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ESPEN Guidelines On Definitions and Terminology of Clinical Nutrition

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Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

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ESPEN Guideline

ESPEN guidelines on definitions and terminology of clinical nutrition

T. Cederholm a, *, R. Barazzoni b, P. Austin c, y, P. Ballmer d, G. Biolo e, S.C. Bischoff f,
C. Compher g, 1, I. Correia h, 1, T. Higashiguchi i, 1, M. Holst j, G.L. Jensen k, 1, A. Malone l, 1,
M. Muscaritoli m, I. Nyulasi n, 1, M. Pirlich o, E. Rothenberg p, K. Schindler q,
S.M. Schneider r, M.A.E. de van der Schueren s, z, C. Sieber t, L. Valentini u, J.C. Yu v, 1,
A. Van Gossum w, P. Singer x
Departments of Geriatric Medicine, Uppsala University Hospital and Public Health and Caring Sciences, Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Uppsala
University, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Medical, Surgical and Health Sciences, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Pharmacy Department, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Department of Medicine, Kantonsspital Winterthur, Winterthur, Switzerland
Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Trieste, Trieste, Italy
Institute of Nutritional Medicine, University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany
School of Nursing, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Surgery, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Department of Surgery and Palliative Medicine, Fujita Health University, School of Medicine, Toyoake, Japan
Center for Nutrition and Bowel Disease, Department of Gastroenterology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
The Dean's Office and Department of Medicine, The University of Vermont College of Medicine, Burlington, VT, USA
Pharmacy Department, Mount Carmel West Hospital, Columbus, OH, USA
Department of Clinical Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
Nutrition and Dietetics, Alfred Health, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Internal Medicine, Elisabeth Protestant Hospital, Berlin, Germany
Department of Food and Meal Science, Kristianstad University, Kristianstad, Sweden
Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Department of Gastroenterology and Clinical Nutrition, Archet Hospital, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, Nice, France
Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Institute for Biomedicine of Ageing, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Hospital St. John of Lord, Regensburg, Germany
Department of Agriculture and Food Sciences, Section of Dietetics, University of Applied Sciences, Neubrandenburg, Germany
Department of General Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing,
Department of Gastroenterology, Clinic of Intestinal Diseases and Nutritional Support, Hopital Erasme, Free University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium
Department of Critical Care, Institute for Nutrition Research, Rabin Medical Center, Sackler School of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Petah Tikva 49100 Israel
Pharmacy Department, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
Department of Nutrition, Sports and Health, Faculty of Health and Social Studies, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Nijmegen, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Background: A lack of agreement on definitions and terminology used for nutrition-related concepts and
Received 9 September 2016 procedures limits the development of clinical nutrition practice and research.
Accepted 9 September 2016 Objective: This initiative aimed to reach a consensus for terminology for core nutritional concepts and
Keywords: Methods: The European Society of Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) appointed a consensus
Terminology group of clinical scientists to perform a modified Delphi process that encompassed e-mail communi-
Definition cation, face-to-face meetings, in-group ballots and an electronic ESPEN membership Delphi round.

€ ldsva
* Corresponding author. Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, Public Health and Caring Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala Science Center, Dag Hammarskjo €g 14B, 751
85 Uppsala, Sweden.
E-mail addresses: (T. Cederholm), (R. Barazzoni), (P. Austin),
(P. Ballmer), (G. Biolo), (S.C. Bischoff), (C. Compher),
(I. Correia), (T. Higashiguchi), (M. Holst), (G.L. Jensen),
(A. Malone), (M. Muscaritoli), (I. Nyulasi), (M. Pirlich), elisabet.rothenberg@ (E. Rothenberg), (K. Schindler), (S.M. Schneider), (M.A.E. de van
der Schueren), (C. Sieber), (L. Valentini), (J.C. Yu), (A. Van Gossum), pierre. (P. Singer).
Global co-authors contributing late in the process.
0261-5614/© 2016 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
50 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

Results: Five key areas related to clinical nutrition were identified: concepts; procedures; organisation;
Clinical nutrition delivery; and products. One core concept of clinical nutrition is malnutrition/undernutrition, which in-
Medical nutrition cludes disease-related malnutrition (DRM) with (eq. cachexia) and without inflammation, and malnu-
trition/undernutrition without disease, e.g. hunger-related malnutrition. Over-nutrition (overweight and
obesity) is another core concept. Sarcopenia and frailty were agreed to be separate conditions often
associated with malnutrition. Examples of nutritional procedures identified include screening for sub-
jects at nutritional risk followed by a complete nutritional assessment. Hospital and care facility catering
are the basic organizational forms for providing nutrition. Oral nutritional supplementation is the
preferred way of nutrition therapy but if inadequate then other forms of medical nutrition therapy, i.e.
enteral tube feeding and parenteral (intravenous) nutrition, becomes the major way of nutrient delivery.
Conclusion: An agreement of basic nutritional terminology to be used in clinical practice, research, and
the ESPEN guideline developments has been established. This terminology consensus may help to
support future global consensus efforts and updates of classification systems such as the International
Classification of Disease (ICD). The continuous growth of knowledge in all areas addressed in this
statement will provide the foundation for future revisions.
© 2016 European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights

1. Introduction established [2]. The presented Guideline standard operating pro-

cedures (SOP) aimed to generate high quality guidelines using a
Nutrition plays a pivotal role in life and in medicine. Acute and clear and straight-forward consensus procedure, with one of the
chronic diseases in most organ systems have pronounced effects on goals to establish international leadership in creating up-to-date
food intake and metabolism with increased catabolism, which lead and suitable-for-implementation guidelines. To provide a termi-
to nutrition-related conditions associated with increased morbidity nology basis for the guideline development was one of the reasons
and eventually death. At the other end of the spectrum, diet is a for launching this initiative.
major determinant of future health, i.e. the absence or post- An international expert group of experienced clinical scientists
ponement of disorders like cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, can- was compiled to form the Terminology Consensus Group and to
cer and cognitive disease [1]. undertake a modified Delphi process. The consensus group par-
In order to handle nutritional challenges during disease, trauma, ticipants, i.e. the authors, were selected to represent various clinical
rehabilitation, and elderly care as well as for the nutritional pre- nutrition fields, as well as various professions; dietitians, nurses,
vention of disease it is essential to use professional language and nutritionists, pharmacists and physicians from clinical and basic
standard terminology that is founded on evidence and widely science. It was agreed within the group to base the process on open
accepted in the professional community. However, this is not al- e-mail communications, face-to-face meetings and open and closed
ways the case. For example, concepts and terms of nutritional ballots. The purpose was to ensure that communication was
disorders in the current International Classifications of Diseases maintained at each milestone (see below) until a consensus was
(ICD-10) ( may not al- reached among all participants. Thus, the statements are based on
ways be consistent with modern understanding or terms consensus rather than on systematic literature searches.
commonly used in clinical practice and research. This ESPEN Consensus Statement is partly based on the 2014
Therefore, it is important for the nutritional practice and initiative by the German Society of Nutritional Medicine Working
research communities, including dietitians, nurses, pharmacists, Group (DGEM WG) and the related publication “Suggestions for
physicians and scientists as well as their respective scientific as- terminology in clinical nutrition” [3]. The WG consisted of dele-
sociations, to reach consensus on the terminology and criteria to be gates from DGEM as well as from the Austrian Society of Clinical
used for nutritional disorders as well as for core nutritional pro- Nutrition (AKE) and the Swiss Society of Nutritional Medicine
cedures such as screening, assessment, treatment and monitoring. (GESKES). In this DGEM WG-led process thorough literature
A unification of the appropriate terminology would enhance the searches were undertaken in order to create lists of potential
legitimacy, credibility and comparability of nutritional practices nutritional terms. The terminology was discussed and definitions
and could also support future updates of disease and procedure determined in face-to-face meetings and multiple electronic Delphi
related classification systems, such as the ICD system. This may lead rounds [3].
to improvements in clinical care and the advancement of the Additional input was solicited from global contributors whose
clinical and scientific nutrition fields. suggestions were considered by the writing group during the final
These aims led the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and writing phase. They are listed as co-authors due to their substantial
Metabolism (ESPEN) to appoint a Terminology Consensus Group contributions.
with the mission to provide such a set of standard terminology with
a main focus on adults.
2.2. Defined milestones of the consensus process

2. Methodology The overall process was based on five major milestones ac-
cording to the ESPEN Guideline methodology [2] with some
2.1. Aim and selection of the expert group modifications:

Part of the continuous work of ESPEN is to produce guidelines - Map and establish taxonomy of nutritional nomenclature
that support improvements in clinical care and facilitate research. - Define criteria for nutritional conditions and concepts
In 2014 new standards for setting ESPEN Guidelines were - Describe general nutritional procedures and processes
T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 51

- Define organizational forms of providing food and nutritional nutrition encompasses the knowledge and science about body
care that are available composition and metabolic disturbances that cause abnormal
- Define forms, routes and products for nutrition therapy and changes in body composition and function during acute and
delivery chronic disease. [Consensus, 89% agreement]
Malnutrition/undernutrition, overweight, obesity, micro-
We resigned to structure the text thoroughly in statements and nutrient abnormalities and re-feeding syndrome are clear nutri-
comments, because it seemed not adequate for the present topics. tional disorders, whereas sarcopenia and frailty are nutrition
Moreover, we did not indicate levels of evidence for the statements, related conditions with complex and multiple pathogenic back-
because for most issues clinical trials are lacking. However, we grounds (Table 4, Fig. 1).
indicate the strength of consensus according to the ESPEN classi-
fication (Table 1). 3.2. Clinical nutrition
Final consensus beyond the working group was achieved by a
Delphi round using an electronic platform and offering five voting 3.2.1. Malnutrition. Synonym: undernutrition
options (agree, rather agree, indecisive, rather disagree, disagree) Malnutrition can be defined as “a state resulting from lack of
and the possibility to place individual comments. Apart from the intake or uptake of nutrition that leads to altered body composition
guideline authors, other ESPEN members were invited to partici- (decreased fat free mass) and body cell mass leading to diminished
pate within four weeks. A total of 38 experts took part and voted physical and mental function and impaired clinical outcome from
and provided comments. The main text was divided into 90 para- disease” [5]. Malnutrition can result from starvation, disease or
graphs open for voting. The voting results are indicated in the text advanced ageing (e.g. >80 years), alone or in combination [6].
using the classification of Table 1 and the exact percentage of Basic diagnostic criteria for malnutrition have been defined by
agreement (sum of ‘agree’ and ‘rather agree’). an ESPEN Consensus Statement [7]. Those general criteria are
intended to be applied independent of clinical setting and aeti-
2.3. Map of nutritional terminology ology. A similar approach to define diagnostic criteria has been
described by a working group of the American Society of Parenteral
A decision was taken to organize the terminology base into five and Enteral Nutrition (ASPEN) and the Academy of Nutrition and
categories as described in Table 2. Dietetics (Academy) [8]. For details, see respective papers.
[Consensus, 82% agreement]
3. Results Briefly, the ESPEN criteria [7] could be summarized that prior to
the diagnosis of malnutrition the criteria for being “at nutritional
3.1. Nutritional concepts risk” according to any validated nutritional risk screening tool must
be fulfilled. Any of two alternative sets of diagnostic criteria will
Nutrition science deals with all aspects of the interaction be- confirm the diagnosis; i.e. either reduced body mass index (BMI)
tween food and nutrients, life, health and disease, and the pro- <18.5 kg/m2 in accordance with the underweight definition pro-
cesses by which an organism ingests, absorbs, transports, utilizes vided by WHO, or combined weight loss and reduced BMI (age-
and excretes food substances [4]. [Strong Consensus, 97% dependent cut-offs) or reduced gender-dependent fat free mass
agreement] index (FFMI).
Human nutrition addresses the interplay of nutrition in humans. Similarly a brief summary of the ASPEN and Academy [8] criteria
Preventive nutrition addresses how food intake and nutrients may for malnutrition is that six malnutrition criteria need to be
affect the risk of developing disease such as cardiovascular disease considered for the potential diagnosis of malnutrition; i.e. low
(CVD), obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), dementia and energy intake, weight loss, loss of muscle mass, loss of subcu-
cancer, either for populations or for individuals. Public health taneous fat, fluid accumulation, and hand grip strength, whereof at
nutrition targets actions on a population level in order to reduce the least two should be fulfilled for the diagnosis of malnutrition.
nutrition related major non-communicable diseases (some There is an obvious need for the global nutrition community to
mentioned above) (Table 3). [Strong Consensus, 95% agreement] come together and find a consensus on the crucial issue of which
Clinical nutrition is the focus of the present terminology criteria to use for the malnutrition diagnosis [9]. [Consensus, 85%
consensus initiative, which is the discipline that deals with the agreement]
prevention, diagnosis and management of nutritional and meta- Subordinate to the general diagnosis of malnutrition are the
bolic changes related to acute and chronic diseases and conditions aetiology-based types of malnutrition. Table 4 and Fig. 2 describe
caused by a lack or excess of energy and nutrients. Any nutritional and depict disease-related malnutrition with or without inflam-
measure, preventive or curative, targeting individual patients is mation, and malnutrition/undernutrition without disease. Sub-
clinical nutrition. Clinical nutrition is largely defined by the inter- classifications of malnutrition are crucial for the understanding of
action between food deprivation and catabolic processes related to the related complexities and for planning treatment. [Consensus,
disease and ageing (Table 4, Fig. 2). Clinical nutrition includes the 85% agreement]
nutritional care of subjects with CVD, obesity, T2DM, dyslipidae-
mias, food allergies, intolerances, inborn errors of metabolism as Disease-related malnutrition (DRM) with inflammation.
well as any disease where nutrition plays a role such as cancer, DRM is a specific type of malnutrition caused by a concomitant
stroke, cystic fibrosis and many more. Furthermore, clinical disease. Inflammation is an important watershed for malnutrition
aetiology [8,10e12]. Thus, one type of DRM is triggered by a
disease-specific inflammatory response, whereas the other is
Table 1 linked mainly to non-inflammatory etiologic mechanisms. [Strong
Classification of the strength of consensus. Consensus, 97% agreement]
Strong consensus Agreement of >90% of the participants DRM with inflammation is a catabolic condition characterized
Consensus Agreement of >75e90% of the participants by an inflammatory response, including anorexia and tissue
Majority agreement Agreement of >50e75% of the participants breakdown, elicited by an underlying disease. The inflammation
No consensus Agreement of <50% of the participants
triggering factors are disease specific, whereas the inflammatory
52 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

Table 2
Taxonomy of nutrition terminology, i.e. the structure of nutritional nomenclature as presented in this consensus statement.

A. Classification, definition and diagnostic criteria (when feasible) of core nutritional concepts and nutrition-related disorders (Tables 3 and 4, Figs. 1 and 2)
B. Descriptions of nutritional procedures, and explanations of how assessment, care, therapy, documentation and monitoring are performed (Table 5)
C. Organization and forms of delivery of nutritional care (Table 6)
D. Forms of nutrition therapy, i.e. types and routes (Table 7)
E. Nutritional products, i.e. formulas and types of products for oral, enteral and parenteral use

Table 3 A special concern is that malnutrition is an emerging occurrence

Classification of nutritional concepts. among overweight/obese persons with disease, injury, or high
❖ Human nutrition energy poor quality diets in both developed and developing
➢ Preventive nutrition countries. The underlying general mechanism is a misbalance be-
▪ Population based public health nutrition tween the energy intake, energy expenditure and the quality of the
➢ Clinical nutrition
nutrient intake. Fat mass/adipocytes in excess, especially in the
form of central obesity, are associated with an inflammatory
response that also likely contributes to the state of malnutrition
Table 4 (see also Section
Classification of clinical nutrition concepts; i.e. nutrition disorders and nutrition Subordinate concepts to DRM with inflammation are;
related conditions.

❖ Clinical nutrition - chronic DRM with a milder inflammatory response, and;

➢ Malnutrition; Synonym: Undernutrition - acute disease- or injury-related malnutrition that is character-
▪ Disease-related malnutrition (DRM) with inflammation
ized by a strong inflammatory response (Table 4, Fig. 2)
 Chronic DRM with inflammation; Synonym: Cachexia
A Cancer cachexia and other disease-specific forms of cachexia [8,10e12,14]. [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
 Acute disease- or injury-related malnutrition
▪ DRM without inflammation. Synonym: Non-cachectic DRM Chronic DRM with inflammation. Synonym: cachexia.
▪ Malnutrition/undernutrition without disease. Synonym: Non-DRM
The two concepts of chronic DRM with inflammation and cachexia
 Hunger-related malnutrition
 Socioeconomic or psychologic related malnutrition are exchangeable, although cachexia is often incorrectly perceived
➢ Sarcopenia as end-stage malnutrition. Cachexia is traditionally described as “a
➢ Frailty complex metabolic syndrome associated with underlying illness
➢ Over-nutrition and characterized by loss of muscle mass with or without loss of fat
▪ Overweight
mass. The prominent feature of cachexia is weight loss in adults”
▪ Obesity
 Sarcopenic obesity [15,16]. The cachectic phenotype is characterized by weight loss,
 Central obesity reduced BMI and reduced muscle mass and function in combina-
➢ Micronutrient abnormalities tion with an underlying disease that displays biochemical indices of
on-going elevated inflammatory activity. Cachexia occurs
➢ Refeeding syndrome
frequently in patients with end-stage organ diseases that are
[Consensus, 80% agreement] complicated by catabolic inflammatory responses, which include
cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), inflamma-
tory bowel diseases, congestive heart failure, chronic kidney dis-
ease and other end-stage organ diseases. The systemic
pathways leading to anorexia, reduced food intake, weight loss and inflammation that drives the catabolism of such disorders is usually
muscle catabolism are fairly consistent across underlying diseases. of milder character; i.e. for example serum concentrations of C-
The degree of metabolic response induced by the disease de- reactive proteins (CRP) seldom exceed 40 mg/L, although inflam-
termines the catabolic rate and at what point during the disease matory flares may occur during disease exacerbations. CRP >5 mg/L
trajectory when clinically relevant malnutrition occurs. The role of is suggested as a lower limit to define relevant inflammation in this
inflammation in the development of malnutrition is emphasized in scenario; although other CRP cut-off levels for various given
a non-diagnostic definition, i.e. “malnutrition is a subacute or methods, as well as other biochemical inflammatory markers,
chronic state in which a combination of negative energy balance could be considered.
and varying degrees of inflammatory activity has led to changed Cachexia, as described in cancer, can progressively develop
body composition, diminished function and adverse outcomes” through various stages: pre-cachexia; cachexia; and refractory
[5,11]. Advanced ageing per se may contribute to the state of cachexia [16,17]. Cancer cachexia, which is a specific form of chronic
inflammation [13]. Moreover, inactivity and bed rest accelerate DRM with inflammation, is according to Fearon et al. [17] defined
muscle catabolism during DRM with inflammation. by either weight loss >5% alone, or weight loss >2% if BMI is

Fig. 1. Overview of nutrition disorders and nutrition-related conditions.

T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 53

Fig. 2. Diagnoses tree of malnutrition; from at risk for malnutrition, basic definition of malnutrition to aetiology-based diagnoses

reduced (<20 kg/m2) or fat free mass (FFM) is reduced; i.e. depression, or malabsorption due to intestinal disorders such as
appendicular skeletal muscle mass index <7.2 kg/m2 (men) or short bowel syndrome (for example after bowel resection due to
<5.5 kg/m2 (women). [Strong Consensus, 93% agreement] mesenteric infarction), are other mechanisms for the development
A similar concept known as cardiac cachexia has been estab- of non-inflammation driven DRM. Advanced ageing per se may
lished by Anker et al. [18] for patients with chronic heart failure contribute to DRM without inflammation by anorexia; denoted
which is based on non-intentional and non-oedematous weight “anorexia of ageing” [19] (see Section 3.2.3), that is caused also by
loss >7.5% of the premorbid normal weight. Cardiac cachexia is non-inflammation related mechanisms. Inflammation may for
associated with abnormal neuroendocrine and immunologic some of the described diseases be involved in the initial phase of
function and impaired prognosis independent of age and severity of the malnutrition trajectory, but does not have a clinically relevant
disease. impact in the later phases of the malnutrition process. For some
Patients with pre-cachexia are at risk of malnutrition due to the diseases, e.g. Crohn's disease, patients may oscillate between
inflammatory response elicited by the underlying chronic disease malnutrition with and without inflammation.
[16,17] (see Section Diagnostic criteria for DRM without inflammation/non-
Diagnostic criteria for chronic DRM with inflammation/cachexia cachectic DRM are identical with those for malnutrition, com-
are suggested to be the same as those for malnutrition combined bined with an underlying disease but with no biochemical indices
with the simultaneous presence of an underlying disease and of present or recurrent inflammation. [Strong Consensus, 94%
biochemical indices of either ongoing or recurrent inflammation. agreement]
Biochemical indicators of inflammation include elevated serum
CRP concentrations and/or reduced serum concentrations of albu-
min. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] Malnutrition/undernutrition without disease. Synonym: Non- Acute disease- or injury-related malnutrition. DRM. Whilst DRM is the principal form of malnutrition in affluent
Patients in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) with acute disease or societies, hunger is still the principal cause of malnutrition in poor
trauma (e.g. major infections, burns, closed head injury) or those developing countries. Hunger is mainly of non-DRM origin. Within
after major surgical procedures display specific nutritional chal- the concept of non-DRM there are also miscellaneous socioeco-
lenges with high risk of consequent malnutrition due to their often nomic/psychological mechanisms operating which are unrelated to
highly pronounced stress metabolism [14]. The combined action of availability of food. As indicated advanced ageing may contribute to
high pro-inflammatory cytokine activity, increased corticosteroid any form of malnutrition/undernutrition.
and catecholamine release, resistance to insulin and other growth The metabolic phenotype and the principles for treatment of
hormones, bed rest and no or reduced food intake pave the way for non-DRM are in many respects similar for undernutrition/starva-
a fast decline of body energy and nutrient stores. Such patients tion due to hunger, socioeconomic/psychological factors, or DRM
need to have nutrition care plans initiated irrespective of body without inflammation. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
weight or any anthropometric measurement. Hunger-related malnutrition. Hunger-related malnu-
There are no agreed objective criteria for malnutrition in the ICU trition is caused by deprivation of food, and is mainly appearing in
patient, but the obvious catabolic clinical picture always needs to be poor developing countries and can manifest through famine due to
managed from a nutritional point of view. [Strong Consensus, 97% natural disasters like droughts or flooding.
agreement] Diagnostic criteria for hunger-related malnutrition are the same
as those for malnutrition when hunger or food deprivation in the
absence of disease is the clear cause for the condition. [Strong DRM without inflammation. Synonym: non-cachectic DRM. Consensus, 97% agreement]
DRM without inflammation/non-cachectic DRM is a form of Socioeconomic or psychologic related malnutrition.
disease-triggered malnutrition in which inflammation is not Non-DRM, other than hunger-related malnutrition as described
among the etiologic mechanisms. These alternative mechanisms above may emerge during difficult situations such as poverty, social
could include dysphagia resulting from upper digestive obstruc- inequities, poor care, mourning, poor dentition, self-neglect, im-
tion, neurologic disorders such as stroke, Parkinson's disease, prisonments or hunger strike. Such conditions have effect not only
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) or dementia/cognitive on the energy intake, but also on the quality of the food intake.
dysfunction. Psychiatric conditions like anorexia nervosa and [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
54 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

3.2.2. Sarcopenia simple index of weight-for-height. It is defined as a person's weight

Sarcopenia is a syndrome of its own characterized by the pro- in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters.
gressive and generalised loss of skeletal muscle mass, strength and Accordingly,
function (performance) with a consequent risk of adverse out-
comes [20e22]. Whilst often a phenomenon of the ageing pro- - BMI between 25 and 30 kg/m2 implies overweight
cesses (primary sarcopenia) preceding the onset of frailty (see - BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 implies obesity
below), it may also result from pathogenic mechanisms (secondary
sarcopenia) [20] that are disease-related, activity-related (e.g. Obesity can be further classified in grades according to BMI
disuse) or nutrition-related (e.g. protein deficiency).
Diagnostic criteria for sarcopenia have not been firmly estab- Obesity grade I: BMI 30 e <35 kg/m2
lished to date. The ESPEN endorsed recommendations of the Eu- Obesity grade II: BMI 35 e <40 kg/m2
ropean Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older Persons [20], as well Obesity grade III: BMI 40 kg/m2
as the statement from the ESPEN Special Interests Groups of
Cachexia in Chronic Disease and Nutrition in Geriatrics [16] indicate Grading of obesity could be adjusted for race/ethnicity. Thus,
an algorithm based on loss of muscle mass and strength and/or corresponding lower cut-offs have been proposed for Asian pop-
function. Muscle mass can be estimated by any validated technique, ulations both for diagnosis of obesity [28,29], and for risk of
which in clinical practice usually involves dual x-ray absorptiom- obesity-associated complications [30].
etry (DXA), bio-electric impedance analysis (BIA) or computed to- As previously mentioned in Section it is also common for
mography (CT) scanning. For example, reduced muscle mass could overweight/obese persons to be malnourished in the setting of
be indicated by an appendicular skeletal muscle mass index disease or injury or consumption of high energy poor quality diets,
<7.26 kg/m2 (men) and <5.5 kg/m2 (women) [20]. Reduced muscle such that over-nutrition and malnutrition may exist simulta-
function may be designated by reduced gait speed or failure of the neously. [Strong Consensus, 94% agreement]
chair standing tests (which tests lower extremities). Practical Sarcopenic obesity. Sarcopenic obesity is defined as
diagnostic cut-offs for gait speed are considered to be: <0.8 m/s obesity in combination with sarcopenia that occurs for example in
[20] or <1.0 m/s [21]. Reduced muscle strength may also be older individuals, in those with T2DM, COPD, and in obese patients
measured by handgrip strength; suggested cut-off points are with malignant disorders and post organ transplantations. Mech-
<20 kg for women and <30 kg for men [20]. [Strong Consensus, 94% anisms include inflammation and/or inactivity induced muscle
agreement] catabolism in obese patients [31,32]. The condition can occur
virtually at all ages. Sarcopenic obesity e see section , For body composition measurement in clinical practice DXA
might be most accurate in obese individuals. Computed tomogra-
phy (CT) scan is an alternative emerging technology for the mea-
3.2.3. Frailty
surement of muscle mass. There is no clear consensus about normal
The definition of frailty is evolving, as this emerging concept is
ranges for fat-free mass index (FFMI, fat-free mass/height2), and the
still under discussion among experts in gerontology and geriatrics
uncertainty is even larger for the obese individual, since the normal
[23]. The general perception is that frailty is a state of vulnerability
ranges might be different from the lean population [33]. Low FFMI
and non-resilience with limited reserve capacity in major organ
and high FMI was associated with poor outcome in terms of length
systems. This leads to reduced capability to withstand stress such as
of hospital stay when compared with normal FFMI or FMI, when
trauma or disease and thus frailty is a risk factor for dependence
using BIA in a large cohort of hospital patients [34].
and disability. Frailty is mainly related to advanced age but never-
Currently, there are no commonly accepted criteria for sarco-
theless it is considered to be modifiable by lifestyle interventions.
penic obesity beyond those for sarcopenia and obesity separately.
The condition contains nutrition-related components; e.g. weight
Muscle function can be assessed by strength and power as for
loss, and is linked to sarcopenia [24]. In that capacity physical frailty
sarcopenia, i.e. muscle strength by using hand grip measurements
merits to be listed among nutrition-related conditions. Anorexia of
or chair stand tests. Muscle power could be measured by gait
ageing is an unintentional decline in food intake caused by factors
speed, or by assessing patient autonomy by Activity of Daily
such as altered hormonal and neuro-transmitter balance affecting
Living (ADL) scores and mobility by for example the Short Physical
hunger and satiety which may contribute to age-related weight loss
Performance Battery (SPPB) [35]. [Strong Consensus, 97%
[19]. Financial constraints, loneliness, depression, difficulties with
chewing (including poor dentition) and presbyphagia (changes in Central obesity. Accumulation of intraabdominal fat is
the swallowing mechanism) are further examples of conditions
associated with higher metabolic and cardiovascular disease risk
that may contribute to malnutrition and thus to frailty in the more
[27], which includes insulin resistance, T2DM, dyslipidaemia and
hypertension. These associations are most relevant in moderately
Several sets of diagnostic criteria for physical frailty have been
obese patients (BMI<35) as well as in non-obese individuals cate-
suggested. The phenotype of frailty as defined by Fried et al. [25]
gorized as overweight (i.e. with BMI 25- 30). The presence of cen-
included the fulfilment of three out of five criteria: weight loss;
tral obesity (also known as abdominal, visceral, upper-body or
exhaustion (fatigue); low physical activity; slowness (e.g. reduced
android obesity) can be clinically defined by increased waist
gait speed); and weakness (e.g. low grip strength). Detailed cut-off
circumference (WC) measured in the mid-horizontal plane be-
values for each measurement have been suggested, but consensus
tween the superior iliac crest and the lower margin of the last rib
is yet not achieved [26]. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
[36]. Recent European consensus statements define abdominal
obesity by WC 94 cm for men, and 80 cm for women [37],
3.2.4. Over-nutrition whereas US Guidelines indicate corresponding definitions of Overweight and obesity. Overweight and obesity are 102 cm and 88 cm respectively [38]. Like for obesity ethnic and
defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that may impair regionally adapted cut-offs are also available.
health [27]. Classification of overweight and obesity in adults is Intraabdominal fat can also be assessed by imaging techniques
achieved through the use of body mass index (BMI), which is a but these are costly and not routinely available, and in addition
T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 55

there are no clearly defined values for assessment. [Strong illness. Clinical symptoms can include fluid retention with pe-
Consensus, 97% agreement] ripheral oedema, congestive heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, res-
piratory failure, delirium, encephalopathy, and other severe organ
3.2.5. Micronutrient abnormalities dysfunctions. RS usually occurs within the first four days after
Micronutrient abnormalities can involve a deficiency or excess nutrition therapy is commenced. Hypophosphatemia that drives
of one or more vitamins, trace elements or minerals. Abnormalities many of the medical complications of RS may be the most frequent
may result from changes in food intake, absorption, losses, re- electrolyte disturbance, with or without hypokalaemia, hypomag-
quirements and intake of medicines, alone or in combinations. In- nesemia and hypocalcaemia [44].
dividual requirements can vary according to age and diet (foods Diagnostic criteria for RS include fluid imbalance, disturbed
may be fortified) as well as the presence of disease or injury. A glucose homeostasis, hyperlactatemia suggesting vitamin B1 defi-
complete nutritional assessment is important when assessing ciency, but most frequently hypophosphatemia, hypomagnesemia
micronutrient status since specific micronutrient deficiencies are and hypokalaemia. Screening for patients at risk of RS includes one
frequently associated with undernutrition [39]. Analysis of dietary or more of the following: BMI<16 kg/m2; unintentional weight loss
records may suggest potential deficiency or excess based on rec- >15% in 3e6 months; little or no intake for >10 days; or low po-
ommended dietary allowances (RDA). RDAs are defined for healthy tassium, phosphate and magnesium before feeding. If two or more
populations and may therefore not always match the needs of in- of the following factors exist a risk of RS should also be considered:
dividuals with disease. BMI <18.5 kg/m2; unintentional weight loss >10% in 3e6 months;
The laboratory assessment of micronutrient abnormalities is little or no nutritional intake for >5 days; or a history of alcohol
complex since measured concentrations do not necessarily reflect misuse or chronic drug use (insulin, antacids, diuretics) [43,45].
adequacy, for example an acute phase response can affect the [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
concentration reported. Laboratory testing of micronutrient status
is generally not routinely undertaken unless there is a specific acute 3.3. Nutritional procedures - the nutrition care process
concern, use of restrictive dietary regimes, a prolonged history of
undernutrition or during supplementation. [Strong Consensus, Nutritional care should be provided in a systematic sequence
100% agreement] that involves distinct interrelated steps and this systematic
sequence is called a nutrition care process (Table 5). Micronutrient deficiency. Micronutrient deficiency occurs
when there is a deficit of one or more micronutrient/s compared to 3.3.1. Malnutrition risk screening
requirements [40]. Specific micronutrient deficiencies can have Risk screening is a rapid process performed to identify subjects
dramatic consequences such as rickets and osteoporosis from at nutritional risk, and should be performed using an appropriate
vitamin D deficiency, night blindness from vitamin A deficiency, or validated tool in all subjects that come in contact with healthcare
beriberi or Wernicke-Korsakov syndrome due to thiamine deple- services. Depending on the care setting, screening should be per-
tion. But micronutrient deficiencies can also lead to impaired formed within the first 24e48 h after first contact and thereafter at
function that may be less obvious such as poor wound healing or regular intervals. Subjects identified as at risk need to undergo
increased susceptibility to infection. These more subtle effects may nutritional assessment (see Section 3.3.2). There are several risk
be overlooked in clinical practice, for example after bariatric sur- screening tools in use, and many are validated for predicting
gery [41]. outcome, whereas some identify subjects that will benefit from
Laboratory assessed concentrations may be valuable when there nutrition therapy.
is concern about long-standing deficiency following clinical It is important to underscore that “risk of malnutrition” as it is
assessment or when infrequent periodic checks are required for identified by the screening tools (usually combining weight loss,
long-term nutritional supplementation. [Strong Consensus, 94% reduced food intake and disease activity) is in itself a condition
agreement] related to increased morbidity and mortality.
ESPEN suggests the use of Nutrition Risk Screening-2002 (NRS- Micronutrient excess. Micronutrient excess occurs when 2002) and the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST). For
there is too much of one or more micronutrients compared to re- older persons ESPEN recommends the use of the Mini Nutritional
quirements [42]. Micronutrient excess can lead to specific symp- Assessment (MNA) either in its full or short form (MNA-SF). These
toms such as the movement disorders of manganese accumulation tools are all compiled of various combinations of registered or
and subsequent toxicity, or to more general symptoms such as skin measured BMI, weight loss, food intake, disease severity and age.
irritation and rashes from excessive niacin, hip fracture risk ensuing Other validated tools that combine similar variables and which are
from excessive retinol intake or peripheral neuropathy following frequently used include the Malnutrition Screening Tool (MST) and
long lasting high intake of vitamin B6. Overprovision of micro- the Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ). Malnu-
nutrients can result from incorrect prescription. trition risk screening tools are well described in the literature and
Clinical assessment and diagnosis play key roles in determining will not be further described here [46e50]. [Strong Consensus, 97%
micronutrient excess, partly due to the difficulties with laboratory agreement]
analyses. For patients on long-term nutritional supplementation
laboratory monitoring every 6 months can be recommended [43]. Pre-cachexia screening. The process to screen for pre-
[Strong Consensus, 94% agreement] cachexia, a state that may precede cachexia, is performed in or-
der to launch measures that may prevent or postpone the devel-
3.2.6. Refeeding syndrome opment of cachexia as early as possible. The procedure refers
Refeeding syndrome (RS) is a severe disruption in electrolyte or mainly but not exclusively to patients with cancer [16], and could
fluid balance that is precipitated in malnourished subjects when be regarded as a form of DRM with inflammation risk screening
feeding (oral, enteral or parenteral nutrition) is begun too aggres- procedure (see Section 3.3.1).
sively after a period of inadequate nutrition. Patients at high risk are Pre-cachexia is diagnosed in patients affected by chronic dis-
those with chronic alcoholism, subjects with severe chronic un- eases, including cancer, based on the concomitant presence of
dernutrition, anorexia nervosa, or depleted patients with acute weight loss <5%, anorexia and metabolic disturbances related to
56 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

systemic inflammation as revealed by for example increased serum malnutrition according to the nutrition diagnostic procedure out-
CRP levels [16,17]. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] lined in Section 3.3.1. This part of the assessment procedure is often
neglected, mainly due to the absence of a global consensus for Sarcopenia screening. The ESPEN endorsed statement from diagnostic criteria and their cut-offs [7e9]. [Strong Consensus, 97%
the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older Persons rec- agreement]
ommends screening for sarcopenia from age 65 years onwards by
measuring gait speed and then, based on the results handgrip 3.3.4. Nutritional care plan
strength and/or muscle mass [20]. [Strong Consensus, 100% The nutritional care plan is a scheme for nutrition therapy based
agreement] on the results of the assessment. This plan should be developed by a
multi/interdisciplinary team together with the patient and his/her
3.3.2. Nutritional assessment carer in order to achieve patient centered treatment goals. A
Nutritional assessment should be performed in all subjects comprehensive nutritional care plan defines the rationale, explains
identified as being at risk by nutritional risk screening, and will give the nutrition therapy and provides suggestions for monitoring the
the basis for the diagnosis decision (see Section 3.2.1), as well as for efficacy of the plan and reassessment.
further actions including nutritional treatment. Predefined assess- The nutritional care plan includes information on:
ment tools like Subjective Global Assessment (SGA) [51], Patient-
Generated (PG)SGA and Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA)  Energy, nutrient and fluid requirements
could be used to facilitate the assessment procedure.  Measureable nutrition goals (immediate and long-term)
Assessment of the nutritional status comprehends information  Instructions for implementing the specified form of nutrition
on body weight, body height, body mass index (kg/m2), body therapy
composition (see Section and biochemical indices (see  The most appropriate route of administration and method of
Section [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] nutrition access
Objectives of the assessment are to evaluate the subject at risk  Anticipated duration of therapy
according to the following measures:  Monitoring and assessment parameters
 Discharge planning and training at home (if appropriate)
- A medical history should be taken, and physical examinations
and biochemical analyses should be performed in order to [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
decide the underlying disease or condition that may cause the
potential state of malnutrition.
- Social and psychological history is taken to establish potential 3.3.5. Nutritional care
effects of living conditions, loneliness and depression on nutri- Nutritional care is an overarching term to describe the form of
tional needs, and whether input from other professional groups nutrition, nutrient delivery and the system of education that is
may be of benefit. required for meal service or to treat any nutrition-related condition
- A nutrition history, including limitations in food intake, should in both preventive nutrition and clinical nutrition. [Strong
be taken and examinations and observations should be per- Consensus, 100% agreement]
formed in order to decide the underlying nutritional causes, and
to identify major nutritional obstacles and calculate nutritional Nutrition therapy. Nutrition therapy describes how nutri-
needs. ents are provided to treat any nutritional-related condition.
- Energy and fluid needs are determined by indirect calorimetry Nutrition or nutrients can be provided orally (regular diet, thera-
(energy expenditure) or calculated according to validated peutic diet, e.g. fortified food, oral nutritional supplements), via
equations. enteral tube-feeding or as parenteral nutrition to prevent or treat
- Protein needs are established in the range from 0.8 g/kg/day malnutrition in an individualized way. [Strong Consensus, 97%
(healthy adults) and up to 1.5 g/kg/day (in some cases even agreement]
higher) according to age, disease and degree of protein deple-
tion [52].
3.3.6. Monitoring
- Micronutrient needs should be determined according to pre-
Monitoring of nutrition therapy is a measure to check and adjust
vailing recommendations and the clinical picture. [Strong
that nutrition delivery is in progress and nutrition intake or pro-
Consensus, 94% agreement]
vision is sufficient, as well as to assure tolerance and that goals and
expected outcomes are achieved. The monitoring procedures
require an individual plan where nutrition goals are defined.
3.3.3. Diagnostic procedure
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
When the nutrition risk screening identifies subjects at risk, the
Fact Box: Monitoring plan of nutritional care and therapy.
nutritional assessment will provide the basis for the diagnosis of
- Nutrition provision and intake: Are calculated requirements of
fluid, energy and protein met?
Table 5 - Weight, anthropometry, body composition: Does e.g. weight, fat
The nutrition care process.
free mass (FFM) or fat mass (FM) change as expected?
 Malnutrition risk screening - Biochemistry: There are no good biochemical markers of the
 Nutritional assessment nutritional status. Plasma albumin and transthyretin/pre-
 Diagnostic procedure
albumin concentrations may be used mainly to indicate and
 Nutritional care plan
 Nutritional care monitor catabolic activity. Their validity as nutrition indicators
➢ Nutrition therapy is low in view of their perturbation by inflammation.
 Monitoring and evaluating the effects of nutritional care and therapy - Function: e.g. hand grip strength (HGS), chair rise tests and gait
 Documentation speed, either alone or combined in the Short Physical Perfor-
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
mance Battery (SPPB) [35] could be used.
T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 57

- Quality of life (QoL): e.g. EQ-5D or HRQOL, or other tools rele- keeping in mind that variations are reflecting the degree of catab-
vant to the diagnosis, could be used. olism/inflammation rather than nutritional recovery [64]. Under
some circumstances, and taking into account each protein's half-
It should be emphasized that current biochemistry, functional life, levels of albumin (T½ 21 days) and transthyretin/prealbumin
and QoL measurements may not be sensitive enough to capture (T½ 3 days) may be monitored for long- and short-term effects [65].
relevant changes of the nutritional status. [Strong Consensus, 97% Especially in severely malnourished subjects where inflammation
agreement] is not present, visceral protein levels may improve with nutritional
resuscitation [64]. C-reactive protein serum concentrations are Nutrition intake. In the hospital setting, recording of suggested for monitoring inflammatory activity (see also Section
nutrition intake can be performed at the bedside by nurses or as- [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
sistant nurses, using plate diagram sheets that have proven clini-
cally useful [53,54], or using self-recorded diary by patients Physical function. Measurement of physical function is
themselves [55]. Amount of food consumption could be estimated crude, but nevertheless a relevant way to monitor nutritional care
by food records during 2e4 days [56,57]. Food weight record, i.e. to and therapy. Hand grip strength by a hand held dynamometer, gait
weigh each food item before and after food consumption, is difficult speed or chair rise tests are fairly easy to undertake for the mea-
to implement in clinical practice, but is often used in research. surement of changes in muscle function sensitive to nutrition in-
Modern digital technologies may provide new means to establish terventions [66e68]. Composite functional scores, like the Short
food intake [58]. [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement] Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) [35], De Morton Mobility In-
dex [69] or the Barthel Index [70] may also be relevant functional Weight and body composition. Monitoring of weight during measures. [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
hospitalization may not be sensitive due to disease or therapy
related shifts in fluid balance. Nevertheless, weight should be Quality of life. Health related quality of life assessed by a
recorded one to three times per week whilst a patient is in hospital validated tool; e.g. EQ-5D [71] may be used as a crude non-specific
with a decreasing frequency when in a stable condition. If the pa- measure of changes in nutritional status, and as an indicator of
tient is undergoing ambulatory treatment the type of underlying reduced food intake [72]. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
condition will indicate the interval of weight measurement
required. Regular weight measurements are not useful for patients 3.3.7. Documentation
in late palliative phases, or in any subject at end of life. Nutritional care given has to be communicated at discharge
FFM and FM are estimated by bio-impedance analysis (BIA) or from a healthcare facility to the next caregiver in order to secure
DXA-scan, but subject to the same limitations as weight continuation of the nutritional care and support. Documentation in
measurements. Standard anthropometric measurements, such as medical, dietetic and care records should be provided for
mid-arm-circumference, calf-circumference or skinfold thickness nutritional risk screening, diagnosis, assessment of risk factors,
are potential alternatives although subject to measurement nutritional requirements, nutrition therapy, goals and outcomes for
variability [59]. [Strong Consensus, 93% agreement] nutrition therapy, including estimated time to reach goals, as well a
BIA is a quick non-invasive method to estimate body composi- note of who is responsible for the follow-up [73]. The documen-
tion, but requires stringent standard procedures such as a fast for at tation should also provide information on need for help for servings
least 2 h and urination before the test is carried out [60,61]. Single and eating, need for oral care and which are the preferred meals
frequency-BIA (SF-BIA) is commonly used to estimate total body [74] [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
water (TBW) and fat free mass (FFM) with a validated formula.
Multi frequency-BIA (MFBIA) and bioelectrical impedance spec- 3.4. Organization of nutritional care at hospitals and care facilities
troscopy (BIS) calculate intracellular water (ICW), extracellular
water (ECW), TBW and FFM. BIS offers information of ICW and ECW Nutritional care in some form is provided to all patients within a
distribution. From these FFM is predicted. BIA-derived phase angle hospital or care facility. Depending on the type and severity of the
has a strong prognostic value [62]. [Strong Consensus, 97% nutritional problems of the patients, the structure and organization
agreement] of the nutritional care needs to be adapted (Table 6).
DXA is regarded as a more accurate method on an individual
level. It is an accepted reference method to evaluate BIS. DXA gives 3.4.1. Care catering (hospital catering)
information on FM, lean soft tissue (LST) and bone mineral content Care catering or hospital catering is the provision of menu ser-
(BMC). The radiation dose of a single DEXA measurement is vices (in-house or outsourced) in health care facilities. The mini-
dependent on the device and the age of the patient, but is low and mum requirements of hospital and care catering are to serve a
therefore the expected lifetime risk of fatal cancer is negligible. variety of foods that are suitable and adapted to all types of patients
However, DEXA is not recommended for pregnant women. [Strong with a variety of energy and nutrient densities. Special diets, food
Consensus, 100% agreement] texture, allergies and specific cultural aspects have to be considered
Computerized tomography (CT) imaging is being increasingly at all times. For patients with, or at risk, for malnutrition, informed
used to evaluate muscle mass depletion [63]. CT scanning is often choices with respect to food items and portion sizes have to be
performed in patients with malignant disorders, thus providing ensured. Twenty-four-hour access to nutritionally relevant and
images that could be used for the evaluation of muscle mass. The well-prepared food should be mandatory, and served portions
fact that reference values are scarce for this technique will reduce must appear appetizing for the individual. Energy dense small size
its validity until such data are available. [Strong Consensus, 97% portions should be available as an option for patients at nutritional
agreement] risk. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] Biochemical indices. Biochemical markers, e.g. serum con- 3.4.2. Nutrition steering committee (NSC)
centrations of visceral proteins, should not be used as indicators of A NSC is a committee at a hospital or care facility of a mixed
a patient's nutritional status. Monitoring visceral protein levels interdisciplinary composition including directors, managers, health
during refeeding in DRM with inflammation may be helpful, professionals and catering staff.
58 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

The main objective of a NSC is to set standards for the structure, 3.5. Forms of nutritional care
procedures and management of clinical nutrition at the relevant
institutions. Depending on the legal status of the NSC (mainly Nutrition care and therapy can be provided in many ways
decided by the care facility management) it may also be responsible (Table 7).
for the audit of the nutritional care and responding to nutritional
incidents. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] 3.5.1. Meal environment Meal support. Meal support is specific efforts to promote
food intake, which encompasses friendly social interactions with
3.4.3. Nutrition support team (NST)
the caring staff as well as with other patients or residents during
A NST is a multi-disciplinary team of physicians, dietitians,
mealtimes. Suitable meal-time ambiance contributes to a relaxed
nurses and pharmacists. Other relevant professionals may also be
and comfortable environment. The atmosphere or the perception of
part of the NST, e.g. physiotherapist and speech therapists.
the entirety of the meal is the product of both material and
The main objective of the NST is to support hospital staff in the
immaterial factors. Protected mealtimes, i.e. not allowing medical
provision of nutrition therapy, especially enteral or parenteral
or caring procedures to take place during the meal, is a further meal
nutrition, to ensure that the nutritional needs of patients are
support action to promote oral intake [76,77]. Patients' choice from
satisfied, especially for those patients with complicated nutritional
a la carte menus and meals-on-demand are increasingly offered
problems. Moreover, the objective includes ensuring that all
[78]. [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
nutrition therapy utilises state-of-the-art knowledge and tech-
niques to prevent and treat disease-related malnutrition of both Eating support. Eating support encompasses actions to
inpatients and out-patients [75]. [Strong Consensus, 97%
enable an individual to eat through verbal encouragement and
physical support. Eating support prioritizes a number of factors
such as positioning at the table, provision of assistive eating tools,
3.4.4. Obesity and other disease-specific support teams assistance with cutting the food in smaller pieces, and helping
In addition to Nutrition Support Teams (NSTs) that usually patients to make informed food choices [76,79]. [Strong Consensus,
works across all hospital departments, disease or condition 100% agreement]
focussed teams linked to specific care facilities could also be
available. For example, an Obesity team is a multidisciplinary team 3.5.2. Diets
of specialists consisting of physicians, dietitians, nurses, physio- Dietary advice and counselling about food choices and prepa-
therapists, behavioural therapist (psychologist/psychiatrist) as well rations may be relevant for patients, relatives and informal care-
as other relevant professionals. The Obesity team provides givers concerning all below described types of diets.
personalized, patient-centred and comprehensive weight man-
agement/lifestyle programmes which take into account the Regular hospital diet. Regular hospital diet should cover
comorbidities of the obese patients. The Obesity team should also individual patient's nutrient and energy requirements according to
assist “bariatric surgery” services for pre- and post-operative care. recommendations based on scientific evidence. Diet composition
Similar team approaches are relevant for example for diabetes, takes local food habits and food patterns into account as long as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cancer and palliative care. there are no specific therapeutic requirements, in which cases a
[Strong Consensus, 100% agreement] therapeutic diet or functional food is required (see below). [Strong
Consensus, 97% agreement] Food product. A food product is any food that is suit-
3.4.5. Clinical nutrition care unit
able for human consumption which provides energy-containing
In many hospitals across different countries, dietitians represent
macronutrients (e.g. carbohydrates, protein, fats), and/or micro-
a core of nutrition professionals at the hospital, with the specific
nutrients (e.g. vitamins, minerals), and/or other substances which
objective to serve and support the staff as well as individual pa-
may contribute to fulfil the nutritional requirements of the patient.
tients according to nutritional issues. Hospital dietitians could be
[Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
organized in independent administrative units, or be formally in-
tegrated parts of the multi-disciplinary team at department level. Therapeutic diet. Therapeutic diets are prescribed accord-
[Strong Consensus, 93% agreement]
ing to the specific need of the patient. Food modification. Some conditions or disorders, e.g.
3.4.6. Clinical nutrition support unit diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidaemia, hepatic encephalopathy, renal
Based on hospital's organization, patients that require nutrition or celiac disease may require food modifications that could include
therapy or receive home artificial/medical nutrition who develop adjustments of carbohydrate, fat, protein and micronutrient intake,
complications such as central line infection can be hospitalized in or the avoidance of specific allergens. [Strong Consensus, 97%
specific clinical nutrition support wards managed by a multidisci- agreement]
plinary team of specialized physicians, nurses, dietitians and Fortified food. Fortified food is food products to which
pharmacists. [Strong Consensus, 93% agreement] vitamins, minerals, energy or other nutrients, or a combination of
them, have been added to increase energy or nutrient density.
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
Table 6
Organizational forms of providing nutritional care and support. Food supplements. Food supplements are food prod-
ucts that supplement normal diet and which are concentrated
 Care catering/Hospital catering
sources of nutrients (e.g. vitamins or minerals) or other substances
 Nutrition Steering Committee
 Nutrition Support Team with a nutritional or physiological effect, alone or in combination,
 Disease-specific Support Teams marketed in various dose forms: capsules, tablets and similar
 Clinical Nutrition Care Unit forms, sachets of powder, ampoules of liquids, drop dispensing
 Clinical Nutrition Support Unit bottles, and other similar forms oral dosage forms, liquids and
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
powders designed to be taken in measured small unit quantities
T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 59

( management of patients, including infants, to be used under

[Strong Consensus, 100% agreement] medical supervision; it is intended for the exclusive or partial Functional food. Functional food is food fortified with feeding of patients with a limited, impaired or disturbed capacity to
additional ingredients or with nutrients or components intended to take, digest, absorb, metabolise or excrete ordinary food or certain
yield specific beneficial health effects. [Strong Consensus, 100% nutrients contained therein, or metabolites, or with other
agreement] medically-determined nutrient requirements, whose dietary Texture modified food and thickened fluids. management cannot be achieved by modification of the normal
Texture modified food and thickened fluids can be available in diet alone” - Regulation (EU) no 609/2013 of the European parlia-
several various qualities. Although there are no harmonised de- ment and of the council. The PARNUTS directive will be replaced by
scriptors they could be described as follows [80]: the FSG regulation 2013 (Regulation on Food for Specific Groups),
supplemented by delegated regulation (EU) 2016/128 on FSMP.
- Liquidized/thin puree; Homogenous consistency that does not [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
hold its shape after serving.
- Thick puree/soft and smooth; Thickened, homogenous consis- Oral nutrition therapy. Oral nutrition therapy is mainly
tency that holds its shape after serving and does not separate given as oral nutritional supplements (ONS) and defined as FSMP
into liquid and solid component during swallowing, i.e., (see above). ONS are developed to provide energy and nutrient-
cohesive. dense solutions that are provided as ready to drink liquids,
- Finely minced; Soft diet of cohesive, consistent textures mes or powder supplements that can be prepared as drinks or
requiring some chewing (particle size most often described as added to drinks and foods. Liquid ONS (either ready to drink or
0.5  0.5 cm). made up from powders) are sometimes referred to as sip feeds.
- Modified normal; Normal foods of varied textures that require Clinical effects and cost-effectiveness are well established [83e85].
chewing, avoiding particulate foods that pose a choking hazard [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
(particle size most often described as 1.5  1.5 cm). [Strong
Consensus, 97% agreement] Enteral tube feeding. Synonym: enteral nutrition.
Enteral tube feeding is nutrition therapy given via a tube or stoma
into the intestinal tract distal to the oral cavity. Enteral formulas are
3.5.3. Medical nutrition therapy defined as FSMP (see above). The tube could be inserted via the
Medical nutrition therapy is a term that encompasses oral nose; i.e. naso-gastric, naso-jejunal or naso-post pyloric tube
nutritional supplements, enteral tube feeding (enteral nutrition) feeding; or via a stoma that is inserted endoscopically into the
and parenteral nutrition. The two latter has traditionally been stomach; i.e. percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) or with a
called artificial nutrition, but this term is suggested to be replaced jejunal extension (PEG-J) or into the jejunum (percutaneous
by medical nutrition therapy. endoscopic jejunostomy (PEJ)). Finally, the tube may also be placed
Nutrition products that are delivered via the gastrointestinal surgically; i.e. surgical gastrostomy or jejunostomy. [Strong
tract, i.e. provided orally or as tube feeding, are defined in the EU Consensus, 97% agreement]
legislation as “foods for special medical purposes” (FSMPs) Total enteral tube feeding. Synonym: total enteral
(Directive on foodstuffs intended for PARticular NUTritional useS nutrition (TEN). Total enteral tube feeding (TEN) refers to condi-
2009/39/EC 2013/609/EC (PARNUTS) [81,82]. FSMPs are defined as tions when all nutrient needs are provided through a feeding tube
“specially processed or formulated and intended for the dietary without significant oral or parenteral intake. [Strong Consensus,
97% agreement]
Table 7 Supplemental enteral tube feeding. Supplemental
Overview of forms and products for nutritional care and therapy. enteral tube feeding is nutrition given to patients whose oral intake
of food and fluids is inadequate for reaching their defined
 Meal environment
➢ Meal support target alone. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
➢ Eating support Home enteral tube feeding. Synonym: Home Enteral
 Diets Nutrition (HEN). When enteral tube feeing is used outside the
➢ Regular hospital diet hospital it is called Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) or as in some
▪ Food product
➢ Therapeutic diet
countries Home Enteral Tube Feeding (HETF). It can be provided
▪ Food modification either as total or supplemental enteral nutrition. [Strong
▪ Fortified food Consensus, 100% agreement]
▪ Food supplements
▪ Functional food Parenteral nutrition (PN) therapy. Parenteral nutrition is a
▪ Texture modified food and fluid
 Medical nutrition therapy type of nutrition therapy provided through intravenous adminis-
➢ Oral nutritional supplements (ONS) tration of nutrients such as amino acids, glucose, lipids, electrolytes,
▪ Nutritionally complete ONS vitamins and trace elements. PN can be central through a central
▪ Nutritionally incomplete ONS venous line, or peripheral through a peripheral intravenous line.
➢ Enteral tube feeding/enteral nutrition
▪ Total
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement]
▪ Supplemental Total parenteral nutrition (TPN). Synonym: exclusive
▪ Home parenteral nutrition. Total parenteral nutrition (exclusive paren-
➢ Parenteral nutrition teral nutrition) therapy refers to situations where the patient's
▪ Total
complete nutritional needs (all macro and micro-nutrients) are
▪ Supplemental
▪ Home covered by the PN, and in which nutrition is not given by any route
▪ Subcutaneous fluid therapy other than intravenously. [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement]
▪ Intra-dialytic Supplemental parenteral nutrition (SPN). Synonym:
 Palliative nutrition partial parenteral nutrition or complementary parenteral nutrition.
[Strong Consensus, 96% agreement]
Supplemental (partial or complementary) parenteral nutrition
60 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

refers to situations where nutrition is provided in addition to pulmonary disease, and can be complete or incomplete. [Strong
parenteral nutrition by any route other than intravenously. For Consensus, 94% agreement]
example, this situation may arise when the oral or enteral tube
routes cannot independently achieve the defined nutritional care 3.6.2. Enteral formulas
plan target (See Section 3.3.4). [Strong Consensus, 100% agreement] Standard enteral formulas have a composition that meets the Home Parenteral Nutrition. When parenteral nutrition nutritional needs of the general population. In general, energy,
is used outside the hospital it is called Home Parenteral Nutrition protein and micronutrient needs are covered by 1.5 L of standard
(HPN). HPN used as TPN or SPN is often used for patients with enteral formula. They can have a standard nutrient profile or can be
chronic intestinal failure, malignant obstruction or partial nutrient adapted for certain conditions or diseases. Most standard
obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract [86]. [Strong Consensus, enteral formulas (and their high energy and high protein variants)
100% agreement] contain fibre and are free of lactose and gluten. Whole protein Subcutaneous fluid therapy. The subcutaneous route is formulas contain intact proteins, and typically contain lipids that
a special parenteral route primarily used to provide fluids (hypo- are mostly provided in the form of long chain triglycerides, and
dermoclysis). It can also be used to provide limited amounts of carbohydrates that come predominantly as polysaccharides, e.g.
glucose and amino acids, when the intravenous route is unavailable maltodextrin. Enteral formulas are mostly nutritionally complete.
or unsuitable. It is mainly used in late life care. [Consensus, 87% Formulas containing peptides and medium chain triglycerides
agreement] can facilitate absorption in case of e.g. malabsorption or short Intra-dialytic parenteral nutrition (IDPN). IDPN is PN bowel syndrome.
given intravenously through the venous line of the dialysis circuit, Disease specific enteral formulas are designed to meet specific
and thus given cyclic during the dialysis session [87]. IDPN is not a nutritional and metabolic demands, for example for patients with
routine technique for supplemental nutrition therapy, but may be diabetes, pressure ulcers, cirrhosis, cancer, renal failure and pul-
indicated to prevent nutritional deterioration in patients receiving monary disease. [Strong Consensus, 94% agreement]
dialysis treatment when other methods of nutrition therapy have
proved insufficient to meet nutritional and metabolic needs [88].
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] 3.6.3. Parenteral solutions
Parenteral solutions are composed of carbohydrates (glucose),
lipids and amino acids and can include electrolytes, vitamins and
3.5.4. Palliative nutrition
trace elements as required. They are defined by the relative
Palliative nutrition is the form of nutritional care and therapy
composition of the macronutrients, osmolarity, pH and calorie
that is provided to patients in late phases of end-stage disease. The
content. These solutions can be administered using separate bottles
major goal is to improve quality of life [89]. Food or nutrient re-
but are preferably administered using compounding or ready to
strictions are avoided. The nutrition measures are decided by the
mix bags. [Strong Consensus, 94% agreement]
palliative phase. In the early phase energy, proteins and nutrients
are provided by the best feasible route. In late phase of palliative
care psycho-social support around meals and food intake for both Parenteral nutrition. Parenteral nutrition infusates for
the patient and relatives is prioritized. Parenteral nutrition could be parenteral administration are intended to provide energy and nu-
considered to reduce stress around the meal situation. Monitoring trients, rather than hydration alone. They are usually given intra-
of the nutritional status, e.g. recording weight changes, should be venously. PN infusates can aim to provide a single group of
avoided to not add more stress during the final phase of life. [Strong nutrients (e.g. the use of lipid emulsion alone) or a combination of
Consensus, 94% agreement] nutrients that is more typically thought of as a PN infusate (e.g. a
combination of amino acids, glucose, lipid emulsion, electrolytes
and vitamins and trace elements in Water for Injection). [Strong
3.6. Nutritional products for medical nutrition therapy
Consensus, 93% agreement] Three chamber bag/all-in-one PN. A three chamber bag
3.6.1. Oral nutritional supplements (ONS)
(usually industry manufactured) or all-in-one (mainly pharmacy
There are two major types of ONS; those that are nutritionally
provided) PN infusate is an emulsion in which amino acids, glucose
complete and those that are nutritionally incomplete.
and lipid emulsion are combined in a single infusate, along with
electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements as required. Nutritionally complete ONS. These are standard ONS that Three-chamber bags contain all macronutrients and electrolytes
can be used as the sole source of nourishment for prolonged pe- in three separate compartments. The substrates are mixed together
riods since they have a balanced nutritional composition of macro- immediately prior to intravenous application by breaking the
and micronutrients, including essential amino acids, essential fatty separation seals between the bag chambers. Three chamber bags
acids and micronutrients that reflect dietary recommendations for are available with or without basic electrolytes. Vitamins and trace
healthy people. They are commonly used as a supplement to the elements are injected into the bag prior to administration. This can
general diet, when the regular food intake is insufficient. Nutri- be a relatively safe system for PN administration, e.g. the risk of
tionally complete standard ONS can in some cases represent the infection is lowered by the closed system and by reduced
only source of intake of energy and nutrients. [Strong Consensus, manipulation.
100% agreement] Individually compounded all-in-one (AIO) admixtures allow for
the provision of patient-specific ready-to-use PN infusates, adapted Nutritionally incomplete ONS. These are not suitable for use according to energy, volume and substrate needs. These are asep-
as the sole source of nutrients since they are adapted to contain tically manufactured from various components, usually in hospital
some specific nutrients in higher amounts, whereas the content of pharmacies, and are designed for immediate intravenous admin-
other nutrients is lacking or insufficient. istration, with no mixing or admixing required prior to adminis-
Disease-specific ONS are modified in order to meet specific tration. These bags are usually compounded daily or weekly due to
nutritional and metabolic demands for certain diseases for example their often limited stability. They require appropriate storage under
diabetes, pressure ulcers, cirrhosis, cancer, renal failure and refrigeration at 2e8  C prior to use, but should be gently warmed to
T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64 61

room temperature before administration. [Strong Consensus, 100% reference intakes for oral feeding. [Strong Consensus, 93%
agreement] agreement] Two chamber bag/two-in-one (lipid-free) PN. A two Vitamin and trace element parenteral nutrition com-
chamber bag (usually industry manufactured) or two-in-one ponents. A vitamin parenteral nutrition component consists of a
(mainly pharmacy provided) PN infusate is a solution in which combination of water soluble vitamins, lipid soluble vitamins or
amino acids and glucose (no lipid emulsion) are combined in a water and lipid soluble vitamins that is intended for parenteral
single infusate, along with electrolytes, vitamins and trace ele- administration, and which may require reconstitution prior to use.
ments as required. Two-in-one PN infusates may be required if a Trace element components are products that consist of individual,
formulation is pharmaceutically unstable when lipid emulsion is or a combination of, trace elements, intended for parenteral
included, or when the aim is not to provide lipids. [Strong administration. Trace element parenteral nutrition components are
Consensus, 100% agreement] usually presented as a solution for injection. The omission of vita-
mins and trace elements from all-in-one or two-in-one PN infu-
sates should be avoided (if not necessary) because ensuing Parenteral nutrition components. A parenteral nutrition deficiencies will lead to complications. [Strong Consensus, 100%
component is intended to be combined with other PN components agreement]
to formulate the requirements of a prescription for PN. Individual
products must be intended for parenteral use and must be com-
bined in a suitable environment and under aseptic techniques that 4. Discussion
ensures sterility of the final product. In some cases, PN components
are administered independently, except for Water for Injection (see This definition and terminology consensus statement presents
E3.2.4). [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] an up-dated overview of terminology of core nutritional concepts, Amino acid solution. Commercial crystalline amino procedures and products. The purpose was to identify relevant
acid solutions contain a mixture of different concentrations and nutrition terminology used in routine nutritional practice and
profile of crystalline amino acids, and are available with or without research, to describe that terminology and when feasible to give
the inclusion of electrolytes. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] diagnostic or descriptive criteria. Another objective was to identify Glucose (dextrose) solution. Commercial glucose so- gaps in the nutritional terminology and to provide consensus based
lutions contain glucose in Water for Injection at different concen- and when possible evidence based definitions and diagnostic
trations, typically from 5% w/v up to 70% w/v. A concentration of criteria.
12.5% w/v is considered to be a limit to avoid complications from The statement has particular importance with relation to the
peripheral administration, although that is also patient dependent. terminology for the diagnosis of malnutrition/undernutrition and
[Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] its aetiology-based subgroups. The distinction between the two Lipid emulsion. Commercial lipid emulsions are a groups of DRM, i.e. DRM with and without inflammation is
lipid-in-water emulsion that contains a mixture of triglycerides particularly emphasized, as well as the acknowledgement of the
with different fatty acid chains. For some products, they are avail- third major diagnosis group of “malnutrition/undernutrition
able in more than one concentration i.e. 10% w/v, 20% w/v and/or without disease”. In 2012 ASPEN and the Academy of Nutrition and
30% w/v. The products contain the essential fatty acids, i.e. linolenic Dietetics launched a Consensus Statement [8] for the “identification
and linoleic acids, mainly derived from soy bean oil. There are and documentation of adult malnutrition (undernutrition)”. In this
several oils used in the production of lipid emulsions for intrave- “white paper” the need to identify the presence of inflammation (or
nous administration. Other lipid sources include olive oil or fish oil. not) early in the diagnostic procedure of malnutrition in order to
Soy bean, olive and fish oil provide long chain fatty acids (LCT), determine the aetiology of the malnutrition was emphasized. This
whereas coconut oil provides medium chain triglycerides (MCT). current ESPEN statement could be seen as a development and
LCTs from soy bean, olive and fish oil have different metabolic amendment of this concept and the previous ASPEN/Academy
characteristics. statement.
[Strong Consensus, 100% agreement] The process to unify clinical nutrition terminology is a long term Water for Injection. Water for Injection contains no goal, as well as a sensitive issue due to the fact that agreement
components other than sterile water suitable for parenteral among stakeholders can be difficult to reach [90]. Recently, ESPEN
administration. It should never be administered alone due to its launched diagnostic criteria for the general concept of malnutri-
low osmolarity. [Strong Consensus, 97% agreement] tion/undernutrition [7]. A similar measure to define diagnostic Electrolyte solution. An electrolyte solution consists of criteria for malnutrition was made by ASPEN and the Academy in
an electrolyte salt in Water for Injection. Many are available in the “white paper” mentioned above [8]. The ESPEN Terminology
different volumes, concentrations, different units of concentration, Consensus Group recognises that the continuous ongoing discus-
types of container (e.g. glass or plastic), or with the intended sion between global stakeholders, and the expansion of under-
electrolyte available as different salts. These differences lead to a standing and knowledge, will provide the basis for a global
number of considerations such as potential container contami- consensus on how to diagnose malnutrition and which diagnostic
nants, ordering and storage requirements (e.g. in some cases with criteria to use. Such a process will include the participation of all
high strength potassium solutions), conversion between different major nutrition societies across the world.
units, and differences in stability assessment when electrolyte so- It should be emphasized that the definition of diagnostic criteria
lutions are combined with other components (e.g. the use of inor- will not by any mean change or question the now well established
ganic compared to organic salts). practice of nutritional risk screening of all individuals that get in
For parenteral nutrition a standard dosage of vitamins and trace contact with health or elderly care. The risk screening procedure is
elements is generally recommended because individual re- the first mandatory step in any diagnostic process to identify
quirements cannot be easily determined. Preferably, all vitamins malnutrition. Huge efforts are still needed to implement validated
and trace elements supplied with a normal diet should also be risk screening tools into clinical practice in most parts of the world.
substituted with PN as available. The quantities of daily parenteral Already a poor nutritional risk status is associated with negative
vitamin and trace element supplied are based on current dietary clinical outcomes. This implies that malnutrition is a process which
62 T. Cederholm et al. / Clinical Nutrition 36 (2017) 49e64

follows a trajectory where early and late stages of the condition Jensen G e declares no conflict of interest which might have
could be identified. interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
Malnutrition impose increased financial burden to health or- Malone A e declares no conflict of interest which might have
ganisations. Though nutrition risk screening, treatment and interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
monitoring requires financial resources they are offset by for Muscaritoli M e declares no conflict of interest which might
example reduction in length of stay in hospital [84,85]. have interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
Another approach to define terminology of clinical nutrition is Nyulasi I e declares no conflict of interest which might have
represented by the on-going process of the Academy of Nutrition interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
and Dietetics that since 2008 has developed a standardized model Pirlich M e gives lectures that are organized by Nutricia, Fre-
called the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) to guide dietitians in the senius Kabi, and BBraun.
provision of nutritional care [91]. It comprises four distinct steps: Rothenberg E e gives lectures and receives fees at meetings
assessment, nutrition diagnosis, intervention, and monitoring and organized by Nutricia.
evaluation. The NCP and its terminology have been implemented in Schindler K e has no conflict of interest to declare in association
several countries worldwide and are supported by the European with this manuscript.
Federation of the Associations of Dietitians (EFAD). The terminol- Schneider SM e gives lectures that are organized by B. Braun,
ogy presented in this paper aligns to, but is not identical with, the Baxter, Fresenius-Kabi, Nestle  Health Sciences, Nutricia, Shire and
Nutrition Care Process Terminology (NCPT). Furthermore, the NCPT other companies, and consults for Nutricia. No COI in association
includes additional terms that uniquely describe the nutritional with this manuscript.
care provided by dietitians. This could be compared to the use of Marian de van der Schueren e gives lectures that are organized
classification systems such as ICD and International Classification of by Nutricia, Baxter, Abbott, Fresenius-Kabi and other companies. No
Functions (ICF) by other health care professions. The NCPT is COI in association with this manuscript.
accessible on line (eNCPT) ( Sieber C e receives unconditional grants for intervention
Finally, this terminology basis statement aims to support up- research from Nestec Ltd and Nutricia. CS gives lectures that are
dates of the worldwide-used ICD system, as well as other relevant organized by Abbott, Danone, Nestec Ltd, Nutricia and other
classification systems. For the ICD system this means the current companies.
ICD-10 or the ICD-11 update that is expected to be launched by Valentini L e declares no conflict of interest which might have
WHO in 2018. interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
In summary, the Definition and Terminology Consensus state- Yu JC e declares no conflict of interest which might have
ment reflects a current perception on how nutrition concepts and interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
procedures could be described and defined. The alignment to par- Van Gossum A e receives fees for consultancy for Fresenius-
allel important international initiatives, openness to up-coming Kabi, Belgium and Shire; and for lectures in meetings organized
new knowledge and identification of gaps in the present state- by Baxter, Fresenius-Kabi, Nestle and Nutricia.
ment will facilitate a constructive continuous process of develop- Singer P e receives unconditional grants for research from
ment in order to find the most feasible nutritional terminology to Abbott, Baxter, B Braun and Fresenius-Kabi and gives lectures that
support the efforts of the nutrition communities to provide patients are organized by Baxter, B Braun, Cosmed, Fresenius-Kabi, General
faced with catabolic disorders the best possible nutritional treat- Electric and other companies.
ment. For the benefit of the global nutrition community, an
agreement and a consensus statement between the leading inter-
national nutrition societies has a high priority and could be ach- Acknowledgement
ieved by constructive discussions.
Many colleagues in the nutrition community have reviewed the
Conflicts of interest manuscript at various levels of its evolution. The Consensus group
acknowledges contributions from Yitsal Berner, Ingvar Bosaeus,
Cederholm T e receives unconditional grants for intervention Michael Chourdakis, Mick Deutz, Henrik Hojgaard Rasmussen,
research from Nestec Ltd and Nutricia. TC gives lectures that are Hinke Kruizenga, Ylva Orrevall, Matthias Plauth, Marjolein Visser,
organized by Nestec Ltd, Nutricia, Fresenius Kabi and other which does not necessarily imply each agrees with all statements in
companies. the final manuscript. Moreover, the thorough review and
Barazzoni R e declares no conflict of interest which might have constructive contributions from the Medical Nutrition Interna-
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper. tional Industry is very much appreciated. This work was funded by
Austin P e declares no conflict of interest which might have ESPEN, and has not received any external funding.
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper. Finally, ESPEN is grateful to the German Society of Nutritional
Ballmer P e declares no conflict of interest which might have Medicine (DGEM) working group and the authors behind the
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper. DGEM report “Suggestions for terminology in clinical nutrition”
Biolo G e declares no conflict of interest which might have that was published in Clinical Nutrition journal. Our thoughts are
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper. with the late professor Herbert Lochs, an outstanding researcher
Bischoff SC e declares no conflict of interest which might have and inspirer, who was the senior author of the DGEM report.
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper.
Compher C e declares no conflict of interest which might have
interfered with the scientific validity of the present paper. References
Correia I e declares no conflict of interest which might have
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