woman riding on the beast, (The politic power,
from the „political left”, r.n.), sucking the blood of the Romanian people in the name of Mam-
mon, it is written in the Scriptures the curse on her, and let the money of her sin fall on her
head together with the price of her immorality, as it is written about the beast, (The power
which governs at one given moment, r.n.), that from the end of the time, and about the woman,
(The Church of a nation, r.n.), which sits riding on the beast, and about its lawlessness, too.
(The agreement among the ruling priests of the church to sustain a certain political party at elec-
tions, so that after this party comes into power, to give money to the church from the public budget,
r.n.). I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Word of God Sabaoth, and this kind of sword (The
sword of word, r.n.) is written for the vamp that is hidden now under its purple, deceiving the
nations all over the earth, and this boastful spirit, like that of Goliath, will lose its head under
its sword, for it has built its house on the sand. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the holy hierarch Spyridon, the miracle
worker, from 25-12-2012.

Oh, Romanian people, My people from the end of the time, I have built in you now
both My Bethlehem and Nazareth and the word for My second coming together with My
entire work for the end of the time, and from your hearth I watch upon you and I protect you
and I also watch over the nations by My angels and I put My seal, the seal of My name over the
document of your birth by My word from above and you will not be able to hide before Me and
before the people with your origin that you have got from Me, (See „History of Romania part 1 to
part 16” , r.n.) as I have been waiting for you
from the beginning and until the end to be My country of today where I may come and set the
judgment throne of the creature, the kingdom and the renewal of everything by the word, as in the
beginning, when at My word, the heaven and the earth, were made under the eyes of God and
under the eyes of His angels.

Oh, Romanian people, you have not sufficiently understood the time of your visitation, but
we will shake our hands more and more tightly and we will read from the heights the book of the
love between Me and you, and the nations who are far from Me will seek after you and they will
take from your hearth the hidden manna and will find the mystery of their rescue and salvation
and they will find the law of love and forgiveness, too, for I have loved you from beginning and
to end and I have been waiting for you here, at the end of the time, and I have My glory in you
now, and with love like fire I am writing Myself on your hearth and I am setting Myself down into

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My book of today and it is the throne of judgment for all the creature and everything will come
into being at once by My word, which renews the world. Oh, I miss you and I want you to believe
My coming to you, for I have been longing for it. The kings and the rulers want you to belong to
them, as they have found your mystery that I have given you, but I want you to be Mine, and My
longing keeps you in Me, and I watch upon you with the angelic hosts, My country of today. Oh,
it is a day of feast of the birth into your midst and at My manger of word, I am speaking upon you
and I am sending it to you to hear Me and no longer to live a pagan life, oh, Christian country, for
your spend the holy feasts in a pagan way and there is no one to tell you that you go wrong
with God, and I, the Lord, come and tell you about your mistake, and I also tell you that man can
be more happier than when he makes his happiness on the earth with his services during the feasts.
Oh, My dear country, you should suffer for God and you should comfort His wound and He will
prepare for you feasts and glory in the feasts, as man does not have to celebrate like that but with
a heavenly glory into his midst, for without the Lord everything is wilderness and it is hell on
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, from 07-01-2013. (N.S.)
(25-12-2012 - Old style / after the Julian calendar55) (On Calameo)

Oh, on this Sunday of the feast of My Resurrection, on the first day of the week, I am
calling you to resurrection; I am calling you, Romanian people. Oh, stand up! I am calling you
longingly and I mysteriously speak My word upon you. Stand up, oh, My country of My second
coming from the Father on the earth to the people! When in the beginning I made the heaven and
the earth, I spoke the word, and they were made and appeared and they were ordained at their
place. Now, in the end, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the Lord”,
r.n.) I am speaking the word upon you and I am saying: Become a new heaven and a new earth,
oh, Romanian people, as on your land I have the crop of My word, the word of My mouth, which
comes on the whisper of the wind, carried by the clouds of the Lord’s glory and it comes to you to
lift you up, oh, My country of today. I have the little garden of My word on your hearth, where I
am descending in a place prepared to Me to come and to speak from the throne and to rule with
an iron rod the nations of the earth, as it is written for Me to fulfill. Oh, open yourself and
receive My coming! Christ has risen, I, the Lord, tell you, My country of today, and I am telling
you today and tomorrow, and you should learn to inherit the heaven and the saints of the heaven
to inherit on your land, too, and your land to become heaven for those in heaven as heavenly
church on the earth. Oh, come to My help, come to help the Lord your God, as I did not go to
Jerusalem since I have come to you, but I have come to you, I am spending with you and I am

Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 Janu-
ary (N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms
to the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given
to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the
patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipe- which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and
„it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he
shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

speaking the word of the new beginning, even if the Christian people always go to Jerusalem for
what they may find there about My passing on the earth there two thousand years ago when Jeru-
salem did not welcome Me; and behold, now as then, My tracks testify there to the judgment of
those who did not believe then and who do not believe today in My coming at that time and in My
coming of nowadays, which is written in the Scriptures to be now. And as two thousand years ago
I came because it had been written for Me to come, the same is today, I am coming because it has
been written for Me to come, and I am descending and fulfilling My coming and the word of My
coming, and I am preparing mysteriously the new creation: the new heaven and the new
earth, and behold, I am preparing heirs, and concerning you, I have been earnestly been calling
you, oh, My country of longing, as I long for you and I have been longing for you for two thousand
years; I have been longing for you since the Father Sabaoth decided to have your land as My
support and glory for My second coming, because Jerusalem cast Me away from its midst, and
those who live today are the sons of those who crucified Me at that time there.

Oh, peace to you, My country, My Romania! Your land is Mine. I have ordained in it the
mystery of My coming as word on the earth now, in the end of the time, and I do not want, oh, I
do not want that the people in you to cast Me away as Jerusalem did, after I had called out to Him
so much to gather it as the hen gathers her chickens, but they did not want and put Me away from
their midst and banished Me from among them.

Oh, peace to you, land of My glory in the end of the time, Romanian people, My longing
for two thousand years, and behold, I have My glory upon you and upon the people of My today’s
word over the earth and My throne; and, My river of word, which flows from My throne to wash
your face, to wash your land, and you may be My glory, as I am your glory too, I and My word
into your midst. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 05-05-2013.
(On Calameo)

Oh, be glad and rejoice with Me, you, those who are gathered together from heaven and
from earth here on a day of the feast of resurrection, on a day of Sunday, the day of My resurrection
from the dead, the first day of the week when My prudes brought to My tomb expensive fragrances,
because they loved Me much, and they waited with faithfulness for Me to come to life again on
the third day, as I had told them.

You brought Me expensive fragrance, for you brought joy to Me once with your coming at
My spring of word. Glory in the highest to the Father Sabaoth, and on earth peace to you and good
will, as here a heavenly table is spread!

I have come down with those in heaven, sons gathered at the spring. I have gathered the
people at the spring to prepare the feast. Christ has risen! This is the greeting among brothers until
the feast of My Ascension to the Father. My male and female disciples send you greetings that
Christ has risen from the dead, as they spread the news far and wide after I had sent them to tell to
the whole world and to all the nations about My resurrection, so that all the faithful may set them-
selves apart upon hearing the news about Me and to become sons of God by loving much, believing
beautifully and humbling themselves affectionately, for My Spirit filled them with the spirit of
gentleness and their hearts were on fire, as great joy seized them.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, rejoice, you those who chose to travel to My spring of word, to these heavenly lands,
where I establish My coming, My word and then its proclamation! Peace to your little hearts,
for I have listened to their beatings and I have got warmed up from the longing in them!

Oh, how much glory is here now! I do not have any gold and silver, I do not have anything
to give you as a reward for your love you have in you. I give you My glory, the word of My love,
My love story with which I have been writing Myself down on earth for almost sixty years on the
hearth of the Romanian people. Nevertheless, why have I not gone into another land now, when
My coming has to be written on earth? Oh, I have come in the place where I started when by
My word I made the heaven and the earth, and then out of dust I made the man with My
own hand and I gave him My image at his creation and I made him after My likeness and
the Father’s and We loved him with a great love as the work of God’s hands and I created for him
a paradise on earth, a fairy tale garden, and I set him within sweet happiness and then from here,
I started with the whole glory of creation and I sealed this land at the beginning and now it
bears the name of the Romanian land, after the name of the people in it. Oh, many finders, many
researchers spoke and speak that the Romanian land is the country of the Lord, but they heard it
from Me, from the revelations, which I, the Lord, have given them to be known the mystery of this
land, in which I stand and speak My word, the word of My second coming from the Father to the

Oh, how much joy you should have in your soul, Romanian people, when you hear of My
mouth your destiny, your election from the beginning! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the begin-
ning and the end, and I am working as in the beginning, for I am the first and the last One and I
am the Lord, your God, as you are the first, oh, My country from the beginning and from the end.
I started with you and I have to work with you in the end too, and let all the people understand
why you are Mine, why I call you My country, My country of wedding. Oh, how shall I call you
otherwise, when I have in you My wedding table, the glory of My word, which calls the man to
My table, at My table with the saints? Oh, how beautiful you are within those from heaven, within
your invisible things put upon you at the creation of the world! Two thousand years ago, the Father
gave you to Me for the end of the time, after the people of Israel denied Me and took Me out of its
midst. You are the land of the promise for the end of the time, and behold, you are, and I have
into your midst the feast of the kingdom of the heavens, the news which goes like lightning
everywhere, for the human kind sleeps in pleasures as before the flood when Noah was calling
out to the people to come to the Lord so that they might not perish in their trespasses.

Oh, how beautiful you are among your invisible things, My country of today! Heavenly
armies are sitting at the table with Me and with the people of My word on your hearth, and how
much I want you to love My coming to you and to seek after Me with longing! Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the prudes,
from 19-05-2013. (On Calameo)

Oh, Romanian people, are there another nation and another land on the earth where I come
as word and as a comforting Spirit, as I am coming now on your hearth with My glory from the
Father? Oh, I am Who I am. I am telling you, Romanian people: I am Who I am! I am He Who
shone on the mountain before the confessing disciples, and I am the One Who ascended from the

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

mountain in the cloud of the Lord’s glory, after I had advised My disciples sending them over to
the earth with the news of My things that had happened with them for three years and a half, before
I ascended to the Father on the day of My ascension into the heavens. Oh, what shall I do to wake
you up? I have got into your midst a people confessing of the glory of My word coming down on
your hearth now, in the end of the time. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the
Day of the Lord”, r.n.) I am sending it with My sending as a witness of the present days to proclaim
My word from margins to margins. The human kind has nothing to do other than try on its happi-
ness with Me, after it has tasted everything between earth and heaven for seven thousand years,
for it has tasted the lie in every way possible, poor man, and man has been lying to man for seven
thousand years. Oh, that’s enough man! That’s enough man, enough! Taste God, according to
His will and not after your will, as you have always done your will before Me seeking and asking
Me to do your will, but My will is written on stone by fire, with God’s finger, and My will does
not take after Your will. My will is your holiness. With it I overcame the world and its prince,
and you will not be able to overcome it otherwise, oh, tired man. Two thousand years ago I said:
«Now the prince of this world has been judged». (John: 16/11) And I went to be sacrificed to the
death on the cross, being given to death by the prince of this world, by the people in whose
midst I had appeared as true God of true God, only that it did not want other ruler to be over
the world besides him, by the one I authorized to be My people among all the nations on the earth.
However, because he did not want to do My will, then this people was judged when I pre-
vailed against it by My death and resurrection and then by My ascension on the throne near
the Father, on the right side of the Father, after I had overcome the last enemy: death.

Oh, Romanian people, I am in the Father and the Father is in Me, and We are one when
you hear God’s word. Oh, why, son, why, do you, Romanian people, stand aside from God’s glory
on your hearth? Take heed that the Lord is speaking to you. Do no longer stay in the uttermost
darkness, Romanian people, as your lack of faith and the care for it is a black cloud. My tear after
you has become great and much water, and behold how much sufferance on you now, on your
hearth and over your sons and daughters, which stay so far away from the word that is calling you,
crying and crying, Romanian people! Oh, what shall I do to take you out of your carelessness and
from under your oppressors, because of whom the trouble is coming upon you, those who oppress
you and do not let you learn and believe then in My glory on your hearth? I have built a throne of
word into your midst, and this spring of My mouth, the spring of love, flows out of it over the earth
like a cleaning and running water, oh, My today’s country. Oh, do your body, soul and spirit not
hurt you because of so much beating you incurred and still incur upon you? About twenty
years ago, I removed from upon you those who had ruled upon you without Me, (The Dictatorship
of the communist red beast, r.n.), and under which you were crying and waiting for salvation.

Oh, but what are you doing now? Behold, you have been committing serious sins and you
have let yourself be robbed by lie and by those who make it in secret so that you may praise them
and to make gods out of them. However, what will you do, oh, My today’s country, what will you
do when you see them falling down from their seats, from where they have been boasting that you
have put them? Oh, near the Father, I look and cry for your mercy. I would keep on waking you
up, but I would also want you to work for Me and to learn the teaching of faith when My mouth
speaks My word into your midst. On this day of the celebration of My ascension, I have put teach-
ing of faith into My today’s book, which I have been writing on your hearth, as I wrote on the
mountain the commandments of life by angels, so that the people may live through them; however,
the man lives only for sin. Man eats much meat; he eats both with his body and with his soul

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

and spirit; man eats animals and birds, and he eats people as well, instead of eating without
sin, without meat, without killing, as I, the Lord, advised him to do at his beginning56. How-
ever, the man gives away his food given by God to be his food57; he takes it and gives it to
animals and birds, as though these are those from which man is supposed to eat, as he cuts
and eats them after he passes through them the food he is supposed to eat, for I have also
given them to eat, for I also gave to eat, both to animals and birds, and I also gave to man
what to eat. However, he has changed that and eaten otherwise, but I am going to bring him
to My will as he has not come to understand before that, for I am going to take the meat from
the man’s table and I am going to take away the green things he was supposed to eat as I had
given him food, because man is disobedient to God.

However, to those who love Me by listening to Me, I will give them from heaven
through the angels, and I will clean the earth by the work of the cleaning from disobedience,
first in you, My today’s country, the country of My choice in the end of the time, for I will
pass everything through the thick sieve so that only the clean kernel may remain, and I will
set on your hearth the law of holiness, the way which leads to life and to such great happiness,
which the man has not even imagined up to these days, for it has not come to the man’s mind those
that I, the Lord, have prepared for those who love Me, sanctifying themselves for Me and for My

I will ascent with you above all the human heights and I will exalt Myself from you over
the nations and above the earth, oh, My today’s country, the country of My second coming on the
earth. And as for you, Romanian people, you should believe that man has to work only holiness
then, and not the flesh, for man eats only flesh; even when he fasts from food with flesh, even
then he eats food, for he eats with the lust of the flesh; he eats the fleshly lust in his flesh and
from the flesh of other man, and man eats with his body, with his soul and with his spirit; he
eats only flesh and only spirit of flesh, and there is no one to stop him from this disobedience;
however, I am coming and teaching man, as there is no one else to come after Me and teach him,
for the prince of this world rules over all the nations on the earth; he stands against Me and
rules over man and brings him into submission, but I, the Lord, will show him soon, soon,
his judgment again, when he will see with big eyes and great terror the work which he has
worked in secret through all his subjects in order to separate man from God, after he had
crucified God to have his only throne on earth over man, he and only he alone, and in such
a way that man may no longer know that the Lord is the true God.

I will exalt Myself with great glory by the work of My word into the midst of the Romanian
people and I will speak up from this mountain of word and I will tell to the ruler of this world:
Everything has come to an end, everything that has belonged to you, so that only I, the Lord,
may be, only I and those like Me. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 13-06-2013. (On

«Every living thing that moves will be yours to eat, no less than the foliage of the plants. I give you eve-
rything, but you must not eat flesh with life, that is to say blood, in it.» (Gen. 9/3-4.)
«God also said, 'Look, to you I give all the seed-bearing plants everywhere on the surface of the earth,
and all the trees with seed-bearing fruit; this will be your food. » (Gen. 1/29.)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My coming with the saints, this is the work that I have received from the Father to do during
these days, in the last days, for it has to be fulfilled the prophecy that says: «The Lord is coming
with the thousand of His saints». (Jude: 1/14) However, the Scriptures of new heaven and the
new earth have to be fulfilled, for it is written that after this, the New Jerusalem, the holy
citadel, made ready like a bride adorned for her husband, (See Apoc: 21/2), is coming down
from heaven from God, and I am speaking from the throne and I am saying that this citadel is
among people and it will dwell in them and they will be God’s people and the God Himself will
be with them and He will make all things new, and these words are true, and I am Who I am, I am
the Alpha and the Omega, and it is written for Me to fulfill so. Amen.

I have armies of saints in the sight

of this feast. Oh, beloved saints look and re-
joice with Me over My house on earth, over
which We are descending with the mys-
tery of the heavenly citadel, the New Je-
rusalem, My bride from above, who has
overcome the world like Me and was set
near Me in the temple of the citadel, as it is
written58 by those who overcome in My
name. Oh, it is your day of feast in heaven
and on earth and the mystery of the citadel,
with whom We are descending, is great,
and her stones are the living ones like Me, their Bridegroom. On this mound I set the foundation
of the descending from above and We have a visible symbol set in the garden of My word, We
have the little white stone and the whole its building according to the revelation of the citadel with
which We are descending, to be with her in the faithful ones, and to dwell with them, for it is
written: «God Himself will be with them». (Apoc: 21/3)
Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday after the Pentecost, of all the saints,
from 30-06-2013.

Be full of longing and love when My trumpet sounds above you to take your steps to My
spring of word and to My spending with you and with those in heaven here, sons. Behold what a
sweet feast in heaven and on earth is! I am accompanied by heavenly hosts. On My both sides and
of My mother Virgin I am sitting with My disciples at the today’s table, as two thousand years ago
at a feast like this. Oh, the Romanian country is comforted all around by My mother Virgin and is
watched with its love and protection, but the sweetest land for heaven in this Romanian land is
here, where I set the table of word so that My sharers may have something to give further,
only that there may be someone to receive and the one who receives to be able to live by My

«I saw the holy citadel, New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared like a bride
adorned for her husband.
I heard a loud voice out of heaven saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with people! He will dwell with
them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God!» (Apoc: 21/2,3)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, Romanian people, I suffer so much because you do not want to hear My voice, which
cries on your heart after man! Oh, church of the Romanian people, how worldly you spend into
the midst of this nation that is cold in his search for Me! Oh, how long will you be able to call
yourself Christ’s church? Oh, how long are you going to deceive yourself that you can stay
by this name as you want? Open the door and see who knocks. I knock at your door with My
rod; I knock at your door with My word for you to come out and meet Me, but you live on
your own, in your blood, and I suffer from you when I knock for you to open to Me, and you
do not receive Me, but rather you want to forget My name of merciful Shepherd behind you.
Oh, what track are you following, church of the Romanian people? Your ancestors see you
from heaven and do not see your face and steps. Oh, where are you going? Oh, until when?
With pain in My voice I am asking you this, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, am asking you. It is
near the day when you are going to see clearly that I have been this holy word. Oh, when you
will serve Me and not you, My glory and not yours, then it will be for you to heal My wound
because of your disobedience, but will there really be such a great day from you to Me? One
day I will be able to tell you according to the truth: Peace to you, My church? Oh, seek to
answer to yourself what you want to do. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-2013. (On

I am the messenger of My Father, the God Sabaoth, and I am coming as word on the earth
over the Romanian people, the word of glory, peace and truth.

I am the Son of the Father, I am true God of true God. Two thousand years ago, the Father
sent Me on earth to become a visible Man among people and to prove Myself as His Son and to
believe in Me all those to whom it will be given from the Father to believe, and now, in the end of
the time, My Father has sent Me again as word on the earth.

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am speaking from the cloud, (See the selection topic:
„He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.) I am speaking from
glory, I am speaking from the Father, as the Father is with Me together with all the heavenly suites
that carry My glory on the angelic wings, on wheels of cherubim in a flame of fire, and the glory
of My coming is great. Woe to the one who doubts at the hearing of My word, at the voice of My
coming as word over the earth, for the reward of one like this is that of the unfaithful!

I am not a fortune-teller and I am not a clairvoyant, but I am with the Spirit of Truth in
great work over the earth and over the Romanian people, to which My Father has sent Me. Oh,
why Father, are You sending Me to this nation in the end of the time? Tell them Father; tell this
nation its story destined from God to carry it before You and before of all the nations on the earth.
I want You first to speak to the Romanian people in a day of feast of the cross on which I was
crucified when You sent Me on the earth after man, oh, My Father.

— Yes, dear Son, I also want what You want, and I say to the Romanian people, that be-
cause the people that I had set apart for Us from among the nations of the earth, because this people
gave You over to the death on the cross when I sent You to give it light and work it and when it
was supposed to receive you on My behalf, and instead of receiving You, it forsook You and

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

banished You from the vineyard59, then I, the Father, have given You another bridegroom and
land, which is to be only Ours forever.60 Then I have bestowed on the earth great blessing over
the country on which now the Romanian people live61 and I have shown it to You, dear Son, in
all its mysterious adornment and I have chosen it as the Lord’s glory in the end of the time, and I
have been preparing it by sufferance for more than two thousand years and I have kept it
under the cross to be beautiful, and whoever looks at its history with a clean heart, then that one
is able to see its greatness and its Lord, (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) Who has kept it and exalted it by its en-
durance for the glory in the end of the time, for it has been humiliated and it has endured much,
and it is written into the Scriptures to be the country of brightness, and You are shining now within
it with the glory of Your word, oh, Son Emmanuel, and You really confirm that You are its God,
true God of true God, the Father and the Son within the splendor of the Holy Spirit upon it and
with it now, and also it is written that «Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people
whom He has chosen for His own inheritance». (Ps: 33/11)

Now, I, the Father, am speaking to the sons of the Romanian people and I am telling
them: Amen, amen, I say to you: This is Jesus Christ, My Son, Who is coming as word to you
on the clouds of glory, and as a river of word He is coming down upon you. Oh, receive Him,
open for Him! Amen.

— I, oh, Father Sabaoth, have proclaimed Myself in time that I will come as word over the
Romanians and I have opened once with the proclamation, and I have sent the heavenly powers to
prepare the way before Me. I have the keys of the deep, as it is written about Me, and I have the
keys of the kingdom of the heavens, oh, and I also have those of man and I come in when I say
that I come. I have with Me at the table of word the heavenly armies, the angels and the saints, and
I have with Me here the good ancestors of the Romanian people and the table of the glory is great
in a day of the holy feast of My cross, Father Sabaoth. There, where there is no faith, I will put
faith, and there, where there is no welcome, I will open Myself for Me.

Amen, amen, I say to you, Romanian people; open to the Lord! I, the Lord, have opened
and I come in, because I am the door, as it is written. The sky is full above you from the glory of
My coming as word to you with the tens of thousands of My saints, oh, country of My coming, as
it is written: «The Lord has come with tens of thousands of His holy ones!» (Jude: 1/14) And I
come to you, because You are the house for My coming, as the Father gave you to Me two
thousand years ago, when I was cast out by the Jewish people and I have remained without
a house on earth. Take heed of My river of word, which is flowing upon you on this day and is
«But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation». (Luke: 17/25)
«Rejoice and be glad, O daughter of Zion: for, behold, I come and will dwell in the midst of you, says
the Lord.
And many nations shall flee for refuge to the Lord in that day and they shall be for a people to Him and
they shall dwell in the midst of you: and you shall know that the Lord Almighty has sent Me to you.
The Lord shall inherit Juda His portion in the holy land, He will yet choose Jerusalem. (The Eastern
Orthodox Bible - EOB) (“and shall choose Jerusalem again.”- The New King James Version)
Let all flesh fear before the Lord: for He has risen up from His holy clouds». (Zacarias / Zechariah: 2/10-
… and my descendants shall serve Him: the generation that is coming shall be known to the Lord.
They shall declare His righteousness to the people that shall be born, whom the Lord has made.
(Ps: 22/30-31)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

telling you My pain and My waiting from you. With a fatherly spirit I come near to you and I am
setting the table of word on your hearth.

Let all the nations take heed of My speaking with the Romanian people on a day of
holy feast, and let all the nations of the earth become wise for the Lord’s coming, Who speaks
from glory above the Romanian land, the land of the Lord’s brightness, for you shine because
of My glory in you, oh, My country in the end of the time. There is still a little time and a period
of sixty years of the Lord’s word above you will be written for the preparation of My second time
on earth after man, and My history with you is written and it has become a book on earth, on
your hearth. In the book of your history of two thousand years ago it stands written My love for
you and My frequent inclination and great descent to your sufferance, for I have always comforted
you under your cross and I have always stayed with you under its yoke, for you have faithful
ancestors, whom I raised as brave watchers to protect you as Mine, always Mine, because the
Father gave you to Me two thousand years ago, after I was born and grew up and after the
people to whom I had been sent cast Me out, because it put Me on the cross of sufferance and
resurrection and I am alive forever and ever and I am the Lord, your God, oh, My country of
today. I saw your face then and I see your face now, and I have seen your entire beauty which the
Father has given to you for My glory and I have always wanted you since that time.

Oh, you do no longer have love of country, Romanian people! Who shall teach you this
heavenly greatness, My today’s country? Oh, you need love, but you have passed through many
pains. They have taught you to be beautiful, to be My country and to be only Mine, and your
ancestors loved Me and they were shining with their faith and their love for the country, but now
you have no ruler over you but men like Judah, My love. Behold, those who keep the purse take
from it and they share it among themselves, and then they go and borrow for you.62 They ask
from you to put into the purse, but it is not shared according to your needs, because those
who rule upon you suck your milk; they suck your blood, and the sin of their greed is great
against them. However, I get up like a warrior and give light to the torches everywhere and I
search everywhere to catch the thief that tears your little shirt all over and has no mercy on you
and leaves you naked, and he is not ashamed of his deed; however, I have mercy on your nakedness
before the nations and I come and spread out My garment and cover you with My glory, as the
Father promised you to be My country, My country in the end of the time to speak into your midst
the word of My coming as God’s word over the earth. I am dressed in fine linen and I stay with
the heaven open above you. I have a throne into your midst, I have the white horse, on which I
ride and speak63; (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic white horse”, r.n.) I have the people
of My word, which I have chosen to watch for Me and I stand into its midst as on the throne, and
I am called the Faithful and True One, and I judge and I fight for righteousness; My eyes are like
the flame of fire and I am full of crowns and I have a written name, and My garment is of fine
linen and is sprinkled with blood, and My name is called the Word of God, for this is written,
and hosts from heaven come with Me, wearing fine linen garments, and My word comes out of
My mouth as a sharp sword against those with a pagan life and I come to shepherd them for they

The Romanian’s public debt doubled to 50 billion Euro but we do not know where the money went.
«I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges
and make war in righteousness.
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written (TR/CT omits “names
written”) and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”». (Apoc: 19/11-13)

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do not have any shepherd, they do not obey for truth and love falsehood instead, and they get used
to it and forget about the Lord Who comes with His reward.

You, those who oppress now, in your time, you, those who love falsehood and rule by it
over this nation, oh, until when? Amen, amen, I say to you; everything that is not God is a lie
against the truth. Or, do you not know that the father of the lie is the devil, the ruler of the darkness
of this age? Or, do you not know that the lie and its servants will be thrown into the deep? Oh,
you have made a golden calf64 and you play around it visibly and invisibly, and you have forgot-
ten about the reward for the works; however, I come and I will give each one according to his
work, as it is written.

Oh, if you have forgotten so much and you always forget about God, how comes that you
still get on the seats to rule over this nation? Let no one say that he has Me as his God if he does
not listen to Me, if he does not ask Me, if he does not follow day and night the commandments for
life and the truth in everything, but not falsehood. I remind you of Judas, who had always taken of
the brotherly purse, and all saw where this habit had led him; and I look at you and at your greed
with which you have climbed on the ridges and called out to the people to hear you and to choose
you as rulers over them. Oh, where is your faithfulness to their faith? However, you have stolen
very much, (They have cheated on the counting of the votes at the elections that they have orga-
nized, r.n.), for you alone, you chose yourselves almost alone and you chose one another and
sat at the table of the country council and then you boasted about the great number among
those who elected you, but that number was very small and you lied the sons of this people
that you were chosen by a great number. Oh, what are you going to do now? The lie with which
you appear as truth cannot be your seat, and your leadership will be broken, and I have been telling
you this for a long time. Your good ancestors will call you to account. I have them with Me at the
table of the glory of My word on this day and they are looking with mourning at the pagan works
that you do day and night against the sons of this nation to keep your authority upon them. Oh,
you went to sorcerers. You went to wanderers and you went to those who love money, but you
have not sought the Lord’s wisdom to ask for it. Behold, I, the Lord, am coming, I am coming to
you if you do not knock in order to come to give you and have after that.

Oh, you do not have love of your country, you those who have got hold of it by injus-
tice. (The Social Democratic Party, "of Left", the Communist Party's successor, r.n.) Oh, do not
assume the right to sell this homeland to strangers, (By giving its oil and gas resources to the
foreign firms for insignificant tribute, the wood of the forests to be exploited without any limit, the
agricultural lands to be sold almost on nothing to the Arabian “investors” and not only that, r.n.)
for the earth is the Lord’s, not yours to give it to those who covet it everywhere to strip of
glory this homeland of Mine and the homeland of those who love it.

I put at the helm of the Romanian people and with My strong arm I set the one who is a
ruler with great mercy, (The President Traian Băsescu, r.n.), and he has special love of country
and much wisdom from Me for its protection, for its governance and yours too, but you have not
wanted him, you, the few of you, who have stood up into the name of the whole nation and wanted
to persecute him so that only you might be in power, and you keep on persecuting him by deni-
grating words and you do not receive his advice that would save you from the reward of your

Referring to the fierce desire to donate the gold mining from Roşia Montană to foreign firms, r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

trespasses. However, I have set the people of My word at holy watch and at prayer with fire and I
have kept at the helm the one set as helmsman by My holy plan because of My great love for this
nation, but also for his love, as I have not found another one with greater love and heart than him
in this time for this nation. I have exhorted you some other times too to submit to his love of people
and country and to his love for you too so that it may go well with you and with all on this hearth.
Oh, you have opposed and you have been naughty; you have been proud and have been overcon-
fident and trusted each other and have not obeyed My advice or his advice too. I am crying with
the heaven, I am crying with your good ancestors and We are sitting in counsel to keep him and to
protect him to stand watch further over this people on which he is ruling and watching now, as
without him over the watching places is hard for the destiny of the Romanian people, which has at
its council table no one but lovers of money and boast about them, and woe to this nation with
such benefactors upon it!

It is rebellion between brother and brother; it is much confusion and unrest everywhere
among the sons of the Romanian people. Many cry; they cry for mercy on the dogs that are destined
to death so that they may no longer bite. (The calumny done by the followers of the communists
against the president of the country – of other political “color” – because he asked the euthanasia
of the stray dogs in Bucharest – over two hundred thousand – after some of the children had been
killed, r.n.). Behold what I, the Lord, am telling you, to you those who are merciful for these beings
written to die from man. (More NGO’s with foreign support for the protection of the dogs, r.n.).
Oh, how comes that you do not think, Romanian sons, with the same mourning, with the same
merciful feelings, about so many living beings, about sheep and lambs that die by the man’s hand
without saying a word of woe? How comes that you do not think in tears about the sheep and little
lambs, about the cattle and birds, about all kinds of animals that are killed with much longing to
be put into vessels and fried as food for the man who goes to the butcher’s to buy meat and cook
it as his food? Are they not really living beings without comfort and given to be sacrificed so that
they may enter the man’s belly? How comes that you do not mourn over them as you cry over the
poor dogs? Oh, look what man is! He is the grave of so many beings with a living soul in them
and which man takes and cuts them; he takes their life to eat them after that. Oh, have mercy on
sheep, calves and birds as well; have mercy on all animals that man kills for his food. If you
cry over dogs, then also cry over all the beings, which man kills, hunts and takes their lives
and then puts them into his belly.

Oh, how beautiful was My commandment given to man at the beginning, when I told him
what food he was supposed to eat!65 Then came the death of the little lamb, blood on earth,
sacrifice brought to the Lord, but the pain of death weighed painfully in comparison to the sacrifice
of the heart of the lover of God. The broken and humble heart would have been enough then, but

65 «And God made man, according to the image of God He made him, male and female He made them».

(Gen: 1/27)
«And God said: Behold, I have given to you every seed-bearing herb sowing seed which is upon all the earth
and every tree which has in itself the fruit of seed that is sown, to you it shall be for food». (Gen: 1/29)
Every moving thing that lives will be food for you. As the green herb, I have given everything to you.
But flesh with the life of it, the blood of it, you shall not eat.
I will surely require your blood of your lives. At the hand of every animal I will require it. At the hand of
man, even at the hand of every man's brother, I will require the life of man.
Whoever sheds man's blood, by man will his blood be shed, for in the image of God made He man. (Gen:

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the man was not satisfied with that. Oh, did I require a bloody sacrifice from man? However, if
man got used to it, could I, the Lord, persuade him otherwise? If I, the Lord, have been teaching
you now, sons of the Romanian people, no longer to kill in order to eat, then can I persuade you
to have such mercy for all the living beings, which you always kill, so that you may be holy after-
wards and without any hatred among you? Behold, hatred and faction come from meat, from the
food that contains meat for the man’s body, which becomes hatred, hatred against each other after
that. Behold, you cry because the dogs have multiplied and that they bite you, or that they
will perish by the man’s hand because of the damage they do to man, but you do not cry
because your sins have increased, which bite you even worse, and they bite you to death, for
sin is death. Oh, be good, because everything comes to you according to your deed. Do no
longer be rebellious against those that come as a reward for your works. Instead, love the truth
and step aside, you those who do not love it among brothers, as the lie of those who have decided
to shake hands for the course and the destiny of this nation according to their will, this shameful
deed will bring them to the reward of the liars, for the father of the lie is the devil.

Oh, Romanian sons, oh, Romanian people, do not sell the land under you, Romanian
sons. This land is meant to be the Lord’s glory in the end of the time and it will be cleansed and
washed, because if man does not seek to have a holy life, then the Lord can help and humble him,
for man does not need as much as he gathers, but he rather needs life with the heaven in it, with
the Lord on earth; however, man does not have any teaching upon him for his life, for his eternity
as his ancestors had, for the today’s servants of the church of the Romanian people are those who
are greedier, those who love more the empty glory and the authority over those who are many and
not used to the Lord, and I have got nothing but much shame from them, from their stature, fallen
so deep from the law of holiness, and I have no one to help the man with but only with My coming
as word on the earth and with My people from the Romanians, who let itself to be Mine, My help,
My way, My eye and My ear, for I spoke the word that says: «The one who has ears to hear, to
hear what the Lord says!» (See Apoc: 2/7, 11, fwd.)

Oh, Romanian people, take My speaking from upon you and put it on your heart and do
not be unfaithful. Be careful because I have spoken to you with great pain, for I suffer, I cry and I
greatly mourn from what I see into your midst and because of all that lie to you day by day, for a
tongue was given to them, but the gabbler is an enemy to himself and does not have the wisdom
to understand how low he has fallen by the spirit of lying, as behold, the one who has appointed
himself to govern upon you, (Victor Ponta, r.n.), surrounded by those he has chosen, (The
Parties from SLU - Social Liberal Union, r.n.), that one coddles the lie only, for he was given his
tongue and this is what also did those from whom he has got used to it, (Iliescu and Năstase, his
mentors, the heads of the party of the followers of the communist red beast, r.n.); however, the pot
with lies will soon, soon be broken and it will dirty the face of those who greedily lie in order to
fool, as they say, those they have always sucked, over those they rule upon, blinding their con-
scious so that they may not see with it the lawlessness they have been working.

I am the Shepherd with the Cross. I have spoken to you in a spirit of Shepherd, Romanian
people. You are under the cross and you know or do not know this. Oh, get up and see the one
who makes you a cross, and see and learn from Me to get rid of the enemies of your life and
that you may teach them the way back to the way of justice, because if you sleep, then the
wolves come and spoil the spirit of your peace and your country so dear to Me and to the heavenly
hosts, with which I come when I shepherd it.

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Oh, get used to poverty, with the little bit of everything, rather than let yourself be
sold, humbled and oppressed by the nations without faith. Come to take of My word and live,
Romanian homeland, My today’s homeland! Seek in the way of My word, as I come during the
feasts and I come in time of oppression and I speak on your hearth into the midst of My faithful
people66, which welcomes Me. Oh, do not forget, seek My word, seek the teaching of life in My
river of word, as it is not possible for the Lord without being with the people on earth within the
work of Holy Spirit; however, even if no one seeks after Me, I still seek after those who forgot Me
as Adam did in Paradise, and happy are those who humble themselves, who believe and seek with
humility to My merciful word. Amen.

I have given you food, Romanian sons. I have spoken to you so closely by the voice of My
mouth. The cloud of My glory has comprised the sky of My today’s homeland, for your homeland
has a great calling and it will be soon, soon, a heavenly homeland, the homeland of those who
are happy with the Lord67, those who loved and love the truth, the holiness and the holy faith for
the truth.

Oh, peace to you, My today’s country! Get dressed like a bride! I am your bridegroom, as
this was the will of My Father Sabaoth. Your story is on the table of the glory from above, carried
by the hosts of prophets and saints. One hour, My love, and the nations will understand your beauty
from above on earth among nations. I miss you, I long after your dress from above and after your
crown of glory. You are My chosen one and the nations know about your election from the Lord.
Oh, follow Me with faith and seek the holiness and truth. I will cleanse you from all your op-
pressors and the oppressors of your glory from Me, and I will give you a new spirit, but renew
yourself to do My will and to be beautiful, oh, My today’s country, the most beautiful one, and
you should be beautiful by faith and love.

Oh, peace to you! I open up My arms and I embrace you, and I will embrace all of your
body soon, soon. Open wide your eyes to know those who want your good after the truth into
your midst, and I will always shepherd you. You will find Me here, in this word, and I will
always shepherd you, only that you may seek after Me. Your language is sweet, your speaking, so
sweet as much as it is sweet to Me. God speaks His word on your language, Romanian people, a
sign that the Lord loves this nation and this land specially.

Come closer and learn the spirit and the mystery of brotherhood, Romanian sons! You will
know by all these that you are the Lord’s on earth. Overcome satan, overcome the spirit and the
work of antichrist, as I give you powers from above, I give you by My word upon you. Amen.

The Father and the Son have spoken thorough the Holy Spirit to the Romanian people on
a day of holy feast, and These Three are One.

«As He says also in Hosea, “I will call them ‘my people,’ which were not my people; And her (country)
‘beloved,’ who was not beloved.”
“It will be that in the place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ There they will be called
‘children of the living God.’» (Rom: 9/25-26)
«Whoever has My commandments and keeps them, that person is someone who loves Me. Whoever loves
Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and will reveal Myself to him». (John: 14/21)

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Amen, amen I say to you. Love and believe in My coming to you, Romanian sons. This
river of word, coming out of My mouth, is known by the heart and carried then by the comfort and
the power by those who take from it to their healing.

I come soon. I always come as word of watch and glory upon you, Romanian people. Light
the candle, and this is how you are to stay before Me when I come to you, for I love you and I wait
for you to bless always your destiny from Me and I wait for you to come and to be; furthermore, I
always wait for you to be and then to be eternally, to be a new heaven and a new earth, a new
beginning, by all the springs that flow upon you and water you from heaven, oh, My country, My
today’s country. Amen, amen, amen.
The Word of God at the Feast of the Holy Cross Ascension. The Word of the Lord to the
Romanian people, from 27-09-2013. (On Calameo)

I am coming into My today’s book and the book is opening when I am knocking to come

Oh, praise, Romanian Jerusalem, praise the Lord, Who sends His word to the earth and His
word runs fast! I have chosen the earth and the Romanian people for My return, for My
second coming from the Father on to the earth to speak My word to the people, and My word
runs everywhere to wake up the inhabitants of the earth because the Bridegroom is coming, and
behold, the table of the wedding has already been laid, for the Father has told Me that it is
coming near the day of My wedding and the day of My bride, who is called from the world to
be My bride and to get ready for her Bridegroom, Who is coming.

I am the Lord Jesus Christ; I am the Bridegroom of the wedding and I have a bride
chosen from the Romanians, a people prepared by Me, by My today’s word, and I am coming
and setting the word of My mouth on its table, on My wedding table with My bride people,
and My word is calling out to the wedding; it is calling out to preparation for the wedding table,
for the wedding dress, those who want to sit at the table with the Lord, with the Bridegroom Who
is coming, for it is written that He is coming.

I bring to memorial; I am reminding you of My first coming and of its works into the midst
of the people of Israel, to which My Father had sent Me at that time to come and to be born into
its midst, to grow up and to prove that I am God’s son, coming from God, the Father, and it had
to be fulfilled with Me into the midst of this people its denial of Me, the rejection of the Heir
of My Father’s vineyard, because this people forsook Me, it took Me out of the vineyard, as
it was written, and crucified Me on the cross; however, I was resurrected by a great victory
against My enemies and I reign forever, for I am eternal. I am speaking on this Sunday, like that
of two thousand years ago, so greatly observed by the Orthodox Church, which is also called the
Palm Sunday, the Sunday of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem.

… Oh, with joy and pain I have been speaking on this Sunday about those that happened
two thousand years ago, when the people were gathered at the feast in Jerusalem, and who heard
of the miracle of Lazarus’ resurrection; they took palm branches in their hands and praised Me
saying: «Hosanna! Blessed is He Who comes in the name of the Lord, the King of Israel!»
(John: 12/13) Oh, on that day the crowds were praising Me, but I was sad, and I spoke with My

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Father about My sadness, and the Father answered Me from the cloud about My death and resur-
rection, saying: «I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again» (John: 12/28), and My soul
was sad. I remember that I was said, on the time when many crowds were praising Me, singing
Hosanna to Me. I remember everything; I remember everything together with My faithful ones,
with My righteous ones, who were as righteous as My three dear friends in Bethany, who often
used to set My table whenever I stopped by them, and there were also many Jews, who were
gathering there to see Me, to hear Me and to understand all those about Me, and for which I came
from the Father on the earth into the midst of Israel.

Now, I am coming again into the midst of the Romanian people; I am coming as the spoken
word coming out from My own mouth and I am descending with it into My book of today and I
am speaking to this nation on this Palm Sunday and I am telling it this:

Oh, My today’s people, to which I am coming from the Father, oh, Romanian people,
behold, I am coming again and I am coming to you, for this is what the Father has wanted
with you and with Me now, for the end of the time. You had to be Orthodox people with your
whole being, which has been destined for God to be on this hearth now, in the end of the time, and
your living has to be well seen, for faith without works, without its living with the works is written
as disbelief. I suffer because you have not wanted to take after Me and after the saints and to
fast from meat, from milk, eggs and fish for fifty days to get ready for My holy things and
for the meeting of the feast of My resurrection and to be an Orthodox people by these. Oh, I
suffer because you do not want to listen to the churchly law, which is set upon you by the saints
and by My word of today upon you, which is calling you to fulfill Me with your life, which is
prompting you to be righteous with God and with your neighbor, with your brother. I suffer, I
suffer because I stay into your midst speaking upon you, and you completely live in a worldly
manner and not in a Christian way on your hearth, where behold who is coming! It is coming from
heaven; the Lord is coming on your hearth, oh, Romanian people, and He is speaking with you,
and He is speaking from you over all the nations and is exhorting them to the word of God, to the
voice of My mouth, which is coming to establish the peace among the nations. I do not want to
give the peace as the world gives, but I want to give them My peace instead.

Oh, I suffer, Romanian people; I suffer because I cannot share with you My pain of yester-
day and that of today, as I shared with those in Bethany, who were My friends, where I used to
stop and rest from My steps, always on the way for My works on earth at that time. Behold, I am
coming to you speaking upon you and I want to comfort Myself with you from My pain, and you
should also suffer with Me from my pain, and not to enjoy the world as the spirit of the world
keeps you to serve it only with your will and desire always, always. Oh, you are a chosen people
as My Father has prepared in you My coming of today and the hill on which I stop with the saints
when I come on your hearth with word and with the feast of word, and when, from the heaven
there gather together near My voice at the feasts the saints who come with Me to you, and all those
from the Romanians who have found Me here and love to come and sit with the Lord at the table
so that I may have someone with whom to sit at My table of word on your hearth, and these are
My Orthodox believers; when they come to My spring of word and to My people near the spring,
I exhort them, I give them power for Me and I teach them in detail to do My will like some Ortho-
dox believers, as behold, the Orthodox church, Orthodox by its name, has forgotten its mission
and does no longer take after the saints and after the fathers, after My Orthodox believers, and it
bears only the name and that is all, and I call out to her and cry with those in heaven, and I also

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cry with the Father because of its coldness to God, and I cry within the word, waiting for My word
and for its work to give forth fruit, as the time has come for the Lord to be glorified into the midst
of this nation, now, in the end of the time, and behold, He is glorified in the word over the nations,
and I have nothing but a few people who obey Me in all the Romanian people, and I want to
multiply My blessing over the whole Romanian people and I call out to it, and I call out to it very
loudly so that this nation may hear Me and listen to the Lord, its God, and to remain before Me.

Oh, My people of today, Romanian people, I have been speaking My word into your midst
for a long time, and for you, I want you to grow from Me and to be My holy and high mountain
and I want to give My light of today to the nations from your midst, as it is written into the Scrip-
tures that the people will come to My high mountain and they will take God’s light and word and
many, many will seek after My law and after My way for them.

I would give you a holy and strong commandment to love God with everything you have
in your deed, but if My commandment is not fulfill in the word, then it can also be fulfilled by
bitterness, for I have many tears after you, and where they fall it hurts, and you have to be sure
that it hurts. However, I love you, and I love you as My Father does, and I do not want you to get
hurt, but I rather want to bless you, and you need to want the good things upon you too, Romanian
people, My people of today, to which the Lord is coming with the days of His coming, now. Oh,
come to greatness, Romanian people, as this is your destiny from God! Oh, come to the love of
God, for I come to you to be glorified soon into your midst, and I have a little bunch of disciples,
who welcome Me and welcome My entrance to you.

I come in to you as into Jerusalem, Romanian people, and I have bearers of God; I
have My little people from My spring of word as My donkey. Oh, do not only mind your own
business, because I am on your hearth and I am waiting for you to come and meet Me as many
times as I make a stopover with My word for you on your hearth, oh, My country of today.

Love your own country, oh, Romanian sons, for the country in which you live has got a
great name in heaven, and after the Scriptures it is called the country of brightness, and the
wise in you, oh, My today’s country, they do not want to take a good look and see well into My
word of today to understand My coming of nowadays on the hearth of the Romanian people.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday of the Lent, of the Palm Sunday, the
Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 13-04-2014. (On Calameo)

On a day of the feast of Ascension, I, the Lord, am setting My word over the earth. I am
the One Who makes this word spring. I have been speaking with My own mouth for almost sixty
years on the hearth of the Romanian people. I have made a path for it and with it, and I am setting
now into the book of My word during these days, and My voice over the earth is a great miracle,
and those on earth and those in heaven have part of this miracle, those who belong to the Lord,
those who wait for the Lord and those whom He waits to be His people in heaven and on earth.

On a day of the feast of My ascension I am sitting down on your hearth, My today’s coun-
try, Romanian people. I am the columnist of this word. I am writing My today’s book into your
midst and I am calling you My today’s country, My people from the end of the time. How could I
call you like that if it were not so? I have raised from you sons faithful to My coming to you,

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disciples confessing the coming of My today’s word over the earth. Oh, how much I would like to
be seized in your soul under the miracle of My word into your midst and that I may see you like
this! However, I see you far from My voice that calls you on your name and tells about you to the
peoples, oh, My country. Oh, do not wonder that I do not go with the word into the country
of Israel of two thousand years ago. Do not wonder that I come as word to you and I do not
go there, for there have remained My tracks and they are seen and testify against those who
do not follow Me as I said, and now, My word, spoken on your hearth, Romanian people, is
the voice which calls out to everyone; it calls out to the dead and the living, the Lord is calling
out for man from this mountain of word.

I am the voice of the Father Sabaoth, My Father. My Father is sending Me as word on earth,
and I am listening to Him, as two thousand years ago I listened to Him when He had sent Me after
the man on earth. My Father sent Me on earth to be born and then to be seen and to help the man
know God intimately, and the Father was in Me, as I was in Him, and I was One with the Father
and with the Holy Spirit, in Whom I was, and I told My disciples on the day, when I ascended up
in the sky from their presence after forty days since My Resurrection, I told them that the Holy
Spirit would come upon them and they will receive power to preach Me and to be the witnesses of
My coming from the Father on earth, witnesses in Jerusalem, in Judea, in Samaria and to the ut-
termost part of the world, to every creature, and after I had said this I ascended in the sky and went
to be on the right hand of My Father, as My glory was from eternity. I told them about God, the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, in Whose name they were to proclaim Me and to confess to
everyone, and then, going up under their very eyes, two men dressed in white garments could be
seen, My witnesses on earth and in heaven, and speaking, these two said to them: «The Lord will
come back in the same way as you saw Him going into the sky». (See Acts: 1/11) And this day
has remained written in the manuscripts and it completed the Gospel of My coming of two thou-
sand years ago, with which they went from place to place and proclaimed it, as the witnesses of
My today’s word are proclaiming before people on earth the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Word
of the Father, spoken by My mouth over those who are proclaiming Me that I am coming on earth,
sent by the Father, and I have with Me the clouds of My ascending and descending as it is written.

My word is being written in its book on this table, it is being given as a gift and it is creation
over man. I have no way of going for this creation to some other part on earth. I have set Myself
here with My today’s glory, with My last creation over everything, because here is the place
where I have been staying from the beginning when God made the heaven, the earth and the
man, when He took clay into His hand and made the man. Oh, the great time is coming to
reveal this great mystery and all the nations to know the beginnings of the man’s creation then and
now. I started then and I am starting now again from the same place, too, and I have covered
this mystery between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, but now I am working and writing
My word here, and the man is asking himself and says: “Why here?” And If I am coming to reveal
this mystery from here to the man and teaching him to come closer to My voice in order to listen
to it and to follow My word so that he may be alive and so that man may go on the way with Me,
for I am the Way, as I have said.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 29-05-2014.

Oh, glory to this day of birth on earth of My mother Virgin!

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I am in the cloud with you and with the hosts of the saints here, in the middle of the people
of My word, mother. My Father has prepared and arranged for Me My today’s coming as word on
earth on the hearth of the Romanian people. The Father has made Us Romanians, oh My mother,
and He gave Us to speak Romanian. We use the language of the Romanian people and this
shows that the Father Sabaoth chose from the beginning this country and this nation on
which He is to glorify Himself with the coming to the people of His Son Jesus Christ, God
Son, God the Word.

Oh, Romanian people, the Father has chosen you from among the nations for God to
dwell in you with His coming on earth as word now, in the end of the time. Oh, chosen nation
for the Lord’s coming on earth now, behold, you have a special election, according to God’s will.
The Lord’s will is done in you, and with it He overthrows the man’s will for the Lord’s will to be
fulfilled. Amen.

Oh, My mother Virgin, We have to speak to the Romanian people on your day of feast, for
We have to work the Lord’s will during these days. There is much sin on earth everywhere, mother.
There is much sin here, too, on the hearth of the Romanian people. The greatest sin among other
sins is the man’s haughtiness, mother. Because of this sin, man separates himself from God and
wants to do his own will, mother. Oh, how much holy order We have to ordain on this land chosen
by the Father for My today’s coming with the saints and with the angels, as it is written for Me to
come, mother. Oh, people on this hearth do not know, they do not know the Lord’s will with this
country, but We know mother, and it is written in the Scriptures, and if it is written it has to be
fulfilled because this is written. The mystery and the work of the country of brightness We have
to work and ordained on this hearth and My enemy antichrist and all his servants have to find
here their defeat for this is written.

We work mysteriously, mother. The Word of God is the weapon with which is being
worked during these days against the lawlessness on earth, and of those who work for it. My
word goes from place to place everywhere, mother. Whether heard or not heard by the people, it
does its work, only that it may be brought on earth when My mouth speaks it from the air, from
the clouds of cherubim so that it may come into being in its book, mother.

Oh, We have to overthrow now the will of the proud man and of all his servants, mother.
We have to do a very detailed work, because the man who opposes the heaven on earth wants to
work right now through the church the falsehood which he has got in his blood for his ascending
to a high seat, (Reference to the agreement of the church to support Victor Ponta at the presidential
elections from the end of this year, the president of the left party, one of the heads of the red beast,
r.n.) and the spirit of lying is his work, mother; however, We, mother, together with the people of
My word stand against with watch and prayer before the Father of the heavens so that the Lord
may overcome and not the man of this hard time, as now it is a time of trial over the Romanian
people, mother.

… — Oh, Romanian people, watch and get up to a holy watch, for those in heaven are
watching much upon you now, in the time of great trial upon you. The Holy Spirit will overshadow
you and the Power of the Most High will lead you to do His will now, to your salvation of today
and to that of tomorrow, for the red kingdom wants to catch you and it fly its flags over your head,
but you do not have to forget of what trial the Lord took you out, (At the revolution from under the

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communist dictatorship, no); oh, do not forget, lest you may be deceived, country of my Son Jesus
Christ, country of the Lord now, in the end of the time. Behold, red is an enemy, as the Lord has
told you and He has also told you not to love it, not to wear the red color, for the red color draws
the curse and your enemy is drawn red, too.

Woe to the church dwelling places, which are dressed in red, for here it is how they are
and who draws to them! The Lord’s garment is white, is holy, is clean, and the red cloak68 is the
robe of the Lord’s enemy, and my Son Christ was mocked with it by the rulers of the time. However,
you should dress in white, Romanian people, and watch day and night for your little garment, for
behold, the red man has stolen the sign of your people, the Romanian shirt, and this is how the red
thief knows how to fool you, and he is the thief, not your brother, oh, no.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-
2014. (On Calameo)

Oh, Romanian sons, I, the Father Sabaoth, am sending to you My Son, Jesus Christ, Whose
great name is now the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13) You have to obey Him, and not those who
want to crush you for the sake of their will, and with whom I am not well pleased. Oh, how is God
able to be well pleased with those who serve the ruler of this worldly age? How, when they love
pride, wickedness and desire of greatness, from which all have got sick, after they have unjustly
taken over the seats from the head of the country to rule upon you and to bring you to humility,
oh, Romanian sons? Behold, I, the Father Sabaoth, am sending you My Word, My Son, Jesus
Christ the Word, to be your Teacher in hard time, and you should listen to Him, for God wants to
save you and He works for it with the whole heaven of saints and angels, but it is necessary to join
the heavenly armies with all your faith in the word of My Son, for He is the Savior, the Shepherd
with the cross, the Shepherd of My sheep. Amen.

— Oh, My Father Sabaoth, I am Your power and they are My power as We are their power,
Father, for We have special love for the sons of the Romanian people among the nations, the
country which You showed Me two thousand years ago and You have blessed it to be My
country in the end of the time, (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the
Lord”, r.n.) the country of My return after two thousand years, and behold, I have a fold of
word into its midst, and I have a people set to watch before My word when it comes down on the

Behold, I am the Messenger of the Father, for My Father confesses Me and He sets
Me to work over the Romanian people, My people of today, My new Israel, which observes
into its midst the Christian tradition left through My apostles and through the saints two
thousand years ago, and behold, those who are sitting now on the church seats over the flock of
the Romanian people want to shake it.

… And now, sons of My word that grows you to be the first fruit of the faith and love of
God into the midst of the Romanian people, oh give Me further to the Romanians, well sons, so
that they may be Romanians like you, for not all the Romanians know to be Romanians, not all the

Romanian – hlamida – robe made of a rectangular piece of white or red cloth, trapped with a clip on his
shoulder, worn by the ancient Greeks and Romans on trips, festivities, etc., tr. n.

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Romanians are Romanians, as in order to be Romanian you should love and you should be
gentle and good, and you should forgive and heal, and you have to defend your land, your
faith and your ancestors, oh, sons.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Ascension, from 21-05-2015. (On

On a day of the feast of saints I am becoming a gentle Shepherd over the Romanian people,
and I am giving the gift of faith to be able to take Me in its heart when I leave My word upon it.
The saints ask Me to strengthen this nation to watch as My Father Sabaoth chose it to be My house
of welcome for My word which comes down on earth, and behold, the Romanian country is the
first among the nations by this choice of the Father, for the earth on which you have been stand-
ing, Romanian people, was the first little patch coming out from the waters at the creation
of the world, and again, you were born a Christian people once with My birth on earth, and
there have passed two thousand years, like God’s Son, since you have been Christian, a
Christian nation. Oh, and how beautiful, that even now, at the end of the time, you have the
gift of coming down upon you the voice of My word, My speech, My coming as word over the
earth, for I am with tens of thousands of saints in groups-groups in your air, on your sky, Romanian
people, and I have been writhing on your heart the word of love, for out of God’s great love, this
miracle takes place between heaven and earth on your bed, which has been made a stopover for
God and His saints, and the heaven above you, the same.

Oh, peace to you, My today’s country, Romanian people! Oh, do not be afraid and do not
be confused. I am the Lord, your God and I do this miracle in you, for I am Who I am and I am
the One Who can do everything I want, and as for you, look with the mystery of the clean heart to
know My voice of gentle Shepherd and to listen to My advice by which I shepherd and guide you,
and My glory in you is the word of My mouth into your midst.

Oh, peace to you, My today’s citadel, My new Jerusalem! It is written that I will build
Jerusalem again, to have a place today where to come in when I come on white horses with the
saints and clothed in linen shirts, and all in the same way, as it is written in the Scriptures about
My coming with the heavenly hosts and that out of My mouth comes a sharp sword to strike the
nations with it and to rule them with an iron rod, and My name is called the Word of God, (Apoc:
19/13), as it is written, and I do not come out of the Scriptures with anything, when this is My
work or when someone might want to judge Me according to the law.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John,
from 12-02-2016. (On Calameo)

I, the Lord, am coming to you as word and I embrace you within My word, Romanian
people, because you have on your hearth the body of the saint Parascheva, a lover of God in all
her time on the earth. Oh, I embrace you, people loved by God for your choice, because the Father
has chosen you for Me to come in this time as word on the earth and to have a house where
to go to, to be waited when I come and to be welcomed and loved at My coming as word on
the earth.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, peace to you, Romanian people! Moreover, peace to you, cities and countries with
the name of Orthodox-Christian, as the Lord and His saints like it to be! Oh, increase your
faith and watchfulness for it, because the wind, which blows to wipe out the Orthodox-Christian
faith from your face and hearts, is too strong, that is the church that has been pleased to Me
even from the time of My body on earth and up to this day and until tomorrow, oh, loved
children of My Father Sabaoth! I speak My word to you, the word of God, oh, Christian cities
according to the tradition from the beginning, for it is a feast in the name of this faith in which the
devout Parascheva lived and
loved, a martyr who was seen
keeping watch between heaven
and earth in the Romanian city of
Moldavia, one of the three Ro-
manian countries, (”Moldova”,
”Ardealul” and ”Țara
Românească”, r.n.) in the name
of the Trinity of God, the Fa-
ther, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, the three in one single
country, My country of today,
the country of My word in the
end of the time, for I, the Lord,
and My saints stand above it in
its sky, and I have been speak-
ing for sixty years on the hearth of this people, in order to make up My book and to prepare by
it a faithful and holy people like Me, for there is nowhere holiness and a holy place on the earth,
and I, the Lord, cry with the saints after holy halting places to have a rest from mourning, because
We mourn without a holy flock in order to be able to shepherd it with those sweet things from
heaven and eternal like God, and which are not passing away like man, for the man passes away
like grass and he has not got any prepared place if he have not loved the Lord on earth to have Him
as his Father in heaven as well.

Oh, My country of today, My Christian country, I, the Lord, have you within great heavenly
watch, because all the saints watch upon you and scent you with the fragrances of the heaven when
the Father has chosen You for Me as a feast of wedding table now, in the end of the time. Oh, I
have the word of My mouth as food on the table and with it I give you life and exhortation and we
share it with all the countries, and especially with all those who have a church into their
midst and Orthodox Christian faith.

… Behold, I have been giving the word over the Christian people everywhere from
My manger into the midst of the Romanian people. I can no longer tell the Christian people that
many want to be My people when they do not take after Me and after the faith that has been left
from the fathers, and I say: the Orthodox-Christian people, for only in this flock I find My
scope and My settlement, that from the beginning of My church two thousand years ago.

Oh, children of the right faith, children from everywhere, behold My bedding of coming as
word on earth and from where I share Myself! I have sixty years of written word on the hearth
of the Romanian people. I have written a book of history for Me into the midst of this nation. Oh,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

love the Lord and bow to the footstool of His feet, for holy is the Lord and His bedding in His
citadel of word, and then the worship song will be churchly sung in such a way that all the nations
of the earth will see the salvation coming from God and not from the people, and the mountains
will rejoice over the face of the Lord, for behold, the Lord is coming, and He is coming to judge
the earth, as it is written! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the Russian people and to the Orthodox churches in the
world. The Word of God at the feast of the Saint Devout Parascheva, from 27-10-2016. (On

Oh, My today’s country, the country of My coming as word on earth, oh, Romanian peo-
ple, put to your heart My love for your country and call home your sons who left the country
and went far away, for I bring you good news, that this citadel, sweet to Me, will be called
“There the Lord is,” and it will be called “Home,” only it will be called that way.

Oh, Romanian sons, do not leave this country. It is My today’s country and your country,
and I have in it board and house and the throne of My glory, as it is written to come and to
judge from the throne of the glory all the nations, for the book of My word written on your
hearth is the throne of My glory, and God’s Word flows from it over the earth and waters
the earth with His glory.

Oh, Romanian sons, come and meet together at your home, sons! When I come to you in
your country and when I let My word on the table, oh, where do you go so that you may not be
found guilty because you have gone away from the Lord?

Oh, stay at home, sons! This country is going to shine with My glory in it soon, soon!
Oh, do not lose your patience and do not lose your faith. Encourage one another in faith, Romanian

Seek after Me, sons, and pay attention to My word upon you, for I come into your way with
it, because this time has come, and I, the Lord, watch upon you and for you, and now I am asking
you: Watch with Me, watch with the Lord for the country and over the country, and watch
once with the saints, and you will be written among those who have mercy on Me and give to
Me; they give Me so that I may give them My kingdom, and to have them at My right hand
side. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the fearful Judgment, from 19-02-2017.
(On Calameo)

Oh, again and again I set into My today’s book the word of holy feast. I am becoming a
book on earth during this time on the hearth of the Romanian people and by this choice I show
My love for this country, prophesied through the Scriptures with the name of the country of
brightness, against which the deceiving man, the antichrist, is very much hostile, because all his
bunch see God the Word becoming a book and holy teaching on this hearth, so much valued and
so much wanted by the heavenly armies, when I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, become a river of word
here and I give life from above to the hearts that love the comfort that comes from God, that full
of mercy and calling to life and food for the soul, because the soul cannot live without food, as

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

neither the body can, and the price of a man is related to what a man loves and what he eats, either
for the soul or for the body.

Oh, this country is precious for those in heaven. It is always, always the food of My word
on its hearth, on this table of the feast of word from heaven. This is written: to come the Anointed
One, the Lord to come on earth as word and those in the tombs to hear His word and to come to
life at the hearing of His voice.

I go with the heavenly suite on the way between heaven and earth in order to come in with
the glory of word on your hearth, oh My today’s country. I am coming to you on a white horse,
like the saints with whom I am coming, as is it written about My coming with the saints, and My
name is the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13) as John, the apostle of love and cleanness, saw Me, for
he saw Me then, he saw Me how I was about to come with the saints today. He saw the heaven
opened and the white horse on which I ride, and he saw the armies in heaven riding on white
horses, dressed in white linen shirts, and he also saw My shirt soaked in blood, and My name of
today, the Word of God, coming out of My mouth like a sharp sword, and this will lead the nations
with an iron rod; it will overcome the beast satan and will save many who believe in the word of
His mouth, as it is written.

Oh, not only in Jerusalem did I enter on the first day of the week, the second day after
Lazarus’ resurrection, but behold, I am coming into you on a white horse, too, and I am glori-
fying Myself in the word from your midst, My dear Romania, My today’s country. I have in
you a small Romania, from which I watch upon you and I bless you to be Mine, and I weave a
garment of glory and great victory for you, My country, given to Me by the Father when I came
on earth, for the Father saw that Israel did not receive Me two thousand years ago, and then He
prepared you for Me to have you in the end of the time and to fulfill in you the Scriptures of My
coming again from the Father to give birth again to the world and to make the new heaven and the
new earth, and I, the Lord, am working now on your hearth at this holy mystery, and I am working
with the saints and angels, and We are working together helped by some faithful sons taken out of
you, Romanian people, and they are set to watch at the mouth of My spring of word, spoken upon
them from the cloud so that they may pick it up and put it into the book and to give the book to
you so that this book may be written on your hearth with My coming to you, My country. Oh, the
whole earth, all the nations far and wide have heard and known about My coming to you
and they know about My word upon you, and you have to know even more, for there is not
much time until all the nations will ask you about My mountain of word and teaching of holy
way for the people who look for God with the steps of their lives, for everything passes and all
will pass, only God remains, only I, the Lord, have no end, and My kingdom has no end either,
and I want you to be My kingdom among the nations of the earth and all the nations to bow before
it and take of the glory of My word and to learn the way and the life that saves from death and
which saves everyone who believes in My word, which renews the world little by little, until the
completion of the mystery of new heaven and new earth, (See the selection topic: „The heaven –
the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified”, r.n.) and behold, I have been speaking to
you on a day of holy feast about God’s mystery into your midst, oh, My country of today, in which
I am coming with the armies of saints, as it is written for Me to come and to call you Mine.

Oh, the man who loves God on earth has much value. The man’s price is calculated
according to what he loves: either sin or cleanness. Man gets comforted with sin and he feels well

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

in this way. Oh, it is something truly of comfort and eternally comforting, only that man knows
only the false comfort by sin. Sin means lust and is born of lust, and cleanness is born of love.
There is no connection between the lustful inclination to sin and love, oh, there is no connection
between lust and love. The lustful inclination to sin means satan, and love means God; it means
cleanness and holiness, as I, the Lord, want the man to be, for I have built him to be My comfort
and home, and I did not built him for sin.

I had to come down on earth after five thousand years from the creation of the world, (In
1992 there were 7500 years, - see all "The Word of God" and the selection topic: „The end of the
world and the Day of the Lord”, or note from 12.12.2004, r.n.) for man had never come back with
his face towards Me to give himself back to God. I came through a Virgin mother and I was born
and grew like a man so that that people may come to know Me, known as descending from Abra-
ham, Isaac and Jacob as God’s people; however they did not welcome Me and they did not know
Me and they cast Me out from them instead.

After two thousand years, I have come to you, Romanian people, and here I am with you
in the word of new creation over you and over the nations! Oh, welcome Me! Oh, do not cast Me
out! And even if you do not want to believe Me and to receive Me upon your being, oh, you cannot
cast Me out. I am the word and spirit of word, I stand in the cloud of word and speak to you, and
you cannot cast Me out as it happened two thousand years ago when Israel cast Me out from him.

Oh, be a man of faith, Romanian son, because from generation to generation the Romanian
people has been honoring God with his faith full of thankfulness and courage, but there is no one
to teach you the love from above today, for over the good and bad from this people are ruling those
who are the most sinful, the most lustful for sin, for pleasures, for riches and ranks, and that is why
the faithful people of this Romanian land sighs, and it sighs in its spirit, even if does not understand
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday of the Lent, of the Palm Sunday. The
Feast of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem, from 09-04-2017. (On Calameo)

Oh, I am above the clouds of glory and I comprise you with My spirit and look, My today’s
country. You are the one to which I am coming as word during this time. You are My Romania
and you have in you the field with a treasure in it. My word upon you is your treasure, oh,
and how much I would like you to become rich within this light and to shine through it more and
more, stronger and stronger, and to be rightly called the country of brightness, for it is written in
the prophets about you, oh, My today’s country, only that I may give revelation for you to know
how to read the Scriptures and how to interpret them, for otherwise man looks at the Scriptures as
to a sealed book, or like one who does not have any knowledge when you ask him about those that
are written in the Scriptures and in the prophets.

Oh, peace to you, country of brightness, My today’s country! I am with a suite following
Me, riding on white horses and coming to you, and We are coming down from heaven. The
Father Sabaoth is asking you in marriage for His Son, Jesus Christ, because the Father has
chosen a wedding hall, a heavenly table and a bride people into your midst, and My river of
word is flowing upon you. I am the Lord of resurrection, Jesus Christ, and I am coming to you
with the greeting of My resurrection and I am telling you in a day of the feast of My resurrection:

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Christ has risen! He is your treasure, Who has been becoming word on your hearth for more
than sixty years. The mystery of the heaven is being worked in you and soon, soon, your brightness
is going to appear, and it will be seen from far away, for I, the Lord, will shine in the light from
this mountain of word and your glory will be seen, the Lord God shining on your hearth, and all
the nations will set their face to you and will praise you, love you and comfort you because of your
beauty from above upon you, for I have great love for you. And now, I am embracing you within
My word and I am giving you the greeting of the Holy Passover: Christ has risen! Oh, stand up
and become one with the Lord, your God! Amen.

Oh, peace to you, peace to those who give Me further when I give Myself! Christ has risen,
children sons! Christ has risen, both for those who love you and for those who hate you, as well!
Christ has risen; the news has spread from you about My resurrection to those who dwell in the
heaven of My saints, with whom I come to you! We are meeting each other on a day of Passover
with the greeting of My resurrection, with this holy feast.

Christ has risen! Oh, it is not enough the faith that I have risen; besides this, one needs
together with it the love of the one who has not loved Me after I had built him. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Sunday of the Lord’s Resurrection, of the holy Pass-
over, from 16-04-2017. (On Calameo)

On this day, we are sitting at the table of word with the group of the prophets. This group
of prophets is coming together with Elijah the prophet, the one celebrated now among the saints,
the one who had not eaten or drunk forty days and forty nights for the sake and for the longing of
his meeting with God, and he is alive in his body and he is like fire; he has got great work to do
and this saint works as much, and he is working as much as in old time, and his work will be
confessed, for I, the Lord, with the saints of the heaven, came two thousand years ago, and in the
same way I am coming today, as I have come from heaven down on earth then and now, and the
Father gave and gives Me the saints as My companions. The devil keeps the world in the darkness,
but the light from heaven puts out the darkness, and it becomes light in the darkness, and the man
on earth will see that God is and that He brings His glory into view, and His saints in glory as
a testimony, for great is the beauty of the invisible world, and when God’s invisible things will
be revealed, then every flesh will startle and there will be only faith and then only light and
glory from here to all over the earth, for the Romanian country has its destiny from the Lord
to give light over the nations and to comfort all over with My glory all the nations, and this
time is at hand, it is near, and it is in My word, which goes all over the earth to its revelation and
Mine, and a fire will come down from heaven, the fire of the Holy Spirit, and the peoples will
become wise, will receive My fulfillments and will come to Me, for I am the Savior Who came
on earth two thousand years ago, and since then and up to this day I have been working for a great
light over the nations of the earth, as it is written, and the prophet Elijah will appear with the
glory of the turning back to God of many nations and the curse will cease, and there will be
only the Lord and His righteous ones. Amen.

— Oh, Lord, You are blessed and much confessed by Your confessing saints, Lord! It is
written that are cursed all those who forsake Your commandments, Your words, and about me it
is written to come to turn the nations on earth with their face to You and to keep the earth and the
countries on it from curse, Lord. I want all on earth to know that my work is to turn the hearts of

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the fathers to the sons, and the sons’ to their fathers, and the fathers are the saints of old, the saints
from near and they are in heaven, and I will show on earth great signs for the people to understand
God through them and to turn their hearts to the fathers, to the saints, and to call out to them to
come to their help, and the sons to be protected from curse by the keeping of Your commandments,
of Your words, Lord.

A river of word flows from Your mouth, and it runs everywhere, for there are people to
share it, it has where to come and from where this gift of Yours to be given over the earth. Oh, and
we have to strengthen everywhere inside and outside the citadel of Your word so that it may have
heavenly support, Lord, for Your glory is this town, in this city with the name of fire, for Your word
is a fire cleansing of sins and renewing of heaven and earth, for it is written to be made a new
heaven and a new earth, and You work by the word and fulfill so.

Oh, sons of God’s word and sons of His city of today on the hearth of the Romanian people,
oh, Romanian sons, the name of Romanian will be great over the nations! The devil fights with all
forces of evil and tries to destroy from the earth the name of Christian of the God’s sons, but the
name of Romanian will remain and this name will resound by the heavenly trumpets, and every
man who will receive God’s word on this hearth, the hearth of the Romanian people, will become
Romanian, for many will be born from above, from Gods’ word, from this word, for Jesus Christ
speaks the Romanian language and has become Romanian, and those who will worship him in the
time that comes will have a new name, and we, His saints, will fulfill the Lord’s works, as it is

… — I, the Lord, start waiting now for the day of the feast for My mother Virgin and all
the beauty that will prepared to stand before Us, oh, My loved ones, with whom I travel and work.

And as for you, sons working at the spring of My word, work everything like the sons of
My glory during these days, for it will be opened more and more and it will fill with glory the
heaven, the earth and the hearts of those who will reveal Me within My glory, within My
word, with which I announce and prepare My glory.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint Prophet, Elijah the Tishbite, from 02-
08-2017. (On Calameo)

Two thousand years ago, I came from the Father on earth by My birth from a Virgin mother
and then I did the work of redemption from sin of the man I had built with My own hand and of
his descendants, and after thirty three years, I went to be victorious on the right side of My Father
in heaven, where My place is from eternity. Now, again, the Father has sent Me on earth after man,
and My glory is the word, like My new name too, written in the Scriptures that I may bear it now,
in the end of the time, for My name is the Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13)

I have on the Romanian land a people of faithful children, people grown with the word of
My mouth, and I am going with the word over the earth through My work with it. It is the white
horse prophesied by the Scriptures69, and I am the rider, as it is written, and My sword is

«I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges
and make war in righteousness.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the word, the rod with which I shepherd the nations and languages, according to the nations
on earth, and the measure within My work is the spirit of righteousness.

I have a ruling citadel on the hearth of the Romanian people and I am coming to it carried
by the clouds; I have been coming for more than sixty years; I have been coming with the saints
over the Romanian land, and I have been going and speaking with the saints in the air as on the
holy mountain when I was speaking with Moses for the people of Israel. Oh, I am coming and
speaking over the earth, over the nations and over their chiefs, and I am doing the whole work that
the Father has given Me to accomplish, for at My birth on earth My Father gave Me this home-
land as My country, and the people on it, too, the Romanian people, after that the people of
Israel had denied Me, after they had taken Me out of their midst and did not know Me with
faith in order to receive Me, and behold, I am received on the hearth of the Romanian people and
here I have prepared My fold and I am descending into it with My word. I am becoming a book
on this table and with it I am coming down before this nation. From here I am going on with the
voice of a thunder and I am with the days of My glory over this time, I am telling Who I am and
what I am doing, and I am saying that I am with My second coming from the Father and I
have a place, prepared for My work in this time, and let he who hears and reads, let him under-
stand My coming from the Father, being carried on a white horse, accompanied by armies
of saints, having a sharp sword coming out of My mouth, and My name is the Word of God,
I and My citadel of word, the place from where I rule with an iron rod nations and languages, and
My name is written: The Word of God.

I am coming down with the hosts of saints and angels. I, the Lord, am coming down to you
with the armies from above and I am comforting your long separation from the country, oh, Ro-
manian sons, sons who have been wandering away from your country. Oh, sons, nothing is beau-
tiful on earth without God in all things. Oh, what shall We do in order that I may be the One
Who is loved by man and followed by man according to My will for the man’s happiness? Oh, the
man does no longer know of the Creator of the heaven, the earth and man. Sons, sons, I am like
you, I am wandering away from My house and people, for My house is supposed to be the
church, and My people are supposed to be the Christians loving of God and loving of the
commandments of life, only that the servants of My church have completely mingled with
the things that are foreign from the saints and from the fathers, and the Christian people do
no longer have love of God or a counselor for them and for their walking with the Lord. Oh,
only if peace between Me and the Romanian people would be set in the Romanian country. The
Romanian country is My today’s country, to which the Father has sent Me to make My cit-
adel in it and to set on its hearth the book of the word of My mouth, the ruling rod over the
nations, over the kings and over the languages. Oh, the story of this nation and of its land is
being beautifully written in heaven! It is God’s mystery from the beginning of the creation of the
world and of that in the end of the time, and the Father has sent Me as word in it and I have always

His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names
written”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”
The heavenly hosts [Or “armies which are in heaven”. Sabbaoth meant “of hosts” or “the armies”] followed
Him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen.
Out of His mouth comes a sharp, double-edged sword by which He should strike the nations. He will rule
them with an iron rod. He treads the winepress of the fierceness of the wrath of God, the Almighty.» (Apoc: 19/11-

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comforted with My word its land and those who believe in My today’s coming as word over the
earth; and even over those who do not believe am I making the word of My comfort come down.

Oh be victorious for your own good, sons, and I would like very much that My speaking
with you to come to your hearts, the speaking which I am setting now on the way to you. I am here
as word on the hearth of the Romanian people, and I have a written history on this hearth and it is
set on the way with the name of the New Jerusalem, a great name, which I want to set on her
head and to make her My bride, to sanctify her and to adorn her with ornaments from above,
for her destiny of tomorrow is written to be great with Me, and those who have been oppressing
her over time will be crushed in their spirit face to face with her great glory from God for her
patience under the cross in all the time of her cross.

I, the Lord, am watching with the heavenly hosts above the Romanian land and I am breath-
ing over the sons of this nation sweet comfort and the spirit of the holy wisdom. I am staying at
the helm and I am taking through the waves within a great mystery this ark, the Romanian coun-
try, My country of the second coming from near the Father now, in the end of the time, and
I am waiting; I am waiting for the changing in the face of the Romanian people, on the hearth of
the beautiful one, such a beautiful country, your country, My country with you, oh, Romanian
sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Great Saint Martyr and Healer, Pantelei-
mon, from 09-08-2018.

The Lord is coming down into the book of His word during these days, and the book is
opening at His voice and it is being written in it a day of the royal feast.

I am coming down in the citadel of My word with a holy feast. First off, I am going to
strengthen the patience and the power for Me in the gates (Gates - those by whom the Lord speaks,
the Lord comes as word, r.n.) in order to come in and to work My word, and then to work out its
fulfillment. I am putting comfort and alleviation over those who carry Me. I am putting My power
over their weaknesses, and I have always set My way when I come, and I always have to work,
and behold, it is not through the big ones that I can work, but only in sufferance and weakness do
I perfect Myself.

I am kissing now the Romanian land and I am comforting its mourning, its longing
and its mystery from the beginning, the first patch of land coming out from the waters at the
creation of the world, the fallow land with a treasure in it, and which, I, the Lord, I and only I
know it, because My Father has given it to Me to have it as the country of My glory in the end of
the time, when I am working again through the word to make a new heaven and a new earth, after
that man has filled the earth and the air with his things, those of his pride as a man.

Oh, Romanian land, only I know your borders marked from the beginning by My
angels on the map of the expanse of the earth, and you are the first fallow land watched by My
own angel, Michael. Your hearth and its mystery is the fallow land with a treasure in it, and
your transfiguration is going to happen, a face as in the beginning, and only I know the mystery
between you and Me, and I am waiting for your glory and I am protecting with heavenly retinues
My citadel of word on your hearth and its mystery from the beginning with God.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, My country, oh, Romanian land, peace to you! I will refresh you, I will clean you
from thistles, I am going to breathe with My Spirit and raise many and then more and more
from death to life, and you will be a country of saints, of beautiful people like God, for your
mystery is sweet and holy, it is My making from the beginning, it is My great expectation, like the
Bridegroom, Who is waiting for His bride to adorn her, to fill her with His glory, and also to fill
with glory those who are going to celebrate the days of the Lamb, the days of the Lord’s glory, for
this is your destiny: to bear on your hearth the glory of My days, your treasure, to give rest to
the Lord from His waiting within His coming on your bedding, for behold, I am coming to
renew the world, to make a new heaven and a new earth, and to make them by the word, and you
that have opened yourself to Me to come and here I am, word on your table, and with it I am ruling
and shepherding, for the word coming out of My mouth is coming to be accomplished, oh My
today’s country. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2018.

… However, today, we are setting a day of holy feast for My mother, the Virgin, that who
listened to God moment by moment, and she loved Him likewise, and I have loved the work for
which she was born and grew up, and I have kept this house within great light, in a holy living
even from her birth, and then all the time, and once with her coming in heaven near Me, before the
sight and the amazement of all the saints of My heaven, I gave her a high ministry; I gave her
the country of My coming now, in the end of the time; even from that time I have given it to
her for protection, and it is under My blessing and hers so that the evil spirit and opposing to God
may see it; and I have also placed it under the hands from above to be protected under the nations
and that I may have it with a great name at My coming from nowadays, for I am going to hide
the name of the Christian under the name of Romanian, for My ruling citadel from the midst
of the land of the Romanian people bears a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, and the
Scriptures call it before all things, the citadel with My name on it and it is called, “There the Lord
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-

I promised you that I would come to tell you a great mystery, sons. It is a day of holy
feast and this feast upon waters is full of mysteries between God and man. The waters work out
birth, sons, and they serve the man’s making and the making of all those on which it is worked
with holy water by the word. At the beginning of the creation of the heaven and earth, the Spirit
of God was working as He is working today by My word and the Spirit, Who was hovering over
the surface of the waters, as it is written, made word upon waters and the waters listened to Him
and were divided in the waters from above and the waters from below, those on the right and those
on the left, and then the dry land appeared, sons, and the first little patch of the dry land which
appeared from the waters was the Romanian land, the top of the earth, the crown of the
earth, the first land born of the waters, full of God’s mystery for the beginning. And because
I made the man out of this clay of mystery, I called the first man built Romanian even beginning
with that time, and I have kept in eternity this mystery and this great name for the end of the time,
and the time has come for this country of Mine to bear its name from the beginning because
the Father has given it to Me at My birth among people, so that it may know Me and to receive

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Me at My coming after two thousand years, and here I am in it speaking and doing the work of the

I have come after man here, on the place where I built him at the beginning and I called
him Romanian even from that time, oh, and this Romanian people is weak in its faith when it hears
what kind of mystery God has kept for the Romanian land. Oh, that is why, sons, I have confessed
by this spring of prophecy and I said that every man who wears a Christian shirt will be called

All the people on earth are Romanians, for all come from Adam, the first man built
out of the Romanian clay. And when I came down from heaven two thousand years ago, I took
the flesh of a man to redeem the man, and if all are from Adam after the flesh, then behold, I, the
Son of God, the Father, am Romanian, too, for I took the flesh of a man, and all people are
Romanians, even if they did not choose to belong to God and to prove to be like that, and they
are not the sons of disobedience, who have separated themselves from the Lord for their pleasures
and for another name on earth, for people have chosen countries and put a name on them after the
country they have lived in, but after the flesh they all are Romanians, for man starts from
here, even if he is not able to know and to perceive this mystery as all the nature knows God and
His mystery, for Jordan knew Me and confessed Me by a sign, and the sea knew Me as well when
I was walking on it as on dry land, and the sun knew Me as well, because it got dark on My
mourning on the cross, and the whole earth knew Me and trembled, and its foundations shook
because of My pain on Golgotha. However, man is stiff-necked and does not want to bow before
God, oh, and I cannot do anything with those who are stiff-necked and unfaithful, who decide for
themselves to be on the right and on the left, by My word spoken according to the works pleasant
to God, and according to those unpleasant, and by this they decide to be on the right or on the left.

This mystery, which I have revealed it into My today’s book, oh, this mystery is great in
heaven. The Romanians are great in heaven, and all the saints of the heaven are Romanians,
they belong to the heaven, of the country of the comfort from above, and those who did not
love and do not love the Lord on earth, oh, then to whom do they belong and whose works do they
follow being separated from God?

Oh, sons fed from My mouth full of word, you are the first Christians of My coming of
today as word on earth. I have come with the mystery kept from the beginning and I took Romania
out of this mystery. It is the land with the treasure in it, with God’s mystery in it in its creation,
and its name from the end of the time is beautiful and the name of God’s sons on earth and in
heaven will be like its name, like its origin, and for this mystery and great truth, humility, faith and
joy in the Lord are needed.

… And John, the Baptizer, is preparing his coming down and then we are going to write
ourselves into the book with the spirit of love, and he is comforted now and with much peace he
is telling to himself that he is Romanian, too, and this name is great, sons, and it fills the heaven
with the mystery from the beginning; it fills everything, everything, with mystery and longing, oh,
sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of Epiphany, from 19-01-2019. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, sweet country, oh My Romania, I am carrying the cross for you. I am your King,
My country and My queen among nations. At the beginning of creation, I was on your land
and I took clay out of your soil and built man. Oh, and now I am coming back on your land,
too, and I am speaking into your midst My word upon you, the voice of My love from the
end of the time, but you are still slow in hearing and do not open to Me to hear My word and its
mourning, and you cannot escape the darkness of today if you do not open so that I, the Lord, may
teach you, and to be able to work by My power and the Lord to be able to guide you. Oh, when
man does not love the Lord, he is capable to commit all sins, and sin is the violation of the com-
mandments written with fire on stone in order to lead man to life.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third day of the Lent, of the Holy Cross, from 31-
03-2019. (On Calameo)

Now, My today’s country, you are My today’s dwelling place, and I am giving voice to
My mouth to confess your mystery from God, and I am comforting this beauty of yours, for the
Lord found His pleasure with you even from the beginning of the creation of heaven and
earth; He has established you to be the first and placed in you His treasure, which does no
longer know its assignment from God, for man, the man’s making out of your clay at the be-
ginning of the creation, this is the treasure that God has placed in the dough of your body,
and here I am with My dwelling on this treasure in this land, here I am declaring the new
creation from the top of the earth, the new birth of the world, as I promised two thousand years
ago, and now I have with Me the witnesses of My resurrection of that time and I am showing them
the new beginning from the end of the time, for I am the Alpha and the Omega, I am the beginning
and the end, I keep working at the end too. Oh, at what ending?

Oh, peace to you, peace to you, to those coming from heaven and disposed here in armies!

And peace to you, those from the Romanian land, gathered here on a day of the feast of
resurrection at the end of the time! Oh, at what end, sons?

Oh, beloved ones, with the Lord there is no end without beginning, for the Lord is
without end; He is eternal. The mystery of the end is being settled on earth and it brings with
it the renewal of the world; it brings the new birth, for this is written to be fulfilled, and God
works according to the map. (See the selection topic: „The end of the world and the Day of the
Lord”, r.n.)

Oh, I came two thousand years ago to fulfill on earth those that were written to be fulfilled
then, and after I arose from My crucifixion, I said to My witnesses at that time: «I will be with you
to the end of the time». (Matt: 28/20) Oh, how should My word, spoken at that time, be under-
stood? Everything that God has spoken needs to be understood with faith.

When I finished My work on earth two thousand years ago, I brought with Me the resur-
rection, the new beginning, once with an end. It is written into the Scriptures about the end of

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the lawlessness.70 Even from the beginning71 it started to make its nestle and man started to oppose
God within him, and this end of lawlessness has to come, and after that a resurrection, a
resurrection72 like that of two thousand years ago.

At that time satan rejoiced over My ending, but at that very time he was also judged, and
overcome with the new beginning, which crushed him. Now satan is rejoicing, too, but the end of
lawlessness is surely coming; the renewal is coming as well and satan is going to lose again; he
will lose everything, for this is written.

Oh, here is why I am coming now on earth as word! I am coming because it is written for
Me to come73, and heavenly hosts are coming with Me too, with the kingdom of the heavens above
the earth inhabited by the human world; however, I, the Lord, am coming with My visitation over
God’s creation and bringing into order the work of the new beginning! Oh, I am caressing your
face from God, your beautiful face, My today’s country of My second coming from the Father.
However, you are still under slavery, you are under the cross, oh, My beautiful one! Those who
want you to be theirs have robbed you, but you are God’s mystery even from your beginning, you
are the fallow land with a treasure in it, you have been My longing for seven thousand years,
since your spirit started to cry with Me in the mystery; it has been crying like a man, oh, and man
does not know that he cries. He thinks that he laughs and is happy when he is in good condition,
but does he really know what a mystery he is, and that this mystery cries?

Oh, My beautiful country, it is a feast of resurrection with those from heaven in your sky
here, and the sky above is full of heavenly hosts now. Oh, how beautiful you are, how beautiful
your spirit is, how beautiful! The heavenly hosts are embracing your body with their look and
comfort all around, they are marking your margins and looking at you from above and you are My
beautiful one. When a man goes to a place he desires because of the beauty of that place, he re-
joices. Oh, how are the heavenly hosts supposed not to rejoice now, here, over your beauty from
God. I have established on your hearth, in your holy land, the citadel of My coming on the

«The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will gather out of His Kingdom all things that cause
stumbling, and those who do evil, …
Then the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Anyone who has ears should
listen! » (Matt: 13/41,43)
«The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! But now, there is one who restrains, until he is taken out of
the way.
Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth and destroy by
the manifestation of His coming». (2 Tess: 2/7,8)
«Everyone who sins breaks the law and in fact, sin is lawlessness.
Whoever lives in sin belongs to the devil, since the devil has been a sinner from the beginning. This was the
purpose of the manifestation of the Son of God, to undo the work of the devil.
Those who have been born of God do not keep on sinning because God’s seed abides in them. They cannot
go on sinning, because they have been born of God.
This is how the children of God and the children of the devil are revealed: whoever does not practice right-
eousness is not of God, and neither is the one who does not love his brother [or sister].» (1Joh:4,8-10)
«The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised» (Matt: 27:52)
«And may He establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the
coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.» (1Tess: 3/13)
«when He comes to be glorified in His holy ones (Or “saints”) and to be admired among all those who have
believed (because our testimony to you was believed) in that day.» (2Tes:1/10)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

earth now, in the end of the time, and I have work and voice to do over the land from the midst
of this mystery.

And I, your Lord, I say now unto you: Arise My country, arise My beautiful one! I am the
Last Supper on your land, I have the mystery of the paradise at work on your hearth, but
arise to hear, to see and to work for Me and with Me, and arise so that you may be able to work
for you then. Oh, it hurts Me, it hurts Me for you, and it hurts Me from you and I am telling you
that it really hurts Me.

I go on speaking with you, those gathered at the feast of resurrection. I have a good oppor-
tunity for My meeting with you face to face here. I will go on with My word and then I will bring
it on the way to you, oh, and how much I would like My mysteries to be understood, to be believed
and wanted, for behold, the time has come for us to reveal great mysteries, for there has been no
work coming from heaven to the people by this time, it has not been one by this time to be able to
work through it before the revelation of these mysteries, coming out as from a scroll to be brought
into the light so that those who hear them to know about them.

Oh, I did not have any people sufficiently prepared, I did not have any, and how much I
would like to have one and share with it the mysteries of the heaven, the mysteries of life, and the
mysteries of eternity, which have remained in heaven once with man’s separation from God! Well
sons, the Romanian country was chosen from the beginning of its creation by God and great
mysteries are kept within it and for it, and they wait to be brought out from the veil and to
be lived on earth to meet the Lord, for the Lord is coming, He is coming and He is preparing
for Himself a holier and holier way, and He is making friends on His way, too.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the Prudes,
from 12-05-2019. (On Calameo)

With an angelic suite and with groups of saints I am descending over the earth My Spirit
and Word.

Shall I say who I am? I am Who I am. I am the Son of God the Father, and I am His Word.
I am Jesus Christ, the Lord, and I have been writing Myself down on the hearth of the Romanian
land for more than fifty years and I have been working more and more, however, not as much as
the man who opposes Me and who keeps on being confused in his language, in his blind fight and
in his work, with which he tries to plunder the flock like a wolf hungry after the sheep, that has its
den into the deep, in its darkness.

I am working hard this day, I am working with the Holy Spirit and bringing the truth by
My word, and I am giving each one according to his work, for this is what I have to work, for this
time has come and I want to examine the Christian flock, to bind its wounds and to heal it from
mistakes and then to give it comfort.

I am working for you, Christian flock of the Romanian people, and I am speaking with you
with mercy and with the Holy Spirit, not by television like My adversary, the antichrist, the one
with his hidden work and with guilty news and many of his lies everywhere, for I am the truth, I

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

am the way, I too am the life, as it is written. Oh, do not entrust yourself to human help, and do
not forget what I am telling you now, for man sets himself up as God; however I do not leave you,
and I am coming to comfort you and to bring you word from heaven, for you do not find any mercy
and care for you on earth, but I am merciful, because I laid down My life for My flock, for My
church, and I will not deceive you in My love for you, for you are My inheritance through the cross
and by My resurrection, and I am Master through you on earth, My love, and I have My helm in
you over My creation and yours.

Oh, Romanian country, My today’s country, for more than sixty years I have been singing
My love for you on earth, and you do not know it because you are not able to know what God has
been doing on your hearth, that there has been a time of difficulty for My word upon you, but I
have always written and taken it now over you and I have put it on the water to run; I have put it
on the way so that you may find it and that it may find you too, and all the nations to be nourished
from this manna, for it is written that the peoples will stream to My mountain74 of word to
learn the way of peace, the way of freedom, of salvation, the Lord’s laws, the happiness of
the nations, (See Micah: 4/1, 2), and many will see it, believe and head for the way of the cross,
on My way with man, for blessed are those who have Me as their Savior through the fulfillment
of the commandments of law, for their fulfillment brings salvation and love, for I am the man’s
benefactor, I, and My holy laws for man.

Oh, pay attention, be careful, Romanian people. I am waking you up and giving you com-
fort in times of trial upon you, (Coronavirus pandemic, r.n.), and behold, you have to watch for
My word upon you, for you have turned away from God, oh, and you have turned away a lot,
for the work of antichrist has been deceiving you secretly, but the Scriptures of the Holy Spirit
has announced75 in time that the work of the opposing man, the antichrist, will rise to deceive the
nations and to threaten My house, and he has set up false prophets (See the selection topic: „The
false prophet and the ecumenism”, r.n.) to strike down My church, founded from the begin-
ning, and which walked and walks on the way and it is called the Orthodox Church, the trunk
of the tree, the body from which many have stepped aside for one thousand years, (From the
separation of the western church – Catholic, from the eastern one – Orthodox, r.n.), now, in the
end of the time, and these have been doing the work of the false prophets (The other Protestant
and neo-Protestant cults, separated, in turn, from the western church, r.n.), and they have broken
the body of the church, trampled the wine, broken the branches and thrown them down to the
ground, for disobedience is the work of pride and it is the antichrist’s work, the one who fights
against God, whom I am announcing and telling him now this:

People know, many know, they know the Scriptures better than you; not only you know
them, and people know your work and you give yourself away, antichrist man, when you try to
take possession of the earth and everywhere, and you walk restlessly to place your mark on
«And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-
tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the
God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah: 4/1;2)
«Children, these are the end times! As you have heard, the antichrist is coming and even now many
antichrists have arisen. This is how we know that it is the final hour.
They went out from us, but they did not belong to us! If they had belonged to us, they would have continued
with us. But [in fact] they left, so that it might be revealed that none of them belonged to us!» (1 John: 2/18;19)

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people, and even on My people under My cross, but put it on yours if you keep working so hard,
that I do not let you over My inheritance, and it is written that I will come with the saints and
destroy with the breath of My mouth76, with My great word I will destroy your work and your
servants as well, and what else shall I do to you if this is written to be done, if you fight against
Me? Oh, deceive yours, God and Magog, not those who are shadowed by the power of My cross
and by its sign, for I am God, One God, and you are My adversary, and in your fight against Me,
you prove that you are My enemy, and that you try to deceive every man, that you are his bene-
factor; however, you are a wolf that deceives and tears down, according to your very dark work,
as your black spirit is. Oh, step aside from God and from man’s way; step aside and go back to
your dens and wait for Me there to bring your due reward, that I, the Lord Jesus Christ, am
clearly saying now so that it may be heard from margins to margins, and I am saying this:

I made the heaven and earth, not you, not you, antichrist! I made the man, not you.
Be ashamed when you hear what I am saying to you, and look better into the Scriptures and see
how Christ overcomes the beast, which tries to tears everything.

Oh, do no longer pretend to be a benefactor, and go back to your dens and do no longer lie
to yourself that you will rule the world, for I, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father God,
I am the One Who has received from the Father to rule over the earth, I, not you, and you
have no shame, for you have only pride in your dough.

With all your company of servants, scattered all over the earth, I am speaking and saying
now, and I am telling you that I am going to take the whip against you so that you may no
longer fight against Me and against My people on earth, that it has to be on earth as in heaven,
not as in your hell, hidden from the face of men. And concerning the Romanian country, you
must pay great attention to know well that it is My today’s country, and I am speaking now
for it, saying: May your entire work perish from My today’s country, as I have compassion on you
for you are a man and have the name of a man, but you have a secret number and a secret
army under your name, 666, (On the meaning of 666, see in the selection topic: „The antichrist
and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.) but I, the Lord, have a strong army, too, I have the whole heaven
of saints and angels, as for more than a thousand years, and even for two thousand years you have
been pushing the people to deny the cross so that you may be able to overcome, but the cross is
the weapon that will overcome you and it will destroy you, for I, the Lord, behold, I am
waking up My flock and set the weapons at work against you and you will surely be defeated.
(See the selection topic: „About the graven image (icon) and the sign of the cross”, r.n.)

Oh, you are wretched. You pose that you are good, but you persecute God and try to give
the law of debauchery (Through so-called rights of sexual minorities, r.n.) over nations to perse-
cute them in this way, to your hell, dark of sins, for you hate man. Oh, no persecutor has done
any good, any antichrist knows nothing but do only evil and to scatter it over the earth and over
the people. I will make you as blind as Pharaoh and his people, when I took Israel out of Egypt,
and I will make you groping in your dark, for I am going to take the whip into My hand so that
you may know Me, to see how big God is and how praised He is, and that My church is My

«The mystery of lawlessness is already at work! But now, there is one who restrains, until he is taken out
of the way.
Then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will kill with the breath of His mouth and destroy by
the manifestation of His coming». (2 Tess: 2/7;8)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

bride and you do not have any right to trample My inheritance. Therefore, go away! Go and hide
into your dens, and take away your hidden work from the earth, for the Scriptures give you away
even if you have dared to change in them the meaning of their writings from the beginning! Oh,
no, for there are unchanging Scriptures on earth, and the time is over for you to destroy, so go
away now, for the writing is that Christ, the Son of God the Father, will destroy you with the
breath of His nostrils, with His word! Amen.

… Peace to you, Romanian sons, peace, sons!

And peace to you, all nations! Look to God and seek Him with a humble heart!

Let the antichrist work be set aside and listen to God the Word!

Peace and holy sun over the earth, and seven times brighter, as it is written!

Peace to you, church of the Romanian people! Oh, take care, take care of the holy feasts,
take care of your life with the Lord. I am your Guardian, and you are My vine, and I have come to
weed you and to give you the beauty from the beginning.

Let all the servants of the Orthodox Church rise from all over the earth and prepare them-
selves to be with God every day, for the Church is My house on earth, it is My inheritance!

The Word of God has now spoken over the earth.

I stand above with the heavenly host, with the saints and angels, and I rule the nations with
a rod of iron, with the word of My mouth, as it is written.

I am Who I am. I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God the Father, and I am His Word over the
earth, and I am saying:

Peace, peace over the earth!

Peace, peace on earth as in heaven! Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God over the Romanian country, over the rulers of the country,
over the church and over the Romanian people, on the fourth Sunday of the Lent, of the Devout
Saint John of the Ladder, from 29-03-2020. (On Calameo)

I proclaim Myself when I come as word on earth, and I am writing it into My today’s book,
an book on the hearth of the Romanian people, and I am writing My word in it; I have been writing
in it starting with 1955 and I have always written, it and this is how I have been fulfilling the
Scriptures that say that the Lord is coming with tens of thousands of His saints77, (Judas: 1/14),

«About these people, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied, saying (This is a quote from 1 Enoch
1:9): Behold, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of His holy ones, …» (Jude: 1/14)

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that the Lord is coming on a white horse,78 and His name is called the Word of God. (Apoc:

Oh, peace to you, Romanian people. I am speaking from your hearth over all the earth and
I am saying:

Peace to you, nations on earth! I am the faithful and the true One by My spoken word, and
after I have spoken it, I fulfill it, and give it power of fulfillment and I put peace in it, and it runs
quickly from heaven down to earth, down to the Romanian land, here, where My footstool is,
and then from here all over the earth, with peace in it, with life in it, and life is the light of the
nations of the earth, as it is written.

Oh, Romanian people, receive My comfort! Peace to you, My today’s country! The Father
has been sending Me to you for such a long time, and you are the house of the Lord, Jesus Christ;
you are the footstool of His feet, and God has not done so to any nation on earth. For I have come
to work from the midst of the people of Israel two thousand years ago, but when I came from
heaven to it, it did not receive Me from the Father, and it rather gave Me over to death on the cross,
and I took My gifts and came down on the hearth of the Romanian people and I have been
working the making of this nation and setting upon it My Gospel and the love of God and
eternal faith, to be able to find faith here, now, at My coming again after man, for the man is the
work of My hands, and he is now My longing and I miss him very much and I want to make him
remember of My love for him, and of My waiting for him, first for the Romanian and then through
this nation to be able to make progress with the news of the Gospel from margins to margins and
to appear then in glory, oh, and I also want to be joy for many, for many people, and I am working
by calling out and I am calling out to the man to get ready to meet Me, for the Scriptures show
this time, and I want to remind man of this and to prepare him beautifully and then to be his joy,
and he to be My joy, and to give love to each other.

Moreover, as for you, My today’s country, bring your heart before Me and call Me in time
of your trial to save you. (Trial provoked by the corona-virus pandemic, r.n.). Oh, wait for Me,
and call for Me, as My disciples called Me on the sea in time of storm, and I came and re-
buked the storm to calm down and I gave them rest, I gave them My peace and I stayed with
them and took them out to the shore. Oh, and this is what I also want to do with you, My Romanian
country, but I want you to help Me, My love, and to believe My word from your midst and you to
grow up in the love of God and to fulfill the commandments of life, for their fulfillment is your
salvation, your victory, oh, and lift up the cross, the cross through which I overcame the
world, and through which you will be victorious. Oh, and all the nations of the earth will want you
and seek after your beauty, and My voice will resound with the spirit and many will walk in the
way of salvation and ask from God salvation from the darkness of this earth, and you will be the
glory of the nations, My today’s country, and the Lord, your God, is speaking this to you.

«I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges
and make war in righteousness.
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names
written”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/11-13)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… Oh, Romanian people, seek with love and with great longing after the Lord your God,
and make Him place near you. I, the Lord, urge you to do this. Oh, be patient and be good until
the trial is over, but do not turn back again to sin; rather, learn to be able to live with God
on earth, for I want to light a great torch into your mist so that all the nations may know it and
draw to its light, to the exhortations from heaven over the nations.

Oh, peace to you, My today’s country! Do not be sorrowful over the feasts of the Pass-
over, but sing with Me and with My angels: Christ has risen! When you were going to the
church for the feast of the Passover, you did not know to stay beautifully before Me, and many
were violating the feast of the Lord by their bad conduct and by their unchristian customs in all
the days of the feasts of Passover, (Habits of going out in nature and grilling and roasting meat,
consuming alcoholic beverages, listening to shrill music, etc., r.n.) and I was sighing. However,
you can stay close to Me and so that I may come near to you and thus to be My Christian
country and to value what you have from the Lord, for behold, the comfort you are used to is
lacking now, but I am waiting for you to get beautiful for the Lord, your God, according to
the holy order, and which you are to learn well, as you have also learned well to separate from it;
and now, come back and learn from Me how to work your walking and life and how to have My
peace with you, the peace from Me, not from the spirit of the world, oh, not in this way, for the
light of the resurrection wants to teach now the Christian, the life with God.

I am teaching you, Romanian sons, I am giving you great exhortation. You should not
keep on speaking among you about some kind of evil coming to test you, (corona-virus, r.n.)
for the more you speak about it, the more power it receives and it does not grow less; on the
contrary, the less you speak about it, the more it dies out; it leaves and then it perishes,
because it is from satan. And, the more you speak about the glory from God with you, the
more it grows and comforts and it makes place to the holy victory and to the Lord near you,
to the One from Whom protection and then peace comes.

Oh, close the window facing the spirit of the world, (The television and internet, r.n.), and
open the window that faces the glory of the Lord with you, for the truth is in heaven, it is not on
earth but only if the Lord is near you on the way, with the cross before on the way with the Lord,
Romanian sons.

Now, peace to you, Romanian people, peace to you, My country, My today’s house, and
then let the priests of the church keep burning the spirit of the flock so that it may have from

Peace to you, good and faithful Romanian sons!

Peace to you, nations on the earth, My peace upon you!

I spoke and I am speaking from the midst of the Romanian people My word over the earth.
Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the Fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Devout Saint Mary,
the Egyptian, from 05-04-2020. (On Calameo)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

The groups of saints and angels are singing to Me; the whole heaven is singing the song
for My resurrection of two thousand years ago, for then I died in torments on the cross and I
resurrected on the third day, fulfilling these Scriptures, oh, and it is a day of the feast of resurrection
among those in heaven, and it is only a song of victory for the Son of God, and the hell and its
powers are shaken from its foundation and the song, “Christ has risen!” penetrates to those in the

I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, I am God the Son, and I am sharing on earth among people the
spirit of the resurrection and its comfort, its benefic fragrance for those with days of holy feast
over them, for the Christians who honor the Lord’s Passover, for those who know that at the Holy
Passover one sings, “Christ has risen!”

Oh, it is otherwise now on earth, at the feast of the resurrection; it is not boiling the spirit
of sin so much, for the breeze of the pain of the soul, which has passed over the earth from one
side to the other, (Pain provoked by the corona-virus pandemic, r.n.) has made, in the time of the
fasting for the coming of the feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, calmness as in a monastery,
and still greater peace in the air, and even deeper, in comparison with the big bustle which all
people have used to lift up day by day and night by night by their habits, more or less guilty before
God, Who has been waiting for two thousand years with the kingdom of the heavens in His arms
to set it on earth with the people, to be on earth as in heaven, and that those on earth to see this;
nevertheless, God is not desired by the people on earth with His things, oh, and the sighing is
catching those who stand against the heavenly good with them on earth, and I, the Lord, am
with mercifulness, oh, but I am also with the holy exhortation and I am telling man this:

Oh, it is not possible with God without man having steadfastness on His way with man.
Because Israel did his will and not God’s will with it, and because it had always gone wrong
and always rebelled, their fathers and followers, oh, this people has always suffered, and then
it has been scattered all over the earth, the people who has always kept boasting from that
time and up to this day that they have been the Lord’s people, when God cannot be pleased
with them.

Now am I am embracing the Romanian people, My Orthodox people, into whose midst
I have a dwelling place for My coming and a voice over the earth, and I have also got a little
and tiny people, prepared by Me, for Me, to be My help and to send My word over the earth,
sent under My name. The Word of God 79 is My name (Apoc: 19/13) with which I am coming
on earth as word, and I have armies from heaven with which I walk between heaven and earth, as
it is written80 to come with the saints, and all of Us are dressed in white little shirts81 and We
are riding on heavenly horses, as the beloved John saw and wrote in the book of Apocalypse
«I saw the heaven opened, and behold, a white horse! And its rider is called Faithful and True. He judges
and make war in righteousness.
His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits “names
written”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/11-13)
«About these people, Enoch, the seventh from Adam, also prophesied, saying (This is a quote from 1 Enoch
1:9): Behold, the Lord is coming with ten thousands of His holy ones, …» (Jude: 1/14)
«The heavenly hosts [Or “armies which are in heaven”. Sabbaoth meant “of hosts” or “the armies”]
followed Him on white horses, clothed in white, pure, fine linen». (Apoc: 19/14) (The Eastern Orthodox Bible EOB)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

the glory of the Lord’s coming after two thousand years, and no one can change anything in this
book, which announces that the Lord is coming, for its fulfillment is at due time, even if the Scrip-
tures have been changed, even if some of the people, who were especially hired for this, changed
them so that they may no longer show that the Lord is coming. However, I am going to come and
fulfill all that were written about Me in the books of Moses, in the prophets and in the psalms, and
I am full of word and I am coming in this way, and I am going from margins to margins with the
voice of My word over those who believe Me and receive Me with it, and especially over those
who have chosen to put Christ aside, to stay without faith in God and to show their antichrist
work, and to these I am telling this:

… Oh, humble yourself, Romanian people, before the Lord, your God! You have a special
election among the nations, and behold, I have the way of My coming into your midst and level
the ways for the nations that all may come to the Lord, for this is written, and I do this wakening
into your midst, for I am coming as word on your hearth, and I am going with the today’s chariots
(The Internet, r.n.) for the proclamation of My word over the earth and I put it on the way to
go; I put it into an envelope or in the air and it goes and revives God in man, and the kings of
the earth will boast Me when will hear the speaking of My mouth and they will sing the ways of
the Lord and will receive the Lord, the One Who dwells in the midst of Romanian Jerusalem,
the One on high, and Who looks at the humble things, and Who knows from far away those that
are high, as it is written.

Oh, people of Romanians, oh, people of My word, call out to Me with fire and longing and
day and night tell to God: Fulfill, Lord, the kingdom of the heavens on earth with the people,
for on earth it has to be as in heaven, for this is what You told us to ask from the Father to
be on earth, God’s will to be with the people on earth.

… Oh, do not forget, do not forget about God. Forget and leave out sin, but do not
forget about God, oh, Romanian people, for it is the time to make you into a great light, which
will shine over all the nations on earth, and you will be the country of the brightness, (Dan:
11/41)82 you will be through My word spoken by My mouth in your midst, and which shines in
the darkness and lights the world, and the nations of the earth will come to take light from this
mountain, from My citadel in you, Romanian people. I am the One Who paid with My death on
the cross for your name of Christian and Romanian, for My Father made you then at once, to be
for today the land and the people to which Jesus Christ is coming, God’s Son, the second coming
from near the Father and as word over the earth.

Oh, peace to you, My Romanian people! You cannot have another destiny than which is
meant for you from the Father, that is, to be My today’s house, My wedding hall, the Lord’s
table and His Supper on it, God as body and word into your midst. (See the selection topic:
„The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.)

Oh, peace to you! Christ has risen! Peace to you, Romanian people!

«He shall enter into the land of beauty and many shall fail: but these shall escape out of his hand, Edom
and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon». (Dan: 11/41)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

… Christ has risen! This is how the heavenly armies are singing over the citadel of My
word in the midst of the Romanian people!

Christ has risen! This is how is supposed to sing the Romanian people, and let it sing with
the heavenly armies in one voice, and may the song meet to the glory of the Father, of the Son and
of the Holy Spirit.

I am embracing you within My arms. I am embracing you within the spirit of the resurrec-
tion, Romanian sons! You, too, should embrace the Lord, Who is coming to you as word, and be
only an embrace with Him.

Christ has risen! Christ has risen! Christ has risen! Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection, from 19-04-2020.
(On Calameo)

And now I am laying the spirit of faith first as holy advice over those who take from the
today’s feast, for repentance brings about resurrection; it brings about the healing and the begin-
ning of the work of the new man, in My image and after My likeness, and then let the one who
takes his sins into consideration be holy, to understand then that he needs holy repentance for their
removal from before the one who chooses to be holy, after he has seen his sins and the cleansing
of his sins from him, and then his standing before the Lord for holiness, for the Lord is coming
with His saints, (1Tes: 3/13)83 and the Lord has to come to the saints with the saints from
above, to begin on earth the mystery of the new heaven and the new earth, (Isaiah: 66/22)84 as the
Scriptures speak about this working mystery at the end of the time and the beginning of the Lord’s
glory with the people, with those who prepare themselves with the greatness of heart for this glory,
for its time is coming; it is coming and laying down and it is bringing great joy in heaven and on

I am coming with My mother Virgin, but I am with the Father Sabaoth, too, and the Father
is blessing the spirit and the work of the healing, which We are leaving now on earth both over
those who are faithful and over those who are not faithful, for those who have and for those who
do not have Christ as their Savior and Lord, for those who listen in a churchly way and for those
who do not listen in this way. Oh, for many have made and chosen a church after their ears, as
they have cast lots to fulfill or not to fulfill of those who have been left from the beginning of two
thousand years ago, and ordinances that have been given by the Spirit through the fathers of the
church until all have been established, sanctified and sealed over the life of the faithful ones of
Christ’s church, (See the selection topic: „The true church”, r.n.) oh, My Father, and now I am
listening to Your voice, Father.

⸻ I am confessing You, I, the Father, I, as My Son, Jesus Christ, and I am telling those
who gave you away two thousand years ago as an evil doer, as a rebellious one, and then they gave
Your over to the cross and to mocking, I am telling them that it was not the Romans who gave

«And may He establish your hearts, blameless in holiness before our God and Father even to end, at the
coming of our Lord Jesus with all His saints.» (1Tes: 3/13)
«For as the new heaven and the new earth, which I make, remain before Me, says the Lord, so shall
your seed and your name continue». (Isaiah: 66/22)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

You over to the death on the cross, but rather they did so, God’s people, as they are calling
themselves today, they, according to their law, gave You over to denigration and perdition
in order to do away with You and to be only them. Oh, and they called out, paid and incited the
mobs to cry out: «Crucify Him!» Oh, they played everything according to their plan set up by
Anna and Caiaphas, by their rulers of that time, oh, because only the rulers can do so in order that
they may be able to rule alone, only the big ones, those on the seats of the nations under them, only
they can act up like that, getting out of their way the people that may have a word to say. And I,
the Father, am confessing You for those who cast You out from among them to the crucifixion and
death on the cross; however, You came to life victorious, even if they were so wicked with You,
and did not want to think of Your walking among them, at Your great name of God’s Son, at the
resurrection of so many dead people before Lazarus’ resurrection, the one buried four days before,
and then to so many healings You had done to the paralytics and blind people, and to so many
suffering people of all kinds. Oh, the rulers of the Jews wiped out from their memory all these
great signs and wrote on Your behalf false guilt and put the crucifiers at work and then they put
You in the grave, My dear Son; however, You came to life again and they were judged by their
own deed. Oh, and if they say that they wait for the Messiah to come, even if You appeared
again even greater than at that time, oh, they would still deal with You in the same way and
by no means would they receive You, and their callosity proved You to be true God of true God.
Nevertheless, those who followed You, who loved you and believed You then, remained with You,
and a holy people has risen out of them, and behold Your people from that time and up to this day,
and until tomorrow, as well, and they have remained Your enemies, God Son, but out of these
people there rose and keep on rising many to the Christian people, baptizing them in the name of
the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit and carrying among people the Gospel of Your res-
urrection like Your disciples of that time, and behold, the New Israel is born of Your word, and
You are My beloved Son, with Whom I, the Father, am well pleased, You are the Son of the mother
Virgin, whom those from the stubborn Israel did not want or love, like those who have chosen
after their own choice the work of church, each one separately, and I, the Father, am telling them

You, those who do not honor and who do not want the mother Virgin of My Son, oh, be
ashamed, for you will be brought to great shame anyhow, if you do not mourn over this cruel sin
of your cold hearts. On her day of the feast among the saints, I, God, the Father, am asking you:
Where have you found written to dishonor the Virgin that gave birth to Messiah, God’s Son? Oh,
you of little wisdom, woe to you, poor of you! Oh, how much My Son has been working together
with His mother Virgin, oh, how much He has been listening to her in everything! However, you
take into consideration only what you please and that is all.

Oh, Jesus Son, I, the Father, am confessing You, and about those who had a hardened heart
for Your truth, oh, this is how they chose to be, and You were venerated and honored on earth, and
Your history has been confessing and it will confess to eternity that You are the Son of God, and
behold, You shepherd with an iron rod, You shepherd the nations of the earth with Your
word, and Your mystery is great and it is with those who are faithful to You, oh, beloved Son, and
now I am giving the word to You, for You are My Word, the Word from the beginning, and God
is the Word, and everything has been done through Him. Amen.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

⸻ Oh, glory to You, My Father! You are in Me and I am in You, Father, and this is how
Our work in heaven and on earth is, and those who are wise on earth know and believe so, for the
spirit of wisdom helps them in their faith, Father.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Healing Spring and of the Holy Hierarch
Calinic85 from Cernica, from 24-04-2020. (On Calameo)

Oh, for more than sixty years I have been teaching a people with this word on the hearth of
the Romanian people, and I have been writing My word into the book to be able to fulfill it, and I
want the word of My teaching against satan to bring forth fruit, and for My love in man, in the
Romanian people first, in the country of My return, now, in the end of the time, and it shall have
a great name, the name of New Jerusalem, and it shall be filled with comfort, with the Holy
Spirit, the Comforter, Who will give Himself abundantly, as it is written, and this people will
have from God and will shine in glory before the nations, for this is written to be.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Holy Archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2020. (On Calameo)

We have always put holy power over the sons of My word and We given them from heaven,
mother. The power of the antichrist man is growing weak, it always grows weak, because I always
tell him to leave My inheritance, for the Romanian country has been Christ’s church for more than
two thousand years, as it was set from its very beginning, and as its truth has been kept through
the time, and I will work through the church, as it is written for Me to work, for I have faithful
sons after the order from the beginning, and I have and they will be, for the Holy Spirit the
Comforter, is coming and breathing, and many will receive the Holy Spirit, and the pure
hearts will multiply, and the longing in them will call for the Lord with His great work over
the earth, oh, and there are many, mother, and more and more will wake up with their love and
will help Me to work with My victory, for I have to find faith on earth and to be able to work
through it, to be able to work through the faithful ones, mother.

You, sons from the citadel, you should persevere in prayer like My mother Virgin, because
first of all, you have to do the work for heaven on earth. Warm yourselves under My love, sons!
Have your thought and waiting fixed on Me, for I am in all of your things, I am with you and near
you. Let us give to each other, and then you should take care of My fulfillment within you, sons!

Oh, My today’s country, do not forget Me! Be a

„don't-forget-me flower” before Me, for you have a
great heaven of confessors among those in heaven, and
yours from heaven are praised because you have been
My country for two thousand years and you are given
to Me by My Father, and since then and up to this day I
have been looking at you as at a priceless pearl, and I
will bring to painful shame all those who have
wanted to hurt you, to despise you, to put you down, Forget me not (disambiguation).

Saint Calinic of Cernica (b. October 7, 1787 - d. April 11, 1868) was a monk, church founder, theologian,
prior of the Cernica Monastery and bishop.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

My Father’s choice for Me, to have you as Mine, My house of coming to you in the end of the
time, My country, My today’s flower.

… Peace to you! Power in your spirit, health in your body and comfort, this is what I am
giving you, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother,
from 04-12-2020. (On Calameo)

For seven thousand years I have been suffering from man, oh, and because of God’s great
pain, I descended from near the Father two thousand years ago, for the Father had sent Me to start
reparation and to make the world and the man again, to renew everything and to come to the first
joy, oh, and I am working and speaking only crying. I am mourning over My pain from the man,
and I chose My bedding, worked through the word on your hearth, My today’s country. Oh, you
have a great name in heaven, Romanian country, and your name will remain great in heaven and
on earth, for the antichrist man keeps on applying to the work against God the plan hidden from
the people in order to wipe out the Christian name from the earth, and the mystery of Jesus Christ’s
church, of the Christian name of the people that have the Orthodoxy as their way, as the flock is
called by the holy name of Jesus Christ.

Oh, be attentive, country, for you have got a written name on your forehead even from the
beginning, and especially once with My birth on earth, when the people of Israel threw down Me
and gave Me to perish by the cross; nevertheless, God couldn’t die, oh, and all were scared to death
when I was resurrected and built My church to be through it even to the end on the earth with the
people as I said then that I would be.

Oh, be attentive, My today’s country, I have been within you as word for almost seventy
years and the prophecy of your name written in the Scriptures86 is being fulfilled. (Daniel: 11/41).
Because of My word over you, it is written87 by the angels over you a great name: “There the
Lord is,” (Micah 4:1, 2), oh, and satan sees the name and My word on your hearth and is afraid of
you as of Me, and I am embracing you with a sweet word for I am the Comforter sent by the Father
to shepherd you during this hard time and to raise you to My glory with you, to the commandments
of life and to your salvation, for you are under the slavery, which is not understood above by your
Christians, because the work against God has always worked stealthily, for the spirit of satan
knows your destiny from Me, and you, country, are set as a target before the antichrist spirit so
that you may fall down from My bosom and to do satan’s will, because the work of My church
does evil to satan, the church that has not fallen from its mystery on your hearth, but is oppressed
by those who do not have My true church and who have gathered together, country by coun-
try, to catch you and to divest you of the mystery of Jesus Christ’s church. (See the selection
topic: „The true church”, r.n.) Oh, I am suffering, and I am arising to fighting, with the angels and

«He shall enter into the land of beauty and many shall fail: but these shall escape out of his hand, Edom
and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon». (Daniel: 11/41)
«And at the last days the mountain of the Lord shall be manifest, established on the tops of the moun-
tains and it shall be exalted above the hills; and the peoples shall hasten to it.
And many nations shall go and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord and to the house of the
God of Jacob; and they shall show us His way and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth a law
and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem». (Micah 4:1, 2)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

with the saints, to comprise you all round and to protect you from those who want you without
God above you and in your midst, and woe to those who fight against God, woe to them! I will
deal with you as I did with the cities saved from destruction by great repentance and awakening,
for God was sending them a messenger when His mercy was coming down to save from the threat
of the enemy those caught under sin, for the taste of the devil is this: to lead the man to sin, to the
wilderness, so that the people may not take after those in heaven, who have sanctified themselves
on earth for their salvation from hell and to their entrance into God’s paradise.

… I will immediately defeat you, spirit, I will prevail against you, man, who fight against
Me, for I am raising now My church and its servants to a great and holy watch and to repentance
with humility to make My church beautifully and that you may be afraid of her brightness, that
which you have been persecuted even from its very beginning when you threw down its saints
through the kings about whom you said that you were ruling over the earth.

… You, My today’s country, My Romanian country, oh, you do no longer have protectors
over you; you do no longer have any. Your rulers do not want you to be Mine and those who had
to protect you from enemies have forsaken you and serve your enemies and the enemies of your
church; nevertheless, I am coming and I am with you and I am telling the rulers over you no longer
to persecute you, no longer to leave you over to the strangers, no longer to give you over to
the hand of those who do not have God as their master, for you are Mine, you are My today’s
homeland, in which I have prepared My bedding for My great work on the earth now, in the
end of the time.

Oh, My country, stand watch, and I at your helm, for you do not have mercy for you on
earth. Day and night I watch above you for you and for My work in you over the earth. Early in
the morning I hurry those in heaven for your protection. From sunrise to sunrise again, this is how
long I have been watching and preparing you for the feast of the day of My glory, for there is so
much glory over you for Me with you! The suns rises and sets and then it rises again, and in the
same way I work with you; I work with you, and the lie will perish, and satan will perish as
well, and it will come upon you the glory of the Lord, as it is written.

… Oh, Christian sons, be victorious through the church and be good under My arm and in
My mysterious house with you, and you will bear My name on your foreheads and the name of
God’s citadel, the New Jerusalem88, which is coming down from heaven, (Apoc: 3/12) and My
new name89: The Word of God. (Apoc: 19/13) And let he who has ears hear with them, let him
hear what the Spirits is speaking to you, My church, with which, I, the Lord, carry My cross.
Excerpt from the Word of God to the nations on earth and to their leaders, at the Feast of
the Saint Hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-2020. (N.S.) (12-12-2019 - Old style / after the Julian
calendar, r.n.) (On Calameo)

«The one who overcomes, I will make a pillar in the sanctuary of My God, from which he shall never be
removed. On such a person I will write the Name of My God, the name of the citadel of My God which is the new
Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from My God, and [I will write] My own new Name». (Apoc: 3/12)
«His eyes are a flame of fire, and on His head are many crowns. He has names written [TR/CT omits
“names written”] and a Name written which no one knows but Himself.
He is clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His Name is “The Word of God.”» (Apoc: 19/12,13)

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

I was in the midst of a people from various citadels and I told them the parable of the farmer
who went out to sow. As he sowed, some seeds fell by the roadside, and the birds trampled and
devoured them. Others fell on rocky ground and they sprang up but withered away because there
was no moisture, and still others fell among thorns but the thorns chocked them; and others fell on
good soil, and yielded fruit: some one hundred times as much, some sixty, and some thirty. (See
Matt: 13/3-8) Oh, this seed is the word of God, but the devil lies in wait near those who hear and
takes the word from them lest they believe and be saved. The seed on the rocky ground has no root
in itself but it endures for a while and those, who immediately receive it with joy, then stumble
because of temptations. The seed sown among the thorns does not catch any root because of the
cares, riches and pleasures of life and it becomes unfruitful. However, the seed sown on the good
ground, this is that which was sown in the man with a pure heart and it brings forth with
patience, and to the one for «whoever has, to him will more be given, and he who does not have,
from him will be taken away even that which he has», (Mark: 4/25), as it is written about the
parable of the sower.

And behold a great mystery, because the today’s soil of the Romanian people has been
chosen to be sown and it has brought forth fruit, and it is written in the history of this nation the
good wishes of the little plough poem, which describes by the words that God’s seed was
sown on good ground.

And in the time of the building of My church, a king came from afar, descending from the
seed of this nation, oh, and he was ordained by God to come and choose this land for Me, the Lord,
to come with the sowing and with the farmers and to sow the seed so that the good wheat may be
yielded, that this nation may be a Christian people. It is said in the story of the little plough uttered
in the houses that this king took his horse and stood up in his stirrups and looked upon the earth to
choose a clean field to plough and to sow it, oh, and that place was on this land, of the ancestors
of that time, and God sowed His seed by those who had come with the king, and these left the
news of the kingdom of the heavens and of its king, Jesus Christ, oh, and this country was born
at that time; it was born once with My coming on earth, and My Father called it My country,
and it has been a Christian country for two thousand years, and My seed has not dried within
it because the field was a good ground to sow, oh, and the ancestors were saying the story of the
little plough of this nation, and these mysteries have not been told in vain because everything was
and is within God’s care and they were pronounced over this land and they have kept on being
pronounced up to this day.

I have been speaking to the nations of the earth recently and I have told them this: Do not
wonder why here, for I am going to speak about this great mystery and you will be comforted,
because it is a time of great light, for the light is coming.

The farmer went out to sow his seed, and it fell here, on a good ground, and now, we are
spinning the holy memories, which the antichrist enemy keeps on trying to wipe them out and to
be forgotten, but no, I do not allow him to have access at My mysteries, for when he has been
working thorough his people to stop, in the church of the Romanian people, the pronouncing of
the prayers90 rebuking the devil so that it may depart from this land, from the houses of the Roma-
nian Christians, satan’s work, who is the enemy of God and of God’s saints’, now the saints from

90 Ibidem 3;

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

heaven are pronouncing the rebuking against the devil, and the holy hierarch with a great group
are working and casting out satan from everywhere on this holy land, and in the midst of the
people of My word it is being pronounced, once with the saint Basil, the departure of the
devil from the Romanian land and from all the Christian people all over the earth, and be-

May the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit rebuke you, together with all God’s saints
and with all the people of the word! Step aside as far as possible from those who are baptized
in a Christian way! And this country, you must know with all your devilish servants, that it
belongs to the Lord, Jesus Christ, born in the manger of the sheep two thousand years ago,
once with the birth of this people, Christianized two thousand years ago according to the
tradition left over and upon the first Christians, for the Christian people has been God’s
people on earth, and other nations, on which My seed was sown, have not kept it as they did not
have good ground, propitious to the end, but here the seed has been sown and it has yielded a
thousand as much, and this land is the country of bread, and it is even today and it has received
bread from heaven, that is I, the word on this land.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Circumcision and the Feast of the
Saint Hierarch Basil the Great, from 14-01-2021. (On Calameo)

Oh, My country of today, I am coming to you as word, and I have made a ruling citadel on
your hearth for you need heavenly protection over you now, oh, for you are conquered by pagans,
you, country with a Christian name even from My birth and yours on earth, I and you at the same
time, for then My Father gave Me your land to have it when I come as word on this land to the end
of the time, for the people of Israel gave Me over to death; it gave Me away from it; it did not
receive Me when I came from the Father to it; they did not want to believe, oh, they did not
want to do this, and behold, you have been My Christian country even since that time. Even
from the old time the pagans have been coming against you with weapons and war, and now the
pagans submit you to their will by working against you from their homes, from their hiding against
you so that you may not know its place, its attack and weapon, and behold, the pagan man keeps
you down under its pagan will, for he does not want you to be Christian, he does not want you to
be with God, and the servants at the altars are keeping a council with the pagans to sell you on
money, for they need money, not God, not their salvation from God.

… Oh, Romanian nation, protect your fatherly wealth, protect the dowry of your soul,
your country and faith, your church and people, as blessed is the people that has the Lord as
their God, as it is written, and you are Mine, and I am yours; I am the Lord and I am the Lord
your God, oh, My Romanian people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday of the Lent, of the Saint Pious Mary of
Egypt, from 18-04-2021. (On Calameo)

Now angels are sitting to the borders from all around, up and down, My country. You are
so dear to Me, because I have had you from the Father even from the beginning of the world. Oh,
dress up for your Lord, for Your bridegroom! Take on your little wedding dress and come
out of your burden, as I came out to overcome powerfully when the enemy made bold to
throw Me down and he did not understand that I am the Eternal One, that I am Who I am,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

oh, and this is what will come to this enemy and even more, he will now receive enough and to
spare the shame and he will completely melt away. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the
Lamb”, r.n.)

Oh, peace to you, peace to you, My country of New Jerusalem! Let your faithful sons
sing to Me and to you and let them sing My love for you! My blessing upon you is a weapon
against My enemy and yours as well. Oh, peace to you! I have been the Lord, your God, even
from the beginning. May the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, reign over you and from all around for
you, for the Holy Spirit rules over the world, as it is written!
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saint Archangels, Michael and Gabriel,
from 21-11-2021. (On Calameo)

It is your day and Mine and We have the feast for My birth on earth, My mother, but near
Us, Who are celebrated, My today’s country is celebrated as well, the country of My second com-
ing from near the Father after the man, mother. There is no one among the wise one who under-
stand and see then the fulfilled Scripture of My return to the people, as the messengers from
heaven told My disciples on the day of My ascension from their presence to the Father that
I would come back in the same way as I went to the place of My heavenly glory so that I may
come again at the fullness of time, the time that gives Me back to the people, oh, My mother.

Oh, behold how mysteriously I have come and keep coming! Is there anyone on earth to
read once again with his eyes wide open My coming again on earth as I went up into the heaven
on the clouds of the Lord’s glory and then to believe that I am coming in this way? (See the
selection topic: „He comes in the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds”, r.n.)

I set faith and a place of welcome and I have come, as it is written for Me to come, and My
today’s coming country has received Me and this happened and happens mysteriously, mother. I
am coming with the clouds, as I went up to the Father and I am releasing My voice from
above, from the clouds, and I am coming near with great care and protecting from all sides the
mystery and the work in order to come and to make Myself heard and set into My today’s book,
which I have shared over the earth page by page in order to feed the multitudes and for some
to take from others the word of My mouth by which I shepherd. (See the selection topic: „About
the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.)

We are coming with a table of word on earth, mother. Oh, how mysteriously God has to
work so that He may fulfill all of His Scriptures, for all things are written to be fulfilled and there
were not written in vain all the things of My work over the people, My mother! Behold how much
protection We have to set all the time for My today’s path among people, as at that time when I
had work to do on earth, mother! Romania is very much protected, for My coming has to be pro-
tected, My way, My walking on earth set in its midst, My mother.

I am protecting you with the whole heaven, My country. You are My today’s country,
that from the end of the time, My Romania. My enemy knows your mystery and he does not
rejoice, but he rather gets upset for pride is a very restless spirit and it does not let go so easily the
proud man who thinks that he is great and strong; nevertheless, the devils tremble in great terror
when they see God working and overcoming against all satan’s opposition, who loses ground once

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

with the fullness of time for the day of the Lord’s glory, the day of joy in heaven and on earth,
the day of the victory of God’s Lamb against any enemy. (See the selection topic: „The end of
the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.)

Oh, My mother, what a great protection you work over My today’s country! Behold, take
care of her as you took care of Me when I was a little baby and then always until you gave Me
back to the Father, mother, for I went to the throne of God’s glory and set then the Holy Spirit
to work in order to fulfill the threefold work of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit,
and then the day of My glory to come mother. (The threefold work of the Godly Trinity: From
Adam to the first coming of the Son - the Father's. Since first coming to the second - the work of
the Son, for the salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ. Since the second coming - the Word
of God (Apoc: 19/13.) - The Holy Spirit, the sanctifying work of the creature, «For I am the Lord
your God; and you shall be sanctified and you shall be holy, because I the Lord your God am
holy;» - Leviticus: 11/44, r.n.)

It is My today’s country under your care and it is the people of My word under your cover
of My mother and you work all things for Me so that the day of rest, so that it may come the day,
so much waited for, that is God’s rest for all the work of the new birth of the world, My mother.

― Oh, my Child of two thousand years, I received You in my arms as a little Baby at that
time. Then You grew up like a man, little by little, until the time of Your cross came. You paid for
the man’s salvation by Your sufferance on the cross to give the forgiven man back to God, for he
was the work of Your hands, dear Son. If the Father loved the world and gave for its salvation His
Son sent from the glory above down on earth after man, Your cross and death on it was the recon-
ciliation to the Father of the world fallen from God, because God cannot lose His work, oh, and
the Lord looks after His rest in the middle of His creation and then at the end of His work of
creation, at the beginning and in the end, and behold the end starts with the beginning, they are
bound together in the first place coming out of the waters at the beginning of the heaven and earth,
and the Romanian land is this little patch of land with which it started the visible appearance of
the creation of the world, dear Son.

We are coming to it, to the country of the beginning of the man made by God; we are
coming to lift it at its first glory and then the renewal of the world is coming, the new birth of
God’s creation from margins to margins, all by the Your word spoken over the Romanian land,
for You are God’s word (Apoc: 19/13) and all are made and worked by the word as in the begin-

Let us bless our today’s country, our way with it to the nations and languages of the world,
Lord Word! All the heavenly protection works for it, for You with it. My arms spread all over for
Your beautiful one, for God’s Romania, who carries in it the holy mystery of the world’s new birth,
this mystery well kept by all the kings and rulers of this country over time, and who are working
now over it and for it for Your mystery on its earth, Jesus Son.

It is a day of the feast of the birth, Son and God, and it is Your day and hers too, the day of
the birth of Your Romania, born as body and spirit on the day of Your birth on earth among the
people two thousand years ago, a country and a people born once, in one day, once with You,

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Lord. (See Ps: 22/30, 3191 - 22 MT = 21 LXX; Isaiah: 66/6-2492) The table of Your word on it in
its midst is a high mountain, from where You speak and bring the renewal, and its buds burst open,
as it is written. I am giving my protection for Your day of birth, Yours and hers, as well, and I am
also embracing the people of Your word, Lord.

― Oh, My dear mother and the mother of God’s sons, My brothers, We are in days of feast,
mother. The voice of My angels resounds from margins to margins, even if the world does not
have ears to hear the voice of the heralding messengers, but the angels work and speak from God,
they speak and proclaim My word once with Me. Let Us work holy powers for the way of My
coming; let Us make a clean path to the people, and let there come a great light over the people
and let these works be seen that they are being fulfilled, My mother! Amen.

And as for you, people who welcome God, take care of My country and yours, take care of
your little robe from God and from His path to you and then on the earth with His voice, with His
walking, for God goes speaking, and His word and calling are His steps over the earth, oh, My
people. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Birth – the second day: The Synod
of the Lord’s Mother, from 08-01-2022 (N.S.) (26-12-2021 - Old style / after the Julian calendar93)
(On Calameo)

Oh, peace to you, watching sons for the lord in the citadel! Peace to you, sons, peace to
you! Christ has risen! You have prepared a stopover for Us, peace to you! We bow to your faith,
to the love with which you receive those in heaven when they say that they come to you.

«… and my descendants shall serve Him: the generation that is coming shall be known to the Lord.
They shall declare His righteousness to the people that shall be born, whom the Lord has made». (Ps: 22/30,
31 - 22 MT = 21 LXX;)
«A voice of a cry from the citadel, a voice from the temple, a voice of the Lord, rendering recompence to
his adversaries.
… Who has heard such a thing? And who has seen after this manner? Has the earth travailed in one day?
Or has even a nation been born at once, that Zion has been in labor and brought forth her children?
… I will leave a sign upon them and I will send forth those who have escaped of them to the nations, to
Tharsis and Phud and Lud and Mosoch and to Thobel and to Greece and to the isles afar off, to those who have
not heard My name, nor seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory among the Gentiles». (Isaiah: 66/6-24)
(The Eastern Orthodox Bible - EOB)
Old Style (O.S.) and New Style (N.S.) ( are
sometimes used with dates to indicate either whether the start of the Julian year has been adjusted to start on 1 January
(N.S.) even though documents written at the time use a different start of year (O.S.), or whether a date conforms to
the Julian calendar (O.S.), formerly in use in many countries, rather than the Gregorian (N.S.)
The Church Calendar (in Romania) up to 1924 was the same as that of Nicaea, based on severe apostolic
canons, but in 1924, the Scripture of the prophet Daniel was fulfilled: «the people made bold to even change the
times», when the primate metropolitan - of that time, Miron Cristea, (Primate metropolitan = (in the past) a title given
to the first metropolitan of a country; today it would be equal to that of a patriarch) introduced the Gregorian Calendar
(Catholic) as result of a „pan-Orthodox” congress that took place in 1923, in Constantinople. At that congress, the
patriarch of that time, Meletie, proposed the acceptance of the „revised” Julian Calendar, (http://en.wikipe- which was in accord with the Catholic one for a period up to the year 2800 and
„it was allowing that all the feasts to be celebrated at the same time with those of other confessions”. «… and he
shall wear out the saints of the Most High and he shall think to change the times and the law…» (Daniel 7/25), r.n.

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

Oh, if I had not set aside a small people to prepare it for faith and for the ministry that
fulfills the Scriptures that are to come, it would have been difficult for the Christian nation, for the
land of My coming, for you, My today’s land, My Romania. Oh, I have prepared a great salvation
for you. I have raised out of your midst a little and tiny people to stand before Me for you as
praying and intercessor. I have loved you from the creation of the world when My Father
told Me your mystery. I molded with My hand out of your clay the man’s body and put in
him a spirit of life by My breath over him. (The name of the locality where the monastery is, is
Glodeni, derived from the Romanian word “glod”, which means clay to be processed by hand as
in clay vessels, r.n.) I loved you as I loved the first man built and behold your mystery, My love
for you, My country from the beginning and from today, when I, God, the Son, am coming again
on your hearth and building again, and I am working again the word from the Father and
then its visible fulfillment then, and he who does not believe My coming and the work of My
word, that one is condemned, as it is written.

Oh, how dear you are to Me, but also to My saints and angels, My country! Peoples around
you or from far away coveted and covet you, but you are God’s dear one, you are the first
one, as in the beginning of the world when the earth was taken out of the waters. I am speaking
to you before the peoples on earth and confessing before them that the Lord is your God and
protects you in a special way from beginning to the end and forever.

I am standing with the armies of saints and angels above you and at your borders. You are
God’s Garden, the edelweiss so much protected on earth and in heaven, and the Lord is fighting
for your life, and satan is fighting all the time as well. I have always spoken My word in you
and chase away satan’s army, so that the ruler of this world without God may know, to know
that he has no right upon you, that he is not allowed, that he cannot pass over God and that
he must obey God’s word in your midst, oh, and this enemy will be completely overcome, who
is as old as the world is, and old in all evil things from the beginning, since man started to listen
to him in paradise, oh, and since then the paradise has been closed to be protected, but once with
the falling of the disobedient man in paradise, satan started his fight behind man that he may not
escape the fallen one from his cunning advise in the garden of the paradise, oh, and no one has
known until today that by man’s falling in the disobedience from God and in haughtiness the
angels of the cunning advice also fell then, but My watch stopped that pain in heaven, only that
the fight on earth against man has been great since then, and it has on the side of the light the Son
of God, by Whom the heaven and the earth were made, oh, and satan is weak, but man has given
his work and that is why he can and works.

Behold, today is a feast of word in My garden in you, My country! I am comforting you

with the voice of My word that breezes like a sweet little wind above the garden and they bring
comfort by speaking. In the time of My trumpet, Virginia, I put word into the book and said: “The
Romanian land is being prepared for the godly commandment and plan, and rejoice, Romanian
people that are Christian, but woe to you that live on this land and are estranged from Me!”
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after the Holy Passover, of the Holy
Prudes, from 08-05-2022. (On Calameo)

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

Romania - The New Jerusalem - The New Canaan

You can see more documents containing the Word of God here:
The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n.

You can also see the following thematic selections:

Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan

The apocalyptic trumpets
The apocalyptic fire;
What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?;
Enoch and Elijah;
Resurrection of the dead;
The false prophet and the ecumenism;
The dead hear My voice;
The rapture of the Church
The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast
About the kingdom of God
The true church
The great tribulation
The mystery of the man and woman
About fasting and almsgiving
About the graven image and the sign of the cross
The mystery of humankind salvation - the mystery of incorruptibility
The coming in a visible way
As in the days of Noah
The Wedding of the Lamb
The fearful judgment
This word is the river of life
He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds
About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life
The Book of the Lamb (The Book of Life) - The Word of God (1955-2005)
The glory of God
The changing of the holidays – renunciation of faith
The heaven – the throne, the earth – the footstool: the man deified
As lightning that comes from the east, so is the coming of the Lord
About baptism
The apocalyptic white horse

The following thematic selections from God’s Word will be published immediately after

The End of the world and the Day of the Lord;

Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).


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