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Tribulation", R.N.) : Resurrection of The Dead

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The Word of God1 at the feast of the three hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John2
I come close to the manger of My word and I come down into it as word so that My word
may go from it over the earth, preaching Me within My coming of today, for today are the days of
My coming, as I said through the Scriptures two thousand years ago.
You, from the manger, and all who live like you for the waiting of My coming with the
saints and for the saints, get used to your life in Me abundantly, to My holy teaching and to the
exhortation for a great watching, for there comes the time of trouble for every man who has
not got God for his teaching and for his life and light. (See the selection topic: The great
tribulation, r.n.)
You all who share the bread from heaven among you, the word of eternal life; you who
give to the hungry from it, give power to My gifts among you, the holy gifts over to you, and let
them come true that you are Mine between heaven and earth, for the dead will get up and confess
their life on the earth and My work of today with which I, the Lord, fulfill the Scripture of
the resurrection of the dead. (See the selection topic: Resurrection of the dead3, r.n.) But once
with this fulfillment, the antichrists servants will appear and they will try to bring this mystery to nothing. He will send his false servants, who will say that they have lived on earth life
after life until today. (They would say that they have been reincarnated several times, r.n.) Here
is the lie that has been worked out for a long time, and its people make haste to fulfill a great
errancy, which will be called the resurrection of the dead. The man of lawlessness will appear
and will speak about his life lived on earth one hundred years ago, and many other hundreds of
years ago, and the man on the earth will stay and listen, and he will not be afraid of such a leading
astray. And those who were resurrected will also confess their life in the flesh and My coming
within this word that I speak to the dead, (See the selection topic: The dead hear My voice4,
r.n.) the same way I worked two thousand years ago, when I rose from the dead in My body
from the grave, and many rose with Me and appeared to the people, and behold, some will
be the dead who were resurrected, and others will be the living ones, who will lie from place
to place to frustrate, as they say, the mystery of the resurrection from the dead.
The man did not want to learn standing with his heart above in heaven. The priest gets out
before the altar and lifts up the book of My Gospel, a book covered with gold, silver, precious
stones and ornaments of all kinds, and raising it he says: We should have our hearts above!

Gods Word in Holy Citadel New Jerusalem monastery, Glodeni Romania, redactor note.
Translated by I.A., r.n.
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(At the holy liturgy, r.n.). And this does not come true; those inside of the book, those which speak
about Me then and now, are not being fulfilled upon the people, for behold, I am coming again,
and the man does not read My Gospel, and rather he reads and listens to the man, from the book
of the man. Oh, the book of My Gospel does not have to be decorated on the outside and that is
all. It has to be lived from those things inside of it. It has to be shown to the man with those from
inside and not from outside.
Soon, soon, crowds of priests will arise and get rid of the falsehood of life and they
will want to serve in a heavenly way; moreover, they will humble before Me and will urge
the crows to come back to Me. And they will give Me their lives so that I may give Mine to them
too, and they will tread with it over the falsehood of life, and they will take from My word of today
and make it alive over the people, for My word is the gift of eternal life for the man who loves his
heavenly life within him.
Behold, every man is taught to make himself a family, for he says that this is left into the
world, instead of saying to make a heaven in him, a dwelling place where I should live with My
saints and angels, a heavenly family in man, in the mans heart, body and life. And I come and
find the man within his wills and I try to help him with My word, but he has been getting used to
be careless and unfaithful; however, I come, and he does not hear or see Me coming and speaking
within My coming, and he does not get up to pray to God for light and for life. I am the One Who
teaches the man how to pray to Me, praying in him, as I prayed in David when I said: Here
I am, I have come to do Your will, My God, for it is written about Me in the scroll that I come.
And in Isaiah I said: I clothe the heavens with darkness and make sackcloth its covering. The
Lord God gave me a well-instructed tongue, to know the word that sustains the weary. He wakens me morning by morning, weakens my ear to listen like one being instructed. Behold, I am
the One Who taught the man to pray asking for the fulfillment from the Father as I did. I am the
One Who prays in man for the fulfilling of the Scriptures, for a new heaven and a new earth,
for the life of the age to come. I am the One Who fulfills My promises from the prophets and
psalms and from Moses Law, for I have always been and I have been the Son of the Father, the
Word of the Father, the work of the Father within man and among the people, the work of the
Father within saints in heaven and on earth for seven thousand years.
I cross the air with groups of saints and angels, and the saints are My crown of glory. I
became a holiday for the saints in the garden of the manger of My word, and I find Myself in it, I,
with My saints and their holidays. I am here with the three saints, Basil, Gregory and John, for
they have heavenly bodies, like Me, and I come on and on with them on the earth for My work
with the saints on the earth. In the time when they wanted to come together in a single holiday
after they all came for the heavenly ones, the three came down on the earth and told those
that worked out disunion among them for the distinguishing of their greatness in life; they
told them that they are one in heaven, and that is why they should have a single holiday for
the three of them, and after they set a holy day for them went from them to heaven. Behold,
they worked this way for My work of today, coming down on the earth on My beginning in
1955, in My trumpet Verginica, and coming, they anointed her for My work with it, and
again, coming again, they had an anointment over My garden and over those that are in it,
My servants, day and night, for the work of my word upon the earth. (See the selection topic:
The apocalyptic trumpets5, r.n.) They are forever a work of a bishop upon My little garden of

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today and upon those that bring Me a sacrifice of prayer and forgiveness in it for the human kind.
They are those who loved the truth in everything in their holy life, for it is no other truth but in the
saints. Amen. And behold, the true holy days for the saints on the earth are the holy days of
those who celebrate the saints, living their life and their holy teachings. The true saint, the true
bishop among the people is the one who let Me stand in front of the people when he is with the
In the moment of repentance, the man should not have before him only the priest (At the
mystery of confession, r.n.). Oh, the moment of repentance should not be this way. The one, who
does not stay face to face with Me by the priests intercession, does not know what it means to be
the Lords servant, and the Lords servant, who is the only one to stand before the man and only
through him, again, does not know what the true service in My name is. When I judged the world,
I sat on the cross and this way I judged it, and in this way I showed how it should live and how to
be like Me if it wants. And here, the true holy days for the saints and for the Lord are they who
celebrate those from heaven, living their life and their holy teaching, and those that are sanctified
for My coming with the saints, for My coming of today; they are those that I have room in with
the plan of the days of My coming, with My holy ones, by which I work the new man, who gives
himself to Me for My work and the work of My saints in him. Amen.
There is not even a tiny place on the earth for the truth. I look and see multitudes gathered
in the places called churches. There is no one accustomed to those in heaven anymore, but only to
those on the earth. There are only mans needs everywhere, and My wills are crucified on the
cross. Behold, the truth has found no place on the earth, but only on the cross, again and again,
and among the people there is only mans will even there where the man says that it is a church,
as it has been used to say from man to man. I am the truth, and the man keeps Me on the cross, so
that I may not be in the way of his wills or his works. The servant of the church stands only himself
before the people, and not I with him, for he does not work to take after Me, and the servant, who
does not stay on the cross to judge, can never be a judge. But he judges into My name, and he
makes for himself a high position into My name that no one can throw him down from his seat.
But I am with the small ones, with those from under the cross, with those that help Me carrying
the cross of My coming, the sign which is shown before My appearance and of My day. (See the
selection topic: The true church6, r.n.)!hYFABQjI!WDh3HPbi0TbWQBaudyme40T23PLy4yxzjIETNAynUG8
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I have been speaking for forty years and I speak again upon the man to draw him from the
way of death and to give him My way. I want to weaken the man so that I may overcome him and
dwell in him afterwards and to give him My life to carry, but behold, the man has been possessed
by the woman for seven thousand years, for the woman add weakness by her weakness upon
the man. But the man does not let himself to be weakened and overcome by Me, but only by the
woman. The same is with the servant who sets himself upon the man into My name, and the same
are all those that are led by these. Behold, every man learned how to make a family for himself,
instead of saying that a man should make a heaven in himself, and I come and find the man in his
own wills and want to help him with My word brought by Me at his manger. But the man is used
to be indifferent to God and to all those for his body and the soul sighs in the man like in a prison.
I go through the air with hosts of saints and angels and come down together with them
above the manger of My word, and find the watchmen watching and I set Myself as the word from
the book among them, and then I go across the earth with it and make by it the work of My coming
with the saints, for I work through the word. But who takes his time for the celebration of My
coming? Who is to tell the people of My coming? The kings of the earth and the men of their
church gave gifts, stars and medals to one another into the name of My grave from Bethlehem, as
in the time of My crucifixion, and they do not know why they do this, and willy-nilly they fulfill
the Scriptures which spoke in its time about this work. Here, at Bethlehem was fulfilled the
Scriptures which says: I saw a woman drunken with the blood of the saints and of the martyrs
of Jesus. And on the waters that she sits upon there are peoples and nations and languages. And
the ten horns and the beast will hate the prostitute and will turn her into a wilderness and naked,
and they will eat her flesh, and burn her into the fire; as the Lord put into their hearts to do his
will and to come to the same thought so as to give their kingdom to the beast until the words of
God will be fulfilled. And the woman is the great city which has authority over the kings of the
The kings of the earth met at Bethlehem and bowed down to the beast and to the woman
sitting upon the beast, the woman who as authority over the kings of the earth, and she gave them
gifts, stars and medals. But she is falling down by her fornication, and the saints are standing up
and testify from heaven and earth about the holy truth and about My coming with the judgment;
the judgment by the word. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: The Judgment7, r.n.)
What kind of work of brotherhood can the mixtures of the church with the world full of her
lusts be? What kind of church work can this be? Oh, it is written in the Scriptures: Friendship
with world is enmity with God. And here, the man likes brotherhood, but this is for himself not
for Me. But let you, who are the people of My coming in the middle of Romania, take delight in
being brothers for Me to help Me be called all over the earth by My power and through you, those
who became brothers in My name for Me and not for yourselves. What kind of brothers can
they call themselves, they who pull My hand from one side and the others who pull My hand
from the other side? (The Orthodox and Catholic churches, r.n.). They fraternize to beat Me
nails; some of them into one hand and some other into the other hand, and then to do their own

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wills, mixed under a church name, under a secret name, which the work of the iniquity of those
who do evil is hidden under. And here, My church is not from the earth and whoever wants
to look for will not find it for it is not. It is there where I am. It is there where My people are
with Me, not with the world, not like the world, but like God. Amen.
And you, who are the people of My coming, do My will and not yours. Be brothers among
yourselves for Me, but not for yourselves. Do not come apart among you, but rather come together
under the holy church, for the brothers who have factions among themselves, draw Me from one
hand, and others from other hand for their justice, and they keep Me as stretched out on the cross,
with my arms spread as on the cross. However, I want My holy will in My church, for I sacrificed
Myself to make a church on My sacrifice on the cross, on its foundation, which is My body. The
true brothers are those who do My will among them and before Me, for Me and not for them.
The true brothers are those in whom only My kingdom is worked by the spirit, the soul and
the body; only My love, by which I sacrificed Myself for the man. The true sons of God are
those who keep holy their spirit, and soul and body, working from their inside at My kingdom, in which there is no pain but only life without death; everlasting life of God in man.
Those, who are brothers in My name, hear My voice and follow Me and not the man, and they
follow My saints who gave themselves as an example of everlasting life before the people.
Here is what the three bishops that I stay today as a celebration upon My manger for My
people and for all those who heavenly celebrate with the saints on the earth:
Come to the spring of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Come, you, who sacrifice the Lord on the
altars! Come and learn to sacrifice yourselves like us for Christs flock! Come here near the
spring, as we, the saints from heaven, come from heaven with the Lord here and listen to the word
of the last days. Get up for the sacrifice! Sacrifice yourselves on the cross and take in you the
Lords face, the Lords image and His humility garment. Open the Gospel and read from it, but
not only on Sunday at the service. Do not open it in covers gilded with gold and silver to make the
weak mind of the people wonder. Open it! And open it well and take out of it the water of life for
you and for the Lords sheep. Seek to come out of the guilt of your sins, for a servant of the Lord
cannot take care of himself, but only of the Lords sheep. Come of the womans possession, for
you have Christ as your head if your follow the Lord as the apostles did. Save yourselves from the
lying life and flee the silver, wealth and lusts. Flee the death and repent, for the Lord is coming,
and He has always come, and you are not watching. Get together with those from heaven, not only
with those on the earth, for we, the saints, paid with our life the heaven, and took it, and were
carry it from place to place. Do not stand before the people for yourselves. Stand with the Lord,
but be like the Lord, so that you may stand with Him before the people and your work may be
And we speak again: come to the spring of the Lord, Jesus Christ! Come, you, servants of
the altars; you, who have a clean and holy life and fear of God! Come to this mountain, the mountain of a holy teaching and learn the true way and get up on it, for it leads and always leads up
again; it leads up to the Lord and does not go down and does not lead to destruction, but rather
to the Lord. The Lord has been speaking for forty-five years upon the earth through the spring of
this word. Come too, those that are still clean and holy in the middle of this church from the
world; come and lay hands on the cross and overcome the lying from the world and the
church from the world by it. Take the traitors out from the temple as well, or you get out
and become a temple for God, so that the Lord may have a pure church, to be the chosen
first fruits among the people. Amen.


And you, Lord, seal our word upon those that love You in the world and give them power
to get out of the world for You, the same way as we worked for You and for our faith in the churches
in the time of our body on the earth, and make the man thank You for this bread coming down from
heaven on the earth, as we, Your saints from heaven, thanked You when we came with You at Your
wedding table in the middle of Your little garden of Your manger, where You were seated as a
supper of word, a wedding table, Lord, Your wedding table. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection
topic: The Wedding of the Lamb, r.n.)
Oh, My servants who toiled on the earth in the time of your body! I strengthen your
word with My word. Soon, soon, you shall go from place to place as in the time of your body
and testify on the earth My time with you. The trumpet of My word calls out and it is heard
in the graves and in heavens, and woe to those that do not hear from the earth to take on their new
garment, the life for My coming!
And you, who are on the earth and take from My manger the heavenly bread for your life,
give yourself to the life, for it comes to clothe you in its garment. Do not get tired in Me, and be
alive only by My resurrection in you.
Soon, soon, those, who were in the beginning, are coming to the earth. The heaven is
coming down to the earth for the work of the New Jerusalem, as it is written into the Scriptures of the new heaven and the new earth. It is not the man of this age, not the man who does
not do My will on the earth, not him, but I will be and fulfill it; I and not the man of this age; I and
those who do My will, the will of My Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, My will from
heaven with the man. Amen, amen, amen.
Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
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