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The Complete Law of Attraction Guide

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The key takeaways are that the Law of Attraction states that like attracts like and positive thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences while negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

The Law of Attraction is a universal principle that like attracts like and that positive thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences while negative thoughts attract negative experiences.

The Law of Attraction works by the law that like attracts like - positive thoughts and feelings attract positive experiences and negative thoughts attract negative experiences. It is similar to the law of gravity in that it is a universal principle that applies whether you believe in it or not.

The Complete Law of

Attraction Guide: How To

Manifest Your Dream Life
When you hear someone talk about their success with the Law of Attraction (LoA)
or The Secret, youve likely witnessed a passionate, excited person describe what
seems like impossible magic. Read on to get answers to all your questions about the
Law Of Attraction, the machinations of this seemingly magical system, and how well
it really works.

Law of Attraction fans will tell you that their wildest dreams easily come true,
andpositive believing makes it happen.
But how does it work? And why is it so mysterious?
Below is an extensive Law of Attraction guide written for the skeptics out there who
are wary of such a seems-too-good-to-be-true tale.
In this guide well:

Show you the machinations of this seemingly magical system.

Answer all your questions about Law of Attraction and show you how well it
really works.
Tell you all about the possible achievements and gains through this system
including love, money and health.
Finally, well walk you through each and every step of the Law of Attraction,
with detailed exercises and instructions to ensure your success.

So, sit back, relax and get ready to learn all about the mysteries and magic behind the
What will you learn?
1. What is the Law of Attraction?
2. How and why does the Law of Attraction work?
3. Law Of Attraction Examples - Top 3 Scientific Experiments
4. How To Use The Law Of Attraction (And What For)?
5. 4 Steps To Work With The Law Of Attraction
6. Exercises And Tips To Master The Law Of Attraction
7. Frequently Asked Questions About The Law of Attraction

What Is The Law of Attraction?

In an interview with Larry King, Oprah Winfrey described the success that the Law of
Attraction brought into her life.
In fact, Oprah credits her understanding of the Law of Attraction with much of her
success in life. Shes not the only famously successful person to use the system either.
Will Smith, Jim Carrey and Arnold Schwarzenegger among others have all practiced
working with the Law of Attraction and found great success because of it.
So, what's the definition of the Law of Attraction anyway?
Believe it or not, the Law of Attraction isnt a complicated magic ritual that requires
initiation into an ancient, mystery school or secret order. In fact, the Law of Attraction
is a simple and unchanging universal principle.
Think of the Law of Attraction as gravity.
Toss a penny from your roof, it lands on the ground. Try to jump off your couch, you
will fall. Gravity is an unchanging law of our universe. Not believing in the law of
gravity is not important stuff will still fall and may break upon landing. But,
believing in the law of gravity allows you to predict and expect what will happen.
The Law of Attraction works the same way.
Things within our universe have a tendency to migrate toward other like things. Were
using the word things here because this law encompasses thoughts, feelings, people,
objects and everything else in our universe. Its a universal principle, so it applies to
all the things.
Like attracts like. Like migrates toward like.
Believing its true or untrue doesnt change anything. Its a simple universal principle.
However, if you believe it and get in tune with it, you can start predicting and
expecting what happens to you, for you. Your awareness of the Law of Attraction can
affect your life.

How And Why Does The Law Of

Attraction Work?
Just as the why of the law of gravity is complex and difficult to understand (unless
you are a theoretical physicist) the why of the Law of Attraction is also
In fact, gravity is actually still a bit of a mystery to scientists. We understand that
gravity prevents us and everything else on Earth from floating away, but the exact
why is an intricate matter.
The Law of Attraction is very similar. As with all the laws of our universe, we
understand that these laws do work, even though we dont necessarily understand how
to define them. So, quantum mechanics aside, read on to know how learn about this
universal law and how it applies to you.
Your Relationship To The Universe
To really understand the Law of Attraction, tune in to your perspective of your
relationship with the universe. In other words, its important to examine how you feel
about the way the universe interacts with you.
Do you believe you can influence your surroundings so things happen for you? Or do
you believe things happen TO you?
In psychology, this perspective is called, Internal vs. External Locus of Control.
Some people in therapy believe that they are a product of everything that has
happened to them. This is called an external locus of control because these people
believe they are not in control of their lives. The goal of therapy is for patients to
realize that they actually have an internal locus of control.
The Law of Attraction works the same way. The truth is, your thoughts and feelings
do have an effect on the events that take place around you. A shift in your perspective
and understanding of the truth about your relationship to the universe, can begin to
attract better things into your life.
Its Not Magic, Its Science
At this point, you may still remain unconvinced that this universal principle which
attracts like to like still seems interwoven in magic and, therefore, unreal. Perhaps
its because were talking about intangible concepts like thoughts and feelings. At
least with gravity, an apple thrown up into the air falls onto the ground. You may not
understand it, but you can visibly and immediately experience the effects.
Its difficult to imagine that thoughts and feelings can have an effect on the world
around us. Fortunately, advances in technology and science allow us to visibly and
immediately experience the effects of our thoughts. Just like watching an apple fall
through the air, there are experiments that demonstrate the immediate effects of
thoughts and feelings.
Believe it or not, there are volumes of scientific evidence to prove that our thoughts
alone have immediate and tangible effects on ourselves and the environment around
us. Happily, well briefly tell you about the results of some major studies.
Law Of Attraction Examples - Top 3
Scientific Experiments
1. The Summer of '93 D.C. Meditation Experiment
A group of 4,000 meditators volunteered to meditate on peace and love to reduce the
amount of crime in the high-crime Washington, DC area. A team of scientists and
researchers approached the project without bias and tested for every variable
The results were clear: during the month of meditation, crime dropped by 25%,
definitively and scientifically proving that the positive thoughts of a group of people
can affect and change the behavior of ill-intentioned individuals.
2. Thinking You're Younger Physically Makes You Younger
In 1979, a study was conducted on 70-80 year old men to see the difference in
remembering youth fondly and actually reliving youth. One group talked and
reminisced about their younger days while the other group pretended to be young,
surrounding themselves with TV shows, music and activities of their youth.
At the end of the experiment, those who imagined they were physically younger
showed signs of de-aging. Blood pressure was lowered, arthritis was diminished and
even eyesight and hearing in this control group improved. By simply imagining
themselves younger, some physical aging was actually reversed. Their thoughts and
imagination made this happen.
3. The Water Experiments
The most famous experiment that proves the power of thought was carried out by Dr.
Masaru Emoto. He photographed frozen water crystals after thoughts of love and
peace or hate and fear were projected onto them. Sometimes the intentions were
spoken out loud, while other times the intentions were merely thought.
The results were always the same. Messages of hope, peace, love, joy and the like
resulted in beautiful, symmetrical crystals, while messages of fear, hate, anger,
sadness and the like resulted in disjointed and broken crystals. His experiments
proved that our intentions can physically alter the world around us.
How To Use The Law Of Attraction (And
What For)?
Now that you understand what the Law of Attraction really is and how it works, lets
talk about the ways you can use it to improve your life. The Law of Attraction is a
universal principle that is already working in your life. Start intentionally thinking and
feeling what it is you want to attract into your life such as money, love and
relationships, health and spirituality to make the Law of Attraction work for you.
Attract Money
Financial abundance is the number one reason people become interested in the Law of
Attraction. Its no wonder. Working tirelessly for small paychecks is exhausting and
when life starts throwing unexpected expenses your way, debt can seem inevitable.
The good news is that Law of Attraction money is easy to come by. Once you learn
the techniques, youll start to see changes really quickly. Many people report
unexpected checks, seemingly random job opportunities and even literally finding
money as some of the first results when working with the Law of Attraction.

How To Manifest Love And Relationships

The second most popular reason people seek information about the Law of Attraction
is to find true love. Finding a lifetime partner to fulfill an ideal, loving relationship
can seem like an elusive and frustrating game that you cant win.
Luckily, the Law of Attraction is a great tool for finding love. Because the Law of
Attraction means working on yourself and your desires, it inherently makes you a
more attractive person with a clear vision of what you want and need in your life.

How to Improve Your Health With The Law Of

Most people dont consider using the Law of Attraction to bring better health into
their lives, but as you noticed in the results of the aging experiment, its actually a
great tool for that purpose. Because the Law of Attraction works with thoughts and
thoughts affect our physical reality, you may be attracting poor health into your life
right now without even realizing it.
Learning about the Law of Attraction helps you see that your thoughts are having a
direct effect on your entire world including the vessel youre traveling in. A good
attitude goes a long way to improving your health, and the Law of Attraction can help
you take that even further.

Use The LoA For Spiritual Awakening

By its very nature, the Law of Attraction connects you with higher, spiritual planes of
existence. When you start practicing the techniques, you begin to see beyond the
mundane, ordinary world. A new, brighter world opens up to you that is brimming
with possibility.
Many people find a spiritual awakening in those possibilities. Connecting with the
rhythms of the universe and opening up to new potentials, awakens the spiritual force
inside you that is connected to everything around you. The Law of Attraction
demonstrates that you are connected to everything and everything is connected to you.

Have Even More Fun

The results of using the Law of Attraction techniques are only limited by your
imagination (and by the laws of physics, youre not going to manifest bird-like flying
anytime soon). There are endless things you can attract in your life. From practical
things like good parking karma to always guarantee you a great parking spot, to
calls to adventure that open you up to random invitations to explore the world
you can use the principles behind the Law of Attraction in any way you please.
4 Steps To Work With The Law Of
By now, you understand what the Law of Attraction is and how it can work in your
life, so now its time to start practicing the techniques. In this section, youre going to
learn the 4-step process to transform your dreams from mere desire to actual reality.
As we walk through each step, well explain its importance and how to ensure youre
doing it right. Together well dive deeply into the process to understand the merits of
each step.
Before You Begin:
The possibilities for attraction with the Law of Attraction are only limited by your
imagination. Start thoughtfully. Its important to take time to think about the process:
where your life is now and where you want it to be.
The foundation of the Law of Attraction is to believe that it actually works. Try out
the techniques on small things first. To get a feel for how the law can work in your
life, choose something minor that seems possible. If you have your doubts, test it out
with something simple - this is your first step to master the Law of Attraction!
Small things can include parking spots, randomly finding $10, or hearing from an old
friend. These are great to start out with because theyre easy to believe in. Once the
result happens, it will reaffirm your belief in the Law of Attraction and you can move
on to something bigger.
Lets walk through the 4-step process to transform your dreams from mere desire to
actual reality.
Step 1: Make Your Decision
Deciding what you want is the first and most critical step in the Law of Attraction.
You need a really clear vision of your desire. Whether you wish to attract something
minor, or you're looking for a huge overhaul of your life, be clear about what you
truly want.
When you imagine this new thing in your life, imagine it fully with each of your
five senses. Spend time in quiet meditation imaging your life after youve attracted
this new thing. Whether its as simple as finding $10 or as profound as bumping into
your one, true love on the street, feel this new thing with every part of your being.
Imagine what this new thing looks like, smells like, sounds like, feels like and tastes
like, if its relevant.

How do you feel once this new thing is in your life?

Where do you feel it in your body?
Does it make your toes tingle or make your heart flutter?
Does your pulse race or do you feel a wave of calm?

Make it real in your mind. Dont just focus on receiving this new thing, think about
your life after it too. Imagine how it will change your world.
Step 1 is important because it prepares your mind and body to receive whatever
youre asking for. Our brains dont know the difference between reality and
imagination. When you engage in full, sensory imagination, your brain fires up your
body to move forward. Muscles, blood flow, heart, lungs and every part of your body
gear up to take part in whatever you're imagining.
Taking part in this imagination exercise, you align yourself with your desires. Open
up to the possibilities and prepare your body to receive whatever it is you are
attempting to attract. It may seem simple, but this first step is what paves the way to
working with the energies of the Law of Attraction.

Step 2: Practice Unconditional Love

Simply put, if you dont believe you deserve what you're seeking, youre not going to
get it. Those deep, subconscious fears and doubts send messages loud and clear too. If
part of you feels as though you dont deserve what you're seeking, then that part of
you is competing with your desire.
Think of it as a radio signal. As you scan through the radio, in-between stations fight
for a signal. Most people are pretty familiar with this experience. The two stations
compete and occasionally youll hear one song and then parts of a different song start
to edge in. Youll notice that neither station comes in perfectly crisp and clear. In the
same manner, when you experience doubt or fear, those thoughts and feelings
interrupt and compete with your desires.
Its difficult to free yourself completely from doubt, fear or feeling as though you
dont deserve something. Your instinct might try to combat those feelings using
negative thoughts like, Dont be afraid or even direct conflicts like, You deserve
this. Unfortunately, such methods are ineffective and simply dont work because
they reinforce negative thoughts and feelings.
Step 2 is important because it brings awareness of our thoughts and feelings. The
only effective method for combating fears and doubts is to become aware of them,
acknowledge them and approach them with love and compassion.
You experience those feelings for a deep-seated reason. Something someone told you,
or the result of something you did, made you feel unworthy. Thats painful, so, of
course, you feel afraid or doubtful.
This step is important because those competing signals can be quite strong. Weaken
the signal or change the direction of those thoughts like this: Approach those feelings
with the love and compassion that you would feel towards a lonely, small child or a
hurt animal. When you love yourself, you open up the possibility to receive your
greatest desires, and you begin to only desire the things that are best for you.

Step 3: Open Up To The Possibilities

Addressing your fears and doubts is important, but after a brief acknowledgement,
replace those fears and doubts with appreciation and gratitude. These new,positive
feelings change your perspective and expectations, opening up to the possibility that
more great things are on your horizon.
Perhaps you dont see how the Law of Attraction has worked for you in the past. You
can hope and dream and intend all day long, but at some point, youve got to step
back. Lets conduct a comparison.
First, think about the bad things in your life right now. Can you see connections to
your fears, doubts and old patterns that led those things into your life?
Focus on understanding your part in this overall process, rather than feeling guilty or
ashamed. Recognizing how your fears have manifested in your life does not mean that
the bad things in your life are your fault. It simply means that the Law of Attraction
has responded to the signal you sent out. Just acknowledge that the system works and
your new awareness will guide you. No need to shame yourself or even feel
Next, think of all the great things in your life. Reflect upon how your hopes, dreams
and ambition attracted those good things to you. Reinforce in your mind how, when
you believe something can happen, it does.
Again, rather than experiencing pride or feeling boastful, this is about understanding
and seeing how the Law of Attraction is already a part of your life. Its always existed,
but now you are aware of it.
Step 3 is important because of connections, awareness and gratitude. Cataloging
every little thing in your life and tracing it back to a thought or feeling is time
consuming and not helpful. Rather, make connections to where you are now and the
state of your mind that led you there.
Once you see that the Law of Attraction works without you knowing, it will reinforce
your understanding that this is simply a universal law. Work with your awareness of
the law and understand how it works. Then you can work with the law and align
yourself with it.
Finally, express gratitude. Feel grateful and appreciative for how this law has already
worked so well for you. Make a list of all the great things in your life and express
your appreciation for those things. Expressing gratitude is the key to setting yourself
up for more and better things.

Step 4: Experience The Reality Of Your

Now, its time to live the reality of your desires. Youve imagined what you want,
cleared away your doubts and fears and realized how the law has already worked for
you in the past. You practiced this type of imagination exercise in Step 1, but now its
time to live out that imagination.
This is a bit of an acting exercise, so let go of your inhibitions to make this exercise
really effective. Rather than just visualizing the reality in your mind, live it as much as
possible. This may feel silly or strange to you, but in a moment, we will explain why
its so important.
If youre practicing these techniques with something simple, its time to take action
and expect your results. If youre using the system to find great parking, get in your
car and drive to that parking spot with the full intention and expectation of finding it
clear for you. Announce it out loud. That parking spot is clear for me. I am parking
in the spot that is open for me. Again, we are fully aware that this seems really silly,
but its a critical step.
If youre practicing the technique on something bigger, this exercise may be tricky,
but use your imagination. If youre trying to lose weight, go out and buy an outfit that
fits the size you're aiming for. If you want a new car, go to a dealership and shop
around. If youre aiming for something as big as complete financial freedom, start
planning what youre going to do with all that free time and money.
The important step is to take action and act as if you already have what youre
looking for. It doesnt need to be extravagant.
Step 4 is important for two reasons. The first is that it aligns you with your desires.
The entire concept behind the Law of Attraction is that like attracts like. When you
take action as if youve already gotten what you desire, you are sending a huge, loud
and clear message to the universe that youre serious. Actions speak louder than
words, right?
Also, this step is important because it allows you to really feel the gratification of
what its like when youve attracted your desire. It solidifies your belief and reinforces
the visualization you worked on in the first step. Jump into this final step with joy and

Now what?
So, after youve completed the four steps, youll probably ask, Now what? The final
piece to the Law of Attraction puzzle is persistence. Theres no formula for how long
things take to manifest into your life. We each have our own individual hurdles to
overcome, and it will take time to see the results of this system.
Some people begin to see things happen immediately, while others take a little more
time. The key here is patience and persistence. As soon as doubt or fear start to creep
back in, return to Step 2 and address it. If you have lost touch with your clear
intention, revert to Step 1. If your belief in the Law of Attraction lags, go back to Step
3. If all else fails, repeat Step 4 every day until it becomes a reality!
Continue to express gratitude and appreciation every day. Think positively and recall
all the connections you made that prove the Law of Attraction is real for you. Take
time every day to review the visualization exercises and prep your mind and body to
receive this incredible gift.
The Law of Attraction is universal and its going to work with or without your
intention. If you keep coming up short, address those doubts and fears, because
theyre likely speaking to you much louder than your desires.
Weve said it before, but its worth repeating: the Law of Attraction is a universal law
thats going to work with or without your permission. Your awareness of it and
understanding of how it can work in your life, will attract more of the things that you
But, its hard to get used to using the right mindset and sending out the right signals.
Whether youre unsure how to get a really clear vision of what you want or youre
struggling to release the fears and doubts that seem to speak louder than you, weve
come up with a list of exercises to help you.
Practice any and all of the exercises you want to. Try every exercise at least once.
There are no hard and fast rules, so feel free to tweak these exercises and make them
your own. These are aids to help you overcome any challenges you might face while
attempting to work with the Law of Attraction.
Vision Boards
Vision boards have become a really popular exercise for figuring out exactly what you
want in your life. In their simplest form, these boards contain images and words that
resonate with what you want to attract your way.
There are two great results from making vision boards. First, the act of spending time
finding images and words and attaching them to a board is a personal commitment to
your desires. It helps you clarify what you really want, visualize it and put energy
toward making it real.
Secondly, the images serve as a great reminder of your desires. Each day, you can
look at the board and remind yourself of what youre trying to attract.
Creating a vision board is easy. Go through magazines or search the internet to find
images that represent what you want to attract. It doesnt matter if the images are
metaphorical or literal. The important thing is that the images speak to you and
connect with your desires. Attach the images to a board and place it in a prominent
place where you will look at it everyday.
Image Source:
Sensory Visualization
Some people are blessed with a vivid imagination, which makes Step 1 really easy.
For others who have a difficult time actually sensing and feeling their desires, this
exercise is for you.
If you have trouble visualizing your desires, start small and work your way up. Close
your eyes and visualize a piece of fruit. For some reason, an orange works best, but if
you hate oranges, definitely choose something else. For the purposes of this example,
well imagine an orange. Follow this simple exercise:

Close your eyes and see the fruit in your mind's eye. Picture it as clearly as you
can. See the imperfect, round shape; the bright, orange color; and the dimpled,
waxy texture.

Imagine holding the orange. How does it feel in your hands? See yourself
examining it rubbing it, bouncing it up and down in your hand. Feel its
weight. Is it cold or room temperature?

Imagine yourself smelling the orange. Use your memory to engage your sense
of smell and see if you can smell the orange. Can you smell that familiar scent?
Breathe in deeply and take in the smell.

Imagine yourself gently tapping the orange on a surface near you. What does it
sound like? Flick it with your thumb and pointer finger. Can you hear it? Keep
trying until you hear it clearly.

Peel the orange. Hear the sound of the peel ripping from the flesh. See the
white rind on the back of the peel. See the shiny, wet pulp beginning to emerge.
Smell the sweet, citrus smell getting much stronger.
Finally, take a bite and feel the texture of the orange in your mouth. Feel the
juice and the cold flesh on your tongue. Taste the sweet and satisfying flavor.

Try this exercise with anything, and once youve mastered it, Step 1 of the Law of
Attraction techniques becomes much easier. Improve visualization by recording your
voice reading the exercise out loud and then playing it back with your eyes closed and
concentrating on the techniques.
Gratitude List
We talked about the importance of gratitude in Step 3, but were going to dive a little
deeper here. Gratitude sets you up for success because it places you in the right
mindset to receive it.
Expect that the universe is more likely to give you things if you're already grateful for
what it has provided to you. Giving an asked-for birthday gift to someone and barely
receiving a thank you, youd likely avoid providing a second gift. On the other hand,
youd get excited about giving a repeat gift to someone who enthusiastically
expressed their appreciation for your gift. Imagine the universe in the same way.
Make a gratitude list to help with sourcing and expressing gratitude. Here are a couple
ways to do this:

Make a huge list of all the things you're thankful for. Add to the list whenever
you think of something else.

Make a list every night (or every morning) of some things you appreciate in
your life right now.

Imagine waking up every morning and reading a list of the great things in your life
right now. It would definitely put you in a better mood and shift your perspective to
find other things that make you happy. Like attracts like.

Mindfulness is the practice of self-awareness without judgement. When you are
mindful, you aren't just aware of what youre feeling and thinking, youre observing it
without analyzing it.
Mindfulness isnt, My hands are shaky because Im afraid of this meeting. I
shouldn't be afraid. There's nothing to fear.

Rather, mindfulness is, I feel afraid of how others will think about me in this
meeting. I feel afraid of embarrassing myself. My hands are shaking as a result
of this fear.

Its important to understand that mindfulness isnt about changing anything or trying
to understand it. This is because the analytical and judgement aspects our
automatic reactions are unhealthy and actually perpetuate the problem. It reinforces
the connection in our brain between the action and the negative feeling. To release
that connection, approach it without judgement. Let it be.
Theres a lot of scientific research behind the effects of mindfulness, and its well
beyond the scope of this guide. What you should know is that mindfulness is proven
to relieve things like anxiety and depression and has an incredibly beneficial effect on
things like blood pressure, the immune system, heart rate and even cancer.
Mindfulness is an important part of the Law of Attraction because it takes self-
awareness in the absence of judgement to get what you want.
For true awareness of what you want, also know your fears and the signals those fears
are sending out to the universe. To change them, approach these fears and signals with
love and compassion. The next exercise is for this purpose.

Loving Kindness Meditation

Approaching your fears and doubts with love and compassion is very difficult.
Negative emotions are quite overpowering and limiting, and as a result, are hard to
feel a lot of love for. Have patience with yourself and try out a loving kindness
Loving Kindness Meditation is a buddhist meditation that sends out compassion to
yourself, others and the entire world. It is a great way to put your mind in a place
that easily gives and receives loves.
Simply find the feeling of compassion within yourself and let it radiate to others. To
perform this meditation, imagine the warmth and desire that stirs within you to help a
small child or an injured animal and allow that you radiate from you.
This is a great Loving Kindness Meditation you can practice to help achieve the
feeling of compassion.
Be Intentional
The majority of us walk around performing daily actions without intention. We get
up, get ready for our day and go about our day not really thinking about our actions.
Often, our distracted thoughts and feelings drift away from the action were
To really work with the Law of Attraction, be intentional with your thoughts, feelings
and actions. Intention focuses your brain activity and uses every available resource to
help you perform an action. This type of disciplined focus will help you achieve faster
and more accurate results when using the Law of Attraction.
To practice being intentional, simply focus on an everyday activity and set your
intention on each action you perform on that task. At first, the practice will feel
overwhelmingly tedious, but just keep practicing and watch how your focus shifts to
the reality of the moment.
For example, do the dishes tonight with intention. Before you take any action, speak
your intention out loud (or in your mind, if youve got company). Say,

I am going to make this dish clean again.

I am picking up the dish.

I am turning on the hot water.

I am putting soap on the sponge.

Dont take any action without first announcing your intention to take that action.
Again, it feels tedious at first, but soon, you'll notice something incredible:
The simple act of washing a dish is really a series of several actions, movements and
thoughts. When your intention is focused on the action, youll appreciate exactly how
much movement is involved.
Normally, a person approaches such an action on autopilot, but stepping back, youll
notice the entirety of the series of decisions and actions that make up your very, full
day when you move with intention.

Try Affirmations
Affirmations work wonderfully for many people, who start out with the Law of
Attraction. There are plenty of Law of Attraction affirmations that you can try out for
Free Your Body
Fling your inhibitions into the wind! Practice freeing your body and dance like
nobodys watching.
This final exercise can help you overcome inhibitions that make this final step feel
really silly. Some people struggle with feelings of embarrassment and shame, even
when alone. Whats the harm in acting out an imaginary scenario when no one is there
to witness it? It still feels silly, doesnt it?
We get used to thinking and caring about what people think about us. Even when
were alone, were so conditioned to worry about our image that we often inhibit even
our solitary actions.
So, practice freeing your body dance like nobody's watching. Thats all it takes to
make this exercise work. Find a place where you can be alone and just let loose.
Music or no music, let your body move however it wants to. Dont think. Just do.

Frequently Asked Questions About The

Law of Attraction
Can I really make anything happen with the
Law of Attraction?
The Law of Attraction is just one of the laws that govern our universe. There are
others, like the law of gravity, for example. You cant defy the other laws of the
universe, so don't expect to. In that way, no, you cant make just anything happen.
You're also competing with other peoples intentions - both good and bad. So, be
aware that if your desire is in direct conflict with someone elses stronger desire, the
universe will respond accordingly. The Law of Attraction does not give you full and
total control of your life, it simply states that like will attract like. You can use this to
your advantage by being intentional with your desires, but this isnt magic.
I tried to manifest being rich, but I ended up
losing money. What happened?
Its hard to say what happened, but more than likely, you have fears that you arent
addressing with compassion. Simply desiring riches doesnt manifest money into your
life. Ensure your fears and doubts arent speaking louder than your desires.
Also, have patience with the steps and persistence with your intentions. Working with
the Law of Attraction is ongoing its a continuous practice of patience, persistence
and intention. It is not a once and done process.
Does the Law of Attraction mean that the bad
things that happen to me are my fault?
We often associate blame and fault to negative situations. It is the burning desire in us
to assign a reason for everything. It also reaffirms our fears, doubts and insecurities.
The Law of Attraction doesnt mean that you are solely responsible for every little
thing that happens to you. It simply means that like attracts like.
You are more likely to attract negative situations if fear, doubt and insecurity lead you
to believe bad things are bound to happen. This doesnt mean that bad things happen
because of you. It simply means negative things happen and your negative feelings
acted like a compass or magnet.
It is an oversimplification to think that every bad thing in the world happens because
someone wasnt positive or intentional. Wars, genocides and famines dont happen
just because someone wasnt intentional with their thoughts.
Bad things will always happen, and we dont know why. Often, we learn a lot from
negative things. Think of the bad things as concealed, good teachings that ultimately
make us stronger.

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