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Highly Compact AC-AC Converter Achieving A High Voltage Transfer Ratio

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2, APRIL 2002 345

Highly Compact AC–AC Converter Achieving

a High Voltage Transfer Ratio
Jie Chang, Senior Member, IEEE, Tom Sun, and Anhua Wang

Abstract—This paper reports a new, highly integrated modular

design approach for pulsewidth-modulation ac–ac converters
based on a modular phase-bank structure. Novel high-power
3-in-1 integrated bi-directional power modules (IBPM) rated at
1200-V ac and 150 A and the 3-to-1 phase bank circuits have
been successfully developed, fabricated, and tested. This enables
the modularity design of the multiphase converter systems and
reduces the critical parasitic inductance. A theoretical analysis of
the IBPM’s silicon utilization for this new breed of direct power
converters has been outlined. A lab prototype at medium power
level has been successfully designed, implemented, and tested
with good results. A nearly 460-Vrms out voltage at a 1 : 0.955
voltage transfer ratio, which, perhaps, is the highest performance
reported so far in the literature, has been achieved by the novel
two-side modulation control system. The converter-fed ac motor
system is able to operate over the 0–240-Hz range with inherent
regenerative capability and four-quadrant operation. Potential
industrial applications are also briefly highlighted in this paper.
Fig. 1. Configuration of ac–ac converter system and BDS.
Index Terms—AC–AC pulsewidth-modulation converter, in-
tegrated bidirectional power device modules, modularity power
circuit design, regenerative applications, voltage and current at 1200 V are developed for medium- to high-power applica-
utilization factor of the power devices, voltage transfer ratio.
tions. The criteria for determining power device rating will be
discussed. Furthermore, as a systematic optimization approach,
I. INTRODUCTION the modular phase-bank circuit is developed. This effectively
minimizes the connection terminals and simplifies the converter
O NE-STAGE pulsewidth-modulation (PWM) ac–ac power
conversion faces many challenges, including the un-
availability of semiconductor bi-directional power switches,
power bus structure and wiring. A converter prototype system
which can achieve nearly 460-V output with a 0.955 voltage
control gain is successfully developed. The corresponding over-
achieving a high voltage transfer ratio, achieving safe and
modulation strategy will be discussed and experimental results
effective phase circuit commutation, and utilizing a cost-ef-
will be presented in the final sections.
fective design. Most reported ac–ac converters [2], [4], [5]
based on modern semiconductor device technology use discrete
two-quadrant devices. Although using commercially available II. POWER CIRCUIT AND SYSTEM CONFIGURATION
discrete switches may satisfy the need for an early academic A simplified power circuit and a control block diagram of
development of controlling matrix converters, their ratings are an ac–ac converter are illustrated in Fig. 1. The mathematical
often limited to a low power range, e.g., below 2–3 hp, and relations between the input and output voltages and currents
at a low voltage. The parasitic inductance associated with the in terms of the switching functions of the power converter are
connection network of the electrical power wires that connect a given in the following:
number of the discrete two-quadrant switches can be excessive
for this type of forced commutated power converter with the
PWM operation. On the other hand, the large component count
due to the usage of many discrete devices often increases the
difficulty of designing of a reliable system.
This paper presents a new modular phase-bank design ap-
proach. Integrated bi-directional power modules (IBPMs) rated
Manuscript received April 20, 2001; revised August 24, 2001. Abstract pub-
lished on the Internet January 9, 2002. This work was supported by Rockwell
The authors are with Rockwell Scientific Company, Thousand Oaks, CA
The input source voltages can be described by
91360 USA.
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(02)02888-5. (3)
0278-0046/02$17.00 © 2002 IEEE


The symbol in (1) and (2) is a bilateral switch in each phase

of the power converter circuit in which repre-
sents the phase on the load side, and represents
the phase on the input side. A number of PWM control algo-
rithms that define the switching matrix in (1) have been reported
in [2]–[6]. A simplified block diagram of the control system out-
lined in Fig. 1(c) is detailed in the following sections.
As metnioned earlier, at present, the high-power bilateral
semiconductor switches with self-turn-off capability are not
available. While the development of future bilateral power
switches that are based on the lateral device structure [8]
is still in the early infancy stage, the discrete two-quadrant
power semiconductor devices were commonly evaluated and
used by the power conversion communities. As shown in
Fig. 1(b), insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT)/MOSFET
devices with a common-collector connection can configure
a bidirectional switch (BDS). Two fast recovery diodes are (b)
necessary to provide the reverse-voltage blocking capability
in each direction. The ac–ac converter based on this type of
BDS [5]–[7] has the inherent auxiliary commutating current
paths upon which advanced commutation approaches can be
developed without interrupting the load current. However,
considering a three-phase to three-phase converter, as shown in
Fig. 1(a), using 18 two-quadrant switches results in excessive
parasitic inductance. A large number of components and
complicated wire connections are major disadvantages for the
circuit commutation at the high alternating current in the PWM
operation. Practical problems, such as large component counts (c)
and the complexity in the circuit design and packaging, would Fig. 2. (a) Schematic of the 3-in-1 integrated switches. (b) A 3-in-1 IBPM.
largely offset the potential advantages of the matrix converters. (c) Simplified schematic of the 3-in-1 phase-bank circuit.
To overcome these problems, a new concept of an integrated
bi-directional power module (IBPM) has been conceived. The converter development using this type of IBPM is available in
insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) devices at the chip [9].
level are integrated into individual ac switches. The ac switches In our development, initial IGBT-based medium power IBPM
are configured and designed into IBPM modules by a direct modules that are rated at 150 A and 1200 V have been designed,
bonding copper (DBC) according to an optimized configuration developed, and fabricated as shown in Fig. 2(b). The key device
for the three-phase and single-phase applications. A simplified parameters and characteristics are given in Table I.
schematic of the grouping and partitioning of the circuit is
shown in Fig. 1(a) inside the dashed-line boxes and a detailed IV. DEVICE RATING AND SILICON UTILIZATION ANALYSIS
schematic is in Fig. 2(a). Each module in Fig. 2(a) has three
built-in ac switches, therefore becoming a novel 3-in-1 power A. Device Current Rating
IBPM. More detailed information of this type of 3-in-1 IBPM In a design of a BDS, the current ratings of the diode and
is available from [6]. IGBT should be equal. In the following sections, we will
In the same U.S. patent, a 9-in-1 fully IBPM module has also further discuss several important design issues, including the
been conceived and predicted for the ac–ac power converters power rating determination of the BDS, silicon utilization and
at low power range, below 10 hp. This new ac power module economy, as well as other system design issues.
contains all semiconductor power switches of the converter and Consider a phase-bank circuit, shown in Fig. 2(c), at the worst
is able to perform a direct one-stage power conversion from a case of a full load current near the peak value at a very low
three-phase constant-frequency input to a three-phase variable- output frequency.
frequency output. Such a fully integrated IBPM prototype has The load current, , is evenly shared over a considerable time
been developed and fabricated. A recent report of a prototype period by three ac switches, , , and , as shown in Fig. 2(c).

TABLE I Typically, the dynamic braking circuit is activated when

KEY DEVICE PARAMETERS OF IBPM is greater than 110% of the peak value of the rated input line
voltage. It will then operate with a hysteresis control typically
in a voltage band of 100–120 V for a 460-V rated ac drive. This
adds about 10% voltage overhead on the power switches. It,
therefore, results in a 10% reduction of the device voltage uti-
lization factor for a 1200-V IGBT in producing a real output
In comparison, the ac–ac converter in Fig. 1 has a built-in
inherent line regeneration capability. The motor kinetic energy
can be transferred back to the line side instantaneously without
significantly raising the voltage level in any part of the converter.
The ac–ac converter eliminates the 10% voltage overhead due
to the requirement of a handling energy regenerated on the dc
link. Therefore, the voltage utilization factor of the devices in
the ac–ac converter is 10% higher than that of a conventional
inverter system.
As a design example, it should be theoretically possible to de-
At a very low frequency, the load current can be assumed to sign 480-V and 575-V multiple-phase ac–ac regenerative con-
be a dc current for the purposes of the device rating analysis. verters using, respectively, 1000-V and 1200-V ac switch mod-
The relation between an average current carried by a bilateral ules instead of using 1200-V and 1400-V devices, respectively.
switch, , and the load current, , can In a practical design, the optimized utilization factor of the
be approximated by device’s VA ratings should largely compensate for the cost con-
tributed by a large number of power devices. This would allow
(6) ac–ac converters to offer a better performance-over-cost ratio
in comparison to the conventional two-stage inverter systems
where is the peak value of the load current, , considering that are currently dominating the existing ac drive market for
, where is the load rms current industry applications.
The snubber capacitor, , across the input power terminals,
(7) indicated as , , and in Fig. 2(c), can be approximately deter-
mined by
The relationship between the device and the load rms current
then becomes:
where is the voltage safe-margin coefficient (
Equations (6) and (7) indicate that the theoretical average cur- 0.85–0.92), is the current transient overload ratio, is
rent and the rms current carried by an individual bilateral power the rated voltage of the ac switch, is the total equivalent
switch are far less than a per-phase load current. The silicon inductance in the conduction path of the per-phase circuit,
power devices of IBPM should run at a lower temperature at and is the input line-to-line voltage. The inductor of the
the equivalent load and the cooling conditions in comparison input power filter can be sized according to the switching
with those in conventional inverter systems. A careful design characteristics of the converter.
for device rating and proper thermal management of the power
converters could result in an improved optimal device’s cur- V. SYSTEM IMPLEMENTATION AND CONTROL
rent utilization factor. The objective of this optimal design is A modular phase-bank power circuit has been further
to achieve maximum utilization of the device’s current rating developed. In addition to the integration at the switch level,
for a predefined load current rating. The constraint of the op- the 3-in-1 IBPM module is further integrated with the gating
timization is to limit the device junction temperature to under and snubber circuits to form a 3-to-1 phase-bank circuit, as
125 C with a safe margin. Various optimal design results can shown in Fig. 3(a). Each working 3-phase to 1-phase ac–ac
be obtained based on different load profiles and cooling mech- conversion circuit contains only one such IBPM module, which
anisms. This is a very important design optimization for ob- results in a highly compact phase-bank circuit of Fig. 2(c).
taining a cost-effective system design. Fig. 3(a) illustrates a simplified schematic of the phase bank
circuit in which the snubber circuit is omitted. The modular
B. Device Voltage Rating phase-bank circuit, as shown in Fig. 3(b), has been designed,
In a conventional two-stage inverter with a diode bridge experimentally implemented, and tested up to 480-V ac input.
front-end, a dynamic braking circuit is typically incorporated This integrated phase-bank approach reduces the power con-
into the inverter design to suppress the dc-bus voltage rise due nection terminals from 12 to 4 compared to the design that uses
to the regenerated energy from the ac motor. the discrete IGBTs. This reduces the external bus structure,


Fig. 4. DSP control system block diagram.

(b) semiconductor device. On the other hand, the three input

power lines, shown in Fig. 2(c) as , , and , should never be
Fig. 3. Modular phase-bank design and implementation. (a) Simplified
schematic of the 3-to-1 phase-bank circuit. (b) Physical prototype of the 3-to-1 connected at the same time to the output terminal via the
phase-bank circuit. switch matrix network in order to avoid short circuiting.
Because it is not possible to achieve a perfect switching syn-
chronization of the incoming and outgoing devices, the elec-
wiring, and cost. The integrated phase-bank circuit is controlled
tronics control circuit is responsible for an optimized control
by a PWM scheme referencing the source neutral, as depicted
sequence and ensuring safe and efficient commutation. Fortu-
in Fig. 2(c). This phase-bank structure also makes it possible to
nately, the integrated ac switch configuration maintains inde-
use the common power cells for three-phase, multiple-phase,
pendent control of the current flow in both directions, as shown
or single-phase ac–ac converter systems. The cell application
in Fig. 2(c). The inherent flexibility in arranging the commu-
could be extended to ac–dc and dc–ac systems with minor
tating current path can be used to reduce the stress and switching
connection changes.
losses. However, in a medium-to-high-power converter, the load
A single-board digital signal processing (DSP) controller current amplitude varies from zero to a full load value. Also, a
based on a TMS320C32 is employed for the control of the ac–ac large variation in the amplitude of the commutation current ex-
converter and an induction motor drive system. A simplified ists in every fundamental cycle. Therefore, an adaptive scheme
control system block diagram is given in Fig. 4. On board, the for the commutation time control is analyzed to enhance the
TMS320C32 is a low-cost, 32-bit floating-point digital signal power circuit commutation. The commutation circuits are flex-
processor, operating at 50 MHz. The matrix control equations ible to be programmed for alternative approaches. Fig. 4 illus-
in (1) and (2) are translated into the modulation algorithms in trates the interface arrangement of the input and output signals
the time domain that performs PWM modulation in both the of the adaptive commutation control circuit block. The design
input-side and load-side. Different algorithms are programmed has been detailed in the author’s previous report [6], [7]. The
in firmware modules and then compiled and downloaded for device commutation wave collected from the experimental tests
execution. The modulation and control algorithms can be con- will be reported in the next section.
veniently selected and executed for performance comparison
and evaluation.
Another major challenge of the design and control of the
ac–ac power converters is to achieve safe and reduced-stress A medium-power three-phase ac–ac converter has been built
commutations and to minimize the commutation losses. A based on the modular 3-to-1 phase-bank design and the 3-in-1
momentary interruption of the load current is very undesirable IBPMs. A photograph of the prototype is shown in Fig. 5. The
since most electrical loads are of the inductive type (for newly developed 3-in-1 IBPMs and the modular phase-bank de-
instance, ac motors). Large transient voltage spikes induced sign approach greatly improves the system compactness, inte-
by lead to damaging overvoltage stress to the power gration, and power density. The proposed converter possesses

Fig. 5. AC–AC converter laboratory prototype.

Fig. 7. Optimal PWM control increases the voltage transfer ratio at high
frequencies (f =
90 Hz, f = 8 kHz).

Fig. 8. Voltage and current of ac–ac converter fed induction motor drive at 460
V output (f = 40 Hz, f = 8 kHz).

Since the of the turn-off voltage is controlled at about

250 V/ s, far less than the counterpart of a conventional inverter,
it reduces the induced stress on the motor windings.
An overmodulation operation with 90-Hz fundamental fre-
quency, which is 50% higher than the input line frequency, is
Fig. 6. Voltage and current waves of IBPM bilateral switches during illustrated in Fig. 7. The triplen harmonic injection, together
commutation. with an optimal overmodulation in the line side, improves the
converter’s voltage transfer ratio by approximately 95.5%, com-
a superior power density and desirable performance for many pared to the optimal modulation limit of 86.6% [3]. The motor
industry applications, as highlighted in Table II. Our initial cal- current is sinusoidal at 90 Hz.
culations and paper design show that it is possible to achieve a The switching frequency of the converter can be adjusted
3-to-1 size reduction, in comparison with conventional, indus- from 2 to 15 kHz. Fig. 8 (Trace 2) shows the output line-line
trial regenerative ac drives, by using the newly developed design voltage between two-phase banks or motor phases. The inte-
methodology and IBPM modules. grated bilateral devices switch satisfactorily under the proposed
Fig. 6 illustrates the voltage and current waves of the IBPM commutation control at an 8-kHz switching frequency. The
bilateral switches during a commutation. Trace 1 shows an voltage waveform of the commutation is clean with little
IBPM device voltage waveform during a turn-off with a load overshoot. The motor currents are sinusoidal. The line-side
current near its peak value. The load phase current waveform modulation method will be discussed in the next section. This
is shown in Trace 2. The transient turn-off voltage and current novel two-side modulation system achieves 458-V out voltage
are well controlled by the commutation circuit, without having at a voltage transfer ratio of 1 : 0.955, achieving perhaps the
voltage spike overshoot and the interruption in the load current. highest performance reported in the literature. Further, an out-

Fig. 9. Motor current spectrum (f = 45 Hz).

Fig. 11. Example line–line waveform of the input-side PWM.

Fig. 10. Motor current and control signal under an emergency stop.

put voltage spectrum analysis is illustrated in Fig. 9. A pre- Fig. 12. Input current and voltage of an ac–ac converter operating a 10-hp
induction motor at 60 Hz (light load).
cise fundamental component is obtained at the commanded fre-
quency, while high-order PWM harmonics are centered at an
8-kHz switching frequency, which is placed far away from the By further applying a pulse-drop technique, the voltage
fundamental frequency. The ac–ac converter operates from 0 to transfer ratio of 95.5% can be achieved. The ratio of 95.5% is
240 Hz with a satisfactory inherent regeneration. chosen to match the voltage transfer ratio of today’s industrial
An instantaneous stopping of the ac–ac converter is a con- inverter-fed ac drive products. In this case, the corresponding
cern for safe operation due to a rapid cessation of the in- fifth and seventh harmonics introduced by the overmodulation
ductive load current. Fig. 10 illustrates the motor current and can be partially compensated by adjusting the converter system
control signal under an emergency stop situation. The power parameters, such as the input filter, depending on the applica-
circuit and control design of this system ensure safe opera- tion requirement.
tion under an emergency stop without inducing overvoltage An initial test and evaluation of the input power quality of the
or overcurrent that could stress the power switching devices. ac–ac converter has been performed at light load conditions. The
Due to space constraints, further analysis will be detailed in a voltage transfer ratio of 95.5% can be achieved with a relatively
future report. good quality of input current control at light-load test condi-
tions. Input current and voltage of the ac–ac converter with an
VII. INITIAL EVALUATION OF INPUT POWER QUALITIES induction motor load at 30% of the rated slip frequency are il-
An example waveform of the ac–ac converter input-side mod- lustrated in Fig. 12.
ulation is illustrated in Fig. 11. In Fig. 12, Trace 1 shows the input voltage waveform at
This modulation pattern requires low switching frequency at 60 Hz with no voltage glitches and spikes during the de-
the input side and contains no fifth and seventh harmonics. To- vice commutation. As illustrated in Trace 2 of Fig. 12, the
gether with the triplen harmonic injection technique highlighted continuous and approximated sine-wave input line current at
in Fig. 7, this modulation method shown in Fig. 11 can obtain a 60 Hz is achievable. This type of continuous and approxi-
voltage transfer ratio of 91%. mated sine waveform would improve the total power factor

This paper reports a novel, highly integrated modular design
approach for ac–ac converters based on a modular phase-bank
structure. Novel high-power 3-in-1 integrated IBPMs rated at
1200 V and 150 A and the 3-to-1 phase-bank circuits have been
successfully developed, fabricated, and tested. This enables
the modularity design of the multiphase converter systems and
reduces the critical parasitic inductance. A theoretical analysis
of the IBPM’s silicon utilization for this new breed of direct
power converters has been outlined. A lab prototype at medium
power level has been successfully designed, implemented, and
(a) tested, yielding a good performance. A 458-Vrms out voltage
at an 1 : 0.955 voltage transfer ratio, which, perhaps, is the
highest performance reported so far in the literature, has been
achieved by the novel two-side modulation control system. The
converter-fed ac motor system is able to operate over 0–240 Hz
with the inherent regenerative capability and the four-quadrant

The authors gratefully acknowledge the valuable con-
tributions and support from their colleagues at Rockwell,
especially Dr. J. Hu, D. Braun, Dr. D. Cheung, Dr. T. Nondahl,
Dr. G. Skibinski, Dr. R. Kerkman, W. Weber, L. Penkowski,
Fig. 13. Illustration of the current spectrum of the conventional inverter with and K. Hall. Special thanks are due to D. Harvey,
a diode-rectifier front-end bridge. (a) Input current waveform of the diode Dr. R. Bayerer, Dr. T. Schutze, J. Thurau, and N. Perkins of
rectifier. (b) Spectrum of the input current.
Eupec, Inc., for their support of a device fabrication. Special
thanks are extended to S. Field and G. Campisi at the U.S.
on the input side and further improve the energy conversion Office of Naval Research. Thanks are also due to J. Zhang for
efficiency as compared with the conventional inverter with a his documentation support.
rectifier front end. Trace 3 illustrates the output motor current
operating at 60 Hz in an open loop volt/hertz control mode
with a high-quality sinusoidal modulation. It is expected the REFERENCES
input current quality will be degraded somehow at a full load [1] L. Gyugyi and B. Pelly, Static Power Frequency Changes: Theory, Per-
formance, and Application. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1976.
and full voltage output condition due to the possible physical
[2] A. Alesina and M. Venturini, “Intrinsic amplitude limits and optimum
constrains for achieving the overall optimized performance. design of 9-switches direct PWM AC–AC converters,” in Proc. IEEE
This would be an interesting subject to be further evaluated in PESC’88, 1988, pp. 1284–1291.
the future. [3] C. L. Neft and C. D. Schauder, “Theory and design of a 30 horsepower
matrix converter,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, 1988, pp.
In comparison, the input current and voltage waveforms of a 934–939.
conventional inverter with a six-pulse diode-rectifier front-end [4] J. Oyana, T. Higuchi, E. Yamada, and T. Lipo, “New control strategy
are collected and illustrated in Fig. 13(a). Its frequency spec- for matrix converter,” in Proc. IEEE PESC’89, 1989, Rec. 1989, pp.
trum is shown in Fig. 13(b). This type of discontinuous and 360–367.
[5] L. Huber and D. Borojevic, “Space vector modulation with unity input
double-pule shape of current waveform contains rich har- power factor for forced commutated cycloconverters,” in Conf. Rec.
monics, including the fifth- and seventh-order of harmonics IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting, 1991, pp. 1032–1041.
with substantially large amplitude in comparison with the fun- [6] J. Chang, “Adaptive overlapping commutation control of modular ac–ac
converter and integration with device module of multiple ac switches,”
damental 60-Hz current components as indicated in Fig. 13(b).
U.S. Patent 5 892 667, 1999.
As expected, this type of waveform distortion will deterio- [7] J. Chang, T. Sun, A. Wang, and D. Braun, “Medium power AC–AC con-
rate the total input power factor and produce the harmonic verter based on integrated bidirectional power modules, adaptive com-
pollution. mutation, and DSP control,” in Conf. Rec. IEEE-IAS Annu. Meeting ,
1999, pp. 1864–1870.
From the initial evaluation and comparison, the ac–ac con- [8] H.-h. Li, “Bidirectional lateral insulated gate bipolar transistor,” U.S.
verter reported offers superior performance in the clean-power Patent 5 793 064, Aug. 1998.
control and higher total input factor on the input side over the [9] C. Klumpner, P. Nielsen, I. Boldea, and F. Blaabjerg, “A new matrix con-
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Jie (Jay) Chang (S’86–M’88–SM’92) received the Tom Sun received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in
M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering electrical engineering, specializing in high-perfor-
from the University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, mance DSP circuit and digital systems, and real-time
Canada. control system. He is currently working toward the
Since 1996, he has been with Rockwell Science Ph.D. degree at the University of California, Los
Center (RSC), Thousand Oaks, CA, as a Principal Angeles.
Scientist, Manager of Control and Power Tech- He has more than ten years of working experience
nology. He is a founder of the power electronics in industry electronics circuit design.
system laboratory and power and control programs
at RSC and a Member of the Rockwell Technical
Panel on Power Electronics. He has been responsible
for establishing strategically critical power control
programs at RSC and responsible for the program resources, successful
execution, and technical deliverables of the multiple-million-dollar programs
per year. From 1988 to 1995, he assumed key industrial positions, including
Principal Engineer and Senior Principal Engineer at Reliance Electric Research
Center; Senior R&D Engineer at Westinghouse Electric and V.P. of Engineering
at TASC Drives and Electrical South, Inc. He was a key technical contributor Anhua Wang received the B.Sc. degree in electrical
to several brand-name IGBT ac drive products of Reliance Electric and engineering.
Westinghouse, including SA3000, SB3000, and ACUTRAL700 made in the She is a Member of Technical Staff at Rockwell
U.S., from fractional to 1000 hp, as well as three-level PWM inverters and Scientific Company, Thousand Oaks, CA. She has
control systems. He has more than 18 years of experience in advanced power more than ten years working experience in power
converters and systems, high-performance and high-power ac motor drives, converters and electronics design, prototyping,
real-time control, and electrical motor diagnostics. At RSC, he served as and fabrication. She also has high-level skills of
Program Manager (PM) and Principal Investigator (PI) for several contractual fabrication and miniaturization of various electronics
programs of the U.S. Government, Boeing, and Rockwell in advanced power sensors and circuits. She has authored more than
conversion, control, and embedded diagnostics systems. He has authored more ten technical publications in the areas of advanced
than 45 published technical papers and is the holeder of several patents. power converters and control and sensors.

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